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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7817204 No.7817204 [Reply] [Original]

Related to /cgl/ and all cosplay and lolita-related subjects.

Post it all here so you don't shit up the board and get all the seagulls angry at you.

>> No.7817229

rori here, let me help you start off

so guise whatd'ya think of
>glasses in lolita
>slim girls in lolita
>fat girls in lolita
>black girls in lolita
>hijabs in lolita
>long underskirt curtains in lolita
>cats with lolitas
>older ladies (35 and above) in lolita
>sweet lolita dying out
>rise in classic lolita trend
>wigs in lolita
>no wigs in lolita
>wearing make up in lolita

pick any one and debate, go

>> No.7817230

>hijabs in lolita
this needs to stop

>> No.7817231

sorry last one is
>skirt lengths in lolita

>> No.7817233

you forgot one

>people that aren't pretty enough wearing lolita

>> No.7817234

so muslims aren't allowed to like lolita? wut.

>> No.7817239

fucking take off the head condom or leave lolita

>> No.7817246

I've literally never seen a Muslim in lolita before but now I hope a bunch of them get into it just to piss you off.

>> No.7817249

Isn't the hijab a "you must not show your hair" thing? Why can't muslim lolitas wear wigs? It's not like it's their real hair...

>> No.7817251

i actually left out a few on purpose, like what do you think of rosaire, kate, chokelate, cadney, fanny, arthael, pixelate, deerstalker and gang...but let's throw them in anyway, what the heck

>> No.7817253

Holy shit that's brilliant.
I never even thought of that before.

Any Muslims want to explain? Does have to be cloth or something?

>> No.7817255

I was actually really curious about this so I googled around. There seems to be some debate about using a wig as hijab, as the hijab is meant to help conceal a woman's attractiveness by hiding her hair... so using a wig wouldn't really have the same effect. But a site said that as long as it's a synthetic wig and she's not using it "for [male] deception" it should be ok? Idk it's really confusing. Thank fucking god I'm not Muslim.

>> No.7817256

doesnt seem that damn confusing
seems pretty simple actually

>> No.7817257

not muslim, but iirc muslim friends have told me you can't flaunt your hair because that's being overly vain or something like that. has to do with modesty. also heard something about how only your husband deserves to see your hair.

ironically even with their hijab on, they are dressed in the flashiest blingbling kebayas and full-on makeup with three layers of mascara and falsies.

>> No.7817258

arent hijabs on the same level as like, yarmulkes?

>> No.7817259

No, it's confusing because there's a lot of debate about it. Some websites I found said that wigs are never allowed, whereas that one site made a bizarrely specific exception. Plus what constitutes being used for deception? Would a Muslim woman have to let every man who sees her know she's wearing a wig? Would she be limited to obviously-fake pastel/inhuman colors?

>> No.7817260

I saw a video on youtube with a muslim lolita, and she wore a really ugly pastel split wig instead of a hijab, so maybe

>> No.7817266

Some fundamentalist Jewish women do that already.

>> No.7817292

I'm ok with hijabs in lolita, as long as it matches your co-ord, go for it.
But I will say this. My sister has a few muslim friends, through various 'mommy and me' mornings she goes to, (theres like 8 years between us, so she has 3 kids..), and normally if their just sitting around with the other moms they dont have to wear a hijab, but if one of the dads walks up, they'd have to put up their hijab, which makes me wonder.

At a meetup, is it really necessary? I know their may be brolitas, but its primarily a girly day out so wouldn't you just wear it but leave it down mostly?
But I can understand why they'd put them up for photos.

>> No.7817298

If the meetup was private and indoors, they could do it, but they wouldn't be able to do that in a public meet since men who are strangers could still see. It really just depends on the local culture though. In the US it may fly to go in public without one, but definitely not in a more traditional culture.

>> No.7817316

>rise in classic lolita trend
Actually, even though I am a classic lolita and I'd always been rooting for it to get more popular, I'm just not into this OTT classic thing that's going on. I'm not opposed to OTT in theory, but in practice it just seems to be a bunch of people piling as much crap on their heads as they can. Plus I'm not a fan of very long dresses on me and I find most of the prints coming out aren't to my taste.

