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8645039 No.8645039 [Reply] [Original]


Who is up for the Holy Lantern Bloodbath v2.0

>> No.8645042

i am so tired of hearing about this print shut up

>> No.8645047


>> No.8645049

So was I. Then i saw the pink special set. I dont even do pink but my body and bank account are ready.

>> No.8645052

>except i do do pink

>> No.8645057

Can you even get it online? I just love getting the special sets

>> No.8645063

Realistic sweet makes me really want dresses i originally really hated

>> No.8645131

Isn't there already pink or blush colored Holy Lantern replica?

>really wants a pink Holy Lantern
>bank not ready for it

>> No.8645164
File: 209 KB, 720x1018, 201508kera01-web-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body is even more ready for this

>> No.8645181

??? Is there another rerelease or something? Are you guys talking about the USA site? I haven't heard about this >.>

>> No.8645197

AP USA hasn't announced when they're releasing it. They post 24-48 hrs on their FB page before they release a new print.

Y'all suck at keeping up with new prints.

>> No.8645220

>tfw already planning on what I'm buying for Christmas

>> No.8645229

i feel like this is one of those dresses that looks amazing in the model photos, but much less amazing in real life.

>> No.8645245

when is the special set being released?

>> No.8645263

Can someone please tell me a shopping service? all the ones ive tried are full

>> No.8645269

I find with Meta, that the stock photos look shit and model photos vary, but soon after release, there's always SOMEONE who absolutely kills it with a coord, and I end up regretting not having bought the dress.

>> No.8645293

I was just thinking how much cuter this dress looked in this coord than how it usually looks. Now knowing that this is one of Realsiticsweet's outfits, this makes sense. She is a loligod

>> No.8645353

does anyone have pics of the special set? or perhaps scans of the release? idk, i always like seeing the brand ads for prints. If they were already posted somewhere else, please feel free to just link this fag.

>> No.8645357

Just this? >>8645016

>> No.8645420

That's gorgeous, does it come in black?

>> No.8645421

so i fucked up and bought a couple jsk in the long cut, only to have them look horrendous on me. do i have a decent chance at trading these for their shorter counterparts, or should I just suck it up and pay for alterations?

>> No.8645431

depends on which dress

>> No.8645433

classical coin and cesky krumlov

>> No.8645457


These are kind of borderline popular, so it's kinda up in the air whether you'll succeed or not. I don't see much harm in posting a WTT, then move on to plan B if you don't get any takers.

Alternatively, you can consider buying the short version and selling off the longer version. I think the short version is actually more common on closetchild/secondhand. You may have to take a loss flogging off the longer versions, though.

You should also try to figure out what about the dresses looks horrendous on you. If you look boobloafy in the long version, chances are you'll look boobloafy in the short as well. The longer IW jsks also tend to be an inch longer in the torso, so if the waist of the longer one fits you fine, be warned that the shorter version may fit you weird (and vice versa).

>> No.8645491

Any word on a release date for Horror Garden and Horror Bat?

>> No.8645517

Anyone order a lucky pack from lockshop in august and not get it yet? I don't think it's ever taken this long for me to receive a package from them. I know they had some technical difficulties with transportation but still.

>> No.8645536

If you don't know now, it's already too late

>> No.8645555

File a damn PayPal claim already

>> No.8645558

Yes. Though they only have photos of the white and turquoise up so far.

>> No.8645568

I've been debating getting a (Japanese) friend to get the pink special for me, but what are the chances that a regular, normal, inexperienced Japanese girl would be able to snag it?

>> No.8645570

How long does it usually take Tokyo Alice to send out orders?

>> No.8645571

All she has to do is show up early and stand in line and they tell people what is going to happen. Don't forget about the "have to wear AP so we know you're not a scalper" rule

>> No.8645624

I emailed Chibi earlier in the week and haven't received a reply yet. Is she busy? I don't want to nag her to death.

>> No.8645645

>tfw Christmas purchases were already planned out and then this special set happens

>> No.8645653

what are the chances of this pink Holy Lantern JSK going for more than the lavender or red OP?
>heavily leaning towards pink but gdi
>getting Holy Lantern during the AP USA release might even be more likely

>> No.8645659

She told me she was super backed up. She said she wasn't close enough to laforet to get the special set as well.

>> No.8645720

She lives in Sendai, which is like a 2 hour $200 bullet train round trip from Tokyo. So duh

>> No.8645730

diff but i wondered anyway, shouldn't she be making enough profit to be able to make that sort of trip once in a while? you would think with Holy Lantern being as popular as it is and it being a special Halloween release at that that it'd be worth the trip, considering how much profit she could make buying it for who knows how many. unless AP still has a limit or something, she's nearly always booked solid during releases as popular as Holy Lantern. plus, she could make trips to other places like Closet Child while there, and make profit from there as an SS as well.

>> No.8645742

It's probably 1 per person limit and shuffle so no guarantee she'd even get it considering what turn out for Tokyo events are 200+. A the trip would take up at least a whole day of her time, and if she's already way behind on other orders and requests that wouldn't be good.

>> No.8645746

I don't think she does this full-time and it's just not economically feasible. You people would be bitching if she marked up the dress to cover her train ticket

>> No.8645749
File: 36 KB, 480x640, 78f294cf36c302ba357f262bee421145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but would anybody be able to tell me what fabric the aatp merrymaking in ghost town hat is made of? It looks like velvet to me but my eyes are a bit shit so i'm not 100% sure.

>> No.8645756

thanks so much, this is really helpful! the dresses just look oversized on me, especially the skirt portion. i'm already on the shorter side, so I probably should have known better.

>> No.8645762

Faux suede! The neck tie is velvet, for comparison.

>> No.8645764

She does do this full time, but it's still not profitable for her to go to Tokyo. I think one of the reasons she's able to get as much as she is (like many pieces for many people per release) is because she's in Sendai. A lot of the shops outside of Tokyo are more relaxed about releases.

