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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 119 KB, 709x669, seagull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8177004 No.8177004 [Reply] [Original]

New mail thread!

Old thread: >>8130597

>> No.8177009
File: 1.23 MB, 1302x1445, ihavenomoneyhaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate myself

>> No.8177022

Got a shirt of yahoo JP through fj and it hasn't arrived at their place after two montns. Am I fucked?

>> No.8177026

You should have messaged them after like a week anon, Japan is a very small country

>> No.8177057
File: 1.07 MB, 2000x2000, 20150312_collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got some of my stuff that i posted in the last thread. really happy with the outerwear and have several ideas in mind already for outfits i want to try

>> No.8177116

Anon, where do you source your cosmetics from?
Also, source on sailor moon compacts

>> No.8177159
File: 744 KB, 801x593, Nomoreauctions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of this is from Japanese auctions. I'm really excited to get the Pepfox brooches, since I've been eyeing their stuff for a while; I only wish the brooch to necklace adapters hadn't been sold out.
I might buy some skin care shit/cosmetics, too, since my face is dry as fuck and I'm almost out of bb cream, but I really shouldn't spend any more money.

>> No.8177174

m8 better have a nice face to look good with all your ETC, otherwise why bother

also, search pin/brooch converter on ebay and etsy, plenty there although to get cheap ones you may have to get more than 1 (share with your friends??)

>> No.8177180
File: 50 KB, 355x528, 150308i010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still waiting on >>8137004, but I recently bought a Pullip doll for $16.

>> No.8177182

Source on the gloves?

>> No.8177196

i got the makeup from global rakuten, i checked a million sites and it's the cheapest. eBay has lots too but I couldn't find the things I wanted from one seller and i hate getting tons of small packages. The cute animal things and the Cure gel are from ebay though. Lockets are from AmiAmi and Bandai, unreleased still

Taobao, I'm on my phone in bed but googling the watermark might bring the shop up

>> No.8177330
File: 891 KB, 1556x1104, tb order2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Circled stuff is arriving tomorrow according to tracking! Super excited!

added a few more other things too, like deposit for the Little dipper OP and random glowing star plush

>> No.8177550

Oh you're getting those light up star pillows too? I'm the anon who posted them in the AE thread, I'm unreasonably excited to get some despite having too many plushies and pillows already
Also source/review when you get it of that lavender cardigan?

>> No.8177641

Source on Karina headdresses?

>> No.8177653

Where did you find that biscuit bag? I've only been seeing it in pink and white, not in the nice brown.

>> No.8177660

sauce on sailor moon compacts, bow bracelet/ring, and bottom left wig anon pls.

>> No.8177668

Waiting for my jsk to ship...but I was wondering if any USAnons have experience buying second-hand from Germany and how the shipping has been?

Sauce on glowing star squishes? Those are too cute.

>> No.8177735
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they've been shipped woo

>> No.8177792
File: 435 KB, 927x663, Note_031215_144334_1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something really tragic just happened to me so I'm dealing with my depression by buying cute clothes,cute stuff for my house and a new pet.

>> No.8177828

What are those chocolate things in the top left? They're so cute.

>> No.8177847

thank you! It's a notebook and a lighter.


>> No.8177976
File: 2.26 MB, 1054x2000, hahahahahahahah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry wallet. Scrambling to get ready for a convention, and happened to pick up a few dream items on the way

>> No.8177993

Sauce on them Dangan Ronpa clothes?
I fucking love Dangan Ronpa

>> No.8178088

Ohhh i actually saw the post on Tumblr! I barely browse the AE threads unfortunately (though I should.)


Free shipping still!!

Here we go anon! ListenFlavour!

this is the link to the Komaeda shirt and you can find the Junko one linked at the bottom (plus all the other DR clothing they sell!)

Im buying them via a proxy btw

>> No.8178090

Whoops forgot about the cardigan! Its almost here so ill post in the mail thread (or the tb one) when i get it! Reviews on the store looked good (plus they came in several different colours)

> http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.2.9.102.wFh7tv&id=38674645065&_u=d27k424td8f1

>> No.8178105
File: 112 KB, 914x396, waiting on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't know what possessed me to buy half of this but it's all paid for, so no going back now...

>> No.8178208

Love yourself

>> No.8178298

Ordered about 650 golden ostrich feathers the other day, they should ship out tomorrow.

>> No.8178427
File: 2.69 MB, 1235x923, taobao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My order arrived, sans fabric which I'll ship next week.

I accidentally ordered one lace in hot pink instead of cream, and my SS bought the wrong size blouses, but otherwise I'm really happy.
I'll definitely be using the lace store again - They gave me a big bag full of off cuts (One of which is like 5 meters.)

Also a shit-tonne of dolls!

>> No.8178571

source on the lace?

>> No.8178576

>Hate yourself
>can afford all of this shit.


>> No.8178579

I've been waiting for almost a month and a half for stuff from Japan and they told me it might take eight weeks or longer when I emailed them back. I told them it was stuck in 'exchanges.'

>> No.8178801
File: 481 KB, 776x900, IMG_7326arivedddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooo stuff is here so if anyone else needs links/reviews I'm happy to do so

>> No.8178830

Oh, would you review the Nanami cosplay/give a link to it? I'm curious about the quality!

>> No.8178854
File: 661 KB, 812x1000, nanami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres the link: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.2.9.25.ySnFwd&id=39691104792&_u=d27k424td0e5

TBH I didnt expect much because of the price (160rmb come on) It came with the skirt,shirt,ribbon, jacket and thigh high socks size XL to accomidate for bust.

The skirt and shirt are quite standard in terms of material and there are darts in the shirt thankfully so its more fitted. The skirt is like a light custard yellow? either way its not the right colour, and it was a bit long for my taste. The ribbon is almost white pink? will be replacing it.

Jacket has the emblem and hood down pat though the overall colour is very green? rather than the teal colour I expected. the sleeves and bottom of jacket have this thick stretch material. The jacket it quite weighty though and warm!

if you need any other photos let me know

>> No.8178884

Please review lavender cardigan

>> No.8178976


Compacts are from AmiAmi and Bandai, not available right now.
Bracelet: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=40292567663
Wig: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=36984467150

fitting on credit card =/= can afford ;_;

>> No.8178978

Oh and here are the gloves: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15097317344

>> No.8179005

not same anon but the biscuit bag is on yahoo auctions:

>> No.8179009
File: 805 KB, 2000x2000, inthemail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do i do this to myself. I was supposed to save some money, and buying cheap does not mean saving.

