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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 61 KB, 1080x688, FB_IMG_1444160651983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8653161 No.8653161 [Reply] [Original]

Old one dying!

Post sales related things here that make you go "wtf." Not limited to lolita.

>> No.8653232

I once bought a DIA belt from a private seller and instead of sending me a money request on pp she send me the actual money(probably by accident), I just sended the money, she's sended me back to her. She said she received it and send me the belt so instead of paying nearly 70$ I paid nothing for it. To my defence I didn't noticed her mistake either until i checked my bank acc about 2months later. But since she never ever talked to me after that I'm just like yay burando for free

>> No.8653234

Oh anon I would kill for that
I don't care if peopel think dia belts are tacky as fuck, I love them

>> No.8653299

>post dress for sale in comm
>girl asks if she can pay now and pick it up later, since she is out of town
>I accept and she pays, mark the dress as sold and put it aside
>day she said she'd be back, I message her asking when would work for her to get it
>she says she is actually going to be staying a few days longer
>message her after those few days asking when would work for her
>she seems annoyed that I'm messaging her and says she'll tell me when she's ready
>one month later now
>still no word

I feel bad because she already payed me and I just want to finish the transaction, but I don't want to annoy her any more?

>> No.8653317

I know she's already paid but damn, if it's been a month then it doesn't seem like she wants it all that badly. Tell her she's had more than enough time and you're going to refund her if she doesn't arrange a concrete day/time to pick it up.

>> No.8653323
File: 103 KB, 1152x864, 4to6weekslater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much did she pay?

>sells jsk on LM
>have to spoonfeed buyer on how to pp
>she gets the dress and is very happy
>pic related
>receive message
>hey can you do a refund? there is nothing wrong with it but I found my dream dress and need money XD

>> No.8653368

I hope you told her hell no followed by fuck no follow by fuck you.

>> No.8653369

I bought a dream dress of mine on Lacemarket a year ago and got a response yesterday from a girl asking me to sell it for her for a hundred dollars less then what I had bought it for. It wasn't even marked up when I bought it and it's a set now with other things I've bought.

She's messaged everyone who bought that dress I suppose, but it was a year ago. How much did she dig? Fuck that.

>> No.8653379

>Commission dress 2 months in advance from friend who's an aspiring indie designer to try and signal boost
>friend waits until day before to make the dress. Design isn't what we agreed on because they "ran out of time"
>dress arrives and detailing on bust wasn't even sewn on like it was shown in the picture that was sent to me
>tries not to be mean cause it's a friend even though I paid for the dress
>strap rips off dress, asks friend to sew it back on because material is too thick to hand sew
10 months later
>finally gets dress back
>strap still broken

Wtf? I'm really pissed. I paid over $100 for it and it was really poorly made. I'm tempted to write a review of their work ethics, craftsmanship, and overall quality but I'm scared to hurt their feelings..

>> No.8653385

Please write an honest review because they obviously don't care about you

>> No.8653391

Write the review. You're doing her a disservice by not critiquing her craft, let alone her work ethic.

>> No.8653394
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>> No.8653397

Where should I do it though? I was pretty upset about the experience, but I tried to be nice about it because they're my friend. But I'd never ever buy anything from them again. I'd be lucky to make $20 off the dress if I resold

>> No.8653398

Jesus fuck. Work on your typing please.

Are you 5?

>> No.8653418

Name and shame

>> No.8653473

To be honest, I think instead of jumping the gun and putting a review out first, you should maybe try talking to your friend about it first. If you guys are really friends, she should be able to hear polite criticism about herself if it's something that's affecting her or other people...in this case she has the potential to really build up a bad reputation if she tries to do more stuff. You can even put in some pleasantries if you like when you bring it up. Something like "I enjoy seeing your creations [if she's sewn stuff for herself that looked nice?] and was excited to order something from you to help you out, but I hate to say that I don't think you gave me the quality of sewing that an aspiring indie designer should be putting out. For example, X happened when we agreed upon Y. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to make things awkward between us, but in a sale with another person who is not your friend, this could ruin your business." or something like that. How is she at taking concrit?
But yeah tbh something doesn't sound right, if she was a good friend that really cared about her craft she would've given you a better quality product or been more upfront about her skill level. I would really emphasize that to be an indie designer, you need to have a certain level of quality control and this just completely missed the mark. If you have a dress from another indie designer perhaps bring it out to compare or something. Definitely mention that waiting until the day before it's due is not okay though - if she's having issues preventing her from doing her work she should at least be considerate enough to let you know what's going on. Seems to me like she's a lot of girls with indie dreams; talk a lot about designing and sewing but when it comes down to it they just aren't cut out for it and just don't have the work ethic needed.

>> No.8653480

Forgot to explain that you should seriously just confront her personally about it instead of going straight to the review because I think that would make things 10x worse. If she doesn't know she did anything wrong but is open to concrit, but wakes up to see that you posted a bad review on egl that basically says not to buy from her, it's going to be seen as you backstabbing her, and I can guarantee you she's probably going to demand why you didn't come to her first (whether she takes the concrit well or not, I don't know ANYONE who wouldn't be upset if their friend went directly to bad review instead of conferring privately.)

>> No.8653538

Ok, so here's how she is. She's kind of a delicate person when it comes to concrit, especially when it comes to her sewing skills. She's done fashion shows/competitions before and has lost. Instead of being motivated to work harder, she flips a 180 and goes into major self loathing mode. "I'm fucking shit, why do I even bother trying. My sewing is shit. I'm worthless." Scary stuff, and a lot to deal with as her friend. So instead I opted for the safer route and just said thanks for the dress, and said what I liked about it. I definitely shouldn't have waited this long to actually speak up about the craftsmanship so I feel like that boat could have/probably has sailed. Plus we don't have a very large community and I couldn't risk hurting her feelings and then having a huge backlash in the comm because of it. However, because I waited, she's shown me a side of her that I'll never forget. Long story short, she's a hater. She hates on all of her "friends" including me and writes rants about us on her page. So I can't help but think that her feelings towards me is why she made such a dress. I've seen her work before and some of her pieces were quite nice which is why I asked her to make me something. I wouldnt have ever said anything about it if the dress had just been fixed like she had told me she would. But the fact that she had it for 10 months and didn't fix it just really showed me the kind of person she is...so honestly I'm scared to write a review because it's going to get personal. Not just because she's sensitive, but because of all this extra shit in between

>> No.8653563

Anon I have been friends with people like that and honestly my advice is to cut your losses and run. Distance yourself gently, consider the dress a loss and forget it, and just concentrate on your better friends. People like that don't magically get better. She needs a therapist. Until then she's going to keep bitching about you and everyone else and producing half-assed work for people because that's all she thinks they're worth.

>> No.8653571

This happens all the time in some other hobbies (airsoft especially?) and jfc it is so annoying. I think it comes from there being so many younger buyers and they somehow think that private sales are the same as a store where you can return something if you change your mind. Sorry kid, nope.

>> No.8653657
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That's what I figured, I feel better knowing someone else could see that about her too. Thanks for your advice!

>> No.8653679


gross. like understandably, the undersides of socks can get stained, but those look like they still have crud stuck to them as though they haven't even been washed...

>> No.8653702

have you posted this story on cgl before? it sounds really familiar!

>> No.8653817

yeah after reading what you've said anon I agree, best to just let it be and move on, then. if that's how she wants to be then you don't need to give her the time of day and if she apparently did this on purpose then no need to waste time getting into reviews or polite critique or whatever. sucks that the dress was such a waste though.

>> No.8655089

Thanks for your advice! I think I was her first and only customer. I pray no poor soul buys her wears again.

>> No.8656521 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 232x313, baby_coat_edwards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Reposting from last thread because my post had errors in it)

Well shit anons, I have one to tell you guys.

>sells BTSSB coat
>someone asks for a trade from anything in her sales post
>I take it as a partial trade, and find a DollyWink mascara for $15 unused
>Discount her the total from my coat so she could pay the remaining total.
>"oh I'm sorry anon-chan! (╯︵╰,) (she used that emoji btw) I thought you wanted to trade the coat for my bolero. I can't afford to pay anything right now. I'm so sorry!"

