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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.12 MB, 1280x1688, 1440912488177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8618623 No.8618623 [Reply] [Original]

best tales of awkward/funny/cringey Lolita meet ups , convention, or comm drama past. Or awkward things or situations that have happened to you in Lolita .

>> No.8618628 [DELETED] 

Biggest thing that's making me cringe right now in the community at large is the tacky art you used for the OP. I'm so sick of seeing this shit in the lolita art tag on tumblr, the whole series is so obnoxious and screams "newfag trying too hard to fit in".

>> No.8618631 [DELETED] 

The art's made by a seagull.

>> No.8618633 [DELETED] 

Yeah the art is pretty shitty . I hate that the captions rarely make sense to anyone who isn't illiterate.

>> No.8618634 [DELETED] 

Art's by a seagull that draws anons in the draw thread..


>> No.8618637 [DELETED] 

>captains rarely make sense to anyone who isn't illiterate

What is so hard to grasp about "Ita, ita, ita..." or "Oh, Mana-sama! Please forgive this replica-chan, for she knows now what she does."

But, yeah...it's in the lolita tag because the artist draws gulls in the draw-thread, and most of those gulls tend to have tumblrs.

>> No.8618638 [DELETED] 

Err on my part, "[...] for she knows *not what she does."

>> No.8618639 [DELETED] 

lol really? Cute art done as gifts by a seagull for fellow seagulls is the Biggest, Cringiest Lolita Community Issue for you right now? What have YOU done for us lately, anon?

>> No.8618640

>Coming home from visiting family with boyfriend
>See some girl in CDC in the subway
>She's wearing ugly casual shoes and a shit ton of MLP stuff
>Assume that's just because she was at a con and feeling hype seeing a rogue lolita
>Go up to her super excited ready to compliment the print
>End up putting out both of my hands like I'm begging for change and whisper "I like your CDC"
>She says wot and gives me a weird face
>My sperg goes full throttle and I start sputtering nonsense
>Finally manage to say nice dress before running away

>> No.8618643 [DELETED] 
File: 671 KB, 500x200, basic bitch gtfomf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me, or has there been a wave of newfags recently who are complaining in almost every thread about historically seagull things being 'cringey'.

> what is board culture

>> No.8618647 [DELETED] 

...what does that have to do with anything? A lot of new lolitas come here and try to participate with their bratty misinterpretation of the average anonymous lolita, because they think this board is the frilly equivalent of /b/. Being a "seagull" doesn't excuse making bad jokes about a tired stereotype.

>> No.8618648 [DELETED] 

Take a chill pill anon

>> No.8618650 [DELETED] 

Captions? Talk about illiteracy...

>> No.8618651 [DELETED] 

>cute art
Very subjective.
>by a seagull, for seagulls
Still doesn't validate how dumb they are or how hard she's beating the dead horse.
>What have YOU done for us lately, anon?
I haven't oversaturated the drawthreads or any tumblr tags with annoying art :^)

>> No.8618652 [DELETED] 

So if it's a misinterpretation, then what are real lolitas like, anon?

>> No.8618655 [DELETED] 

I didn't say anything about "real lolitas". I said the average newbie has a pretty skewed view of what this board is like.

>> No.8618656

don't meet your heros anon, you would prob. throw up in their face

>> No.8618657 [DELETED] 

Maybe you should spend less time on tumblr then. It's really starting to show.

>> No.8618658 [DELETED] 

Global warming = more summer.

>> No.8618660 [DELETED] 
File: 325 KB, 477x351, 1442288489240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cry me a river anon. If you get uptight about a random, jokey comic about causing new lolitas to "be offended", get off 4chan. This board isn't here to cater to newbies. Obviously, you are one of them, or you'd already know that.

>> No.8618664 [DELETED] 

Are we supposed to care? Good. That's why Rufflechat is a steaming pile of shit. I hope they do stay away.

>> No.8618667 [DELETED] 

Anon, I can see what you were trying to get at but...what is reading comprehension, because you completely missed what was being said.

>> No.8618668 [DELETED] 

newfag, please.
The text, especially the ita ita one was done because the damn artist herself thought the fellow seagull had a fantastic bitch face going on (or something like that, been a few draw threads). The drawn gull said it was fine and she loved it.

I think you're fitting well in this thread.

>> No.8618669 [DELETED] 

It's not just you. I think cgl got a rep for being edgy and newfags think that means they should hate everything. There is so much sand lately. Every nitpick now an ita.

>> No.8618673 [DELETED] 

Good thread, guys, loving how awkward and cringey you all are.

>> No.8618674 [DELETED] 

Can someone post some sand to get this thread on topic?

>> No.8618676 [DELETED] 

I agree with you. But the "snobby lolita" stereotype is really only something that newbies find funny, which is why I find them annoying.

>> No.8618678

God, this. "lol it's 4chan i come here to be a bitch!!!" is basically the newfag motto at this point, and it's really starting to wear thin.

Cringe story: some tumblrtard came into the thread to complain about seeing seagull art on tumblr too much, then threw a baby tantrum at everyone who disagreed.

>> No.8618677 [DELETED] 

It's pretty sandy as it is, quite on topic.

>> No.8618679 [DELETED] 

I didn't miss the point. I just don't care.

