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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 463 KB, 864x584, Screen Shot 2015-03-01 at 11.38.15 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8152630 No.8152630[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I know this is an old video, but I only just watched it and I can't stop watching

>> No.8152665

What's up with the fact that every single lolita video I've seen in cringe threads is a sweet lolita? Do the classics and gothics just not make videos? Maybe I've missed them being cringey?

>> No.8152669

nah there's a cringe video of Miss Lillith and her gross friend being extra gross at a meet, but we talked about that in a different thread a long time ago

>> No.8152679

because what kind of weeb doesn't want to dress up in sugary sweet pink paraphernalia and feel special?

>> No.8152683

I love Kota Bear, her shitty rants are the best background noise

>> No.8152693

I just....

>> No.8152710

jesus CHRIST

>> No.8152719

All of her tutorials are cringeworthy. That eyeliner and no mascara??

>> No.8152724
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I uhh...

>> No.8152727
File: 69 KB, 253x245, tumblr_inline_naoefxCofu1ridz8x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female Eren holds the key to Female Levi's ass, this is very logical, anon.

>> No.8152731
File: 83 KB, 640x640, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F959cc4cd63d2cd287f2ae5dba483a420%2Ftumblr_nkgwznvE9n1r7glzto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tumblr Queen of Replicas

Everything she posts is cringe.

>> No.8152733


truly a classic

>> No.8152734

not cringe but is venus angelic still a thing

>> No.8152742

Yup. She posted a 'boyfriend does my makeup' video and has an asmr channel.

>> No.8152743

She looks so wide in this photo. it's weird.

>> No.8152746

" I knew this would happen eventually. Look, it was my first real cosplay ever, I signed up for the skit show instead of the craftsmanship contest, and I really had nothing planned other than what was supposed to be walking up to the stage, showing off my wings that I made, and walking off. Finding out it was a skit show, I just winged it. Is it my proudest moment? No, not really, but I stuck through it and showed off my wings like I wanted to, and honestly, at the time, I had fun doing it."

>> No.8152752

is her mom still batshit insane

>> No.8152756

Link please? I can't stand her and need to validate these feelings of hate.

>> No.8152758

Yup. Oh and her boyfriend is super Japanese... um what else... she did a absolutely horrible cat ear tutorial.

Oh and she posts her shit every Wednesday, or at least that's what her bio says.

>> No.8152767

I think Kota is pretty and has a good figure for Lolita but the instant she opens her mouth I want to sock her in the jaw.

Are there any legitimately good Lolita channels that provide tips? All the popular blogs and YT channels are run by idiots and the ones that aren't idiots don't make advice videos.

>> No.8152769

Don't they usually prescreen skits like that?


>> No.8152795

Dude....that's how she looks normally.

>> No.8152809

I kind of miss how she hasn't update in forever, Her rants/videos are my guilty pleasure.

>> No.8152817

I am curious, was their an actual point at wich Wenus fell from grace? I remember when I first started out my mate thought she was pretty cool, and watched her videos. Now shes pretty much something we just like to laugh at.

I never really enjoyed her blogs, but for me it was after all that Bodyline drama I realised she was pretty much bat-shit insane. I read Yan's statement, and then watched Venus's video, and for once kinda took Yan's as side I thought she was being a manipulative cunt.

Is there some other dramu I missed out on that will give me some laughs?

>> No.8153020


>> No.8153047
File: 27 KB, 220x190, 220px-Stethoscope-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost thought it was an Stethoscope.

>I can't hear shit.

>> No.8153058

She looks so old, how old is she?

>> No.8153077

Is it just me or is her head actually shrinking

>> No.8153087
File: 342 KB, 2048x1536, obnoxious vegans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8153117

tasty, tasty murder

>> No.8153127

she's OTT guro when not hanging out with those guys.

>> No.8153135

fucking vegans, the faggots of the food chain.