How the ever living fuck does she believe that I'd do a full trade with an expensive coat for a dollywink mascara?! I felt bitter for the rest of the day.

>> No.8656528
File: 46 KB, 232x313, baby_coat_edwards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Reposting from last thread because my post had errors in it)

Well shit anons, Sorry to rant, but I have one experience to tell you guys.

>sells BTSSB coat
>someone asks for a trade from anything in her sales post
>I take it as a partial trade, and find a DollyWink mascara for $15 unused
>Discount her the total from my coat so she could pay the remaining total.
>"oh I'm sorry anon-chan! (╯︵╰,) (she used that emoji btw) I thought you wanted to trade the coat for my mascara. I can't afford to pay anything right now. I'm so sorry!"

How the ever living fuck does she believe that I'd do a full trade with an expensive coat for a dollywink mascara?! I felt bitter for the rest of the day.

>> No.8656529

>I thought you wanted to trade the coat for my mascara
smh some people..

>> No.8656536

What the actual Fuck

>> No.8656541
File: 128 KB, 567x850, krad-lanrete-mozarabic-chant_zps476b0d12 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(reposting from last thread because it just reach the bump limit before I post)

From FB lolita sales, it happened loong time ago:
>Selling Krad Lanrete Mozarabic Chant
>Sell to someone on EEUU
>Sent it with the proper tracking number
>Everything goes fine, smooth transaction and kind buyer
>Suddenly, 3 months later, I receive a message from the buyer
>Shoked, i asked why she thinks the dress is a fake
>...okay? sent me the dress back
When I refuse, she opened a PayPal claim: first she said that the dress was not sent, but I answered with the tracking number which shows it was delivered. Then she change the subject and said the dress was damaged, but when PP told her to return the dress in order of getting a refund, she changed it again saying the packet was empty.
I sent to PP all the photos of her FB while she wear the dress, but she ended wining the claim anyways.
So I'm without dress and without money.
>She stills uploading photos wearing the dress until she blocks me
>She says the dress is the "original" by BTSSB "burando"

>> No.8656542

nigga not everyone is a native speaker, pull your head out of your arse for 2 seconds. this sounds like typical ESL mistakes

I already replied on the other thread, but I assume this is newfags expecting stuff to go for normie prices. admittedly 15$ is a fucking stretch even by normie standards, but being poor is hard

>> No.8656545
File: 136 KB, 457x512, BurninMyLaptop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name and shame.

>> No.8656547

Holy shit, fuck this bitch. I hope karma bites her ass. Someone needs to call her out for this. I'm sorry this happened to you anon.

>> No.8656548

Give the name anon, we need to know

I'm sorry to hear about that

>> No.8656551

Sorry anon, English isn't my first language anyway. I'll have to double check my posts next time.

>> No.8656553

exactly what I was saying. English isn't my first language either and it makes me so fucking angry to see people trying to shit on us trying to learn

>> No.8656554


>> No.8656563

>Buy Holy Lantern
>Was supposed to get wine OP but I get lavender
>It has makeup on the collar, the back ribbon falls off and there is black damage on the sleeve
>PP dispute, take pictures detailing everything
>PP tell me they can't do anything and to contact the seller to work out a resolution even though they fell off the face of the planet
>Still bitter

T-thanks Paypal

>> No.8656566
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>selling old wigs, most of them cheap
>clearly list defaults in wigs
>price them $10 or under
>girl buys $10 wig that's shiny and a bit thin
>transaction goes smoothly
>ask if she'd mind leaving feedback
>"Transaction went well and buyer was nice but wig was shiny and a thinner than I expected. I guess for $10 I should have expected it but seller should have told me before I bought."

>buy packaged and unopened Sailor Moon necklace for $5
>end up not needing it
>buy it for auction on eBay
>sells for $1.50
>neutral review from buyer comes in
>"Chain broke as soon as I opened the package! Great necklace but I need a new chain!"
>my account now has one neutral review because one dumbass ripped a package open and broke the chain

Since I sell stuff as a side hobby, I've got so many stories of ridiculous and outright stupid buyers.

>> No.8656570

That rustle my jimmies a lot
I've seen a lot of reviews on Aliexpress and such on >1$ items "Pretty meh quality"
What the FUCK do you expect for a 0'50$ ring? a real diamond?

>> No.8656616

Seriously. This is why even though I plainly state any defects with my items, I still get people telling me "It arrived but it had ___ wrong with it" and I have to point them to the sales ad they purchased from where it clearly stated said defect they're complaining about.

>> No.8656642

Name and shame this bitch anon!

>> No.8656698


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck I'm not even into lolita but every time I see this dress I want it. How much of a cunt do you have to be to destroy it ?

>> No.8656703

She didn't though. She kept it and wore it and claimed she burned it to get away with not returning it.

>> No.8656706
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>> No.8656712

Had something like this with a cosplay commission. Took her six months to get me a fairly simple school uniform when the deadline was two months. She yanked me around and gave me excuses, ended up killing our friendship.

>> No.8656713

> "WTB: I am looking for cheap lolita dresses! Between $20-$50!"
> no feedback
> not following the rules at all

>> No.8656782
File: 27 KB, 486x531, Screenshot (217).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just popped up on my dash.

>> No.8656785

>not naming this person or even posting screencaps of the claim and her wearing the dress anyway
>people have been shamed for less

OH yeah, this happened alright. /sarcasm

>> No.8656817

Aw shit, I read too fast and thought she had burned it after taking the photos. Hope karma will bite her in the ass one day (her wardrobe catching fire would be fitting...)

>> No.8656818

Some friend right? Fuck them.

>> No.8656852

>be me, browsing LM
>see Masquerade Theatre in Red listed
>wow, that doesn't pop up too often these days!--
>tfw see seller's feedback

...How the fuck is this user still allowed to sell on LM? Especially with the 2 oldest feedbacks, let alone the rest of it.

>> No.8656856

>BTW needs to fit 50" waist custom preferred ^___^

>> No.8656860

Damn! Is there a mod or owner you can contact about her because there's no way she's safe to buy from.

>> No.8656905

get her banned from all of the sales groups including LSE stat pls

>> No.8656926

What's with the misuse of all the hyphens?

>> No.8656931

I think it's on YA fyi

>> No.8656942

Yeah, it seems pretty fake.

>> No.8656946

According to FB it's that Yanise girl (she posted her sales there too). It linked to her eglfeedback which also has a negative and neutrals. Jesus, how can someone be so shitty at this? I'd step up after the first chance at bad feedback, let alone 9+

>> No.8656958

Name her, now. You owe the entire community this. This kind of behavior should not be fucking allowed.

>> No.8656963

Lol, reading her eglfeedback, it appears she likes using her sister (does she even have one?) as a scapegoat when she fucks up and lies about shipping and gets caught out on it


>> No.8656990

isn't she relatively popular/famous?

>> No.8656995

>likes flaking and blaming it on an imaginary family member
Is more like it.

>> No.8657199

it wouldn't surprise me if she doesn't, since literally everyone on the internet uses that excuse when they get caught fucking up
>it wasn't me, it was my sister/brother/mom/dad/uncle/cousin/girlfriend/boyfriend/aunt/cousin twice removed/godmother!

>uhhh i got a virus on my computer/hacked!

honestly i'm just surprised no one has called her out on her bullshit yet, or why she hasn't been banned from selling on LM (though if she's relatively popular and the mods on LM are biased towards her somehow that could be why. one of the comments said she created a new account to evade negative feedback, isn't that against the rules?)

>> No.8657205

The mods on LM just don't give a fuck unless you post on FB. I have reported so many listings that break the rules, and still they don't get taken down. I wish they'd hire more moderators, I'd do it

>> No.8657236

That's Yanise?? Jesus, that explains it I guess. Doesn't Alice live or work around NYC now? If I remember right from her tumblr.

That's such bullshit. Not every user on LM is going to be on facebook, the fact that you can't get help with a sales issue because you don't use another completely unrelated website is asinine.

