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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 53 KB, 350x266, 136762147193333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8688650 No.8688650 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see one up, it's time again to complain about whatever you want as long as it's /cgl/ related. I'll start.

>people shitting on others who buy their costume
I'll never understand why people can get so upset about what others are doing in their free time, and make claims about how this means they're not as big as a fan as them.

>> No.8688654

I feel the same, as long as someone isn't saying that they made it, then its all fine and good.

>> No.8688702

Cosplayers who think they need to get on a soap box on their FB pages about ever 'cosplay issue'. I understand that these pages are their own and therefore they can post whatever they want and I dont need to follow them. However, I followed you originally because I wanted to see costumes updates not read your very enlightened ideas of "racism is bad you gais!" Even if I agree with their obvious message they just seem like they are talking down at everyone from their high horse.

Or when they try to take issues that do not involve them and insert themselves anyways. An action that usually backfires and then they are suddenly the victim because they stuck their nose into something they shouldnt have and there was repercussions.

I think a lot of cosplayers would avoid drama if they would only shut up and post costume stuff. Maybe I just need to go back to cosplay sites where people only really post their work not their feelings. But good sites like that seem to be really limited.

>> No.8688837

Some people just don't like/are naturally bad at making shit, or a combo or the two. Doesn't mean they're lazy. Actually sourcing a good commissioner/costume can take a fuckton of time and money. Not wanting to get ripped apart for a shit homemade costume is also understandable. People need to get off their high horse.

Excluding competitions and shit though.

>> No.8689038

Learn. To. Convert. Prices. Goddammit, people, it's not that hard. Stop PMing me or commenting on my sales with "how much is this in (insert currency here)?"

You can even check in PayPal what their present rate is if you want to be sure you're getting it right. FFS.

>> No.8689751

french people.

they are so annoying and rude to sell to / buy from. almost tempted to put in my sales terms that I refuse to sell to someone in france

>> No.8689753

And the lack of English skills. I have to use my shit school french most of the time

>> No.8689762

Qutieland customer service has me ripping my hair out. Paid an invoice for a dress a month ago, and they get back to me saying they don't have any in stock, and waiting for confirmation that they can get the materials to make it.

>> No.8689802

I feel as though my bank's been screwing me out of money.
>DD goes up for auction at a good starting price
>conversion rates pretty good atm, think im gonna go for it
>deposit 60000y to fj as thats the most I can afford atm
>outbid on dress, fj releases deposit immediately
>bank's taking a while to process the payment but the conversion rates pretty stable so nbd
>week and a half later still not procesed but conversion rate has improved
>yen crashes below original rate on tuesday
>suddenly "payment processed!1!"
>shitty bank probably waited and pocketed the difference (why am I not suprised)

does anyone know if banks are allowed to do that? I want to call them up and ask but I know jack-shit about finance so idk if thats just how they do things.

>> No.8689819

ask for a refund. qutieland has gone down hill a LOT, so they aren't really reliable anymore

>> No.8689832

i have never seen or talked to a lolita on this board that wasn't typing in between joyfully inhaling their own farts

>> No.8689974

I'm super fucking annoyed that no stores anywhere close to me carry poster board bigger than like 2.5x2 feet. I'm trying to make a pyramid head cosplay and i can't fucking find a pasteboard big enough for the front sides of his helmet.

>> No.8690060

Tbh, depends on your bank. If it's anything like mine, if you bitch enough, they may give you the difference lost but it depends on how much of a stink you wanna make about it.

The truth is, many of these processes are automated so the fact that it took so long to get back to you could've just simply been because the processing times were slow that particular day/week and the . But it does seem just the slightest bit shady that it only came back once the yen went to shit. If you can prove that fj processed your refund super quick, it could be worth fighting for.

>> No.8690391
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Dudes that can't have a good discussion about cosplaying.

Every time I bring it up during a break at work or in a group discussion there is always one fucking person who feels the need to shit on the concept:
>It's just for girls to attentionwhore
>It's weird and immature for guys to do it
>Only kissless virgins would think about it
>It's weird

I then point out that it's done because people such as myself really enjoy bringing characters to life and seeing others do the same, but by that point the conversation's dead.

I can never ever get a fucking good irl convo.

>> No.8690407

I hate this "4chan is bad, lolitas are lovely" attitude nowadays. Just because we dress a certain way doesn't mean we have to bond or be nice. No, lolita doesn't have to be an accepting hobby and people leaving because of this were never fit for it anyway. It's just clothes, fashion you wear in your freetime. Nothing more and nothing less. People should stop shitting on 4chan and btb, it's annoying.

>> No.8691190

>associating with normies

>> No.8691204

I feel the same but with lolita. I learned long ago not to bring it up around so-called "normies" but there's this one chick in my classes/internship who once saw me in lolita and now takes every opportunity to bring it up and talk about how it's all girls with daddy issues who want to attract pedophiles. I always try to correct her but she's said it so many times that people are starting to take her opinion as fact.

I could talk for hours about things she likes that I think are stupid but I don't, because that's a cunty and unnecessary thing to do.

>> No.8691255

This shit is the worst, I get the same thing.

>> No.8691283

If you're in the US, go to a michaels custom framing shop and ask to buy one of their foam board. I know at my store we have 40x60 and it's $12

>> No.8691430

The Australian $ is really shit right now against the ¥ never mind US $. I feel as though I'm a huge contributor to the jp inflation from buying lots & lots of Lolita. I want to stop but I will never stop.

>> No.8691435

I hate it when people focus on my weight ibstead of the quality of my coord. In all the criticism I have gotten not a single comment was how to improve how I was coorded it was just "you should loose weight" or "chubby-chan" jokes. It's not like I'm oblivious to the fact I am a bigger girl but I ask for critique on how I was dressed not my weight. If you were to say my dress was illfitting or somethink of that ilk that would at least have been something but no. It was just "hurr durr fatty-chan"
Ugh. It's infuriating

>> No.8691514

>buy contacts from Honeycolor on the 19th
>on the 22nd they've reached acceptance in Germany
>wait five days to email
>where is my shit
>they email back with nothing but a link to my tracking
>suddenly it's preparing for shipping
>hasn't moved beyond that stage since the 27th

Fucking hell.

>> No.8691552

I feel that in the past year or two lolita has become increasingly competitive and it has put me off from the fashion. Because along with the competitiveness it's made some people downright mean and fame-hungry. I didn't become interested in the fashion because of drama or the holier-than-thou attitudes, I just wanted to be friends with girls who liked getting dressed up cutely. I love tea parties. I enjoy the surprise of attending meetups and seeing what everyone chose to wear.

I'm 24. I'm entering into this transitional phase of my life where I just got a degree, am trying to save money in my new entry level job, and then maybe have some fun when I can. I'm not really interested in e-famous people, behind the bows (I still read for laughs but I find the excessively personal drama SUPER juvenile), having some weird cult obsession with figureheads (Mana, Yan, Misako, etc), humblebrag about how poor and in debt I am from constant purchases, or to be the "best" dressed lolita wearing whatever the flavor of the month is.
>inb4 "You sound boring"
That's exactly my point. It's like if someone isn't caught up in the hype over popularity and having the latest releases they must be one unfun, uggo plain jane.

TL;DR I'll still love lolita as a fashion for a long time coming, but the attitudes that are sprouting around it has caused me to take a step back.

>> No.8691574

it's an illusion. lolitas like you exist, but they do not self-promote, so you have less exposure to them. most lolitas are not competitive outside of getting the things they want.

>> No.8691582

>after delays MM finally decided to ship Antoinette to me
>out for delivery this morning
>roommate calls me in the middle of class
>"the mailman left a slip for you. they want $120 for your package"
>won't get home until after post office closes and busy all day tomorrow
>have to wait till goddamn monday

sometimes i feel like i'm never going to get that damn dress.

>> No.8691584

>be mulatto
>too dark to cosplay as white characters
>too light to cosplay as black characters
>only character I like who wears a mask is Sam fisher
>not enough autism to pretend like nobody cares if I'm the wrong color to play a certain character
This is also why I can't do war reenactments ;_;

>> No.8691672

That's exactly how I am and also 24. I couldn't care less of the drama and try to steer clear of it. I wear lolita casually as much as possible and dont go to cons. As someone else said, there are a bunch of us, we just barely post online.

>> No.8691939

I can't find lolita friends who aren't raging SJWs or hideously conservative. The minute I show a little bit of my opinion, someone argues with me. At the same time, both sides of the coin are all "if you're not saying anything, it means you are my enemy!"

I also want more local sane fandom friends to hang out with. All these self proclaimed" fujoshi" in my area have already shunned me for not liking Free! or some bland sports anime.

>> No.8691958

This is my deal too. I'm very much a cynical asshole with an offensive sense of humor and views that SJWs would try to crucify me for. But I'm outward and friendly and even people who do see my 'actual' personality seem to be put off by the contrast to the 'front' I put on. I also enjoy some grimdark 2edgy animu, but my fujoshit friends are angry at me for not enjoying Black Butler.

>> No.8691986

I don't get the hate against fat people. Not just here on /cgl/ but on the internet in general. And I know it's irl too, but people generally try not to make it obvious.

I guess the thing I hate the most when I see people defending someone who's underweight to hell and back on how they're naturally thing, but anyone who's fat is just a lazy bastard that shouldn't exist or be appreciated until they lose weight. For fucks sake, HAES isn't taking over society (at least not in Europe) and seeing people who don't think food addiction is a legitimate thing just baffle me.
It's not that hard to understand that if someone can have Anorexia or similar disorders, there's an opposite too, people who can't control their eating habits.

Sorry to hear that anon, you're unfortunately pretty much are evidence to my vent post.

>> No.8691987

I think you guys would be better off just finding non lolita friends for that stuff. Lolita meets are mainly for interacting with people who share your interest in fashion. Asking for so much compatibility with Lolitas is kind of asking for the moon. Sometimes it happens but why do you need the people you want to share your thoughts with to wear the dresses? Everyone has separate groups for things like that.

>> No.8692020

It's not that I want them to have the samr views as me, it's just that I don't want them to jump down my throat the minute I breathe an opinion or not say anything at all.

>> No.8692053

I think you misunderstood what >>8691958 is trying to say. Anon says they can't have a stable reputation or presence with their comm because of their views or opinions. I honestly feel the same way because when all that Ferguson bullshit happened, I stayed quiet and my comm had the nerve to say "oooh, why aren't you saying anything? It means you're a racist!" The anime thing might be for another group of friends, though.

>> No.8692088

To be fair, sports anime are the biggest thing among fujoshi right now and if you don't like the same anime, what would you even talk about?

>> No.8692284

all of the employees at all of the craft stores around me are incompetent fucking morons who have no idea where anything in their store is, I ended up going to hobby lobby and found a perfectly sized one though. Seriously, the hobby lobby in my area is the shit.

>> No.8692294

Isn't that a case of you dealing with some pretty insane people in your comm or exaggerating what happened, though? Your comm being that way isn't because Black Lives Matter happened, it's because they would have been that way about anything that took its place.

Sometimes you get a bum deal (honestly, with a lot of comms) and it sucks.

