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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 229 KB, 1280x960, 25uclHQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8067087 No.8067087 [Reply] [Original]

How do you go about this kind of thing when conventions have bad staff or photographers?


>> No.8067102

With a stick

>> No.8067128

>walking around in lingerie
story sounds horrifying but you got to admit that's retarded.

>> No.8067136

So what is this? Cosplay deviants owner trying to get laid?

>> No.8067139

I don't see lingerie mentioned

>> No.8067140

That's not the CD owner, CD is owned by a guy named Troy. Plus Troy is married, anyway and also doesn't do photography anymore.

>> No.8067141

good lord look at the thighs on Cheetara

>> No.8067143

The more I now know

>> No.8067145

>dress slutty
>get mad when people treat you like a slut
>invent words like "slut shaming" to deflect blame and responsibility

i will never, ever understand women, ever.

>> No.8067148

>taking pictures of a naked minor and distributing them
Why didn't she just go to the police? I don't understand lol.

>> No.8067149
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x1427, Rias_Gremory_NEW_img2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She mentioned which character she cosplayed, then said she cosplayed her riskier outfit later in the day. (pic related)
She made it such a strong point to say that she was underage..

>> No.8067153

never heard of this "Sarah Sox"


>> No.8067155

So no different from a bikini with a shirt? Not a slut

>> No.8067156

Read the bottom half

>> No.8067159

She is not the one that was photographed ua in the nude. Looks to be another girl.

>> No.8067165

Yes I know it wasn't the girl that wrote the post, but if the pictures exist, he should be in jail or have some kind of backlash... I'm just wondering why he's not on a sex offender registry yet.

>> No.8067168

>Scared to go to anime cons due to parent's wrath
>Wears a really skimpy outfit to an anime con

What's up with underage chickens now a days?

>> No.8067169


I'm not fucking like this so don't lump me in with OP's girl.

>> No.8067171

ALA for letting tripfags run the asylum.

>> No.8067172

>Iconiq is a new name that has gained hate from the photographer community lately. Starting fights between photographers, imposing on girls to take their shirts off during shoots and claiming they don't understand the art of modeling if they don't, boasted about shooting a deviant set of a girl few weeks before she turned 18, recently shit a girls nudes then spread them over the Internet after she requested them deleted, this he then blamed on Euohoria and one of his models. Euphoria is a hot tempered little shit who thinks he can meddle in convention staff affairs cause of his relationships with con heads and the mascots he may be fwb with. We recently have cut Iconiq and Euphoria down to size this past weekend while Chase will no longer be welcome.
from the archives.

>> No.8067178

Uhm, yeah.. horrifying


>> No.8067179

That would ruin you if it got out

>> No.8067182

Oh shit

>> No.8067183

>Be a neckbeard
>Fail to understand that dressing in skimpy clothes isn't an invitation to take upskirt shots, especially when you tell the other person to stop
>Fail to understand that shooting nudes of minors is illegal

I swear you guys' brains shut down into "SLUT SLUT SLUT SLUT" mode at the drop of a hat.

>> No.8067186

let's not get carried away shall we,
making droplets into oceans isn't all that fun

>> No.8067192

So if he is known to do this and he is running around at a con as a staff?

>> No.8067194

When girls enter a con half naked, they should be require to prove they are over 18. I don't want to be taking pictures of an underage girl when she is claiming to be over 18. Bitch show some ID, I don't wan't to end up on a list.

>> No.8067196

More from the archive related. >>/cgl/thread/S7617320

>> No.8067198

Thus guy did it even for the normal version

>> No.8067199

Aren't 'lolitas' allowed on this board though
It says so on the sticky, and that's what this seems to be

Just sayin, board rules aren't really a democracy

>> No.8067200

>assume everyone who disagrees with you is a neckbeard
>lives her life according to half truths and exaggerations she read on tumblr
>fails to understand that dressing a certain way will ALWAYS attract the wrong kind of attention
>deflects any and all sort of responsibility for her actions

grow up

>> No.8067203

what are you even talking about lol.

>> No.8067204

>not sure if troll or from another board

>> No.8067205

99% of men's brains shut down at the mere suggestion of sex. it's hard for them to form any kind of coherent thought after that so I'm not surprised all he can do is spew buzzwords, cliched phrases and "OMG SLOOTZ"

>> No.8067208

you are a child. women are literally children.

>> No.8067210

This is stupid. He sounds like a dumbass dickhead who obviously sucks at photography. She sounds like she is overly sensitive. She should show proof and call him out. It's not that hard.

Also this >>8067194

>> No.8067211

Gross. But if he sexually harassed the girl why ever let him photograph her again? Even if it's a year later and not in private.

Also if he photographed an underage girl nude why didn't ANYONE who knows the facts contact the police? That is fucking stupid.

>> 8067149
Rias has other outfits she might have done one from artwork or something. She never said it was the one in your pic don't fabricate proof.

