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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 405 KB, 1080x1440, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7951765 No.7951765 [Reply] [Original]

We have tons of threads for ita and nitpick, so how about we have a thread for those lolis that do it right?
>hard mode: post an example of flawless lolita style, ex. flawless sweet, flawless gothic
>inb4 nitpicking
>inb4 selfposts
>inb4 everyone is accused of selfposting

Let's keep it classy and lighthearted ladies. Pic related, the best I could find on mobile.

>> No.7951773
File: 146 KB, 640x640, 10755723_365704000264149_9536877_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7951779

You probably shouldn't have started the thread with a photo of someone (who is constant nitpick material) wearing some shoes that people either very passionately love or hate. Feels kinda like bait.

>> No.7951781

>posting this asshole
Yep, this thread is definitely bait.

>> No.7951782
File: 105 KB, 681x1024, kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7951785

Thank you

>> No.7951788

It was on tumblr mobile and I needed an image, so maybe contribute something instead of just bitching?

>> No.7951789

The boots don't even match, this is far from flawless.

>> No.7951795
File: 35 KB, 600x800, 1415562763442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no way we can have a thread like this without people bitching about little details. That being said, I think this outfit is really nicely put together.

>> No.7951799
File: 907 KB, 684x599, 1387297403968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl has also done some really cute outfits, this one in particular.

>> No.7951830

she has the most beautiful feet I have ever seen

>> No.7951897
File: 53 KB, 480x720, midori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You start a flawless thread but post halfassed coords? Good job.

>> No.7951911

now this is flawless

>> No.7951927
File: 49 KB, 720x960, 1414790290577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Wa-lolita to date
>I have faith again

>> No.7951936
File: 102 KB, 477x750, tumblr_mrqixiQsrD1qcrkr7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Ever since she switched to sweet, her coords have been mediocre to terrible.

Ugh this girl's coords are always just-almost-there but then accessorizing is either boring or off. She's really lovely though.

pic unrelated but contribution

>> No.7952000

what has she done to be an asshole, anon?

>> No.7952003

He. And a lot. Mostly stabbing people in the back, threatening violence against "friends", abusing his customers while running a shopping service, and so on and so forth.

>> No.7952015

Her outfits are okay, they're boring but far from flawless.

>> No.7952020
File: 244 KB, 493x700, 20121218-scan0018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old school egl

>> No.7952032

I think the only thing I'd change is the shoe color, and that's not even a nitpick because I think the white ones look fine, I'd just prefer a bit of black.

>> No.7952044

Basic accessories and simple style =/= boring or flawed.

>> No.7952085

i don't really get why people excited over this girl's coords, though i do give her a pat on the back for not doing wa-lolita very badly. but it doesn't catch my eye or excite me. but i guess that doesn't count as a flaw..?

aren't boring coords technically flawless if there's not really anything wrong with it?
or are we talking flawless as in "god-tier," A+ coords in and of themselves?

hope my english is ok

>> No.7952098
File: 143 KB, 1200x1600, P1000795 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7952100
File: 892 KB, 814x1280, 2014-11-22-01-00-28_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I admire her and her coordinates so much! And she has such a perfect face for lolita!

>> No.7952104

She is cute yeah. I just don't get why is this classified as classic, in my book it's more of an hime outfit than anything.

>> No.7952105

She does simple coords very well.
Something chinesegossip anon said that I took to heart is that lolitas in china value simple coords worn flawlessly. I wish we had more of that here. I'm tired of seeing OTT shit, I like coords that are plain but still make an impression.

>> No.7952122

Yeah I'm not sure either. I still like it a lot no natter what you wanna call it. She really looked like a princess!

>> No.7952128

Agreed. I met her once and she is really lovely and charismatic. I don't know a lot of people who can pull off simple style and still look so nice.

>> No.7952137
File: 26 KB, 450x800, day3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leather moitie

>> No.7952144

>that egyptology pop-up book

>> No.7952156

lol please stop self-posting. your outfits aren't that great

>> No.7952168

I have one too, it's the tits

>> No.7952172

The second at least wasn't a self post, This anon claims that one. Didn't post the first though

>> No.7952174
File: 703 KB, 800x1262, 9OjH61qe8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basic =/= flawless

>> No.7952175
File: 1.89 MB, 800x1210, Ve1qe8515o1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chokelate does pretty basic outfits but they aren't boring either

>> No.7952184
File: 336 KB, 500x750, fannyrosie5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7952186

I feel so ugly when I look at her. How is her face so beautiful?