>> No.8645772

Most likely it will.
This is a limited special set for one store only. Don't know if you could actually get a trade, but who knows.

>> No.8645775

For some reason, I was under the impression that she also has a full time job on top of this.

>> No.8645808

For some reason I remember her transitioning to this as a full time job, but when I looked for info on it, all I got was the Kalamari Kastle interview from 2010 saying she had a full time job and the SS stuff. Maybe you're right.

>> No.8645815

I more or less meant for an online release, not an in person release. She's not into lolita, so it wouldn't be worth it if an in-store release is the best/only chance.

>> No.8645817

Just read >>8645772
Never mind, I'm derp. I don't usually like Japanese brands (especially AP), so I didn't know. Sage for idiocy.

>> No.8645818

She had a fulltime job, check her Facebook page, she wrote it several times that she has one so answering her mails take some time. However in July she wrote that she will take a 4 week break and after this she will have more time for her service. So I guess she quit her job now or doesn't work so many hours anymore.

>> No.8645827

It's a Harajuku-store special set, anon, meaning it's in-store only.

What is with influx of retarded newbies with this release? Suddenly no one knows anything and can't even be arsed to do a basic google search.

>> No.8645844

I got banned from Innocent World over a year ago because it took them so long to invoice me I thought they must have not gotten my order. Now I see a dress I want and I don't know what to do. I'm fucked, aren't I?

>> No.8645845

I don't care if I sound like a weeb but this is one of the reasons why I wish I live in Japan. Too bad I don't have a desire to teach English

>> No.8645848

No one you can ask to order on your behalf? When my boyfriend was banned from mandarake, I order and he seems the money to me using PayPal

>> No.8645850

Unfortunately no. I'm going to go ahead and change my paypal and see what happnes. If that doesn't work I can always send it to my grandparents.

>> No.8645876

You can also try to email them too. Hopefully they will be a little more forgiving

>> No.8645883

I did a google search, most things just brought up BS about the site getting backlogged and SS being fully booked. Like I said, I don't usually buy from jap brands at all and certainly not pastel vomit ones like AP. I just really like the pink, but I'll just pine. It wouldn't go with the rest of my wardrobe anyway.

>> No.8645905

Thanks anon

It's not common knowledge where she lives but I'll keep that in mind if there are any more Tokyo releases

>> No.8645913

It is common knowledge, though. It's always been listed on her SS page.

>> No.8645928

Just use a Shopping Service.

>> No.8646032
File: 58 KB, 579x720, 12079082_10102189902096048_2951405564495064892_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laforet Pamphlet had some more shots of the special set jsk

>> No.8646035

This looks ita as fuck.

>> No.8646036

Does anyone know if the users' lolita photo uploads from Poupee Girl got saved anywhere? I really want to see the Moitie ones as a ref. I miss that site so much.

>> No.8646047

It's definitely the ugliest cut so far.

>> No.8646061

can anyone find good Halloween lolita? I need insp

>> No.8646066

If I remember right it can take up to a full business week.

Diff anon but that is so cool, I never knew that. I like this hat 100x more now.

>> No.8646078
File: 32 KB, 345x437, 154705-s-02-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this print but real talk, I'm getting a bit tired of IW's print releases being just a plain square bodice and/or gathered skirt like 75% of the time. And the prices are just as high or higher now compared to past releases that have a bit more detail. I can hardly justify buying at retail anymore even though I like a lot of the releases this season. Are they not doing well or is inflation that bad?

>> No.8646085

How do you know if you got banned? I never received an invoice for my summer sale order even though I've had 2 successful purchases in the past so I am very nervous...

>> No.8646096

Presumably they would have emailed you back refusing your later orders, so you're probably fine.

>Select all images below that match the one on the right.
>there is no image on the right!
captcha is fucking with my head today

>> No.8646103

Sorry for doublepost but I think I read that wrong, you're saying you ordered twice in the past but your latest purchase you never got an invoice? Check your paypal and see if you have any out-standing invoices. If not, maybe shoot them an email to check what happened/as a show of good faith that you never got it but intended to pay it.

>> No.8646124

Same happened to me. I now place all my orders with Chibi Tenshi (but she mostly gets my items instore) and she managed to get everything so far. The only thing that sucks are the shopping service fees.

You could also try Tenso with the Japanese site and credit card payment.

>> No.8646144

>noob detected

>> No.8646149

That have to wear AP rule applies on a store to store basis. I went to the holy lantern release at smaller store and they sold dresses to girls in street clothes.

>> No.8646157

At least they aren't Juliette et Justine plastering classic and Rococo paintings on their dresses and expecting you to pay $300 to $400 for it.

>> No.8646163

Same thing happened to me. I tried ordering from their sale earlier this year (or late last year, can't remember) and never received a response, even though I'd successfully ordered from them twice before. Hopefully they just missed me and didn't ban me. I don't buy a lot of IW, but I'd still like to be able to without using an SS...

This is a harajuku-only release, though, and the Tokyo shop always requires it anymore.

>> No.8646374

Posted in the last thread but didn't get any responses, so:
Anyone have a wig from dream holic or maple? If so, what's the quality like? I haven't been able to find much about either.

>> No.8646470

That's true. Now that you mention it though, that feels like the way they're going, except in maybe a more otome/casual kind of way. It's nice that the dresses are wearable but the price should reflect that.

>> No.8646530

Is there anything I can do to fix/retighten stretched shirring/elastic aside from taking it somewhere and having it fixed/the elastic replaced? I bought a JSK from Japanese auctions, and when it arrived, it was clearly stretched out, resulting in the shirred portion bunching up/sticking out when I put it on.
Honestly a little miffed since the dress was listed without flaws or major signs of wear.

>> No.8646540
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A dream print has been acquired and I couldn't be happier.

>> No.8646545

Oh my, lucky get!

>> No.8646583

I'm 28, and I've loved the fashion for a long time, is it too late to be getting into Lolita?

