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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 116 KB, 540x360, jewmurphy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8668328 No.8668328 [Reply] [Original]

It's that time folks. Here is something to start you off.


>> No.8668354



>> No.8668401

That was not a makeup tutorial

>> No.8668492

People on ONTD are obsessed with her

>> No.8669206
File: 58 KB, 192x170, Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 2.41.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An oldie but a goodie


>> No.8669222

Why do brony autists have to incorporate ponies into everything?

>> No.8669429
File: 418 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-15-18-30-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking people to prove they are disabled/ tell them their disability? No. No. No.

>> No.8669436

I don't know, leave them be.
I can imagine that without that rule thee would be a lot of 'well I totes have OCD because I like matching colours!' types.
I can't imagine it would be any more useful than just an average mixed-health 'kawaii' group but until it causes some sort of fall out, it's not hurting anybody.

Literally amazing

>> No.8669474

leave lisa alone!

>> No.8669480

Is this the Lonlon who's a total bitch?

>> No.8669491

I am laughing and cringing at the same time
What is this girl trying to do and who is she

>> No.8669503

Holy shit so many reaction images and gif potential here.
Is she...trying to be an idol?

>> No.8669505


>> No.8669510

Even legal officers can not ask for that information.... why should Lonlon?

>> No.8669517
File: 29 KB, 500x456, 3vO0X5L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because its a private facebook group??

i mean this lonlon might be a bitch as some others are saying but I don't think there's anything wrong with a private group that wants some sort of proof you have an actual condition. Nowadays like 80% of people say they do and while support is nice I can understand wanting a space of people who get it.

>> No.8669556

True. She might as well ask for papers while she's at it. If an officer cant, she should know that is not okay to ask unless someone wants to tell. Making it a requirement is wront.

>> No.8669586

I feel like none of you have any chronic illnesses. When I'm in a support group I'd rather it be only be people with chronic illness. Its not like she's asking for your social security number.

>> No.8669628

People can lie pretty easy though so why bother asking? Someone could just say they have this or that illness and get accepted.

>> No.8669657

Instead of talking shit about Lonlon, why not just post her cringey shit?


>> No.8669662

Let me just start by saying I don't like Lonlon and I think the way she begs for cash to go to cons and model is ridiculous.
But in this caseI don't think it's really any different from asking someone to message a mod before they allow them into a lolita comm to keep out creepers. She isn't asking for a copy of your disability card and a doctors note, just to drop her a line that says hey I'm not just a spambot or an attention whore i'm really a sick person looking for support.

>> No.8669779


I think it's funny and sad seeing people blatantly walking in front of her.

>> No.8669871

Exactly. Thank you

>> No.8669876

Omg wtf did I just watch??

>> No.8669899


>> No.8669929


This one better showcases her lack of singing abilities.


She also can't dance.

>> No.8669935

Listening to her speak Japanese makes me cringe so hard hooooly fuck. Also speaking as high pitched as you can =/= singing

>> No.8669977
File: 62 KB, 512x327, RsyC5AT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am in need of a stable and decent internet connection and need YOUR help!
>I can't watch Netflix; I can't play games; I can't download software for my hobbies and a can't learn online.. These are some of the things I can't do.
>What I will do if I have internet is, yes.. Netflix and game; but also I can get back to learning (next year I will be in university and I want to be ready!). With internet I also plan to embrace my creative side by creating videos and music!
>With more opportunities available, the more doors I can open.
>Help me grow and become a better person. Save a life. Fund me internet.
>Thank you.

Holy fuck how entitled can you get.

>> No.8669986


Aussies really got bad internet, btw

>> No.8669987

Isn't the NBN rolling out?

>> No.8670053

What...the fuck is this supposed to be and more on her please.

>> No.8670073

The libs cheaped out on the NBN and now it's just copper wires. I have it and even with FTTP (I think) it's not much faster. Quite slow in fact. Let alone if you live in a regional area...

>> No.8670089
File: 79 KB, 481x597, weeb king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a tomorrow and so many shitty 'come find me' posts

>> No.8670112

>forgetting about the copper nodes
I'm so stupid. I really do not understand what made them think it's a good idea, especially since it's cheaper to have fibre to go straight to house. That sucks anon, sage for ot

>> No.8670131

>what are public libraries
>what is free wifi

>> No.8670152

It pisses me off to see people like this wanting handouts when there are families that are going to lose their homes, or people with severe medical issues with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt and can't afford the treatment they need to live
>mom's got cancer
>in extreme pain constantly
>she suggested making one
>someone told her to suck it up and get a job

>> No.8670164
File: 89 KB, 719x720, 1367831675134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never had internet in my house until I turned 19
>I went to the public library or used the school computers.
>Bought myself a laptop for college, downloaded Steam games at the library.
>Gamed on my ps2 or DS
>Come home for fall semester soph year, SURPRISE ANON, WE GOT COMCAST TRIPLE PLAY!
>Suddenly wifi
>my mind was blown

It was honestly hell coming home that first year from college and going to not having internet for 3 months, but it was hardly the end of the world. This girl sounds like an absolute entitled brat, why the hell does everyone, especially underaged teens, just beg for handouts online for shit like this? Jesus.

