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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 15 KB, 415x77, moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8070597 No.8070597 [Reply] [Original]

Do you suppose this will this affect /cgl/?

>> No.8070612

only if moot has given up 4chan to spend more time dressing as a little girl

>> No.8070720

Hardly at all.

Most of the boards on the eastern half (excluding /vp/, /pol/, and /x/) of the site tend to stick to their intended content very strictly and don't usually get involved in board drama. Though it is sad to see him go after 11 years.

>> No.8070727

Dramu threads back pls

>> No.8070739
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I can't wait to see more kawaii coords from mootles

>> No.8070745

I feel like whoever the new admin is won't like us as much. Moot seemed to like us well enough.

>> No.8070746

>moot please
>we're dying

>> No.8070757

>petticoat and bloomers showing
ita as fuck

>> No.8070764
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>implying next admin will even care about /cgl/

>> No.8070778

I think now would be a great time for someone to make us our own chan.
Our own mean, ruffly chan.
On the off chance that moot sells the site and we have no where to go, but also so they can make new rules that lolis actually like.
Like drama, doxxing, general hate.
I think it's time, guys.

>> No.8070803


>> No.8070815

We already have the other chan, with both a /cgl/ and an /egl/. Can't name it because spam/banhammer.

>> No.8070824


Return of the Queen.

>> No.8070828

Honestly I don't think it will change much for this board. I will miss mootykins tho :..(

>> No.8070852

Can I have a hint? The only related one I can think of is the farm with all the lolcows.

>> No.8070857

We have to test the new mod's drama tolerance after moot leaves.

>> No.8070864

as a former server admin for a series of forums, I have the tools and resources to make this happen. We could have cosplay and jfash subcategories, entire buy/sell/trade sections, etc. Ahh, imagine the possibilities of an all-powerful Rufflechan.

however, theres no way it could work unless it got enough traffic and enough donations to run. otherwise it'll constantly go out ala lacemarket.
How would you gulls feel about a full anonymous-enabled forum dedicated solely to cosplay and jfash? Do you think there's a market at the moment for something functional and appealing to free speech? Have we even the numbers to make it happen, or would we go back to the chans and the more or less dead EGL?

>> No.8070866

Not that anon, but I think they mean twice-as-many-as-4chan?

>> No.8070871

Ooooh, I gotcha, I thought they meant strictly cgl ang egl.

>> No.8070874

I'm just going to drop this link here...

anything and everything is permitted.

>> No.8070879

How much would that cost per month?
I have some disposable income and I'm interested.

>> No.8070904

Maybe he wants to spend more quality time with his burando

>> No.8070914
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Man, I'm gonna miss him ;_;

>> No.8070922

It has nothing to do with either cosplay or Jfash, though, it's just shit talking. Hell in some threads were lolita is brought up (like when PT is bursting out of yet another AP print) some anons are actually kind of hostile to lolitas. If we're migrating, I wouldn't want to migrate there.

>> No.8070929

Exactly this.

>> No.8070974

I've only seen Moot a few times on /cgl/. He asked about a biscuit print he saw in the thread.

>> No.8070995

He may still post, but for now he's merely handing over the reigns

>> No.8071012

What happened to his Balkan gf?

>> No.8071017

2*4chan has /cgl/, too.

>> No.8071024

Those all don't stick to their content - they're some of the shitpostiest boards on this site. Even /b/ has less shit, and that's thankfully for the anon IDs. /pol/ bring exemplary - there will be no saving that board.

>> No.8071035

cgl's moderation is shit and we have way too many normalfags and fedoratippers from other boards. I'd love to have a real cosplay/jfash/egl-themed board but the problem is that people are so accustomed to cgl that they probably wouldn't visit the new chan at all. cgl is a slow board already so getting enough traffic to keep people interested in it would be a challenge.

>> No.8071075

I'd have to look into it. Prices for running vary by host, by the quantity of what we're looking at doing, how much traffic we'd be dealing with, etc.

>> No.8071092
File: 10 KB, 487x244, mootykins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one time moot replied to me

I don't know why, but I'm gonna miss him. This is the only interaction I've ever had with him and I still feel sad?

Think this was in an Asuka thread.