>> No.8646597

Nope! It's just clothes. There are a lot of people who are older that are into it. Some people like toning it down as they get older, but that's not necessary. You do you.

>> No.8646600

No it's not too late, and don't let anyone very tell you otherwise. Some people aren't fortunate enough to be able to afford Lolita until their older and have a stable income, but some people don't understand that.

>> No.8646613

Im 25 with a kid and I'm revamping my wardrobe from classic/gothic to ott sweet/old school lolita from 2009 and earlier...it is never too late. Just dont dress like shit and you be fine

>> No.8646614

don't do sweet, as it'll look odd on someone older. but with gothic or classic you'll look fine.

>> No.8646622
File: 855 KB, 567x850, TB2IXTtdpXXXXcMXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!45738609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Citanul's Swan Lake print is everything

>> No.8646624

This was the plan exactly, I've been doing goth for a looooooong time. I remember back when Morbid Outlook existed and first started reporting on the EGL trend. I just wasn't interested or well off enough back then.

>> No.8646629

thank you!

>> No.8646642


No way...I love this cut! Same as the castle mirage dress. It's gonna sell fast.

>> No.8646659

... urgh fuck I need this. Isn't citanul's Krads sister label? not sure about waiting 6 months for a dress..

>> No.8646665

>tfw 28 and still wear sweet.

>> No.8646677

Does anyone have any good examples of vintage hats with lolita? I have a small collection and my uncle just gave me 9 more and I'm sure some of them could be worked in but I don't want to force it. It'd be sad if they went to waste haha.

>> No.8646679
File: 348 KB, 500x750, tumblr_noz9w9YNdu1qecu65o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can start a thread solely about vintage hats in lolita.

I fucking love hats.

>> No.8646681

Ugh. I love everything about this but the cakes... If they were floral arrangements instead I would actually think about getting this. They're just a tad too sweet for me. Are there other colorways?

I have a ton of hat coords saved but I'm not certain which ones are actually vintage or not. Do you care if they're legit or just the style?
I'd look at Fanny and Karine's coords for starters as they wear vintage hats a lot.
I'm up for this.

>> No.8646685

Except there are lots of older lolitas who do sweet and look perfectly fine.

>> No.8646687


Let's do it!!! I don't mind if they're true vintage or not, I'm just really into hats and would love inspiration!

>> No.8646694

Just reporting back, I'm the anon who was asking if IW would combine a paid+unshipped order with a new one, I sent them an email directly to ask and they were ok with adding a new reserve item with my paid for ones. So they will do that on request!

>> No.8646695

I'm 30 and still doing old school sweet. It's what I fell in love with and I am still in love with it. I will do it until I don't like it anymore and until that point I couldn't care less what randoms think.

>> No.8646707

Relatively new lolita who just bought a secondhand chiffon blouse.
I took it out of the pack, inspected for damage and then, like a semi truck to the face, I got a huge whiff of BO.

Can I put it on a cool, delicate spin cycle to wash it, or is it best to just straight up hand wash? It's black with gold trim.

>cringe cringe cringe

>> No.8646709

I wash mine in the machine on delicate, usually within a lingerie/delicates bag.
If you're worried, hand washing is fine, too.

>> No.8646715

it happens, and not everyone checks to see if it smells b/c most people cant smell their own b.o if they get used to it. chiffon always seems to get smelly.
i would just handwash it.

>> No.8646808

>implying sweet doesn't already look odd on any grown ass woman

>> No.8646838

Any opinions on where to find a decent priced winter coat?
I'm really into this coat up on BTSSB's website but it's going to end up being almost $300 after shipping.

>> No.8646868

secondhand or bodyline. fanplusfriend is okay too. I easily can find secondhand coats for around 80-100 dollars (without shipping)

>> No.8646870

depends on the type of chiffon. if it feels really delecate, handwash it. if it feels sturdier, put it in a laundry bag. I was my Meta chiffon blouse on a normal cycle inside a laundry bag, and it turns out just fine

>> No.8646873

just take it somewhere. elastic is difficult to work with, especially when you don't have sewing experience

>> No.8646879


>> No.8646892

Can someone recommend where to buy comfortable oxfords that can fit wide feet? I've looked in several stores, but they are all either too narrow or too tall.

>> No.8646905

Is November a really bad time for an indie brand to release a set/open reservations? Right between the HL rerelease and Christmas..

>> No.8646911

I'd still wash anything before selling it, just on principal (unless it was brand new or absolutely needed to be drycleaned and the buyer wasn't willing to pay that -- if it was dirty and needed to be dry cleaned I'd pay for that).

It's an infanta blouse, so it's pretty sturdy feeling. I had a meta blouse that felt more delicate, so I'm assuming it's alright to be done on delicate. I just didn't want to ruin it since it's the first black x colour blouse I've had to wash that's chiffon.

>> No.8646962

can i get some suggestions for good staple classic lolita legwear? I've started shifting my style to more classic/otome but I still feel like my sense of taste is too sweet when I accessorize.

>> No.8646964

Is there any cash value in running a good blog/youtube channel for lolita? I'd like to do it (a youtube especially) and I think I'm pretty capable of either, but if there won't be any profit I'm not sure it would be worth it at the moment. I think maybe it's too much of a niche? I really could care less about "efame"

>> No.8646970

Just a note, but if it's a poly chiffon, that smell can cling even through a wash. I used to know the exact chemical reasoning behind it, but I on't recall.

I always have my boyfriend give my blouses and other things that touched my skin a sniff after I wash them, especially if I wore them on a hot day, just to be safe.

>> No.8646973

Okay. So according to a housekeeping blog I found, it's because sometimes, the wash doesn't get it all out. Especially new eco machines that cut rinse cycles short. So every time you "reactivate" that garment (ie: get it wet, or store it in a closed space and let it ferment), it'll release a new round of stink.

>> No.8646997

Seconded. I really like Mucha stuff, but I cant' stand how IW's dresses just plaster rectangles at the border. A lot more could have been done to incorporate the feeling of the art rather than just print the picture on the fabric and calling it a day.

