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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 73 KB, 800x800, cosamino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8529418 No.8529418 [Reply] [Original]

My Instagram has been full of cosplayers advertising their Cosplay Amino account. Are you making account? Have you already made one? What do you think about the concept? Will it be a breeding ground for bad cosplays and people too pussy to give proper criticism?

>> No.8529718

I just downloaded but idk how it's gonna be, lol. It'll probably sink anyways.

>> No.8530007

What is it for?

>> No.8530019

I like having a mobile app to dick around and talk about my costumes on, and the ability to have a feed of my friends/favs. But holy shit never ever go into the discussion/forums section, it is 100% cringy 15 year olds.

>> No.8530433

Almost all of the aminos consist of youngins'. Virtual Space (the roleplay amino) practically consists of eight year olds roleplaying sex or other shit like that.

>> No.8533403

Is that a fucking gaia online avatar in that circle lenses post?

>> No.8533698

How do you change your fucking username in this app?

>> No.8533703

Edit profile

>> No.8533789

Can't find it.

>> No.8533804

I've become horribly addicted to just refreshing the latest content in my idle time. For about every 20 mediocre/bad cosplay there's something pretty awesome. And I'm trying really hard to resist saving some of the really bad ones to post in the bad cosplay thread...

>> No.8533862


>> No.8533901

Click your circular avatar on the left hand menu, then on the arrow at the top of the next screen.

>> No.8533918

Someone sell me on this. What's it doing that something else isn't already?

>> No.8534177

Obviously the most important thing to this app being useful is more people using it. If no one uses it it'll fall by the wayside.

I've been using it for all of ten minutes. Things I've noticed:

1. I hate the icon
2. They have tagging which seems to integrate with search okay. Search is still pretty simple.
3. Adding some sort of event tracker would be nice. List of upcoming conventions or events, having a central hub for each event when it is happening, something like that. They could use a partnership with a convention to give the user base a boost.
4. Chats have no search system so you have to scroll through the list. While they aren't the most useful and may turn out horrendous depending on the quality of users. Then again I've withstood the AX Facebook group posts so it can't be that bad, right?

Haven't quite explored the blogging/posting itself yet but I imagine blogging would suck on a phone. Writing this post sucked and it isn't even that long.

Current opinion : promising. Definitely needs a big user base to really see its potential though

>> No.8534190


>> No.8534194



>> No.8534212

It's main thing is that it is cosplay centric so your won't have to sort through the chaff. If they can get some big name types to shill it it'll probably take off. Maybe some foreign cosplayers too.

>> No.8534346

I got about 40 followers in a day without even updating anything. I don't understand.

>> No.8534377

i downloaded the app because it said about "tutorials" but im not seeing like a seperate tag where you can just look at tutorials people share and i think that would b a rly good function lol... just allowing people in general to swipe through either tutorials/finished cosplays/wips would be nice.

>> No.8534395

When you first made an account you probably saw the pop-up with a bunch of random accounts and a follow all button

I think you have to search for tutorial and it shows everything with the word in it. I don't think you can tag normal posts like you can cosplays and you can't browse tags easily either which is retarded. Ui/ux has a while to go

>> No.8534418

Okay when browsing a tag (which they apparently call a favorite) you can't even go to specific costume posts on the search results

Hahaha come the fuck on. I want this to work but the devs are not helping

>> No.8534450

Does anyone know if there's a way you can delete an account? I downloaded it, but the whole interface is a clusterfuck.

>> No.8534465

If there was a search for chat I would say we should make a cgl one.

>> No.8534470

I downloaded this app just in case it becomes the next big thing, but I really hate everything about it. I think that the current instagram for pictures and acp for construction notes/details work pretty well, especially when you factor in other sites like cospix and tumblr. This just seems like it doesn't know what it wants to do.

I am totally excited for all the potential drama to watch because of this, though.

>> No.8534501

Tbh I'm holding out for the cospix mobile app. This one is just a random social networking site with "cosplay" tacked on the end.

>> No.8534506
File: 239 KB, 640x999, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cospix isn't pleased with with app

>> No.8534507

I had an issue with posting in the forum. Apparently everything has to be super Cosplay related or people get mad at you.

