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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8141304 No.8141304 [Reply] [Original]

So, we all established that Lyz bought her latex plugsuit. Should a Cosplayer announce when they buy their costume? As a Cosplayer myself, I'm wondering if I should directly mention when I buy something (whether it be as simple as a skirt, or just buy a quick matching outfit to turn into the costume: IE, Lara croft)? Is it really "your cosplay" if you bought the outfit? Or does just wearing it make it "yours"?

>> No.8141315

if you own it its yours.

if people ask about how you made it, tell them who you commissioned it from.

>> No.8141316

When it belongs to you, then it's yours. Whether that be because you bought the materials and made it, or bought the costume itself. You should source the costumer though, because they're the one whom the costume belonged to originally.

>> No.8141321

Depends where it is bought from. If it's from a generic cosplay website, then credit may not be due. If you have commissioned it, however, then you sure as hell need to credit the person who made it!

>> No.8141327

If you bought it. It's yours. If you're borrowing somebody's costume. It's not yours. It's no different then when you buy shoes, clothing, etc....

If you bought it for yourself. If it was given to you as a gift. It's yours. If you stole or borrowed it. It's not yours. Simple as that.

>> No.8141336

Credit, credit, credit. Always credit when you can. I personally would not want to have people think I did something I didn't actually do so I give credit where credit is due.

>> No.8141369

I think I'm in the minority when I say I don't think anything not made by you counts as "yours". Maybe I'm too vindictive but saying a cosplay is "yours" when releasing a photoset or something almost seems to come off as if you're avoiding saying you didn't make it...Like indirectly tricking people almost? I mean if people ask if you made it, you can just tell them no, but I feel putting that it was bought/where it was bought in a description somewhere is better. Just because really, all you did was collect things together to make a costume and that's not really a skill, to me.

>> No.8141393

I think its fair to mention it once in a while. But I don't think you have to go and be all anal about it and credit every single post.

>> No.8141398

Then again, people used to assume you made your cosplay. Nowadays with it being so mainstream they assume you bought it, so maybe it isn't a big deal.

>> No.8141411

Fuck yeah its mine. I bought it. I'm wearing it. Me.
It ain't yours. thats for damn sure. I mean, unless you made it for me....then kinda yours, too. Joint custody.

>> No.8141422

I kinda take issue when you sell prints or pictures of yourself in something you didn't make. Also her suit looks awful.

>> No.8141428

Whatever you do though, if you haven't physically made the costume from scratch don't say you have. That is probably one of the shittiest things you can do :P

>> No.8141444

If you got up every day to go to work to make money to buy a costume, it's sure as hell yours. Just don't beat around the bush when someone asks about it and openly admit to buying/who you commissioned, or clarify in the caption

>> No.8141603

If the cosplayer owns the costume, it is theirs. Whether they bought it mass-produced, commissioned it, or made it themselves is irrelevant. Same goes for wigs. You own the wig if you bought it. The wig does not belong to the ebay seller or Arda anymore if you bought it.

Sometimes cosplayers will commission from people that don't have a facebook fanpage, in which case, crediting every time you post a photo is not convenient. Sometimes crediting everytime you post is inconvenient too, although you should never claim to have made a costume when you buy it.

>> No.8141625
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It's not the best, but it's not awful.

>> No.8141695

I remember seeing a hilarious post in one of those humongous fb groups devoted to cosplay that basically went like this:

>I rly wish they had contests for ppl who don't know how to sew!!! It sux being able to compete in cosplay competitions and not get any recognition or awards just because I didn't make my costume :(

Thankfully people told her how fucking stupid she sounded because YOU DON'T DESERVE ANY AWARD FOR SIMPLY WEARING THE DAMN THING. Get off your ass and make something, for fuck's sake. But it's people like that that are the reason why I'm such a credit snob. As a commissioner, it makes me nervous as fuck that someone could take my work to a competition and pass it off as theirs. And with the caliber of judges going down, what's worse is no one would ever fucking know...

>> No.8141739

They don't need to drop a full PSA about it, but I really respect cosplayers who include the commission credit alongside their photos.
>"Cosplayer/model: X"
>"Photographed/edited by Y"
>"Commissioned/bought from Z"
My default is to assume that all of a cosplayer's work is self-made, since that's my default in practise. For me, a significant part of the cosplaying activity is costume construction - in a purchased costume, the cosplayer leans more towards being a model.

>> No.8141837

This is the THIRD thread that we have with Lyz with this cosplay and issue. and the fourth of her.
Can you stop selfposting?