>> No.7817324

There's a passage in the Quran about wearing wigs/extensions, if I recall correctly, there's a story about a woman who lost all her hair due to sickness or something or other and the final verdict is that she's not allowed to wear any hair she didn't grow herself. Some scholars today say it's okay to wear wigs/extensions made of artificial fibres since it's horse hair or something that's mentioned in the passage, some say it's not okay at all, I guess it depends on how strict you are.

>> No.7817348

A lot of moderate Muslims don't wear hijabs.

>> No.7817351

Not muslim here, but a friend of mine is, and usually wears the hijab.

However she mentioned wanting to order a wig for cosplay and such, so I'm assuming in her case she considers it okay? But as other posters said it probably depends on level of strictness

>> No.7817352

do you mean modern?
And I know, but she was showing pictures of herself in one, so I assumed she wore one

>> No.7817427

I wonder where lesbians come into play in this since it's about not alluring/attracting people. You can't always tell what someone's sexuality is. What about gay men who are not attracted to women? Are the rules still the same?

>> No.7817435

Plenty of Muslim women don't wear hijabs. That's like saying Christian women can't wear lolita because they're all supposed to dress like the Amish.

>> No.7817443

The majority of them do, though, right? Wheras Amish are fairly uncommon.

>> No.7817447

Depends on your culture. In Bosnia or Turkey women generally don't bother with headgear unless they're old, although you may see some in Turkey depending on where you go.
In places like Iran or Indonesia more of them wear hijabs and the other Muslim countries tend to be more strict.

>> No.7817471
File: 383 KB, 500x241, NNKSsth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>glasses in lolita

I really really really really really really really really really really really REALLY want to like Kate's coords....

I do.
I fucking do.

But you already know.

There was one photo/photoset on CoF where she took them off, and she looked GORGEOUS!! The outfit and her face and makeup looked absolutely perfect!
Then in the next outfit she posted, she had her glasses back on, and I feel they just ruin every wonderful coord she does.

But I guess she doesn't care, so. I guess. Good for her?

>> No.7817473

Damn, it got cut off before I finished and I just noticed.

Anyway just like any religion it has its little differences, and the religion itself has little to do with it since it's more about how said religion is understood and adapted into the already existing culture. You have plenty of people from, say Iran, Turkey, Jordan, Pakistan etc that only see Islam as a set of guidelines, not rules, and some of them aren't even really Muslim but they still call themselves that because it's a part of their tradition/culture. That's what you'd call "secular/modern Muslims".

To compare, I'm an Orthodox Christian but you also have your Catholics, Protestants, Lutherans, people who live in the American Bible Belt who take religion as srs bsns (what are they? Baptists?), the Amish, Mormons etc etc

Except the Christian world wasn't fucked up and brainwashed by religious extremists and oligarchs to the same degree but that's delving into politics now.

>> No.7817486

Like most traditional christians, traditional muslim cultures don't particularly acknowledge homosexuality.

>> No.7817487

>long underskirt curtains in lolita
hate it, hate it, hate it. It just looks so wrong to me, five layers of ruffles peeking out underneath a border-print? Gross.

>fat girls in lolita
I think fat girls can wear what they want. People will hate it no matter what they put on anyway. But for fuck's sake, make sure that your shit actually fits you. Don't squeeze your 115cm chest into a dress that maxes out at 110.

>> No.7817488

I feel you, man. I just want regular, non-print classic dresses in a good length and pretty colors. I don't want every dress to be a printed clusterfuck that has to be coorded with more clusterfuck.

>> No.7817494

You think the majority do because you don't notice the ones that aren't.

Most of the Muslim people I know aren't that traditional and the women don't wear them.

Where I live (in Canada) I would guess that maybe 10% are that devout, but that's just a guess.

>> No.7817496

Oops, I forgot to mention, I'm specifically talking about Muslims in non-Muslim countries

>> No.7817498

Perhaps the majority in certain countries. Obviously by not wearing a hijab, they're not advertising that they're Muslim so how can you tell?

>> No.7817504


No, they don't.

People forget that Islam exists on a spectrum similar to Christianity. You get muslims who don't wear veils and are all right with Western standards of modesty, and you get the ones on the far right who wear veils all the time. The latter, just like extremist Christians, just look more prominent because of how much they stand out.

