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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 48 KB, 1162x1134, 1162px-Texas_flag_map.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7668366 No.7668366 [Reply] [Original]

I know here's already a San Japan thread but that got shit up pretty fast. Seems like a lot of seagulls are from Texas.

>Best Texas con?
>Good Texas cosplayers
>Bad Texas cosplayers
>People to avoid?

>> No.7669156

with the questions youre asking, this thread is going to get really shitty as well

>> No.7669389


I feel like AnimeFest was really good but the quality has really gone down :(

Oni-Con is pretty fun.. its not as.. pick and the con-goers seem to be pretty chill.

>> No.7669527

someone comment on the quality of ushicon

>> No.7669734

>Best con is San Japan

However I feel like that's only true because of how cool all the attendees are, but this year there seems to be a lot of "social" panels

>> No.7669889

onicon is the shittiest con in Texas. How do people still think its worth going to?

>> No.7669895

Tx comicon is shit. Stulid greedy fucks cant even take care of their artist alley people right, and just let go of them once theyve ran their use.

>> No.7669899

AP and the tea and Uncle Yo...sounds good. Do they usually have a Lolita fashion brand and tea every year?

>> No.7669913

First time trying it.

>> No.7669914
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>Best Texas con?
I've done Ikkicon, San Japan, and A-kon and it WAS A-kon but now I'd say San Japan. It's growing so much each year and going in a good direction!
>Good Texas cosplayers
Uh the ones I know personally are Shinka Studios (monsters in pic) and Colony Drop, good cosplayers good people. Oh and Twinzik is a good pair!

>> No.7669919

> Colony Drop
Fuck them, they didnt deserve to win SJ last year, but the warhammer girls did, but that dike tans judge with a grudge fucked them over.

>> No.7669945

Tchhh well they still good work. I wasn't at San Japan last year so no idea. But their garment construction is always well made and clean and like I said they're nice. Sorry about your friends, post a picture?

>> No.7669951

sounds like a subtle request from hitman

>> No.7669966

Twinzik is the best seriously, those girls are so down to earth

>> No.7669974

Yes I'm going to off people I don't know because they didn't win the contest. Survival of the fittest.

>> No.7669975

Yay, good for them, I hope it works out! Texas is too big to just have that at AM (and full of drama too)

>> No.7669980

Could I get some Texas photog recommendations?

>> No.7669998

who won Akon cosplay contest this year?

>> No.7670007


Mineralblu, Majin Buchoy, Isidro Urena, Hell or High Water, Avarice Conspiracy, to name a few.

>> No.7670033

PAX South.

>> No.7670062


Seconding this. The upper staff aren't the greatest. The attendees are usually awesome though.

The cosplay contest has gotten better but still has issues. They used to try to stick with anime/gaming programming only, but that went away. Panelists tends to be mostly meh. Contests aren't great either.

It's one of those cons that you make your own fun. It helps that it's on the Riverwalk too.

>> No.7670065


It's on the A-Kon website with pictures. Put in some damn effort.

>> No.7670085

Nikkuman Photography, Stereometric, Just Another Pretentiously Titled Cosplay Photography Page, Lemon-ikon.

There are a whole bunch now.

>> No.7670092
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Fuck yes. About time a good gaming con made its way here. Screwattack was so so, RTX was meh, gane over has thenclassic game fest but its not that great yet.

>> No.7670114

those costumes were inaccurate as hell and poorly made. Iron on transfer paper? Shitty painted foam? They had a progress tumblr online and you can see how awful it was.

I have no idea how you think they're nice either. No idea about the dude but the girl is a bitch ripe with drama. She left the scene for a few years because of it. She's been a drama bomb since she was a teen and she looks and probably is a crack whore.

>> No.7670140

Not like the warhamner ones are that great either. Not a popular franchise, if it werent for them being con hookers tjat fuck cosplay judges to wi , nobody would care about them.

>> No.7670144

Youre trying so hard its adorable. And you still never gave me any proof of anything I could work with in the other thread you little faggot.

>> No.7670155

I didn't say they were. I'm just pointing out colony drop's craftsmanship is not good. Go bitch about warhammer somewhere else.

Also, cute you seem to think those are the only people ever that have banged judges. The community is small, and some people are whores. Even if they did something its not like they were the first.

>> No.7670164

Jackass doesnt even have proof of that. Theres no proof of anything, hes making shit up so we have some drama. There wasnt even proof on any of the other claims vendetta-chan here is making which is disappointing. If youre gonna start something at least have a base to work from that has proof.

>tfw the only drama Texas has is fake shit made up by one buttmad anon
>tfw I have no tfw for this feel

>> No.7670219

So guys about that con.... ehhhh. I have nothing can we just turn off the shit flinging and make meet up plans? or some sort of hang out events? wear a seagull feather in our hair?

>> No.7670229

> I could work with

Exactly, nothing you could turn around on me. Im not the only anon that dislikes these people. Trying real hard to figure out who is telling the truth on the pervs, bitches, and dramafags. It pleases me greatly to deny you this.

>> No.7670239

Thats fine but no one believes you then. You havent once proven anything. And you evaded in every way possible about the phantom email. You think someone would post this magical thing. And you wont post yours even though it would be safe for you to do so if you blanked out all the parts about you. So where is it? No one will believe anything until you start showing us stuff.

>> No.7670251

Yeah. I blank out stuff and then, oh its a fake. Nice fucking try to discredit me. Must be really harsh to be exposed and have nobody to target because all the usual suspects have fucked off and wont be bothered with you.