"Being on 4chan doesn't excuse your bad behavior"

I never said it did excuse the behavior. I said, if you don't like it, tough titties. It's not supposed to be a welcoming, ass patsies type of place. If it scares people off, too bad. This is a place for advanced lolitas, not newbs.

>> No.8618687 [DELETED] 

I find it hilarious because it's a caricature of what they think we are like. And if you've been around long enough to know better it's even more funny.

I do agree with the ita threads having gone to shit. All the newfags seem to think that nipicks are now the new ita. It's obnoxious.

It's not even that bad anymore, anon. This place has gone to shit ever since they stopped allowing drama threads. That's how people got their information about scammers for a long time. It was 10x more catty then than it is today.

>> No.8618691 [DELETED] 

Someone's cwanky and needs a nappy.

>> No.8618708 [DELETED] 

Get the fuck over it. A lot of that art was made by a nice anon in the draw thread, iirc, and no one else is making a fuss about it. More than being serious, I always thought the OP was kind of poking fun at the stereotypes.

>> No.8618714

Getting this trainwreck of a thread back on track

>Be me wearing Dream Sky coord at a local con
>Weeb girl approaches
>Kawaii desu is that Bodyline??
>give her a nasty look
>walk away

>> No.8618716
File: 55 KB, 250x333, 01rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> walking past towns shitty art gallery
> bunch of school kids hanging around outside
> must be a field trip
> continue walking
> until
> asshole parent volunteer cries out
> "Kids look it's Princess Elsa!"
> wearing pic related
> dark brown hair in a bun
> how even
> Kids get all excited
> want to hold my hand
> want to get photos
> teacher desperately tries to get things under control
> kids start singing 'let it go'
> can almost see the exact moment the teacher comes to regret everything in her life that led to this
> hurry away before kids can reach 2nd chorus
> kids start crying behind me
> "Why is Princess Elsa leaving!"
> to this day want to find out what school those kids went to and what class they were in
> so I can send the teacher a gift basket to apologize.

>> No.8618717

>cringey... things or situations that have happened to you in Lolita .

the fight in this thread over the art.

>> No.8618720

Aw anon, that was mean. She didn't know any better.

>> No.8618722

Why do people think it's acceptable to sic their children on random strangers?

>> No.8618731

D-did you even read the story?
I mean, i hate kids too but really now.

>> No.8618734

Did you?

> asshole parent volunteer cries out
> "Kids look it's Princess Elsa!"

>> No.8618742

Besides Elsa is a queen not a princess...

>> No.8618750 [DELETED] 

It is because they are newfags trying too hard to impress the oldgulls. It is basically what they think cgl is like; a game of "who has the most sand n salt in vag."

It's just a characture of gulls and wholly inaccurate, but basically a newfag trying to find acceptance.

Ignore them.

>> No.8618752

Oh shit that's awful anon

>> No.8618753

That's rude, she probably didn't know any better. You could have politely said the brand name and excused yourself. It takes like 10 seconds.

>> No.8618755


Oh damn, you're the infamous elitist everyone talks about.

>> No.8618756

The original anon mentioned that she had a snobby face in her picture, and wondered if maybe someone could draw her like that. Draw-anon did and people loved it and asked her to draw them like that as well.
Draw-chan contributes to a lot of threads with a cute style and some funny stuff, so fuck people who don't like her stuff, that's in demand. Like we aren't allowed to poke fun at ourselves now because WAH ITS A STEREOTYPE

>> No.8618765

After years is searching in the wilds for the elusive Lolita elitist, she finally came out and revealed a confirmation of her existence.

>> No.8618774

it's typical cgl, if too many people start to think positively about a person some edgelord(s) have to go WAH THIS IS SO ANNOYING WHY DOES EVERYONE LIKE THIS ITS AWFUL
>see: princess fancypants
>and hospitality doll chan
>and chinesegossip
>and now drawanon
Not saying those anons didnt have certain things wrong with them but damn the ability for people to just come and violently shit on everything that's vaguely liked is amazing

>> No.8618781 [DELETED] 

You're the cringe in this story tbh

>> No.8618786

I'd probably freak out and run away, too. Why do parents find this acceptable?

>> No.8618788 [DELETED] 

> be 26 male /fit/izen
> go to weeb miku hatsune concert in L.A. dressed as azreal from blazblue
> they play popular songs that have choreographies I know
> unabashedly dance with the lolis there
> wind up making out with a drunk miku in bad end night cosplay during intermission
> suddenly a cop grabs me from behind and pulls me away
> "what's going on?"
> apparently she's not over 18, and what I'm doing is illegal
> get thrown into squad car and driven to station despite the fact I dindu nuffin
> have to stay the night in jail
> get let go the next day because miku didn't want charges pressed

Let me tell you, no matter how fit you might be, police station jail in L.A.is not a place for cosplay. The other inmates, who I'm certain must be gang members, clearly thought I must be from some other unknown gang, and never seemed to trust my explanations. I didn't want to get attacked in my sleep, so I had to stay awake the whole night. Longest ten hours of my life.

>> No.8618793 [DELETED] 

idk, i think some of the newfags are too sensitive. Please take your tumblr shit somewhere else. Like people being offended over seagulls being well… bitches. Which we're kinda known for being.

