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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.8568182

anyone going to pmx? my tablemate and I are looking for someone to room with

>> No.8568198

Yeah I know. Still bugs me though. Maybe because it appears to be a small-time artist they're ripping off instead of an established franchise. I guess I don't technically know if those are even the originals though.

>> No.8568228

Telling us not to talk about poop then starting the thread with a thumbcramps image is asking a lot, man

>> No.8568248
File: 484 KB, 500x270, 1437487519784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say she's scamming since she is using kickstarter properly and has stated her intent and purpose with it (making the leggings and using excess profit for leggings for future cons). No one says that she has to reveal her sources or anything where she's getting them, even still I have no problem with her ordering from the arts bovine to fulfill orders if that ends up being what she is doing.

While that is said I find her process behind it to be much more upsetting than the kickstarter itself.

As a business person I have no problem with the kickstarter that she's doing in theory. But the method that she's using from the actual conception (not having the image vectored to prints not properly spaced to the color of the leggings themselves) and not actually having prototypes or having the clothes modeled on the proper bodies; this is what angers me and upsets me. If you look at the comments on the legging page (on arts bovine) you'll see that there are problems with the leggings, not only in size but also at the bottoms where on people they feel more like pants than leggings. And this tends to be a problem regardless of size either. I know she wants to share the whole body positivity and that big is beautiful but it's apparent that there's no real dedication to the clothes themselves or the product she'll be releasing; which is the most upsetting part to me.

>> No.8568265

A lot of perler art is really similar/copied tho.
I'm not saying what this person is doing is right but a lot of perler makers seem to lack a lot of creativity.

Not OP but I think "don't talk about poop" is referring to the poop nugget story in the last thread.

>> No.8568268

What's the poop nugget story?

>> No.8568269



>> No.8568273


Hey, why not dress fatties up in garbage designs that make them look and feel even worse, right?

>> No.8568294

Since we're kinda on the topic, how does the process for designing a print for textile differ from paper stuff? What kinds of things should I keep in mind?

>> No.8568297

I don't have anything to contribute to the drama, but I just wanted to thank all the artists itt for putting time, creativity, and passion into what you do. I've been lurking the AA threads for a bit and from what I've gathered, making and selling art is a huge commitment that sometimes doesn't have a lot of payoff, and it can be pretty nervewracking, too. but you guys do it anyway, and that means a lot to someone like me who can't make stuff/draw for shit, but who does have money to buy stuff from you. so, thanks again, from the bottom of my heart. I wish you guys the best in life. also, sorry for the long post lol.

>> No.8568303
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>> No.8568305
File: 102 KB, 717x510, 10696225_689544107805112_2341869155639825512_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8568306

That's what gets me. As a larger girl, I'd LOVE to wear more cute girly stuff, especially if they have a fandom/nerd angle. But these designs aren't ones that I can see looking good on...ANYONE. Especially that lime green anime eye thing. The concepts for the patterns are alright, but if those are the actual final designs then...poor execution. They're a mess.

I didn't think about the models before but that's a good point, too. It's easy to make clothes look good on a cartoon girl (not that those particularly do) but how do they look on an actual person?

>> No.8568308

Scaling and having your pattern properly repeat is the biggest hurdles in my opinion as those are the two main things you have complete control in with making a piece look bad or good. If you've got some money to spare "Mastering the Art of Fabric Printing and Design" is pretty much a solid book that goes into great detail about designing fabric.

>> No.8568317
File: 43 KB, 512x372, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm aware, thanks

>> No.8568337

Thumbcramps isn't a good artist, so ofc she shits on people who can actually draw.

>> No.8568340

I couldn't tell you were being sarcastic either anon.

Just remember that she's a typical tumblrfag who panders to other INDEPENDENT WOMYN tumblrfags. I want to see her pre art school and post art school portfolios. I'm really curious about the content of her portfolios.

>> No.8568348

I've seen her pre-college stuff, it was mainly kingdom hearts inspired stuff, and really anime style. Once she got into college she denounced anime, and claimed it was a bad style. Unfortunately I don't have any of those drawings, but if she continued with her previous style, her current stuff would've been more refined, and finished looking. But knowing Paige she wants to make as much art as she can with the least amount of effort to pander to tumblr.

>> No.8568388

same, anyone got a caps or scan ?

>> No.8568430

Her 3 finger shit just throws me off and how she draws hands. It's just wrong.

>> No.8568449

>Once she got into college she denounced anime, and claimed it was a bad style.

Can someone give me some insight on why a lot of student artists do this? I once had a friend who was really into anime style for its artistic values (think Vocaloid music videos, Tatami Galaxy and PSG, not the otaku audience anime) but then once we got to college he absolutely rejected all of it and refused to even associate with me because I still enjoy it. Is it because art schools hammer in the "don't draw in anime style" really hard?

>> No.8568453
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>> No.8568454

Seconding your question, I mean I know a lot of art teachers say "ANIME IS BAD" but still.
I have a friend who can draw very good, has a good sense of anatomy and dynamics and draws in an anime style. One of their drawings got criticized by a teacher for being anime style, and then when they drew a cartoon version in a fraction of the time the other drawing took, it suddenly got complimented.
Some teachers just seem to really have a hate boner for anime style.

>> No.8568476

I know she's our current thread lolcow but this is an actual thing that happens with real OCD, though? It's a legitimate complaint not just tumblr faggotry.

>> No.8568477

Anyone got predictions for up and coming popular franchises to make merch for? SU is going to get stale soon.

It's generally looked down on in all art/design schools, save for some animation schools, as a totally childish amateur thing. Design schools want pupils that will churn out something fresh, and the art schools don't want the low-brow commercial association but will argue that its because most kids that draw anime can't actually do anatomy or perspective etc. It might change as our current generation become the tutors and phase the oldies out. That said, for some reason Ghibli films and 'vintage' anime like Akira gets a free pass in academic circles where AOT would get you shunned.
>Tutor confirmed to me that they turn away anyone with anime in portfolios
>There was some in mine but they must have overlooked it. Feelsgoodman.

>> No.8568483

I think this mindset comes from the fact that a lot of people start drawing anime without learning how to draw traditionally first because "ANIME IS AWESOM!! XDDD", and consequently have no sense of proportions, perspective, lighting, composition, etc like they would if they took traditional drawing first and then learned how to stylize things, and have no desire to learn how to draw in any style that's not anime or make their drawings better, so they're perpetually stuck drawing shitty anime. I think this is why teachers hate it so much and art students try to not associate with it. There are definitely people who can draw anime well and understand proportions, perspective, and the like, but as a student you don't want the teacher to automatically discredit you as an artist because you draw in an anime style, and you also don't want to be associated with the weebs who refuse to learn any other style and/or are generally bad at drawing and only draw anime shit and never improve.

But that's just my experience with the matter.

>> No.8568486

I have OCD and this shit is seriously scary, but I can't help thinking that Paige is just doing this for the tumblr points. When you can't sleep properly for days on end because you keep replaying extremely vivid death scenarios in your head you generally don't have the time or energy to care about someone saying 'I'm so OCD about this'.

>> No.8568489

>please police your thoughts because I can't police my own
fuck off tumblr

>> No.8568518
File: 168 KB, 1000x1000, 2015-Yiwu-3D-soft-keychain-soft-pvc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was looking at the vograce site, and it got me really interested in the rubber keychains. I'm just wondering.... how does the art file for one of these look? How do they decide which parts have to be "raised"? Or is it as simple as "everything but the linework is raised"? I'm guessing that would require a vector image...?
Really curious if anyone has experience getting these made.

Also, since I'm pretty new to this: how much help will vograce provide if I ask them questions (and how good will they be at answering them, considering they're Chinese)? Will they guide me through the entire process or will they expect that I know what I'm doing?

>> No.8568539
File: 628 KB, 1214x1591, tumblr_ma5kkiNPat1r34488o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for some reason Ghibli films and 'vintage' anime like Akira gets a free pass in academic circles
Ah yes, the "popular with artsy white guy normies". Don't forget Satoshi Kon and his biggest "fan" Darren Aronofsky.

My guess is that anime style is just harder for an amateur to pull off well/fake your knowledge when you're just starting. Any flaw is much more apparent when trying to draw like idk Naruto than trying to draw quirky noodle limbs or "vintagey" ala Bruce Timm. Fundamentals are the key for successful stylization but kids who are just starting don't care about that boring shit. Obviously you should have knowledge of the basics if you're actually serious about drawing but writing off an entire nation's work doesn't sit right with me at all.

And even Timm himself is shitty at drawing the animes.

>> No.8568551

Huh? Who has she shat on, anon?