>> No.8153184

I just finished a meatlovers pizza when i saw this.

>> No.8153191

what kind of advice are you looking for? There's a million lolita 101 info out there.

>> No.8153206

the comments on this post were almost as bad... kek

>> No.8153234
File: 55 KB, 497x550, bigpot6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow it's like it's 2001 again

>> No.8153281

It's true though. I wasn't even on the board at the time. And to be fair, meat lovers is just beefs and like 5 kinds of pig.

>> No.8153284

>I wanted to show off my wings
>I winged it

nothin personnel

>> No.8153297

I've considered veganism myself, specifically because Ive worked for foster farms as a temp before and it's pretty much just as awful as they say it is. I've already given up on chicken because it reminds me of working there and I just don't want to eat it.
This stuff makes me worried about it though, like how 95% of people who identify as feminists get lumped in with the absurd radfem 5%. I know I shouldn't care but it's making the decision difficult. I wish radical vegans would try to calm down a little bit and understand that people's diets and food habits are hard to break and not a matter of just stopping animal products all together.
Also meatless Monday is a good place to start I think, just picking one day to be vegetarian is supposed to be good for you anyway.

>> No.8153300

Extremists ruin everything. Just eat what you want and don't worry about it, you don't have to identify as something to do it. Just say you don't like those foods or something. Part of identifying with something is having strong feelings you want to voice and let others know about, which doesn't seem like you care about doing.

>> No.8153305


Just don't be a dick about it. And honestly from your post I don't think you'll have any trouble with that.

I know some great vegans, and I knew extremely shitty vegetarians. The difference was all in personality and how they handle social challenges to their diet. I personally wouldn't ever go vegan but I can respect their life choices and their beliefs.

>> No.8153355


She's 25

>> No.8153362


This. Oh god.

>> No.8153365
File: 67 KB, 620x465, cat3_1700339a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skipping through video in chunks at a time because can't be bothered
>literally my face when I got to 55 seconds in.

>> No.8153367
File: 18 KB, 295x259, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty? She looks like Sid from Ice age.

>> No.8153368

I knew I recognized her from somewhere! Thanks anon!

>> No.8153372

I want to die.

>> No.8153378

>I feel so sorry for who is going to get this, oh god I look demonic, anyway I feel so sorry for whoever gets this if I sell because it is so warped by my boobs
>Because it was made for petiter girls, and I am petite like in the waist sort of...

ummmmmm....... okay, I'll bite, what is wrong with this creature?

>> No.8153384
File: 219 KB, 377x566, 1393264476515 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long time ago anon made this.

>> No.8153393

"I am petite in the waist, just not so much in the bust..." Ah, this is what delusion looks like.

>> No.8153481

That is creepy as hell. Why?

>> No.8153513 [DELETED] 


It spoke to her on a spiritual level guys,

>> No.8153576

I know plenty of vegans who never mentions it except when we order pizzas. I don't even hate extreme vegans because at least they revolt against something true, animals are killed and in a terrible way.
I wish they'd be more chill and accept than it's better to embrace a small change than hope to end it totally, because it's not going to happen.

>> No.8153686



>> No.8153858

#TRIGGER WARNING tw: self harm blood
I crie everythyme.


>> No.8153862
File: 1.82 MB, 512x288, 1404093139442.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nyanners did some asmr videos too...it makes me so angry, asmr is the one thing i have to relax with.

>> No.8153899

I love how almost everything she says is untrue because she's just talking about how she perceives things as opposed to what actually happened...

>> No.8153913
File: 29 KB, 109x123, he's a dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyanners is a faggot anyway

>> No.8153915

this entire account is fake as fuck.

>> No.8153946

>that eyeliner


>> No.8153955

Me and my BF are vegan, and really it's not hard to eat vegan food, I love it, and I feel better about my food choice than I ever did eating products from animals. I have lots of vegan and vegetarian friends, but also a lot of non-veggie friends.

