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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 12 KB, 200x355, asdkhuagsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8181071 No.8181071 [Reply] [Original]

Last one has been autosaging for a while.

old thread >>8165885

>> No.8181074

Strong start to the thread anon good work.

>> No.8181103


>> No.8181113
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>> No.8181139
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>> No.8181146
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>> No.8181157

Can we stop posting this every fucking time?

>> No.8181192

There is not one decently dressed person in this video.

>> No.8181202
File: 1.41 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-03-13-17-19-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her entire Instagram makes me cringe.

>> No.8181289

>Cat in the hat fandom lolita
Now I've seen everything

>> No.8181310
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>> No.8181316

Oh my gosh I didn't realise what that was.
This is amazing.

>> No.8181328

I mean I know exactly what's going on here, pose-wise, but it still takes a second to process everything when you scroll down to the feet...

>> No.8181356

I don't get this pose. Does she have a problem In her legs or something? That's not a midget, is it?

>> No.8181360
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>> No.8181436
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>> No.8181440
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>> No.8181445
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>> No.8181449
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>> No.8181454
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>> No.8181634
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>> No.8181662

What's wrong with her legs?

>> No.8181670
File: 308 KB, 291x200, nnoooopppe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the lass in the light purple and green sash meant to be esmeralda

>> No.8181687

What the fuck why would he do this. This is so fucking creepy.

>> No.8181699

Didnt this girl post the dress for sale then got confused when people said it was a bad dress

>> No.8181700

Years of pigeon-toeing

>> No.8181733

Can someone like draw the outline of her legs under the dress or something because I honestly cannot understand what's going on here.

>> No.8181785

Goddamn those itas sure are going for it
I have to admit, they make dancing in lolita look really fun...

>> No.8181804

Aw, they look like they're having so much fun.

>> No.8181819

This looks like my coworker's boyfriend.


>> No.8181900

How about you go add more concrit to his post instead of making a display? He's obvs going to be very handicapped in putting together feminine clothes.

>> No.8181913

I think you are lost. This is an ita thread, we post itas here, "handicapped" or not. Go back to rufflechat or wherever it is that you came from.

>> No.8181928

This is old. Fresh meat, please.

>> No.8181986

Who is this?

>> No.8182202
File: 72 KB, 540x960, wutisanatomyidonteven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best guess is really bad posture combined with overhead perspective.

>> No.8182552
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"Old school punk lolita"

>> No.8182788

Really eh coordinates but they're having so much fun I wanna try it

>> No.8182806

you know what, they're enjoying themselves, and this made me happy to watch. I can excuse their terrible dresses.

>> No.8182809

That actually looks pretty accurate aside from the socks...

>> No.8182810

i love her shoes. just the shoes tho

>> No.8182847

We gotta keep posting the classics, anon.

>> No.8182856

Oh man... that's a look I've not seen in years

>> No.8182860

I feel like if this were on a girl, no one would care or it might get thrown in a nitpick thread. It's a good basic coordinate, just on an unfortunate old man.

>> No.8182968

the guy on the left belongs on /x/

>> No.8183002

i doubt that. the dress doesn't fit (dude might not have a choice with that frame, but that's an important part of not looking ita) and the print is cheap as fuck, that tiny brown furry purse is disgusting and doesn't match anything, pearl necklace is random as fuck, legwear might be nice up close and off his legs but just look like very dirty plain white tights from here and the black shoes look really out of place being both so dark and the only solid colored thing.
a cute girl might have looked marginally better in this, especially with a better picture, but it's not a good coordinate, basic or otherwise.

>> No.8183220

If this is how punk lolita looks the style should be considered ita. That's just a stupid t-shirt with a tartan skirt and a random old school headdress. That's not cute, not elegant, not girly.

>> No.8183641


>> No.8183949
File: 110 KB, 960x960, 1904140_439664589536213_4433901855548114469_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8183971

vendetta as fuck

>> No.8184045

Nothing wrong with this, nitpick at best

>> No.8184052

you must be blind. it's awful.

>> No.8184076

Too much pink, ugly shoes, hat doesnt work. Its weird looking. the girl on the left is fine

>> No.8184087

punk isnt supposed to be cute,Hardly elegant. Sweetlolita=/= punk lolita

>> No.8184123

Thats the problem with a lot of lolita today.
They forget the main ones beside sweet classic and gothic.

But yea socks were off.

>> No.8184125

If you really wanted to hide your vendetta you should've put it on the nitpick thread

>> No.8184142

This x1000. Too many newfags ITT who don't know anything about oldschool lolita. I really love her outfit, except for the socks + tights combination, that's always bad, still a nitpick though. I swear we were past this on /cgl/....

>> No.8184145

>too much pink
>in a sweet coord
>where the main color of the dress is fucking pink
jesus christ get out already

>> No.8184271
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>> No.8184272
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>> No.8184275
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>> No.8184281

Oh all these oldfags with their "they don't know about lolita".
Listen granny, old school and punk is hardly considered lolita anymore, lolita is about cute, frilly, elegant, girly and refined know.
You can wear it if you want, but 9/10 people will say your punk lolita is ita as hell.
Lolita fashion changed a lot, for the better if you asked me.

