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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8664149 No.8664149 [Reply] [Original]

I want to buy my girlfriend a cute lolita dress. She's not really into the idea of wearing it in public (she's shy and Chinese), but the idea of her wearing it in the bedroom turns me on.

Only problem is I have no idea about merchants, where to buy from etc. Can seagulls help fill me in?

>> No.8664150



>> No.8664155

Isn't that cheap and kind of disgusting?

I'd like her to have something nice.

>> No.8664160

Is autumn the new summer?

>> No.8664162
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>> No.8664163

>she is shy and chinese
So how does her being chinese help us at all? Or are you trying to show us your yellow fever?

Your intention is disgusting.

>> No.8664166

>Your intention is disgusting.

Coming from the board who promotes "sex work" to pay for lolita, really?

>> No.8664173

>implying this board actually promotes sex work for lolita and that it isnt a minority of desperate sluts we are ashamed of having.
OP you just proved being a retard.
Now shoo, shoo!

>> No.8664175

How exactly is my intention disgusting then?

>> No.8664176

if you're gonna have sex in it please buy bodyline. I don't think you're aware of the resale value of these dresses when they're well maintained

>> No.8664177

No one here /promotes/ it. People just do it. And there's nothing wrong with that - don't shame people for being sex workers (they're probably making a shit-ton more than you are, anyway).

>> No.8664178

you're fucking disgusting, get the fuck off this board.

>> No.8664180

First off, you never told us if SHE is interested in wearing it in the bedroom. You're being selfish. Maybe she doesn't want to do it.

Secondly, it's gross of you to come here and ask /us/, people who dress in lolita for fashion and lifestyle what you should get so you can fuck in it.

Fuck you.

>> No.8664181

>thinking seagulls are sluts
>confirmed for /r9k/

>> No.8664183
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>> No.8664187

You guys are idiots for falling for this b8.

>> No.8664188

I'm happy to drop $200-$300 for something. I'm not rich but I earn decent money.

>People just do it.

It's fucked up.

>don't shame people for being sex workers

I'll shame them for being whores, it's for their own good at the end of the day.

>they're probably making a shit-ton more than you are, anyway

Like Charms right? LOL.

She likes them, she's just a little scared of wearing them in public.

>> No.8664191

Well, shame on me for replying to b8 i guess, but if you really didn't want all of us to know you were going to make your gf wear a lolita dress for you to fuck her, you wouldn't have said so. it is in no way relevant to you buying a dress.

oh right. if you weren't a faggot, you'd have fucking lurked first.

>> No.8664194

You're right, I could have left that part out. It seemed relevant because neither of us are interested in her wearing it in public.

>> No.8664196


Obvious "sex-worker" detected. Actually yes, we are ashamed of you, since you give the rest of us an appalling shitty reputation.

>> No.8664198

yup definitely b8ing us
sad to see how fat and disgusting she became but she was a cunt so she deserves it

>> No.8664200

The best deal is from a site called Milanoo. It's a step above Bodyline and usually cheaper. Good luck, OP! Sorry some of /cgl/ is so mean sometimes.

>> No.8664201

I'm actually not a sex worker. I have a professional job. Doesn't mean I'm gonna shame others who choose to do it tho.

>> No.8664202

this. I have a "do whatever you want its not my business anyway so fine" mentality but...yeah. It's not very kawaii.
It gives us a slutty reputation too.
>inb4 "i...i earn more than you ever will anyway!!! u just jelly!!"
Keep telling yourself that to reassure yourself. Still disgusting.
But we are ashamed of the sex workers here. Because of them we are seen as gross sluts.

>> No.8664204

Like I said, not a sex worker. But how about don't speak for everyone. /We/ aren't ashamed of them. /You/ might be. If people want to do it, that's their prerogative. Doesn't bother me.

>> No.8664207

Charms is literally the average camgirl though. If you think camgirls have a long lifespan and can earn a lot when they're older and used up, you're in for a nasty surprise.

Based Asian girls.

>> No.8664212

Thank you seagull. I appreciate it.

>> No.8664222

Nope i am from France and totally caucasian anon but ok.
Also sorry not sorry they are nasty sluts with self esteem issues.

>> No.8664224

Not that guy but... off the top of my head:

Alisa Kiss
Ellie Idol
Francesca Dani
Karen Sakai
Liz Katz/Risi Simms
Ai-honey/Kelly Jean
Cesil Rapture
Charlotte Charms
Momoko Mitchell

All either started in porn and incorporated cosplay or started as quasi-famous cosplayers and moved to porn.

You've also got lots of people like Yaya and Miyu, G-Chan and Tristen who started off as strippers, escorts, pole dancers or lap dancers and then moved into cosplay or were in cosplay and then took jobs doing those things or mixed the two in various ways.

Then you've got all of things like Cosplay Deviants, Cosplay Erotica, there's been like a thousand porn companies who have done cosplay specials.

I'm sure if I spent more than 30 seconds thinking about it I could come up with way more examples, too.

