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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 84 KB, 912x912, snap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8145887 No.8145887[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm really enjoying snapchatting the other seagulls who posted in the last thread!

Add me: mmmmpistolwhip

>> No.8146415

Bumping for interest.

>> No.8149324

probs gonna regret this
add me: carsatan
I send really fucking derpy/ugly selfies (regular, lolita, living doll on occasion), photos of my dog, and pictures of cosplays

>> No.8149346

you just got a dick pic :)

>> No.8149348

I didn't ask for a photo of your face sieg

>> No.8149352


>> No.8149355

You would think that's pretty clever, wouldn't you?

>> No.8149358

what's his snapchat? so i can reject him

>> No.8149359

I'll post it if he ever mans up and actually can manage to send me anything
All bark and no bite with this guy I swear

>> No.8149360

please don't


>> No.8149361

you're the firefighter right? I love you

>> No.8149365

If you aren't gonna post your snapchat, add anyone on snapchat, or discuss it, then get the fuck out of this thread

>> No.8149370

kewkewwww (four w's)

usually post cat and stuff i bought or random things i see on the street

>> No.8149412

I snap mostly food and stuff I buy I guess. I like talking to people though if you want to chat.

>> No.8149424

why do you want his snapchat?

>> No.8149430

Different anon

For bad death threats

>> No.8149443

i wouldn't mind some topless-death threat selfies

>> No.8149879

i met a lot of cool people from the last thread, y'all are pretty chill

my snap is properpastel
I usually post really dumb selfies and my cosplay, nature, and food adventures! I'm also a fujoshit so if you ever wanna talk about that I'm here

>> No.8149909
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I hope you like pugs

>> No.8149916

I'm pretty weeby so I mainly post milk tea, food, cosplay shit/ wigs, and my dog

>> No.8149922


Mostly just snaps of my dogs, but I'm also in a contest with RL friends to get as many pics of fedoras in public as possible.

>> No.8149997

My snaps aren't interesting themselves, but I do like to add everyone who posts here and look at their cosplay, and lolita snaps. And pets. Mostly in it for the pets.

>> No.8150006

i'm hopskipandarump, but i dont really have an interesting life to snap. except for when im at a convention, go shopping or have food.

>> No.8150010


Pets, mostly, and some clothes, and when I go on trips I'll snap interesting things I see. Or just interesting things I see in general. And me bitching at work.

>> No.8150015

Mine is Janvier13 I normally post picture of my cat, cosplay work, and food that I cook.

>> No.8150067

Holy shit, you're cute as fuck.

>> No.8150073

Add me if you want I guess

>> No.8150077

Mine is commandseals. Just made a new one since I have no clue what my old one is. I mostly take pictures of figures and cosplay progress if I'm not lazy.

>> No.8150607

doesn't work

>> No.8150727

What if I'm a /cgl/ regular but I've never done any cosplay? :_:
c-can I still add people?

>> No.8150756

Sure, why not?

>> No.8150762

Only if ur a cutie ;)

>> No.8150791

Fuck it I'm Lymphangioma

Mostly just cosplay stuffs and things that my skeleton (Ghoulsby) does

>> No.8150792

My snapchat is muonmoonstruck. I don't snap a lot, but I have a cat that likes to fetch, so, there's that.

>> No.8150956

my snapchat is vice.versa
I'm a guy who just started browsing this board :D

>> No.8150967

>implying anyone here likes you enough to bother sending you death threats

>> No.8150969

i think that was the least unlikely part of his statement.

>> No.8151002


>> No.8151161
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Mine is same as trip.

People at work love most of my stories but they're not really /cgl/ related.

I snap at cons though, so do what you will

>> No.8151265
File: 736 KB, 2048x1598, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My user is meltdizney

Never used Snapchat before, but everyone keeps telling me to get it, so I figured this would be good for a trial experience.

Expect weird selfies, food, random shots of strangers and frills.

