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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8500243 No.8500243 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make friends at conventions? I just want somebody to share my interests with. Whenever I think I'm making a friend, they end up liking my boyfriend more.

>> No.8500259

I just want more people to like my boyfriend, can we go halfsies?

>> No.8500262

Do you really think any of us would be qualified to know the answer to this? This is cgl (and 4chan) you're asking here.

>> No.8500264

tfw no convention-going cosplaying gf

In all seriousness, you just got to talk to people. See them repeatedly. I've made a bunch of friends over time because I see them at every convention and event. Interact with them afterward too (facebook or whatever).

>> No.8500272

You'd be surprised, a lot of CGL are hot social girls (not me but, its at least a few folks here).

Anyway same way you make friends in the normie world. Have confidence in yourself. Appear well groomed, not necessarily fancy. To strike up interest, wear a few pieces of fan gear such as a shirt from an anime or a bag with a character on it. If folks really like those things, then they may mention it and it can become a talking point for you to share. If they like your BF more, consider why- are you shyer than him? Is he more charismatic? Finally a good way to meet people is at game rooms, small panels, and (sometimes) vendor and artist alleys (please don't clog those up though). Just project your best self and don't be shy and you are bound to meet folks with similar interests.

>> No.8500281

Find a common interest! You see a cosplay you like? Talk to them about the show/anime/game/whatever-- USUALLY they know about it. Try asking them questions and let them talk about their favorite things, characters, parts of what they like, what they like about the character.

This doesn't have to be about cosplay, either. You can go to panels and once they're over you can chat up someone if you want, you can talk about the panels. You should go to some panels without your boyfriend if you're worried about that.

>> No.8500288
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>a lot of CGL are hot social girls
I'm sorry. I didn't read anything else you said.

>> No.8500291

That's okay glad we are on the same page

>> No.8500311

Yeah, my boyfriend is more charismatic and I'm pretty shy. I can ask questions and put in my two cents with to others questions, but I can never progress in conversation. I feel like whatever I end up talking about ends up being very boring. It could also be my tone of voice, and facial/hand gestures. He just does all these things better than I do and everyone ends up forgetting about me.

>> No.8500313

I typically go with looking for people that I can tell I have things in common with
>cosplays from same series
>see them picking up artwork from a booth from something I like
I typically strike up a conversation that way, and if one of us has to leave, I ask if I can give them my tumblr to contact me later, or my phone number so we can meet up later
Photoshoots and panels are a great place anon! Because you know you have something in common with people!

>> No.8500322

Find someone as antisocial as you are and offer them pocky.
It's a con, really, do what makes you comfortable, there's bound to be someone that you click with, but if you jump into it with a bunch of extroverts and can't keep up, that's just too damn bad. Either let your bf have fun on his own while you do your thing, or suck it up and fake it till you make it.

>> No.8500326

I strongly second fake it till you make it as that is a very powerful tool for introverts. For me, wearing cosplay is also a big confidence boost

>> No.8500613

Seconded, while cosplaying I feel justified to be extra social and talkative, as in not being shy like usual. It feels so much more natural to be yourself while being someone else??

>> No.8500618

You should seriously consider checking out the Instagram thread the next time someone makes one. There's plenty of qt girls here.

>> No.8501337

I have trouble making friends too. I can make small talk with people easy enough while waiting in line and what not, but nothing lasting. Even if we exchange contact info, it fizzles out eventually.

>> No.8501344

qt =/= socially adept, though

>> No.8501443

Isn't it funny how there's so many lonely nerds? Like why are we not hanging with each other if we're all lonely?

Anyway, what I've found works is "think asshole." Now I'm gonna assume you're not an asshole. Usually shy people are pretty much the opposite amd find the mere thought of being like an asshole mortifying. But if you try for it, you're probably gonna fall short of being an asshole and land in "seems confident."

For an example, if I've been trying to say something in a convo for a while but can't get it in without talking over someone, as soon as there's a nanosecond gap I'll say it, probably talk over someone in the process, but keep going with what I'm saying, then at the end of it apologize to them and ask what they were gonna say. Now I'm in the conversation and people are almost never bothered by that since you tossed the ball right back.

>> No.8501709

Same, they talk to me for mabye a month, then they continue talking to my boyfriend for years after.
Oh god I couldn't even imagine doing this. Regardless if I even tried, I wouldn't be able to think quickly enough to get something worthwhile into the conversation.

>> No.8501724

Why do you need to jump in quickly? If it's a call back from a moment or two ago that's fine. "actually earlier when you said blah, I think that..." and then go.

>> No.8501969

You don't make cosplay friends. Cosplay chicks are the most backstabbing faction of girls you can ever meet. I am not surprised by one bit that they are more interested in your boyfriend. Hell, you better start checking to see if he already fucked one of them.

>> No.8501983

Oh, we're faggots. He cheats on me with men not woman.

>> No.8502002

Few stories.

I used to go to cons alone and I took photos of literally everyone, and shared them about like crazy. I would meet those people online and whatnot, but mostly for me, making cosplay friends has involved 3 years of awkwardly saying hello, quick chat and then moving on at a con, and eventually that smoothes into a friendship. And good, long lasting ones normally.

>> No.8502015


>tfw faggot with no hot cosplay bf

>> No.8502033

Tfw no cosplay trap bf

>> No.8502041

I'm the trap cosplay bf, I actually have a Bridget cosplay planned for next year.

It's not all its cracked up to be, he gets all this attention while you're left in his shadow. I'm pretty attractive, but not tall gay emo attractive.

>> No.8502042

Most of them are also crazy as shit and spend significant amounts of time trash-talking each other on 4chan. What's your point?

>> No.8502052

It's the same with me and my best friend and I promise you, one day there is going to be a person who thinks your boyfriends "out there" personality is super annoying.
Also the best way to quickly bond with someone is mutual hate.

>> No.8502069

I don't necessarily hate him, I'm just kind of jealous of him. Especially knowing how he talks behind his friends backs and steals from them, when I feel I could be a good friend.

>> No.8502073


Yea I'm not tall gay emo attractive either. I'd still like a guy to couple cosplay with though.

>> No.8502106

>go to event/panel you think you'll enjoy
>sit around people who look interesting and not closed off
>make comment/joke on subject of event during lulls
>if you don't get a conversation in two tries they aren't interested in making a friend
Rinse and repeat

>> No.8502113

> knowing how he talks behind his friends backs and steals from them
How do you know he isn't doing that to you? He sounds like an asshole; dump him.

>> No.8502123

>Also the best way to quickly bond with someone is mutual hate.
This never ends well.

