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File: 509 KB, 800x800, T1T3qZXihcXXcfAYM1_040345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8178818 No.8178818 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any possible way to incorporate pleated skirts, cardigans, and a neck bow in one outfit without looking like either a literal catholic school girl or a huge-ass weeb?
Even when I'm just wearing a regular cardigan and black skater skirt, people think I'm wearing an actual school uniform even if I'm just wearing a regular T-shirt with it! And if I swapped out the regular cardigan with the thick fluffy looking japanese uniform ones... I can't imagine what a creepy japanophile I might look like.
But whenever I see these outfits, I just want to wear them so badly! Is there hope?
Have any of you dressed this way casually? How did people react?

>> No.8178823

It works because I'm Asian. Not even trolling. There's a ton of international students who dress this way around the area so that helps.

Also, I never do knee or under-the-knee socks since that is a tell for Catholic school girls. Tights or thigh-highs all the way!

>> No.8178826

I've worn skirts with button-up shirts and a tie. I've never gotten any comments from strangers but I do get weird looks that I just ignore.
I don't think it's possible to wear that sort of stuff without it looking uniform-y, but if you think it looks cute, why does it matter?

>> No.8178827

Hmm... so you think on a non-asian chick it'd look weird? Like, do you think international students would be weirded out by me dressing this way? Or would they not care too much.

I think thigh highs and tights are cuter anyway... what about ankle socks/turncuff socks? Do you think those could also work?

I'm not asian but I look young, so I feel like it doesn't look SUPER out of place for me to wear this stuff, since school uniforms like this exist in America, too, but... at the same time maybe that makes it even weirder? Like I'm trying to pretend I'm underage or something, when really I just think the clothes are cute.

>> No.8178834

Ankle socks seem a little too juvenile to me, but do what you want. It doesn't seem to be too school girl-y, but you might be mistaken for underage.

Honestly, people think you're a school girl because you're not Asian. Like, why would you wear that if you aren't a school girl? is what they're thinking. They see an Asian girl wearing that and think it's normal.

>> No.8178836

>Like, why would you wear that if you aren't a school girl? is what they're thinking.
What I wanna know is why they haven't come to understand the glory of the pleated skirt! Fuckin' plebs

>> No.8178879
File: 17 KB, 236x237, 96dd2ebf150a49b75f35bc2e2c1c2804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always worn that kind of thing and nobody cares... I'm white. I don't think people would think differently about asians. I'm from a country where every student has to wear a uniform though. Actual school uniforms tend to be so disgustingly ill fitting that people can tell the difference.
It's just seen as preppy, a style that's been around for ages, people don't think it's weird.
Solid colour skirts are less conspicuous, rather than tartan, but even off you wear tartan it doesn't look like a uniform unless you have a coordinating tie/ logo embroidery.

>> No.8178880

Sorry if my typing is a bit strange, I'm not good with touch screens.

>> No.8178902
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If it's just "pleated skirts, cardigans, and a neck bow in one outfit", then it's actually not that hard. Just pick pleated skirts, cardigans and net bows that look like the furthest thing from anything you'd find in a schoolgirl outfit, and coord them together. Pic found off image search for "pleated skirt cardigan neck bow".

If you like the schoolgirl look and simply want to push the envelope a bit, then you can keep the majority of the schoolgirl feel while changing up something else. Most schoolgirl outfits have the following things incommon:
- colour schemes are usually: bordeaux/red, navy, black, cream, white
- Plain(ish) design, decoration is usually just stripes
- A formal feel, with stiff pleats, crisp construction.

So, in order to change things up, take one or two of the above attributes and push it to the complete opposite, eg, still using pic related, you can see how she's wearing a sloppy, casual cardigan over a skirt with loose pleats. The "stiff formal feel" attribute has been flipped over to "sloppy and casual". Then there's the whimsical prints on her cardi and the checks on her inner shirt, which flips the "plain design" attribute as well. So as a result, this doesn't look like a schoolgirl outfit anymore.

Now, on the other hand, if your real question is "How do I buy a nanchatte seifuku and wear the whole "just kidding" schoolgirl uniform while letting everyone who sets eyes on me know that I'm only wearing a "just kidding" schoolgirl uniform without actually being a schoolgirl"... that, I don't have an answer to.

>> No.8178904

most normal people wouldn't associate uniforms with anime/japanland so you dont worry about that.

>> No.8178910

I think it depends on where you live. In London, I had a colleague who used to come to work wearing a tartan above-knee pleated skirt, boots, pussy-bow vintage style blouse and cardigan and no-one really cared since the public-school inspired look comes around every season.

>> No.8178984

Helluva lot better than what some random bitch in a crop top and jeggings is wearing on the street.