Really the only time you ever have to mantion you are vegan are when you are getting invited for dinner or eating out. We don't go around shitting on our friends about their food choice, and they don't bother us about our choice

>> No.8153988


>> No.8154020

leave my waifu outta this pls vendetta-friend

>> No.8154030
File: 36 KB, 300x225, tumblr_inline_n8h0z4UgfI1rfc5zx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but if you call yourself Lolita but you still perpetuate the meat industry, you're probably a meat-ita...

>> No.8154038

I-I think I have those same panties.

>> No.8154056

>underrated post

>> No.8154073

Oh dear god...just because you can squish into it, it doesn't mean it fits!

>> No.8154212

what what what what what WHAT

>> No.8154253

Who's this person?

>> No.8154258
File: 629 KB, 960x720, 1370582147897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fucking get why she made herself fit into that. Wasn't there a version of this JSK that has shirring?

>> No.8154270

where's the post at? I need to see this.

>> No.8154293
File: 361 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh jeez her again

>> No.8154310

MissLillith is my waifu too so that's why I haven't linked the video. but that whole video was really hard to watch, especially because of her friend and all her snorting

>> No.8154312

someone should do this seriously and try to make it not shit

>> No.8154320

Are you talking about that video they made AFTER the meet when they talked about what happened to them when wearing Lolita in public?

>> No.8154323

>complaining about humans killing animals for personal gain
>wearing cotton shirts, leather shoes, etc
I get what they're saying, but until cruelty-free products and food get commercialized, it's a lost cause and they might as well be making noise.

>> No.8154341

I agree but also
>wat is vegan synthetic leather

also, cotton shirts? what is the animal cruelty in that? cotton is made from a plant. you could argue that's unethical practices in regards to the people hired to collect/grow the cotton but most militant vegans don't give a shit about unethical practices in regards to human workers.

>> No.8154342

>like how 95% of people who identify as feminists get lumped in with the absurd radfem 5%

The majority of people who call themselves feminists hold at least some "radfem" beliefs, radical feminism is mainstream third-wave feminism. Feminism is and always has been full of awful shit

Polite sage

>> No.8154345


Eh, I'm really fond of first and second wave feminism myself. They got us our voting rights, campaigned for equality measures, and hell, I appreciate that it's technically illegal during interviews now to ask things like "So when will you have babby???"

However, fourth wave feminism has become barely recognizable. Sometimes I see a hurrah of sensibility, and then it's back to arguing whether saying "smile!" is misogynist or not.

>> No.8154349

It's not like animals don't die horribly in the production of crop. Not to mention all of the habitats that got destroyed for farmland.

>> No.8154358


You shouldn't eat then, period. No bread, no pasta, no rice, eat only quinoa.

Oh wait, but then that's causing issues of food security for the Andean people.

Maybe you should just kill yourself. You know, for the good of humanity.

>> No.8154360

>habitats getting destroyed for farmland

don't let the radical vegans know this, they won't be able to comprehend this when they chug their kale-tofu smoothies

>> No.8154361

What how do Vegans even eat any pizza because dairy?

>> No.8154362

Or you know, I could just eat all food available to me.

>> No.8154366


Strangely enough, watching nature shows has convinced me that the animals were going to die horrible deaths anyways in the wild.

I might as well not waste the meat.

>> No.8154370

whoops yeah after, i didn't mean it to literally mean during the meet in the first post.

but seriously tho, besides MissLillith, are there other gothic lolitas on youtube that are currently active?

>> No.8154371

>be friend
>in feminism: the cl-- I mean "Mythology" class
>discussing the oh, so important topic of pink razors for women and how ~*~*sexist*~*~ it is, because that's mythology, right?
So many stories from that class and I legitimately feel bad for the students who thought it was going to be about mythology and not just the teacher's opinions on how "sexist" society is.