Tldr cry moar

>> No.7670256

I dont even have anything to do with the con you dipshit. I was enjoying all this talk but theres no basis to any of it and it got tiring that you were flinging shit without any proof. And if Im gonna enjoy drama I want something concrete to go with.

>> No.7670259

>Yeah. I blank out stuff and then, oh its a fake. Nice fucking try to discredit me.

Nice evasion there.

>> No.7670272

Is it really so hard to believe the chairman cleaned house and got rid of staffers that were basically useless? The drama posts triggered it but most were let go because of being useless. The info leak was hoped to be plugged with that but nope.

To me its been the funniest shit ever. I pissed off so many people, they attacked each other, they blamed each other and started up alot of old drama, got a few fags to go away for good and alot of shitty staffers are gone now. Win win all around for everyone.

>> No.7670277

For San Japan? Sure. I'd like to schedule a meetup.

>> No.7670282

My problem is that you say Im trying to discredit you but you had no credit to begin with. Everytime I ask you for any kinda of proof on any of the mountain of claims you made you have nothing. NOTHING. I would think if all of this was really going on there would be some scrap of truth some where. Like I said I dont even have anything to do with this fucking con but since we cant talk about cosplay because you keep fucking up the threads then I want to enjoy this drama. And good drama is drama with proof. But you have none. And thats boring. And I think youre some sad little faggot stuck at home with nothing better to do than make shit up. Now post some proof.

>> No.7670297

> since we cant talk about cosplay

Sure, you mean, "hehe like my coords" you are fat and ugly.
"WAAAAAAH I may not finish my costume in time, waaa, pity party me"
"I am cosplaying this character. "Post pics" "No. You will call me ugly"

But I guess I have to dig out an email from a week or two ago, cover and crop out info, just so somebody working the cin can figure me out. Did you not see the guy getting doxed and begging for mercy lel. Id rather be on the giving end of it. Even if its unlroven, the peipke it is about are still flipping their wigs and trying to figure out who I am. Doesn't matter you'd never guess who in a million attempts.

>> No.7670345

I went to Akon for the first time this year. It was... pretty underwhelming. So many shit panels. I did like the fetish panel though, that was way too much fun.

>> No.7670346

I dont give a shit who you are moron, I just want to know if all this is true or not. Get that email of yours out, I wanna see this.

>bitching about cosplay talk
Why are you even here you idiot. You cant talk cosplay and you cant provide good drama, you are worthless.

>> No.7670385
File: 34 KB, 768x432, hellooogee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard rumor but want to see it myself.


Also, vendettachan, you didn't get rid of me. I watched you make a fool of yourself. I know who you are. If I didn't have to worry about you bitching out and calling the cops I would love a face to face confrontation again. Last time was pic related wasn't it? Still mad over that, huh?.

You have my address, like to give it out all the time, well I got your address too. Apparently you can dodge the ban, but haha, can you dodge me throwing your name and info out? How'd you like the table to be flipped on you?

Fuck it, I've already been removed from staff and have no friends left, what's to lose?

Vendetta chan goes by PsychoChris, works/worked as artist alley director, best friends with Dave, does some craptastic artwork and shitstain comic he copied from somebody on deviantart, steals every idea from other artists, bitches and cries when he doesn't get everything he wants, dated and abused my sister, doxed me, can't get memes right, pitted friends against each other, backstabs for fun.

But that's none of my business.

Now anybody else want to piss me off and have me talk shit about you? I'm done being nice and don't give half a fuck to speak my personal experiences. Hey, whatever you got on me, I am proud of, so what now?

>> No.7670397

Is this PsychoChris the one who posted everything or just the staff stuff?

>finally were getting some dirt

>> No.7670414

Can't say for sure. My honest guess, probably started it and lured out the others to have them squabble, hell he even admits to it.

>they attacked each other, they blamed each other and started up alot of old drama

So, yeah, basically stfu, popcorned and figured out who it was. I had suspicions it was out of 3-4 staffer with a grudge against me, or a certain cosplay group. Seems he wants me to be mad at them and them mad at me. Shit, I should do green text why they are mad at me.

>> No.7670417


I would love you forever for that.

>> No.7670424

>my band played year 2
>main events girls are clueless and disorganized
>keeo changing time to do soundcheck
>do soundcheck
>girls try to make us leave the room, wait in the service hallway
>fuck that, go to the bar, hang until 30 minutes before playtime
>show up in ME hall, staff flip out on us for leaving and not standing in hall for 3 hours
>get on stage, my guitar has been tampered with, all the amp settings moved
>play show, do so-so
>staff girl denies anybody touching anything, soundtech says he ran a few people away from stage
>try to talk to people then at the con, they dodge me
>complain by email, get cussed out
>post about it in the chat, turns out Jay's wife was working the room and he was personally insulted I said they didn't do a good job

Jay has had a vendetta ever since.

>> No.7670446


Well Jay is a massive unprofessional asshole, but he's not married. Just FYI.

He's usually dating someone, cheats on them with another staff member, breaks up with person, then dates the person he cheated with. It's a cycle really.

