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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 795 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-10-15-01-05-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8668433 No.8668433 [Reply] [Original]

Bad photo thread everyone? It doesnt necessarily mean a bad cosplay, just bad photography, bad editing etc. I will start with this one.

>> No.8669146

Petition for photographers to get their shit together and tell people when their wigs are messy

>> No.8669152

Fucking this

>> No.8669166

There's so much stuff photographers need to let people know.

>wigs are mess
>wig cap showing
>parts on costumes are crooked
>petticoats or other parts are peaking out when they're not suppose to
>jewelry is backwards(like a pendant that's flipped over)

>> No.8669178

>anything visibly wrong with make-up, eyelashes falling off, smudged, shiny face etc.
>basically if it can be fixed then and there, and if you won't/don't want to fix it in photoshop, let them know
>please for the love of god
>we will adore you for it

>> No.8669183

For the love of god yes! I promise I promise I'll hang out here for a little bit longer if you make sure I get a better picture. I'm not going to fly away if you tell me I need to adjust something.

>> No.8669323

It's shit wigs to begin with

>> No.8669757

If it's an impromptu shoot, like at a convention or something, it'll be impossible to get a "perfect" shot, especially if you shoot at the end of a convention when everyone's costume and makeup is in shambles.

Just use your creativity, shoot people in the best way you can given the circumstances, and that'll be enough.

>> No.8669759

OP's photo isn't bad because of the wigs, it's bad because of the bad models, bad posing, and bad composition.

I don't know who the characters are, their kissing looks awkward, fake and contrived, and if they are in a cosplay, no one would know because you can't fucking see it.

>> No.8669760
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>> No.8669770
File: 297 KB, 1436x2048, 12113368_415602355315229_537719045712439936_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy thinks he's the best photog in the world and so cocky, but really is CRAP. He also tries to touch girls during shoots without asking. Fucking creepy asshole.

>> No.8669773

what the fuck is supposed to be behind her? Tails? Were they the wrong color and they shooped them to be the right color?

>> No.8669775
File: 383 KB, 1365x2048, 12095246_480774535433870_4718543372657936602_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What they really look like.

>> No.8669828

photographer here. i've started bringing pocket mirrors with me and telling people to do last checks before we start shooting.
i try to familiarize myself with a character beforehand so i can point out certain things about a costume that need to be fixed, but i've also had some people change what cosplay they want me to shoot without informing me, so they just show up as some character i've never seen before. in those cases i have no idea if something is out of place or if that's just how the character is supposed to look.
also let's be real, most cosplay photographers you meet at cons are amateurs, and they aren't going to be looking for stuff like that. it would be nice if all photographers would point stuff out to cosplayers, but ultimately it's your costume and you're responsible for its presentation.

>> No.8669840

I just wish photographers would tell people (me) when they look really stiff and awkward. I got photos back from a con earlier this year and in most of them I looked really stressed out/stiff/seized up and it wasn't good.

>> No.8669875
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>> No.8669879
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>> No.8669881
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>> No.8669883
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>> No.8669885
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>> No.8669886
File: 41 KB, 960x640, 11855734_1629058777379137_3247776198741237801_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pb in b&w???

>> No.8669888
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>> No.8669889
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>> No.8669891
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>> No.8669895
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>> No.8669898
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>> No.8669906
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>> No.8669909
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>> No.8669914
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>> No.8670100
File: 133 KB, 640x960, 12115633_944513252280636_3574795783300910883_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Those fucking colors
>Flat faces because of awful shoop
>Shitty composition
>Awful cropping

>> No.8670102


Holy shit! These photos are blinding! Somebody tell the photographer/editor to slow down on that exposure and highlight tool!

>> No.8670104


Would it hurt to lessen the flash on these pictures? My eyes hurt looking at these.

>> No.8670118

Was like wtf, these look about right... Then I realized my screen brightness was at the lowest possible setting, turned it up.. Wow saw what you meant, it's too bad really!

>> No.8671321

I actually have a friend who's just getting into cosplay photography and I'm trying to give him tips on things to look out for with cosplay photography. Care to share if there's anything else cosplayers want to be informed about when they are having their photos taken by a professional?

>> No.8671338

Don't be a fucking creep, that's the primary thing. So many of them are creeps that want photos for fap material and only shoot 'sexy cosplays'

Be respectful, ask before touching or positioning a person, ask if they have anything specific pose wise. It's great to have photos of poses in advance to show, like on their phone, to show. Be friendly, be kind to your customers. Word spreads of shit photographers, and not rarely do people speak of good ones.

>> No.8672420
File: 92 KB, 640x960, 12068522_892459134162671_5179040503506007685_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8672433

Ask beforehand if they have any angles/birth marks/things they're insecure about so you can organise to avoid shooting those.

Again, always try, though it's not always possible, to point out things that can be fixed. Bring a little mirror for cosplayers to see if they look okay. Show them a few shots at the beginning at the shoot and talk about what they do and don't like.

Yeah, don't be creepy, be professional as possible. If there's anything you want them to do in advance i.e look up poses, don't be afraid to ask them to do it. Don't be afraid to direct them, as well, but give respect if they're not comfortable with it.

Get photos up reasonably soon, or give a time frame for them to expect them, and how many they're going to get. Don't leave someone hanging for months.

This is the ideal photographer, basically.

>> No.8672476

aight so, from one photographer to... Anyone snapping pictures, really.

I understand that we're not all pros, that sometimes you just take hall photos or snap a few with your friends but please, please PLEASE if you do absolutely NOTHING else, crop and straighten your photos. Photos from meetups taken with 50% blank space? Crop that shit.

Also, spending a little time with photo editing software (freeware like rawtherapee works fine) to get the most of your photos can really bump them from "ew" to "sure".

Be mindful of image composition. If you're bad at thinking on the fly, plan poses and framings beforehand. Use the crop tool to fix up composition post-prod. It's trial and error, but taking the time to look at your photos while editing will help you a lot when it comes to knowing what works and what doesn't.

>> No.8672686


Part of that problem is that some people aren't use to posing or acting. They don't know how to express emotion. So even if you have a great director who will do all they can to get a reaction, it can only go so far...

>> No.8673386
File: 243 KB, 471x266, cry_some_more_by_digicaek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAAAHHH!!! Cosplay phoographers don't want to shoot my boring cosplay, they only want to shoot the cosplayers with their tits hanging out..."

Cry some more.

>> No.8673388

That wasn't even the main point of what they were saying... so, what kind of mentality do you have if that's what you focused on?

>> No.8673396

Fuck what they're saying. I'm tired of the implication, "all photographer are creeps by default".

I like tits. If I can, I'm gonna shoot tits. That doesn't make me the fucking devil. If you don't want to show me tits, that's fine. But you're going to go to the bottom of the list.

>> No.8673402

>But you're going to go to the bottom of the list.
>as are you to any cosplayer or photography community worth their salt

>> No.8673404

>Implying cosplayers or cosplay communities' endorsements are worth anything

Seriously. There's no money in cosplay. That's why there are no "professional" photographers in cosplay. Just a bunch of amateurs and hobbyists.

Cosplayers, stop acting stuck up. You're still, at the end of the day, just a girl in a homemade costume. Your shit does, in fact stink. Get over yourself.

>> No.8673406

Preferring subjects based on how sexually attracted you are to them does not make you the "fucking devil" but it does make you a shallow creep.

>> No.8673413

You guys seem to fail to understand that


And I will not be shamed for it. If I want to shoot tits, I will shoot tits.

>> No.8673423

You seem to be getting upset, maybe you should go look at some boobs and calm down, since they are the most important things in the world to you.

>> No.8673427

Not upset; just wanted to use the emphasis so that you couldn't miss my point (though your ad hominem attack kinda shows me that you missed it anyway).

>> No.8673436

No, I got your point, hell, I even said so up there: you prioritize your subjects based on how sexually attracted you are to them. My point: that makes you a creep. Sorry buddy.