>> No.8670168
File: 134 KB, 1024x1024, ybp2f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is... is she getting autotuned in real time? How bad do you have to be for that?


>> No.8670170

>This girl sounds like an absolute entitled brat
>especially underaged teens

I had to squint and zoom in on the picture but I do believe that this person is a male.. and fully grown at that.

>> No.8670171

>live in the deep bog
>only internet we had was cheap dial-up
>suddenly off to college
>entire building has free internet
aside from some friends complaining that I can't whatsapp with them, it's honestly not that bad.

>> No.8670187

Everything is wrong with having to prove your mental/physical illnesses. Ever hear of HIPAA? Lonlon isn't a psychiatrist last time I checked so she isn't obligated to be entrusted with people's personal health info

>> No.8670195

All the people going on about the disabilities group. It's not illegal for a person to ask another person about their disability. She's not an organization/corporate entity/etc. She isn't asking for tangible proof and she isn't denying "goods or services available to the general public" without verification of disability. It's a voluntary support group for people with disabilites. Once you joined, you would be talking about them anyway. If you didn't want to talk about them, you wouldn't be joining.

>> No.8670201

People don't have to give her their info. She doesn't have to let them into the group if they don't. It's a PRIVATE facebook group meaning it offers private services (support in this case). It's not like she's forcing people to give her a detailed report of their diseases or anything.

>> No.8670207

If she had said "I'm starting multiple support groups for sufferers only (no allies please), one for people on the autism spectrum, one for those with OCD and one for those with Multiple Sclerosis. If you would like to join just message me! Please include your condition so I know which group to add you to." Would that have been acceptible? She's still asking you to disclose your condition, but for the more clearly practical purpose of sorting. Requiring she instead say "please include the group you would like to join" is nitpicky and silly. The post stated sufferers only, so by selecting you are disclosing.

>> No.8670208

>muh safe spaces

fucking liberals

>> No.8670301

It's a beard dude in a Misty costume. It's always Misty

>> No.8670319


>> No.8670340 [DELETED] 

so are you Bunnie Lee or one of her white knights lol

>> No.8670343 [DELETED] 

so are you Bunnie Lee or one of her white knights lol
Because for context for everyone, a popular sjw who goes by Bunnie Lee hopped on board claiming being nearsighted is a disability, and then got butthurt when people told her it wasn't

>> No.8670347
File: 78 KB, 720x960, 12115440_10207013240822294_7461365585231607275_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so are you Bunnie Lee or one of her white knights lol
Because for context for everyone, a popular sjw who goes by Bunnie Lee hopped on board claiming being nearsighted is a chronic illness, and then got butthurt when people told her it wasn't

>> No.8670532

There's been an awful lot of Lonlon vendetta on here since that shit went down.

>> No.8670573

How old is she? This is like Tim and Eric levels of parody but 100% sincere.

>> No.8670578
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>> No.8670586
File: 85 KB, 500x281, midousujiidon'tgiveafuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't give a single fuck about the disability group, its whatever.
Lonlon is cringey because she sings a song in broken Japanese about having magical lobster hands and desperately wants to be famous. I don't have any real malice against her but her shit has been clogging my fb feed and it makes me cringe, so, yep.

>> No.8670587

Did... did tumblr try to make their own btb?

>> No.8670590

What is this original image of "warning replica buyers/sellers their info will be given to brand"?

>> No.8670718

This is the worst thing I've ever witnessed

>> No.8670738

Anyone else know about Lolita Komplex? They're not the worst band, but the videos are pretty cringe

>> No.8670753

yeah no

>> No.8670770

fat furries are the fucking worst

>> No.8670775

It's a lolita confessions blog. There's been at least one on tumblr for years now. Usually they're a goldmine for cringe.

>> No.8670785

She's not bad at singing, but her posing reminds me of a six year old that wonders why all eyes are not on her.
It's cute on a six year old, but this girl needs perspective.

>> No.8670817

Her singing isn't bad but her Japanese is godawful

>> No.8670824
File: 95 KB, 689x658, thatsnothowanyofthisworks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8670907

this was in the related videos

>> No.8670911

It's only short because she's such a lardo. Nothing she's wearing fits... look at her shoes.

>> No.8670915
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>> No.8670919
File: 834 KB, 1536x2048, 11840267_650648098404565_418975761_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8670924

God, those metal footstep sounds are so annoying.

>> No.8671013

San Japan?

>> No.8671047

looks like a female autistic version of JonTron

>> No.8671050

>her singing is not bad
She is like fucking tone deaf it's terrible alright.

