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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 66 KB, 420x560, 3549048_DSCF3290-2_副本.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8382225 No.8382225 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: AP coords and dresses that straight up look like ageplay, no way around it

>> No.8382229
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>> No.8382233
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>> No.8382237
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>> No.8382240
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>> No.8382366

This actually looks like those waterproof dresses that fetishists go gaga over.

>> No.8382622

What a stupid thread.

>> No.8382626

ITT: People who have never seen actual ageplay.

>> No.8382633

Agreed. ITT: Sweet Bashing.

>> No.8382636

Hahaha love you OP

>> No.8382641

I'll say what I said in the other thread, bonnets and tights and fucking stuffed animals screams little girl.

>> No.8382648
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>> No.8382661

No, they scream baby. Ageplayers generally don't dress like babies and if they do they usually showcase the diapers. Salopettes remind me more of ageplay than full sized dresses, because most ageplayers dress how they view childrens clothing, not in actual childs clothing.

>> No.8382667
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>mfw all of the coords posted in here are super cute

>> No.8382696

Seriously. OP is just mad she's ugly and can't pull it off.

>> No.8382710

OP is an old hag who looks ridiculous in sweet and is jealous she can't pull it off

>> No.8382714

Sweet lolita is super cute and I love it but you're delusional if you don't think it looks like ageplay

>> No.8382717

I really, really don't understand the rage against OTT sweet. Is it because it was popular for a while and people who didn't like it felt gypped because AP didn't make things they liked?


>> No.8382722

ageplay /=/ dressing youthful

Whenever people cry ageplay their legbeard is showing. Way to make it all about sex, just like all those neckbeards you supposedly hate.

>> No.8382731

I think it's because so many annoying e-famous lolitas did it

>> No.8382746

This. I personally don't like the way it looks, I much prefer more toned down sweet stuff, but the hate on it is just boring and pathetic.

>> No.8382770

ITT: sweet lolitas taking bashing of one dress to mean all sweet is ageplay.

>> No.8382828

Looking back, I like the old OTT sweet look better than the "fake roses stuck all over everything OTT classic mashup" look everybody's trying to do now. At least the sweet outfits were somewhat coherent and they don't all wear those damn harlequin socks.

>> No.8382831

coulda gone my whole life without knowing that fact but then you stepped up to the plate

>> No.8382855

>wanting to look like a baby
>wanting to not appeal to pedophiles

Pick one.

>> No.8382857

Not op, but I think they look cute too, but I also think they look little kids.

>> No.8382909
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I got you anon.
Old school=ageplay since people who wear it MUST be wearing it to feel old. Duh.

>> No.8382914

You suck at debating.

>> No.8382917

Nono.. We're just talking about that particular style of sweet that looks like toddler wear. You can dress in sweet and not look like there is a diaper under your petticoat

>> No.8382924

You should have posted a classic lolita

>> No.8382937
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Sorry anon. Is this better?
I'm so hurt. So so hurt. Ugh. So much pain. So much.
I realize that. Still, this thread is unneeded because it's pretty much just bait. Most people in here know very little about ageplay outside of stereotypes. Instead of getting offended, why not have a little fun with it?

>> No.8383029

That's not how pedophilia works, anon. They like young girls/boys, not old ones trying to look young.

>> No.8383100
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>> No.8383103
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>> No.8383106
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>> No.8383110
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>> No.8383115
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>> No.8383122
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>> No.8383123
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>> No.8383266

What OP is this? It's so cute!

>> No.8383309
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>> No.8383311

While I've never worn sweet, personally I'm really nostalgic for this sort of OTT pastel sweet look so this thread is really fun for me

>> No.8383401

this. dressing like a kiddie princess isn't sexual in any way by itself and only a fucked up person would think so.

>> No.8383454

But we know what true age play looks like, and if the kiddie princess outfit looks like the age play outfits...yeah.

>> No.8383507

First of all, google pedophile and educate yourself, second of all appealing to pesos would mean having the body of a child, not wearing kids clothes. You would have to be 4 foot and flat chested to appeal to a pedi and even then most of them prefer as little as possible, 5 layers of clothing that cover everything isn't as appealing as a crop top and some hotpants so your whole point is dumb

>> No.8383514

>I mean pedo
My phone doesn't want to type the word

>> No.8383517

i dont get it though, a lot of lolita is historical dress inspired, so why not wear a bonnet? ordinary women used to wear them... not just babies. if you associate bonnets with babies thats your problem, dude. i dont even wear them
i mean i dont even wear this kind of sweet lolita, i just get mad about everything i guess

>> No.8383525

Please correct me of I'm wrong.
Didn't classic lolita inspire from rococo/victorian something, gothic from Vkei and sweet evolved from another harajuku style?

