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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 765 KB, 500x600, UGLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8314787 No.8314787 [Reply] [Original]

Let's start another one of these. No fighting, just ugly dresses.

Shadow dream carnival. WHAT'S THE FUCKIN POINT; YOU CAN BARELY SEE THE PRINT? Maybe it looks better on people, idk, but it looks so ugly.

>> No.8314829

lol I couldn't even tell there WAS a print

>> No.8314835

I think it's pretty. Prints are overrated anyway.

>> No.8314838

The print is much nicer in person, but yeah, still shitty.

>> No.8314845

kek poorfag pleb will never be able to see how nice it is in person

>> No.8314873
File: 75 KB, 360x420, 120440100069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meta...why...why? My love and hate for you is so strong. When would a leopard print lolita dress ever be a good idea?

>> No.8314879

they do that shit all the time, it's awful

>> No.8314896


I'm actually quite curious whether Japanese lolitas buy them, since Meta keeps releasing leopard prints.

>> No.8314910


That's the point, anon. You can barely see the print until you look up close. It's like getting a two-fer non print and print in one.

Best parts of lolita are all the little details, not big designs you can see from the moon.

>> No.8314941

The idea is cool, but all the cuts are ugly IMO. (OP) here btw. The print is just sugary carnival mixed with melty cross.

>> No.8314952

leepard is very popular in Japan. It boomed with gyaru which is when BTSSB and Meta both released leopard prints, and Meta saw success in Japan so they continued with it.
In general, Japanese lolitas are much more free with fashion than Western lolitas. They care less about perfect matching colors and like to mix and match more with other styles (hence why there are always new fashions popping up).

>> No.8315016

>In general, Japanese lolitas are much more free with fashion than Western lolitas.
Why is it that Western lolitas get their bloomers in a twist so easily?

>> No.8315036

because white people

>> No.8315047

That would look terrible on me, but I like the idea of an invisible unicorn dress. Wouldn't buy, but it still makes me wonder why it was made.

>> No.8315060
File: 1021 KB, 606x900, kera07080019xf7 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see the print a lot better in other colorwars. It looks fantastic in black imo, but in white it just looks like a normal dress I agree.

Also- magic whip or pretty whip or whip magic or whatever the hell it is. It's too bright and barbie-ish and I hate it with all of my being.

>> No.8315069
File: 28 KB, 350x467, Cute_Lolita_Dress_by_UedaYumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally not the biggest fan of plaid lolita dresses. It rarely ever works out... I'm more into decorative prints.

>> No.8315079 [DELETED] 
File: 324 KB, 900x1200, 1287695544486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who remembers "the" H&M dress?

>> No.8315081
File: 14 KB, 180x229, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really dislike sugary carnival in general, but the pink special set looks so bad I cannot believe it
it looks like someone poorly altered the original release to be longer and I can't believe its a real piece.

>> No.8315095

this would look bad even without the plaid...

I hate leopard print even outside of lolita. I've never seen it not look extremely tacky.

>> No.8315097

I thought the dress was stupid until I saw an enlarged version of the pink one and fell in love. It has a humble fairy like elegance about it, and I hope to get it secondhand one day..

>> No.8315102
File: 157 KB, 416x544, 2358303_5002bae5d535cf383600001e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind their leopard print when it's on skirts but the dresses are so overwhelming

>> No.8315105

Anything Pink, especially >>8315081 and that fugly bodyline one everyone loves.

>> No.8315155

Find some photos from people who bought the dress and forget the small shitty stock photos. I thought it was pointless until I did that, and then I clamored to buy one.

>> No.8315159
File: 251 KB, 500x600, cherry_marguerite_one_piece_mt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate/hated Cherry Marguerite with a passion. What was the point, we already had Drained Cherry. And the goddamned crosses and flowers just had no space.

At least the purse is cute.

>> No.8315169

i think in punk/alternative fashions it looks quite good. for example, a leather jacket with leopard print sleeves or detailing. however the rest of the outfit would have to be black or else it would look tacky and overdone.

>> No.8315199

what the fuck

>> No.8315216

same anon here

let us not forget the awkward strawberry placement

>> No.8315241

>At least the purse is cute
confirmed for shit taste

>> No.8315245


>You can barely see the print what's the point

Prints aren't everything to everyone anon, I'm also with the earlier anon who liked the subtlety. Got the regular waist in Pink, so excited to figure out what to coord it with because the design is so soft.

