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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8691947 No.8691947 [Reply] [Original]

new larp thread
previous one >>8660510

>> No.8692023
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>> No.8692057

Nice one. Homemade ?

>> No.8692268
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Nice work

>> No.8692396


>> No.8692457
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Squire has started doing embroidery.

This is is first piece and it will fit really nicely with the mangy dogs.

>> No.8692465
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Also did this as a joke.
We put all our ashes from Sépium/noble herbs in it and call it the Ashes of Saint-Abel. then we will offer it to the Holy-Reliquary who is a guild of Bretonian Knigth we are ally with And after a quest to find the Ashes of Saint-Abel (wich is their big mission see). they
But then it gave me an idea.

I will decorate this with false gold and cabochon and give it a reliquary look.
i could even put warhammer 40k cathedral sides on it.

Here is the basic ashes.
For now its not full obviously.

>> No.8692468
File: 774 KB, 1944x2592, SSA57625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a pic of a real reliquary when i went to a museum in france, i'll try to do something like this but with more cabochon because cabochons decorations are so cheesy and ridiculous that i want lot of them

>> No.8692600


Thanks, I just finished it yesterday. I intend to keep it, although I still don't know where I will use it - it either doesn't fit my existing characters that much or would be unviable for the location of the larp (too many enclosed spaces, for example). But SOON.

>> No.8692665

What kind of foam do you use for making it? I try to make my own weapons, but I end up with boffer blades 8-9 cm wide in order to have enough padding, and then I can't properly sheathe them.

>> No.8692726
File: 30 KB, 540x960, 11174865_936969356354946_8497408118685900279_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just... foam. The only kind readily available in Hungary, basically camping mat foam (although we do have EVA foam but of the way harder variety). Not the best solution ever, but it works and it's available. The blade is about 4cm wide (8mm rod + leather reinforcement + 2x15mm foam) just before the tip curves into a point (coming down from about 80mm at the top of the ricasso where I have three rods in parallel plus foam), and 30mm thick (3x10mm layers of foam) at the spine. The core is constructed in a way similarly to the pic I posted, I found this to be the optimal solution to not make it wobbly while not making it too thick with the materials available - then again, only 8mm fiberglass rods available, a carbon or hybrid rectangular would probably work way better, hell, even a 10x15mm rectangular fiberglass rod would mean a lot.

Anyways, these solutios won't neccessarily transfer well to the larps you play - in some american larps or battlegames they are explicitly forbidden.

>> No.8693254

I guess we must have different kinds of camping mats, because the ones I've found here have foam that's way too soft to get enough padding with only that much width.

>> No.8693259

I think the main difference is what we consider here as safe

>> No.8693645

Maybe, but my larp allows the same sort of latex weapons that I see you guys buying for your larps, so I don't imagine the difference is that big.

>> No.8693892

Perhaps some church banned manuscripts? I'll leave it to you whether you want it to be "Unleash the portal of screaming wyrms" heresy, "One iota of difference" heresy or "Book of Eve" heresy *wink* *wink*.

>> No.8693943

we will never know, this is something you can't really compare over the internet, I mean the stuff like what counts as a too hard hit, etc

>> No.8693966
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True. I will just have to keep searching for a way to make my swords thin enough to sheathe.

>> No.8694225

whats the best foam for latex weapons?LD33, LD45 or something else?

>> No.8694593

Alright, how many of you just wore your LARP costume tonight?

>> No.8694602

I did. Kind of... I'm in a larp since october 4 and it will end in november 8. So thechnically whatever the fuck I choose to wear is my larp costume.
Deal with it.

>> No.8694744

Nope, went with a lolita based costume. Good idea though.

>> No.8694932

Wore my new larp pants and layered a bunch of garb to be a pirate. Turned out well. My coworkers were really impressed (huehuehue).

>> No.8695224

did you plunder their booty?

>> No.8696105

I live in Denver someone recommend me a LARP in the area to visit

>> No.8696110

Do you have a genre preference? Fantasy, post-apoc, Vampire, and the like?

>> No.8696120

Fantasy. preferably one where I don't have to use a dicksword.

>> No.8696124

There is a Denver Alliance LARP chapter. I have never been there but I have friends who play out there and it's supposed to be fun. It would make a good stepping stone to find other games.

Also dammit anon, just fucking google "Denver LARP" it brings up a ton of results.

>> No.8696139

Hey folks. Anyone in the IRC?

>> No.8696145

larping.org tells me that most of the LARPs in Denver itself are Vampire, so probably not to your interest. There's the Alliance chapter that Tarantula there mentioned, and out in La Junta it says there's another one called Providence of Roth.

>> No.8696188
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Looking for craft advice. I'm using pic related as a prop for an upcoming character. I need a way to anchor the light in place, but these tea lights are operated by a switch on the bottom, so just gluing it down won't work. Is there any way I can hold the lights in place but still be able to take them out when I need to turn them off/on?

>> No.8696204

Double sided tape or blutack

>> No.8696209

Won't that lose its stickiness after being stuck and removed a few times? Or are there heavier-strength ones that stay potent for longer?

>> No.8696211

Museum putty? It'll hold them in place but isn't permanent.

>> No.8696218

Only the cheap stuff.

When I say "double sided tape" I don't mean celophane. I mean the thicker, foam like stuff.

>> No.8696249

>asscreed faggots

Why are they always the worst? Every time I see someone in a white hood, it makes me want to just go home. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.8696267

Cool, I'll give these a look. Thanks!

>> No.8696270

I too hate me some buttoath cosplayers. It's probably why there'll never be a decent Rennaisance Italy faction in my larp, because it'll just get infested with them.

>> No.8696305

Had these faggots infesting the colonial living museum I worked at. Trying to climb the 300 year old buildings, harassing the visitors and staff.

Nothing felt better than seeing them shamed and escorted away.

>> No.8696307

>asscreed faggot insists he knows how to climb
>he cant

what a surprise

>> No.8696311
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>Rule 0: If you dress in a white hood and do "parkour," you will be politely asked to leave.

If only.

>> No.8696316

my sides.


>> No.8696323

seriously has anyone ever met a decent asscreed guy ever? they only seem to come in "skinny as a rail and secretly wishes he was an elf" or "fatass who thinks he knows how to be super sneaky" hooded faggots.

>> No.8696326

I think HLF posted a while ago about some pretty well made rectumethos cosplayers he managed to recruit. Meanwhile all we have here are the guys wearing the premade hoodies with obvious zippers.

>> No.8696333

>obvious zippers.
ugh, there is no excuse!

>> No.8696345

>costume quality indicates quality of asscreed fan

...It makes sense, somehow.

>> No.8696353

The same could be said for all fandoms

>> No.8696364

I don't know, SCAfags seem to be more and more pissy the better dressed they are. The best of them are the ones who have a casual look, even in fine garb.

>> No.8696367

Well sure, but they aren't people

>> No.8696395


>> No.8696443

No gropey, your costumes don't qualify as amazing, but it also means you're a decent person. Take that how you will.

>> No.8696467

Ya'll have barely seen any of my wardrobe outside my armour.

>> No.8696602

Maybe it's because I'm looking in all the wrong places, but where can i find a nice, durable set of pants that don't look out of place in a fantasy setting? I'm talking pants that don't feel like they're made of of costume material, but could be sold in a normal department store.

Or should I just pluck the side pockets out of some khakis and cover the waist pockets with a sash or something?

>> No.8696610

Breeches is what you should be looking for.

>> No.8696619
File: 130 KB, 640x960, mahboiiiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to a big store and go into the lady section.
Get some leggings.

They usually sell for 10$ and will look pretty good , especially if your tunic is long.

Pic related , its only leggings.

Try to get a more ''accurate'' colour.
- red
- green
- natural
- grey
- beige
- i dont know just not black or with patterns or neon colors, you get the idea.

>> No.8696794
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she is the one I recruited, will come to one of our larps in february.