>> No.8383528
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What you dumbfuck Lolitas mean to say is that sweet Lolita is infantile or infantilism BC age play isn't just about acting younger, ppl like to pretend to be old or teenage age as well. It is common to roleplay as a teacher/student and that also counts as roleplay.

>> No.8383533

But hating on an entire subcategory for years just because a select few e-famous lolitas like it seems kind of... stupid?

>> No.8383534

And then they all emerged in to one style sharing silhouette?

>> No.8383537

You're wrong

>> No.8383538

But then you are saying it is always sexual, which is gross and inaccurate.

Whenever someone calls it a ageplay I call them a pedo because it sounds like their mind is forever in the gutter.

>> No.8383565

> we know what true age play looks like

Which is?

>> No.8383583

>this level of denial

>> No.8383588

I like how the universal reaction to someone acknowledging some sweet looks like age play is "bawww! They're just jealous they can't pull it off!" If you genuinely think this shit doesn't look like age play, wear it in a setting with normalfag adults. Bonus points if you tell them the name of the fashion.

Not saying there's anything wrong wi it, I don't give a fuck what you wear, but denying it looks like age play is just fucking stupid.

>> No.8383595

>being this butthurt

>> No.8383596

But you could say that about many, many jfashions or alternative fashions.

>> No.8383604

That doesn't make the point less valid

>> No.8383607

Most normies don't know what age play is though. They will think you look weird, but their mind won't automatically go to ageplay. In fact, I find most people who know about/scream ageplay are just on cgl and btb.

>> No.8383612

this this this this

>> No.8383619

>itt: butthurt sweet lolitas

Guys, I'm a sweet lolita and even I can admit shit like OP's pic looks like age play. Jesus Christ, it's not like OP is demonizing it or telling people they shouldn't wear it. Y'all need to calm your tits.

>> No.8383624


There will definitely be 'you look like a small child!' comments though.

Although honestly? I get that even in classic lolita. My mom insists I always look like a little kid even in the most toned down classic outfit I put on. Frustrating as fuck.

>> No.8383631

Correction: they don't know the term ageplay. Everyone is aware of people who fetishizes younger girls, daddy shit, etc. Most sweet lolitas I know, myself included, have had normalfags question if it's ageplay, even if they didn't know the word, especially if you use the word Lolita. That's often in clothes nowhere near as bad as in this thread. I almost envy those of you who are naive enough to think just because they don't know "ageplay", they're unaware of the concept altogether.

>> No.8383641

This isn't remotely comparable to shit like Dreamy Baby Room

>> No.8383698

I don't know who you hang out with, but very few people I know think of that stuff when they see an alternative fashion that looks childish or youthful. Most people's minds don't automatically go to making it about a fetish, they mainly think the person has peter pan syndrome if anything.

>> No.8383725

Yeah, but whether you want to accept it or not, there are many people who do think fetish. It's not who you hang out with, it's who you happen to be discussing the fashion with, it could be a stranger from the street asking you. Rarely have I been questioned by someone who actually knows me.

It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it, it's just a thing many people assume.

>> No.8383732

This thread is prime bait OP I hope you are proud of your excellent work.

>> No.8383736

Seconding this. I kek'd that this got so many replies. I want to know this classic or gothic lolita that's hellbent on making everyone thinking sweet lolita = ageplay.

>> No.8383749

I don't think making this thread means OP is gothic or classic or hates sweet. I'm OTT sweet and I think the girls who deny that a lot of sweet looks ageplayesque are in full blown denial. I honestly don't get why people get so offended by it, I think it's funny.

>> No.8384419

Right? The thing I love the most about this style of OTT pastel sweet lolita is its childishness and youthfulness, to be honest. That's what makes it so distinct.

>> No.8384428

It's funny cos the people who immediately associate sexuality with youthful style clothes are the ones being pedophillic

>> No.8384495

It only looks like age play if you look older than 12.

>> No.8384497

>tfw wearing pink fluffy dresses and bonnets is considered ageplay
>tfw 13 year olds wearing bootyshorts and crop tops is considered normal

What an age to live in

>> No.8384599

>13 year olds show most of their bodies and is still sexualized

>> No.8384618

so I guess the conclusion is, it doesn't matter what you wear it'll be sexualized?

>> No.8384619

Yes. Gothic lolitas get shit too. People think we're some kind of domina death chicks

>> No.8384622

It's a little different when the fashion is called lolita and then there's baby blocks and baby toys on the floor and the dress is named something like Dreamy Baby Room.
Yeah, I've had a couple people think it was some kinky goth sex shit.

