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8465889 No.8465889 [Reply] [Original]

How does one become super popular in lolita like Lor, MilkyFawn, or Peachie?

>> No.8465899

Put yourself out there, be active on social media and don't be problematic.

>> No.8465901

Have a lot of burando and post daily. Bonus points for making videos.

Or alternatively, you can take a loud shit in public.

>> No.8465903

Having rich parents who can buy every brand dress you want
Being a basic whore with none self-love and remorseless, who can back stab her best friend for a few followers
*or both*

>> No.8465916

Maybe less jelly on your breakfast toast in the future?

>> No.8465917

Are you talking about someone you're jealous of?

>> No.8465918

Have a lot of dresses, a nice cohesive wardrobe. Post a lot of coords on tumblr, CoF. Maybe if you're charismatic enough make videos. 'Lolify' your life, your room, or at least have somewhere fitting to take pictures. Make sure they're a good quality. Offer advice or have something to give to the community, get involved in answering asks, maybe try to befriend a few well known ones to gain following or at least people with popular tumblrs so you get reblogs. Keep all your negative opinions to yourself for the most part. Etc etc.

>> No.8465973

Basically do everything >>8465918 said, but also pick a bit of a niche to fill. By that I mean, if someone says "the really sweet lolita with lots of Bodyline", you know it's Peachie. If they say "the kinda plain youtuber with funny videos" you know it's Lor. You don't have to necessarily be the best or have the greatest look or wardrobe you just need regular, decent quality content and be able to be recognised as the "something" lolita.

>> No.8465976

I couldn't explain better

>> No.8465981

On a related note, I started following Peachie's social media about a year ago. But my question is how she got so big - is it /because/ she has so much Bodyline and is really sweet that she got popular?

I've just been curious since most famous lolitas have mostly brand.

>> No.8465986

I think it's a big part of it. It makes her more relatable to many people.

>> No.8466015

Why can't you just enjoy the fashion and not worry about your popularity? Oh right, sole people never outgrow their high school mentalities.

>> No.8466018

Some* ^

>> No.8466021

A better question is why do you want to honestly know, OP? Are you struggling to get on their level?

>> No.8466024

Peachie's popular and she has mostly Bodyline though?

>> No.8466027

and replicas

>> No.8466028

>Wasting all that money on Replicas when she has the perfect body for brand and could easily get second-hand brand at that same price or cheaper

Is she actually retarded or something?

>> No.8466073

>being this basic

>> No.8466074
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>> No.8466077

>some people never outgrow their high school mentalities
>on 4chan

>> No.8466095

Not OP, but how does one become popular in general jfashion? Like Pastelbat or something?

She seems to just photograph herself everyday in the same, sponsored clothes. I want free shit too if it's that easy.

>> No.8466101

Just make yourself a Youtube personallity. The pool of lolita Youtubers with a nice lolita room and regular hauls (doesn't matter what it is, honestly. Even Bodyline is fine) is very small. The pool is honestly so big, anyone who watches Youtube and lolita will find you eventually. Learn to edit your vids with music + graphics and it'll get you a lot of subs.

The only issue is, if you have a grating personality, it'll definitely show. You'll get posted here. If you don't and you get big enough, you'll be passed around probably or just generally accepted. You'll get too lost on tumblr and CoF, so don't go that path. You're too distant and hard to relate to there.

>> No.8466103

you guys always say this shit, but you don't actually look at her shit. the past 6 or 7 outfits she has done has been with real brand, she has stated that she no longer wants to buy replicas and that she doesn't invest in Bodyline a lot anymore since they've spiked their prices. She has several videos of herself opening Angelic Pretty dresses. Can we please stop dragging her for this.

>> No.8466105

This is why I don't like Peachie. I feel she represents lolita in a bad light to newbies, even though she knows how to coord.

>> No.8466158
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>> No.8466173

Peachie is great. Her vids make me happy. I think young lolis could do much worse than follow her; and if they're out buying bodyline and replicas, more burando on LM for us yes? Yes.

>> No.8466220

Be white

If not white, be 10 x better at white person coording.

>> No.8466305
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>at least semi-photogenic
>big wardrobe
>post on various social media channels consistently
>keep a consistent aesthetic
>post coords, hauls, detail shots
>make an impact in your comm (plan meets)
>attend or participate in high profile events (Rufflecon, fashion shows)
>good photography
>avoid controversy, don't talk about your opinions on sensitive subjects

>> No.8466315

Pretty similar to lolita. Buy a lot of stuff. Post reviews. Pictures daily or at least very frequently. You have to look nice in your pictures and they have to look nice.

Honestly though getting sponsored and stuff is really not easy. You have to be seriously dedicated to that style of clothing and dump a lot of money into it before you get enough attention to get sponsorships.

>> No.8466332

>one of the whopping two AP dresses she owns
>that she made a big deal about being super crazy rare
>and it's a LP dress

>> No.8466379

> 2 AP dresses after years of only buying bodyline a replicas plus a bunch of other indie brand dresses
>States that in one video that her goal is to whittle down her wardrobe to afford buying more
>I don't remember her stating that it was rare, just that it was hard for her to get/find it
>talks about how she has matured more and is ready to put money down for quality pieces = Bad influence on newbies.

>> No.8466396

Not that anon, but I just watched that video a couple weeks ago and one of the things that stood out to me was how she repeatedly made comments about it being rare and hard to find.

>> No.8466456

yeah, she was claiming that girls in japan were basically attacking eachother over this dress for the in-store release. It made it sound like it was fucking iron gate instead of a cheap LP dress. That rubbed me the wrong way, but tbh I'm glad she's moving away from being a 'cheap' lolita to brand. Hopefully it shows all the bodyline-chans that it's a waste to accumulate so many cheap dresses/replicas when you an have a few quality pieces.

>> No.8467280

It's not that uncommon for people to have an exaggerated idea of the rarity/sought afterness when they first get into brand, I myself used to think of pretty much everything I got my hands on as if I got like DDC or something. However, I've never seen anyone do it with a LP dress, especially someone who's been in the fashion so long. At least she's moving on from her cheapskate days.

>> No.8467301

how to be famous within the week
>post highly problematic shit
>coord shittly
>behave like a retard
>cause major drama
>be hated and fameous for drama
>you'll be famous in notime
>but you'll be hated and noone will respect you or your opinions ever again
>atleast your thirst for fame will be quenched
>good look anon

>> No.8467314

That's not the same as being popular, though. OP wants to be popular.

>> No.8467323

I think it may also just be recognizability. She takes nice photos which are passed around, and also has a very distinctive face - or makeup style at the very least.

Same with Lor, honestly.