>> No.8673443

No, idiot.

My point is that I shoot what I am most inspired by. If that's tits, then it's tits. If it's armored cosplay, then it's that. If it's crossplayed Marvel Zombies, then it's that.

Cosplayers actively campaign that all cosplay is accepted, even if it's shit-tier, store bought costumes of incredibly oversaturated characters. Why then isn't all photography accepted?

Fuck your "creep" labeling. If all photographers decided today that they were done with your pathetic whining, and wouldn't shoot any more revealing cosplays (not that these lame clowns would EVER stand up for themselves in any shape form or fashion, but I digress), you would all whine about how we're "slut-shaming".

I wish you guys would stop complaining. You're actively ruining the culture that I was raised on. If things are so fucking bad, fuck the fuck off and create your own fandom with completely covered characters that have no sex, and combat the patriarchy in their daily adventures. See how far that gets you.

>> No.8673448

Those two things don't really correlate. People can dress up however they want because it really only affects them as long as they aren't being 2lewd. If you want to be a photographer that photographs boobs, then you're gonna need boobs to photograph, presumably ones that belong to other people.

Are you going to TELL them you're only interested in photographing them because of their boobs? If you're fine with being upfront about it, then go ahead, but understand that most people, regardless of if they are a cosplayer or not, are going to find you creepy. If you feel the need to hide what your interests are, and not tell your subjects why you are shooting with them, then you're a dishonest creep. Your pick!

>> No.8673450

Are you seriously suggesting that no girl who cosplays a sexy character, or who CONSCIOUSLY changes a character's design to make it MORE sexy, understands the reason she gets more attention from photographers? Are you really this dumb?

>> No.8673453

>complains about ad hominem
>does ad hominem
lol oh u, where did I say any of that?

>> No.8673457

> Are you going to TELL them you're only interested in photographing them because of their boobs?

Why the fuck would I tell a cosplayer that when they CHOOSE or CHANGE a character precisely for the amount of boobs (or ass, or legs, etc.) they show?

> If you feel the need to hide what your interests are, and not tell your subjects why you are shooting with them, then you're a dishonest creep.

My portfolio is strong as fuck. I don't even have any "boob cosplays" in my cosplay work. That said, a motherfucker isn't going to tell me I'm a creep because I want to shoot someone sexy in a sexy cosplay. Not to mention female cosplay photographers (even lesbian or bisexual ones) don't have to deal with this assumption problem.

And the reason why I asked if you're stupid was not intentional ad hominem, but to ask if you really are stupid, seeing as how the answer to the questions you're asking me is CONTAINED in the post you're basing your questions on.

Just stop.

>> No.8673465

So you have psychic powers and can tell when a girl has picked a character based solely on tits and ass exposure? Neat. You know every franchise ever and can tell when a costume is not canon or an alt, and has been altered by the cosplayer for sex appeal? Cool! What a talented man you are.

Sarcasm aside, I think it generally is pretty obvious when a woman is okay with you finding her sexy in her cosplay. Finding sexiness is not an issue. Approaching her for photos based on her sexiness is not really an issue, either. But being open about being like that is creepy, dude. Ignoring other cosplays for photoshoots, regardless of the skill involved in making them, in favor of titty cosplays, is weird. You're thinking with your dick. If you do that, fine okay sure, but at least OWN it and stop the tantrum.

>> No.8673470

Im just happy to see a cosplay of these tbh

>> No.8673473


Me: Why the fuck would I tell a cosplayer [that I want to shoot with her because of her sex appeal] when they CHOOSE or CHANGE a character precisely for the amount of boobs (or ass, or legs, etc.) they show?

You: So you have psychic powers and can tell when a girl has picked a character based solely on tits and ass exposure? Neat. You know every franchise ever and can tell when a costume is not canon or an alt, and has been altered by the cosplayer for sex appeal? Cool! What a talented man you are.

At this point, me asking you if you're stupid would only make me look stupid.

I've seen photos of a Princess Peach with her entire ass hanging out. I don't know for SURE it's not an official alternate costume, but I can make an educated guess that it's not. There are plenty of other examples. Google "Sexy _____" and be amazed.

I didn't say that I only shoot revealing cosplays, and I actually said that I don't have ANY revealing cosplay shots in my portfolio, so according to your own standards, I'm not weird or a creep. I'm responding to the other anon, who was mad at an unnamed photographer that didn't want to shoot with her because her cosplay was boring, or they just felt like shooting with the more revealing, more attractive coslayers.

"Thinking with your dick" is an old, respected, and valid approach to creating art, and should not be shamed. Do you think the Old Masters didn't choose models based on how much they wanted to fuck them? Or that the successful photographers of today don't do the same? Sexually charged art is still art.

Fuck your naivete. If no one wants to shoot with you, it's because you're boring. If you want people to shoot with you, give them a reason to. No one can force you to cosplay something other than Attack on Harley Quinn, so you have NO RIGHT to tell any photographer what they should or should not be shooting.

Grow the hell up, and get over yourself.

>> No.8673481

Man you are so mad. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't shoot shit, I'm saying preferring boobs over craftsmanship is creep behavior.

>"Thinking with your dick" is an old, respected, and valid approach to creating art, and should not be shamed
>Sexually charged art is still art
Weren't you just screaming about how cosplayers need to get over themselves and they're just people in handmade costumes? So now suddenly these cosplayers are art--oh, excuse me, they're only art if YOU make them art. Right, right.

Also the original anon you were replying to emphasized being respectful. The fact that you COMPLETELY blew past the whole "being respectful" point to throw a baby tanty over what you ASSUMED anon's issue was says a whole lot about you as a person, bub.

>> No.8673515

Your trolling is masterful. 10/10 for making me respond this many times.

>> No.8673518

No problem bro it was hilarious watching you blow your top. Thanks for making my morning entertaining.

>> No.8673530

Why are you behaving like a butthurt neck beard? It is 100% creepy as shit to only shoot with someone because of tits. Imagine if someone were like "I'm only interested in shooting with you because you have a large dick bulge"

That's fucked and weird as shit, you should want to snap them for more reasons other than that and just because someone wears a sexy cosplay, doesn't mean that they expect photographers only wanna shoot with them because of their boobs.

The princess peach example you used was of a fucking porn star, so you're really not helping your case with that.

>> No.8673533

Don't even bother, he's convince that shooting with his cock (lol) makes his cosplayer photos True Art. Honestly as far as I'm concerned if he really does stick with slutty cosplayers - vs projecting his perception of sluttiness on any cosplayer with a nice pair of boobs - then his creepy ass and their nerd-exploiting titties are a match made in heaven.

>> No.8673540


Oh lordy! That's just sad and could have been remedied with Lightroom.

>> No.8673557

Show "strong as fuck" portfolio

>> No.8673570
File: 87 KB, 559x324, Strongasfuckportfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8673573

It wasn't a porn star, it was a very popular cosplayer. VeraBaby. Even if she was a porn star, that's irrelevant; a cosplayer is still a cosplayer no matter their day job.

Calling people creeps isn't going to make them want to shoot with you any more. In fact, by now, whenever I hear that word, I think of a disgruntled cosplayer crying sour grapes.

No thx. I'll reman anonymous. I'm sure you've seen something from it though.

>> No.8673574

I lold

>> No.8673602

She's a cam whore, a low level tier of wannabe porn actors, like Suicide Girls or Cosplay Deviants. Let's call a spade a spade now.

And popular? Only cause she takes her clothes off for the lonely virgins at home hoping to press their flesh against her's, just a degree short of Buffalo fucking Bill skinning and rubbing lotion tier

>> No.8673763

The shiny thing on her right arm looks like tacos.

>> No.8673817


I think the whole argument is based on misunderstanding of the scale of the other person's argument.

They are not saying you can't take photos just because of tits, nor are they saying you shouldn't. They're saying that taking photos based largely or solely on tits will probably make people assume you to be a creeper, and probably caused them to assume you are a creeper.