>> No.8154373


Their voices are so mediocre this song is only tolerable in the autotuned "studio" version. So why they thought it was a good idea to enter a live competition is beyond me.

>> No.8154374

You can make vegan pizza with vegan mozzarella (that actually melts!)

>> No.8154380


Goddamn anon that's awful. I hate feminism so much.

>> No.8154381

Slaughter house deaths are actually really nice compared to being eaten alive by many other predators.

>> No.8154387


Unless you're talking about halal slaughterhouses.

>> No.8154425

I was actually coming to this thread to post that vegan girl myself, someone beat me to the punch. What a disgusting person. Search archives for Dominique and you'll find out just how rotten she is. She's a vegan for attention and nothing more. It must be so nice to be so privileged and live in such luxury that you can choose to be picky for non-health-related reasons. I'm sure the starving children in impoverished countries would love having the option of eating meat or not. But human rights don't matter, of course. Only the cute wittle aminals are important to shithead vegans.

>> No.8154430


>"No but they're so humane! We just shock them until they're paralyzed and slit their throat! They don't feel a thing!"

is what I got out of my islamic club 'educational' halal dinner. It would have been much better if I didn't know how the chicken I was eating was slaughtered tbh.

>> No.8154439



"B-b-b-b-b-but they obviously did it wrong for all the animals in these videos! It's Islamophobic right-wing propaganda! Curse those vegans to hell! ALLAHU ACKBAR!!!"

>> No.8154443
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Vegan here.
This is the most obnoxious thing ever. I really hate other vegans, man.

>> No.8154447

I'm actually vegetarian, considering taking the plunge to vegan, for purely health reasons. You'd literally never know it unless for whatever reason food was involved, because I'm not some fucking special snowflake who needs to insert it into every conversation. I hate other vegans/vegetarians too, sis.

>> No.8154474

cheeseless pizza and vegan cheese? lol

>> No.8154481

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jaxJgoWcx0 all her videos

>> No.8154485
File: 283 KB, 344x315, tumblr_n7db7yTkeN1roi7zpo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been so terrified in my life.

>> No.8154495

Idk how being raised in horrible conditions and smelling other dead animals and knowing your fate is nice.

>> No.8154512

Sauce b0ss?

>> No.8154520

Are you new? Mr Yan is a known creeper and his note about it was immature and unprofessional as he tends to be. Sure she's nuts but she wasn't even and adult yet and he's a business owner.

>> No.8154547


I understand why he made the note. He mentioned everything that could have been used against him in it, and told his side of the story. It was trying very hard to be unbiased, and sometimes failed when Wenus was being a little cunt.

It was really an interesting read, and made me like bodyline a little more because even if Mr. Yan is a creeper he's funny as fuck.

>> No.8154553

Just find it odd to lean towards anything in that whole thing I guess. It was hilarious and shitty all around lol

>> No.8154559


I never really chose a side in it, and I don't really like either of them. I just love how buttbongled they both got over it.

I just like the thought of Mr. Yan being some crazily overweight pedo and Wenus being some completely psycho cunt battling it out. Kinda like a battle royale, only the goal is to make the other person look bad.

>> No.8154567

>Yes, perfect. Hawaiian looking dress and shitty cardigan
>Only 90s kids remember Melissa Joan Hart
>I look exactly like a doll in these
>I'm not even going to actually pose, I look so much like a doll
>god, looking like a doll makes me so thirsty
>I can totally twirl this baton
>I should definitely post this to the internet.

>> No.8154571

Bitch's eyes melting off her fucking face

>> No.8154572


she just looks like a normal teenage girl begging for likes.

Also....why do something in a video if you are going to fuck up while doing it???

>> No.8154573

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saWo09EV98Q "highly requested"

>> No.8154582

by highly requested did she mean her mom suggested it

>> No.8154604
File: 42 KB, 640x480, 1423670527140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8154608

I think its from facebook. Im not sure if its on her page, or on that group's page

>> No.8154609

"I just choked on my spit, sorry"

okay. what.