I also never cared for Sugary Carnival, cheapest looking AP print to me, never saw the hype. Glad to finally have some classy ponies.

>> No.8315309
File: 79 KB, 360x420, 57605_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes i wonder what is going through the head's of meta's designers

>> No.8315322
File: 30 KB, 413x600, hNaoto5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when hNaoto released this weird thing?

>> No.8315332

The fuck?

>> No.8315333

I tried to find something good about it's release for once.

>> No.8315338

lmao that looks like an onigiri

>> No.8315347

i'm not sure if it's supposed to be a riceball or a single cat ear
either is awkward

>> No.8315358
File: 20 KB, 290x387, zwgn84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh victorian maiden, why?
this looks like something a middle aged teacher or mom would wear

>> No.8315392

I feel like I'm required to wear this as a FL lolita.

>> No.8315396

If you can find a purse shaped like an alligator, please.

>> No.8315397

Nothing can top this.
...aaand that's enough 4chan for today

>> No.8315429

I...don't understand. What...and why?

Anybody got a pic of someone wearing this thing?

>> No.8315448

the green icing makes me want to barf. it looks like cheap fabric from the om section of joanns.

I... really like this for a pinup vibe.

>> No.8315453

I would wear the hell out of that dress. I actually keep an eye out for it on YJ.

>> No.8315465

i knew everyone on cgl would think it's ugly but i like leopard print and tbh i like this. sorrynotsorry, don't even care if it's shit taste. actually even i think it's kind of ugly, but simultaneously kinda endearing. i think you can say that for most of meta's stuff tho

at this point i've just accepted that meta is off in their own world doing their own lil thing and so i've set my standards differently

>> No.8315473
File: 233 KB, 1280x578, Alice and the Pirates Mad Hatter 3 Stage Silk Hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe im being nitpicky but i think this just looks horrible and costumey

>> No.8315475

when will the mad hatter trend die

>> No.8315488

When OTT dies.

>> No.8315508


You'd have gotten less arguments if you'd just said that instead of putting the print rant in caps.

>> No.8315518

I feel bad for all the really babyish prints. I feel like a lot of lolitas are against them, and/or give an unknowing invite to ageplayers to wearing lolita.
However, hate to say this on cgl and the like, but I'm an ageplayer (among other shit) and into lolita fashion. I do not mix the two at all. I can't fathom ageplayers wearing the expensive brand in the bedroom.
I'm so sorry to all the comms who end up dealing with the weird out there sissys and ageplayers.
I'm a lolita in the streets and keep everything kinky in the sheets.

>> No.8315527
File: 371 KB, 800x600, 22584_large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Crew socks, anon. The detailing on the crew socks were cute. The purse was not.

>> No.8315624

Yeah, that's why I have a strong love and hate relationship with them. They can put out some god awful stuff, but some nice stuff too. Meta takes the most risks out of all the lolita brands. I guess the next closest would be H.naoto, but that's mostly punk/grunge/gothic and not always lolita.

>> No.8315628

because Japanese fashion is for fun and expression
western culture takes fashion into an elitist territory

>> No.8315673

I love leopard print in lolita ironically for gyaru.

>> No.8315678

The fabric store realness.

>> No.8315936
File: 132 KB, 688x682, 080624_hangry2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit the nail on the head with the single cat ear. It's supposed to be the ear of one of the mascots a la top middle of pic.

>> No.8315952

Love the print, detest the cuts.

>> No.8315984

I love whip magic in white/light pink. But the dark pink is disgusting

>> No.8316030

But... why only one.

>> No.8316038

Then AP needs to get a better photographer

>> No.8316042

>Easter bro

>> No.8316043

So you still have room for a hat

>> No.8316048

But it's in the fucking middle, bruh.

> mfw the more I look at it, the more confused and angry I get

>> No.8316049

>because Americans

>> No.8316082


IW first. I had a navy hairclip turn up on my doorstep as near-black instead of the dark blue in their stock photos.