Sorry there are things besides cosplay that inspire me to Cosplay and that I'd like to talk about new shows to find out what people are planning.

>> No.8534529

Cospix was shit anyway

>> No.8534542

I activated via email and it never went through so it says I'm not activated and I can't use search or anything wtf.

>> No.8534546

What's shitty about it? I'm trying to find a decent cosplay site and so far theirs seems to be the least annoying.

>> No.8534856

Of course cospix hates it cause they want cosplayers to use their site instead....

>> No.8534891

the problem is more that it isn't that good. not much of a userbase. it's trying to be an updated coscom but everyone still uses facebook/tumblr/instagram. cosplay amino has more of a shot at being something cosplayers and photographers might use but like was said it is part of the whole amino thing which is run by narvii. that means it might not get the attention it needs to become better and be more usable. it still has to bridge the gap of the everyman having a facebook, tumblr, and instagram and so even if they aren't either a cosplayer or photographer they will still be on those social networks. this... maybe, maybe not. time will tell.

cospix mobile is vaporware and no one cares about it as is evident by its lack of indiegogo funding

>> No.8534898

The app featured Jessica Nigri in the Newsfeed section. LMAO

>> No.8535016

Awwww poor little vincy is mad that no one have a fuck about his mobile app that he wanted people to pay 5000 dollars to fund when someone else went and made it for free.

Go back under the home schooled bitch rock you came from. Annoying old fuck. Waaaah Waaaah my back! Fuck all you other cosplayers I scheduled though, I must photograph teh precure instead!

Oh that's my back medicine....not the ghb I dropped in some girls drink at ax that someone noticed and knocked the cup off the table on purpose.

>> No.8535041

so salty cosplay amino did more in two weeks than his shitty web site did in two years,

>> No.8535107

Lol I just posted about him in the bad photographers thread >>8534839

Seeing him whine about Cosplay Amino made me want to make an account honestly. Make your own cosplay site if you want, but constantly shit talking other websites and programs while your quality of work is steadily dropping makes you look like a dick.

>> No.8535128

the difference between narvii/amino and vince is that narvii has money to pay people with. they probably have things like an advertising budget and multiple coders.

>> No.8535135
File: 494 KB, 300x210, 1436408655455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He brags constantly about his coding skills, why can't he just do it himself.

>> No.8535141

what i dont get is how vince can support cospix in the foreseeable future. there's no revenue stream. now with cosplay amino taking the community by storm, good luck asking cosplayers to use another product, especially one that's inferior

>> No.8535145

Hi Vincent

>> No.8535146

anyone has sauce on that one cosplayer complaining cospix whitewashing their photo?

>> No.8535159

Vince put himself into debt developing Cospix.
I literally don't understand how.

>> No.8535160
File: 482 KB, 1473x1044, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic sorry

>> No.8535163
File: 133 KB, 515x1145, 11807574_869440329830143_7823192309343707703_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the image he shared.

Hopefully Narvii will see this and implement these features.

>> No.8535173

he didn't even highlight all of the boxes correctly so it makes it look like his side is vastly better

>> No.8535176

vicious's job on this comparison is so shitty i don't want to point out all the misrepresentations.

vince focused so much into a photo sharing platform. the sad truth is, the cosplayers dont fucking care you can download 36MP photos. get with the time, vince

>> No.8535180

please elaborate more on that date rape story holy shit this is the first I've heard of that one

not that I'm surprised

>> No.8535186

The idea is that photogs can upload from shoots and the cosplayer will just download it from there instead of an email or dropbox.

I did a shoot with Vince once and he didn't even tell me he was uploading them there and he didn't tag me either, so I randomly found them one day and they had been uploaded for like 2 weeks and I had no idea.

Also the idea that anyone can download a high-res photo of me without my knowledge creeps me out.