>> No.8179063

hasnt arrived yet anon! but will post in mail thread when it does

>> No.8179082

Of all the IW things you could've bought.... seriously?

>> No.8179455

Thanks for the review/link! It really is pretty green-- not too bad for the price though.

>> No.8179458

Review on the school bag? I'm thinking about buying one.

>> No.8179459

That ring is cute as fuck, source?
Also I got the same two headdresses (not that we're being any unique with that).

>> No.8179460


Omg.......I was going to buy another Koma t-shirt from the same Listen Flavor group but I might end up getting this one too.

>> No.8179464

I know that feeling anon. Sorry I assumed.

>> No.8179470

Anon you know if Listen Flavor ships to the USA? I have a Mastercard that I want to use.

>> No.8179506
File: 1.57 MB, 1076x969, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big birthday order.
Most I've ever bought, but all the stuff is cheap so.
My hair's getting to be the longest it's ever been, really looking forward to sifting through a slieve of hairthings each day

>> No.8179516

Had to give it a go, anon.

I'm going to try spell this right... Tokimeki Teikoku no Momoiro Gabriel? Found it on Lorina Liddell.

>> No.8179519
File: 341 KB, 454x585, Screen shot 2015-03-13 at 2.40.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully I got everything really, stunningly dirt cheap, or else I'd be in trouble. Still, sold a relatively expensive dress and will brake even on the haul.

>> No.8179524
File: 1.24 MB, 924x1176, tights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently waiting for these items, about to make taobao order tonight

>> No.8179527

All of this is a very good haul; I approve.

>> No.8179533

I want that headdress so much...

>> No.8179536

Just had my tracking updated with "Package left at front door/porch" I live in downtown Seattle, and I am going to be furious if they left it outside the building.

There's literally no way on the planet that it won't get stolen if it's outside the building. They better mean MY front door specifically which is safely inside a building.

>> No.8179540

What is that top dress, anon? It's stunning!!

>> No.8179547

Do a review of the Asian girl when you get her in

>> No.8179569

I envy your innocence

>> No.8179572

what's bottom right headdress? which site did you use, anon? second-hand i'm assuming. nice haul

>> No.8179574
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>> No.8179576
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>> No.8179589

where do the star things come from??? *___*

>> No.8179591
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Will do....

>> No.8179604

Which one? The very top item is a skirt. It's an offbrand one (Restyle) but the print is very nice, and it was damnnn cheap, so why not?
The two dresses in the mid-row, though, are Cornet (center) and MMM Holy Stained Glass (left).

The bottom headdress is Antique Beast! I ordered it direct from them when their shop was open last about a week or two ago.

And thank you to you both!

>> No.8179609


Could you review the restyle skirt please? I love the print but I'm really curious about the quality!

>> No.8179610

How often do they open shop? I want to order so many things from them currently.

>> No.8179611

oops, I also meant *break

>> No.8179613

Sure! I should have it by next week. I got it second hand, and the seller sent me really detailed photos of it and it looks super nice so far.

I believe they open every 2-3 months. They're open for about a week, it takes about a month for them to make the stuff, then once everything is done and out they reopen.

>> No.8179635
File: 549 KB, 673x793, order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some small things, but I'm happy

>> No.8179638

a knitting machine.
my lady bits are a-quiver.

>> No.8179640

Please, link on all dresses and hat

>> No.8179648

What was the price for white OP, anon?

>> No.8179651

mini rant.

Bought a cosplay from a website that had a sale if you didn't mid it taking longer and I finally got a message saying its hipped... con is tomorrow and it will get here on Monday!!! SO yeah a bit disappointed

>> No.8179654

I got it via Rakuten Auctions; $100 shipped. It was relisted twice and I got in on the second relist.

>> No.8179678
File: 476 KB, 918x611, oops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I never meant for this to happen. Almost all of it will be for an upcoming con, true, but.

>> No.8179708

>That feel when you naturally have long eye lashes and they constantly get into your eye.

This is a stupid question but what's the things on the left anon?

>> No.8179732

>assuming you mean top left
Ah, they're thread snippers (or something, idk if there's an official term)! I got tired of using my full-size scissors to trim loose threads on my projects and trying not to cut the fabric.

>> No.8179741

That's what happens when you don't plan in advance.

>> No.8179760

Actually I planned for this for a con in May but since everything else got here way before (i thought this would have come first),it is just frustrating

>> No.8179792

Yep that's what I was talking about. I was curious since I never seen them in a mail thread before.

>> No.8179803

>>8178088 linked here anon! (its from Aliexpress)

Sorry anon im not sure at all since every time ive bought from them its via a proxy (fees ended up being $10 this time) I can have a look at the website when Im free though!

Dont worry anon I have the Sdr2 t-shirt as well haha (in the blue!)

Sure! Currently out so will do so soon! I took it out and its pretty sturdy, but havent unzipped it or anything.

Yeah tbh NONE of the review photos showed the right colour/picked up how green it is? So I assumed it was teal...

>> No.8179819

If it were any bigger, anon, I'd eat myself alive from the guilt.

>> No.8180361
File: 895 KB, 1066x1143, bag review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Link: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.2.9.75.wP4bDX&id=13667350243&_u=e27k424t1d61 (currently 27RMB)
here we go anon, the outside of the bag is pretty good, nice a sturdy and the zips are decent quality (no problems zipping/unzipping).

the side has a small compartment between the two straps (just on one side though) and a little metal hoop for clipping things on.

The main compartment is pretty roomy with two sections (which has a button clip at the top) and a drink bottle holder. The bottom has a hard flap that folds down to reinforce the base + makes it easy to compress flat when you need to put it away.

the second smaller compartment has small slots at the side, a card holder(x3 slots), small zip compartment 2 pencil holders and another pocket .

The material the smaller pockets are made of is pretty thin and probably would tear easily.

the bottom has four little feet/plastic tabs too!

>> No.8180388

Thanks for the review anon! I ordered one of these in pink and it's on it's way right now. Can't wait!

>> No.8180391

You guys. It turned out ok. My shit did not get stole. The

>> No.8180662

Anon I think I'm buying the exact same bag but with pink straps. I found a shop selling them on major discount on Taobao.