>> No.8467383

>have lots of brand, the more rare/sought after pieces the better
>regularly post hauls
>post useful things like reviews, close-up pics, etc.
>post your own coords, if you're unattractive or afraid of any negative comments about your face at all either censor it with something cute, like a heart, or post them unworn (keep in no mind that no matter how pretty most may think you are, there's always going to be someone who has something bad to say about your appearance)
>avoid discussing controversial issues
>don't post SJW shit (posting the occassional pro-equality shit is fine, but don't do things like reblog walls of text on why Harry Potter is racist and shit like that)
>avoid swearing
>don't ever say you go on 4Chan, especially /cgl/
>never say anything negative about anyone ever
>never give concrit

>> No.8467532 [DELETED] 

I think she explained in her recent videos on how she's stopped or slowed down on buying a lot of bodyline and replicas because at some point, she did buy AP and learned to appreciate the quality of it; there's also something about her moving onto different styles, so she's not burning money on lolita as much, replicas or otherwise.

>> No.8467569

I feel like Kate falls into this category.

>> No.8467711

How did Lor get popular/e-famous? I meet her in person various times and she is okay honestly. Not the best person at coording and stuff, like her videos are funny the first time but I feel like she is more annoying now than before.

>> No.8467730

there are also some less efamous girls who are watched only for the cringe factor, like kotabear.

>> No.8467763

Probably because she is ugly and she attracts mostly ugly girls, makes them feel like they can be cute as well.

>> No.8467772

She's nice and she wears nice coords and updates consistently.
>all this projecting

>> No.8467793

Contribute something to the community. All three of these girls are well known because they make or star in videos that get a fair number of people watching.

Also, have a cute face, be thin, good hair or good well styled wigs and basic makeup skills.

>> No.8467814

I never found her to be that nice in person. She kind of gives me weird vibes tbh. Probably just me though....

>> No.8467835

Naw it's not you, my friend tried talking to her while waiting for a meet to start and basically ignored her. When I meet lor was only because I was talking to a friend of mine who also knows Lor.

What about the hijabi lolita? She is a bit e-famous cause she does coord pretty well but she has a fucking attitude like to the point of no return even when you try to be nice and introduce yourself in person.

>> No.8467867

She seems relate-able and even though I don't love her videos much I admire that she constantly tries to put out good unique content for us. And she seems approachable and a realistic person to look up to. Like, much as Deerstalkers do great videos I feel like they're aloof and wouldn't want to say hi to you, ever, but don't get the same vibe from Lor... not saying her videos are on the same level as theirs but eh, I'm rambling but the point I'm trying to make is the reason I like her is that she makes an effort, which I appreciate, and she seems realistic.

>> No.8467872

Don't forget to talk about haters and how there is nothing wrong with efame. Admit you're an attention whore if someone calls you that as well.

>> No.8467898

For making the shit lolitas say videos. That's it.

>> No.8467907

I can't get over how fucking awful she looks in sweet.

>> No.8467910
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I feel the same. She looks a lot better in classic lolita.

>> No.8468125

Personally, I think she became popular because she has lots of Bodyline and her coords are good. It makes her accessible, like "Oh she can be a good lolita without brand/with only Bodyline, so maybe I can too!" kind of thing

>> No.8468144


im not one to talk about looks but honestly her face is just so......

>> No.8468208

Wow, I despise Peachie's style but this is really nice. 10/10. Wish she'd do this more often.

>> No.8468374

step 1: scam someone
step 2: make youtube haul video
step 3: watch the free views flow in

>> No.8468450

but that's just the thing about Peachie, she adores sweet, sweet is her life and personality and she's not willing to dump it all to "look good" and lot of people can relate to that, which is why a lot of people like her.

>> No.8468457

that doesn't sound ideal.

>> No.8468528

i met the dude from deerstalkers, and trust me honey youre right. hes a huge asshole

>> No.8468543

Good coord photography
I dont know anyone who gets popular who exists purely on phone selfies

>> No.8468651

You make a good point, though I will say with modern smartphones that camera is fine, you just need to have someone else take your picture with it and have decent lighting and a nice background.

>> No.8468779

Maybe you're the asshole.

>> No.8468918

Nude pics with lolita. Will 100% get you noticed. Build yourself up from there.

>> No.8468921

I was going to call jelly but 8/10 times this is entirely true.

>> No.8468929

It was her Shit Lolitas Say videos. I honestly much prefer her videos to the Deerstalker ones, especially since DS had to jump in after Lor had already made them to make the ~totes funny gaiz brolita~ version. There are a few funny bits but overall Lor seems to take herself much less seriously.

She has no airs or graces about her and she genuinely seems like the type of person who would be fun to chill with.

>> No.8468936

He's shy, that's probably why he came across that way

>> No.8468938

wow funny how people are scared to meet new people when their trash talked allover cgl. This is why milkyfawn left us

>> No.8468952

Milkyfawn left because she wanted to go "back to school/college" or some shit and knew she wouldn't be able to afford every new release as it came, so she knew the spotlight would shift away from her and she couldn't bear it. Nobody trash-talked MF with any amount of actual malice, people felt sour about her when she pulled a very sudden, very bratty, and very false "leaving lolita".

>> No.8468972

I doubt that, I've always known him to be a total sweetie, even to obnoxious weeaboo fangirls.
Examples? Because I can barely come up with any that are confirmed to fall into those categories.
Incorrect. MF herself has made it clear that her primary reason for leaving was the unwanted attention she was getting, especially the stalker. Also, a simple search of her screen name to RBT shows how wrong you are about no one talking shit about her besides regarding her leaving lolita. As for it being "fake", she ceased posting publicly almost altogether and only kept her favorite pieces, until this thread. Now even her dream dress is for sale. Yup, totally fake.

>> No.8469751

hahaha i don't think Lor or MilkyFawn ever did that

Honestly, just
>coord well
>don't be a bitch
>but don't be obnoxiously too nice
>post pictures that have good composition, and are lit well
>make interesting videos, not just the same videos every lolita makes
>update social media frequently

>> No.8469757

This so much

>> No.8469761

>Now even her dream dress is for sale.

I understand leaving sweet lolita and just lolita in general after time, but does anyone else think MF was just a weak-ass loser?

She comes onto the scene strong with Deerstalkers and her blog, has a collection most of us could only dream of, then just shutters everything when she gets "harassed".

Her flip-flopping attitude on her favorite prints just annoys the hell out of me.

>I'm totally super pastel sweet AP slave! my name is Milky Fawn for christs sake
>No, not really. Going to otome-kei
>help a stalker
>I don't even like lolita
>sells literally all her dream dresses

I used to like her a lot, now she just comes off as totally cheap and insincere in retrospect. It's not just her either. Girls who abandon ship when something goes slightly off in their e-fame just come off completely fake. I'm looking at you, Jillian.