>> No.8067212

This was posted today and it has all of TWO NOTES on tumblr. I think I've posted accidental pictures of the inside of my pocket that got more notes in less time. So how exactly the fuck did you find this, OP?

>> No.8067215
File: 29 KB, 480x202, you have no power here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually derive pleasure to treating visibly pretty women that know they're hot exactly like everyone else, especially when I know they're trying to get away with something that they're normally used to getting a break on.

Seeing their brain short circuit and unable to comprehend it in their expression is priceless. This happens a lot at cons.

>> No.8067216

The strumpet, ie: topic of discussion
What's your problem?

>> No.8067217

The superior male intellect at work, everyone.

>> No.8067219


Iconique > Affliction > Euphoria - the Southern Trifecta! Ignore all three of these if you run into them

>> No.8067220

The cosplay tag

>> No.8067222

waaaaahhh i'm a big babby waaaaaaahh

>> No.8067223

Yeah, lol okay. I can tell you're not attractive because, as an attractive person, I do get preferential treatment, but it's only 90-95% of the time. Do you neckbeards really think everyone else is just rolling out red carpets for us constantly? Holy crap that's stupid.

>> No.8067225

>*tips fedora*

>> No.8067227

I noticed the guy's grey shirt says "I beta tested your mom"

>> No.8067228

There's also a lot of people who purposely treat hot people like shit, based on what they perceive their flaws to be
>being attractive is hard

>> No.8067230

OP is most likely the person who wrote created that tumblr and wrote that post two hours ago.

>> No.8067231
File: 274 KB, 600x450, Younger Shanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


look out, licensed internet armchair psychologist able to infer everything based off of a dissenting post

I'm so glad I don't base my self-worth based on my appearance, otherwise I'd just be an anon trying to fulfill insecure voids with weak snark that I'd never be able to say to someone in person. :) Being a passive-aggressive coward suits you though, keep doing you boo

>> No.8067233

Yeah this is very funny,
I remember a door slamming right into a girl who expected me to hold it open for her

Hilarious, I think it may have been because of this. I didn't even do it on purpose or anything, it's just that I'm equal opportunity. It's a new era with different modalities

get with it

>> No.8067234
File: 204 KB, 800x450, Luffy crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's a straw hat, lrn 2 /cgl/ community newfag


Nice people get the nice treatment. Assholes get knocked down a peg. It's a simple policy that has done well for me.

>> No.8067236

So moral of the story, photogs ask for ID if you're suspicious of someone that looks like a minor in super skimpy cosplay, sounds pretty case and point.

There's no way to say this nicely, wtf was she thinking? Some cosplays are definitely 18+ that's just how it is.

>> No.8067238

Your attitude would work if your pictures hadn't been all over 4chan for years so we know you're ugly as sin and a desperate hat-tipper

>> No.8067242

It's not really a difficult thing to infer. it's like "inferring" you're bad at math, after you've admitted you don't know what 3x4 is.
What makes you think I base my self-worth on my appearance? It's just a neat bonus, like being good with money or being artistic. Ah, you must be one of those people who likes to make yourself feel better by assuming all attractive people have nothing else going on in their life but their own attractiveness and therefore are secretly miserable and worse off than you. It's not true.
>keep doing you boo
Were you always one of the faggotier trips?

>> No.8067245

Fascism much?
Free country.. yada-yada-yada, you can look it up

>> No.8067246


And you're an anon, your opinion doesn't really matter to much of anyone without a name. You lack credibility. As far as we're all concerned, you're just another whale in lolita pretending to be hot.

>> No.8067247

So on topic, does anyone have a picture of who the girl actual is? I don't recall seeing her at the con.

>> No.8067251

>wtf was she thinking?
She's underage. I don't know why this is a wild concept to people.. when I was underage, I wanted to wear skanky stuff too, but you know what? It wasn't to be jailbait or get guys, it was simply because it's what the popular girls and celebrities were doing. That's literally it.
Was that just me or did everyone just forget what high school was actually like? If it wasn't trying to be popular it was trying to be ~edgy~ and a good way to make yoruself known among your weeb friends is to do a ~risque~ cosplay. Teenagers don't really think about the consequences, I'm pretty sure that's what the definition of "teenager" actually IS. It's our job as adults to try to keep predators away from them as much as possible, and teach them the best we can, but for god's sake, how often do they listen?

>> No.8067252


I didn't make that assumption, that was all you. But if the shoe fits then wear it you cinderella-ass attention whore. :v

>> No.8067255

Dick move. Holdin' doors open if there are people behind you is just common courtesy; doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman.
Shit, somewhat guilty. Super attractive people make me nervous, so I automatically ignore/brush them off until I get to know them better.

>> No.8067280

Fuck all that, this 'aint dixie' chump. If I see the person then yeah but I've got my own preoccupations, I'm not paying close attention to one specific person

>> No.8067289

Forgive me I forgot I lived under a rock last year while I was a teenager and I'm not edgy enough for /cgl/ Curse lolita for not fueling me with reckless skank-dressing power.....