>> No.8535199

this is a great list for narvii/amino to work on because there are quite a few places where they clearly didn't do any UX testing. like, super obvious ones you find in a few minutes of using the thing. my only hope is that they actually do work on it and not just leave it as is. since they did a whole media blitz via cosplayers you would hope they want to further invest their time on it...

not being able to post on desktop is a pretty big problem but theoretically you can use bluestacks to simulate android and then use your computer

>> No.8535204
File: 51 KB, 637x327, 1238905174506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8535219

Hotel share calculator lol.

How do I do division and addition gais?

>> No.8535229

Vince or one of Vinces friends that could pass this on.

The reason I haven't joined cospix is you are a loud mouth and brag a the time. Your ego turns me off. The other reason is you pander to a lot of really mean spirited cosplayers. A lot of the cosplayers you hold above everyone else have caused a lot of drama in others lives and continue to do so. You also associate with some that worship rape and to tell you the truth, I'm not surprised that someone mentioned you dropping something in someone's drink. Sorry but your site doesn't appeal to me as there are 15 other sites to post on and cospix just seems like a circle jerk between you and your your friends.

>> No.8535237

It blows my mind when in this economy, people fucking blow out credit cards. I'm just expecting him to file bankruptcy in the future now.

>> No.8535265

if you read the thing he's got a job again and is paying off his debts
i'll be honest; i'm paying off a sizeable chunk and it'll take more than a few months according to my current plan
as long as you have a way to pay it off then its not too bad

>> No.8535290

Knowing nothing else about this guy, this makes me feel sorry for him.
>inb4 people start telling me why I should hate him
E'rrybody has drama on the 4chins.

>> No.8535330
File: 42 KB, 533x800, hibikinn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They go by hibikinn. They're an idol cosplayer who's done simple enough outfits and kinda looks like a friend's little sister than you want to pat on the head and encourage to get better at things they like.
It saddens me that she wrote an accusation as a way to bring awareness to whitewashing and kept to her argument about it when there's so much overwhelming proof it's just a color fuckup.

I really do hope that some day she grows out of the tumblr-ish phase of writing entire paragraphs on an overreach from a misunderstanding. It's very toxic.

>> No.8535475

well. he could hav handled the situation better. watching that drama unfold is unreal

>> No.8535488

How so? He gave a short, concise answer with a link.If anything it's the rest of the Cospix people that muddled the situation by writing lengthy replies along with being multiple voices representing Cospix.
Sure, it's a Cospix team failure but I wouldn't say that Darkain's reply was a wrong way of handling it.
Or are you referring to how it fits in with the rest of the FB screencaps?

>> No.8535502

He deleted this post, glad I capped it.

>> No.8535764

You're activated, it's just a bug. I'm experiencing the same. If you're searching, make sure you're on the correct tab for what you're searching for

>> No.8535805
File: 4 KB, 497x19, cgl Cosplay Amino Cosplay EGL 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only important thing on that entire list. Having a mobile app makes a MASSIVE difference. Anyone can make a website, but an app will get you the userbase. Look at instagram and snapchat - how many image sharing sites exist?

>> No.8536018
File: 51 KB, 500x281, 7tr144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. What the actual fuck. He should be banned from conventions for trying to roofie someone! How many other times do you think he pulled the same stunt on his models? That's sick. Way more terrifying than him ranting about Amino!

>> No.8536046

Screencaps of her rant? Did she go full SJW?

>> No.8536061

that one is just unsubstantiated rumor at this point. I don't even like the guy and I wouldn't throw him under the bus like that just yet

>> No.8536088

This is a feature nobody cares for. Photogs don't want their high res photos available to everyone. Cosplayers....they just want to upload photos . Res don't matter

What a waste of time and hardware, Vince

>> No.8536148

This. Also no one cares about a shitty Facebook Page Manager + Flickr merge site. Vince, you've innovated in no way at all and you have no idea how to market a product.

>> No.8536182

but badges on your profile!!!

>> No.8536186

I noticed a few photos on Amino trying to do damage control to their reps by interacting with all the newbs

>> No.8536319

But there is a search for chat... When you're on the page that lists all the chats, if you scroll up, the search bar appears?