>> No.8502129

Don't make friends with anyone from /cgl/ unless it's Matt or Maguma

Everyone on here is a fag from /fit or /m/, a fat shit, or try hard asian gook

>> No.8502135

It's a complicated situation. If I dump him, I have to leave my home and move to Quebec with my drugged up family. I have nobody else out here to live with until I get a job, which I need my legal documents for which I've been trying to get fir months, but the government isn't exactly competent. So he's become my chain and shackle.

>> No.8502526

All I want is a nice /cgl/ gf, is that too much to ask?

>> No.8502559

Is he Asian?

>> No.8502606

Yup! I agree

>> No.8502646

Where are you living now? Do you have any reliable friends at all that aren't tied back to him? Either way, I hope you get rid of him soon. It doesn't sound like such a good relationship, especially since it seems like your self-esteem is so low compared to his.

>> No.8502675

That's funny because I landed firmly in asshole land and now I'm so stuck in my own that I can't get out.

>> No.8502840

This. This fucking works so goddamn well it actually drives me insane.
>I gave up on making friends in hs and went full bitch mode
>Suddenly I have tons of friends

But at the same time, I've had a much harder time making friends after falling out of Homestuck. The fandom was a shithole sure but there was this all-in-this-together attitude that I haven't really found elsewhere. Hopefully HxH turns out promising and I can have friends again, because everything else I'm into is super obscure and it's hard to find characters for me to cosplay on account of being the nose queen.

>> No.8502894

Unfortunately not, what little friends I have are full on roommates. They'd only be temporary solutions.

Nah, straight out of Canada.

>> No.8502905


See, the thing here is that you have to identify the parts of being an asshole that are appealing. A lot of assholes that stick around and aren't ostracized are so because they have Charisma. You can emulate that sort of by imitating them, but you can also wind up just being a weird, antisocial asshole who says dick things with no charisma.

If you want to channel charisma, try to play in your head the song that always gets you most pumped up. Set your soul on fire and let the light shine out. Don't give a damn what people think of you, just make them think of you how you want them to. That's Charisma.

Then you have to move onto tact, empathy, humor, poise, bearing, etc.

Saying "Try to act more like an asshole", really only gets them to use whatever basal Charisma they have, which might not be much. You can train yourself to be more charismatic, but if you've got a low natural charisma, acting like an asshole might not help much.

>> No.8502906

Also, I am currently living with him and his father. His father is kind enough to let me live here rent free since my dad's girlfriend kicked me out for allegedly stealing her alcohol.

>> No.8502919

I'm extremely empathetic, I lack many of these other traits though. Social situations sound almost like a science when you put it that way.

>> No.8502923

>Social situations sound almost like a science
As an introvert who lacks natural charisma, it is. I might seem very sociable, but it's really just a formula I have down to not sound outright autistic.

>> No.8502959


Everything is a science. Charisma is the most nebulous and hardest to explain, but you can build on it by simply being aware.

Being aware and actually SEEING is the most useful skill you can ever learn. It often sounds "fake" when you think about having to practice doing things and seeing what people respond to, what sort of things people like to hear, but as you train it, it becomes second nature, and it's as natural as it gets.

It's only the truly blind who go through life just "doing whatever", you have to be able to examine yourself and others and know how to phrase what you want to say to connect in the way you want.

4chan is actually a great breeding-ground for self-awareness. How many times have you posted a canned greentext response or an image macro with something pithy?

Hostility breeds hostility, and is the enemy of understanding. That's a good first lesson, which you can practice here. For instance, I disagreed with a point this anon made >>8501443 , and I could have said something like this:

">act like an asshole"
"Cool beans bro, why don't you go tip that fedora back to /r/redpill. I bet next you'll tell us we should neg on girls too."

But, that wouldn't accomplish anything, wouldn't get my point across, and would start an argument.

Here's your first lesson in being sociable:

Browse your social media as you normally do. When you see a post you don't understand or agree with, don't respond right away, but reread it once or twice to see that they're saying what you think they're saying. If you can spot something wrong in their understanding or you can see what they're REALLY saying under the hostility, respond politely to point out or correct that, rather than blindly spitting vitriol.

You can, in this way, consequence-free practice getting a message across, defusing situations and calming others, and understanding better what people are SAYING, not just the words that come out of their mouth.

>> No.8502970

With this hobby? He is likely busting out the hard core yaoi for the fan girls

>> No.8503017

People are drawn to enthusiasm and confidence (Charisma as pointed out earlier). Make sure that you aren't just responding to people and are instead an actual part of the conversation. I'm not going to make friends with someone who just answers my questions or makes small talk. If the conversation isn't something you can contribute to then try and twist in a way that makes it easier for you to speak. If someone is talking to you about an anime you don't care for then try and bring up similar anime you do like. When two people are just talking at each other instead of with each other it becomes clear real quick. Your BF might be the type of guy who can easily involve himself and others in conversation. It's hard to do if you're shy but just start trying and eventually it'll be natural

>> No.8503036

That's actually some very good advice. I feel that any friends I have on any social media websitee, I've already given a bad image of myself. I doubt they'd respond the same to me as they would to others. They'd probably try to get the conversation over with and move on.

>> No.8503052

That's actually a main issue of mine. I can respond, I can ask questions, but I can't contribute to the conversation. Also I have a hard time with eye contact, hand gestures, boring tone of voice and and facial gestures. Im sure it all sounds stupid but I feel all these things contribute to my social failure.

>> No.8503076

It's all a matter of practice man. I was like that before, but eventually I got past all that. Confidence is key, but I know from past experience that random thoughs get in the way of that at times. I was always worrying about what people thought of me, and whether making eye contact was weird or not. The more you just go for it, the more you'll see that people aren't going to judge your every word or action.

>> No.8503088

I have a really dead tone of voice, or its really squeaky and high pitched. Only really one or the other. I also have a sharp sense of humor so I use those to my favor, however. Sometimes it is possible to turn your faults into advantages.

>> No.8503105

Uh, yeah. That's uh, nice, OP. Whatever.
ANYWAYS How's your boyfriend?

>> No.8503141


Here's a fun tip, not anything substantial, but if you want to make eye contact without being intimidated, look at the bridge of their nose. It looks like you're staring into their eyes, but you don't get the intimidation factor from actually doing so.

Of course, you shouldn't stare at them too much. Eye contact can be intimidating and too much can come across as rude or domineering. Make eye contact (via the above) when they start to talk, but don't keep it directly on them the whole time, blink normally and feel free to move your eyes around naturally when responding.

Above all, as I already said, learn to be aware of your surroundings and yourself. If they sound irritated or disengaged suddenly when you're not looking at them but are talking to them, there's a good chance they think you aren't listening. If they start to stammer or lose their train of thought or slow down/back away when you're staring at them, you might be staring too much. If they continue to initiate eye contact or mimic your movements subtly, that's usually a good sign that they are interested in what you're saying (or in some cases that they're attracted to you, but never take one small sign as a sure thing).

