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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 194 KB, 500x657, 1396636291015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7790446 No.7790446 [Reply] [Original]

Anywhere from the slightly off to the downright awful.


>> No.7790468
File: 102 KB, 640x640, 10153984_746073712092729_8222425560436466486_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7790488

this is actually really cute

>> No.7790490

I'm starting to think someone has a vendetta against this girl, her face isn't the prettiest but her coords are usually adorable.

>> No.7790509

This is cute, I smell vendetta. Just cut the weird braids off the wig and it's a great coord.

>> No.7790516

Someone probably has a raging vendetta against her. She gets anon hate on tumblr all the time too.

>> No.7790522


it's a nitpick at worst

>> No.7790540

One day ita threads will stop being vendetta threads.

One day.

>> No.7790541

Not anytime soon though, as evidenced here.

>> No.7790543

A damn shame.

I'm like 98% sure most vendettas against lolitas are because people are jealous that they're prettier or have more money for brand or something. Like, not even good reasons.

>> No.7790560

The miniature looks alright, but looking closely at it she is wearing three diffrent mints. The wig looks kind of weird, and the cardigan dosen't fit at all. Also the socksare pretty much missmatch.
Maybe not ita tier, but it needs a lot of improvments.

>> No.7790565
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>> No.7790567
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>> No.7790576
File: 153 KB, 496x750, tumblr_n8r39cgDMS1t2xgn6o3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The footwear choices here are just awful. Also, peignoirs need to stop being a thing in Lolita.

>> No.7790718

>peignoir with iron gate

>> No.7790724

Those tights with that dress is pretty unique and she could have went somewhere with it, but she totally dropped the ball from the waist up.

>> No.7790728
File: 38 KB, 480x640, vWheart jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she wore pic related with it and went for a crazy tangled blond wig and enormous headress, it could have worked so well in a sort of punkish way.

>> No.7790735

that make-up...

>> No.7790736

Yeah sort of crazy carnival sorbet shop sort of way

>> No.7790740

>tfw my dream dress

>> No.7790743

She's ugly, but the coord isn't terrible. A different hairbow and actual hair work would be fine.

More nitpick, if the bag matched the rest of the colors it'd be fine.

>> No.7790750
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>> No.7790751


>> No.7790757
File: 35 KB, 400x600, PT1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7790760

Too bad, I liked her blouse, but hair, shoes and makeup killed it. Also not a fan of the flower headdress with DDC.

>> No.7790767

posting PT is easymode

>> No.7790772

This might be my inner weeb speaking but I like the top half. Which is rare because PT is a walking joke

>> No.7790777

at least her ass is covered this time

>> No.7790809
File: 19 KB, 167x250, baohan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7790811
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lol ant size

>> No.7790812

Off-topic, but good taste anon. I love those jackets

>> No.7790820
File: 104 KB, 600x800, lolita__3_by_xmeshix-d7x9r0r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is apparently her legit full coord for a meet, she just needs to add her shoes...

>> No.7790825
File: 73 KB, 633x960, 10665875_1433538036920759_3976106785311546820_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7790826

Thanks anon ! I've seen the newer version IRL, the heart part overlap better, it's even cuter now.

>> No.7790856

someone actually bought it lmao

>> No.7790857

tbh I think the JSK version is kind of cute, it just seems like it needs a lot of maintenance to keep it from looking dumpy and wrinkled.

>> No.7790954

I LOVE this.

>> No.7791044

Is that a toilet or a tub full of clothes?
>tfw ew

>> No.7791060
File: 246 KB, 277x530, 1403178143053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bonus points if anyone can find me her blog

>> No.7791145

You ever see certain itas faces and wonder if that's the face of knowing this is shit but not wanting to admit it?

>> No.7791171

Oh hell no don't touch my dream dress

>> No.7791196



>> No.7791272

mte, anon.
And unless my eyes are going crazy, that whole room looks carpeted too.

>> No.7791393

That's either sad or gross, I dunno which.

>> No.7791433


>> No.7791434

stay puft, anon

>> No.7791439

She used too much of her lolita brain and forgot to use her fashion brain... Just because you have each color used appear again doesn't mean it's well coordinated

>> No.7791471
File: 399 KB, 400x600, tumblr_mwvyy8k2T71s5eqnzo1_400[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7791495

I like this coord as a casual one, I just don't like her hair and (lack of?) makeup.

>> No.7791496

idk, I think this is pretty cute. She could probably use different makeup, wear the hoodie open a little more and swap out the legwear, but it's not awful by any means.