>> No.7817526

>cats with lolita
I freaking love cats, on par with crazy cat lady, but I'm crazy allergic to them and end up with horrible eczema and rashes that doesn't go away for a week or two, extremely difficult breathing, and itchiness everywhere. (A part of me died at the allergy doctor's when I got my test results.) No anaphylaxis luckily.

I don't care if a seller has cats cause usually an intensive wash/dry clean and an air cycle on my super old dryer takes care of it. What really irks me is when they don't even mention it in the listing and I get two handfuls of cat hair and dander when I open a package. This happened at least twice. If I knew beforehand for those, I could've worn gloves and opened it over the washer/dry clean bag. Nowadays, I just take those precautions anyway even if the seller says they don't have a pet.

I still freaking love cats though. Just don't like owners who omit details.

>> No.7817536

I think if they pull off the dress and aren't ita, it fits.

>> No.7817540
File: 66 KB, 540x720, lol5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7817542

Right one would look cool if the hijab was black, otherwise okay enough.
Left's dress is ita as fuck.
I think hijabs can look good if they're drapey and a tad loose like they wear, and not baldcap-tier like you see on sugarnoor.

>> No.7817543

I like it, I think the hijab works especially well with gothic and maybe even a darker-toned classic.
Wow she uh... did she make that dress herself? Oof.

>> No.7817546

I hate props in lolita. Scepters, particularly. If it's non-functional and takes up your hands, it inherently leads to being costume-y. Bags, muffs, and parasols and the like are functional, scepters certainly aren't. They make you look like a little girl playing fairy godmother with her magic wand.

>> No.7817547

Fun fact, the sweet lolita's hijab doesn't match the pink in her dress, the gothic lolita's hijab is the only piece of blue anywhere in her coord.

>> No.7817548

I agree she needs more blue to pull the hijab into the coord better but I understand why she didn't wear a black one at least, it'd be much harder to make out the lovely veil if she did.

>> No.7817552

Agreed. I have a hard time understanding how people can take themselves seriously when they go around carrying props and telling themselves and others it's fashion. What the fuck. I can understand if it's for a photoshoot, but out in the street?

>> No.7817562

I agree, OTT classic is often done terribly. So many have way too much going on. I think it might be because a lot of classic brands are trying to appeal to converters from sweet. Innocent world has put out some pretty cutesy borderline-sweet prints lately that I'm not drawn to at all.

>> No.7817563
File: 50 KB, 480x720, tumblr_m1xdyv8Vxu1qfi9c9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooo how about this one? I thought the blue was nice but, I agree she needed some more it in her dress.

>> No.7817570

First impression is that she kinda looks like a nun.

But I do agree that she needs some more details.

>> No.7817577

A lot better, but it could still use some work. I actually approve of muslim lolita when they dress like this, and not like a horrible mess like some of them do (but I usually just attribute that to being every group having it's Itas)

>> No.7817582

>lovely veil
It's a like $2 pile of shit from Bodyline...

>> No.7817584

So do you but I didn't point it out in public

>> No.7817585

Don-t like the belt and she needs a fucking petti but the hijab is not a problem in this co/ord, at least.

>> No.7817591

>never seen a Muslim in lolita before
How in the world would you know something like that? That's like saying you've never seen a lesbian or a republican in lolita before. How the fuck could you know?

Do you go up to anyone wearing lolita and ask them their religion?

>> No.7817596

fucking same. Scepters, wands, giant pieces of fake candy, and stuffed animals that don't double as bags.

>> No.7817597

I can't decipher the meaning of this reply

>> No.7817601

I live in an area in the US - in the bible belt no less - with a large population of Muslim women. I see ~1,000 women a week in various levels of Muslim covering, from shoppers to coworkers. This is why I figured most Muslims, even in the US, wore hijab.

>> No.7817604

I live in an apartment complex with like 80% Muslims and only a handful of the women wear hijabs. None of the teenagers do. I personally don't give a damn if someone chooses to wear one or not but if they do, they should understand that it will probably clash really badly with lolita and make their choices accordingly.

>> No.7817620


I noticed when I was in the South that there were quite a few people who converted to Islam. I found it interesting particularly as you said, we're in the Bible belt.