>> No.8503509

All of this advice is shitty.

"You're introverted? Be an extrovert!"

The unfortunate news is that... they're right. You need to stop being an introvert if you want to talk to strangers.

You want to make friends? Here's a checklist. You need to fill out three or more of these items before you will "make friends" at a con.

Be attractive. Don't have to be sexy, just have to not look like shit.

Greet people frequently. "Hi, I like your [blank]." "That's a nice [blank]." "Wow, I love [blank] too!"

Wear something obvious that people can point out.

Be caught up so you're not left out.

Have a camera. Take pictures, then ask if you can take one or two more. Be extremely polite after or some fatass will post about you in a creeper thread.

Be in cosplay. Make sure it's not shitty. The more obscure the character, the less likely you will be able to meet people.

Have something that will draw their attention to you. Play some music or something, I dunno.

If you're female, be flirty with the boys.

If you're male, be flirty with the boys.

Smell nice. Not just, "oh hey I took a shower and put on Old Spice", I mean, smell NICE. Something floral and sweet, like vanilla, maple, honeyscukles, etc.

Be cosplay-model hot.

Find a fandom group, ask if you can join them, even if it's just to follow them around taking pictures all day.

No fucking memes. Stop that shit. People don't think you're funny, they think you're annoying.

Dress up as a strong character, then lift heavy things. Do nothing. Say nothing. Just lift shit. Work your way up until you're lifting cute girls in frilly clothes.

>> No.8503542

Maybe this doesn't apply for everyone, since I'm a relatively cute asian girl, but this is what I do at cons to make friends (since I'm antisocial as fuck).
Be in a well made cosplay, being cute is just a helpful factor. Even people I kind of know won't really pay attention or talk to me if I'm not in makeup/cosplay.

When you see someone you want to befriend, compliment them. It can be as simple as "omg you're so cute/ your cosplay is so good!!" Usually if you're not gross and creepy looking they'll respond positively, like complimenting you back. If they do, continue on and ask if you can take a selfie with them. If they just thank you, you can still do this, but it's not really a sign of whether or not they want to be friends with you. It's usually just them being nice/courteous. Obviously if they respond negatively just back off because even if you do get a selfie with them, they're going to think you're a creeper.

If you do get a selfie with someone you want to be friends with, upload it after the con and tag them in it, usually with another compliment type caption. If you're feeling confident, add them. I usually just add them upfront because I know most cosplayers accept friend requests from cute girls, but sometimes there are ones who are more wary. If you selfie and tag them, they'll most likely accept your friend request. If they just completely ignore the photo (aka they don't 'like' the selfie or respond in any way) they probably won't accept your friend request.

>> No.8503551

Like their photos/posts every now in then, but don't be that creep that instantly likes every single post ever. Stick with the five minute rule; don't comment/'like' before that.

Most of making con friends for me is meeting them in person to establish a relationship, then learning about them more online. Then I usually find them at the next convention I go to and become better friends with them gradually.

If you see people post about wanting a cosplay group, join in. You're going to be hanging around each other at the con if you go through with it, so it's a lot easier to become friends as long as you're not awkward or weird or put zero effort into your cosplay and make everyone else look like shit.

It goes without saying, don't start drama

>> No.8503915


No offense, dude, but half of this advice is really unnecessary and pointless.

>Dress up as a strong character, then lift heavy things. Do nothing. Say nothing. Just lift shit. Work your way up until you're lifting cute girls in frilly clothes.

I mean, really?

It sounds like the sort of clickbait list that Cosmopolitan would put out, "Fifty ways to make friends without the stress!"

The only actually useful advice there has already been said several times.

>> No.8504899

damn i know these feels too well. except in outdone by my friends every year and everyone forgets me somehow. im not even an introvert though.

>> No.8504942

>fag from /m/
most the people i've met from /m/ at animazement are pretty based though.

>> No.8504995

Is your boyfriend a qt, OP?

>> No.8505006

He's attractive, but behind closed doors he has gross habits.

>> No.8505029

Introvert with some social anxiety issues. It's not that I'm unfriendly, I'm just extremely shy. Most of my adult life friends are through cons and few outside of them.

Back in the day, I'd make so many random new friends. I went to my first con with college friends I knew since middle school. Met completely new people just randomly drawing in the hallways. I met my closer knit group of long-term con friends through just going to the same cons and seeing the same people. Eventually we just started hanging out. These people I've known for over ten years. A lot of random acquaintances and people I'll chit chat with were people I'd see at conventions, or other staffers. Other groups of friends are people that I saw over and over again running the cosplay departments. Others were some of my judges. Newer friends have been through Tumblr and having similar fandom interests and friends of theirs. Others are lolitas, either came to know through tumblr or just seeing at conventions and whatever.

Friends I say relatively. I don't have any super-close BFFs, but that said, there's a lot of people I could rely on or trust.

>> No.8505070

Can confirm. Met Maguma at ALA but didn't reveal my seagull level. He is a bro.

>> No.8505623

this is the basic guide people

>> No.8505823

If I want to meet people at cons, and I usually go there with friends anyways, but said friends probably aren't there to meet new people, and probably wouldn't follow any advice on this thread, should I split up with them for a bit to meet other people? I feel like being with them opens up other opportunities, too.

>> No.8507319


Sounds like you know the answer.

>> No.8507321

Stop bringing your boyfriend to conventions. problem solved

>> No.8508263

I'm going to a con in a week alone. I'm not very knowledgeable about anime except dbz tenshi muyo. I don't even know what deathnote is. I'm going dressed as a TV show character. I'm pretty attractive but don't mesh well with adhd bonking yaoi paddling weirdos. Do I have a chance at making friends at 28?

>> No.8508364

I don't think I've ever made any new friends at a convention, I actually made friends with a few people at a con after party; since I'm shy and I usually find it easier to socialize with people if they're drunk or if I've had a drink. I met my bf at that after party as well and since he's charismatic and confident I've come across some really nice people at cons, he does most of the talking though.

>> No.8508379

>stood in line for tickets
>make small talk with people around you
>offer food/drink
>even easier if you're wearing a cosplay they comment on

>> No.8508456

>How do you make friends at conventions?

If male:
>[If attractive]
>1) Wear shirtless cosplay of some popular character that is easily recognizable (girls don't know a lot of anime/video game characters - a comic book character is always good for an easy lay).
>2) Get plenty of female pussy.
>[If unattractive]
>1) Consider suicide.
>2) If you fail to go through with 1) then at least avoid hitting on women at least. Seriously, sexual harassment is NOT OK. Our cosplay is not consent.
>3) Instead of sexually harassing (that includes talking or looking at) women, look for similarly icky, fat etc. male losers. They usually wear no cosplay at all or "le funny" (read: shitty) cosplay.