>> No.8180664
File: 149 KB, 407x417, Screenshot (258).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I should have scrolled down because that's the same shop as well. Thank you for the review because now I'm excited to get mine. I think my shopping service got me the 33Y deluxe one though instead of the 27Y one but it's not a big deal.

>pic related

>> No.8180699

Oh wow, what a bargain. Thanks.

>> No.8180792


>> No.8182741

I feel like USPS is fucking with me.

>Item one: expected delivery date, May 16. Parcel select plus tracking. Arrived at local post office on March 9. Arrived at USPS Origin Facility in WA on March 10; departed USPS Origin Facility on March 10. No updates since then.
Alright, so this one wasn't supposed to be here by now, but holy fuck, I'm never buying anything on eBay that ships Parcel Select again. My mistake, but the lack of updates is bugging me. It's an item that I need to alter for a con.

>Item two: expected delivery date, March 14. First-Class package. Accepted at local post office on March 10. Arrived at USPS Origin Facility in IL on March 13 at 4:51AM. No updates since then.
First class mail is supposed to be three days, you shits.

>Item three: expected delivery date, March 14. Priority mail 2-Day. Accepted at local post office March 12; departed local post-office March 12. Arrived at USPS Facility March 13AM, departed USPS facility March 13 PM.
I wonder if I can harass USPS into giving my eBay seller a discount.

I wouldn't be so fussed about any single item being delayed/not updating, except for the fact that I have multiple packages that aren't updating and should have arrived at my local-ish sorting facility by now.

>> No.8182773

may I ask from where?

>> No.8182820
File: 95 KB, 306x314, creys.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to say that my dreamv order literally took two days from the shipping date to get to me and I think I heard angels singing when I opened my mailbox. Stuff in the US never even gets here so quickly...

>> No.8182839


A-anon, I hate to tell you this, but that necklace isn't dopamine, it's serotonin. Admitting, they're both 'happy' neurotransmitters- but just so that you know.

>> No.8182855
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Waiting on all this plus a Taobao order. Convention season is coming.

>> No.8183200
File: 550 KB, 2000x2000, I need to stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Dreamy girl in Lav plus head bow
and socks (in pink)
- Meta jsk and bow in yellow
-Lief Vintage Gingham in Yellow with bow pins
- Elegy's latest release and custom bolero
-Whip showcase skirt in sax and French Girl skirt in red
Not shown: three bodyline blouses ( black, white and pink), a bolero and two pairs of shoes. Two pairs of wrist cuffs, two pairs of socks and jsk I can't remember the name of- all AP. I have a bit of AP problem.

I have so much stuff I can't wear because I am missing something stupid. I hope this is going o make my wardrobe more wearable because I can't keep going at this pace. Oy.

>> No.8184227
File: 501 KB, 504x702, Marchpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've waited so long to have these. I can finally move their pictures from the dream dress folder to the wardrobe folder

>> No.8184312


Awww congrats anon! Love it when people get their dreamdresses.

>> No.8184738

Thanks! It was the restyle skirt I was curious about, would definitely appreciate a review when you get it! The print is pretty fantasic.

>> No.8184758

>Bought a large DR t-shirt
>My bust is 88 cm or so
>Shirt says 53 cm bust
>It magically fits
>Not even tight


>> No.8184768

I don't think a 53cm bust exists for adults

>> No.8184776
File: 501 KB, 1046x494, listen flavour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm serious that is what the website says. I'm buying a few more anyway.

>> No.8184840

Could that be the distance across the shirt rather than around?

>> No.8184868

Not really sure. I asked my proxy and they told me it was Bust lel. I didn't believe them and bought it anyway.

>> No.8184869

>XL 53 bust
Don't despair, anon. That's a flat measurement. Just double what it says.

>> No.8184887

anons I literally just got my order and then I looked and they've put out even more stuff I want and I don't know what to do...

>> No.8184893

Buy it or don't buy it. At the end it's your decision.

>> No.8184917

Go measure the distance from one armhole to the other.

>> No.8184919

Read >>8184868

>> No.8184939

I'm waiting until next month, hope it isn't sold out...

>> No.8184957

Damn you have good taste. Mad jelly, anon.

>> No.8185030

What the fuck does your proxy know about the measurement? Just measure it flat now.

Lovely companions.

>> No.8185173
File: 877 KB, 858x733, mailtime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arda and Leather Studio stuff just came in, still waiting on all the rest. Waiting for three items from the auctions to arrive at my SS (all confirmed as won as of Mar. 3) but haven't heard from them at all in about a week now....hoping I can get an update from them today once business hours start

>> No.8185208

From left to right starting top to bottom


>> No.8185378
File: 671 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-3263259914339848551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this beauty in the mail
I don't know how my Super Sonico headphones weren't in pieces
There's a small chip that's easy to hide, and minor bending. Super impressed

>> No.8185382

The measurement on the site is the flat measurement so technically is 103cm

>> No.8185391

This is op for that image you replied to btw, ive bought their stuff before.

only children would fit into something with a 53cm bust

>> No.8185406

Holy shit. I've had a box come like that, but it was all fabric wrapped in plastic so no worries.
I'm happy your stuff isn't wrecked though, damn.

>> No.8185456

It was a god damn miracle
As soon as I pulled it from the mailbox I started tearing up, I was beyond pissed. I'm just glad it's all okay, nothing that can't be fixed

>> No.8185459

I was debating on bidding on this, but my dream dress is the black. I'm glad another seagull got a good deal on Grazia Crown.

>> No.8185558
File: 768 KB, 1399x798, inthemail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not as exciting as some of the other hauls on here, but I'm excited! I'm thinking of getting a cardigan like the one there... the one I'm looking at is $20 on ebay, but do you think I can do better price-wise without dealing with the shipping costs of taobao?

>> No.8185576

Honestly I just hit the thrift shops first when looking for something basic and comfy like that, but yeah you can probably find something cheaper on AE too

>> No.8185593

I found a dark navy cardigan like that in a discount store here. It's too snug on me though.

>> No.8185609

I specifically want the school uniform style, with pockets like that and that type of fabric... Never seen one in a thrift store, unfortunately.

