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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 113 KB, 540x720, tumblr_nphqch6EEf1rnwbczo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8389578 No.8389578 [Reply] [Original]

The other one sucks and doesn't count

>> No.8389620

Weak start, OP.

>> No.8389677

Are you blind?

>> No.8389682

If she changed that tshirt, the hood and put a bigger bow she will be really cute.
No vendettas pls

>> No.8389683


Wouldnt something to be ita have to pretend to be lolita?

That looks like some casual qt getup.

>> No.8389684

Do you even lolita bro?

>> No.8389699

It was tagged gothic lolita and rorita

>> No.8389713


Ok, hate away then.

>> No.8390239

Babby's first time being posted to ita thread, aww

>> No.8390252

"I have a poofy skirt, bow in my hair, AND mary-jane style shoes! I'm totally kawaii rorita desu!"

>> No.8390259

What's up with the bottom of the skirt? It looks like bias tape put over an unevenly cut hem. Very strange.

I feel like this could be cute as a casual look with a proper black cutsew and black x red wrist cuffs, maybe?

>> No.8390343

black and red screams edgy princess to me fuck no

>> No.8390381
File: 70 KB, 640x426, wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8390388
File: 168 KB, 540x810, ita2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8390391

why. just why.

>> No.8390398
File: 174 KB, 540x810, tumblr_npmhrfKQ4P1us24lpo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8390402

Not ita, she just has an unfortunate face

>> No.8390403
File: 137 KB, 374x810, tumblr_npnfpd43ln1r75wj8o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8390417

This would be fine with a different wig and some makeup.

Also, what print is the skirt?

>> No.8390419

Her face is fine; she's just making an awkward expression. It's her wig that looks bad.

>> No.8390435

Eh, get rid of this horrendous hoodie, add some goffic-eggy bracelets, and it could count as legit casual punk lolita

>> No.8390438

AP's merry making party

>> No.8390439

Ah, classic

>> No.8390443

people still trying this in 2015?!

>> No.8390459

>mfw i would like more this coord if was more balanced and less mixed colors, just playing with lavender and pink as accents
>a cutsew from AP with a bright pastel print, platform mary janes in pink and black otk with some pink or lavender accent would make all better. A star bag would be cute too.
>also there are pastel cyberlox around idk why she didn't used pastel ones cause neon colors look like there is too much colors mixed

>> No.8390607

Ita in the making

>> No.8390628
File: 198 KB, 540x810, tumblr_npl8mpfRCd1u9kr75o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant figure out what the hell she was trying to do here.

>> No.8390662

I actually really like that dress for casual stuff

>> No.8390670

i love this like legit i really like it

>> No.8390695

So it's just nitpick

>> No.8390700

I don't have a problem with it either, anon. This thread sucks so far.

>> No.8390721

This pic actually made me find this board. I was conviced it was beautiful and a dream coord. I found an archived thread on cyberlolita being ugly and was super offended but I started visiting the board. My taste rapidly improved. I also thought hellolace was a shopping website.

>> No.8390737

What, she's absolutely beautiful. Just wearing a horrible wig.

>> No.8390763
File: 321 KB, 540x810, tumblr_npj1bx6asg1ts0e8ho1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I thought it was fine until I looked a little closer

>> No.8390774

> mfw you don't know how to fucking greentext

>> No.8390775

>mfw i think i know this girl
saw the thumbnail and was like "vendetta?" but then i saw the fullsize and cringed

>> No.8390776

Vendetta. This looks awesome

>> No.8390784
File: 142 KB, 900x1200, tumblr_mfx4joNwOI1s0jpnko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then post some shit jfc

>> No.8390788

if she chopped off her legs she'd be fine.

>> No.8390793
File: 30 KB, 250x333, tumblr_mabureq8qC1rfyhsjo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8390795

All of this is ugly as shit, but wow, put together it works so well. She looks incredible.

>> No.8390807
File: 112 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mg4fpwls6L1rf7zz2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8390810

Oh my god that's so weird to see her here..
I knew her back in high school and I was just wondering how she was doing
Does anyone know her current name she goes by?

>> No.8390816
File: 126 KB, 449x750, tumblr_mfsnobufwy1s0jpnko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8390825


>> No.8390830

holy shit

>> No.8390922


smh made me use all caps

>> No.8390927

I mean I wish I could pull this off it's hella cute

>> No.8390935


It's literally the definition of ita

>> No.8390945

I don't even know where to begin...
Looking at her smile, ignorance truly is a bliss.