>> No.8151276

Only people I have added on snap chat are people I know. I'm not too into cosplay, but i am putting together something

Fuck it

>> No.8151326

I have added a few people so far. Mostly my cats, figures and maybe outfits on a rare occasion.

sn: Mamimimeow

>> No.8151351
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>mfw only followed people with dogs

>> No.8151575

Kind of uncertain of this, but then again fuck it.


>> No.8151579
File: 82 KB, 562x454, 10857897_876405219091669_7016896096372909962_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figures, random lolita and cosplay stuff and sometimes my pug.


>> No.8151683


Music stuff, pictures of my cat, gym stuff
typical college dude stuff

>> No.8151710


I post the occasional cosplay progress, but that's when I'm not occupied with uni life and travel snaps.

Also, I post fat cat, tuxedo cat and dog.

>> No.8151782

It's mostly normal videos, occasionally lolita. I hardly if ever go to cons or meets. Dog. Dog. Dog. Videos. I've been adding everyone in the thread to live vicariously through you guys and hopefully get back into it.

>> No.8151849
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Mostly bad puns, cooking, and scenery.

>> No.8152114
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I've added the people of this thread (my username: urasawa)
Once I figure out how this app works, I shall snap my tiny cats, lolita stuff, perhaps (vegan) food and in the event that I go outside, dutch landscape (which apparently is un-noteworthy to dutch people but all that cobblestone and fancy architecture is foreign to me)

>> No.8152181

I'm little_lychee

>> No.8152247

Finally coming back to bump the thread.

B'aww! I love you, too, anon!

>> No.8152306

ee, all of that sounds awesome. what's your snapchat?

>> No.8152350
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>> No.8152404
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Add me: FattyNeko

Don't worry, I'm not fat, or a neko :)

>> No.8152411

What's your snap, friend?

>> No.8152486

added most of the peele here. Love all of your snaps

>> No.8152516

I've added a lot of you but I'm lazy. My username is Touwa, I don't know what I post. Art and figures and weeby stuff but also just my dumb face and food and stuff

>> No.8152531

>Posting your snapchat on 4chan
/fit/ and /r9k/ will see what are you niggers doing

>> No.8152572

>implying I don't have a burner account for snapchatting internet strangers
That's just common sense.

>> No.8152594

I seriously don't care. My snaps are pretty fucking boring most of the time and I'm pretty sure nobody gives a shit what I do

>> No.8152597

probably really boring for them unless they like weeby shit and clothes

>> No.8152636

I'm from /fit/. I'll criticize their bodies and then secretly fap to them.
No homo

>> No.8152699

I haven't been posting my Snapchat, I've just been adding people. No I'm not from /fit/ or /r9k/

>> No.8152705

it's a lot of silly college stuff or cosplay tests. I added a bunch of you guys and I look forward to interacting with you guys

>> No.8152721

forgot to mention that it will be endless cherry blossom spam in 1 week and dog spam in 2 weeks when I get to see my pup again

>> No.8152738

That actually made me want to add you.

>> No.8152778
File: 14 KB, 549x258, screenshot-www google ca 2015-02-28 22-22-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ez. Got another for me, champ?

>> No.8153448

>be male

>> No.8153454
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mines bedsheetbukake if you really wanna see some gay shit

>> No.8153526

Yay, i'm always looking for more people to follow on snapchat.
My username is Simonyms
I mainly post selfies, lolita, cute clothes, and my doggies among other things

>> No.8153552
File: 35 KB, 480x800, ikea1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my snapchat''s klaidon
I post mainly dumb lolita selfies, any animals i see on the street and my cats when I'm back at my parents or round my friends houses

pic related is one of my cute as fuck cats

>> No.8153720

Fuck it, I've added a lot of people. My ID is cisthulhu. I'm at a con right now, so there's a bit of lolita on my story, but it's usually my face, my pets, school, and the occasional weeaboo whatever.