>> No.7952226


>> No.7952228


>> No.7952229

this always moves me

>how far away from civilization is she
>where did she find this open field
>do you think anyone saw

>> No.7952238

What are you talking about? There are houses right there.
She's just behind some suburban neighborhood.

>> No.7952239

Not far from civilization at all. Texas has planned communities all over. They leave open lots like this for drainage ditches and future developments (schools, shopping malls, etc.). Look at the houses behind her. There's probably another identical row behind the camera.

>grew up in a really similar neighborhood

>> No.7952246

>scrolling head to toe
>hmm, black shoes
>must've missed something
>scrolling toe to head
>hmm, guess not

>> No.7952257

so there's totally a row of houses that she's flashing her ass to, basically, was what I thought

>> No.7952271

It could be a row of houses, it could be a row of businesses. It could be a school, who fucking knows.

>> No.7952276

I hope it was businesses

>> No.7952277

Shes done this same shit on fucking playgrounds, why are you surprised

>> No.7952287

okay that I missed

>> No.7952320
File: 339 KB, 500x750, http%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2F6ae6c6274f2d4ab7869f09558bcafea5%2Ftumblr_neqs3eUUt31qecu65o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7952323

is that hair real? coz if so may as well shave head,i hate that my main concrit is that i have shit hair no matter how i style

>> No.7952324

Nothing goes with anything.

>> No.7952331

Shit hair or shit hairstyle?

>> No.7952370

>those shoes
>that bag
>that glower crown
Nothing fucking match. Being a pretty skeleton with wigs, circle lenses and fake eyelash does not equal being a good lolita. Choke do have some nice outfits, but this is not one of those.

>> No.7952377

shit hair i reckon...
it's naturally 3a curly but it looks frizzy no matter what I've done. i'll tie it up and flyaways everywhere, people look at it like I dont care for myself. doesnt look as lush and shiny as that, pretty limp and lifeless and thin.

>> No.7952378

Plus good camera. I think that makes and breaks a lot of people's favourites on here.

>> No.7952410

I love her coords to death, such a shame she looks like a tranny tho.

>> No.7952412

3a curly always have such nice curls though, even with the frizz! What's your care routine, and do you have much damage? How well does it take to being braided?

>> No.7952418

go to a hairdresser that has similar hair to you and ask them for advice/to cut your hair, even a black hairdresser would probably be okay

>> No.7952437

of course people saw, have you seen any of her other pictures? she got kicked out of a schoolyard for taking pantsu photos not all that long ago

>> No.7952456
File: 183 KB, 1024x1386, http%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2Fc12c34c0ecc184d6262d47b7505eaf6f%2Ftumblr_nbwi4w3tiA1s0s3nuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7952507
File: 78 KB, 418x700, 1415563162821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconded! OTT is nice and all but I like seeing stuff that people actually wear out as opposed to elaborate costumes for cons, photoshoots and special events.
>is it cheating to post a brand coord?

Everyone posted ITT wishes they could be as flawless as our queen.

>> No.7952558
File: 145 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nbkal6GugJ1r20c1uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they're often boring or off even for simple coords. And I say that as one who likes simple coords. They often lack even a bit of visual interest with a patterned sock, or a few pieces of jewelry... something that's more than a bunch of blocky solids or an OP with solid tights and boots, or whatever.

>example of a good, simple coord

>> No.7952615

She kind of looks like a doll. I love it.

>> No.7952620

Fucking love iiralina, top 3 loli idols for sure

>> No.7952625

Eh, I actually like this less, particularly for the black accents meant to be "visually interesting", but to each their own.

>> No.7952669

Too bad about the black shoes, very nice otherwise.
Who is this? She's so beautiful..

>> No.7952700
File: 454 KB, 1280x1854, serafuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7952702

Fanny Rosie

>> No.7952744

TBH I don't really like this either. The black just seems random and the shoes aren't cute at all. Would've been better with white socks and black shoes in my opinion.
Polite sage since I have nothing to contribute.