You have to understand that for every "artist" who is enraptured and inspired by the female form, there are 10 people who are using the camera to get material for their spank bank and nothing else, or even try to manipulate young girls into sexual favors or taking compromising photos.

It should come as no surprise that when you say you are only interested in tits, that's that they perceive you as. When you hear hoofbeats, you don't expect a zebra, you expect a horse.

As far as escalation goes, they start off by making a statement of fact about how people will perceive you based on your claim, and then that is interpreted as a personal attack. You counter in a defensive fashion, basing your assumption that they are unreasonable on the perceived, but not actual personal attack. They feel attacked and so double down, still not successfully conveying their point.

You reiterate and change gears, talking about legitimate artists being inspired by the female form. They take this to be an implicit comparison of yourself to the Great Masters, eg. A boast. They now assume you to be an egotistical pervert, and therefore unreasonable. It only gets worse from there.

This whole thing is based on one misunderstanding, which is the fact that no matter what your true reasoning is for fixating on tits, you're going to resemble the perverts who only want pornography or sex of you're vocal about your tit fixation.

>> No.8673837
File: 261 KB, 631x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek

Also returning to bad Cosplay photos
>what does the costume even look like
>where is her face
>shitty running water for no proper reflection
>what was even the point of this photo

>> No.8673853

I like you.

>> No.8673864

>come to /cgl/ for shits n giggles
>see this thread
>photo editing
As a photographer you people have no idea how much shit like this infuriates me

>> No.8673988

>being aroused by a half-naked cosplayer is almost like being a serial killer who skins women alive

Hyperbole much?

>> No.8674000
File: 311 KB, 640x1001, resized_82d550ec4c38e3d84ae6e0ed2a78f9aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suppose to be this

>> No.8674031

I hate it when photogs don't know how sunspots work.

>> No.8674126
File: 774 KB, 1632x2048, 12087058_697470277054106_6306526506209793047_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty photo incoming.

I hate it when idiots buy cheapass DSLRs and run around proclaiming themselves as photographer. It's really annoying especially when their output is shit and they make their models look bad and the photos they produce look like they came right out off a cheap digicam.

>> No.8674142

A free shoot is a free shoot.

Even if the photos suck, you get practice modeling.

>> No.8674151
File: 70 KB, 960x655, 11873443_672595696208231_8731475000045767460_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's not me in the photo. These people just take shitty photos in general.

>> No.8674155
File: 93 KB, 960x640, 1622035_599092280225240_2448940252165621519_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Makes me sad and angry at the same time.

>> No.8674160
File: 846 KB, 960x621, 1444977331923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to fix it and I just couldn't.
Looks pretty good in b/w though

>> No.8674177


You tried

>> No.8674184

This thread has me somewhat nervous, I inherited my dads old nikon and was planning to learn how to use the thing at a con this month. Do congoers expect the pictures you take of them to actually be usable or am i safe just asking for pictures without offering to send them/post them somewhere?

>> No.8674185
File: 231 KB, 960x639, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't look too bad in b/w either

>> No.8674192

As a cosplayer it makes me sad to have photos taken and not ever see them. Even if they're not that great, I'd like to be able to see.

>> No.8674205


>Cheapass DSLRs

Just letting you know, it's not always the body that makes the photo. A "cheapass" body can still produce better photos than those expensive Canon 5DMarkIII bodies.

But I agree on the point that sometimes I see dudes carrying around shit camera stuff and saying "Oh yeah, uh, I'm a photographer too." as an excuse for getting in the way of my photoshoot. Get out my face and understand what the fuck your camera does before you come up to me with that shit.

>> No.8674221

I recently got into photography, mostly because my ex wanted me to get into it, but it's become a pretty nice hobby. I don't understand everything about how my camera works. I've got the basics down when it comes to ISO, aperture, and lenses, but I'd still think of myself as just a guy with a camera, not a photographer. It still makes me happy to have good photos come out once in a while, and even better to see the cosplayers ecstatic about it.

>> No.8674238

Then you have to practice. Don't be scared. Shoot, shoot, ad shoot some more.

Your photos WILL be horrible at first, as everyone's was. Continue. Study the techniques and work of a photographer you admire, and emulate it.

Pretty soon, you'll git gud and be able to make the big cosplay bucks. :D

>> No.8674244

> But I agree on the point that sometimes I see dudes carrying around shit camera stuff and saying "Oh yeah, uh, I'm a photographer too." as an excuse for getting in the way of my photoshoot.

Even worse than this are the guys who carry around $3000 worht of cameras and lenses, with NO CLUE how to use that gear to produce a photo that isn't blown out or out of focus.

I'm shooting with equipment that is literally broken, and I outshoot them every single time.

>> No.8674297


Who are you, me? I swear this is what I would've said half a year ago. Every part, even the reason for photography.

Keep that modesty and always practice. Look at good photos (I personally follow bunnytuan because of how she shoots) and learn the techniques and you'll be alright. Best of luck. You'll suck at first and hate your old photos but goddamn will it feel good when you learn and improve.


OOhhhhhh fucking this. I haven't dealt with anyone like that yet, but I'd bet it is a hella rewarding feeling being able to produce something that nice and still having a functional bank account.

>> No.8674320


HDR is not always your friend, fauxtographers.

>> No.8674340

This is pretty on point, though my doubling-down was more based on the assumption that he was just trolling or trying to stir shit with his response. I figured he was another crossboarder here to poke at the tiger dressed like genderbent Naruto in its cage, so to speak. Can see where you got a different idea from, though.

>> No.8674388

>if I wanna shoot boobs I'll shoot boobs
>I don't have any boob cosplays in my cosplay work

Gee, I wonder where those went. Sounds creepy to me.

>> No.8674414
File: 21 KB, 640x360, idolmaster-20-chihaya-tears-joy-happiness-relief-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anons, I'll always keep that in mind.
I had my first photoshoot at AWA recently, got some decent photos, realized I could've done a lot better, but I was still surprised by getting good photos in the first place. I'm looking forward to do some work at Katsucon.

Also, I really look up to GQ Bravo and his works. I love his editing style and his lighting set up. He really knows how to make the cosplayers and everything around them stand out.

>> No.8674419

>another crossboarder here to poke at the tiger dressed like genderbent Naruto in its cage, so to speak
This is a wonderful phrase and I'm stealing it.

Also you two are both raising good points.

>> No.8674459

i was recently going through a local con's tag on tumblr when i found this super garbage looking photo. i looked at the exif and do you know what that fucker was shooting with?
a hasselblad h5d-200c
the camera body alone costs $45,000
i was very buttmad

>> No.8674467

>that's how much I owe on my mortgage
Jesus christ.

>> No.8674477


>> No.8674479


>> No.8674488

it's the 6th post down

>> No.8674506

wouldn't let me post more than one link at a time so here's their website too

>> No.8674513


>> No.8674515


He is SO BAD.

>> No.8674517
File: 219 KB, 736x373, tumblr_inline_nrz1yqhzEb1rcfkq4_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8674571


From his Facebook page:

>Looking Forward to attending ANIME FUSION in Bloomington, Mn. Oct 16th to 18th. Hoping to hook up with the members of DAIKON COSPLAY to break the cherry on our new Hasselblad H5d-200C medium format camera!!! Just look for the geeks with the biggest camera, and ask for a free high quality photo!

This is my official least favorite photographer in the world now.


>> No.8674589

Someone pissed off the betafag.

>> No.8674593

Omg dude, chill the fuck out. You're getting so butthurt, and you sound like a total fuckin creep.

>> No.8674596

Oh just get the hell out of the thread, already. Nobody fucking cares; shoo.

>> No.8675216


I have avoided HDR. Always looked like shit on my phone. I understand it can look amazing in certain cases, but none of those cases afaik involve a human subject.

