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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8004392 No.8004392 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst meet you've been to?

What made it bad? People, location, food?

>> No.8004447

I was in the NW England comm.
That's a horror story all on its own.

>> No.8004509


>> No.8004570

>please deets

>> No.8004575

This is horrifying.
There is everything.
Shitty bodyline and offbrand,cat ears, a fatty, shit wigs,no makeup or hair effort,~~~handmade~~~shit, weaboo plushies,...

>> No.8004637

That reminds me of mine "comm"
>most of chicks can't afford anything other then bodyline
>weeby as fuck
>girl with biggest wardrobe has 9 main pieces
It's really more anime club then comm anymore but it's the only way I can present my frilly outfits to people. I'm scared to go in lolita for a walk or to the shop due to normalfags' stares and shit. Also girls aside of being complete itas aren't that bad.

>> No.8004638

anime expo

heat, the weabs and the weirdos
location was okay

idk about food, i don't go to those things for food

>> No.8004679

>Meet up for lunch at a cheap place
>Ladies order lots of food on the menu
>at least 2/3 of the group realize they don't have enough or any money to pay.
>All turn to you (the host) who happens to be the only one present with a regular well paying job.
>You offer to help your friend but everyone else assumes you're helping too.
>Remaining few who didn't ask for help throw down $20 solid for their $20.99 meals.....tax and tip were not included either.
>You end up spending $200 for your turkey sandwich and water.

Sorry but if you don't have money, don't come. Unless it's a house meet where the host specifically doesn't ask for "potluck" style (which you should still bring something), then please don't come if you can't afford it. Bitches be wearing the latest AP dress but can't throw down enough for the meal they ordered. Even worse the people who insist on showing up and ordering a water. Thanks for adding to out 18% mandatory gratuity that no one else is paying for.

needless to say that group of people i refuse to dine with or at best will get my own separate check! We all have different financial situations but God don't come to high tea broke! ...or pretending to loose your wallet.

>> No.8004683

This photo is from the Ohio Comm in 2011. It has gotten better.

>> No.8004695

This happened to me too, but in a normal fag situation. It was all of my birthday money at the time. Fuck people who can't even take care of themselves

>> No.8004696

I'm watching lolitas in my community go nuts over the AWA tea party. I didn't go this year but I want to know if attendees think it qualifies as a terrible meet? Were the pictures really that bad?

>> No.8004704
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Michigan comm. Girls are nice enough, but damn. I silently judge at every meet I've been too. 95% = hot messes.

>> No.8004712


>> No.8004715

Yup. Also, there was someone there with a nice camera taking pictures of attendees with the Baby guests, so I didn't get one on my phone. Where are these pictures? I've never seen them, I'd at least like a look even if they were terrible.

>> No.8004719

Wouldn't say worst meet, but worst behavior. Lately a lot of girls seem to just love pressing the going button and then cancel last minute. I always feel so bad for the organizer. Either watch your schedule or stick to your promises.

>> No.8004724
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Hey some of us aren't bad! I don't really go to meets though...I've done one at a con in the last few months.
I'd love to help some of our girls get better, but I'm always afraid they'll think I'm mean. A girl was sewing something recently that wasn't lolita at all with awful lace and I gave her my honest opinion in a nice way...but she got really hurt about it and passive aggressive.

>> No.8004727

Lol you are probably just as hideous as the rest of them. Even the decently dressed ones are not that cute, and there are only one or two decently dressed girls.

>> No.8004728
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stay mad, anon.

>> No.8004739
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Not really a worst meet up, but would just like some advice.

Meet ups at my comm seem to be dying. There's been less than 5 people showing at the last couple of meet ups. They're just activities like food at cafes, vintage markets, etc. And it doesn't matter who hosts the meet ups. There's also been cases a lot of people cancelling last minute too.

I'd love to host some "grand" activity. But it can't involve anything that requires reservations for obvious reasons.

I thought about a crafting meet up because I have loads of ribbon, flowers, and stuff, but I couldn't really help direct people to make cute stuff.

What can be done to improve attendance? I'd really like to help, but not really sure how. The comm leader seems pretty busy too (I'm not them).

Any ideas?

>> No.8004740

when the organizer bails you're totally justified to bail too. otherwise, just go dammit

>> No.8004741

Same problem at my comm.
Recently we had a meet up that had to be cancelled because the activity we were doing was paid by the hour. Since so many girls bailed, it was too expensive to split between the few people left.

>> No.8004746

Read the current thread in the comm, they were deleted apparently because they were so bad.

>> No.8004754

I see a lot of repeat offenders who do this every time, I sometimes wonder if they're just lonely and clicking that "going" button makes them feel like they're doing something.

>> No.8004758

We had people do this for a secret santa meetup in our comm... after they had already been assigned people to get a gift for. I felt so bad for the organizers even though I didn't go, I hope no one ended up shorted on gifts.

>> No.8004759

We had to pitch in $10 each for food in advance. The people organizing the meet had done meets before, so nobody really thought it would go wrong.

They fucking served (frozen, barely reheated) chicken nuggets and tater tots. In the middle of a public park in buttfuck nowhere, so we couldn't go elsewhere to get real food.
Didn't even have forks, just plastic spoons to eat with.

Oh, but somebody brought vegan chili. That sucked too.

Never again.

>> No.8004767

>vintage markets
>crafting meet
All of this sounds great to me, even if it's only with a handful of people. Most of my comm's meets are either kind of weeby and obnoxious (loitering around Chinatown and squealing about all the kawaii ~Asian~ shops and people, mostly) or kind of boring in my opinion (meet up at a scenic location to take a bunch of selfies together and then go home). I'd love to actually DO stuff. There's this great vintage/antique/brocante market at a castle in my area every few months and I've been trying to get a small meet together for this but everyone balks at the €5,- entrance fee and I always end up going by myself.

>> No.8004773

I love my comm and we have lots of fun at meetups, but we always end up at one of the same two/three cafes afterwards, and I just get so ashamed of the group because people can get kind of loud and I can see that the cafe staff do not appreciate a group of fifteen weirdos coming in to hog an entire room, stays for two hours and are loud... I love my group but I would like to go somewhere else sometimes so that we can give those poor cafes a break and I don't have to sit there being ashamed for my company.

>> No.8004790

I still would have like to see them even if they were bad.

>> No.8004793

Do you guys have ever have any discussions on the comm page? Maybe people are put off from coming to meets because they don't feel comfortable. I've been posting some discussions on my comm page and some girls who have never made it to a meet are participating. I'm hoping that maybe they'll make it to more meets.

>> No.8004804

Hello fellow Michiganders - you are not alone. Soooo much silent judging at meets, bleh. At least the Townsend meet wasn't bad. Only one Tardis print in attendance.

>> No.8004806

You should've just told them that you couldn't pay for them, or if you paid they'd have to pay you back. I'd just leave them, it's their own problem for not bringing money , ask do separate checks on the spot if you realize they don't have cash

>> No.8004812

That's ridiculous. Do you still meet these people? Did you ever get your money back?
I know of people leaving without paying at bars and the last person paying is fucked over and has to cover for them but openly doing it like that?

>> No.8004813

I am so glad I ended up not going. I was all set to do it, but hesitated on the ticket because it was more than I wanted to pay, and I was unemployed at the time they started selling them (I wasn't broke, but the cost of that tea party seemed extravagant)

Also really glad I skipped the fashion show. I enjoyed doing the Putumayo one the year before. Wasn't the best organization, but it seems like it was miles better.

>> No.8005062

I was in it back when Cat was part of the comm.
They basically go to the same cafe every single meet, do the same things every single time, nobody can dress for shit, if you're not weeby and obnoxious, you're a stuck up brand whore.

>> No.8005170

This was a few years ago, so I don't remember terribly much.

It was the first meet of a newly-established community, and about 5 of us met at a mid-price meh-quality restaurant with no waiting service.

The founder of the comm wore a OP she said she thought she got from Milanoo but wasn't sure. It was Bodyline quality so she got lucky if it was really from Milanoo. It was workable, but it was the only lolita-related thing she was wearing. The rest were flats and some socks or something.

The co-founder who owned a couple lolita pieces from BL was there. I believe she was wearing a skirt from there, but the rest was just basic clothing too. At the time she didn't have much to talk about since she really only cared about BL because she didn't fit in other brands.

The other (2?) girls were wearing regular clothing and weren't interested in lolita.

I knew the founder from high school and hadn't seen her in a while so we caught up a little. The rest of the time we talked about general weeby things since everyone had an interest in that. We had fun in general but it wasn't fashion related at all.

I went home generally disappointed nobody had a real passion about it. I go to other communities' meets occasionally but the only local attempt was a failure, really.

>> No.8005175

On the subject of the community, I waited, checking the online page for a few months for more meets and new members; but all the new members were more into "steampunk" and cyber-whatever fashions, if fashions at all. Most liked anime, homestuck, twilight, etc. Before the next attempt at a fashion-related meet, the group changed focus to be a free-for-all alternative culture group rather than lolita. That's when I left. All the meets are just a gathering of the founder's friends generally hanging out.

The co-founder is still the "vice president" even though she moved states away, but we still interact over FB. She's a ton more interested in lolita than she used to be so she's fun to talk to! She still doesn't wear the fashion since she can't afford it (raising a family is expensive) or fit into a lot of it, but she GETS it. I'm sure if she had the funding/fitting resolved, she's be a great lolita.

>> No.8005225

I want our comm to have a new rule for this, actually. Our members are chronic "going" clickers, and then just don't show up or tell the host they can't make it.