>> No.8671111

In what universe is her singing okay? I mean, I don't have a taste for hamster-dance-esque "singing" but I guess to each their own. Its obvious she is forcing her voice to be high-pitched and "kawaii" and she also can't keep a pitch/beat

>> No.8671114


Also their butts are so flat omg

>> No.8671174

HOLY SHIT ok it's good to know I wasn't alone. Dial up was hell after the AOL chatroom era ended. Everyone moved from IMing to Facebook, and of course I couldn't load facebook on the computer. In fact, the only websites that would load that were of relative interest to me were Deviantart and ffnet. Even checking email took 50 years.

The good thing though was that I gained the patience of a saint because of it.

>> No.8671261

Looks like a potato

>> No.8671560
File: 109 KB, 1080x820, Screenshot_2015-10-16-22-14-21-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We get it, you're horny from T

>> No.8671564

Underrated contribution

>> No.8672209
File: 344 KB, 1380x939, 2015-10-17_13.52.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off. You are one house. You can't be both. Have you even read the books?

Second, think u guys about that colour combo.. Yellow/navy/grey.
Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

>> No.8672217

Not "think u guys".
Thinking about* was what I meant to write.

>> No.8672277


>> No.8672292

You wish.

>> No.8672383

to be fair, in the books, Ravenclaw's other color is bronze rather than grey. Still not a very charming combination but better than throwing yellow in with the movie colors.

>> No.8672392
File: 208 KB, 600x600, 1441590455861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god no

>> No.8672443
File: 1.54 MB, 1496x1380, 1444699322066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Cory in the house is no an annie-may

>> No.8672452


>> No.8672455
File: 103 KB, 1440x714, _20151017_140334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually anon. Dual houses do exist.

>> No.8672457


i have a DISORDER

>> No.8672469

i counter your video with this

>> No.8672470
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>> No.8672557

That's really the only video she made about her disorder and she hasn't shoehorned her disorder into any of her other videos. She doesn't go around saying "I'M A SCHIZOID".

I call vendetta.

>> No.8672578
File: 906 KB, 500x280, 9e7d2870-b71e-0131-0435-5a50c9e2202b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I know someone who's friends with this guy

>> No.8672580

subscribed, thank you.

>> No.8672587

uh okay lmao whatever you say

>> No.8672588

Longest 12 seconds of my life.

>> No.8672592

Doesn't belong here; she's a confirmed troll.

>> No.8672593
File: 13 KB, 151x151, 1407086512656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. I remember seeing that person.

>> No.8672594

That's fucking stupid

JK Rowling is such a hack she can't even keep her own universe straight

>hurr durr time turners exist
>oh wait I wrote myself into a corner
>uhhh they don't exist anymore!

>> No.8672599

The series has been going on for a while, I imagine she's tired of thinking about it.

>> No.8672601

so's ur mum but i still shagged 'er good ayee

>> No.8672603
File: 16 KB, 250x250, david-foster-wallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people might diagree, but I fell that she ran out of steam hard half way through.

Like the first three books were all about building this new fantasy world and they were just so cozy and light heartead in a way and didn't take themselves too seriously. Then half way through the series it switches to a plot about genocide and racial superiority and government espionage and it quite frankly falls flat. She really shouldn't have tried to go grimdark towards the end.

On a semirelated note, I fell like ASOIAF has run out of steam too around A Feast for Crows. Especially when Martin started playing down the political maneuverings of each house and started focusing more on the fantasy elements, which is unfortunately his weakest point.

Sorry, I'm done with my /lit/ rants.

>> No.8672638

Uh doesn't JKR troll people on twitter a lot? This might as well be one of her joke answers.

>> No.8672723
File: 84 KB, 528x960, 12118680_1076843655672630_5753560104443930653_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone with these cheap wings walking around conventions or crowded spaces is auto cringe. There a constant nusence. I got hit in the head with one and chick in pic related has one for every cosplay or outfit she has.

I don't mind them for photoshoots because they would give it a nice effect but for busting them out in crowded convention space, no.

>> No.8672753

So, curious, I'm a few weeks behind and I'm reading secrets... Who the fuck is Chlamydia-chan?

>> No.8672770


Yup. And she sounds sarcastic here, in the truly British sense of the word.

>> No.8672813

>claiming being nearsighted is a chronic illness
albino people have a severe social stigma attached to them, and albinism isn't just red eyes and white skin and hair. it comes with health problems including lung issues, blindness, and a vastly higher rate of skin cancer.
so tbh if she has actual albinism and isn't just super pale trying to pass off super bleached hair as albino hair, she kind of does belong in a group for people with chronic illnesses and issues.

>> No.8672869
File: 75 KB, 480x640, Cgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cringe thread on a board made of cringe

>> No.8672880

aww are you in this thread somewhere?

>> No.8672881

Why the lobster gloves? Does she have that creepy lobster hand illness?

>> No.8672887

Nah the whole board is literally just fat/ugly attention whores who stroke each other's egos to feel better about themselves.