>> No.8692296

To be honest, you do sound kind of cringey. I'm not trying to be a dick, but maybe look at how you interact with people and see if there's a problem that makes you really unappealing to be around. It helps a lot--not to change who you are, but just...be a better you, I guess. Like loving lolita fashion and going from ita to well dressed.

>> No.8692307
File: 615 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-29-22-47-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

College cosplay clubs. We have one at our school, a university in new york. Promotes mediocrity. Pic is their Halloween contest they had tonight.

The amount of cringe is insufferable.

>> No.8692310

Wow, even the shittiest cosplayers I know outrank them. That's some impressive mediocrity

>> No.8692311

They look pretty shitty, but I'm kind of stoked at the 90s superboy costume. I had the biggest crush on 90s superboy as a kid.

>> No.8692315

Also, the one in white is supposedly her Facebook roleplay OC

>> No.8692321

Shoutout to the fat greasy-haired Harley Quinn cosplayer that grabbed my handmade plush from my AA table and started intentionally tugging their limbs and heads with force to see if her demon spawn kids could play with them without ripping them apart, instead of asking me about the construction like a normal human being. Still bitter about that.

>> No.8692327

>planned youmacon for nearly a year
>work schedule shifts
>fucked out of yet another con

I'm getting tired of this shit. I've registered and paid for twenty cons this year and went to two.

If the schedule would remain as is instead of constantly shifting, it'd be fine but now the only time I'll have is outside of con season.

>> No.8692338

I bought from two less popular Japanese secondhand stores, and now I'm so scared that my stuff won't come before I move in May, or that it will be sent to the wrong place. :(

I was addicted to LM for the past month until I realized how little stuff was actually listed there. I'm already seeing a lot of relisted items

>> No.8692340

Japanese people are usually very trustworthy when it comes to buying merchandise.

>> No.8692378

>implying there aren't tons of great tan characters
>implying there were no mulatto people that moved to the north and fought or spied for the U.S. during the civil war

>> No.8692390

I had a milkim ring in my cart and my internet cut out for like a minute and some dicklicker stole it from my cart the moment I entered my PayPal. Fuck you.

>> No.8692423
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normies who win costume contests with skanky-ass party city costumes

>> No.8692479

Honestly as a kingdom hearts fan it fucking infuriates me how embarrassing the majority of the fanbase is.

>> No.8692528

>"how much is this in (insert currency here)?"
I don't know how you can deal with people like that.

Like.....have you ever heard of fucking google? Heave you ever heard of doing your own research for the one second before sending a meaning message? Fucking A

>> No.8692535

Why not? The bitch is totally fucking with you, call her shit out

>> No.8692536

Yeah the fake loveliness that some lolitas try to promote is a little sickening. Some people are definitely more sugary than others when it comes to personality, but not EVERYONE is. Definitely not every lolita out there.

>> No.8692538

I don't understand how you can not be cunty when addressing her. Get vicious, she could probably use being knocked down a peg or three.

>> No.8692540

That's because big chain craft stores don't care about their employees and don't train their general staff or give them enough time to learn where anything is. Joanns I'm looking at you.

>> No.8692547

I can kind of get how people can think that, but can't they also look at lolita and see that's it pretty? I like it's because it's pretty, and I have a great relationship with my dad. My secret dream is actually that we'll someday branch out of the engineering company that he works for and I'm going to be interning at soon and we'll start our own business together. Father-daughter engineering team.

>> No.8692603

Found a dress I wanted for super cheap, sent the link to my friend that is my shopping service. Took 2 days to try to buy it and it was sold out by then.
I know my friend is doing me the favor and I'm grateful but is not like they didn't open the link after 2 days, they just didn't try to buy it.

>> No.8692607

That's why you use a real shopping service.

>> No.8692612

Not on the auctions they're not

>> No.8692637


Now's a bad time to judge the secondhand market, though. I know at least myself and my friend haven't bothered posting anything for sale because Holy Lantern seems to have wiped out a lot of wallets, and what's left seems to be the bottom-fishing bargain hunter types (like this one girl wanted not one, but TWO dresses for $100, and we're not talking older, worn out dresses, this is two newer dresses, new with tags still attached.) We're kind of reluctant to take the work to list anything that hasn't been listed already, only to have to deal with girls who apparently want to hit as low as they can.

>> No.8692691

In relation to that, normies who think that a contest is rigged because the winner isn't the one that got the most cheers from the public. That's not how it works for fuck's sake

>> No.8692712

Man, who cares? What are they doing to hurt you? They look like they're having fun.

>> No.8692732

Yep.. I need to vent.

WHY DOES EVERYONE CARE ABOUT HOW MUCH FUCKING MONEY I SPEND?! I earn it all myself at my JOB. You know those things people have to get MONEY to SPEND. I go to University full time, I still pay for all of the necessary shit I need I PAY MY BILLS ON TIME EVERY MONTH and then I spend money on MY HOBBIES. What the fuck is the big deal?


Everyone else can spend money on modifying their cars, or buying the latest fucking iPhone BUT GOD FORBID I BUY A $200 DRESS THAT RETAINS ITS FUCKING VALUE.

This has been pissing me off so much recently. I wish people would just fuck off and quit asking about it.. I dont go around and tell other people to stop spending their money on things they enjoy? Fuck I even save money every week and then the second I spend any of it people jump on my case..?

Honestly the next person who even fucking mentions it I am going to rip them apart!!!!

And fuck people who outbid me in the last second and make the auction auto-extend.. they can get fucked too..

>> No.8692736

Or having the judges say you didn't make enough of your costume to enter, and giving top prize to a girl that literally cut off the skirt of her own wedding dress into a mini skirt length (raw edge showing) and glued -GLUED- on some Christmas bead garland.
>I had at least done a lot of real sewing onto my altered store bought base.

>> No.8692747

But anon, clothes are ~*~trivial~*~ and don't you know you're being ~*~vain~*~ and after all most normies beat the shit out of their clothes after a few years rendering them as useless rags anyway so why should you ~*~value~*~ your hobby?

>> No.8692758

Its not even about the clothes, Anon. I'm just shitty people feel like they always have to comment..

Like no shit, I just spent $200 on a dress, no shit, thats a lot of money, no shit I have bought several things for that price..Thanks for being the 10th person to tell me this week..

I just can't understand why people ALWAYS have to say something..? What compels people to even say anything.. what I am doing with my money somehow effects them?? NOPE!

Are they trying to make me feel bad about it? Spending money on something I enjoy?? I just can't understand it.. argh

>> No.8692760

Server maintenance in 10 minutes.

>> No.8692785

I think it is going to be partly curiousity but also partly worrying about your spending habits. For every lolita who is good about how they buy stuff there are those who get into debt over lolita and sell dresses for rent.

>> No.8692796

>Are they trying to make me feel bad about it?
Yes. Because how dare you want to put money down on something that's seen in society as trivial and shallow.

>> No.8692799

It's funny how hypocritical things can get

>> No.8692909

But not infuriating enough to catalyze you into doing anything about it? (because if you were working on losing weight, you wouldn't feel so annoyed, as you'd be aware it's just temporary)

Do you just enjoy feeling bad so much?

>> No.8692926

>you wouldn't be annoyed getting bullied over something if you knew it was temporary

That's poor logic and makes no sense in reality.

>> No.8692935

Gonna need some pictures of this Christmas bridal tramp monstrosity, anon.

>> No.8693008

Shit, was it at a big con ?

>> No.8693013

if you read the posts you'd see it was a normie costume contest

>> No.8693020

>skinny-fat, used to be really big
>look good in cosplays and coords in real life
>every photo look about twice as heavy as I really am, because of genetic double chin
>my mother is chronically underweight and still has the same fat-ass chin/neck
>my own weight loss hasn't shifted it
>with a friend in one photo who is literally about double my weight but I look like the fat one
>can't afford surgery
>salty as all hell, and probably will be until I can afford surgery, when I will be old and it won't be worth it anyway

>> No.8693026

>Big con I go to is going on
>Stuck in University in a different province
>Entire fb feed is of con
>First time not going in years
>Only cons I have here are so shitty and cringy

>> No.8693030


Friends and bf judge the hell out of me for buying dresses, but I quit all my other hobbies which involved a lot of travel and event costs. Lolita isn't an expensive hobby at all once you've been doing it for a while

>> No.8693033

I don't even get it, what was that supposed to be

>> No.8693073


Give me a fucking break. Someone called her a fatty when she voluntarily posted coord photos online.
This is bullying?
Even the girl who posted that complaint wasn't stupid enough to call it bullying in her post; I hope it's not you.

>> No.8693090

>be fat
>cosplay fat characters because I'm not dumb enough to believe that no one will care
>post in FB group
>ask for cosplay concrit
>"lose w8"
>"thanks anything else?"
>"how big are your tits?"

I fucking hate FaceBook.

>inb4 "don't be fat", I'm working on it. It takes time.

>> No.8693146

There are studies and shit showing that calling fat people fat doesn't make them want to lose weight or motivate them. It doesn't change shit. Especially not anons online.

>> No.8693150

Don't bother anon, there's always going to be a person going "Well but people yelling at me I was a disgusting fat pig helped me loose weight so it works for everyone!!" which is the only reply those people will listen to.

>> No.8693161

I hope you made her pay for the damage.

>> No.8693181

Words affect people anon. Just because words don't affect you in the same way doesn't mean nobody else is allowed to feel bad. Even you are trying to make that anon feel bad about themselves i.e. "hurrdurr you're still fat so you must not want the harassment hard enough!" Now that is some bullshit.

>> No.8693235

>planning to do funny cosplay group with my brother
>literally never seen it done
>post plans online
>cosplaying friend likes it
>a week later
>"it is my dream to cosplay these characters with my brother"
>quite literally, fuck you
Why do people do this? You can cosplay the same character as a friend but blatant copying is just shit. At least leave a little bit of time in between.

>> No.8693270

i feel your pain anon. learning to pose in lolita and good camera angles might really help in the meantime it did for me

>> No.8693274

I already know I look about 10 times better from a higher camera angle, but it's not always possible to tell someone that, sometimes photographers take it like a personal insult. But thank you for the advice and empathy.

>> No.8693384


As much as I love your breasts please stop glorifying them in every single cosplay.

>> No.8693397

The only time anything anime-related came up at work:
>coworker: "my boyfriend was watching some japanese cartoon"
>me: "which one?"
>coworker: "i don't know, they were having sex, it was weird"
>coworker2: "i hate anime, it's so stupid"
>coworker: "i know, just give me my Next Top Model and i'm happy!"

Then, talking about games:
>coworker: "i'm such a nerd"
>me: "do you play any games?"
>coworker: "i watch my boyfriend play Minecraft sometimes"

And then this nail in the shit coffin:
>coworker saw TMNT movie
>I assert that Donatello is the best turtle
>every coworker in the room says "no, Mikey is the best"

The moral of the story is, fuck coworkers. They'll never comprehend your power level.

>> No.8693400

You can be a nerd without gaming, anon. But if that's all their evidence of being a nerd, that's shit.

>> No.8693412

Their other evidence is that they like The Big Bang Theory.

>> No.8693415

Shit. Fair enough.

>> No.8693441
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>> No.8693465

That's not the same and you know it.

The original anon wasn't even whining but just commenting they wish people had other things to say. They weren't going "boohoo someone on the internet called me fat!!".