Plus, can't find HDR settings on phone or postprocessor. Mixed blessing.

>> No.8675217


Meant to say can't find it on camera. It's 5AM I'm out of it.

>> No.8675221
File: 73 KB, 876x291, 2015-10-19_02-09-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8675607


Oh my god!

>> No.8675867
File: 471 KB, 1024x682, cool-hdr-photo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing shitty HDR on a phone to a proper HDR composite image
Protip: It's not just a button you slap on a photo in post processing afterwards. The human eye has a wider dynamic color range than any camera can capture in a single photo. HDR photography is just taking multiple photos of the same subject at different exposures and blending them together to allow for a wider color range.

>> No.8675890

I cry

>> No.8675963


I know what HDR is and I know the difference of shitty phone HDR and shitty camera manually done HDR (as in a feature on the phone and the process from photo). I'm just saying that both examples of HDR have been very unimpressive (from my end and from examples of HDR, I visit /p/ and there's a thread on HDR now I think) and the practical use of HDR from what I've seen is for something that doesn't involve a human subject. Unless you can show me otherwise (I'd love to be proven wrong).

I mean, even your picture makes the scenery look grungy and unsightly. In a grungy environment it makes things look almost comically grungy and takes away the "seriousness" that is probably intended.

tl;dr HDR sucks 99% of the time no matter who does it.

>> No.8675996

Admittedly, I don't know shit about cameras or photography. But I would not want anyone taking a photo of me if it came out looking like that. It looks crap. Unflattering as all hell, dark and grungy, so idk, maybe if you're cosplaying the Joker or some shit. But the kid in that photo looks badly shooped and I can't say I like the photo at all.

>> No.8676029

Maybe he can learn more later from his senpai

>> No.8676032

Looks like deer caught in headlights.

>> No.8676152


Hi everyone!
I'm not ashamed to say that these are mine - I've been shooting for less than a year and am still shooting for free and learning to use my camera/photoshop.

Honestly I'd really love some tough critique on my work. These are definitely NOT my best (both of them were experiments, especially the Anastasia one), but I really would like to improve as I really really love being behind the camera.

>> No.8676168
File: 62 KB, 300x178, 300px-Deena2_ps_by_cbszeto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Composition is cramped, obviously the blown out corner is a problem, and overall you have too much light in the photo. Adjust your settings. Don't be afraid to take test shots to make sure your settings are appropriate before diving into a shoot.
Composition isn't good again, light isn't good (you should try and get something catch lights in people's eyes, it brings life to a person's face) and it looks like you just used the camera's black and white filter, it's very flat. Looks grainy as well.
Pic related, catch lights in a baby's eyes.

>> No.8676182

Thank you!! I'll definitely try to get catch lights the next time I can shoot some friends.

I appreciate your comments on composition, too. That's something I've been working on but I still haven't quite figured out what I like. :)

>> No.8676258


A darker image is always better than a bright image. A darker image can always be fixed in post.

>> No.8676295
File: 326 KB, 2048x1319, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paper tiger photos or whatever used to do shoots in florida but she never got shots of whole cosplays and her editing was always super plastic not to mention she would always try to control every little thing about photo shoots and then only edit very little photos

>> No.8676606

Same here. All these people saying photographers are creeps when it's the minority who are. But what's wrong with photographers taking photos of hot cosplayers especially if they got a nice rack. Please, we're not gonna take photos of fatties and uglies simply coz they're not all that appealing. God damn whiteknights

>> No.8677791

Making a blanket statement about photographers being creepy is like making a blanket statement about how cosplayers are drama llamas. I actually wish photogs would get their shit together and stop working with well known drama llamas. Maybe publically blacklist these cosplayers so other photogs can know who to avoid.

>> No.8677811

Jesus christ lady but your butt away. It's not cute.

>> No.8677866
File: 28 KB, 640x960, 11924300_710019212476364_848087831166827321_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8677889

Vendetta? Did she pay for this work? It's a decent portrait of Lust considering the model looks 4/10.

>> No.8677907

Oh oh there you go, insulting the third of cosplaying hurley faties here. Now you done it, here it comes!

>> No.8677918

I wouldnt mind.

>> No.8677990
File: 53 KB, 364x960, 11254160_410258442502844_6303473125754489034_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8677998

why doesn't she edit her fucking nose, looks like she filled her pores with sugar.

>> No.8678005

Not that bad of a cosplay but she attention whores herself out on the AX Facebook group way too much.

>> No.8678014

Her fucking pores are the least of her problems kek. When I look at this picture I don't see Ponyo. I see a fat woman with too much makeup. Everything about her is too mature to pass as a child. She's struggling with her self image because she shouldn't be the model, simple as that. Ruins the entire photo. She should have hired someone else instead.

>> No.8678025

My issue with this is that poorly fucking tailored cut out on the dress dear god.

>> No.8678119

It's a little dark, but I'm not mad at this photo.

>> No.8678121

I'm not mad at this either; if it had a closer to normal vertical crop, it woudn't be bad at all. Little dark tho.

>> No.8678126
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>> No.8678201
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Damn, at least courtesy edit that shit

>> No.8678530
File: 281 KB, 2048x1366, 11698780_1136107286404921_2182929096552094248_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one thing that even in focus, this would probably be a bad photo, but they uploaded a few photos from this "shoot" out of focus just like this. The worst part is that this is someone that charges people for shoots.

>> No.8678610

why would anyone show what i am assuming is the green screen pole stand in the background

>> No.8678961

No, there is no way he charged someone money for this shot.


Whoever paid even one cent for this should be slapped.

>> No.8679465

That baby has ridiculous eyelashes. Fuck you, baby.

>> No.8679490

The lady in the photo isn't papertiger....

>> No.8679504

>It should be a rule that to be a photographer you have to first spend a year as a cosplayer or a lolita, having your photos of your hard work taken by other photogs.

I'm looking through a cosplayer friends' album, they get lots of photographer attention from being a part of the scene but so many of them crop out parts that you would imagine are a vital part of the costume, or fail to just step one meter to the side to crop out a building etc.
Most lolitas and cosplayers will tell you if you can't see a detail when they take a photo, to give you the chance to fix it, why don't photographers?
It's like they don't understand the point of the photos.

>> No.8679509

Don't get the 'hers' confused. I'm saying the photographer should have picked a more convincing model for the part than what she chose, if she wanted a good photo.

>> No.8679512

The cosplayer booked the photographer and not the other way around I think

>> No.8679519

I've lost interest either way kek.

>> No.8679925

Many cosplay photographers in the cons have never taken a photography course or bothered to learn the fundamentals on their own. They just copy the angles and shit of their friends and etc.

Also depending on how a con is, a photographer may be screwed on how much freedom they have to move around if they're surrounded by ass hat snipers and photo poachers.

>> No.8680004


That greentext is the stupidest shit I've ever read. A photographer should do whatever they please. What does being a cosplayer have to do with taking photos of a cosplayer? A real photographer should work on their craft and understand what's the point in photographing what they're interested in. In the case of cosplay, it should either be of the cosplay or of the character.

Everything else falls under the general umbrella of photography and does not require a photographer to be in the other's shoes to know how to take a photo.

>> No.8680514

>What does being a cosplayer have to do with taking photos of a cosplayer?

Well bub, you just said it, so that they learn to actually focus on "the cosplay or of the character".
Most so-called cosplay photographers just run around taking dumb snaps like "oh yeah I managed to get some trees in the bg even though it's not relevant to the character, score!" "Oh yeah I managed to get a thigh shot of a hot chick even though I made her look like ass in the process, score!". They don't crouch to get a decent shot of shorties, and they don't think to crop shit like bins out when there's enough space to move.