>> No.8067290

I do this too but it's the easiest way to get on their bad side. And their bad side tends to have a flock of whiteknights and other wannabe Jnigs who hate reality and preach equality. Ironically if you're genuinely nice they'll completely ignore you, but once you get "outta line" you're public enemy number 1. Suddenly I'm their topic for a month. Kek. Insecure hoes.

>> No.8067299

And this is why nobody likes you.

>> No.8067313

>I remember a door slamming right into a girl who expected me to hold it open for her
I think everyone expects everyone to hold the door open for them? I always hold the door open for guys (and girls, of course), they hold the door open for me. It's just polite and doesn't take much extra effort. I did seem to get some odd stares from men when I did it for them in America, though, is it less common for girls to do it there?

>> No.8067314

I'm a girl and I hold open doors. It's just polite and has nothing to do with gender where I'm from at least.

>> No.8067318


There are plenty of people that associate with me that are just as attractive, so it never really affects my social standing tbh. When I have been out of line to some of these people, they are some of the most cliquish backdoor shittalkers that don't understand why positive people get more attention than them. I tend to make friends with positive people in the community so it helps to be nice until the other person is proven to be a real jerk.

>> No.8067325


lol keep talking, you nobody

your tears fuel this board and create content for people to read

>> No.8067327

If it's a guy and they aren't older/disabled or carrying a lot of things/have a dog I do the "open door, walk in front and push door behind" move. That doesn't really generate any confusion and generally seems appreciated.
I've heard your comment multiple times though, apparently holding doors is confusing in America.

>> No.8067330

>Not a nobody
This ain't 2011, most people on the board don't have a clue who you are anymore.

>> No.8067346

Well people in urban environments lack manners, especially with those representing your gender.
Congratulations on your healthy social interactions, your courtesy does not go unnoticed

>> No.8067348


>> No.8067354


Totally fine with that. I'd rather they didn't know. :)

>> No.8067358

Your trip says otherwise. :)

>> No.8067366

Lol sure buddy. You're going to end up like Ore at this rate and that other loser.

>> No.8067368


It's called a 'need to know' basis

Maybe someday when your contributions to conventions begin to matter you'll understand, best of luck :v

>> No.8067378

>is it less common for girls to do it there?

Oh hellll yes
They Never.. Ever do that here unless it's completely unavoidable. Females are very self centered here tbch

>> No.8067379
File: 341 KB, 1200x900, puppy to go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fortunately, I get to decide that, not you. :>

Here's a puppy. I'd give you a midol for the attitude but this is the best I can do

>> No.8067385

>your contributions to conventions begin to matter you'll understand
Unless you were one of the guys letting girls eat sushi off their crotch at the newcon maid cafe no one gives 1/2 a shit what your "contributions" are.

>> No.8067396

>nude shooting with a girl below 18
possession of child porn right there.

>> No.8067401

>Fortunately I get to decide that

Lol no you don't. You already are. All you need is a ban and boom you're gone. Nobody would care. Nobody likes you but other trips.

>> No.8067402

>Unless you were one of the guys letting girls eat sushi off their crotch at the newcon maid cafe no one gives 1/2 a shit what your "contributions" are.

says the filthy portland hipster

>> No.8067404

>She did a cosplay
>Iconiq Cosplay Photography is a pedo
>Yama con has pedo staff
>It is the south

>> No.8067407

>tfw I hold open doors for guys/elderly people because I was taught that but people don't really do the same for me much.

County has nothing to do with it anon. People are just assholes and some people are not.

>> No.8067409

Guilty as charged

>> No.8067411

meh, I just do the "hold door open til they get close enough to hold it themself" thing

>> No.8067413

Luffy get out of here. You already shit up this thread and you haven't posted anything in contribution except feeding your own ego and fake trolling.

Seriously go on topic or GTFO.

>> No.8067436


lol nobody cares what you have to say, no-name


This thread doesn't contribute jack shit to /cgl/ or the community at large. Fake ego trolling is a breath of fresh air compared to throwing barbs at some underage girl.

Giving someone this young and impressionable the attention she doesn't need is only going to warp her perceptions into a /cgl/ anon full of anxiety disorders. (see: every feels thread)

It's like y'all come here when even tumblr doesn't put up with your shit

>> No.8067451

>demonizes people for being anonymous on an anonymous board
???????? Were you always this much of a faggot? it's like joining a bodybuilding forum and dismissing everyone because they're meatheads

>> No.8067466


It's like you don't understand /cgl/

You must be new here

>> No.8067486

He was always this much of a faggot anon. Like I said he's on par with Slut, Ore, and that one guy. I rather have Blue or that one hair trip than this asshole.

>> No.8067489

.....how does someone's parents not even know that their kid is going to a con and wearing something like that?

>> No.8067498

Quite easily, if she didn't tell them.

>> No.8067514

You didn't read OP's link, did you. Just saw a skimpy cosplay and sperged out.

