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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 398 KB, 960x1280, 1419457873893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8012331 No.8012331[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

RIP Spoony

>> No.8012339

That does not look like quality surgery.

>> No.8012342

That looks regrettable.

>> No.8012346

This is top spooks that I ham my name into the archive and this was made literally 4 minutes prior tome finding it.

I am probably going to get accused of making it but oh well.


The guy who carried out the procedure is like the second best in the UK after Samppa Von Cyborg.
He was extremely professional and this was the best result I could have hoped for.

>> No.8012358

Your ear looks really ugly now

>> No.8012359

Well, then hopefully it'll look far better after the stitches are out.

>> No.8012360


Well I think they look perfect :3c

>> No.8012362


>> No.8012363

How fucking drunk are you?

>> No.8012367


is that english?

>> No.8012369

disgusting, looks like shit
whats sad is that someone paid for it and post-purchase rationalization makes her think it looks good

>> No.8012375


The point is expected to look less dramatic once the flesh knits and relaxes as the OP picture was taken literally 20 minutes after the procedure.
I'm expected to have a minor scar but that's really dependant on how well you care for the wound, your diet, whether you moisturise it/use bio oil/vitamins etc., and of course, your genetics. Stitches come out after 12-14 days and I'm on day 5 now.

I'm actually anticipating going back for a second round in about 6 months in order to get a more dramatic point.


You can't have this kind of procedure whilst you're drunk are you retarded.

>> No.8012378

>All that wasted money on nose clamps and other shit that doesn't work
>Goes in for elf ears and not a nose job

>> No.8012382
File: 59 KB, 412x398, 1407109726402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you autistic? You probably fucking are.

>> No.8012384

This. Caring about looks in the wrong places.

>> No.8012386

Who cares?

>> No.8012390

It looks like a birth defect, no joke. The outer ridges are way too fat, might as well talk retarded to complete the downs syndrome look. What the actual fuck lol.

>> No.8012392


I bought the nose clamp thing as a joke 4+ years ago for like £2 from China and am amazed you remembered that.
Of course a minimal amount of pressure for a few hours a night on already developed cartilage would never successfully alter it.

£650 isn't any where near enough to cover a nosejob.

>> No.8012396


I'm incredibly curious as to how this looks from the front of your face. Is it very noticable?

>> No.8012401

I think it depends on what type of ears you have, like if they are almost flat against your head then they wouldn't be very noticeable from the front.

>> No.8012402


I would take a picture to show you but I have my ears wrapped up in medical tape at the moment. You have to keep them wrapped up every day for 3-4 months if you want the point to remain dramatic.

That being said, yeah, when the tape is off and I have my hair out of the way they're quite noticeable although you probably wouldn't really notice unless you were looking at my head.

The tips poke out through my hair.


Interestingly the procedures actually kind of given me a "pinned back" effect.
My ears didn't really stick out before, but I don't mind.

>> No.8012435

You're an autistic piece of shit.

>> No.8012439

Spoony you haven't been relevant here in almost two years. You obviously made a thread for yourself, and well, if you wanted honesty then this is something you will regret five years down the road. This is atrocious and nobody thinks "elf" when they see a deformed ear, they think genetic disorder.

I hope for your sake it heals quickly and doesn't get infected. Skin necrosis and damaging your ears even further would be even more devastating.

>whats sad is that someone paid for it
Who? Is Spoony a camwhore? Haven't really noticed her since Moot lambasted her samefag ass.

>> No.8012448


Hmmmmm you can say I made it if you want but I didn't.
I don't browse nor lurk any more, that much is obvious otherwise don't you think there'd be a lot more threads on me daily whereas there isn't and as far as I'm aware this is the first one that has been made in years.

I check rebeccablacktech on a regular basis to delete shit, but an opportunity to talk about my ears is p. nice.
idk who the OP is and idc if you don't believe me. I would delete the thread if it were possible but I know I can't so I'm going to use it instead.

>this is atrocious

Cri moar sweetcheeks x

>> No.8012451

>I don't browse nor lurk any more
Then why are you posting here? You're such a god damn attention whore. Go tell your friends about it instead...oh...lol wait.

>> No.8012453

I meant herself. I didn't know that this someone is actually a "celebrity"

>> No.8012456

She's not. Don't let her fool you into thinking otherwise. Just some loser who never got e-fame.

>> No.8012457


I literally just said why.
Get to Specsavers m8.


kek I'm not a celebrity by any sense of the word, I'm an old, infamous trip that was the bane of this board at one point in time.

>> No.8012459

I don't know what's the funniest thing to believe here.
>Spoony doesn't browse or post here anymore, but still very frequently searches her name on the archives
>Spoony browses and posts here, makes threads about herself, but claims she doesn't do either of those things

>> No.8012460


It's legitimately the first one.

I also check Warosu and Imcute regularly.

>> No.8012461

>>Spoony browses and posts here, makes threads about herself, but claims she doesn't do either of those things
Probably this.

I'll look through my folder but there's a really famous fight she had with Moot and he basically called her out on pretending to be multiple anons and ban evading. If she'll lie to Moot who has the power to IP check and more, she'll lie about anything.

>> No.8012464


I didn't lie to moot at all, I was posting in the thread without a trip and he fucked up and linked to a few other people in a thread who were also using the Giffgaff network because he didn't bother actually checking the IP's.

I didn't realise there were people on this board that still supported moot after he's been outed as a cuck and a sellout.