>> No.7791513

her skirt is super cute. This is a cute coord, she just needs to give her hair a little more volume

>> No.7791523

I'm pretty sure this is something she wore to work. It isn't amazing, but I think it's really cute for casual work lolita.

>> No.7791531

>I think it's really cute for casual work lolita.
Nothing against her outfit, but where does she work that this is a casual appropriate Lolita coord??

>> No.7791546

I think the problem is more the pinks being different tones, but it is a cute outfit

>> No.7791630
File: 224 KB, 270x584, zxb5Yna[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally the reason this image exists

>> No.7792321

This fool here...OMG. He gets on my damn nerves with that shit.

>> No.7792335
File: 36 KB, 449x336, Mfw i have to shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7792592
File: 135 KB, 640x960, piggeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y the face y

>> No.7792597


>> No.7792608

Idk I think she's adorable

>> No.7792609
File: 119 KB, 550x734, Darks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It think the black makes it slightly off, if it was with a softer colour maybe it would look nicer.

>> No.7792654

Those tattoos killed all chances of this being a good coord.

>> No.7792691

This might be an unpopular opinion but I'd like this much better if she were wearing (off)white tights or socks rather than lilac ones, even if there's no (off)white anywhere else in the coord. Right now it's too matchy and accentuates that her skirt and her shoes are different pinks.

>> No.7792695

The big problem it's obviously meant to be an old school outfit yet it has some new school elements that don't make any sense. In fact, both shoes and headwear scream classic but the rest of the outfit is more old school sweet. She could have rock the hat with a cuter hairstyle, maybe puffy buns and no necklace and a softer bag (with white ?). Or gone with a full classic look with lace thighs and a lace bolero. She had to choose and really didn't.

>> No.7792704

What's ita about it specifically?
Or are you only posting this because she's overweight and has tattoos?

>> No.7792706

Needs a wig and maybe different tights.

>> No.7792754

shitty beach shawl thing, wig doesnt work with her face, poor makeup effort and awful facial expression, overall she hasnt considered her body/making tattoos work with what would otherwise be a lovely coord

>> No.7792756

also no blouse or?

>> No.7792758

not really. when people destroy expensive clothes nitpicking is pretty justified. also she made no effort with her hair/makeup, shoes are wrong shade of pink and tights are a nope

>> No.7792766

Nitpick for sure
I've never been okay with metallic shoes but she looks decent!

>> No.7792769

The shawl looks fine to me, how do you know it's for the beach?
And I guess I agree about the wig but it seems more like a nitpick, not outright ita.
No blouse=/=ita

>> No.7792808

no blouse looks shit? lol

>> No.7792813

No. You're not funny.

>> No.7792843

I bet you're one of those ~alternative fashions shouldnt have rules~

>> No.7792855

I'm pretty sure 'ZOMG NO BLOUWSE IS ITER!' isn't a rule, smartass.

>> No.7792867

Uh a blouse under a jsk is a rule

>> No.7792868

also she covered the lack of blouse with a shawl, meaning she understands that it is frowned upon to not wear one, so she accommodated. Overall, this isnt ita teir, you people use that word way too lightly.

>> No.7792881

Holy shit, you sound like the "n00b" if you seriously believe everything ita means no blouse. In fact, I believe someone else didn't wear a blouse with the exact same print and colorway and nobody called her an ita. Brb, digging it up.
Also this >>7792868

>> No.7792894

As other anons have mentioned, you can get away with not wearing a blouse with a jsk so long as you're wearing some sort of top like a cardigan or a bolero. Nobody is arguing that you can just slap on a jsk and call it a day.

>> No.7793704
File: 162 KB, 480x640, 20111217_389754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7793710

the n00b partt was more an answer on the ZOMG part. I don't think a shawl thing is enought to forgive the no blouse however.
It looks stupid imo

>> No.7793741

Is that white thing a blouse or a shawl?

>> No.7793796

Pretty sure nitpicking falls under the "slightly off" bit in the thread title.

>> No.7793799

if you have to explain to a group of people how it it ita, that's a nitpick hun
>inb4 the classic "are you blind"

>> No.7793809

Fair enough, I missed that

>> No.7793831

This is cute except the unflattering angle on face. I think the shawl would have been very cute with some sheer and opaque striped white tights as it echoes the stripes in the print, but as it is would have been better with a bolero or blouse.

>> No.7793835

OP said anywhere from nitpick to ita was fine.

>> No.7793877

This dress makes me think of those sheer hanboks that kiseng wear in mah kdramus.

I get why people would see this as ita, but I actually like it if I ignore her headbows.

>> No.7793934
File: 134 KB, 500x667, what is color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7794457

This is more a nitpick due to the T-shirt, but overall I actually kind of like this.