>> No.8316102


Didn't I answer this awhile ago? Lolita in the west suffers from all kinds of people trying to jump onto the lolita bandwagon because it's a sizeable ready-made audience, whereas in Japan the lolitas are split into small personal groups. So western lolias get unicorn plushies being posted on sew_lolita, crappy bands in kinderwhore posting their vids to egl, girls who don't wear lolita and label themselves "lolitas at heart" thinking the entire worldwide lolita comm will now become their friends, people purposely making inaccurate documentaries to try and get a boost in page visits from angry lolitas, and so on. It gets old after a while, so lolitas' reactions is to tell those idiots to stop posting non lolita stuff to egl. The fashion's definition got stricter and tighter as result, otherwise we just get so much crap coming through.

Personally I think even if western lolita was into mixing and matching, leopard prints still wouldn't take off. Outside of gyaru, I don't think even normalfags like animal prints, so it'd still flop anyway.

>> No.8316165

I'm sad I missed out on this, I hope they make another set of these embossed looking dresses with a different theme perhaps.
Big beautiful old buildings or something idk

>> No.8317797

I hate all

>> No.8317806

I love it a lot. I love really subtle prints like black Holy Lantern and flocky prints. This looks so pretty to me, I wish I had the money for it. I wanted white or black.

>> No.8317984

even the mannequin is like 'no pls stop'

>> No.8318403

I agree, I hope they do another print like this with a less-lame subject matter. I'm not a fan of either sugary carnival or twinkle carnival so I've really got no desire for this dress.
Also those cuts were fugly as hell.
Give it another go though, AP, you can do it.

>> No.8318413
File: 85 KB, 700x700, angelic pretty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this on Wunderweldt.

Says it's AP.

>> No.8318419
File: 16 KB, 224x320, moitie why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy I've been waiting for one of these to pop up for ages just so I can post this hideous thing.

>> No.8318433

They photoshop the hell out of their pictures. I've had so many issues with the true color of their stuff that I'm afraid to try to buy anything new to match an item I own anymore.
>gave up and just go by the color of items I already own from them now

>> No.8318436
File: 5 KB, 92x92, DO NOT WANT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thought it was cute
>clicked thumbnail

>> No.8318447

I don;t understand why wunderweldt takes their stock photos like that
they always look so bad

>> No.8318450

I think this is fairy dot/frill or something like that. A friend of mine owns this thing

>> No.8318475

I like this sort of dress, but the colors are all wrong and that little blip of blue is bothering me.

>> No.8319022

Me neither... that's the one thing that really keeps me from buying their listings, sometimes. It makes the pieces look like they're in bad condition with their awkward models, like they didn't bother to do the lacing up to fit the model, with no steaming or ironing or even lintrolling sometimes, it seems.

>> No.8319048

Yeah, it's AP. It's just a shitty colorway of a so-so dress.

>> No.8319328
File: 26 KB, 250x333, ap_2009_jsk_candyfairy_color1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not sure the other colourways are much better

>> No.8319387

You can separate the hats and wear them individually so it's less ott.

>> No.8319428

Love the print, but just the construction and materials used here look so wrong. Failed potential with a bad OP and not using a quirky print to the fullest.

>> No.8319431

Was just thinking of buying Victorian Maiden today.

>"They're always so classic and reliable compared to other brands!"
>you remind me of this disaster

>> No.8319533

I'm not a sweet lolita and I actually find that kinda cute

>> No.8319557

go back to tumblr, fag.

>> No.8319575
File: 211 KB, 500x377, tumblr_m5q05koTHA1qzlc6io2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god seriously stop. Go back to Tumblr. No one wants you here.

>> No.8319590

Bullshit. That's just lolita subculture which in the west largely consists of people with no interest in fashion who just like anime or cosplaying.

>> No.8319930

I like this actually!

>> No.8319937

Racist piece of shit.

>> No.8319938

Bait. Everyone shut the fuck up and stop derailing the thread now pls

>> No.8319949


>> No.8319959

I fucking hate sugary carnival

>> No.8319968
File: 21 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8319971

Y'all got your panties in a twist over throw away comment halfway up the thread. Chill.

>> No.8319975

Is it the text, anon? It's the text.

Moitie is hella minimal but I really like the gate still.

>> No.8319978

Is it the text, anon? It's the text.