>> No.8184292

This one actually looks cute

>> No.8184299


Lol butthurt much, newfag?

>> No.8184301

It's the harsh truth. Old school is having a come-back but punk? Lol nope.

>> No.8184311

It doesn't matter if 90% of people think it's ita and punk lolita is practically dead. Ita is not about whether something you wear is popular.

>> No.8184328
File: 9 KB, 160x188, saltay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like one of those uptight elitist american bitches. You can't dismiss the grassroots styles of lolita for none of us would be here without them, and the overall aesthetic of lolita is looking doll-like, not necessarily overly feminine or elegant and refined, those are characteristics of sweet and classic, respectively. None of the shit you're spewing is even relevant, as >>8184311 said, we were only pointing out the outfit wasn't ita just because it's a lesser known style as it was a fairly nicely executed outfit by any standards. Your lack of comprehensive knowledge of lolita and defensive demeanor guarantees you an express ticket to Ita-ville, have fun, newfag.

>> No.8184329

>Ita is not about whether something you wear is popular.

Yeah but wearing no petticoat and lacemonsters was "lolita" once and is " ita" now.
You can wear whatever you want buddy, but the fashion will still evolve.

>> No.8184331

The make-up irritates me but the coord seems perfectly fine.

>> No.8184333

Bitch you come back crying when your sweet or classic or whatever you like dies off and you have to explain ignorant people how you're not ita, just an old substyle.

>> No.8184350
File: 8 KB, 259x194, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes the fashion evolves but that doesn't invalidate what it once was, and that an oldschool punk lolita is still wearing the same fashion as a newschool sweet lolita, we can all coexist, and we're all wearing crazy victorian styled clothing anyway so unbunch your bloomers, buddy

>> No.8184425

Lol all those sandy vaginas in this thread just because noone pays attention to their ita clothes.

>> No.8184431
File: 241 KB, 297x397, 1424752782301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spot the sandy cunt who got shut down

>> No.8184517


Hahah yep, so obvious.

>> No.8184532

This looks bad...just because it's old school doesn't mean it doesn't have problems. That headdress is bad And doesn't fit with the coord. The curse is okay but I tend to think tucked in shirts look silly, especially for a style that's meant to be overtly casual. It is punk old school, after all.

>> No.8184533

Meant cutsew. Kek.

>> No.8184554
File: 313 KB, 1024x1523, _apple_sparck_photoshoot_by_sweetkittenarts-d8ke4aw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still nitpick at best. I wanna see some real itas dammnit

>> No.8184560
File: 143 KB, 789x1013, me_and_my_friends_by_luirumin-d7wcsb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat filename

>> No.8184566
File: 297 KB, 1024x1599, punk_lolita_vs__basement_by_cosphobuddy-d7vsxd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No amount of brand can save this

>> No.8184583

good morning meta

>> No.8184595

I'm not even the person above?
Still, the outrage is hilarious. Everyone is defending this shit because they know it's dead.

>> No.8184740


>> No.8184845

He needs a petticoat and matching shoes, but it's not really ita imo. It's not eye searingly bad.

>> No.8184862

I.... I like it. It is just so tacky I really like it. I would have gone with polkadot tights and a blond wig though.

>> No.8184876

Seconded, I'd even say I liek the striped tights because I'm a tasteless hack but with a nice wig and slightly more makeup this would be cute.

>> No.8184933

Yeah, agreed. It's tacky but it seems put together and not sloppy.

>> No.8184982

Admittedly many of them were poorly dresses, but they looked like they were having a ton of fun. I'd hang out with them.

Looks about right, actually.

>> No.8185164
File: 30 KB, 250x333, tumblr_mabureq8qC1rfyhsjo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8185170

>people defending this hot topic coord
Welp, I'm done with this thread. Itas all around.

>> No.8185222

Old school people tend to be a little more nostalgic for the weird tacky shit.

>> No.8185254

>punk isn't lolita
Oh girl.

I don't like old-school either but there's a lot more to lolita than sweet and classic.

>> No.8185368

>let me sit on the disgusting ground against this box in my lolita

>> No.8185370

Nothing of value was stained.

>> No.8185387


these girls look fine. i'm not sure about that mint hat, but that's just me, and it's still only a minor nitpick

>> No.8185402

I agree. Everyone is defending it, but it's far from flawless

I don't know your problem vendetta-chan. I wouldn't have worn that green hat, but I see where she was coming from and the colour wasn't pulled out of her ass. At least give some decent material jfc. The coord is far from bad.

>> No.8185405
File: 1.72 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-03-16-15-44-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8185409

obvious self-post

>> No.8185432

This isn't old school so what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.8185446

Not old school as in black and white cliche, but the old school that is kinda cobbled together, unusual street fashion. Not 2005 old school, more 2001.