>> No.8390981

I don't know why it works but... I really do like this.

>> No.8390992

>matching your shoes to the petti that shouldn't be showing in the first place

>> No.8391007

Seems like she was mostly excited to play dress-up with what she had, not to make a great coord. Kinda weeby but I don't think she's a lost cause. Just looks like she needs more to work with.
>please ditch the peach blouse, looks weird af with the JSK's pinks

>> No.8391035

miku miku ita

>> No.8391054

I kek'd

>> No.8391057

I thought those were panties on her head from the thumbnail.

>> No.8391064
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>> No.8391075
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>> No.8391078
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>> No.8391083
File: 685 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_npo3jwzJw71tj9v1jo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8391088
File: 326 KB, 768x1280, tumblr_nplu6frrRW1rklryao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my dream dress

>> No.8391090

She's been posted a couple times now - who is she? Idc if she's ita I think she's awesome

>> No.8391093

Other than the socks and shoes, what's wrong with this?

>> No.8391094

This is cute. Maybe needs more petti, but nitpick not ita.

>> No.8391095

nitpick, anon

step up your fucking game

>> No.8391102
File: 553 KB, 1104x1600, tumblr_npgvrtuFSD1tjj79io1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8391108

B-but this is a Japanese model a-and this was in GLB so it's definitely not ita? Right? Sometimes GLB featured some tacky ass shit, brah.

>> No.8391130
File: 958 KB, 500x281, tumblr_n2yomxJEzq1qlvwnco1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fucking pose
Rustling my jimmies more than anything else. You're not fucking kawaii uguu~ get off the damned floor

>> No.8391135
File: 182 KB, 744x744, tumblr_npdty16FTL1ut6lyao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pirate dress specifically

>> No.8391147
File: 61 KB, 360x460, tumblr_nok51zKpnZ1qb3lkfo2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know meta is kind of cheating but yikes

>> No.8391153

Cgl doesn't care.

>> No.8391171
File: 283 KB, 1063x1600, tumblr_np81gadohe1r3p789o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"steampunk wa lolita"

>> No.8391188

Looks like she's going to the Renaissance faire.

>> No.8391190

Someone I follow on tumblr reblogged this. I made a good decision by transitioning to 4chan instead of tumblr for most of my brousing

>> No.8391192

what the fuck is meta on sometimes

>> No.8391201
File: 40 KB, 512x384, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The links in her hair don't even match. And I thought it was bad having a cood with mismatched pinks

>> No.8391202
File: 28 KB, 313x480, tumblr_mf88igftbJ1s0jpnko1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8391203

Oh yeah cause 4chan is just soooo great

>> No.8391206

More nitpick than ita. I actually think it's cute.

>> No.8391207

oh lord what happened here? is this milanoo?

>> No.8391210

Shit she looks retard with the weeb pose and the kawaii uguu face

>> No.8391217

I prefer these salty anons to the hugbox hellhole of tumblr.

>> No.8391222

> welcome to my twisted mind

>> No.8391229

"This is coorded differently than I would have corded it, sO I'M GONNA CALL IT ITA BECAUSE MUH DREAM DRESSU"

>> No.8391231

I like this

>> No.8391237
File: 203 KB, 586x489, 1409946624790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8391258
File: 88 KB, 500x667, 1420679585641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8391263
File: 107 KB, 639x823, 1371349031416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8391264

This should be a cgl banner

>> No.8391273

I'm pretty sure this is from an ita dress up thread. If you don't know what this is, you are are a summerfag and need to sit down.

>> No.8391281

how does your bag and shoe collection look better than this coord

>> No.8391283

I'd rather people be shitty and honest than "precious poor bbyboo go pet a cat uwu"

>> No.8391291

>not the worst
>opens pic

Burn that wig right fucking now I don't care if your grandma made it with her last breath it needs to go.

>> No.8391292
File: 56 KB, 456x377, tumblr_lm3d2s0Sw21qjgqsko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8391301

good ol' ita

>> No.8391302


>brand is MAM

That says everything, really

>> No.8391322

more like NO MA'AM

>> No.8391336

I agree with >>8391217 and>>8391283
because Tumblr, in my experience, seems to encourage people to think less critically while there's little point in being on 4chan without your own opinion.