Lor is a much better example of what to aim for with e-fame. There's other girls that are sort of "veterans" I really like that have been in the fashion for 8+ years and things like that too. I hate these fake, flavor of the moment lolitas.

>> No.8469778

This is such a weird attitude to have about someone that I don't even know what to say. It's not like all of that happened in a span of 6 months or something. It was probably a combination of things. Feeling like she was outgrowing the fashion, having other interests, and then creepers making it not worth it anymore.

>> No.8469786


I talked with someone once about this with brony identities. People would literally be like RainbowDash69 and completely abandon whatever SN and persona they had before. When ponies stopped being popular, they abandoned ship and became something else. That's basically MF with her AP love. I like how she had to change her name to Milk-Ai just to get rid of her dirty lolita past.

>> No.8469809

Actually, what's the point of being e-famous? It must be great to be admired and liked by other lolitas but I'm guessing the positive sides aren't enough for the negative sides that come with becoming e-famous.

>> No.8469818

> Don't have a distinct personality
> Have something to put you apart ie. glasses or a construction worker's hat
> Have brand
> Take good pictures
> Spam yourself everywhere

>> No.8469941

You sound a bit betrayed by her leaving. She's a human being; it's not her duty to maintain a public persona.

>> No.8470045

>construction worker's hat

Now I want to try wearing one in all my outfit posts just to see how much attention I can get

>> No.8470337


Is it just me or is this girl trying way to hard?

>> No.8470342

forgot to change the fucking name lol

>> No.8470353

Hey, it's the super self-righteous girl who made that video about how much better she is than everyone for not being willing to spend more than $300 on a dress.

And no, it's not just you. This girl singlehandedly redefined the standards of trying too hard.

>> No.8470360

I said it before and I'll say it again

>Overacting: The video.

>> No.8470375

She remade her "self righteous" video actually

>> No.8470391

I guess it depends on how you reach for it. If you're like Kate or Jillian, people will shit on you for coming across as fake or uptight, and taking yourself waay too seriously. If you're more laid back, like idk, Lor, Peachie, Cadney, or the like, people will still shit on you, sure, but they'll have to dig hard to actually have a solid reason. People will always try to hate. I've had people shitpost about me because I didn't have hour-long conversations with them at cons, you can't win sometimes.

As for why, I guess some people like attention, we're all human and a lot of people like to feel important. It wouldn't be my choice, simply because I don't really have time or means to take outfit snaps or run a decent blog/vlog, but I understand the appeal.

>> No.8470412

I'm considered an "e-famous" lolita, it varies from person to person. For me, personally, the worst draw back is the occasional extremely off-base insult online, like people making comments about my rich parents buying all my brand, when my parents are far from rich and have bought me a total of three dresses the entire eight years I've been in lolita as birthday/Christmas gifts. I don't know if it's sexism, ageism, lack of common sense, or a combination, but if you have a large wardrobe, you're 100% guaranteed to have some people blindly assume either your parents or boyfriend bought it for you, or that you strip or some shit to afford it. For some reason beyond my comprehension, no one considers "oh hey, maybe that person has a decent job and/or good budget management skills" or the even more obvious "100 main pieces after 8 years is actually not as much as it may seem if you really stop to think about it". Underage people especially absolutely can't grasp the concepts of "I went to college and have a well paying job as a result" or "this wardrobe was built over almost a decade". Other than that, the only thing I hate about it is people find you a lot less approachable when they see you as some kind of celebrity within the hobby. Most people who know who I am before meeting me are incredibly awkward and almost afraid seeming, as if they think I'm going to judge every little thing they do or something. On the other hand, though, almost everyone I meet wants to be my friend, so at least that's nice, though some of them are obviously just trying to ride coattails.

>> No.8470467

Honestly, I think she kind of over-inflated the whole "Stalker" thing. Like yea, that girl was definitely creepy, but when you really stop to think about what she actually did, she's not that bad, especially compared to what many e-famous girls get. MF blaming her for leaving the fashion was pretty ridiculous. I also agree about how irksome it is that she made herself out the be the biggest AP fan the world has ever seen, only to jump ship the second shit stopped being 110% sunshine in rainbows in her e-fame bubble,
>It's not like all of that happened in a span of 6 months or something
... it did, though. I feel like everyone forgets MF was only around for about a year.

>> No.8470478

And it was during that year that she deiced that the spotlight wasn't for her

Why are you so hurt by her leaving anon? Not everyone can handled being a public figure.

>> No.8470485

She should've thought of that before she literally stepped into the spotlight, courtesy of Deerstalker. Nobody forced her. It's not like she was some nobody with great coords who was discovered on tumblr overnight.

She wanted e-fame, she cried when she couldn't handle the ugly side.

>> No.8470497

And? She most likely decided that she didn't like "the ugly side" AFTER she got big.
>Which is why she left instead of bitching 24/7 about how "Terrible people are!!!" while putting out more videos.

Your are acting like MF did some personal injustice to you just because she quit. They're still plenty of photo of her out there for you to wank off to buddy

>> No.8470519

I'm not hurt by her leaving, I just take issue with the fact she purposely made herself e-famous, through a persona centered around her suppose die-hard passion for Angelic Pretty, then jumped ship because she couldn't handle a little negative attention on the internet. As far as negativity went, she had it better than the vast majority of e-famous people in general, let alone in lolita. As a seagull, she of all people should have been aware that e-fame isn't always positive and she had it good in comparison.

Like >>8470485 said, we're not talking about a random burando-chan who was thrust into the spotlight against her will by crazed admirers thirsty for more. She didn't do anything online before doing videos with Deer Stalker, who were already pretty well known, and her blog centered around all her brand and hauls, which everyone knows is "how to get followers 101".

>> No.8470522

Not that anon, but personally I don't care that she quit, it's how she quit that irks me. Going from 100 to 0 in such a short amount of time is telling about how fickle a person is and shows what little dedication she actually had for AP. I've noticed in her sales posts that she barely has any dresses she's worn more than twice, some of them only having been worn for DS videos. It makes me wonder how much she ever cared about AP.

>> No.8470524

Her voice is so grating. It reminds me of some teacher who works with children where some women have soft baby voices, but they're still condescending. Why does she think it's her job to lecture us about finances? It's a luxury fashion. People are going to spend money.

>that soft piano like I'm supposed to cry

>> No.8470532

No, you're right about that. Life definitely gets in the way and sometimes people just move on. I just don't think she bowed out gracefully is my issue with her. Everything she did she ended up backpedaling on and usually blaming something or someone.