>> No.8185449

I think she's saying that hard core old schoolers see through ita tinted rose colored glasses and have shit opinions.

>> No.8186097

I actually really like the hat, but I think some mint shoes or socks (possibly a bag as well, maybe some mint accessories) would help balance it out a bit better. Otherwise a pink head accessory would've worked better with the rest of the outfit.

>> No.8186103
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>> No.8186111

nitpick tbh. the wig is garbage, sunglasses need to go, shoes should probably be red instead, and whatever is under her bust needs to go, but this isn't god awful or whatever. meh.

>> No.8186115

Holy hell what is that thing?

>> No.8186276
File: 208 KB, 1088x2048, FB_IMG_1422617162417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8186353

Actually I really like this....
The hat and makeup need to go though.

>> No.8186354

you poor blind anons.

>> No.8186377

I've seen this before and thought if you put this on a cute Asian face it would be a perfectly fine Tokyo streetsnap.

>> No.8186495

>all oldschool lolitas I know are 20-25
Way to make yourself sound like even more of a snotty teenager.

>> No.8186729
File: 65 KB, 426x640, tumblr_nlbuj1wPcu1uq2rgpo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Remember that time I dressed up in lolita while cosplaying Hatsune Miku and acted like a complete dork? Here is another photo!

*I do not take credit for the coord I am wearing in this photo. It was my first time in lolita and someone else dressed me!"

I want to punch her friend

>> No.8186785
File: 74 KB, 720x480, 10298762_710910785650384_5849678954894901350_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8186786
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>> No.8186788
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>> No.8186789
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>> No.8186790
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>> No.8186802


Thank you for keeping the thread alive. This is a very depressing ita thread

>> No.8186835
File: 1.45 MB, 1080x1920, 2015-03-17 11.49.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there. >>8166346 here. The same ita i posted has gotten this collar thing(?). Improvement?

Not going to bother drawing out the IG username anymore because this might be an ongoing thing.

>> No.8186920
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>> No.8186957
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Damn that color scheme.

>> No.8186958

I'm just so over split wigs. Also the ankle socks + RHS combo does literally nothing for me.

>> No.8186964

This would be at least 40% less bad without those fucking striped socks

stop wearing those



>> No.8186970

so close yet so far

>> No.8186981
File: 120 KB, 456x810, tumblr_nlcrod5YgN1r38rt0o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hair, black sweater, black tights, sailor moon socks.

>> No.8186985

This is pretty cute for a normalfag outfit, but terrible for Lolita.

>> No.8186990

Stop wearing dresses I want.

>> No.8187002
File: 829 KB, 1270x1920, belladonnacrownpiratesorsomething.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on this new release? It screams ita/costume/poor fabric & color choice to me, but 950+ people like it so what are your thoughts?
Or should I start a new indie thread for a real discussion?

>> No.8187007

I think its pretty.

>> No.8187032

Not my taste but it'd be great for himelolita.

>> No.8187036

That cardigan is screaming.

>> No.8187040

The skirt part looks nice but the bodice is hideous and badly fitted.

>> No.8187042

i agree with this assessment

>> No.8187043

I like the skirt portion for an OTT/hime look but the bodice looks ugly and amateurish to me.

>> No.8187784
File: 1.44 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-03-17-21-07-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8187788

Fuck. This girl is trying to sell this for around £30 on facebook.

>> No.8187799

I think for actual discussion you'd probably want to start a new indie thread--seagulls here are looking for the ita.

>> No.8187905

This girl recently discovered COF and she is ruining it for the Brazilian comm... She is making us all look much worse than we already are.

>> No.8187987

If I saw her on the street I would just assume she was dressed in casual clothes and had slightly bad fashion sense, so I guess at least she isn't super embarrassing even if she is ita. She's not making you look that bad I'm sure.

>> No.8188010 [DELETED] 
File: 411 KB, 595x467, valen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this in the lolita valentines. yikes.

>> No.8188026
File: 80 KB, 661x960, 10649877_1453360524951863_2892535249056300584_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anon!
Here is a Brazilian ita in return for your kindness. This was her wedding dress.

>> No.8188041

Oh. Honey, no.

>> No.8188056

I guess the thing about out comm is
- older woman are mostly poor and can't afford shit or don't even know how to buy from bodyline
- younger lolitas have rich parents who pay for their shit, so they have nice pieces
- some people between both afford lolita by themselves and look just ok.

>> No.8188066

Anon, you're blind. You're just....blind. It's a total clusterfuck.

>> No.8188069

She looks stupid as hell. I hope that was on purpose. Not cute.

>> No.8188082

Please Jesus. Fix it.

>> No.8188101

I wouldn't want to be seen in public with her. She's a mess. Sorry. Not sorry.

>> No.8188107

Poorly dresses girl on far left has the weirdest head to body size ratio. Maybe it's the hammer pants that she's using as a blouse? Must be mildly retarded.