>> No.8185638
File: 1.01 MB, 3152x1428, lll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I'm still waiting for my Omo Cat order. Turns out the crop top I ordered isn't actually in stock, but I wasn't notified. I had to go through their FAQs page, go through the International Orders section, then check my order status to find out nothing had been shipped yet. I'm kind of miffed that I wasn't send a notification about it.

>> No.8185678

>fujoshi shirt

my nigga

>> No.8185706
File: 170 KB, 574x437, pinkyblue_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my new Super Pinky's today in the mail! Love them as much as ever and HoneyColor shipped them really quickly.

>> No.8185723

Omocat's stuff is so neat. I still want to order some more from them, but I'm super pleased with my weeaboo jacket. Hope your items get to you soon, anon!

>> No.8185724

Did you ever post sauce on the shirts?

>> No.8185728

It's Omocat.

>> No.8185745

Thanks. Missed it last thread.

>> No.8185773
File: 12 KB, 667x574, ems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like there wasn't much point in paying EMS for this, since it took this long to be sent. Not even including the week long wait it took for them to even post it.

>> No.8186057

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't EMS usually about 5-7 days anyways? Not sure why you're complaining so much about shipping that according to your own picture took literally 4 business days.

>> No.8186088
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Pretty excited for my first coord

>> No.8186101
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>> No.8186278

Why would you pick that horrible JSK?

>> No.8186293

it's not horrible, it's just old school. the construction and materials look fine.

>> No.8186309

I'm so sick of noobs saying this, old school is my favourite style and this dress is hideous. It's from AH by the looks of things which is dubious at best.

>> No.8186370

I'm so jealous of you anon the mint despair shirt has sold out on me twice now.
Please restock again listen flavor the mint one is perfect.

>> No.8186372

What's horrible and not just oldschool about it, I'm curious?

>> No.8186402

Sauce on white dress please

>> No.8186414


Not the anon you're replying to but it all comes down to personal taste I think. I'm *very* fond of old school (cause I'm oldfag that started in 2005), now your dress not quite my taste but your dress looks very early-BTSSB inspired. It's fine imo. I agree the constructions and materials are fine.

>> No.8186465

Thank you! I took a leap and got it in black. I really wish AH would put pics up of all their dress colors
What's wrong with AH? They're basically Chinese Bodyline

>> No.8186686

It's apparently 3-5 days, and not to mention the week+ my SS held it for after I paid for shipping. It just feels like a long time, since it's been about 2 weeks.

>> No.8186925
File: 152 KB, 710x533, detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found out yesterday I'll have a job when I graduate, so it's treat yo fucking self time.

These are my first fluevogs, so I'm super excited. I already tried them in shop and they're heavenly except for the sizing, so I'm waiting for another size to come in.

>> No.8186954

Fluevogs RULE. I have six pairs now and they never disappoint. They're so comfortable from day one and look good with anything. They'll last forever.

>> No.8186993
File: 809 KB, 936x618, Screen Shot 2015-03-17 at 1.32.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Origin Post is Preparing Shipment
>since Feb 11
Fuck my cheap ass, I'm never picking SAL again

>> No.8187126
File: 271 KB, 336x422, iwbrooch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brooch and tights arrived, they are perfect.

>> No.8187648

That's the ugliest crap I've every seen
Don't you know AH is fugly?

>> No.8187724

Maybe it'll look a little different in real life, but the shade of red looks a little gaudy.
Also the straps look awkwardly wide, but the collar of the blouse you pictured should offset that.
It looks like a very nice blouse by the way.

>> No.8187737

>I took a leap and got it in black. I really wish AH would put pics up of all their dress colors

>> No.8187879

I got it in black anon but yeah the straps are kinda wide, but then again, so are my shoulders. I'm more concerned about how they aren't adjustable but I think I can managed.

I just got the blouse today and it's really well made! I was worried that it would be cheap cotton but I was totally wrong about that.

I'll post pics of everything when it comes

>> No.8187882

>They're basically Chinese Bodyline

uh wow where do I begin

>> No.8187909

Yup theyre both crap ;^)

>> No.8187910 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 411x364, ahhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a bit of help. tracking says it was delivered and signed by at a diffrent area code.
Has anyone else dealt with this before.
Just want a bit of advice before going to the PO tomorrow. Thanks

>> No.8187918

whats wrong with the sizing?

>> No.8187940


6 was too small, 7 was too big. I'm currently waiting on 6 1/2, which they had to order and which I'm waiting for to come in.

>> No.8187941

Oh okay so I guess it WILL look a little different in real life then...

>> No.8188765
File: 66 KB, 253x312, Screenshot (282).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By Monday, pic related will be mine, just in time to pack it for conventions.

>tfw you hate Walmart but you can't find a better deal than $35 for a 20" hard-cover suitcase

>> No.8188880
File: 677 KB, 872x1024, tackierthansuperglue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I even doing.

>> No.8188897

Please do a review of the winged headband when you get it.

>> No.8188904

Can do, but I got an email from Kerashop that it might take a while to deliver, so no guarantees on when that'll happen.

>> No.8188934

link to both socks?

>> No.8188936

wait, nevermind, it was a google search away

>> No.8189951
File: 3.24 MB, 1448x1161, lob me harrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8189978

bows on the top row?

>> No.8190023


>> No.8190099

rose mirror please anon?

Add frog seat cushions and storage boxes and you are almost my haul twin

>> No.8190169
File: 2.42 MB, 2024x812, jesus help me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a con coming up in May. I'll be broker than a motherfucker but at least I'll look cute.

>> No.8190172 [DELETED] 

Where is your location? I found a better deal than that in a place called luggage war.

>> No.8190198

What con is it?

>> No.8190203

Is this a bot?

>> No.8190208

Momocon, I'm pretty hype for it hehe.

>> No.8190418

Here you go!

>> No.8190848

sauce on the cat bag and the solid colored bows next to it?

>> No.8190849

oh nvm you already gave a link to the bows

>> No.8190869
File: 1.24 MB, 1275x640, yasss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite in the mail yet but
>dream dress GET

>> No.8190871

Cat bag is: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.2.9.209.qDx8XD&id=43572459694&_u=j1t6a8h4c584

>> No.8190879

Haha, wow. I was looking at that on closet child like an hour ago and considering buying. Guess I should hurry up if I want stuff.

>> No.8190881

When I see stuff I really want on CC I jump on it like a starving hyena. Better luck next time, though!

>> No.8191833
File: 3.46 MB, 1644x1388, march mail order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty hype about the exo jacket tbh...