>> No.8470581
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has peachie gained weight?

>> No.8470590

she's still cute, who cares

>> No.8470595

I think that outfit is just super unflattering. White tights will make anyone's legs look fatter, and that wig makes her face look way rounder than it actually is. I really wish she would learn to pick wigs that suited her.

>> No.8470613

I like Lor, but her face is just so old i always feel pity when she's posts

>> No.8470657

I know.. She will look 50+ by the time she is 30, I honestly feel sorry for her. I feel bad when nice sweet girls are stuck with..ugly faces.

>> No.8470678

Lor has very few moments but they're always worthwhile.

>> No.8470694

You're talking about a different stalker.

>> No.8470707

I think you're onto something anon. It makes me wonder if she even did lolita for herself if she could just fuck it off so easily?

>> No.8470803

You're O right ? If so I like you a lot.
I suppose I'm not e-famous but let's say that people would recognise me. I like the fact that it's easier for me to meet new people since I get invited to meetups fairly often, especially when I travel. It's an awesome occasion. On the other end I do my best to not live by e-fame, turn around my social medias and market myself in a fake way because I know I can't keep up with the pressure of being relatable and nice and a model for everyone, because I'm not 24/7 and I intend to be genuine. I see some girls much more well-known in my country barely interact with anyone, dropping meetups last minute and I often ask myself what is the reward of being e-famous if it's not the occasions. Self-esteem ? People will trash you one way or an other. Money ? As if you could win any good money in such a niche fashion. Connexion and interaction ? Yes.

>> No.8470840

I'm talking about the girl who sold her dress, advertising that it used to be MF's. MF said she's part of why she quit.

>> No.8470941

Yeah that's not the stalker that was sending her mail to her house.

>> No.8471137



Please no...

>> No.8471147

She bought and wore replicas, reviewed them even. What dedication to AP? Though she may have been thinking of leaving for a while before acting on it, just not spoken publicly of it so it only seemed abrupt? Maybe if she really felt she had a shopping addiction that was out of control, she may have just taken action fast once she realized it. Point is, no one really knows but she and close people she may have told so anything else is just speculation and gossip.

>> No.8471162

Where have you been? There's enough info out now where it's really plain why she left. Stalkers, drama, and just general salty lolitas. She may try to dive under the radar, but she even stated she was a gull. She's pretty hypocritical.

>> No.8471168

29 seconds in "I was pressured to spend a lot of money"
No bitch, likely you were just told there were a few basic minimum requirements to the fashion and they aren't omg 99 cents. She's still got it completely wrong.
Also...remaking the video because people supposedly twisted her words?
No bitch. You mis-spoke. And you're still doing it.

Go back to goth and nerd stuff. Goths don't give enough of a fuck to criticize you, nerds are a hugbox. Fuck off out of lolita until you can afford some big girl panties. Definitely the first requirement. Does she have a comm or is she solo purincessu desu? I'd like to hear from some of her comm if she has one.

>> No.8471174

Yeah but wasn't all that said before she posted that she still wears it and goes to meets? But then now is supposedly selling off the last of it? Or just selling off the last of her supposed old style before she goes in a different direction? Or now she's just Otome? Who knows? Who should really care yet here we all are blabbing about it still.

>> No.8471712

Wait what? Details? This is the first I've heard of a stalker sending her mail.

>> No.8471720

I love how she says people twisted her words around in that thread as if she didn't straight up use the word selfish to describe spending lots of money on lolita.

>> No.8471728

I hope so, she was borderline anorexic when she first started getting popular.

>> No.8471737

She still says 'selfish' in this one too.
And calls the greater lolita community at large immature as well.
It's a kinder, gentler sort of preachy, bitchy video.
Complete with pained expressions of concern and shitty atmospheric soundtrack effect.

>> No.8471738

Nah, she's always had a face like a pancake.

>> No.8471760

She's in the Vegas comm. There's a video of her and her boyfriend at their ILD meet. I feel sorry for the other girls that have to put up with her fake squeaky anime girl voice and obnoxious attitude.

>> No.8471765

I really don't know where she's getting this idea that most lolitas buy tons of brand and have this huge disposable income or that it's some how unnaceptable to buy Bodyline or taobao. I don't think she understands you can buy brand for cheap secondhand either.

>> No.8471858


I don't mind people throwing a couple Japanese phrases into their videos, but I do hate it when they butcher the pronunciation. Japanese isn't even a hard language to get right. Would it really kill them to spend 5 minutes learning proper pronunciation?

>> No.8472060

Stalker? info plox

>> No.8472072

MF, I know you are a seagull. You're probably in this thread right now. Why don't you put on a trip and tell those fuckers what's up?

>> No.8472101

>you're 100% guaranteed to have some people blindly assume either your parents or boyfriend bought it for you, or that you strip or some shit to afford it.

Oh my god this. I get assuming that if the person in question is, say, 18 or so, that they probably have at least a little financial aid from their parents. But honestly, what's surprising about a 25+ year old woman having a decent job and enough incidental money to spend on hobbies? It's insane. There's a lot of weird sexist shit that gets leveled at the more e-famous girls in this hobby.

>> No.8472167

It's not worth it, really. I do sometimes correct people then I get called new or told I'm spreading wrong information so... I just read replies.

>> No.8472195

is this MF or am i being autistic with pronouns

>> No.8472229

> how to be infamous within the week

>> No.8472242

I think a lot of it is that the underage crowd tend to be under the misconception that everyone just up and quits at 20 or something, so they assume everyone is a teenager. Since there's no visible difference between 18-35 in women who take care of themselves and don't have shit genetics, they think most of those 25+ year olds are really actually like 17. That and some people are just so poorfag that the idea of jobs where you can afford to spend a good amount of money on extra things is as likely as a unicorn.

>> No.8472252

I also love how she says "I felt someone need to say it" as if "you can be a lolita with offbrand and cheap secondhand brand" isn't Lolita 101. Like literally, on top of being on every advice blog ever, that's been said at every Lolita 101 panel I've ever been to.

>> No.8472268

I didn't know that was her new username. I just found her Instagram and I have to say, she looks like shit in her version of otome. She really should just go back to lolita.

>> No.8472285

Basically, being a massive AP clone is the lolita equivalent of exclusively doing sexy costumes in cosplay. Easy likes/followers, everyone wants to be your friend because you're popular, and you can just dismiss those who don't as being jelly. For many AP clones, it becomes more about the efame than the fashion. You'll notice that most girls with large wardrobes who abruptly leave are AP fans.

