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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8666491 No.8666491 [Reply] [Original]

questions, comments, concerns, and general bitching

>> No.8666508


>> No.8666511

soooo, when are the reservations, when do you normally get your invoice?

>> No.8666645
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Color choosing question: I never had the expectation that I would be able to pick the exact color and cut I wanted so now with this amazing MTO I have NO idea which to choose. Originally I loved the white zipper jsk and while I still do, I feel like it might be hard to coord. I am thinking of going for the black zippered JSK instead but I don't know how it will look since they haven't made that combo yet and I am worried about the gold zippers looking weird like on the original all black zipper JSK. (I would go for the high waist JSK but I don't like how that cut sits on me.) I am so torn! I feel like the lavender and wine are easiest to coord but I don't really want either color and while pink would be cute, I really wanted this to be as gothic as it can be. I also just turned 30 and feel the pink doesn't match my age as well anymore.

For any indecisive gulls like me, could we possibly post some coords in this thread too? Especially with the new black x white fabric? I already went through all the tagged pics on tumblr and I still feel as confused as ever.

>> No.8666650

I thought the reservation started on the 17th but people are already buying things?

Did I read the dates wrong?

>> No.8666660

It makes me sick how many people from Japan and the US are suddenly listing their dresses they just purchased on LM for 600-900... please spread the word of this MTO so shitty scalpers like them don't get money for being a dick.

>> No.8666735


>> No.8668659

Bumping this thread because old one is in autosage.

>> No.8668660

No it isn't

>> No.8668664

But it has 306 replies and 300 is the limit?

>> No.8668665

It's not even saging... do you even know what that term means?

>> No.8668671

There's a new limit (I believe 311, but don't quote me).

Personally I think once it hits 300+ a new thread isn't such a bad idea. Pay no attention to needless butthurt anons.

>> No.8668673

The change to the autosage limit is recent and the other thread is basically on the threshold anyway. Calm down.

>> No.8668674

I just saw that it isn't, but it's weird. Wasn't 300 the limit? Is there a new limit?

>> No.8668680

310 is the limit. I just made the last post. No idea why this isn't anywhere in a blog or news feed.

>> No.8668682

Seems to be 311, what a weird number.

>> No.8668685

Yet here it is still bumping with 312.

>> No.8668694

The post was no longer bumping at 312 (other threads rose in front of it), and the text was italicized at 310. Don't have a screencap though, sorry.

>> No.8668697
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>bought AATP dress for a halloween meet
>re-re-release happens
>friends are doing group orders to save for shipping
>want this dress but no money

>> No.8668701

You pay at check out

>> No.8668709

Anyone have good pics of the OTKs?

>> No.8668730
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Let's do a little recap so the same questions won't be asked again and again.

The Made-To-Order will start on the 17th 6p.m. and will end on the 25th. You won't see it on the homepage until it's 6 p.m.
AP sometimes closes MTOs early, but it will usually stay for a few days so no need to get up in the middle of the night.
The colors are pink, ivory, wine, bxw and lavender. No black or navy this time, but both JSK cuts.

The sizes are most likely the same as the old releases and can be checked on lolibrary. Rumors say the new release is longer but many others say otherwise so be prepared for the short versions.

You need to use Tenso for the japanese site, so register early and properly fill out the forms. A guide for Tenso and AP registration can be found here: http://egl.livejournal.com/19625005.html and on Tenso's own website.

Yes, the US-branch will open the MTO as well, no further information provided. Please be aware that shipping to Europe is $45 and the prices of the dresses are higher.

There is currently no information on the limits per person/household, but AP might release them when they open the MTO.

You will have to pay up-front, AP will charge your card after the MTO closes. They will ship out in early March.

>> No.8668735

You are an angel. Hopefully this will stop a lot of the stupid questions that flooded the last thread.

>> No.8668744

I created a poll just for fun, kinda to get a feel of what everyone's looking to get from the MTO.
Feel free to vote!

>> No.8668750 [DELETED] 

>AP will charge your card after the MTO closes.
Wait, so does AP doesn't charge you right away?
Asking because I get paid later in that week, and I'm really worried about them ending it before I get paid

>> No.8668751
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>Rumors say the new release is longer but many others say otherwise so be prepared for the short versions.

So far the only dress that is longer is the OP. The zipper jsk and the special set seem to both be 86cm

>> No.8668752

why does the pink look so photoshopped? honestly, it has the same folds & creases the lavender colourway has.

>> No.8668753

Have you never bought from AP before? AP will always charge you right away. Once you put it in your shopping card you will be lead to the payment page where you put in your tenso address and your credit card.

AP will NOT charge you in March when they're ready to be shipped
AP will NOT invoice you


Hope that helps.

>> No.8668755

Lol I never noticed that but you're right. It totally is photoshopped. Makes me wonder what the color will look like in person.

>> No.8668759

Please excuse the statement regarding the lenght.>>8668751 is right, the first release OP was 79cm and the new OP is 89cm

What I wanted to say is that you have to have your money ready when you order and you will have to pay the whole sum upfront, no deposit and not in March. I assumed they will charge your credit card at the end of the MTO, because their announcement said that customers who order by phonecall have to pay until the reservation period ends.

>> No.8668783

does anyone know the shipping prices from AP japan against AP USA
Specifically asking because I'm in the UK and I'm wondering how I can charged with less at customs, considering I am don't have loads of money to spare and would like to keep it to a minimum (wouldn't we all)
Sorry for the dumb question

>> No.8668785

use the little intelligence you have and read the thread. then determine that if it's much cheaper to ship to Germany from Japan it will be also cheaper to the UK. what is the exchange rate?

>> No.8668790

>read the thread
There's no mention about customs in the thread, obviously I checked. I found the shipping costs, but I still need to know about customs to be honest, the UK ones seem almost random on what they tax you on.

>> No.8668800

omg so many fucking morons

>There's no mention about customs in the thread, obviously I checked
customs is not determined by AP, it is determined by your country. anything you purchase overseas can have customs tacked onto it at the time of delivery

AP SF does not mark down packages AFAIK. tenso does. with the current exchange rate it is far cheaper to buy directly from the JP website

>> No.8668801

Use an SS maybe? They will usually not include a receipt and therefore less chance for customs fee. I'm not sure if that is 100% accurate but it is an option.