>> No.8672888

I remember when I first saw this.

>> No.8672919

Unlikely considering the selfpost and draw threads are usually filled with very attractive people. But you are free to tell yourself whatever you want if it makes you feel better.
>if someone makes you mad just call them ugly, the go-to insult for middle schoolers everywhere

>> No.8672927

that sounds like something an ugly person would say

>> No.8672952

You're either posted here or clicked the wrong board and had to make an announcement about it.

Learn from the experience and move on, salt-chan.

>> No.8672994

Wouldn't Harry also be a duel house? He fit into both Gryffindor and Slytherin but obviously at hogwarts you can't jump around to both dorms so you have to pick one

>> No.8672997

Yeah I'm agreeing with >>8672638 and thinking she was just fucking with that person. Dual houses would make things way too complicated.

>> No.8673005

no, because you only get put in one house
otherwise how are house games supposed to work? house points, quidditch, shit like that. one kid can't play for two teams
harry had qualities of both gryffindor and slytherin but ultimately he chose what house to be in because that's how it works.
you can absolutely relate to two different houses and feel like you belong in both. but that doesn't happen. you get put in one house only. if kids can be in multiple houses why bother having houses?

>> No.8673021

I think you can only be put into one house, but obviously, not everything is clear cut and you can have personality characteristics of multiple houses. If you're 60% Ravenclaw, 10% Hufflepuff, 10% Slytherin and 20% Gryffindor, you would be put into Ravenclaw. Some people are more 49%/51%, in which case you go with the house you're more comfortable with.

>> No.8673046

Her unfortunate face.

>> No.8673055

I'm completely agreeing with you. Obviously harry or anybody else couldn't be in 2 houses. Like you said the house games and quidditch wouldn't work so for logistics you have to be sorted into one but could have the qualities of both houses.

>> No.8673062

the entire point of harry's sorting scene, and all the scenes throughout the series talking about it, are specifically there to talk about people having qualities of multiple houses but you choose what house you want.
it's the entire theme of the series for fuck's sake. the theme of the series is everyone feels both selfishness and riteousness. everyone wants to help others and also help themselves. you could be bad and evil and only doign things for yourself, or you could be good and be a hero. it's all up to your choices.
that's literally the eact reason rowling went through the trouble of eplaining you can have traits of both houses, like when they bring up that hermione and luna could've been in ravenclaw but their selflessness and courage and all that gay shit made them choose gryffindor. it's all up to what you care about more, what traits you personally admire and think are important over other traits.

>> No.8673067

Are you always this antagonistic to people who are agreeing with you?

>> No.8673073
File: 322 KB, 568x662, fb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh oc unfortunately

>> No.8673074

You can rant about that being the entire point all you want, it was lazy. She was lazy. If she wasn't lazy we would have walked away with more than these cardboard images of what the other three houses were like in the books. So you're getting excited about fucking garbage and it doesn't matter, go back to the actual thread topic.

>> No.8673077


Thank you for repeating the same thing over, and over, and over again.

Fucking HP fans.

>> No.8673078
File: 1.11 MB, 638x962, fb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8673085

how was that antagonistic? i was epanding on my point, eplaining why i think dual house OC snowflakes are retarded
calm down. no one is attacking you.

someone's got a broomstick up their ass

>> No.8673091
File: 721 KB, 3553x1987, Rub_al_Khali_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally this entire thread

>> No.8673099
File: 370 KB, 1536x2048, 12094949_10153119488342414_6298969560632489369_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippy steamstocking apparently

>> No.8673100


We're not the same person. But you are right. the entire series was about choosing your destiny. Even Voldie chose his when he decided to kill harry's parents instead of neville's

>> No.8673102

i like this actually

>> No.8673130

This is cute as fuck.

>> No.8673137

Seriously, NB4 samefag but I think this is pretty cute too.

But I feel conflicted because I hate steampunk crossovers.

>> No.8673152

Not a samefag. Seriously this same fagging shit is annoying. Just stop. Other people have similar opinions.

>> No.8673156

God dammit I seriously hate j.k. and the never ending harry potter fanfic bullshit. I remember her saying the snake that escaped from the zoo in the first book was actually Nagini like wut. What really burned my toast was when she sain Wicca didn't make sense at Hogwarts but all other religions are accepted. I'm Wiccan though so I guess I'm cheesed off its canon I wouldn't get a letter.

>> No.8673157

I want to see what her patters look like

>> No.8673193

... I know I am not a samefag? Please, stop and process what you are reading before outing yourself as an idiot.

>> No.8673218

I mean tbh if I'm in a support group for mental illness for people who actually experience it, I would like the people in the group to have some shared experiences.

The only problem I can find in this scenario you presented is that IF you want to make a group specifically for specific conditions and enforce that people disclose that information to gain access you might as well actually experience them. Otherwise it's just weird.