>> No.8657247

I assume that was a lie so that she can keep the dress, hence the photos afterward the PP dispute

>> No.8657279

>aquire a bunch of NIP makeup
>cheap Dollar Store type stuff
>(IMHO not entirely horrible, but nothing to write home about)
>sell as a huge lot
>I don't hide the brands or their original price
>didn't scam or say it was some unknown über high class makeup either
>get negative feedback: "Makeup was nothing but cheap stuff! So disappointed! I was lied to!"
>yeah ok

>sell a pair of jeans
>listed waist, length, rise, inseam, brand, and numerical size
>get negative feedback: "doesn't fit"
>not my fault bitch

>> No.8657401

oh my god I hate this SO MUCH. it's not the seller's fault you're too dumb to make sure the sizing will fit you unless the seller purposely lied about the sizing. this is why I specifically state in my terms of sale that I don't accept returns or do refunds for fit issues, and it's also why I especially talk about the fit of garments in my description, like if I have a shirred skirt that goes up to 100 cm I will usually mention "but fits best if you are about 5-10 cm under" or "this JSK goes up to 120 bust but it's better if you are X cm because of y" not that that's gonna stop people from buying ill-fitting garments or complaining that it doesn't fit but yeah

>> No.8657487

>WTS on sales
>get a pm asking if i would trade for a very pretty, simple black AP JSk
>3 days later both me and the other girl ship out packages
>1 week 3 days later i message seller about the dress, she apologies and says she hasn't sent it out yet.
> next day she ships it and gives me a tracking number
>few days later i recieve package and everything is ok
>1 month later, the package i sent comes back to me
>turns out the girl wasn't in to receive it and was too lazy to pick it up.
>let her know she will have to pay for P&P again. says she will message me when she has the money
>a few unread messages and over a year later and i still have the dress waiting for her

>> No.8657492

Holy shit that's infuriating, especially since she plasters her dumb face everywhere.

>> No.8657567

How? No offense, you have two dresses due to her laziness or whatever. More like "WTF" but a bit of a win IMO.

>> No.8657579

There are WAY too many people out there who do this crap. I used to run an etsy shop and my ratings were terrible because people kept giving me 1 star reviews for the item being too small despite an easily accessible size chart AND offers for free exchanges.
Why is everyone buying stuff on the internet so damn entitled

>> No.8657723
File: 565 KB, 500x200, hanohno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put item up on FB sales
>girl contacts me,commenting on my salespost + saying she wants it
>ask for feed-back
>gives me her LM with a few negative feed-back over bad communication and not paying the invoice
>tell her I am holding the item for a few days for 1st interested person and will contact her if the sale falls through
>She asks for shipping quotes in the meantime and agrees to them
>when first gril falls through I contact her for paypal +invoice her
>she begins complaining about the shipping and price she 'thought they were in euro' despite me clearly using the $
>look at her social media, she is saying I am trying to scam her and she will seek legal advice
>deletes all her comments on my sales album
>she has 1000+ IG followers
>her positive feed-back is mostly from her friends
>mods have not replied to me, but she has bought the dress from someone else

I fucking hate sales and what is the point in mods is if you don't get any help from them. She blocked me when I mentioned her feed-back

>> No.8657747

I hope the mods do something. If not, she's still obnoxious as fuck and sounds like she's far from being an adult.

>> No.8657827
File: 38 KB, 600x600, 484411-12624-2015-10-09282195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody is trying to sell plates on LM right now. Fucking plates. Are you fucking kidding me with this shit?

>> No.8657836

so rori

>> No.8657848

Jesus fuck, what a complete retard.

>> No.8657851

If it was brand dishware I'd understand but this? All of my nope.

>> No.8657861

God, the jeans thing reminds me of this one guy in my citys cosplay comm

>orders AoT jacket off ebay, just selects size L
>did you look at the measurements though?
>"no? I shouldn't have to should I?"

Everybody called him out on it and pointed out that it was his own fault for assuming a letter tag would fit him when the measurements were right there in the description. He went on to try defending himself with "W-WELL IM JUST TRYING TO WARN PEOPLE WHO DIDNT KNOW! I'D HATE FOR A BBW TO ORDER A CORSET AND IT ARRIVES NOT FITTING!!!"

The group is made up mostly of young teenagers and a lot of people were asking what a BBW was, I ended up having to tell the guy that that wasn't appropriate for the group and he ended up deleting the post altogether.

>> No.8657910

I had quite a similar incident anon, the buyer also told me she would speak to lawyers after backing out of an agreed purchase price. Mods agreed she was wrong but said they couldn't 'force her' to complete the transaction. She also claimed I was a scammer on my own sales post, deleted her previous comments on my sales picture, and got several other people who I had not interacted with at all to say the same. Curse of the lone lolita, I had no one to back me up.

>> No.8657914

That's shitty, it makes angry for you.
>got several other people who I had not interacted with at all to say the same
is especially anger-inducing.

>> No.8657917

I don't buy from LM very much and have no feedback at the moment. I got eBay feedback, but I'd like to keep those two separate since my eBay one is more for business.

Should I just keep buying from sellers and hope they leave me positive feedback, then eventually start selling when I have enough?
>tfw no one gives me feedback even when I give them good feedback
>e-even asks very politely if they can give me some back and gets ignored

>> No.8657960

as a head mod of a sales group, you really should name and shame.it can help us out alot

>> No.8657993

>everyone asking for name and shame
>not a peep out of OP
starting to think this didn't happen

>> No.8658014

So if I'm reading this right-- you're not even selling the dress but she hunted you down and asked for it anyway?
That's creepy.

>> No.8658021

Is it just me, or did she sell fairy cake OP with the wristcuffs in the picture, then has the wristcuffs listed as a separate sale? granted it doesn't say it comes with the wrist cuffs in the set sale but that seems so weird.

>> No.8658072

Mentioning her followers and that you are a LoneLolita makes me think that certain lolitas with some 'influence' think that they are not bound by the same rules as lolitas not in the public view. If someone has other people comment on your post and also removes her own interaction so you look like you started things, they are toxic- they feel they can intimidate you. But they have an asspatting following so feel untouchable and mods are hit and miss with real solutions since they don't want backlash either.

>> No.8658090

That's what I would do, though if you have EGL sales feedback and eBay feedback you could list them in your profile. As a buyer, though, you may have to prod sellers for feedback. I always make sure to mention, once something has arrived, "Hey [seller], the thing arrived perfectly today! Left you your feedback!", and it usually prods them into sharing good feedback too.

>> No.8658112

>potential buyer is messaging me if can give her a 40$ discount on my listing + free international shipping (that would make a discount of about 70$ in total)
>tfw somewhat short on money so say yes, it's okay
>say that she can have the dress for the proposed amount if she can pay until Friday (today)
>she's okay with that but suddenly, she demands another proof pic with my username written on a piece of paper
>I think this is kind of weird, but whatever
>I'm taking the fucking proof pic and send it to her
>she reads the message
>a few days have passed, it's Friday now
>still no reply

a simple "thanks, but I'm not interested anymore" would have been nice. That sentence would take her like what? 20 seconds?
That proof picture on the other hand took me like 10 minutes because the shitty lightning in my room made to difficult to display the piece of paper in a readable way. Such a waste of time.

>> No.8658121

That feel, anon. It sucks and it's their loss passing up a good deal.

>> No.8658130
File: 13 KB, 233x200, 12011382_1019038651469197_7927862050979128738_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8658143

Just curious, what's the dress?

>> No.8658149

50"??? WTF. I am big as hell and my waist isn't even 50"

>> No.8658166

This has happened to be multiple times.

>> No.8658180

why samefagging so hard?

(still curious about who was but...)

>> No.8658256

Anons, what would you do if you notice your buyer lives in an area currently being affected by a natural disaster? My buyer didn't mention anything when I was communicating with them but now that I saw where they live and I'm readying the package I'm wondering if it's safe to send out into an area where the mail might be in chaos, or if I ought to message to ask if I should wait to ship it until their area stabilizes (to cover my ass just in case).

>> No.8658304

I would message them and voice your concern and ask if they'd like for you to wait to ship until things are better there regarding the postal service or if they'd prefer you ship it then, even if it might risk delay or the package going missing or being replaced.

Also make sure it's insured.