>> No.8179114

I always loved school uniform inspired outfits, they are damn cute, and like OP I've always wanted to find a way to wear the look as casual everyday wear without people thinking I'm trying to be Japanese or thinking that I have some fetish.

It doesn't help I live in the Midwest in a more country area, and so that sort of thing stands out. I've had old dudes creep on me for wearing normalfag clothes before, apparently girls in cute skirts are unheard of around here.

This outfit is really cute. It's not quite my style but I like it.

>> No.8179123

I'm white, usually I stick to two "school acceptable" elements and make the rest of the outfit obviously not school wear (I.e. Patterned sweater instead of grey cardigan, heels instead of loafers). Now that I think about it my Asian friends do pretty much the same thing. I think we get away with it in this shit conservative city as college students.

>> No.8179132

I'm inclined to agree. I try not to judge people's clothing choices, especially since I like stuff that a lot of people thing is ugly or crazy, but I'm getting sick of seeing girls wearing leggings as pants. It's one thing if your ass is completely covered by a dress or tunic but when it's not, everybody can see everything going on and I don't know anyone who wants to see someone's ass and cooch all busting out of their clothes.

I have a topical question, Does anyone wear anything under their shorter skirts for modesty? What do ya'll use? I used to have a pair of cotton shorts I'd wear underneath but I no longer have them. I like that bloomers prevent the skirt from blowing between my legs but my bloomers are -just- too long to work with my skirt. I want to get a pair of cotton shorts to wear underneath again, and maybe it would be cute to add a little lace or something to the legs, but I want to try to find something I can wear as actual shorts too and not just for under skirts.

>> No.8179137

>Even when I'm just wearing a regular cardigan and black skater skirt, people think I'm wearing an actual school uniform

That's weird. People at my grad program wear sweaters and skater skirts all the time and no one has ever commented on it. We wear them with tights/boots in the winter or tights/ballet flats in the spring, though, which I guess de-emphasizes it. Also it's fucking cold and everyone wears giant coats, so I guess people on the street have no idea what we're wearing.

>> No.8179140
File: 6 KB, 177x225, 121475904246_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wear the most boring Hanes girl boxers I have. You want to peek? Sure thing, you fuck. Enjoy your view of absolutely nothing.

>> No.8179141

>Have any of you dressed this way casually? How did people react?

I dress like this quite regularly, when going out to everyday activities. School uniforms aren't often worn in my country though, and especially in the part where I live, people aren't overly religious either so Catholic schools aren't a widespread thing. That might be why people never think of such uniforms when I wear mine. The most I got was someone asking if I'm wearing a sailor outfit because I secretly joined the Navy.

>> No.8179142

I have spandex shorts. Because I live in the place where spandex pants became a thing. Thus giving birth to the leggings movement.

>I am so sorry. So sorry..

>> No.8179144

That is the perfect attitude to have and if I didn't want something I could wear as normal shorts too I would take the same approach.

>> No.8179145
File: 27 KB, 800x800, $_57[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear a pair of shorts like these. They keep the skirt from clinging because of static and they're comfy and easy to wear.

Mine are more like bubble shorts at the bottom, though. They're in the laundry or I'd take a picture.

>> No.8179162

I wear cotton shorts. But I wear them under pants too. Essentially because I wear them a pjs and I'm a lazy fuck who just wears clothes on top of my pjs most of the time.

>> No.8179167
File: 17 KB, 300x300, KWE164_g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wear fluffy kitten pants underneath.

>> No.8179174

>I've had old dudes creep on me for wearing normalfag clothes before, apparently girls in cute skirts are unheard of around here.
Yeahhhh this!! I'm in a warm climate, so I guess because of that most girls dress realllyyy casual and skimpy, so I guess showing even the slightest amount of modesty makes me a forbidden treasure or something. Eugh.

>> No.8179182

I'm pretty sure bike shorts have been a thing since long before jeggings...

And just as far as my two cents on the yoga pants/jeggings thing... There are good jeggings out there. I don't personally wear them, but I've had friends who wear ones that honestly just look like normal skinny jeans. Apparently they're comfier than regular jeans, which I can believe. There are definitely shitty "are those tights with denim printed on??" jeggings, but.... not all jeggings ok guys

And like yoga pants still seem weird to me to wear outside of the gym, but they look fine as long as they're thick enough and the person wearing them has ok butt/thighs. If you have a small white girl ass like me it doesn't even look slutty. Though I've definitely seen people wearing like, tights, thinking it's yoga pants and that's just really unfortunate...

>> No.8179183

Unless I'm wearing leggings or tights, I'll put on a pair of ratty spandex shorts I have from the 90s and sort of pull down the legs so they peek out a little from the skirt. It kind of lets people know that if they want to look, they're not gonna see anything interesting.