>> No.8067515

Prolly bait, but I'll bite anyway, "Lolita" in terms of this board refers to the japanese street fashion resembling victorian clothes. While there may be occasional threads about "lolita" girls, its a wrong assumption to associate that with this board.

>> No.8067521


I only act that way with people that have no influence in the community that project their negativity here on /cgl/ anonymously.

Notice how it's far more likely that known figures in the community will go under a name and hold themselves accountable.

>> No.8067523

It depends on the parents and how strict they are. If she's 16 and going to a four day convention unless she lied most parents would want to know what she's going to do away from home in those four days. Some don't care though.

>> No.8067537

>I only act that way with people that have no influence in the community that project their negativity here on /cgl/ anonymously.

So if we go by the above you are a jerk and a troll to most of /cgl/ and only act 'nice' to tripfags and your own personal fan club?

>> No.8067548

never called her a slut.
I just don't think that's appropriate attire for an underage kid to wear out in public.
If you do, feel free to argue your point

>> No.8067553


You forgot BentPic5.

>> No.8067555

Does everybody collectively just turn 20 and forget what it's like to be a teenager? Jesus fucking Christ.
>durr how would u hide somethign from ur parents

>> No.8068351
File: 232 KB, 1080x1120, Screenshot_2015-01-20-11-18-55-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The convention looks to be taking it seriously now.

>> No.8068382
File: 33 KB, 492x362, 1411845498598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no. Straight up call her a slut. Bitches need to be taught this lesson by someone if they're hiding it from their parents. Shaming the dumb coswhore might save her life one day. You sure as know her parents would.

>> No.8068399

When I was a teenager I went to the library and looked at yaoi, not go to anime conventions wearing a bra and panties. If I did what the tumblr kid did then my grandmother would of slapped me five ways to Sunday. Mind you she would ask where I'm going if I'm going to vanish for three-four days. Not every teenager has the same family.

>> No.8068411


I'm a jerk to awful people, not everyone is awful on /cgl/. I generally follow the golden rule. You have to be a really awful person by most standards for me to go out of my way to dislike you.

>> No.8068435

>photographer asks for a risque pose
>ok, no problem

>photographer asks for risque pose in a different costume
>ok, no problem

>photographer asks for an in character pose
>ok, no problem


>> No.8068440

>Not everyone is awful on /cgl/
>Was a jerk to several different anons
>Derailed a thread to prove no point
>awful people on /cgl/


>> No.8068461


>implying the anons didn't have it coming

Cry more

>> No.8068467

>glossing over his comment on her boobs and him trying to get an upskirt
>ignoring him insulting her for not wanting to do certain poses

If he'd been polite and not a creeper (on an underage cosplayer no less) then I would totally call her on her bullshit, but no, he was being a fucking creep.

>> No.8068471


>> No.8068477

to be fair, to a teenage girl any older guy saying something to them can be viewed as creepy. when i was younger my friend begged me and my friends to hang out with her 17 year old sister at a con, and she told her that all my friends who are guys were trying to get her to fuck them, when they were actually just making conversation. She also told her she thought I may be a lesbian since I seemed 'flirty".

Point is, teenage girls have huge egos when it comes to their bodies.

>> No.8068484

>Implying that I'm the same anons.

Apparently it mattered if you are still responding and talking about it. For a guy that doesn't care you sure seem to keep on going on and on about it.

>> No.8068487

There's also

>Little tidbit on Iconiq Cosplay Photography. No one likes him but wannabe cos famous teens. His wife is even separating from him after his attempted affairs with cosplay girls and reports of him sexually harassing girls at cons and during shoots.

>> No.8068491


That may apply on other boards but not here. Welcome to /cgl/, enjoy the drama.

>> No.8068498

...no, I'm sorry, commenting on someone's bust is creepy. Trying to take upskirts and insulting someone for not wanting to do sexy poses is even creepier. I'm older and that shit would make me uncomfortable.

Judging from the stuff in the archives (see >>8068487 and >>8067172 ) he's a creeper, not some innocent dude "making conversation" and a teen girl blowing it out of proportion.

>> No.8068499


We'll see what happens first, autosage or you guessing correctly what I'm intending to do

Don't worry I'll wait

>> No.8068509

I wasn't saying that about this instance, but I understand the idea of not giving a teenager the benefit of the doubt about this shit since a lot of them over react to things.

>> No.8068519


>wear cosplay that reveals your cleavage
>got complimented on how well it fits

That's pretty normal. "Cosplay is not Consent" means idiots can't take it as a license to grope you. It doesn't mean people won't comment.


Taking a low angle shot is perfectly normal, too. If a photographer wants to sneakily take an upskirt shot, they don't do it while the model is actively posing for them, and actively paying attention to them.


Friendly banter misinterpreted by a paranoid teenager.

>Judging from the stuff in the archives

Could be legit, or could be /cgl/ being salty again. Lord knows I see plenty of photographers from my area who I like get unfairly bashed on here.

