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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8134416 No.8134416[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are you concerned about being raped at conventions by gamergators /cgl/?

>> No.8134618

what the hell is gamer gate. Can someone please explain it to me.

At this point because I have been on this site for so long I think I support it, but I am extremely unclear as to what I am supporting.

>> No.8134623

No. As much as I hate the vast majority of GamerGate, they're all talk and no action when it comes to them off the internet.

>> No.8134627
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>> No.8134642

Are you slutty?

>> No.8134646

people, not just men, had real concerns with corruption concerning the gaming community, namely the "journalist" aspect, because of how some people had allegedly traded favors for press. but then, feminists and MRA tier neckbeard idiots turned the entire thing into shit slinging garbage, both sides trolling, threatening and framing one another for shit. it's now a big pile of steaming garbage and everyone involved should be gassed.

>> No.8134661

There is a lot of information out there for #Gamergate and how it has evolved. I hope it doesn't get too awful for you if you are legitimately curious.

>> No.8134673

Better they argue of those silly issues then actual issues or things might be a lot different.

>> No.8134674

different how?

>> No.8134678

Well you would have feminazis and neckbeards fighting over real issues.
Just imagine how that would go down.

>> No.8134687

it's going down the same way as it would if it were a more mainstream issue. also, i hate the feminist side way more than the neckbeard side at this point because all of them are whiny little bitches. 'waah waah i'm pulling out of a con cause i got random internet threats!!!11' i know this isn't a serious issue, but if people did that for serious issues as much as these bitches have been nothing would get solved.

>> No.8134690

Not cosplay.

>> No.8134702

Not really, bullshit "gamers" don't scare me.

>> No.8134735

you don't need to be afraid in america though

women can do no wrong,

like that thing on the news, rapper punches a fan for jumping on stage to harass him

he turns and punches

everyone in media said it was 100% okay


they found out it was a woman who was grabbing at him, then just was pissed how he didn't stop playing for the thousands of other people in the audience to stop and help the female he had to defend himself agaisnt because she was a woman....

if this was a society that wasn't a reverse version of sharia law then...maybe be afraid

but you can almost get away with murder if there are no woman on the jury

>> No.8134743

>what the hell is gamer gate. Can someone please explain it to me.

video games vs sjws

>> No.8134753

I'd be more concerned about a woman who has been raped in her own house.

>> No.8134754

But which side is which? Some people say they support Gamergate. Does this mean they support the fighting, or they support the video games?

>> No.8134758

/r9k/ vs tumblr
I just wish they'd stop shitting up this board already

>> No.8134769


If you haven't noticed, this board has basically become tumblr lite.

>> No.8134771

Yeah, I can never figure out if it's tumblr or just Lolitas being bitches.

>> No.8134774

where is the board for asian dudes with a white bitch fetish?

>> No.8134920

If you support Gamergate, you're for ethics in gaming journalism.
If you're against Gamergate, you're against harassment of women.

No, there is little to no overlap of the arguing sides issues.

>> No.8134926

Pretty much this.
More people have been raped at cons by drunk dudebro fratboys going to sports events on the same weekend as the convention.
No Gamergate advocate will be fucked enough in the head to think they can just "take" a woman like that.

>> No.8134954

Autistic MRAs fighting against equally autistic tumblr feminists.

>> No.8134964

Is this because of Law and Order SUV?

>> No.8134978
File: 88 KB, 720x404, GO HOME ANTI-SPIRAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8134991


So your irrational fear substantiates reality? No one is trying to rape or kill you. That has never happened at a con.

No one is forcing you to cosplay. If you're genuinely concerned for your life, you probably shouldn't.

Also, since when has any fan of Adan Balwin threatened violence against cosplayers?

>> No.8134996

many women support gamergate and some cosplay Vivian James

of course Vivian James cosplayers get harassed by the evil SJW anti-GG crowd

>> No.8135005

>rapper punches a fan for jumping on stage to harass him
>everyone in media said it was 100% okay
Source? From what I've seen, even on anonymous websites, people are saying Afroman was a complete cunt and lost his temper.
>he had to defend himself agaisnt because she was a woman
She rubbed his ass on him and he was already aware of her presence before that point.
He hit her because he's a washed up fuckface "artist" who got all pissed off at the notion of someone interrupting him.
He got arrested, but his bail was only $300 which he of course paid off easily.

If any average person assaulted another human like that in front of thousands of people with no just cause, their asses wouldn't be getting cheap bail. You should be pissed about that.

>sage for OT and sieg being an uninformed wanker as usual

>> No.8135013

This, exactly.