>> No.8536326

I actually like Cospix and prefer it to ACP because it's got a nice UI but i'm getting really turned off by how loudly salty he and all the other cospix people are getting in response to cosplayamino. Guess what, if you want people to move away from amino, you better put your money where your mouth is and actually develop that mobile app. All the public bitterness from him and his team looks very unprofessional. It's a shame because I do think their app has the potential of being good.

>> No.8536370

That's a horrible way to have search appear. Why not just have it on screen when you go to the chat section to begin with?

>> No.8536431

It is hilarious how salty he is being! How dare this big company that creates apps for various hobbyists intrude on my turf! The nerve! THE NERVE!

>> No.8536475

He's afraid for a good reason. Aminoapps.com ranks way higher than Cospix.net online. If Cosplay Amino keeps growing they're going to make cospix irrelevant.

>> No.8536552

i would be sad to see the biggest cosplay site ran by a big corporation who doesnt care at all about cosplay

cospix is a community thing

>> No.8536571

Cospix is so community no one really uses it even after a year plus of existence. No one backed the mobile app's indie gogo. I'm amazed Vince talked his way into the AX gig. Apparently no one gave a shit as he mentioned in his Facebook post

>> No.8536583

The thing I don't understand is that I know a few people who literally taught themselves how to develop for iOS from books and online guides, one from a tech background and one with no previous tech studies. If Vince is TEH BEST PROGRAMMER XD then why hasn't he done it already? Why not just a beta? How does it cost so much money to develop an app??

>> No.8536590

id still rather support them than a giant corp just in it for money

you try programming and then youll see what it takes to make an app like he wants
his idea is not a one person job unless hes going to spend years on it

>> No.8536592

I totally get this reasoning but the Cospix people are so obnoxious that I'd rather use Amino.
Btw the failed Cosplay Box thing is run by Cospix staff/Vince's friends.

>> No.8536596

Then he should make changes? His whole thought process is "I don't care what's reasonable or what people want, I'm doing what I think is best!" which clearly hasn't been working for him.

>> No.8536634

i dont know what hes doing, im not super interested in him but yeah he might be going about it wrong. the site is awkward and does need work. and i would prioritize fixing that above the mobile app if i were him

>> No.8536706

I'd support him too if all things were equal. They aren't. He has no mobile app, no user base, and no way to finish his goals without taking for fucking ever if he is going to one man it which you noted. It's almost to the point that he isn't competition.

>> No.8536751

Seems like quite a big datamining thing to be honest
Just searching 'amino' on the App/Play store comes up with several apps of the same brand revolving around different topics... sounds pretty suspicious.

>> No.8536753

of course it is. if youre not paying them, their either making money through ads or selling your data

>> No.8536760

They're different topic communities under the amino umbrella. Think if 4chan boards were all different apps.

Can't tell if some of the random ass comments are cospix staff or not. The app had many points to improve on but come on go for some valid ones

>> No.8536905

It's well known cospix staff troll here.

>> No.8536930

It's like their shit talking only makes people want to use it more. The proverbial "your resistance only makes my penis harder."

>> No.8536953

No doubt that they're in this thread talking down Amino and ACP.

>> No.8536974

It's like damn, we get it cospix. You got caught with your pants down by someone who was first to market and you had no goddamn clue. After reading Vince's sob story I can understand why he'd be mad as fuck. All that time, work, and money, only to get preempted by Amino. Either cut your losses and exit the game or man the fuck up and get your shit done.

>> No.8536988

"Where's the lube?"
"There ain't any!"

Cospix's argument is basically, we're cosplayers and photographers like you! Don't support those corporations just looking to milk you with a general template app with only cosplay in the title!

>> No.8536991
File: 34 KB, 280x372, Screen shot 2015-08-06 at 9.08.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally, can someone explain why they need 5k? I seriously can't understand. Why do they need that much? $2k for new iphones and shit to "test" on? If anyone can explain then I would love to listen and try to understand.

Also lol at pic related. No one wants your shitty boring photo, Vince.

>> No.8537028

2k to give his crew free iPhones and ship li Kovacs dog to conventions. 4k so he can pay of his dealers

>> No.8537032

I lost respect for cospix when they pulled the stunt with Barracuda cosplay. Acting like they were trying to bring awareness was just a publicity stunt for the stupid site.