>> No.7794504

I do like the balance of colors and the overall simplicity is nice since the print is so busy, but wtf why a t-shirt????

>> No.7794521

Yeah that's the only issue I have with it. The balance is so nice, but why not something with poof on the sleeves?!

>> No.7794785

The OP contradicts itself though.
If it's only slightly off, it's not ita.

>> No.7795216

Obviously a casual coord. This belongs in a nitpick thread.

>> No.7795236

>gothic blouse and vest
>sweet skirt/jsk
>practically diabetic tights and footwear
did she
I don't

>> No.7795248

japanese itas are the best

>> No.7795337
File: 835 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_5784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonderfucktard. She's a repeat offender.

>> No.7795462

She really consistently cannot dress herself. Her hair doesn't help, it looks so lifeless

>> No.7795497

I don't usually get upset at people coordinating brand badly and especially don't give a shit about sweet, but this girl always makes me feel like someone should just take those things away from her. It's never going to work. Find a different hobby.

>> No.7796070

OT, but what print is this?

>> No.7796430

I'm loving the top half, but she needs different tights and a petticoat.

>> No.7796449

Wonderfinch has SO MUCH nice, rare as shit brand, but she always coordinates it so poorly, and it drives me up the wall. Doesn't help that she constantly looks miserable in lolita.

>> No.7796457

I just don't understand someone who has been in for so long but hasn't figured it out yet. I have no respect for people like this. I have much higher opinions of new girls wearing simple Bodyline coords that are clearly trying to make an effort.

>> No.7796574

At least her glasses match her coord

>> No.7796585

She's so cute. Such a shame that she can't dress properly. Her hair is an advantage too. But she made no effort.

>> No.7796608

Interesting - I've never seen her type of hair called "an advantage" before. The lack of bangs is a challenge. There's another girl with similar hair who gets posted sometimes usually with negative comments about it (there are other issues with her outfits though). I have similar hair and for me it's basically just giant fro-puffs in summer and hiding it under wigs the rest of the year.

>> No.7796757

AP Rose Toilette

>> No.7796922

Clearly you have no idea how this hair even works. Just the simple fact that its actually curled instead of a giant fro means that there was most certainly effort involved.

>> No.7797755
File: 166 KB, 695x960, IMG_193481870415826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7797766

Nope. Actual black person here, WF has hair that actually forms curls (maybe 3a or 3b); if she were in the four category, then it would be impressive, as that's the type of hair that tends to form a fro.

>> No.7797787

>sucked Mana's dick for brand
If only.

>> No.7797816

> Those shitty shoes
> Dat jsk choice
> No petticoat

Everything else is kind of cool.

>> No.7797844

this is utter shite what are the shoes and bag and where are the socks...looks more like odd drag queen

>> No.7797849

not ita, but a good example that black does not go with everything. when sometimes people shove black in their coord i have the feeling it is just because they do not have things to match the other colors, but are too excited to wear their new main piece and think black will do. i think it is always worth to collect the right items rather than wear a halfway ok coord.

>> No.7797860

She's been a lolita forever and has a sizeable wardrobe. I think she just wanted to use that bag and/or shoes or just had an off day. Her coordinates are usually much better than that one.

>> No.7797879

Still, that's even less of an excuse then. She should have chose a different piece.

>> No.7797881

I know, I was agreeing with you?

>> No.7797930

I'm black too actually and All black people hair puffs up in a frizz if you do nothing but brush it (I.e "put no effort") it doesn't automatically curl without the right products. Maybe It was a mistake on my part, I didn't mean 'fro' as in actual fro, but the usual puff etc?

>> No.7797995
File: 33 KB, 384x640, 22732566_894822897_145large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7798001

Those boots with those socks look so stupid.

>> No.7798003

She's fat, but her coord is pretty much spot-on. Maybe the blouse or shawl or whatever should be changed, but nothing here looks bad coord wise.

>> No.7798028

>Hell nah her cord is cute. Her face is weird, but this isn't ita.

>> No.7798037
File: 131 KB, 400x757, DSCF0422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7798040
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>> No.7798049

Man, it was all fine until the socks.

>> No.7798066 [DELETED] 

those shoes with those socks?!

>> No.7798071
File: 10 KB, 183x275, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This whole thread

>> No.7798072
File: 94 KB, 480x800, 20100607040719db7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7798076

I'm black (well, mixed) and my hair looks like hers straight out of the shower. You should never use a brush on that kind of hair - unless you want it to puff up into a tangled frizzy mess. Co-wash and a wide toothed comb, sis.

>> No.7798079

Yeah, I actually liked the mint blouse with the dress.