>> No.8384946

Which is...everyone, despite what seagulls try to say

>> No.8385199

Of course people think that. If you're goth you must be into anal

>> No.8385751

>age play for funerals

>> No.8385843

yep. this is why people assume furries are perverts, men who dress well are gay (leading to the rise of the term "metrosexual"), crossdressers are confused with transgenders and assumed to be gay, and rape victims get asked what they were wearing when the assault happened. our society uses clothes not only as gender and age markers but as a way to stereotype someone's sexuality.

still haven't figured out why, but it happens.

>> No.8386226
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Salopettes are the worst for this, but I give 0 fucks. It's still super cute

>> No.8386227

aka inspiration thread

>> No.8386256

I've never gotten ageplay, "looking like a child", etc comments. Even when I do full pastel vomit AP with twintails. Worst I've gotten is a normie who thinks my twin tails are a wig even though my hairline is showing.

I think it's culture-related. I'm in an Asian country and full blown lolita looks completely different from anything anyone else wears. This may also explain why Japan has no issue with Dreamy Baby Room, it doesn't look like ageplay, it looks like "weird overdressed people". Consider that while some farmers in the US or some Amish communities might still actually wear Little House on the Prairie-style clothes, over here, that kind of style would be 100% imported, not local. Christianity is not the main religion here, so there's no association of soft bonnets with baptism clothes or little girl's Sunday dresses or whatever (sorry if I get them mixed up. Like I said, not the main religion or the main culture here).

>> No.8386264

I hate sweet for the most part but this as fucking cute

>> No.8386271

I laugh at your retarded thread, because I actually do ageplay -- i'm livin' the dream in sweet lolita and there's nothing you can do about it, except idk, hope i'm embarrassed by your comments? lol

>> No.8386296

This is a really good point, anon.

>> No.8386379

Yeah okay but that dress is super cute tho. I'd totally wear that.

>> No.8386439

I don't understand this
Are they wearing a diaper?

If not, then why would you conclude it's ageplay? Do they have a tumblr blog where they post about having a daddy changing them every day?

>> No.8386660

I wouldn't say OTT sweet lolita looks like ageplay, but it looks very childish so to say. Like if the face is blurred out most people would probably guess the person is 12 or is trying to look like a child.
To me, it seems more costume-y than anything else and this is what irks me wrong.

>> No.8386678

gothic lolita and classic lolita are equally costumey

>> No.8386679

this is cute as fuck, I don't give a shit

>> No.8386708

well thank goodness i'm not the only one

>> No.8386725

No, not in their normal forms. OTT gothic and OTT classic yes, that's why I mentioned OTT sweet in my post.
And I think OTT sweet lolita resembles some cosplay characters or Alice or Lil Bo-Beep-costumes, while OTT classic and OTT gothic look like you're in a play.

>> No.8386742


Please, elaborate. Do you use your brand?

>> No.8386825

This. I live in the northern Europe and no one really thinks it's some kind of fetish. Lolitas here get more things like "are you in a play" or something similar. When I first told my grandmother about the fashion she already knew about it and didn't even blink an eyelid when I mentioned the name. Lolita itself isn't sexual. It's the people who like to think everything not "normal" must be fetish or over think child sexualizing. Most of the childish things in lolita were normal and used by adults in the eras lolita is taking influence from. Bloomers, bonnets, pastels, bows, lace.. I understand prints such as Dreamy Baby Room are rather questionable but still lolitas wear clithes made for adults, not children. They are not replicas of children's dresses either. And who has designed clothing for children? Do you see frilly dresses when you go in the children section in H&M?

>> No.8386838

>Do you see frilly dresses when you go in the children section in H&M
H&M has a childrens section? Anyway yes, many upscale/designer stores in my part of Helsinki have plenty of frilly dresses for girls and little suits for boys. Even the consignment shops here carry some.

>> No.8386848
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Kids everyday clothing look like mini adult clothing, yes. However dresses for special occasions look a lot like lolita(and some of ageplay dresses posted earlier)

>> No.8386855

i would wear this if i came in my size

>> No.8386861


See, this kind of clothing *is* rare over here (Asian lolita from above here). We have stuff like OshKosh B'gosh almost everywhere, even the different labels we have make clothes that look modern.

Stuff like your pic, you will need to get them custom made for weddings. I could picture a flower girl wearing it, but not anywhere else. It's just that uncommon over here.

>> No.8386936

I think a lot of the misconceptions westerners have comes from television and other media portraying it this way.
I don't know what TV shows in asia show about alternative subcultures, but western TV has all kinds of "20 weirdest persons"-shows with Venus Angelic and people see that and associate it with lolita.
Like my mom once saw VA in a show and asked me if I wanted to be a doll as well.