>> No.8191854

brown boots sauce pls

>> No.8191944

Review on shoes when they arrive?

>> No.8191953

Sure, might be awhile (a month perhaps) but I'll try to remember to post one in a future mail thread whenever they arrive!

>> No.8191974

reaaaaaallly nice order anon. link on those drippy boots please?

>> No.8191984
File: 197 KB, 1046x995, extramailstuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops my credit card slipped
someone make me stop adding more things my postman hates me enough already

>> No.8191988

those are doll boots. you know that, right?

>> No.8192032

Good luck with those bat tights, anon. I bought a pair and they're tiny as hell.

>> No.8192199
File: 18 KB, 480x320, 2015-03-19_19-24-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the heads-up anon. I'm pretty tiny too, so I'm hoping it won't be a problem? But I mean if not, hey it was like $2.50

>Also I think captcha's trying to tell me something

>> No.8192212


>> No.8192582

Do you guys try to keep your purchases to only a few stores? Making my first order and the stores I really need stuff from don't have a whole bunch of other stuff I'd like to get, but there's not enough for a full order.

>> No.8192650

Love yourself. I'm waiting for my star lockets and crystal compact to release as well. Star Lockets release on a few days though.

>> No.8192658

I usually buy stuff from multiple stores, the main plus with keeping your order to the same couple stores is to save on domestic shipping but do whatever you want if you got the money.

>> No.8192659

usa anon here.
i used aliexpress to buy a mousepad, and USPS marked it as delivered on march 7th. i called usps, and apparently they lost the package and said they'd call back by monday. i have until sunday to dispute it with aliexpress, but i see that it isn't their fault because USPS admitted they lost the package.

not sure what to do...

>> No.8192671

Mine is already at my SS!

>> No.8192737

>"bad news about your order"
>picturing items lost or destroyed
>oh no oh no oh no
>"item #1 seller says "I'm very sorry, I got ill, shipment may be delayed"
>oh thank goodness

i've had a lot of delays on things before, but this is a first (though not a big deal). i hope it's just a cold or something and she's alright though...

>> No.8192745
File: 18 KB, 570x322, il_570xN.665144032_n7im.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this for a friend

>> No.8192931

I got one "sorry we missed you" card in the mail and the postal worker only gave me the cigar box I bought to turn into a jewelry box. I was reminded by the bodyline thread when I got home to check on my tracking that hasn't budged since January. Tracking says package went out for delivery and note was left. Those fuckers at the post office didn't give me all my shit. I want it now.

Also waiting on a bunch of jewelry from Aliexpress.

>> No.8192936

The time USPS lost one of my packages from Ali all they did was send me a letter of condolences. Unless you have insurance on the package don't expect much.

>> No.8192948


>> No.8192950

Sauce on the ear buds?

>> No.8192981

$20 on etsy, and she makes other stuff too.

>> No.8193078

Sauce on both necklaces? I have a mighty need for that deer...

>> No.8193278

So my auction haul came in, and everything is really wonderful. However, an ETC turtleneck that I also got smells an awful lot like gasoline or something (maybe a weird dry cleaning agent?), and the yellow cardigan I had planned on pairing with the ETC Bunny Handkerchief JSK (super cute and probably one of my favorite pieces that I own now) for Easter/a festival I'm going on Easter really just doesn't work.
I'm surprised by how sturdy and nice the biscuit bag is. I have owned the replica, and it was complete shit in comparison.

>> No.8193313

I remember a lot of people have complained about the gasoline-like smell on Japanese buys, pretty sure they agreed it was some sort of detergent or something like that. You may be able to get it out with a wash.

>> No.8193328

>Wash it
>Let it airdry outside
>Stick it in the freezer
>Take it out and let it unfreeze
>Wash it again
>Let it airdry outside again

>> No.8193354

Can any UK anons tell me what they get SS to mark their packages at value wise? Customs seems to be cracking on values that usually get through. Do they now look at the boxes and decide that they can't be that low a value?

>tfw your items were dispatched on the 9th and you are still without any mail. Customs defeats the use of EMS

>> No.8193369

I have a question to the fellow German lolitas.
I ordered a pair of Victorian Maiden replica boots via Clobba and now they are being stuck at customs. And of course they want to see a proof of payment and where I bought them.

Will they confiscate them, if they see, they are replicas? I've heard stories where customs confiscated Liz Lisa replicas in the past, now I'm so scared they will just take the boots away. I waited for over 3 years to finally find them in my size.

>> No.8193378

The question is, do you really think they're experienced enough in lolita boots to be able to tell they're replicas, even if you were to link them to clobba/taobao?

>> No.8193384

Well, on the clobba page it clearly states "Victorian Maiden Short Boots Replica" so there is no way they will not see it when I link them to the page. Otherwise I wouldn't have asked in the first place.

>> No.8193432

Confiscating replicated items being sent to individuals is such a shit concept. If they were bought wholesale, fine, but not one item for one person.

They might do, anon, but at this point there's nothing you can really do except show them and hope for the best.

>> No.8193441

Don't link them then. I'm sure you were invoiced via PayPal so you should both the bill and proof of payment. If it doesn't say what the invoice is for or says something about replica you can edit that in with the html editor tool your browser should have. Just put in lolita shoes or something like that.
Pesonally I've never bought replicas but my assessment is that the people at customs are pretty clueless about brands that aren't as big as adidas or Gucci. I've imported seriously marked down Japanese designer items (by 90%) but those admittedly were designed to look like used trash to the clueless eye.

>> No.8193488

Silent Moon! Where did you find it anon?

What convention are you going to?

>> No.8193491

here you go anon! if you want the owl one though you might need to act fast though

Deer: http://www.bodyline.co.jp/bodyline/showProduct2.asp?id=7630
Owl: http://www.bodyline.co.jp/bodyline/showProduct2.asp?id=7216

>> No.8193691

No, just show them the paypal invoice. That's all they want to know. I'm from Germany too and I've never had to bring anything else besides paypal invoices. Don't panic.

>> No.8193720
File: 9 KB, 685x238, it's gone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lawl I'm never getting my package.

>> No.8193762
File: 1.40 MB, 1322x816, mail thread 200315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Auctions are ruining my wallet. I'm more okay with that than I should be.