>> No.8472293

But if you look at the out-takes and read what she personally posted, she IS an awkward, kind of ungraceful, maybe even fairly shy person. The 'Milky Chan the Queen' thing was a persona for filming the Deerstslker videos, a character.

>> No.8472304

She seems so ignorant she doesn't even realize that she's speaking from a position of ignorance to 'advise' others. No one would have gotten on her case if she wasn't trying to scold or school others. If she'd just shared her own feelings or experience. I bet her comm is giving her the side-eye because she's basically talking negatively about much of her lolita experiences so far and some of those experiences were likely with them.

>> No.8472309

If you are MF, you could release a statement. It might quell the speculation some. But if you are out of the fashion, and happy to be, then why are you here?

>> No.8472321

Is that on girl who owns lolita-tips considered e-famous? I am just curious to your guy's opinions

>> No.8472323

^*One girl.

>> No.8472325

She gives a lot of dud advice and I don't think I've ever actually seen her or known her as anything other than lolita-tips, so hardly.

>> No.8472345

This one is my personal favorite


>> No.8472352

She is an ita and very young. Some of her advice might be good for brand new budget-chans but not worthwhile to actually get good in the fashion beyond buying your first coord and some basics.

>> No.8472354

I seen some pics floating around of her in lolita and her coords aren't that grand or anything special. But a lot of newbies consider her like e-famous and junk

I am just wondering cause I wish she would pass the baton of being a help blog to someone else already since she only complains about getting to many ask and shit

>> No.8472377

I just don't feel the need to constantly reiterate to people that I've decided to do a bit of house keeping in regards to my life and hobbies. People can continue to post what they feel, but a lot of the information is speculation or just general gossip and apart from the one or two angry posts everything is quite tame.

I feel more content, comfortable and happy with myself now as opposed to when I was heavily involved in lolita. I'm obviously not going to go into further details regarding personal information because I don't want to provide ammunition for any more speculation.

I still dabble in the fashion when I feel, and I love the community and the friends I've made but obviously I don't post that on the Internet as much as I used to. I'm enjoying being able to be a quiet and private person - I definitely do cringe as my past self from time to time but I believe everybody makes mistakes the only thing you can do is learn from them.

I come on here to read new news and follow things I'm interested in like the lolita general / otome inspo / shopping threads. The gossip threads don't really phase me so I just don't contribute to those.

>> No.8472383

Good on you. I read your journal entries on your public blog and they were touching and genuine. I wish you the best. I hope people can take away the message that e-fame isn't always what it seems nor are people they see on here.

>> No.8472415

Thank you so much, you're extremely kind!

My personal opinion is that I think e-fame and spotlights in general are definitely there to be had for some people especially if they naturally have big, sociable, flamboyant personalities.

It's definitely not something you can attain by trying to act like you have one of those personalities in an attempt to get people to follow you because you will get backlash when people see straight through you.

This also relates to trying to get in the spotlight by "riding trend trains" so to speak. If you're projecting your interests that you actually really love, people will follow you for that because they will see it as interesting - as opposed to you trying to gain them by chopping and changing your interests to please a crowd.

At the time when I was somewhat e-famous people saw straight through me when it came to certain things, because honestly even I didn't know what I wanted or where I was going with it. But, as I said before, I've finally figured myself out and I'm much happier now.

>> No.8472488

I'm curious if you really felt done with lolita or if it was more the online community you really were done with?

>> No.8472495

How does it feel being discussed so much on here? Did it factor into your leaving?

>> No.8472513

Really it just boiled down to my own feelings towards who I am as a person, what I enjoy doing and wearing, and what direction I wanted to go in.

Of course if you have any kind of recognition or public standing in any community you're going to be discussed whether you like it or not, it's just how it is. So honestly I can say there was a tiny mix of both the fashion itself as well as the community being a factor in the reasoning why I left, but by no means is it anything worth trash talking because if I did it would be aimed at a minority within it.

>> No.8472598

Is it true someone sent mail to your house, or is that just another rumor?

>> No.8472617

Recognised but not famous. To compare lolita e-fame to real world things, she's a local newscaster as opposed to a movie star.

>> No.8472630

Yes, somebody started to send letters and presents anonymously to my home, I also had people follow me in the city when I would go out shopping etc.
I also had another find out where I worked and threatened to kill themselves if I did not become their best friend. I also had a lot of people online become obsessive and intrusive, and then of course there are the stories about a few others that are well known eg; the girl using my name to sell a dress who used to abuse people in my friend circle.

But as I said, this is a small minority and as a sensitive person this was something I could not handle very well and it ended up making my personal situation worse. In the end I thought the best point of call would be to calmly walk away from it all.

>> No.8472632

I just realised I started basically every sentence with "I also had", sorry for my repetition.

>> No.8472638

I need someone for Mori girl and natural kei. The mori girl tag on tumblr is horrible. There seems to be enough people interested in mori girl, but they just do a poor job at it. Those who were decent have left. I also can't stand the strega stuff.

>> No.8472654

Damn Alanah, you weren't kidding. I'm glad things are getting better for you now and you're happier with yourself. Hopefully these posts stop a lot of the speculation too.

Fuck strega

>> No.8472683

why didnt u just call the police ?

>> No.8472739

That's so disturbing. If you don't mind me asking, did you know who was following you or did you just know someone was? Were the letters threatening at all? One of my friends is lolita famous and last year, she received anonymous packages with brand accessories and letters about how cute she was for a couple months. She thought it was the best thing ever, but I was too freaked out wondering how they got her address.

I wonder if this kind of thing is kind of normal for people popular in the hobby to deal with.

Not MF, but while what she describes is creepy as fuck, it's not really anything the cops can do anything about.

>> No.8472763

The cops can't really help with any of what she described, sadly. They'd just tell her to "get out of the spotlight online," which is what she basically did anyways.

E-fame sounds pretty tedious, to be honest.

>> No.8472790

I'm so sorry you had to deal with all that, it sounds like a nightmare. I really liked your videos, it makes me sad that popularity in the fashion brought such horrible shit on. I'm really curious what it is that makes these people so obsessed with you. I mean, don't take this the wrong way, but you're just an adorable girl with a lot of great clothes who did a handful of funny videos with her friends, I don't really understand why the fixation on you is so intense compared to any other cute girl doing cute things with lots of brand.

>> No.8472816

>I also had another find out where I worked and threatened to kill themselves if I did not become their best friend.

I have heard this from various efamous people and everytime i just think that I'd let them kill themselves. It's not other people's fault that they are mentally unstable.

>> No.8472821

I knew of one person, but I didn't know the others. The letters were never threatening, but they were very emotionally driven and made me feel uncomfortable.