>> No.8693580
File: 32 KB, 960x600, 394260_3688811424387_859254586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting myself hyped for a series that I want to cosplay from
>Decide to read some fanfics
>Find a really good one, it updates weekly
>Author demands that the readers must comment or they will not update the fic
>Any rude comments means it requires x amount of nice comments to make up for the rude comment, or no fic update
>Kind of annoyed, but I understand authors want comments, ok.
>Author and a friend start putting up series of one shots for Halloween or something, they have nothing to do with the good fic that is weekly
>I guess some people read it but no one commented
>Writes in AN on the good fic that if no one goes and comments on that fic they will stop uploading the good fic until it has enough comments.
>Are you fucking kidding me?

I get it, I really do, that fanfic authors want comments and reviews. But it's to the point where this chick just threatens her readers? It's so goddamn annoying and immature, why the hell should I be forced to read some other fic I am not interested in, then write feedback on it, just so she can keep uploading the fic I actually do want to read? The good fic is relatively popular in a small fandom, so there's a decent amount of regular commenters and new readers. But then she gets mad if new readers comment on old chapters, just so much stupid shit. This girl is such a brat, is this normal behavior?

>> No.8693584

I need to know the fanfic now, that's some level of ego I haven't seen in a while.

It also hurts when you finally find a decent fic for the pairing that isn't all that popular and then they never update again.
Or people writing said pairing in a horrible OOC way.

>> No.8693590

There are some exercises you could try doing for the double chin. If you try hard/long enough I think it could look better. Also try all those weird facial exercizers.

>> No.8693599

You seem awfully bothered.

>> No.8693606

I'd rather not say because I'm so paranoid of this author finding out anyone shit talk her fic and then she'll stop updating. Because I really like this damn fanfic for some reason, the writing isn't even super good, it's mediocre.

But I feel you on the obscure pairing thing. I hate when people somehow manage to just completely ruin a character, or turn a pairing into some seme/uke bullshit. Fanfiction.net is like the fanfic graveyard, where fics go to never be updated again...since 2008 or some shit.

>> No.8693615

It's the worst when people take one character trait and completely drive it into the ground by overusing it in a fic. It ruins both the character and fanfic.

>> No.8693620
File: 36 KB, 524x468, 1432000820441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worrying for over a week about what to wear for a lolita tea party
>see on fb someone is going to wear a pokemon lolita cosplay to it

>> No.8693663
File: 19 KB, 184x178, you incorrigible fucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Acquire fucking beautiful piece of sewing machinery
>The only thing this motherfucker doesn't do is make coffee
>Struck by intense urge to make a Water Tribe cosplay that looks like real tribal garb
>I look like the whitest motherfucker to ever motherfuck
>Afraid I'll spend the entire weekend of any con I go to explaining to people that I am not, in fact, an appropriating white bitch
>Motherfucker I'm Cherokee by blood and raised Chinook because I grew up in the PNW
>But people just see Haida/Tlingit fiber arts on a girl with pale skin and go on a tumblrina witch hunt

>> No.8693683

Just because someone isn't saying nice things to you, doesn't mean you're being bullied.
Just because someone is saying downright mean things to you, doesn't mean you're getting bullied.

Nice attempt to distract from your tumblr-esque use of the word. All you're doing is making it worse for people who actually ARE bullied, because this sort of shit is what leads people to assume they're just being snowflakes with wounded feefees.

>> No.8693788

I feel spoiled by the good fanfics I manage to find every now and then (which are almost always never completed or will be completed) because I have read such an amount of shitty fanfics to the point where it actually makes me hate the source material.
For example, I am currently stuck in some stupid ass RP that I volunteered to do to be nice. The girl I'm doing it with is not very good at writing, and she makes everyone so out of character. We're each a certain character from the series, but she kept writing her guy so OOC to the point where I fucking can't stand him in the manga anymore, despite how I liked him well enough beforehand. She just latches onto these tropey traits he has, and just runs this guy into the ground with how she is writing him. I got so sick of her stupid forced yaoi porn that I introduced every other character to make her write more people. Yet every single time I get a plot rolling, she sends them out of the room for some reason, because she wants these two main characters to fuck so badly. Oh, and there is a designated "seme" and "uke." It's a nightmare.

>> No.8693838

look on the bright side now you can wear whatever you like safe in the knowledge there's no way you'll be the worst dressed.

>> No.8693848

>everyone at work is dressing up
>I'll be able to wear lolita during my shift
>nervous as hell that I might sweat a lot or my deodorant might ruin/discolor my black blouse

Seriously is there some safe brand of antiperspirant to use? Normally I'm an old spice gal but I know that stuff can discolor clothing.

>> No.8693849

I hate it when this happens. Brown people aren't fucking inuit either but tumblr doesnt lynch them

>> No.8693856


Go for it. The kids who give a shit stay home and jerk off at how great of a person they are while telling people to kill themselves. I've been to plenty of cons with plenty of pale korra's and they seemed to be having a great time, lots of pictures taken of them.

I'd say try and tan a little if you can but other than that, remember that the really obnoxious tumblr tards are actually a small percent of the population that actually goes outside and does things... Like conventions. I doubt you'd run into any trouble and if you do you can just say 'Excuse me?' in a firm but polite tone & they'll probably shit themselves.

>> No.8693859
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Speaking of this

>Spent all night adding finishing touches on My Queen of Souls costume (Book of life)
>Go completely all out, making sure of accuracy
>Get third place
>Second place was 2 white chicks in frozen beanies (the movie) and tutus

>> No.8693865


Speaking of, what I really fucking hate is how every-fucking-thing is problematic now and you can't so much as breathe without being a 'racist/transmisogynist/fatphobe'

You're a guy wearing a dress for a laugh? Insulting transwoman and LITERALLY causing them to die. A pale girl cosplaying your fave character who happens to be some shade of brown? Racist white bitch. Skinny girl cosplaying their fave character who happens to be fat/big? Ugly skinny bitch.

They're fucking worse than the shitty MRA's & right wingers when they decide to drag someone. Another side of the same hate-group coin cause I'm pretty sure bullying teenagers doesn't do anything about actual legislation and the people in government positions that are actually hurting whatever 'marginalized group of the day' they care about. They just use fancy sounding leftist words to justify telling kids to kill themselves.

UGH I am so glad I never got sucked into that ship but I am still very angry.

>> No.8693867

I still remember a HS costume contest where the 1st place winner was simply because the person bought this plastic mask with some bleeding effect on it that the judges all loved.

>> No.8693876


Every time I think "People won't give a fuck" I remember the fandom putting a blond white girl on full blast because she didn't even bother to wear a wig, started calling her "White Supremacist Korra"??????? idk man. I would try to tan to get away from that but I'm just fucking white enough that I burn first, and then the burn turns into a tan. I ain't here for that.

>> No.8693880

>friend of mine and few groups of girls in our comm picks on a newbie for full 3~4 months
>newbie couldn't take a joke, almost calls cops at one of the girls
>the girl has been with the comm for pretty long time, is on great terms with the mods
>the newbie has been contacting the mods for advice, as soon as she drops the name of the girl she is attacked by one of the mods
>some confidential info about 'bullying' spreads outside the mod circle
>the newbie vanishes
>heard through grapevine that allegedly attempted suicide because no one took her side

Good riddance. Nothing is more worse than an ita with a shitty sense of humor

>> No.8693885

All of this just reminds me of that bs about the Steven Universe fandom on tumblr harassing some girl into trying to commit suicide. Like every piece of art she did was instantly problematic. She calls someone "dude" and it apparently triggers that person and then she is a transphobic or whatever. I feel like "dude" and "bro" are just genderneutral anymore.

>> No.8693887

what even was the joke that was played on her? kind of shitty that they were being dicks to her, that ain't cool.

>> No.8693888
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>Steven Universe fandom

SU was a mistake

>> No.8693890

They just pretended to be her stalker and scared her shitless. It quickly blew out of proportion though.

>> No.8693895

It really was. But at least it seems like most of the tumblr autism got caught up in it. The rest of us are free of their blight

>> No.8693896

"picking" on someone for a joke is a one or two time thing, anon, not a group activity that lasts for months. At that point it's harassment. Your friends are adults now and that high school behavior takes on a different meaning in the adult world. I sincerely hope this is bait.

>> No.8693897

As someone who has dealt with a stalker, that's not really funny. That's pretty shitty. They should have just did a one off prank.

>> No.8693899

>calling bullying humour

>> No.8693901

>pretended to be her stalker
>for 4 months
I'm sorry anon but that's the level of dedication that makes it basically real stalking. Your friends have issues. I hope you never slip up and piss them off.

>> No.8693902

is this bait?
If not your comm sounds like shit and you sound like a cunt.

>> No.8693907

Well, at least you admit you're being a mean, fucked up, sour bitch I suppose.
>I'm not the original anon btw

>> No.8693976

Goddamn hold up.
If I posted a pic of her y'all would probably stop defending her tho.

Or did the bitch come back from the dead to samefagg whiteknight herself?lmaooooooo

>> No.8693978

Tbh it was fucking hilarious. We mentioned so much shit about her online that everyone in the country eventually thought she was the one shitstirring and self posting for attention.

>> No.8693984


Not even any of the people you're replying to, but seriously, you're a cunt and your comm is full of other cunts. It's a real cunt party up in there. So much cunt that passerbys can't even smell their upper lips.

A joke is a joke. What you described was full-fledged harassment, and yes, actual bullying (not Tumblr's definition). You and your buddies belong in the cringe thread, tbh. It doesn't matter if a girl is ita, it's not cool or funny to be manipulative, destroy someone's reputation, and make them feel like they're in real danger.

I hope to god I just took bait.

>> No.8693986

>Tbh it was fucking hilarious. We mentioned so much shit about her online that everyone in the country eventually thought she was the one shitstirring and self posting for attention.
So, in other words, you are a giant bully and a stalker? Mm. K. You're a shit. If you think that is hilarious, then you're a shitty human being and I really don't care who this person is, you and your friends took it too far, and the mods failed to be moderators.

>> No.8694010
File: 88 KB, 498x246, wakemeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flirting with qt one night, making all the right moves, lots of playful touching; known them a while, but they've never been this interested in me before
>don't see them for a month due to study
>go to party with them tonight
>virtually ignores me

I thought I was getting somewhere; now I'm sad.

>> No.8694408

>defending her
>every response is about what a cunt you and your comm members are
No one is judging her, I'm sure she's ita as fuck. But having shitty/amateur coording skills means you, as a more experienced lolita in her comm, reach out and give her advice, or at least ignoe her. Not, you know, giggle about some shitty group of people making her life miserable. Jesus. Are you a psychopath? I hope you don't have pets.

>> No.8694411
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You must be new here.

>> No.8694414
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I have to vent about this black/orange color scheme with the skeletons in the corner. It's awful and makes my eyes hurt.
Also all of the goddamned halloween witch coords.

>> No.8694416

"Just" stalking someone
Holy shit how much of a sociopath do you have to be

>> No.8694419

Actually no? I wouldn't stop defending someone getting attacked for no god damn reason? I swear to Jesus if this is really bad bait I hope your cat pukes on your brand. If you don't like what someone decides to wear or do with their life, you ignore them like a rational human being.