Beth's Frog Prince series has been quietly at the back of my mind since the first time it came out, so I was excited to see they've re-released the dresses. Looks so dang comfy.

>> No.8193774

I avoid EMS now unless I really need it, if it looks like merchandise so you've used someone like Tenso they will think it's merch even if it's marked as gift. Make sure it's under £15 or it's equivalent with yen if it's marked as merchandise, and I also send it as registered SAL as it goes through easier with UK customs. I can't remember what the max value is if it's marked as a gift.

>> No.8194084

eh, I guess your lucky with your customs office then? I usually have to show paypal invoices, an e-mail-confirmation or conversations on e-mail/facebook etc. with the seller. Most of the time they also ask where I bought the stuff and sometimes they want me to log-in on their computer and show them the item-links. They don't trust a paypal invoice alone. I used to think that in the past and lost a parcel with value over 300€ because they just said no and shipped it back to the seller and it got lost on its way back. I'm really cautious since then.

>If it doesn't say what the invoice is for or says something about replica you can edit that in with the html editor tool your browser should have
bless you anon, I never thought of that. I will try that, hopefully it works!

>> No.8194097
File: 39 KB, 480x640, CAkOuwlU8AAaA9R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luggage arrived today and it's way bigger than I had expected for $35. Definitely enough room to fit an entire weekends worth of costumes and a few extra jeans and tshirts.

>> No.8194103

Wow, seriously? That sounds awful. Seems like they're unusually paranoid though, my friends never have that level of hassle with their customs offices either. But yeah, in that case just edit it.

>> No.8194112

Gulls please help I need to get some second opinions on this.

>mail package overseas
>address is wrong?/not delievered
>tracking says they are preparing to send back to the US
>this was on march 3rd
>havent' heard anything since
>buyer has since gotten the dress in her preferred color way and I will have to refund her in the next few days
>I feel like I am about to be out 600 dollars

Is there any chance of me getting this dress back? I'm so depressed about the whole thing

>> No.8194150

It can take 30-90 days honestly. They send it back at their own leisure. You should be able to get a USPS rep on the phone to find out the specific tracking on their end (they can see stuff that isn't posted online)

>> No.8194152

It also depends on the customs employee I have to deal with. There is an old fat lady who is always kind of passive aggressive and seems to hate her job and she's always mean and strict. She gets very bitchy when I try to explain myself and the only thing that works with her is showing all mentioned documents straight away. There is another older employee who is similar. The young employees are usually cool and sometimes they only want to see an invoice, but that is rare. And being the lucky person that I am, in 9/10 cases I have to deal with the shitty old employees of course.

>> No.8194185

Thank you very much anon, I just want this stupid dress. I am now going to be so fucking careful about shipping overseas.

>> No.8194209


What's wrong with Walmart besides the obvious?

>> No.8194217

Maybe they just have too much time on their hands. At Berlin customs you have to wait between an hour to three so they don't want to take too long checking everything. However asking for chat logs sounds a bit extreme and like none of their damn business.
Also I don't know if this is an option for you but sometimes my boyfriend goes to get something for me and if somethings missing he can just say he doesn't know any more and doesn't have access to my accounts and make a sad face and they bought that.

>> No.8194236

The obvious. Around here they've put most of the small local shops out of business and I can't stand to go to the local Walmart because it's constantly crowded no matter when you go and it's usually all rude people that block the aisles or cut you off with their carts and then act like it's your fault for being there.

>> No.8194391

I live in a big city too, and I usually have to wait 1-2 hours and I think the opposite is the problem. The customs office is huge as fuck with a few dozens employees and I guess it's quite stressful as they have to handle loads of customers every day. A few years ago they used to be at another location and the office was small with maybe 5 employees. I had to wait 10 minutes max to get in turn, showed my paypal invoice, paid, got my parcel and could go.. it was chill as fuck, I miss those times.

My bf actually offered going to the customs for me, but I don't want to burden him with the stress to deal with those annoying people.

>> No.8194437
File: 1.03 MB, 1028x755, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought a lot of stuff from yahoo auctions

>> No.8194956
File: 3.99 MB, 1882x1720, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of random stuff here.

Went pretty crazy over the 20th Limited PlayStation Bundle, bag jacket and jersey. Honestly can't wait. Plus the random Boba fett jacket found on yahoo auctions.

>> No.8194962

>Boba jacket

Just...wow. i want to intercept your mail

>> No.8194974

Would you mind telling how much you ended up paying for the ETC Jsk, cardi, and belt, anon?

>> No.8194979 [DELETED] 

I was considering the restyle skirt myself, when you say 'damn cheap' how much are we talking here? Just wondering because when i was looking to buy it, it was around £52 (78USD) which seemed a bit pricey for a mid-occasionally at the lower end of quality scale western goth brand.

>> No.8195015

Yeah same happens here in Finland, it's become such a monopoly.
When I went on holiday to Eastern Europe I was so shocked, there were little bakeries and butchers practically everywhere, confectionery stores, all independent and many of them with a long history. Same in France.
Here we only have bakery chains (owned by a big chocolate manufacturer) and most of the products sold there you can buy in a supermarket anyway.
Actually most things you can only buy in a supermarket and nowhere else, there's only one place that sells homemade stuff and it hikes up the prices and caters to rich people.
It's quite sad, the EU says it encourages individual businesses but unless you're creating apps for mobiles or something they're gonna kill you off in a month.

>> No.8195063

w2c top left DANGER! shirt. Link?

>> No.8195069

gb2 >>>/fa/

>> No.8195078
File: 146 KB, 1280x963, pusheeen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys order so much stuff? I recently came into a lot of money (thousands..) but I feel shame whenever I order something cute and useless.

I ordered these recently and a few other things but not as much as I would like. I'd really like to start getting cute skirts and shirts and stuff but can't bring myself to get them, even though I could. .-. Plus I'd feel bad for having packages everywhere.

>> No.8195123

Gift value is £36 for VAT, I think, I usually try not to buy more than 30000-40000 yen of stuff at a time and I get them to mark it like 'second hand dress, 1000 yen' etc. so it doesn't add up to more than about 6000 yen.

>> No.8195186


>> No.8195360

I super squeed when I saw it, couldn't resist!
Etc jsk - 20,000
Cardi - 8000
Belt (just a qpot bracelet) - 5500

>> No.8195442

Still waiting on the ebay stuff, doll eyes, and taobao stuff, shoes shipped separate from everything else because they took a while. Hope it will get hear in time.