>> No.7798103

>black people hair

Girl, are you even a negro?

>> No.7798152
File: 77 KB, 640x480, DSC02171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukapon wearing Jewelry Jelly

>> No.7798188
File: 102 KB, 960x640, 1010422_10152017249256593_830126257_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7798210

not that anon but my hair is naturally super curly and I'm mixed/black, and it looks like that if I brush it out.

>> No.7798212

shit for some reason I thought we were talking about that "people from wallmart" lolita

>> No.7798237

Ah, she's adorable.

>> No.7798302


>> No.7798360

Yukapon was cute yeah,but she was a huge bitch,a total psycho and a slut as well.

>> No.7798382

Girl second from the left looks like someone slapped a wig and a dress on Fester Addams.

>> No.7798394

Ugh, gurl, don't brush your hair. Wide tooth combs and leave in conditioners are your friends, but the only time you really need to brush your hair is if you're trying to style your edges. Even if you weren't part black, curly hair + brushes is bound to be a bad time.

I take it you mean the hard ended/boar bristle brushes, and not, like, a denman?

>> No.7798405

>Still the best dress one in the whole group

>> No.7798407

I only do it if I'm going for a frizzy puffy hair look and yes it is a bad time

>> No.7798485

Given that this is a "brand itas" thread I think any of the ones in actual brand are nitpick at worst.

>> No.7798502

It's "from the slightly off to the downright awful," according to OP, so nitpicks are fine. Also that girl in VR looks awful

>> No.7798548
File: 112 KB, 903x506, it hurts mine eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7798555

So when are we finally gonna see porn?

>> No.7798563

First one on the left.. wat..

>> No.7798587
File: 123 KB, 640x960, 10623944_841317102565169_7316167391770512616_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7798907

You're not a sailor scout, choose a better pose

>> No.7798917

when posting CP is legal
>it's out there already

>> No.7798924


fran drescher?

>> No.7798986

She's normally adorable too

>> No.7799132

Don't diss fran drescher like that

>> No.7799356


>> No.7799423
File: 126 KB, 514x365, 1401859035807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7799518

>>7798188 Other than the red milanoo-looking thing in front they don't look too bad. This belongs more in nitpick thread.

I think a different headdress/hat to match the pink x white coord would be better, but otherwise she looks fine. Yet again nitpick.

>> No.7800170

I don't mean the leaked nudes, I want her in the business. Anything else would be wasted potential.

>> No.7800176

God I fucking hate those tiny wire crowns. They looks so cheap. Get something thicker, with substance dammit!

>> No.7800206

I guess they are saying that OP allows nitpicks even though they named it an "ita" thread which is sort of contradicting itself.

>> No.7800873

This was only posted in our state fb comm, whoever's posting this is a douche.

>> No.7801062


AZ lolitas are always on cgl, don't act surprised

>> No.7801072
File: 74 KB, 600x800, sf_ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wonder what must be going through the heads of the Japanese models at brand events.

>> No.7801073

I see this girl way too many times and her comm.
but mainly this girl is singled out, so an obvious vendetta against her.
not saying she doesn't look like crap though (those socks kill the coord)
but obvious vendetta. I'm tired of seeing her mug with a FB filename

>> No.7801130

Most will think the same everyone else is
> Oh look, its a shitly dressed girl in our clothes
> Let us be nice to her so she'll keep buying our brand to pay our wages.

>> No.7801135


it could be that AZ is full of itas which it looks like

>> No.7801146

whats the name of this bag?

>> No.7801159

it's the crystal dream carnival bag in lavender

>> No.7801163

Most of the bitches ITT look like shit because they are fat. Want to know a good way to look good automatically? Stop being fat.

>> No.7801177

I never understand people who decide to staple carpet on the floors of a room that has a TOILET.

Sure, your feet are warm all the time, but at what cost?

>> No.7801181

well no shit, but it's not like she posted this on tumblr with a bunch of tags and threw this picture all over the internet, it's gross that someone from the comm keeps posting here all the time from fb and the vendetta is tiresome

>> No.7801183

??most homes come with carpet already down??

>> No.7801184

your bait sucks

not in the toilet room, usually its vinyl or tile

>> No.7801188

There are places out there (especially in the entertainment industry) where this is acceptable. As long as you keep out the massive headdresses and outlandish prints, you should be ok.

>> No.7801213


I don't know anything about the lolitas but one came to the cgl meet and called herself flannel-chan and said she was famous

>> No.7801219


meant for >>7801062

>> No.7801226

so sick of seeing that stupid hk bag

>> No.7801231

Ugh, Dominique is so cringey. I bet she's the one who posted her in this thread. Super fake.