Anyway on topic- I'd love to have a rufflechan, then we could have separate boards for drama/sales/cosplay/j-fash etc. Don't think we'd get enough traffic for it though.

>> No.8071245
File: 319 KB, 600x700, moot in lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually wanna see him in something fucking fancy

>> No.8071271

mods seem to be kept busy with certain other more shitposty boards.

we are a small problem compared to the giant dumpster fire that is /v/ and some other boards

>> No.8071283

This. The other boards which must not be named are too damn slow. No captcha is nice though.

>> No.8071312

I asked him for spoilers so many times and he is passing on the reigns before we ever get them.

>> No.8071335
File: 53 KB, 968x553, moot reply ff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as it happens, I'm also a huge faggot and screen capped his reply to my post.
Fucked up the window placement, though.

>> No.8071512
File: 882 KB, 3264x1840, IMG_20130929_014337_337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met the guy once. It's really sad to see moot go.

>> No.8071528

>sells out to gawker and his cuck SJW gf

At least bring back snacks Moot, ya fucking faggot.

>> No.8074373

let's bring back /fit/ friday

>> No.8075490

If the drama shit comes back then I can finally leave, release the shackles and set myself free!

Seriously though, did you guys genuinely like that shit? Every other thread was a pic of someone under some header along the lines of 'what does everyone think of this this bitch? I hear she masturbates hamsters at the weekends. Something something slut, something something horrible person'.

At least these days people are actually helping each other out, imparting advice etc (whilst calling them a retard).

>> No.8075496

Snacks hasn't given a shit about 4chan at all, for years. He would very likely decline if asked.

>> No.8075529

>implying people never actually helped before

We can have our dramu and still remain civilized elsewhere.

>> No.8075542

Please! I only came back recently and it made me so nostalgic thinking back on the major lolcows. I never even got involved, and I did get a bit upset by how far some people went with it, there's having a giggle and then there's straight up trying to ruin someone's life. But it'd be great if the board was just a bit more lenient, like not deleting an entire thread because someone was mentioned and shit like that

>> No.8075546

>See you later, Space Cowboy.

I cry ;~;

>> No.8076195

Nice to see a fellow Kiwi farmer on here.

>> No.8076200

Why can't we have both?

>> No.8076207
File: 244 KB, 471x405, 1420234512150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8076230

Why did it ever leave?

Getting in shape would improve everyone's cosplay.

>> No.8076236

because muh board integrity or some shit
like "omg go 2 fit" shit even though seagulls would be/have been laughed off or londoned.

>> No.8076241

>mfw i've been there because no more fit fridays
>and sometimes laughed off
>feels good to know they think i'm qt tho
>but still no advice

>> No.8076247

Only because crash dieting and being a cardio bunny isn't really being "fit." And most people don't actually give a shit about people who complain about how fat they think they are all the time.

>> No.8076258

If one of the central themes of this board is making fun of fatties, why the fuck isn't getting in shape considered connected to that?



>> No.8076260


>> No.8076723

Can we please? Part of cosplay is looking like your character in face and body. It would be nice to have gulls share tips, especially when it comes to changing the over all appearance of your body to fit a character (getting bigger thighs and smaller upper body/ building up forearms/etc) as body types change from character to character.

Lolita and other J-Fashions usually require a very thin body type, and there's no way in hell that you're going to have a successful thread on /fit/ about becoming daintier/ softer. It would be nice for people losing weight as well, as I know many people will do so in order to fit into brand.

On top of that, over all health is a topic rarely discussed in depth on /fit/, and it's far more applicable here, as your over all well being and diet effect aspects of beauty that seagulls care more about (hair/skin/nails/ etc.).

There's definitely room for it on this board and I feel it would help promote a greater sense of camaraderie and board culture among the users as well.

>> No.8076737

Gamergator, pls.

>> No.8076749

If we do bring back /fit/ fridays can we at least keep the thirsty /fit/fags contained to that one thread?
>male here
>btw I'm a guy

>> No.8077339

or you can just go to /fit/????

>> No.8077372

moot will always be the little girl to me

>> No.8077391
File: 56 KB, 500x375, 1383578749489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mooooot pls come back i'll b ur gf

>> No.8077399

I didn't listen to the whole Q&A, but he had a lot of interesting things to say when I was listening. /a/ was mentioned a few times, but I don't think /cgl/ was at all.