>> No.8387030

We're not saying that they are ageplayers, just that they look the part. Also many lolitas have their pictures stolen and used for adult baby and sissy blogs

>> No.8387034


Huh, really? Another asian anon, and my mom used to love dressing me in these frilly dresses (hand me downs from my cousins at that) much to my tomboy chagrin.

Now the tables have turned. I dress in frilly dresses and my mom complains I dress like a kid what now. Ha. Haha. Ha. Fuck me. I don't even dress in sweet man.

>> No.8387106
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Angelic Pretty = AP
Ageplay = AP

>> No.8387108


When I went through my tomboy stage (age 6, I think), my mom made me wear skirts and dresses too, but nothing like this. Mine looked like normal mainstream clothes, just smaller sizes of the same kind of skirts my mom wears. If anything, after a certain age it was me trying to find "princess" dresses -- but they were really hard to find. The best I ever managed was this cheap, itchy, hot pink raschel lace dress that I nevertheless wore until it fell apart, and this other white dress with yellow flowers, puff sleeves and a flared skirt. So, pretty much my entire childhood I only ever owned two lolita-like dresses. They really aren't easy to find at all, even though I liked them and my mom knew I liked them, we couldn't find shops that sold them.

I'm trying to think of where else I would have worn/seen little girls wear dresses like this, and aside from weddings, wedding dinners, maybe a recital (like if the child attended music or dance school)? It's certainly not something you'd see on playgrounds or in kindergartens.

>> No.8387128

Only basics make connections like this.

>> No.8387159
File: 83 KB, 526x772, HTB1_Xv1GXXXXXbGXFXXq6xXFXXXC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now that I think about it, maybe you're right. A lot of clothing stores at the time that catered towards fancy dresses for young kids tended to be more high end. My family was also Catholic and I went to a Catholic school. Maybe that's why I remember a lot more dresses when I was young, since there were outlets for those.

I suppose they're like any other special occasion dress, but I do notice the skirts tend to be a lot fuller than adult special occasion dresses. Not going to lie, sometimes I wish some of those dresses came in adult sizes.

>pic not so related in terms of what i want, but moreso in differences in silhouette that you see between child and adult formal dresses

>> No.8387166

Wow, you suck at sarcasm too

>> No.8387172

My dad is a pedophile/ephebophile.
so yeah, I know what I'm talking about. I know what goes on in that community, and yes, they have communities.

>> No.8387188

I think they meant to type dominatrix, which only has a little to do with anal

>> No.8387254

I heard that the whole "women dressing like kids" thing is a loophole for them, is that true?

>> No.8387292
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Yeah, I do think that style is usually sold for special or formal events, the other difference is that you're Catholic, and no one in my family or immediate circle is. Wouldn't really call the dresses higher end, there's some places where they're cheaper because they're sewn at the back of the shop from budget materials, and some other places where mainstream-looking clothes are more expensive because of the brandname (and the material, but mostly the brand name).

There's still some places that make big ballgowns for adults, but if you're not getting married or walking the red carpet at Oscars, there's significantly less places where it's appropriate to wear them to -- I can't really imagine showing up at a family dinner in something like something like these, even if it's a one-off from Dolce & Gabbana. The train alone would be a pain to keep people from stepping on, let alone navigate narrow spaces between tables.

Once I grew past puberty, I don't think I've ever coveted children's clothes. Just a poofy dress no longer impresses me. If I had to go scale up the princess dress of my childhood dreams, it's not going to be a pile of tulle and lace -- it's got be Vera Wang, Zac Posen, Oscar de la Renta -- something where the tulle is soft, the lace is high end, the design flatters the female figure and the amount of material speaks more of decadence and luxury rather than just how wide the dress is.

I don't know if it's just in the nature of some of us to like beautiful, impractical dresses -- though it would partially explain why some brides focus so much on getting the perfect fancy wedding dress that they can only wear once. At least with lolita, it's easier to plan a meetup every week or every month and then go out in a poofy dress and have tea with other girls in poofy dresses, than to hold a wedding every weekend.

Sorry, I ended up writing a long essay. Polite sage for OT and I'll let the thread get back to debating nursery lolita.

>> No.8387298

I grew up going to Catholic church and those dresses are *everywhere* for first communions, Chrismas and Easter services, etc, in the midwest US. Not something anyone would send their kid to school in, no, but definitely common for "fancy" occasion.

>> No.8387300

It really is. I brought this up before in a similar thread but was told I was trolling so I didn't explain further. But my dad would get hookers all the time when I was a little kid and some of them would dress like they were much younger, even though some of them were really fat.. and he would do awful shit like take then to Disney (I grew up in Florida) and he'd do up skirt shots of them like playing on statues and shit and sometimes he'd just up skirt random women walking around.