>> No.8154632

Guys, get it?


Get it?

This is class-A material you fucks

>> No.8154643
File: 116 KB, 277x400, 1423515817744.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nice pun

>> No.8154644

Or in the meat industry we would call it Grade A

Though tbh grade A isnt the best meat anyways. Just like your joke it sucked

>> No.8154660


Oh, you're a lolita in the industry too? Perhaps you could remind me when the next meatup is.

>> No.8154668

Now that is some PRIME pun right there

>> No.8154675

I don't know, she's kind of endearing. She's really genuine and sweet. She's not full of herself and seems to just really enjoy lolita.

>> No.8154678
File: 61 KB, 604x604, 2957209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she Bailey Jay?

>> No.8154692


w-what happened to her lips?

>> No.8154714

She was cute in it, but her greasy-faced friend was really snorting CONSTANTLY, didn't anyone ever tell her? What's up with that?

Tori time? She's cute and only recently uploaded a video.

>> No.8154724

i have a nasal constriction which is why i snort, so i try not to laugh at everything (i do that girly laugh where i cover my mouth and just sort of hehe)

>> No.8154727

then neither one of you two are cute then, please never laugh outside of your own home.
why can't all girls just laugh quietly? like girls are SUPPOSED too?

>> No.8154733

i found the >guy here

>> No.8154751

but they aren't even trying...

>> No.8154782

But do you have to snort? There is a condition that makes you snort when you have to laugh? I mean, my nose isn't too involved when I'm not laughing really hard.

>> No.8154840

i can't help it, sometimes when i breath to hard i snort. my mom has it too, not as bad as me, she has just a slight constriction and she snorts in all her laughs (actual laughs, not giggles)

>> No.8154953

>these lyrics
>burn them

>> No.8154959

I burst into tears watching this. What can be done to stop this.

>> No.8154975
File: 71 KB, 638x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derpcat Cosplay

>> No.8155011

This is so unsexy.

>> No.8155029

So from what I've seen of this person they seem to be catering to those with a fetish for the developmentally challenged.

>> No.8155033

Says the ones eating BABY carrots.

>> No.8155093
File: 100 KB, 598x691, momosweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8155101

>none of these people would be there protesting if their forefathers didn't slaughter animals for food.

Hell, cultures that considered animals to be holy beings would still fucking eat them.

>> No.8155102
File: 125 KB, 470x731, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her instagram is cringe gold every post

>> No.8155112
File: 33 KB, 251x242, 1376781159466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the modesty? I mean isnt modesty the thing with cute anime girls? Claiming to be waifu material is sad and if anything pure second hand embarrassment.

>> No.8155121

Holy shit is that Dominique???
She looks like this horribly toxic chick in our comm but I didn't know she was /this/ batshit crazy

>> No.8155165

Yes, it's her
she posted an outfit shot of this coord on CoF too

>> No.8155174

I can hear the seams screaming

>> No.8155184
File: 37 KB, 230x355, IronMousefromSailorMoon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still hungry
Why yes
Even on small farms it's how slaughter is done. With larger places you get cuts that aren't deep enough to be a quick death(as shown in the video, but you do see some which are quick) because they only have so much time.

I'm all for coming up with a different way, but it's not like it's realistic or economic to be putting the animals "to sleep" peacefully.

>> No.8155188

bitch makes it look like milanoo.

>> No.8155232
File: 147 KB, 1080x866, Screenshot_2015-03-01-21-22-20~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had to. I found this completely stupid and needy. That is all.

>> No.8155293
File: 52 KB, 184x144, Capture d’écran 2015-03-02 à 01.01.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155404

Post more holy shit she's obnoxious

>> No.8155411

She had her modesty in the good ol' Momosweetcosplay days. Now she's all Kpop and disappointment.

>> No.8155413

Who is this girl?