>> No.7952766

Those are navy accessories, just bad lighting. Also up close the dress is white and navy striped fabric. It's unfortunate that we only judge coords by small photos online and can't appreciate them in real life, or at least holograms would be nice.

>> No.7952831

Not even lolita.

>> No.7952852
File: 449 KB, 720x960, 1341107573438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7952902

those shoes... are awesome. What brand are they?

>> No.7952911


>> No.7952919

iirc they are BTSSB, but there are replicas on Taobao

>> No.7952954

>tfw I bought all of them as a kid

>> No.7952960

OT but I can't find them on taobao anywhere. Do want.

>> No.7952967

Here anon, do forgive me for the shitty mobile version link


>> No.7953021

how isnt sailor lolita lolita

>> No.7953034

how do i do my hair like this? :S i cant get it to stay...

>> No.7953040

"Sailor Lolita" is just an excuse to cosplay Japanese fucking schoolgirls. It has exactly zero Victorian or Rococo or at least European connotations, which are more or less definitive of EGL fashion.

>> No.7953046

>muh rococo

>> No.7953050

can't tell if troll, newfag, or buttmad classic

>> No.7953107
File: 61 KB, 270x413, child in sailor outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exactly zero Victorian [...] connotations
Can't tell if trolling or genuinely retarded.
>Often Victorian clothing for children was styled with the nautical theme by the addition of a deep sailor collar falling broadly across the back. Typically the front was V shaped with an embroidered nautical shield insert. A belt of the same material closed at the front with a buckle or buttons. Among the materials appropriate for this little boy's frock was cloth, wool, pique, linen, and duck. Braid and buttons were applied for decoration on woolen dresses, while embroidered insertion, edging and washable fancy braid garnished those of cotton.
>Granted this was mostly for boys, but who gives a fuck it's cute as hell.

>> No.7953130

>tfw size 9.5-10
I will never have these fucking shoes, not even the replicas

>> No.7953139

A TON of pins and hairspray, anon. Seriously, so many bobby pins. Get a pack of 100 online, put each curl into place, and shove 2 bobby pins in it to make it stay. Then a lot of hairspray.

>> No.7953151

Holy shit though I need this kind of thing on my body.

>> No.7953166

I know, right? Much of Victorian children's clothing just looks kind of frumpy but this outfit, sized up to fit an adult, would be lolita as fuck. I wouldn't be surprised if Meta or Excentrique has produced pretty much this exact dress at some point.

>> No.7953181

Her hair is naturally straight. She rag curls to get her hair like that.

>> No.7953284

please don't skin babies

>> No.7953287

I repeat myself, Sailor Lolita isn't a true lolita style, it's just cosplay like a damn schoolgirl
Totally out, like country or bittersweet,

>> No.7953300

sauce on dress?

>> No.7953304

Shoes don't match.

>> No.7953315

post fit

>> No.7953331
File: 559 KB, 640x994, tumblr_m5gd9sAcki1qgxqs9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lurk more before posting. Country and sailor have been an accepted style for literally over 5 years. The style used to be just a dichotomy of Gothic Lolita and Lolita, then sweet and classic evolved too. Chill. It's a thing, it will never change, and don't bother to complain if you don't like it because it won't be leaving anytime soon.

>> No.7953351

fucking cute, who is this?

>> No.7953354
File: 167 KB, 853x1280, tumblr_nb2kxoQ11W1r7lisbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting for the day I'll be posted to one of these threads and people will sing my praises

>> No.7953379
File: 283 KB, 960x1280, sugar Hearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snow-3- kills me every time.

>> No.7953390
File: 99 KB, 362x747, 1906_jun_mccall_sailor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sailor style dresses in lolita fashion have been around since the time the first Gothic & Lolita bibles were issued (2001 onwards). Brands such as Metamorphose and Innocent World are known for having early signature sailor looks amongst their many other designs. Sailor looks come and go in terms of popularity sure, but have never really gone away.

As for school girl connotations, sailor dresses were worn by adult women in the later Victorian era and became even more popular during the Edwardian period. Certainly, some sailor lolita looks are inspired by or aim to be reminiscent of school uniform but others take their inspiration from more sophisticated women's fashion of the past. Sailor doesn't equal 'school girl', it depends entirely on the cut of the outfit and the type of fashion it's trying to emulate. Only saying all this on the off-chance this wasn't a troll comment created purely for shits 'n giggles and rustling jimmies.