>> No.8391343

>hating this beautiful wa-lolita... thing

welp more for me then.

>> No.8391345

Isnt she temptestpaige on tumblr?

>> No.8391351

This is the poster child of ita. Can we just use this image for all ita threads from now on?

>Shes so cute and happy though i have a hard time hating this

>> No.8391465

>tfw this was the add in the GLB that made me want to get into lolita
I-I have better taste now, I promise.

>> No.8391468
File: 345 KB, 500x375, itachan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I improved it

>> No.8391472

>secretly wishes MAM lolita was a thing

It's tacky... and I love it.

>> No.8391577

Anon is just salty; this is a wonderful Show By Rock cosplay!

>> No.8391586

I remember back when GLB was a thing that I thought that this was the ugliest shit I've ever seen.
>Mfw they finally had a hair/make up tutorial for blacks
>it was shit

>> No.8391593

>think critically

>> No.8391625

Agreed. On a side note while we're discussing GLB, Kana was pretty much hit or miss, mostly miss for me, personally. Although, many would agree that she did pretty good Ero loli but she was never my cup of tea.

>> No.8391633

This is literally not lolita in anyway, more like someone who happened to find loli shoes on ebay or some shit and slapped together pieces from the rest of their wardrobe. It'd be decently cute if they lost the bracelets and hoodie, but still not even close to lolita.

Get your eyes checked anon and learn what lolita actually looks like :^)

>> No.8391676

Nitpick at worst.

Get over yourself anon

>> No.8391689

If you meant tempestpaige, no that's definitely not her. I believe she's 22/23 now.

>> No.8391742

Really? I remember her on lj and i could of sworn i followed her to tumblr from one of her posts. Does anyone remember her lj/tumblr account? I remember i use to watch her youtube videos too though i dont remember the name of her channel either

>> No.8391748

Yeah that looks nothing like her, she's much smaller. Also is from FL, not NY.
I haven't been in contact with her since she was working on that cyber coord, which was like 4 years ago so I haven't got a clue what she goes by now.

>> No.8391753

I believe that tempestpaige was meow-tan on LJ. Thought she left lolita for tumblrshit fashion. If that's her, she aged like shit.

>> No.8391803


Nothing's really stopping you from wearing it... just try not to post photos of it in the lolita tag, I suppose?

>> No.8391814
File: 7 KB, 320x200, 10524694_10200515274400738_8889939065505358400_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8391818
File: 229 KB, 501x268, cgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried (for 5 minutes)

>> No.8391824


They are my favorite brand forever and ever. Their dresses are so outlandishly tacky that I love everything they produce.

>> No.8391860

fuck i thought the exact same thing

>> No.8391862

she owns a dress i have ordered, makes me worry about myself. hopefully i wear it much better

>> No.8391863

We need to have those threads again...

>> No.8392178
File: 48 KB, 420x560, 1933210_lookbook__12_02-08__SK-BLK-eyelet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tagged as ero lolita.

>> No.8392185

but if someone other than voldie makes one she'll get upset that it's not her thread again

>> No.8392197

If she changed the wig for a natural colored one it would be ok. Not wonderful since the other thinsg don't match 100%, but it would be alright.

>> No.8392200

This has a "for an outfit it's horrible, but for a fairy-tale photo shoot it's awesome"-flair.

>> No.8392253
File: 150 KB, 720x720, 11406855_10153329242175180_7343686700486616951_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8392258

Underskirt needs a bit more poof so it doesn't look as off with the dress otherwise it's fine. How is this its in any way?

>> No.8392267

I can't stop looking at her hand.

>> No.8392269

I like the torso area for something that's not lolita. Like a costume for a tv show.

>> No.8392274
File: 202 KB, 640x337, mz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't believe this bitch is still around

>> No.8392276

She looks like what Misako would look like if she's white.

>> No.8392282

mmmmmm that shadow mustache. seriously would have never guessed these were the same person.

>> No.8392307
File: 2.86 MB, 3117x4675, desu-hl-su-060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8392327

Jesus christ, I hate Antique Clock, why does every ita own it? I mean, I get that it's Bodyline and it's cheap, but why that dress specifically?

>> No.8392330

It's the kimono thing. In terms of kimono colours, that combination is really very nice. In terms of lolita, it's extremely wtf and the reason most wa-lolita is a massive fail right off the bat.