>> No.8696796
File: 81 KB, 480x720, 10712776_789348247794074_3538723095736218153_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also we recruited earlier this woman too, technically she is wearing an assassins creed costume too

>> No.8697143

Assassin's Creed Costume tiers:
Amazing Tier:
Yusuf, any Abstergo/Multiplayer Characters
Great Tier:
Good Ezios, Assassin Apprentices, Assassin Characters(Lucy, Shaun, etc.)
Good Tier:
Edward, Arno
Okay Tier
Shitty Ezios, Altair
Bad Tier
Shit Tier:
Absolutely disgusting tier
OC Assassins

>> No.8697147

>Absolutely disgusting tier
>OC Anythings

>> No.8697730

>Safe as defined by whom? My mother? My cool uncle with the motorcycle and the knife fight scars?
So larpfags, who defines safety at your game?

>> No.8697747

definitely not that guy's mother.

The organizers mostly

>> No.8697757

Can't tell if sarcasm or poor English.

>> No.8697760

The organizers set the safety rules, that's what I'm saying

>> No.8697815

It's probably less the case in Europe, but over here most of our safety rulings are designed to avoid lawsuits. Most larps will say that you can't thrust with a weapon small enough to go into someone's eye, for instance, even if it's soft and wouldn't hurt at all. Because people don't know how probability works, and if there's even the tiniest chance that somebody could be injured, they throw a legal hissy fit.

>> No.8697854

probability and responsibility

>> No.8698127

Are there any latex weapons that have the open cell tip most US larps require for thrusting? I'd rather not have a dick dagger if i can help it.

>> No.8698139

Out of curiosity, has anyone ever met a mace/dagger fighter? What are they like? I've seen mace and mace(big guys who actually have some muscle), dagger and dagger(skinny elves who want to be badass), but the two never seem to be mixed.

>> No.8698318

The same over here, but due to legal fees and the like anything that could ever have a chance of seeing litigation is decisively banned.

Look at HEMA/other martial arts dealing with dual wielding and notice how fucking big of a deal the thrust becomes when you have two weapons in the mix. The mace is not something you want to pair with a weapon in the off hand, ever. The mace is at home in an armored melee, not the parlor of a duelist.

>> No.8698333
File: 87 KB, 600x400, photo_1090449_resize1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me your tales of battle, duel, etc.
Anything from a cool move you pulled off to that one guy beating 5 rivals by himself.

>> No.8698426

One time a guy tried to stab me so I did a parry 6 and stabbed him in the gut. The look on his face told me he'd never even considered such a thing possible. I learned it on day one of Olympic fencing. I hate my local larp meta.

>> No.8698434

There was this time I was the only person in town that would fight, and keep everyone else from getting rolled. It was all of this summer

>> No.8698563


Anon, are you retarded? when everyone is swinging whippy foam stick around, a mace does absolutely nothing.

>> No.8698757

Mace is one of the easier weapons to make both retard-safe and accurate. And it's not as though it's going to way any more than those swords will.

>> No.8698758

*weigh. Fuck me, I need to go to sleep.

>> No.8698813

Distribution of mass doesn't fucking matter when all of your foam sticks weigh out in the neighborhood of a half a pound or so.

>> No.8698919

several times I fought people and won

>> No.8700139

Im one. Its all about gettan up in their shit and using the mace as a distraction while u gank em

>> No.8700140

I feel that I've seen so many ezio's and altair's that the only way it would be interesting is if the guy could convince 4 other people to dress like monks and walk in formation, blending in, like the mechanic in the first game.

Also wasn't there a QT chinese assasin from china that met up with old ezio?

>> No.8700308

>chinese assasin from china
anon pls

>> No.8700353

>chinese assasin from china
Thats my favorite kind of Chinese.

>> No.8700465
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One of the last "wars" we had in my group was up in north Carolina. Not having many people willing to travel that far we ended up with 4 steel fighters, against twenty. All of our men were seasoned veterans, in the game for a decade or more. Going into it we knew we weren't going to win, but by god we would make a Thermopylae out of it.

Luckily we drew the battles. Electing for the two heavy steel fights to be a bridge battle and a hill defense.

The Bridge battle was first. I had taken my Spear and round shield while my other three teammates had war shields and axes. Expecting a easy route the opposing commander ordered his army to charge the bridge. They rushed on in mass. trying to each get there first to score a kill. Our side charged as well. the four of us made it 2/3 across the bridge then planted their shields and dug in to brace for the impact. With the three of them locked theatergoer they held fast while I took shots with my long spear over their heads. With no siege weapons or arrows to pick us off one by one they fell to the spear or a quick shield hook. Never giving an inch, 20 fighters fell and we had somehow won the first battle. loosing only one fighter in the fray.

Battle 2, protect the hill. On the north side of the field was a large hill flanked by sheer cliffs and thick woods. This battle allowed for archers and siege weapons. The only one we had brought was an old ballista and tons of ammo. Normally the ballista sat on a tripod and had a good range, though as we surveyed the hill standing up would expose us to their archers and siege weapons so the plan was made. Each man grabbed a war shield and as many javelins as we could carry on our backs and marched up the hill. We noticed it was getting windy, cool air coming in off the trees, the kind of signs that rain was fast approaching so we made a quick decision. here was only one path leading up the hill that a man in armor could climb....


>> No.8700482
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As we lay there in the dirt Our captain pulled the Ballista off it's tripod and joined our huddle of shields right at the swell of the hill looking at the path. The rules for a ballista were that it ignored shields save for the large rolling mantlet. A hit anywhere meant death. Our plan was to use the ballista at near point blank range and as soon as the game was called the arrows began to rain ontop of the hill. Without a good vantage they were firing blind and their shots that did hit bounced harmlessly off the heavy shields laying over the four of us.

With the ballista cocked and ready the fighters began to charge up the hill as it began to rain, One of the last great downpours of the season soaked everything, As the tops of helmets appeared coming up the path we fired, using the massive siege weapon like a sniper rifle. One after another trudged up the slippery red path as we reloaded and fired in a frenzy. Before we knew it 10 of their number had fallen, though a stray arrow had taken one of the brave 4 mercs holding the hill as he shifted his shield to reload. All the arrows had stopped flying and a massive rumbling and clanging of armor now approached. Their remaining fighters had gathered behind 2 heavy mantlets, slipping and heaving them up the steep incline as we loosed a few more ineffective javelins toward them we knew it was over.

"Better to die on your feet." says our captain, Lord Wright. the other remaining fighter and myself pull ourselves up from the mud. "Than Live on your knees." we say and look toward the approaching walls.


>> No.8700499
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We waited, hiding behind the huge Scutum shaped shields with our weapons ready. As soon as they crested the hill Lord Wright shouted to charge and the three of us sprinted forward screaming as we started to run down the hill at enemy company.Thwy stopped suddenly, I guess they expected us to run away into the trees or risk the steep cliffs, but no there we were running head long into their mobile wall. And their fighters froze for a moment as the small company of Mercs collided with the heavy wooden barricade. A few quick thrusts took two of their men while the force of impacting the wall caused others to topple over into the red clay mud beneath our feet. And there we fought. swinging at anything in reach as their fighters swarmed around the mantles. We fought and were eventually cut down one by one but not before the enemy captain was slain and humiliated.

Exhausted, soaked down to the bone we lay on top of the hill laughing like fools as their three remaining fighters took our hill. Their easy victory had become a hollow one. and after a few good chuckles we collected our ballista and marched back down the field to get out of armor. All the while joking with the newly crowned king. "Just imagine if there were five of us."

Winning the battle is about knowing where to fight.

>> No.8700534

I hope you know I kept reading "mantlet" as "manlet."

>> No.8700549
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Funny when some people on the field say manlet too. And you want to pick up the shortest fighter and use them as a human shield.

>> No.8700575
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5f10 represent.

The rare time i'm with someone shorter than me, i'm happy as fuck for the human impenetrable shield in gront of me.

Also, Calimacil is making more realistic ligthsabers because why not.