What she's doing is not that bad. As other people have stated it is a private group for a private function and to partake in the group is by choosing to disclose that information. She's not forcing people to tell her intimate details about their disabilities or harassing people about it.

>> No.8673226

I don't see why this is necessarily a problem?

Then again I don't really care if people ask about my disabilities.

>> No.8673257

ayyyyyy lmao

>> No.8673264

>calls herself a seamstress

what a fucking disgrace

>> No.8673268

lmao "up to medium difficulty" means you are intermediate at best.

Also, hems puckering is one of the easiest things to fix and avoid. Which shows how much skill this one has.

>> No.8673282

If you've seen come of the convos..... she actually has.

>> No.8673293

For real? Pics plz

>> No.8673299

I'm anon you replied to >>8670207 and I agree, while I'm fine with the request I do think the mod/whatever should also have the condition(s). Support group for people with shared experiences? Yes. Sharing those experiences for the entertainment of a non-co-sufferer? No thanks.

>> No.8673331

Woah woah, let's not act like a know-it-all and then say Luna could have been in Ravenclaw. That bitch WAS in Ravenclaw.

>> No.8673376

Isaki Tahashi, I assume.

She did a video bitching at 4chan that was hilariously cringy, called it an anti bullying video.

Supercarly64 did a parody video of it, Isaki immediately starts shit-flinging about the parody, including suggesting that Carly had chlamydia, and that was why she has made the parody (??).

In short, bullying.

>> No.8673563

>tfw you can no longer tell apart pop art inspired shit and that stupid af #dontjudge bollocks

>> No.8673626

She didn't say anything about a zoo snake and Nagini.
Also you sound retarded, no wonder you didn't get the letter.

>> No.8673669

This entire channel...


>> No.8673706

I see this person a lot when looking for lens/wig reviews and worn pics. I think it's neat that a higher functioning downey tries their best to get a real hobby.

>> No.8673737

>higher functioning downey

If only that were true instead of the reality of her just being a teenage weab

>> No.8673778


Wicca is a competely made up religion, though.

>> No.8673787

Why does her hair look so greasy and matted....in every single video?

Otherwise this isn't really that cringy.

>> No.8673792


That was BEFORE I watched her makeup tutorial for a "pearl liaison inspired look" oh my god how can you be this bad? Blending isn't that hard....

>> No.8673806

>mfw all religion is made up

anon wicca is a "new" religion yes not that old but it is based on old pagan practices; which btw out long Christianity.


>> No.8673825

tumblr pls

>> No.8673829

You should've just stopped after that first line.

>> No.8673854


Christianity is more based on pagan beliefs than Wicca (90% of Christmas festivities, Easter, etc).

Wicca is a 100% falsified "religion" that basically named rows "pagan" religions, ignoring the fact that pagan only ever meant non-Christian, and they're attempting, poorly, to encapsulate hundreds of different religions into self help books and "bookes of spelles and majick", ignoring the fact that magic was universally seen as something practiced only by shamans or evil people (besides the norse, who thought all women were slightly magic. Ironically, despite that fitting in to Wiccan notions of "inner goddess" narcissism, Wicca cribs next to nothing from Norse mythos, probably because people could recognize it).

Tl;Dr, wicca is competely made up.

Also, having to tell your opponent they are "rekt" is a sure sign you haven't rest anything.

>> No.8673867

Namedrops, not named rows. Autocorrect a shit.

>> No.8673902

Considering pagan practices encompasses everything but Christianity, Judaism and Islam it's pretty easy to say it's older than the aforementioned three.

>> No.8673907
File: 24 KB, 500x375, 1384853986235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true cringe is this thread. Can we all shut the fuck up and post cringe? Holy shit.

>> No.8674095
File: 145 KB, 467x700, tumblr_nweuopSXx21s8dlnko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8674113

What the fuck is this person going on about

>> No.8674115
File: 2.20 MB, 1080x1674, Screenshot_2015-10-18-15-16-04-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or is kate progressively becoming more cringe? She looks like a scene queen.


>> No.8674123

Honestly I'm starting to wonder if she's actually a troll.

>> No.8674129
File: 52 KB, 444x287, 1445181349518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8674135 [DELETED] 

>namedropping from other religions
>stuffing religion into self help books/ books empowering you to perform "magic"
Every religion I'm familiar with does this, what makes them legitimate and wicca 100% falsified?

almost all religions do this

>> No.8674163

Why do the lobster gloves seem familiar? I can't pinpoint it...

>> No.8674215

Wow. Didn't realise she wasn't until I watched the videos. Really unfortunate face.

>> No.8674226

Kate has always looked like a scene queen with that horrible hair.

>> No.8674230

That's true, but has she always been this weeby? All she needs now is some goddamn cat ears.