>> No.7670447


>After all that was over, con was still upset because i told the story on a podcast, PsychoChris basically talked me into cuttin deep and making cracks at a few people
>I did thinking I was sassy and paybacks
>later, tells me i have to save $400 to go to a con in Philidelphia and watch his table
>say nope, he's being a prick, I am buying a guitar
>starts dating my sister a week later
>starts mouthing off to me when I come home from a shitty job
>tell him to get out or show respect
>he left later, never came back inside
>starts postin drama on the forum, I stand up for myself, others tell him it isn't cool to do that to a friend, he aspergers and cusses them out too
>I sent Dave a message, Dave bans us both for 30 days
>PsychoChris talks to Dave at Mizuumicon the weekend, gets unbanned
>I was still banned until the forums were redone

Flash forward a year
>go to SJ3, had to quit my band over this drama
>band gets approved to play 5 minutes after I announce I quit
>talk to everyone, apologize for my part in it all
>PsychoChris steals my cosplay idea for Postal2, follows me around and walks up to me and forces me to leave or Dave will have me removed

Flash forward another year
>year 4, PsychoChris dumps my sister for a teenager girl and strikes out
>she tells me he was verball abusive and controlling
>she tells me he is a closet furfag and into Child Porn
>I loldeded


>> No.7670449


That explains everything.

>> No.7670455
File: 17 KB, 250x136, jp_spit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last year

>moved to Houston
>get texts from PsychoChris,
>hurr durr you are a loser here or there hurr durr I dated your sister
>move back to San An
>hurr durr you failure, living at home again

>walks up to me at Snow Cone Social thinking I will walk away
>instead confront him about the texts
>he denies it, calls me a liar
>tell him to get over his shit and deal with it
>tries to hit me with his cosplay helmet
>>stand there hoping to take a hit and go wild
>he walks to tell on me to Dave
>I walk to show Dave the text messages
>Dave tells me to go away, multiple times, I cant get a word in
>PsychoChris Smirks
> I summon the worst smokers lung butter from the depths of hell, see attatched pic
>Dave wants to help his bf wipe it off, is too grossed out.
>throw my snowcone on the ground and walk off like Billy Badass

>> No.7670470

Barry. You're a mental fucktard. DIAF.
Signed Everyone.

>> No.7670475


>Guy was ok at first
>started getting jelous when I started talking to girls
>not interested in dating one he was
>send me a message on my birthday and asks if I will leave her alone so he has a chance
>say ok
>start talking to other girls
>he always pops op and badmouths me
>confront him, he denies it all
>say ok, glad to clear it up
>he keeps it up
>start talking to phg, almost date, she chose him
>cool, I'm big boy, no worries, be happy
>still is interfereing with matters of the heart
>makes threats because his gf teases him about me
>challenges me to sleeping samurai
>show up half drunk and worked to death that day doing panel setups since everyone else dropped out day before the con

>kick his ass despite being slightly buzzed nd ref not counting my hits and allowing him to hit me in the dick and throat with the backside of the "sword
>he is still bitter
>last year gets the idea to start a sleeping samurai type group, tells cns they'll do it for free just to screw Sleeping Samurai
>I wanr him that's bad drama he is starting
>he aspies on me and blocks me
>sure enough drama hits
>he blames me for it
>doesnt realize Dave told Sleeping Samurai he wanted to pay less because new group offered for free
>I see him at the con, Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday
>try to apologize and squash the beef.
>he madmugs me and doesnt say a word.
>try to hug him at forum meetup, pussy punches me in the ribs, it tickles
>Sunday, cosplayer left bag at smokers section
>go looking to return it
>see him, ask if he saw her or knows what area lost in found is
>meanmugs me
>I flip him off and tell him "OK be a faggot"
>he jumps up and screams for me to leave now, security, security!
>have full blown anxiety attack
>find cosplayer, return bag
>get my shit from room and leave
>see him literally crying tears to Dave
>I was so mean to him.
>unblocks me on Facebook, screencaps everything I post and sends it to Jay and Dave

>> No.7670486

Say that to my face You will get brave behind a keyboard, post shit about people anonymously, but don't have the balls or brains to do anything. Heck, a simple apology and I wouldn't be bothering to post this shit, but nope, have to be full autism and not comprehend that you are the problem.

I did more for the con and community than anybody else. They just tried to ride on me and take credit. Can't say anything I did bad to anybody and didn't make up for it, so call me a fucktard and diaf. That's cool bro. Real original. If everyone has a prob with me, that's news. I left to avoid people getting dragged into drama because of these vendetta chans. Nobody should be mad at me.

>> No.7670493

barry you seriously need to keep trying suicide.

maybe you'll finally succeed there considering you failed at everything else in life.

>> No.7670506

this persistently shows why youre unwanted cancer. i would show up but i dont need blood cancer burning my skin.

i await to read your obituary on a future date due to a self-inflicted wound. your riddance will be cheered by many.

>> No.7670512


Nah, I am done with that shit. I've made a big turn around and it's pissing people off. I'm not the doormat I use to be.

>got on meds for anxiety, feeling amazing and no attacks
>got a gf, pretty damn fine one too, so hafucking haha
>got a cookie cutter security job I start Monday making $14.75
>bought a 1200cc motorcycle and ride frequently
>been published on a legit CD, complete full of album art and the title isn't scribble on with a sharpie. Twice

So, nice try. Sorry you are upset I am doing better than you are in such a short time frame, but I love the hate and jealousy and crying you guys are doing, really fills my tank up and keeps me moving ahead.

>> No.7670519

>I would show up

Yeah, sure you would. That's why you post my info to get others to attack, and they didn't. I am std free and you won't catch anything from my blood. I'll be here, but will be moving in with my gf in a couple months if it all goes to plan.

You gonna do anything, besides make threats and beg me to kill myself because you are too scared to talk to me and have a vendetta from years ago? Never thought anybody could backpedal faster than Lance Armstrong.