And later on he abused me but yeah.. age play for pedos is a thing whether cgl likes it or not..

>> No.8387302

I'm sure that depends on the pedophile in question, they're not like some borg entity with a hive mind, so different pedos probably react differently to various things, right?

I'm short and young-ish looking and I get guys who are disappointed when I tell them my real age because they wanted me to be like 14 or whatever, that shit's creepy.

>> No.8387305


Hi. I'm the Asian anon from >>8386256

And that is the exact point I'm trying to make. What's common for the US is simply not common for me, a non-American.

>> No.8387308

Nice bait, anon.

>> No.8387321

>they're not like some borg entity with a hive mind
They kind if are though. I've seen the old Web circles they used to have. My dad showed me a few different cp sites when I was like 16. I'm still fucking traumatized from it. If you know anything about how the internet worked back in like 2006 you'd know what I'm talking about with the Web circle thing but it was like a bunch of sites who all bought from one guy who'd run their sever privately Nad they'd all link to each other so pedos could easily navigate and share porn together.

It's a very scary environment.

I can't help but think those little Asian girls in sweet look like kids and are trying to look like kids. It's not a bad thing but yes people out there are gonna see it and think, oh that's a way for me to exploit that person.

Also gotta say I want to dress in sweet as well as gothic and even fairy kei, I've always liked girly things, and I don't think it's wrong to do this, just saying you guys need to be careful and more realistic.

>> No.8387333

Yeah, this totally. I'm tired to see people judging a man or a woman and their sexuality by how they dress. I hate when clothing is connected to sexuality every time, thing is our culture is oversexualized so most people see sex everywhere, even in clothing where there is nothing that flaunts sexy or provocative. Heh, i was hit by creepers even in toned down otome and a knee length dress that was nowhere showing cleavage or thighs and flat shoes.
Some think the opposite, i mean we are some slaves that want to be dominated when someone dress gothic lolita or gothic fashion in general.
>mfw need more salopettes from AP
>i have two of them and they are so confy and way less flashy than a jsk, suitable for casual
I'm 24 and my mom says i look better in salopettes than jsks, it's kind of weird but i like it.
You are lucky! I live in southern Europe so... it's a different kind of story.

>> No.8387359

Doesn't help that most sweet lolitas have an abnormal obsession with age and will pretty much shit on anyone who isn't young looking enough. This was talked about in the age thread, they get pissed being called ageplayers but then want to look young as possible.

>> No.8387702

oh but look at what color it is in, it's in fucking white, find one with bears and bows printed on it and then we'll talk
but until then sweet lolita still doesn't look like children's wear no more than gothic or classic do and these the whole idea of "Oh ho ho I'm better than you because my dress has crosses on it and I'm going to throw you under the bus and treat you like shit because you like rabbits on yours" is an asinine one,
All lolita looks stupid, all lolita looks a costume and you either take it and flip it and tell people that your clothes are avant garde couture type fashion from japan or you can try to scramble to make yourself look "More normal"

>> No.8387712

as long as it is consensual and that nigga isn't hurting a real child who gives a fuck

>> No.8387714

sorry couldn't find my original

>> No.8387719

we do because if we look old we get labeled as ageplayers by you fucks, it's not just sweet lolitas, all lolitas, all fucking women I know are obsessed with not looking too old.

>> No.8387720
File: 139 KB, 500x651, abap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my pic

>> No.8387726

Is that Milky Planet?

>> No.8387737

please tell me those are replicas
yeah. right is milky planet, left is dreamy baby room
>mfw i actually like the cut of the dreamy baby room salopette but the print is just so off putting

>> No.8387743

I don't think there were replicas made of the salopettes

>> No.8387747

in that case i am horrified

>> No.8387748
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>> No.8387749

meant to reply to >>8387743

>> No.8387775
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it's cute how you think this only applies to sweet lolitas

All clothing can qualify as "ageplay" because ageplay isn't just ABDL, it's a wide spectrum of shit. You just have to wear it the right way. I'm not a lolita, I cosplay and I enjoy ageplay, but I think it's funny that lolitas are so prudish that they will try to discard anything they deem to be sexual, even the clothing they like.

>> No.8387779

That's sweet-gothic you fucking idiot

>> No.8387817

that's not even a fucking thing, stop making shit up bruh

>> No.8387824

This is why I never wear peter pan collars and cupcake shaped petticoats. You all look like babies.

>> No.8387838

>this thread
I wonder why this wasn't pruned by moot, but the feels thread yes.