>> No.8012465

Dude, Spoony is done with /cgl/

>> No.8012467


Nah man I'm right here, but I really didn't make this thread, I just check the archives fairly regularly. I haven't browsed /cgl/ in years though.

>> No.8012473
File: 111 KB, 802x661, Screen Shot 2013-03-13 at 9.44.35 PM copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lying this fucking hard
Denial until the end.
>pic related

>> No.8012476

>You're here forever
Wow, he was right lmao. Spoony is still here giving traffic to his site while calling him a cuck. Topkek.

>> No.8012477
File: 90 KB, 1543x254, adfcadf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's a convenient crop.

Tell me what was happening in your last sex dream between you and I. Did I make you cum hard? Did you feel that familiar tingle crawl up your thighs followed by a rush of warmth, or was it more of an explosion?

Did I make you squirt?

>> No.8012478

>one person got misquoted
>entire thing disproven

Dream on Spoony, Moot wouldn't say that for nothing. You're an annoying cunt who thinks she knows better, and iirc, you didn't like it here anyway. Nobody likes your elf ear mod, now shoo.

>> No.8012480

What's with her hateboner for Moot? Did he reject her advances?

>> No.8012482


You didn't answer my question.

Tell me, was I on top or between or thighs? How soaked were the sheets?

>> No.8012484


Any medical professional who did that would get their licence revoked. Enjoy your lolnoear later

>> No.8012488

Because you're a sad, gross bitch and I don't answer to you. Fuck off.

>> No.8012490
File: 3 KB, 679x427, I+compared+this+anon+with+the+anons+in+4chan+you+_35a1fbad962e472eda719803ad1b2cdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell it's the holidays when y'all are bored enough to sit on your PC, away from your families, to talk about Spoony of all people

>> No.8012491

meme :)

>> No.8012496


Did you type that with one hand?

God the sexual tension is making me hard as fuck, I want to sit on your face and bring you to orgasm against your will.


I know right. At least my excuse is I'm in the UK so my family is in bed as in accordance with my timezone.
Don't know what these guys have got to say for themselves.

>> No.8012506

That's very stupid of you
Congratulations, you're an idiot

>> No.8012507

Just got eating dinner and everyone is doing their own thing Spoony, what does it say about you to not be with family at all and going on 4chan to talk about your elf ear that obviously none of your friends have paid attention to? It's desperate.

>> No.8012524

Its a shame Spoony, you were kinda cute.

>> No.8012525

Well, it's Christmas Eve and I still have some time before I head over to my parents' house. I've been cleaning all day, so being gossipy (I'm not one of the mean ones, I don't have the heart to be nasty to strangers) on 4chan helps break the monotony.

>> No.8012536


All of my family are in bed because there's this weird thing where not everybody lives within the same timezone and where countries exist outside of America.

>sitting on 4chan instead of spending time with your family on Christmas Eve


Now quiet, you shouldn't talk with your mouth full. It's impolite.

>> No.8012537

You know what, making fun of this woman's vampire ears you're forgetting to notice her ears were already messed up. She had tiny little ferret ears before, that kind you'll see on fat kids. Round and circular jutting out of their fat little heads.

Maybe it'll work out

>> No.8012543

I'm sitting in my living room on my laptop watching a movie with my family, thanks for your empty concern you whore <3

>> No.8012546

ITT Spoony so mad people don't like her that she's making personal attacks.

Ahahahaha. Someone get moot.

>> No.8012548


Don't pretend you don't love it you little slut, I know what's gets you moist, don't hold back.

>> No.8012558

I said something nice about them, in a way
idk but they look kind of cool

>> No.8012561


Thanks, I'm super pleased with them x
Just wish they weren't so sore.

>> No.8012587

Nice, I'm sure most of the pain will be gone in 2 weeks.
Yeah there's something very intriguing about it, knowing you'll be hiding it under your hair. Showing just enough but maybe not all. Guys will want to see them of course, they'll be like a second pair of cleavage for you

>> No.8012590


All of the pain is gone when they're not taped up, but obviously the pressure aggravated them.

It's the more the ladies I'm looking to attract tbh.

>> No.8012595

Spoony you're sad, pathetic and disgusting and it shows in everything from your whore tumblr to your body modifications. I really hope you'll fix your life one day and here's a hint: Try getting through the day without the internet and see how that affects your life.

>> No.8012603

Ah okay, it'll get attention from guys either way though. Remember that tape is like a splint on a broken bone, best to endure it for as long as it's needed

>> No.8012623

I can't believe this is happening

>> No.8012649

This is some next level tier mad.

>> No.8012673

That is the ugliest effing ear i've ever seen

>> No.8012714

I find it hilarious that you claim to not lurk and you just happen upon this thread soon after it was created.
I don't know you, but please understand that it's suspicious.

>> No.8012721

Meretricious Christmas, guys

>> No.8012722

Gross lady.
Stop creeping on poor men

>> No.8012730

Against his will? WTF.
Sounds like sexual harassment threat.
I hope that for your own well being you don't make threats like that against people you know.

>> No.8012748


Not that funny really, it happens all the time, on here, on /r9k/, on /fa/ etc.
I feel like I should be surprised that even after all these years I still get discussed as much as I do, but I'm not.

Also pretty confident the person aping out in this thread is the OP.

>> No.8012752
File: 116 KB, 500x500, seesyourdick2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how convenient for you then

>> No.8012756


Not really.
Like I said, I check rebeccablacktech, warosu and imcute like every 2 days. This happens a lot.