I've noticed it varies from area to area - in my own area, I know quite a few Muslims and I don't see them wearing the hijab.

>> No.7817629

Obviously I meant a Muslim in hijab and lolita. This is tumblr levels of nitpick.

>> No.7817646

I think this style of hijab with more volume looks nice with gothic, kind of like a witchy hood or something. It's the flatness and lack of volume compared with the clothes that can make a hijab look bad in lolita. If you just have the balance I don't think it's a problem, really.

>> No.7817986
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Opinion on Aymmy?

>> No.7818007

never heard of her but she's cute

>> No.7818015
File: 242 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mgemu030s61rj62reo1_1280 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7818037

She's saying you look like shit, but at least she didn't point it out.
>Because insulting people's looks on the internet is really witty.

>> No.7818039

I legitimately cannot see shit when I take my glasses off. I always worry about how they would look with coords so I generally stick to black themes. My glasses were expensive, and my vision is at stake. As much as I would love tons of glasses to go with literally every style under the sun, the cost of the lenses would leave me bankrupt

I dunno if Kate's glasses are prescription or not, but if they are I can understand her needing to wear them. I really get bummed about the glasses hate posted all the time. It took me a really long time to accept the fact that I'll have to wear glasses for the rest of my life, so when people nitpick it in coords it makes me really sad.

And no, contacts are not an option.

>> No.7818041

Why can this girl not match her pinks? It's not like it would be that hard to take the dress to a fabric store and make her own hijab

>> No.7818058

That might just be the brand model

>> No.7818066
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl on left is really cute but with with such nice clothes why do I only see such plain hijabs. There are some really nice tutorials out there.

>> No.7818083

Not Muslim but my sister-in-law is Orthodox Jewish and she wears a head scarf or a wig similar to her own hair color daily

>> No.7818138
File: 2.68 MB, 312x250, 4BLEHN1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate glasses. I don't.
However, with all of that brand Kate buys, I'm sure she can afford a different pair of frames that actually compliment her outfits.

I don't hate glasses at all. I legitimately think Kate looks great, BUT her glasses throw the whole look off.
It isn't that way with other girls all of the time, so it's nothing to worry about.

Seagulls bitch about everything, though. It all has to be fake or else it's WRONG.
>don't use your real hair
>acrylic nails or else your hands look trashy
>take off your glasses or you look ita

>inb4 you just said Kate looks bad with her glasses
I'm no saint.

>> No.7818204
File: 152 KB, 640x960, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this girl is known or not (I just have mutual friends with her on FB), but she's one of the very few I've seen who pull it off well.

>> No.7818225

Ayumi is the owner of the brand and models it as well.

>> No.7818243

I think it's just a handful of people that think those things though. There's been a recent swing favoring natural hair IF it's well styled and fits the aesthetic. If your hands are a focal point in a picture then yeah, they should look nice and acrylics are an easy way to do that.

Anyway, I always find hijab wearing lolitas fascinating. I mean, if they wear the hijab because they want to be modest and not attention-grabbing, why are they involved in a fashion like lolita? Or any other fashion even? I guess it just comes back to the age old "I just want to be pretty" feeling.

>> No.7818352

what did y'all think of behind the bows this week?

can anyone post a pic of those two who keep getting posted?

>> No.7818391
File: 40 KB, 640x480, LEONFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All ears for the honestity of 4chan.
What do you guys think of it?
(Resident Evil - Leon S. Kennedy)
By the way, sorry for double posting back at the board!

>> No.7818409

> What do you guys think of it?
I think you need to read the catalog and FAQ

>> No.7818410

Think about what? The cosplay? The franchise?

>> No.7818455

I think you need to learn trigger discipline.

>> No.7818457


Get over it, he apologized. Jesus christ.


Obviously the cosplay, it's why he posted pictures of himself with a reference picture. And I think you knew that.

Im so bitter today I hate people.


I like it, don't know enough to give real critique, but the hair looks alright and you have a good nose for it. I hope youre planning on wearing something else though!

>> No.7818463

Woah man, thank you so much! I though all I'd get where critiques like the first ones.
Yup, I'm remaking my cosplay from 0 (I already made Leon's RPD uniform, though it looked crappy). Also, I'm planning on going as when he's injured in RE 2! Haven't seen too many injured Leons all around internet.