>> No.8179203

I just wear my regular underwear but I wear tights most of the time anyway. I tried to wear safety shorts but they got uncomfortable (maybe I'll try again once I get some girl boxers.) I don't particularly care if someone sees, but I do try to wear something heavier like a long cardigan so the skirt doesn't just fly up in the back.

>> No.8179323

I sometimes will wear spandex shorts that I still have from my cheerleading days

>> No.8179685

>It doesn't help I live in the Midwest in a more country area, and so that sort of thing stands out. I've had old dudes creep on me for wearing normalfag clothes before, apparently girls in cute skirts are unheard of around here.

I also live in the midwest and this makes me so fucking angry. If you wear anything but jeans you're gonna get weird looks, with rare exceptions for business uniforms and anything that looks like a Sunday dress on Sundays.

Shit strangers have said to me
>Why do you wear skirts all the time? (wear them maybe 1-3 times a week at most)
>Is it because of your religion?
>Are you a hooker?
>Can I touch your skirt?
>You should buy a pair of skinny jeans. (as if I don't wear jeans at all)
>You look like you're asking for it

I plan on moving far away from here once I graduate college. Conseratives are fucking nuts.

This, the blander the better too. Enjoy having your fantasy killed, creeps.

>> No.8179698

>You look like you're asking for it
>Inb4 get accused of being an overdramatic tumblr sjw

It was a girl who said this to me and ironically she flirted with guys all the time despite having a long term boyfriend.

>> No.8180294

I go for the long cardi like she has, soft pleated skirt and thigh highs on occasion. I skip wearing a bow and top with a collar though...

>> No.8180574

>I'm from a country where every student has to wear a uniform though. Actual school uniforms tend to be so disgustingly ill fitting that people can tell the difference.
Fellow Britfag? I used to wear plaid skirts a lot when I was younger (they had a fashion moment about two years ago) and never got mistaken for a schoolgirl, probably because actual uniform skirts here are either grey or black, maaaybe dark blue for 99.99% of schools and aren't pleated half the time anyway. Granted, I usually wore them in a more punk way (with biker jackets, boots, plaid shirts, black or red long-sleeved T-shirts sometimes layered with a black T-shirt) even though they were just ordinary plaid miniskirts, not like, distressed ones, but on the occasion I wore one with a V-neck sweater and tights, or even with a hoodie since a lot of students wear hoodies on the way too and from schopl, still no-one mistook me for a student. They might compare you to a stereotypical Catholic schoolgirl if you wear a V-neck and blouse but they definitely won't mistake you for one because the colours just aren't right.

>> No.8180584

I just wear the ugly muumuu-pattern shit that comes in a pack of 5 in walmart
It rides up my ass so much though, I'd kill a bitch for a pair of proper boxers (not talking those 'girl shorts' either, they are shit)

>> No.8180607

Straya. My shitty public school had an ill fitting button that got really wrinkled up& maroon plaid skirt. Sometimes a tie. Short sleeves only, even in winter. Other public schools have sack dresses or polo shirts instead of button ups. Private schools have nicer quality uniforms but you can still very much tell the difference.
I think Americans that rarely see uniforms must romanticise them and see anything vaguely preppy as 'catholic schoolgirl'.
Also I think op is overestimating how many normalfags watch anime and would associate those japanese style cardigans and bows with weebishness and uniforms.

>> No.8180608

>Also I think op is overestimating how many normalfags watch anime and would associate those japanese style cardigans and bows with weebishness and uniforms

I agree. People like this end up being too insecure to even wear the shit anyways.

>> No.8180637

>they had a fashion moment about two years ago
Gosh I remember this and you're right, when that look came around again I saw it a ton in shops and on teenage girls and the schoolgirl associations never even occurred to me. I just thought "typical punk/grunge revival for autumn/winter again". Like the military trend for winter, it's something that comes around without fail every couple of years. Red tartan skirts are definitely OK around here, although I'm more hesitant about wearing th r pastel pink one I own.

Despite what you said about uniform colours, some things are irredeemable. Pink isn't an uniform colour, but I wouldn't wear a pink (or lavender, or galaxy-print) seifuku in public outside of conventions because they still scream wannabe Japanese weeb.

>> No.8180639

Yay for Stray school uniforms. Private school girl here, the hideous colours of most school uniforms, even nice ones, could not ever be mistaken for a fashion choice.

>> No.8180645

Yeah, isn't preppy a thing in the U.S.? I remember doing those crappy "what fashion style should you be?" and "what high school clique are you?" quizzes when I was like 10 and they always had preppy as an option, which looked pretty uniform-y.

>> No.8180683

I have a pair of jeggings. They're a spandex/cotten blend and look 100% like jeans but they are as comfy exercise pants (I don't wear leggings so I don't know about them)

>> No.8180717

>Conseratives are fucking nuts.
The midwest isn't the only place full of psychotic conservatives, anon, I'm sorry to tell you but the 90% of America is fucking nuts. And I'm an American.