>> No.7801242
File: 70 KB, 400x400, link lolita aint having your shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop. It's embarrassing how far behind you are.

>> No.7801244

>link lolita
>not lolink
Get your shit together cgl

>> No.7801262

fixed, what was I thinking

>> No.7801294


how is that far behind, saboten happened last week

>> No.7801311

anon was talking about the flannel-chan shit, which happened quite a while back.

>> No.7801427

You're an idiot. She was making fun of herself because some loser keeps on trying to make "flannel-chan" a thing.

>> No.7801436

I'd hope not. From what I can tell they are friends. The only person I know who would have any issues with this girl is Sam.

>> No.7801437



>> No.7801448


Wait, who's Sam? Because I'm a Sam too and I have no problems with anyone.

>> No.7801470


if you're thinking of who I think it is, she doesn't even come to meets anymore, I was surprised to even see her at the tea party

>> No.7801484

She looks like a voodoo lolita queen and I'd dig it if she did it better. Sacrificing goats for that burando, I know the struggle sister!

>> No.7801492

Dif. anon but she's still apart of the comm, and the only one I know of who has talked mad shit about/too Alex. Not going to meets=\= not going on the Internet.

I don't know who keeps posting Alex, but they need to get over it. If you hate her coords, tell her straight. She seem to take con crit pretty well and genuinely wants to improve. Not like some other chicks in the comm.

>> No.7801561

I doubt it would be her though, she's rarely active outside of cons anymore. My guess would be Dominique since Alex was pretty much the only one posting her for ages and she's probably just getting back at her because she learned about the flannel chan stuff.

>> No.7801603

Ah that was so long ago I forgot about that. Did she just find out or something? I thought everyone knew it was her. Either way that shows how stupid and childish she is if she's going to be friendly to her face and post her behind her back. I know Alex had one or two laughs about her in the beginning, but other then the original flannel chan thing I don't recal her posting anything else.
I have heard some talk about another girl in the comm talking shit about Alex, but I haven't heard enough yet to feel comfortable name dropping

>> No.7801635

>tfw japanese culturally are polite and genuine
>to be well liked and popular in japan you actually have to be a nice person
>probably just having a good time and not letting shit like what she's wearing effect her day

>> No.7801647



>> No.7801852

Sorry but you know fuck all about Asian culture. Most of us are polite to your face but as soon as we are alone with people we trust, we bitch to the heavens about ita's and their shitty coordinates.

These kinds of ita people disrespect the host's by dressing so badly in the clothes they designed. Most designers,as you will spot, spend their time with girls who put the effort into wearing their clothing line. Anyone who looks ita may get a photographs or two but are mainly shunned politely for their disrespect.

It's like "If you can not say something nice to their face, do not say anything at all"

>> No.7801865


>> No.7801927

I feel so sorry for them

>> No.7802104

Honestly I don't think Alex was the one posting her. I don't know enough details to confirm the exact person who was, but Alex is pretty straightforward with her issues with people and she and Dominique seem to be on good terms now. Someone said it was Alex on here once and cgl being cgl everyone took it as fact (because you believe everything you read on the internet right?).

>> No.7802131

lol I did a study-abroad program in Japan and was the only Japanese speaker aside from the instructor. One day as a group we went to this touristy geisha place and they dressed us all up and since we were all fat white weebs they spoke about us in Japanese to their hearts' content, not knowing that I could understand them. I was too beta to say anything and they didn't comment on me at all so I just sort of put up with it but I was really horrified, haha.

>> No.7802176

i cant believe that granny is still dressing as terrible as she is after all these years

>> No.7802183

if its out there then why isnt link being posted

>> No.7802186

Is the contrast high on this picture? I don't remember the mint version of Chess Chocolate being so...green

>> No.7802193
File: 26 KB, 352x707, RLYqFex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's CP you dumb piece of shit.

>> No.7802217


stop playing internet detective and get back to posting itas

>> No.7803439

This is freaking terrible.

>> No.7803442

I call it nitpick. Not ita

>> No.7803450

She really is. The rest of them look unfortunate as hell.

>> No.7804567
File: 961 KB, 609x613, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this gem

>> No.7804585

You look like a beatch

>> No.7804590

looks like the last of the summerfags are here

>learn how to properly fucking reply

>> No.7804609

You look like summer

>> No.7804613

Can we just round up all these wigs and burn them? Please.

>> No.7804642

>delusional white person thinking they know anything about asian culture

cosmic lel

>> No.7804666

that pretty much sums up /cgl/ though

>> No.7804673

gtfo you disgusting tripfag

>> No.7804677

I'm curious. What was said?