>> No.8647035


Sorry, but no. Young girls already look weird as fuck wearing sweet. Why would a 28-40 year old look any weirder?

>> No.8647042

I feel you, anon. It still has a placeholder price afaik.
Really? I like the cakes, it all gives me a sort of decadent vibe. It also comes in black, lighter blue, and an OP.

>> No.8647048


Isn't it a good time to release something Christmassy?

>> No.8647057

Why do you need random people's permission to start lolita?

>> No.8647131

Does anyone know how I can get my hands on Jane Marple's new fairy tale book release? It's so hard to find pictures of the entire collection.

>> No.8647132

Are they even still selling it though?

>> No.8647145

I think the popular cuts got sold out everywhere afaik. But sometimes, the store restocks leftovers from canceled orders, so there is still some tiny hope left if you contact a shopping service asap .

Also stalk their online shop, in case it gets released there too, it should be soon.

And if you are into skirts, there is one piece on yahoo auctions:

>> No.8647152

Yeah I've been stalking everywhere and found that skirt just before I updated the thread. haha

I guess I've come into this really late in the game.

I heard that sometimes jane marple releases come on to the website already sold out because of reserves.

Does that mean that it's impossible to get some cuts without an ss?

>> No.8647159

Got confirmation I didn't get an oddment pack. God I hate IW's system. It gives you hope and then smashes your dreams.

>> No.8647164

>mixing white and cream
muh autism

>> No.8647166

Try Clarks, they do width fittings.

>> No.8647170

Secrets are up.

>> No.8647173

Message the SS's but you may not have much luck. I suggest that you hunt for second hand and be willing to strike when a main piece hits or start digging around on Rakuten for stores that stock JM.

When the SS go and buy a new piece (or even any piece for that matter) your name and item are recorded so that everyone has a fair chance of getting hold on one. It's very different to AP releases and JM staff in Tokyo are harsh on suspected scalpers.

I was in Tokyo for the Royal library release and managed to get a JSK in blue. I wanted them in both blue and wine but was told 'only one today' by the shop girl. I left and tried again the next day but the wine had already sold out. As frustrating as it is, I really appreciated what they were doing as I know that if they allowed more than one main piece many girls would miss out.

>> No.8647174

Yes, I did a SS order for the OP and it's already arrived at my house. Whatever doesn't sell out instore goes up onto the online store 2-3 weeks later.

>> No.8647184

Hello bones

>> No.8647198

Same, of a sorts. I am 31 and I wear the kind of hime-ish and classy sweet with prints like Sweetie Chandlier. I'll keep on rocking my pastels all the way to the nursing home. I hate people who try to say what is and is too old for Lolita or any of the styles. It is an alternative street fashion about rebelling against social norms. Fuck off with your age rules.

>> No.8647200
File: 312 KB, 670x400, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anyone excited for JetJ's BJDs with their tits hanging out dress?

>> No.8647285

This would explain why several garments I've bought seemed fine at first and but actually had this un-washable sweat smell...

>> No.8647310

The blog I read recommended handwashing for instances like that, because you can better control the amount of time spent rinsing and soaping. If that fails, washing with baking soda can neutralise it, too. I hope that helps.

>> No.8647311

Those appear to be music boxes, not cakes..?

>> No.8647329

Don't worry so much about what others choose to wear, anon.

>is 30 and wears sweet
>can still pass for an 18 year old

>> No.8647394

Jesus that first secret is brutal

>> No.8647396

The anon you're replying to is supporting the idea of wearing whatever you want. They're saying that basically anyone looks kinda weird in sweet no matter their age.

>> No.8647399

me. not sure how i feel about having the boobs on show in public but w/e

>> No.8647404
File: 24 KB, 236x361, a53d93fcfc8beb93e7813be8a21fb5cd[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yikes. I kind of get what they're going for, but I don't think I've seen a more obvious copy-paste-clipart slap-a-print-on dress than this one.

I really wish they'd let Koitsukihime design the dress instead of just slapping a photo of her dolls on, her dolls wears some really gorgeous dresses.

>> No.8647408

I think it's not that bad on the model who looks very adult or at least cheerful. But knowing the scene right now I know someone with a young face will slap on a lot of makeup too look like a sad prepubescent girl dolly and it will be weird.

>> No.8647490

>implying that sweet lolitas care what other people think of them

>> No.8647499
File: 147 KB, 280x373, SweetCreamHouseHighWaistJSK-cocoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do when shirred dresses are too big, seagulls?
I got pic related, but the dress looks a bit loose in the bodice when I put it on. Since there's full back shirring, it doesn't seem like I'll be able to add corset lacing or anything. For reference, I have an 86cm bust (28D) and a 67cm waist.

>> No.8647501

>my dream dress
>same measurements as me
I guess this means it's not gonna fit me either ughhh...
You could get it altered and taken in at the seams, if you're not worried about resale value.

>> No.8647511

I'm really disappointed, but I guess I should have thought about this. I'm glad AP releases stuff with shirring, but I wish they'd make the minimum measurements a bit smaller and the shirring stronger/tighter.
I also think the skirt is a bit of a weird shape in person, but maybe I just need to try it out with a few different petticoats.

>> No.8647525

I had a buyer message me asking me for a partial refund and I have no idea how much is appropriate. How much would be adequate for a refund for a 1.5 cm hole/opening in the seam of a dress that is visible when the wear sits down/the fabric gets pulled a bit tighter? That type of thing would be easy to fix as it's not an actual hole, just where the stitching has been forced open, right? So maybe the cost of a seamstress fixing it? I've never had this happen before, I hope it wasn't me that damaged it the one time I wore the dress.

>> No.8647530

The bow around the hat is made out of similar fabric what Wizard Gauze Blouse and the golden pin is removable.

>> No.8647535

What's a good place to buy cute sailor uniforms? (That will ship before halloween)

Also maybe pastel j-fashion stuff in general?