And again, thanks for your kind comment and also for answering politely.

>> No.7818468


Oh from 2! I always think back to RE4 when I think of Leon, terrible habit. That's an awesome idea, there's too many RE4 Leons running about anyway. I hope someone more knowledgeable can give you better advice, but from my casual-fag opinion I think your face and hair are really good !

>> No.7818472


That's the most "Leon-esq" face I've ever seen, nice job winning that genetic lottery! There's not much to critique here until your body pieces are shown but as for the face and hair progress you're on a good track. Is the hair natural?

>> No.7818484

Thanks a lot mate! Means a lot to me!
I promise I'll show you the whole cosplay! I'm not pretty skilled, hardest thing I've made was an armor of Chrom, and gotta add that I didn't finish it at 100%

The hair's a wig that I bought from ebay, but I modelled it (You know how they come, basic wigs that are just a bunch of hair, you do nothing wearing them as they initially look! xD).

P.S.: I'm spanish, so if I make mistakes at talking english please, do apologize me :P

>> No.7818493


That's not bad for being a styled wig, if you lurk around at wig threads you might garner some ideas to improve on it. Only thing I can't critique is the slight shine, but it's more of a nitpick - not awful by any means. Good work so far, can't wait to see the rest!

Don't be discouraged if you get some nasty comments on this site by the way, just keep pushing yourself to improve and take notes from any help threads or tutorial threads - the fastest way I learned to make armor and leather clothing was writing all I could when the topics popped up.

Now finding the good critiques from the shit ones it the real challenge

>> No.7818494


Just some friendly advice, emoticons like xD and :p usually don't bode well here. I'm not sure why, but thats how it is

>> No.7818511

Oh, oke. It's always good to be aware about a place's manners.
Thanks so much for the advice.

>> No.7818513

Of topic, but OP image kid is fucking adorable.

>> No.7818515

You're completely right. My problem is that I'm not so handy within this kind of forum. I'll give it time to know how to get information properly because at first sight, seems like a bunch of information constantly going around with anonymous users! Haha

>> No.7818523

Just lurk dude, stop posting.
I always cringe when I see someone new constantly posting reply after reply when all their questions could be answered by lurking a few days.

>> No.7818525

>>7818410 here. Was genuinely unsure since both meanings tend to pop up sometimes.

There isn't much to comment on since there isn't much there in the first place. Facially wise, you do look similar to the character. The wig looks decent too, although if you want to go a little further, I would suggest looking up lacefronts. When normal wigs are parted near the scalp (like your character), it becomes more apparent that they are wigs. Also google trigger discipline while you're at it.

Feel free to come back when you have more of the costume. If you are making the brunt of it, there's the progress thread you can post on.

Because it's an imageboard meaning it's preferable to use reaction images instead of emoticons.

>> No.7820209

Oh my god.
it would make the PERFECT NUN COORD.

>> No.7820488

"do apologize me."
omg so cute

>> No.7824428


>> No.7824790

We've been over this, some sects condone 'fancy' or voluminous hijabs, some don't.
It's a real religious thing.

>> No.7824805

>glasses in lolita
I wear glasses, so I'm based, but I feel that as long as they match your style or are unobtrusive, they're fine. Not everyone can wear contacts, so I don't see why people throw hissyfits. I wear gothic and I have small rectangular thick rimmed glasses which I feel look pretty decent.

>slim girls in lolita
>fat girls in lolita
Again based because I weigh 100 lbs soaking wet, but I think any weight in lolita is fine as long as you buy shit that FITS you.

I wouldn't wear a dress too big for me because I'd look dumpy. Morbid obesity-chans shouldn't squeeze into dresses because it looks gross.

>black girls in lolita
Fine, but god damn it wear colors that look good on your skin tone. I'm pale as fuck but look awful in pastels so I don't wear sweet. This is more a thing for everybody though. If you don't normally wear a color because it looks bad with your skin tone, don't fucking wear it in lolita.

>hijabs in lolita
ehhhhhhhhh. I'm on the fence. If you're wearing toned-down lolita it looks fine, but huge poofy skirts and huge head eating bows look like shit with a hijab.

>long underskirt curtains in lolita
No. Just no.