>> No.8658315
File: 204 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-09-14-55-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go take your meds paranoia-chan

>> No.8658317

May I ask for you to tell us more stories?

>> No.8658320

I guess I'll go ahead and message, then. I was initially hesitant because I don't want the buyer to think I'm trying to delay shipping or anything shady like that. And yeah, I always ship insured so that shouldn't be a problem. Thanks for the 2nd opinion!

>> No.8658346

stop all you
are you 5?

let's just post cringe sales

>> No.8658350

It wouldn't be shady if you let them choose themselves, just give them the options and include that it's insured but you wanted to make sure given that you saw they're currently in a disaster area.

Sure thing anon. Gimme just a second to finish up watching these auctions I bid on and then I'll type some up.

>> No.8658364

More stories by request of >>8658317

I sometimes get underaged buyers or people who use friend's paypal/addresses and they go well but sometimes it's just terrible. Sorry if you've read these already but they're so wtf I can't pass up reposting them.

>buyer wants to buy a cosplay from me
>says she's on the way home from a convention, can I hold it?
>give her 48 hours to purchase from me
>she doesn't reply in 24 hours
>give her the courtesy "You have 24 hours to pay" message
>instant reply "Anon I'm in school right now but I can pay!"
>okay I'll send you an invoice, what's your paypal? also I need to confirm your address before I print shipping.
>"Oh I don't know the address. I'll have to ask my mom and forward you the information."
>oh crap she's underaged but money is money
>no reply for a bit, I log out
>log back in, find bizarre message
>"Hello this is buyer's mother. I want to make sure she doesn't want to buy (this other item I sold) because it's not a good deal. More product in package, you know?"
>message is totally bizarre and rambles on about packaging and shipping and my item has free shipping so no idea what she's on about
>decide this is too much hassle, tell mother her daughter obviously wasn't truthful about what she wanted to buy and I don't like selling to people who don't have their own paypal
>buyer immediately messages me
>"But my mom said it was okay! I can give you her FB to message or I can give you the phone number and you can talk to her!"
>I'm not calling your mother for under a $20 item
>buyer keeps rambling on about her mother and how I can call her for proof
>tell her again I'm canceling the transaction for my own seller protection
>"ok fine"

All the while for the past month (at that time) another girl had been wanting another item from me.

Continued in next post~

>> No.8658373

>buyer asks me how much cosplay is
>it's $15 and I can hold it for 48 hours
>"Okay let me finish selling this item of mine and I'll buy it."
>48 hours go by
>buyer never responds to my messages
>two weeks go by and same girl messages me
>"How much is this again? Do you still have it?"
>tell her the price, still $15
>"Okay I don't have the money right now but I'll ask again when I do!"
>too lazy and out of fucks to get mad
>another week goes by
>"Anon, do you still have the cosplay?"
>Yes. Tell her it's marked down to $10 but I'm leaving for a convention
>"Okay I'll buy it when you get back for sure!"
>come back from convention, surprised she's actually going to buy it
>"I asked but the paypal account holder says she can't be bothered right now to buy it for me!"
>you what? You don't have your own paypal?
>"No, I don't have a bank account cause I'm still in school. My mom has the paypal and I was going to give her money for it."
>it's been nearly a month and she just now has $10 but doesn't even have her own paypal
>sorry buyer but I don't sell to people who don't have their own paypal
>buyer never replies
>ok then

>> No.8658515

name and shame or fake

>> No.8658544
File: 316 KB, 1265x640, sorori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb bitch is trying to pass these off as lolita
her whole page is full of ugly shit

>> No.8658559
File: 928 KB, 297x222, 2d2j53k.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sell on Facebook in a random Anime, Manga, and Cosplay group. Why would I bother to make up stories about underaged buyers for -$20 items?

Actually, why would you even care about potentially wasting your time on two underaged buyers on Facebook for -$20 items? They're not going to attempt to buy some $100+ costumes any time soon.

>> No.8658757

I'd like to see some of these cosplays lol

>> No.8658836
File: 99 KB, 650x500, 650x500xcostume564-2.jpg.pagespeed.ic.lDXbyDvMmZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing, mate. Bought it and a few others from Bodyline for around $10 each.

>> No.8658852

Got those $5 school uniforms too. That's what buyer two wanted that I dropped down to $10.

>> No.8658857

ugh thats so annoying, those socks are literally being sold at target right now for less than that

>> No.8658890

Idk why but this reminded me, I have a friend who is 22 years old and still doesn't have her own bank account/paypal. Her parents baby her so much, and she still has to ask her mom to help her buy things online.
she's a functioning adult too (like mentally, her parents "won't let" her get a real job or anything), it's the most bizarre thing to me.

>> No.8658905
File: 33 KB, 600x294, 448768-13810-2015-08-27482831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm grossed out.

>> No.8658926

Damn you're selling weeb dreams for dirt cheap. I'd be heavily intoxicated every day if I had to deal with the kind of audience that stuff appeals to

>> No.8658928

The back of that must be the worst lolita plumber's butt of all time.

>> No.8659029

Not really a "sales" thing, but someone who I commissioned about a year ago now commented on a post I had made on a commission FB page for a friend of mine. I see her pretty much post on everyone's posts though but I just wanna warn them all. She was fine to work with originally but it just became a wreck at the end.
>We had agreed on a rush commission, she said she could deliver it to me the con
>As soon as she got the money she seemed to just disappear
>no WIPs (she said she couldn't do anything because of the rush), barely any contact.
>One of the times I did get a reply she said "hey anon my siblings got paint on your outfit so I'm gonna have to just alter a dress is that okay?"
>Con rolls around (Day 0 con). Message the girl because she isn't replying to my texts. Ex-friend is apparently friends with her boyfriend and texts her
"Oh hey anon she's still working on the choker but it looks amazing"
>Saturday comes, have to hunt this girl down for my cosplay. She mentions the dye-job is a little wonky and that she wants to redo the whole outfit after the con
>Couldn't look, I was already in a rush (my mistake). Dash up to my room and get out the dress.
>Doesn't fit, is too big. Dye job makes it look like it's tie-dyed with black ink. Loose threads, unhemmed... Couldn't wear it

I did pay $100 though so you get what you pay for in this situations. The after-con was when it got really bad though. I can tell that tale too if people want

>> No.8659032

please tell

>> No.8659043

This is some Yumi King-tier shit.

>> No.8659151
File: 129 KB, 640x640, 1435334811408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully being on /cgl/ for so long has made me look at the brighter side of it all. Laughs and sales horror stories to post later.

If you're thinking about reselling Bodyline generic cosplays though.. don't. When I bought mine all they had left was 2L and 3L (which I figured would sell fast) but no. Everyone who commented either couldn't fit them (too small) or couldn't afford it. I kept dropping the price just trying to get them out of my room and I finally just sold the last one I had using eBay and managed to get $12 for it.

Don't even get me started on how many Bodyline nail sets I have sitting around either. Buying so much to resell has come back to bite me in the ass.

>> No.8659576

I'm curious to know more. Do you have any pics of this monstrosity?
Have you tried selling on other platforms? Storenvy seems to attract a lot of weebs.

>> No.8659652

I did have a Storenvy for a while before they started taking profits from the sales during the whole "personal store vs marketplace" change, plus them being in Stripe?

So now I just stick to FB or eBay in last attempt sales.

>> No.8659665

Of course I do. I still have it. just needed to dig it out of my closet.

SO, to begin I will admit that I did message her a bit much, but that was because she seemed to never respond to me unless I asked for a refund. This is the first time I had ever commissioned someone for a cosplay. I even made the mistake when she asked for the payment to be sent as friends and family.