>> No.8674326

I agree, this stinks of vendetta

>> No.8674331
File: 276 KB, 491x191, hansoloiknow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw you're right

>> No.8674425

the true cringe in this thread is you

>> No.8674427


>> No.8674444

what the fuck is this

>> No.8674466

This actually reminds me a lot of my boyfriend. He's also very blunt especially when annoyed, and is never really happy or sad just apathetic or annoyed/stressed. Hmm

>> No.8674475

that behavior is common in schizospectrum people

>> No.8674485

that sounds more like autism...

>> No.8674489

>never really happy or sad just apathetic or annoyed/stressed
I hope that when it comes to how he feels about you that he's more than just either apathetic or annoyed, or else you're less of a girlfriend and more of a mother.

>> No.8674495

the two things do have their similarities. so it's likely to be either one of those things.

the girl in the video, though.. she doesn't fit the bill at all.

>> No.8674497

the girl in the video just has like internet spechul snoflak spergyness.

>> No.8674570
File: 741 KB, 245x222, PleaseSaveMe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is terrifying.

>> No.8674580

>red eyes

>> No.8674627

They appear red due to blood, don't be a smartass.

>> No.8674668

i keeping hearing "lobster hands i know i can't dance" well at least shes honest...

>> No.8674671

what illness does she have herself?

>> No.8674673

I heard "lobster hands and a cosmic dance". I can't even tell when she's singing in Japanese and when she's singing in English.

>> No.8674682

What is this supposed to be anyway?

>> No.8674683

Less cringe, more like nightmare fuel.

>> No.8674701


You know you have to be 18 to post here, right?

>> No.8674710
File: 564 KB, 256x298, ani_dancing_zoidberg01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lobster hands and a cosmic dance


>> No.8675011
File: 445 KB, 736x593, Screen Shot 2015-10-13 at 8.26.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a classic

>> No.8675021


fuck off

>> No.8675024

Being this retarded
Luna was a Ravenclaw not a Griffindor

>> No.8675025

or lose some damn weight

>> No.8675029

fucking assumers

>> No.8675074

A classic

>> No.8675279

Holy fucking shit she's my sister's friend. Went to a A-kon with her one year... Not a good time

>> No.8675303

I said that shit right here >>8673331

>> No.8675833
File: 13 KB, 230x252, 9780307119407_xlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8675847

for anyone who was as curious as me, her name is 仲村コニー / Connie Nakamura? nothing else nearly this cringe worthy on youtube tho.

>> No.8675868

is she an asian mom/white dad halfie

>> No.8675886

Yeah, I think the series got weaker as it got Grimdark

>> No.8675899

Oh no, your made up fantasy magic isn't allowed at the made up fantasy magic school?

>> No.8676189
File: 468 KB, 350x200, 1394325848754.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that flat voice acting

>> No.8676202
File: 718 KB, 1187x815, sads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8676914

oh my god this made me so uncomfortable

>> No.8676919

It's a little weird, but eh. It is a pretty cute wig, too, I like it.

>> No.8676921

Not cringe. Move on

>> No.8677115

It looks like someone photoshopped a mans face on a kids body..

>> No.8677227

>I don't want people thinking my real hair is synthetic
I don't think anyone's that stupid

>> No.8677262
File: 46 KB, 921x1000, 001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8677381

They are if you're black apparently

>> No.8677404

shut your fucking mouth jesus.

>> No.8677414
File: 678 KB, 480x320, picante!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8677556
File: 92 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1445360703435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8677915

I don't know why this is in here, that's a great Polnareff cosplay, even if I don't recognize his blue outfit.

>> No.8677923
File: 1018 KB, 250x239, 1440727156637.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what's cringe. Calling your wig "hair" to try to trick normalfags with your own vanity. That's like lying about having hair extensions. If she were just honest people wouldn't question it, though the slut is just fishing for likes and attention so it's already cringe.

>> No.8677936
File: 140 KB, 862x832, Screen Shot 2015-10-20 at 5.50.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8677938
File: 23 KB, 400x300, Nandesudesuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that lazy selfie
The real cringe. Wtf fb?

>> No.8677941
File: 97 KB, 960x642, 12112186_1079874752030193_5753489170323833541_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you become her lackey you'll get high quality photos like these

>> No.8677944
File: 114 KB, 800x533, LAUGHING_GIRLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how any of this works.

>> No.8677969

underrated post

>> No.8678411
File: 1.46 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-10-20-21-57-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whiteface Chanel is trying to sell off her bedsheet ita clothes. Do they come framed and signed to hang on my wall of lolcow itas?

>> No.8678562
File: 557 KB, 1035x1840, 2015-10-20_23.40.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8678567

These people are gross.

>> No.8678568
File: 514 KB, 1035x1840, 2015-10-20_23.49.56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8678569

>It's okay to take advantage of people if they're wealthy!
Yeah, it's his choice in the end, but the way they're talking about it all really disgusts me.

>> No.8678581



>> No.8678602

Thanks, dude

>> No.8678640
File: 134 KB, 500x266, hard life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8678674

....Omg... I know this girl.... Holy fucking shit.