If the cosplayer strikes a good pose in a room that happens to be well lit, the photog suddenly thinks "That's it! I'm great. Better make a page."
They don't look at what they are actually photographing and understand what parts of the costume took effort and so should be included in the shot (not hidden behind an arm or something when directing a pose) or how to actually make a flattering image of someone after they've spent hours putting makeup on. A photographer that doesn't know anything about cosplay isn't helpful to cosplayers.
If a photographer cuts off just above the shoes in a lolita coord, for example, and it's not a portrait shot then that photographer obviously doesn't even know why a lolita wants their picture taken.

It's not like everyone that takes photos at cons needs to be a God, but if you're running around with an expensive lense and a cosplay photography page, you sure as hell better know that getting a great angle on some ass and missing out half of the costume makes you shit.
It's like you didn't even read the post.

>> No.8680544

All that shit you're talking about is basically being a good photographer. You don't need to be a cosplayer to know that.

The thought process is LITERALLY:

>Ok, they're wearing a costume, and trying to be a character
>I should take photos that make people believe they're the character
>And if they made the costume themselves, I should probably take some photos of that too


>> No.8680547

That's all they're saying, dear. The "they should be a cosplayer or lolita first" was hyperbole.

>> No.8680684

I actually like this

>> No.8680695

>Well bub, you just said it, so that they learn to actually focus on "the cosplay or of the character".

Unnecessary for photography.

>Most so-called cosplay photographers just run around taking dumb snaps like "oh yeah I managed to get some trees in the bg even though it's not relevant to the character, score!" "Oh yeah I managed to get a thigh shot of a hot chick even though I made her look like ass in the process, score!". They don't crouch to get a decent shot of shorties, and they don't think to crop shit like bins out when there's enough space to move.

So understand the source material. Like non-cosplay photography would ask for.

> A photographer that doesn't know anything about cosplay isn't helpful to cosplayers.

A photographer doesn't need to know anything more than the fact it's about either the cosplay itself or the cosplay character. If the cosplayer is showing off their cosplay in janky awkward posing it makes the photo look bad and their cos look worse than what it is.

>If a photographer cuts off just above the shoes in a lolita coord, for example

You're not explaining why a photographer needs to cosplay or be in lolita to do photography. You're just explaining what bad photographers would do...

Unless I am looking into the wrong point of the original statement, I'm failing to see why getting involved in the hobby has anything to do with photographing said hobby. If anything, it would be more believable to say:

>It should be a rule that to be a cosplay photographer you have to first spend a year watching anime and playing video games

But even that is fucking stupid.

>> No.8680711


>> No.8681282
File: 70 KB, 655x960, 11902276_672581252876342_938583839101639185_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8681318

>If the cosplayer is showing off their cosplay in janky awkward posing it makes the photo look bad and their cos look worse than what it is.
Which is why it is your job as photographer to tell them. It's like photographers forget that unless you're shooting in front of a big-ass mirror, cosplayers can't see themselves. We don't know if we're posing weird, we're not professional models, which is why we pay for shoots. You can practice a pose for hours and forget to do one little thing on the day, it's normal. Tell them and fix it instead of blaming them for ruining your photo later.

>> No.8681378


I don't think you understand what I meant by that. What I'm saying is a photographer already has to know, just from knowing photography, that what style they're photographing needs attention to certain detail. Narrative requires attention to source material, showing off hard work needs attention to the work done to the cos. In between (thematic showing off cosplay) is the middle ground. All of these things you don't need to know what it's like to cosplay for.

If a photographer wastes time seeing what it's like to cosplay they'll get nothing out of it besides "Yeah this probably took a lot to work on". Unnecessary information. It's not blaming the cosplayer for doing bad posing, it's blaming the photographer for wasting time "Doing photography for a year just to see what cosplayers go through instead of understanding technique".



>> No.8681489
File: 48 KB, 332x500, 744771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes when I try to direct a cosplayer they get extremely defensive or panic and it breaks their character, I watch a million things go through their mind and they just freeze up by overthinking. When they don't want to admit to themselves that they aren't actually experienced, compared to how they portray themselves online, they blame the photographer or worse it becomes a vendetta and now the photog is called a creepy pedo because he tried moving your slow ass to a better pose. You can never win which is why photographers have to have thick skin if they want to truly succeed.

>> No.8681545


I never touch my subjects. I pose with them. If they feel uncomfortable I let them know it's alright if they're uncomfortable they don't need to feel pressure. Then again, when I shoot someone I usually try to make it a point to have them with someone they're comfortable around so that they help loosen things up.

"I noticed you seem a little bit uncomfortable? It's not a problem, but if you'd like you can have your friend help you ease up. I'd rather you feel alright being [character] than make you pose when you don't want to."

Maybe say something along the lines of "You can probably make some inside jokes and I'll just stand here nodding like an idiot because I have no clue what you're talking about but that's alright as long as you're not nervous."

>> No.8681563

you can't add contrast back, sadly

>> No.8681935

You never touch your model? Not even when they have stray hairs or runny makeup? How about when their wig is falling off their head but they think it's perfect? Touching isn't the issue. Of course I communicate and pose with them too. It's when they realize that they only have one decent pose that they've practiced that's an issue, and it's not even accurate to the character. We're trying to run a business, not a charity. I don't agree with photogs abusing their power but seriously, some of this is petty shit.

>> No.8681975

The worst things I hate about bad phototag is when a con about to start soon and they post on the con fb page asking people to do shoot for them at a rate so you check out their page to see how amazing their photo look but its turn out looking like shit

>> No.8681993

>You never touch your model?

Yeah. Though to answer your questions since you seem to be talking about something else...

>Not even when they have stray hairs or runny makeup?

Of course I let them know that their makeup may be messy. I haven't gotten used to mentioning stray hairs, cosplayers seem to cover that before me. Not enough practice. I might do what another anon said and carry a pocket mirror.

>How about when their wig is falling off their head but they think it's perfect?

I let them know.

> Touching isn't the issue.

It isn't... *sorta*. Especially with a guy, touching a girl it can be a touchy (haha, get it?) issue. Some people can be really timid and very paranoid. It's a very colorful community, so instead of treating a cosplayer like an experienced model I just give them that space they need and if they feel comfortable with me getting within two feet of them then I touch what is necessary.

Then again, I really have no interest in getting with cosplayers so it's hard for me to think of a reason to get close unless I absolutely positively can not describe a pose or a problem with my shot.

THEN AGAIN, and this might make the difference here, I don't charge for shoots (yet?). So as a hobby I make it as fun for myself as it can be for the subject. Not interested in making the experience potentially negative. Where would that lead me?

>> No.8682147

straight outta PSX graphics

>> No.8682194

why does this person feel the need to use so many huge watermarks?
like bruh your work is shitty ain't no one trying to steal it
and the watermarks themselves are complete eyesores

>> No.8682205

Why are you so defensive, bro? Get off 4chan, go photograph some trees or some shit.

>> No.8682322

You could literally just tell them about any of that shit. I'm a cosplayer and if some random photographer I'd never met before yanked my wig or starting trying to fix my make-up I'd tell him to fuck off out of my personal space. If you tell them and they can't fix it themselves, then ask if you can fix it. Don't just start touching strangers?

>> No.8682341

If you don't like the way a photographer is directing you, tell them. That's it. Don't fucking make up drama bullshit because of your inadequate set of non existent skills. Some like being moved by hand, some will press charges if you touch them. I really don't see where you're getting the idea that there's no communication here. But if coswhores can pick who they want to work with instead of the socially inept camera newbie, then so can we.

>> No.8682416
File: 4 KB, 111x47, 2015-10-23_07-08-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



The word you're looking for is 'uptight'.

>> No.8682421

That fucking dorito in the back looks like it was photoshopped in

>> No.8682869

Don't work with cosplayers like that. Ever. Period.

If I get even a whiff of uptightness, tumblr, or defensiveness, I just say "Thanks! These are awesome!" and walk away.

I don't want to tiptoe around a subject. They'll be the first ones to smear you on the internet, and ain't nobody got time for that.

One cosplayer I shot with recently, I asked for a selfie with her afterwards, and i trie to put my arm around her. She was like, "No touching." I was like, BRUH.