>> No.8153779

I've added a bunch of people already but mine is glorious.rose
I post cute things, sewing stuff, my rabbit and food mainly

>> No.8153904


I post random, kpop junk, maid cafe stuff, living doll,cute stuff, my pet bunny...ej..yeah

>> No.8153981

You're cute as fuck, I was waiting for you to post so I could say something. Also I hate Nightmare Rising jsk (I only saw the pic once, I hope that's what it was) but damn, you pulled it off so well.

>> No.8153998

Snapchat is kuroxxneko
I post weebshit and my adventures around nyc. Please add me especially if you have pets.
All of you are cute.

>> No.8154124

Seems fun, so why not. Add me if you want: Zekamaru. I usually work a lot on props. Working on rebellion from DmC5 right now, and next is yamato.
...I also love pets..

>> No.8154133


The day you're intimidated by 4chan boards is the day you should just give up on life.

>> No.8154324

It was Nightmare Rising, so that's really awesome to hear. Thanks, anon!

>> No.8154816

I think I added most of you guys, mine's cupitos
pls no buly

>> No.8154856


>> No.8156274

Just made one for this thread.


Probably lolita, videogames, black cat, being a piece of shit.

>> No.8156300

Not going to lie, when you added me I had a might chuckle at your name. Don't know why, but the name dirtslurp is hilarious.

>> No.8156824

this is so late, but thank you so much anon! I'm sure you're cute too

>> No.8157030

cosplay, stuff from work, snapchats of my dog and mostly a ton of sewing things.

>> No.8157174

I-is this like a girls only club or can boys play too?

>> No.8157179

I'm a dude and I added people in this thread and the last thread.

>> No.8157187

Yeah man, as long as you're not creepy and gross, I don't think anyone cares if you're a guy.

>> No.8157197


I don't really use this much so idk what I'll do

>> No.8157226

Is that racism or neopets

>> No.8157234

Indecipherable reference to "Kendall on sharecropping"

>> No.8157310


I post a lot of videos, cosplay update photos, derps and also normal photos and some videos of my cats going crazy xD

>> No.8157337

Decided to make a new account.


Get it while it's fetal, I guess.

>> No.8157375

Oh man there needs to be more neopets cosplay.

>> No.8157399

Just made one for cgl hell knows what i'll post

>> No.8157603


Just random things.

>> No.8157722

Any of you jesuscato3o or cupitos?

>> No.8157740

im cupitos
pls no bully

>> No.8157815


I hardly use it since I only have friends on it and they get updated via facebook. Maybe this will give me reason to?

I'll probably do fairy-kei and vintage snaps more than lolita ones.

>> No.8157931

Didn't post a lot, but i will be for you guys <3

>> No.8158072

Added more or less everyone.
mine is kircheis-siegfr
New to snapchat, so lets see how things work out.

>> No.8158146

mainly cats and cosplays :)

>> No.8158346

Man this is a lot of adds in a few days..
Catching me by surprise

>> No.8158731
File: 39 KB, 540x960, 11015761_10200348848161493_1611553078_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Im not sure how it works but i want to send snaps and i have no friends.
Will post my pet, food, oot, failed makeup attempts, shit idc

>> No.8158992

I had Snapchat but almost never used it until the last thread.

>> No.8159775

I came for the outfit snaps and stayed for shirtless Masa D. Luffy.

>> No.8159862

>tfw no voice acting husbando
s-senpai pls notice me

>> No.8160073

Seconding this
cute af

>> No.8160282

t-thank you anon
again, I'm sure you're cute af as well!

>> No.8160478

My name is Pestkop. I usually post useless stuff or i draw things on pictures of people. Free to add me

>> No.8160710

Holy shit, it's literally unfair how attractive OP and properpastel are.

>> No.8160738
File: 114 KB, 407x243, 1424966183588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Snapchat doesn't have a 'send to all' button

>> No.8160769

Doesn't the Story feature basically do that?