>> No.8678675

YEP DOUBLE CHECKED FACEBOOK. I USED TO HANG OUT WITH HER ALL THE TIME. OMFG. How the HELL did she become THIS!? I deleted her because she became a racist as fuck poser who always talked about how shitty her life was and never posted anything other than photos of her drinking and smoking nonstop.

>tfw I used to be her editor
>tfw this is what has happened to her editing within the 3 years I have had her unfriended

>> No.8678690

Just found her insta, @connie_nakamura


>> No.8678704

prepare to get assblasted by gyarus

>> No.8678709
File: 251 KB, 2048x1152, 12087944_10153006395172038_7988747776007170356_o (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8678717

Good for you

>> No.8678718

And yet automatically everyone in slytherin equals evil. She could have changed that around towards the end but didn't. The series had so much potential but fell flat in the last few books. I always thought the houses were bullshit to be honest.

>> No.8678719

I could barely watch it. Far too cringe for me. Why would you post this online?

>> No.8678839

I'm really not surprised by that. She's currently spamming her awful photography page all over every east coast board.

Wait she's been doing photography for 3+ years and she's still this bad?

>> No.8678845

But they don't? Snape was never evil, nor were many of the Slytherins in the book. Draco himself wasn't evil either.

>> No.8678860

cringe even for gyaru levels of cringe

>> No.8678862



>> No.8678890

Those nails are only for the great ones

>> No.8678949

Eh, I like the idea, but it could have been executed better
The wig looks pretty shitty for example

>> No.8679340

Younger Hetalia fans are the worst

>> No.8679381
File: 69 KB, 720x720, aaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8679386
File: 727 KB, 2048x1364, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic's probably gonna get flipped cause I'm on mobile but... why on earth would you take a proof picture on some dirty cement?

>> No.8679416
File: 882 KB, 1475x856, ohfb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Facebook keeps recommending me this thing

Probably thinks it looks arty

>> No.8679534

Even the squirrel is fat

>> No.8679567

Pretty sure that's Rocket Raccoon anon

>> No.8679941

What is a joke?

>> No.8680185

Yeah.. Back since she was in high school, but looks like now she's gone from that and editing already taken photos to doing her own stuff and editing them herself.

>> No.8680658

The autism is strong with this one. Also

>> No.8680659

The autism is strong with this one. Also

>> No.8681217

why does she look like a sad child for 89% of the video

>> No.8681328
File: 317 KB, 960x1280, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fa831da06b51a8f83ca85723d97b67d46%2Ftumblr_n4plteUcrp1qm9g2zo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prince and fairykeiheaven's mouth expressions in every. Single. Photo.

>> No.8682074
File: 19 KB, 400x273, The_mole_bloody_mole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8682075

She looks like a little kid who has to pee

>> No.8682080
File: 209 KB, 529x600, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking why. Flashback to my weaboo days

>> No.8682197

Gotta admit, it's one of the better ones. The standard narutard bid was a crappy comic with "Butterfly" in the background.

>> No.8682210

Why do they keep doing it? Is it a problem?

>> No.8682476

I have synthetic hair and I never say its mine but it does get pretty awkward when people ask questions about it thinking it is your hair so sometimes I just say it is my hair to speed the conversation because it gets annoying when you get asked the question like 3 times a day .

>> No.8682482

um ew

>> No.8682513

I guess I can relate it to when I tell people I'm a vegetarian when I still eat fish (pescatarian). I don't eat much fish as it is anyway save for tuna (which is never at work/school functions) so I when I decline someone's meat offering I just tell them I don't eat meat and try to leave it at that.

>inb4 special snowflake diet
I know too much about livestock and production to want to eat them.

>> No.8682547

I honestly had no idea this was Free! related until '''''Haruka'''' walked on...

>> No.8682555

>tfw your friend thinks this video is really cute

>> No.8682556

*all hetalia fans

>> No.8682587
File: 406 KB, 250x150, 1437179748976.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should scare you:


>> No.8682654


is that a child laughing in the end...? é_è

>> No.8682823

What the fuck am I watching?

>> No.8683062


Kota Bear is back and preachy as ever, with her usual amount of misinformation. Also beating a dead horse with another dead horse.

>> No.8683122

Awe it's flagged
I forgot my YouTube info
Actually...maybe I shouldn't look for it

>> No.8683139

Oh my god I can't stand how she talks....it's like she takes 10 minutes to say what could have been covered in 3

>> No.8683243

Anon don't look for it. Your life will be better off without seeing it.

>> No.8683353

Please don't try and find it. I second the other anon. I'm going to have nightmares for weeks.

>> No.8683403

> This isn't so bad
> Oh

>> No.8683422

holy fuck, I'm a free!joshit and I can't even handle this

>> No.8683623
File: 41 KB, 300x320, tumblr_ly0msyZPYO1qblv9lo2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8684010

poor thing looks so uncomfortable

>> No.8684070
File: 54 KB, 375x360, 1410807331331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You being a vegetarian but sill eating fish has nothing to do with hair extensions. Why do vegetarians always feel compelled to tell everyone their eating habits? It's cringeworthy.