If female:
>[If you're OK with fake friends]
>1) Talk to the male losers trying to sexually harass you. They can potentially have their use if they have something you could need (i.e. they're rich, they can fix your computers, they can do your hair and so on).
>2) Don't bother trying to befriend the attractive guys, men are all pigs and the only thing they want from you is sex. Even if they seem like "the perfect guy" at first they're only doing it so they can have sex with you. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=404oPn6tudE
>[If you want real friends]
>Now this is a tough one. Can't help you here. We girls have it really hard when trying to form long lasting friendships, even with other girls, because of the patriarchy.

>> No.8508465
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>> No.8508492

Fuck off. I'm sick and tired of you neckbeards and your fish reaction images.

>> No.8508501

The song is catchy at least, even if I have no idea what it's saying.

>> No.8508506

>2.0 edition

>> No.8508556

It says "all men are pigs" and explains all their devious tactics when approaching women (in German). So true.

>> No.8508564

If this poster was a male, thread would have died with sub 10 messages after being redirected to /r9k/.


>> No.8508598

I wouldn't know how to make friends anywhere. I never had a real friend, just like, 4chan-tier friendships.

>> No.8508718

OP is male.

> what is reading comprehension

>> No.8508753

Doesn't matter. Gay men get a free pass as well. It's only cishetwhite males that get redirected to /r9k/.

>> No.8508766

They wouldn't be redirected if their threads weren't a constant variation of
> tfw no gf
> Well, how about you follow these tips to get a gf?
> Those tips don't work, I don't have a gf because all women are bitches!1!!

>> No.8508778

Yes, because "become attractive looking and don't talk to me" is such good advice.

>> No.8508792

It's mostly
> basic hygiene
> don't be clingy
> be nice for the sake of being nice, not for the sake of getting a cookie
> don't go in expecting too much
> have confidence in yourself because how can you expect people to love you if you don't even love yourself

But you guys, of course, take that as
> SIX PACK!!1!!

>> No.8508801

>It's mostly
>>stuff that isn't enough & is insulting toward the poster by assuming that that's the problem

>But you guys, of course, take that as
>>what I actually want from men

>> No.8508807

>implying you want bad boys because "they're funny" and not because they trigger your millennia old primitive woman instinct when your body gets aroused the most and is most likely to get impregnated by rape

>> No.8508834

Can someone just make a /Cgl/ skype/email exchange friend making thread? Haven't seen one in ages.

>> No.8508845

I would, but the creepy male losers would ruin it.

>> No.8508867

That's because we've noticed the discrepancy between what we're told girls like, and the type of people they date in reality.

>> No.8508877

See and bullshit like this that you believe is why no girl will ever date you. If you refuse to listen and believe us, how can we like you?

>> No.8508879

Just make a thread and people can list their interests and bond and make friends.
You can always politely decline someone if they get too creepy.

>> No.8508886
File: 22 KB, 225x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw being a /fit/ bro is seen as wrong or bad on /cgl/

>> No.8508896

It isn't. It's just the fat landwhales being fox / sour grapes. All the hot fucksluts here dig /fit/ dick (then again there's not a lot of those remaining tbh).

>> No.8508901

>listen and believe

Now you're just trolling

>> No.8508910

Well there is some hope thanks anon

>> No.8508985

I think if you go to a con without a mental illness you will be adored by anyone and everyone. It isn't as easy as you think.

>> No.8508991

Last time I went to a con, only two people talked to me on the venue itself, both wanted to ask something about my costume.

Then I had some smalltalk in the flea market and vendor floor, and I did ask for couple of photos, but nothing really too much.

>> No.8509001

Expecting people to come to you

Reminds me of Elliot Rodger

>> No.8509057

Or at least try to hide it FFS.

>> No.8509085


Attempted this over the internet before. Joined a chat group with some robots formed on /r9k/. Turned out they were all so depressed and self-absorbed that it was hard for any of us to really get along outside of ">tfw I hate myself".

>> No.8509144

I like to make friends by learning Kpop/Kpop dances and hanging around with a big speaker...Eventually people will stop and start talking to you or watching you dance, so it's a win-win?

>> No.8509149

>Kpop/Jpop dances

Stupid koreaboo phone

>> No.8509151

>Isn't it funny how there's so many lonely nerds? Like why are we not hanging with each other if we're all lonely?

Well, how did the /cgl/ Otakon meetup turn out?

>> No.8509209

>see a fantastic Yugi crossplay
>wimp out on taking her picture because she's eating at the time
>see her a couple times but she's always walking too fast or I'm talking to my friends
>notice she's always by herself, maybe she came alone
>she wins the cosplay competition and is obviously super flustered

In hindsight, maybe she was looking for friends or people to talk to and I really dropped the ball on that one

>> No.8509406

Wasn't there, but the AX one Saturday night was great.

I think /r9k/ might be your problem there lol

>> No.8509507

>Expecting people to come to you
FUCKING THIS. Men need to check their fucking priviledges. They are not fucking entitled to have people come to them after all the wire crimes against people of color and women they committed. Only us women of all genders get to be approached because we deserve it.

>> No.8509510

this tbh
such a powerful post
smh at ppl who disagree

>> No.8509547

Nobody fall for such obvious bait, please just don't.

>> No.8509550


The one at Sakuracon was just one guy talking for four hours, lol. Nobody else had any good stories apparently.

>> No.8509564

are you implying that men deserve to get approached by women?

>> No.8509912

Pls respond.

>> No.8509976

Anyone going to Sakura Fest next week?

>> No.8510006

Does anyone have any advice about making friend with other girls that have the same interests I do? I've tried going to speed friend-ing events, but I never seem to connect well with the other girls there, because they either talk so much I don't get any say in, or they're so quiet neither of us end up talking much. I'm good at adding onto conversations, but I'm bad at starting conversations myself.

>> No.8510063
File: 121 KB, 399x388, 1410829532105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told myself I would be more outgoing and make some friends this year but all I could muster was saying hi and complimenting a couple people before strangling myself in spaghetti and killing the conversation with my awkwardness. Oh well at least I tried this time.

>> No.8510107

Maybe you're not that interesting to begin with?

>> No.8510352

I wish feminism would start a movement to actually kill all cis white men. I'm sick and tired of all this "#KillAllMen" talk on Twitter and no results.

>> No.8511068

Maybe you should consider letting your girlfriend see other men (as in have sex with the) in an open relationship. I read a great article about it recently (hard to avoid it, since the mad /pol/ neckbeards posted it everywhere) and I think it actually makes the relationships more stable, the woman more empowered and happier and directly making the man happier too.