>cats with lolitas
I love cats, I love cat prints (Haenuli's babushka cat print is fucking amazing) and I would honestly take my cats everywhere with me if I could. That doesn't mean I unconditionally love everything with cats on it, though, there is some tacky as fuck shit out there.

>older ladies (35 and above) in lolita
Fine, but for the love of god, dress so you don't look like you miss being a child. Old women wearing sweet is usually really offputting and kind of scary to me.

>sweet lolita dying out
Just OTT. OTT anything needs to stop. There's a reason people think we're all wearing costumes.

>wigs in lolita
>no wigs in lolita
Do your hair or wear a wig, whatever. Don't be greasy.

>wearing make up in lolita

>skirt length in lolita
I prefer longer skirts (knee and below) but I hate my knees.

>> No.7825028

You're dressing up as little girls, bro, you hardly have room to be elitist.

>> No.7825043

If the girl is going to be allowed to wear something as outlandish as lolita, she's got to be allowed to decorate her fucking hijab a little.

>> No.7825651
File: 41 KB, 400x400, what even is tumblrs infatuation with these tacky ass things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on those cat/bear/bunny tights that seemingly everyone on tumblr and their grandmother own?


>> No.7825663

Have a pair and like them. Get lots of compliments on them because outside of the internet most people in my area dont have them.

>> No.7825753

Personally I think they're really cute, especially with plain black/white dresses.

>> No.7825775

I feel like it really isn't hard to find colors/dresses that suit your skin tone/body type. E.g. I'm naturally tan so sax looks like SHIT on me. Just keep searching & improving and people will have less shit to say.

>> No.7825789

It's cute, but I think the ones in your picture are ugly, when the ear part gets lighter than the rest of the cat. Does allover black tights even exist? I have never seen them on ebay/aliexpress before.

>> No.7825812

what does /cgl/ think of miki (mickey?) and her ventures into lolita/fairy kei/etc...

>> No.7825825

thank u based anon-chan

>> No.7825915

That looks great!

>> No.7825918

Same here, but you know, if you're invested into a certain kind of fashion, you should look for a pair that doesn't clash with the style of it and matches all your outfits without looking out of place.

Her glasses have absolutely nothing to do with her coords.

>> No.7826489

The hijab matches the dress, it's the blouse that's off.

>> No.7826987

Looks good, that's a really good color and you've got a great face. I'd recommend taking a razor to the end of the fringe at the sides so it looks less blunt. Arda has a couple tutorials for this on their site.
Also trigger discipline

>> No.7827283 [DELETED] 

I hate people fawning over every qt azn rorita. Like pic related, let's take middle girl in pink and middle girl in blue, their faces are just chubby and ugly but their legs are fat, asian don't mean you look adorable every time.
>inb4 wahh u hate on azn
No they're fat deal with it

>> No.7827287
File: 302 KB, 399x368, 1405804867392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumped my pic

>> No.7827288

Lolitas with that kind of legs are so fucking adorable
Skinny legs are really elegant and pretty too

>> No.7827289


lmao why did you delete your pissy comment about azn lolitas being fat ugly cows? I guess because you're not a looker yourself.

>> No.7827296

did not delete anthing you cunt those in the pics on the middle ARE cows

no it's ugly

>> No.7827303

lol the anger
the rage

>> No.7827309

According to their own rules, no, they can't. Stop trying to have your cake and eat it, you can either be a good lolita or a good muslim, if you try and do both at the same time you're just being shit and half arsed about two things.

>> No.7827311
File: 35 KB, 540x565, -haters-gonna-hate-potatoes-gonna_20120614013937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those girls in middle of the pic
I don't think you know what does "fat" means anon.
I think they look super duper cute and if anyone has the same legs or body you're a total cutie.
Talking about fat and skinny I'm really skinny myself with chicken legs and think that chubbies look really really cute in sweet lolita (they can look good in gothic or classic too but something about sweet make them adorable)
Fat people can look good in lolita too if they know how to dress themselves and what suits them (and if they don't buy damn dresses with the seams going to burst)
Skinny people can also look good with the right thing I think every body has its own beauty but seriously just buys shit that fits and suits you

>> No.7827314

sorry for my shit english it's my 3rd language and it's showing