>> No.8700646
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>> No.8700650

I just saw on the site its to use an app to change the color of the blade anytime you want.

But really i dont care that much about a ligthsaber.

But think about it... a chainsword.
a plasma sword.

>> No.8700739
File: 23 KB, 391x800, Chainswords 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. Sean at Skian Mhor makes fantastic weapons and props, even if their website it cack. They post most of their stuff on Facebook.
I'm at a 40k Rogue Trader larp this weekend, most of the power/chain weapons that both players and crew use. were made by Skian Mhor.

>> No.8700778
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These times when larp made you have free stuff.

Me and a bico friend went to the smokeshop to buy a bong we could decorate to make a decorum one.

We talked to the cashier about what our plan was and she was so stocked she asked to see a video of bico and to see pics of the finished ''relicary''.

She gave us a grinder with a little king on it as a gift and absolutly want to come next year with some friends.

Pic related.

>> No.8700797
File: 105 KB, 960x685, IMG_173336991749646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'10". Isn't that normal? Or average height?

I suppose it has to do with your country but anywhere between 5-8 to 5-11 is fairly normal.

>> No.8700800
File: 76 KB, 720x478, 1186263_10200942215332200_2135224085_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5'10". Isn't that normal? Or average height?
It's sligthly above average

>I suppose it has to do with your country
Yes AND the fact that people i usually figth with are pretty big dudes. this photo (where i remind you i heigth 5'10) proves how much some of these guys are gigantic.

Milambert (the guy in gold) is a preeetty big guy, he's the one who did the big dent on my chapel de fer

>> No.8700804
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Moral of the story, even if you dont know its is girlfriend, dont let a big dude's girlfriend get horny at you.

Because even if you have no idea about this. He knows or feel it and he will try is best to beat you during a liveblade combat under the influence of alcool.

Good thing is, he likes my balls (literraly, my testicles) nah the fact that i was accepting to face him in liveblade combat.

Wich bring me to the subject of Larp gf/bf.

What is your opinion on peoples gf/bf at larp?

By that i mean, somebody who is not even a character you know ingame, its just that person's gf/bf.

Somebody who is not happy to be there but they follow just to be sure they dont cheat or have fun, or somebody who is forced to be there by their bf/gf (i should use SO i guess) and have absolutlty no interest in the larp and always make sure people knows it.

Pic is the helmet he dented.

Still a nice guy tho.

>> No.8700809

>Somebody who is not happy to be there but they follow just to be sure they dont cheat or have fun, or somebody who is forced to be there by their bf/gf (i should use SO i guess) and have absolutlty no interest in the larp and always make sure people knows it.
Your idea is completely alien to me. If the person isn't playing or taking photos then he or she can kindly fuck to the the general direction of off.

>> No.8700813
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I like you.

But sadly it happens to often.

A person ruining every other people fun and/or immersion by talking about how much he/she hates larp and find it stupid.

I personnaly think this is the worse kind of people to have at your larp.

The worse is, the smaller your larp, the bigger impact they have on the overrall morale of the entire larp.

>> No.8700816
File: 2.03 MB, 3264x2448, DSC03035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you letting people who aren't playing disturb the game?

>> No.8700818

Shit, how much gage the metal?

And because according to laws we cant just kill people we dont like, we have to let them speak what they want.

I know...i dont like this either.

>> No.8700820
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that was my old helmet. 2mm thick. Although it wasn't big enough to have proper padding underneath it. So after I got my new helemt we did a little not scientific test on it. Put it on a concrete pole and hit it with a sword a few times.
And by sword I mean this

Also you don't have to kill them, just don't let them there. Or hide the corpse well.

>> No.8700823
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I know that feel bro... 5-9 exactly average height. And this guy Tristan we nicknamed the mountain.
I made that teardrop shield he has and it isn't heavy so getting around his guard to hit him is a pain in the ass. All the while he can clobber you from on high.

>> No.8700827

Thanks last woman I dated I met through the group. It was random chance. At first things were great, we started dating and shared interests. Then I found out she had some huge drama with another kingdom, and their entire clique of people. So she wouldn't go to local events, we had to drive an hour or 2 to go to an event where she wouldn't see her ex or the locals. Eventually she stopped going all together. I lost interest for about a year then we split up and I'm back fighting again.

>> No.8700951
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The beast is finished

>> No.8700953

>dress in jfash
>wish there was a jfash-friendly LARP so I can roleplay in, and add fantasy elements to, my coords
>decide to check out local Vampire LARP, vampires like dressing fancy, right?
>website lists only male players
>other sites for fantasy/combat LARPS in the area have a more equal distribution of genders and ages

Is this a bad sign? It's a pretty big college town, with a lot of geeky or gothic local events, but this one LARP seems like a sausage fest. It doesn't look good and makes me wonder if it's run poorly.

>> No.8700957


>> No.8700958
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don't go to vampire larps. You will have a bad time. Trust me on this.

Also I would say to come to us but you are probably a continent away

>> No.8700960

I used to play with a WOD larp back in the 90s and early 00s the majority of players were guys. Only ever 4 or so women in the game at one time.

The guys were mostly focused on the mechanics of the game while a smaller group including all of the females were more RP focused. Take it for what it is. Maybe sit in on a game or two to see how they play.

>> No.8700961

I had to go with a light gloss black. The plain flat coat was pealing and rusting, didn't like the look of it, in a year or so out in the desert it will be grimy enough.

>> No.8700978

I have seen precisely one vampire larp be not truly awful.

That is all.

>> No.8700982

you've seen the modern days equivalent of an unicorn

>> No.8700989

Why not combine the two, dark ages WOD larp?

>> No.8700992

have you ever seen a vampire larp? or what kind of people go there?

Some of the vampire larp organizers around here are seriously baffled by the idea to how to represent in character fighting if not with dices or rock-paper-scissor method.

>> No.8701006

Scroll up. :ppp
I have never been to one in Europe though. The problem I see in the US is meta gaming. If you added combat with larp weapons than people would use amtguard dickswords and twink the fuck out of it.

>> No.8701040

I personally want an immersive roleplay-based LARP with as few immersion-breaking devices (like >>8700992 mentioned with rock-paper-scissors) as possible. But I don't want to LARP in a dark age or medieval setting, I want a modern one with fantasy elements.

From lurking these threads it seems the medieval-style LARPs have bro-tier players while modern-era LARPs aren't as good... Which is unfortunate, because my crafting (and survival) skills are way better suited to a contemporary setting.

>> No.8701045

Sadly in the US every larp I see with combat is just that. Combat only, no immersion or trying to fit in other than the most basic garb.

>> No.8701058

some of the staff at the larp i go to are working on a Defiance/Firefly type larp with fantasy elements?

you gotta look harder

>> No.8701060

South Florida, there are no groups that are not amtguard or other foal fighting. None, zero... I have looked. And anyone who would want to join it is in some other ree actment group or the SCA... Or suffers through amtguard.

>> No.8701072

ugh, sorry man. Up here in the Northeast US there's a bunch. DR: Gatorland not your thing/too far?

>> No.8701157

Post apocalypse to in Florida just feels strange to me. Everything is too green and swampy. The setting is all wrong for it.

>> No.8701178

put on the sarcasm googles.

>> No.8701195
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Goggles check.

>> No.8701214
File: 2.03 MB, 2448x3264, DSC04148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good. We will need every safety equipment if we dwell deeper in this

>> No.8701304

I understand Alliance has an even balance of combat and roleplay. They're too numbers-heavy for my taste though. You sometimes have to ask around for the smaller larps to find something that suits you.

>> No.8701309

Green apocalypse, yo. For all the popularity of post-apoc larps, that's a type of apocalypse I've never seen represented.

>> No.8701316

this. green apocalypse would be awesome. the setting for the post-apoc show Revolution would be cool to play.

>> No.8701524

my nigga

>> No.8701666

>the setting for the post-apoc show Revolution would be cool to play.
Revolution was shit. If you want a better setting use S.M. Stirling's Emberverse series.