>> No.8188114

Please, shut up.

>> No.8188122

It does look like a tacky meta coordinate, but I can assure you that nothing was coordinated using meta for this outfit.

>> No.8188123

Needs so pretty lace, more flowers or bows (something), better bodice, fuck that halter and get some real straps. And I would prefer cream to ivory. This is too yellow against the pink.

>> No.8188124

Now this... this is embarrassing.

>> No.8188193

It's bad enough seeing Natália posting on CoF and now this attentionwhore? Just kill me please.
She's asking for another secret.

>> No.8188203

It'd still be shit. There's too much going on.

I like the coat though.

>> No.8188210
File: 15 KB, 480x320, jigggggggsaawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8188241

i was worried when i saw the mardi gras beads, so i went to the youtube channel, and then the facebook fanpage and saw that this person is "liked" by a lot of my local drag queen friends... which would explain the makeup. but yeah, my super gorgeous comm has a pretty good presence in the city so i can't imagine how this person hasn't seen what lolita is actually supposed to look like :/

>> No.8188344
File: 194 KB, 720x1280, dogshithair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8188354

That blouse is not a good color with her skin tone (she needs a warm toned purple like the skirt, rather than the cool blouse). If she wore real lolita shoes and a pink or off-white blouse this would be pretty cute.
I do not like how her hairstyle exaggerates her widows peak either.

>> No.8188450

oh gawd i know this person

>> No.8188516

Do you know her friend as well? If so tell that girl to get some fucking fashion sense before she dress up other people

>> No.8188604
File: 89 KB, 539x960, 10997492_1552041338402078_8326749912164878639_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you are annoyed anon.

>> No.8188622

>that nasty faded tat
nothing can save her

>> No.8188648

At the risk of sounding stupid, what is COF?

>> No.8188709


>> No.8188710

This is what I envision when people say "my AP cardigan comfortably stretches to 120cm bust!!"

>> No.8188713

So glad you asked that bc I didn't wanna ask but I don't know either

>> No.8188717

Closet of Frills, FB group.

>> No.8188756

omg it could be
>hold me I'm scared

>> No.8188761

Anon, there's already an indie thread. It has a lot of businessy discussion right now but it's there.

>> No.8188763

Holy cow, I'm hitting the max of some of my dresses as well, but this cardigan looks like a second skin!

>> No.8188771

The first thing that went through my mind when I saw that. No honey, no.

>> No.8188905

are those shoes made out of duct tape??

>> No.8188906

I-I thought the same thing anon

>> No.8189001

These threads amuse me, but they also make me kinda sad.
When i look at these girls (and a couple guys) I am bewildered. Even when new, it should be obvious what looks good and what doesn't. what matches and what should be saved for next time. Being in the fashion for a while, as I'm sure many of you have, it should be clear which dresses are good and bad quality. even when i was new, i knew what matched, what clashed, what was good quality and bad just with a look. How do people fuck up so bad? How do these people look at other lolitas in comparison and this "Yep, i'm spot on"? how do they look in the mirror, give them self a wink, and walk out of the house in complete confidence when their skirt is maroon, yet their tights are pink? it amazes me. It kills me a little.
That's the amusing part though. the sad part? You can look at these pictures and see the new in their eyes- the glimmer of happiness, amazement, excitement. Yes, finally, their first dress- the one they found on bodyline after a whole ten minutes of looking, took their 60 dollars- they won't pay a penny more- and bought themselves a beautiful dress (which is actually a garbage bag) to show their friends, their lover, their one lolita friend who is either also new, or an older one who tried very hard to give them advice but they rejected it all- and then skipped the blouse, matching it with some plain tights and worn out shoes. After they burnt their hair with a straightner, they ran downstairs, to which their parents told them they looked lovely and took pictures to send to grandma (Later they talked to each other about it, very concerned). but for each dress riding in- the excitement will die, and the glimmer will leave their eyes. they'll start posting here, and lolita will become their every day look- not an exciting "just for meets!" thing. Eventually theyll post their "leaving lolita sale" to the fb comm, and take one last look at their bodyline baby, and say their goodbye.

>> No.8189132
File: 79 KB, 527x960, 1425939224001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, I see the glimmer in her eyes. All joyous and sparkly.

>> No.8189145

10/10 followup to the tl;dr

>> No.8189147

>Eventually theyll post their "leaving lolita sale" to the fb comm
I smile a little every time I see a leaving lolita post and it's all pastel garbage no one wants.

>> No.8189149


>> No.8189196

This picture is incredible.

>> No.8189217

Thank you, anon

>> No.8189323

>leaving lolita closet cleaning big sale everything must go!!!
>two Bodyline JSKs, thrifted blouse and Payless mary janes

>> No.8189453

>leaving lolita sale!
>Sweet and gothic!
> 10 sweet jsks, 2 sweet OPs, sweet hair bows
>1 hot topic dress

Not quite related, but I see this shit so often. People labeling "gothic!" In their sales post and it's like all sweet with one or two maaaaybe kinda gothy or totally ita pieces.