>> No.8618798 [DELETED] 

Wrong kind of lolita anon yikes

>> No.8618800 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry for you anon, but a grown up man dancing with young girls (and calling them lolis) dressed as fictional character is very cringey itself.

>> No.8618804 [DELETED] 

Agreed with >>8618781
Also you probably just made up that story to feel better about yourself.

>> No.8618806


>> No.8618822 [DELETED] 

You seem like one of those girls from high school. You know, the ones that are so vain and think everyone likes them but in reality we all talk shit about you.

>> No.8618831 [DELETED] 

Ok and the cops knew she was underage how
And they were able to find you in a huge fucking crowd of dressed up weebs how

>> No.8618841 [DELETED] 

>OP's picture is a bunch of lolitas
>posts about itas and Mana-sama
>anons post about specific AP dresses
>still thinks thread is about lolis instead of lolita

>> No.8618844

>first ever coord, bodyline soft cream with a white blouse
>not so bad just not great & i wasnt wearing makeup and had a cheap ebay wig on
>someone comes up to me
>your coord is so good, anon!
>tells me i should buy my shoes from milanoo because theyre super good and she buys from them all the time
>i know better but i just nod and say thanks because i think maybe shes misinformed
>realize years later she was probably mocking me with her friends for being a noob and wanted to trick me into buying rip off lolita crap

>> No.8618845 [DELETED] 


That's an old english grammatical structure most commonly found in prayers. You won't hear much of it since Vatican Two updated the prayer forms around the world.

>> No.8618846

>Be me wearing bodyline carousel.
>Weeb girl approaches.
>Kawaii desu is that Baby?
>.... uh no. It's bodyline. Thanks though?

>> No.8618854

> be 26 male /fit/izen

> suddenly a cop grabs me from behind and pulls me away
> apparently she's not over 18, and what I'm doing is illegal

ok next on things that never fucking happened

How would the cops know if she's underage?
you have some loopholes in this story /v/irgin

>> No.8618874
File: 998 KB, 500x332, youmademmalaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you asshole

Aw. I hope it was just the former. At least you knew better either way. Speaking of newbs, I don't recall the exact words, but I had a newbie join a meet up and I know that she was trying to fit in with everyone else who've had a few years under their belt, but it was really cringy having her give us advice.

>> No.8618888

wait whats wrong with princess fancypants? She's adorable

>> No.8618896

nothing anon, she seems nice. Just put the blanket statement at the end incase someone wanted to start a "blank is a terrible person and I'll tell you why" argument when I just wanted to state a larger point about cgl.

>> No.8618971

it's also begun for supercarly.

>> No.8618973 [DELETED] 

I know, I was asking how it made no sense. I feel like anybody with common sense could realize it's supposed to just sound antiquated.

>> No.8618981

How can you know about Bodyline and not about AP?

>> No.8618988

>Implying calling a Bodyline print isnt a compliment
>Implying calling an AP print Bodyline isnt an insult
Hell yeah bitches, wear brand from top to bottom or gtfo!

>> No.8619016

Bodyline anon here. I was just posting that for shits and giggles seeing the above post.

As far as more awkward.
>Are you one of those girls from that TLC show?

>Hey that's a nice Megan Trainer thing you've got going on. Proceeds to sing.

>Walking along slurping iced tea from a fountain leaving taco bell on the way home from a con. Totally miss dude taking photos on his camera right in front of me. Didn't pose like a dipshit or whip out my own phone to take his picture.

>Wears lolita at cons often. Formerly into cosplay. Used to compete a lot. "Did you make it?" Knows how bought cosplays are less cool in the eyes of newbies. Can't really explain it other than "Well I bought it but it's not really a costume. I do sometimes make my accessories though!"

>Cars waiting at light. Crossing street by myself. Out of nowhere lolita dashes forward in heels rushing to get across street in time. Imagine what people are thinking in the cars. Awkward.

>Stub toe, nearly trip, try to laugh it off. Normies abound.

>Got separated from group at meetup. By myself. Not grown confidence wings yet. Teenagers approaching. God help me.

>> No.8619019

Everytime I see the "ita, ita, ita" one, I can't help but read it like "nigga, nigga, nigga, I'm 100% nigga"
This thread is a fucking trainwreck I love it when lolitas only come to 4chan for the fabled drama and then don't lurk before they post.

>> No.8619023

Lots of newbies get referred to Bodyline right away. I know I did and I bought my first pieces from them in 2008-ish, if you had said Angelic Pretty to me back then I would have given you a solid "duhhr?" face. I know that brand names are more accessible now, but if Bodyline-chan was young/new to lolita there's a good chance she just wasn't familiar with the other, out-of-her-price-range brand names.

>> No.8619034

When I was a beginner, I only knew of bodyline. I had heard of AP, but I couldn't look at a dress and say 'that's definitely AP!' Especially if it wasn't a print

>> No.8619038

speaking of

>> No.8619042 [DELETED] 

You're so dead right, anon. I remember when it happened for hospitality doll. I left /cgl/ for like a week and a half to go on vacation and when I got back people were talking mad shit about her and I couldn't figure out why, even based on the archives.

I love CG but I can see why people might not like her so much, she can be a real cunt.

>> No.8619045 [DELETED] 

was wondering if someone was gonna post this here. it'll certainly start some drama once kate sees it

>> No.8619048

>Wears lolita at cons often. Formerly into cosplay. Used to compete a lot. "Did you make it?" Knows how bought cosplays are less cool in the eyes of newbies. Can't really explain it other than "Well I bought it but it's not really a costume. I do sometimes make my accessories though!"