>> No.8701682

just from reading a general description about Emberverse it already sounds better than Revolution.

>> No.8701778


I was thinking of ordering this, maybe get a little practice at putting it together in addition to the cheaper cost. Has anybody ordered from these guys before? They any good?

>> No.8701854

Its definitely better and as a larp it would be easier to get into for poorfags without a shitton of armor and historical clothing.

>> No.8701946

How bad of an idea is it to buy a woman's boot to use for larping boots? Guy here, with feet small enough to fit into a size 8 shoe.

>> No.8701951

How comfy are they? Or are you ordering online?

>> No.8701979

Online. Though I really should stop by a local thrift store. Either way, would it be that bad of an idea? in in a us larp, so we don't do movement that's all that tough.

>> No.8701987

Try a thrift store first. Comfy shoes are the foundation of a comfy life, so getting good footwear is pretty important.

>> No.8702003

That feel when your doing research on your family tree and find out that your part Slav. Good news is that I have ties to the first German royal family. Should I up play this while i larp?

>> No.8702035

considering buying this dress in the hopes i could use it for LARPing as a sort of fancy/town clothing. Thoughts? would billowy sleeves/whatnot be enough to pull it into that generic fantasy realm?

>> No.8702037
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pic related, oops.

>> No.8702041

That hat is what modernizes it for me a lot. Apart from that, I don't see a problem with it for generic fantasy as long as it's one of multiple layers.

>> No.8702239

>How bad of an idea is it to buy a woman's boot to use for larping boots? Guy here, with feet small enough to fit into a size 8 shoe.
if it's comfortable then it's not a bad idea.
Always remember, if it sounds stupid, but works it wasn't stupid.

some of us considered it too here but we have too big feets

>> No.8702430

i used to attend a local larp for a number years.
Gods the politics, the backbiting, the tantrums....

and IC was worse.

might be tempted to storytime a tale about how one persons attempt to stop his co lodgers girlfriend from mooching around their house lead to a city centre being blown up IC.

>> No.8702468

I admit I kind of like the drama and pissing off drama queens. Then again, I'm allegedly the worst thing ever that happened to the hungarian larp*

*according to some larpers here

>> No.8703087
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>What is your opinion on peoples gf/bf at larp?

Just like real life. If it isn't yours, and you don't have explicit permission, DON'T TOUCH IT.

>not using properly thick helmets
I get hit with metal weapons on a weekly basis. Plebs.

Ugh. My pitty, anon. Even the SCA down there is... Florida quality.

>. We will need every safety equipment if we dwell deeper in this

roger that.

Shoes are shoes, as long as your not getting heels or pumps.


Put that over a billowy linen or cotton shirt, and it will look fine.

>> No.8703100
File: 933 KB, 2448x3264, DSC01083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2mm is authentically thick, you double nigger

>> No.8703107
File: 32 KB, 960x540, pig2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14 ga.

looks legit i'd say.

historical clothing cost way less than fantasy clothing made in velvet and whatnot.

downside to historical clothing is ; you have to know a tailor.

My squire is a pretty small guy overall and he have womens boots, they look good and do their job so why not?
Anyways i got myself a nice bascinet so i'm ready as a pepperonni for combat now.

The kettle is good for what it does but not as good as the bascinet.

>> No.8703112

Holy fuck that dagger....

>> No.8703119

it was from 1012. Those were simpler times

>> No.8703123

I didn't say period, I said PROPER. You might have a hard time hearing because your brain is rattled, you quad-gypsy.

I'll sit here with my hardened 12 gauge and no dents in my skull.

>> No.8703132
File: 2.25 MB, 2448x3264, DSC01724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was good for the Holy Roman Emperor it's sure as hell good enough for me.
You just have to learn to protect your head and don't be a noob

>> No.8703170

Where do I find a 12 gauge brass attic helmet?

>> No.8703276

How fucking old are you?

>> No.8703300
File: 954 KB, 1944x2592, 2015-11-04 13.23.59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Esh and I just finished putting up a peg board to hold some of my LARP things. Mmmm So tidy.

>> No.8703303
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>> No.8703312

organization porn hhnnnnnng

>> No.8703319
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>> No.8703321
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>> No.8703330
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>> No.8703332
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>> No.8703337

You only need heavier plate if you're fighting with steel, as you will not Frenadian and Hungarian did.

>> No.8703349
File: 989 KB, 2592x1944, 2015-11-04 13.24.36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one.

>> No.8703367

I've seen this happen a few times. It's always really, really sad and very disruptive.

Usually they're only around a few times before their significant other dumps them, they cajole their SO into giving up LARP, or they give up and stay home.

Usually the gfs are more whiny but the guys are more damaging to the game. The gfs are usually happy to hang out in the kitchen and bitch to the people cooking (who would rather be left alone) and don't take it out on the game as a whole.

Bfs get really, really possessive and can go out of their way to 'prove' their gf belongs to them, while also 'proving' how dumb they think LARP is. They ruin it for everyone.

>Be 4 years ago
>Have female player
>She is a elven squire (now knight) warrior in full plate
>Has the best personality in the world, cooks feasts for the game in between asskicking
>Super cute besides
>Seriously hnnnnnnnggggg inducing
>Her bf catches on that she's hnnngg inducing and decides, in a fit of jealousy, to come to game with her to beat the guys away from her
>He shows up in basic garb that she made for him
>He's playing a thief named... and I'm not joking... Guy Rogue.
>He brags a lot about how good he is at stealing stuff
>Thievery is illegal in game
>Sheriff gives him a pass because he's a beginning player (we kinda metagame stuff like that) and clues him in that it's illegal.
>He gets super pissed, tells the sheriff his girlfriend is a squire and he's going to regret it.
>He stomps into the area where his gf is having a meeting with her knight and a bunch of nobles. Starts telling her how he's mad that all these guys are 'slobbering' all over her and since she's a squire would she get the sheriff fired? Thanks.
>She goes OOG "Uhhh... Sweetie... We're not together in game."
>He loses his shit

WoD can be done well. It usually isn't. I wouldn't recommend it for your first experience with LARP, especially with an all-male player base.

dat tidiness

>> No.8703369

So, help me out. Should I buy the larp garb that makes me look good, or the garb that will give me an actual bonus in the game?

[We use a system where if it looks like armor, it is armor-I'm trying to decide between a relatively close-fitting long vest or a thick, sleeveless gambeson.]

>> No.8703370

What's a good gauge for getting hit with at most a calimacil stick?

>> No.8703375
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>He stomps into the area where his gf is having a meeting with her knight and a bunch of nobles. Starts telling her how he's mad that all these guys are 'slobbering' all over her and since she's a squire would she get the sheriff fired? Thanks.
>She goes OOG "Uhhh... Sweetie... We're not together in game."
>He loses his shit


He mad.

>> No.8703379
File: 340 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_nx9pdoNtOv1sjzpqzo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newly painted NERF gun + Holster for a Doctor Character at a DR game.

>> No.8703382
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>> No.8703383
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>> No.8703387
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>> No.8703388
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An ageless, eternal being. The Immortal Magyar.

(Finally found an excuse to post this.)

>> No.8703389
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>> No.8703390
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>> No.8703405

Unless your system is built to massively favor armor, or the "makes me look good" choice is really flimsy, always go with what looks cooler.

>> No.8703453

Google is giving a bunch of links about kids with vision problems, so I'm going to ask here.
Is there any issue with wearing an eye patch if I don't have a lazy eye? Besides depth perception

>> No.8703486

style question-if I have a hood, should it match my surcoat, or my sleeves?

>> No.8703555

Unless you will be fucked without armor, system-wise, go for the good looking stuff.
HOWEVER if you can see the future a little bit, do you think you'll want to develop a proper armor kit over the coming years, maybe for other LARPs? If so, the good gambeson may be a good starting place. Collecting garb is easier when you plan a few years in advance.