>> No.7670546
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texas comm thread

literally the most vendetta, catty ass bitch thread i have ever seen in all the time I have spent on 4chan.

stay classy, texas.

>> No.7670558

Florida used to be pretty good too but they've quieted down now.

>> No.7670563
File: 31 KB, 371x468, shockedmickey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Interested in tying Pax South
>Read this thread.

>> No.7670566

What's wrong with Pax South

>> No.7670572

It's more the people in TX based on this thread. I'm in FL so it's depressing and/or horrifying to potentially be going from a state know for con crazy, to another state that appears to be just as insane.

>> No.7670644


Don't know you personally so your drama is your thing, but I highly doubt you were some sort of San Japan Jesus that did more for the community than everyone else. Sorry bro. Statements like that make me want to ignore most of what you have to say.

>> No.7670739


Nah Texas really isn't that bad. It's just cgl likes to blow things up periodically. There are some assholes and people who like to cause drama, but the state is massive and so is the community. For the size we should have more, but we really don't compared to smaller states.

>> No.7670806

i liked ikkicon

>> No.7671118

All this drama aside, we should definitely have a cgl meetup for San Japan.

>> No.7671126


Post in the SJ thread about it

>> No.7671525

How was Ikkicon in your opinion? Any stories worth sharing?

>> No.7671551

I have a good friend at AMP photography she started sometime around SJ last year and has been growing ever since
The only Cons I've done so far are last years SJ and this past A-Kon
I found out I'm not gonna be going to SJ this year (low funds/most of mygroup arent going)
We're thinking of going to A-Fest?
any stories

>> No.7671553

How was Doll AKon (if anyone went), worth it or just an over-hyped doll track-type thing? Anything good for Lolita at AKon/Doll Akon?

>> No.7671560

Not that anon but I found it kind of dull. Might be because I went when their main events room was a tent. But it could also be that I carpooled with a boring group of people who wanted to go home and get drunk instead.

I like Afest. It's way smaller but I find the atmosphere to be a friendly one and I tend to like the guests they bring in more than other TX cons. I didn't like their new location last year because it felt too big for the amount of people going. Then again, a bigger location is for the best since they're likely making room for growth.

>> No.7671590

Dib, is that you?

>> No.7671607


Can't speak about the doll fandom, but lolita programming is a bit lacking at A-Kon. Though it's more due to that DFW lolitas are a bit apathetic when it comes to wanting to do convention programming. It's just how the community is really. Not as cut-throat, need to be efamous, queen bee type personalities like the Houston community.

I know A-Kon wouldn't mind more lolita programming, they just need people who know what they are talking about and won't cause drama to run it.

>> No.7671878

>dat San Japan Facebook group
Fat bitch and one trick pony are onto us, guys.

>> No.7671881

>colony drop
>good people

Only if you like washed up and diseased strippers.

>> No.7671897

You have not been on 4chan for very long.

>> No.7672264


nah, been on 4chan since 2004.

>> No.7672271

Lets Crash the /a/ meet up SQWAK OR SOMESHIT bring a cheapy printed picture of a seagull and wave around for FUCKSAKE

>> No.7672277

what happened to saucy noodle? i thought they were pretty cool.

>> No.7672335


Leader graduated college and is pursuing professional stage acting career. I know she judges cosplay contests when she is available, but as far as the group goes I think once they graduated college they all moved on to do adult job things.

>> No.7673584
File: 27 KB, 640x480, sfe2e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah man, it's usually pretty cool, PAX is PAX and has more a MAGfest/Nerdapalooza vibe to it. Like >>7670739 pointed out,
It's really one or two stupid fuckers trying to stir up drama for others and/or get attention to themself. Looks like I hit the mark too, because they've shut the fuck up since.

I have done alot though, have no reason to lie, cause I doubt anybody is impressed. I'm not Jesus, I'm the stupidest samurai in the universe.

>> No.7673666

No icky-con (austin) is the worst

>> No.7673673

Are you not counting the sxsw gaming events :(

>> No.7673797

sxsw gaming is just an exhibit hall. To go to half the goop panels you need an interactive pass.

>> No.7674136

I wouldn't bother. I know the guy the put in charge of the gaming, lmao, he basically shit on every local gaming type band but his own and his friends. Pretty much the only focus there, the rest is just a mish mash of poorly strenntogether gaming shit.

>> No.7674269

anyone wanna house me for SJ?

>> No.7676120

SXSW Gaming had a lot of panels you could go to, I attended several.

Certainly the BEST gaming panels were for interactive passes, but there was still plenty to go to that were quite good.

>> No.7679828

that shit was in a literal tent the last time i went

>> No.7679845

It wasn't last year, thankfully.

>> No.7680468

That was one year and they moved back to the hilton immediately. Its been back there for two or three years now.

>> No.7681065

I want to go to anime matsuri but a lot of my friends said it wasnt worth it this year while other people say its the best in terms of guests. Should I pay the ticket price

I really want to see reika

>> No.7681162
File: 90 KB, 960x780, south texas collectors expo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone been to this one? It's in my home town, but the guests never seem good enough to attract big crowds. I've never been to it so I don't know what the cosplay crowd is like.

>> No.7681281

Doll AKon is small, but solid. The meet-ups were pretty fun. Of course, as with all doll communities, there's a good number of spergs, but Doll Akon has nice spergs at least. The sales room was new this year. A little small, but a nice selection. I was just glad that I could take my doll out and try things on without having to worry about the madness of the general dealers' room.