>> No.8647537

I've ordered something from Metamorphose's Rakuten via credit card. The transaction was showing as "pending" for the last few days, but has now disappeared from the pending section and the money hasn't been taken out of my account. Do Meta work like AP in that the charge will be processed in a big batch later on in the month, or is it likely that my bank has cancelled the payment and I should email them about paying through an alternative method?

I think IW struggles with stock photos, I bought the Mucha dress in person but I didn't like how it looked online. Recent releases have been lacking in details though, and that's not just a stock photo thing.

>> No.8647543

I've never used their rakuten site, so I'm not sure if it's the same as their regular one, but did you get any sort of confirmation email about payment?
Usually Meta (or the company they go through) processes my payment a bit after I pay for it, though on site/in the email it will say that it cleared.

>> No.8647551

at least refund the amount it would cost to mend the gap, that would be reasonable. if it's a bit more expensive dress, maybe add a bit more, but you should discuss that with the buyer

>> No.8647555

Same thing happened when I did a preorder from JeJ via rakuten and the transaction didn't show up on my account until I received my package (a good 3 months later). Not sure if it's rakuten's way of doing things or what.

>> No.8647561

Why do so many of the brands that have more simple designs charge so much more? Personally, I prefer simple designs and I'm just like, "Shit, why do I have to pay for more when this dress has to cost less to make than an elaborate Baby or AP dress with trims and bows all over it?"

>> No.8647565

It's been shipped and arrived at Tenso so hopefully it won't take too much longer to show in my account. I'll give my bank a ring on Monday just to check it's all ok at their end, but those replies have given me more peace of mind

>> No.8647584

I considered getting this but it's almost 390 USD.

I like it, but that price is too high for a simple dress with a clusterfuck print IMO.

>> No.8647678

The reservation period for this dress was over long ago. The placeholder price is always there while Krad/Citanul take orders privately.

>> No.8647689

The same thing happened to me when I ordered on Meta's website! They've even sent me a tracking number and my items have been shipped, but the money is still sitting in my account and the pending charge is gone.

>> No.8647699

Maybe $20?

>> No.8647789

bodyline does EMS. I don't do sailor stuff so I have no idea what constitutes as "cute" though

>> No.8647796

Me too, don't feel bad.

>> No.8648046

AP USA confirmed release with be Sunday 12 PST

>> No.8648055

Ugh why Sunday
>won't have access to my workplace's hella fast internet

>> No.8648058

Shit, you mean tomorrow? Why can't it be next sunday..

>> No.8648064

from AP USA's facebook:
>The re-release of the Holy Lantern series will be available on our website ( www.angelicpretty-usa.com/shopping) tomorrow, 10/4/15 (SUN) 12pm Noon PST
Due to high demand of this series, we will be reinforcing a special rule for the release day.
Restrictions for all Holy Lantern collection items:
* Max One (1) main garment purchase per person/household.
* Max Two (2) accessory purchase per garment.
Ex 1 headbow and 1 pair of socks with 1 main garment purchase.
* Any order that does not follow or attempts to circumvent these rules will be automatically cancelled and may result a geographical network ban.

d-does this mean my chances of getting the red OP have increased? or does the site still have a 99.9% chance of crashing?

>> No.8648100

Don't they shut down the site before releases now?

>> No.8648107
File: 58 KB, 453x640, holy lantern usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think they were still going to release it this week so I paid my shopping service + shipping fees instead, fuck. I wish they added the price already so I would know if I still have enough.

>> No.8648111
File: 66 KB, 300x418, tumblr_mu6ifsSJ2K1rtqaqvo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8648133

haven't they made rules like this before? i'm not sure it will increase your chance. their site just sucks.

>> No.8648201


>> No.8648248

Does this mean you can't buy accessories on their own?

>> No.8648273

Sorry if this isn't the right thread - but does anyone know the maximum bust measurement for AP's Wonder Party Halter JSK? I hear someone once say that the bust measurement is always bigger than what is officially listed in AP's dresses if there is back shirring, plus on lolibrary it gives the bust measurement as "89 ~" so I'm hoping the tilde means it can go bigger?

>> No.8648290

I wanna buy one to scalp

>> No.8648292

same here sis.

>> No.8648335

Oh god yes. Praying that I'll be able to get the skirt in wine. Good vibes to everyone ITT! Good luck anons!

>> No.8648354

Can you both buy different colorways so I can buy them off you?

>> No.8648360

What color u want bby?

>> No.8648366

I'm struggling because I also want to but I want to keep it too

>> No.8648378

If it doesn't fit me, I'll have to sell it and you're welcome to it. It'll likely go on LM.

>> No.8648389

holy shit i made this forever ago. i feel happy now.

>> No.8648444

Who knows, they probably only have less than 5 of everything anyways.

>> No.8648448

They've now raised it to max 2 main garments.

>> No.8648473

ugh, i'm trying to decide whether it'd be worth it to go after this. I still have a first release skirt, i wonder if it's worth gambling my spending money for a couple weeks for the jsk

>> No.8648492

If someone is willing to do a payment plan, I'll pay double whatever you pay during the USA release. I'll take the op or jsk in any colorway, but wine and lav are my primary ones.

I'm completely serious about this. I need it.

>> No.8648499

what colorway did you manage to get the first release skirt in? always loved that one.

>> No.8648503

Yo, someone is selling an OP


>> No.8648506

I still haven't decided if I want the OP or the JSK yet. Crunch time will be tomorrow

>> No.8648576
File: 174 KB, 279x400, y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the feel thread is on autosage. I hope this is ok since it's lolita related instead of cosplay related.