>She says she'll start on the new dress during November. That's fine, my second "deadline" was end of january for ohayocon
>she disappears, saying she's going on a thanksgiving vacation. I understand and don't really mind.
>A month goes by, message her in later December. Get a reply from her "sister" saying she had to get surgery due to food poisoning. >To this day I don't know if it was true, especially because I saw her post from a con during that month
>Late January, I ask her if she's done yet because the con was almost up. She sends me a wip of the choker (in pic related, she never worked on it like her bf said back in October) and disappears again. Second deadline missed. >At this point I hadn't heard from her in a while. I send her a warning message that I plan on filing to get my money back because I did not get what I had paid for and I was tired of this run around.
>Of course she responds quickly, saying that she's had a lot going on lately and that she'll get it done soon, and if she doesn't get it done by April she'll refund me.
>She sends me the finished product (second dress in pic related).
>I tell her that the dress was rather inaccurate and if she could fix it. She tells me no, saying that this is the third time she had to make the dress (which was a lie because the "second" dress was just altered while the "first" dress had been ruined by her siblings according to her) and that she was done.
>Ask her to just send the dress since my chargeback had been declined and I wouldn't be getting a refund.
>Dress is too small now.

>> No.8659673
File: 1.43 MB, 1000x1000, reimisugimesso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dropped pic
All in all, it was really stressful. The second dress is at least a little better but I can't fix it (I can't sew).
I should mention I did find her on Coscom so... that was my biggest mistake. I was (and still consider myself) a newbie to getting commissions.
It was funny because her post on coscom said she was all about outfit accuracy, working with her customers and constant communication.

>> No.8659687

holy shit that's a mess
and Reimi is honestly one of the easier Jojo costumes

>> No.8659688

It looks like it was made by Asherbee.

>> No.8660223

Right? I was shocked.

lol, nah, was not her.

>> No.8660274
File: 19 KB, 247x238, kk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw buyer suddenly asks for tracking number and she didn't ask for that before it got shipped
>not the first time this happens

>> No.8660417

Why is there a literal child commenting in Australian sales group? They don't sound or look older than 10, wtf are their parents thinking.

>> No.8660419

come on, at least post caps if you want to talk about something in particular

>> No.8660429
File: 356 KB, 830x604, wat2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I've done some shitty censoring.
If you look at their profile they don't look old enough to have a facebook but I wouldn't post those.

>> No.8660430
File: 30 KB, 483x228, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think someone posted some caps in another thread but heres the full thing (which is not a lot). Clicking on the girls' profile, it looks like she's about 12 or something? urgh

>> No.8660438

oh, /that/. thanks.
honestly, please report her account for her own safety. if she's this young and trying to get into this fashion, she's at serious risk for grooming or other shit. there's always some creeps that slip through the cracks into lolita groups because of fetishes. I would report her myself but I'm not a part of the group nor in the area

>> No.8660449

I'm sure she'll be fine. Her Mum isn't a member of the sales group but she is a part of the local comm so she can keep an eye on her daughter. From what I've seen she's very encouraging of the hobby and the girl already owns a coord.

>> No.8660454

alright, that makes it a bit better, but honestly I'm still concerned. at least I feel that her mum could be informed that she's a part of the sales group too, since she obviously doesn't have her own means of buying items - just to keep anything messy from happening.

>but I'm probably just too salty from having fairly unsupportive parents

>> No.8660486

Butting in with a cosplay sale
>selling some costumes that don't fit me anymore and/or that I don't wear
>list the measurements of every piece in the description as well as any issue it might have
>this one girl shows up, asks me if I can hold almost every costume until a con about 3 months later so that she can save money on shipping
>I won't be attending it but a lot of people I know are, I find a buddy willing to make the transaction
>alright, all is fine, I even trow a wig in for cheap because she's buying almost everything I have on sale
>outright ask her if she read the descriptions on every item so she doesn't get any disappointments
>transaction goes smoothly
>a few days later
>"anon, your cosplays won't fit :c"
>"what, how come? Didn't you check the size?"
>"no, I thought it'd fit since we're both skinny"
>hahahaha no

To be fair, she knew she fucked up and didn't ask me for the money back or anything, but to this day her reasoning still amazes me.

>> No.8660489

Does she have some kind of learning disability? Of course she's young but she's typing like an eight year old, not a twelve year old. I'm with >>8660438 in thinking she shouldn't be on Facebook at this age, unless her mother actually has the password to her account or something.

>> No.8660503

I don't know if for younger kids it's stylish to misspell stuff still, but the grammatical errors are also insane. Having doubts that the mother knows about this.

>> No.8660517

That logic even though the measurements were right there..

>> No.8660519

Even if her mother is a part of the local comm, why is an underaged girl with no funds of her own allowed in a sales group? Especially when all her comments are "I can't afford this. Too expensive"?

>> No.8660534
File: 233 KB, 484x302, Screenshot (250).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you're selling used socks, why would you use this picture to advertise selling them?

>> No.8660537
File: 51 KB, 446x334, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried reporting her account but no option for 'underaged' account or whatnot.

>> No.8660547

Had to google it but I found a solution, anon.


They have a form specifically for reporting underaged children.

>> No.8660549

Oh thank you for the link! Should've done that myself, sorry about that. I'm thinking she's about 9.. right? And she's been reported

>> No.8660683

Her mum should be supervising what she posts, I'd find it really irritating if I had a 12 year old shitting up my sales posts.

>> No.8660992

Yeah it should be common sense that a person considered large in China would still be dwarfed by most people in an American Walmart

>> No.8661059

> "Sure, I'll take them"

> "Aight, just have to take them off first. Want me to ship them right away or do I need to wash them first?

Makes me thingk they wont wash the clothes before they ship, gross..

>> No.8661074

True horror right there. This is why I wash everything that I order. Clothes, pillows, blankets, etc. Anything that can be washed.

>> No.8661464

So it looks like her profile was taken down because her comments have been removed

>> No.8661524

Hopefully her mother won't raise hell but if she does, I hope members will tell her how ridiculous it was to let her daughter have a facebook when she's underaged, much less let her post without supervision.

>> No.8661555

I'm not in her state (not even sure what state she's from to be honest, but looks like the other gulls might know, but i'm guessing queensland or something?) But yes, stupid that a 9 year old has her own fb account.. and in sales groups too (are the mods even going reviewing these people?).

>> No.8661572

Anyone know who "Hervia" is on Lacemarket? They're always selling high end pieces (all new with tags) with little to no description and they refuse to lower prices even after relisting items 5+ times. Right now they have 27 things up for sale. Just seems weird to me.

>> No.8661603

wtf she's selling the milky cross bag for $300 usd?? the fuck?

>> No.8661796

Probably a scalper. She's always listing brand new releases immediately after they drop as BNWT at super high prices, like you said.

>> No.8661802

I figured. I'm just sick of seeing every dress I want listed by her tbh.

>> No.8661833

She sold an AATP Witch Hat for $250 when one just sold on closetchild for <$100 and was trying to sell a Sweet Grave JSK for $800 when the original price was ~$250.

>> No.8661983

sorry for OT, but it's related to sales. I commissioned someone in early september for a wig by halloween, which is approaching. it was $200+dollars and i payed all of it up front to speed up the process. I messaged the commissioner last week, asking if there was any progress and she said she hadn't started, but would let me know when she started. there's been no word or progress yet, and im getting a little nervous if its going to be done well by then. would it be annoying if i messaged her again to make sure it's going to be finished by halloween?

>> No.8661994

Holy fucking shit anon that's insane. If you paid through paypal, and you don't get it in time, you can file a dispute if you have it in writing that you said you needed it by Halloween.

I would wait a few more days and ask for a progress pic

>> No.8661997

I would try message her again and try to file a paypal claim just in case

>> No.8662026

thanks anons. ill send her a message in a day or two just to make sure she's going to have it finished in time. id hate for this to turn out badly, especially since her work looks amazing in all of her examples and she said she's already ordered the wigs to start it.

>> No.8662057

Or she hasn't gotten back on? Really...

>> No.8662094

Considering this was from Thursday and it is now Sunday, I have a feeling it's fake

Most people check cgl at least once a day, but I could be wrong

>> No.8662298
File: 504 KB, 480x640, yr2Hvof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am legit freaked out

>> No.8662311

What. the. actual. fuck. Where did you find this?

>> No.8662445
File: 662 KB, 800x1120, Screenshot_2015-10-12-16-58-51-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this chick for real? Asking 250 pounds for something so disgusting, I get it's MM but come on.

>> No.8662457

It's not that hard to remove stains...

>> No.8662467
File: 534 KB, 1238x2070, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8662487

grandma had to get rid of her 90's shit

>> No.8662502 [DELETED] 

Selling figures can also be very horror.