>> No.8387841

Because this is board relevant

>> No.8387851

But it sucks, anon. I bet you are a sweet hater so you want this thread alive. Idk what is the meaning of this thread other than OTT sweet bashing and ageplay association.

>> No.8387864

Aww do you want your binkie?

>> No.8387908

But did you read? He abused me. I saw others abuse children as well. And I did say dressing up like this isn't wrong and that cgl needs to just realize that dressing in sweet can have some consequences

>> No.8387937

and that is where you are wrong and clearly a troll
because you think wearing sweet lolita will make some pedo lust after her when in reality, girls get raped in burqas, jeans and a tshirt, prom dresses, it doesn't fucking matter. And claiming that wearing sweet means that you are responsible for the actions of anyone who puts their hands on you is the dumbest thing I've read all day.

>> No.8387951

No one is talking about rape?

>> No.8387959

And you want some help to crochet that doily, granny-kei chan?
Uhm, what? So everyone that dresses sweet could be at risk to be raped by a pedo?Guuuuuurl....

>> No.8387966

>And you want some help to crochet that doily, granny-kei chan?
Yes please. I can't find my glasses

>> No.8387970

Then please explain what these "consequences" that anon is talking about are.

Because if it's "someone will look at your photo and fap to it" that' pretty much any photo ever, I've seen people fap to Kermit the frog,

>> No.8387988

Oh sorry, i broke your glasses... But i can't help you to crocher because as you said i'm too little to learn it.
> I've seen people fap to Kermit the frog
>kekk'ed so hard
>true story

>> No.8387994

Backing you up here. I've posted about this before and people have doubted what I've said, but when I moved to this shitty area that I live in now, which is actually near a jail and there are a lot of long term/inter generational unemployed weirdo creepy stereotypical pedo creeps who I imagine have a lot of time to invest into developing fetishes. I used to wear lolita every day until I overheard a man talking to someone saying "she looks just like a little girl, it would be like fucking a little girl" and also weird old men would ask me out for coffee when I'd be waiting for someone at the shops.
It was then I decided that just because it wasn't a fetish for me didn't mean it made me immune to creeps. It sucks but it's the way the world is, unfortunately.
I've not had any trouble since I started wearing more normal clothes. Which sucks because I want to lolita it up but really only can when I am not in this area.

>> No.8387996
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>> No.8388011

I don't think they are victim blaming as much as warning us of behaviour of perpetrators that she has observed. Most of us are lucky to live lives where we are not exposed to much depravity. I mean, I'm not going to stop wearing high heels because some people fetishise shoes, but the reality is that rapists and pedophiles are opportunistic selfish arseholes I want to be educated on ways to minimise risk, which does not negate the fact that blame lies on the perpetrator. Don't over simplify things.

>> No.8388012

well consider yourself lucky then, I wear lolita and rarely get harassed but getting harassed or hit on by an older man is common when I wear jeans and tshirt so you should probably consider moving but I still don't appreciate the connotation that by choosing to wear sweet lolita that you should be prepared for the "consequences", this is victim blaming 101,

>> No.8388015

>cgl has no humor

>> No.8388025

Do you think not wearing sweet lolita, and telling other girls to stop wearing it will stop people from trying to assault us?
Do you honestly think that sweet lolita is a trigger for pedophiles and that you are putting yourself at risk by wearing it?
Because I am not understanding what you are trying to imply here.

>> No.8388029

>raped by a pedophile
Probably just harassed, I was talking more about what like >>8387994 is saying. You're not at risk, but people will probably think you're up to some weird shit dressing that way.

>> No.8388031

this lol
>teehee I look 12!
>they never do

>> No.8388089

Well, i don't care what they would think. It's their fault they sexualize a girl in frilly clothing.
>dat ass is ready
Lel, and you yes instead.

>> No.8388107

oh well, I guess it's good that I don't care what anyone else things, if they're not my boss, my gf/bf or my landlord I can't really bring myself to care if they think that I am into some kinky shit. (I actually am, but it's my personal life so that no one else's business)

I wish I could pull off some more childish looks like

but my knockers are too big and it looks weird.

>> No.8388355


lol >>8387994 openly admits she lives in a shitty neighbourhood, apparently one that's full of pedos and creeps. Sucks to be her, she can't wear frills because she does get harassed. The rest of us live in nicer neighbourhoods and have never had, will probably never have this problem.

I can't really feel sorry for >>8387994 though. It looks like both she and you are bitter you can't wear frills while the rest of us lolita it up to the sweetest without a care in the world and you want to stop us by telling us we're going to get harassed in lolita, even though we never have.