>> No.7953395
File: 11 KB, 236x354, 31629ada2f78411d7ebf3b6332a58fd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7953491

Do you have a source for this? I rag curl my hair too but the curls are not near as tight nor full looking, so I'd like to know what she does.

>> No.7953507 [DELETED] 
File: 627 KB, 1280x1003, tumblr_msdugnwOJ61qdx9hzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT Coording pastel and black OTT sweet dresses into more mature sweet lolita looks.

I'm turning 35 next month and while I don't plan on giving it up because of my age, I would like to put a new spin on such sweet dresses that suits me better. I have about 9 OTT pastel sweet dresses that I still love to death in lavender, mint, sax, and black with super cutesy themes (Sugary Carnival, Dream Fantasy, Milky Planet...) While I don't dress as crazy as I used to and now wear them with simple accessories, I would really love to get some input how to make them more mature.

It seems sheer overlay dresses, more mature bags/shoes, and parasols can make them more elegant/mature, but I would love to hear some more ideas too.

>> No.7953513


>> No.7953522

>buttmad classic
Sailor style is generally more classic than sweet though, there's no reason to blame anyone.

>> No.7953524
File: 294 KB, 338x619, 1399794208147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7953527
File: 180 KB, 899x769, 1912300_550895745010971_7899428573275019897_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7953533
File: 66 KB, 560x519, 435782831194493a6ffd4bb5154c5a3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7953534

I thought i was in the ita thread when I saw this.

>> No.7953535

No clue, just saved it off tumblr one day

>> No.7953537

Victorian Maiden

>> No.7953556

Seems like you need to get your eyes readjusted.

>> No.7953559

VM Stripe Rose Ribbon if lolibrary hasn't failed me.

>> No.7953594

But that anon is right, this isn't flawless, it's more like nitpick material.

>> No.7953597

Please don't repeat yourself, you're stupid.

>> No.7953665

The sudden switch to dark green right before the lace irks me. The sudden change in length at the second layer confoozes me. Shoes.

>> No.7953693

This conversation has just turned Slav-tier


>> No.7953701

i wash every couple days at the moment. The nicest my hair ever has been was after going to the beach. Salt did it I think.
I use a boar hair bristle to brush.
I'm happy to carry on this conversation in the makeup/beauty thread, looks like this thread is going under thanks to "true Lolita" troll.

funny story, they're the only people who have complimented my hair
not many black people in my city so I dunno how long til I find a hair dresser. I'll keep an eye out

>> No.7953773

You need to curl smaller sections of hair at a time if they're turning out too loose. Also, is your hair as long and thick as Fanny's? If not, you won't necessarily get the same result.

>> No.7953774

You mean Slav vs Greek-tier
etc etc
t. Slavic purveyor of internet news comments and licensed Balkan butthurtologist
(Sorry for OT)

>> No.7953847

Anyone know where she got those shoes?

>> No.7953924

>those tights
>that underskirt
>but mostly those tights

anon, pls

>> No.7954057

This is probably my fave image in this thread
oh god it gets better
Love those stockings

>> No.7954120

Do you use the curly girl method (conditioner only washes, no sulphate/silicone) or regular shampoo/conditioner? I've never heard of any of my friends using a boar bristle brush as they prefer stuff with wider spacing, most do the fingers/wide tooth comb when damp with conditioner in and scrunch & sometimes use a brush with separated teeth when dry, maybe this is contributing to the frizz. If you use heat on your hair at all it can also contribute. Salt probably encouraged your curls to come together, many people find it enhances their curls but it can be terribly drying

>> No.7954156

Another thing that may contribute to frizz is the type of towel you're using to partially dry your hair after wash. I use an old tee shirt and it really helps to cut down on the frizz.

>> No.7954225

Thats a pretty phallic umbrella there.

>> No.7954307

God I love Fanny Rosie so much. I want her wardrobe, I want to look like her, I want hair like her, I just wanna be her so badly. Instead I'm pudgy, manfaced, and barely buying one new lolita item every month.
>we're all gonna make it one day r-right cgl?