Mind you, this guy could be a full on legit creep giving everyone else a bad name. But the OP tumblr post feels like a paranoid, immature girl throwing things way out of proportion. Reading the rest of her tumblr ("I don't want to give my real name because then this guy will hunt me down and kill me!") and the hints of a growing anonymous lynch mob just reinforces that.

On the other hand, if this guy really is a problem, hopefully this will motivate some mature adults who've had problems with him to publicly come forward with more concrete allegations.

>> No.8068523

When I was a teenager I broke into a house. I had major helicopter parents too, they actually made me want to rebel harder

>> No.8068556
File: 166 KB, 1024x1265, Riasg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wear cosplay that reveals your cleavage
>got complimented on how well it fits

Nope, that's not the impression I got at all. She said her first cosplay was pic related. It has a boob window jacket, but the bust is fully covered/clothed. From her post:
>He made a few rude remarks about my bust fitting the cosplay.

AKA he said something along the lines of "Your boobs are good for this character!", and I'm using the most inoffensive phrasing possible for this. She also goes out of her way to mention that she didn't mind this on its own, she didn't get bothered until he started to "go low" as it were.

>Taking a low angle shot is perfectly normal, too.

Anyone who is a pro photog working with an amateur "model" should know that you ask the model beforehand if it's okay for you to take low-angle shots.

It looks like Yama-Con is giving people a chance to come forward so hopefully that will clear things up.

>> No.8068567


>> No.8068568

>Anyone who is a pro photog working with an amateur "model" should know that you ask the model beforehand if it's okay for you to take low-angle shots.

Non-pro photographer detected. Low angle shots are a standard part of any photoshoot. It makes the subject look powerful and imposing, and has the added bonus of getting lots of distracting background out of the way.

>looks like Yama-Con is giving people a chance to come forward

Hopefully this will be specific allegations, and not anonymous smears.

>> No.8068579

She stated that he asked her about the low shots.

>> No.8068580

Don't be obtuse. I never said don't take low-angle shots. I said tell your "model" - who is not used to being shot professionally and has no idea what the fuck you are doing - that you would like to, and ask if this is okay. This is especially important if she's wearing a miniskirt, for obvious reasons.

>> No.8068583

>I first did not mind till he had attempted to get some low shots of my skirt and I told him I did not like it.
Not seeing where she says he asked, she says he just went for it.

>> No.8068585


New as hell

>> No.8068596

That's a fair enough point. I'll keep that in mind when I'm photographing youngish cosplayers in the future.

Still have a very strong impression this girl is getting worked up about practically nothing. She seems like the sort who'd freak out if she noticed someone taking crowd pictures with her in them.

>> No.8068602

She's probably also the sort who thinks photographers fap to their own pictures.

>> No.8068603

>how do you rate women?
well...I think of a man. Then I take away accountability and logic.

>> No.8068609

Kinda like the girl in OP?

>It's his fault I'm uncomfortable! Get him! I have no responsibility for my own feelings or behavior!

>> No.8068643

>She seems like the sort who'd freak out if she noticed someone taking crowd pictures with her in them.
>She's probably also the sort who thinks photographers fap to their own pictures.
>It's his fault I'm uncomfortable! Get him! I have no responsibility for my own feelings or behavior!

TBH these kinds of posts weird me out. She made a post about a guy who outright said it was "fine" that she was underage after inviting her to do a cosplay deviants style shoot, and the other commentary on this guy says that that totally sounds like it's in his character to do.

But instead of being like "wow seems like this guy has a creeper track record" seagulls are talking about how she's obviously some sort of paranoid weirdo, going on basically no evidence. There's even less evidence about her character than about his. It's fine to be pessimistic and want to hear more facts about something before passing judgment, but the inclination toward turning her story into a chance to play character assassination on her is just bizarre to me. Do you guys know her and hate her or something?

>> No.8068668

For the record, I made all of those posts, so it's just my attitude, not everybody's.

I don't know her, or him. There's no way to know her, because she's using an alias, making her claims as believable as any other anonymous claim on the internet. Perhaps I've been hanging out on /cgl/ for too long, but I assume any anonymous accusation is a vendetta until I start seeing evidence otherwise. This one in particular, where she makes an entire new tumblr just to get this guy, and then it magically winds up here a little later despite it seeming to not get much attention on tumblr, gets my vendetta sense tingling.

>She made a post about a guy who outright said it was "fine" that she was underage after inviting her to do a cosplay deviants style shoot,

I read that as "You're too young to attend? That's fine, no hard feelings." Though now that I reread it, it does seem like she was trying to convey that he said "You're underage? That's fine, you can get naked too." Which is a very different story.

(But also slightly unbelievable, since adding an underage girl to the mix means he can never release the photos, so what's the point?)

>> No.8068757

Thank god I'm gay, I don't think I could stand dealing with cunts like you.