She might get those photos sometime in 3015.

>> No.8682873

> I'm a cosplayer and if some random photographer I'd never met before yanked my wig or starting trying to fix my make-up I'd tell him to fuck off out of my personal space. If you tell them and they can't fix it themselves, then ask if you can fix it. Don't just start touching strangers?

Case in point.

>> No.8682875

Do you know how long some make-up and wig styling takes? Fucking ages. I wouldn't want any chance of anyone fucking it up. Don't take shit so personally. Not wanting strangers in your personal space is perfectly normal, you guys are just taking shit to heart way too much, and lashing out and being cunts out it.

>> No.8682882

It's not that hard to ask someone before touching them. Some people just hate being touched by anyone they don't know well, period. You wouldn't jump straight into touching a dog you've never met. Some would be cool with it, but some would be scared or even aggressive. If that's common sense to you, the same logic should apply to people.

>> No.8682892


You make a good point but I just wanna be that guy that says

>compares touching humans to touching dogs

>> No.8682918


I agree. I never touch someone without letting them know. But if you're autistic and dont want people to touch you under any circumstances, fuck that. I don't have time for that shit.

>> No.8683051


For me my limit would be if something is wrong and the person won't listen and won't let me fix the issue.

Then I just shoot, deal with the issue as best as I can, and give the results. If the person is being a shit then I won't give them the effort of editing.

>> No.8683351

You release photos that aren't edited? Then you're an amateur.

I'd rather sit on a photo for 6 months than release bad shit.

And if a cosplayer is being a bitch, they just WON'T GET ANY PHOTOS.

If they paid me, I'd rather refund the money than reward their shitty attitude.

>> No.8683366


I like how you read that one part and completely undo everything else you read to form an argument that developed in your head just to sound right. Though it may be my fault for not being specific on the word "editing".

If the person is being a bitch I won't put the extra effort in photoshopping their acne or hiding that flawed piece in their cos. I'd do the standard lightroom processing and hand it off looking reasonably presentable. It wouldn't be part of the work I share and it'd be a "just get this over with, I will give it as much consideration as I was given."

Yeah I could just not give any photos but I find that a waste of time, shutter count, and a great way to make enemies in what you and I would assume is a very catty community. What would that achieve for me?

>> No.8683507

You should never release photos that don't meet your standards. Shit photos don't do anyone any favors. Worst case, you end up on 4chan in a "bad photos" thread. Heh

>> No.8683598
File: 107 KB, 960x540, 12109113_806273659485537_2063609025359410968_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8683603

This aligns with the point of this thread.

>> No.8683717

cute cosplayers but holy hell that filter is unfortunate

>> No.8683747
File: 281 KB, 500x281, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That filter sucks, looks like the wigs are radioactive

>> No.8683852


Don't tell me what to do with my photos

>> No.8683867

Ugh, photographers...

Straighten your god damn lines, not every photo needs to be at a fucking 45 degree angle. If you have to do that to make your photos look interesting, you're shit and you should sell your camera.

Stop compositing incompatible lighting. If you shoot your cosplayer in full sun, then you composite them on to a fucking night scene or a fucking cave or something you're fucking terrible. Get your shit together for fucks sake. Learn to composite correctly or don't fucking do it.

Stop with the fucking gaussian blur doll skin. People have fucking flaws. Either learn how to Dodge and Burn like actual retouchers or fuck right off with your lazy basic bullshit.

Cosplay photography isn't fucking instagram. If you're taking pictures with a real camera and you just HAVE to fucking apply photoshop or lightroom actions to simulate instagram filters, you're a terrible photographer, and probably a terrible human. Take a fucking class for fucks sake.

Finally, if you're a cosplay photographer and you're charging for your shitty terrible work. FUCKING STOP. 99% of cosplay photographers are fucking bullshit and expecting poor kids to pony up $50 for three shit images makes you the biggest fucking cock sucker in the room. No one should be paying you to fucking practice. If you don't know why the sky keeps getting blown out when you shoot outside, don't fucking charge. If you don't know why everyone's face looks so weird when you take their pictures at noon, don't fucking charge. If you call yourself a "natural light photographer" because you're too fucking stupid and lazy to learn how to use a fucking flash, don't fucking charge.

>> No.8683868

Is this is your attitude about criticism, you are a bad and should stop taking photos, forever.

>> No.8684116


Your criticism is founded upon reading certain parts of posts and forming arguments around that. A fallacy in logic that you're trying to put on the other.

Let's go back to the start of this and see where you went wrong.

>If the person is being a shit then I won't give them the effort of editing.

Later clarified

>Though it may be my fault for not being specific on the word "editing". If the person is being a bitch I won't put the extra effort in photoshopping their acne or hiding that flawed piece in their cos.

A photographer has a standard and then there's the extra effort they can arbitrarily put in if they want to make their client happy. If the client was being rude and the photographer shot for free, they'd not put the extra time and effort putting extra attention to detail in their work.

> I'd do the standard lightroom processing and hand it off looking reasonably presentable.

Reasonably presentable is the standard. You know, like the filler songs in an album. Not every piece is going to be an outstanding masterpiece that eclipses the previous work. If the cosplayer is being a shit, then they're not gonna get the extra effort I put into people who give me extra effort. When it comes to money I'll just do the job but like hell would I kill myself over shit they could have fixed themselves and bitched at me for like a broken emblem or grotesquely acne ridden face (where my standard is clean up decently).

What you saw and got your panties in a bunch over is....

>I won't give them the effort of editing.
>photoshopping their acne or hiding that flawed piece in their cos
>4chan in a "bad photos" thread

If you treat every paid shoot like a "I must give it my all or give nothing" like a dramatic shit then that's your way of dealing with photos. But to me, some people are just work. They're just a bit of practice or a couple of dollars for some alcohol. Good thing I've never been featured in a bad photos thread so your argument means nothing.

>> No.8684117


Also learn white balance, proper use of shadows, and you can change all the gels you want, but fucking move the light stand once in a fucking while

>> No.8684145

This. It can come off insulting sometimes and some photogs have a big ego because in this business you need that confidence to lead 12 more subjects onto scene and all of them are wanting a story to talk about later, some purposely look for a fight and I'm not going to spend time in that when I'm already falling behind on a deadline. Fuck that. Kek. Move along bitch. We wouldn't touch that with a 10ft pole. If they do, call the fucking authorities like anyone else ffs.

>> No.8684151

If she made that herself. good for her.

the cat ears and penis tail could use work though

>> No.8684311 [DELETED] 

is it really surprising that taking photos of cosplay photography doesnt attract a lot of great photographers? It seems to attract a whole lot of egos, but people with natural talent arent likely to spend it shooting teenagers dressed as anime characters for very long, and the rest arent likely to improve if they throw out their camera because they took a bad shot. lighten up.

>> No.8684548

...the... fuck? is wrong with her hand?

>> No.8684551
File: 135 KB, 262x479, glamour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but you don't get it
I'm taking a GLAMOROUS shit okay
it's different

>> No.8684578
File: 69 KB, 677x960, 11708013_880391352031107_3298346704236432065_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8684615

Anything by Novii.

>> No.8684629
File: 1.01 MB, 500x360, Kill The DJ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets face it with cons you are more likely to meet someone with issues or needs or people who just don't like being touched, alot of people who go to cons got into anime to escape the real world, plus all that aside there aint many people who would want some random person at a con putting their arm around you when you just met even if they took a photo of you taking a shit on the queen...

>> No.8684810



>> No.8684816

There is no "extra effort".

Either a photo is a masterpiece, the absolute best you can do, or it's shit. Every time I o out, I'm trying to do something iconic.

>> No.8684817


Your commentary tho

>> No.8684820

This is really not good.

Like, wtf is that out of focus blob at the bottom of the frame?

>> No.8684834

Could it possibly be the end of a staff or something?