Thank you and they are very much for dolls but http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5-c.w4002-9622197155.45.2v07n3&id=42312398579

Found it on Yjapan finally. Also I am going to Anime boston


>> No.8195474

Fuck I wish I had the balls to declare myself as a fujoshi on my shirt

>> No.8195477

>i wanna tell everyone i'm a fat legbeard who gets off to titless dick girls raping eachother into stockholm syndrome style romances

>> No.8195478

What of it, bitch?

>> No.8195617

sauce on the PS bag and jacket?

>> No.8195620

Do they really only have size 34 whites left?

>> No.8195648

LF does ship to USA through rakuten but they are slow as balls to respond. I waited a week and a half for them to just confirm my order and ship.
>TFW wait is still not as bad as IW.

>> No.8195667


The jacket is also on there. You can buy them in a bundle which saves abit of $

>> No.8195770
File: 166 KB, 1000x563, I wish now that this was a Persona 3 school uniform so that I can put a gun to my head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this in the mail yesterday from a commissioner. As someone who's not too familiar with fabrics and quality, I feel like the seller lied to me a bit. Payed over $100 for it. It seems like it wrinkles too easily and the buttons are made of plastic rather than metal. It's supposed to be uniform fabric. Also the patches on the collar are embroidery instead of patches/sewn. I also can't return it since convention is in a month and I don't have enough time to get another one from another commissioner and I have nothing else planned/ready. Sorry about the shitty camera

>> No.8195809
File: 423 KB, 1080x894, Note_032115_111137_1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is vaguely /cgl/ related but I know a lot of people use American apparel for cosplay/wardrobe basics and they're having a 90% off sale right now. I got all this for $100.

>> No.8195813
File: 164 KB, 1305x979, 201532119475133743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like it, to bad they look supper cute

>> No.8195818

I understand that feeling of shame, even though you have the money to spend. What I did was start slow with a small number of items I really really wanted, that I could also 'justify' because I knew they'd fit perfectly into my wardrobe / I needed a new keychain anyway / I could never find it anywhere else for this cheap / whatever. It's something you can get used to. Still I'm kind of grateful for the shame in a way because it means I'll always be careful about spending money and will probably never develop a shopping addiction. Sometimes I miss out on things because I hesitated for too long, but I'd rather miss out once in a while than make purchases I'll regret.
I deal with the packages by unpacking almost immediately and either throwing the box away or giving it to my cat to live in. At that point I see it as a cozy cat bed rather than a reminder of how much money I've spent. It's silly, but it works for me.

>> No.8195830
File: 3.57 MB, 1436x1566, hh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like saving up for a big Y!JA haul once or twice a year, and I was in desperate need of clothes suitable for warmer weather.
Now I just want to find a cute bag (and maybe one or two pairs of cheap but nice shoes) somewhere and I'll be satisfied.

>> No.8195938

>I need glasses cause this is blurry as shit
>Oh wait, I'm wearing glasses

>> No.8195942

>tfw super thrifty in shops but when it comes to online shopping I'll buy shit just because it's cheap even if I don't really need it

>> No.8196033

thanks auto correct. thanks.

>> No.8196043

Shiiit, their sale prices are amazing. Just put in an order.

>> No.8196045

most of it is borderline hooker gear save for some jumpers

>> No.8196081

>cosplay basics
>borderline hooker gear
Sounds about right.

>> No.8196093

I only care about jumpers, pants and other basics. I also love their underwear. But I mean, someone's most likely buying those metallic booty shorts as we speak.

>> No.8196127

same, I got a hoodie and swimsuit for 10 dollars. if the swimsuit isn't great it's not a huge loss since it was only 4 dollars.

>> No.8196157

You do know that these tartan skirt+blazer are cosplay costume, right?

>> No.8196174

Isn't that anywhere? I live in the big city and places Downtown always had rude people (Walgreens, Jewels, Whole Foods, etc.) Most of the mom and pop stores here are run by either blacks or Middle Easterners and it's like $5 for a half a gallon of milk.

It might be because I used to work in retail so I had to deal with people who couldn't understand the concept that one 99 cent sweater that you want in a size L is among a lot of other stuff.

>> No.8196180


You shouldn't feel shame. There are people who pay millions for a dog and then look at some movie stars who pay billions for nothing. A normal seagull should be happy to spend money on things they like unless it's an obsession or you spend things before you pay your bills.

>> No.8196214
File: 3.92 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there, just got the Restyle skirt in today and I'm pretty pleased with it!

The construction is great; very even stitching, really clean pleats, with a nice small section of shirring on the back of the waistband. However, the fabric is a bit strange. 50% wool 50% poly; it feels pretty synthetic to me, but isn't bad. Kinda like a strange suiting fabric. There isn't any lining, though, and they didn't bother to line up the print on the sides, but it's not a big deal on either accounts; I've seen Baby not try to line up plenty of prints. The print is incredibly crisp, heavy, and detailed; it's the best part of the piece.

Pros: good construction, wonderful detailed print, comfortable fit

Cons: print not lined up, no lining, slightly strange feeling fabric.

For the money I say it's worth it! It's a nice casual skirt and I love the print.

>> No.8196251

I fucking love pusheen. You shouldn't feel shameful at all.

>> No.8196257

Just got 8 items for $31 shipped

>> No.8196641

Is that a beret? (3rd image from the left) Link?

>> No.8196725

Can I get a link to that Little Dipper OP? I can't find it on their store.

>> No.8197036

Oh, definitely! I just got that set for fun because it's so cute.

>> No.8197039

sauce on moon and heart necklace please?

>> No.8197064

Could I get a link to the headdress please?

>> No.8197081

Not the anon who posted, but those head dresses are from Antique Beast. I'm on mobile otherwise I would link you, they're pretty easy to find via google.

>> No.8197090

sauce on sunglasses?

>> No.8197105

ooh where are those panda trainers from, anon? hella cute

>> No.8197160
File: 22 KB, 281x355, 20150228085803!Bloodborne_Cover_Wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloodborne. I'm getting it in two days and if feels like I'm going insane. I want to shoot werewolves so bad and shit my pants in fear.

>> No.8197551

They're a release from Adidas x Jeremy Scott, they came out Afew years ago but they regularly come up on yahoo auctions and eBay

>> No.8197899

Here's the page with both the black and white headdresses listed.