I definitely agree with you in the fact that I really did nothing special, all I did was share snippets from my life via blogging until the Deerstalker Crew asked me to do a few videos with them, and being their friend I happily obliged. All of the ideas, scripts, directing, filming and editing was done by them - they're extremely talented people and deserve the recognition for the works that I was in when some people still think that it was me who ran my own channel on YouTube - I don't know how to even use microsoft paint or movie maker let alone photoshop or proper video editing).

I think it's just the social nature of our generation, it's become normal to have obsessions over things aka boy bands, hobbies, fandoms etc which would then carry over to everyday life and people.

I myself have been caught up in these obsessions but thankfully it was over 2D characters and when I was younger doing everything via the Internet wasn't really a thing - now it's massive for all age groups and they have more access to things that fuel their obsessions.

>> No.8473381

I love how she remade the video and basically omitted all of the content from the previous one.

>> No.8473389

Hahahahaha she honestly thinks these animes are targeted at her. Cute...

>> No.8473584

Did anyone else notice her refer to disagreeing with this opinion as "feminist"?

>> No.8473776

You guys should see her profile bio.
>"I'm vegan! I eat sushi sometimes though :33"

>> No.8474231

Anon just wanted to be fameous thats the fastest way to do it really, doing it the ideal way takes years a lot of the time.

>> No.8474241

Anon said "popular", which would mean they want to be mostly liked

>> No.8474560

I actually liked this video, because some beginners don't know that there are cheaper options and do feel intimidated. Or they feel intimidated by lolitas that wear strictly brand.

Is there drama about this girl that I'm missing?

>> No.8474571

There's less of it in this video (though still there if you pay attention), but in the original she outright calls it selfish to spend $300+ on a dress and that no one who does that can relate to being poor.

>> No.8474768

Yeah but even most beginners find that out quickly with the right research. She just sounds like she's talking down to whoever is watching the video or acting like this fountain of advice.
She's very cringey in both rufflechat and her videos.

>> No.8475545

MF replies and no one is interested. I think people like gossip and speculation better than truth

>> No.8475559

She's kind of a nobody these days, though. To be honest, I just wanted to be like the others and call out her sort of shallow behavior akin to Jillian. The stalking I can understand for MF in just lolita, but both are not very genuine people. They like to throw the community under the bus and blame us for "bullying", too.

I'll give it under a year for MF to abandon her current persona and become like Soft Milk or some new SN and become another Larme convert. Alternative route: She becomes a neo-gyaru.
I also give Jillian less than a year to bail on her "Larme-kei" dreams. She's awfully determined for this to be her "brand" style for just being into the fashion for a less than a year, isn't she?

>> No.8475561

Nothing else to say, really. I just hope people actually listen to and remember what she has said so this stops.

>> No.8475577

Can you not read how she clearly said it has nothing to do with the comm? The reply she gave is pretty genuine imo, you're just salty af.

>> No.8475579

I guess I'm salty since I knew her. She's better at PR than Jillian, that's for sure.

>> No.8475582

You don't seem like you know her very well then lol.

>> No.8475673

I was interested and asked her a couple of questions, but I think part of why she's getting so little replies is because she just made it very clear that her quitting had a lot to do with strangers being very intrusive. I had more questions for her, but I felt she already went beyond my expectations by telling us about the stalking she experienced and I didn't want to overwhelm her. If she tells us that she's fine to answer more, I will and I'm sure more would, too. Plus, to be fair, we don't know for 100% that's MF. I could have just as easily wrote that. I'm guessing that is MF because I think if it was just some random anon, the story would have been more dramatic, and the typing style is the exact same as hers, but we still don't know for an absolute fact.
I wouldn't say shes a nobody these days, there's two threads going on at the same time that are derailed by discussing her, and you can't mention her at all without that being the case.

>> No.8475677 [DELETED] 

Would you be open to answering more questions, or have you already shared as much as you're comfortable with?

>> No.8475685

It's definitely her. Besides the typing style, what they said was the same as what she has said irl. That is to say, it's true.
I honestly couldn't think of anything else to ask/ say. It's all there, cap it or whatever so next time somebody goes asking about milkyfawn you can just show them and entire threads will stop being de-railed by people asking.

>> No.8475688

Who cares though, it's a style and she's young.
I don't know if it's because I can relate to her, I'm quite fickle with interests, but I don't think it should bother you so much or that it's the community's business. So many people her age are like this, searching for an identity. She probably stayed longer than she would have because of the community and the people she's met through it.

>> No.8478466

How many followers on tumblr do you need to be considered popular? And how many for Instagram? And by "popular" I don't mean efame, more along the lines of well-respected.

>> No.8478549

Are you pretty, take a decent shot with a good background, and can coord well? As long as you got those down, you'll be easy to find. I look for brand tags personally. I see repeat faces over and over. It's not hard to be "lolita respected" really.

>> No.8478556

Instagram: at least 5 or 6k
Tumblr: 10k+

>> No.8478558

Now I feel really bad because I think I was one of those "creeping" strangers...
She posted anonymously (knew it was her because reasons) in a thread requesting something and I just sent her the things she wanted via FB (so I did not have to rename them and do exif stuff) - but I didn't mention that I had seen it here... so it would have just been some random stranger coming out of the blue and appearing to try and kiss her ass I guess.

>mfw I thought that my 38 followers was a huge achievement.

>> No.8478576

That many for Instagram? Even some of efame girls don't have that many (Mila, Girlyhoot, Cadney, etc.)

Not trying to argue, just surprised.

>> No.8478610

If you want to be on the same level as some of the cosplay girls and actually have some recognition, you'll probably have to have around that amount. Decent sponsors don't come unless you have around that number or maybe even 8k+ and once you have enough sponsors, you can get up to a lot more. To have a more global instagram recognition, you probably want about 15k. Instagram is tough, but it really also depends on the community and crowd you're trying to reach.

>> No.8478641 [DELETED] 


>> No.8478789

Even in cases of threatening stalking, the police often can't do anything if the items arrive anonymously.

Best story I can think of to explain it: My friend does social work, particularly with people who have mood disorders. One of her counselling circle members took a liking to her. When she gently told him that would never go anywhere, he requested a change to a new group. She thought she had embarrassed him and put the request through.

Turns out, he thought that her objection was purely to their relationship as counsellor and patient. He started following her home after shifts. He would follow her out shopping. When she rejected him again, she started receiving threats in her mail box. At one point, he sent her a box with a bloody box cutter and a slashed up blow up doll.

Even with all the threats and his history, it took her over six months to get a restraining order, because there was no "proof" it was from him. And this is keeping in mind that Australia post requires you sign packages going out, so his name was on anything he sent through the mail.