>> No.8189485

It's from that phase when they first got into lolita via Hot Topic's ""lolita"" selection.

Selling it is just going to make an endless loop of first-time itas though.

>> No.8189597

This is the look of a killer that has spotted its prey.
This is the look of someone who obviously doesn't care that their kitchen looks like a disgusting shithovel.

>> No.8189637
File: 65 KB, 576x960, kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone posted this for sale in an alt fashion sales group.

>> No.8189677

Link to the group?

>> No.8189680

Looks okay-ish for a normaI outfit but not lolita. I'm probably just saying that because I love that shade of green.

>> No.8189682


Meth face, how disturbing.

>> No.8189683


Hahah ,yeah I always think "how can you leave Lolita when you never were one in the first fucking place".

>> No.8189693

The group isn't that cringey just this one ita dress. I dont even think the person knew it was supposed to be lolita as they just called it "pink dress". It is mainly Rockabilly and normalfag (idk how those are alternative but whatever) sales.

>> No.8189711

why is there a hole in the pot

>> No.8189712

That just reeks of "theater kid"

>> No.8189730
File: 280 KB, 500x500, tumblr_inline_ngst949R4U1r6cz05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8189899

The colors clash terribly, she needs to wear warmer tones, also, everything seems too small for her, the buttons of that blouse are screaming bloody murder. Don't make me start with the normalfag boots.
No word on the dreadlocks.
And what the hell, the lace of that skirt looks ratty/dirty af, and is she even wearing a petty?

>> No.8189919

This coord is ita trash but dear god I want that headband,

>> No.8189925
File: 129 KB, 713x1120, gothic_lolita_costume_by_tsukimorichan-d6nkf1h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because sometimes these ita are uninformed, young practically tasteless so, they take inspiration out of anime I mean, have you seen how they portrait lolita on animu? A bunch of black-white-red cabaret styled lace monsters and striped socks galore. Some of them even confuse the fashion with wearing just a costume.

>> No.8189931

I really like how the wig/hair is styled here, would want in a natural hair color.

>> No.8189946

it looks tangled as fuck, I don't know what style you're talking about...

>> No.8189959


>> No.8189974

I don't see a single good lolita in this pic. Incredible.

>> No.8189983

It doesnt look that tangled. I am talking about the way is curls.

>> No.8189992

Don't be petty about pettis, anon, it's not pretty.

>> No.8189998

Being young and tacky is one of the reasons I'm so happy I lurked and waited for years before buying lolita. 13 year old me had an unhealthy fixation on h.naoto and raccoon makeup, my ita points would have been through the roof. Mind you, I still have my tacky traits that'll never go away, like loving stompy platforms.

>> No.8190019

>girl on right is a spitting image of me at 14

Thank god I had no money and my parents were jews, I dodged so many ita bullets.

>> No.8190042

I thought you were being funny at first and started laughing at the granny comment but no you're serious wow okay.

I'm crying from laughing so hard at your pic seriously lordy.

>> No.8190052
File: 72 KB, 400x546, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you tell them...

>> No.8190054

Omg this chick....whenever she pops up in my feed which is far too often for my liking I scream out loud. Her dreads are as shitty as her coords.

>> No.8190057

I actually love this, but I'm also a "granny" and I like to have fucking fun with my clothes. Before I was a Lolita, I was a punk. The cobbled together look is kinda my jam. I don't know if I'd call this Lolita but it is very far from ita.

Also am I the only one who doesn't hate striped socks with Lolita? I love it as long as it doesn't clash with the outfit.

But then again, I am a granny and back in my day we didn't have your fancy shmansy tights, all we had were striped socks and we made due with them. You youngin' lolitas are so spoiled with your OTKS and your printed tights.

>> No.8190062

Another striped sock loving granny right here anon. Lets crochet a maxipad white x black headdress.

>> No.8190068

I almost kind of like this? IDK what it is about it, but it feels kinda like some cute punkish mahou shojou. Maybe that's exactly why I like it, it'd make a cute anime character.

>> No.8190076

I also don't dislike striped socks, but I really only love them when they're used for old school. Maybe some pastel ones work for sweet too.

Fuck I'm having an awful oldschool craving right now. Going to blame the dress someone just beat me to buying, it was glorious oldass Meta and I wanted it so bad.

>> No.8190105
File: 1.17 MB, 918x1630, 2015-03-18 23.02.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow granny chiming in. Yes, I just took this photo.

>> No.8190145
File: 202 KB, 540x720, tumblr_nldcq2GB9C1rupgmao2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, it's a tumblr lolita. what else would you expect.