>> No.8068877

you sure are

>> No.8069083

Lmao she goes from that to bra and panties then bitches about people saying lewd things AND she is under age. LOL she should just be like nigri and charge for her sluttyness.

>> No.8069085

Read the post. Very hard to believe her. Considering she's making a blog post about it to name and shame someone and trying to wreck any reputation they have rather than go to the authorities.

Your word is never good enough and I'd you have actual evidence then turn it over. If its actual evidence of criminal or illegal wrong doing then you can hand it over to the cops etc. No need to deal with con staff.

>> No.8069092

Nudes of minors isn't illegal. Sexually explicit or sexually suggestive imagery is. Nudes of minors may be controversial and get soccer mums mad and protesting and the police sometimes may arrest people because they personally dislike it despite knowing its not illegal - the courts vindicate the accused and tell the police to stop harassing them.

Context is important.

Amazon sells Jock Sturges underage nude photobooks for example.

>> No.8069107


Still better than being an anon with anxiety problems on /cgl/

>> No.8069315

So we have how many girls come out aginst him and he is still doing it?

>> No.8069356

Quite a few. Here is the part, if he is actually doing all of this, how is he not getting in trouble. Possible outcome, most of it is made up or blown out of proportion. We all know how cosplayers make a big deal over the littlest things.

>> No.8069388

Lol I'm sure going to the cops about a dude being creepy would work out just great.

>> No.8069409

Or it is getting covered up to protect their ass. A man can say what he wants and it just what he said vs her

>> No.8069515

It happened in public. If he does it frequently there's bound to be witnesses.

The smart move for the con is to keep an eye on him. This guy has a booth and is selling prints, some of the undercover con security guys who are there to catch shoplifters can also see if he's really acting in the way he's accused of behaving.

>> No.8069540
File: 39 KB, 500x336, 82598729253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I remember this one time, I raped a very pretty girl just the exact same way I raped a hambeast #takesallkinds

>> No.8069542
File: 383 KB, 497x447, 1393127103460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>dressing slutty
>any kind of attention good or bad

>> No.8069546

just googled your name, fuck, you look gnar gnar

>> No.8069641

Looking like the convention just admitted to the guy doing it.
Yamacon Facebook page people

"Finally, I am presented with SOME evidence, but nothing related to the initial complaint. I had finally gotten at least something to approach the guilty party(ies) with."

>> No.8069644

I more read into the fact that it's possible they are covering their ass and making it seem like they did anything. Who is parties? There was more than one of this guy? So it did happen and nothing is being done?

>> No.8069665

Well not gonna quote everyone, but I live in the USA... In an urban city (Houston) and most people hold doors open regardless of gender. Sometimes you get stuck holding the door open though if it's at a mall or something. >>8067378

>> No.8069708

This is actually true to some extent. There's the classic example of the family getting busted for getting pictures of their kids taking a bath developed.

>> No.8069711

The blog post claims that he committed criminal acts and she has evidence. If true. Then yes going to the cops will do something and is the correct course of action.

>> No.8069715

Contacting the convention you would think would be the right thing.

>> No.8069718

Anyone else following the blog? A bunch of other people's post got deleted. Anyone got screenshots?

>> No.8069723

Look up what happened with Bull Henson. Protests. National outrage. Prime minister saying they were disgusted on national TV by it. Federal police arresting the guy. Despite the subjects (older at the time now) and they're parents saying to leave him Lone and it was okay etc but no one listened to them.

Federal police arrested him shut down gallery etc.

High courts didn't take long to throw out the charges. The federal police would have known the relevant law in such a big thing but still tried it on anyway.

The federal police wanted to try and investigate alternative charges to get him with instead if possible.

Iirc the high courts threw out the charges rather quickly and prohibited the police from pursuing unrelated charges without cause.

>> No.8069734

After the relevant authorities for illegal / criminal activities. At best the con staff can ban him from the con and may or may not refer to the matter to the police. They might also do nothing, which may also be unintentional due to organisational issues.

They're not going to be as good judges of evidence as police or as good as asking for all the right information.

>> No.8069737

*Bill Henson

>> No.8069737,1 [INTERNAL] 

Well I was recently told about this stuff by a friend of mine. I hate to say it but i will have to say the claims against me aren't true but in normal rumor mill fashion i don't think it matters what really happened. People will always say and run with what they want. What I can say is i don't recall the cosplayer making the claims at all. I hate this stuff happens but tbh i've gotten use to rumors. I see it with any cosplayer or photographer that gets to be a little known in the area. As for shooting underage cosplayers for sets that's just rediculous. All underage models i work with are in full cosplay and have parents permission to shoot. The only deviant models I work with are Cosplay Deviant models and that's because those shoots help fund my con travel and equipment upgrades throughout the year. As for posting up nudes of any cosplay for revenge or whatever that's silly too. Also i hate to break it to you all but im not married? i haven't been for a good half year when i divorced my now ex wife due to her lack of motivation to do anything more then sit at home and watch youtube. I have a dream of continued traveling across the country and shooting some really cool things. to be honest it probably isn't going to be cosplay since that is more of a hobby then a job, but i plan to create some fun images this year. If any of you have any questions for me please feel free to message me at my page www.facebook.com/iconiqcosplay . I really hope one day the cosplay community can stop making fights happen and start enjoying one anothers company. Have a good night all of you :)

>> No.8070176

I noticed she deleted the message from the supposed underage girl asking for her name to be removed (and originally refusing to.)