>> No.8668808

How is anyone supposed to know this? In any case, custom fees are determined by the amount you spent and since APUSA overprizes their stuff it will definitely be more expensive.

>> No.8668823

Im in uk and pay about £35/40 on £100 worth of clothes. Mark that shit down.

>> No.8668849

Is it common to get this many idiot noob questions for something like this or is it only because it's a popular Angelic Pretty release? This is coming from someone that's asked an idiot noob question herself.

>> No.8668853

ah okay, thank you! Guess I'll be going with tenso after all
>to the people asking how anyone was supposed to know, that was what I was looking for

>> No.8668856

I think because it's so many people's dream dress everyone just wants to get it right, and therefore there are lots of noobish questions, even from lolitas who aren't actual newfags. I'd rather ask a noob question and get laughed at on an anon site than mess something up and not get my dress, to be honest. Better safe than sorry, right?

>> No.8668864

I am 100% sure you could've googled this yourself and would've found answers that are non-lolita but still apply. I bet there is even an official page for this.

>> No.8668870

People are getting too overly excited. Instead of taking the time to spend 5-10 min on googling, they resort to asking dumb questions on the Internet. There's still plenty of time (a week give or take) to place an order on the dress but it seems like people are choosing to run around like headless chickens.

Also doesn't help that were spoon feeding the seagulls by providing all the necessary information for them.
>pls don't feed the noobs

Honestly if you're too stupid to figure out how to tenso and navigate through the jp website they deserve to pay out of the ass to use a shopping service and/or AP SF

>> No.8668889

you are not the only one, anon.

damn fuck luck

>> No.8668896

Does AP charge tax on the dresses?
I'm ordering together with a friend so I was wondering for calculation reasons

>> No.8668899

Are you really this dumb? Look at the fucking OP pic: there is a price with and without tax for every piece.
God, when you think every possible stupid question already got posted..

>> No.8668904

I'm retarded sry anon.

>> No.8668915

Sorry anon but it seems like the sheer look at Holy Lantern shuts off people's brain cells. You're not the first one and won't be the last one.

>> No.8668933

Anyone else think the holy lantern socks look really weird somehow? The drippy portion has always looked off to me. It looks more like the sort of thing that would be incorporated into a chocolate themed outfit (in the relevant colours though obviously) than holy lantern, especially considering there isn't any obvious drippy motif anywhere else in the print. Hmm.
It's not that I don't like them, they just seem...off?

>> No.8668938

probably because photos of dresses for this MTO haven't come out yet; those are all photos from the previous releases.

>> No.8668944

At this point, I'm over spoonfeeding the stupid newbies. All the answers are in this and the last thread. If they cant read, tough shit.

They can fend for themselves while we roll around in our precious burando dream dresses.

>> No.8668951

Same here anon, the drippy pattern is a little weird. I thought I was the only one who didn't care anything for the socks at all.

>> No.8668954

Yeah, I think they look like something that would go really well with melty chocolate but every time I see them with Holy lantern they look weird.

>> No.8668958

I'm just waiting for the inevitable "ero" coord where someone unzips one of the boobs.

>> No.8668962

Look I know this is a newfag question and I'm sorry to ask (I have googled this to no avail and tenso isn't as clear as they could be) but when I'm submitting my address it's kind of fucked up.

It formats it as:
my name
my county
house number
street name

surely my county should go after the house details? If this isn't important when they post it then that's okay, but does this strike anyone else as out of the norm or is that just how they do it?
>pls no bully, am newfag to tenso

>> No.8668963

I think they were just designed during that creepy cute heyday when everything was drippy.
Not a exactly a timeless design.

>> No.8668965

I always assumed the zippers were for decoration only and didn't function.
Sounds like a new subgenre of lolita
>you've heard of sailor lolita, now let's hear it for nip slip lolita

>> No.8668966

No, that's correct.

>> No.8668967

Addresses are backwards in Japan, anon. Over there they start with postal code, then prefecture, then city, ward, etc.

>> No.8668970



Please reread what you just posted.

>> No.8668974

>mfw I'm not american
because americans are the only ones with that postal format, right? I'm aware that other countries have a different format, I've just never seen my parcels from Japan come like that, so I was wondering if tenso did it differently.
You're going to give yourself high blood pressure.

>> No.8668977

If I live in San Francisco and can pick up in-store (no shipping cost) is it still cheaper to order from Japan through tenso?

>> No.8668980

tenso have a shipping calculator, but if I were in your position I'd pick it up instore just for peace of mind, I worry about packages vanishing in mid air.

>> No.8668981

Are you serious?
You have the chance to avoid shipping costs, longer wait time, and possible post office fuck ups.
Pick it up in store, definitely.

>> No.8668982

>MFW I can get the JSK and 2 pairs of OTKS after tax from AP JP for less than I can get one JSK pre-tax from AP USA

You'd save money through Tenso

>> No.8668984

I was being facetious to stress how retarded your question is.

>> No.8668990

no one cares, you don't need to reply to yourself explaining yourself. It's kinda lame.

>> No.8668991

telling people their questions are stupid isn't going to stop people asking questions or answer the questions.
>inb4 muh board culture! I'm preventing more questions!

>> No.8669028

I've never bought direct from AP before, and just found out thwy only take credit card. I don't have a credit card only a debit card. Can I still use it or do I need to try find a SS? I'm worried now.

>> No.8669030

Yeah but remember you have to pay shipping from tenso as well, plus there is a risk factor even if it is small.

>> No.8669033 [DELETED] 

Oh shit, I also need the answer to this question

>> No.8669037
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>> No.8669042

Sorry must have missed that. Thank you anon

>> No.8669053

does your debit card have a visa logo on it anon? you can still use it as a CC, they payments will just be withdrawn from your checking account in 3-5 business days!

>> No.8669054

Even with shipping from Tenso I'll come out ahead. I'd be out out an extra $50 buying it from AP USA for the same items and that's after Tenso shipping

>> No.8669069

Yes it does. That's good to know. Thank you.

>> No.8669072

The US dollar has been doing well this year so it'll be cheaper to buy from Japan, even after fees and shipping. As of now, every $100 USD is about ¥12000.

>> No.8669074


>> No.8669079

I really can't decide which main pieces and colors I want.... I have mostly pink in my wardrobe and I love the OP best but it may be too short on me, though someone mentioned getting an underskirt. This is such a tough decision and I've been mulling over this since yesterday.