>> No.8694429

There's a difference between being the average seagull and stalking and bullying someone, as a group of adults, for months on end. That is the most pathetic shit I've ever seen on /cgl/. Unless this girl killed your puppy and smeared the blood on your dream dress, she didn't deserve that shit.

>> No.8694826

Wow this.
I became a loner in my job because I could not deal with that kind of shit anymore. I became so quiet because they make me mentally exhausted.

Once one of the guys started to read 'kinds of hentai' FROM REDDIT and I told him 'yeah, I know them' and he yelled LOL ANON YOU ARE INTO HENTAI!!!

>> No.8694829

From 9gag, not reddit.

>> No.8694938

Nah, she didn't actually damage anything because my stuff's pretty solid. But I unintentionally offended her when I told her so long as her children weren't rough or actively tugging on different parts they were age-appropriate. She looked like I projectile vomited all over her because I guess I insinuated that her kids were shits. But then when I asked her if they were gentle players she laughed in my face and told me no, and that they would need two identical toys because they fight over things constantly. She bought nothing.

>> No.8694996

No, fuck you and go to hell. You're a goddamn sociopath.

>> No.8695022

If you're talking about Atlanta Comm, stop pulling shit out of your ass just because there's no public update. She did go to the hospital but it wasn't for that reason. Ultimately, there's a reason she remained silent to the mods and kept so low since (if she already wasn't before then), because that one salty mod keep spreading private issues she trusted with unnecessary members.

Seriously, fuck off with this topic

>> No.8695037

Ahah I'm the anon you're replying to and I see others have already put you in your place. I hate to break it to you but /cgl/ is not Psycho Bitches R Us, we're like 95% sane people who want to be able to talk about shit anonymously. You're not among friends here, Lizzie Borden.

Man the ATL comm has some issues... Either way I feel for that girl, I hope she's okay.

>> No.8695136

I call bull. How would you even reliably test that?

>> No.8695152

>be me, join panel group
>fuckin nothing but drama and crap
>try to keep my head low, survive con without being branded "unreliable"
>leader has terrible reputation really young. Spoiled, whiny, angry. Gives me passive aggressive bullshit even tho I kept my mouth shut about her overcharging me for the room.
>alright have a nice life I don't wanna deal with U again
>ignore her for two months
>at party drunk
>get message "h-hey anon, would u do me a huge favor with no recognition?" -typical buttering up bullshit complimenting my skills
>LMAFO nah fuck you

Like? What do you expect? How stupid do I look?

>> No.8695157

Why don't you try googling it, anon? Not that hard.

That aside though I do believe the studies that say unhealthy food is addictive much like habit-forming drugs are. If you tell a crack addict that crack is bad for them and they should really stop, they're just gonna be like "well no shit" and just avoid talking to you in order to avoid that confrontation.

Food-addicted fat people are the same way. They know what they're doing is bad for them, telling them they need to drop the pounds isn't helpful or effective. They need intervention, support, and therapy. But like hell most fat people will accept that.

>> No.8695172


I actually did Google it.

I found one study that found that fatter women were more nervous than thinner women when being filmed giving a dating site pitch. Also that all women, but moreso fat women, are more nervous with video compared to audio.

That's pretty meaningless because no shit people with less confidence in their looks will be more nervous being videotaped. The creator of the experiment does try and attribute that to poor weight loss motivation, by saying "if you get nervous, you'll be less likely to lose weight", which is not substantiated, investigated, or upheld by the experiment.

There was another experiment that dealt with discrimination rather than insults or harsh advice. That one was more direct and conclusive, but I wonder how valid it is, given that the only measure of discrimination was in the eyes of the person being surveyed, and it strikes me that the people who take the least amount of personal responsibility are often the ones who believe they are most discriminated against. This is anecdotal, of course, but I find it hard to trust that people are unbiased about things like that.

Then a third study, which established that a group of people who receive instruction on setting obtainable goals and motivational techniques do better at weight loss than people who do not, which is no doubt a shock to everybody.

In short, I didn't find any conclusive studies to support your claim, and I've heard more anecdotal evidence towards negative stimulus bring conducive to weight loss than the alternative.

>> No.8695174


But yes, I do agree, and there are many conclusive studies on the addictive properties of junk food and overeating.

The problem is that stopping a behavior can only be accomplished by the person wanting to change and having motivation to do so. I'll admit that negative stimulus doesn't work for everybody, because some people respond to strife by turning over and taking it, but many more are willing to be forged in fire.

The ultimate fact is that the only thing that will ever work is the person finding the motivation within themselves. Intervention, insults, thinspiration, support, tools, guidance, and therapy can all try to make it easier or trigger the motivation, but it's ultimately up to each person to find what works for them.

In short, insults and candid truths Do work for a lot of people, and just as you shouldn't pan group therapy (which doesn't work for a lot of people), you can't pan negative or candid reinforcement.

>> No.8695177

It's not "my claim" as I am not the person you initially replied to, I was merely suggesting you try to look around before asking to be spoonfed. A simple "I wasn't able to find relevant studies" would have been fine. I've heard from fat friends that insults and meanness only depress them more and make them feel more helpless and dependent on the comfort of food, but obviously this is anecdotal.

>> No.8695298

I'm so pissed
>getting into lolita
>gf decided to tell me she doesn't want me to wear lolita when we're together because she hates it and it makes her feel ashamed and embarassed
>ask why because wtf, I've worn other fashions that attract more attention and she never had problems
>"you look like a 5 year old"
>the very little I own is super lowkey and simple, the only print I own is a vitral print
>get into huge argument over this

I don't know if I'm being stupid and should just not wear it with her or if I'm right because I'm really angry that she's making up shit to justify not liking lolita and not wanting me to wear it when we're together

>> No.8695318

You sound like my ex girlfriend. But not because we're in the cosplay scene and she's the Weeb/ita. But it's actually sickening to know that there's more than her and her disgusting group out there. Stalking is not a joke and should never be treated as such.

I hope this comes back and bites you all on the ass; you bitter vile bitches.

>> No.8695326 [DELETED] 

Come vent in vent: I.E. Ventrilo boron.typefrag.com

>> No.8695337

Disregard this, she broke up with me.

>> No.8695338

The fuck.
Anon, you're better off. This was all fucking immature as hell.

>> No.8695343

Because of you wearing lolita, or because of another reason? Regardless, I don't know what your relationship was like (and I can't really know based on just a few greentext points) but it sounds like you're better off this way. You'll be alright, anon.

>> No.8695347

We're both immature sometimes but I feel this was just ridiculous

Because apparently I don't respect her "comfort zone" and "clearly need someone else that is better for me" because I told her I refuse to be policed on what I wear because she hates the fashion and because I told her she didn't know the difference between politely asking me not to wear something that brings attention and telling em she doesn't want me to wear it around it around her because she hates it, doesn't like the attention, it's ugly and tacky and that I look like a 5 year old in lolita.

I'm just so fucking angry and I can't stop crying because this was so fucking ridiculous on both sides

>> No.8695358

>it strikes me that the people who take the least amount of personal responsibility are often the ones who believe they are most discriminated against.

You're not the only one to notice that.

>> No.8695366

It's okay anon, cry it out. You have a right to be angry, it's incredibly stupid, but like I said you're better off this way. I understand how someone can be uncomfortable with alt fashion (especially lolita, and I say this as someone who wears it daily) but if you wearing an offbeat alt fashion was a good enough reason for her to berate you, argue with you endlessly, and break up with you, it doesn't seem like your relationship was a very good one.
Let yourself be angry and sad for as long as you need, but don't wallow. You'll be alright on your own, and eventually will find someone who accepts you as you are, lolita and all.

>> No.8695385

Fuck you. I know who you are. You stupid cunts... you've driven more than one person to the hospital and multiple people from ATL comm with your "stalking" pranks. I hope she sees this and decides to call the cops on your dumb asses.

>> No.8695395

I recently had a white friend come to me worried that she was being some kind of "gross white savior" for feeling upset on behalf of a mixed race friend who was being harassed over her skin color and cosplay. Like, not even trying to speak up and defend the mixed friend, white friend just felt guilty for being mad that some people were treating her friend poorly and was worried that fucking compassion was showing her privilege or some bullshit. I'm not one to bitch much about sjws, but some of that rhetoric is so toxic.

>> No.8695422

She came to talk to me again and said she feels bad and understood she had a stupid attitude. I'm not really sure what to think so I might just step back for a while to think things through.
Thank you, anon.

>> No.8695455

I apologize, because I didn't mean to insult you. I listed them rather than just say "I couldn't find any relevant" to avoid the implication that I hadn't even looked, or had been oblivious to them.

I also listed their specifics to raise a point about blind trust in "studies", which I find is very prevalent, as people rarely read a study to learn what it actually found, or check the Method to see if it was sound, they just take whatever it's reported as at face value. There is an SMBC comic that is very on point about science reporting.

In any case, I'm sure it's true that your friends don't react well to negative stimulus, but I know a lot of people for whom that was the turning point, where they finally realize that something has to change.

So, "your mileage may vary", I guess.

>> No.8695524

Sounds like you need to have a talk with work. When I put in a request off, I note that its for something that I've already paid for.

>> No.8695534

The thing is that I'm well adjusted and know what's socially acceptable and appropriate in person. These days with social media, or mutual friends, it's easy for lolitas to get wind of 'what I'm really like.' It's like they can't comprehend that people are complex.

>> No.8695568

I wouldn't let that backpedaling bitch back into my life, but its your call.

>> No.8695593

Now I'm curious what kind of people insults work for. I just look at the person doing the insulting and think, "what an asshole."

>> No.8695714

The very first person I ever met who called themselves a "Social Justice Warrior" was a lolita at a convention.

This was before the phrase become popular and their toxic behavior became commonly known.

I thought her interest in progressive politics was wonderful - until a mutual friend told me she was demanding my friend abandon me because my politics weren't "progressive" enough for her tastes.

>> No.8695720

Back when I stayed in good shape I fit into all my lolita dresses no problem. I stopped working out and lost all my muscle mass and now all my lolita dresses are too big for me. If I'm rounding up and accounting the extra few cm for a blouse and petticoat band, I'm 80cm bust and 67cm waist.
It wouldn't be a problem, but from what I've been seeing the brands have been releasing everything in larger and larger measurements. I hate the look of shirring and I especially hate having to tie corset backs all the way closed to make things fit.
To make it worse, when I try to sell or trade things from my (too big) wardrobe all I ever hear is "Oh, my waist is 29, I can't fit that nevermind~" I just want to wear my dream dresses and have them fit.

>> No.8695761

Email me a collage of your stuff and prices if you want

>> No.8695770

I'm super curious and interested in this fanfic, can you send the link or give me the name by e-mail?

Heck, if it's good and something I can dig, I'll send good comments to encourage the author to keep writing the fanfic.

>> No.8695867

Local comic shop had a costume contest. Prize was a $100 gift card.
>oh cool I wear my Daenerys costume.
>I had done dragon scale smocking and embroidery. Was pretty confident I would win something.
>cardboard Domo head batman wins first place.
I thought the whole Domo craze was over with in 2010. Oh well. Got wear my Dany costume for Halloween so it's all good.

>> No.8695987

There's this one guy in my comm who hasn't attended a single meetup, yet he likes to make a post once every other week about his shit art commissions.