>> No.8568556
File: 15 KB, 151x177, 338134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two anons say last thread that they make plushes
>ask anons to share
>they don't post plushes


>> No.8568568
File: 745 KB, 766x992, Genzoman makes everyone and everything look like plastic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing annoys me more then artists who draw in a cartoony/western style going "Anime is shit watch me draw it" only to completely butcher the style and making it look horrible.

Pic related

>> No.8568573

I might have overlooked that, sorry anon. Have a dragon I made if you like. I mostly do Pokemon because they sell but I'm trying to do more original stuff as I learn to sew better.

>> No.8568574

"It's not anime cuz the eyes aren't anime!!" I hate that shit.

There was an artist in AANI that drew thin Rose Quartz because she drew it before we got a look at non-pregnant Rose and Paige decided she was going to be sassy and defensive about it.

>> No.8568575
File: 791 KB, 720x719, Screenshot_2015-08-21-09-57-54-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.8568585


Part of it could be the anime stigma that goes beyond art professors having a negative view of it (though that's just because people use it as a crutch and an excuse to not learn the classical way of drawing, and that art school is about finding your own style in a way). But I knew a guy in college who I can only describe as a self loathing otaku. He hated people like myself who were more open about loving anime, wouldn't attend anime club and continued to bash the club publicly, but come to find out, he was a closeted KyoAni fan. Idk if he just didn't like otaku, anime culture, the club, what, but I had never met a person who verbally shat upon anime so much, but still secretly liked it.

For as much as superhero movies have apparently done to mainstream nerd culture, being an anime fan is still outside of the mainstream.

>> No.8568588
File: 295 KB, 1000x546, tumblr_nsn505kMJ01qjtsgko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting the legging designs Paige is planning on selling at artist alley if this shitty kickstarter reaches its goal

>> No.8568591


I hate Bruce Timm's style. All of the women he draws are no less guilty of "same face, same body" than most anime is, yet nearly all comic fans are on his dick.

>> No.8568598
File: 679 KB, 600x958, 48647567_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot the other excuse when they try to show you how to draw anime "yeah just make the eyes big and proportions really bad!!"

Like do these people really not realize there's more to the style then the shit those 3 yaoi obsessed fangirls they knew in highschool drew?

>> No.8568599

this is great, i would buy those leggings. I would also buy that shirt if it came in pink/pastels

>> No.8568607

You can get shit like that on Redbubble though

>> No.8568614
File: 22 KB, 231x321, 11940693_1476016859387674_626541915_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8568629

aw, he's cute, anon!

>> No.8568635
File: 955 KB, 2038x2038, IMG_20150518_122458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! He had a family but I didn't get any good pictures before they sold.

>> No.8568667

I have a psychiatric illness that comes with intrusive thoughts, and that's a legit part of OCD, so while she's a shitty artist and probably a bad person this is a valid thing.

>> No.8568676

what would be some good, generic plushies? Cute animals along the lines of alpacasso?

>> No.8568687

Any tips for someone selling for the first time in an Artist Alley? I'm making a lot of Zelda themed things(light up Navi plush, lonlon milk and potion necklaces, lonlon milk candles) and other necklaces and hair bows.

>> No.8568693

>light up Navi plush
I'm going to need to see a picture of that

>> No.8568695

I haven't made one yet. I still need to go out and get materials. I have time since the con isn't until February.

>> No.8568712

Based on my experience with vograce (at least in their acrylic stuff) is that they are extremely helpful. If you have questions they will do the absolute best to help you answer questions, with pictures and templates and guides. Their english is on the better side for a chinese supplier and save for a few hiccups, they are easy to understand. If say just shoot them a message with your question, and ask for samples and templates.

>> No.8568735


Wait is this the same Paige here? >>8567516 (someone links to this same twitter account a few posts down) The homestuck thread has been praising her to the high heavens, but it sounds like she has a garbage personality.

>> No.8568743

Yeah that's her.

>> No.8568762

>says don't talk about poop
>image is blatant dramamongering
wow these threads are garbage

>> No.8568764


So contribute some non garbage. These threads are better than AANI.

>> No.8568766

the poop to be avoided refers to literal poop

>> No.8568773

I live in a country where AAs just aren't a thing so I love buying things online. Does anyone have any ideas about how to find artists with shops outside of Etsy?

>> No.8568793


A lot of artists also use Storenvy.

>> No.8568813
File: 100 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nmrqbe2KNP1r2uzyoo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had teachers flat out tell us in class not to draw anime, and that it was BAD. Granted, a lot of the anime they most likely see (from underclassmen shows) it's all pretty samey, with poor anatomy, and a blatant rip off of a specific style. I've had a younger teacher explain about the anime thing because all of the older professors were just NO ANIME!!11!!! You can tell that the younger teachers have anime influences, but the thing is they've been drawing long enough to make it their own.

The younger teachers explain it as a huge stigma because it is hard to market in the west, and that most of the students who draw it use it as a cop-out and shirk off proper anatomy. Also the straight up copying x-mangaka style. It's not their own original look, and these students have yet to realize what their own art style is yet. Some of my classes, the teachers worked with us on developing a style by making us do character kits: You draw 20 eyes, 20 noses, 20 mouths, 20 hands, etc. by looking at different artists and seeing how they solve problems. Ironically, all of the really good students to graduate are mega influenced by anime after they grow out of the "i DON'T draw anime!" phase (ie: tumblr cartoon style) They just do it in different ways, be it how they panel comics, their world building, how they do backgrounds, or subject matter. It was frustrating having to deal with the ANIME IS BAD rants from teachers who wouldn't explain themselves, thank god for the younger generation who grew up on it to balance out those salty old artists.

On a side note, I went to a portfolio review after I graduated once and was told really politely "so I see you were influenced by anime..." by the lady and i was just like "lol yeah, sorry" and then she proceeded to tell me to work more on my lighting.

>> No.8568821

Just curious, but is there a story behind that picture or is it just an original work from Pixiv?

>> No.8568837

I really hope the stigma will tone down, there's so much to learn from all kinds of different art styles, and they all have their strengths and weaknesses so making one style out to be the evil of all things just feels wrong.

It's one of Rei's pixiv fantasia fallen kings drawings so I'm sure there's story behind it, but I can't read japanese so I don't know.

>> No.8568844

Kind of OT but am I the only one who has been seeing tons of arguing all of the sudden surrounding the idea of fanservice of underage or young looking characters?
It's all been happening only this past week and even right now someone I know is talking about it.

Did something happen? Why is this argument back?

>> No.8568848

Why did you draw her so thin?
Idk because fat people are gross? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.8568849

Sorry forgot to specify one thing, the arguments I've been seeing are exclusively talking about art, official or fanmade.

>> No.8568858

Lol could you imagine

>> No.8568875
File: 72 KB, 1486x883, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They vector your artwork. Best thing to do is make sure your lineart is all one color. so the bottom can be used as a based and all the shapes get layered on top of it.

>> No.8568923
File: 381 KB, 1000x562, Lilo--stitch-51d829f7c86e7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Middle is Lilo

>> No.8568938

what's supposed to be the difference between all of these acrylic keychains down near the bottom of the vograce store?


>> No.8569017


Sea slugs are all the rage, despite the name a lot of them are really cute and pretty. Also, owls, those geckos with eyelashes. Look up dumpy tree frogs they're really cute and fat. Sheep & goats, husky dogs, really poofy birds.

Basically the animals I see everyone falling for on tumblr.

>> No.8569018

I would pay goooood money for a sea slug/flatworm plush.

>> No.8569026

Sounds great! Been snooping around the past few threads as well, and since they take paypal I think I'll give them a try. There don't seem to be any other options in the EU currently anyway, as zap gets crappy reviews lately.

Yeah that makes sense. (Those are so cute, kill me, I love rubber charms)
I assume they charge for vectoring your artwork. Would it be an option to vector it myself, and just send them the illustrator files?

>> No.8569030

oh my god adorable

>> No.8569043

This is really cute!
How long did it take to make the lil' fella?

>> No.8569082
File: 73 KB, 493x469, 3Yl33Fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paige seems rather nihilistic when it comes to suggestions. I mean, she doesn't really do anything, why is she ignoring people telling her that disney's gonna find out and get her project canned? Does she think she's too popular to respond to everyone or something?

>> No.8569090

>"I have NO IDEA how to sew"
>mfw she's actually a cosplayer as well

>> No.8569096
File: 264 KB, 1656x926, 11696015_381146985415794_5482059470657860631_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8569101

They'll vector it for free. You just pay to get the mold made which is $25 bucks and a one time fee.