>> No.8392331

i hate that ita threads are half full with "this thing is mistagged as rorita when it's obviously not rorita so it's ugry and i need 2 post it"
this thread should be people trying to wear lolita and fucking it up not "omg lol look at this loser using the rori tag"

>> No.8392358


Seriously anon? That's not even a bad coordination of the dress. I don't like it either, but that girl is hardly ita.

>> No.8392363

Does she have a patent on the idea or something?

>> No.8392366

Was it Voldie that flipped over that? I thought it was someone else. Though I do remember to freak out about how it was supposed to be every third Saturday or something.

>> No.8392367

I see that now, the print just blinded me with rage, I guess. If she changed her hat, got a less janky-looking necklace and swapped her wig she'd look better.

God. I just hate Antique Clock.

>> No.8392387

Doesn't this just fall into the 'Casual Lolita' thread? No where near ita.

>> No.8392509
File: 116 KB, 500x559, 1433887655146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help, i like that dress

>> No.8392609

She's actually really improved, she looks slightly less murderous since she took advice about toning down the eye makeup and investing in an underskirt has done her well.

>> No.8392612


>> No.8392631

Oh gosh me too


why the fuck would you mix leopard print with chocolate chess? why would you use leopard print with loli at all?

She looks like she just went to a con and stuck on everything she bought in the dealer's room on her head

>> No.8392649

She improved loads though. She got an underskirt, wears less rings and bracelets, toned down her make-up.
I don't like her hair but it's still nicer than those ugly twin tail wigs she wore before.

>> No.8392652

Why does she make herself look so white in the fanpage pic?

>> No.8392654

You need exorcism, stat!

>> No.8392657

a razor blade? da fuq

>> No.8392663

It's the same girl from the guns pictures I've seen here. She's a bit odd and redneck.

>> No.8392737

>mfw this looks exactly like my cousin
i know it's not her....but dear god

>> No.8392741

Are those...tea lights around her waist? Oddly, I like specific elements she has going on here, I just don't like them together... or on her.

>> No.8392745

Who is this?

>> No.8392807

I wasn't even into lolita when those threads were around.. But I agree that we should make threads like that again

>> No.8392816

digging those eyelashes, everything else can go

>> No.8392818


>> No.8392826

What is wrong with her waist?

>> No.8392830

these are the epitome of ita
meta are you ok
MAM has done some tacky shit, like even tackier than meta
i kek'd. this should be our new sticky
i think i know the girl on the left

>> No.8392843

Do you know her (the girl on the left)? Because as far as I have heard of her she's a real bitch and a cheater.

>> No.8392850

Not sure if it's trying to be a cat, a dalmatian, or a bumble bee.

MAM has a lot of potential (not this piece in particular tho..) they just have a tendency to add ita elements to what could be really nice old school wares.

>> No.8392857

she looks a lot like my weeby ex, but if she started wearing lolita she probably wouldn't wear AP. and the last i heard of her, she was in juvie. so probably not her, but the face is so uncannily similar

>> No.8392859

She posted this in a progress thread. The pirate dress is supposed to be the PROGRESS. She literally went from nitpick-tier to meh-tier to fullblown super ita-tier.

>> No.8392860

at least she knew she had to wear a blouse?>>8390816
is this a cosplay?

>> No.8392927


>> No.8393135

if she was going to some kind of steampunk thing that had nothing to do with lolita and took off the edgy tumblrina eyeball jewelry, she would look really cute
jersey shore loli
she looks like she could be a shitty human cosplay of a chuck e cheese/fnaf character

>> No.8393184

Idk someone tagging something as lolita fashion straight up tells me that they meant to tag it as such. And I think earlier in the thread it was said that it was literally tagged as "rorita". That's intentional and not meant to be the other 'lolita'.

>> No.8393225

She looks like that Celestine chick that got booted from all the so cal lolita communities.

>> No.8393353
File: 603 KB, 320x240, 1431759977056.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it has to with thinking critically, its just the people who bandwagon stuff on here aren't doing it for some self righteous cause that they don't really understand so they can feel good about themselves at the end of the day

Honestly if someone came up and started spouting that cuddly crap to me I'd probably deck them
>mothafuckas actin like warm tea and animals make everything better
>punch you in the fucking throat
>wheres your leaf water now

Much rather deal with the occasional sperging jackass than that anyday

>> No.8393411

That's more like what I meant, but I can't wording
sage for OT

>> No.8393459

Does someone have her gun pictures?