Do you mean health-wise?
I don't think so, though the covered eye will probably be pretty light-sensitive after it comes off.
The lack of depth perception will probably be a bigger problem than you think. Even if you're a non-combatant you're going to walk into tables.

>> No.8703597

Our local sabre/smallsword place plays a pretty big role in our city's pirate festival, setting up fencing workshops and doing really extravagant combat demos. It's really fun, and the place's owner is really good friends with my club's instructor. This last year we all ended up dressing up in shitty pirate costumes and did some good ol' singlestick sparring and let me tell you it is very hard to do anything with a sword when you only have a faint clue of how far away someone is.
Don't wear it when you fight. Or do, if you wanna have some fun.

>> No.8703706
File: 14 KB, 274x400, 627e9c49965df11f05668934a5fdc42a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You just have to learn to protect your head and don't be a noob
Knigth of the Told Republic 3 : The saltiest of space.

That feel when you start telling 1012 or 1013 for 2012-2013 when telling stories that happenned at a larp because you're so used to it and people look at you weird.

Yes , your armor wont get dent if you dont figth with steel so you dont NEED a 12ga helmet, were just dumb. normaly a 14ga helmet will protect you from all injuries. even a 16ga is okay for larp.

(depending of the larp even a 18ga is passable)

Cajole means giving tendress and/or affection to someone in french so i had to look it up because your phrase did not make any sense to me at first.

>Usually the gfs are more whiny but the guys are more damaging to the game.
also true about overly-possessive. having a larping gf and not being a larper is the quickest way to become a turbo-kekold.
And those guys are there because they know that and want to make sure their gf cant get their huges pussies stuck on a random dick.

This is why i always ask to speak with the bf first if a woman say :''We are in a open relationship'' , if she says you cant speak to her bf about that , well she's a liar and you should never touch that because its only gonna create drama.

Once you get your stuff you should make a review of the service and the products you got, they have nice stuff that some of us would get for sure if things go smoothly with them.
>He's playing a thief named... and I'm not joking... Guy Rogue.
Dont laugh i want to play a post-apocalyptic dude called '' Guncar'' a mix of the 2 manliest thing.

Guess a viking pirate would be even manlier...Pi...king? Piking or Virate

>She goes OOG "Uhhh... Sweetie... We're not together in game."
Next thing he knows she's posting big black dicks on /b/

Even a 18ga will be enough, the bigger the gage tho the better its gonna absorb.


>> No.8703710

What about both?
Look good with useful stuff.
i know its easier said than done. but thats the perfect thing with historical, if it was worn its because at some point it looked good and was useful for real.
Now if you want it to be useful ingame, get a gambeson, a gambeson is never a bad investment because you will always use it even if you get new armor, you'll wear it under the armor.

Your eyes get lazy if they spend to much time min the dark, they get lazy and spend all the day playing videogames in a dark room and smoking weed, if you enter without knocking they scream at you and tell you they never asked to be born, its just a phase they will grow up and become adult soon enough.
(but seriously i dont think so, atleast not for a period as short as a weekend, especially if you take your eyepatch off at every 2 or 3 hours)

>Don't wear it when you fight. Or do, if you wanna have some fun.
True, this is shitty to wear.
Plus, you are not used to keeping your eye closed so your covered eyelaches will always rub on the patch and you'll get tired of it pretty quick.

As long as what you are wearing on your torso and the hood are not the same color, it's perfecto.

Or you can say fuck it and mix 3 colors like on >>8696619

>> No.8703722

Old enough to do typos at 1 am

>> No.8703724
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just for the record

>> No.8703728

>torso and hood not the same color

So don't have the hood match the surcoat colours?

>> No.8703731

I do have plans for sainthood. Then again it will be a little tricky to get it for a few reasons...

>> No.8703924

Awesome, thanks!

>> No.8704216
File: 1000 KB, 2592x1944, 2015-11-03 21.06.45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a little Jelly of your giant shelves!

>> No.8704264

it was there when I moved in a few months ago

>> No.8704333
File: 36 KB, 396x720, 12191082_10153075729992035_6849311203337355361_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a lady we call ''mom'' in my guild who is our Aide-de-camp.

Now mom decided to make us long hoods that we can wear like this also.

I think i'm beggining to love more and more this 14th century thing.

Pic related.

>> No.8704345

I don't know how to tell you this Frenedian but... Every hood can be worn like that. That's the whole thing with chaperons. It's a hood.

>> No.8704355

OoooooOoooooh would you look at that.

Guess my old one were just not long enough.

>> No.8704366


>> No.8704936

Anyone know if ringmesh chainmail any good? I'm considering getting a vest from them.


>> No.8705267

A friend of mine has a shirt of it which I've worn a few times.
-Really light
-Seems really durable
-Stainless means it's easy to keep clean and take care of

-It looks ugly as fuck. The tiny rings make it look fake or like jewelry rather than armor.
-It screams modern just looking at it, again because of the tiny rings
-It's impossible to do repairs on it if rings start popping
-Really light

I am not a fan of it.

>> No.8705615

zippers on boots-how much of an eyesore are these at a larp? I've found a couple of boots I really like, but they do have a zipper, and I'm wondering if there's a decent way of covering them up without completely covering the entire shin part.

>> No.8705825

Of all the things I can think less of you for based on your outfit, zippers on boots are lower on the list than bright neon tennis shoes.

>> No.8706018

But how much lower?

>> No.8706068
File: 537 KB, 3072x1728, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on an axe,I know how access are made, how ever I am worried about the strength on the blade under striking and contact, the blade core is a poly plastic re purposed Rubbermaid tub, any suggestions on a better substrate? Beside wood, fiberglass, and corrugated plastics?

>> No.8706156

How hard are you going to be hitting? If it's a lightest touch game, you probably don't even need that.
If you do need the durability, I would have suggested corrugated plastic. I would be concerned about the rubbermaid tub plastic shattering.

>> No.8706213

Plastic tubs fracture if you look at them too hard, man. Not my first choice if I was going to be smacking something around. I don't know if it'll work for your game, but 6 lb structural foam is used for weapon heads in the SCA. With padding on the edges, it works for Americlap battle games too.

>> No.8706450

Alot, especially if I don't notice them at somewhere around 5~ feet away.

>> No.8706729

so, 2 and a half hours ago Izgon ended, the month long larp. We were required to make an in-game diary during the game so I have a lot of content to share.
Probably I will start a thread on /tg/ shortly about this

>> No.8706738


> what_could_possibly_go_wrong.jpg

I'd rather not use any hard materials - be it any kind of plastics - due to danger of either shattering or penetration of foam. If you ask me, I'd stick with either thick leather (honestly, any kind is good, the best ever I found so far was some green chrome-tanned shit which I nicknamed "miracle leather" as in it's a miracle it's actually leather) or rubber as the head's core with foam around that, and fiberglass poles as the material of the shaft.

>> No.8706740

and in the meantime I've made the thread on /tg/ I will dump the stuff there

>> No.8706784
File: 956 KB, 2592x3888, A-171-inside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some help identifying armor things again. This is an arm piece with a bicep turner that uses rivets and slots instead the flange and groove. Looks easier to build, but possibly not as strong.

You can see a leather tab that I'm guessing attaches to the outside of your upper arm at the top of the piece. On the inside of the upper arm (armpit), there is a clip thing. The website says it "would secure the pauldron strap," but I don't exactly know how or why it's necessary.

Here is the website, it has a lot of good pictures.

>> No.8706786
File: 473 KB, 1427x3552, A-174-outside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture of another similar arm piece. This one has a small peg protruding from the outside of the arm "to secure the arm to the pauldron." I don't know how this one works either.

I mostly have no idea how pauldrons are attached.

>> No.8706790

>but I don't exactly know how or why it's necessary.
so it sit's tightly and don't go all around the place

Looks like a simple mechanism, there is a rectangular shpaed hole probably on the pauldron, you put that peg through it and twist it and the nit's secured. That's all.