>> No.8537033

crowdfudning is not about making a product. it's about making big buckaroonies with the least effort possible.

>> No.8537037

Very convincing argument. Like Vince actually gives a damn.

>> No.8537046

that wasn't cospix though, that was just her trolling.

>> No.8537133

It was meant to be a joke about East Coast photogs starting to charge for shoots, she talked about charging photogs to shoot with her. I get the criticism, even if I don't have an opinion either way, but Vince jumping in with I'M SOOOO PROUD OF HER FOR STANDING UP I'M SO PROUD was the worst part.

>> No.8537222

Yeah, joke....I would have taken that excuse but she didn't tell him to fuck off and stop taking credit for it. Personalized my opinion, they were in it together.

>> No.8537400

it's a huge circle jerk between all that group tbh

>> No.8537529

Is Vince's latest status an indication he's dropping cospix and move on?

Vince, have you ever consider people are not investing in your platform because they think you're going to just pull the plug like what you did with your last project 2 years ago

>> No.8537706
File: 52 KB, 503x278, Screen shot 2015-08-07 at 8.15.09 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I think he's saying OH ACTUALLY I'M MAKING AN APP LOL. Or he's dropping it like Cosplay Photographers (what was the point of that again?)

>> No.8537811

CP was him and others looking to jerk one another off to feel self-important, while hoping to snag some cosplayer poon on the side and get free con badges

>> No.8537881

I always saw cp as trying to help develop new cosplay photographers with info and articles and such. I assume the problem is that no one wanted to write content so all they ended up doing is photographer of the month. Yeah, tons of info would be regurgitated or has been aleady said before by someone else on the Internet but you could always put that cosplay slant on it. Stuff like the location guides was cool but then again you don't want to give away all your secrets spots

>> No.8537907
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So Barri's just bitter that people want to charge her old ass for pictures instead of doing it for free now huh?

>> No.8537942

I don't understand any of this cospix drama but that app looks ugly as sin.

>> No.8538052

Meh, I think she was genuine about it, as it was when those stupid cosplayer breakdowns were happening (how much was spent on what materials), and so some photos did it with their equipment and hours spent into photos

>> No.8538079
File: 22 KB, 400x309, tumblr_inline_mtvh3f20Ga1rsoskq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering it was Barri, I wouldn't be surprised. I don't think she even has a job so maybe she's trying to say cosplaying is her job. After all she's like what, 27? and still lives with her parents.

>> No.8539131

If that's the app he is talking about, then he is a bigger fucker then even before. That means he was scamming the 5k in funds

>> No.8539168

Even if he did release cospix mobile it'd have to be way better than what amino is putting out because Vince can't pull a media campaign like amino did

>> No.8539226

Agreed, he asked for 5k that he didn't even need.
I mean, he never needed 5k, but apparently they're supposed to pay him for his shitty hobby site.

>> No.8539617

media campaign? deets?
how did amino suddenly get so popular?

>> No.8539634

There was a huge influx after Dejavudea plugged it, since she's connected to a lot of big name cosplayers, who then shared it.

>> No.8539903

She has a full-time job.

>> No.8540147

He's Seth Rogan in 40 Year Old Virgin!

We're building a site that shows nude celebs in movies.
Oh you mean like Mr Skin!

>> No.8541361

interning data entry and not getting paid not considering a full time job. Thats called being a dumb cunt and doing free labor

>> No.8541387

I have mixed feelings about the app, but seeing all the drama about the Cospix guy reminds me of the drama surrounding the owner/mods of cosplay.com. Maybe it's better to have something made by people outside of the community so drama with them doesn't sour it.

>> No.8542038

Uh no, she works in a lab and gets paid for it. Don't talk out your ass when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.8542593

Uh huh....works in a lab....totes.

>> No.8544546

even Scientists need a fluffer

>> No.8546425

It took me a second to realize what you said lol.

>> No.8547004

I want to like the Cosplay Amino app, but it just seems like people use it as an excuse to self post.

Here's me in my Slave Leia cosplay, admire it! Oh and um....discus....wedding rings in cosplay.