Doll Akon has its own panel line-up. I wish there was a little more variety, but it's a niche hobby and a lot of people in it are on the west coast. I guess if you want to see something done, you should do it yourself. Anyway, for the most part the panels are helpful. Since they're small and you usually pay for the workshop panels, you get lots of hands on time with the organizers.

Since Doll Akon comes with the A-Kon pass, I'd say it's definitely something to check out if you're a doll owner. No drama or lolcows that I know of, which makes me sad since I run one of those BJD trash talk blogs haha. I think in a few years, it'll easily become my favorite part about A-Kon. If you have any more specific questions, ask away. I spent a lot of time there.

Aaaaand there's like no lolita stuff whatsoever, so yeah.

>> No.7681299

It's a cash con, so that's why I think a lot of people dislike it.

>> No.7681306

Honestly, Matsuri was cool, and I think it's going to be even better next year.

The problem is that they didn't have a whole bunch of organization, and it seems they weren't prepared for such a big venue

>> No.7681425

> cash con

Unless it's non profit all cons are cash cons.

>> No.7681454

It's worth it, its WAAAYY better than Oni, and it's pretty entertaining. You should go next year when it's (Hopefully) more organized.

>Worth it
It's $45...

>> No.7681903

what is there to look forward to at oni?
I keep having to go out of the country during matsuri but i'm good for cons in the fall.
is it really that bad?

>> No.7682688

>is it really that bad

Yes. Its impossibly disorganized. For example, one year pre-reg just didn't go up until 2 weeks before the con. The dealers room is small. The panels are bad. The cosplay show is bad. Its only redeeming quality is that it's on a beach so id you have water themed cosplay you can get some cool shots...but its Galveston so even that isn't great. They also boom the same guests every year and don't announce them until right before the con.

>> No.7682701

Thanks for the rundown, anon! Any cool doll trash talk come out of it beyond the inevitable Silverbeam snark? I'm just waiting for the US Dollism fallout that's bound to happen...

>> No.7682713

Are there any good cons in/near the north-east in summer? I'm going to Texarkana next summer and it'd be nice to see an American con while I'm there

>> No.7682731

>South Texas
If you're looking for good cosplays then that's not the con for you. (Granted, it wouldn't be the area for you at all).
The people are generally nice and pretty simple, not that many weebs compared to other South Texas conventions. So while the quality isn't great, the people are pretty nice.

>South Texas/RGVfag reporting in

>> No.7684292

Is ANTcon any good? It's only been around for like a year right?

>> No.7684349

last year was its first. It was fine for a new con. It was way better than yule con, not that that's an achievement.

>> No.7684526

just borrow someones badge to see reika next year. maybe the contest and dealers room

i never buy a badge from AM and i have a p decent experience

>> No.7685293 [DELETED] 
File: 1.74 MB, 400x225, 1402969968051.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah nigga. I am just visiting /cgl/ to checkout the drama of Dashcon, but buddy of mine will be cosplaying for the first time at PAX South though so if you see two shinny French robots its us. As far as cons go I am too far south to get anywhere efficiently and with school and work I usually don't have the time and if I have to get a plane ticket I usually say fuck it and go out of state to cons. Of course I could always just go to the hometown favorite RealmsCon. Do yourself a favor, don't look it up. But Texas is a big state you will find something that you like.

>> No.7685296
File: 1.85 MB, 400x400, VYDBO6J.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah nigga. I am just visiting /cgl/ to checkout the drama of Dashcon, but buddy of mine and I will be cosplaying for the first time at PAX South though so if you see two shinny French robots its us. As far as cons go I am too far south to get anywhere efficiently and with school and work I usually don't have the time and if I have to get a plane ticket I usually say fuck it and go out of state to cons. Of course I could always just go to the hometown favorite RealmsCon. Do yourself a favor, don't look it up. But Texas is a big state you will find something that you like.

>> No.7686166

everything about this post reeks of insecurity,
i'm not trying to be a dick, but just saying step back man and really think about what you're doing and the things you type/say

>> No.7686590

RTX is pretty good. Their competition wasnt so good. Run by two comedians, judged by applause, and they didn't know even half of the costumes. But there's a pretty good atmosphere there, and everyone is super nice and professional though.

>> No.7686647

Is it purely video gaming?

>> No.7687176
File: 30 KB, 500x363, 1545715_10152125576509448_239339710_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was replying to
>you failed at everything else in life

1. Guess proving somebody wrong is insecurity? Sure I pressed some buttons, but, c'mon, its /cgl/ and mofo has been causing drama for a month or more.

2. Also, any more posts from vendetta-chan since I posted that? Nope. They shut the fuck up.

3. Heck, I basically left everybody alone for an entire year, not a peep from me and what, I got doxed, I get shit talked about me, and people trying to blame me for bullshit drama they are starting. I am not mad at anybody except the shitsmear casing drama. People need to get over themselves and just drop it or work it out.

tl;dr That's like, just your opinion, man.

>> No.7687335


just do what you gonna do young blood

>> No.7687359

Old post but yo, does a middle aged goth lady named Margo still go to DFW bjd stuff? Collects living dead dolls too. She tried to kill my friend's cat a few years ago and it drove her out of the scene.

>> No.7687644

nah, I mean well the con yes but all cosplays are pretty much welcome but rwby/rooster teeth stuff is encouraged obviously. no one gave a fuck that i cosplayed avatar the last airbender so theres that.
and as usual there were still homestucks

>> No.7687744
File: 1.55 MB, 640x360, my eternal niggaq.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow CC fag detected.