>> No.8706792

he knows his shit. Whatever he says you can blindly trust that guy. He knows more about this then the rest of us combined.

>> No.8706930

I will likely be swinging in full contact, like use a office pointer or marching band baton. I intend to use denser eva foam to diffuse concussive force,and brace the substrate encase shattering does incur. I am also wanting to remove the blade 4 con security & change the blade foreseeing shattering .
>I will post progress in the next production stages.

>> No.8706937
File: 27 KB, 153x176, DrybonesPMSS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as you can see the stress fractures potentially forming from realeaseing the pattern , I figure I am in the clear mostly as it did not crack when being cut out .

>> No.8707041

Anon everyone here is telling you don't do it. It's going to shatter and/or cut through the foam.
>muh full contact

>> No.8707065
File: 91 KB, 717x960, 12200975_10153251803953494_1540229001_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually a good video.
The sound quality is pretty bad but we get the idea

Not a fan of it. it's more of a decoration than anything really useful or looking good.
For that price you can get good chainmail.

Boots are the last thing people will judge you for at a larp.
And i do think that any effort is better than no effort at all like wearing white sneakers.

The rule of the 10 and 5 meters.
i dont remember what it is exactly but it goes something like this.

A good quality costume is something that look good at 10 meter distance.
a great quality costume is something that still look good at a 5 meter distance.
an awesome quality costume is when you have to get really close to see all the details and quality of the work on it.

you should reinforce the lower part of the blade with some kevlar or any hard but flexible material before covering it in latex and or tape or else the head is gonna fly away eventually from the small tear the head will get from getting stuck in shield and weapons.
and for the foam try evazote its denser while still being mushy enough so you can have a smaller more realistic head that feel more like an axe and wont get stuck as easily during battle.

Looks like a 15-16 century arm from northern europe or the HRE.
Also i'm pulling that out rigth out of my ass i have no idea seriously i really dont know the late medieval, i can just say it looks like that because of the ospray painting, PLUS it does look good.

Also yesterday i went to the Artisan d'Azure a larp shop to get some leatherworking stuff and there was
1- a dude talking about his char to a exasperated cashier
2- a pair of 15th century articulated gautlet that i fell in love with. godamn that articulated gauntlet are perfect i wil never wear my shitty mittons again... now its just too bad that they were 300$

Here is a pic of my scabbard.
this is why i should not craft anything.

>> No.8707075

>And i do think that any effort is better than no effort at all like wearing white sneakers.
What about halloween boot tops?

>> No.8707096

Still better than white sneakers.

>> No.8707098

Any effort is a respectable effort.

I will never judge someone for having a badly made suit. not everybody have lots of money and contact for tailors.

Where i judge is when people are agressively negative to making an effort.
As in : Yeah its only a larp!

>> No.8707117

>The rule of the 10 and 5 meters.
>i dont remember what it is exactly but it goes something like this.
actually it's more of a 10-3-30
If your stuff from 10 meters shows no problem then it's passable
if from 3 meters it shows no problem then it's good
if from 30 centimeters there are no problems then it's very good.

>> No.8707142

if you don't mind 'merican units units, couldn't you convert that to 10-10-10?

10 yards is passable
10 feet is good
10 inches is great

>> No.8707151

I don't do witchcraft

>> No.8707308

>For that price you can get good chainmail.
>vest costs $185.90
Where are you shopping that you can get good chainmail for less than $200?

>> No.8707311

I presume india, or he is making it himself. But seriously there are a fuckton of relatively good and cheep chainmail that comes from india, mostly through ebay

>> No.8707597

Hey folks. Just got back from a con.

>There is a lady we call ''mom'' in my guild who is our Aide-de-camp.

I have a lady like that too. Its my actual mom. Thank the gods she camps in another household though.

You start seeing very small maille in later periods, but only over joints and in gaps. Never as a shirt.

>-It's impossible to do repairs on it if rings start popping
This is welded stainless butchers/shark maille. I highly doubt he'll pop it.

>zippers on boots-how much of an eyesore
In a neutral color, and not hanging outside the boot its not only fine, its atleast trying to do better than sneakers or work boots.

Honestly, There is nothing about this that looks safe. >>8706213 is on point with the architectural.kayak foam.

Just forwarded this to my bro who is all about 16/17thC armour.

>he knows his shit. Whatever he says you can blindly trust that guy. He knows more about this then the rest of us combined.

He does pannels and discussions at Pennsic. He's an armouring history god.

In AMERICA we measure in inches, not COMMUNISM.

>> No.8707601

>In AMERICA we measure in inches, not COMMUNISM.
It's a sad state of affair when even communism is better than what you use

>> No.8707659

I know that is why i asked , i was the only thing I had on hand !
> What is wrong with full contact ?

>> No.8707661


>> No.8707672

overused buzz word. Even more, it's used wrongly.
Full contact doesn't mean you can hit hard.
I mean originally it didn't meant that, but nowdays so many people use it wrongly the meaning might already changed...

>> No.8708306

what, he's right

>> No.8708337

You don't need a core for the head of the axe.
The axehead can be made out of stiff EVA foam or closed cell foam, and, depending on the rules of your game, you can make a soft striking surface on the 'edge' using open cell foam (upholstery foam).
If you were implying that you want to use an office pointer or marching baton for the core of the handle, do not. Your band baton may not be fibreglass and a telescoping office pointer would break in a lightest touch game. Sawed off carbon golf club cores are a good option but some people out here like to use kitespar. Make sure to use good glue on your foam that won't melt it or come apart- good glue saves lives. Once you're done you have to seal it. You can use duct tape if you're a pleb, but plastidip or latex are the better choices.
Here is a list of materials with links: http://www.dagorhir.com/forums/index.php/topic,12059.0.html
Don't make weapons out of materials you have "on hand" if you don't want them to be shit.

>What is wrong with full contact?
'Full contact' exclusively means assholes in their backyard hitting each other with sticks to prove how manly they are by how many bruises they have. People who don't know any better like to brag about how they go "full contact" and it's usually hilarious so it's turned into a meme.

If you mean SCA-level combat, I believe that (Gropey can confirm or deny) is referred to as "heavy fighting" or "heavy combat."

>> No.8708401

adding to the full contact thing: A good indicator to decide if some kind of fighting is full contact or not is this:
Is there a good chance that you will actually die if you do it?
If the answer is yes then it's probably full contact (or you are a great retard)

And mind you: even BotN is not full contact

>> No.8708416

quickly post how many pouches/objects you have on your larp character's belt and give us a picture as proof

reminder that 1-3 objects is really the max you should shoot for

>> No.8708424

which character?
but usually it's one belt pouch/bag, one dagger, one sword and a belthook that can hold a mug and a club or a club and a buckler, or a mug and a gauntlet or two gauntlet

>> No.8708431


the object you really should be carrying is a water bottle. How many of you maintain proper hydration out in the field?

>> No.8708474

>Full contact
Let me explain how this kind of thing works. Contact in sports and physical activites refers to the amount of hard physical body-to-body contact is made on a regular basis.

Things like rugby, wrestling, and most martial arts are full contact. They all rely heavily on full body contact like tackling, grappling, etc, to the point where removing those things would ruin the point of that activity.

Battle games like Amtgard or Dagorhir, or archetypal EuroLARPs like Drachenfest and Bicoline are limited or partial contact; they still involve hitting another person with considerable force, but never without the use of an intermediary padded weapon. Yes, this includes shield bashing, too.

Finally, most American games are light contact/lightest touch; very little force behind blows, heavily corseted combat.

"Full contact" does NOT mean that you have go around making a point to hit as hard as humanely possible at all times.

>SCA-level combat
Unless the state of affairs has drastically changed and people are getting into the grappling side of things, SCA heavy combat is limited contact.