>> No.8695998

maybe you are ugly
or fat
maybe both (?)

>> No.8696039

>putting all that high-tier costume work for a local comic shop

Well there's your problem, you would've had more luck dressed as one of those skimpily-clad comic book girls.

It's not some cosplay-costume contest, they're not going to appreciate the details and hard-work put in a costume, they're just gonna go with whatever's either slutty or geeky/nerdy cool like that domo headed batman.

>> No.8696397


Usually it's less "wow, he said I'm fat, guess that means it's time to diet!" and more "No more insults. I have to fix this or it will never stop. This is how far down my life has come. Enough is enough. "

You should never let insults poison you to the core, but you should also never ignore them outright, because most balls of venom are woven around a grain of truth. Making it a habit to disregard insults also starts to leak into disregarding legitimate criticism and advice. Some insults are just pointless jabs with no basis in reality, but sometimes they can be something you need to hear, albeit worded to have an edge.

>> No.8696419

To me, it entirely depends on who says it, and even then I think, "Who are you to be criticizing me?" Strangers have said some downright awful things to me for no reason, and then have the audacity to get all offended when I go back at them.

If the criticism came from someone I trusted, I might put a bit more thought into it and consider it. But if an average person called me fat? They can gtfo; it's none of their business.

>> No.8696440

>no more insults
Just to put this out there for anyone socially unaware: Normal people irl hold the view that people do not deserve to be insulted even if the insulter is seeding their vitriol in "truth." People who insult are, and always will be, seen as pompous assholes and not as the devil's advocate of roundabout motivators, even if they consider their insults to actually be a "criticism" of some legitimacy.

>> No.8696514

A seamstress/dressmaker/tailor should be able to make the adjustments you need to your clothes.

>> No.8696525

Oof, sounds like it's complicated. Sleep on it, and think about.

Just remember that if both of you were going so far to argue about something so petty as a fashion, what will be the next thing you argue about? Having disagreements is normal in any relationship, but berating the one you're supposed to love? That doesn't exactly prove your point during the argument or help the relationship.

Think hard about this, and if you decide to stay together, make sure you agree on some rules about how to argue in a civil manner.

>> No.8696567

>Made a silly cat patch and put it on a sweater
>It's such an ugly goofy looking cat, I love it
>Hang it up where I can see it from my bed
>Keep waking up staring at goofy cat face
>Why the fuck is it so wonky looking
>Start to study cat, did I fuck up and put it on crooked?
>Realize that the eyes are not even


>> No.8696575

when I was at Intermediate my countries education department had this negative feedback system and it worked for a lot of people. Most kids would respond to having their work insulted by striving to prove the teacher wrong and tried harder. I was on the 'what an asshole' end of the scale, I didn't do well in Intermediate school...

>> No.8696587

>white girl makes Halloween coordinate
>uses sugar skull makeup
>tags "diadelosmuertos" "sugarskull" "halloween"
>same girl shares post about culturally appropriating Japan and how it's wrong

what the actual fuck?

>> No.8696618
File: 19 KB, 420x454, 11thsaywhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"culturally appropriating Japan"

lets be real tho Japan basically invented vapid aesthetic appropriation of other cultures. Soon as the Portuguese landed in the 1500s people were wearing knockoff doublets and pantaloons everywhere. Rosaries became popular fashion accessories valued specifically because they were exotic and foreign. Excessive appropriation of foreign art, clothing, and religious shit was why the borders were closed in the first place.

Culturally appropriating the Japanese. Yeah, okay.

>> No.8696774

You should point this out to her.

>> No.8696800

pics? it sounds pretty cute from your description desu. goofy, but cute

>> No.8696808

Fat people who complain people notice they are fat and how that makes their outfit look bad.

Your weight is the problem and is going to cause you more in life

>> No.8696829

Sounds adorable as heck anon, I have 6 + crazy cat sweaters that I rotate around winter time. Pics!

>artist rant
>old hs girl that I haven't talked to since we graduated starts chatting to me on fb
>wants to 'commission' me for a tiny ass detailed tattoo of a sparrow and the usual bullshit 'live ur life' bull shit
>says that she has no money qq bullshit, asks if she can shout me lunch instead
>as if I want to eat and talk to you, I barely talked to you in hs
>if you can't even afford to properly commission a artist then what are the chances of you paying for a proper tattoo artist
>literally right behind this fb chat I can see her new status: "Can't wait to go on my 2 year trip to europe next month!!!!"
>mfw i have no face
>never respond to her

>> No.8696936

I agree with you completely. desu I can't take 80% of cgl's "criticisms" seriously because most of it is trivial insults that normal people don't give a fuck about or polite enough to ignore. some of it is really helpful, but most of it is shit socially awkward assholes would say

>> No.8696938
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>selling a blouse
>all info including full measurements and price are on the sale post
>get pm from potential buyer
>"what are the measurements? how much is it?"
>all redundant questions; answer patiently anyway
>"cool I just need to measure myself, I'll get back to you"
>it's been three weeks
>not a peep
>pmed them twice asking if they're still interested
>"yes of course I just haven't measured myself yet"

Probably a silly thing to complain about but I'm getting irritated. It's fine if they changed their mind, I just don't like being stringed along like this.

>> No.8696990

Where did you order from?
I've purchased a lot of from a lot of different Japanese second hand stores and most of the time I get my stuff faster then if I ordered within the US.

>> No.8697064

Jesus Christ, if they don't put in a bid then they have no horse in the race. It sounds like they were ho-hum about the blouse, so just keep it up for sale and sell it to the next person who actually coughs up the cash.

>> No.8697096
File: 28 KB, 640x480, 1319611982780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tumblrinas constantly photoshopping Asian idols "back to their natural skin color" because they're against "whitewashing"
> yet these bitches praise those picture deco apps with skin whitening features that Asians made

>> No.8697257

"Studies and shit"
This is scientific terminology

>> No.8697264

Links please? Tumblr never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.8697270
File: 56 KB, 200x200, 1436637900719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy how I just LOVE it that no one answers my questions in any help thread, whether it be on here or somewhere else.
You know, it's not like I have a deadline to finish my costume by and unlimited funds to constantly experiment or anything

>> No.8697292

Agreed. Also fat people complaining about how unfair it is that they have to spend more money on extra materials, custom costumes, tailored indie or alterations for brand. Especially the ones who also spend a lot of money on junk food and sit on their ass all day. You eat more, you take up more space, you pay more. How is that unfair?

>> No.8697369 [DELETED] 

>just read through the secrets this week
>shitstorm about kate's cat
i literally can't describe how pissed off this makes me. I'm a vet student and it makes me miserable knowing there's nothing I can do to stop this poor cat from being tortured.

>> No.8697371 [DELETED] 


>> No.8697387

Okay, so, recently a group of my friends and I did separate taobao orders of the same costume for a group, and a number of us used different services. I don't know what everyone used, but three people used bhiner, I used spreenow. Bhiner apparently cancelled one friend's order and never informed her, and ordered the wrong colour costume for another. Other people dropped out for other reasons. The friend organising it is a bit annoyed and is planning another group for next year, another taobao group, but this time, all on one order. But she wants to use bhinder, which has proved itself to be shit, rather than trying somewhere else, because her order came out fine. Any suggestions of other agents have been shot down. Pisses me off like all hell.

>> No.8697391

Not that anon, but here: http://bronzebun.tumblr.com/

>> No.8697404 [DELETED] 

yeah I was actually kind of a fan of kate's until I heard about the kitten thing. I hope she changes her mind

>> No.8697417 [DELETED] 

>a fan of Kate's
you poor fool

>> No.8697428 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 580x614, 547843573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone posted this on lolcow about an hour ago, anon. good to see someone is calling her out on it.

>> No.8697433 [DELETED] 

Wait what the fuck?? Surely this doesn't actually happen

>> No.8697436
File: 425 KB, 512x512, 1431048602419.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfags don't know wordfilters
>illiterates rely too much on autocorrect to understand what's happening

/cgl/ confirmed for being alien to 4chan culture. this explains so much about the board tbqhwy

>> No.8697438

I stopped posting cooordinates for this reason.

>> No.8697439 [DELETED] 

my hero!

>> No.8697469

Lolitas have a tendency to have bad table manners. I cringe a little when I'm at a party and girls are holding their fork straight down into whatever they're trying to cut and gripping it with a fist. Is this just a thing in America? Does it happen elsewhere? Seriously just curious.

>> No.8697471

>need a long, green winter coat
>can't find any
>perfect one on flea market, 30€

I know it's not THAT much for a long coat, but when I have to modify it still quite a bit, I just don't want to pay that much for one component.

And for the record, why can't I find those things anywhere else? Winter is coming, you need jackets for normal use too

>> No.8697472

Ugh... I'm American and I'm pretty sure it's a US thing yeah. I had to kind of teach myself proper table manners because it really isn't a priority for the US middle-to-lower class, for whatever reason.

>> No.8697605

cgl has always been an outlier tho, it's one of the few mostly girl boards and the culture is pretty insulated since we have nazi mods that prune and delete threads like crazy, meaning that no other board stuff leaks in really.
most girls are here to look at cute dresses and gossip about other girls so they don't give a shit about "lel dank memes" or how the site is run really

>> No.8697620
File: 47 KB, 500x384, 1425235135754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French anon here
>third year in college, gonna graduate this year if everything's fine
>have the worst teachers and lecturers this year
>I only have been told today but I could have gone to a prestigious university in California because my average grade for my first two years is good enough
>mfw I could have been in California right now for a year and my college could have paid for everything
Fuck this shit, I'm so mad. And the guy who's in charge for this was super insulting when I asked him more about it today, I could have murdered him on the spot if it weren't illegal.

>> No.8697621

Who do I need to avoid in this comm anon?

>> No.8697642

This girl is trying too hard to shoehorn herself into drama to stay relevant.

>> No.8697649

Sometimes I feel like table manners are dead. I know so many people with awful table manners/eating habits and it kills me.

>> No.8697666

You're that chick from the skincare thread, aren't you?

>> No.8697710

teach us ignorant plebes pls

>> No.8697719 [DELETED] 

you must be new here...

>> No.8697748

No. Not sure what else to say.

>> No.8697754

No, she's obnoxious and basically mimics what everyone on the farm and cgl has already said. She was running out of original material after her PeenusAngelic video and it's been declining since.
>inb4 rabid whiteknights and Carly pounce on me

>> No.8697762

I feel your suffering, fellow French anon. What licence are you studying for ?

>> No.8697766

Bitch, we love Carly

>> No.8697767
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>> No.8697783

LEA Japanese and English. I don't know about other universities but it's hell in mine. I'm sorry you have the same problem, it really sucks.

>> No.8697819


Funny, I'm in LEA English and Spanish. I don't have the same problem personally, but I've seen some comrades deal with teacher bullshit and holy cow, some of them are just the worst. I didn't even try to leave on an Erasmus/abroad program since I wanted to switch unis for my third year and I knew it would be a nightmare to sort out, so at least I was spared this shit.

I do have some gripe with the administration though, since last year I tried to enter directly in second year and only got a "No" in mid-August when they received my file in May. It's only when I inquired about appealing the decision that I suddenly got a message saying that I was accepted, which leads me to believe that they didn't take the time to read my file the first time...