>> No.8547018
File: 194 KB, 364x386, 1389834132692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It's like a face full of ads. I love cosplay but damn most these bitches just want your money. This app just shows us who the thirsty attention whores are.

>> No.8547049
File: 714 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-08-11-10-16-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every once and a while there has been a real gem, but over all this app is a cluster fuck of ass pattery

>> No.8547064
File: 608 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-08-11-10-22-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit like this, the dude isn't even in cosplay. Post a selfie + ask a mediocre question = become cos famous! Right guys? .....right? ......guys?

>> No.8548041

Like every other cosplay site?

>> No.8548842

Speaking of apps, what do you all think about Cosplace or Cosplanner?

>> No.8549831

Cosplace is searching its twitter tag and butting into conversations if they think someone's talking shit about them. Not cute.

I've heard cosplanner is nice but it's personally not an app I'm interested in. I probably wouldn't keep up with it.

>> No.8549856

I worked for Cosplace for a very short while to help promote before the app was launched.

It's basically "Cosplay Instagram" with comic/cartoony filters that you have to pay for. Or at least that's the place he eventually wants to get to. I don't really see the app going very far since the dude developing it doesn't really know much about cosplay and criticism on how to make it fit cosplayers needs better very poorly.

>> No.8549875

who gives a fuck about vince

>> No.8549914

Yeah, other than maybe better search features, I don't see what it's bringing that Instagram doesn't already have. Also why was he trying to raise $75k on his kickstarter?

>> No.8549920

no, the base app is made by the big company, but all the content is done by a group of no name cosplayers

>> No.8549941


I know that he isn't developing the app himself, he's going through a company in Portland for Graphic Design, UX/UI, and coding. So I assume that's costing him at least a chunk of change. I'm assuming another large bit of it is going to him traveling to cons to promote the app, rent equipment for filming/photography, and possibly also paying other cosplayers to help out/promote.

I feel like it's kind of ridiculous what he's asking for when I don't feel the app is doing really anything special or new and seems like just an instagram ripoff. I don't think he's going to make his goal, especially since the rewards aren't anything worth throwing money at.

>> No.8550053

Vince, was this before or after you tried to keep the belongings of ex-girlfriends? Namely underwear.
Is there something you still need to share with the class?

>> No.8552105
File: 49 KB, 507x289, Screen shot 2015-08-13 at 1.00.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"provide free things for me and my site"

>> No.8552113
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>> No.8552177

Someone should send him quotes from the lj rant he made when he left the cosplay community for the first time because cosplayers arent real models and the reason his photos are being held back and blasted all the local photographers at the time.

Shit was golden.

>> No.8552182

Cosplanner is a great app, but it makes me feel bad about my life choices.

>> No.8552224
File: 34 KB, 276x277, 1390238064060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how this is relevant or why it was posted. Am I missing something?

>> No.8552281
File: 963 KB, 500x268, i hate humans.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how long will it be until the creepy indian dudes that send you messages on facebook try to use this as a cosplay dating app

>> No.8552453

Does anyone know what the logic is behind the "featured" post page? I keep scratching my head at it because the placement of posts doesn't seem to be based on likes, comments, or even how old the post is (some stuff on there is minutes old, some stuff is days). Is it just random, or is some random admin picking out articles?

>> No.8553034

So, I can't be the only one who avoids cospix on principal at this point, right? It's like for every legitimate bit of praise I see about it, there are ten posts from the "Cosplay Famous" shills of the site, circlejerking the site and one another at the same time. I don't know shit about the offerings of the site itself, honestly. But the more I hear from the more vocal members of the site claiming it's the best thing to ever happen to cosplayers, the less I believe it. I doubt I'll use either Cosplay Amino or Cospix anytime soon because I don't really see the need. I post most of my progress and WIPs on Instagram or Facebook anyway. But even if Cospix is anywhere near as good as they say it is, I still probably won't use it because of the folks up top who won't shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.8553272


>> No.8553274

might as well turn your internet off forever!

>> No.8555106

It used to be labeled popular before they changed it to featured, so I assumed it was based on comments/likes/views, unless they changed it.