>> No.8141854

Who cares? Every week about Lyz's plug suit.

>> No.8141865

How does /cgl/ feel about costumes that are mostly made by the cosplayer but one part of it is commissioned/bought?

>> No.8141881

Might be just me, but if I liked their work, I'm gonna credit them always.

>> No.8141893

Cosplay is not synonymous with costume. Why I'd this a question?

>> No.8141896

You need to update your reasoning.
'I just finished working on altering "my" cosplay dress today'
What you gonna say then?

>> No.8141897

lyz's best friend - darshelle stevens
one of the photogs that was in on that kickstarter scam, with beethy etc

>> No.8141905

Okay but where did she buy it from? Does anyone know?

>> No.8141928

I don't mention it every single time I post a picture, but I post it on ACP.

I'll never be famous enough for anyone to care, though.

>> No.8141938

>I rly wish they had contests for ppl who don't know how to sew!!!

They do. They are called "best performance" and ·best wig/make up" awards.

>> No.8141952


>> No.8142081

I guess people forget "Cosplay" means COSPLAY and not "I made it and showcase"

Bought or not, if it is dressing up as another character as a costume, it's cosplay.

>> No.8142088

IMO yes if there are parts you could buy (for example, Asuka's interface headset or basics like a white button down etc) but you still made parts/altered them and brought everything together as your own
As for commissioned stuff, I think you should always post credit when first posting pics/posting them on facebook/etc but I don't think a selfie necessarily warrants it.

>> No.8142093

Exactly. These people don't understand that buying something and wearing it is not a skill worthy of praise and awards. It kills me.

>> No.8142098

this, I never understand why some people dislike bought costumes so much.

>> No.8142100

What is a character Halloween costume from Walmart then?

>> No.8142114


>> No.8142117


>> No.8142132


Cosplay. Unless it's changed, last I checked it's a fusion of costume and play. Walmart or not.

Someone who willingly and actively partakes in an activity in their free time does it as a hobby, the Cosplayer. But a cosplayer's cosplay and a Joe Schmoe wearing a store bought Batman or "Naughty Doctor" from Spencer's cosplay are all part of Cosplay.

The work put into it is what's different. That's all.

>> No.8142188

I think it only matters if it's for a competition and the rules require disclosure. Otherwise it's up to the cosplayer how much they want to highlight the fact that they either make or buy their costumes. Proud makers may like to show everything from concept sketches to WIP shots.

If bought, some might want to talk more about it and credit the source, others might just want to leave it at 'I did not make it', and focus on their portrayal of the character.

>> No.8142200

Some shitty Chinese latex site. It's not commissioned. Anyone can buy it.

>> No.8142201

Once you charge a customer for a commission, THAT is your credit. That said, I don't think ever think its ok to pretend they made it when they wear it but they don't have to advertise for you for free either just because they bought one of your creations. They might want to, if you are nice, do great work and they feel like promoting you they aren't obligated to unless you make an arrangement with them. I also wouldn't commission you twice if you were snotty about 'not being credited' when I'd bought and paid for what you made.

>> No.8142230

I've watched people get a shitton of recognition by just not mentioning when someone else had made it for them and every one just assumes they made it and they don't say anything to disprove it. I think if you commisioned it or it was a gift it at least deserves a mention who made it. Store bought most people can tell just don't try to oass it as you made it when asked and you're cool. Just don't be a dick about it it's not that hard

>> No.8142249

If they have to make it, it's still a commission. Being Chinese doesn't make it any less of an order. If others are allowed to sell pre-made shit on etsy and still get away with listing them as commissions, why are they treated any different?

>> No.8142327

Don't get all SJW on me. I just mean it's some store bought shit. Not like it was custom made for her. Other people have the exact same suit. I don't see wtf you're so pissed about. It's not like she claimed she made it.

>> No.8142340

So...are costume and cosplay are synonymous? Why does cgl and every other cosplay community prefer one and not the other then, there has to be a difference.

Not that anon but damn chill

>> No.8142347

I follow a 75% rule, if 75% of my stuff is purchased goods with minor alterations, then I like to describe it more as "modeling" than cosplay. maybe i'm old but i'm just used to the idea of craftsmanship being a big part of this culture. Obviously if I totally restyled a wig/costume piece or something I'd credit that as my own.

I don't care too much, in the end it comes down to how accurate your shit is.