>> No.8684837

Fucking this
I agree completely

>> No.8684841

My point. You miss it. :)

WE know that it's Sailor Pluto's staff, but the average person doesn't know shit about Sailor Pluto. An out of focus blob should never be a part of any "professional" photographer's work.

>> No.8684844


... sounds like you take things a little to seriously and should probably calm down. Not everything can be a masterpiece, and sometimes things can be just average and people will lap it up like it's amazing work.

Nice try imposing your problems onto me though. Go ahead and keep doing what you're doing. It's not like anyone will notice how seriously you take your work in the end.

It's all Facebook profile pictures and cover photos.

>> No.8684845


Why would you want to selfie with someone you worked with that's weird.

>> No.8684847

Yeah, I know nothing about her, so I took a guess. Still looks awful either way

>> No.8684868

A little too seriously?

Shit work is the reason no one takes cosplay (and cosplay photography) seriously.

>Not everything can be a masterpiece, and sometimes things can be just average and people will lap it up like it's amazing work.

This is EXACTLY the problem. Average photos should not be lapped up like it's amazing work.

>> No.8684869
File: 16 KB, 552x414, Futurama-Fry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8684879


>This is EXACTLY the problem. Average photos should not be lapped up like it's amazing work.

And yet, it does. See, there's a lot of other assorted problems too. Like awkward people being labeled as creeps or people buying cosplays and passing them off as their own. In this grand scene we call cosplay not everything is up to what it's "supposed to be".

So I'll continue producing average photos whenever I feel like the person doesn't deserve that extra mile and nothing will happen while you can go bust your ass off for a few extra likes and the gratification of applying serious photography work ethic in a medium that will most likely not acknowledge or appreciate it unless you work with the cosfamous.

>> No.8684880


I wasn't being serious don't worry. I personally don't selfie with who I work with but I don't mind when they selfie with me. I dunno. Does that make me weird?

>> No.8684903

Moral of the story, treat cosplayers like you treat bitches.

>> No.8686703
File: 47 KB, 311x313, feels-good-man-8814731450360651771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a photographer lots of local area people talk shit about

> See one of these 'bad photo' threads every week

>Never see my work in them

Feels good, man.

>> No.8688601
File: 123 KB, 2048x1357, geeked cyclops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bad photography


>> No.8688725
File: 63 KB, 960x685, 12115501_1030892930262609_8187085691366229236_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as bad as someone who loves to use Dutch angles

>> No.8688832
File: 1.56 MB, 350x257, cat retch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



The fucking cosplayer looks like she's in an earthquake, and is going to fall out of the fucking picture.

And this guy is one of the best in the business?

>> No.8688872

Nice try fattie.

>> No.8688875

All I see are fatties mad they dont get pics and this guy schooling them.

Nice try.

>> No.8688881

Go white knight somewhere else.

"b-but u a creep!"

Implying anyone says "I want to take pictures of your breasts!" at cons


>> No.8689953

self-proclaimed best in the business or trumped up by his buddies so long as he'll shoot them for free

>> No.8690026
File: 41 KB, 480x720, 11224618_1030892796929289_2629504961746901690_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8690027
File: 79 KB, 640x960, 12068999_1030892306929338_2908073546464288128_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8690048

There's literally nothing wrong with dutch angles.

>> No.8690068

Yes, because by merely tilting the camera, a crap photo suddenly becomes awesome.

>> No.8690082


This is why I want to quit cosplay photography.

In order to be the best, you have to:

>Suck up to cosplayers
> Chase cosfame, not get good at your craft
>Take horrible, tilted photos
>Newbs think that because you shot Yaya Han that time, you're good, even though the photo is out of focus
>Take $3000 worth of gear to a convention, and have no idea how any of it works

>> No.8690084

Good. You were probably a shitty photographer anyway.

>> No.8690089

No, but it can make a boring photo look less boring.
This one in particular would look even worse if he took a normal shot. 90% of cosplayers can't pose worth a shit anyway. Sometimes it's better to just throw your arms up and toss in a dutch angle shot and hope it'll come out salvageable.

>> No.8690124


If those photos are "great", then I'm ULTRA shitty.

I hope that's not your work, chum. You should sell your equipment.

>> No.8690137

Photog failed here, these all still look boring. A straight on shot would've been better. Also using extra lights. It's like he just changed the gels and hoped the photos would've been improved instead of setting up additional lights for more fill lights to help throw some more color in opposite the other light. He's happy his photos are getting into the rag thats Cosplay Culture, but I'm sure they're happy since they're probably not paying him for all 150 photos they're using

>> No.8690139

It's him, Jaycee or Ed

>> No.8690157


Dutch angles are the laziest and most overused ways of making a photo "exciting" or "edgy". There's nothing wrong with it when applied correctly but the amount of times a photog takes an otherwise boring photo with a dutch angle to hide how lame it is is ridiculous.

But if they clients like that shit who am I to complain? I won't dutch angle unless I need a dutch angle. I'm just glad (and partially surprised) wide angle photos aren't a common overused thing.

>> No.8690200


If you're using a dutch angle and it's the first thing someone else notices, then you are doing it wrong

>> No.8690257


Nice dubs. Very well put. You said it better than I could.

>> No.8691495

These are great! no idea what you guys are on about! Check out his site for more great shots jasonlaboy.com

>> No.8691502

>that harsh lighting on her fice
This was clearly taken somewhere with lots of trees, just move to a better lit spot, jfc.

>45k camera body
>Piece of shit website with even shittier photos
This is why I laugh at people who say "Your camera takes really nice photos!".

>> No.8691667
File: 57 KB, 638x960, 11667541_10207241453744504_4880204706698626555_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8691670

she looks old

>> No.8693216
File: 49 KB, 600x400, takagi_by_bloodycoffee-d7rv08e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8693874

>men boobs 1
I fucking lost it

>> No.8694068

If you're a cosplayer, expect to be photographed if you go to a con. Practice poses before hand. Photographers who wander the halls aren't going to bother teaching you how to model. If you're paying for a shoot they should be assisting you with advice, though.

>> No.8694072

Good lord... those blown highlights. Someone need to learn how to meter.

>> No.8694078
File: 1.38 MB, 983x644, dce67d4ad22132b0904a4d4382b77c84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to try.

>> No.8694084

Her poor feet... why did he cut them off. Also, not color correcting the model for the shoop. Tsk, tsk.

The lighting on the model is horrible.

Mmm... this one isn't too bad. Not very exciting, but it's metered OK. Could have used a bit more fill on the face, but tolerable.

Cutting off the cosplayer's costume *sigh*

Wow that is a trainwreck of a photo. Why would you even let that one go public.

>Cosplayers actively campaign that all cosplay is accepted, even if it's shit-tier, store bought costumes of incredibly oversaturated characters. Why then isn't all photography accepted?
Gotta say, he is kinda right. Sort of hypocritical when I am critiquing these photos, but in all fairness this is /cgl/, where cosplayers are torn to bits based on the level of shittiness of their cosplays. But IRL cosplayers will pose for some retard with a cellphone just as fast as they'll pose for some dork with a $35,000 medium format camera, just like IRL most people won't give a shitty cosplayer shit to their face.

>> No.8694092

Maybe if the person spent more time on learning to take pics and less time on creating watermarks there wouldn't be disasters like this photo.

>> No.8694093

If you're not scheduling photoshoots then cosplayers will likely never find your photos, and you don't have to post them anywhere if they turn out shitty.

>> No.8694096

Heh, some little fixed-lens piece of shit bumping against you trying to snap a picture of the same cosplayer(s) you're framing is so annoying. Or even worse is when it's some prick with a fucking cell phone. The worst are scheduled cosplay events around the conventions, where every asshole with a cellphone tried to get in front, where they block the shot of people who are actually taking good images. Fucking boils my blood, especially the ones who take cellphone pic after cellphone pic, and never get the fuck out of the way.