>> No.8478798

Hey MF, I'll admit I talked a lot of shit about you when you dodged the e-fame, but I'm honestly so sorry. I know I'm just some anon on the internet, but I'd never realised the gravity of what you went through, and I'd heard "ugh what an ungrateful AP clone dumb bitch" thrown around so much that I started to believe it.

I'm sorry for contributing to such discussions, I feel awful for talking shit when I really didn't know anything. You're really brave for speaking out about it, and for getting out of the spotlight in one piece.

>> No.8478820

How can someone get followers on Instagram? I jumped to 1k pretty easily but I'm still 1k after months. 2 up 3 down and that.

>> No.8478824

Seconding this. I feel weird putting loads of tags on my posts because I don't want to seem stupidly thirsty, so I try to keep with the most relevant 5-6 tags, but I'm not sure what else to do except maybe just post more. I'm at about 200, but most of those are fb friends who just followed me when I joined.

>> No.8478874

The great thing with insta is you can put tags in a comment on the picture, not the picture description, reap the likes, then delete the comment full of tags.

>> No.8478940

Have a super ugly af face and use clown make up

>Milky fawn
Act like a super spoiled brat and have lots of brand

Be an age player weabo with a super annoying personality

>> No.8479421

Those numbers seem a bit high. I think 2000+ for Insta, and 8,000+ for Tumblr.

>> No.8479460

Would love to see your sunshine visage and personality, anon-chan~

>> No.8479470

It helps me to like have kind of a simple theme. Outfit shots + simple stickers + few common lolita fashion tags. they'll just eventually come. it also helps to have a few different interests to get different types of people

>> No.8480660

Can mahouprince be considered somewhat of a lolita or naw? They are tumblr famous too but he/she/they/something always shows off some brand piece time to time

>> No.8480765

Make funny and relatable videos, be approachable but still have a good amount of brand, never say anything bad about anyon

>Milky Fawn
Have a cute face and a very large and sought after wardrobe. Be friends with people who are good at making youtube videos

Be relatable and thrifty, have advice for newer lolitas, be cheesy and likable.

>Tbh I cannot explain pixielocks, her outfits are plain, videos completely unfunny in every way, she's not cute or likable, her videos are shiny, people see pink and big lettering and they click it because they think it will be a good video and in the end never actually finish.

I have only seen mahouprince in lolita once and it was a bit of a hot mess.

>> No.8483149

I honestly think a large chunk of Jillian's fan base watches her for her boyfriend. I know a lot of seagulls find him ugly af, but that doesn't change the fact a lot of people think he's really hot.

>> No.8483157

That's a weird thing to point out, but he does seem to have his own mini following. It seems mostly like random straight lolitas desperate for the "prince style boyfriend" to project onto.

He's kind of awkward to me, though. I actually like what he does for Jillian, even though I'm indifferent to her, but his persona is very "the boyfriend", sort of like how some Youtubers have "the wife" or "girlfriend", though.

>> No.8483174

Why does everyone hate Jillian? Legit curious, I know nothing about her, just watched a couple of her videos. I got enough to know she's annoying, but not enough to explain /cgl/'s hate boner for her.

>> No.8483184

The real hate came when she posted her LACE vid and talked a bit self-important in it. She was posted just in a few cringe threads and not many cared before that. Then there was some ridiculous thread on everyone speculating how she gets all that brand at her age.

Basically, she did nothing wrong besides be annoying, have brand, and be kind of full of herself. Typical /cgl/ non-issues and petty hate. I miss cows that were actually racist or thieves or something to really be called a cow and watch. She's not even sticking to lolita anymore.

>> No.8483190

Jillian is the one chick that made that melodramatic LACE video and got butt hurt after someone made a parody of her video right?

>> No.8483196

That's a shame. The way people talk about her, I was hoping for someone like Sniper-Nyan or at the very least Charms level shit. I too miss the days when we had real lolcows.

>> No.8483197

>>good look anon
Oh I can't seem to find it

>> No.8483201

That's the one. On the surface she tried to act like she wasn't hurt, but she was clearly affected by it. It's probably why she "left lolita" for Larme-kei.

>> No.8483223

>Then there was some ridiculous thread on everyone speculating how she gets all that brand at her age.
I don't see why there's so much focus in this community on how people get their brand. Let's put aside the obvious fact that as a teenager living with her parents, she probably has no expenses thus any money she got from a part-time job or whatever could go to whatever she wanted, and pretend her parents buy everything for her. Who cares? What's so wrong with people's parents buying them lolita as long as they don't act like they're superior for having a large wardrobe? Lolitas can be so jealous and bitter.

>> No.8483230

doesn't she act superior though?

>> No.8483236

>Oh boo hoo
I'm sure if seagulls got brand for free/cheap they're brag about it too

>> No.8483243

I can't say because I've only watched a couple of her videos (though from what I've seen, she's happy with her wardrobe, but never said anything about thinking of herself as superior), but this is something that comes up a lot in lolita with pretty much every girl who has a lot of brand. Even in my local comm, even if you have a job, some girls assume your boyfriend or parents are buying it from you.

>> No.8483265

I love a cow as much as the next gull, but Jillian felt kind of below even /cgl/ in that one. It turned out she did work for her tons of brand (of course). The mere speculation mommy bought every coveted Angelic Pretty release seemed really delusional. In retrospect, the thread is just pure jealousy and anger at the thought of anyone having parents nice enough to shower them in brand.

If only it were true. A little spoiled princess lolita that never has to work and gets all the brand would rustle this board to it's foundation.

>> No.8483311

>If only it were true. A little spoiled princess lolita that never has to work and gets all the brand would rustle this board to it's foundation.
So true.

In all honesty, though, I actually feel bad for the people who have to turn to assuming others don't buy their own brand, then demonize them for it, to feel better about the fact they have more of it. It takes some intense bitterness to resort to that.

>> No.8483312

I just dislike her because she is annoying as fuck, she runs panels on being a popular youtuber and is a general all around tryhard.

>> No.8483328

There are a few that have parents or SO that do exactly this but they'll probably never say it because they'd be ripped apart for it. Not because its a bad thing but simply because of jealousy or the somehow mistaken notion that they 'didn't deserve it'.
Secret Princess Society. That would be nice, actually.

>> No.8483337

Yeah but if they're that mentally unstable they're liable to snap and do something to YOU, not just to themselves.

Also you might think it's fine now but if someone really committed suicide and blamed you for it, you would be carrying around a huge weight and guilt for a long time, probably.

>> No.8483345

oh that's a pretty nice system

>> No.8483894

It says a lot about this board that so many people on it are as salty as they are over an underage vlogger who doesn't really do all that much to earn their hate

>> No.8484103

What are some popular tags for j-fashion?