She also redacted the name.

>> No.8070303

Now the blog has been updated with her email correspondence with the Convention.

It seems she refused to provide them with her identity, refused to provide them with any proof, and refused the alternative of making a police report.

And she's really really angry that the con isn't ruining this guy's life based on anonymous claims alone.

>> No.8070327

>I am scared to go into this cause my parents would never let me go back to a anime convention after this if they found out!
Gee, is it because she's prancing around a convention in a cosplay that's clearly not appropriate for her age since she can't take responsibility for what happens while she's in it without "risking" getting her parents or authorities involved?

This is obviously a case of a teen who can't handle the consequences, positive or negative, of wearing skimpy outfits in public. So they shouldn't be.

>> No.8070404
File: 1.66 MB, 640x360, 1421179367191.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all niggaz are dumb as shit

>> No.8070427

How do you give proof on a guy trying to get you to do these things? Looks like she provided other cases in the matter and even the other people are scared to come out on it according to the convention in the email. I bet you she did the nudes the regretted it, now he has something over her. But if that happen he would have already released them unless he does not know exactly who she is too.

>> No.8070437

Conventions should be a safe zone to cosplay what we love, there should be no people like this in there. Be this real or not this is a scare that brings a point into view. How do you prove this kind of thing happen? I as a female can just run up to security when a guy does this, but unless I have some sort of recorded proof that he actually attempt this then nothing would happen? Am I get raped or molested first so they can get dna?

>> No.8070441

>there should be no people like this in there
Okay, but the fact remains that the only way to get these people removed is to inform authorities (real ones, not just staff members) and get any caring parties (like family) involved.
The problem is, since she's an underager who probably lied to mom and dad about what she's was planning to wear, she's not going to either source to help her because she's scared of the consequence.

It shows her immaturity. My sexual security would be more important to me, if I had truly been harassed, than my ability to attend a convention. Nobody is saying that she should be raped or molested first, she's just being an irresponsible twat.

>> No.8070450

See, I agree with you, but the most annoying thing is that someone is going to come in and claim that she was scared cause society teaches victim blaming and for girls not to act. Even though right now we're teaching people to act before thinking on their first assumption. Some people are going to worry that you're lying, but most aren't. And honestly, it's because people lie. I feel like we should give up our privacy 100% in order to protect people since we can't do this shit on our own.

>> No.8070452

Innocent until proven guilty my friend. There's always going to be false positives and false negatives no matter how you go about handling stuff like this. However, depending on whether you presume guilt or innocence changes the consequences of these false positives/negatives. We as a society have (correctly) chosen that its better to let someone get away on a false negative than to ruin an innocent person's life on a false positive.

Rape and other crimes such as this are notoriously hard to prove. Its just a sad fact of the nature of the crime. Its a pretty terrible system when all you have to do to ruin someone's life is cry wolf about rape charges. Since sex crimes by nature are hard to prove, its equally hard to prove that they didn't happen. Now that person is going to jail. Seems like a system that's preeeeeeeeeeeetty easy to exploit to fuck over people you don't like.

>> No.8070493

>Seems like a system that's preeeeeeeeeeeetty easy to exploit to fuck over people you don't like.

Oh yep. If "Listen and Believe" gets adopted as the new standard instead of "Trust but Verify", we're all going to be vendetta'd out of the con scene in short order.

>> No.8070544
File: 259 KB, 960x1280, fisher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not posting this one

Dammit Fisher

>> No.8070839

Caught up and it sounds like the convention is taking the proper actions at their pace. I wouldn't blame yamacon for this. It just seems like they got involved with the wrong guy and his actions harmed them like that case of that rapist dj at another convention. Where can I read where the convention released the emails? I would love to compare them

>> No.8071006

>I feel like we should give up our privacy 100% in order to protect people since we can't do this shit on our own.

Except that in doing so you open the door to be accused of something yourself and to have what is made public to be at the judgment of people other than how you perceive what you said/did. Your system would create more unrest due to people exploiting a system that benefits people slinging accusations with a low burden of proof.



Anytime you take the reality of a situation and then put in the qualifier "should", you have to reassess just how far removed from reality your ideal would be, and what it would take to implement it.

What are we going to do, background checks on everyone trying to be an attendee? Should those costs be incurred by the con or pushed down onto the attendees as the price of admission?? Should we pay for more security???