>> No.8142421

What? It was an actual question. I was just curious because if I sell pre-made kigus on etsy and a friend buys one I'm not going to care whether she says she bought it or it was commissioned. It was made to be worn by others, so it was made for her as much as anyone else. Not a lot of people are buying individual orders anymore so it's more profitable to make pre-made popular ones to stay relevant. But it's still just costumes made by people for people. She commissioned my work by purchasing my costumes. We can still discuss measurements ect. But other sites make that easier too. Isn't that a good thing?

>> No.8142752

I just can't see people who buy their costumes as real cosplayers.

>> No.8142764

Are you talking about Lyz? I don't think buying a single costume takes away the title of cosplayer. Also, wtf is up with all these threads against her lately? One of you fatties have it in for her?

>> No.8142768

Not to mention half of these people who scream this bullshit don't even do their makeup or even fucking wear a wig. And you think you deserve praise for that? Bitch please.

>> No.8142771

Actually that happened to my friend. She was commissioned a cosplay and the person entered in a cosplay contest. Luckily she was found out, though I haven't heard all the details.

>> No.8142804

The whole costume just looks so... Wrong. Like some model or something threw it on to please her fans without knowing anything of the source

>> No.8142805

No, I just mean people who buy them all the time, not the people who make most of their own stuff. I have no idea who this girl even is.

>> No.8142834

This happens more frequently than people think. I've judged at eight costume competitions and every single one there was at least one person who tried to pass off their store bought costume as their own. It's like, really you don't think we're going to catch on that you didn't make your cosplay when you can't give a solid answer to a single construction related question? The best part is how offended people get when you question whether or not they actually made it.

>> No.8142854

God bless people like you, seriously, thank you for knowing your shit.

>> No.8142858

>mfw too lazy to make own costume
>get cheap chinese shit from taobao
>pass of as own
>able to answer construction questions because I know how, just too lazy
>win prizes
keks :^)

>> No.8142864

Forgot to mention I also do 'commissions' for people.
>$250 for a $60 cosplay
click and ship

clueless weebs are such a scam.

>> No.8142874

Assuming you're not trolling, that's actually pretty brilliant. Well, until someone figures you out and exposes you publicly.

>> No.8142885

No one's going to figure it out. I do a few cosplays myself, obscure shit, or styles I like, and post progress pics of those sometimes. I also have a friend who works at a fabric store, so I can take pics of all the fabric I "buy" I'm thinking of getting a table/booth at a con sometime. Also considering buying my own tags to put in too. Un-labled cheap chinese shit is the best.

>> No.8142891

No problem, just trying to do my job.
You either have to be pretty good at lying or happened to have really shitty judges to be able to pull that off. When I ask people construction questions, I make sure to ask them about very specific details that they wouldn't be prepared for or able to just make up an answer for on the spot.

>> No.8142896

I think I'm going to do this. What's an example of a character you sold for $250?

>> No.8142898

I'm pretty good at lying. Part of it comes from actually looking at the piece and knowing how I -would- construct it. I know the types of questions that are asked and prep for it a little, while most people think that 'looking good' will be enough.

>> No.8142902

I think people would be able to tell what's made in a factory by the stitching. Weebs giving out that much money aren't that stupid. I call trolling.

>difference between a costume and a cosplay
I also want to know this.

>> No.8142908

$250 is about the price I charge for something simple with really simple accessories. It's really more about the price I pay. I want to make atleast three times the amound, so for something like an $80 Xerxes Breaker Cosplay, I charge $250 so I can make the amount. If it's something like a cheap bakemono uniform for $45, I'll charge less.

>> No.8142909

Thiiiis ^
I make my own cosplay, but love when people buy/commission them.
Because that means someone is making money off of their cosplay making skills (that's such a weird way to phrase but you get what I mean).

>> No.8142910

>Weebs giving out that much money aren't that stupid.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but no one has ever been more wrong about anything ever.

Also, in regards to factory stitching, if you have a serger, you can make something look like it was made in a factory.

>> No.8142912

>Weebs giving out that much money aren't that stupid.
Poor naive anon. I've got a serger anyway, my friends' mom who designs clothes can't even really tell. Plus, if you've ever seen a taobao cosplay the amount of discrepancies makes it look pretty hand made.

>> No.8142920

I have nothing against people buying their cosplay but it is a little eh when they get famous over it
Like Anjuzamu or however you spell it and her Chihiro cosplay

>> No.8142924

I must live around poorer weebs than you. Also what's stopping them from buying their costume on cosplayhouse or cosplayfu whatever they are? They'd take those prices over anons bullshit.