>> No.8484454

She isn't a baby. She's going to be eighteen soon. Will that make it acceptable to be salty over her?
I think most people find her annoying and very easy to make fun of because she constantly puts it out there.

>> No.8484534

The salt I was referring to was specifically the dickish speculation as to how she got her brand.

Also, I know 17 is not a baby, I just personally have a thing about people who aren't even old enough to come on the board yet getting bitched about as much as she is, especially when one of the main criticisms is bitterness over their parents supposedly buying them shit.

>> No.8484557

Totally off-topic but this reminds me of a girl I knew in highschool who was a complete fucking sociopath.

Basically the guy she was on/off dating told her he'd kill himself if she broke things off with him (a shit way to handle things, but they were 16 and he had bipolar or something). Not only did she say 'okay, do it,' she let the whole class hear him sobbing uncontrollably over the phone to her.

They found him dead that evening, and she just laughed about it like it was some kind of weird coincidence. She literally could not process the idea that it might have had something to her, even though he sent her a text seconds before they think it happened saying something like 'I'll always love you.'

I mean, I guess it wasn't really her fault, the guy was mentally unstable to start with. It was just the way she was so callous about it. This wasn't some random stalker either, it was a guy she'd been hanging out with for years.

sage for OT, sorry about that.

>> No.8484563

I really don't think that is the major complaint. Her personality and humble bragging, spoiled attitude are what gets most people here.

>> No.8484572

How exactly does she humble brag? Genuine question, I've only seen a few of her videos.

>> No.8484576

People like that are the ones with real mental health issues. Clearly the guy was depressed and bipolar, but he was no sociopath like her.

I've learned people like this appear to be innocent "drama victims" but end up getting a track record of awful things surrounding them. I've known more than one that were lesser versions of her and actually caused their "misfortunes", if not coaxed them on. You really have to observe both people in scenarios like that. The real victim is not always so apparent.

>> No.8484577

Usually "I'll kill myself if you leave me" turns to "I'll kill you if you leave me"
It's emotionally manipulative and is a form of abuse. I realize teenagers are stupid and dramatic but still a fucked up thing to tell someone, even if he meant it in this case

>> No.8484585

She brags about being YouTube famous or whatever, she brags about her dress size, she brags about winning a contest and being a guest at a con. The mannerisms she try to convey are of one humbled by the experiences but the way she talks and her facial expressions make it all too clear.

>> No.8484591

Cgl does this all the time though

>> No.8484613

Honestly, what is she supposed to talk about? If she wins a competition, is super happy, and thinks she did well, that's bragging? What would you have made her talk about or say after winning a cosplay contest at a con? /cgl/ is amazingly transparent when things like this happen.

Man I know the whole "you're jealous" never seems to apply, but it really does this time. Outside being a bit full of herself, she seems genuine. I think the petty attitude towards her is amazingly stupid since she's probably younger than a good majority of us. If you get you jollies doing that, be my guest.

>> No.8484624

I'd probably be so pissed off in that situation that I might be tempted to do the same thing. Taking yourself hostage like that is incredibly manipulative. I would immediately break off any sort of relationship with anyone who tried it.

But I would call the authorities so that if they were serious, someone would be able to stop them. And if they weren't, they deserve to deal with whatever trouble they get for it. No guilty conscience that way.

>> No.8484625

Honestly this is me as well. I look so much better in classic rather than sweet I think but I love sweet so much. I hate having to blur out my face but I feel like I probably should...

>> No.8484632

I wouldn't say usually, I've had several boyfriends threaten to kill themselves, but none of them ever threatened or hurt me. Shit's still fucked up if you're using it to manipulate the person.
This so hard. The only time I channeled my seagull side IRL was when I straight up told my boyfriend's ex best friend I was sorry about her daddy issues, because she went on this massive tangent about how her dad always told her if she felt like killing herself, he would drive her to the bridge himself because he didn't want to be burdened with getting her psychological help and it meant he failed as a parent. She was saying how she totally agreed with him and it was the only way to deal with people considering suicide, just let them die so they don't burden their families. I repeatedly told her that I had family members who killed themselves, so I was completely uncomfortable with the conversation, and she said how at least they weren't burdening the family anymore. Finally, I straight up called her dad a piece of shit after clarifying she was being literal and her father would indeed rather she die than get her psychological help. She said it was just "being real" and was like "wow, judging people you don't even know, that's such a great personality trait you have!" I won't go into the rest of the long ass story, but I was always completely baffled at how fucked up that shit was. Like you said, it's a prime example of them being the ones with real mental health issues. The crazy thing is, she very harshly judges women who give their babies up for adoption because her dad always taught her it was wrong as "you never turn your back on family". Except of course, when they entertain suicidal thoughts, apparently.
Yeah, I gotta say, that panel on becoming internet famous speaks volumes about how she views herself. I wasn't any better when I was 17, though. She'll probably grow out of it.

Anyone have a link to her LACE video? I can't find it.

>> No.8484645

/cgl/ defines humblebragging or general bragging as discussing anything positive going on with you at all. I find Jillian annoying, but I don't think she "humblebrags" as much as she's accused of. IDK, I haven't seen all of her videos, maybe she has and I just haven't seen it. I'm just skeptical anytime seagulls say someone's bragging because more than half the time, they're not actually and it's just anons being bitter.

Like, I was accused of humblebragging once because in a wardrobe thread, I said I had 50+ main pieces and it was overwhelming me. That's how liberally /cgl/ likes to use that term.

>> No.8484647

I dislike her because she's as much of a stereotypical misrepresentation of what lolita is as she accuses all these hater bullies of being. She's shallow, self-absorbed, fake, condescending...none of these are traits that are attractive. And if that behavior attracts more of the same type, it's not good.

>> No.8486361

I guess it's easy to get a swelled head about that sort of thing but tbh as someone just 1 year older than her I know that at 17 I wouldn't have reacted that way
It's easy to view 18 as suddenly becoming an adult, but there is little to no difference in the ages. She's setting herself up to be thoroughly disliked as an adult

>> No.8486627

I think that's a person to person thing, I was pretty much a completely different person at 19 than I was 17.

>> No.8486639

Same. At 18 I was an obnoxious weebzilla who wouldn't shut up about her MENTUL ISHOOZ (I had actual anxiety for a long time, not the tumblr horseshit, but you bet I was trying to milk the shit out of it because that's what the dark, brooding heroes of muh anniemays did!) and 2 years later I'm pretty much a normalfag.

It has less to do with age and more to do with experience imo. Those who go through more shit in their youth usually end up maturing faster whilst sheltered weebs stay immature far longer.