>> No.8393476
File: 276 KB, 1280x853, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8393479

it's like pastel goth shit and handmade ita shit got pregnant, then aborted.

>> No.8393515

It looks awful in terms of an everyday outfit, but I think it looks kinda cute as a sort of fairy tale photoshoot thing.

>> No.8393517

Feel like this could almost work as fairy kei if she replaced all the black with pastel colors

>> No.8393520

all those tea parties in the background are making me rage

>> No.8393522

I don't think this is ita. Just a fat person wearing it.

>> No.8393570

Right here:

>> No.8393601

It actually looks like the dress was shooped on because everything else she's wearing just doesn't match at all. It looks so out of place...it's hurting my brain.

>> No.8393613

I don't think she's worn an outfit I've ever liked. She has a lot of clothes, just not a lot of good taste.

>> No.8393615

weeb itas always use fucking cosplay wigs. panty or miku especially. it's like a fucking law.

>> No.8393617


>black sweater with tablecloth skirt

No no, it's the clothes

>> No.8393620

you may be right, only this is in no conceivable way lolita at all no matter who's wearing it.

>> No.8393651
File: 1006 KB, 772x778, Labyrinth Ita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing.
It's kinda cute, in a hot mess sort of way. Just way too much going on.

>> No.8393654

I feel this so strongly, and yet at the same time it actually helps motivate my mentally ill ass, mostly because I hate the message so much I feel like I need to be functional just to spite it.
>you're special and nobody can ever expect you to do anything you're even slightly uncomfortable with!
Is basically the logic. But I guess if it works, it works. If you do it for no other reason, do it for spite. Leaf water is based though.

>> No.8393662

Remove the flowers in her hair and get her some better socks/shoes and I think this could be vastly improved. Tempted to call nitpick, I think the concept could work.
And I'm not one to usually dislike this sort of thing, but...
>that piercing
>please stop

>> No.8393667

this is like crazy cat lady the coord. in way of frumpiness and the girl herself.

>> No.8393673

I somewhat agree, but I feel like that doesn't really address the issue that them doing that is really fucking uncool. shit's dehumanizing, mami.

>> No.8393741

I love it, she looks so comfy.

>> No.8393751

Not lolita, but I like this. She always gets posted here but if she was thin I don't think people would harp on her so much

>> No.8393784

Listen anon I actually think chubby girls are cute, but this outfit is awful. It has nothing to do with her weight.

>> No.8393794

I like the wig with those flowers, is really cute. But the rest is just awful

>> No.8393796

That is insanely well balanced, I don't see the ita here, weird coord but cute.

>> No.8393801

It's so cute whatever, it's more like dark cult party though

>> No.8393803
File: 16 KB, 250x250, stupidshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i fucking hate tumblr.

>> No.8393805

I actually really like this. Wouldn't call it ita.

>> No.8393807

samefag all you want the outfit is fucking ugly. maybe people who have only bought from walmart think it's cute but no.

>> No.8393810

oh my god....is this actually for real or is this an ita dress-up kind of thing? this is hilarious

>> No.8393818

Anon that smile looks so genuine I think that is true ignorance haha

>> No.8393819

take a chill pill, at least I'm not samefagging and I'm one of the comments.

>> No.8393821
File: 301 KB, 720x960, lolita_strawberry_dress_by.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burn those gloves. Burn those gloves right fucking now.

>> No.8393844

These are fine????

>> No.8393860

Thank you anon

>> No.8393889

Could be a nitpick, but I can't stand it when the underskirt just falls out like that. It's like some sort of dress prolapse.

>> No.8393893

is this even meant to be lolita? Everything screams rockabilly.

>> No.8393905
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>> No.8393967

This is really cute though? Not exactly lolita but I can see this fitting in other fashions. Vendetta.

Literally any other wig. Literally and other wig and it would be better. Do a normal purple wig I don't fucking care but jesus christ why THAT.

Tbh get rid of the cross and this would be a ton more adorable. This looks more like tumblr-kei than anything but it's definitely not ita.

OTT classic mixed with that one forest-people-kei? (The name is evading me right now.) I adore that wig. I wish that dress was frumpier though. The first pose does not give the dress justice.