>> No.8569108

she sourced the original artists on this, actually. i also think she removed the tagline after talking to them

>> No.8569120

Holy shit that's some service right there

>> No.8569165

Seconding. I don't know how easy or popular it would be but I'd love to buy any kind of well done insect or general creepy crawlie plush. I think people like snails too. Nothing against alpacas or cats or whatever but I can get those anywhere.

>> No.8569172

She's really bad at doing really dark skin. You have to do rendering differently and it's a bit more work. Obviously she couldn't be bothered to put in the time or effort.

>> No.8569212
File: 169 KB, 1113x408, ygovoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I apologize if this is a stupid question but does anyone here get molds done from a company or do them yourself like for pic related if someone wanted to do a set of coin figures or something along the lines or would it just be better do get a 3D printer?

I hope I'm making sense.

>> No.8569227

3d printing is best for one-off production or super complex shapes that are difficult or impossible to make molds for.

A lot of people will print prototypes from a 3d printer until they get the shape 100% right, then prep it for casting and get it casted. Cast items, in the case of figures, are going to have much cheaper unit costs.

I don't know where you'd go to get things cast, but you could use Shapeways for 3d printed things.

>> No.8569231

Although I don't do this, I've looked into figure making for sales purposes before, anon, and I hope I can help a tiny bit.

3D printing is extremely inefficient and overpriced for the sake of selling at a price point that customers would actually pay for. From what I've seen, most figure sellers create an original copy in clay, cast and mold that in PVC or resin, and then manually paint and sell that. Another method would work if you had a 3D model, and wanted to cast a mold of the 3D model and make PVC/Resin copies out of those, which would be far more cost and time effective then printing out mass quantities. However, in this case (and in the earlier case), you can't just print out one solid character. If you've ever used a garage kit for a figure, you'll notice that it comes made up of a ton of different parts. A head, front hair piece, back hair piece, torso, arms, etc. So you'd have to disassemble them in your first stage and then mold and cast those. Manually going through, constructing, and painting each figure is usually pretty inefficient nonetheless, which is why if you look in Japan, most people simply sell garage kits- the molded, unassembled, uncolored pieces- and let the customer figure out the rest. Although I can't say I've ever seen anyone do that here.

>> No.8569233

Just branching out to buttons. Is $2 for a 1.5 inch button an ok price? I was gonna make them $1.50 but don't want to deal with change.

>> No.8569268

I think I've figured out why tumblr likes drawing fat people so much. It's easier to make blobs than to actually put effort into anatomy. Look at this shit.

>> No.8569270


I do $2 each or 3 for $5.

>> No.8569276

>The homestuck thread has been praising her to the high heavens
We have?

>> No.8569285

Look at her wonder woman piece. she has no idea how heads sit on the body.

>> No.8569360

Well I imagine it's harder if you have no neck of your own to reference from.

>> No.8569381

The last comment is so rude.
Would it kill her to just say "I can't sew but thank you for the suggestion"?

I have an art theft signal boost blog on Tumblr and someone submitted the piece on the right to my blog saying that they ripped off the one on the left.
It's easy to prove that person wrong just by looking at the dates the drawings were posted.

I can't speak for fine arts schools but I'm in a design school and my teachers actively encourage people to choose their own style even if it's anime.
A lot of staff seem to be anime fans or at least wear clothes that feature anime.
One of the fashion teachers wears a lot of omocat and my design theory teacher said she loves anime.

>> No.8569386

>art theft signal boost blog
What's it called? I had been thinking of starting something like this, except focusing on taobao art theft and replicas and stuff, but I've never seen anything similar.

>> No.8569388

A little over two hours. It's mostly machine but it takes a while cutting out the pieces.

>> No.8569402

I've been thinking about making some charms at least. I want to do cicadas, moths, jumpin spiders, cockchafers, bumblebees, mantids...but I'd really like a plush lol.

I made a moth girl print and want to do one of a cicada girl holding a dead-looking copy of herself freaking out like a cicada looking at it's molt.

>> No.8569403

That is really fast, you must sew like the wind!

>> No.8569406

the right is a lot better. cleaner, represents women of different shapes, sizes and nationalities. left doesn't have nearly as much variation and lots of sameface

>> No.8569413

didn't she only source them after someone was like "Hey, that looks a lot like this piece" and she claimed that she was "inspired" by it?

>> No.8569414

Not to mention, tangents everywhere. Its a mess, and it's obvious she rushed this for brownie points.

>> No.8569423

That sounds amazing! I'd love to see any of that.

On facebook at least, yeah she did.

>> No.8569484

it is rude, but she probably doesn't realise it due to her overly inflated ego.

>> No.8569561
File: 451 KB, 450x700, sitting01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about that, besides being busy I wasn't sure what to share that would best represent me. Aside from plushies (anywhere between "mochi" animals to spiky monsters), I do amigurumi and some needlefelting.

Pardon the kraft paper background... I have seen been working on a revamped shorter version especially because I wanted to try to do FNAF stuff.

>> No.8569578

I want one

>> No.8569633

>that feel when you got almost everyone but school uniform bakura

>> No.8569644

sorry for the dumb question, but what is a tangent?

>> No.8569689


>> No.8569693


>> No.8569712

It's art-theft . tumblr .com
It's sort of dead because I haven't gone on Tumblr in a while but I queued some posts for today and tomorrow.
A Taobao art theft blog would be super useful! So far I've only seen blogs that call out scalpers.

>> No.8569740

The wheelchair girl looks like she's going to slide out of the seat.

>> No.8569747


>> No.8569763


Yeah. PTSD and major depression here. I've had a few bad months that have seen me in the mental health ward of the local hospital, and that's what I heard more of from people with OCD. Persistent thoughts and urges, ritualistic behavior, etc. I remember making friends with a girl that was misdiagnosed with an eating disorder, when the actual problem was OCD. She was really awkward with food because she had intrusive thoughts about it coming from dead plants and animals. It got so bad that she was hardly ever able to eat, and she was hospitalized. She recently called to say that they've changed her treatment plan, and I'm relieved. Things got easier when they recognized what was really going on with her.

>> No.8569790


Ahhh, I want that so bad! It sounds so cute & original.

Also, anyone willing to do anything with centipedes? I just realized how much I want centipede related stuff, plush, charm or otherwise.

>> No.8569803

Your ideas are fantastic, anon!

>> No.8569851

I would love to see some cicada and beetles, like giant stag beetles and other types with horns.

>> No.8569948
File: 493 KB, 2128x2128, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bug anons, thanks for your compliments on my bug choices lol, but I'm having a hard time quoting on mobile.
Do you guys think it'd be better to make them in the kind of kawaii style of my lil isopod magnet (I got it from hamee if anyone is wondering and I'm only trying to spread isopod love)?
I'm not sure how well this kind of thing could sell although it's not like Id make huge quantities of charms or whatever anyways. I'm afraid if they're too cute, bug people wouldn't like them as much. But if they're more realistic, general people wouldn't want them at all.

Then again maybe bug people will bug anything buggy due to the lack of it? I know I would.

>> No.8569986
File: 83 KB, 720x480, thumbs up jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kawaii vs realistic
There is no wrong answer, if you can do both do it.You'll get people who like kawaii styled stuff, you'll get people who like the realism. Especially if you sell your stuff online you'll get a lot of people who would like it.
Also seconding >>8569851 because boys love beetles but all your choices are great!

>> No.8569997

I think making it cuter is fine. I'd probably try and go somewhere in the middle. Like, use a detailed reference and have it recognizable as what it is, but it can be simplified. And have big sparkly eyes. awww

>> No.8570045

Since we're all talking about plushies, would anyone buy ones of the Little Witch Academia characters?

>> No.8570065

Cute is nice. Also good taste in creepy crawlies.

>> No.8570068
File: 22 KB, 350x350, you_need_this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to include this. I think it would be awesome if you did a range of sizes.

>> No.8570071
File: 869 KB, 500x298, laughkitty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8570073


>> No.8570077

sorry but, that if thats an interpretation of a muslim, its completely off. NO Muslim would show an inch of hair !

>> No.8570087

Not uncommon in some places (like Turkey)

>> No.8570092

I have this plush and if you have the ability and the money to get it, I highly recommend it.

Also plush cephalopods like octopi and cuttlefish and nautilus would be awesome.

>> No.8570127

None of these are even flattering. The sailor moon has poor color balance and the symbols blend too much into the background to even see the details, the steven universe one is okay, but there's also not enough color balance, and the abundance of the garnet jewel is jarring. The eyes one is just trash, and lazy looking.
I can't believe people are saying this shit is a good idea, because it's just lazy and ugly looking.
I like the idea marketing to just plus-sized fans, but at least give them decent designs and not this crap.

>> No.8570132

my favorite thing about Rebecca Sugar's rise to success is that she started out as a weird little weeb shipper and now that she's famous all the weird little weeb shippers are ripping off her hard work for hard cash. God bless.

>> No.8570159
File: 200 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed the eyes one is based off Kyary

>> No.8570160

You too can start writing weird Invader Zim fic and 15 years later be heading your own massive animation project.

>> No.8570166

I might be a little high from sleep deprivation but that just made me think she should be making tights with kraft mac and cheese boxes patterned on them. or would that be insensitive considering they're for plus size women?

>> No.8570211

Naw, quirky food patterns are popular in the plus sized fashion blog circles. I'm sure that'd do well.

>> No.8570244

I used to read fanfiction made by a woman called Cassandra Clare and now I read the novels she published with a real publisher and everything. They're livin' the dream.

>> No.8570247

>Cassandra Clare
City of Bones, right? I don't remember if it was her or another ex-fanfic author that had some drama surrounding them.

>> No.8570256

I don't think I've heard anything bad about Cassandra Clare, though I have about other fanfic authors. City of Bones is her work, I think, but I started reading the series that starts with "The Iron Trial" book recently. It's sorta like reverse Harry Potter.

>> No.8570262

Cassandra Claire was a total disaster zone back in the day: http://fanlore.org/wiki/Cassandra_Claire
Her constant plagiarism got her banned from several fan fic sites.

>> No.8570268

Man, I can't ever just like somebody without finding out they're actually awful. Oh well.
>select all images with grass
>one of the pictures is weed

>> No.8570278

I'm impressed you never heard of her jerkness, she's one of the biggest examples when it comes to fandom drama long past.

>> No.8570283

Everybody I knew loved her, so maybe I never heard because my friends were part of the plagiarism deniers group? I read the Draco Trilogy myself while it was coming out, and I just don't remember any of this stuff.

>> No.8570289
File: 94 KB, 500x333, 75VgjDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cassandra Claire is a rude, thieving fatty. Her parents are loaded, yet she had underage fans steal money from their parents' credit cards to get her boyfriend a new computer, and made fun of a woman with cancer about to lose her house. Rich people, man.

That she looks as if evil is about to come busting through her skin is the cherry on the cake.

>> No.8570294

Is that her? Jesus.

>> No.8570301

A girl who drew Ed Edd n Eddy slash back in the day up in the ranks of the professional dudes who draw shitty cheesecake art and more on the side... Finally a little balance.

>> No.8570304
File: 498 KB, 300x212, fatty boom boom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's her. The gif of her rudely slurping a drink while someone is introducing her in front of an audience is also a sight to see. It's frickin hilarious that she has such an obvious fetish for characters who are slim, while she herself is bursting at the seams with fat.


>> No.8570309


Yeah. Your favorite is not just problematic, she's also Jabba the Hutt.

>> No.8570314

I'm sure there are tons of porny artists who are now professionals, they just covered their tracks better.

>> No.8570338

I meant that they're still drawing it now and yet don't get singled out for it, while everyone likes pick on Sugar's old stuff. Not hating on the porny artists either though seeing as I like to draw my own dumb pin-up girl crap. Like I said I appreciate the balance.

>> No.8570372


Thank you.

It's okay anon, Ryo's hair doesn't look so good anyway. Do Honda and Anzu look better in person?

>> No.8570395


Omg my baby one was part of a group order between me and a friend to save shipping. I thought she'd just get a baby one too but she saw the huge one and picked that instead lol. Then since it was shipped while I was away my mom sent me a pic of the isopods flipped on their backs in pots on the stove

I'm not into human plushes but if I saw a chibi shiny chariot or Akko with a hilarious face Id probably have to buy it. I'm not sure if youd be able to sell that many though. I feel like in my experience LWA girls are popular with the same kind of waifu neckbeards who buy anything and everything Squid Sisters or Shantae the half-genie hero right now...like there aren't many but the ones who do exist will buy merch regardless of price. But I don't know.

>> No.8570653

Has anyone seen that 'Bad Decora' thing?

>> No.8570715

What, pics?

>> No.8570783

It's official then, I'm just going to have a table filled with plush waifus. If I'm comfortable taking anyone's money it's neckbeards so, sounds like a good business plan.

>> No.8570854

Seconded. If someone made cuttlefish plushies I would empty out my wallet so fast you don't even know

>> No.8570859

What is that, link?

>> No.8570882

my mistake, was Hard Decora

>> No.8570899

Read the first chapter. The whole concept is pretty dumb.

>> No.8570900
File: 77 KB, 300x300, opensquish_cuttlefish_15267[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from squishable

>> No.8570902

yeah, seems like they have no concept of the fashions and are just trying to be 3edgy5me

>> No.8570905

It's not well drawn or mobile-friendly and I feel too old to enjoy the story but they've made an alright looking site, created OC and stuck with it. Good on them.

Do OC comics do ok in AA?

>> No.8570936

>Finally a little balance

This is what pleases me the most. Girls who are perverts are not nearly represented enough in media.

>> No.8571184


These are adorable, do you lot have a blog that's not tumblr that has your plushes/progress?

>> No.8571195
File: 137 KB, 166x380, Screen Shot 2015-08-22 at 12.29.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art in this is so bad holy fuck. I can tell this was created to cater towards tumblr fashionistas. Also this "lolita"... I want to cry.

They took Tumblr's whole ~jfash wearing girl who's kawaii but also deadly~ thing and turned it into a comic. Of course it's going to be shitty.

>> No.8571667

My mums starting a knitting business and she makes super cute knitted toys. Anyone know of anything knitted that tends to sell really well? Must be suitable for a 60 year old woman so no dicks etc. If I can just give her some ideas that would be a huge help. Thanks!

>> No.8571708

owls, foxes, deer. bonus if it's a pastel or otherwise weird color.

>> No.8571722

I'm the anon that posted the dragons (wish I could take credit for those adorable woodland creatures). I've got an instagram @misscloverscreations that features my handmade plush and progress. If you ignore the first two toy photos everything else is handmade, but scroll down a little for most of the plush cause I've been trying to draw lately.

>> No.8571742

What >>8571708
said for sure. Cutesy woodland animals are always popular. If she doesn't mind getting a little complicated mythical creatures like dragons and gryphons tend to go over well. A hippogriff would be cute too and of course everyone loves unicorns.

>> No.8571905
File: 1.36 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20150823_023422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys! I made a little collage of cute deer stuff and pre-existing knits I found to give her an idea of what to go on. She tends to knit Christmas stuff so I figured she probably has a Rudolf pattern somewhere.

>> No.8572174

Oh, cool! Thank you

>> No.8572191

I read the Iron Trial and it was horrible. It was dull, slow, it didn't make me care about the characters, and the world building was shit. I like the idea of the main character actually being the villain, though.

>> No.8572206
File: 267 KB, 703x377, triggered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I just can't stand Cassandra Clare's work. And believe me, I have tried. I've read a good amount of her books trying to force myself to like them since everyone raved about her so much. All of her stuff just comes off as Harry Potter AUs that she name swapped characters for. She writes the same characters and same types of relationships and interactions and just rinse and repeats it time and time again. Every girl is some boring ass pseudo Hermione, and every love interest is Draco Malfoy. Iron Trial was actually a step up from her other stuff just for the main character (other two kids were dull and one dimensional) but I expect that was Holly Black holding her hand.

Not to mention she's a lolcow. I can't remember all of the drama outside of her fanfiction days, but I remember she made some big thing about defending authors who are publishing ther fanfic AUs idk. I just can't stand her writing, will people please get some better taste and expose themselves to other, better authors?

>> No.8572211

ugh, sorry, Ginny and Draco. I don't even know anymore.

>> No.8572248

I just wanted to read a simple YA novel that I can read and be done with, as opposed to a more complex novel like Kiln People where I lay in bed afterwards and just think about it for a long while.

>> No.8572281

you guys say this like anyone popular didn't do this sort of thing before they became well known!

PRO TIP: Write, build, cosplay, film, photograph, do whatever your hobby is and if you follow it and work to become the best (or as is the case with Stephenie Meyer, at least popular) and network as hard as you can with everyone you meet, you can do anything.

Andy Weir (author of The Martian) started with and still writes fan fiction.
Adam Savage learns from and considers his biggest projects to be, cosplay.
Literally anyone who works on video games now was a fan as a kid...

Anything you love and work hard on should be mentioned on your resume, it can only help.

>> No.8572553

Well, I wouldn't say mention you write fanfiction in your resume. But it is alright to have one or two pieces of fanart in a portfolio, and a lot of fashion schools get pretty excited when people apply with a few pieces of cosplay because it shows off costuming and drafting skills.

The reason why the people you listed made it, is because, like you said, they were already in the habit of constantly producing work. In the end of the day, your technical skill will kind of be overshadowed by your ability to self promote and make stuff. I really envy these people sometimes, because I struggle with social anxiety.

>> No.8572555

Yeah, you don't put "write fanfiction" but you can easily put "X years of writing experience."

I translate eroge and while I obviously didn't put that I translate porn, I put down "experience in script translation."

>> No.8572854


Do people actually put hobbies and stuff on resumes? I'm a designer and in all the resumes I've done for myself or others I rarely include a hobby or personal info section. Unless it's something like fanfic and you're applying for a writing-based job maybe, but then you'd say it like >>8572553 and >>8572555 mention.

Though unless the fanart is really, really well done, I'd have to disagree about having it in a portfolio. It might be excusable if you're trying to get into college, but beyond that it still won't reflect well on you, no matter how well done. Part of it is still that stigma, yeah, but the other part is that fanart still uses other people's characters and not your own. It's better to have your own work vs. your interpretation of someone else's, essentially. Similarly, putting in a master copy would be bad, too. It's a little different if you're just trying to show off a technical skill, but if you're looking at the work overall, it's unoriginal and that's a big minus for a portfolio. That has always been my experience, at least.

>> No.8572858
File: 89 KB, 764x282, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from Paige's kickstarter (Which has just passed $2k)

How is she taking orders and shit without even getting samples made to test fit? Fucking really?

>> No.8572901

Wait, how is she getting those measurements if the product hasn't even been MADE yet?

>> No.8572978

Because she's just ordering this shit from artspig so it probably just says the measurements on the site. and she's a dumb ass. It's really unfair that she's asking people to kickstart this. unfair to the people contributing because they probably think it's made with better quality.

>> No.8572992

I went to art school, and we had a discussion about fan art in portfolios multiple times with the teachers, mainly because there was always the tumblr kids who tried to make entire portfolios of fanart. A good amount of my teachers were big name art directors, and they talked about how one or two (tops) pieces of fan art in a portfolio is excuseable, mainly if it is done well, because of how big comic book alternate covers are amongst other things. For example, having a single very well done Adventure Time piece would not hurt you and can be a conversation starter. Not to mention how many people include illustrative series, and build a body of work based off of a story line (ie: seires of work based on Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Jungle Book, etc.)

This is very common when people are applying for comic jobs, or visual development work. How many people do you think apply to be an inker with drawings of Batman? So yes, you can put fanart in a portfolio as long as it is a) tasteful b) executed impecably. Yes it is imperative to create original work, but you also need to understand that you build your portfolio differently depending on where and what you are applying for. I, personally, only have original work in my portfolio but I know plenty of people with at least one fanart piece present in their physical portfolio, be it Star Wars, 5th Element, Adventure Time, LotR, or whatever. Some of it, idk if you could even classify it as "fanart" since sometimes it was official work that they created for whatever publisher.

>> No.8573021

Their quality gets really inconsistent sometimes. She may have problems where certain batches come out blurry or have color registration problems. Everything they do goes to shit right after chinese new year.

>> No.8573022

*When I went to art school

ugh, sorry. But yeah, it's all boils down to what you're applying for. You wouldn't try to get a picture book job with fanart, but what if you're applying to work for someone like Tor? It's silly to say that your portfolio is instantly moot if you apply with it included, unless pretty much everything in it is fanart, then that's bad.

>> No.8573115

Artspig is a fitting name for sizes that big.

>> No.8573138
File: 14 KB, 583x79, paigetellingthetruthforonce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8573153

Do you think it's all just denial and she and all the other tumbling lardos would love themselves more if she got off her ass and lost weight.

>> No.8573172

Of course, people who either work out/control their eating exhibit self control and determination which leads to confidence. Like the feeling after finishing your first 5k or realizing you made it through a party or holiday feast without going crazy with the food. It's a lot of stuff that fat people never would have imagined they could do (especially the sports stuff). Feelsgoodman.jpg

>> No.8573188

Aren't there plenty of famous artists that are fat that most people don't care about their body type because they aren't spewing it around like paige?

>> No.8573200

Okay, so I'm not going to defend Paige or her kickstarter, but the level of buttmad vendetta in this and other threads discussing her is really dumb. It's really obvious that vendetta-chan is just sitting in these threads waiting for someone to talk about Paige and then replying to everything being said in order to make it seem like a ton of people are discussing her...and then when it gets quiet they post another OH SO LULZY screenshot of something she's said in order to stir more shit. There are plenty of places to go on the internet to just sit and be mad about dumb shit that doesn't actually affect you, but this is the artist alley thread and shit like >>8572858 and >>8573138 really isn't relevant.

>> No.8573211

hi paige

>> No.8573217

>punctiation and capital letters
>no sarcastic tumblry emoji at the end of every sentence
Are you even trying

>> No.8573231

who are you? are you just salty we're posting about paige and not you?

>> No.8573249

Going to agree with this. Came here for artist alley stuff. Only found Paige drama. This is not the place, guys. Go hate on her in a relevant thread.

>> No.8573262
File: 984 KB, 245x218, tumblr_inline_morav6NFbT1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


back to art please

>> No.8573294

this doesnt fucking belong in this thread, go to lolcow if you wanna talk about her so bad.

>> No.8573311
File: 357 KB, 691x518, 1353519868439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you guys choose your AA name? Did you go through a couple before finding the right one?

>> No.8573313
File: 259 KB, 1136x852, 1366500924460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about AA booths who use lights/etc to gain attention? Do you think it's ok as long as it's done tastefully?

>> No.8573325


That being said, I saw an artist with thermos merch, the kind where you just stuff a piece of paper in between the double walls. The art was really cute and i was considering doing something similar (the mugs are easy to get wholesale and printing the insert is just regular printing) but I've never been a fan of the photo insert style thermos so I'm biased against.

Assuming you liked the art, would you buy a photo insert thermos from AA?

>> No.8573333

Obviously if something is done tastefully it would look good. Is this even a real question?

>> No.8573335

Honestly probably not, but mostly because I'd be concerned about the quality (potential spilling in my bag, dishwasher safety, etc) I'd rather have an uncute thermos that I trust. That might just be me though.

>> No.8573336

See, this is why we end up talking about lolcows in the first place. no one in the AA threads ever wants to have a constructive conversation, or we're all asking the same, stagnant, stupid questions that could've been solved years ago on google. at least the drama is keeping these threads interesting instead of a circle-jerk whenever someone posts their shitty merchandise.

>> No.8573346

as far as i'm concerned, people can decorate however they want, as long as they are being considerate to their neighbors. the table in this picture is cute.

>> No.8573348

Good point; they're the same mugs that you get as corporate swag at random events so I wouldn't have put a lot of stock in their reliability now that I think about it.

>> No.8573352

Er... I remember a couple threads ago that people were hating on using led lights, which is why I asked.

>> No.8573355
File: 46 KB, 600x729, 1440370811508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paige is a fan of suzy lol

>> No.8573362
File: 66 KB, 514x467, 1440367986511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so ugly too..

>> No.8573366
File: 162 KB, 600x636, 1440368370615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this shit can get popular than anything can.

>> No.8573372

fucking stop posting about her holy shit

>> No.8573374

we're just going to get deleted again if you assholes keep this up

>> No.8573375
File: 268 KB, 1096x894, Screen Shot 2015-08-23 at 6.13.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to rustle your jimmies but I only posted about her twice.

>> No.8573377

>gets mad at people for asking questions
>posts offtopic shit
kek. i bet you only make $500 at each con. go jack off your hate boner on lolcow, you already have the tab open too.
not like theres anything good in this thread anyway

>> No.8573386

Depends what kind of school you're attending and if they have a mold they want their students to fit in.

I'm a second year in illustration and comics and we are forced to learn the basics in first year so we can draw anything before going into stylisation.
A lot of anime drawing people usually copy a styles or skip the basics and end up drawing symbols more than understanding how shit works so they have a harder time doing anything that isn't anime.

I personally have strong anime influences and have never gotten shit for it. I feel like basically if you show them you can do something besides anime they stop bothering you about stylistic preferences.
Though it's the same for people who draw superflat adventure time / Steven universe style, basically heavy stylisation is frowned upon until you prove people you're worth shit.

>> No.8573389


>> No.8573390

Mine is just my screenname+'draws', not very creative.

Why does the pictured one have a different name in Japanese?
Alice Doll/Alice Chocolate

>> No.8573393

They're good for art criticisms, bouncing ideas, etc. Don't be a wet blanket.

>> No.8573448

Just randomly throwing out conjecture here, but I feel that things like lights and other flashy display things are more useful for people who sell smaller items, like trinkets, small plushies, postcard sized prints, etc. An attention grabbing display is good if you want people to come take a closer look at your product. However, I feel like for large items, especially poster sized prints, they don't really add anything to the display. Usually from a poster size of 11x17 and above, people walking by will scan your art and determine whether or whether not they like it, and move on. Rarely do they "miss it" if they're browsing the alley. I saw a guy at San Japan with a prints/poster display using lights and other flashy display techniques, but neither I nor anyone else I observed paid more attention to his table or stayed longer than the tables around him. Big items on big displays are attention grabbing enough. But from what I've seen, lights and rotating displays etc on small trinket tables often gets people to come closer and look at tiny details that they might otherwise have missed or looked over, and highten the chance of them making a sale.
But honestly, as long as you're not impeding on the displays around you or annoying others, I'd say that most display things are "okay".

>> No.8573708

Yeah in Iran some girls wear them so far back on their head I'm amazed they even stay on.

>> No.8573739

So I'm redesigning my business cards and am a bit stumped when it comes to the back and how to handle my URLs/accounts, specifically Storenvy. Is the Storenvy icon recognizable enough to just put that, or do I need to put my username and then below it "tumblr | storenvy" or something? I really just want to put my tumblr and storenvy, but the storenvy URL isn't as neat and tidy as tumblr's are.

How do y'all handle putting your online store on your cards? Or do you?

>> No.8573755
File: 339 KB, 1280x591, maya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pea vomit one reminds me of one of Mayakern's skirts, but it's obvious which one is better and actually planned out

>> No.8573757

What drawing tablets do you recommend?
I mainly work in traditional mediums and want to start working with digital. Lots of good things have been said about Wacom but the price of Huion is tempting...

>> No.8573758

Oh wow, I love those...

>> No.8573764

>the storenvy URL isn't as neat and tidy as tumblr's are
What do you mean? You should have a [username].storenvy.com URL, right? I go to shops that way.
I don't think the logo on its own is recognizable enough personally.

>> No.8573769

Hey anon, I have a few spare Wacom tablets lying around. They're nothing fancy but if you're willing to pay for shipping (30-40 dollars? I'm not in the US) I will send you one for free. It's a bit old and no packaging, but the drivers can all be found online.

>> No.8573773

Oh wow these are gorgeous

>> No.8573774

Not the original anon, but holy shit, how many is "a few spares". Because I'd be all over that.

>> No.8573784


So I'm an idiot and didn't have my custom store front turned on. I had the shop open, but not the custom designy one. Thank you kind anon.

>> No.8573788

That would be amazing anon!

>> No.8573794
File: 28 KB, 500x270, wacom_bamboo_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's the Wacom bamboo pen and touch, pic related. I got them when the arts department moved out and there was a whole lot of junk left behind. I'm not sure what condition they're in and haven't tested them yet, I don't even know where they are in the house. I already have the wireless green pen and touch (which is great btw, definitely super cute and portable and great for amateur use). These are just sitting around gathering dust, I think I have two of them by the way.

>> No.8573807

Super keen anon.

>> No.8573829

I like to add that Naomi Novak, who wrote the Temeraire series, started out with great fanfic and continues to write & post it online while getting new books published. Her work is 100x better compared to Cassandra Clare though.

>> No.8573836

holy fuck, I just realized that was Miki, the owner of closed down Fairytale Boutique?! Can anyone confirm?

>> No.8573843

anon email me?! definitely want!

>> No.8573855
File: 192 KB, 1000x562, 20150824_093312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok I found them, so they are a bit grody and don't have any visible defects. Have been kept in a plastic tub in shade for about a year or two. I also found this white plastic random Chinese tablet. I don't remember if that one has pen pressure or not, I think you can get the driver online. The brand is xp-pen btw.

It seems like there's more than 2 anons who want the tablets here? These have been really out of use and I'd like for them to go somewhere where they will be loved. Let's make it a /cgl/ giveaway? Can I make a new thread?

>> No.8573910

Why do we need two AA threads? This one sucks, sure, but is perfectly useable. /cgl/ is slow enough there's no reason to make new threads so early.

>> No.8573947

Make a google form where we can put our emails on there and maybe link a social media account so people don't put down multiple emails and you can do a giveaway that way.

>> No.8573948

This one's almost at bump limit, and I was hoping to make it more fun and get some entries. I guess if nobody wants to participate I'll just give the tablets to the first 3 people who responded.

>> No.8573950

Well in the other thread I specify you have to post some samples of your work. If the art looks stolen or similar to another entry I'll void it. I have to go to work now, see you guys in 10 hours.

>> No.8573974

If you already knew the answer then why did you ask

>> No.8573980

It's not something that has an 'answer' to, anon was just collecting other people's thoughts/opinions I guess.

>> No.8574040

Is there some reason some artists/sellers seem to give cheaper quotes for shipping than others? I wanted to buy a small item of jewelry off etsy, and the shipping (US to international) was supposedly going to be $30, but similar items from other US sellers are more in the $10 range? As someone who doesn't ship things I just don't understand.

>> No.8574063

Sounds like Express (insured+fast) vs First-class (non-insured+slow). Both are tracked. Usually it's due to the seller not knowing their way around shipping methods well enough to make it int'l friendly.

>> No.8574084


>> No.8574093

what the hell is "spoken word genjutsu"

>> No.8574148

Like Pixel said, probably better for smaller merch. For prints, you want to be careful because they can fuck with the visibility of prints (seems obvious, but something like lights+prints in plastic sheets=shit).

It'd also be a good idea to use them around merch you're trying to promote? Like if you've got a sale on like necklaces, a couple christmas lights could bring people's attention to them.

Personally I fucking love fancy shiny pretty displays because I don't know if I could pull them off myself haha.

>> No.8574361

Where are you from anon?

>> No.8574601

Oh shit I have one of those, diff colour tho. Great tablet, spilled a glass of water over it once and it didn't harm it one bit.

>> No.8574713
File: 381 KB, 1008x594, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I guess no one in AANI is going to say shit about this?

>> No.8574718

she forgot to color the boots

>> No.8574727

it looks like a bootleg

>> No.8574732

How well do custom memo pads sell?

>> No.8574734
File: 16 KB, 512x512, cute_cupcake_with_sprinkles_memo_pad-r5d1c88ee88f44caeb98e2ad3baa0f542_amb08_8byvr_512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like these

>> No.8574768

Fudge, I did it myself. If that makes me a bitch, then I guess I'm a bitch.

>> No.8574774

I thought this looked really familiar when I scrolled past it.

>> No.8574776

What FB group is this?

>> No.8574780

The traced version has a comically large butt.

>> No.8574785

welp, turning on notifications for this to hopefully unfold more.

I made custom memo pads of some original art and I'm having a really tough time selling them. I wonder if they'd sell better if they could be sticky notes?

>> No.8574788

I agree with everything you said. I don't get why she's any more important than any ambitious tumblrite? The amount of people raging and wailing over this makes me think most of /cgl/ is fatties, whining about quality because they're actually going to buy this or people who already follow her on tumblr for her shitty art. Either way, I cringed a lot.

>> No.8574809

They backpedaled so hard.

>> No.8574815

Give me details

>> No.8574818

did they delete it? I can't find it.

>> No.8574821

They said they were "inspired" by a coloring book they had and that they weren't going to manufacture it because they didn't want people worried over the "similarities"

>> No.8574823

Yeah, they JUST took it down, because it was up a little while ago.

>> No.8574825

damn, I wanted to read it

>> No.8574826

Personally I'm offended because I used to be overweight and I don't want girls thinking that it's okay to wear those abortions just because they are fat.

>> No.8574847

No one cares. Stop talking about it here.

>> No.8575306

AANI = Artist Alley Network International

Anyone get caps? I really wanna know what they/anyone else said.

>> No.8575361

tl;dr edtion if no one screencapped it.

>multiple comments of people liking it/artist saying they'll be for sale soon
>Someone pointed out it was based on the artwork posted >>8574713
>"Oh, I saw this in a childhood colouring book and was inspired by it, whoops"
>Someone else "dude, if you overlay the artwork you can SEE it was traced", no inspiration there
>"Aw geez, I guess I won't be selling them, sorry guys."
>thread deleted minutes after

>> No.8575381

>Tumblr's whole ~jfash wearing girl who's kawaii but also deadly~ thing
I like that theme, heck, it's not even that far off of the original gothic lolita vibe.
Why does this get to be tumblr's 'thing'?

>> No.8575398

Cute but deadly is a theme that's been around for a long time.

>> No.8575404

That's what I'm saying, why is it suddenly ~tumblr~? Can we make it... not?

>> No.8575439

I think it helps to give them cute packaging (Corky, I dunno if you package them or not) so they catch people's attention. I have a friend who packages hers really cutely and they do all right

Because they're a smaller item, I think people miss them a lot, so make sure you can display them prominently

>> No.8575517
File: 25 KB, 226x297, ss+(2015-08-24+at+03.13.09).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So online shop related question.

How do you guys do if you offer tracking as an option that you pay for? Have you had any paypal disputes because of it?

I live in Canada-land and of course I want to track all my packages. But shipping is ridiculously expensive here. I know that many shops integrate their shipping price into the product itself so they don't shock the customer with high shipping fees. But even so tracking vs non-tracking here is double in price. Such as non-tracked would be about $10 for me, vs tracked which would be almost $20.

>> No.8575542

Personally, if you tell someone that what they can do is pay less for a non-tracked version, that can open you up to scammers getting to pay less and then opening a case against you for not getting the parcel. Even if they did get the parcel there's no way for you or Etsy to know that. I've lost $$ to Mexico and Spain in the past due to that. So everything is tracked, and if they don't like it, don't buy it.

>Paypal will not cover you if your stuff isn't tracked.

>> No.8575661

I might try to step up my packaging game for them. They're currently in clear bags with my business cards stapled at the top (they're folded business cards so it's like traditional cardboard tops on packaging if that makes sense)

I may add a designed card stock backing behind the memo pad and see how sales go.

>> No.8576082

I'm sorry but that mermaid really needs some work
It's not surprising that they aren't selling

>> No.8576105

I agree it wasn't the best, can't make any excuses for that.

Speaking of Jimi items, I'm really interested in the wallets if anyone could review one for me that would be awesome

>> No.8576113

mm.drawanon@gmail.com hey I emailed you! Please send me your shipping address so I can send you the tablet. I hope you get good use out of it!

>> No.8576139

cute but deadly anon here.

i meant tumblr's whole girl-in-kawaii-pastel-jfashion-with-gun trend that's often accompanied by captions like "cute but deadly", "cuz darling i'm a nightmare dressed like a daydram" or something along those lines.

I also like the concept of cute but deadly, just not tumblr's kawaii pastels + girl gangs + guns kind of cute but deadly.

>> No.8576185

I agree, it's just getting stale at this point. I'm tired of kawaii girl gangs and punk sailor moon and the phrase "fight like a girl" accompanied by pastel guns and nail bats. It's not that it's a bad idea in and of itself, but it's always done the same boring way now.

>> No.8576783

Do you have anymore left anon

>> No.8576787

Do you guys pack invoices?

I do right now, but I feel like it's such a waste of paper.. They just get thrown out anyway.

>> No.8576808

I quit putting in packing lists for that same reason. People only order one thing at a time from my site so it's not like I have these complicated orders I have to really track.

>> No.8576859

no. never have. i wouldn't expect another small time artist to either, as long as i have my product i'm fine.

>> No.8576873

At my workplace that retails mass-produced and hand-made items (think like a stationery shop), invoices are important for our own references as we keep files and files of invoices for a certain amount of years till it's storage time. We get invoices in different ways: part of the shipment, emailed advance to our store, by mail, or have it emailed to our store when we ask. I understand you're likely talking about an invoice of one or few items and not bulk that we get at our store, so if you would prefer to save paper you can always do email invoices, or email them on request.

>> No.8576879

How Large does a convention have to be before you would consider selling there? I have been asked to do a con that is in it's first year and therefore is super small. I have never sold at a convention under 5k nor have I even attended one smaller then that.

My main concern is the cost of attending. It is a local con for me and after the table costs and admission for my assistant I would only be spending about $150... I'm worried that I wouldn't even make that much in profit.

>> No.8576906

I'm not sure about a first year con, but I've never had small attendance be an issue for me. In fact, I do better at some small cons than I do at bigger ones. The smallest one I went to yearly probably had an attendance rate of around 1k-2k, and it was always one of my best cons- especially when I had weaker art (not that I still don't), because the less big time/big game competition you have when starting out, the more likely you are to grab a larger if not the largest chunk of the attendees. And depending on the table:attendee ratio, that can be huge.
Basically, being a big fish in a small pond rather than a small fish in a big pond can sometimes pay off.

The main concern here would be just that as a first year con, you have no idea how it's going to turn out. Besides maybe not garnering many attendees, you have to be worried about prime location of AA, engagement/buying interest of the attendees, how effective the staff are at doing their jobs, etc. A con doesn't have to be large for me to consider selling, but those other traits do have to be kept in mind.

Regardless, it's really up to you and your assistant. Do you want to take the first-year-con risk for a potentially good outcome or would you rather play it safe and pass it up this year? Is your time worth it?

>> No.8577201

Sorry for offtopic, but what do you guys do for work, outside of selling at AAs? I'm just curious about what everyone's day jobs are.

>> No.8577253


Graphic designer in the anime industry by day, MFA student by night.

>> No.8577288
File: 202 KB, 612x612, everythingisterrible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graphic Designer at a cheap printing company- I pretty much just throw stuff onto templates. It's low stress, but also kinda low pay. And boring.
Plus this place is giving me exactly 0 hours of PTO and no health insurance.
>Pic was drawn before I took this job, but sums up my feelings 100%

>> No.8577306

I'm currently selling online, but I'm looking at starting AA soon. The only thing is, the cost of a table/hotel really increases my overhead. Would it be okay to price things higher at a con vs online to help cover that, or would it just piss people off?

>> No.8577492

I don't think anyone would notice if ou went a tiny bit higher. If a £5 charm suddenly shot up to £15, then yeah, it'd piss people off, but if you go from £3.50 to £5 it's a small enough change for you to say that you wanted to cover overhead charges without sounding like a dick. Plus, a lot of your potential customers wouldn't know the prices of your items anyway, and previous customers would be more willing to buy in person to save on shipping, so it'd be a good deal for everyone.

>> No.8577582

Comic colorist

>> No.8577590

Student and paid legal intern (gotta get work experience!). My friend is a middle school teacher.

>> No.8577639


Consider upping your prices to what they would be after shipping. This way someone doesn't feel like they're getting upcharged (or that they're getting a discount on your site) because the price at the con and on your site + shipping would be relatively the same.

Alternately, figure out what your costs would be for the con (hotel + travel + table), then you can see (relatively) how much you need to raise prices to cover it.

>> No.8577658

This is my dream job tbh. Did you study design or just fine arts previously? Please say not design

>> No.8577663

Thanks for the feedback! So if I raised prints from $15 to $20 would that be reasonable? Shipping is generally $5 for me

>> No.8577685

High school English teacher

This year's freshies are going to be the end of me

>> No.8577704

Something seems weird about this situation. Like, either your online prices are too low or your cost of production is too high. You should be making ample margin on $15 prints, but if they cost so much that you need raise them to $20 to break even at a con, then you should be charging online too because to me that says your margins are really slim.

But if you've never done a con before maybe you just don't know how well prints sell, because generally they sell like shit online for me but very well in person.

>> No.8577724

European anon chiming in, for me the reason I generally don't buy prints online is because international shipping for prints costs way too much compared to the print you're getting. As much as I understand you need to pack them differently, from an economical perspective I'd rather buy a keychain or a pouch instead since I still get someone's art but with decent shipping prices.

>> No.8577727

Manager of the Graphics Department at the company I work for.
Super boring company to the point where everything we create has to be a combination of white, grey, and a darker grey. But the pay is alright so I can't complain.

>> No.8577754

I always do, just to avoid any unnecessary confusion. But I usually ship out at least 10 orders per week. Customers can be fickle about the smallest detail.

>> No.8577798

I was wondering -- are you a full-fledged teacher Tim? Not a student teacher or anything? If so, I admire the fact you can balance that type of schedule (school year) and still be able to have time to do art and attend conventions.

>> No.8577813

It's only about $3 more to ship a print than a charm for me internationally, so I don't think it's that necessarily.

It's not just international orders too, most people just don't buy prints online for some reason. Unless it's an "artsy" print. (where they feel like they're buying fine art or quivalent) People really let loose at cons, but online people vastly prefer buying "objects" or merchandise over prints. Something about the audience is just different. I identify more with them though, while I may sell prints, i myself rarely buy them.

Anyway what i wanted to explain to pricing anon is if they sell online and think that's how many sales they'll get in person they will be surprised at how much better prints sell in person so they may not have to raise prices at all.

>> No.8577866

> and a lot of fashion schools get pretty excited when people apply with a few pieces of cosplay because it shows off costuming and drafting skills.

You've either no idea how fashion schools judge, or you're really lucky with the one near you. Because fashion schools absolutely detest cosplay.

Everyone I know who have shown a decent amount cosplays in their portfolio, were not accepted (I'm talking Europe + VS)

If you want to include some cosplays, you either have to bring it as a fantasy design (90% of the time they don't know that you're cosplayed anyway. Just admit it was not designed by you, but leave the pictures of the original source material out) or just only show details for sewing skills purpose only.

>> No.8577953

Tbh I never imagined that you'd be an English teacher. I always thought you actually worked in the art industry.
How heavy is your workload in terms of having to grade papers, write lesson plans, etc.? I'm thinking about becoming a teacher since I'm highly unsatisfied with my current work.

>> No.8577987

Well that's Europe, I'm talking about US schools. When I applied to mine for costuming I included a few cosplays along with my original portfolio and they asked me about my drafting process and how I did certain details. That's their fault for showing a "decent amount of cosplays" when it should have just been a few. You also have to apply with original designs and more regular clothing. It's about the amount you include and the quantity of it, don't be salty because your friends didn't get in with cosplay.

>> No.8577988

Just finished school back in May and quit my retail job. Been taking some time off while prepping a portfolio, plus looking at other local job offerings, I might try and apply for a local aquarium store.

>> No.8577990


>> No.8578295

Engineering student and part-time sushi waitress.

>> No.8578378

Okay thanks. I'll give it a run at the first con with normal pricing and see how I do.

>> No.8578579

Part time at a department store while studying Marine Bio and Japanese.

>> No.8578838


I have a BFA in Graphic Design. Where I work, you need a degree in graphic design / visual communication.

If you're serious about being a designer in the anime industry (we're mostly talking packaging design, though I do some print work for conventions, and one of my coworkers handles our convention banners/booth design), get a graphic design degree and be prepared to aggressively pursue the job. It also might be good to kind of pick which company you'd want to work for (since you're looking at either Cali or Texas, and not all the companies are close together). Also, not every company has in-house designers. Some have an in-house art director but outsource the design work, so you might not have to move and could just be a contract worker. But if you're looking to be in-house, you're looking at the big, long-established names. For what it's worth, the cost of living is very cheap in Texas compared to California.

It took me 2 years, moving to a new state, and networking like hell to get the job. If possible, try to find someone at the company you want to work for and connect with them on Linked In. One of the reasons I was finally able to get the job I have is that when I moved, I ended up randomly meeting a designer for the company, and over the years she was able to get my resume fast tracked when there was finally an opening and the timing was right.

If you want any more info, I'll throw up my email and I'm happy to answer any other questions you have. I absolutely love my job. I got to work on my favorite show of all time recently and it pretty much made my life. Hopefully you'll achieve the same anon!

>> No.8579299

What would be the process of getting stickers and charms made? I wanna do it but my anxiety wants me to know exactly what'll happen.

>> No.8579345


I can only speak for charms, but I'd suggest doing your research on the companies and figuring out how much you want to spend vs. quality. Don't let overseas things like Vograce bother you, but don't feel like you have to go with the cheapest option. Get samples if you can. If not, consider doing a small order as a sample, then whenever you're ready, just send them your designs for your bigger order. It also helps to know what you want your finished charms to look like. Just a plain charm with a strap? Double sided? With beads? With packaging? That will help you figure out exactly what else you need to do beyond the acrylic charm itself.

>> No.8580012

Thank you so much for this information! Do most of the overseas places ship worldwide?

>> No.8580187


I don't think there are any that don't. Customs seems to come up for lots of people, so it may or may not be an issue.

On that subject, I'm the anon who bought the 300 charms from Vograce. They arrived the other day and I didn't have any customs to pay on them. Well worth the money on this set!

>> No.8580388

Dang, nice. How's the quality?

>> No.8580425

Would you be willing to post pics??

Also, for anyone who works in SAI, if you want to convert from RGB to CMYK does it work if you simply copy-paste your design into a new CMYK file on PS? I feel like that should work, yet at the same time it seems too simple...

>> No.8580466

You don't even need to create a new file really. I see no reason you can't just export from sai to something photoshop can read, open in PS and go Image > Mode > CMYK Color.

>> No.8580764

when sending .psds to vograce, how big of a border do you guys usually use?

Before I just sent pngs since Coco would make the file out of that/it saves time sending all the files due to data limit.

But I have a design that I specifically need to put a border on myself and I know some of you have done it.

>> No.8580836

Anyone who's familiar with sticker sheets, how much have you seen people charge in general? I recently ordered some 4x6 sheets which have 5 medium to large stickers per sheet.

>> No.8580896


I'll post some pics up once I finish my packaging for them. Should have at least one set done by tonight.


I sent her pngs and I can't remember how big my border was, but at least a few points. I wanted a pretty thick colored line. I still ended up sending pngs, though, I just rasterized the stroke effect (I also had a custom back design, so I needed the stroke rasterized so I could make my back pattern to the right size).

>> No.8581247

I'm an east coast artist looking to expand to midwest and west coast cons. Which ones are good to go to? Other than Anime Expo/SDCC (seems impossible to get into their artist alleys). I have a friend out in Vegas who invited me to Otakon Vegas... is that one any good?

>> No.8581310

I've seen prices ranging $5-8 for that size, I think.

>> No.8581376

Data limit? You know you can just use Weiyun to get past the firewall right?

>> No.8581474

Thanks for the info. Do you happen to know if people package them in a plastic bag as well or just give them the sheet itself?

>> No.8581528

I just got my order from jimi agency today. I got some wallets made, but the colors ended up wrong. I already emailed them about the problem, but do you think they will help?

>> No.8581544

could you show pictures? I would hope they'd help.

>> No.8581560

as soon as I have some better lighting I'll take some

>> No.8581743

I think most people just do the sheet itself, though I have seen a few people do the whole shebang with the plastic bag and cardboard insert and such. It just depends on how you want your product to look, I suppose, and whether or not you think the extra stuff adds to it. I recall buying a sticker sheet at AX AA a few years back that was just the sheet itself, no kisscut, no packaging, no nothing so I mean as long as your designs are good it's all up to you.

>> No.8581806

upload data limit, alibaba only accepts a certain amount/size of files at once and coco won't take outside files like dropbox unfortunately

>> No.8581807

how much do you guys usually spend on hotels for conventions?

>> No.8581904

Jeez i never knew that for alibaba :0 i did everything through email and had no problem there. The alibaba messenger caused too much problems for me and Kylin.

>> No.8581976

usually $1-200 for the whole weekend, depending on how many people that are willing to share

>> No.8582136

Oh shit I didn't see these
Yep. This is my third year teaching. I haven't been doing too much in terms of making new content, so it hasn't been too stressful. Having holidays/vacations definitely gives me time to come up with new stuff, though, and fortunately they coincide with cons a lot.

But of course, because of the workload I don't do out-of-state cons nearly as much. Fortunately, I live in an area with a convention like every other week because there are so many goddamn weebs thirsty for conventions around here.

In the last couple of years, I've definitely been skimping out on grading, which is horrible. They were my first couple of years, though, and they were nuts. I've learned that it's not too bad if you do a little grading on a regular basis (which you're supposed to be doing anyway to give your students timely feedback). I think I'm pretty good at coming up with lessons and creating materials, so it doesn't take me too long, although I definitely know teachers who go above and beyond and spend easily 3~4 hours a day just doing lesson, unit, assessment planning etc.

Teaching is fun as fuck if you like kids and you like your content, but there's definitely a lot of work involved. It's a million times easier if you have a buddy to teach/work/plan with, though.

My school is crazy but awesome and the staff is all immensely passionate, intelligent, talented, and fun so I'm in a really good place. It's not always like that, though, so just keep an eye out.

>> No.8582606


Oh I just email Coco my files. Does everyone send them through Alibaba? I think when I ordered my last set I completely communicated to her through email after the initial quote.

>> No.8582760

But what I'm saying is that you can use a chinese cloud storage service (weiyun, they even have an english page) to bypass that. You get 1TB free!

>> No.8582913
File: 98 KB, 640x640, 11889691_10153604344181563_5197979703906784942_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Depends on the con and the hotel. I've spent as little as $60-80, and as much as $300 for the weekend. Really just depends on if it's a popular con and a good hotel.


Charm anon here with a picture of my charm and packaging. Charms are double sided with a pattern on the back. I decided to go with the fake series names because I don't really want to run into legal trouble with anime companies. It's humorous and allows me to display it.

>> No.8583026

>fake series names
I love this and hope it catches on.