>> No.8160800

Ya'll are some kawaii motherfuckers up in this snapchat shizz.

>> No.8160894

I will fight someone to waifu properpastel.

>> No.8161097

You can't easily reply to stories

>> No.8161220

anons seriously I love you guys so much, y'all are the best

>> No.8161360

Ninjagal6 is best cgl waifu

>> No.8161375
File: 74 KB, 423x750, tumblr_nhfdkoft8P1rigp8fo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

voldebitches. Mostly just selfies, cats, coords, and mail

>> No.8161459

Woah, you guys are all so cute.

Especially carsatan and the firefighter girl whom I'm pretty sure is OP.

>> No.8161493

Touwa is a qt too, she looks a lot like my ex though D:

>> No.8161499

cgl waifu showdown go

>> No.8161507
File: 2.93 MB, 533x300, She is so moe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop right there you loli loving autist! I have my /cgl/ waifu on SnapChat but she hasn't posted in these threads yet and she is at least three times as pure as any of your un-kawaii pig-dogs, pardon my lewdness but I wouldn't even hold hands with your waifu. Top kek, Anon out.

>> No.8161513

anon wtf

>> No.8161559

pls no bully ! ! !

>> No.8161770
File: 58 KB, 526x397, 1334262132010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8152705 here
I'm loving all the snaps and stories. Shout out to my other college girls who know the struggle. Also loving the work snaps. This just makes my days a little better
>pic related

>> No.8161813

y'all are cuties and i'm not i'm kinda jealous
>except voldie

>> No.8161921

Kinda wanna share mine haha
My user is soulhugger.

Expect mostly anime, games (Xbox 360 and 3DS platforms), cosplay, pets, scenery and ones of my general life.

>> No.8161944

i dont snap a whole lot but when i do it's a mix of crappy humor and selfies.

>> No.8161950

>tfw all these snaps are eating up my battery life
I still love all of you though. Please continue.

>> No.8162007

mine is gilliamwolding
im an irish guy, so add me for pictures taken in ireland, I guess

I'll go around and add a few in this thread in a few minutes

>> No.8162052

come at me brehs

>> No.8162056


>> No.8162158

/fit/ pls go

>> No.8162212


>> No.8163043

t-there's so many cute girls
*heavy breathing*

>> No.8163051

ad me ;^)

>> No.8163086

late to tread and new to snappy ghost
combination of pics from traveling and whatever comes to mind

>> No.8163588

I thought you were a girl at first, don't let /cgl/ know you're a qt azn boi

>> No.8163657

I'm pretty much snapchat virgin. I only usted it untill now for shits and giggles with my rl friends but I'll add y'all qt3.14s and use it regularly.
Expect food, pets, comfy, vintage, lolita, nails, makeup, hair, bathtub pics, spanish and french and los of shitty selfies.
Feel cree ti talk ti me evento though I'm not an interesting person.

>> No.8163658

Aaaaand the autocorrect did what it wanted with that last part.

>> No.8164018

added everyone in the thread, pls no bully.
school shit and mh4u

>> No.8164033

Post list of only qts please so I can add only them

>> No.8164051

Fuggin' liar you didn't add me.

>> No.8164052

Who you?

>> No.8164056

I didn't? What's your tag so I can add you. My bad.

>> No.8164085


expat from one country in europe living in another country in europe, I also travel and go innawoods semi-frequently

add me if you're into makeup/skincare and other girly shite, weird hair, natural kei and silly dogs

>> No.8164098
File: 38 KB, 556x616, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So has anyone regretted doing this so far? It's tempting but I don't want to die

>> No.8164126

Nope, the people that have added me have been surprisingly chill. And if you do get weirdos, you can just delete them.

>> No.8164137

Same, I would like talking to new people but I really don't want to get sent pictures of someone's mickey over and over again

>> No.8164153

It's okay, I was just playing. Mine's yeah_nahm8.