I think the order period has ended for now, but if you sign up for the newsletter they'll notify you when they're opening up again.

>> No.8197909

Has anyone ever lost something big in the mail? A jsk I bought on lacemarket never updated it's tracking info and it's almost 10 days past when it should have arrived. Do I prepare for the worst?

>> No.8197976

Contact your postal service.

>> No.8198277
File: 116 KB, 1200x768, mailmailmail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurray! two wishlist items at once.

>> No.8198436

Where did you order it from? If it's international there is a new sorting system that will push things aside if a machine can't read the tracking. It can take up to two months to get your shit, but if you give your local office your tracking number and all info they can find it faster. But yeah, pretty much just contact your office. They can run your tracking number and see a lot more info than you can.

>> No.8198442
File: 1.23 MB, 1088x618, Screen Shot 2015-03-22 at 18.52.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hnnng I'm so jealous, that skirt is lovely!

Just had a wig come in for a cosplay. Just need to make some wefts and turn in into twintails and I'm done with my cosplay for AB.

>> No.8198447

OH that bag is awesome! Where did you get it!? hope theres a gold version

>> No.8198466

I was really torn between this color-way or the navy.
There was also the OP listed in the same color too.
I am so excited.

I ordered from Maiden Clothing. There are a few left on their site.
The bag is MILK and they have made a gold one, I think.
Also I think there are some listed on Closet Child.
Otherwise there are replicas and I believe gold is made

>> No.8198820

Taiwan. I'm Canadian, but according to the tracking info it hasn't even reached Canada yet.

>> No.8199126
File: 758 KB, 1214x911, cardigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Finally got the cardigan!

Link: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.2.9.102.wFh7tv&id=38674645065&_u=d27k424td8f1

quick review: It looks exactly like the stock photo and is kinda on the thin side, its comfortable but not exactly warm. I havent worn it out yet so not sure how durable itll be but its cheap enough and comes in a lot of different colours so I'm considering buying a few more!

>> No.8199128


here anon, its on preorders

>> No.8199480

It says "off the shelf"

Unless I'm misunderstanding something, I guess I need to wait until it's actually in stock.
Thanks, though. I'll be keeping an eye out for it.

>> No.8199546

Oh weird... when I linked it the prices and stuff were still there

>> No.8199618
File: 691 KB, 593x585, 707ea311f48416ed7f072701deb4c779[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super happy i got everything for reasonable prices

waiting on some other stuff for both orders, but everything pictured has arrived at either FJ and spreenow

>> No.8199622

So apparently when I asked my SS to change my shipping method to EMS, they understood it as "ship one item individually by EMS and leave the other two as a seperate package by Registered Mail".
It didn't even occur to me that they'd do this until I saw two nearly equal pricey shipping costs on my final invoice, both listed for different methods. Really hoping I can catch them in time to combine it.

>> No.8199623
File: 48 KB, 636x340, aaaah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first taobao order through yoybuy, I had them mark it as gift and under the £36 limit...Do you think i'll have to pay a customs charge?

>> No.8199968

Sorry anon, looks likely. Customs gets charged on shipping costs too, so that might be the reason why they've caught it. Tbh I think they just make up the limit on whatever they want to charge that day.

>> No.8200001
File: 813 KB, 750x638, order_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And my F+F order has been sitting on "awaiting shipment" for a week.

>> No.8200385

I think you will anon. My package was marked below USD36 and I was still charged. The actual charge was about £8 but the ridiculous 'holding/handling fee' brought it up to £20+

>> No.8200529

>>8199623 >>8200385
Ugh, that is so annoying, it's like being charged to be inconvenienced. My shipping fee was something like $60 USD so I don't think I could've avoided it. Will try SAL next time!

>> No.8200657
File: 679 KB, 810x654, wiggidywack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incoming wig order.

Anyone else having packages held up due to high volume? Is there some holiday or something I don't know about? My package was put to ship Thursday but my SS says it still hasn't been processed?

>> No.8200885

Ive been having problems with USPS around my new place. I have no clue where one of my package went and my younger cousins package is gone too in the same week. I already called the USPS number but I havent gotten a call from them about it. Its been three days counting a Sunday.
I have the kiwiberry contact order that shouldnt be here by now but I havent gotten anything. What should I do?

>> No.8201007

When you say you have no clue where it went, what do you mean? Was there a delivery attempt that required a signature and now they can't find it in the post office? Did they say they delivered it but it's not there? Have you ruled out that you don't have a neighbor or even a mail person with sticky hands?

>> No.8201026

Oh wow, that lavender one looks absolutely stunning!!

>> No.8201039

tracking said in mailbox but its not there. no note left. if there was misplaced mail , theres a larger box we leave it in .most people living here are old people so im pretty sure they wont want anime tshirts. i had package from same seller just fine two weeks before and it was delivered fine
i called the usps number again and they just gave me the number for the local post office. ill have to call them tomorrow morning

>> No.8202217
File: 137 KB, 879x580, Mail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will pick up the Baby/AatP items tomorrow which will be good. Thanks very much to an anon who informed me that the VR JSK was on LJ, I might not have seen it otherwise! It is the second last of my holy grail dresses so I'm very happy about it. Halfway through the payment plan for it~

>> No.8202477
File: 11 KB, 558x299, ss+(2015-03-24+at+01.33.42).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I wait and see what happens or am I gonna have to pay the customs fee? I've been buying things online for over 3 years now and this never happened so I don't know..

>> No.8202500

New Thread

>> No.8203075

Honestly, that looks like good quality for a $100 commission. Construction looks good, the topstitching is neat, and from a distance I thought the buttons were metallic until you said they were plastic. Did you specify that the collar symbols had to be embroidered? Because as someone not familiar with the source material, I would also have assumed that they could be cut from a matching fabric and sewn on.

A jacket like that looks like it would have taken ~5-6 hours of skilled work to put out. Spitballing a materials cost around $15, that comes out to around $17/hr of work.

>> No.8204009
File: 39 KB, 180x243, cherryBerry4ants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and some etude house bb cream. I just hope they both arrive before my meet.

Tell us how those sosic shoes fit! I hope they don't run narrow.

Different anon, but I believe the panda eye stick's also resold through Sephora and Urban Outfitters. Might be a bit more expensive than waiting on buying directly from Aliexpress though.