>been a long time lolita, but never attended a brand tea party before
>AMW is a long way off, but want to plan for it anyway
>wardrobe is relatively plain and outdated by recent standards (I've been trying to achieve a daily lolita wardrobe)
>nothing in Baby's shop really stands out or looks appealing
>would rather own AP's fancy, non-print items (I just fell in love with Fleur Lady)
>most dream dresses are non-printed anyway
>tfw fear of looking under-dressed at a brand tea meet

I went back to the site and I pretty much dislike much of what they've come out with, except for some of their "classic" collection pieces. I'm glad that Aatp's gathered chiffon made a comeback, but it doesn't seem to have the same charm as it did when it first came out. Also, I'm kind of worried that if I get that, it won't be the same quality as the original because I splurged on a baby jsk from them at AMW and later realized how sloppy some of the stitching was and how the removable bows don't hold up. Have anyone else run into a similar issue with Baby's recent stuff?

>> No.8648582

Why this big essay? Just buy some older stuff from Closet Child or stalk Lace Market if you want something second-hand in your country. You don't have to buy directly from brand stores, you know.

>> No.8648588

CGL complains about Holy Lantern scalping yet now multiple anons openly stating the want to buy from usa store to scalp. Stay classy cgl....

>> No.8648589

cgl isn't one person you dunce.

>> No.8648657

there's a sax colorway?!

>> No.8648667

That is lavender not sax.

>> No.8648670

Admittedly, it's a weird shade of lavender compared to other brand lavenders. And yet in >>8648503
it looks super pink. I can never tell which photos are accurate.

>> No.8648694

Last time I bought something during a release, yeah the website was "down for maintenance" until the items were posted.

>> No.8648695

Does anyone know where I can get a wig in a style like Lockshop's Hime Gyaru ones, but in black?

>> No.8648703

>super pink
Is there something wrong with your screen?

>> No.8648715

I think she means it looks more pink-based on the LM picture compared to this one >>8645039

>> No.8648731

How wrong would it be to steal my husband's card and buy it? Lol I want :'(

>> No.8648732

You're a shit wife for even considering that. You could at least ask him

>> No.8648734

That's credit card fraud dude
you can either ask him or realize you can't get it now with your own money

>> No.8648736

You are married and still do not share finances ...? Weird

>> No.8648739

Would I have a better chance getting an OP or a JSK? So torn...

>> No.8648740

Smart move on the guys part because she obviously have no self control

>> No.8648741

That means 89cm is the base measurement.
89~ or 89+ means it can go bigger, ~89 would mean about 89 or up to 89.

>> No.8648752

LOL you guys can't really think I was serious right? So much salt for a dumb joke. Why so cynical gulls??

Also we don't do joint checking for personal spending, just bills. I can't stand the married men I work with that have to ask their wife permission to buy a fucking latte at Starbucks. Omfg. In fact, one coworker is now divorced and poor after his whore wife blew all of their savings on drugs. To be fair, I saw that coming a mile away, but still...

>> No.8648758

I do it all the time with my fiancé's CC and tell him afterwards. I end up paying him back, so as long as you tell hubby you'll pay it off, there shouldn't be an issue.

>> No.8648766



Seriously though you guys are horrible. I hope that money you make off scalping really is worth taking someone's dream dress. Just like what's going to happen to you when a dress you love gets released and scalped.

>> No.8648778

If the homeless man is fat, he's clearly being over fed at the shelter. Time to cut their budget!

>> No.8648802

B-but I was gonna donate the money from the dress to a soup kitchen...unless you guys want teh poor homeless pplz to starve to death. Lolitas are so shellfish.

>> No.8648873

Eh, it was really late when I had posted. I meant to have sage that. And I know. I usually buy off of mbok or yjp, but haven't found anything I really like. I hope I don't end up giving up on lolita like a friend of mine did because my style is out of date (that was one of her reasoning).

Sage this time.

>> No.8648982

No they haven't, stop trying to get people banned.

>> No.8648984

Help me gulls please!
The paypal fees have to be covered by the seller or? So I don't have to add the fees, I just have to pay what I bought it for on lacemarket, am I right?

>> No.8648988

Yes PP fees should be covered by the seller

>> No.8648991

Whenever I do that I always get a message from the seller saying "you only transfered xx"

>> No.8648992

Thank you for the prompt reply!
It's <5$ and I don't want to make problems or be rude.

>> No.8648997

>>8648992 (>>8648991)
but* I don't want make problems

>> No.8648999

Then the seller is dumb or trying to get more money out of you.

The seller should invoice you the amount. They will type in whatever the listing says, you transfer that much, the seller will not receive all of it. That's just how paypal is supposed to work. If you offer a more comfortable payment option, you gotta pay for it.

>> No.8649031

It said 2 main garments on their shop last night. It's been corrected apparently and I didn't think to take a screencap

>> No.8649032

It is against paypal's terms of service for the seller to charge a buyer the fees.

>> No.8649037

Hi Natasha

>> No.8649044

An hour to go... Also anyone see how fast the Aatp lucky packs went? I logged on at 1, added to my cart and while I was clicking the paypal link it sold out. ;_;

>> No.8649047

I don't know where else to ask, does anyone know of any prints that are purely space? I'm thinking something like dreamy planetarium minus the zodiac parts

>> No.8649049

Oh man I thought it was happening now and was a bit shocked when it wasn't there haha. Timezones messed me up. Oh well, I guess I can relax for another hour.

>> No.8649051

This looks awful, those doll's expressions look awful.

>> No.8649054

Why couldn't it be these two instead?

>> No.8649055

Are you 12

>> No.8649060

i can't decide between lavender and wine red. which one will be easier to get you think?

>> No.8649066

>tfw hyped for AP USA's Holy Lantern release
though at this point I think I've resigned to the possibility that if i can't get it from there i think i may give up and go for another dream dress later on. So either way I'm going to get a dream dress.

>> No.8649067

easier? lavender, easily

>> No.8649068

The newly stocked ones? I still see them on the Baby website/sales page.

>> No.8649069

I'd check into the tights of Sockdreams.

>> No.8649074

anyone else having an issue logging in, i keep getting 'error access denied' is this just because the site is down atm?