>> No.8393977

it's because the girl is pretty. Put it in a normal girl and you'll see the ita

>> No.8394018
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>> No.8394030

I would actually really love this if the shoes were like some brown brogues or something and the tights/socks and flowers were different. Headdress could be swapped/dropped as well.

Cool concept, poor execution.
Not ita, imo.

>> No.8394062

I think this is fine as wa-steampunk(?) but the lolita tag isn't helping.

>> No.8394107

are her feet being suffocated by the shoes or what?

>> No.8394157

And this is why you don't breast feed passed the necessity people.

>tfw i wanted to say cry more
>tfw when he probably already is

>> No.8394569
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>> No.8394571
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>> No.8394575
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>> No.8394579
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>> No.8394581
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>> No.8394588
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>> No.8394589

no but she acted like it and pouted and shat up the last thread I remember seeing. then no one really participated.

>> No.8394590
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>> No.8394592
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tagged as casual lolita

>> No.8394598
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>> No.8394609
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tagged as punk lolita

>> No.8394616
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>> No.8394649

what the fuck

>> No.8394651

tempestpaige has gone full on tumblrshit and is like 19/20 now

>> No.8394690

She's 20. 1995.
If she was 21 she would be taking pictures of herself drinking booze knowing her edgy ways.

>> No.8394737

Ok finally I'm ready to come out of the closet about my feelings on this dress. I've seen it a bajillion times, but does anyone remember the name? I need to make it mine.

>> No.8394762

I don't remember the name but if you type in kimono on lolibrary it pops up

>> No.8394817

Lol leave it to voldie to ruin something fun

>> No.8394836

This bitch downfield with her 10ppm chemical shift. Fuark she needs to drop some of them electronegative heteroatoms, namsayin?

>> No.8395022

I cant tell if this is Liza Minnelli, or John Turturro.

>> No.8395041

you clearly have no idea what cult party is kek

>> No.8395330

It's a cute idea but her chin-game is too strong for that wig. She needs more forehead and shape to her face to balance that out. (Or even trimming back that wig would help, good lord.)

>> No.8395343

John Turturro pretending to be Liza Minnelli obviously kek.

>> No.8395568

If they changed out the blouse for something else, maybe pale pink, it'd look miles better.

>> No.8395722
File: 197 KB, 640x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be the ugliest thing I've ever seen

Concept is good but I can't get over the execution

>> No.8395777

I think it just looks weird laying flat, it may look better on a person

>> No.8395779

I saw it on tumblr I have so many mixed feelings.
I kinda like the idea, but this print is horrible as a vest/jacket.

>> No.8395788

The fact that they ignored the design cues from the dress and put the bottom pattern on the vest/jacket twice rustles my jimmies so bad. It would look a million times better if it were just stripes on the print up top. This looks like a mess.

>> No.8395795
File: 409 KB, 640x768, my-design-with-asuka-and-maki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really doesn't.

I agree, this would look way better without the repeating border print.

>> No.8395816

Actually it looks great on him and I don't get what you're on about.

>> No.8395818

I really want to like his outfits... but he just looks like he belongs in colonial America, I don't think it looks ouji at all.

>> No.8395826

woulda been cute if it wasnt for the stockings/shoes.

i kind of dig lolita pieces with a denim jacket, i don't know why..

>> No.8395834

I promise I'm not a soshul justice warrior but I agree with this to an extent. I often just cry out of frustration but usually at work, not over something someone said to me online but all the times a customer screamed at me to my face??

I've become a very dead person inside because of working in retail because I had to learn to push all my emotions down inside.
And after leaving that job I'm back to just crying all the time when I get too flustered so tough love doesn't work.

>> No.8395837

>this girl has my dream dress so im gonna vendettapost her

>> No.8395869

>Honestly if someone came up and started spouting that cuddly crap to me I'd probably deck them

So someone is being nice to you, and your reaction is violence. got it.

>> No.8395887


>So someone is being patronizing to you, and your reaction is violence. got it.


>> No.8396222

lol except she's just a nigger who wants to be white

>> No.8396240

I think it's the tricorne and jabot giving you the colonial vibe

>> No.8396245

It looks really frumpy and shapeless too.

>> No.8396336
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Colossalcon was a it's goldmine

>> No.8396416

This is fucking adorable. OTT-obsessed newfag detected.

>> No.8396422

oh gosh she's so much prettier without the massive wig and bad eye makeup!