>> No.8669085

When registering for Tenso, do you need to put your name into katakana in the 'Full Name in Alphabet' box?

>> No.8669088

Get the OP in pink!! The new OP's length is as long as the other JSKs

>> No.8669094

We've discussed this like 4 times. Google is your friend.

No. That is where your English name goes

>> No.8669101

I might do that and get a JSK too as backup. My height and shoulders tend to be an issue when trying to fit into smaller dresses, though

>> No.8669112

Can we please get a goddamn shopping service/Tenso thread going? I am so sick of Tenso newfags ruining this thread. We've all been there, but the difference is we didn't spam threads instead of doing a quick google search. There are so many tutorials/guides to Tenso and AP's website.

>> No.8669114


>> No.8669126

I know I'll regret not purchasing these in multiple cuts, especially since it's MTO and I don't have to rip it out of someone else's hands

>White OP
>Black OP
>Red JSK
>Pink High Waist JSK
On top of Horror Garden being released, I probably won't be able to make any more purchases for the rest of the year.

>> No.8669130

Judging from the Lolita Updates post, if you live in SF shipping is only $8.

If you live outside of CA, shipping is $18.

If you live outside of the US, shipping is $45.

So for you anon, it'd still be cheaper by getting it through Tenso. You'd be saving around $50

>> No.8669139

The fucking noobs should just google Emichan tenso.

It's a Liz Lisa buying guide that also shows how to set up a tenso account since LL uses it too.

I'd post a link for the lazy people but 4chan thinks it's spam

>> No.8669158

Man is AP super sneaky? Did they intended do this all long if they had plans to make the pink in all cuts? I feel bad for everyone who bought the fugly LE one.

>> No.8669164

So when do we get a Puppet Circus re-release?

>> No.8669190

That might be the one dress they may never re-release because the haven't done it by now and they stated when asked that they were unsure if they would ever do that.

There are times when I consider selling mine because it seems like re-releases are pretty popular now and I don't want lose out on the resale value of the dress currently, but I love it too much.

>> No.8669204
File: 198 KB, 240x320, 22857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the hunt for some pictures of the new skirt worn but I have only found this one and one other with just a meh blouse. Does anyone have any other pics of the skirt worn? Or coords of other similar skirt cuts so I can get an idea of how to wear it? I don't own any skirts but would really like one of this print.

>> No.8669213

AP, why tf are you coording bright ass red tea parties with a dark wine skirt? They don't match.

polite sage for OT

>> No.8669226

I doesn't look like it's supposed to match, being a casual outfit and all.

>> No.8669246

It is dropped waist so look at how the chocolate print skirts are worn (chess chocolate and one of the melty ribbon skirts are that cut), and it is pretty similar to the original skirt style but without the zippers. Scalopettes are usually dropped waist too for comparison on if you think it will suit you, and you will find that some of these stuff have more room for poof than others.

>> No.8669250

damn.... so many girls are ready to drop 1k on holy lantern
>struggling to afford one main piece


>> No.8669255

That's not the price tag I'm reading.

>> No.8669259

Idk, the point of these coords is that they try to match what they have available in-store to sell. It's conceivable there are no other red shoe options currently available at that AP branch.

>> No.8669293

Everything about this coord is "what". That new skirt looks amazing, though!

>> No.8669303

>Had neutral feelings about this at the first re-release
>Now dying to get the wine, lavender and pink color way
>Shakes fist at seagulls

I can't really buy it right now because of another dress I have to pay off so hopefully I'll find one in the market in the future at a decent price.

>> No.8669305

Check your email, gulls! AP USA just sent me my shipping confirmation!

>> No.8669306

>mfw black x white OP is dream dress
>mfw with new height adjustment it will fit perfectly
>mfw I can't get it now

>> No.8669310


>> No.8669315


I'm so lost. are you guys talking about the most recent release that just happened?

>> No.8669350

None yet for me so I hope it will come soon

>> No.8669359

Ngl I'm planning on dropping close to a grand too. Going for 3 jsks.

>> No.8669362

Shipping confirmation emails are going out to bloodbath survivors.

>> No.8669364

No one cares.

>> No.8669369

Lots of people care, and anon asked. Don't be so butthurt.

>> No.8669392

Anon asked for clarification regarding wtf they were on about. And no, only those who are expecting something care which is basically no one. Everyone only cares about the MTO. Ohh you got a shipping notice, yippee better run to 4chan to talk about it rofl.

>> No.8669407

Salty jelly is pretty gross but you do you, kiddo.

>> No.8669412

Anon must be talking about the previous release where it was a bloodbath.
>anon just wishes you were jelly when nobody is bc of the zipper jsk MTO kek

>> No.8669423

Girls please, I know you're both new here but talking about when confirmation emails go out is pretty standard practice here for releases. It'll happen again when the MTOs go out and then we will all have our time to shine.

>> No.8669427

How are APs tights for tall lolitas? I'm 170cm, so unsure if I should go for these if the print is just going to stretch out.

>> No.8669432

Seconding this. I'm 173cm and I'm nervous about the tights as well.

>> No.8669435

Good lord. I was just asking for clarification because I was confused by that post - this thread is about the MTO rerelease but they were talking about confirmation emails, which confused me because the period hasn't opened yet so there wouldn't be any. I just wanted to know if they were talking about the most recent release, the one that just happened before this upcoming MTO.

Just a yes or a no to this post will suffice.

>> No.8669437
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>> No.8669447

Well, your question was already answered. Many of us ITT participated in the bloodbath and are now looking to the MTO to get more HL items, so it seemed like mentioning the emails for the rerelease had gone out was relevant for many of us, plus it keeps HL from taking over the general again.

It'd also be really weird to assume that AP was sending out shipping confirmation for an MTO that hasn't happened yet so I'm not even sure why you asked.

>> No.8669475

>get paid on the 30th
wh y

>> No.8669482

is there no one who can do you solid?

>> No.8669483

Yeah, wow. Didn't expect to see so many people butthurt over the mention of shipping emails.

It must blow to be that miserable and easily upset.

>> No.8669487


I'm 172 and they fit alright; not the best, but do-able. I have thin legs, so the color stays nice and even, but the crotch kinda pulls down/can sag a little if they ended up being extra short. For the most part they're high quality and fit well, though.