I think there actually was a couple on /cgl/, two tripfags, can't remember who, who also had an open relationship and it was like the happiest couple here.

>> No.8511076

>/cgl/: The official 4chan whores & cucks factory

>> No.8511114


There's nothing whorey about being in an open relationship, it's beautiful.

>> No.8511136


lol nice try

>> No.8511143

keep telling that to yourself, slut

>> No.8511195

Yeah, I remember them too. Funniest part was that the guy was kinda hot while the girl looked like an anorectic tranny. And still she was the one who got all the extra "boyfriends" while he never got to have sex with any other girl to not make her jealous.

>> No.8511204


Sorry, no, it's fundamentally wrong. If you can't be happy with one person then you are a dysfunctional emotional or sexual vampire and you need put down.

>> No.8511248 [DELETED] 

>a dysfunctional emotional or sexual vampire and you need put down.

This is the fedora tippest thing I've read in the last two months. You are clearly a true gentleman and a NICE GUY.

>> No.8511255

Start of thread
>anon why don't you do Blah to come off more assertive?

Every time. Every damn time.

>> No.8511257

This thread's subject was a little too easy for /r9k/ to hijack

>> No.8511259 [DELETED] 


You know, I think that you are actually not a woman yourself.

I think that you are a Beta mangina feminist who dreams about marrying some girl who would pity-take his virginity while sleeping with a Paolo or Jamal every night and telling you about it when she comes back to your bed past midnight and you reply "that's hot babe!".

>> No.8511275


I'm a girl you absolute spastic. It applies to men and women.

>> No.8511289

I just wanted to know if there was a fellow Baja Calfornian that was going to Sakura Fest, not know about your sex life

>> No.8511476 [DELETED] 

Only a neckbeard would say "I'm a girl" because only a neckbeard thinks that pretending to be a girl makes his misogynistic argument hold water.

>> No.8511508

More like, I don't think a seagull girl would bother with identifying themselves as a girl in an actual seagull thread, right in the first post. They'd be more interested in cosplay, no?

>> No.8511535

Found my gf on /cgl/ and now we go to cons together. Most friends we make are from Instagram and people at the cgl meet ups

>> No.8511548 [DELETED] 

How did /cgl/ help you find your left hand?

>> No.8511564


>> No.8511579
File: 75 KB, 198x198, 1437793607201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cammy Threads <3

>> No.8511735

Looks like the neckbeard couldn't handle being ice burned by this girl, so he he had to mash the report button.

>> No.8511755


>> No.8511772

How do you make friends when you like different anime?

>> No.8511868

>liking anime
I bet you are a male pedo too.

>> No.8513407

All men on /cgl/ are neckbeard losers or pedos or both.

>> No.8513829

How do you "find a gf on cgl"
I've exchanged emails and all these girls are always whales who complain to me about skinny lolitas. None of them are gf material let alone worth talking to.
ib4 your gf is a whale who is salty about everyone.

>> No.8513909

No I'm not :(

>> No.8513923

You, in particular, are the worst male poster on /cgl/ at the moment "Devvy". I wouldn't be surprised if you're actually Falcone's new tripname.

>> No.8514188

I'm not Devvy, I'm a lurker who is super anxious about going to my first con in a long long time...and IDK if I am too old for the ADHD/autism overstimulated/overexcited section of convention attendees. I watched some videos of the same con in the past and it seems I am going to need to let go of any mental stability that I have and weaboo my personality into a 16 year old, especially since I am going alone =\

Even watching these videos by my self in my apartment gives me an inner creepy feeling...

>> No.8514194


like that...I don't want to get sucked into that weird shit.

>> No.8514196

>I'm not Devvy,
>referring to that as if it's a person relevant to people know who that is

Devvy confirmed, you fucking male pederast, go away Falcone 2.0.

>> No.8514208

what is a Devvy and what is a male pederast?

...and wtf is Falcone 2.0?!

omg come on I come from /v/ and I'm just trying to enjoy going to an anime convention!!

>> No.8514231

>what is a Devvy and what is a male pederast?
>...and wtf is Falcone 2.0?!
The answer is (You) to all.

>> No.8514274

eh...you sure hate men if you won't even explain to me this shit..

>> No.8514319

best post in thread

>> No.8514404

Exactly how you said, exchange emails.

I guess I got lucky and found a cute short girl

>> No.8514517

How are you guys even finding times to exchange emails? "hey I like your cosplay here's my email" I'd feel like a Spergmeister Prime.

(now, I don't MIND seeming like that, but how?)

>> No.8514520

They ask for yours you thirsty fuckboi

>> No.8514527

Honestly if someone said the above but made intentions clear I wouldn't care. Would be flattered. Not creepy or pushy.

>> No.8514638

Idk why guys are so crazy about these cosplay/lolita/whatever girls.

Most of them have severe mental problems and are at the top of cringe. They crave attention and have boundaries that change every hour.

Who would want to be with that?

>> No.8514716

You know the saying "don't stick your dick in crazy"?

We need that saying because it's hard to resist sometimes

>> No.8514740

I sorta think that a lot of the attraction comes from looking at pictures.

Meeting these people in real life and hearing them talk takes away absolutely all of the attraction away, at least for me.

>> No.8514746

It is impossible to hate men. To hate men, you must have prejudice + power. Women have no power in our society, so while we can be prejudiced against you, it is misogynistic to call it "hate".

>> No.8514759

verb (used with object), hated, hating.
to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest:
to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry.
to be unwilling; dislike:
I hate to do it.

is this some sort of feminist-approved patriarchy dictionary you are referring to?

>> No.8514778

That applies to a lot of things, really. People end up fantasizing about the type of person it could be and create this mental image, which gets shattered the instant you realize you actually had no basis for any of it.

The one thing you do know, however, is that they're interested in cosplay/lolita/whatever, which means you have something in common I guess. Additionally, if you're a lonely weeb then it's a lot easier to imagine yourself getting together with a weird girl that has mental problems than with a normie, and that feeds into the fantasizing

And lastly, sometimes it's just a fetish I guess.

>> No.8514785

You know that the male misogynerd is desperate when he starts pulling up his "dictionary definitions".

>> No.8514792

100% sure >>8514746 is a troll. SJWs like to claim that "racism = prejudice + power" and things like that.

>> No.8514793

I guess ur right about that. To me it is weird that it is painfully obvious that girls don't like creepers. With how much American society pushes people to self reflect and find their true "identity," wouldn't someone come to understand they are a weeb and just stop creeping people out? Or is this some sort of exercise of indirect power over girls where they think, "If I am there enough she will eventually like me?"

>> No.8514808

Underrated post

sage in email field

>> No.8514816

Misogynerd? So, we now have Devvy, pederast (which for some reason I'm thinking radagast from lotr) , Falcone 2.0, and now, Misogynerd.