If you click "going" but don't respond to posts on the event page asking about food or meeting times, don't pay required deposits on time, or don't reply to group PMs, you're booted from the event invite. If you clicked "going" and replied to the event posts, then don't show up on the day and don't inform the host that you won't be coming, that's a similar strike against you.

If you do either of these for three or more events in a six month span, you're booted from the comm for a probationary period. Because, honestly, the members who do this shit don't come to meets anyway, and it'll just keep stress levels down for anyone hosting a meet. I've watched five different girls in our community trying to host meets in the last four months, and every one of them has had to browbeat people into replying to questions about tickets and restaurant reservations or pay reservations in advance, because you can't just rock up with 24+ people to a venue and expect to get in.

>> No.8005236

>wurst meat

>> No.8005491

I really want to make a new, separate, exclusive comm but the drama potential puts me off. Our comm is currently being represented by itas who insist on stating everything they do as "x comm's Christmas meet!" or x comm's this or that, and to be honest I don't really want to be represented by them... They've embarrassed us enough.

>> No.8005507

what about Swap meets? Those always seem to have great attendance.

Something my comm does once in a while is go to see a movie or a play/ballet together. Usually with the latter, we plan it way in advance and buy group tickets, so people actually have to pay fairly earlier before the actually event.

>> No.8005511

>go to con with friend
>we go eat with a bunch of people
>friend orders steak, booze, and an appetizer (that she ate completely by herself)
>I order salad and iced tea
>"hey anon lets just split it even ok"

>> No.8005516

>join local comm
>get jazzed up when a meet comes along at a place pretty close to me
>babbys first meet yes
>show up maybe 5 min early
>no one else there, not even host
>end up having to direct people to it via FB
>am literally only person who has ever been there before
>host had just googled tea rooms and called in a reservation for the first one that popped up
>tea room was expecting a little girls party
>its super tiny and definitely not made to accommodate 15 women in petticoats
>rest of meet was supposed to be shopping day
>host picked the one day of the week that every shop in town closes at 1pm
>meet started at 12:30

>> No.8005523

Mandatory, non-refundable deposits, especially on something that requires a reservation. You'll weed out the flakes and the broke as well as having a nice small meet up, even if it's with one other friend.

>> No.8005550

This. I like to schedule meetups for things requiring payment, like tea reservations or group museum tickets, and if you want to go, you have to pay in advance. Your payment to my paypal account is your RSVP. Obviously, if you're going to a restaurant or something, you want to include tax and tip in the amount they need to pay, and then everyone is 100% covered. It makes everything easier and guarantees people will show.

>> No.8005571
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>friends in comm want to cross border into canada to meet up with other canadian lolitas
>admin feels obligated to make a group post about this trip so as not to alienate anyone
>I got in on it late which was nbd since there were plenty of people who volunteered to carpool
>friends tell me they all squeezed into one car and there was no room for me
>okay nbd
>one car has asian guy and his gf
>another car has two semi autistic acting goth kids
>neither people are dressed well, but whatever they're driving me so I don't complain
>pick the two goth kids with the nice new SUV
>we all are on our way and the rules were 'stick together' since the lead car with my friends had the directions
>the big deal was that our gps and phones stop working over the border so it was essential

>on our way to the border the gothchans put on their self made 'music' which was basically them moaning into a sound filter
>be polite and compliment them, make a comment about the nice new car
>"Oh well I got into an accident with a semi a few months ago and this is my new car."
>her driving is really shaky, like she doesn't know how to consistently maintain a speed so she's constantly stepping on the gas
>she can't shift lanes
>we stop at a currency exchange before the border
>everyone makes sure to use the bathroom since the trip is 2-3 hours

>we get back on the road heading towards the border checkpoint
>admin specifically said before leaving to make sure everyone had their updated passports
>suddenly goth kid looks at his passport and assumes his is expired
>wat.jpg they're going to hold everyone in the vehicle!
>no way of letting the carpool ahead of us know since our phones are already starting to lose signal
>twenty minutes later goth kid realizes he read his passport wrong
>pass at border without issue

>an hour into the drive on the canadian side
>goth kid decides he needs to pee
>refuses to pee in a bottle insists he must use a bathroom

>> No.8005578

>notions that we should pull off an exit for a bathroom
>"Guys this isn't a good idea. We're supposed to stay in the group. What happens if we get lost or into an accident? We have no way to contact anyone!"
>they ignore me and succumb to his piss
>I watch as we pull off to an exit and the other two cars roar ahead
>at the end of the exit ramp is a traffic light
>goth girl driving doesn't see it
>yards away I yell at her "RED FUCKING LIGHT STOP"
>and she screeches to a halt as oncoming traffic nearly clips her front bumper
>I'm panicked, but I don't want to make her more nervous
>"Let's just find a bathroom for gothchan and get back on the main thruway."
>they can't decide on a place so I force them to go into a car dealership
>they come out 10 minutes later
>gothchan refuses to give up his shotgun so I could direct them back to the thruway
>regretting letting them drive me, wish I took my car instead

>had to navigate from my backseat while also instructing the driver on how to drive
>literal backseat driver
>had the vague paper directions of where our group was meeting
>had to navigate from the backseat since gothchan was near illiterate
>we made a wrong turn
>I had to go into a Tim Hortons to ask for directions
>had to instruct her how to cross a 4 lane road and get into a left turning lane
>she fails
>we get on track
>we lose track at our meeting point because gothchan driver doesn't go where I say into the parking lot
>she refuses to turn around and instead goes inside a bus terminal to try to find our group
>wait half an hour
>she didn't find them because they were back at the parking lot where I told her to go

>she finally listens to me and we find the group
>tell her to stop the damn car and let me out
>friends in group ask where the fuck we went and how worried they were
>explain everything

>they feel really bad for me and manage to squeeze me inside their car on the trip back
>goth kids got lost

>> No.8005581

>the big deal was that our gps and phones stop working over the border


>> No.8005584

No bullshit. Their plans made it so their phones didn't get service. And my texts lagged at least for 5-6 hours before the other person got it (I sent a text to the admin about the passport fiasco and she didn't get it until the end of the day when we were coming back). I couldn't even make a call with my provider.

>> No.8005651

I went to a /cgl/ meetup a few years back and got sucker punched in the back of the head.

I never found out who it was.

>> No.8005658

Anon are you me? I'm having the exact same problem. Drama stinks here, the only reason I haven't made an official new comm if because I would't have time for it (my job is very demanding). And my few (awesome) friends also don't have the courage to face them crazy bitches from our "Official" comm. It sucks, I'm so angry.

>> No.8005660


I bet it was Alpha. Sounds like something Alpha would do

>> No.8005797

None have paid me back, even after promising to do so. Even my friend hasn't really offered. this was a number of months ago too. $200 is a fair amount to drop on people to realize that i need separate checks and better Loli friends.

>> No.8005871

A lot of meets I wanted i wanted to go to were canceled because either people who did not voted on the 'pick a date' poll complained last minute that they couldn't go, or too many people who didn't want to go in the first place voted on a date so a lot of people that did want to go couldn't.

>> No.8005877

Ew, hope you're not friends with her anymore. I don't think I ever split even with anyone. Either it's paid separately or they're really close friends and I pay for them/they pay for me.

>> No.8005885

I split with my friends the other day, but that's cause we all had about the same priced food/shared apps/too drunk to math. The waiter took like 20 minutes to give us the check and so no one wanted to wait around for him to split the bill.

>> No.8007221

too soon

>> No.8007230

People are real fuckin rude there

>> No.8007252

This happened once with a big group of mine. I brought along three friends, going to meet another one there, and that friend bringing his friends whose meeting another group, ect. So we're all meeting together to form one huge ass group to hang out then eat.
>Mfw half of them didn't have money
>Mfw they're just looking at me to pay because I'm the only one there dressed nicely
>Mfw I just call the waiter over, ask for separate checks for the group I brought.
>Mfw my friend stutters out that he can pay for everyone. Dumb nigger doesn't even have 20$ in the bank or a job
>Drag him out and leave with the friends I brought

I wonder how they paid. Did they really expect people they just met would drop 200$+ on them? Fucking shits.
>Mfw learned my lesson a long time ago when spotting that one guy who never pays you back
Fuck you David.

>> No.8007272
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This was my comm's Christmas meet, at the mall, in the food court. They all look so bad.

>> No.8007276

Girl on the far left and girl with the straw hat look pretty cute, if on the casual side. The rest is a hot mess of ill-fitting outfits, I'll agree with you those. Which is shocking, since most of it looks handmade.

I'll never understand why people can't seem to make things that fit for themselves.

>> No.8007279

>girls are nice

You sure? Michiganians are some of the rudest people on the fucking planet. Stay out of Chicago.

>> No.8007282

The girl third from the left in the floral print is pretty cute, but the rest are lost causes

>> No.8007288

funny you say that, she's got a good hand for sewing, I'll give her that, but she keeps wearing the same dresses over and over again, and she's the ambassador. Not that having a small wardrobe is a bad thing, but she's been on this for, huh, like 10 years? I don't know man, maybe it's just me, but I've been into the fashion for less than 3 years and my closet is 3x bigger than hers (all handmade since I'm poor as shit)

>> No.8007302
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>> No.8007306

Where're you at? Just curious. Everyone is in pretty warm-weather clothing, so I'm assuming southern hemisphere somewhere?

>> No.8007309

This sounds so nightmarish.

>> No.8007319

>actually believing this is bait
flew right over your head nigga

>> No.8007331


I don't get it.

>> No.8007333

>using "bait" incorrectly

Shiggy diggy.