There has to be a limit to how much institutional power you are looking to have to back you up on something when there aren't enough resources or sensible policies to allow for what you want. It's also insulting to other people to have authorities nanny everything you do, especially when they're responsible enough to take care of themselves and not put themselves at risk.

tl;dr: i agree completely with ( >>8070452 )

>> No.8071124

So the one guy this is completely about is the most suggested guy for the con's mobile photographers...

>> No.8071153

>dresses provocatively
>gets angry at provoked people


>> No.8071337

>be me at anime convention
>taking random photos of stuff
>girl in background doesn't like that, complains to SJW staffer
>"I'd like to ask you to stop Anon"
>SJW Staffer gets a big burly staffer
>"I[m only going warn you once"
>Oh FFS, I get the hell out

Don't want photographed? Don't fucking go

>> No.8071563

this is why people hate namefags

>> No.8071608

Y'all ain't fuckin' animals, if someone says do not do, respect them and do not do. I swear housebroken pets have more sense than some grown con goers. It's not a hard concept, don't be a weirdo.

>> No.8071615

Kill yourself.

>> No.8071623

>"I[m only going warn you once"

And what the fuck was he going to do? Warn harder?

That guy couldn't do shit but kindly ask you to leave at best.

>> No.8071792

>starting a green text story with "be me"

yeah, you deserved to get yelled at.

>> No.8072215

>Y'all ain't fuckin' animals
Sound like someone is a bigger animal here.
But once again, you're missing the point that if you're dressing up at a convention to attract attention and you get attention, you deserve it and you shouldn't be asked to exempt from it. It's just fucking logic, use it.

>> No.8072248

I wonder how many cosplay photogs go to a con looking to do "artistic underage nudes"

>> No.8072267

how new are you?

>> No.8072978

All of them

>> No.8073012

Oh boy... No company would ever hire here with these photos on the internet .

>> No.8073067

So basically

>pervy photographer pushes a bit far


>Girl dressed like slut surprised when seen as a slut

guy needs a smack round the head while girl needs basic life lessons

>> No.8073071 [DELETED] 

So basically

>pervy photographer pushes a bit far


>Girl dressed like slut surprised when seen as a slut

>> No.8073288

>straw hat
>dat trip
love it. thank you

>> No.8073416
File: 11 KB, 213x389, woaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro tip you guys
Try it out sometime.

pic related

>> No.8073473

Thanks for the tip.

>> No.8073508

Wait how did you do that? I don't have that. Teach me your ways master.

>> No.8073523

Teach you I will, young padawan

Install this 4Chan X extension: https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x

Next to the traipfag's name, timestamp, and No.XXXX you'll see a down arrow. Click it, and then click on Filter > Tripcode

Then his tripcode will be in the list forever and ever and ever

And all his posts will be hidden automatically forever and ever and ever

Never see tripfag ever again!!

>> No.8073782

I do go looking for "artistic nudes" models when I go to cons.
But I go looking for all sorts of stuff at cons, that's only one sort of modeling, and cons are full of great models.

Never ever underage. OPs link is a perfect example of why I don't work with anyone under 21.

>> No.8073816
File: 987 KB, 500x283, tumblr_mqhzolldjf1sxcnivo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This disturbs me so much. How is this even allowed in cons?! I just imagine her disgusting ass sitting on stuff and literally every seat she sits on becomes the germ equivalent of a toilet...

>> No.8073846

I volunteer my face to be her personal seat so she doesn't have to get germs any where

>> No.8074567


Your selfless sacrifice is appreciated, Anon.

>> No.8074582

>deflect blame and responsibility
Because blaming the girl for dressing slutty isn't deflecting blame from the person lacking the self control and decency not to sexually harass her at all.

>> No.8074583

... do you want a medal? There's no shortage of people who do this. Half this website probably does that. Not sure why you think that makes you special. Hot people over all get better treatment, but it's not like they're not used to people who don't. You're giving yourself way too much credit.

>> No.8074592

I don't understand parents who let their underage kids wear skimpy costumes. There's nothing wrong with adult women wearing this stuff, but there's no reason a 15 year old girl needs to be Yoko.

>> No.8074605

>parents who let their underage kids wear skimpy costumes
>implying they knew.

>> No.8074730

>wear extremely revealing cosplay which displays your sexual characteristics
>get mad when people comment on said characteristics

feminism, not even once

>> No.8074735

that's because you're looking for logic in their actions, my friend

women are not like men, that is to say, women are more like children than adults. your major sins here are

1) caring about what they think
2) assuming that there is going to be any sort of consistency in their behavior or between their stated beliefs & their actual actions

>> No.8074795

I'm also gay but tripfags are a cancer so I don't blame them

>> No.8074916

I know this photographer personally, he was bragging awhile about being their staff photographer. If a girl does shoots with him underage nude then they are at their own fault. The guy is fat as fuck and can be easily out ran. All the deleted post were girls whining cause they don't want to take responsibility for the actions they did with him and are hiding. He really is just a fat pervert with a camera and should be treated as such. I bet the blog poster did it too and relied her mistake.