>> No.7687911
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YES. She's on the dollakon facebook page. Drama blog person here, any more details?

>> No.7687973

I haven't been to RC in maybe 4 years now, is it about the same or has it improved any?

>> No.7687981

It has actually vastly improved in the past year or so. It's gotten a bit bigger each year and they're actually making attempts to keep things sorted.
Not sure if all of that work will get fucked this year, but only time will tell.

>> No.7688182

yes i am

>> No.7688327
File: 60 KB, 630x473, 50018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming you are the couple, I'll just say, yall need to stay off my nuts. I've had ya both on block for some time. Cliched, I ain't mad just disappointed. Use to be friends, but you need to get over it, I'm over it and ain't even trying to bother anyone. I will just leave it at that.

I've tried humility. Tried to apologize, tried to distance myself. Hard to make peace when the other side refuses to even talk to me, apologize for their skizz, accept my apologies for my skizz, purposely create drama when there is none and try to blame others for that.

Pft, come on, in this place, nobody is going to white knight for me. If I white knighted for friends, would it do them any good or just draw more negative attention to them? Regardless, when I find out who doxed me, they are gonna have a bad time.

captcha >420

>> No.7688516

Oh yeah, there were homestucks. Fuck those autists. I was the Question there, and the judge asked if I was gay slenderman. Those guys weren't professional. Funny, but not professional.

>> No.7689487

It's my first time going to SanJapan this Friday. I'll be staying at the con hotel. What can I expect?

>> No.7690446

well cosplay still isnt a huge thing at RTX, which is why the contest was in a literal room instead of a place with a decent stage (shit got capped and i didnt watch)
but sucks about the judges, hopefully theyll learn from this year and next year will be better

>> No.7690463

I'm going to Pax South for the first time in January, what do I expect?

>> No.7692835

a lot of nothing

>> No.7693017

Basically this. Alot of hype, very little delivery. You can try to mingle and talk but most people limit their interactions. I wonder if the stage is flooded again.

>> No.7693283

Good if you live in the DFW area and want a small con to fill the spaces between the bigger ones. Some of the panels were shit, some were pretty decent. Cosplay contest was tiered and run decently professionally. They had good prizes and also gave free passes to panelists. Not amazing, but it's a good time of year to have a smaller con like this. Weather was awesome! But I'd say, just commute in for Saturday.

>> No.7697058

Cons have so much drama

>> No.7697078


All do. Drama between attendees. Drama behind the scenes with staff that attendees aren't privy to. It's a natural occurance.

>> No.7697093

I liked Onicon last year

>> No.7698059

It's run by a some 50 year old tranny.

If I honestly need to say any more it also seems to get smaller each year too.

>> No.7698136

no, its never been run by a tranny and it changed hands last year. The cosplay head years ago was transexual.

It is impossibly small.

>> No.7698207

Except Lemon-Ikon is a total douche nozzle.

>> No.7698226

twenty something years of cons. a-kon's stuck in the 90s. oni-con spends more time fucking off than anything else. matsuri has a good media game, but no delegation, core staff is the same staff for everything, so it all runs late and clusterfucks. san japan's run by an egotistical bald fat head and the shit trickles down, read his twitter for lulz. heard good things about Ikkicon but never been. pax south to look forward to. there's some scrubby stuff scattered but nothing too fancy. stay away from the far side of texas out near az and south south texas near mexico, that shit is hillarious condrama and mismanagement

>> No.7698280

Best con: Animefest (last 2 years took a quality dive but this year will bring it back to glory)

Worst con: Onicon easily. Ikki is a runner up but at least its con staff are lenient when it comes to badge checking so you don't have to money sink to attend.

SJ, Matsuri, A-Kon, and the comic-cons are all decent tier.

ANT is shaping up to be a potentially good con (in the middle of a con drought)

>> No.7698361

I think what they meant was that AM does everything it can to extract money from its attendees, and in many cases it fails to deliver on what it promises. This just increases the feeling that they're only interested in your money, not in you enjoying your experience.

One example- when the site went "live" this year, they (and their cheering squad) started plastering the fact all over facebook. The page didn't actually load very well, if at all. You know what did load? The registration page (cha-ching!).

They start hyping up badges and hotel reservations insanely early. The convention is over half a year away and they're already broadcasting hotel reservations, even though no programming is really set. Why? Because more early bookings looks better in their finances. It's just aggressive marketing, and it leaves a bitter taste.

>> No.7698407

what's the twitter?

>> No.7698443

>>7669966 their skits truly awesome

>> No.7698525

Is this a joke

>> No.7698658

I'm thinking of oung to Alamo city or wizards world this year as my first cons! Can I get opinions on them? Also I just found out about San japan today of all days, oh well next year I'll be ready!

>> No.7698781

Not >>7669966 although I haven't heard any stories about Twinzik personally so I'd like to know what you've heard about them

>> No.7698824

He gives off that creeper vibes to me. Douche though? Why is that?

>> No.7698841

There's alleged rumors of sexy shots with an underage cosplayer. Takes every opportunity to bash various fandoms and insults others. Very elitist, but then again, a lot of the cosplay photographers tend to be that way. More of a parasite photographer that clings to more successful ones to maintain notoriety.

>> No.7699134

there's a rumor about sexy shots with under aged girls about every male photog.