Just say, "I bought it, but this isn't cosplay" or something? Most cosplayers still buy their regular, non-cosplay outfits as far as I know.

>Cars waiting at light. Crossing street by myself. Out of nowhere lolita dashes forward in heels rushing to get across street in time. Imagine what people are thinking in the cars. Awkward.

I laughed

>> No.8619051 [DELETED] 

she's back!!!

>> No.8619053 [DELETED] 


>> No.8619054 [DELETED] 

how is she so good at imitating voices?

>> No.8619056 [DELETED] 

except that no, the image in the op is irritating because of the shitty image it gives lolita, sure it's tongue in cheek, but being a spoiled judgemental bitch is nothing to aspire to and to draw pictures of it seems like some kind of glorification in snobbery. it's also cringey as fuck, thus having to see it over and over I do believe is what's setting people off.

>> No.8619065

>MLP, doesn't know what CDC means
She was probably wearing a replica, anon. That's why she looked like a weeb and couldn't venture to guess that the acronym you said might have anything to do with the print's name. We had a similar situation happen with one of the girls in my comm. She was wearing the replica and had zero clue what the name of the dress was.

What kills me about stories like this is that parents are so hyper-protective of their kids these days that they would flip shit if a normie person got too close to one of their brats in public, but they have no qualms about sending their children up to a complete stranger as long as they're in a frilly princessu dress!

>Kawaii desu is that Bodyline??
Tbqh fam Dream Sky has been replicated so many times into shitty, low-quality dresses newbies probably can't tell the difference between the legit brand and Bodyline-tier replicas.

>too many people think positively
Actually, I think it's more the case of a group of individuals who are overhyping these figureheads and others getting tired of seeing the hype around them. Not that they have anything personally against them. Like >>8618971 anon mentioned with supercarly, I didn't mind her getting brought up because her videos are funny and on topic. But when anons felt the need to post EVERYTHING from her tumblr that wasn't cgl related (like that tumblr post about her kissing a girl in front of church goers or something) I thought that was a bit tryhard and I was annoyed at that point.

Oh and I wouldn't say a single newfag having a shitfit over drawanon for no good reason is comparable to the tired hypetrain around chinesegossip, hospitalchan, and the like.

Lol gr8 story m8

Nah, I've met some pretty on point beginner lolitas who still fall for buying from questionably inflated reseller websites. I'm sure you looked good anon.

>> No.8619068 [DELETED] 

>I'm just something they see pictures of because I'm famous

The whole video is great but that made me fucking lose it. I love Carly's videos so much.

>> No.8619069 [DELETED] 

This is the funniest thing I have ever seen.

>> No.8619072 [DELETED] 

For me it was "I want to make other people happy by telling them about myself."

>> No.8619086 [DELETED] 


So your plan to make anons stop being sick of supercarly is to spam her video in every lolita thread on cgl and turn them into a wall of compliments about it?
It's funny, but it isn't that funny.

>> No.8619092 [DELETED] 

No fun allowed. It was just one person who brought up how people are starting to dislike her, it's not like everyone who likes her is suddenly going to turn on her and it's not like we all planned on showering her in compliments. We're just sharing our thoughts.

And I don't know about you, but I legitimately laughed throughout the whole video. I thought it was great.

>> No.8619100 [DELETED] 

this is modern art.

>> No.8619102 [DELETED] 

>No fun allowed.
It's not that, I just don't see how complaining about how Carly is starting to pick up shit and then proceeding to talk about her in every thread is sound logic to keep the drama at bay. You should probably contain it to one thread, like the LG right now.

>> No.8619104 [DELETED] 

...had a low bar, didn't you anon?

>> No.8619117 [DELETED] 

She was a lazy cunt who was basically a whore.

>> No.8619132 [DELETED] 

I didn't even know she was being talked about in other threads because I only follow the drama and horror story threads.

>> No.8619150


Holy shit I love her so much. Seriously Kate you look like an adult baby fetish-er in those cooch length dresses.

I missed the people shitting on hospitality doll bit? I just remember a couple anons being salty in the ero thread. Like literally one time. I don't try to pretend I'm not a cunt really.

>dat replica story
maximum cringe

I will use this as the by-line on my gravestone

>> No.8619233

this art represents the comm at large well

>> No.8619245

Weebs are cheap and so they recommend cheap. Let's be real, if you were to tell a prospective Bodyline-chan the price of AP they would balk. Heck, I know some that call BL expensive. Most people take a while to to acclimate to brand price ranges.

>> No.8619247
File: 29 KB, 500x375, 1437785861345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had something similar happen, except the person was actually rude.
>wearing non-print BtSSB skirt in kind of casual outfit
>girl in Hot Topic-looking ensemble comes up to me and blurts out "is that handmade?"
>understandable since we were in a sewing supplies store
>say "no actually, it's from a Japanese brand called -"
>she interrupts me with "oh it's /Bodyline/ then", pronouncing the word Bodyline with all the hatred and disgust as if it were the venereal disease that killed her grandmother
>go "oh no it's Ba -"
>again interrupts me with "oh and by the way you really should wear a wig"
>then she just walks away

I'm not really involved in my local comm, but I'm tempted to at least join the FB group and see if this chick is in it.