>> No.8155415
File: 662 KB, 1073x577, i feel bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155417

I found her facebook page. time to gouge out my eyes

>> No.8155421
File: 278 KB, 835x413, momo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a classic
btw her instagram name has frequently changed over the past weeks/months
she is legitimately going to legally change her real name to Ahri

>> No.8155432
File: 270 KB, 600x600, 1391454357353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make my tummy happy

Who talks like this? Talking like a baby wasnt even cute in elementary school.

Also this feels more weebish then bragging about pocky. Honestly rice crackers are not that good and you can get anything very similar or even better at any American grocery store.
It's like weebs think its the best just because Japanese

>> No.8155433
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155434

why must every half-decent cute cosplayer end like this

>> No.8155435
File: 146 KB, 884x666, save.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the hell?

>> No.8155436

Their personas got the best of them.

>> No.8155438
File: 699 KB, 512x604, momosw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155441

her expression though

is that her way of seduction

>> No.8155445
File: 551 KB, 604x715, momoswee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl has a PO box she is basically telling people to send her treats.
She has a huge ego with this she even did this embarrassing "giveaway" recently.

>> No.8155448


Literally no. Cows are killed by the stunning in non-halal slaughter. They are knocked out by being stunned and then have a heart attack from it at the same time. In halal slaughter this is banned. They can be fully conscious when they are bleeding out, often for minutes, while they struggle and scream.

>> No.8155450

>fucking satin
sorry it's just not cute

>> No.8155457
File: 180 KB, 1024x1024, 1324596914429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>referring to yourself in the 3rd person

grade A weeb speak

>> No.8155464

>i wurkd at wun place and therefore i knoez EVERAY THANG!!!!!!!

Stupid bitch, lmao.

>> No.8155466

She referred to herself in the first person because she was talking about what other people should think about her.

>> No.8155475

>using the phrase "be like"
>implying this is not cringe worthy on it's own

stay mad momo

>> No.8155479

Yeah but in non halal slaughter houses some animals arent even dead and are half consious when they start cutting them up. But i agree halal is a hell of a lot worse. Its pretty disgusting that they are falling down and trying to run away while their heads are barely attached to their bodies and they are choking on their blood as they bleed out.
My dad went vegetarian because he saw this shit in person and i honestly don't blame him.

>> No.8155481

The only one who seems mad around here is you.

>> No.8155491

Running motions, twitching of the legs are not indicative of consciousness. If I remember correctly cows are conscious when they try to raise their heads (as they are hanging upside down after slaughter).
I suggest reading up on Temple Grandin. There definitely is horrible ways of slaughter and things can go wrong every now and then. But we have come pretty far with methods of slaughter that don't stress the animal beforehand and kill it instantly.

>> No.8155503
File: 85 KB, 496x810, tumblr_nkgkz0oY8P1tcbp8vo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155506

Literally this entire video is them laying in their room???

>> No.8155512

I didn't think this was so bad until I clicked on it.

>> No.8155518

Underrated post
I stay out of feminism. I of course agree that women should be equal to men, but equality does not equal taking away all standards from society. In CoF once someone literally said that "telling someone that they should dress to their body type is misogynistic". Seriously, even men have standards and beauty ideals.

From my observations most of the "sexist" things towards women are perpetuated by our own sex. Same goes for men. We do it to ourselves.

>> No.8155519
File: 68 KB, 532x960, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8155520

You ever had one of those things, in your picture? Seriously..

It taste like chicken, very good. It was cooked over and open flame

>> No.8155524

This is partially true. Still, I've heard a lot of misogynistic shit from men as well so it is most definitely not MOSTLY women, but partially.

>> No.8155539

what exactly is so wrong about this? Not allowed to protest in lolita? Unless shes famously bitchy and i just havent heard of it yet, this is barely cgl related.