>> No.8007335

I don't get it. How is that considered bait? It's probably true. Most tourists are assholes no matter where they're from.

>> No.8007336

then dont reply to it

>> No.8007337


Samefag. Samefaq everywhere.

>> No.8007344

Not at all. I'm >>8007335

>oh no! multiple people called me out on my shitty may may! better call samefag!

We don't even fucking type the same, retard.

>> No.8007349

You can suggest alternatives? The issue tends to be that accommodating large groups is harder and requires people to not be so flaky. Cafes always are limited in space, and bigger places are going to be restaurants and places like high tea that usually ask for a deposit. You can ask for people to pay for their portion before the event, but it does mean someone is responsible for a chunk of money for a period of time.

My comm asks people to post that they are rvsping for important things not just click going, and so you have to actually commit to the event that way.

That really is their fault though. I dont know why you would think you can just use American services in Canada, and it isnt that expensive to buy the international add on for a day.

>> No.8007350

fucking lol. no need to get so defensive because you're from michigan. i responded to you twice no idea who those other nigs are. i love how newfags always resorts to calling samefag when things don't go their way. fuck off


>> No.8007356

that's a hella pretty mall.

>> No.8007367

you know I was going to disagree but I keep forgetting the majority of this state is insane and keeps electing rick snyder

>> No.8007374

Damn you got btfo.

>> No.8007387 [DELETED] 

And SF Bay horror stories besides Melissa? I'm planning on finally going to a meetup. Everyone seems reasonably well dressed and I associate decently dressed with reasonably mature and sane, though I've met plenty of exceptions.

>> No.8007401

And SF Bay horror stories besides Melissa? I'm planning on finally going to a meetup. Everyone seems reasonably well dressed and I associate decently dressed with reasonably mature and sane, though I've met plenty of exceptions.

>> No.8007404

>I dont know why you would think you can just use American services in Canada
We didn't. Hence why we had paper directions and told everyone to stay in the group. Everything would have been fine if gothchans didn't go against group rules.
>to buy the international add on for a day
I didn't know Verizon did that, interesting to know for next time.

>> No.8007459

I actually just came to post a story, but it involves Melissa, sorry.

>Invite boyfriend to monthly meetup.
>We get stuck in the corner of the restaurant sitting directly across the table from Melissa.
>Melissa glares at us awkwardly the entire time even after my bf tries to be polite and make small talk.
>Bf never goes to a meetup again.

>> No.8007482

>Live in Argentina, am from a small city 4 hours away
>Lolis from Buenos Aires invite me for a special meet or whatever, they do this sometimes for lolis with no comm if they can get there. Like someone picks you up, gives you a ride so you can change and shower and all
>I'm excited, keep texting the mod who invited me all the bus ride she keeps saying it's ok
>Arrive at time and place requested
>Loli mod that invited me forgot also she's out of town, she kept saying everything was ok while trying to get some family member to pick me up (Which they didn't)
>Am in a city I've never been in and I don't know anyone
>Other lolis changed the date and didn't tell me so I can't even go chill at nice bar (Which I already paid my seat in)
>They have the meet 3 days later without me
I now know that lolis from Buenos Aires are divided in 2 groups because the one who organized this shit is a disorganized asshole. God that was just so shitty.

>> No.8007491

We got a couple members that are sorta badly dressed, but they're new so there's always a chance they'll improve.

Meets themselves are always decent to great though IMO. They usually involve going out to eat at different places, but we've had some potluck picnics that have had decent food and such.

>> No.8007569

Yeah I'm not. She's also one of those types that borrows things and returns them in shite condition if at all. I've gotten back books with the covers ripped or bent backwards, stretched out clothing (she is convinced we wear the same size because we're both 'big' and the same height, but I'm a 14 and she's a 20), and even some of my vintage aprons returned with the pockets and waist ties ripped up.

>> No.8007600

that really happen to you? who are you talking about? I'm just curious and I don't quite get it.
Laberinto de rosas invite you and then the mod doesn't show to pick you up?

>> No.8007610

Better than mine.

>> No.8007664

I don't think there are any real horrors, although I personally avoid talking to Tiferet. Maybe she has changed, but she always directs the conversation to about herself. If she thinks she's not heard, she raises her voice louder to get attention until she is practically yelling.

>> No.8007681

>She's just a fucking downer, that's it. Everything out of her mouth is complaints. I just avoid her.

>> No.8007708


>> No.8007763

Worst meet was probably the one where these two overweight, pimply, (SouthEast?) Asian itas kept cat-calling every 'attractive' man they saw and would then loudly talk about all the lewd things they'd do to him. They settled down a little once we got off public transport but those were the most embarrassing train and bus rides I've ever been on. Fortunately they've never been to a meet after that.

Is your friend all my friends from high school?
>they order several expensive alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, vodka, mixed drinks) each
>I order tea
>"let's split it evenly since we all got the same thing anyway!"
>what, no

Not lolita related but I and a group of 90 other people were once held up for several hours in Calais because some dumbass thought her driver's licence counted as a passport. The organizers told everyone several times before departure to bring an updated passport or ID and that driver’s licences did not count but I guess she felt that the rules didn’t apply to her? It’s especially stupid because everyone over 14 in my country has a government-issued ID that can be used to travel freely within the EU. She just left hers at home.
We had already driven over three hours to get there, it was the middle of the night, and she didn't have enough money to get back on her own. Everyone was too pissed off at her to feel bad for her so eventually one of the organizers, who didn’t even know her, had to give up on the trip to travel back with her.

>> No.8007798
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i'm gonna sound like such a judgmental bitch but here goes

>meet at burgers and brew
>very popular burger place in my town
>be one of the first that show up
>3 girls got there before me
>all dressed horribly, all ugly and weird looking
>one even has rainbow hair with snakebites and a rainbow dash backpack
>try to suppress my judgmental side and sit down at the table with them despite feeling embarrassed to be sitting down with them
>introduce myself
>fat girl next to me turns to me and asks if my hair is real (i have waist long black hair)
>her breath REEKS
>they start talking about MLP and start hating on youtube cosplayers/lolitas (venusangelic etc )
>getting increasingly uncomfortable
>more girls show up, they're all fat and/or ugly besides 1 who is decent looking (let's call her Jane)
>to give them credit though, 2/10 girls that showed up had really good dresses and accessories (one of them Jane)
>feel more embarrassed but also feel good at the same time b/c i was way prettier than all of them (even though it wasn't that hard of a feat, but in general i'm a pretty attractive girl not to toot my horn or anything)
>rainbow dash girl starts playing with her nails
>they're long, unkempt and there's dirt under them
>she starts digging under her nails with her thumb to get all the dirt out of her nails
>then proceeds to put the dirt that she dug out of her nails into her mouth and starts chewing on it
>me and Jane keep exchanging glances at each other, she was just as uncomfortable as i was
>conversation about food ensues, then somehow leads into calories, which then led to fat girls getting upset and screaming thin privilege, muh genetics, etc.
>me and Jane exchange glances again and get up at the same time, leaving everyone else
>went to a diff restaurant and got food there instead
>actually discussed lolita stuff, DIY accessories etc
>we got along so well that she came over to my house and ended up spending the night
>actually ended up having a good time

>> No.8007809

>food court

I wonder why.

>> No.8007810

che qué onda? quién fue la guacha? name and shame! (igual creo que ya sé al menos qué grupo fue)

>> No.8007865

>burgers and brew

you in norcal by any chance, anon? there's one in sac

>> No.8007895

No one else showed up. It took me like half an hour to realize that no one else would come too...

>> No.8007900

I don't really understand how people think this is okay but the being well dressed comment made me realize it might be a (perceived) age difference thing? If they have no income and are relatively young living with their parents they are probably used to old people (relatives) paying for them wherever they go and turn to the first person who looks more adult than them. Maybe they never go out to eat or drink with friend either.

>> No.8007912

This almost happened to a girl in my comm. It was kind of a short notice meet up. I got there about 30 minutes after the start time. Nobody else showed up after me. So we just turned it into a fun little shopping trip for the two of us. If I hadn't showed up when I did she was just going to head home.

>> No.8007922

>>she starts digging under her nails with her thumb to get all the dirt out of her nails
>>then proceeds to put the dirt that she dug out of her nails into her mouth and starts chewing on it

nope nope.

>> No.8008019

Is this the same comm far north Europe?

>> No.8008038

Mod invited me without telling me that the day changed, also she kept saying she would pick me up all the bus ride, but in the end, she wasn't even in town. She tried to get someone else (That I didn't know) to get me.
That person didn't show up either.
I'm sorry I'm bad at redacting.

>> No.8008040

A como yo lo veo, es bastante obivo quien fue :) pero no me quiero meter en ningún lío, porque es bastante obvio quien soy yo.
Encima era pendeja, complí 18 recién ahora. La pasé para el orto...

>> No.8008052


Just FYI, I'm the poster of >>8005491 and I'm not >>8008019, my comm is a UK comm.

>> No.8008151

Qué mierda, no sólo la actitud sino el que te hayas comido tanto viaje al dope. Te dejo mi mail, nosotras cada tanto hacemos meets bonitas. un beso!

>> No.8008174

Any HLC or Nola shit meets?

>> No.8008272

Is your comm CLAM?

>> No.8008275

It does seem a little half baked

>> No.8008326

I think we've all had enough of HLC's shit to last a lifetime.

>> No.8008363

claro, ahora entiendo, pero ni sabia de esto porque eso me quede pensando. Es mas, lo pienso ahora y no me puedo imaginar quien sos, asi que para mi lo dejaron bien escondido a todo el tema.