>> No.8649075
File: 13 KB, 240x196, 1428019843734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8649100

It's not down for me

>> No.8649104

did you get logged in? i'm not able to log in at all.

>> No.8649107

diff but i logged in about 20 min ago, site wasn't down for me then. then again i'm also scared to check haha

>> No.8649110

fuuu i got the 'down for maintenance' page, still not logged on.

>> No.8649113

I logged in about 20mins ago as well, and just checked back. Site is down and I've been logged out. fffffffffuck I'm nervous

>> No.8649119

Yeah the site is down because they're adding the items. You'll be able to log in when it's back up... I wasn't able to get in either so we're in the same boat. Good luck anon.

>> No.8649122

Ah sorry, I actually didn't notice I wasn't logged in (I thought you just mean the site wouldn't load). Yeah I got kicked out too, must be reopening when they put HL up.

>> No.8649125

I have the down for maintenance but I am apparently still logged in.

>> No.8649134

Does it always go down when they add items? This is my first time caring enough about an AP release to try for the US, so I'm unsure how the whole system works. Wondering if it will pop back up the second the items are posted or we'll have a couple minutes to get logged back in and situated.

>> No.8649138

isn't Rufflecon still going on? i wonder how many lolitas there are going to try and grab HL right now kek

>> No.8649141

Ohhh man, I wonder if they're all going to get kicked from the release based on the location they're all trying from.

Speaking of Rufflecon, I'm so excited to see all the photos and read all the stories after it's over. I'm so sad I missed it this year.

>> No.8649143

you poor dear...

>> No.8649148

>wanting to see everything and wondering about the location, hmm

>> No.8649153

Yes, it always goes down and they're almost always late about it going back up. I honestly hate buying from the US store since something always goes wrong/is late/order goes through but they oversold.

>> No.8649157

>order goes through but they oversold
>tfw fuck that's probably gonna be me

>> No.8649162

>tfw slowest nine minutes of your life
>(now eight)

>> No.8649166

It's okay anon. It's happened to me a couple times, so it'll probably be me again. Good luck to you!

>> No.8649171

what typically happens? they send you an email and refund you?

>> No.8649175

Yep, they send an email apologizing and they either give you the option to switch to a leftover color way or if it's completely sold out, they refund you.

>> No.8649184

Wow. The OP and JSK are gone and it's been like 2 minutes.

>> No.8649185


>> No.8649187


I couldn't login for some reason. I had it in my cart and it wouldn't let me log in.

>> No.8649188

Man, I had the OP but I hit add to cart twice and when it took the moment to remove 1 it was sold out. Oh well.

>> No.8649189

Well fuck, I had trouble logging in and totally missed it. I have the black first release, I was trying to go for the wine or lav skirt

>> No.8649190


>> No.8649191

It means it sold out before you checked out.

>> No.8649192


>> No.8649194


>> No.8649195


>> No.8649196

I got the black skirt. It was shockingly easy this time?

>> No.8649197

Can you buy accessories with no main piece?

>> No.8649198


>> No.8649199

Skirts sold last, but everything did sell out within 2 minutes.

>> No.8649200


>> No.8649201

I allegedly got the navy skirt! Now I just need to be able to trade it with someone for the wine. Sigh.

>> No.8649202

I had the red OP and was checking the delivery fee box, then it took me to product not found :(

>> No.8649204

Scored two ops (my friend got my second). fuck yeah, shocked at how well this went. HYPE SO STRONG.

>> No.8649208

fuck ap, fuck the US site, fuck their tenso xenophobic racist shit fuck everything.

>> No.8649209


>> No.8649211

ap usa's shipping is such bullshit hahahah

>> No.8649212

I got an OP and I'm almost crying, holy fuck.

Real ass question, tho; if we got fucked on an oversold, when will they let us know?

>> No.8649213

It felt pretty easy to me too, I mean if I didn't make a small mistake I feel pretty confident I would've gotten something.
> Messed up on OP, loses it (But had enough time to hit back/update cart, so not really upset to have lost it)
> Go back, add lavender skirt
> Check out, sees price
> "...Eh, not worth it nvm"

>> No.8649214

>thinking someone will trade the most popular colourway for the least popular


>> No.8649215


>> No.8649216

stfu you filthy RP'ing plebian

>> No.8649217

There is so much salt.

>> No.8649219

cause the site is a piece of shit.

>> No.8649221

I had the lavender JSK in my cart, and forgot to accept the fucking terms and conditions after entering my info.

I'm convincing myself that that was the only reason I didn't get it. It makes me feel better.

>> No.8649222

Scored a black OP for myself! Everyone is so hella salty.

>> No.8649224

watching this play out when you aren't involved is kind of hilarious. my condolences, anons who could not win this battle.

>> No.8649225

Oh is it? I thought the lavender was most popular and black was least. Most people I know hate the black and like the navy.

>> No.8649226

same but black jsk

>> No.8649229

>so much salt
>everyone's salty
>i got shit for myself i'm so cool
>remembering nightmare carnival bloodbath

everyone was so helpful and amazing, now this.
this thread is why i fucking left lolita.

>> No.8649230

Red always sold out first, navy last

>> No.8649231

I'm happy for you anon, I really am. I'm glad to see at least a few people on here were successful.

>> No.8649233

Usually within 4-5 hours in my experience.

>> No.8649234

yea what happened with that whole thing?

>> No.8649235

>how dare people be upset they couldn't finish checking out under 2 minutes before everything sold the fuck out!!!

>> No.8649236

Ah well. Even if I end up hating how it looks on me I guess I can probably sell it at retail.

>> No.8649239
File: 97 KB, 988x370, Screen Shot 2015-10-04 at 3.12.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this fucking shit.

Fucking gonna send it to AP USA so this bitch can get fucked over.

>> No.8649240

Same here anon, but only for the wine OP

I'm so thirsty it hurts

>> No.8649242

I remember the DDC threads. Probably the most fun I've had during a release.