Please chime me in on your colloquial words. One of the biggest signs of autism is using words only you know and assuming other people need to know them to be smart enough to speak with you.

>> No.8514820

I'm somewhat unsure of what you mean. Some people just aren't very self aware. Not just creepers; sometimes people don't understand when they're incredibly irritating, or unfunny, or what have you.

When it comes to creepy guys though, you really can't underestimate the power of thirst. I've been there, it does crazy shit to your brain. Everything turns into fight or flight, neither of which translate into communicating with other human beings in a reasonable way at all. I'm willing to bet that a lot of creepers beat themselves up about it later but can't really stop.

And there's people like me, who are aware that this is liable to happen and try to avoid being forward at all, but then hear things like "just go for it".

>> No.8514832

>using nerd as an insult

Fuck off normie

>> No.8514838

Being in med school helped me immensely with my social skills, not gonna lie. You become extremely good at getting anyone to tell you just about anything-- and because people really like talking about themselves, using similar tactics in conversation makes people like you because you ask them lots of questions/show interest in them as a person. Obviously it has to be genuine interest otherwise the fakeness will show through over time, but it's certainly a good way to get an interaction with someone started. Plus you learn a lot about them so you know what to talk about later on.

>> No.8514843

Yeah, there aren't a lot of ques in today's speech/communication that signal that someone isn't communicating correctly except for quietness. On the Internet it is completely different. Sites like this, reddit, etc, give you exact quantifiable numbers to tell you that your thoughts are good or bad. With the ability to Google practically anything, it would seem that weebs would at least know what a weeb is and see it as something to not strive to be. But as you said, thirst can take people over and drive them fucking nuts, especially when drugs or intoxicating environments are involved (like anime cons where many surrealistic things are happening all around you).

"just go for it" I feel is part of a giant list of sweet nothings that people enjoy listening to but not actually practice by in any confined ruleset. A lot of the world of understanding is stuck in metaphor, which people who have grown up with concrete structures (vidya, 4chan, minecraft, etc) just cannot understand.

>> No.8514847

Scary things is, SJWs aren't trolling. And are taking seriously when they say obvious bullshit like that IRL.

>> No.8514910

Surely you're thin though, right?
And I'm not fat enough for the fatties to want to befriend me.

>> No.8514970

Men don't deserve friends if they're cis and or white.

>> No.8514995

Holy shit...

>> No.8515061

Your bait lacks subtlety /r9k/

>> No.8515254

It's not bait, it is the truth. Deal with it, male loser.

>> No.8515262

Nobody in the evil SJW illuminati actually talks like this, /r9k/-kun. At least do your research before you shitpost. I bet you think "die cis scum" is still a relevant phrase.

>> No.8515387

What if all of my friends are also cis and white

>> No.8515400

Honestly. the best thing is to join a facebook group for said convention(s) you go to and try posting there to make friends.

Though honestly, I'm a part of a few and still haven't made friends from them. so i can't guarantee it'll work.

>> No.8515401

Thanks for all the advice guys, I really appreciate it. I'm going to try meeting people at the Animethon dance, and try what you guys have suggested.

>> No.8515427

drink more.
made too many friends via liquor

>> No.8515433
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Don't believe them anon, we're here to alienate you if you're white and a man

>> No.8515436

>try posting there to make friends

But how

>> No.8515458

join the group and introduce yourself and comment on other peoples threads.

>> No.8515517

Sounds like something a creeper would do

>tfw there's no escape

>> No.8515787

>Nobody in the evil SJW illuminati
Kek, I knew it.

The idiotic SJW shows his true face.

This is proof that ugly and fat men with mantits are not smart, just because they're ugly and fat. Attractive men are not only better looking, they're also smarter than you. How does it feel to be literally so shit that you have no redeeming values whatsoever?

If you actually read the news, >>8514970 is an extremely mild thing for an SJW to say. At least they don't say #KillAllWhiteMen or that men should pay women just for existing for their #EmotionalLabour. Mantits over here is going to try to convince the world that that's just a joke but it isn't - all you need to do is look at all the fugly women, trannies and Omega male degenerates on Twitter.

It's deluded to even imply that the SJW clique knows what a joke is since they want to ban jokes too.

>> No.8516366



*helicopters his femme penis after having embraced his feminine energy*
*blows himself up to kill all cis-white men*

>> No.8516719

Some good advice in this thread. I wish I had seen it before Otakon, there were so many nice people I met but I just lock up when someone new tries to converse with me or even compliments me. How can I take compliments better? How can I get over the trepidation of approaching someone?

I've struggled with this shit since I lost all my friends in middle school, and now I've lost my other big friend group and I'm trying to reach out to new folks. Also, how do I keep in touch with people? I really struggle with chatting online or over the phone, even worse than in person. I think a big problem is I don't know what to talk about and I just end up asking what feels like tons of questions, feels almost like I am interviewing the other person sometimes. I took brain pills about five years ago and they helped me be so confident, I just want that back without the horrible side effects like zero speech filtering.

>> No.8516845

>tfw crush on this cute girl
>find out she has a Tumblr
>"I am a transromantic asexual genderfluid"
Every single time I like a girl, this happens. She'd never date a cis white scum like me anyway.

>> No.8517149

You could always just say you are bi. But do you really want to date someone like that? She sounds underage too, das nasty

>> No.8517180

She's 21 years old but I guess she's crazy since she says that she's a virgin but also a rape victim.

>> No.8517327

I don't think that's necessarily a crazy thing. I mean, do you think all people who were abused as kids tell people they lost their virginity at 8?

>> No.8517388

That part doesn't sound all that crazy. I don't really think abuse or rape "counts" but that's a pretty personal opinion.

>> No.8517432

If you're into a specific thing, going to an event held at a con dedicated to said thing is pretty good.
I've made a decent amount of aquaintances by playing Magic the gathering at cons, and also some vidya tournaments.
It's all I have now since none of my friends are into going to cons anymore.

>Have a lot of friends in various social circles
>A large chunk of them nerds, many way more nerdy than me in certain regards
>literally not a single one interested in going to cons

How the fuck does something like this even happen?

>> No.8517481

Virginity only exists as a positive if he/she has a hymen. If he/she doesn't or he/she has a penis, no one cares if he/she identifies as a virginkin. If he/she has a penis and is a virgin this is actually an undesirable for genders with a vagina, since the genders with a penis are supposed to do all the work.

>> No.8517762

I'm pretty into fighting games and I've made a lot of great friends that way, but the scene is basically 99% male, and the two girls I know are actually m2f transgender

>> No.8517840
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Some people just aren't into cons (which I guess really means that they aren't into the social aspect of their hobby, or being around a fuckton of other nerds doesn't have appeal to them).