>> No.8669496

I am literally in the same boat, anon. This was going to be the first piece in my lolita wardrobe but I'd feel so guilty if I dipped into my savings. Oh well, I wanted to start buying Christmas presents anyway...

>> No.8669508
File: 236 KB, 358x359, 1382398588325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comm is doing a group order right when the MTO opens
>want the bag and zipper jsk
>only have money for the bag ATM

I was going to sit on this for a week to get the rest of the money, maybe I'll get the bag through the GO and the dress through SF...

>> No.8669514

casual doesn't mean braille

>> No.8669531

This might sound dumb but do the zippers on the zipper JSK cut actually... unzip? Or are they just decorative?

>> No.8669538

I don't really see the problem here. Can't you just replenish your savings once you get your salary?

>> No.8669540


Laughing at all the lazy folks who can't take the time to figure out the Japanese site (which is a breeze to use anyway).

I'll keep my extra $60 thank you very much, sorry AP USA.

>> No.8669552

They unzip

>> No.8669560

Praise fucking be, Tenso approved my id so i'm good to go.

>> No.8669564
File: 956 KB, 500x252, OJuLMQD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm laughing at all the folks who are so poor they have to worry over $60.
I'll take my convenient in store pick up over a measly $60 any day.
sucks to suck.

>> No.8669610

Eh, it makes sense if you're picking it up in store, but a lot of people who are going for AP USA aren't doing so for the "convenient pick up" (they don't but even life in SF) but because they can't navigate the JP site. It's a different story altogether.

>> No.8669615

>I'd feel so guilty if I dipped into my savings.
You are not a real lolita then.

>> No.8669619

Different anon, but I guess it comes down to if you really want to put in a little bit of extra work. But hell, if I can figure out and navigate Taobao, I can figure out AP's Japanese website. Plus, shit's useful to know etc etc.

>> No.8669647


I can't do store pickup as I live nowhere near the SF store, and I still save money going through the Japanese site due to how weak the yen is. Someone did a nice price comparison in the Facebook thread. Even with the Tenso service fee and shipping (which are charged in yen) it's cheaper, money saved is money saved.

I've had an account on the jp site since the renewal, and I've always ordered directly there, it's pretty easy.

>> No.8669665

Good thing about this re-release is it's clued me in that I have to have my ID approved first. Now I can get my account ready way ahead of time for when AP finally releases their school wizard print.

>> No.8669666

Quick question about credit cards on Angelic Pretty JP! A friend & I Both want HL, but Tenso won't accept their ID so I was going to allow them to use my AP account. Will AP accept credit cards under different names than the one registered to the account? I

>> No.8669668

$60 is a good chunk of change. That would get you a decent secondhand bonnet, shoes, or a few accessories. I'll save my money, thanks.

>> No.8669672

I've used my SO's CC on AP's site and had zero issues.

>> No.8669675

I'm deciding between Holy Lantern and Btssb's La Robe Vert Clair...LA Robe Vert Clair is my dream dress but Holy Lantern is so much more wearable.

>> No.8669683

Tenso didn't make me have to use katakana for my full name blank like other people were saying, so just used my regular name for both.

>> No.8669685

See, I would go after La Robe Vert Clair over HL. I am only thinking about the how the secondhand market would be like after the fact.

If you can be patient enough, you can find those people who will be selling their HL at a much cheaper resell price.

>> No.8669716

I could but I really don't like touching my savings unless it's an absolute emergency. I'm moving out in less then a year, just got a new job that pays bi-weekly, and Christmas is right around the corner so it's just not a good time.

>This was going to be the first piece in my lolita wardrobe
I'm not, thank god.

>> No.8669721

any word if AP is going to release jewelry for Holy Lantern?

>> No.8669732

>was kidding
We don't need you anyway, you probably would've ita'd HL up more than anyone.

>> No.8669742

>what is a joke
Jesus, why is this rerelease making everyone so salty?

>> No.8669816

It must blow to be that fucking slow to figure anything out. Context. Critical thinking. Get out of the thread.

>> No.8669819

Why are you so damn mad?

>> No.8669830

Thanks for the advice anon! Yeah La Robe Vert Clair is much harder to find secondhand.

>> No.8669831

>HL discussion in the HL thread

>> No.8669858


>> No.8669934

>mfw I'm an eurofag and ordering from Japan simply saves me money and is no different otherwise

I'm laughing at my eurofag fellas who are stupid enough to order from the US store.

>> No.8669941

So many people are talking about picking this up and maybe even three of it, makes me wonder how unpopular it will become soon. People don't like Nameless Poem anymore because everyone has it. Just how many people can you see wear the same OP before you get sick of it.

>> No.8669946

Doubt that'll happen. Nameless poem never got scalped to this extent, and there aren't 5 different color options/cuts for it.

>> No.8669965

I'm gonna get the OP and socks to match, and then go for one Meta's skirt lucky packs. If those sell out before I get one, I might nab a zipper JSK then if they're still available.

I love the bat bag but I'm a skeptic on PU and synthetic leathers since they don't last a long time.

>> No.8669968

theyre probably the ones that shelled out hundreds for HL, LMAO~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8670004

Anon, I own the original cut. Reply to this if you want any photos of that. I feel like they're very similar, minus the zippers.

>> No.8670029

i've been jobless for a while, so all my savings went to paying off debts + some commitments i made.

>> No.8670050

178cm here and these tights are great. They are not the same as APs printed tights. These are better cause theres no white seams. They stretch better all around.

>> No.8670068

Isn't it supposed to be up now? Where is it..

>> No.8670075


>> No.8670079

It's supposed to start at 6 pm JST on the 17th, which should be open now unless if I misread

>> No.8670082

Today is the 16th anon.

>> No.8670085

Jesus do you possess a single brain cell? Google current japan time ffs.

>> No.8670092

Wow, are you really this dumb?

>> No.8670096

Oh yikes, disregard this. I can't count for beans. Tomorrow***

>> No.8670122

Ahh thank you! Looks like I'm getting the tights now!

>> No.8670169

So I will be staying up for this, only because I have no control over my life and I will most likely be up anyway.

But this week has completely drained whatever funds I had.

>> No.8670254

So... does that mean you are buying or not?

>> No.8670259

can you please post price comparison? I don't know if my tenso account will be completed in time

>> No.8670267

My tenso account doesn't have to have the identity verification done until it ships, yeah? So it shouldn't matter until Spring?