>> No.8708575

At work so don't have a picture, but on my Empire character belt I have the following.
Loop for tankard.
Pouch for IC cash
Pouch for OOC items (money, small torch)
Pouch for crafting materials/herbs/mana crystals.
Pouch for A5 size notebook and pen (needed for taking notes in the Senate)

If the game didn't have food/kit/drink vendors that deal in OOC cash, I'd dump that pouch.

>> No.8708684

Coin pouch (burlap bag)
Short sword & scabard
Repair kit
Very minimalist, but the next character will probably have more.

>> No.8708781
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Uh ho...were into the full contact conversation territory again rigth?

uh i dont know.

I have my bag where i put my ooc stuff like money and id and all that. holding onto this bag is my little shank, a small knife i use for almost everything.

i have a pouch with ingame coins.

and a bollock dagger.

If i'm in battle i have my scabbard with my sword but i never have it in town because fuck that.

Not me on the pic but this is what you should have on your belt, a bag and a pouch and maybe a dagger.

other than that its only decoration.

>> No.8708909

what do ya'll use for potion bottles and stuff like that, which you carry on your person? Glass bottles apparently break really easily, and i can't find plastic bottles in the shape that i want.

>> No.8708987
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I use glass bottles. Thick glass bottles

>> No.8709030
File: 221 KB, 1600x1166, Sand-Art-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a lurker, but maybe for odd shaped plastic bottles, you could check out those "sand art kits" they sell at toy stores. Pic related.

>> No.8709168

>reminder that 1-3 objects is really the max you should shoot for
According to who? I'm the fucking batman I'll have as many pouches as I want.

>> No.8709381


There is a guy selling is epic armory one for 150$ on facebook...only problem is its in quebec.

But thats how i get a lot of stuff, i wait for the season of larping ending and buy back stuff that people are selling for cheap because they realised armor is too heavy for them.

>> No.8709402

how do you tell if bottles are thick enough

>> No.8709406

Tricky bastard, shame my local meta is all near weightless leather "armor" so pretty sure I won't find that near me.

>> No.8709424
File: 156 KB, 960x636, 1082352_588838231166832_1368193580_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weigth i'd say.
if it feels like if you gave the glass a hit from a spoon it would chip it but not break it.

Sad. but yeah the other good option would be india.

>> No.8709450

try to break it

>> No.8709646
File: 49 KB, 506x720, 0435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats what a dirty commie WOULD think.

Yeah, we prefer heavy combat or armoured baton combat.

>even BotN is not full contact
So far, there have only been 4 combat proven deaths at the official BotN.... Picture how high it would get if thrusting got involved.

>Unless the state of affairs has drastically changed and people are getting into the grappling side of things, SCA heavy combat is limited contact.

It has, a lot. As rules stand now, a heavy fighter can do anything BUT physically grab/punch/kick a person bodily, but minor joint weaving, body checking, shield kicking/punching, and limb contact (on top of grabbing hafts and quillions) is now all pretty standard. (pic related)

With the new rule clarifications of "martial A&S" we can actually allow full grappling tournaments, and cut-and-thrust (pulled steel combat) and the common knowledge of ACL is changing what we consider dangerous en-masse combat.

The past few years have seen a HUGE evolution in our game.

>> No.8709652

Those unprotected armpits, would thrust those soft rib meats so quickly.

>> No.8709659

Im in the white. Most people are not comfortable fighting so close, and I can just push them on the defensive until I get my opening.

In this case, I disarmed him, pulled him down, and stabbed him in between the shoulder blade.

>> No.8709697

I got my new maile shirt half flat half round ring. It is pretty nice with my Viking kit.

>> No.8709707

Hurry and take pics! I swear by KoA.

>> No.8709846
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Yeah, but how does he compare to the TOBYCAP?

>> No.8709853

They keep several books by Capwell in their library, and he has refereed to Wade Allen on numerous occasions. Both are rather big names.

They also focus on differing periods.

>> No.8709863
File: 112 KB, 1200x675, p01hfl5s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TobyCap is basically my husbando / spirit animal. He got me into armor making.

>> No.8710071


Holy shit, this is the post I've been looking for. I was trying to figure out some alternatives to the foam and adhesives I've been using--they're alright, but the foam isn't quite what I'm looking for and I've had issues with the glue breaking down too quickly. Thank you based spider!

Unrelatedly, I finally had a chance to wear historical gaiters today, and damn son, they comfy. Gonna make/buy a pair for my next character.

>> No.8710158

well, I DO have socialist tendencies

>> No.8710187
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« Celui qui n’est pas républicain à vingt ans fait douter de la générosité de son âme; mais celui qui, après trente ans, persévère, fait douter de la rectitude de son esprit. »

“He who is not a républicain at twenty compels one to doubt the generosity of his heart; but he who, after thirty, persists, compels one to doubt the soundness of his mind.”

''He who do not want to keep the imperial system for the metric system in 1776 have no heart. he who does want to keep the imperial system in 2015 has no brains''

>> No.8710194

One of my favorite things I hear from 'muh full contact' guys are them saying how dickswords are the only safe option in one breath and bragging about their injuries in the next.

>> No.8710266

Toby is a historian, Allen is a blacksmith. Both are world famous and among the best.

>> No.8710432
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meanwhile, two polish girls will run a Game of Thrones larp here next month and I was just choosen for the role of captain of the guards

>> No.8710627


>> No.8710878

The us is in the middle of a metrification process. It started about 60 years ago, and will probably still be going 60 years from now. Consumer goods by law are required to have both imperial and metric units, and for things such as beverages, metric is in full swing. But otherwise the process is completely voluntary, and very slow.

>> No.8710921
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I swear by the stuff, but then again I can get away with calling it "dwarf-made" because no human hands would make something with that many small rings and remain sane.

I've had a shirt for years. Rings lost, zero and it's not like I don't run around in the woods. It's welded rings, after all.

And if you DO end up with significant damage, Ringmesh has a repair service.

Fun fact: Frodo's mythril shirt is made from the exact same stuff as Ringmesh- "butcher's mail".

>> No.8710932


If your BF/GF is only there to watch you like a hawk, it's time to tell them to find another relationship.

Seriously. If they're that bad about a LARP, they're never going to stop, and who wants to live a life of being perpetually under the thumb?

>> No.8711036

>because no human hands would make something with that many small rings and remain sane
So all dwarves are autistic.

>> No.8711067
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This is the only kind of larp within a hundred miles of you...


>> No.8711756

I really like that location they've got, too. What a waste.

>> No.8712094

>their characters probably don't have hooks
Why even be there?

>> No.8712652
File: 89 KB, 600x450, guarddaughter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"We're not super into the roleplay aspect"
>No real armor
>Fighting is still shit even by American standards

>> No.8713536
File: 577 KB, 1600x1200, that_feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no full contact larp in my area
why live?

>> No.8713640
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>> No.8713682

Because there's more to do in life than getting good at a really game of stick tag.

>> No.8713754

Wha... No there isn't.

>> No.8713761

surely you jest, according to common belief that's the only aspect of larping

>> No.8713776
File: 525 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My husband's character is on it's last life, so I'm working on his garb for his new character. The hope is that I'll have all of it done in time for Christmas.

He's going to be a cactus dryad. I think it's coming out amazingly so far.

He's extremely light-sensitive, so he's going to have a straw hat with a wide brim with the top cut out with a bunch of silk cactus flowers (or, well, they look kinda like cactus flowers) in it so he can 'bloom.' Since he's already well over 6 feet tall and the flowers add a good 5-6 inches to his height, he's just going to stand around looming over people.

Surely you jest.

>> No.8713780

When I first saw that picture, I thought it was a watermelon dryad.

I'm slightly disappointed.

>> No.8713873

He'll be a sharp one

>> No.8713970

I see your point

>> No.8714403
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>Be a guy with a girly sounding name
>attempting to get a price match on a product
>customer support keeps calling me Ms. in emails
>don't correct him
>end up getting the stuff I wanted with a 5$ discount

Either way, excellent customer service.