>> No.8180719

>Americans that rarely see uniforms must romanticise them and see anything vaguely preppy as 'catholic schoolgirl'.
They're not really romanticized as much as fetishized, unfortunately. Wearing button ups and plaid skirts gets you looks like you're about to go to a porno filming.

For some reason the style got called preppy as if it had something to do with prep school, but usually when all the angsty kids called someone a prep, they were usually talking about the cool kids who followed trends and wore lots of Abercrombie and Bitch and Aeropostle and denim mini skirts with polo shirts.

>> No.8180723

Its not popular.Too much of a effort to do since its all about messy hair,no layers, lazy look.

>> No.8180736
File: 46 KB, 532x430, school-prep-outfit-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prep is about being formal.pretty much lncludes any plaids,layering,buttonsups. I think the colors of the outfit are most important,staying away from reds and wearing longer skirts doesnt give anyone that association.Also staying away from bow ties and getting colonial or tradition tie instead.

>> No.8180750

Traditional ties are verrrry schooly for any country outside of Japan. I'd stay away from them more than bow ties, tbh.

>> No.8180756

This times a million.

>> No.8180796

Can we get some more pictures of cute uniform styles up in here?

>> No.8180809
File: 141 KB, 225x400, SU_26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the style of tie you avoid depends on where in the world you live. In Japan, you should avoid the bow, in West you should avoid a traditional tie, and I'm sure there are differences for other regions as well. I really like bows like pic related, the ones you actually tie, not the big ones.

>> No.8180810
File: 183 KB, 427x640, 6803996865_22becd9da1_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one isn't strictly uniformy persay, but I like the long cardigan/short skirt combo that uniform styles usually have, so when I want to feel like a Japanese schoolgirl without people looking at me funny, I go for this silhouette.

>> No.8180813
File: 30 KB, 350x349, red tie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean tie western tie as in pic related?

>> No.8180815
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>> No.8180817
File: 68 KB, 400x600, white-zara-shirt-white-fox-socks-navy-school-uniform-tie-black-only-vest_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that just looks like a Girl Scouts ascot to me lol I'm thinking more like this. Regular ties are what's common around me at all the Catholic schools.

>> No.8180818
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>> No.8180826
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>> No.8180828
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>> No.8180833

Are seifukus something that can be made acceptable? I think they're super cute but I don't want to look like some half-dressed weeb in a bunch of cheap ebay cotton...

>> No.8180838
File: 43 KB, 507x500, sailorlongnavy_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The skirt, yeah, it's just a basic skirt.

The top.. I guess if you go for a sailor-themed outfit? I can't really imagine it any other way.

>> No.8180844

if you want to wear a seifuku, you're already a weeb anyway, a normal person wouldn't even know it has a name. why are you so afraid of looking like what you obviously are?

as for the half-dressed and cheap part, just make sure you get something that's not too low quality and more than anything, only wear clothes that fit. that's it.

>> No.8180850

sailor suit/nautical shirt?

>> No.8180857

No, but the nautical trend does come around pretty regularly in summer. It's entirely possible to wear sailor-y things, but not a seifuku. Might be able to get away with a sailor coat or top, or a sailor pleated skirt, but not both at once.

>> No.8180867

Uniqlo has really nice jeggings. I have a few pairs and you can't even tell.

>> No.8180961

I have a couple sailor collared 50s/60s style dresses and a sailor collared light spring jacket. It's a easy look to pull off because it's been around so long in western fashion and continually cycles, but I agree that you definitely can't pair a sailor top with a pleated skirt and not look either ridiculous or a little fetishy.

>> No.8181043

I have one skirt that constantly gets me bad attention here in the midwest. It's a long black flowy skirt that reaches the ground. I can't even count how many times men have asked me if I "provide services" while wearing it. What the fuck, midwest..

And now I carry pepper spray.

>> No.8181056

>long black flowy skirt that reaches the ground
>"provide services"
...have those guys never seen an actual prostitute or are those ladies way classier in the midwest than where i live?

>> No.8181067

pic? what does everyone else wear?

>> No.8181159

This is so cute wow

>> No.8181170

Does anyone have advice for where to find good casual button up shirts? Ones that are thinner and less crisp than your typical button up?
I feel like that would be one good way to"dress down " a school uniform.

>> No.8181173

If it's a delicate material that you can sorta see through, I can get why. Or if the men are joking because it's pretty much the height of conservative dresswear.

>> No.8181182

mine was like that only diarrhoea yellow and the skirt was down to my knees

on the bright side, thanks to that i've discovered that i look really good in diarrhoea yellow

>> No.8181206

I don't think being asked for "services" is a compliment, anon.....