>> No.8008385

>tfw these threads make me too scared to go to a meet
>what if I'm the ugly annoying girl that everyone hates
>what if they all hate my coord

It doesn't even matter if I post it on /cgl/ and you bitches think I look nice, I am so fucking anxious about it. My comm (f I can call it that, I've never gone to any events) s full of poorly dressed replica-chans and I'm worried anyway.

There's one person that I admire, he's really well dressed and has a beautiful wardrobe, but everyone else is meh at best.

I'm such a piece of shit.

>> No.8008391

The girl on the left and the girl in floral look... okay? Not horrible?

>> No.8008425

si te hace sentir más tranquila, sé todo lo que pasa en nuestra parte de la comm, y sinceramente, eso no pasó porque no somos tan sorete y tenemos algo de cordialidad lol

>> No.8008551



>> No.8008952

this sounds really familiar... Is this the green bay comm?

>> No.8009002

Seems calm down there (Houston) for now. Wait for AM. I'm sure shit will hit the fan (again)

>> No.8009003

Who orders food without knowing how much money they can spend on the meal, much less actually forgets that they have no fucking money!

>> No.8009020

I doubt it. Cali area, everybody goes to eat with their friends all the time. I think I look pretty young too; baby face, no facial hair, and I barely started lifting when that happened. So probably narrow shoulders as well.

I think that everybody knows that when you're eating with anything but family or it's your birthday or some shit, you're chipping in money for your part. Unless you have close friends whom pay for you, and they pay you back eventually. Spot each other in the time of need thing.

>> No.8009096
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>> No.8009105

I'm sure a lot of people do this, honestly. People can be so inconsiderate. If they know they can leech off of someone, they will.

>> No.8009113

Can I get a pic so I know who to avoid when the time comes?

>> No.8009124

I agree to this. I think this was at Ohayocon too which is a hot mess all on its own.

>> No.8009166

Oh my god, same here. Baby, let's talk some shit.

>> No.8009176


>> No.8009189

Yeah HLC has been relatively calm recently actually. A ton of newbies and itas flooded in. (I say it's from summer?) But no actual problems. Saw on facebook today that the lolita on ice meet failed lol. The host running it didn't post that she wasn't even going so a lot of people ended up standing around like idiots in the mall.

>> No.8009209


No. I don't really wanna go into specifics. As mentioned, the resulting drama is just too off putting for me to actually shoot for what I want.

>> No.8009217
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I hate seeing this same regurgitated post over and over. Either go and give your comm a shot like a grown ass adult or fucking don't. Nobody here gives a shit.

>> No.8009273
File: 116 KB, 720x960, 10846197_10153371910131102_127579759269463672_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, the girl in the green salopette just posted her dress on a handmade fb group I happen to be member, by any chance are you from Argentina?

>> No.8009281

exactly why i didnt go
I don't see how literally not having any meets is not an 'actual problem'.
The mods don't even live in Houston and everybody else is too busy sucking john's dick to plan meets apparently.

>> No.8009294
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>> No.8009305

lol man calm down not everyone sucks his d or even wants to look in his direction. It has nothing to do with him, theres actually been like an average of 2 or 3 meets per month and Im guessing youre not really active because half of the meets are just hanging out at places or actual parties so im guessing youre just not being invited to them.

>> No.8009307

Her outfit looks a whole lot better in this photo than in that group one.

>> No.8009319

That's not a comm meet, it's a private party. Which is fine and understandable to want to have a small get together for a birthday or something, but not having other meets or things going on in a 900 member comm is kind of annoying.

>> No.8009320

>First and only meetup in old city at flower festival
>Everyone is pretty nice, if not weary of my newcomer self and some are gorgeously dressed
>Walk around for an hour, it's a little crowded, get expected questions and compliments
>Have to leave to see regular friends sad to leave early
>Look at comm facebook later and they did a photoshoot in the gardens.
>Some of the nicer dressed girls were posed like they were buttfucking each other. This was way before twerking

Not a horror story but enough to make me go from "Oh what a lovely lady!" to "U wat hobitch?"

>> No.8009321
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So empty.

>> No.8009337 [DELETED] 

NOLA is allot more organized than HLC by a long shot when it comes to meets.

>> No.8009338 [DELETED] 

People actually from Michigan call themselves Michiganders. Also, Chicago is in Illinois. Not Michigan. In other words, the OP is full of shit and baiting Michigan grills.

>> No.8009342

People actually from Michigan call themselves Michiganders. In other words, the OP is probably a bitchy Illinois/Chicago lolita and is baiting Michigan grills. Which is hilarious, since the only bitchy girl ever to grace Michigan was kicked out and then moved to Illinois.
>Coincidence? Doubtful.
>Vendettafag confirmed

>> No.8009416

I mean some are parties but Im referring to the ones where it says they invited HLC in the invitations so Im refering to parties where comm members are invited. There was a hobbit meet this week actually. Supposedly theres a twinning event going to happen next month but it's not made yet, as well as a casual tea party too.

>> No.8009422

CLAM is the new name for the NW England comm.

>> No.8009425

I guess this is a case where only some people are being invited to things...

>> No.8009455
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>ill-fitting collared work shirt

>> No.8009459
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You're my new favorite

>> No.8009461
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>> No.8009548

>noooo lolis must be loveliessss
>joke poses? sex references between adults? no frilly dresses must b princess all day all time 4eva

If actually learning that pretty girls can be a little crude sometimes, even if they dress well, hurts your opinion of them that much... I feel bad for you, anon.

>> No.8009573
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>> No.8009582

We've only had one girl forget her wallet at a meet, ever. And she was going to skip eating because of it (she noticed when we got to the restaurant, because she went to put away her bus pass and realised her wallet wasn't in her bag). I volunteered to pay for her and let her pay me back later, because she's really sweet and the meet had already been going for 2 hours, and wasn't going to end for probably at least another hour or so. She still ordered the cheapest thing she could, because she was so embarrassed about it, and then realised she could PayPal me the money from her phone.

I generally think people who order gratuitous amounts of things to eat/drink, then say they "forgot" their wallets in these stories probably did it on purpose because I'm a fucking cynic.

>> No.8009586

I was looking at the Lolibrary entry for Victorian Letter tiered JSK, apparently she has a 112 cm bust, 90? Cm waist. Just wow.

>> No.8009587

Off topic but, that's a pretty background for a mall food court woah

>> No.8010118

My opinion was altered to "u wotbiothch" not "Well I never how dare you you!" It was just surprising for my first meetup 5 YEARS AGO. Since you felt like stretching my opinion out Ill do it too. I bet you're the kind of loli who wants an edgy vagina print skirt and those thru-ear penis earrings.

>> No.8010123

Dude calm down. I was reading this like that too because sorry but "U wat hobitch" doesnt really have a clear definition

>> No.8010140

Different anon but posing like you're having sex in public is a very juvenile thing to do. It's something I expect from teenagers but if I saw girls in their twenties doing this I'd definitely think less of them. It just shows the entire world that you still have the mentality of an edgy child. There's discussing sexual topics like actual adults and there's

>> No.8010231

> A girl in my comm planned a meet up at what seems to be a nice tea room
> The place was TINY and there was 10+ people attending
> Everyone was acting obnoxious and I was so embarrassed
> Host writes a bad review on Yelp
> The tea room owner actually writes a response shaming our behavior on their facebook page
> Some guy that tried to enter the tea room also writes a response along the lines of "Take your cosplay party elsewhere."
> I no longer hang out with these girls.

>> No.8010237
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tell me more

>> No.8010409

Chicago is Chicago, IL.

Michigan is Michigan so that's why anon >>8007302 probably called it bait.

>> No.8010418

it was still obvious that they were talking about tourism. so them calling bait is just downright retarded and they should learn to read or not respond at all if they have no idea what another person is talking about.

>> No.8010441


Huh they were talking about that? I was confused on why they said Chicago or stay out of Chicago. I come from Chicago so I kek'ed.

I guess is the whole conversation?

I never been to Michigan or ran into a meet there but the coms/meets here are not that bad in Chicago and the people in Chicago depends on the area.

South side=bad
North side=good

Thankfully most of the cons are near the Airport away from Howard.

I'm one of the more normal Chicago girls if you can even call me that. Most of the people here are either gay or racist. Or weird. Or businessmen/women. We don't get a lot of tourism per say but it is busy during conventions.

>> No.8010456

Yeah, that's not being crude. Being crude is telling suggestive jokes (in a quiet, inside voice) or maybe exchanging some somewhat saucy stories. Anything past that in public is just embarrassing. And that doesn't make me a prude, just someone who knows how to act in public. Especially when you're in frills, damn. You're already drawing enough attention to yourself. At least act like a normal person, not a 2edgy teen.

I don't have a terrible meet story, but a funny thing happened when I first got to my most recent meet. My friend and I were the first to arrive and when these two other girls walked in (not looking cute, mind you. They honestly looked pretty bad) we waved and they stared and then walked away. It was harsh but hilarious. They ended up warming up to me and being really nice later on, but it was still really funny. Some people have no tact.

>> No.8010485

I'm from chicago too but I can totally relate to people from michigan being dicks. All of the ones I've met were just downright mean and had nasty attitudes.

>> No.8010515

Wow really? I heard that people at Youma are not that bad so I wouldn't even know.

>> No.8010523

UK loli here, I've never been to a meet but I've heard bad stories about them - I don't suppose anyone here has any advice/would like to hold my hand (not literally (unless you're into that)) about going to a meet next year? tfw coward ;_;

>> No.8010569
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this face

>> No.8010581
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>> No.8010594


What part of the UK?