>> No.8714656
File: 22 KB, 280x261, Dopey Stormtrooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some fat chick i know invited me to a swingers night because she doesn't want to go alone.
The dress theme is "medieval".
>mfw rocking up to a shitty swingers party full of old people in my armstreet kingsguard suit

>> No.8716150
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>> No.8716811
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>> No.8717059
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>> No.8717418
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>> No.8717593
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>> No.8717852

Post more nurgle

>> No.8718081

>Guess who!
>Goddamnit Frank

>> No.8718441
File: 43 KB, 570x321, il_570xN.749040876_97fv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried those knitted scale gloves? They're all over etsy and I kind of want to learn how to make them since they're much easier to do than scalemail, and seem comfier too, but I have a feeling they're less durable as well.

>> No.8718445
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>> No.8718454
File: 142 KB, 785x523, 1316295304655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it puzzles me. how do the scales stay in place without ripping apart the fabric on the long run?

>> No.8718466

I have no idea, but I came accross one seller who was so certain of the quality of her gloves that she offered a lifetime warrantee to remake them entierely for free if they were deteriorating.

I can see them being fine for "casual" wear, doubt they'd hold well against weapons.

>> No.8718684

this is actually really cool

>> No.8718875

A few members of my larp have gotten pairs of them fairly recently. Mostly for playing characters with dragon blood and the like. Not much chance to see how they hold up in the long run yet, but I'm interested as well.

>> No.8719194

As HLF says, get GOOD glass bottles. The kind made from thick, slowly cooled glass. They are surprisingly sturdy.
The smaller the bottle, the more structural integrity it will have.
Surprisingly, crafts stores like AC Moore are a good source for small bottles like that.


That's amazing. What did you make the mask out of? It looks pretty heavy.

>> No.8719201
File: 859 KB, 2592x1944, 2015-11-12 22.55.53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most recent project: I modded and painted this Rayven for our room mate for an NPC of his at the DR game.
The NPC is a "techno savant", basically a mad scientist, fallout style.
Rewired it to rev constantly, with the flick of a switch (room mate wanted the menacing WHIRRR sound), added EL wire for weird nuclear science effect and gave it a borderlands-esque paintjob.

>> No.8719204
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>> No.8719208
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>> No.8719210
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>> No.8719215
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>> No.8719216

>What did you make the mask out of? It looks pretty heavy.
Cast latex, so it's not heavy at all.
The mould had a lot of bubbles in it (which is why it looks rough in some parts) but he decided he didn't want me to do it over.
The spines are painted plastic tines from a hairbrush so they'll not flop around as he walks but they also won't hurt him/other people if someone tries to stick their face into his.

>> No.8720341

40k Rogue Trader larp last weekend.
Fantastic fun
>late afternoon on the Saturday
>My gunslinger has just had his steak cooked by Brad the Arborian (think Australian Catachans)
>Hear sounds of combat outside.
>Fuck it I have steak
>Sit down ready to enjoy his succulent piece of meat
>Just as I cut into it, two Genestealer cultists burst in and look around, seeing me at a table they rush me.
>Quick draw my two pistols and gun them down with shouting "Fuck off, it's my steak you purple skinned fucks!"
>Brad comes out of the kitchen, still in his apron, with cooking utensils in his chest bandoleer, hefting his heavy bolter. "Looks like the barbie is gonna have to wait"
>Both walk out guns blazing.
>Don't fuck with a mans meat

>> No.8720512

it's always a bad idea to attack people who are eating

>> No.8720546

It was a pretty good moment. Normally the refs and crew are good at not doing this during mealtimes. Mainly because the crew need to eat too. But a tiny player kitchen means that meal times could be over a 3 hour period.
Did cause a character quote of "There's three times you never shoot a man: While he's eating, while he's fucking or while he's shitting"

>> No.8720551

around here there is a general unspoken rule of never attack anyone who is shitting if you don't want to be dead. Although that's mostly because we mostly play in the middle of the forest and you bring a shovel for this and dig a hole beforehand...

>> No.8720955
File: 486 KB, 1600x1800, Eogst Chamsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back from game! Here is a story for you:
>Be post-apoc Alliance campaign
>In this world, there was a long-term war between the Empire of the Iron Hand and the rebellion (which was mostly made up of escaped slaves who had turned to necromancy)
>The Empire was losing because greater undead are scary mothafuckas
>The Empire, in a last attempt to take out the rebels, opened up rifts to the elemental planes in the hopes of controlling the elementals and creating an unstoppable army
>elementals went "lolno." and started ravaging the land and destroying all life/unlife in order to claim it in the name of their elements
>The rebellion and the Empire made an alliance in order to beat back the elementals the Empire had summoned
>They failed and all life was wiped out and all the earth circles (resurrection areas) were destroyed or taken over by elementals who would kill anyone trying to resurrect
>Fast forward 50 years or so
>Adventurers arrive, they've started opening up areas and people have begun to resurrect again.
>My NPC resurrects.
>He is an ermine-kin.
>He also *was* a supremely powerful greater undead.
>Now he's just a fairly powerful necromancer/healer (healing magic can be used both ways)

>> No.8720968
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Fuck yes, I love creative animal people. Gets pretty dull when every other player is a wolf/fox/cat of some type.

Been thinking of making a badger character for my larp's new chapter, with inspiration from pic related.

>> No.8720978
File: 329 KB, 1000x1000, chamsy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is important to note that being a necromancer in this game is entirely, 100%, evil. It is in the bylaws of the game. Necromancy=bad
>He keeps his head down for a few months because he doesn't know if the alliance holds, so he pretends to just be a "lol im cute!!11!!" wylderkin, but he's not good at it because he's been a terrifying monster of undeath for hundreds of years.
>They let me into their group, they leave me alone with people, essentially if he wanted to he could fuck them up.
>The local leader of the area, Dame Mareese (another NPC) publicly announces that the alliance is still active.
>She catches wind that my NPC is a necromancer.
>She dies in a combat later that day. Her last words were to "Make sure that necromancer dies..."
>The players are gathered, they are told that I'm a necromancer and a lich and I need to be taken out. I walk into the tavern right as they are gathering to kill me.
>They all turn and look at me.
>Two of them come over. "Are you a necromancer?"
>Before I can respond another PC comes over and says (I swear) "ARE YOU GUYS READY TO GO MURDER THAT LICH?"
>Me: ...Is he talking about me?
>Them: ...Yeah.
>Me: I'm going to go now.
>I walked out and nobody stopped me.
>They track me through the woods
>They stand outside my new house looking at their feet while I berate them for listening to an "oathbreaker" who had just told me the alliance was still active and I scream at them for a while about how much effort I've put into healing them all and resurrecting townspeople and how I fought in the war and helped the Empire fix the problem they started and all kinds of shit.
>They each in turn sincerely apologize to me for causing me any trouble, one of them swears to protect me with his life
>They beg me to return because they legitimately need my healing ability and my knowledge of the area
>5 minutes later they're banging on my door because something bad has happened and I'm the only one who can heal it.

>> No.8721129

I've always wanted to see rats that are portrayed more in line with how rats act IRL, as in, actually having empathy, unlike those overrated mice. Due to recent findings, I also think an evil plague gerbil would be pretty cool.

>> No.8721463
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catsnake \o/

>> No.8721486
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New meat for my medical wound prosthesis.

>> No.8721491
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>> No.8721493
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>> No.8721494

What did you use to get the bloodstains like that? When I try it just goes pink.

>> No.8721498
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>> No.8721508
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Red Acrylic paint.

>> No.8721515
File: 1.22 MB, 318x242, 0d0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, it's so simple!

>> No.8721676

What did you try to make it turn pink?
Seriously curious.

>> No.8721695

Pillbox Red Food Dye. It was alright till it got wet. I really should stop taking advice from my mother.

>> No.8722171

Depends on the topic I would say.

>> No.8722305

now you only have to put a tube in it so you high pressure "blood" can squirt out of it

Also, we hit autosage so here is the new thread