I like going to cons. But my friend who likes anime just as much as I do, perhaps, apparently doesn't care about cons at all. I once name-dropped a con around him to gauge his interest, and he deflected the topic very quickly and obviously.

>> No.8517849

*perhaps even more

>> No.8517990

That's a good image.

>> No.8518201

>acting as if only men are pigs.
Everyone is shit. I have seen women do worse than men at cons especially. Women are so two faced these days I have a phobia of them.
Pretty summer of you anon.
What's your steam
Creepy male losers are too beta you fucking newfag.

>> No.8518205

I don't be a fucking loser

>> No.8518213

>tfw you stutter and slur your words when you get nervous
>tfw you're a low talker and feel too awkward to ever raise your voice
>tfw you cut your interactions short with people at conventions because you're afraid people won't even have any idea what you're saying when you talk
Someone just mercy kill me pls.

>> No.8518235

It works for me on YouTube. All I do is comment with little filter.

>> No.8518246

Act humble as if you dont think you don't think you truely deserve the complement then work around to complement them on how nice they are or something else. It can work but if it doesn't then imagine the person talking to you has the same problem as you.

>> No.8518251

At least they weren't date and/or friends with you beforehand.
You remind me of this dyphoric male on legbutt who got dumped cause the girl he was dating decided she was ftm.

>> No.8518256

>saying that your bi to get on good terms
Don't do this ever. Besides people really hate bi already.

>> No.8518311

Hit the gym. Or do drugs. Or both.

>> No.8518354

>dyphoric male
I see, you too are a Tumblr using Orwellian-English speaker.

>> No.8518456

That's what I thought I'd do but I stumbled my words a lot and ended up saying shit like "thanks, if you day so,I wish this part had worked better" etc. Especially when someone complimented my drawings. That actually felt really nice but u can't help think everyone who did so was just being polite.

>> No.8518461

Some creepy guy once talked to me at a convention and I've had PTSD every since.

>> No.8518475

And by creepy you mean a guy who was 6/10 instead of 10/10 or who was a 9/10 but below 6 feet tall. SMH

>> No.8518648

>offer food/drink

>> No.8518747

Butthurt manlet loser detected. Kill yourself manlet.

>> No.8518760

have you guys tried doing ecstasy at cons?

>> No.8518785

aww man that is so dank ahahaha never tought about that gonna try it asap man let's get high haha :)

>> No.8518787
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I know that feel. Kinda. I do have many friends, but I love making new contacts and meeting new people.

So even though I already have many contacts, I feel unreasonably lonely sometimes. New people always cheer me up for a while.

And then there is also still the wish to get a gf or bf.

>> No.8518810

Just pretend that you're asexual and tumblr landwhalekins will defend you when hot women make fun of you for being a virgin loser at the age of 20+.

>> No.8518924

ecstasy is a good way of being social when you have a lot of inhibitions

>> No.8519042
File: 312 KB, 1500x1134, 1431893041564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is a Devvy
It's a way of life man
Can you Dev it?
I wish you thought of me as radagast

>> No.8519100

You are actually worse than Falcone at this point and he actually raped a little girl IRL. Think about that how bad you are.

>> No.8519114

What have I done to make you so mad at me?
I'm not even mad, I'm just confused at this point because this is a pretty dedicated vendetta you have going and I don't remember doing anything to deserve it

>> No.8519155

drop your trip
it's the only way

>> No.8519165

This. You should never have tripped to begin with. Only good looking males like God and.... ...are allowed to use a tripname. Any neckbeard loser who puts on a trip is just asking for it.

Oh how cute, the neckbeard newfag crossie shitlord has learned the "vendetta" meme, that means he is fitting in!!! Man I pity all the girls who keep resisting taking his "free ticket for bf".

>> No.8519169

>that picture

What a surprise, the neckbeard is a /r9k/ crossie. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT.

>> No.8519238

Is it really that big of a deal? I only started tripping because none of my friends irl are into anime, japanese games, or anything like cosplay.
I want to go to a convention and the meetups seemed like a lot of fun, so I figured it would be nice to talk to everyone first instead of showing up as a complete stranger.

I got the picture from /a/ though, I don't go on /r9k/

>> No.8519251

That was me by the way

>> No.8519322

>unattractive creeper male is still tripping


>> No.8519333

>Only good looking males like God and.... ...are allowed to use a tripname.
Not true. There are photographers, LARPers, that guy that constantly derails Irish generals...

>> No.8519375

>There are shitposters
Fixed it for you.

Literally, for males, only God and the other oldfags big names who now dumped this shithole deserve to use a trip.

>> No.8519757

We have a really dedicated shitposter in this thread, dedicated to trying to stir up shit by acting like both an SJW and a /r9k/ poison man.

I guess it is summer, but you'd think they would have anything better to do with their time.

>> No.8519779

The suggestion thread is even worse and I'm 99% positive it's just the same bitter faggot.

>> No.8519784

>hot women make fun of you for being a virgin loser at the age of 20+.

t-this doesn't actually happen, r-right?

>> No.8519787


Everytime I have friends, they seem to lose interest in going to conventions and anything else. It's sad.

>> No.8519808

Being a Virgin at 20+ isn't all that rare, but people can be assholes, and there probably are some people who will make fun of you for not losing your virginity in your teens.

That doesn't really matter though, because those people are typically the same people who think the sun is closer to the earth than the moon.

>> No.8519809

Depends on whether or not it seems voluntary.

If you seem like a really chill guy, well adjusted, confident, etc. but just haven't had sex some girls will think you must be weird in some other way to explain that. On the other hand, if you're eloquent and charismatic you may be able to convince them that you're just old fashioned (men who wait for marriage for example are rare but do exist, believe it or not).

However, in order for that line to work it actually has to be true. If you get the opportunity lay with a woman you have to stick to your morals otherwise you're a lying faggot. A non virgin, sure, but a lying faggot nonetheless.

If you actually are desperate and thirsty then "hot women" won't make fun of you, they just won't even notice you unless you make a scene.

My advice?

Improve yourself and the rest will follow.

>> No.8519818

In what situation would it even come up?

>> No.8519822

>So Anon, are you a viiirgin? :3

Granted no girl above 14 has asked me that but it has happened to me. Fucking middle school.

>> No.8519832

and why wouldn't I just say no?
Is it supposed to be a rhetorical question just to make fun of you?

>> No.8519837

Happened to me in university a few times already, tipsy girls get personal when playing sociables.
You're supposed to just say no like it's not a big deal. "Just hasn't happened yet" kind of thing
It's really not a big deal and it seems like only virgins make it out to be one.

>Is it supposed to be a rhetorical question just to make fun of you?
This only happens if they were going to make fun of you to begin with to watch you squirm. Hasn't happened to me but I've seen awkward guys get asked that before and go red as a tomato.