>> No.8649243

What was the order for color popularity for this release? Everything was instantly gone so there was no way for me to decipher.

>> No.8649244

Holy fuckin shit on a stick I got the red JSK. Please don't be oversold!!

>> No.8649246

Do it. Fuck them.

>> No.8649247

no you idiot i'm talking about the comments, not the salt. i don't care that people are salty. i just feel like 3 or 4 years ago people were nicer, now it's just people being like "YALL SALTY I GOT IT IT WAS SO EASY!"

>> No.8649249

win lav black navy

>> No.8649251

oh my god do it. get wrekt bitch

>> No.8649252


>> No.8649253

Got lavender OP set

Who wants it

>> No.8649254

Do it.

Tell AP that banning scalpers will help them with the replica issues as people only being able to get dresses at scalped prices is what makes them resort to replicas.

>> No.8649255

I hate this condescending cunt so much. Tear her ass up.

>> No.8649256

So did they just BOTH get the OP and now have one they don't need?
Because I considered doing that too; bpth if us trying and selling the other if we both got one.

>> No.8649257

I love how her excuse is to make someone else happy. They would have been happy if you'd let them checkout lying dumbass

>> No.8649258

I agree. It's they want to scalp, then fine. But to brag about it is so shitty. If they want it to be publicly known they bought to scalp, then it makes sense for AP to know.

>> No.8649259

I'm gonna send this to AP USA myself too.

>> No.8649262

how the fuck did you have time to get a set

>> No.8649264

posted that shit on the thread (blocked out)

>> No.8649265

Sure I'll take it

>> No.8649266

Who says they will scalp though? Might just try and be helpful to other lolita's that were not successful and sell it at a regular price?

>> No.8649267

new thread >>8649263

>> No.8649269

it was still against the rules.

>> No.8649270

pretty sure she really wanted the dress and wanted to make she got one, so yeah.

it's similar to having multiple shopping services trying for one dress?

>> No.8649271

So AP's rules stated you had to buy accessories in conjunction with a main piece right? But people have been buying all the socks long after the main pieces sold out. Does anyone really think AP USA will cancel all those orders or is it pretty much a bluff?

>> No.8649272

ngl tho even if i didn't get anything that was kind of exhilarating
congrats to everyone who got something!

>> No.8649273

I'll take it. you can set to in-store pickup and I can get it directly.

>> No.8649274

How is it being helpful? Causing the dress to sell out faster is not helping anyone except for herself.

>> No.8649276

her boyfriend right? they were just trying to get her a dress jfc cgl

>> No.8649277 [DELETED] 

I've always hated this cunt. Rude, spoiled, boyfriend buys all her brand, and SHE NEVER DOES ANYTHING WITH THEM. She's not in any comm, she buys them to take tumblr selfies and hang them on her wall. Hate hate hate.

>> No.8649278

Uh SHE says. She's putting up for bid.

>> No.8649279

which is why she mentioned putting it on lacemarket
right anon?

>> No.8649280

not that i'm supportive of what she did (hell no) but
>implying you have to be in a comm to enjoy lolita
fuck that, lone lolita 4 lyfe

>> No.8649281

>acting like bitch doesn't know how this shit works

she knows what she did.

>> No.8649282

She never mentioned anything about bidding or scalping, just putting it up on LM.

>> No.8649284

No, you didn't have to buy accessories.

They just said that IF you bought accessories, they had to match the main piece and you were only limited to two of them.

>> No.8649285


I wouldn't want to be in a comm either with all you rude ass bitches.

>> No.8649287

Anon are you retarded? We can tell who you are by your profile pic in the comments box. Blackout that shit, or this girl will block you

>> No.8649288

welll she's not gonna keep two dresses just for fun

>> No.8649289

Nah, if you knew Shiri you'd be saying the same thing...

>> No.8649290

Yeah anon, cause she's totally going to put it at a retail buy it now price. Topkek.

>> No.8649291

Fuck this bitch

>> No.8649292

not them but who cares if that girl blocks her?

>> No.8649293

She still purposely bought two dresses, effectively taking one away from another girl who wanted to buy it. Also, no way in hell is she not going list it as an auction or scalp it.

>> No.8649295

Adding she also broke AP's rule for one main piece only. AP is well within their right to cancel the sales and ban her

>> No.8649296

Haha I didn't even notice I am just so salty. I'm just really pissed because this is the second time I've tried to get this release without any luck.

>> No.8649297

Not really though. Two different people bought it.

>> No.8649299

Serious question, did Holy Lantern really jump up in price in the western market after the rerelease? I was looking at the listings on LM and it seems like it did, though I don't really know how representative it is

>> No.8649301

white-knighting aside, it said household. me and -my- bf couldn't have both gotten it.

>> No.8649302
File: 62 KB, 481x335, idobid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm assuming her english sucks, but what else does "I do bid" mean?

>> No.8649304

It didn't really jump up in price, people who get it scalp the fuck out of it and make it seem that way.

>> No.8649306

? Probably auction

>> No.8649307


Okay, well, I take my words back. There goes all my hope for the lolita community.

>> No.8649308

Probably means she's going to put it up for bidding. Yech.

>> No.8649309

this, it was "per household"
and even if they're not literally living in the same house, you can argue they're still a part of the same household

>> No.8649310

why did you even have any hope?

>> No.8649352 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8649363

lol, go to the new thread; you're a little late here.

>Though I appreciate your effort, honey <3

>> No.8649931
File: 92 KB, 604x453, 1440097216920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to feel about this.

>> No.8653841

Does anyone know which AP stores are the least populated for in-store releases? I'm going to find an internship in Japan next, and am basing my decision around the location of AP stores. Thinking maybe Tokyo, Shinjuku, Nagoya, and Osaka shops will be the most crowded? I won't have a chance at the Tokyo special sets but I'll be able to get more of the regular releases. Also which shop does chibitenshi go to? She seems to get a lot of pieces.

The japanese stores are: