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8545800 No.8545800 [Reply] [Original]

Newfag here and googlefu may be failing me. I've found mainly good reviews on lockshop's wigs, however looking at the recent comments on the facebook page by other customers, people seem to be complaining about the lack of updates/communication. Has anyone ordered from her recently?

And offtopic, what happened to cyperous' english page? Do they still ship overseas?

>> No.8545834

I just got a new wig from lockshop about 2 weeks ago. They just seem to be having email issues right now. I love my new wig though, I mostly only buy from her.

>> No.8545835

isn't this just a tabao reseller?

>> No.8545841

I've seen a post on Rufflechat discussing LS's poor quality control, since some wigs have been coming in very matted, destyled, and frizzed.
People have also been complaining about shipment delays after payment and slow responses to emails.
Basically, Choke needs to get her shit together and stop treating legit complaints as personal attacks.

>> No.8545844

if they are, where can i buy dupes?

>> No.8545853

No, it isnt. Choke is the one who is working with the factory herself to make the wigs.

>> No.8545858

lol no

>> No.8545886


> every single wig thread

> "isn't X just a reseller?"

jfc people, not allw wigs come from taobao.

>> No.8546042

Germany had a postal strike. Not much could be done but wait it out. It took about a month all together to get my wig.

She sends some stuff to the lolita collective if you don't want to wait for overseas shipping. But a lot of styles are sold out now.

>> No.8546069

>Not much could be done but wait it out.
What does that have to do with her being weeks late responding to emails asking about their items explaining that situation?
I don't want her wigs.

>> No.8546075

No Lock shop is not a reseller. The owner works exclusively with a factory to get the wigs produced for the company.

>> No.8546100

Go away Choke. No factory will do small runs unless you're willing to pay out of the ass for them.

>> No.8546118


>> No.8546124

Cyperous no longer has an English page but they still ship overseas. I just bought a wig from them last week.

>> No.8546136

Agreed. Not gonna bother buying her wigs if she takes that long to respond then :S Just gonna go ahead and pay more for cyperous. I remember there being an English site, but I can't seem to find it anymore. Do they still ship overseas?

>> No.8546140

Sweet. Gonna go ahead and browse there.

>> No.8546144

Yep, seconding >>8546124. If all else fails just use an SS like Japonica if you're really uncomfortable.

>> No.8546229

Great, I just bought two wigs last week. How long should I wait till I file a paypal dispute?

>> No.8546366

How big are cyperous wigs anyways? I have a pretty Big head.

>> No.8546383

Lockshop has had issues with shipping and communication well before the postal strike

>> No.8546389

I literally order a wig from them a month ago and got it in 3 weeks time. I live in the US, so that's not bad. They also emailed me a coupon as to say sorry for bad communication.

>> No.8546396

There are people who have gone months, and in at least one person's case, almost a year without their items and very poor communication. And every time Choke has an excuse ready.

>> No.8546414

>I have a pretty Big head.
Ask for bigger sizing. It costs slightly extra, but it's worth it.

>> No.8547182

My problem with Lockshop is the lack of PoC.

You have been a legitimate business for five years now and no PoC? You're worse than GLW.

>> No.8547193

I think it's just a joke at this point, like saying "dump him" in the feels threads.

>> No.8547206

Lockshop just posted on their FB about having difficulties with their last run of wigs, they basically said "well uh sorry" and are making the old ones B-choice with reduced price. Not exactly the best solution to those who already bought their wigs but as someone who's bought and liked their b-choice stuff in the past I'm pretty excited.

>> No.8547209

They're based in Europe, not exactly as many poc there as in america. Americans should stop thinking every place is like USA. There are more white people in european media and such because people in europe are generally white. It's not such a weird thing.

>> No.8547232

>three models on site
>one of them is the owner
>another is clearly Asian

Try harder

>> No.8547237

Yeah because Choke saw this thread and had to do some quick damage control.

>> No.8547240

I've bought from Lockshop twice and whilst their wigs are gorgeous, both of mine tangled more easily than I expected - nothing I can't handle though. Both times there was next to no shipping information/details and they took a good few weeks to come, and I was a bit disappointed considering I'm in Europe too. The first time, the late shipping got me a voucher, but then when I tried to use the voucher - there was no expiry date on the email - it didn't work, and when I tried to get in touch to see what the problem was, didn't get a response. But the 5 euros off wasn't a big deal anyway and they are lovely wigs.

>> No.8547241

How subtle of her

>> No.8547257

... the only people i know (2) who work at LS are PoC .......

>> No.8547264

My question is, why does she act like she isn't hands on with quality over her wigs her wigs? I really don't think this is some slip for her and she finally just got called out on it, rightfully so. The wig quality pics and stories in RC:U was really awful.
I think she was just being cheaper with production and it finally began to show.

>> No.8547265

Can anyone tell me if there is a big difference between regular lockshop wigs and the pure line. I know pure is for supposed to be lighter for everyday use. I'm trying to pick between two wigs that are pretty similar styles and the only big difference is one is the pure line.

>> No.8547269

They opened up that modeling gig. Maybe they will finally get more diverse people in? Hard to say.

>> No.8547352

Sooo is she going to offer partial refunds?

>> No.8547357

I can't say I frequently look at her site, but doesn't Choke just model a bunch of them herself? I think you're overestimating what's probably a really small business. If you did modeling, you'd probably just be cheap and do it yourself too.

>> No.8547359

I wish, I'd love to get lockshop wigs at taobao prices. The dollar exchange rate is a bitch.

>> No.8547412

Lockshop posted on all their platforms about the DDOS attack they suffered a while ago and how that effected their mail servers, they wrote that they didn't receive and couldn't send e-mails. I believe they managed to resolve those problems last week.

It's not that difficult to actually check what you're talking about, I get that this is /cgl/ and bitching is normal but there were actually legit reasons for these problems.

>> No.8547417

> Not exactly the best solution to those who already bought their wigs

Directly from their Facebook:
If you have been affected by any issues with a recent wig you have bought from us, please contact the owner Chokelate directly on Facebook with your order reference number, description and pictures of the issue. We will be compensating customers once we hear back from the factory.

> We will be compensating customers once we hear back from the factory.

>> No.8547890

>It's not that difficult to actually check what you're talking about, I get that this is /cgl/ and bitching is normal but there were actually legit reasons for these problems.

The problem here is that these issues have been going on BEFORE the DDOS attack. They aren't new issues.

>> No.8547901
File: 66 KB, 625x626, thisisbait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8548663

Yeah. If you look prior to July, there are still people wondering where their items are/status not changing/customer service replies lacking in the visitor posts on facebook. All the way back to /March/ at least. However it seems she bothered to reply to visitor posts then.

>> No.8549446

Is it just the mermaid wigs that have problems, are the other ones OK? I was hoping to order some soon.

>> No.8549455

The others seem fine, I heard especially the Pure ones are great.

>> No.8549463

dis bait doe

>> No.8549484

There's been problems since at least last September

>> No.8549877

anyone know where I can get a rose gold color wig?

>> No.8550015

Don't even bother with lockshop, took six weeks for me to get my wig well before the postal strike happened, I had to ask multiple times before I got a response and even then she made me feel like I was bothering her. I saw a ton of other people asking on the fb page about it too with the same kind of response, really unprofessional. When I got the wig, a mermaid beach, it was dry and frizzy and tangled in seconds. This is one of her most popular styles and it was not up to standard at all. I gave her a fair bit of money for shitty service and substandard wigs for the price, not impressed.

>> No.8550094

So are there good alternatives to Lockshop? I recently ordered from them and was very disappointed with the service. I felt like I was getting ignored and it took forever for the wigs to even get to me.

I guess I'll check out Cyperous?

>> No.8550205

>This is one of her most popular styles and it was not up to standard at all. I gave her a fair bit of money for shitty service and substandard wigs for the price, not impressed.

Contact her directly she will help you with the wig quality issue. Same thing happened to me!

>> No.8550252

rofl. bait aside, if you read the Choke thread after Anime Matsuri, you would know she bitched about Americans. im not buying from her shop ever since she made that post.

>> No.8550253

Has anyone bought one of their lacefront wigs? I've been considering trying one, because I look like shit with blunt bangs, and wigs with side-swept fringes always look unfinished.

But is it worth it? Or should I go to one of the local weave and wig places to get one instead?

>> No.8550255

>implying she isn't defending herself with stupid excuses

>> No.8550258

Fuck off Choke.

>> No.8550268

They seem to be from a different factory so they should be fine

>> No.8550272

Cool, thanks.

Just in case, any other anons have lacefront carrying shops they'd recommend? I don't really want to risk it with Taobao or anything, unless people have done it before.

>> No.8550290

Need a shovel to get the sand out of that vadge? Not Choke, just an anon that has dealt with her about these problems personally.

>> No.8550307

Fuck off Choke.

>> No.8550310

Why does she need to contact her? Why can't you just tell her what she told you? Don't act like wigs are speshul snowflakes.

>> No.8550313

I've ordered from LS twice now, my wigs arrived quickly and the quality is really good for the price imo! My only issue is that both times, I wasn't sent any shipping information until AFTER my wigs had already arrived, lol. But, they did send me discount codes as an apology both times, so it's cool.

>> No.8550318

I don't get this whole
>just contact her personally!
thing either. Assuming anon did the right thing and contacted -the website's email- then that's all it should take. How pissed off would anons be if a wig shop like GLW wasn't answering emails and their solution was to contact one of the owners personally? Bullshit.

>> No.8550341

>choke was on cgl doing god knows what for god knows how long
>wasn't working on her customer service in her store
>suddenly pretends to care about customer service after people are bitching in a cal thread
>apparently Facebook wasn't enough

ayyyyyyyyy lmaooo.

>> No.8550344


Also someone needs to prioritise.

>> No.8550376

Just wanted to pimp out Lolita Collective, which got the leftover supply of LS wigs when she was at AM. They ship usually within a week and are good at communicating with customers.

>> No.8550622

Maybe thats why communication is so shit :^)

>> No.8550643

The pure line isn't as thick especially in the back. I love my muse wig it's one of my favorites.

>> No.8550651

She should just mass ship wigs to them if she doesn't want to deal with Americans.

>> No.8550673

it seems there are some problems with the sylph style too

>> No.8550711

WigIsFashion has decent lacefronts.

>> No.8550808
File: 30 KB, 400x400, starlet-vanille_400w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have scarlet in gunmetal already, I liked it a lot after some combing, but now I'm in need of that style in vanille. No idea when or if Choke will restock, but would anyone know if any resellers would have it in or if there would be a decent alternatives? Just need something blonde, curly and poofy/thick.

>> No.8552885

I'm >>8546124 and I just got my first cyperous wig in. It's fucking nice quality, super soft and easy to work with so far. I recommend them 100%. Far better than my recent lockshop wig. They were very responsive to my questions and I got it within a week of ordering it.

The cap does feel a bit small. If you have a larger than normal head I would definitely recommend asking them to give you a bigger size.

>> No.8552921

Anyone here own Bohemian? Is it a decent wig?

>> No.8552987


>> No.8553028

When you put in your zipcode (I'm from the US) for the cyperous ordering page, how exactly do you format it? Should I put the first 3 numbers in the first box and next two numbers in the second box?

>> No.8553036


The euro is $1.12, so not much of a bitch. Still more than 1 to 1 but that's super low. Buy now before Europe recovers and it's back to $1.60.

>> No.8553068

No. They said to put all 0s into the zip code section then when you get to the memo section right before you check out you put your zip code in.

>> No.8553117

How long did it take for it to ship? I picked the Deustche Post option. My order went into processing after a week of "payment accepted" showing.

>> No.8557996

I know it's new, but does anyone have the Bohemian in grey fade? I want to know how well the waves keep (do they turn into that crimped look) and whether the grey actually blends nice or is more of a party witch wig.

>> No.8560465

I just missed a delivery at the door because I was naked in a towel about to step into the shower, anyway, the point is the only package I am *expecting* is my lockshop wig but I haven't even got an email saying it shipped and the last time I ordered it took a month to ship. I won't be able to confirm what is in the parcel until tomorrow after work. I find it annoying how lockshop isn't as thorough as they used to be in notifying the customers about their order status, otherwise I probably would have been ready for the door and not naked.

>> No.8565102

Has anyone had a reply from Choke yet?

>> No.8565495

I have the Bohemian in another color, and from the brushing I did to it, the waves seem to keep really well. I didn't see them get loose/messy which is good. Can't say about the fade though since I got another color.

>> No.8565654

I have a romantic bob from the pure collection and the bangs are really thin.

Maybe they're supposed to be like that to look 'natural', but I can see my hair line though the wig with a netted wig cap!

>> No.8565727

She uses a factory based in China I think

>> No.8566190

Where can I get a wig like mermaid that isn't from lockshop?

>> No.8567310

Bought a silky straight wig from them. They took like 6 days to just ship it out, and when I asked about it they ignored me until I went and publicly commented on their Instagram. Still took 3 days to answer my question. A few other problems arose (ex. apparently the postal strike, even though I bought the wig way before it started) I didn't get a wig cap (which I thought Lockshop would at least include, especially for their prices??) and at some point I was promised a coupon for free shipping for all the problems but I never received it, even after asking about it again. They literally just stopped responding to me after bringing up the coupon themselves. In all it took months to get a stupid wig from them. Not anytime soon will I buy from Lockshop again -- their wigs are really average quality for the original price anyway, especially since they're so stingy with having sales. If I get the itch to blow my money on shitty overpriced alt. fashion wigs I'll stick to GLW. At least they give me a wig cap.

>> No.8567318

They're trying to make it a meme.

>> No.8568088

This x 1000

>> No.8568335

How did it take months to get a wig when they shipped it out in 6 days?

> especially since they're so stingy with having sales.
The silky straight wigs are on sale, they seem to have monthly sales too.

>> No.8568540

Just wondering here, has anybody here ordered recently and gotten that email last week saying "preparation in progress: group 2"? It has now been over a week and nothing has updated or shipped.

I really miss the quality service lockshop used to have, last time I ordered I had to struggle to get refunded for being charged for a wig I never received and now there are mega delays in shipping. I just wish these past two orders were as fantastic and enjoyable as my first one a few years back.

>> No.8568543

It took a whole week for them to ship out a wig from my purchase and payment, with no updates or replies whatsoever to my messages. I think that's not right for any business. And they lied about the shipment date too, when I asked. I got several different answers when I contacted them through their different social media afterwards -- some rep said it shipped the day after I paid, which was clearly bullshit. As for how long it took for shipping, I really don't know what happened, but they were absolutely no help about it. Tracking never updated. I couldn't contact German Post myself without all the necessary info so they said they'd ask for me. I never got any update on that either. My package just randomly showed up after I gave up on any hope of getting it before my event. So, sure, the shipping time wasn't their fault, but they were absolutely awful in helping me out about it. I'm sure if they actually bothered to contact GP it would've gotten to me a little quicker.
(Also, I ended up paying more for my wig than necessary because they couldn't bother to fix the currency exchange thing on their checkout even after I e-mailed them about it. I was desperate with getting it quick so I still went with my order, but...)

I did buy the silky straight wig. It was overpriced even with the sale for such a simple wig. All their sales (on not defective items) are like 15% off at most -- that's what I mean by stingy.

Are you Choke or some LockShop employee? Hope you liked my explanation of how terrible your customer service is.

>> No.8568605

I'm just someone who's questioning your train of thought as some of it didn't really make sense. Their service sounds troublesome, it seems like the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing and they should get on there and fix that if they want to keep their company. As someone speaking from experience you can't do that much about the post though with most postal companies until a package has been missing for like 2 months so you can't blame them on that.

>> No.8568666


All of my lockshop orders have come with a wigcap for each wig I recieved. It sounds like you got unlucky.

>> No.8568679

>those trips
Nah anon, she got bad service. Nothing to do with luck, it's everything to do with someone being assed to do their job.

>> No.8568789

Mine too

>> No.8569085

I ordered a wig recently and I got a wig cap, but they took a week to ship it out.

>> No.8570767

>I'll stick to GLW. At least they give me a $1 wig cap free with my overpriced creepy wig.