>> No.8697823

Definately an American thing. I didn't know how to use a fork and knife properly until my stepmum taught me. But I haven't lived with her for years and it's slipping away.

>> No.8697846

my comm is just. so. damn. lazy. nobody wants to organize a meet, even though there are only conventions in like three months out of twelve, it's all "anon it's still con season". i would organize my own, but nobody seems interested in anything i ask about. all of the meetups have had good attendance when they happen, but they rarely ever happen and it's just really annoying. i thought more people means more activity but its just itas who want to show up to a (free)event at the last minute.

>> No.8697860

Its possible no one knows the answer anon. We're not all experts in all things costuming.

>> No.8697864

Yes it does. Just look up the whitewashing tag on tumblr.

>> No.8697912

>opinion I don't like
Can't say I'm surprised. Cgl does have a lot of girls with short attention spans so maybe Carly's cringey blog posts are really entertaining to you.

>> No.8697932

what kinds of things are you asking about?

and what is the general population like where you live? a comm's attitude often reflects its greater geographical/economic situation.

>> No.8697946

Fuck, I was just going to post here about this exact thing. They rarely offer anything new to the discussion and just spit out all the overused points like it's a guessing game. It's very tiring to see 20 cosplayers on my feed writing about the same dull shit while thinking they're the first ones to address such obscure, never-been-realized issue. Recurring themes are cosplay fame, cosplay and looks and add the hot topic of the month here. Either take a new approach or go back to working on your damn cosplay.

>> No.8697997

anything at all, small teas, different cultural events, nearby parks, zoos, food tastings, special movies and theatre events. its mainly Indian and Hispanic people here but mainly everybody is in 20s or older, and middle class. we don't have a lot of "classy" victorian things, because of the Indian roots our area is focused on that, nothing else ever really developed outside of a general urban area. but dammit im trying.

>> No.8698047

I am tired of all this fucking personal drama. I just wanna buy and sell pretty things. I hate that LM has such a short list of banned users, we need to start a doc or something to provide a comprehensive and up to date list of people who scam

>> No.8698190

If you'll give me a throwaway email, I'll talk to you. These people are that frightening- I don't want to talk about them on here. I don't want them to "prank" me by stalking me for months to a year. I also don't want you to be one of them. I'd stand up to them if I had support, but I'm scared. They bully everyone, including disabled girls too... Eveb a girl with cancer. Literal scum.

ATL comm is dying because of this group. The mods won't stand up to them and one mod just spills stuff... It's awful.
Thank god for the other comm. I just wish I could call them out.

>> No.8698405

Dude have you even seen her recent videos? They're hilarious.

>> No.8698696

>"Wow! That's great news!"
>"Sure! I can't wait!"
>Time passes
>They latch onto the new popular bandwagon series and the planned group is never mentioned again
>End up cosplaying alone
>"Oh gee anon, I really want to do the group next time! I honestly wanted to make that costume! You look so inspiring!"
>Never mentions it again
>Every. Single. Time.

Why do people do this? It's not even a thing that happened once, this happens literally every time.

>> No.8698702

Wait, is this all about how she's taking a kitten with her on a flight? Does that actually kill animals? I'm completely out of the loop here.

>> No.8698719
File: 102 KB, 740x960, grandad laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here she is! The special snowflake that feels oppressed by the popular opinion and needs to loudly remind everyone that she's totally "unique" and "different".

>> No.8698730

Here's an article about it: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/is-taking-your-pet-on-an-airplane-worth-the-risk-6241533/?no-ist

Basically, her cat is not only very young, but it's a breed that has a flat face and has breathing problems, so it makes it very dangerous for these kinds of animals on planes. Flying is already risky for animals, it's much more so for her kitten.

It's also about her support of the animal breeding industry is Japan. They're treated really badly in the shops that sell them, and quickly disposed of if not bought at a young age. Any money spent there just goes back into the puppy/kitten farm.

>> No.8698755

Not the anon who you replied to, but I personally like her stuff. I think for me its the fact that she has the guts to attach her name to opinions that everyone is having but is too scared to say. Even though it might not be completely new content, it makes it more entertaining for me, and maybe even cathartic to see it said in the open.

>> No.8698771

I've realized I almost can't stand my comm anymore. I pulled out from being an admin because they want to change so many things as to not worry on offending anyone on this or that. Yeah the comm should be a fun place for lolitas, but seriously? We're not babysitting people's feelings if they can't handle simple critique. The "dresses being armor" thing is rhetorical. You're not invincible or godly in those clothes.

>> No.8698783

Are there any publications or docs about the pet trade in Japan? I'd love to show them off to some weebs I know who think Japan is all sparkly wonder kawaiiness.

>> No.8698787

>mistreatment of cats and dogs will make them think twice
>not choosing the obvious war crimes and whaling issues


>> No.8698793

Already showed them the whaling issue thing. They were like oh yeah I want to try whale sushi when I visit (wtf brah). And the war crimes they give no fucks about because it was a long time ago apparently.

They love the fuck out of cats and dogs tho

>> No.8698805

Here's one from 2006, says that inbreeding is 4x much of a problem than in the US (and it's already a huge problem here): http://www.nytimes.com/2006/12/28/business/28dogs.html?_r=0
Choice quote: "The other four puppies in the litter were so hideously deformed that they were killed right after birth."

From 2012: http://www.japantoday.com/category/kuchikomi/view/despite-recent-crackdowns-pet-industry-still-rife-with-problems

This one is about doge dog, who is apparently a mill survivor (go figure): http://dogjournal.tumblr.com/post/71852974271/the-dog-behind-the-doge-meme-is-a-puppy-mill

>> No.8698810

Why do you hang out with people this retarded?

>> No.8698829

Something an incredibly socially repressed person would say. Sure, not everyone will insult you to your face, but the ones who don't tend to be the ones who just do it mentally and put on a nice social face. Two-faced people make the worst friends.

>> No.8698832

The Japanese don't hunt endangered whales. The types of whales they hunt are classified as "least concern". If you're pissed about Japanese whaling then you need to be pissed about Scandinavian whaling and Native American whaling, too.

>> No.8698842

Hilarious. They're "goal" is to fish certain species, but in reality the catch includes many more, and they think nothng of violating other countries' natural reserves to get it. And yes, if you weren't so much of a weeb you'd know that people are pissed at the scandinavians too.

>> No.8698843

Uh no you're giving yourself too much credit for being a jerk.

>> No.8698845

And that's why you have no real friends.

>> No.8698863

I've been trying to get this fucking photographer to get going on my images. It was from a shoot 2 months ago, and he's working around the clock to get images up from last weekends shoots.

He is constantly messaging me asking to do more shoots with him. His work is amateur at best and only wants to do slutty cosplays. He messages me at least once a week.

I was only having him do less than a dozen images from multiple outfits in two different locations. Am I just being impatient? He doesn't charge, but others from that same day already have their images?

>> No.8698897

Sorry, I don't insult my friends to prove how "real" I am. Wanna try again?

>> No.8698942

I didn't say you need to insult your friends to prove how "real" you are. I said people judge people, and the ones who are hiding it are two faced and have no real friends.

>> No.8698943
File: 163 KB, 1062x594, tumblr_static_you_dens_mother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>list all the flat measurements, always mention shirrings, ties, whether fabric has stretch

>item is listed for less than $40

>specify in BOLD that I absolutely won't split the set

>congrats, you won the auction! Pls pay here

AKA why I decided I'd rather be stuck with my unwanted clothes till the end of eternity

>> No.8698946

Or you can keep it to yourself and not ruin someone else's day on a trivial matter?

>> No.8698947

Sure, you wouldn't yell insults to peoples face, but you also don't have to be fake. It's not an all or nothing case.

>> No.8698948

So are you saying those who insult you are the good kinds of friends? Maybe you should get new ones. There can be criticism without insults.

>> No.8698951

Did you read that correctly? I said you -don't- yell insults to people. Of course you can criticize politely. But on that note, some people don't mind dickish comments, not everyone is sensitive.

>> No.8698959

Why are you jumping into an argument where anons were responding to someone who DID say that insulting people and friends was a-ok so long as it was a half truth? That's why anons aren't understanding what you're suddenly on about. If you're a different anon then say so, or else stop back peddling.

>> No.8698962

Fuck off

>> No.8698996
File: 27 KB, 500x348, tomfacepalm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and make claims about how this means they're not as big as a fan as them.

They aren't. They just aren't as big a fan. When you spend time actually trying to get good at a skill so you can fulfill something it makes you a bigger fan than someone who threw their credit card at ezcosplay.com or a comissioner.
Furthermore the skilled person still has their skill while the buyer has something they can wear three times.

>Some people just don't like/are naturally bad at making shit, or a combo or the two. Doesn't mean they're lazy.

Nope, they are lazy. No one pops out of the womb with any skills. No one sat down at a sewing machine and immediately made Sakizou corsets. It took a little time to get good and just about anyone can do it if they can follow instructions and control what their hands and feet do. It does mean they are lazy.

The reason they get shitted on is eventually every buyer wants the same kudos and credit a maker gets. They think that because they worked 40 hours that week and tossed that paycheck at a ebay they "worked" for the credit. Meanwhile the maker not only spent their paycheck, they also spent their time and worked on their skill.
Buyers eventually leave out info when they post it online. When you tell them they look nice they stop dropping into the conversation who made it. They get sketchy about who did what when it's a group.

No one would do this & everyone would be honest about it if they weren't all trying to look like they were a better fan by being someone who put real effort into making it.

>> No.8699030

No u

>> No.8699113
File: 116 KB, 179x299, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similar situation anon,

> be mixed
> can't cosplay characters I want due to skin color and delusional sjws
> fucked up genetics so myriad of health problems and shit vision
> need special glasses due to photosensitivity so masked/bespectacled characters are really my only option
> thinking fuck it imma cosplay anyway
>find perfect Marvel character, haters can suck my dick
>pic related

> be mullato
> be albino
> be mosquito
>How do we know

>> No.8699129

Sounds like you're trying to come up with every excuse to justify your snooty elitism.
News flash, not everyone has the time nor the money to learn a trade, experiment, and sew an entire costume from scratch.
And who are you to say what makes someone a of something.
I KNOW for a fact that you didn't start off sewing your own costumes when you first started cosplaying, you started off the way everyone else did by using your closet or something bought from a store.
Cosplay is not a competition and your petty jealousy of those who buy costumes and get more attention than you is no better than that of a child.

>> No.8699133

Then do full armor or toku cosplays if it really bothers you that much. You'll look badass and you won't have to worry bout the color of your skin.

>> No.8699147
File: 28 KB, 319x445, 2312595623_302e5036ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw finally sell a dress that doesn't fit, at a lower price than I'd like
>hold for 2 weeks for the buyer
>"sorry I'll pay tomorrow! Something came up!"
>ok, I'll just send you an invoice now, then, pay tomorrow
>3 days later, no response
>just bought my dream dress, wallet is crying
>need that $100 to pad it a little
>bitch better have my money
She seems like shes probably underage from her LM username and typing style, but jesus christ. I wish she'd read/respond to my messages. Or if she can't purchase, she could just tell me so I can relist it already.

>> No.8699151

wait did you do a 2 week hold without a nonrefundable deposit, or any money up front?