>> No.8010597

south sadly, it seems that NW has a bigger community

>> No.8010599

my nigga.

London area apparently has a good comm. Maybe try that?

>> No.8010655

One of the worst girls in my comm is trying to organize a meet and I'm kind of anticipating something bad. I hope the people considering going realize this is girl is a crazy unstable 15 year old and really maybe should not show up at meets at all and especially shouldn't organize anything.

>> No.8010660

I for one am looking forward to following this train wreck from a distance.

>> No.8010671

Just go to a meet, don't be an asshole and people will be fine. Really nothing to worry about!

>> No.8010698

What part of the South?
London comm is great, the same girls attend most meets so it's easy to make friends and everyone is really friendly! There are two meets planned for January so far and they are both newbie friendly so come along - you can always message the hosts if you are nervous

>> No.8010710

>tfw not the only dirty southerner on here thank god
I'm not an asshole just incredibly shy about these things and I struggle to make friends because I am hideously introverted
it would most likely be a London meet I'd be going to, considering the tea event currently since I like tea rooms and know a lot about different types of tea (oh god my awkwardness is showing already). I might gain the courage to message a host, that's a nice idea - I am just bad at making new friends and scared everyone would be in groups already.

>> No.8010721

There is a Brighton comm! Well, not comm, more like group of people who meet up! We don't just have Lolita as there's not many of us; it's an all-J-Fashions allowed thing!

>> No.8010743

When even Yan can't...

>> No.8010749

Only some in southe west uk comm are bad but they organize meets once a year maybe if so. Rest of them are lovely and much more engaged in local Lolita community

>> No.8010750

I'm >>8010698 and I actually am the host of that meet haha so you are welcome to message me! A lot of us have separate friendship groups within the larger London comm but everyone still hangs out together and likes to meet new people

>> No.8010751

sorry if my english isn't perfect
>organize meet, around 40 people register
>reserve a large table for 30+ guests, usually used for weddings, at a fancy restaurant
>around 8 people show up, four of them leave after taking a group photo.
>sit in the very middle of a huge restaurant at a HUGE table with three other lolitas while the other guests stare at us and the waitresses give us evil glares
we sat there forever waiting for everyone else. we switched tables later but it was beyond awkward and uncomfortable. of course all the lolitas who bailed on us never responded to any messages and played dead for the next couple of months. the next meetup we organized had real tickets and an entry fee, and voila, everyone showed up.

>> No.8010752

b-but anon
if you dont order bodyline ur a disgusting brandwhore who judges everyone and dosent understand that all other places are for uber skinny japanese women

>> No.8010755

LMAO that look of horror on Yan! Even Yan the Man can't handle it and his thousand yard stare betrays his composure. I'm dyin

>> No.8010764

wow that's sad...

>> No.8010766

oh god I can definitely never turn up now, you'll smell my fear (I'm kidding, I just need the motivation to meet some new people, I'm 90% sure I'll be there

>> No.8010769

What is the fb group? Or how do i contact them? Moving there soooon.

>> No.8010784

This meet up sounds like my greatest fear coming true. Everytime I attend a meet up at a restaurant I'm afraid someone will act obnoxious or embarassing and our whole group will be known as these dressed up costume party who doesn't know how to behave in public.
>also bet my burando most of the people at anons meet up were dressed horribly

I hope the girls you hang out with now are nicer!

>> No.8010791
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You can do it anon! I actually went to this tea room for my 2nd meetup last year and I met some of my best lolita friends there so I thought I'd run my own meet up this time
There's a few girls who have put attending who are also new and a lot that aren't regulars so you won't be the only new face! If you want to PM me then please do go ahead and I'll introduce you to some friendly girls on the day

>> No.8010802

I love London comm!
I wish I could participate in more casual day meets there...

>> No.8010829


>> No.8010830

Sometimes when it comes to meets made on community facebook groups. It only allows you to invite people on your friends list. So the only way to make a successful meet that will invite the entire community is if it is made by a mod. So next time get an HLC mod to make the event for you.

>> No.8010933

>comm decided to do an ice skating meet, being a hockey skater this was excellent for me
>live in england, skating isn't as big round here
>get to meet with own skates, find out out only one other loli has been properly skating before
>others either been once for an hour or just thought it was a romantic/cute idea
>a lot turned up in ott
>they spend next hour falling and ruining their burando
>later find out some of the younger members bitched about how my skates were ugly and so un-loli in comparison to figure skates. they were wearing moon boot blues

not too bothered about the comments towards me and it was a fun time, but for the love of god if you put in for a meet where your expensive clothes could get dirty and messed up or ripped, then go simple and bodyline rather than ott and angelic pretty

>> No.8010969

That's so cool that you play hockey, honestly. Those girls all sound jealous as hell. Really not sure why they went all out or why they thought it would be okay to try to insult you, but that's good that you had fun.

>> No.8010972

>>they spend next hour falling and ruining their burando
Haha, stupid bitches.
>"hurrdurr let's go do something we don't regularly do, in our finest clothes, and then be mad when we fall on our asses and someone else doesn't!"

>> No.8011078

They were actually dressed nice. Their attitude was a major turn off and another girl that's a frequent customer for that shop had to go and actually apologize for their behavior.

>> No.8011101

thanks man. I guess their illusions were shattered and they went on the defensive because they weren't ~beautiful elegant graceful swans~ lmao. probably watched too much yuna kim

there was so much analfrustration afterwards

>> No.8011116

NW England Clam
>Naming your comm after a chowder

>> No.8011117

If you feel 'your comm' is misrepresenting you, you should just make more of an effort to get involved. Even if you hate the bulk of your comm there might be other people that share your feelings about the comm's activities that you're cutting out by standing back from the group. If you're not going to try to grow up and work on a solution, you're part of the problem.

>> No.8011576

Man. This reminds me of that one girl from gtfo who used to post all the time. Celticfall whatever. Apparently she was also a hockey player when she was young, and the comm went skating one winter. There were videos of her just doing circles around everyone (not maliciously, they were all more or less cheering her on). It was pretty damn cute, really.

>> No.8011703

I feel for the people who might travel for two hours to meet a crazy person.

>> No.8011707

Keeping it brief:
>no one talked to me until they yelled at for being an elitist for wearing one piece of brand.
>first meet but accused of being the one who must be secretting and posting them here.
>Never went back.

>> No.8011708

Oh, nostalgia. One of the biggest bitches over at gftoegl but I've never actually seen her look good.

>> No.8011712


Im in a UK comm that split off from a larger Ita one. They side eye us and bitch about us on here every now and then, but otherwise the lot of us couldnt be happier. We can go to meets that arent at cheap fast food joints and we left all the screaming weeaboo children behind. We are a tiny but tight and happy comm. Just keep it quiet and exclusive and you will be very happy.

>> No.8011882

It's the fucking eyebrows, man. Overplucked to fuck.

>> No.8011898

I never saw any pics of her. Not too surprised to learn she's not so great at coordinating- it seems like the biggest bitches rarely are.

>> No.8011929

My first ever meetup a bunch of people including me and my boyfriend/fiance ended up going to a sushi place. Because bf is a grownup he had a credit card and offered to put it on his card while everyone paid him their share. I think he said it ended up being short like $300. These were all people I literally met that day (many people I never saw again.)

I know another person who ended up footing over $1000 for a meetup but I'm not going to give out details because it would be really easy to ID her. She didn't want the info spread around, me and a few others who knew tried to help offset it afterwards but I don't think we even came close.

>> No.8011933

If you want to do a big thing and eliminate last minute bailers, then do a prepaid, no-refunds ticketed event. You have 20 spots or however many for a fancy tea or lunch or whatever, find one that has a prix fixe tea/brunch menu so everyone puts in the same amount. Make the cost of a ticket that + tip + if you decide to do any extras like a raffle or decorations, include that in the cost of the ticket and make it clear that there will be a raffle or whatever. If people want to back out, they can sell their ticket to someone else but no refunds allowed & make sure you have the money in hand to avoid paypal or cc chargebacks if you don't trust your comm members. If you want to be nice you can offer "deposit", 50% now, 50% like a week before the event but be aware if you give people an inch, they will take a mile. If it's a big event & there is a pre-paid/no refunds element, people are more likely to plan around it rather than it just be tacked on to whatever else th ey have planned that day like they would for a smaller meetup - they will have more invested in showing up.

>> No.8011934

lol are you in my comm? We had one person rsvp Going even though she was banned from the host's house (and she knew it)

>> No.8011954

We had one guy in our comm that always invited random non-lolitas who wouldn't show up. So when the time came to pay for the high tea there would be a person short to pay for their share.

>> No.8011957

This sounds like stupid planning though. I cant imagine how stupid you have to be to put your own money on the line for some meetup, and that isnt really being a 'grownup'. Especially when you dont know the people. It isnt that hard to make people accountable, and if you arent going to be that good with keeping track of money, dont make yourself liable.

Your boyfriend shouldnt have foot the bill unless he knew the people and knew he was getting it back in cash or knew there were trustworthy to go and bank transfer him later, and that girl well..that is something else...

>> No.8012380


Because everyone else in the community can't be bothered and the ones who do rely on other lolis to find places to eat.

>> No.8012398

Then the Lolitas who should have gotten a gift from the Lolita cancelling last minute should simply get the presents that were meant for those who cancelled.
>I can't into english, I hope that somehow made sense

It's still shitty behaviour to cancel last minute or simply not show up, but for a Secret Santa it's even worse.