>> No.7954318

Get ahold of yourselves ladies.
>forcing black shoes in a pastel coord because she has nothing better to match
Not flawless, and I believe it's been said before, but she can't pull off sweet. I get the feeling she was going for classic, but it comes off as a sweet coord. She looks trappish, honestly.

I will say one positive thing though, her photography and shoop skills are always on point. I wonder who she gets to do them for her.

>> No.7954335

I'm sure you have potential anon, just keep going and build your wardrobe, learn what makeup makes you look your best, take time with your coords and don't post half assed outfits online but above all have confidence in your abilities, very few people are a completely lost cause.

>> No.7954388

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who noticed this.

>> No.7954397

This was an outfit someone made for me for one of those "put 3 outfits together for someone else" themes on the LJ community, and the shoes are actually brown but because they're those cheap shiny pleather Aintainna shoes they photograph way darker than they are.

I like the outfit she put together for me, but it would look better on someone else, not me :)

>> No.7954590

She's said it multiple times, go to her tumblr. She does 10 of them.

>> No.7954598

it looks better on you than it would anyone else because it's not a great outfit and you manage to make even shitty outfits look good because you're pretty.

>> No.7954605
File: 504 KB, 1280x720, uymtr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean a delicious umbrella

>> No.7954795

this is where 13 year olds get bad ideas

>> No.7956440


Found her!

>> No.7956441

Blues are all over the place, whats wrong with you people?

>> No.7956449
File: 105 KB, 330x258, concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your definition of "all over the place" is apparently as rigid as your hateboner, anon.

I am much more concerned about this strategically-placed book(?) cover.

>> No.7956461

The Dali art book?

>> No.7956467

I read that in your voice.

>> No.7956473

Do you need it spelled out for you?
Hues. Everywhere.

>> No.7956483

Stop your matchy matchy costume bullshit and learn to fashion. Slightly diffrent hues of the same color, can look good and this is exhibit A.

>> No.7956489

>Hues. Everywhere.
Oof. Anon, I know that's a big no-no when you're only used to playing it safe in normalfag fashion, but if you have even the slightest bit of creativity, it can turn out well.

>> No.7956547

>mfw this is still pretty matchy-matchy to me

But its a step ahead I suppose.

>> No.7956559
File: 380 KB, 600x1418, there is hope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God I love Fanny Rosie so much. I want her wardrobe, I want to look like her, I want hair like her, I just wanna be her so badly. Instead I'm pudgy, manfaced, and barely buying one new lolita item every month.
>>we're all gonna make it one day r-right cgl?

Time and patience, Anon. Let your hair grow out, learn how to use make up and take good photos (and photoshop, maybe. It's not like her pictures are 100% natural. Light, skin retouch etc can make a change too), learn what flatters you, and keep going. It's a looong journey, but it's not like Fanny woke up one day and was the perfect Lolita. It took years to build such a wardrobe and look.
>pic related, timeline of her outfits saved from another thread
She herself said somewhere on her blog that it took her several years until she did coords that satisfied her.

>W-we are all gonna make it Anon, I need to keep telling myself that every day too

>> No.7956575

Thank you anon I will keep working at it!

>;_; we can all make it if we try

>> No.7956595


Fucking thankyou, someone who bothers to look at the sailor style beyond pop culture and tracing it back to its roots. This is precisely why it counts as a substyle, not because someone couldn't make their mind uo whether they wanted to do seifuku or lolita.

>> No.7956597


I love you and I love this being the best thing Bodyline ever did.

>> No.7957280

Is that Kagome? She should stop selfposting her outfits are meh/boring

>> No.7957347

The hues are not "all over the place", they're similar temperatures, mostly just different values.
>what are monochrome color palettes

>> No.7957373
File: 346 KB, 1440x1280, sad_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not self posting. I sad now. I like her coords. I confess, it was me.
I go wallow in shame now.

>> No.7958295

Damn now i can't be mad at you because you're talking too cute and cat image
you cutie.

>> No.7958309
File: 473 KB, 1193x1920, marianne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually say it when I selfpost, anon. I'm always embarassed to be posted in these kind of thread because of that.

Have some more flawlessness

>> No.7958364

I remember you and you used to selfpost in perfect lolita threads all the time. I'm not surprised that other cgls are suspicious too especially since your outfits aren't that memorable.