>> No.7804691

She looks just like the rest of you clowns tho

>> No.7804776
File: 59 KB, 1000x1000, Wale Bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice b8 m8

>> No.7804814

No srsly

- fat √
- Clown wig √
- matching set √
- toddler shoes √

I seriously don't know how she belongs here, does she need more shit on her head?

>> No.7804815

Sieg honey put your trip back on so I can filter you out.

>> No.7804834

your bait will get you nowhere sandy cunt-chan

>> No.7804846

Not seig, just old fag. This is seriously what all you guys look like though I'm stunned that you seem offended at the comparison to the point of crying bait like there's a huge drastic difference that I must be blind to miss lol

>> No.7804855

>makes a comment that purposefully insults all of cgl in an attempt to anger someone
>not bait

nice try

>> No.7804862

So you admitt you all look like that...
Then why the fuck is she being posted? My opinion on you guys wasn't the point, the point was she looks just like the rest of you.

>> No.7804864
File: 143 KB, 500x749, 1403807709936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's a huge drastic difference that I must be blind to miss
Well, yeah. If you can't tell the difference in quality and overall aesthetics between pic related and >>7804567 then I honestly pity you a bit because there must be much you're missing out on.

>> No.7804867

>posts picture of pile of shit
>"I think all of you look just like this pile of shit!"
>okay that's insulting
Anon just stop.

>> No.7804878

In pic is a classic lolita and a compleatly different style Lol if only all Lolitas dressed like this.

I'm very obviously talking about the girls who fit the OTT sweet style angelic pretty rainbow clown aesthetics.

>> No.7804879

The style you're referring to isn't very popular on /cgl/ at all so you're still talking out of your ass.

>> No.7804889
File: 483 KB, 965x1429, forsandycuntchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you still can't tell the difference between legitimate sweet lolita and ita crap then you don't belong in lolita at all, let alone /cgl/

>> No.7804890

What is the point of pointing out bait when you still end up taking it? The point of baiting is to get attention and make others get mad, you should just ignore him if you don't want to take the bait...

>> No.7804947

This is cute?

>> No.7804950

Mostly jokes about the size of the biggest girl and how she was the size of a mountain and how large people looked funny in kimono because they make you look shapeless and boxy anyway so large people look like squares.

>> No.7804956

Do you really think the lack of unnatural colored wig makes that much diffrence though? Its pretty much the same thing just different wig.

Dont get me wrong I hate the clown wig too but the difference is hardly drastic.

>> No.7804959

it was supposed to be

>> No.7804967

This dress is so pretty! It's like an elegant IW dress made a baby with a Liz Lisa print

>> No.7805099

Is this supposed to be a good example...?

>> No.7805224
File: 88 KB, 540x960, yhetfgdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that I can see how the dress is cutting her tits in half is infuriating.

>> No.7805247

I think the way she's standing makes me more than her boobs.

>> No.7805251

I hate people who wear body piercings with sweet/classic lolita

Unless it's an earring that matches your coord, don't wear it

>> No.7805309
File: 66 KB, 637x960, erdgherdsg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kandi bracelets

>> No.7805312

Lol she looks like a fat Xylia to me for some reason

>> No.7805316

There is no kanji in this.

>> No.7805320
File: 144 KB, 720x960, 5rjtydjty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are matching colors

Not sure if joking, kandi bracelets are those shitty beaded bracelets rave kids wear.

>> No.7805361

I meant kandi but no, this is not kandi. Have you ever seen it before? This is just random bracelets. Kandi is made of pony beads.

>> No.7805396

where are those shoes from

>> No.7805426

are u new

>> No.7805441

Is this a replica? How did she physically get herself into that dress?

>> No.7805506

Our house used to have thick pink/peach shag carpet of all things in the bathrooms/toilets....so awful, I was glad when my brother accidentally flooded our bathroom to the extent it needed to be ripped up. The rest went soon after as well, thankfully.

>> No.7805694

She alters, she sold it recently in the AP sales group on fb.

>> No.7805700

The house I lived in as a kid had carpet in the bathroom from when it was built. My parents actually ripped it up and replaced it with tile later on, when they renovated the whole house.

I never noticed until I saw photos. When I asked them why it was like that, they shrugged and said it was just something people did in the 70s. The toilet seat cover was also basically shag carpet, which made even less sense.

>> No.7805942
File: 360 KB, 376x529, um.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we just tho

>> No.7805967

Ugly face and unflattering pose but nice coord!
I've met this girl in real life and she's not even much of a fatty-chan this photo is AWFUL.

>> No.7805974

Agreed. Her clothes flatter her body really well, it's just this picture that looks awful.