>> No.8619252

That sounds like a noob trying to be a brandwhore tbh.
Doubt she has ever worn lolita.

>> No.8619265 [DELETED] 

If we are gonna laugh at others then we have to laugh at ourselves too. Good luck on pulling that stick out of your ass anon, you'll be much more comfy without it.

>> No.8619284
File: 117 KB, 512x522, stop liking things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't normally like Carly's videos but this is sublime
Here baby, just4u

>> No.8619318

What a fucking nightmare. I'm not a lolita but I constantly worry something like this happens when I'm shooting a cosplay and have to wear the goddamn thing in public. Fuck parents who think everyone is a professional entertainer for their kids. I don't get along with kids I don't know and many people are like this, yet some asshole parents still think it's completely acceptable to have their kids pester a stranger.

>> No.8619322 [DELETED] 

>azrael making out with underage hatsune miku and ending up in jail
I'm pissing my pants laughing

>> No.8619325 [DELETED] 

But lolita is super elitist though. We might not be the worst fashion in the world, but with many rules and brands dictating the trends the fashion becomes pretty elitist.

>> No.8619333 [DELETED] 

It's modern art; the bar is nonexistent

>> No.8619376

I always love her videos, if nothing else because of how big her balls are

>> No.8619388

After being into lolita for about 6 months, I did this to a girl at a con. She was wearing Angelic Pretty, a print I wasn't familiar with, and she was pretty young, like 16, so I guessed Bodyline. But she was sweet about correcting me, and we had a nice chat, and she added me on FB after. See how there's a nice way to handle these things?

>> No.8619558

Did you see her response to farhlight on her video?

>> No.8619566


Birthdaypartyprincess talked about this in a post of hers. She said that parents are desperate to show their kids something they'll like and automatically assume anyone in public in a costume is being paid to do so. She also said that because of the latter, they will get goddamn FURIOUS if you try to leave before their precious baby gets their picture with you.

>> No.8619581

>work at a joanns one halloween
>see a coworker dressed up (we're allowed to wear costumes certain dates)
>ratty neon colored ebay wig
>plain white button down
>white knee length skirt with over skirt made of mottled red quilting fabric
>"coworker what are you dressed as? Is this a cosplay?"
>I know coworker does cosplay because she brags about it constantly
>"no anon this is lolita!"
>"oh. nice."

>> No.8619606

If we're supposedly getting paid then demand $20 for a picture. If they bitch you can tell them off, if they cough it up , easy money. Winwin.

>> No.8619610

ugh the comments Fahrlight made whiteknighting the shit out of Kate is so cringe.
Fahr's also been sucking up so hard to her on FB lately it's embarrassing to say the least

>> No.8619614

is it possible for you that efame hungry bitches just stick together?

>> No.8619624

but carly's responses were funny. the nobel prize part made me chuckle

>> No.8619659

Oh my god this is hilarious

The original is even funnier though

>> No.8619710 [DELETED] 

>Why do people think it's acceptable to sic their children on random strangers?
A combination of white guilt and single mother syndrome. Mostly the white guilt.

I like to enjoy and agree things that people violently shit on. They get so mad that you like what they don't like, it's fun.

What happens if some random dude takes pictures of you without asking, and you start taking his picture to troll him, and he starts Jojo posing in response?

I kind of want to see a 100% nigga in classic now. Also is it possible to be 200% nigga?

This thread has a lot of (Dead). I'm guessing there was shitpost?

>> No.8619766

I can't believe that 90% of her dialogue was taken straight from the trailer.

>> No.8619941

Once my comm had a meet at a cafe and this one girl (who no one likes except like her 2 friends) threw a huge fit and claimed she had been overcharged and demanded to see a manager. Apparently she had accidentally been charged 50 cents extra on an item. It was super embarrassing, and she kept gloating about it afterwards. We're afraid to go back because she was so awful.

>> No.8619952

>white guilt
I don't think that means what you think it means

>> No.8619953

This reply has sperg all over it. Are you a sperg, anon?

>> No.8619959

I misread that as sperm

>> No.8619964

Not really shitposts, just a lot of off topic conversation then people getting annoyed

>> No.8619997

>wearing super casual French Cafe coord to breakfast with husband
>wearing cat eye glasses because blind
>coord is semi vintage inspired
>two elderly couples keep looking over at us
>one of the women come up to me and says
>oh anon you look just darling I wish more young ladies dressed like you, so classy.
>I said thank you and awkwardly waved

I fucking love old ladies they are gods gift to earth.

>> No.8619999

>at the train station helping someone buy a ticket
>obnoxious lady pushes herself between me and person I'm helping
>tell her no and that if she'll excuse me, I'm trying to help this person get their ticket so they can catch their train
>"HOW RUDE!!!"
>yelling lady grabs her kid and walks off

>> No.8620039

Woah what a cunt

>> No.8620054

I know, right? Whenever I pass an old lady while wearing anything remotely lolita, I always get approached by them.

>Walking down the street with another lolita
>Two older women walking behind us gasping and chatting excitedly
>Catch up to us and ask us if we're wearing crinoline
>Start chatting about what they wore as teenagers

As much as I love it, older women have the tendency to go off a bit when telling stories. Makes me feel rude when I have to break away and start walking at a regular speed to get somewhere on time.