He does give me an elitest vibe though, always shoots the same people. Same with MLZ. His 6 paragraph fb rant was amazing.

>> No.7699412

Barry, just shut up go kill yourself. Ive already told the PAX south people about you, so dont think youll work there or any other con in town will ever let your band play. Your cancer and everyine knows. Do a favor to us all and stay home and cram your gi joes and transformers up your ass and call it art.

>> No.7699423

no idea who Barry is, all of this sounds pretty accurate

>> No.7699448

The only time I've been able to play co-op Typing of the Dead ever, so it's good in my book.

I'm pretty sure I could host a bigger convention in my house if I removed the furniture, though.

>> No.7699519


I think I know who Barry is. Did he have like a nick name or something else people called him by?

Anyway, seconding this. Though with San Japan it's not just Dave. It's Dave and Jay. Both are equally shitty and terrible people.

A-Kon would be great if they just fixed the guest problem.

Houston cons have always been shit so that's nothing new.

AnimeFest was great, but has been getting worse. This year all you have to do is look at the panel list. Might as well call is Hetalia con.

Austin cons are hit or miss.

>> No.7699697

Bumping this, I'm interested in starting cons in San Antonio too, just have no idea what there is

>> No.7699723


He did a Mio pantsu shot photo iirc. I've never talked to him before but I always hear about how he brags about his photography gears like he's all that when his photos are just ok.

>> No.7700346
File: 268 KB, 416x255, raspberry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi yes said Mio cosplayer here. "Sexy shots" is kinda blowing that one time, one shot out of proportion. There was only one picture taken, and it's far from sexy, more funny than anything imo. The photo itself wasn't even that bad, though my expression in it was cringeworthy. That was a picture I had pressured him into taking after a photoshoot we did. That was almost three years ago, as well. He's one of my closest friends, which I why I was comfortable with him taking that picture, and is extremely sweet if you actually get to know him. Maybe he strikes people the wrong way, but he's cool in my book.
MLZ? He's a close friend as well that I've gotten to film me numerous times, and even for individual MVs I wanted. Maybe you see some of us reoccurring in his videos, but it's usually just a coincidence. Most of the time, we're hanging with him at the time in cosplay, and it just happens. He has a lot of variety in everyone else he shoots imo. Same kinda thing goes for Lemon-ikon.

>> No.7700351


>> No.7700383


He really is just a fuck. Nearly every other post is some form of shit talking, whether it's about cosplayers, other photographers, or just claiming how much better he is than everyone else. Probably has one of the worst attitudes ever next to Dinnerfortow.

>> No.7700397

I'm always amused by people who hate on Dave and Jay. I know them pretty well and they'll be good to you if you aren't a shit. If you are a shit, they aren't going to pretend you aren't. It's as simple as that. I don't see any other people running cons who go to the trouble of opening up threads and panels to hear concerns and actually owning up to things that didn't work and making the effort to fix it the following year. Hell, when A-kon exploded fucking chandeliers over their audience, they basically started bribing people with free passes in secret to get them to stop talking about it on their forum. Criticizing their cosplay programming would be even worse.

>> No.7700407

Vendetta-chan, we need proof when you lob these accusations. Screenshots or it didn't happen.

>> No.7700456


Yeah Lemon is a total fuck. He either thinks he's god's gift to photography or he's crying about how he has no friends in order to get the cosplayers he so deeply longs to fuck to talk to him.

He's right up with Koi's Play, Avarice, DinnerforTwo, and Ed Martinez. They all drop a bunch of cash on gear yet shit out the same terrible photos every time.

>> No.7700474

Shots fucking fired from the anon lane

>> No.7700485


Sure sounds like vendetta when many people are saying the same thing, that makes sense.

>> No.7700486

Damn, I smell the bitterness from here.

>> No.7700503

AM is total trash unless you're in to lolita or import cars. If you're in to either of those things and you really enjoy spending a horrifying amount of money on letting other people know you're in to those things, you'll enjoy AM.

Oni-con is pretty much the con you go to when all you want to do is get drunk, be obnoxious, and hang out on the beach... which makes it the best fucking con in Texas for getting drunk, being obnoxious, and hanging out on the beach.

Ikki-con is great if you're the sort of hipster douchefag that likes getting together with other hipster douchefags and agreeing with each other about how anime was better last week and you're totally not gay but you still fuck other men's asses because that proves you're an Alpha.

San Japan is for people who enjoy sweating their fucking asses off in an organized sort of way and getting angry about who wins awards, how things are run, and who other people date.

A-kon is probably the best con in Texas when it comes to being too fucking big to function without the constant sacrifice of newbie anime fans who think that getting to work for 16 hours to get a free badge is a good deal. It is also the con of choice for dropping off your kids and not having to see them for a whole fucking weekend so you can finally put together that meth/hookers orgy you've been planning for the last 4 months.

AnimeFest is the premier con to attend when you can't afford Dragon*Con but still want to smell B.O. and astroglide for four days straight. Now that it has moved in to a larger space you'll have much more room to tell people that you'll absolutely go to D*C next year while you try to pick up a fat disgusting chick in a dirty ICP shirt.

>> No.7700546
File: 614 KB, 511x1000, mlz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he literally said he only works with the same people over and over again...

>> No.7700558

What's that? Most people who buy expensive cameras to take pictures at cons only do so because they think it will get them laid or at least convince that hot whatever cosplayer to come back to your room for some porn, I mean naked, I mean boudoir, I mean, pin-up photos?

I like the cut of your jib.