>> No.8670268

No. It does matter.

Make a fucking shopping service thread already.

>> No.8670282

Pretty sure. It will just sit in the warehouse.

>> No.8670311

Oh, I am. That pink zipper JSK is easy to cute to pass up.

I just wasn't expecting favorite ribbon to come out soon too

>> No.8670371

so I have fattychan legs. Should I not bother with any of the leg wear or could I at least turn the tights into OTK's?

>> No.8670377

Gross, don't cut the tights. How big are your legs? Maybe you can turn the otks into knee highs?

>> No.8670406

Honestly just find legwear that will fit you. It will look 100% better and you won't be cookie cutter AP.

>> No.8670438

I mean obviously I'm not gonna just cut the tights and leave it like that. You can sew an elastic band around the top of the leg. I asked because the OTK's will "turn into" knee highs anyway if I have fat legs but they aren't stretchy. I ask because meta's OTK's are actually surprisingly stretchy and I usually have no problem with them.

I guess I'm just wondering if I want to have a set or not. But yeah it would be easier and probably less expensive to just find properly fitting leg wear.

>> No.8670478

Okay so since we are all anonymous anyway, how many people are going to buy an extra piece to scalp it?

>> No.8670480

I've got the extra money, but I don't know if it's worth it. How high do you think it could scalped for anyway considering everyone and their mother will have it?

>> No.8670481

The OP is one of my favorite dresses but I fear it most likely won't fit me since I'm not super tiny... I was going to go for the high waist JSK but I know I'll probably regret not getting the OP. The JSK will for sure fit me, but I'm torn. I can't afford both right now. I don't know what to do.

>> No.8670483

I'm in the same boat
I have the chubbiest arms and they won't fit into anything

>> No.8670484

Don't have the money for that, but I think the price of HL will drop somewhat after this anyway. I checked yahoo JP today and there are listings for HL fairly cheap now.
I am going to sell my replica though since people might be desperate enough to buy it if they miss this.

>> No.8670486

Is your replica the one with the odd green color?

>> No.8670489

No, it was before oo jia's replicas came out.

>> No.8670513

Do you have pics? I wanna see it

>> No.8670555

I'm really indecisive right now, so I might just buy one of everything in wine and then sell off the cuts that don't look good on me. Even if the re-sale price isn't as crazy as it used to be, I'll still probably make at least another $100 off each one.

>> No.8670556

No. I might sell the other one but I will see what prices people are selling them for.

Not even trying to scalp it. Just really liked the two cuts

>> No.8670558

I literally just got one of the blood bath pieces nearly exactly retail with tax in Navy. I think going into this with the idea of scalping is a little

Dumb as fuck, probably, but I won't stop anyone.

>> No.8670565

See if you can trade the OP for the zipper JSK if it ends up not fitting you. That's the route I'm taking, since I'd rather not regret missing out on a dress that could possibly fit.

>> No.8670591

Yep. The international market is going to be full. The only people who may pay above retail are the few that can't buy it now, but even then I think that's a stretch

>> No.8670596

I feel like a moron because I've always wanted one of the skirts, so I bought one of the new ones--failing to realize that it's meant to sit differently. Now I'm worried I'm going to look super fucking dumb in it. I'm already really short and my style is less poof/more casual, so the original would have been perfect. I don't know if I can pull off the new style. Shit.

>> No.8670600

I still can't decide which to get. Should I get 2 main pieces or one main with the bat purse? The bat is too damn cute but then I can only afford one dress.

>> No.8670602

One main + the purse imho. It's too cute to pass up, especially if you can coord it with other things.

>> No.8670604

Gulls, I'm feeling indecisive.

I initially decided on getting one ribbon clip in wine to go with the jsk, but when I was on instagram I saw some people do pigtail/bun hairstyles with 2 ribbon clips. But then I also was thinking of getting a black one just to change things up + it would go with some of the other dresses I have. But then I'm wondering if it would be pointless to get a second wine ribbon clip just because, while I thought that hairstyle was cute, I'm not sure if it's really my style. I guess if I don't want it anymore I can always sell it? Maybe I can look at other ways of styling pigtails.

>> No.8670606

I'm pretty tall but I dress pretty casually and have the new skirt. It sits really nicely. Its a little poofier then most of Ap's mini skirts. Sits similar to French Cafe and has similar poof as Whip showcase. I hope it works for you, its really lovely. Which color did you get?

>> No.8670618

Yeah the max I'm seeing right now is 45,000ish. I don't see it ever going back up to $900. I wonder how that person who bought it for that price feels right now.

>> No.8670621

You could always just buy the black clip and do an updo with the wine and black? I think it would be cute.

>> No.8670622

Navy, which is stunning, but I think I'm anxious mostly because of all the itas wearing the Chess Chocolate skirt and looking bad way back. It's actually really comforting to hear that it looks nice on you! I hope the poof works in my favor to balance me out. Long torso + stumpy legs is the opposite of what I'd like, but I feel pretty good about it right now.

>> No.8670628

I thought about that too, but I wasn't sure if it would look weird with two different colored clips or not. I suppose that's another option and I'm not buying 3 clips!

>> No.8670640

the fuck are you saying

>> No.8670643

Damn it, if I wasn't busy today I'd obsessively try and put together a collage of a bunch of worn pieces for every cut.

>> No.8670648

Sage BC off topic but when is that baby dress out? I need it, I saw the pics and thought it was a special limited edition or something, it was so pretty.

I was this close to registering a tenso for the HL MTO but I just don't like any of the cuts

>> No.8670656

Has it been mentioned anywhere if there's going to be new pink socks or accessories?

>> No.8670661

The Japanese on the photo says there will be

>> No.8670662

Looks like October 22
How do you order though? They don't accept PayPal or tenso

>> No.8670667

Why not post this in the lolita general thread?

This is clearly a HL thread

>> No.8670698

Main piece and bat purse for sure. I think that if you wanted to have two JSKs, you would have pretty much decided on that

>> No.8670713

hi shiri

>> No.8670714

Could we start posting some pictures of the dresses worn?

>> No.8670730
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>> No.8670732
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I'll start with pic dumping. I sincerely hope that the Lavender color is a bright as it is here, because I'm getting the Lavender OP myself.