>> No.8190151

The dresses from this brand are impossible to wear , the parts drop to the floor while trying to put it on....that fag doesnt know how to fucking sew

>> No.8190173
File: 83 KB, 600x750, lolita_cosplay_by_inustwin6789-d6pd7nr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8190177
File: 285 KB, 800x600, Gothic_Lolita_Cosplay_by_celestial_Ceres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8190196
File: 111 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nlfck1BUx01qh1hjxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8190205

This is more of a nitpick. I hate the sweater and head thing. Otherwise she looks fine.

>> No.8190221
File: 77 KB, 866x1300, 10475121-Cute-vector-grandmother-sitting-in-a-chair-knitting-striped-socks--Stock-Vector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High fives to all you grannies

>> No.8190244

That filename slayed me

>> No.8190247

>blouse way too small
>that fucking hair
>black boots
>black purse
>way too much purple
>pink parasol out of no where?
It's ita anon

>> No.8190346

>How do you tell them...
Delicately. Unless they're all sorts of craycray (which you can usually tell) you need to tell them. They're new and excited and want to be pretty. Help them feel confident.
Perhaps towards the end of a meet, if you can tell that she's a sweet girl and you get along with her, offer to hang out some time. I remember when I was new and a more experienced lolita took me under her wing, I was so ecstatic to feel so included in the comm that I didn't even think of it as a gesture to try to improve my dress.
Be patient with them, show them good quality things, try putting together some polyvore outfits and voice your concerns carefully. Examples:
>I think you're going in the right direction with this, but these details make it a bit off, try to find something like this...
Don't shove items in their face and insist they must wear what you say. Instead, give them a general description and let them find it, they'll feel much more accomplished and learn more that way. Think of it like What Not To Wear, where they gave them the guidelines and sent them out to get a feel for it on their own.
You could also just start off by saying something like
>I love seeing you so enthusiastic, it reminds me of when I was first starting. I'd love to help you with your next coordinate, it really rejuvenates my spark with lolita!

Honey your words, ladies. I know seagulls used to bluntness and it works out great here, but in the real world, it's much easier to manipulate people and get what you want when you wrap everything with words that can be interpreted to seem complimentary and genuine. Deliver your concern for their taste in dress in a very pretty package and it will seem much more like a gift.

>> No.8190353

Why is she trying to make herself look limp and dead??

>> No.8190354


>> No.8190542

This feels like one of those post-mortem pictures from the victorian days...is she even alive?

>> No.8190559

Omg fucking dying over here anon

>> No.8190560

Those contacts are creepy as fuck

>> No.8190564

Next time my mom bitches that my house is dirty, I'm gonna show her this

>> No.8190586

It's not a bad outfit, she just can't pull it off.

>> No.8190670

I think this is a good example of something that would look good if illustrated on an animu girl but just doesn't translate to real life.

>> No.8190860

This wasn't even meant to be lolita, it was supposed to be dolly kei.

>> No.8190868

This isnt ita keep your vendetta to yourself.

>> No.8190870

This is dolly kei not ita.

>> No.8190880

The two on the right look fine but the girl on the left is a hot steaming mess.

>> No.8190883


>> No.8190971

Yeah you are definitely right about that. Poster Should ve cropped her out or something

>> No.8190997


Ummm did you even look at the picture? The one on the left is definitely ita.

>> No.8191186

this doesn’t register as lolita to me really but it's a cute, fun dress. Meh.

>> No.8191282
File: 63 KB, 720x960, ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8191285

It even says lolita on it in case you're not sure whats going on.

>> No.8191295

I really like this as a normal outfit

>> No.8191360

Ugh I saw this on tumblr. I want so badly to message her and tell her nicely how awful this looks.
>The skirt is from ebay and its shitty. Looks almost see through
>Normal fag shirt. Bright pink no less
>Shitty dingy under knee socks
>Limp greasy hair
>No make up

How can noobs look at great coords or kera and stuff and then look in the mirror and say "Yup! This looks exactly like that!"

>> No.8191365

They're braids, not dreads.

Sage for clarification.

>> No.8191373

I want a comic about this

>> No.8191383

This woman could be so beautiful if she lost weight and stopped dressing like a hot mess.

>> No.8191526

Apex kek

>> No.8191815

>>8186786 that's me.. It was supposed to be dolly-kei (I also didn't pick the clothes)

>> No.8191851

How did she get there, I thought she doesn't even speak english. And who might be Natália?

>> No.8191858

your vendetta is showing

>> No.8191907
File: 37 KB, 506x960, FB_IMG_1426799361514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8191910


Even as dolly kei, it's ugly as shit.

If you didn't dress yourself, then don't take offense because it isn't your fault. There have been times where I've offered to model and the designer dressed me up in hideous outfits so I know the feel.
We aren't criticizing you as a person, we're criticizing the outfit.

>> No.8191929


What in the sam hell...

>> No.8191948
File: 33 KB, 350x243, darkestdeungeonhopeless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8191951

Wrong character.

That's a really cute costume that needs a proper veil and better shoes and gloves. What's that dress?