>> No.8142934

A fan buying a cosplay I'm fine with. It's only when they try to make a business off others work, like Jnig, that gets me annoyed. If you're going to model and sell prints at least point people in the right direction to get what you're advertising. Don't wait till 4chan points it out. I mean if fans didn't buy cosplays most of the comm would be out of business. That's how a healthy comm works, they support eachother.

>> No.8142958
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oh anon...you got a lot to learn

>> No.8142966

What? It's a goddamn Google search and the first results are what they're gonna buy. If they're dumb enough to spend that much money then they're also dumb enough to buy China shit thinking it's gonna look like the picture.

>> No.8142969

oh give up, we all know you're full of shit

>> No.8143035

Different anon, but there is no shortage of weebs that stupid. Also, keep in mind many stupid people equate being expensive with being better, even if there's no actual evidence it is.

>> No.8143177
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This is why I am also a proponent of credit. There are people out there that legitimately think offering up a credit card and waiting for the mail are worthy of praise.

People that aren't trying to garner unearned praise have NO PROBLEM saying:

"I got photos of my costume from GSTQ"
"Dude how good do I look with my FEV prop?"
"Didn't expect my ebay cosplay to fit like awesome."
"I fill out this bodice perfectly look at the detail on the decorations they did!"

There will always be a way to word it or fit it in wherever you post it

>> No.8143205

Right? There's really no excuse to not credit people other than laziness and not wanting to look like you didn't actually make something.

>"If I don't say anything, maybe people wont ask. And then if people do ask, I'll just pretend I didn't see them teehee"

>> No.8143211
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I wonder if cosplaying will ever become a form of copyright infringement.

>> No.8143323

It should be. Lyz be selling prints of her china factory asuka plug suit like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.8143353


>> No.8143404
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>> No.8143414
File: 21 KB, 482x360, 1333491717963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP I didnt make the fabric print I used to sew my cosplay
I didnt make the plastic gems I bought either
It was also sewn with a machine and not by hand
Is it still my cosplay even though I didnt make it?

>> No.8143421

This thread is stupid in general but this reply is the stupidest thing in it. A+ logical fallacy, everyone go the fuck home.

>> No.8143443

Person who can't sew detected

>> No.8143465

some alieexpress store

i play at a card store that her husband attends and he talks about how much his wife/himself purchase off of there from time to time

does it matter?
she's a pretty annoying person, just semi-famous in the area and attends events incostume when most social situations don't call for it

free comic book day etc etc

>> No.8143773


For simplicity's sake, a costume is a costume. A cosplay is the hobby that is based around costumes. The way the hobby is gone about depends on the cosplayer.

That way, someone who enjoys dressing up in store bought costumes can indulge in their cosplay hobby for fun, being in costume and doing... whatever. While those who craft indulge in the creation aspect of cosplay.

The line gets blurred and people overstep when store bought cosplayers wanna try to pass themselves off as the crafters and crafters try to discourage the store bought cosplayers or whatever you guys do, but the end result remains the same.

Unless you like making cosplays... then the end result is just having the satisfaction of having made a costume. Not exactly wearing it.

>> No.8143790


I realized how useless this post is because it won't matter a week from now. This kind of thing will forever repeat.

But I hope you guys got something out of my post.

>> No.8143820

It doesn't say or imply she made any of it. I'm really not sure why the butthurt over this? Just jealous she's successful in a bought costume and is basically having fun as a semi-known cosplay model?

>> No.8143828

It doesn't say she didn't either. That's the point.

>> No.8143899

Yeah but it's not against the law to withold shopping information. At least she's not straight up claiming to have made it. It's the customers choice whether or not to leave credit. After they buy it, it's theirs. I don't know if it'll ever be a big enough deal because none of these women are making enough money out of it to be really a problem. It is disappointing, but we expect a lot from people who are only in the hobby for self gratification.

>> No.8143907

She's not trying to falsely claim she made it just because she doesn't say she didn't. That's just dumb. The pool of famous and semi-famous cosplayers is not sooooo huge that it's dizzyingly difficult to sort out who does or doesn't make their own if it matters to a fan or admirer. Looking at her wall, and these, I'd just assume 'bought'. If she's not entering competitions with it, who really cares? If the wearer making their costumes matters so much it's easy enough to ask or look for WIPs etc.

>> No.8144042

I didn't even know she was married, I want to hear more. Do you know her husband?

>> No.8144045

I don't see a probleme as long as they don't claim having sewn it.