>> No.8670733
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>> No.8670734
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>> No.8670735
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>> No.8670736

silver shoes with the black JSK are the perfect match. thank you for the photo dump btw.

>> No.8670740
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>> No.8670741

Only half of the pictures were mine.
Thanks to the other anon too.
There are some good coords on Holy Lantern tag at Instagram, you should lurk there.

>> No.8670742

If these girls look good in the OP then I can pretty much confirm it won't fit me lol. The navy looks a lot better than the stock photo led on.

>> No.8670749

What color will you all get?

>> No.8670764

Is the gold horror bat bag sparkly? I know this is probably a dumb question but in the photos on the website in the close up of the gold logo there's no sparkles on the bag.

I do wish they were releasing the smaller bag as well.

>> No.8670771

I'm definitely getting the wine zipper jsk. I really love this print in lavender, but I dislike how it looks as the zipper jsk and >>8670740 is making it look even worse for some reason. I mmight for for the OP and then if I decide I don't like it I'd trade for the regular jsk

>> No.8670772

Why is everyone saying the zipper jsk measurements will be larger? I wanted it but I don't have an 89cm bust.

>> No.8670786


well fuck I'm even more confused with what color I want now

>> No.8670787

Because it has full shirring? and if you look at any past HL zipper secondhand listing people have posted the max bust as being in the 110-115 cm area.

>> No.8670790

Meant to type full back shirring, not full shirring. If a piece is shirred but only 1 number is listed (89cm as opposed to 89~115cm) it's always going to be the minimum measurement.

>> No.8670791

Gold bag isn't sparkly, its just plain matte black. I'm really glad they are doing a non-sparkle option.

>> No.8670800

How easy do you think it will be to trade for other cuts?

I want the zipper jsk in wine, but if I don't like the fit, I'd like to trade it for the regular jumperskirt.

>> No.8670804

I can't choose between wine and black.

>> No.8670806

I can't choose between anything. I am going crazy.

>> No.8670809

I know I want the zipper jsk and one bat bag, but idk if black or wine/ normal or sparkly.
First world problems.

>> No.8670815

The gold stars on the wine JSK and OP are gold, right? Just want to make sure so I can pick the right bat bag to coord with it.

>> No.8670816

Going for pink personally since the series never interested me before that color. Incredibly thankful I bypassed that exclusive pink set before this that looked awkward in every way.

>> No.8670818

Also skirts please?

>> No.8670820

Okay, stupid question but you'll save me from fucking up.

How wide are the sleeves on the OP? I don't mean the cuff, I mean the bicep area. Because I have fat ass arms with a small body And I really, really want the OP but I'm scared it'll fit badly.

> Maybe I should just buy the JSK and get OP on auction

>> No.8670826

I don't know the official sizing, but it looks really small, anon. I'm seeing a ton of tiny asian girls wearing it and it looks like it fits them perfectly. That's why I'm going with the JSK unfortunately. Still excited though.

>> No.8670829

Fellow pink anon I need help. I have enough for my dream dress (zipper jsk in wine) but I really want it in pink too. Do you think I should get just the skirt in pink? Or should I bite the bullet and throw in the extra $100 to get a second jsk? HW sits kind of funny on me (5'6") but I don't really want a second zipper jsk. Decisions...

>> No.8670832

I feel like everybody is going to get the wine jsk and then we're going to have lots of it at Lace Market later.

>> No.8670836

I'm 5'4" and was going to get the high waist... you said it sits funny but how does it fit overall? I'm a little bigger in the bust so I can't get the OP.

>> No.8670841

The OP used to be the only cut I ever liked in this series and I love long sleeve dresses like this, so I really want it to work. I'm pretty sure I'm smaller than these two >>8668180 >>8668178 but if anyone has the exact measurements it will help me so much. Worse comes to worse, I go for pink zipper jsk. But god I just want the OP to fit.

>> No.8670856

IMO high waist JSKs just look... weird on me. I'm a but under 120lbs and I like how I look when I wear dresses that show waist. I bought 2 HW JSKs in the past and I felt like it made me look a lot wider than I am... mainly like a triangle with a thick waist. (I feel the same whenever I try on empire dresses) If you are in that weird in-between like I am (a little tall for the dresses instead of a tiny toothpick and also have no curves) it just looks awkward. Hwever if you are a bit shorter and do have some curves I think it will look very cute. You just have to be careful about boobloaf with some JSKs. Overall it technically did fit, I just didn't like how it looked on me.

>> No.8670869
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Everyone keeps telling me the wine jsk looks better but I really love ivory??? I'm a naturally indecisive person and have NO CLUE what to do help

>> No.8670892
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I've never done a MTO through Tenso with AP. Does this mean I can't place a MTO and use Tenso?

>> No.8670895



>> No.8670896

All this means is you can't choose the cash option on AP's website, which is something anyone using a shopping service knows...

>> No.8670898


Definitely getting the wine OP and a zipper JSK. Can't tell whether I should get the ivory or the lavender for the JSK though; I hope someone would be willing to trade with me later on if I end up not liking the color I choose

>> No.8670899

I got the wine skirt and socks in the blood bath round, so I'm getting the wine zipper jsk and bow and bag this round. I wish I had enough to get the pink skirt and matching accessories too, but its not in the budget this month.

>> No.8670902

Is the zipper JSK better than the high waist? Everyone seems to be favoring it.

>> No.8670904

It's saying that you can't use the cash on delivery option for pre-orders through tenso. You can order with your card as you usually would.

>> No.8670912

White looks better. More versatile.

>> No.8670918


Same, I was sure I wanted the regular JSK in Pink, but the black is looking pretty nice too...

>> No.8670921

Will the OP look bad on someone with a big bust?

>> No.8670923

I'm getting the wine and lavender OPs. Don't have anymore money otherwise I'd buy another colour, I love every one except navy. I figure that lavender and wine are the most sought after and the others will be easier to find secondhand later. Plus I'd like them more than the other colours.

>> No.8670925

Yes, that's been said several times now

>> No.8670926

Unfortunately yes.

>> No.8670927


While everyone seems to be favoring the zipper cut, I've heard it doesn't fit flat chested lolitas very well, usually ending up very baggy in the chest (where the high waist is more flattering on small busts).

There is no better than anything, buy the design and cut you would most like to wear, simple as that.