>> No.8396430

These look like standard newbies. Nothing great, but lots of potential.

>> No.8396447

At every con i attend i take pics of frumpy/ugh/... "kawaii j fash" girls and lolitas. And keep them to feel prettier and better. I am ashamed.

>> No.8396467
File: 115 KB, 720x960, 11537812_1116460255037598_8544658012018653944_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is with the top?!?!?!?!?

>> No.8396469

plz don't tell me this is going to be a trend now.

>> No.8396471
File: 159 KB, 446x400, 1427612707942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too anon, me too.
i'm not even ashamed tho, I'm just a bitch.

>> No.8396499

Retail does that to people

>> No.8396501

I hope it doesn't catch on

>> No.8396518

This would be just a lovely coord if not for that top. Even with a bustier kind of top under that cardi it would look alright but the translucent parts make it look both like lingerie and frumpy at the same time.

>> No.8396580

On the bright side, we'll look better in comparison. On the not-so-bright side, this looks super fetish-y.

>inb4 lolita already looks fetish-y

>> No.8396590

This girl is thin and yet those clothes make her have fat rolls. If you;re going to insist on wearing a shit coord, at least try to pull it off..

>> No.8396593

Tfw have the same dress... That poor plushie bag looks old and destroyed and sad.

>> No.8396597

It also doesn't help that the cups of the shirt don't fit her.

>> No.8396662

I'm shocked you didn't get a picture of the girl in the red dress dripping with plastic lace with a matching dumpy parasol covered in it and cheap shiny satin ribbons with a big white old lady hat and red stiletto heels. She wore it on thursday. I thought I was going to vomit. It was probably the most glorious ita hot mess I've ever seen in my life, and I've seen a lot of itas.

>> No.8396675

Somebody please post this.

>> No.8396676

idk why she thought just adding in one "ero" element makes an ero coord. it doesn't even look like a type of lingerie to show off plus it gave her pudge.

>> No.8396678

No its okay to cry, its just that guy was just coming in hot "I CRY ALL THE TIME AND PPL SHOULD RESPECT ME! MAKE ACCEPTANCE FOR ME".

Making a bitch post calling people to make a social change just for YOURSELF because YOU feel bad is a douche move. Its never okay to be awful to a decent person being upset, but this guy is sounding like a massive entitled tool

>> No.8396734

I was going to get a picture but I had a booth and it would've been pretty clear where and when someone took the picture. Can't be discreet about that shit in my position. :/ Someone had to have gotten it.

>> No.8396752

wait it out so it doesn't look too suspicious

>> No.8396783

I kept running into her while I was in actual brand I could feel her silently judging my coord. I even got stopped for a photo in front of her and I turn around and she was glaring at me.

>> No.8396785

>tfw own the OP version of that skirt

Bloom does not deserve this

>> No.8396850
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It's like they tried 4 different ideas in the same coord.

>> No.8396856

Well yeah, who actually acts like that?

>> No.8396859

My boyfriend and I play a game. Every time we see a shitty lolita at a con, he guesses what's wrong with her outfit and I tell him whether he's right and also what he forgot to mention.

He has really refined tastes in lolita now

>> No.8396870

Ha! My boyfriend is so good at spotting itas now because of me. Me and him will also sometimes just browse /cgl together.

>> No.8396899

I think this may have been the same girl but there was someone (her or someone else) who had those shoes and could not walk in them. Just clomping around. It looked like the heavy shoes were going to break her ankles. I have these BL shoes and am ungraceful as fuck but I don't think I look that ridiculous walking in them.

>> No.8396906
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>> No.8396921

Not ita, nitpick

>> No.8396930

Please explain to me then what makes this nitpick? Just because she appears well groomed doesn't make it any less painful to look at.

>> No.8396941

Yeah, she has potential to be cute but some day, not in that picture.

>> No.8397086

I actually really love how tacky this is

>> No.8397091

Her pose and setting is off and its not GREAT but not ita.

>> No.8397197

was just about to say this

>> No.8397250
File: 79 KB, 960x640, 11390544_10152916273128027_5536898463208241122_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stumbled on some girls FB page and her comm seems to be packed with itas. from the looks of it she's the only decently dressed one out of all of them..commencing pic dump.

>> No.8397252
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>> No.8397253
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>> No.8397255
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this one makes me sad...