>> No.8694101
File: 23 KB, 921x606, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is so many things wrong with this guy's stuff I don't even know where to begin. It's literally a travesty he has a Hasselblad and is producing these kind of pics with it.

>> No.8694104

Pretty much this. Making HDR look natural and not like it's some kind of crazy cyber-punk painting requires a subtle approach, way too many people who take HDR pics go overboard, and the results look awful.

>> No.8694109


>> No.8694113

Wow I didn't even know that was supposed to be Ponyo. How could you tell?

>> No.8694124

Not too bad, could have been composed better though, like leaving her whole hand in the damn frame.

>> No.8694125

At least you made the greens not look so nuclear.

>> No.8694294


How does this even happen

>> No.8694613
File: 671 KB, 999x505, b4after.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694677

lol @ the photog's reflection in the mirror

>> No.8695000

literally dutch angling to put the prop in the frame with that pose
>this much anger over tilted camera

>> No.8694967


>> No.8695018

So everyone is talking about what not to do when taking photos, then what about what photographers should do more or keep in mind during shoots? Even tips for what cosplayers could do to make the photo better/more interesting.

>> No.8695158

My guess is either their screens are turned down WAY low so they don't know -or- they are going for that blown out asian photography look.

>> No.8695408

Her jaw is still pretty masculine

>> No.8695413
File: 65 KB, 722x960, 12189943_1656211474595843_2390848722524129778_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8695664

yes I need to see those those fingertips gently caressing the side of that sink mmm

>> No.8695689

oh look, somebody who has no fucking clue how to compose an appealing photo

>> No.8695694

lol did you acquire your taste for composition from the "Top 10 composition mistakes new photographers make!" article or was it "He takes a step back and look what happens to his photo..." clickbait blogspam? Can you link me if its not one of those two?

>> No.8696156


Then readjust the prop so it fits into the frame dutch angling it is a terribly overused technique do you even photography?

>> No.8696159

Have her tilt the prop then, not tilt the camera so it looks like she's about to fall off the photo

>> No.8697099

It's a bow and arrow, not a fucking glock you goddamn wigger.

>> No.8697137

He could've made it more artsy and flipped the photo upside down

>> No.8697164
File: 108 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most unflattering photo I've seen of this cosplayer

>> No.8698224
File: 868 KB, 960x640, 12118874_600793400061664_5022626039385536187_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8698231

is she shoop'd onto stairs? what? i don't understand.

>> No.8698236

*bowen arrow

>> No.8699621
File: 71 KB, 721x1080, 12080040_914403921987606_4247505055289743944_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Somebody say Dutch angle obsession?

>> No.8699622
File: 65 KB, 721x1080, 12015079_914404015320930_5520856187307979499_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8699663

This should never have made it onto the internet. Real talk.

>> No.8699669

I know this cosplayer.

She's actually really gorgeous.

I'm mad at this photographer for doing this to her.

>> No.8699783


Are they shooting on a sinking ship or what?

Also, the second image is explicitly unnecessary use of dutch angle. She can fit into the frame there was no need to dutch angle her holy hell.

>> No.8700815


I'd hate to see his actual studio stuff.

>> No.8700943

>My guess is either their screens are turned down WAY low so they don't know
Nobody should ever trust the LCD on a camera for exposure. There's a reason decent cameras have a histogram built in, and most have a meter you can see as you're looking through the viewfinder. Use the tools that are there.

>> No.8700945

That's not the point, Carla Clueless. You don't chop off bits of the subject if you want to take a proper photo. If there was a side-by-side of this image with and without the hand being cut off, it would be blatantly obvious which picture is more aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.8701133

Everage's entire portfolio

>> No.8701425

The point is you're saying this entire photo is bad because the fingers are cut off. Oh my. 4 tiny little fingers cut off makes this whole photo unusable.

Let's take into account if those fingers were left in the frame. That would intake need a wider angle shot. Okay. Now we have more space all along the bottom of the frame. Space that is probably very uninteresting. Essentially dead space. Dead space is more distracting than 4 tiny little fingers being cut off at the edge of a frame.

>> No.8701464


If you don't know a thing about photography you should not be replying.

>> No.8701486

The photo is bad for a few reasons but the framing is definitely a big one. Stop thinking of it as "oh my god that anon wants to see her fingers" and more as "the photo needs to have a comprehensive view of its subject without awkwardly cropping her". Having a body part cropped unnecessarily distracts the viewer - it'd be the same if her elbow were randomly clipped off, the top of her head, if she were posing by bending her legs and a knee were cropped out, etc.

>> No.8701568

And if you don't have an objective response to me. Don't reply.

>> No.8701617


Hey anon, if you're salty that I put you in your place you can go ahead and look at >>8701486 which covers why cropping fingers does not help the photo. But here I'll nibble on your bait a bit...

>That would intake need a wider angle shot.

It is the responsibility of the photographer not to clip off fingers and not waste the frame. The image could have easily been recomposed and not have empty space without requiring a wider angle. In fact, it would probably put the subject closer to the top left corner intersection of the "magical" rule of thirds that makes an image seem more appealing.

Stop pretending your opinion matters in something you have no understanding of.

>> No.8701645

Get this Florida shit out of here. Nobody got time for that

>> No.8701650

this would be ok if there was more negative sace

>> No.8701714

I'm gonna agree with >>8701425 if you want to keep the fingers in the frame you'd have to step back and have more dead space for no reason. The hand being clipped doesn't substantially detract from the image, its not clipped in such a way that it make it look like she's an amputee it's pretty intuitive that the rest of her hand is there, it's not even a strong point of focus in the image. If you wanted to say the shot was boring I'd give you that but the hand cut off is only something you're noticing because you're explicitly digging for things to complain about.

>> No.8701803
File: 51 KB, 500x422, m4chca6e291rwnizx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it. They look good to me. The angles are flattering that way, why do people hate it? I never knew that was even a thing before people started posting his work.

>> No.8701839
File: 30 KB, 470x313, qDqwwLRiApCfyT7PKirB0ctif8pJoqnW2ZTBTxqPx5cKVgPpWFjxepIq0LlRN6jVw1xYwbcgRvOtW-Z7U2kO0H6LVkyp_JsgElSLyC10inNnJc2mkVcS7lCBeg=w470-h313-nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look, a pro
As if people need to be told. Stfu

>> No.8701846

Who that?

>> No.8701851


> if you want to keep the fingers in the frame you'd have to step back and have more dead space for no reason

Except that you wouldn't create more dead space anon her fingers aren't as long as her arms a few cm won't do shit to the image.

>> No.8703218

Dutch angles are good when they are used to give the photo a feeling of insanity or craziness. Like anything if you overuse techniques your photos look shitty. The focus should be on the subject not the techniques you use. It's fucking distracting.

>> No.8704486

ITT: People who have no fucking trace of a clue what they're talking about.

>> No.8705441

basically every thread on cgl

>> No.8705473
File: 289 KB, 400x471, Topkek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a bad photo thread and I still stand by this is vendetta and not actually bad. You're nitpicking imo any ugly cosplayer would feel greatful to get one of these. Cringeworthy ms paint jobs is what this thread is for, not overused good angles fuck off.

>> No.8706515

You're either bitter about you/your friend getting posted or you have no taste. There are like 2 or 3 nitpicks in this thread, but the rest are terrible.

>> No.8706533


Most likely bitter or trolling because nobody can actually say "Good angles" like >>8705473
did seriously.

>> No.8706596

all that jealousy. delicious.

>> No.8706607

>"I'm only interested in shooting with you because you have a large dick bulge"

wouldn't mind that at all

>> No.8706619

Is the one with the big dick being shot the one being photographed or the one taking the photographs? very important because having a big dick wouldn't necessarily mean their photographic skills are up to snuff

>> No.8706967

>Overused good angles

I reiterate my last post. >>8704486
> ITT: People who have no fucking trace of a clue what they're talking about.