>> No.8389500
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Sweet lolitas, if you don't mind me asking how is this a desirable wardrobe to you? I don't understand how you're not getting bored with only wearing mostly two colors and the print is hardly visible. I like sweet prints myself but I usually get my dresses in different colors(reds, dark blue etc)

>> No.8389539

It isn't for me. My wardrobe is smaller, but it has much more variety, and I'm still building it up. Trouble with that is that it's harder to share accessories between different coords, but my next planned dresses will start repeating colors. But none will be identical-seeming.

Honestly, I'm not the biggest fan of "pastel vomit", at least not for myself to wear. Looks fine on other people, but not my thing.

>> No.8389542

I don't really get the hype either. I love AP as much as the next person, but baby pink and blue dresses just make me think "immature" (especially when worn by somebody in their mid to late 20s). Prints like Wonder Queen for ever!

>> No.8389544

>baby pink and blue dresses just make me think "immature"
This goes for normal people too. It gives off a "mommy/daddy swipe your card for me"-vibe

>> No.8389547


The more colours your wardrobe has, the more differently coloured items you will need to acquire to balance out all of the colours your coord may end up with.

Take the collage you posted, for instance. All 7 of the dresses can be coorded with a white blouse, white and pink OTKs, a pink headbow with smaller pastel hairbows, a pink bag, and some accessories to match each theme. So that's 7 different dresses all matched to one blouse (and socks and so on). When you get bored of that one same blouse, you can go out and buy a new pink blouse, and because the new pink blouse still works with all your pastels, now you've got 14 coords done with only two blouses. In fact, just about everything you buy will match almost everything else because it's all pastels.

This works for classic and gothic too, by the way. Classic is normally dark or dusty tones plus cream, beige and/or brown. Gothic is usually black, sometimes with a jewel colour added in.

This is an odd thread to post this question in, though. saging for OT

>> No.8390821

Literally no normalfag has ever looked at a Classic lolita and assumed they were age playing some weird old person fetish. They just look at them and think, "Wow, what a nicely dressed girl" or "That outfit is a bit too fancy."

However, the age play questioning probably happens with 90% of AP sweet lolita coords and why so many sissy pervs get into the fashion. Gross.

>> No.8390844

these all look the same to me. O_O

>> No.8390974

>>8389547 explains it best. Also note that in the bottom row, only milky planet really has a different cut bodice. All the variation in the top bodices really lends themselves to a variation in design for coordinates. Unfortunately all brands, not just sweet ones, are currently suffering from print=all mentality. Dress designs are getting lazy.
If the dresses were all similar colors but different cuts, then it would be much more interesting.

>> No.8391613

>They just look at them and think, "Wow, what a frumpy-ass dress."

>> No.8391624

That's because they are - they're only 4 different dresses, just different colorways. OP of the image was posting a WTB for them and was showing the different cuts and colorways they'd be okay with. Then OP of >>8389500
took that image and rubbed their salt all over it.

>> No.8391669

Not 90%, more like 1%.

>> No.8391673

Why do you always get so fucking defensive when people call you ageplayers? Why don't you just shrug it off like all the other negative comments?

>> No.8391773

I think most are ageplayers deep down and that's why they get so defensive. The averge adult isn't interested in looking as young as a child and wearing poofy pink dresses with toys on it.

>> No.8391797

Bait harder.

>> No.8391838

Ahhhh yes senpai bait me harder ahh

>> No.8391843

I'm in Canada and I've never gotten anything related to age play. It's always "are you in a play(I only get this in groups)", "Are you going somewhere nice?" or recently "What school do you go to?" (it was an old man, I think he was just confused because I was wearing a MM style jacket)

Granted I don't really wear sweet

>> No.8391931

I think its looks like ageplay if you don't look young. On a young cute girl, it looks like a young girl who enjoys dressing cute. If you look old and haggard, it looks like your pretending to be young and will look more like ageplay.

This is why I think Asians look better wearing these outfits. They have more youthful features and look younger longer, it doesn't look as odd.

>> No.8391994
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>Caring what normies thing
We all look like Alice in Wonderland in mistimed Halloween costumes to them anon

>> No.8392017

I appreciated it anon. I appreciate your humor.

>> No.8392182
File: 7 KB, 236x177, bb3a314e4677bafaf470dc987f0cbf93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, Angelic Pretty, what will you come out with next?

>> No.8392461
File: 768 KB, 822x554, AP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out my new coord! Only the best brand for my diaper rashy behind

>> No.8392789

Thank you, that means alot to me.

>> No.8392845

Why does no one shit on gothic lolitas who wear exclusively black?
I mean, like, don't you get bored only wearing one colour??