>> No.8191954

Kawaii plague doctor desu

>> No.8191956

Exactly. The photo looks like it's from a 'runway' show (you know those things they do at cons) and the outfit looks like it isn't mass produced (could be wrong)

Personally, I really like the top part of the outfit but hate the bloomers or underskirt or whatever that is, as well as the shoe combination.

Could be well executed, but wasn't thought through by whoever dressed this girl.

>> No.8191958

Couldn't find a stressed out plague doctor image.

>> No.8191971
File: 380 KB, 520x785, totallywhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should also paint the mask so it doesn't look so much like something made from paper plates and Elmer's glue. Maybe it's unfinished.

>> No.8191973

Is this supposed to be lolita? She looks cute if this is casual

>> No.8191975

I don't think she was going for realism. Those masks are based on historic artistic depictions.

>> No.8191979
File: 134 KB, 340x340, 4A9OKVO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute this ? are you blind.

>> No.8191999
File: 26 KB, 340x270, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I'm taking the piss a bit with that leather monster, but still, the mask looks pretty fakey. It's a crappy picture that may be missing detail, but nothing is going to make up for that super shiny paper finish. Looks like a Highschooler made it though so who cares, honestly.

>> No.8192003

Do you mean the "Starting your own brand" thread >>8178043 ? It's more focused on starting an indie brand than discussing established indie shops and their designs.

I love that color, too. Not perfect, but looks like some good bones for a casual, non-lolita coord.

>> No.8192891

That Heidi Cheng person on Rufflechat kept talking about Assasin's Creed lolita...

>> No.8193281

>Darkest Dungeon

>> No.8193294
File: 41 KB, 733x776, 53972_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8193299

Too much trouble. If someone can't manage to dress themselves, I say ignore them and let them stay Ita until they are motivated to learn. There are tons of resources on the net from well over a decade of lolita to learn from. Scans, opinions and discussions on coords, reviews, groups everywhere, current magazines monthly. This shit is simply not that hard. Ita = lazy. Or cheap. Or both.
Captcha: oofat
Or yeah, that too. Thanks for reminding me.

>> No.8193302


Is this crystal chan ?

>> No.8193339

Dankest dungeon is nice


>> No.8193352
File: 14 KB, 218x266, Cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why tho

>> No.8193360

What JSK is this?

>> No.8193400

Eh, these don't look nearly as bad as some of the examples that get posted here. They look clean, and the color compliments her coordinate. I'm bothered more by the lack of blouse.

>> No.8193429

Idk i think this cut of jsk kind of looks really cute without a blouse

>> No.8193587

Implying noobs even bother to look at coords in kera, or have ever seen a good coord in their life.

>> No.8193589
File: 403 KB, 468x230, 1424848953697.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That outfit looks ugly as fuck and you should feel bad.

>> No.8193696

That's one of the few JSKs that actually works without a blouse.

>> No.8193736

I think this would look cute with nameless poem and a better mask. It would be weird in a cute way

>> No.8194004
File: 1.09 MB, 500x558, m.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"i didn't pick the clothes"
>"you should feel bad."

well aren't you sweet

>> No.8194023

then they arent insulting you theyre insulting whoever picked the clothes lmao

>> No.8194028

The thing I see about this stuff is that a lot of the girls actually feel CUTE. To me thats important in lolita. Its a very feminine fashion and a lot of girls these days feel ugly due to society basically calling them out if they arent a supermodel or a super baby faced adult like Taylor Swift. If they have the chance, and a little bit of money, to order a lolita item and wear it, then kudos. If it makes them feel good about themselves then I have no problem about it. Yes, there are tons of changes that need to be done because these aren't good 'outfits', but if it makes them happy until they get to that point then good on them.

>> No.8194144


I .... l like? it? Wouldn't wear those pieces together, but I like them.

Worth noting I don't Lolita, I suppose. I just have very odd fashion tastes.

>> No.8194146

Um, that neckline would look like shit with a blouse under it. It would make it look frumpy.

>> No.8194155

calm down. it wasn't her choice and now you're just being rude

>> No.8194158

That wig is super cute. Is it lockshop? As a casual outfit and not lolita it's fine imo

>> No.8194162

>Its a very feminine fashion and a lot of girls these days feel ugly due to society basically calling them out if they arent a supermodel or a super baby faced adult like Taylor Swift.

What the fuck nigger? It's time for some people to just ACCEPT that they UGLY FOREVER AND EVER and that they just have to fucking live with it.

It's not bad to be ugly. It just means you have an ugly face or ugly body. Big deal. Now you won't get a boyfriend that looks like fucking Fabio or Robert Pattingson. Who cares?

>> No.8194164

>super baby faced
Nope. People do NOT like baby faced adults. I have one and I have been told that I have a "retarded baby face", and that I look like a kid too many times to count.

>> No.8194169

>now you won't get a boyfriend that looks like x
You'd be surprised what guys are into, anon.