>> No.7806055

I have a horrible confession to make.

As a guy with an attraction/interest to Lolita fashion, I find itas cute as hell. I know that's sacrilege but it gets my gears turining.

>> No.7806080

>tfw the girl on the far left is wearing your dream dress

>> No.7806083

Did she go into the shop and ask for the least appealing piercings they had? I see a nose ring that makes her look like a piece of cattle at best and like she has gross black snot at worst, and two upper lip piercings that look like a fucking mustache.
Normally I don't really care about piercings in lolita but if you're going to do shit like this you might as well draw on a goatee with permanent marker to complete the look.

>> No.7806159

altered and it's still straining, goodness me.

>> No.7806170

I've got a lot of piercings myself, but I always take them out or wear flesh coloured retainers when I'm wearing lolita, it's not that fucking hard. Maybe up close someone will bitch about the tiny bump from the retainer but in pictures you don't notice. Bioflex type jewellery is not that expensive and you can get clear or your skin colour, for work it's a god send too. Fat faces look really bad with piercings full stop though, so do emaciated faces.

>> No.7806281


>> No.7806297

Read the fucking OP post or the rest of the thread, where the issue of nitpick or ita has already been hashed out.
Both are fine.

>> No.7806350
File: 55 KB, 245x245, 43643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me wonder if basketball lolita exists.

>> No.7806458

I can see where you're getting that, it's the way she's pursing her mouth I think.

>> No.7806512
File: 95 KB, 599x410, lolipls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basketball loli tho

>> No.7806518

The one on the right looks like she just came from work and got her tights/skirt ripped along the way.

>> No.7806526
File: 10 KB, 384x384, 217815_456973857659031_1981382544_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mixture of bodyline, cosplay and lack of pettis please no

>> No.7806528

This, and the 3F bonnet

>> No.7806610

high school musical?

>> No.7806621

from one fatty chan to another, why do most plus size lolitas wear blouses not tucked in? i think they look more flattering tucked in...a lot more flattering.
also, i think otk's rarely ever look good... ankle socks and patterned tights look best on people with thicker legs.

>> No.7807217

Maybe they don't actually have the skirts done up so it's in an effort to hide that.

>> No.7807249

Just an observation, but I think it is because of the waistband of the skirt. Lolita skirts are made for smaller sizes. The regular ones that brands put out won't fit because they dont have enough stretch. Unless you get them custom made, you would need to find fully shirred ones that fit a wide range of sizes. Those have ugly waistbands that need to be covered.

>> No.7808420

Ugh, jumping photos look stupid as hell 100% of the time.

>> No.7808565


Personally, it never occured to me to tuck my shirt in until someone told me. l had a lifetime of conditioning to never tuck anything in because my mom always said leaving it out hides the fat better.

Elastic waistbands are the only ones I leave untucked now. I don't wear skirts much though because I find JSKs and OPs more flattering on large bodies.

>> No.7808690
File: 86 KB, 720x960, 10568805_10203916731013000_629363352030248727_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y legs like tree

>> No.7808725

>She got graped

>> No.7808731

>I'm gonna tie you the radiator and GRRRRAPE YOU

>> No.7808733

>get your head in the game

>> No.7808736

Wow your mom raised you to be that conscious about it? That is so wrong...

>> No.7809717

You're not Black. Just admit it and gtfo topics that don't concern you.

>> No.7811158
File: 167 KB, 701x936, 10550864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7811380

This outfit looked fine irl, this is just a really awful dealer's hall picture.

>> No.7811385

Fuck of garbage. Also black people use boars hair brushes, but on shortass hair. If your mom has shortass hair she'll teach you to use it on your longer shit and it will turn into a hot mess.

>> No.7811408

Her face is YELLOW

>> No.7811445

welcome to the world of really fucking shitty phone filters

>> No.7811447

>you're not black
are you retarded?

>> No.7812175
File: 95 KB, 400x533, 7928d1d32bd44fa88b00d939d8165de5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7812180

This girl honestly freaks me the fuck out, she's disgusting. I'm ashamed to live in the same country as her. What makes it worse is that she has such a shitty attitude and her fb posts are intolerable and infuriating. I had to hide her posts so they don't pop up in my feed.

>> No.7812181


Yeah, but on the bright side we get to call her Peppa Pig.

>> No.7812182

She's japanese
Which means she's a perfect kawaii doll
No matter what
Take your jelly elsewhere fatty uggo

>> No.7812191

>She's japanese
Not even that.

>> No.7812201

Oompah loompah oompity doo
Someone needs to take the fake tan away from you

>> No.7812208

my sides are hurting

>> No.7812236

Did she try to match her foundation to her bag?