>> No.8620072

topkek. I love that song.

>ita ita ita ita ita ita ita
>why you gotta be so salty

>> No.8620232
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She never lets us down

>> No.8620266
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>> No.8620324

>literally today
>Get off college bus going back home
>See a girl step off the bus too
>wearing what looked like a red bodyline skirt, everything else a blur of black and looked pretty messy
>Didn't get a good look but definitely ita
>She went to class like that?
I see plenty of people wear those dumb fake thing high tigths with the animals around campus but I don't think I've ever seen someone attempt to wear lolita

>> No.8620386

>he starts Jojo posing in response?
Be like Ayyyyyyy and take a picture with him with Jojo poses.
Dude was clearly basic white guy sports fan though so I doubt it. If not, he was really good at hiding his power level.

>> No.8620447

>just moved to new area and joined the comm's fb page
>decide to check out mall
>as im walking around random girl stops me
>asks if im in comm
>thats weird but hey i did just make a post there, she must just recognize me
>we have short odd conversation about lolita and the local comm
>it ends and we start to part ways
>a few steps away she turns suddenly
>"by the way you really should work on your coords, you aren't even wearing a blouse or tights"
>"...this isn't a lolita dress"
>awkward stare
>she walks away quickly
>I've yet to see her at a meet
I was wearing a not-remotely-lolita printed sundress with a cardigan and sandals so idk

>> No.8620456

Why did half the posts in this thread get deleted? The argument was pretty dumb but did something happen?

>> No.8620461

>fake thing high tigths with the animals
Those have entered normalfag fashion now. A lot of those cheapo accessories shops at the mall near me have some variant of them.

>> No.8620471

they've entered other niche communities where they dont belong.
I was at a punk show the other night and a girl was wearing them. I felt so sorry for the tights though bc they were horribly stretched to the point i couldn't tell what they were supposed to be

>> No.8620477

plsssss comm

>> No.8620500

...wtf? Not who you're replying to, but just genuinely curious as to wtf your talking about..

>> No.8620503

Wait nevermind, had a brain dead moment.

>> No.8620507

portland, though I should clarify this was like 3 years ago and i'm not there anymore.

>> No.8621729

Happened to me earlier today
>go to school club fair in lolita because lol fuck it
>wandering around different tables, walking on grass is hell in RHS
>hear weird noise next to me
>it's an ita weeaboo
>she's coming towards me
>she's wearing a shitty wa coord
>shiny purple dress with cheap lace
>plain white tights
>ballet flats
>no petti
>lack of styled hair/makeup
>shitty lace headdress with cat ears
>she starts talking to me
>she's using a fake high pitched voice
>"ano..." (she actually said ano instead of "um" wtf)
>"i love your outfit!" she squeals and makes "nya" noises
>start backing away
>say thank you and get the fuck away from her
>bump into her later
>she's calling me "loli-chan"
ok so that's acceptable behavior for a middle schooler maybe but i'm in college? and i think she was about 20

>> No.8621870

IME way more adults have grabbed at me than kids. I think, especially if they're weeb, they automatically assume you to be their peer and therefore ok with whatever they're ok with (glomping/fondling/fluffing skirts).

>> No.8621880

>My parents referring to every sweet lolita as Strawberry Shortcake
>College freshman me wearing ita outfits to class like the fucking idiot I was

>> No.8621934

I always ask before touching someone's coord or anything like that. I did have a lolita try to fix my skirt once, as it got a bit messed up during the day. It kinda freaked me out, but I let her go.

I only touch another lolita if I have permission, I don't like being touched without being asked. Although I let my friends do it, if my headbow is slipping or if my waist ties are weird looking.

>> No.8621942

>girl in lolita comes up to me
>'nice replica'
>politely tell her that it isn't a replica, but real AP
>her holy lantern was a replica

>> No.8621943

she was trying to find a kindred soul to cling to.

>> No.8622023
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>Be about 14, wearing lolita as a costume sort of thing for a con
>but I did put effort into it okay
>coord was all bodyline but it was nice, white/sax
>twinning with then best friend
>had a really great day, lady even asked where my dress was from and said 'I can't believe it's bodyline
>walking home, hear kid saying to her mother 'Look! Angels!'
>Friend and I stop off at an arcade, take some photos, play some claw machine games
>more walking
>mfw some guy comes up to us and asks how much

I don't understand, we were almost fully covered up and both had fat, baby faces. What hooker dresses like that?

>> No.8622032

I think some people just see anything out of the ordinary and think "must be a fetish thing". I don't know why.

>> No.8622054

Every lolita meet one been to. There be one person who can't coord for shit and would bring a second outfit for some reason which isn't lolita related at all.

>> No.8622065

It was so creepy. He licked his lips and everything. It's been six + years and I still think about that moment.

But then I also still remember this woman dressed in a beautiful hand-made period ball gown (a cosplay of some sort) saying she can't believe we were wearing bodyline and the kid who called us angels. It was kind of magical and I want to get back into the fashion for those moments.

>> No.8622071

I notice with people like that, it's more wishful thinking on their part than actually thinking you're a hooker because you happened to fit their exact fetish.