>> No.8155541

Is this shoop? I'm so scared oh my god what's happening

>> No.8155545

>Unless shes famously bitchy
She is. She's a tremendous cunt and this belligerent protest is just the fermented cherry on top of the rotten fishcake that is Dom.

>> No.8155581

Many girls say they don't need feminism or don't like it because they fear to be lumped together with the radfems. But if you think sexual harassment and discrimmination against women is wrong then you already are a feminist. Also, many think feminism excludes the problems of men or minorities, but it doesn't. It just approaches problems of women specifically, because we face similar problems as a group but not at the expense of other groups.

>> No.8155591

Have you forgotten that there is something called being an egalitarian? I don't wish to fight for only women's rights, but for everyone's(well as far as I can take it).

>> No.8155593

Isn't that like a square-rectangle thing? If you're an egalitarian, then it kind of automatically makes you a feminist.

>> No.8155595

People are allowed to not associate with problematic groups even if they agree with some of what those groups say. I Also, this attitude reeks of trying to cover up the serious problems present in mainstream feminism, which helps no one and only gives people like MRAs more ammunition against you.

So, uhm, on-topic, how in god's name do people like her ever squeeze into dresses like this? I just checked the measurements of this JSK and I'd never dream of trying to wear it, but her body doesn't look that much smaller than mine D:

>> No.8155598

This is what I already said, didn't I? Feminism just approaches the problems of women as a group (like maternity leave and other women specific problems), but it doesn't mean you can't fight for the rights of other groups as well.

>> No.8155600

Oh yeah sorry if it was unclear but I meant that covering up problems doesn't help anyone, not mainstream feminism itself. Don't want to get too far into discussing the latter.

>> No.8155633

Not at all. There is a bit of overflow, but it takes things past a gender specific level. Even non extreme feminists tend to be a bit sexist about problems that affect both genders. Egalitarians want to help both genders without claiming that one gender has it worse/is more important/is more affected than the other, which is what much of modern feminism does. They also reject pretty much any aspect of extremism, which is the important part. I also feel that it helps a great deal to be able to focus more on the issue than turning things into a boyvsgirl pity party, which often happens and without gender bias.

I am someone who used to be feminist, identified as an oldschool feminist, but decided not to identify it due to not only radfem but the nature of extremist that regular feminism is heading as well. It almost feels as if the nature of not only topics but desired resolutions has become foreign in a very short time. I also dislike how a lot of feminist ideals treat women like delicate and weak flowers who need everyone else to take care of and watch out for them, that is not the point of feminist views at all.

It's just gotten to this point where I can't see feminism being workable or taken seriously for much longer.

>> No.8155682

Yeah the amount of problematic feminists is far beyond a loud minority
I think it's normal to not want to be called a feminist, I hate the "u believe in equality so ur automatically a feminist" that a lot of them do
If I say I'm not a feminist don't come around and drag me down with you

>> No.8155972


>> No.8155981 [DELETED] 

>without claiming that one gender has it worse
Yeah there's the problem.

>> No.8155992 [DELETED] 

>without claiming that one gender has it worse
Yeah there's your problem, one does.

>> No.8155998

>without claiming that one gender has it worse
Yeah there's the problem, one does.

>> No.8156139

Time for you all to shut the hell up and return to the topic at hand.

>> No.8156155

I get not identifying as feminist, but it's not like there aren't any extremist egalitarians either. A lot of the people that I've met who were vehemently egalitarian were just using it as an excuse to be a higher-than-thou anti-SJW and generally obnoxious as fuck. I personally don't really care about labels. If someone ask, I'll say I'm a feminist, but otherwise, I'll just try to treat both genders as equally as I can.

>> No.8156356

read >>8154425
how long have you been on this board? she's kind of notorious for being a batshit bitch. Search her name on warosu and you'll see why.

>> No.8156371

also the migrant farmer workers who pick her precious fruit and veggies are abused and treated horribly. But only cute wittle animals and acting like she's better than everyone matters to her.