>> No.8684082

Hi Dom! Nice to see you're still too stupid to know the difference between vegetarian and pescatarian

>> No.8684087

enjoy your mercury poisoning and thanks for destroying the planet by eating tuna and still feeling smug about it


>> No.8684094
File: 26 KB, 599x337, you stop that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"this isn't so bad? it's just a silly cartoon"
>gets about 1 minute in
I hate people.

>> No.8684095

How is this cringe? I call vendetta.
If she were honest about it she'd get a million comments and questions about her hair, people wanting to touch it and pull it etc.

I see you've never had extensions or a weave/wig, but have fun being a judgemental cunt anyway. See how far that gets you in life instead of minding your own business.

>> No.8684096

I think people would be more likely to grab at it if she said it was her real hair. You don't see a lot of unnatural colors, especially pastel, that actually look good.

Wigs tend to make people back off, since most normies don't know much about them. Only kids would tug at it.

>> No.8684208

Not that difficult to decipher. Vegetarians don't eat meat and Presbyterians think Christ is great.

>> No.8684376

>Isaki is in the comments talking about tattoos

Two cringes for the price of one!

>> No.8684562
File: 41 KB, 357x356, 1437847210902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is she doing in between "scenes"/instructions? mufufufu? puchuopuchi? Apopopo? What is happening?

>> No.8684584

I laughed for a whole minute. This post was gold.

>> No.8684586

underrated post.

>> No.8684651
File: 66 KB, 500x574, 1445497969043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She reminds me of how Adam Koralov (or whatever his name is) talks...
subbed. thanks

>> No.8684675

The application is so bad. I guess it's still impressive in a way because of those nails though.

>> No.8684702

but that simple coord cute, tho!

>> No.8685228
File: 9 KB, 275x206, 1443477905122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lolly Playgirl

>> No.8685231

I never thought this style of gyaru actually looked good but this shit takes it to a whole new level.

>> No.8685245

And what exactly would that accomplish, giving info to the brands? Then you'll have a bunch of people blacklisted and create an even higher demand for replicas. And what about newbies who don't know any better? They buy some cheap replica then get fucked over for life.

>> No.8685322

Her makeup makes me cringe. All that money can't fix ugly.

>> No.8685548
File: 59 KB, 660x530, pleaseproofread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole kickstarter is painful ($50K to start a Jfashion store in TX? No business plan? No experience?)

But what bothers me the most is that I've seen 13-year-olds write fanfiction with better grammar.

>> No.8686805
File: 493 KB, 511x399, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8686821

I was going to call nitpick but what the fuck is happening on the right

>> No.8686829

>see other people beg
>they get it
>"well why not me too?"

The cycle continues

>> No.8686845

Honestly it seems to me like it was a hot night, petticoats can get really warm. The relieved look on her face suggests that she felt cool air for the first time around that area all day. Not cringe, southwest lolitas should be able to relate.

>> No.8687089
File: 79 KB, 721x960, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh. Cringe cosplay couples, crappy wigs included

>> No.8687145

Goddamn, the porno parody had more effort put into their costumes than this..

>> No.8687163

So you take photos of that? And then post them on the internet?

She looks more like she's pissed herself than that. No matter how hot you get keep your clothing on outdoors.

>> No.8687183
File: 33 KB, 400x320, 2453335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on Anon, that could be WAAAAAY worse. Her wig is kinda frizzy, but everyone here has seen way worse, or no wig.

>> No.8687231
File: 77 KB, 400x369, img-2642444-2-7736434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Christ's sake, I want to keep my eye light.

>> No.8687255

>>same photo is posted in the ita thread

I'm sensing a vendetta.

>> No.8687272

How? I posted it here and then someone mentioned the original photo in the ita thread so I posted it there to show the anon what it looked like, Not everything is a vendetta.

>> No.8687372

If anyone has visited Florida SuperCon, Animate Miami, and Magic-City, you know the same convention just under a different name and different month,

There's always that fat Asian guy sitting near the manga booth. Why the fuck does he reek and is balding? Why does he talk so obnoxiously loud?

>> No.8687422


>> No.8687536

Both have shit wigs, she has a bad fitting bra, shitty brows, the rest is just nitpicky though

>> No.8688658


>> No.8689096

What the fuck am I watching?

Also, Venus's hair is so gross now. If she's so obsessed with being an aidoru, you'd think she'd take better care of her appearance

>> No.8689521
File: 79 KB, 308x351, I just can't be the only one to see the resemblance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't be the only one to see the resemblance

>> No.8689662

The robotic thing was somewhat endearing when she was younger and now it's uncomfortable

>> No.8690044

NEW THREAD! This one will autosage soon!


>> No.8691276

am i the only one who find it weird she's in mcdonalds acting like this with a middleaged man and his child?