Though I did get stranded at a gas station after dark once and while I was waiting for a cab a cop kept asking me questions that made me think she was trying to find out if I was a hooker. But I was also alone at night sitting outside a gas station so I understand.

>tired of replica chan being so insanely proud of her replica and not shutting up about it. (she ironically comiscions art of her wearing stolen art)
>post article about why replicas are bad on my personal FB feed as a subtle hint that I really don't want to hear about it.
>replica chan "likes" it

>> No.8622151

>at Mos Burger with bf just chilling and eating chips
>lolita and who i assume was her bf or brother approach our table and sit at the one next to us
>she won't stop staring at me without blinking but i shrug it off
>quietly say to boyfriend "that dress is so cute" or something like that
>she continues to give me the weird stink eye
>she suddenly stands up
>runs down the stairs while trying to hide her face in her hands (???)
>she pretends to vomit or something and runs out while covering her face
>her bf goes after her and just leaves the order number on the table
I am still so confused about this.

>> No.8622292

It sounds like she started to get sick, and was focusing on not throwing up, causing her to zone out while looking at you, face concentrated from the effort.

She failed, ran, started dry heaving, and ran out.

>> No.8622295


Pregnant kei

>> No.8622296

Or food poisoning, or a million other things

>> No.8622327

yeah this happens to me, i have a chronic illness and sometimes when i have really bad nausea spells in public i totally space out because i'm trying really hard not to puke - i wouldn't take it personally.

>> No.8622407

Agreed. It sounds like she was really not doing well, but was trying to keep her self going with it and it failed. Happens to me more than I care to admit.

>> No.8622474

I'm laghing so hard at that "white guilt" comment I have no idea what she thinks it means.

>> No.8622613
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>mfw building a Dress Repair Kit and forgetting to buy fucking needles

Five dollarydoos of you can remember my green text story

>> No.8622625

I find that having a drink in my hand or reaching for a pack of cigarettes negates this. It breaks the running thought train in most people's heads about the professionalism of dressed up performers and also how great it is that their kids will be able to "see (x) without having to go to Disneyland!"

It's shitty and I'm sure it messes up someone's day but if it prevents me from being mobbed and those parents from re-enforcing bad habits with their kids I call it a win.

A random stranger in a costume/dress is not ultimately responsible for your child's happiness, up to a certain age YOU are.

>> No.8622743

The other night during sex I started thinking about if the socks I'm planning tonwear with an upcoming coord match well enough with the theme of the dress.
Like I lost track of time worrying about these goddamn socks.
Is this what being a lolita is like? You start having these intrusive thoughts about whether your OTKs match well enough or if your headdress is too plain the middle of somewhat important moments?
I feel a little bad lmao

>> No.8622750

>travel out of town for concert thing
>hot as balls, so don't wear lolita all weekend
>encounter local (???) lolita at concert
>rush over and gush over her outfit
>probably scared the shit out of her
>she says less than three words
>awkward laughter
>vanish into the crowd

I am so sorry, if you're reading this.

>> No.8622834

>I did have a lolita try to fix my skirt once
see i'd do that, but i have an ingrained "petticoat alert" thing in my head from growing up with a reenactor family. though usually protocol is to slip up behind them and quietly say something like "oh you've got a bit of dust here" or something and just fluff the skirt quickly back where it ought to be. attracts less attention that way and no one gets embarrassed.

>> No.8622896

She smelled weird too (but looked fairly clean) Like please keep your smelly ita-weeb hands off my brand

>> No.8622940

I usually tell people if something needs to be adjusted and ask if they want me to do it for them. Coming from a family of overbearing parents and relatives that have no respect for boundaries I can't stand it when people touch me without my permission.

>> No.8623035

Been there done that.

>> No.8623307

Okay ATL comm.
I know you guys fucking hate Miya and Holly, but why the fuck would you slash the tires from their car?

>> No.8623310


Holy fucking shit what?

>> No.8623320

Someone from Lolita comm slashed Holly's tires at Japanfest

>> No.8623322

Holy shit that's just awful...

>> No.8623323

lol nice to see Atlanta bitches are living up to the local reputation of being ghetto as fuck. Stay classy ladies! And wow, that fucking sucks for her. Talk about unacceptable.

>> No.8623325


Fucking what.

I'm not even in the comm but that's just fucking awful. I'm actually really mad on holly's and miya's behalf.

>> No.8623329

Annnnnddddddddd that's when you get the police involved
>Ready to make the 5 o' clock news everybody?

>> No.8623332


>omg only one or two trolls are talking about Miya
>we aren't a crazy fucking drama filled comm oh nooooo

You guys are only as drama free as your least classy members. Step it up. I hope the mods are fucking doing something about this.

>> No.8623400

The thing is, they already got the police involved like a week ago. some shit actually went down at Dragoncon

>> No.8623405

>getting your tires slashed
Welp, one less shithole I ever intend to visit!

>> No.8623416


>> No.8623472

Whether this is true or not I kek'd.

>> No.8623495

Holy shit, those poor girls. They need a new comm.

>> No.8623498
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Deets please

>> No.8623501

this is why i don't participate in the atl comm.