>> No.8397258
File: 67 KB, 960x640, 11252692_10152848758408027_1459801809994153763_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, wrong pic. THIS makes me sad. the other one makes me cringe because fucking runners...

>> No.8397260

What the fuck kind of shoes is that girl with the sunglasses wearing? Nasty. What comm is this?

>> No.8397263
File: 131 KB, 960x640, 11209358_10152848759343027_8036136440872461068_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone even know what comm this is?

>> No.8397266
File: 124 KB, 960x621, 21810_10152848758933027_5633273110163573506_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

final pic for now. there's 10000's more but cbf.

>> No.8397272

Know that feel anon, honestly that and posts like these are why I enjoy /cgl/ despite the xeric bitches.

>> No.8397274
File: 25 KB, 76x119, Screen Shot 2015-06-12 at 8.07.09 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dafuq am I looking at?

The only REALLY bad one I see here is the girl in the purple cupcake skirt.

>> No.8397275
File: 842 KB, 200x156, ohno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Nikes, though...

>> No.8397276

Her lack of makeup is the ita-est thing but her whole outfit was pretty cute? your statement is sadder than this pic lol

>> No.8397282

I dunno, maybe there is a medical reasons should could be wearing nike's since that also looks like a con badge and she'd be on her feet walking a lot. Shin splints and stress fractures in the legs being the first two that to come to mind. At least they aren't neon pink or drity if she is just taking care of leg pain while loving lolita. It looks like she tried to make them stand out less by choosing a pale clean pair.

>> No.8397295

To prove my point about dirty shoes that smack you in the face, check out left of the center's nasty footwear. what the fuck are those even? Why would you with the cream and pink dress? She's the worst imho.

>> No.8397304
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>> No.8397347

split color twintails needs to learn to color coordinate (and lose the glasses if possible) and get a new wig
red beret could use some different tights and accessories, it looks like she's wearing solid red ones
pink wig girl in the background looks like she's displaying
bolero girl is cute, i'm assuming she's the girl who you said was decently dressed

>> No.8397348

goddamit autocorrect

>> No.8397566

>is this a new substyle?
sweet-military-steampunk... cats?

>> No.8397573

is she wearing sneakers? are my eyes playing up or are those fucking sneakers?

>> No.8397655

I think it's Asheville, NC

>> No.8397731

I think the blouse could be changed, but the silhouette is cute. I'm also not a fan of the wig, but I think she's really adorable and has the potential to be a good Lolita as long as she gets rid of the anime-himedere stance

>> No.8397867
File: 283 KB, 316x468, nopenopenope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the best one. Everyone else go home.

>> No.8397880

This is quite painful to look at, but not even remotely lolita. Please keep shot like this out of the thread.

>> No.8397889

Yet everyone else who searches for lolita stuff gets to post. Got it.

>> No.8397894

Newsflash, anon. That is what this thread is for. This ain't the nitpick thread.

>> No.8398000

Nigga it was probably tagged as lolita.

She swung, she missed, and that's what this thread is about.

>> No.8398061

Agreed. They just need to lose some weight. The colorful wig should go too. The cupcake skirt needs to be burned

>> No.8398359

I actually love this dress and I am not afraid to say it. I would probably buy it and have it sit in my closet, only to occasionally bring it out and stare at. I hate all wa-lolita but GODDAMNIT I need this dress!

>> No.8398487
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>> No.8398891

something seems wrong with the stomach area of the girl in front.... is that a bad shop?

i had these same fucking shoes in high school!!

>> No.8398934
File: 75 KB, 500x280, tumblr_m9qhttdTHd1qhqybro4_r1_5002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those brows under that wig...
I hope this is actually a man.

>> No.8399736

God that girl...
Dumb bitch was trying to flirt with my boyfriend while I was standing right in front of her! She kept acting like a baby doll with pigeon toed hand on cheek derp too. Even he knew she looked like ita shit and was more than happy to make out with me in front of her.

>> No.8399988

Did she know you two were a couple? I find it kind of awkward to ask someone if they're taken or not.

>> No.8400374

Good. I wouldn't touch her with a ten ft pole. Gross.

>> No.8401569

I actually really love this as its own thing..

>> No.8402201

She has a medical reasons for wearing tennis shoes. She wanted to come to an event I was hosting that had a dress code that include shoes and she freaked out about it. We let here wear them because it was for medical reasons.