>> No.8012693

As a fellow hockey lolita, I salute you. Let the weak lie where they fall, you keep rocking it,

>> No.8012715 [DELETED] 
File: 237 KB, 533x800, 1419469572161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're lolita cosplaying at all, there's a 100% certainty that you're not attractive. Attractive cosplayers do shit like in this pic.

>not to toot my own horn
kek, this is what ugly bitches actually believe.

>> No.8012727 [DELETED] 

Not that anon but
>lolita is cosplay
Not always


>if you're attractive you have to show skin
Nope, in my experience it is the butterfaces who show more skin since that's the only way they can get attention.

>> No.8012732 [DELETED] 

fugly excuses detected.

>> No.8012739 [DELETED] 


Every single person in that room is hideous. This is inarguable fact.

>> No.8012741 [DELETED] 

Ah, if you're sooo beautiful, why not show us your glorious face? :^) Or are you a fuggly faggot who can't talk shit.

>> No.8012744 [DELETED] 

>responding to trolls
Let it go, anon, if you're not an uggo you have nothing to prove.

>> No.8012745 [DELETED] 

They're clearly talking shit though, anon.

>> No.8012749 [DELETED] 

I could be the model for Michelangelo's David and you're so buttraged at this point you'd still find fault.

and I'm pretty sure you have a significant amount of booty to rage through.

>> No.8012761 [DELETED] 

>wears lolita
>not uggo

pick one.

>> No.8012766 [DELETED] 

>pics or fuggly faggot

Talk shit prove shit :^)

>> No.8012767 [DELETED] 

The truth isn't always pleasant, that doesn't make it trolling.

>> No.8012768 [DELETED] 

You really want me to post dick pics, huh?

>> No.8012769 [DELETED] 

>beta fag detected

hahahaha no one could give two shits about your wimpy as dick, faggot

>> No.8012771 [DELETED] 

And if it proves to be larger than anything you've ever had?

>> No.8012772 [DELETED] 

Nothing. because no one gives a shit about your beta dick

>> No.8012777 [DELETED] 

Kek, that's what I thought fatty.

>> No.8012779 [DELETED] 

>resort to fatty

lel what ever makes you feel better beta bitch :^)

>> No.8012780 [DELETED] 

You sound upset.

>> No.8012782 [DELETED] 

lel plz

I'm pissing myself laughing about this faggot :^)

>> No.8012785 [DELETED] 

I'm just kidding. You ladies are all very attractive and I'm pleased as punch to just have your attention, even if it's negative. Have a merry Christmas and I hope you get great presents.

>> No.8012786
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>> No.8012792
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>mfw /cgl/ most easily trolled board outside of /ck/ forever
Lads, can we not just get back to posting about shitty meets?

>> No.8012795
File: 875 KB, 500x264, fetch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone tried to make fetch happen, but bitches just aren't having it.

>> No.8012802

Shit didn't even recognize it

>> No.8012806

Is that one on the far left a dude?

>> No.8012821

Don't think so, those hands look pretty womanly.

>> No.8012920

she always reminded me of Frau from Austin Powers

>> No.8013190

Nobody's paying you to go. If you don't like the 'bad' meets that are actually planned out over being stuck in the middle of a city with nowhere booked to eat then don't come.

>> No.8013202

I'm trying to find a funny video of a lolita ice skating and accidentally pushing or kicking a kid nearby while in mid-spin.

I ended up finding this.

I can't tell by the video, but is that celticfreefall?

>> No.8013257
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the speediest google ever gave me her twitter and i'm usually cool with older lolis but she looks old af? her is p meh/bad for being around for so long and being such an a+ bitch

>> No.8013259

her coord***** oops

>> No.8013265

Looks like something she can casually wear regardless of her age so that's fine by me. OTT sweet might be s different story.

>> No.8013280

>these eyebrows
>lipstick doesn't match skintone or coord
>bouse doesn't look good
>that awful scarf
>boots are meh

The whole coord looks like typical middle-aged-mom-stuff (the scarf, the boots & the blouse) thrown into a Lolita coord. She was probably going for something more causal but instead ended up looking like a middle aged mother playing dress up with her daughter's clothes.

>> No.8013298


>> No.8013325

Holy shit, she does look like Frau

>> No.8013335

I like this idea.
A lot of organized communities and groups do this. They're the ones who get shit done.

>> No.8013339

Why can't my mall look like a palace.
Shame about the green red dress girl. Looks I'll fit there but her photo with a proper pose looks so much cuter and better here >>8009273

>> No.8013343

What kind of meet was it

>> No.8013367

But then what happens when other adult professional women with the money for restaurant meets and ticketed events don't know your comm even exists and are stuck with the ita comm?

>> No.8013384

>rely on other lolis to find places to eat.
But why? It's not like they have to find the perfect tea room. Just pick a sit-down restaurant with mains in the £7-14 range and appetisers/sides in the £3-5 range for those with less money. There are a ton of chain ones in any city centre

>> No.8013386

I think so

>> No.8014152

attractive girls dont necessarily have cosplay bikini photoshoots wtf
your logic is so weird anon

>> No.8014198

I live in the Houston area but have never been to an HLC meetup. I keep hearing stuff about how bad it is and about some guy named John but I have no idea why it's bad or who John is. Can anyone fill me in?

>> No.8014375

I know her and she's actually really nice...

>> No.8014434

I'm so sorry this happened to you anon. I don't really go to meets because I don't know anyone and the ones I know are bitches/crazy/idiots. I used to have a really nice comm but it disolved years ago because of loads of itas and random people showing up and being annoying.
I once went to a meet a girl I met here invited me to, and was pretty cool but after that she stopped talking to me.. IDEK what happened. Being as awkward as I am I hesitate to seek new loli friends. I'm afraid they'll won't like me like last tome.
I'm from Buenos Aires by the way.

>> No.8014436

like last time* stupid brain

>> No.8014459

Our comm made the same kind of split. It's ideal, really because you get to look over the new members who join the main public comm for a while to decide who to invite to the private one.

>> No.8014465

Are you the one on the FB group who wants to give concrit to everyone in your comm? We were giggling a bit over that...

>> No.8014470

Hm, you cheapEd out and didn't order a drink with your meal too. Looks like y'all might be a good match for each other after all. I post the menu in advance and remind people of proper tipping rates. I'm both about to go out with or subsidize cheap bitches.

>> No.8014476

How do you look over? Do you attend public comm meets occasionally, but mostly do stuff in the private one, or do you just judge from their Facebook profiles and meet pics? Just wondering because some people don't let photos of them in lolita be uploaded to the group, and if I'd joined a comm and found it that full of itas, with all the people with good taste mysteriously nowhere to be seen, I'd have just left after one meet.

>> No.8014499

Who is in the photo?

>> No.8014504

We are still in the old group too so we sometimes attend a meet and can watch activities and behavior, then just quietly invite the good ones.

>> No.8015050


>> No.8015057

Sorry for the late response, but you forgot about my smexy sleeve tattoos I wear with my pastel candy AP dresses :3


>> No.8015372

Seconding. I've only met one lolita from HLC, and she seemed really nice.

>> No.8015395

You know your comm is full of poorly dressed replica-chans and you're worried... why?

You talk as if you know you're better than them. If you're that sure, so much so that you'll talk shit about them, go to the events and set an example.

Or maybe you're not as well-dressed and pretty as you think you are.

>> No.8015540

I'm only a newbie that has been in the comm for some years but I didn't become active until recently. Tbh what I feel like is theres a circle of people that cause a lot of drama, and it usually revolves around AM. John is the con head of Anime Matsuri and he and his wife flock around the lolitas. Since a lot of the mods and certain lolitas are heavily involved in AM, there's a hierarchy around them that make it feel unfair, and which causes a bunch of bullshit going around.

However, separating this shit from online and real life, online the drama is expanded exponentially. If you're not directly involved in the drama, then nothing will happen to you. A lot of the drama happens within the relationships between lolitas in the spotlight, and since HLC is a huge comm with a lot of people who have their lives online, it seems like drama is everywhere but honestly, that's like 1% of the comm, since theres roughly 900 members (more like 400 at least since not everyone is active on fb or lives in Houston, but I'm not using proper stats so w/e).

Basically, the meets are fine. You get to meet a lot of nice people and it's actually pretty fun. Stay away from the drama/attention whores if you want to stay away from drama, and don't try to get in the public eye/involved with AM and John. You can ignore him and nothing will happen to you. Even then, most of the time there's no drama shit in public really, and the people who you should stay away from would be nice to your face if you're nice to them most of the time (ex: I met Jona a few times and she's always been sweet to me despite all the claims of how bitchy she is to people)

Recently there's been a lot of itas, newbies, and bodyline-whores in the comm but like i said, a lot of them are nice and there's usually a few good looking lolitas around. Just try to go to a meet and see if you like it. The smaller meets tend to be more intimate and easier to make friends.

>> No.8015549

Nope, who's Lili?

>> No.8015550

just adding on, obviously stay away from meets that are like at the mall, the park (depending) or other dumb places. Those are so easy to go wrong at.

If anything, go to meets prepared by a mod so that you're sure you'll have an okay time. If you want to try, there seems to be a zoo meet that seems promising. if you end up having a terrible time, at least you have a story to post on here.

>> No.8015938

You should have told them to fuck off

>> No.8015946

People from Michigan in general =/= the Michigan lolita community. Srry, Chicago. We might not have the best looking community, but the last thing we are is bitchy or dickish. Which is more than I can say about the Chicago community, given the general size (aside from personal experience) it would probably be naive to expect everyone to be welcoming and polite.