>> No.8699156

;-; yes
I am so dumb

>> No.8699196

sounds like he just wants to shoot you for his personal fap material collection

>> No.8699202

cut your losses and relist it anon :(
give the other person bad feedback if you have any way of doing so too, so others will know

>> No.8699217

I draw a lot of fanart. That way I show my appreciation for the series I like. However this doesn't make me a bigger fan than others.

I mean you could argue that the biggest fans are those that will spend every single penny they have on merchandise, since they're the ones actively supporting the series.

Your cosplays and my fanart could only spread knowledge about the series at most.

So get off your high horse already.

>> No.8699324

Same, anon.
>really good at creative writing, school piece made a teacher cry once
>illustration graduate
>pretty damn good at make-up
>cannot sew for shit. I paid for a 3 month course and I'm still crap
>wearing my bought cosplays looking better than OP, stay salty

>> No.8699348

He's most likely the outcast of the club.

>> No.8699414


>> No.8699499

I enjoy helping other people with their costumes and giving tips and tricks when they need it, but I can't fucking stand when people straight up just post on here and expect someone else to plan out their whole costume for them.
>"I want to make this character, how do i do it"
Well, which fucking part? The armor? The dress? the wig? the prop?
You might as well just buy it/have it commissioned if you're so fucking uncreative

>> No.8700016

I have been sewing over 10 years and would not try to make a lolita dress again. The one I made was before I understood the fashion and had cheap scratchy lace and thin horrible material. I've made a corset but it wasn't that good. That poster is full of shit, her stuff is probably ita trash

>> No.8700032

>Cosplay is not a competition
cosplay is whatever the cosplayer wants it to be.

>> No.8701481

This is literally what beke cosplay does
She buys all her costumes, says she makes them, does photo shoots in them and doesn't wear them to cons then posts them around the internet like you wouldn't believe. She's even entering in a Comp with one that she bought online

What's even the point

I remember she had this rant about her being talented and a good cosplayer even though she buys her cosplays...what kind of retarded shit is that

She's an actual psycho too if you're prettier or better than her in any way she goes out of her way to make your life hell
She makes fake profiles and stalks you and all this crazy shit
She's one to be avoided

>> No.8702158

>No one pops out of the womb with any skills.
Agreeing with this. It really pisses me off when people say that I am "so lucky" to have sewing skills as if it's something that just magically happened to me while I was sitting on my ass watching tv. No, I worked for it. Just like anyone who is good at anything works for it. I don't go up to artists and whine that abloobloo they're ~so lucky~ they can draw because fuck that shit, they earned their ability by working at it for years. The reason I can't draw is because I never put any real effort into practicing it. The reason others can't sew is because they never put any real effort into practicing it. And that's fine, just don't pretend that your lack of skill is anyone's fault but your own.
>b-but I tried sewing something once and it turned out really bad so I gave up!
The first skirt I made, I completely neglected to think about how I would get it on. No elasticated waistband, no zipper, no buttons, nothing. It was made out of cheap costume satin and was fraying at the seams. It was unwearable and looked like garbage. I was disappointed but I didn't give up, instead I learned from my (many, many) mistakes and got better. Why is this so hard to understand? No one starts out perfect. That's normal.

>> No.8702178

Motherfucking this. I started from scratch, I had never sewn or made a prop in my life aside from the shitty ones I made in crafts class during grade school. I worked hard for my skills and developed little by little, learned from my mistakes, learned new things, the whole 9 yards. And yet I get people who just assume I was born with my skills instead of developing them myself and try to guilttrip me into feeling bad how I'm better than them. Fuck that, get your lazy ass up and start working. My first costumes were a hot mess, but instead of whining about it, I did something about it.

>> No.8703118

>trying to make friends with classmates since they're the only ones I know at uni who are into anime and cosplay
>"what anime are you guys into?"
>Kill la Kill, Attack on Titan, Kuroshitsuji, Bleach, etc
>try to recommend them some other stuff, since they sometimes say they don't know what to watch next
>"ahh I see anon.. cool, but we're gonna rewatch some Bleach and all"
>they make fun of weebs plenty of times and always have this "our cosplays are gonna be so accurate, we're gonna be killer at the con, those weebs got nothing on us" attitude
>mediocre cosplayers at best
>on con we attended together they we're still sewing ON THE DAY, we got to the con 3-4 hours before it ended, one ended up not even using the cosplay because it was still very unfinished
>crying on the inside

It's not like they are bad people, I just don't get some of their attitudes and I'm starting to think it's better I do my thing on my own rather than trying to connect with them just because we have things in common. I just wanted cosplay buddies.

>> No.8703257

I'm getting really tired of passive aggressive post/stances against white people by some people I know.
They either seem to blow things out of proportion or just go full SJW on some trivial matter. I mean goddammit when for example there's comments on how people don't like a certain POC character or whatever they'll post about how "LOL WHITE PEOPLE TEARS" and it gets really tiring after the 25th time seeing it happen.
And it's not even white guilt that seems to make this happen, easily the biggest group I've seen doing this is asian-american girls. Dunno why but that's my experience.

>> No.8703305

>buy nice embroidery thread for project involving a shitfuckton of machine embroidery
>Everything is going fine, no problems at all
>green spool is apparently made of multiple different shorter lengths of thread
>Don't find out until my machine chimes at me and there's a big snarl because it sewed with a loose end
>what the fuck Robison Anton, I thought you were up there with Floriani in quality

I picked it out and it finished the design with very little missing, but still. I hope I don't get any more nasty spool surprises.

>> No.8703423

Cosplayers who get all bitchy and shit coz photographers won't take photos of them and rather shoot another person other then them. Then rant about it on social media saying that they didn't get many photos coz photographers were shooting hotties. Last I checked, me holding a camera I can shoot whoever the fuck I want whenever I want ( as long is flattering of course in case you gulls think otherwise) and I don't take orders from anybody. So if you fit in the category of weebs, cosplaying from anime like aot and sao for instance or just don't the part I wont take a shot unless I'm bored and it most likely be on cgl

>> No.8703436

OT but I've done some super amateur ribbon embroidery and I'm thinking about taking up embroidery proper, do you have any recs in terms of thread/floss for beginners?

>> No.8703484
File: 322 KB, 1200x900, GUMI.full.1531786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw trying to take a wardrobe shot when everything is black

>> No.8703489

Don't worry, I'm sure they weren't referring to you specifically. They were probably talking about cosplay photographers that actually mattered. So just keep on shooting whatever you want.

>> No.8703523


I usually put Floriani thread in my machine because it doesn't break as much as the Robison Anton, but I also have a massive discount at my local shop chain because I bought my absurdly expensive embroidery machine from them. Both brands usually run about $6/spool, but both brands also have about 1100yds on each spool which is NUTS to me.

But if you just want to do hand embroidery, I'll be real with you. You can probably just start with the floss at Joanns, though you may want to separate it into individual strands for hand embroidery because it's more suited to cross stitch in its thicker form.

>> No.8703558

Dawg, please learn sentence structure. What the fuck is this?

>> No.8703571

Try and do it while there is natural lighting, use a good camera, and play with exposure and brightness when editing.

>> No.8703601
File: 2.91 MB, 360x203, shut up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See a bunch of posts on tumblr about how artists should be called out for "whitewashing", fatphobia, transphobia, etc.
>Makes fun of their dislike for SJW and how they are cowards for "being afraid of getting bullied by them"
>Are obviously referencing how the SU fandom essentially harassed some girl into trying to commit suicide for "problematic work" and not in a good way
>Tumblr is convinced it is "their duty" to care SO MUCH about stupid shit like fan art

Are these people for real? Let kids draw shit how they want. God forbid people suck at chosing skin colors or are working through internalized issues regarding shit themselves. Tumblr has to be the only platform I've seen where people take it upon themselves to "correct" artists about their ignorance and offensiveness regarding their work. Even if it's some 13 year old who can only draw lanky anime people, they are instantly fat phobic. What the fuck even is this thought process? Why do they care so much?

>> No.8703602

Don't forget how you can't actually tell them to shut up or they play the "oh I'm mentally ill and underaged!" card.

>> No.8703608

Tired of guys telling me how hot my Lolita is

Bitch I know it's hot, you try wearing
>wool set
>two petticoats
>fleece leggings
>long sleeved blouse
>tee shirt under it all

And not be hot, seriously. Guys need to stop stating the obvious. No joke, this has happened at least 8 or so times in the past few hours. Can't guys just say 'you look nice' or 'I like that dress'

>> No.8703611

because they don't mean that, they mean you look like something they wanna fug. guys who really think you look nice won't say that shit, they'll say 'i like your style' or something else.

>> No.8703616


>> No.8703621

Chill I was joking with him, I'm not stupid

>> No.8703651

I'm 25, in the same transition, and sometimes I get money to spend in burando. Then I get "poor", and I don't think this would happen if I has a good paying job, but I'm still finishing my degree.
Said that, I'm guilty of often telling my Lolita friends I don't have money to go out, or when we together look at releases and get excited about them, say "Ugg I don't have money" or "I have spent too much lately, I just can't afford it". Or when I just bought a new dress and someone shows me something they know fits my liking, I would say I'm too poor now. sometimes is like a self nagging for spending too much in myself instead of gifts for others or whatever.

I notice many Lolitas do this, and not necessarily is humble bragging, it can be a result of how expensive these things are.

All the drama, Btb is an exaggeration of small things that happen. It doesn't represent the total population. If you go to a meetup thinking people are like that, there is a possibility that if you see a similar behavior, you will be put off even if there is nothing really. People are more complex than that and it takes time to know them.

>> No.8703659

>buy bag for first lolita coord
>so excited, gonna wear it soon
>bag should have arrived already, where is it
>contact seller
>get tracking number
>item was sent to wrong country and is now being returned
>what wtf
>check paypal transaction, whole address is correct except for fucking country field, which has my home country instead of current one

Ugh, it's the second time it happened

>order supposedly black tights for coord
>tights arrive, have absolutely 0 black in it, they are completely brown
>complain to seller
>"sorry, we'll update store info and can give you 5$ store credit?"
>I don't even wear brown and don't intend to purchase from you anymore, thanks

The universe doesn't want me to be lolita

>> No.8703663

>have stable finance because dem savings
>can basically buy whatever I want
>classmate show me her new watch, handbag and phone. Suddenly talk about how she only wears mac makeup because muh animals
>assume she is interested in high end stuff
>show some of my recent purchases. maybe we could bond over superficial stuff
>oh ma gawd anon, how do you have so much money??
>she keep bringing it up
>makes me uncomfortable and I just say savings
>BUT how do you save so much??
>bite the bullet and tell her about how I make extra money from flipping dresses(even though it isn't much and has nothing to do with my savings)
>why don't you open a business? I'm sure there is a lot of people out there with that kind of fetish

She is the most annoying person I have ever met. She would open LOL on her laptop screen and go "hah, that's how much of a nerd I am" or make a book/movie reference and say "yah, silly me, I think in books"

>> No.8703666

Can someone remind me why furfags are cancer?
Saw some super cute fursuits and liked them

>> No.8703694
File: 15 KB, 397x295, 429206825194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You contradicted yourself there m8.
>she lies about buying cosplays.
>she writes posts about herself buying cosplays.