>> No.8664229

yeah but that's the cosplay side of cgl. This thread is addressing the lolita side.

>> No.8664235

The majority of Seagulls are not sluts. Not because they're pure maidens, but because they're terrified of sexual intimacy.

>> No.8664237

What's the point of listing these in reference to this board's residents, in particular the people wearing lolita? I mean I'm not going to call people from r9k murders just because they share their world view with people who go on killing sprees.

>> No.8664239

>Many characters in anime/manga/games look slutty
>many cosplayers who cosplay said slutty characters
It's not like slutty people are drawn to that kind of attention-seeking hobby and it's totally not like those people are simply the loudest and not the majority. And of course this means lolitas are sluts as well, because it's completely reasonable that lolitas are thrown into the same board as cosplay. Not like those are two completely separate communities why would anyone assume that.

>> No.8664247

OP is probably a roleplayer anyway, and if this is even a legit question it should be in lolita general. Google search is your friend, we don't need a whole thread dedicated to some neckbeard pretending he has a qt asian girlfriend

>> No.8664252

Ehh.. I wouldn't put it in lolita general. That's for people who actually participate in the hobby for personal enjoyment, npt fetishwear.
If OP's serious, he should just lurk around sales threads. No one cares what you're going to do with the dress, just don't expect a price drop.

>> No.8664279

hi curmet! (?) not sure if ur op or just linking me this but i wanted to see why they were "unhelpful" and i must say i'm impressed!
also this thread is b8 obv haha

>> No.8664323

what is this, 'lmao trolled the lolita grillz into being unhelpful'

>> No.8664350

i'm pretty sure i know who the op is. he linked this thread saying "why are they so unhelpful?" and i found it pretty amusing.
anyway it's a british guy who's only "girlfriend" is an american man who pretends to be an anime maid, so... yeah.
posting w/ a name cuz i use this name on the other board i hope i'm not intruding too badly ;p

>> No.8664352

That is hilarious. Thank you for sharing.

>> No.8664360

trips aren't received too well here unless it's actually needed (like someone answering questions about their cosplay/coord, artists in the draw thread, etc). but this thread is already a mess so you're good buddy

>> No.8664374

OP here.

I have absolutely no idea who any of you are. I'm not even British.. But I'm curious all the same.

>> No.8664382

Since no one is actually giving you good advice. Go to lacemarket.us or my-lolita-dress.Com

>> No.8664392

haha. he just admitted he didn't make it. i thought it was him cuz he talks about wanting a "yandere gf" a lot and generally acts like a goof over the internet, saying to "wear the headpiece" a lot, whatever the fug that means...
so in case you aren't a troll >>8664382 may actually be helpful. i don't frequent this board but considering it's for hobbyists and not for fetishists.... is bad thread.

>> No.8664399

god I went to high school with Karen and she didn't seem like the slutty type.

>> No.8665051

What are some good brands to bear in mind? I'd also like to get something for my girlfriend.

>> No.8665085

It all depends on price. Lower end of the spectrum is bodyline. Higher price is brands like Angelic Pretty, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, Alice and the Pirates etc.

Check out this http://hellolace.net/shopping/where-to-buy

>> No.8665113

For both you and OP, I'd recommend talking to your gf about it, even if discretely. Ask her to tell you about lolita and which are her favourite brands, which are her dream dresses, etc. From this you can gauge better what she will like.

>> No.8665140
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Let's not forget all the seagulls that transitioned from cosplay to lolita or do both (Voldie, Eva Braun, etc.)

And let's especially not forget the pic related anon.

>> No.8665146

> Claims to not know merchants, knows what Bodyline is.


Just go pick something off lacemarket.us

>> No.8665160

I remember seeing this thread on soc, I never thought what might have happened on cgl because of it. Was there any dramu?

>> No.8665170

not really other than a bunch of moralfags crying about slut shaming when people called her a slutty attention whore

>> No.8665171

It's not fair. I already have a gf but I want to fuck a slutty soc SEA lolita whore.

>> No.8665175

A few BTB secrets that week, but not much more. Definitely some whining about "not the book" and how it "makes us all look bad," as if wearing the clothes didn't already.

>> No.8665365

It was funny as hell, considering that both threads were going at the same time, like she thought we wouldn't notice.
Cooled down after a few days though, nothing big.

>> No.8665823

Since when has voldie or eva braun done porn?

>> No.8665854

>wah why doesn't r9k respect us?

>> No.8665863

the actions of one person does not account for how an entire community wants to be perceived.

>> No.8666126

Who wants respect from r9k? They're the bottom of the foodchain.

>> No.8666190
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here you go anon, i can't really even afford bodyline but this was fun to make.
petticoats are mandatory for poof, as well as the bloomers because pettis can get itchy.
wigs are also pretty nice, i didn't know if you wanted to get one or not for her but bodylines wigs are good for their price.

>> No.8666831

Hey, you know that's how it should be. But unfortunately that isn't the case, especially online.

>> No.8667288

I hope your gf kicks your sorry ass to the curb