>> No.8077415

snacks has a weekly podcast that he links to on /r9k/ tho

>> No.8077425

I had to leave a few hours in, but I don't remember him talking about /cgl/, he may have mentioned it though.

I think he said his favourite board was /jp/, he really likes /a/ and /o/(?might've misheard) and that he doesn't hate any board and he 'destroyed' /pol/ for the lulz essentially, which was great.

>> No.8077428

>wanting to date a cuck
honey I know you're fat but you can do better

>> No.8077440

A girl tried this a while back and it died before it started. She tried a non anon board too and I was apart of the thread and checked out the forum but it never had enough people or life to carry it on.

...I don't even remember the name of it to see if it ever took off.

>> No.8077447

I've been told that you can get perma banned easily there. I do know that the b wizards started to move there though and their cgl is ruthless. Anyone know how it is over there?

>> No.8077451

>not checking it out for yourself
It's slow.

>> No.8077463

I just wish 4chan would set up a /con/ board.

Oh well...

>> No.8077476
File: 119 KB, 500x636, tumblr_nhlzvhh7VV1sqqtwzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all for it. Maybe if we were discreet about it and had it under the guise of how to alter your body for cosplay (and including stuff like how to contour your face do eyebrows and nails to fit a character) or fit into a brand. Or a general cosplay/con health thread. I've been hitting the gym more often because I'm planning a more revealing cosplay and I'd love to share fitness tips with fellow seagulls.

/fit/ has a nice sticky but the rest of it is shit at giving advice, and if you're a grill then you can forget getting any kind of feedback other than L O N D O N

>> No.8077486

I rarely get LONDON, actually... Like sure it happens every time I say I am anonette but compared to the help I get it isn't bad at all. Usually Ill get 1-3 helpful comments, plus 1-2 LONDON/fedora copypasta shit.
Just don't mention you are from cgl and you are fine.

>> No.8077495

I never understood the type of person to actually be interested in doxing someone. Like why even waste the time?

>> No.8077501

>using an em dash
makes me smile

bye bye moot ;__;

>> No.8077505

lol this is never going to work. too many landwhales on this board now and their ~I'm not fat, I'm curvy~ delusion

>> No.8077517

That's one thing that annoys me on this board now. If anyone makes any sort of insult it's met with essentially "wow stop being so mean" comments when you're on fucking 4chan, what do you expect? before when people got called landwhales/niggers/whatever, no one cared and just kept posting.

>> No.8077565

>before when people got called landwhales/niggers/whatever, no one cared and just kept posting.
people still do... on other boards. cgl just seems to be filled with a lot of new people these days. it's painfully obvious when you have like 20 people respond to extremely obvious bait posts or cry at you about calling someone fat. ita thread for example: bitch was fat as fuck, had ratty hair, and no fucking headwear, but the landwhale white knights swoop in and go "FAT!=ITA!!!"

>> No.8077633

What does everyone mean by the "london" thing? I don't get it. I've only glanced through /fit/ a couple of times so I'm not down with the terminology over there.

>> No.8077648

It's not just on /fit/, although /fit/ is pretty thirsty so that may be why you saw it.


comes from 'plz be in London' as in 'You're hot, I hope you live in my city'.

>> No.8077653

this board is dead to me now, I only posted here in the off chance moot would notice me on one of his impromptu visits and now here we are with one less qt site admin with a lovely jaw line.

>> No.8077660

I'm a bit lazy and I didn't want to move from this board yet because of the feels...

...at least not unless this board is dead from moot leaving.

>> No.8077661

Well fuck you too tim.

>> No.8077675
File: 65 KB, 861x1468, ep0ygeZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically op posted a pic and thought it was a girl "please be in london" and it was actually a man from essex.

>> No.8077692


I didn't. Like yourself, I was leaving because cgl was unreadable with all the multiple dramu threads (like, multiple threads for one person), and then moot banned them, and now I can't leave because I actually like it here now.

I'm so glad we have the hide thread function now, too, at least if the dramu threads come back I can just hide them. Though I might end up leaving anyway if too many idiots try out the "omg you haven't heard of x person? It's cgl's hottest topic!!11!". Seriously, dramu's a junk topic that not all of us care about.