>> No.8194214
File: 13 KB, 79x105, 0Mjkz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not the girl in the pic lmao

>> No.8194338

>super baby faced adult like Taylor Swift
Are you high? Taylor Swift is not baby faced, nor is having a baby face desirable for most people.
Also, it's nice to feel cute, but you also have to know when you objectively look like crap. A good outfit can make a huge difference in looking attractive, and will make you feel even better when people actually give you compliments.

>> No.8194474


>> No.8194542


U one of those ugly forevers, right?

>> No.8194600

>if you're ugly you won't get an attractive man
Not necessarily. Granted, if you're a woman, it takes a lot. But it's completely possible.
>ugly heiress
>ugly scholar
>ugly philanthropist
>ugly withe celebrity status
Lots of ugliest cam score good. Look at all the fat, ugly men who win trophy bimbos all the time. And all it takes for them is a bit of charisma and some money. Being ugly isn't a death sentence unless you make it one.
People put too much power into beauty, and even that won't matter once everyone is 40.

>> No.8194804

No anon, they're actual mass produced boots made to look like that. I think Hot Topic even carried them for a time.
>2005 was a dark time for everyone

>> No.8194818

They did indeed, I considered getting them back in the day. Got a different pair of 6" platforms instead. God those things were the best.

>> No.8194838

crystal meth/10

>> No.8194861

It's people not being honest with themselves. It's no different from any other fashion trend. No different from someone that gets a haircut thinking it will make them instantly look like the celebrity they saw in a magazine.

This shit is the physical manifestation of what delutional hugboxes do.
>"Wear what you want! Everyone is beautiful ugu!"
>"Don't shame cosplayers because they are fat!!"
>"The person thinks its good style therefore it's objectively good style!"
And then you get a bunch of people who aren't examining themselves. Who don't learn how to downplay their weaknesses, and to show of their strengths. Who think all forms of criticism is "body shaming" or whatever. Some of these people have potential with just a little bit of help. And then of course others should just not be doing this at all, which nobody wants to hear.

Part of dressing up is to make yourself feel good yes, but another part of it is visually impressing people around you and transporting them to the world you're trying to portray. If you only dress up for yourself, it's a fetish. If you only dress up for others, you're hollow.

>> No.8194894

>If you only dress up for yourself, it's a fetish
How so? A fetish is a sexual thing.

>> No.8195059
File: 107 KB, 500x667, 1407943374408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Part of dressing up is to make yourself feel good yes, but another part of it is visually impressing people around you and transporting them to the world you're trying to portray. If you only dress up for yourself, it's a fetish. If you only dress up for others, you're hollow

Yes. I've put in world what I always felt and could not express. Thanks, anon.

>> No.8195076

>I've put
You've put*

>> No.8195101

Nope, she's in my local comm. She's never attended a meet though, but I know her personally.

>> No.8195169

A fetish is sexual, anons. Enjoying things does not mean that they are sexual...
And if you dress up for others you could very well be a stripper, which would make your clothing a fetish.

>> No.8195245

A fetish is an emmense obsession with something commonly seen as abnormal. However, there are different kinds/forms of fetishes. Sexual fetishism is one of the most common kinds of fetishes however. So a fetish does not always have to be of a sexual nature; It just has to be an abnormal obsession.

>> No.8195315

I'm pretty sure the cute thing is only a societal demand mostly in Asia. Ask any woman in Japan and they say they wish they could be perfectly cute. In the west everyone wants to be cool or sexy, that's what the media portrays. Right?

>> No.8195428


>> No.8195570

You have shit taste

>> No.8195735
File: 473 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_nd1lsjL5Fg1qij1n6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8196194


>> No.8196243
File: 105 KB, 720x720, 10420381_10153134886325180_7717695793233600734_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8196389

This girl looks so sweet and excited I can't feel salty about it.

>> No.8196392

I only like striped socks in lolita if they're pastelly so the stripes don't stand out so much (white and sax, white and pink). I find them acceptable in mainstream goth fashion, although not to my taste unless it's very emo-y, but I like them better in blackx[colour] than blackxwhite and I prefer slightly wider stripes or they make my eyes go funny. Truly wide stripes I genuinely like, but they're not really stripy socks.

>> No.8196399

This is actually reasonably cute. Main thing I would change is hair accessories that match the OP, since those seem to be black.

>> No.8196487

Oh god i think i know her. She is brazilian right?

>> No.8196561

Nope. But she is. 8195735

>> No.8196906


>> No.8197052

Boo hoo cry harder. This is an ita thread, I saw an ita so I gave my honest opinion. I was insulting the outfit, and whoever put it together because obviously they have no fashion sense.

>> No.8197055

She really should get out of lolita and into decora...

>> No.8197056


>> No.8197568
File: 147 KB, 798x1200, kawaiibanana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this during a recent ebay trawl, very occasionally you actually find a gem listed as 'lolita' but alas this is actually what you tend to find on the whole.

>> No.8200352

Wouldn't this look okay as a casual dress with white tights to hide her legs and different shoes?