>> No.8670928

I have a big bust and looked OK with the op, but I wore a cardigan so it gave me more shape.

>> No.8670929

Okay this is the complete opposite of what I've been told about the high waist. I was planning on getting the high waist (busty girl here) but now I'm confused as hell.

>> No.8670931

The zipper JSK looks much better on the big busts than the HW

>> No.8670933

>>8670740 this doesn't look better to me.

>> No.8670939

Darn, and I was thinking about getting the zipper too.

High waist cuts tend to work better with smaller busts, especially since HL's cut doesn't sem to have much in terms of curve.

>> No.8670943

I wanted to try it for once, not major scalp more likely 450 or 400

>> No.8670944

I am too.

Does anyone here own the zipper JSK? I'm about 82cm in the bust but I really want that cut... however I am not sure if I am screwed and will have empty sacks on the chest, esp if the minimum is 89?

>mfw all the little japanese girls with small busts can somehow still fit into it...

>> No.8670947


The high waist has higher measurements and will stretch to fit you more comfortably yes, but if you have a noticeably large bust, you will possibly end up with boob loaf.

>> No.8670952

Pics? How big is your bust?

>> No.8670956
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it'll be baggy on you.

Girls with busts smaller than 89cm should probably get the high waist because you won't fill out the front as well.
The reason why is because of the zipper. It will warp if you don't fill it out, causing weird bumps across your chest

>> No.8670959
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>> No.8670963
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(on a mannequin but same idea)

>> No.8670965

But I'm so confused because the high waist bust is 90-105cm... how is that better for small busted girls at all?

>> No.8670968
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vs someone that can fill out the bust

>> No.8670969
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pls read
>The reason why is because of the zipper. It will warp if you don't fill it out, causing weird bumps across your chest

>> No.8670970

>instead of thinking "does it look like I have a tiny penis?" you will think "does it look like I have hard nipples?"

>> No.8670971

I'm not arguing about the zipper jsk... I'm just saying that doesn't make the high waist any better for small girls. It's a way bigger dress.

>> No.8670972

I think holy lantern looks like something you'd find at hot topic and should be considered ita trash.

>> No.8670973

The high wasit cut doesn't have any detailing on the bust, so the bodice just drapes over while the zippers bunch up funny like >>8670956 says

>> No.8670978

I'm completely gutted, I didn't realize it was so large... would I be shanked if I still bought it and just wore it baggy? Or wore a thicker bra? It's my dream dress.. maybe I could modify the back so there is less shirring... Thank you for the info/references though anon.

>> No.8670980


The silhouette is better, plus there are waist ties for adjusting. There's a lot more to something flattering a form than numbers. Just like how the zipper cut only goes up to 89cm, but it's cut is good for a curvier figure, and girls with busts of at least 100cm.

At 90cm at it's lowest, that's also not huge. You'll need to account for your undergarments and blouse adding some bulk.

This is why worn photos are super important:


>> No.8670981

>great pic for reference but dayum I can feel the rage about her smoking already

>> No.8670987

wait, so is it still possible to use Cash on Delivery if you're not using tenso?

(I have a friend in Japan and I'm sending it to her instead)

>> No.8670988

She'd have to pay for you, but yes.

>> No.8670989

I'm pretty shocked about these measurements tbh, a 35in bust and 27in waist minimum is so big for Japanese girls. It's actually pretty baffling. Maybe baggy is supposed to be the style? Because this print got gobbled up by the Japanese customer base.

>> No.8670990

Can someone who owns or has seen them in real life tell me which photos in the thread or post photos of what the lavender and red color ways look like in real life. I'm so torn and can only afford one.

>> No.8670994
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It does make sense for smaller girls because it's high waisted. If a girl with a bigger bust tried to wear the high waist jsk, she would fill it out and cause major boob loafing. At least with bigger bust girls it'll show the shape of her waist from her bust, making her appear more curvy.

Also the special set has similar measurements to other high waist jsks with full shirring (think Misty Sky 2013)

>> No.8670996

Maybe there is secretly a way to make it fit better other than wearing a more padded bra? Like tightening the front ties or something? Or secret buttons to pin excess fabric together? It's just... so strange.

>> No.8670998

Wait, so one anon said 89cm is the minimum bust the zipper jsk will fit... but you say it only goes up to 89cm... god I am going to explode. I don't know what's right and what's wrong. I just need to know what dress will fit a 95cm bust the best.

>> No.8671000


Isn't it great that there are numerous brands for us all to shop from and that we don't all have to buy or even like the same thing?

>> No.8671001

Just look at the examples I posted above. All these girls have busts smaller than 89cm, so you be the judge

I have a 31" bust and it looked like utter shit on me. I had to wear padded push up bras to make it look halfway decent. I'm going with the OP instead this time around

>> No.8671003

yeah i might back out of the zipper jsk and go for the OP if this is the case.

>> No.8671004


According to AP's site, 89cm is the max, but that was to prove a point of how it has actually surpassed that according to buyers.

Again, site numbers mean jack for the most part. Get worn photos, and ask people who own the dress for their thoughts on the fit.

>> No.8671014

No don't listen to that anon, she typoed. For the zipper jsk 89cm is the MIN measurement - that is the measurement without you stretching the shirring at all.

>if you are banana shape with busts less than 84cm and thin legs and a small shoulder width, go with the OP. you will look super adorbs
>if you are everything else shape with busts bigger than 89cm and waist smaller than 85cm and a cup size larger than B, go with the zipper jsk. it will accentuate your bust and your waist nicely.
>if you are pear or banana shaped with busts between 89cm~93cm and cup size no larger than B, go with the high waist
>if you like the style and GDAF about how well it fits, PICK THAT ONE. DON'T LISTEN TO ANONS ON THE INTERNET

This is coming from someone who has tried all 3 cuts and sadly had to give up on one because it did not fit well.

>> No.8671019

>if you are pear or banana shaped with busts between 89cm~93cm and cup size no larger than B, go with the high waist

Sorry meant to say 84cm~93cm

>> No.8671022

My measurements are 86-68 and I have muscular legs. Will any of this look good on me?