>Own a mint condition figure
>Unboxed once to check it, then put it back in box and keep it somewhere safe from direct light etc.
>5 years have passed and I still haven't got the opportunity to display the figure due to lack of space.
>Decide to sell figure
>Dude shows interest in it
>'How much do you ask for it?'
>Explain it's in mint condition, no damages, never displayed etc
>Ask €80 while the original price was around €100
>'Nah I will pay you €40, second hand is half the price

That is not how it works.

>> No.8662517

This blows my mind. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

>> No.8662524

Also she posted it in the previous thread, where people also asked her to name and shame. Which she ignored there and continued to post it again in this thread.
tbh though, I don't mind fake stories if they're entertaining and not hurting anyone.

>> No.8662528

Eh? I've never seen that story

>> No.8662534

Seconding. Links please, anon.

>> No.8662536

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsZPOW-jhpE Just reminds me of this. Carly is god.

>> No.8662540


>> No.8662546

I wanted to believe that it was a troll but she left an email address so now I'm not so surr

>> No.8662555

But that was in the last thread... That got autosaged...

>> No.8662559

Yeah.... that's what I said.
>Also she posted it in the previous thread
and if you read the rest of that thread, there are 2 people asking for a name and shame. Which she ignored in both threads.
It's really not that big of a deal though.

>> No.8663017

For 250£, I would expect her to remove them. What if they don't come off? I honestly think the price is excessive and those closeups look gross.

>> No.8663094

looks like it sold. I feel sorry for the girl who bought it.

>> No.8663119

Could be a Tumblrchan that thinks anything colorful is fairykei.

>> No.8663147

A few of the things she's selling are in terrible condition and the prices are still damn high. That poor Moitie blouse full of makeup and lotion stains, I pray for the soul who bought it.

>> No.8663191

Maybe she just wanted to get rid of her frustration without equally spilling names?
I did the samething when I was in a similar situation. No matter how mad, I didn't feel comfortable with writing someone's name down for the whole world to see.

>> No.8664093
File: 151 KB, 640x919, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Fairy Kei Sales group is a fucking goldmine.

>> No.8664096
File: 185 KB, 640x852, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8664098
File: 167 KB, 640x885, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8664100
File: 130 KB, 640x916, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8664110

Kek, it was actually me who bought the blouse. I think it was a pretty good deal since I can easily clean it

>> No.8664116

Maybe not an English native speaker? Asshole

>> No.8664127

Praying for you. If you manage to clean them off well do share your methods because those stains looked bad

>> No.8664137
File: 85 KB, 486x463, lool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

edited for blue board and gahaha lord have mercy

>> No.8664167
File: 130 KB, 1007x618, target.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8664179

It was in the secrets i am scared haha it just looks super creepy

>> No.8664192

>prom dress
Oh please

>> No.8664210

It looks like an ironing board cover

>> No.8664225

>Scalping a dress and it's not even remotely cute

>> No.8664230

If anything, wouldn't it be more appropriate for spank?

>> No.8664262

Oh I hate that word and every bad craft it stands for.

>> No.8664263

Nice choice of censorship photo.

>> No.8664292
File: 162 KB, 996x636, HTjsk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch that's the Hot Topic JSK

>> No.8664331
File: 658 KB, 868x3762, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got sent this a while back (not a first hand experience) but this girl is known for being an entitled prick.

>> No.8664345
File: 203 KB, 577x319, surprised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am going to have to talk long and hard with my psychologist

>> No.8664365

So, what I'm getting from this is that Rambler was selling something. Succinct was going to buy it and sent out a feeler, but didn't do something to confirm all the way (maybe she was waiting on an invoice from Rambler?). Rambler sells thing to someone else, Succinct leaves a bad review because she thought the item was her's. Rambler went into crazy rant mode and blamed her depression, which implies that she may have been slow to respond or ignoring Succinct for awhile, and then even though she was the one ignoring she decided it was Succinct's fault?

I don't know the details, but Rambler sounds like a little whiner who is more histrionic than depressed. I have depression and this is definitely way off from the crippling guilt I would feel if my depression screwed things up for someone else.

>> No.8664379

I guess I should have put the comments into context:

>seller demands full payment via pp gift on the spot to confirm purchase
>buyer wants more photos to make sure product is okay. And asks politely whether she can pay via goods on pp becuase she's worried about being scammed (items are meet-up/pick up)
> seller talks about their impeccable seller history
>buyer apologises profusely before backing out because they're worried about being scammed since she's paying for the item a week before the meet up.

Comments ensue.

>> No.8664384

>seller demands full payment via pp gift on the spot to confirm purchase

I'd be suspicious right then and there, seller feedback be damned.

>> No.8664430

But anon, clearly you have never dealt with a depressed person!! :^)

>> No.8664774

Does Facebook viruses are nasty -_-

>> No.8665445

Why is fucking everything marked as "rare," does it even mean anything? I bought a "rare" dress and it just looks like a normal dress but with thinner material than normal for that brand.

It seems like an excuse to mark up shit that people don't really want

>> No.8665452

>someone asks to buy a dress from you
>ok, whatever, sure
>tfw a few months later they are selling at a higher price than you sold it

>> No.8665458

rare doesn't necessarily indicate better material or a super special dress in particular? technically it's just a dress that doesn't come up for sale every often but it also generally should refer to a dress that is highly coveted. some dresses are rare but not really worth much. i do agree that some people tack on 'rare' just to get away with charging a higher price, though.

>> No.8665480
File: 165 KB, 528x636, Screen Shot 2015-10-13 at 10.18.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Takoyaki_co much?

>> No.8665536

lmao I have bitched about this before, too. It's so dumb. What lolita release ISN'T rare?!

I have seen this happen all too many times and I swear it makes me see red. Whatever though I guess. You're the chill person, they're the scalper.

>> No.8665581
File: 57 KB, 405x720, 12140653_1508698736089834_3540845640075864063_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on a fairy kei sales page.

Seriously? You want 45$ before shipping and handling and you can't be bothered to take an iron to it?

Fuck off.

>> No.8665647
File: 989 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-14-00-17-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here and run away

>> No.8665681

I scrolled down and that wasn't what at all what I thought I'd see. Holy shit.

>dat itty bitty hat

>> No.8665764

I'd buy a few of these. Thread still ongoing?

>> No.8665772

shit, is that really the fabled HT jsk? it looks like Anna House. cuter than I expected

>> No.8665784

They may be a bit annoying with listings, but they're so nice to do business with. Bought a few dresses when shit was cheap and their gifts were so cute, and matched the items..

>> No.8665791

What the fuck I can't stop laughing

The hat is so fucking tiny

>> No.8666383

Moitie ita always does that too


>> No.8666410

I know this feel, especially considering I sold it at a discount because of minor damages and she's trying to sell it at retail. Still hasn't sold. Kek

>> No.8666524

It's like Austin Powers had a daughter(?)

>> No.8666553
File: 52 KB, 400x533, Kuroshitsuji-Ciel-Phantomhive-Blue-Cosplay-Costume-kuroshitsuji-black-butler-32572141-400-533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHooaoaaaaa I just realized this is actually a Ciel (Kuroshitsuji) cosplay in a different color

>> No.8666590

if you not a troll here my email

>> No.8666887
File: 1.55 MB, 1080x1540, Screenshot_2015-10-14-20-11-31-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the dress (not jsk but the dress) NEW for 30 fucking Euro and what? Why is she tryna get 60€ for a second hand squirrel party jsk in the most ugly colorway available?

>> No.8667305
File: 132 KB, 540x720, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the everloving fuck is this t-shirt

>> No.8667308

what sales group is this in holy shit

>> No.8667318
File: 77 KB, 400x533, IDon&#039;tFuckAround_2_400w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the same girl that made that terribad Harddecora comic.
Something about a weeb trying to act hard in tumblr fashion is just so nope

>> No.8667415

Not much to complain about but
>Put a bunch of fairy kei things for sale
>Girl says she's interested in the entire lot and asks for shipping
>I give her shipping quote
>"Oh sorry, some of the things I wanted have been sold, not interested anymore bye."
>Literally nothing out of the lot was sold

>> No.8667435

With a name like Hard Decora, I expected a lot more... y'know.. decora..
That shit is creepycute at best.