>> No.7812238

Midori isn't Japanese? Or isn't that Midori?
Anyway it's kind of funny to see models looking derpy when not dressed by a stylist.

>> No.7812243

long ass neck

>> No.7812297
File: 86 KB, 685x960, 10547696_10203484580488504_8204360228616798941_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not fake tan or foundation, but as>>7811445 said, the chick who took these photos had some terrible camera, or terrible shoop that made everyone look yellow. And then proceeded to post awful photos of our entire comm on FB because she has no concept of what is attractive or flattering. To avoid posting another comm member in an ita thread, here is a random cosplayer I found in her photos who has the yellow disease though not quite as badly as her lolita photos do.

>> No.7812365

>Dream dress
>Haven't seen anyone wear it well

>> No.7812388

It don't think she uses Weibo.

>> No.7812493

Sounds like someone has a Simpsons fetish.

>> No.7814005

So tempted to post the girl who took the photos in this thread, but I don't want the bad karma.

>> No.7814008

jesus christ all she did was take some bad photos, no need to vendetta 3 months later.

>> No.7814014

So calling out the person who made the bad decision to post terrible photos of her entire comm on the internet, leading to people making fun of the people in the photos for months = vendetta? Ok. Just saying, she can't dress herself and then posts selfies all over the place, so she deserves to be here just as much as her "victims" who did not ask for these photos to be taken or posted.

>> No.7814021

Maybe if you stopped posting them everywhere, people wouldn't see them and make fun of them? She asked permission to take these photos so stop acting like she snuck up on these people, and yeah people did ask her to post them so she did. She already apologized about it, so stop being such a sandy cunt.

I don't care if you don't like how she dresses, that's fine, whatever, but come on this literally happened over 3 goddamn months ago. Let it die.

>> No.7814033

Why would you assume I posted the pictures here? I don't post people to 4chan, which is why I didn't post the photographer here. The girl in that photo was upset to be made fun of and asked her to take the photo off FB but damage was already done as it keeps being posted here. The photos may have been taken 3 months ago but this is the 4th or 5th time I've seen this photo of this girl posted. She's sweet and dresses well and does not deserve this.

>> No.7814039

Maybe you should stop taking such shitty photos hun

>> No.7814526
File: 73 KB, 640x960, 10610918_10152683497674347_2940047890850925104_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actually dreadful, how could you post this to an outfit page....

>> No.7814928


HAHAHHA i was literally just posting the same thing

>> No.7815380
File: 474 KB, 570x449, 1401792299489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here for this.
Like, holy shit girl, how freakin' old are you? I thought it was someone's grandma at first.

>> No.7815396

old photo is old. We've discussed this after AM. Summer's literally over.

>> No.7815706

Maybe she's only 13 but has that disease that prematurely ages you like that Robin Williams movie, Jack?

>> No.7815837

Maybe she's like Benjamin Button and in 10 years we're all going to be old wrinkly seagulls and she'll be as fresh and youthful as the pure driven snow.

>> No.7816657

I had the great misfortune of being adopted into a family of health nuts with ridiculously good genes. I'm a complete embarrassment to them because despite following along with their healthy eating habits and daily exercise, I still managed to end up being fat (and slightly less attractive overall). She put me on every diet possible, and even resorted to giving me her friend's diet pills when doctors wouldn't prescribe them for me because I was too young. None of that worked well enough, so she did her best to make sure my clothes and hair were as flattering as possible.

Really, though, I don't think the not-tucking-in-shirts thing is all that uncommon and probably most normal fat girl's moms tell them the same thing. It strikes me as funny that you would find that to be wrong. Are you from tumblr by any chance?

>> No.7818731
File: 922 KB, 455x853, gietddfvx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a fan of her as person or her shitty dress sense. My friend told me one of the first things she said to them was that she squirts and loves to give her boyfriend (who was her fiance at the time, despite going out for only 3 months - now ex fiance/bf) blowjobs, who the fuck even does that?

I'm going to go ahead and hide her posts now, lel tho that this status just popped up in my news feed from her: "And just like that I feel ugly."
>implying this wasn't always the case
>pic related

>top kek

>> No.7818733

Sounds similar to my family, minus the adoption part. Turns out I had PCOS and insulin resistance and am now easily losing weight on a keto diet, but in reality I was and always had been eating more calories than I realised I was consuming, not to mention binge eating a shit ton of sugar.

And for your response to the other anon, there are a lot of mums that are fine with their daughters no matter how they look, along with them being fine with how they dress. We just think differently thanks to having parents that think otherwise.