>> No.8015981
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This is so true, at least in the general sense. Then again, I'm not really familiar with the Chi-town lolis to know if they're rude or otherwise.
That was a random coordinate for a casual meetup. I rarely use Twitter (or post public photos anywhere else for that matter), so, I posted that up on a lark.
Oh god no. Sweet never suited me. I like classic and old school, mostly.
I'm not even thirty (yet). And yeah, I'm fully aware I suck at makeup. I didn't even start wearing it until around a year or two ago. My brows got fucked up during the 90's when I let a hair stylist wax them into what was fashionable then, and they've never grown back. They were never that full to begin with. Some of us don't have lusciously full eyebrows. I can do fuck all except pencil them in.
And yeah, it was a casual meet. I don't really dress to impress anyone, I just enjoy wearing what I have. The whole "keeping up with the Jones" thing that occurs within lolita boggles my mind. It's like the female version of a dick waving contest, and I checked out of the drama business a long time ago.
Yep, that's me. I played hockey competitively for well over a decade. That meet was really fun!
I had to google what the hell you were talking about. I'm still confused.
A bit? It's probably due to the military feel of the outfit and my hair. She's a cool character anyway; hardcore. I loled pretty hard when Mike Meyers brought back Dr. Evil on SNL the other night.
Thanks, lol. People tend to know me from my ultra-bitch stage where I lambasted people online via gtfoEGL like.. five years ago for no reason in particular. I've never brought that into the community, and god help people who do. MI comm is about as drama free as it could be, given the current explosion of new girls.

>> No.8015988 [DELETED] 

Whooops. Fucking trips, how do they work.

>> No.8015996

Whooops. Fucking tripcodes, how do they work.

>> No.8017366


>Girl in HLC holds Ice skating meet up
>Doesn't even show up to her own meet up, instead stays home and watches anime
>no one steps up, so everyone who goes to meet up location just ends up being on their own.

Everyone who went was Ita anyways but holy shit how could you be so disorganized?

>> No.8017371

>tfw I crushed on you hard back when gtfoEGL was a big thing

>> No.8017382

Jona is the most two faced person to exist! That's how she gets you dude!

She acts super sweet sharing personal information (about other people) with you, making it seem like you are friends, and then when you share information with her she goes and spread the word like wild fire!

Good luck anon-chan! That girl crazy.

>> No.8017415

Whose hosting casual tea? I haven't seen that yet?

>> No.8018562

nah man I was saying more like, as long as you don't get close to those kind of people, they really won't do anything to you. I met her a few times but I'm not friends with her or anything. We only small talk like about the food at the meet and stuff. I was using her as an example that they'd be nice to your face, and won't actually pull anything bitchy in front of others most of the time.

but yeah, that's especially something to look out for. those drama kinds of people, just basically stay away and be civil with them at the most. if you decide to be friends with them, you gotta accept the consequences of that relationship.

>> No.8018570

Brookelle wanted to have a casual tea party and make brownies or some shit. She made some post on HLC but no event page yet but that just depends if you want to go to that or not, and like someone pointed out, if you're not on a friend list with her once she makes the event, you might not get invited (if you even wanted to be)

>> No.8018932

At her house??? That seems dangerous as hell!

>> No.8018944

...when you're this new it's probably best that you shouldn't post.

>> No.8018970

My very first meet ever was quite an adventure, some of the people who were might be lurking lol:
>halloween meetup
>need a ride
>host offers
>friend them on fb
>host has 2 friends, one is me, another is a girl in the comm who is attending
>only three pics, all look different/unclear
>no posts
>okay, whatever, not big on facebook
>discuss getting a ride
>host mentions they don't like lolita, they like gothic aristo and boystyle
>ok no problemo
>they me they don't like driving in my area because they "don't feel safe"
>ask me to meet them in a location out of the way from where I am, typically deserted
>host claims to be a student at the same uni I attend
>look up their name in the student database, no results come up
>start feeling vastly uncomfortable
>panic, ask another member who is significantly less shady to give me a ride instead
>we go to the meet
>restaurant host arranged is basically an offbrand cracker barrel
>small gaggle of girls in frills
>host shows up late because they parked across the street instead of in the parking lot for the restaurant
>not a single frill on her body
>wearing a tight black lace mall goff kind of dress with leggings and flats
>proceeds to be completely silent the duration of the meal
>next part was a plan to go to a haunted house that host read up on
>go to location
>in the middle of an unfamiliar, lower/middle class neighborhood
>it's someone's house
>tons of kids
>call the host to recommend going to an alternative halloween event going on in the city
>host is upset on the phone, refuses to go, says bye
>we never hear from her again
>rest of the night is great, saw a drag show, got compliments on our outfits

TL;DR: Creepy host planned a shitty meet.

>> No.8019032

Does anybody know what is going on with the Connecticut Community? I've been looking to join and attend a meet since I moved but so far a cold trail and dead air. Does it even exist?

>> No.8019660

Finally getting this off my chest from years ago.

>Saw a girl was hosting a "shopping meet." >Was 10 minutes away from home, so I walked there.
>Meet up with host.
>I'm the only one who showed up, host was in wrinkled, gross looking yellow Bodyline dress.
>Walked around in hot topic and claire's for 2 hours hearing "I wish I could buy this it would look kawaii-desu on me!" learning she's broke and doesn't have a job, nor wants to get one.
>Begs me to drop her off at home after telling me her mom wouldn't pick her up until late at night.
>Politely tells her I walked to get there, and had no car, offers to ride the bus with her to her home, she starts panicking.
>Ended up calling her mom for her who was more than willing to pick her up.
>About to wave her off and escape home until she invites me to visit her place for a short time.
>Tells me she doesn't live that far and I could walk to my own home from there.
>Fucking lives two towns over.
>End up going to her mom's condo. The place is pretty clean and mother is a sweetheart. Hoping it's not too bad.
>Takes me to her lair. Messiest room on block. Brags about her empty closet full of "super desu desu kawaii sugoi" (other jpop reference) bodyline and milanoo. Smells worst of all. Says she doesn't wash them for fear of ruining them.
>Tells me my outfit isn't even lolita and would look better on her. Tries to make me give my clothes to her.
>Faked a phone call about needing to visit my sick mother and walked to the nearest gas station.
>Buses stopped running and had to call my brother.
>Days later found she left the group because no one wanted to be her friend.

>> No.8019670

I kinda feel sad for this girl. She's not malicious or hateful, just clueless and confused.

>> No.8019673

idk sounds like she was trying to be manipulative. Lying about her mother not being able to pick her up and then trying to steal the clothes off the girls back!

>> No.8019681

You might have a point. But the fact that she doesn't realize why no one wants to be her friend...

or maybe she does, and that's just her being manipulative again.

>> No.8019688

Oh my god, this sounds so fake it belong on /x.

>> No.8019699

And I bet you have massive tits and every boy has a crush on you. Fake ass hoe. Make up better stories

>> No.8019784

Scorned ita? I've been to enough meets over the years to believe this girl 100%. Some new people think that lolis are all fluff and naivety and will try and take advantage of good manners at the drop of a hat. God knows I've seen people try and pressure girls into letting them "borrow" clothes many, many times. These types all generally disappear pretty quickly after realizing no one is buying their bullshit. Bitches be shady, yo.

>> No.8019787


Wow someone's a little buttmad. Maybe it hits too close to home? This story is mild in comparison to even some of the stuff posted in this thread.

>> No.8019822

>meet up with gross ita
>ita is poor and weird
>go to her place where she acts poor and weird, wants Anon's clothes
Yes, very unbelievable story. Not like we didn't have a thread about a huge discussion on Rufflechat about people acting like entitled shits concerning begging for dresses online just yesterday.

>> No.8019878

Join us on facebook, anon. We are a bit active, though mostly in the fairfeild county region, and Low drama..
I should be hosting a small tea in January sometime. But really the best way to get us to be more active is to plan your own meets.
Most of the girls who regularly plan things work in retail so we get dead around the holidays, we did have a gift swap early in December and that was fun, though.

>> No.8019997
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Thanks, lol. I really kind of miss those days. Not for the wank (that was ridiculous), but the fact that you were kind of able to get to know people? I feel like we don't have the tight-knit community that we used to anymore; I miss that.

>> No.8020053

Who the hell is this John person I keep hearing about?

>> No.8020106
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>> No.8020897

Ok cool that's exciting and good to know, thank you!

>> No.8021007

Hell I have this shit happen all the time even outside of lolita. People are just shitty. You have it, they want it, and they convince themselves you don't value it enough or they deserve it more or whatever. Usually its that they were kind of spoiled as kids and are used to getting anything if they whine hard enough, but now they're older and are starting to get cut off by parents. I have this one chick I work with who constantly asks me for baby gift stuff, because I made a friend a baby blanket as a shower gift.

>> No.8021116

that's basically everyone in the "inner circle" or i guess the ex inner circle since it's not really that big anymore.
becky, pengu, and who ever else i can't think of at the moment do the same thing.
lesson is don't talk to anybody about your life bc they will spread it, i don't even know you anon but i'd love to hear about your juicy secrets

>> No.8021120

omfg all the fucking vague shade pengu does on her FB

>> No.8021499

Sounds like the Newcastle lot.

>> No.8023211

How does one even do a meetup outside of being at a con?

I am not in school, and don't know anyone else that likes this kind of stuff.

>> No.8023218

Uh, join your local Comm on Facebook. Most lolita meetups happen outside of Cons. The events vary from once a week to once a month depending on the size of the Comm.