>> No.8519841

It depends. If you are even moderately attractive girls tend to see it as a plus. I once overheard a pair of mutual friends say they wanted to have a threesome with my cousin (virgin till 27). He's not even that attractive, it's the lure of forbidden fruit.

They'll notice you not being very good at it. And then they won't really care, because sex isn't really about skill, it's about emotion.

>> No.8519847

>it's the lure of forbidden fruit

That applies to women for sure but I generally hear the opposite about men

>> No.8519856

>virgin till 27
damn, I'm probably going to off myself before I get that far, how did it happen?

>> No.8519864

I honestly think if you DO get your shit together, are now better with people, and someone asks "why u still a Virgin" you can honestly tell em it took you a while to mature.

>> No.8519870

so crippling social anxiety is just immaturity?

>> No.8519877

I misspoke, they're different. I still think it's reasonable say "had anxiety issues, had to work on it, better now" is reasonable

>> No.8519886
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Depends a lot on the dude. My cousin didn't come off as desperate for female attention, or misogynistic, or as suffering from a mental illness. It just "hadn't happened yet", and over time it became more and more of an attractive prospect for a girl to change that.

He was shy and a little bit slow to mature. His future wife had trick him out on a date ("Hey, lets catch a movie together! Not a date, just a movie!"), then at the end of it she grabbed his hand before he could react and held it in hers for the rest of the day.

>> No.8519902

>I get that far, how did it happen?
Why are you even asking this?

There is absolutely nothing amazing about men being virgins at the age of 27. 4chan is filled with 20+ year old male virgins and they are getting their first batch of 30+ year old virgins too around now probably.

See >>8519809. We won't admit that we will make fun of you for being a virgin but instead we will make TL;DR rationalizations so that we can pretend we're not actually shaming you for being a virgin whilst shaming you for it.

It is actually pretty important that we as a society bully virgin men until they either commit suicide or they get a girlfriend. I'll tell you why but before that I'll let you guess - I wonder if anyone on /cgl/ is smart enough to figure out why male virgins are the worst scum on Earth.

>> No.8519909

>I guess it is summer,
You worthless fucking Tumblr piece of trash. YOU are the summer here. This used to be THE NORM for years on /cgl/. You had better show some appreciation for your seniors you underage scum.

Put your trip back Devvy aka Falcone 2.0 aka child rapist in training.

>> No.8519911

tbh it is also acceptable if virgin men join the army or something, like most guys in ISIS from western europe are just bitter virgins

>> No.8519930

8/10 bait, good job, I can tell you put a lot of effort into it

>> No.8519942

Tell me what exactly do you think is bait about that post.

You actually don't believe that the majority of male posters on 4chan are virgins? Boards like /v/ and /a/ have prob. an even higher percentage of them than /r9k/.

>> No.8519950
File: 145 KB, 1111x597, 1438061519776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You actually don't believe that the majority of male posters on 4chan are virgins?

holy shit, you actually fell for that meme?

>> No.8519953

>implying that's a meme
Oh I see. You are a crossie from /v/ or /a/ (most likely /v/) and the stuff I said hit too close to home so now you're trying to convince me "i-i-it's just a m-m-meme!". Well tough shit, summerfag. Any girl who's been here for more than 3 years (at least since 2011) knows that this is objectively true. We've had so many virgin creeper orbiter permavirgin males here in early 2012 than I can tell one over the Internet after judging them for ~5 seconds.

>> No.8519957

>You are a crossie from /v/ or /a/
kek, /v/ is literally reddit now
all those NEETs you're talking about left when mootcuck turned this site into a SJW shithole

>> No.8520007

>le SJW boogeyman

Back to >>>/pol/, Goobergator.

>> No.8520019

>le /pol/ boogeyman


>> No.8520476

Not the virgin issue, but after 3 tough relationships and getting close to 30, I've felt disconnected from the con scene (especially the young and screamy) & wondering where/how the fuck I'm gonna meet someone now.

>> No.8520531


Now kiss.

>> No.8520572

meet someone online. it's not that big of a deal

>> No.8520614

Okay. Where do I start?

>> No.8520658

So dump your BF, duh.

>> No.8520659

Do you and your boyfriend hang out together the entire time at cons?

Try splitting off and finding your own things to do during one of the days, and talk to people on your own. Go to a panel only you want to go to, let the boyfriend go do something else.

Make your own connections, and only introduce your boyfriend maybe post-convention. The entire point of the convention is to be sociable, so there's no point being upset your boyfriend is trying to socialize with people he just met with you.

If you want "just me" friends, go it alone for a while at cons, and learn something about yourself too.

Last year I spent 14 hours in a tabletop board gaming room, and got to know like 10 people who I keep up with now. It's great.

>> No.8520760

It's a gay man, he can't just dump his BF and get a new one the next day like you.

>> No.8521204 [DELETED] 

Kind of related to OP's question but not just "for friends".

I just measured my penis with a straight ruler (it was flaccid tough) and it was 10 centimeters only.

Will a girl laugh when she sees it? I assume /cgl/ girls have experience with all kinds and sizes of penises.

>> No.8521232

I don't have any problems with this, I'm a bit older then the normal age range though. Early 30s, I run a cosplay/anime club. That said I have no trouble carrying a conversation with people at the conventions.

Objectively, it's all about flow. Follow the flow of the conversation. Quite a few of our members will dive into showing me videos on youtube, 4chan threads and memes and the like. It pulls you out of the conversation, interrupts the flow. It might be fucking hilarious, but it overall fucks up the conversation.

Talk about what you like, what you plan to do. If you have no plans talk about your lack of plans. Talk about what you did, what you have done. Do you like manga? Do you like anime? Odd questions for a convention because its assumed, but they are good to get to you a list of anime. Find a common ground that you both enjoy and discuss it, better ways to enjoy it, better ways to watch it. Joke and laugh about what you find funny.

Talking to strangers is all about not giving a crap about the end result. Don't go into conversations expecting a friend. Go into conversations expecting to waste a few minutes between panels. You will always be pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

Biggest thing: Smile. Always smile all the time. Practice a genuine smile in the mirror. Learn to make a real genuine smile not a fake plastic one you make for photos. A soft genuine smile that shows you are approachable. A good soft smile can make lots of people chill, relax and enjoy being around you. Smile.

>> No.8521251

Another misogynerd bites the dust.

>> No.8521570

See this is awesome? But the problem is I'm jazzed to do it NOW but it's weeks (or worse) until the next con. It's hard to meet dorks outside of that!

>> No.8521574

*I jizzed

>> No.8522283

Post of the century

>> No.8522366

Early 30s and still a virgin, nice tale fam :)