Pick a story and stick with it.

>> No.8703759

1000x this

had two bad experiences with french people, last girl tried to invoice in euros when she sold in USD, and then when i called her out on it she sent my dress crumpled in a ball and shoved in a bag

>> No.8703771

>mfw I know that feel
I have some friends/relatives that like make-up but are kinda poor, so talking with them about my high-end make-up/clothes/perfume is always awkward.
>"I like your eyeshadow, where did you get it?" "Oh it's urbay decay naked palette" "How much is it?" "um, like $45..."
>"What's your perfume, it never seems to fade!" "Prada Candy" "What? So expensive!"
>and so on and so on

>> No.8703776

slightly unrelated so sage, but how effective has flipping been? I've considered trying it once I get my wardrobe built up, that is not scalping but buying overseas and flipping accordingly. Is it worth your time? I know it's not a ton of cash.

>> No.8703779

I keep getting the opposite.
>omg anon aren't you sooo cold in that?!? I know you like skirts and all but you shouldn't sacrifice comfort for beauty lol it's totally not worth it!!1
Dude I'm wearing a wool dress, undershirt, cardigan, petticoat, two pairs of tights, socks and boots underneath a long wool coat. It's not even freezing out. I can guarantee I'm more toasty than you in your sweatshirt, jeans and converse. Stop pretending to be concerned about me.

>> No.8703879

It was two weeks since they told me that they would confirm before asked very politely if I could get a refund. Still silence, so I've taken it to Paypal disputes. I don't want to be /that/ lolita that makes companies want to avoid 'entitled' westerners, but they've been terribly unprofessional, whereas other shopping services and middleman companies have been very prompt with their services elsewhere.

>02/11/2015 06:03 GMT-05:00 - Buyer: I placed my order on October 5th, was invoiced a few days later. Paid immediately. A week later, I went to check my order status, and it still said I hadn't paid. I sent customer support an e-mail about it, and it was a few days before they responded. I was told 11 days after I had paid that the item I wanted was sold out. They told me they would notify me the following week with confirmation whether they can get the materials to craft me a new item. It has been two weeks since that e-mail, and I have received no further communication despite trying to contact them several times.

>05/11/2015 16:20 GMT-05:00 - Buyer: I had hoped the dispute would grab their attention more quickly, but it seems like there is still silence on their end. I am able to provide the e-mails between myself and qutieland, as well as provide the order info for the status page if you let me know which address of the dispute investigators to forward it to. As my item isn't in stock or even in the process of getting materials to be made, I don't think there's any harm to qutieland in having my money returned. Otherwise, I feel they are either unreliable, or stringing me along to keep my money without sending a product.

>> No.8704218

Why are flavour of the month series (like Undertale and Steven Universe) so hugbox-y? I love the series themselves and I look at the threads sometimes, but I feel like I'm on Reddit or Tumblr. Is it just because people from Tumblr are coming onto /cgl/?
>inb4 muh sekrit club

>> No.8704224

Tumblr frigging loathes 4chan, anon. They think we are all evil doxers out to silence the SJWs. No I am not kidding.
And SU is popular because it panders to tumblr, and Undertale had fanart done by some popular artists and has a bunch of Lets Plays of it on youtube. And now they can scream about 'muh non-binary protagonist'.
The threads for those are fine because they are self-containing themselves from shitting up our board with autism. And they are most likely from tumblr because they don't change the image titles from all their tumblr image posts. We simply don't care and ignore them.

>> No.8704227
File: 87 KB, 424x470, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting a divorce
>yaaaay no cons, cosplay or Lolita until I get the leach out of my life
It's just a sad time all around. Fuck you Gary.

>> No.8704393


>> No.8704430

Just bought a dress from someone in France with no feedback but she answered my questions right away. Hoping I don't regret this... If it doesn't work out, no French buyers is going in my own terms of sale lol

>> No.8704447

Big fandoms have always been hugboxy, even edgelord ones, where have you been? You don't even have to go far. The bullshit "/co/ is love" name existed for a reason, and it wasn't because it was full of genuinely good people. It was full of socially retarded enablers masturbating over Power Girl's tits.

>> No.8704450

lol, make sure to put down no niggers and gay too

>> No.8704457

France is doing that just fine themselves

>> No.8704590

That sort of thing pisses me off! Thank god for cross-border shipping services...

>> No.8704648
File: 104 KB, 500x281, tears.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa this was ATL comm? i was going to join it too but now im scared too. will i get bullied like this too?

>> No.8704658

Post pics

>> No.8704675

>Been hitting the gym and getting my diet in order finally no longer a hungry skeleton putting on muscle and actually starting to look decent and generally get my life in order

>Hair starts falling rapidly out

I was hoping that it might have been a stress or diet thing, but it turns out it was just bad genetics

>> No.8704687

Well, I bet you look cute bald anon

>> No.8704690
File: 2.42 MB, 1600x900, The_Saitama_Fanclub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what to do anon

>> No.8704701

>offended someone by wearing Nameless Poem at school

Can people not mind their own fucking business? If something offends you, but isn't physically harming anyone, let it fucking go. Don't make a scene about it and call me out on the town Facebook group

Fucking cunts

>> No.8704707

I guess it would also make wigs a tad easier to use.

>> No.8704807

wait...what? Someone called you out on a town FB group for wearing Lolita?

>> No.8704905

Yeah, basically. Someone screenshot it and sent it to me that night.

I posted on the feels thread wondering if it would happen, and I did.

I had cross motifs on and offended a woman

>> No.8705061

being a dude when you want to do accurate girl cosplays.

>> No.8705068

I'm not white and even I agree with that. These people are so annoying, I get that some of them actually make "lol white people" comments as jokes and can be nice if they want to but it's just not funny or interesting at all. It's like they want tl distance themselves from white people but they just can't stop thinking about them in a negative way anyway. Good thing I mostly know people like that on the internet, they're easy to avoid.

>> No.8705469

I'm getting frustrated with the trend of super long length dresses by classic brands lately. I'm very petite- short, with a short torso and I rarely fit the proportions of western clothes properly, even if they fit me size-wise. Cue me getting into lolita and finally with asian-proportioned clothes I can actually find things that fit me properly! Hooray! ...Now my favorite brands (namely IW but also AATP/Baby) are starting to lengthen the proportions and general skirt length of their items, and I'm having the same problem all over again.

I hate looking so stubby in all these 100cm+ dresses but some of the releases I've liked recently don't come in any shorter length options that will flatter my proportions, if at all. I find it ironic since AP is shortening many of their items but I usually don't have much interest in their designs, and I don't want to deal with their bloodbath releases anyway.

>> No.8705534

I have to agree with this... I've heard so many horror stories about French buyers/sellers even dating back to ebay days, and also their post stealing items. In addition to that, their poor english makes me worried if something goes wrong we won't be able to understand each other or they'll use it as an excuse. I won't buy from a French seller if their english in their listing isn't clear enough, and even then probably only if they have good selling feedback.

I always have this problem too. That or they don't answer what you're actually asking, just tell you things you already know, and if you point this out, you get called a salty bitch or told 'we won't spoonfeed you!!' or whatever. And then you see some of the braindead questions that do get answers... It can be really disheartening.

I kinda feel this but mostly because of how whiteknight-y cgl can get about people like her or CG. She on her own isn't so bad. So, what >>8697754 said.

This, and especially the scalpers like Pinoream.

>> No.8705659

Only slightly related, but my dad was so distraught when I went out to eat with him, and he made a point of making sure I was using proper table manners. I thought it was kind of anal at the time, but I think back on it when I go out to eat and I make a good impression on potential friends/employers. Good table manners really are important.

>> No.8705950
File: 102 KB, 774x1032, FB_IMG_1446941679903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wearing as little as possible and calling it cosplay..... In this case it's so close you can see her snatch. And this is why the con goers stare.

>> No.8705971

> male with curly hair

>> No.8706173
File: 82 KB, 494x651, literallynowords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck do girls fucking do this?
Almost every female cosplay page I follow either has a link to an amazon wishlist, patreon, or both.

Why is it so hard for these grownups to just work and try and earn their shit. they have NO RIGHT to be mad because they can't get their handouts. And what's worse are the male "fan" who constantly white-knight and dote on them by giving them empty compliments in hopes to get in their pants.

Yaya and JNig are pretty much fully to blame for all of this.
I don't hate them, and it's cool that they managed to turn their hobby into carriers, but now every girl between the age of 15-25 who liked to cosplay has their own facebook fanpage in hopes to somehow get the miracle of becoming famous.

>> No.8706191

Following up to this.

It really irritates the fuck out of me when people just cosplay things/characters they don't even know or like, and cosplay them solely for the fact of "this character looks cute" or it's the flavor of the month.
They say there's no such thing as a "fake geek girl". I say bullocks to that cosplayers
are probably the biggest attention whores I've seen who will easily fake something just to get attention.
Back in the old days the only way you could really cosplay a character is to read the books, play the games, show the show, etc.find the character you liked and make the costume from scratch or buy a cheapo party costume. In other words know your shit and actually be a fan.
But know we have the internet and anyone can just go and look up a character on google, know nothing about them (not even their name) and dress up as them.
And people who say "oh it doesn't matter" are just as bad. because I can guarantee you (because I've seen it happen in person) that if another fan decided to talk to you because you were dressed up as a character that you don't know anything about, they are going to very quickly find out and you're going to look like a fucking idiot/tool.
I mean if someone has enough time to dote over a random characters design that they make a full cospaly out of it, then they have time to sit down and try and get into the series the character comes from.

(I know I'm mostly referring to women in these rants, but it's where I primarily see all this corruption and shit happening. I know there are also men who do this too, but it's more prevalent with women from everything i've seen.)

>> No.8706288

She's clearly in cosplay of Ash Ketchum, even if it is also clearly meant to be fap bait. I'd agree if it's not a costume at all, but I'd take a hundred skimpy cosplay over another "AU / Punk / Slave Leia/ Steam punk / Inuyasha / Deadpool" version of XXXXX

>> No.8707194

honest question but where would we learn it from? No one teaches it at school, I don't know anyone who's family puts an emphasis on it. You just eat normally/politely idk

>> No.8707765

>following that attention whore that won't stop posting her ugly ass mug everywhere on CGL
>being surprised that someone that desperate wants money
Not even once

>> No.8708310

All of those statements are true.

>> No.8709043

If all of your critics are telling you to lose weight, you should probably lose weight. Assuming you're even capable of taking criticism instead of pretending to be a victim.

>> No.8709047

Nobody cares what color you are or who you dress up as. You don't matter.

>> No.8709051

Fat people are simply inferior to thin people. Doesn't matter if it's under your control or not.

>> No.8709056

Fuck off, faggot. Fun is only allowed if I approve it first.

>> No.8709058

The society you live in determines which hobbies are acceptable. How you feel about it is irrelevant.

>> No.8709063

We don't care if it motivates you or not. Being fat is wrong, and we will never allow you to feel good about yourself until you fix yourself.

>> No.8709066

Wrong. The recipient's feelings are irrelevant. It's not bullying.

>> No.8709070

Your coworkers are better than you in every way.

>> No.8709073

Yes they were.

>> No.8709427

Attractive people are always better in every way. Deal with it.