>> No.8023226

Seems like my area is dead :(

>> No.8023259

Star your own community and then advertise on Rufflechat/EGL/etc and see what happens. Message girls you've seen at cons and try and make a meet. I

>> No.8023264

>host has 2 friends, one is me, another is a girl in the comm who is attending
>only three pics, all look different/unclear
>no posts
>they me they don't like driving in my area because they "don't feel safe"
>ask me to meet them in a location out of the way from where I am, typically deserted
>host claims to be a student at the same uni I attend
>look up their name in the student database, no results come up
>start feeling vastly uncomfortable
Man, this is creepy as fuck. I was getting genuine chills until it turns out you met her later and at least it was an actual girl your own age and not some random dude. Then again, I guess being a girl your own age doesn't prevent her being a predator, and that really is creepy behaviour.

>> No.8023584

>be 9
>invite girl over because I liked her in school and she seemed cool
>gets to my house; smells straight up like piss, and won't shut the fuck up about my boots (think mid-90's knock off floral Doc Martins)
>begs me to give her the boots
>the uber nice, push over me hems and haws at the answer until my mom steps in and calls her out on her bullshit (thanks mom)
>crisis averted - till she calls her mom and asks for $20 to buy the shoes
>her mom laughs at her and scolds her
>most of the night she's comparing my toys and clothes to hers and complaining that she doesn't get nice things like I do
>never invite her over again
OP's story is absolutely believable.

>> No.8023925

Newfag here, who/what is Melissa?

>> No.8023948

That ceiling is fucking pretty for a shopping mall.

>> No.8023973

A couple of weeks ago I went to a birthday meet, 20+ people were supposed to attend, the day of the meet just a creepy weeb guy was there he was the birthday "girl" he says he's a b-lolita but as I've talked to him it seems he just gets hot with girls in asian fashion, he creeps me out, he just asks very personal, creepy or stupid stuff like "do you have a boyfriend?" Or "why don't you wear shorter skirts?" And starts pushing me to wear his jacket. He stares at me the whole meal repeating "sugoiiii you look so so beautiful" then he starts telling me he wants me to borrow my brand to him and tells me that he will give my stuff back in a month or two, He also told me he wants me to use his clothes and wear just punk lolita because he likes that style more than sweet or classic, suggests we shoulg go alone to the mall and that I should crossdres to look like we are a couple.

Never gonna show up to a meet again

>> No.8023981

Wait, so you went to a birthday meet that turned out to be the meet of a creepy cross-dresser all by himself?

>> No.8023996

Unfortunately yes. The weird part is there was an event page on facebook and a lot of people were supposed to attend and declined the same day of the meet

>> No.8024047

9 years old?

>> No.8024063

I visited a girl from school in my teens and her room just smelt faintly of something weird. The windows were always open (it wasn't summer and a little cold) and coincidentally the mom was away over night so I could sleep in her mom's room and bed. Didn't think much of it at the time but in hindsight it became pretty obvious she was a bedwetter. Poor girl.

>> No.8024071

He is a sissy who was in the comm for an embarrassingly long time before finally being kicked out. Offenses included yelling slurs at other comm members, threatening violence, and inviting another creepy old man sissy into the comm who wanted to check out the lolitas, and having a roleplay "daddy" who used comm members' pictures on his very fetish-y facebook page. Melissa was also a horrific ita to top it all off.

>> No.8024082

Look in the archives.

>> No.8024087

We're having the same problem in Seattle right now, but in reverse. There's a creepy brolita whose inappropriate pictures were posted on BtB last week and all the Comm members were whiteknighting him. I just rolled my eyes in disgust. Just think what would happen if the Comm members in SF whiteknighted Melissa in large numbers following the threats.

>> No.8024111

I never understand these guys. Ugh thank god I've never had to deal with them so far.

>> No.8024250

I had two really bad meets when I first started Lolita and I didn't know anything. Not going to green text because phone

First meet was before I found the facebook groups and it was posted publicly on egl. Mostly public Japanese event you coul d have found out on your own, which I most likely did. Finally had bodyline and not having to use homemade/altered so felt pretty good to finally get real Lolita shape. End up looking goth because I guess that's what I'm used to from before Lolita. Can't even look back to see if I was ita because only have one photo of me from a group shot barely see myself. Guess I was a mana wanna be. Anyways go to event, wait long long, watch event, linger around. Lots of people and lots of Lolita. No one talks to me. Too shy to talk to anyone else. See old friend from high school who is in comm. Says hi but doesn't introduce me to anyone, ignores me. Start to have panic attack. Feel like crying. Everyone starts to split off to have meals talk about mini meets and other events. Have been alone for the past five hours. Rush home trying to to cry from panic attack. Normal fags making it worst. See Lolita in station with their friends. Never felt more alone and stupid in my life.

>> No.8024266

I'm from SF and I'm baffled that there was a petition to ban melissa. melissa being a sissy is and was a huge threat to the lolita community as a whole. Why the fuck are cgls so down to ban melissa but not other sissies? The fact that melissa verbally threatened someone didn't come into the spotlight until much later (yes there were secrets last year but it kind of flew under the radar).

Cgl and btb bitched about melissa but nothing was done until one lolita outright said she wasn't going to tolerate their behavior anymore. Maybe your comm needs to do the same.

>> No.8024267

Oops meant to say that I'm baffled that cgl wanted to ban melissa but supports funk brothers

>> No.8024363

For me, every meet is worst meet, because I can't talk to people. I just can't think of anything to say, so I end up vaguely listening to the other girls talking to each other. I'm not even good at meeting up with people one on one, unless they're very chatty, so in a group I turn into "that one girl who was creepily silent all day".

>> No.8024406

im the exact same, i always wanna say something but i feel like i shouldnt interupt other peoples convos ;_;

>> No.8024425

Oh yeah. And if, miraculously, you do think of something that they 100% definitely will want to hear... by the time you're ready to say it, the convo has moved on to a different topic.

>> No.8024438

I can't tell because the face is blocked out in the image, but from the coord it looks like the person at least knows how to dress himself, and Melissa has always never been able to dress himself and has always looked like a 50 year old man in a dress much too small for him. Plus, he never talked and would follow people around silently. So I think over all, Melissa just came off as much creepier, if only because of appearance- obviously I don't know how the other brolita acts.

>> No.8024512

there were no actual photos of MB getting his rockers off in lolita, but FB has one with a dildo up in his mouth. I don't know what's worse
>people can do w/e they want outside of lolita!!

yeah I'm sure people want to know that FB hangs out with lolitas then goes home and fucks himself in the ass. no relation between bedroom and lolita, nope!

>> No.8024524 [DELETED] 

pics of Melissa?

>> No.8024542

Oh dear, that sounds horrible. I wonder why no one took you under their wings, were they all about your age?

>> No.8024569

looking through Melissa's facebook, he has a whole photoshoot with adamtoeve, who are a company that dress up and apply make up for male crossdressers and then take photos of them..
also that person in the secrets definitely wasn't Melissa, they have a different face shape

>> No.8024632

afaik Funk isn't creepy as fuck, and makes effort to pass?

>> No.8024672

The older sissy thing is an interesting study in the tumble generations ideals of social tolerance

Fiftysomething guy wants to hang out with twentysomething girls and women in every situation? Fuck no.

Fifty something guy wants to wear a frilly dress and hang out with twentysomethings in frilly dresses that uninformed people would consider fetish outfits? Totally! He just wants to be a lovely like us!

Fuck that. I love brolitas around my own age especially when they are cuter than me. But I don't want to have tea parties with a guy thw same age as my dad.

>> No.8024685

That's terrible. I hate flakers especially when something is reserved.

>> No.8025543

>I love brolitas around my own age
Pretty much my thoughts on the whole thing. But I also hate that we have a bunch of early-teen and pre-teen members in our comm as well. It's getting to the point where I'm considering just going it alone and hanging out with a few select friends, because having 12 and 13 year olds show up makes me feel like a fucking creep.

>> No.8025546

>plan meet
>two going
>eleven maybes
>both have last minute things (or just didn't like me)
>maybes refuse to change to going or not going
my fault for planning a shit meet anyway

>> No.8025555

oh whatever.
sexual references or jokes-sure, those are reasonable.

The expectation to not pantomime sex acts in public ala crude catcallers or teenagers is not even about lolitas.
People don't need to do that to be funny.

>> No.8025561

he always looks like that tho

>> No.8025571

putting that in caps doesn't make it funny

>> No.8025589

ouch. what kind of meet was it?
Usually people don't attend if the host isn't well known, it's an expensive event, or it's not in an easy to travel to area. I mean, I guess there is "not interesting, " but usually there's *someone* that will share your interests.

>> No.8025979

I'm the same, and I don't think I should be expected to be okay with that. Doesn't matter that they're "total sweethearts, guys!", I just don't see why I should want to hang out with men twice my age, and I don't see why they should want to hang out with me (well, I do, but gross).

>> No.8026054

Seconding this.
The Ohio comm has improved vastly. There was an influx of newbies last year, but even they improved quicker. You really can't take a small group of girls from a con pic and have them represent the entire comm.
Does Ohio still have some vendetta-chan out there or something?

>> No.8027741

OP of thread. Doubt many will see this. I just googled ita tea party. Had no idea who these girls are. I'm on the other side of the world. I hoped they were some random one-time lolitas.

>> No.8028524

I am a 50-something b-Lolita trying-to-be. I never attended meetups because I didn't want to ruin it for the ladies. I just keep my Lolita in my own space.

>> No.8029153

fattychans??? what is the one in the near middle with white blouse even wearing??