>> No.8623509

>newbie lone lolita in first coord
>mom couldn't tie my waist ties so the bow was bad
>walking around con, see another newbie lone lolita
>she offers to fix my bow, I agree
>holy fuck what is this magic it's beautiful
>hang out for a minute, intending to go to the lolita panel together
>step out of dealers room for bathroom break
>come back and she's gone
>ask around, nobody knows where she went
>end up heading back to hotel for lunch with friends
>walking with panel member and her friend back to con since we all missed shuttle
>super late, miss most of panel
>never saw the girl again

What if she thinks I ditched her? I swear I didn't, I just had to pee. Bunny girl, if you're reading this I promise I didn't run away. I did make a friend walking back to the con though so it wasn't all bad.

>> No.8623569

How do you know it was someone from Lolita comm? It could be anyone.

>> No.8623611

There was few instances that the group of girls were stalling around her car.

>> No.8623616 [DELETED] 

It's Miya. She fucking shit posted all over the thread about her self and probably slashed Holly's tires too. Can we fucking kick that goddamn ita out yet

>> No.8623668


>> No.8624246

Jesus fuck, I just watched the original.

>> No.8624593

oh my god shut the fuck up. You're the same fucking person as all the other threads and it's obvious. Stop being such a cunt and leave her alone.

>> No.8624628

Nice quads

>> No.8624821

How do you know this information?

>> No.8624871

This is a little while back now but the same girl is still a bit misinformed but now acts like the Queen Authority on Lolita
>Girl I know wants to get into Lolita
>Gently advise her when she posts things she wants, generally gives her coord help
>One day posts that she's totally found an AP print for £60 on ebay
>Her mum ordered it for her
>''Omg guys I'm getting Angelic Pretty!''
>She posts a link
>Loads of other know nothing 'fashionistas' fawning over it
>Clicks link
>Bodyline squirrel party in sax
>Had to break the news
>Couldn't resist telling her how much it should cost because I'm a bit of a cunt but hoped she would learn from it

I don't know if she ever did, I try not to advise too much anymore after she took other people's awful coord advise over mine, like someone linking her to a white puff sleeved office button up. Ah well.

>> No.8624883

What the fuck even fuels this kind of hatred?

>> No.8624889

Who gives a shit. She's in the princess merchandise and she was a princess in the movie before her coronation so what does it matter? This gets me butthurt because I saw an adorable little girl dressed as Elsa at a convention and when I greeted her as Princess her mom stepped in like I had just called her Cinderella snapping at me about how "it's QUEEN Elsa ". Your kid is happy and doesn't care calm your shit.

>> No.8624944

Weebs are the worst. The older ones seem to be stuck in the same early teenage mentality they had when they first discovered Glorious Nippon so they still think it's okay to scream and touch strangers without asking. I know a woman who turned 29 this year who still squeals when she sees something that reminds her of an anime and yelled something about being in a personal maid cafe and tried to lift up my skirt the first time she saw me in lolita. Of course lolitas wearing strange frilly clothes out in public could be considered immature as well but at least we're not screeching or touching anyone without permission (unless the lolita in question is also a weeb, in which case all bets are off).

>> No.8624993

I think about coords and sewing projects during sex all the time, but that's mostly just because sex doesn't do anything for me so I think about what interests me to pass the time and make the appropriate noises from time to time to keep the bf happy.

>breaking news: knife-wielding living doll sabotages rival dolly's carriage

>> No.8625721

I consider wearing (good) lolita in public to be different. I'm dressed well, my outfit it coordinated, I'm not misrepresentating the fashion, and I don't run around squaling and touching stranger's clothes without permission. Speaking of which, as I type this I am sitting in the dining hall and I see the ita weeb who grabbed my dress. She's got corset lacing drawn on her arm (too poor for hot topic arm warmers?) and is harassing the barista at the coffee counter in an annoying high pitched voice and making the type of expressions and emotions you'd expect from a 12 year old weeb. I don't think she recognizes me out of lolita though (im also not wearing false eyelashes/circle lenses right now) because she looked right at me and didn't react. Now she's singing the lucky star theme. Jesus wtf

>> No.8625862

>that's mostly just because sex doesn't do anything for me so I think about what interests me to pass the time and make the appropriate noises from time to time to keep the bf happy.
Are you me?

>> No.8629995

Dead thread is dead

>> No.8630014

Which is a fucking shame because of that potential ALT drama

>> No.8630063

I consider it to be different too, if only because the way we dress doesn't affect the people around us unlike the squealing of weebs who harass poor helpless baristas. But you know that whenever a self-identified lolita says something derogatory about the inappropriate behaviour of another person, someone is bound to come in with "Well you dress weird so you have no room to judge!!1"
Good thing she doesn't seem to recognise you, though. You don't want someone that obnoxious and oblivious clinging to you.

>> No.8630174

>"Well you dress weird so you have no room to judge!!1"
Wow do people really say that? That's shitty. I'm sure she's gonna recognize me the minute I put on circle lenses and false lashes again. Or wear something that vaugely resembles lolita. I like to wear casual cute a lot. Like a blouse or cutsew from a lolita brand with a normie suspender skirt or skater skirt. It looks cute and is less tiring to wear than lolita and also good for the hot weather down here.

>> No.8630221

Just in time for AWA.
Heres to hoping the drama with them is minimal...

>starting to feel bad for these girls

>> No.8630226

This is making ATL comm look like a fucked up sorority

>> No.8630290

College station?

>> No.8633527


>> No.8633542

Sauce on atl drama?