>> No.8164275

I am American and what is a mickey?

>> No.8164280


>> No.8164291

Oh. Well I haven't gotten any of those so far.

>> No.8164296

what's your snapchat? I'll send you one ;)

>> No.8164302

Snapchat: bleakthecat420

Mostly dumb college stuff, drugs, my half simease cat, food, frills, hiking pictures, and other random stuff.

>> No.8164369


that's all I can think of rn

>> No.8164373

>implying souuru isn't a meathead

>> No.8164375

he technically cute though

>> No.8164376

<3 who are you?

>> No.8164378

i second this ;^) brehs~

>> No.8164454

He is just displaying his high alpha testosterone levels. Don't mind the guy, he is pretty buff too. It can't be helped. Right souru-san?

>> No.8164456

Has anyone actually chat with someone or we just looking at their pretty pictures

>> No.8164461


>> No.8164463

I'm up for chatting but I don't know how to use this thing and don't want to pester anyone if they're busy

>> No.8164465

who are you i will add you

>> No.8164469


>> No.8164471

k i will add you when i get home

>> No.8164483

top kek

>> No.8164492

I'll add you too!

>> No.8164593

You can add me! I'm down for chatting. I'm sailorsquirrel.

>> No.8164683

Add me too toanmaru
I will send pick of random stuff or up coming cons I am at

>> No.8164973

I removed one person, other than that it's been great.

>> No.8165010

Oh? Removed why?

>> No.8165019
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Souuru, just dudebro snaps and stuff I didn't really want to see.

>> No.8165027

i got nudes from him :^)

>> No.8165031
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>> No.8165671

>mfw everyone who snap chat has more exciting life then i do

>> No.8165797

I mostly just snap the animals I train with, so expect meerkats, rabbits, ferrets, sugar gliders, rodents, lizards, birbs and more. Probably some cosplay stuff mixed in at contimes

>> No.8165846

Snaps of general weeb stuff, career progres and the powerlevel struggle that follows. Also insecure af so I rarely snap myself unless my arm is twisted.
That said, I admire you guys.
Name is tfwvail

>> No.8166110

So excited to add you, anon!

>> No.8166164

glorious.rose and majokko-olivia probably, don't post face much
touwa, wingseven, and cisthulu are waifu material

>> No.8166341

Yay someone thinks I'm cute!

>> No.8166530


touwa a best tho

>> No.8166588

Personally I find all the girls cute on here

>> No.8166672

;_; pls add me ;_;

>> No.8166673

Who are you?

>> No.8166680


>> No.8166683

You know they're only asking who is a cute girl so they can spam them with dick pics right
Why are you doing this

>> No.8166689


>> No.8166737

Dickpics ahoy

>> No.8166742

I have yet to get a single dickpic. I'm very disappointed.

>> No.8166750

same here

>> No.8166786

All the fellows I've talked to so far have been kind enough. No naughty pics or nuffin'.

>> No.8166799


I post ugly selfies, videos, cosplay stuff, etc. I'm currently on vacation, so expect lots of Disney.

>> No.8166824

Its just a joke anon. I think.

>> No.8166831
File: 1.79 MB, 200x200, 1366667226517.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you? I'll send ya something nice...

>> No.8166835


mostly random ugly selfies, cosplay wip and crying over fictional characters

>> No.8166836
File: 983 KB, 245x160, questionmark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P-P-Please no
Nothing is ever a joke on the Internet, anon. Nothing.

>> No.8166891 [DELETED] 

Attempts to not post my name have failed, but I added most of you already.

>> No.8167016


I'll either snapchat pictures of my fat cat or me playing on the piano, I also appreciate any aminals.

>> No.8167058

>crying over fictional characters
My kind of gurl

Also, would you guys mind if I post an ocasional lingerie pic? SFW I promisse, I just don't feel like wearing clothes from time to time...