>> No.8144051

i know of him, the game i play has a small dedicated community in our region

and i just happen to live by some stores that offer large events most people of the region travel to 3-4+ hours away

>> No.8144059
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>> No.8144067

How did you know it was her husband?

>> No.8144090

he's just a full of shit neckbeard tripfag, he doesn't actually know anyone.

>> No.8144220

why would i lie about knowing a bunch of wannabe celebrities that run around in a bedroom community established for the people that live in/around a military base
in the inland empire?

i am driving up to my hometown to attend a card game "event" ~50 people no big deal~ because there is a famous artist attending here on sat.

i can snap a pic of the dude playing if you want?

>> No.8144271


Sour grapes and jealousy, mostly.

When their shitty cobbled together cosplay doesn't hold up against someone else's, they just like to think that person probably bought it somewhere, and it doesn't count that way. It's really just throwing a bitchfit about not getting the attention they believe they are due.

>> No.8144346


>> No.8144354

>implying anything in cgls self post threads ever look worse than store bought

If there are two cosplays that are totally equal and the same, but one was bought and one was made, which one deserves more attention?

>> No.8144376


Whichever girl's prettier.

>> No.8144382


I mostly find it hilarious that you believe one of them deserves attention for the simple fact that it's homemade.

The other one was obviously made somewhere by someone. Might as well go ask where to buy it.

>> No.8144391

>missing the point this hard

>> No.8144392

and this is why work ethic is dead in our generation. it's all about the outcome (who's prettier) than about who actually put forth a little fucking effort. you disgust me with your laziness.

>> No.8144440

This will be what it comes down to, like it or not. The overall aesthetics matter a lot in this hobby.

Yep, she posted this publicly, that's all that's necessary.

I'm very glad there are cosplay competitions for hand-crafted cosplays, some are just amazing but there's definately a niche (and a market) for cute and pretty cosplayers selling photos and doing appearances. It all promotes the hobby itself.

>> No.8144481
File: 48 KB, 600x900, 1A-76[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The leg lines on the Latex Catfish plugsuits are too low. They always need to be moved like an inch higher. Though I don't think they're terrible, especially if you add to them and make them a little nicer.

>i-i kinda want one

>> No.8144759

I'm not trying to get that stalker mode, I'm just curious because I assumed she was really young. Does she go too? How did you find out he was her husband? Seems really random.

>> No.8144766

This just makes you sound like you are fat/ugly/lost a competition.

>> No.8144773

In fashion, they hire people to do this very thing, put together outfits. Stylist. It's a legit thing. No one just presumes someone made something or if it matters, they can always just look at the cosplayer's page. Most will say 'made/bought' somewhere.

>> No.8144775

But theyre creating the outfit itself by putting it together. In cosplay you just copy a design that's already out there.

>> No.8144801

of course it does to you. that's any dumb bimbo's response to other people figuring out they're lazy pieces of shit that can barely hot glue plastic gems to a bombshell bra.

>> No.8144831

There's no problem with buying/commissioning a cosplay and saying it's yours (since it is, you own it), but the problem for me arise when people claim that they made it or act like they did. I especially am annoyed when people try to become/are cosplay personalities/models/whatever and they never have ever made their own costumes. I feel like someone shouldn't be credited as a "talented cosplayer" if all they do is wear something? Though perhaps someone calling themselves a cosplay "model" implies just that...they're only modeling, as opposed to making and doing. I do believe people deserve *more* credit if they made something and it looks really amazing, than just for putting something on and having a really cool photo.

I suppose this is something that differs between communities and people, though. Some stress good craftsmanship and others just stress a good end result. Either way, I just think that people need to give credit where credit is due if they didn't make something (or anything at all).

>> No.8146500


And I hate to say it but when you put it ONE place it always seems like they put it there for insurance. So if anyone gets on their ass about it they can point to the one place they put it.

If you buy it and are going to glam it up and sell prints, you should be putting that it's bought on a majority of your pics.

Cause everyone knows you are trying to look like a talented pretty cosplayer too, not just a pretty face. Pretty face is nice but the nerds want to envision you as a girl who watched what they watched, loved it and cared enough to fashion a perfect version of a character.

>> No.8146510

>of course it does to you. that's any dumb bimbo's response to other people figuring out they're lazy pieces of shit that can barely hot glue plastic gems to a bombshell bra.

You. You are my new best friend.

>> No.8146568

She's 26-27 Her husband plays Magic the Gathering down in San Diego.

>> No.8146581

Hey back off bitch, they're MY best friend.