>> No.8671025

god bless you anon, I'm so sick of noobs who can't even be assed to figure out what flatters them asking all these repetitive questions
>tfw don't mind spoonfeeding if it stops the thread from getting clogged up

>> No.8671026

no because muscular isnt kawaii. walk your hulk legs into nike or go full Ladybeard

>> No.8671030

Go with reg jsk or the high waist jsk. Reg JSK might be fine if you wear a padded bra+blouse underneath will fill out the front

If you go for the OP you might look like
(honestly these girls look cute enough, but the thin legs in >>8670732 is what makes the OP more adorable IMO)

>> No.8671031

Ick. Her dress probably reeks of cigarettes.

>> No.8671037

Just get a padded bra or get it modified to be smaller.

>> No.8671044

So does anyone bigger here actually have the zipper jsk and can end all this speculation?

>> No.8671046

dude what speculation? just look at the samples posted above. the zipper jsk stretches from 89cm~115cm

>> No.8671049

I tried on my friend's. I have a 98 cm bust and it stretches plenty with room to spare.
IMHO it looked pretty cute too - but I think I look great in most dresses, so I might be a delusional chubby-chan.

>> No.8671051

The fellow pink anon. I'm considering getting the skirt in pink as well! I'm personally going to get it for more casual wear and that's my reasoning for it. I'm about 5'5" and don't usually have issue with AP JSKs or OPs, but I'm one of those twiggy people with next to no bust. Is it your bustline giving you issues?

>> No.8671058
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Thread might be auto-saging soon so if someone wants to post this for new thread. Thanks original anon for typing this up

>* Angelic Pretty MTO will be on Japan and USA website
>* The Made-To-Order will start on the 17th 6p.m. and will end on the 25th. You won't see it on the homepage until it's 6 p.m.
>* The colors are pink, ivory, wine, bxw and lavender. No black or navy this time, but both JSK cuts.
>* The sizes are most likely the same as the old releases and can be checked on lolibrary. Only the OP is confirmed to be 10cm longer
>* To order from Japan, you WILL need a Tenso account.
>* http://angelicpretty-onlineshop.com/user_data/tenso-com-en.php
>*Tenso acts a 3rd party between you and AP if you live outside of Japan. The usage fee for Tenso is ONLY ¥580 (less than $5 USD). If your order with AP is less than ¥32,400, you will have to pay domestic shipping fees from AP to Tenso, which ranges from ¥450~¥2,200; if your order is more than ¥32,400 (tax included) they will do this for FREE.
>* It is much cheaper to order through AP Japan depending on your country's exchange rate. Please check www.xe.com. SF will charge you tax on top of listed price at 8.75% and shipping ranges from $20~$45 USD.
>* CREDIT CARD IS REQUIRED TO ORDER. If your debit card has a VISA or DISCOVER logo on it, it will be accepted. Payments are taken after items have been placed in your shopping cart. You do not have to wait for an invoice.

>> No.8671060

what speculation? If you search "holy lantern zipper jsk max bust" a handful of secondhand sales flat out state a max of 110-115 cm.

>> No.8671066

Different anon, but why wouldn't lolibrary and AP list that for the dress? Seems weird that they list it as shirred but won't give min/max sizes.

>> No.8671071

it's just how it is?
How new are you?
Like why are questioning it when theres tons of pictures out there with fatty chans in the dress?

>> No.8671072

Lolibrary and AP don't always list the min and max measurements....... I understand being a bit skeptical over anons on the internet but many people have listed it being at least 110cm on other platforms.

>> No.8671077


omg 89cm is NOT the max. it's like 89cm~110cm or something

>> No.8671079

>How new are you?
Is that really the only thing you can say?
I'm not questioning the fit, I just asked why they wouldn't list the min/max sizes. Obviously it's led to a lot of people questioning the size of the dress in more places than just this thread. Stop being salty.

>> No.8671080

all that pose and editing and they still didn't fix that hem

>> No.8671085
File: 19 KB, 250x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 36D. Sorry I actually don't have a great pic but this is the best I have on hand. With an underskirt it would have looked much better (I'm tall though so it looks rather short on me). But I thought the cardigan did a good job of giving a bit more shape... I'll post one without a cardigan so you can compare in a sec.

>> No.8671088
File: 14 KB, 143x230, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8671099

Tiny picture but you look cute to me. If you don't mind me asking can you tell me how wide your shoulders are and how big around your bicep is? I'm the big-arms-anon.

>> No.8671105


New thread, this one is about to hit the limit.

>> No.8671117

As I said my apologies but it's the best I have for the moment, my pics are all on my old phone and I won't have access to it until Sunday. I know the files are super small but I hope it can still give you an idea of what it's like!
I actually don't know and can't measure because I'm travelling right now but I have wide shoulders and big arms myself. The dress fits but it's snug for me. Especially around the armpits. I'm 5'9 and 168lbs. I'd say it'll fit nicer when I lose more weight. Sorry I can't be more specific/of more help, anon.

>> No.8671126

That actually helps a lot! I have wide shoulders (When I checked my measurements compared to the official ones I'm pretty close to the max) but I just have flabby biceps. I need to stop being lazy and work out again. Thank you so much anon!

>> No.8671133

Do you think it's a snug fit because of your shoulder width or because of your biceps? I have twiggy arms but broad shoulders and am curious how it would fit.

>> No.8671194

because brands don't always list the maximum measurements, that's not really a new thing. take a look at metamorphose - there will be a piece with a fully shirred bodice and they won't list the maximum measurements. considering that sales post list the maximum measurement, why would a bunch of sellers lie about there being an extra 20 cm? (on real HL dresses too, not replicas)

>> No.8671223

No problem, I'm so glad I could be of some help!

Biceps definitely. I'm rather top heavy (triangle shape) with a big bust and wide shoulders, but I think it being snug is because of excess weight on my arms. If I slim down my biceps I think it will fit comfortably despise me being tall/big in general. If yours are thin then I think you'll be fine!

>> No.8671257

actually, AP is slow as all get out to post credit card charges. I've had things in hand before the credit card charge actually gets posted to my bank before..

>> No.8671259

AP Japan does not charge tax on international orders, no.

>> No.8671263

Lolibrary uses AP's info. AP gives the measurements of most garments "at rest" (unstretched). In the last couple years they started giving the max (stretched) measurement, but they still don't always do it.

>> No.8671365

is that true? it'll definitely save me a good chunk of change and give me some relief

>> No.8671975

I'm kind of sad they aren't doing a navy or blackxblack release for this as well. A navy zipper JSK would have been just lovely!