>> No.8392852

Because we don't look like babies

>> No.8392858

Gothic is more about the cuts and very distinctive prints and many people recognize that. This is probably just my ignorance on pastel sweet but it all looks like very samey cuts and prints to me.

>> No.8392933
File: 27 KB, 450x600, 1782050_10200663746715642_13140321_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what we're supposed to look like. You are supposed to be bright and colorful.
As the other anon said gothic is about the cuts and different textured fabric

>> No.8392998


>> No.8393116

You all give a bad reputation to ageplayers! Because of you, people think that WE walk around in public flaunting our fetishes for all to see

>> No.8393129

I know that feel. I get it every time I see cute clothes in the girl's section. I hate that girls clothing is so much cuter and better quality than women's clothes.

>> No.8394475


Yes, but if it's supposed to be pastels, then why give people shit for it? Other than mean spirited trolling, I mean.

>> No.8394774


Spoiler alert:

AP ≠ Angelic Pretty

AP = Age Play

>> No.8394922

Shut up. Sweet is much more than just pastel vomit.

>> No.8394934


Yes, but why give shit for it?

>> No.8394992

Mine too. It's hard to feel normal as a kid when your dad is busy raping 13 year old girls.

>> No.8394996

I'm having such a hard time grasping how someone can grow up with a pedophile dad. Like... How is that even allowed

>> No.8395157

I know several people who grew up with pedophile dads. In all but one, the father was very careful and no one really knew. In the one where the did know, the father did time for raping his daughters ages 3-10 then got partial custody of his son when he got out after just a few months. His poor son was forced to see him on the weekends and ended up so emotionally fucked up from it that he's a junkie now. Not sure how that's even legal, but apparently it was in this circumstance.

>> No.8395161

Underrated troll. 10/10.

>> No.8395204

Wow, this thread is starting to get really depressing.

>> No.8395709

2/10. You tried, anon.

>> No.8395712

These prints are easier to see irl. Those pics have been lightened a ton.

>> No.8395797

Aside the fact that there are five prints represented here, you can clearly see how the prints differ IRL and in actual worn photos. Most of these can be coorded with a variety of colors. I had jewelry jelly in sax and black and that lavender milky planet. I also had fancy paper dolls in lavender at one point. I don't think I ever wore them or coordinated them the same way twice. Milky planet was especially fun because I could literally use almost any pastel color combination or use a combination of two or three colors and still get a balanced coordinate. I miss that dress. I never coorded them straight up with white except jewelry jelly since it was one of my first AP prints.

There's also a collecting factor behind it. A lot of AP's pastel vomit prints are iconic, Sugary Carnival, Milky Planet, etc. Part of the thrill is owning them, and for some owning them in different colorways.

I don't go for pink except as an accent color because my skin is too pink-toned and it washes me out. lavender, sax and mint look great on me.

Now, my wardrobe is varied between items like this, to jewel tones, more mature colors with sweeter motifs, blacks, classic, and some gothic. I try to have a lot of variety in my wardrobe and surprisingly, it's all fairly cohesive. I buy what I like, and there is something about prints like this that just makes me so happy. I can throw on any old classic or toned down dress and look pretty. But it doesn't feel the same.

That said, I don't really care about other's opinions or how people on the internet might judge me and suspect I wear diapers because I have a rainbow prints in my wardrobe.

>> No.8396036

Infact, i was thinking the same. I like sweet and also gothic, i have also lots of black non lolita clothing but gothic lolita at times look the same for me if they use only black and no accent colors. It's they are salty about sweet and they wahaaa muh black isnt boring pastel vomit yes, while sweet has lots of color combinations that arent fully pastel like black, red, brown and navy. While gothic is rarely non black (i saw white coords).

>> No.8396044

People tend to wear black as a security thing. So pastels might make them uncomfortable without them even knowing and then salt

>> No.8396046

I think you are the immature one thinking sweet pastel looks like that. Or maybe you look too old to pull off pastel sweet... I'm 24 and no one bats an eye if i wear AP salos, pastel vomit or whatever but i look youthful and i'm small bodied. Not gonna stop if pass my 20s.

>> No.8396053

>i look youthful
I think it's your attitude that make you look youthful

>> No.8397645

And you are so mature because you wear classic, right?

>> No.8402443
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>> No.8402449
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>> No.8402453
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>> No.8402462
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>> No.8402466
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>> No.8402468
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>> No.8402475
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>> No.8402550
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>> No.8402564

Is that the same girl?

>> No.8402614

this coord is cute as hell

>> No.8403019

Where do I get those wigs?

>> No.8403767

Tell daddy to buy you a twin tail wig, then you have to tease it like daddy does to your pussy.