>> No.8667495
File: 7 KB, 447x119, Screenshot (276).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8667517

if you cant even afford bodyline you need to gtfo.

>> No.8667538

You can't even get decent normalfag shoes for $15, what the hell is this kid on.

>> No.8667582

Why does her head look like it's been photoshopped on?

>> No.8667591

wtf is this bitch smoking

>> No.8667592

>mfw I like this shirt

>> No.8668356

Ayeee, lmao I got some shoes I'm trying to sell for $15

>> No.8668367

I love selling for more than I got this something, but I sometimes get items much cheaper than the general market price and it would be stupid to sell it for the same amount when I am not even asking the average selling price. I traced back a dress I was interested in and where the post where the seller bought it from showed clear damage, but she tried to claim it was in perfect condition when it should have been at least repaired.

>> No.8668371

I bought a dress for $40 once, in good condition. I have seen other people sell it for $120-130. Would it really be that wrong if I sold it for the normal price, instead of the same low price I got it for?

>> No.8668374

I personally think it's kind of a dick move but hey, it's your dress! Feel free to set whatever price really

>> No.8668377

You could go halfway and do like $80? Or you could sell it for the price you got it at and make someones day

>> No.8668380

Put it to bid on lacemarket, starting at just above what you paid.
Leave it to fate.

>> No.8668384

Ya'll think the person you bought it from won't notice but we do.

>> No.8668396

No you won't.

I'm probably gonna put it up for normal price some time and see how it goes.

I'm not part of any community or anything so it's not like I care. Just thought it would be interesting to see your opinion on this.

>> No.8668398

Never mind that, I keep track of that sort of thing on items I've never owned.

there's a plain luckypack item that I've been watching track across the sales but I figured I would get at some point. It's the same cost as shipping from Japan would be, so I was just waiting for this one already in my country, but suddenly the price shot up with the current owner.
The last seller sold it for a low price, it's not a valuable item and it's been owned by like three or more people already so I imagine it looks pretty worn by now. But a younger girl who seems to only own replicas and a few bodyline pieces picked it up at the cheap price and then tried to sell it for the price of a new JSK. After there were no bites so she slowly reduced the price by small increments and then just stopped selling it before it hit a reasonable price.
Yes I'm salty because I want that skirt, but scalping regular items is tacky.

>> No.8668409

I can't remember which sales group it was in possibly the UK one but I think they wanted 20 or 30pound for it.

>> No.8668413

This. I might not actively stalk the people who buy from me, I do however check sales sites religiously and sometimes I see my old stuff. It's kind of weird actually

>> No.8669010
File: 34 KB, 630x482, trust-no-one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, someone placed a bid on one of my items on Lace Market yesterday, then, without anyone else bidding, placed another bid on the item today. I would sorta understand if they made a bid, then made a much higher bid to ensure they got the item, but they only went up by a dollar. They also don't have any feedback. Is this a common practice that I just don't know about, or should I be concerned?

>> No.8669046

sounds like she wants secondhand bodyline/shitty offbrand. lots of girls are probably like this since princess peculiar's video about how to get cheap lolita.

>> No.8669282
File: 128 KB, 885x325, Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 6.45.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I miss something? Why is this JSK priced at over $900?

>> No.8669311

it wont show you what their max bid is unless the auction ended or they get outbid, so all it means is the price bumped by a dollar because of her 2nd bid.

>> No.8669772
File: 66 KB, 640x468, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8669774

That dress is/was really coveted but haven't seen it sell for awhile. I think it did sell for almost that much on YA.

>> No.8669925
File: 12 KB, 190x266, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well just buy the set someone else is probably selling.

>> No.8669927

Jesus, that is one thirsty scalper

>> No.8669970
File: 131 KB, 959x613, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I clicked on this even though I wouldn't buy it as the price was quite cheap, and ew. Why wouldn't you wash it first and try to get rid of the stains before posting it? It's probably really dirty everywhere too.

>> No.8669972
File: 47 KB, 540x960, 490307-1824-2015-10-16471852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8670011

>I have a cupple of branda
same tbh

>> No.8670035

That's pretty cute, it looks like it would be a nice pajama top. I'd buy if it was around $20.

>> No.8670042

Is that period blood? Please don't left that be period blood...

>> No.8670046

Either you're 9 or a boy because that is not what dried blood looks like. It's most likely a berry/juice stain

>> No.8670056

that's not what dried period blood looks like.

>> No.8670060

It clearly says a make up stain.

>> No.8670062

Blood dries brown or black, what are you on?

>> No.8670083

Even regular cheap normie dresses go for more than $10, including many of the ones in thrift stores. Does this girl get all her clothes from a dumpster? What the hell.

>> No.8670138

I feel like I know who this is about. Is this girl a massive Facebook whore with 1,000+ friends who gets super easily butthurt while claiming she's an "opinionated bitch???"

>> No.8670302
File: 217 KB, 1303x1810, _20151015_022218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this will be an unpopular opinion but I died inside when I saw this listing. I hate "cosplay lolita", it's a fashion not a costume. Don't confuse people

>> No.8670362

samefag. Take it elsewhere, no one cares

>> No.8670398
File: 340 KB, 1290x517, 420d6ba75930764b6008ff3e68def6b5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an awkward proof photo...

>> No.8670416

Reminds me of eBay listings

>> No.8670423


>> No.8670433
File: 77 KB, 396x395, 1366324297467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please let this be a troll

>> No.8670482
File: 53 KB, 1121x243, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in response to a girl saying she wanted to trade her kidney for a dress in jest. seriously?????

>> No.8670757

>tfw as a trekkie you like it for a Halloween/con coord

I mean, obviously things like this are not meant for normal daily outfits. And even barring that, design of that dress is a hell of a lot less flashy and costumey than the OTT dresses you see all the time now. The quality of it is another question, though.

>> No.8671406

No? And why anyone samefag about that? You seem personally invested. It's lost all meaning now, people say it for no reason.

>> No.8671433

y-you're not alone, anon

>> No.8672896
File: 32 KB, 528x960, 11226001_10153630584999035_6617496905649609518_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From another sales post... why don't people wash their stuff? Just... ew. Even my normalfag socks don't get dirty like this.

>> No.8672905
File: 100 KB, 561x670, Kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an admin of this group, I just want to say thank you to whoever keeps snarking on these types of posts.

>> No.8672913

>Bought a pair of shoes from Yosuke.
>paid for it with creditcard
>recieved shoes
>store cancelled my payment
>got my money back
>emailed store to ask what happened
>no reply
>free shoes

>> No.8672971

It's like those people who buy shit from China and sob when their size small doesn't fit their 80cm waist. Even if you're thin as a rake things like length, shoulder/bust/underbust measurements, and sleeve length all need to be taken into account.

>> No.8673012

Jesus that's nasty. Don't tell me they were actually trying to sell these.

>> No.8673015

Yep, part of a set...

>> No.8673016

dude... For serious, how did you think any of that was fairy kei? Maybe the backpacks, but the sweaters? Come on. Just be honest about your early 90's era clothes and they will sell a lot better. As a bonus you wouldn't look like an idiot.

>> No.8673020

I'm scared to know but for how much? And there's no way socks that nasty could come with a pristine set so there has to be damages to the dress too.. right?

>> No.8673028

Ew. I have had socks end up looking like that with new shoes, but you see I did this neat trick called washing them and they no longer looked like that.

You can even tell that those have never seen water, they look like they came right off her feet. The heel and toes are all stretched out like socks get after you wear them all day, but just a hand wash would have fixed most of that!

>> No.8673029

For only $200, the Melody Poodle set could be yours. Complete with dirty headbow and these lovely socks

>> No.8673033
File: 44 KB, 960x540, 12119018_10153638212869035_506815000817551167_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8673036

Link? I don't want to buy it, I just want to see this shit show for myself.

>> No.8673041

Not to mention all the random dirt and stuff clinging to the fabric.