>> No.8146829

my bad.

We don't have to be best friends. We'll just be friends.

>> No.8146836

That's a lot of expectation to put into a signed photo, Anon. I don't thhink that's anywhere near realistic. She did disclosure, with photo of said bought thing, that's good enough.

>> No.8146853

I expect good crafts persons to also have good ethics and not just whine about others are doing our trash thrm when they are not doing anything unethical. Miss Plugsuit isn't taking one thing away from your awesome skills, she STATES that she BOUGHT it, the end. But no, still you whine that it's not ok for her to buy things and dress up and look nice? Wtf, mind your own business and go make something awesome. I've made AND bought things and I only get pissy when someone lies about it. You just sound jealous of the attention.

>> No.8146886

she's not that young, and she talks about her husband (or actually I think he's still her fiance, I don't think they're married yet) on her stream and in the google "crafting" hangouts

>> No.8146904

i wasn't even directly commenting on her in my original comment, i was responding to anon who stated that it doesn't matter if someone has worked hard on something and that whoever is the prettiest wins.

you are just looking for a fight because you must be itching to start throwing around typical cosplay community phrases like "you don't agree with me? you're just a whiner", "mind your own business", and the ever intelligent comeback "you're just jealous". maybe you should take your own advice and go back to making 'awesome things' instead of judging other 'crafts persons'.

>> No.8146930


>>8146500 anon here
I think you're right.
Asking people to be forthright all the time is asking too much.

No I am not being sarcastic.
It would be like someone complimenting you and then you telling them all the bad things you've done in your life.
It's just asking too much and expecting too much and kinda silly.

It's only the influx of people looking for asspats for doing nothing that has my hackles up. They go on and get the asspats while people who are much more skilled and been around get ignored. It's not why people enjoy the hobby, creation is a reward. But the kudos for being smart as fuck for figuring out how to make something was a cherry on top.

>> No.8146946

If she shouted from the rooftops repeatedly that she bought herself a Plugsuit, she'd be side-eyed for bragging. It's all subjective. As long as no one is lying or misleading, I think it's all good.

>> No.8147475

Who in the hell would think she was bragging? I don't understand this logic. People would just think she was a casual fan (not that it's necessarily a bad thing) and/or not capable of making it herself (also not bad).

>> No.8147501
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So you've been called jealous before? Must be an ongoing trait of yours. Don't get me wrong Jnig
>"dumb bimbo in a bombshell bra"
annoys me too but you have to admit you sound a tad butthurt about them being prettier. Which is still a better selling talent than anything you'd bring to the table.

>> No.8147569

If she kept repeatedly posting 'I bought this' and 'I bought that', there would surely be a camp saying 'shut up already with the buying things, you already posted that' so that's the other side of the coin for the people who think only posting once about buying her Plugsuit was not enough.

>> No.8149171

that's not how commissions work you piss baby.

>> No.8149177

if its cheap chinese shit then you had cheap shit judges lol you must be so proud

>> No.8149179

Oh really? Is cosplay special then in some way that you are supposed to go around promoting the maker if you pay them to make you something?

>> No.8149627

Who do I credit in that case when they're just store bought chinese ones? The business names keep changing and so do what they sell. Would people still get up tight if I said store bought?

>> No.8149631

Crediting is like on pages where someone says to 'link back' to them.

>> No.8150469

Are they a really popular prop maker to commission?

>> No.8150479


>I would like to thank the seamstress in rural China, who has no fucking idea of who my character is but made my filipino cartoon costume anyways so she could feed her five children after the officials finally made her pay up her extra children fees.

>> No.8150521

There's this girl on tumblr.... Eikkabunny? Something like that. Everybody praises all her fucking cosplays when they're all brought/sponsored from fucking online chinese shops.

>> No.8150655

I loled

>> No.8150686

Not everyone is into the crafting side of cosplay, Anon. Apples to oranges. Some people just like to dress up in fantasy costumes and others like to look at them when they do it. Why is that so wrong, I don't get the buttmad over this.

>> No.8150735
File: 192 KB, 598x900, 1396372147256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a Cosplayer myself
Nigga you're no cosplayer, you only come here for the drama and vendetta threads.

>> No.8151647

And this is why crediting the chinese gets difficult. Sarcasm aside, this costume is better made than any of the shit US commissioners did. I'm not going to buy from commissioners who can't make it look accurate simple as that.

>> No.8151655

Yes. You own it. There is also no moral obligation to mention from whom you bought it.