>> No.7958368

the color of this whole photograph feels really off? and those sleeves are ugly

>> No.7958377
File: 45 KB, 290x387, vm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually never selfposted in these threads, believe it or not, although I contribute in color scheme threads. I don't know why I keep defending myself though, it only worsen my case every time.

>> No.7958392

I love those tights though! Where can they be purchased?

>> No.7958413

This is flawless, but is it even lolita?

>> No.7958415

They were from the Macoto Takahashi X Victorian Maiden collab, dunno if they're still available.

>> No.7958420

Thank you!! They're the only good part of that outfit tbh

>> No.7958439
File: 58 KB, 347x346, union.jack.heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you know some people appreciate your look enough to post you!
Love from the UK!

>> No.7958471

Care to link? Because clearly I've never been.

>> No.7958471,1 [INTERNAL] 

If you look at the dress itself, the flowers have different hues and then the underskirt (which is part of the dress) is another one. She just played with the same blues and it looks good.

>> No.7958563

I had a theory that if someone went this route with Wa Lolita it would come out nice. An she proved that theory before I had the means to implicate it. I love how all my friends were texting that photo to me shouting "you were right!" I feel like a famous physicist who's work was finally validated by something with superior mathematical skills.

>> No.7958576

#rule to curly hair...

Never brush it dry. It leads to a frizzy bush. I'm super curly myself and my daily routine does involve a board hair brush but I always make sure my hair is damp. Try keeping a little squinty bottle in your bath room and spritz your hair with that and some kind or product. At my house the coconut hibiscus curl soufflé is sworn upon like the bible. It is the only thing that tames my youngest sister's mane and she has to keep her hair curly or else she looks ugly.

>> No.7958599

>coconut hibiscus curl soufflé
By Shea Moisture? Mah nigga. I love their products so much, and so far the only one that hasn't agreed with me has been the deep treatment masque. The coconut hibiscus hold and shine mist is so good to me.

>> No.7958615

I recommend it to everyone with frizzy curly hair. Like at work this older Jewish lady came in and was asking what I used because she was tired of relaxing her hair. She loved it and now I have older women coming into my job asking about it constantly. I always have a bottle of the most in my purse. It's fantastic and smells so good. The soap with the shiitake mushrooms in it is also great.

>> No.7960517

Fuck off, I'm not looking through her entire archive for you just because you don't know how to use the internet or rag curl your hair. She just says she does 10 rag curls with damp hair. Watch YouTube videos or something. It's really not that complicated.

>> No.7960551

I like wa-lolita being simple like this since Japan is about the beauty of moderation, so I guess it always made me gag when wa-lolita is over the top kawaii desu.

Also, bitches being catty about the lolita in general and not the coord in the picture. People can have their off days.

>> No.7960554

The scepter makes no sense because she has nothing else royal going on about her, but it's fine other than that

>> No.7960567

>comes to thread
>looks for self
>not yet but its okay


>> No.7960573

The pin and flower crown don't match the rest of the outfit very well, should've focused on the brown/ tan really

>> No.7960575

I was just about to say, I also don't think this is lolita.

Sleeves and the picture make it ugly though

>> No.7960581

If you go to her question answer section of her tumblr, she explains that she applies mousse to her dry or slightly damp hair and then does 12 rag curls or something like that. The mousse makes the curl stay for a few days, and I'm sure keeps it looking coiffed and shiny.

>> No.7960922

And yet you took the time to write this reply. Stay sandy bitch.

>> No.7960940
File: 43 KB, 427x640, e451c0f79fb3760c5d9e4e2a780723ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is flawless.

>love her to pieces
>biggest fan
>IMO she is perfect

>> No.7960970

i'm very hard to please.. but this is beautiful. god damn.

>> No.7960972

she's really pretty, but i think she missed the mark on this one. her other coord (>>7952184) is great, though.

>> No.7960990

Almost 100% sure it's a framed art print of the portrait of Dali.

>> No.7961284

I don't know, the shoes don't work for me....such an OTT coord needs a nice pair of heels.

>> No.7961472

I love lacy bloomers peeking out from under the dresses...

>> No.7961483
File: 138 KB, 394x580, 1410838375693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love how all my friends were texting that photo to me shouting "you were right!" I feel like a famous physicist who's work was finally validated by something with superior mathematical skills.

you're trying too hard.