>> No.8673047
File: 435 KB, 496x541, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in the plus sized lolita sales group, just look for the album of pic related. It's near the top

>> No.8673058


>> No.8673083

Related sales nightmare from back when I had only been wearing lolita for half a year:

>sees cute pair of AP otks online for $10
>no damage noted, listed as good condition, nothing in the description, proof pic is just one overexposed pic of the otks from above (couldn't see the bottoms)
>bid because I need leg wear in that colour and it's cheap
>seller took half a week to send invoice
>forgot to check email after three days because because I have a separate email that I use for everything except purchases and that one requires constant checking
>finally paid invoice a few days later when the seller messages me a reminder
>received otks a couple of days after
>main colour kinda faded but that's alright
>didn't do a close inspection
>otks go into bottom of drawer where they wait while the dress I wanted to wear with them is being shipped
>trouble with DHL, package arrives in a month
>finally put on the otks
>way tighter than any of my other otks
>bottoms look very clearly worn
>white design on the pastel otks look oddly greenish
>hole on the bottom

And that's how I learned to always ask about the condition in detail and for pics if the seller doesn't give much info. Also got better habits for leaving feedback.

>> No.8673094

shhiiiit. I don't get it, going by that album she can clearly see all the tiny flaws in her things, but then suddenly these socks and that bow... I don't understand. Considering the state of the socks I don't can't imagine how many times those dresses were worn with no washes. ugh

>> No.8673147

No one cares about you calling out samefag. How about you gtfo with that shit. Waste of space.

>> No.8673163

>claims it's new without tags
>clearly being worn in photo
Am I the only one that thinks people should still say when a product has been tried on, even once? Especially for things that go on your head or feet.

>> No.8673167

>mad because everyone made fun of them for samefagging and being wrong about the stain
cry somewhere else

>> No.8673173

For socks/tights, definitely. There's no such thing as new but tried on for socks and especially tights, once they've been stretched for wear, they're worn.

For headwear, I'm more neutral on it. But I could see why you would want to.

>> No.8673199

Isn't she a kawaii ambassador or something? Holy shit that's amazing, this should be spread around.

>> No.8673213

This is Kyandi, she's an autistic toad who is always sticking her nasty face into other people's business. Check out the antikyandi tumblr for drama. For example she gave Automatic Honey so much shit for copying AP when she copies left and right.

>> No.8673238

I have two good ones.

>selling dress on LM
>girl asks to do layaway for about a month or two
>tell her I need 25% non refundable down payment sent as a gift
>she sends it
>two weeks later she emails me saying something financially comes up and she can't buy it anymore and I should refund her and sell to someone else
>um... I said it was nonrefundable on the listing and in our messages
>she goes oh, ok, and I keep it
>what is reading comprehension


>another fucking layaway (I don't do them anymore unless it's 50% nonrefundable down)
>buyer tells me they need about 2 months to pay off dress, it's about $250
>they send the nonrefundable deposit, then a few more payments over the following month
>about 190 is paid off by now
>buyer drops off the face of the earth for a month
>I PM asking what is up, no pressure, just want to know
>I will send the payment soon anon!
>another month goes by
>Hello? Payment?
>I'm sorry I have been so busy!
>this continues for the following... get ready for it... TEN MONTHS
>at one point they started ignoring me completely, had to track them down on facebook
>mfw I see they were plenty busy buying other dresses during that time
>demand the rest of the payments or I had to sell it to someone else, we agreed on 2 months wtf is this shit
>no no anon here I am sending the last payment
>they finish paying it off, I ship, the end, but no thank you for waiting for nearly a fucking hear from this twat

>> No.8673246

What stain?

>> No.8673248

>buy a blouse from a local lolita friend I recently met, don't know too well but we hit it off pretty well
>she is really popular, kind of like one of the ring leaders in the comm, knows nearly everyone and is well liked
>when I get home and take a good look at it, I notice there is a brown stain right on the front boob
>this stain did not show on her LM picture
>too much of a pussy to say anything

>> No.8673250

What? I posted it first and that was it. Someone replied saying it was period blood who didn't read the picture. No one but you said any samefagging was done. You seem bored.

>> No.8673251

>cries about same fagging
>doesn't actually say anything useful
I cry where I want anon

>> No.8673289

You are much nicer than me anon, After the two months were up I would have refunded everything but the deposit and put the dress back up for sale... Actually every time I do a layaway I tell the buyer exactly that in no uncertain terms.

>> No.8673344

Holy shit I bought that like 3 weeks after it was released in store like it was no big deal. I've been wearing a goldmine all this time. (Then again, it's one of my favorites, so I'm never selling.)

>> No.8673542

No, the only American KA's are/were that one Texas girl, right? I think Yanise is just good friends with Cadney.

Holy shit that's Kyandi?
>tfw knew her in the cosplay days
>that whole friendgroup basically is craycray

>> No.8673664
File: 392 KB, 2048x1364, 12091206_916351955107539_4464214825722141724_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-was this proof picture taken in the middle of a street?

>> No.8673674
File: 52 KB, 444x287, 1428045451883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8673681

That little red stain that anon thought was period blood.

>> No.8673686
File: 328 KB, 656x369, Lf5By.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks more like a driveway, but still.

>> No.8673724

Well Yanise is definitely striving for efame. I wonder how her fans would feel about her being such a questionable seller.

>> No.8673726

You mean she's desperately clawing at it...among a million other things, she literally made a video just so she could brag about all of the different brands she's modeled for. Anyone who can call themselves a "fan" of her when all she really does is stroke her own ego probably won't care about her selling practices unfortunately.

>> No.8673728

Yes, the issue was that while we originally said two months, I never said what would happen if she didn't finish by then because in the past everyone always kept to their word (except for that one girl who cancelled). The issue is the value of the dress dropped significantly after about 3 months of the layaway (change in season) so I was worried about finding someone to buy it for the same price again which is why I stuck with it. If it was a year round popular release I would have cancelled, but with this particular print it would have been more difficult. People were already listing different cuts and colorways for a lot less than me a few months after we started the layaway. But it hows how she dragged me through the mud for so long over 250 that really pissed me off, especially when she was apparently buying lots of other things in the meantime.

>> No.8673730

Sorry, you're right, I should have said desperately grasping at. I hope word starts going around about her business practices because something about her always felt a bit off and I don't doubt she has been doing this kind of thing with other selling sites as well. The bottom most feedback even called Yanise out saying she made a second account trying to rip the same girl off twice or avoid negative feedback or something.

(I thought 3 negative feedbacks banned you from LM too?)

>> No.8673733

Also by fans I meant friends too She seems to rub elbows with a lot of lolitas.

>> No.8673753

Kyandi cosplayed?
anyone got pics?
am i the only one who thought her stuff was overpriced this year at AWA?

>> No.8673757

That cigarette butt.

>> No.8673987

kek, what group?

>> No.8674047

Literally just google Kyandi cosplay and you'll find shittons, she was pretty prolific for a while. Mostly magical girl and RPG series. It was before she ballooned up.

>> No.8674144

yeah everything about Yanise has always made me really reluctant to interact with her or her clique, and even girls that don't seem to buy the rest of the famewhores and crap in NYC seem to be ok with her...? I don't get it, to me she's really obviously fake

but above that I can't believe she's allowed to keep selling when she blatantly broke LM rules AND has shit feedback, is the mod friends with her or something?

>> No.8674249
File: 1.84 MB, 400x250, 25f3i4i.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I walked past her booth and all I saw was resin/plastic pastel vomit all over the place. It wasn't until I saw her dumping out a bag of more kawaii shit into a bowl for her display that I realized it was her.

I'm really wondering how much of AA was actually artist made stuff because Kyandi along with a few other booths all had the same identical Shoujo/Kawaii/Sugoi saying necklaces.

>could be making a ton of money selling Taobao crafts/fandom jewelry in AA
>don't apply because I don't want to be that bitch
>go to convention AAs
>spot those bitches left, right, and center

>> No.8677680
File: 59 KB, 494x588, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time it's hyper rare. She could at least lay it out flat and position it nicely and take a clear photograph. That bed sheet too, eww. She always lists things as rare and overprices when her items are in bad condition. For some reason no one seems to have seen her at meets and it's not clear whether or not she is mentally retarded.