>> No.7700581

Yeah, he works with us multiple times or "over and over again" as you say, and like I and he sorta said in his post, most of the time, it's because we're either hanging with him already, and he shoots us, or we bump into him, and either he offers, or we bring it up when that happens. I don't see that so much as a bad thing. It's his camera, he can do what he wants with it, and shoot those of us he wants to. He still runs into a lot of other new people and asks them to be in his videos. So it's convenient and comfortable for him to shoot with friends. Oh well, that's just how he likes to do things, and I respect a friend's decision. He can't please everyone.

>> No.7700591


Certainly not trying to get in your patsu or anything. Nope!

>> No.7700631
File: 966 KB, 500x240, checkyourself.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...lol what? That's such a lame accusation. He's not, nobody is at all, and thinking that's even the case is silly.

>> No.7700648


Hahahahaha, right.

Maybe you should ask your photographer friends to see their raw images and just count the cleavage shots, ass shots, and upskirts that they... oh oops! just happened to catch at the wrong moment.

>> No.7700707
File: 40 KB, 600x337, Apollohiding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would imply she has cleavage at all. It would also imply we have a problem with ass shots and up the skirt shots if they're even taken. Your argument is invalid and won't deter us from liking certain photogs that are our friends.

>> No.7700743

Does anybody have anything to say about Realmscon? I might be able to go this year and I want to know if it's worth the effort of saving up for it.

>> No.7700760

Awww, honey, its ok. I know that when people pay attention to you it makes you feel special, even when that attention is only up your skirt.

Its alright though, because we all know that's all you have to offer anyone anyway!

>> No.7700766

Ed Martinez here. I'll agree with your statement in regards to myself. But I'm not a total cock about it either. I'll shoot anyone, any cosplay, no discrimination. If you don't like what I do, there's tons of others. I never got into photography to be super famous. I simply do what I enjoy and if people like what they see, then that's enough for me. I'm well aware photography is more than gear, it's a lot of practice, but I'll keep trying until I get better. No regrets.

How about you?

>> No.7700779

Ehhh it's alright. I mean I haven't really had any terrible experiences going, except when they used to have it at their old-old hotel tiny location, but there's not too many great events that I really go to. It's kind of like Oni-Con. You go pretty much for friends and maybe if you like the beach to eat some fresh seafood, and that's about all.

loooooooool look at the trip boo that's the hubby you replied to, not me. As metro as he acts, him in a skirt would be gross as hell with his hairy legs.

>> No.7700785

Bitching about free photos? Okay. lol

>> No.7700791

ed-kun pls

>> No.7700797


OooOOooOOooOOhh a trip code!

Hahahaha, you think anyone gives a fucking shit about whatever overweight piece of shit neckbeard manchild you're fucking?

Seriously, get right the fuck over yourself.

>> No.7700802


Hey vendetta-chan, pls go.

>> No.7700807


Keep trying Ed. I mean, you'll never amount to shit, but keep trying!

>> No.7700809

No one likes pantsu tho.

>> No.7700816

He comes off as a douche, his latest post just emphasizes further. He could have been professional and said he was accepting paid slots in his videos. Instead he passively agressivly targets people who he's turned down complete with shitty meme.

You can try to defend him, but his attitude is shit.

>> No.7700817
File: 25 KB, 526x394, stop-posting-cat-paw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tryharding is strong here

>> No.7700837

Makes me wonder what your life has amounted to, but what do I know.

>> No.7700878
File: 142 KB, 692x763, 1405574251157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know not being a known cosplayer and having been in several of MLZ's vids over the years. I really just don't give any fucks about all these people bitching over this stuff. It's just a lame attempt to stir up drama

>> No.7700882

Majin Buchoy is by far the best photographer I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Highly recommend

>> No.7700889

Thats nice. I dont know why though, you've stired up a fuckton of dramanin the past. I think he comes off sounding like an ass hole, my opinions aren't based on rumors, they are based off his words.

>> No.7700895

>Thats nice. I dont know why though, you've stired up a fuckton of dramanin the past. I think he comes off sounding like an ass hole, my opinions aren't based on rumors, they are based off his words.
Nah I think you have me confused with my ex she would get on my old trip back in the day. I was the calm one in the relationship TBH

>> No.7700983

Stop talking about your ex all the time

>> No.7700990

I think your comment is particularly funny, seeing as how any drama you see arise, you always have to stick your nose in just to be able to say you were a part of it and get attention.

>> No.7701031


The amount of denial is hilarious. Dude everyone knows you have major anger issues and would act like a massive douche if you didn't win or didn't get your way.

You're not cosplay famous, but you're definitely known.

>> No.7701233

soooo...did everyone enjoy san japan?

>> No.7701328

yeah, I'm sure she's the one that showed up to bitch about losing after every contest you entered.

>> No.7701539


Plenty did. It is just the mention of SJ that trolls like Ed Martinez and Barry will jump on to shit everywhere they can.

>> No.7701614

You know I know this is /cgl/ and I am not going to sit here and try to beg for forgivness. I was a dick plain and simple I did stupid things the past few years, and I realize that I also realized that there were anger issues with myself. Those are things I am working to change in my life. I am not expecting some pity party or any shit like that, and I have competed since we split up either for those reasons so for anyone I offended I'm sorry

Ya they even tried to have fabricated fake "scam Japan" badges, however the posted them on a public forum and were shocked when they did not work

>> No.7701637
File: 408 KB, 465x702, asdergjhytr6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, it isn't even me. Goddamn, I left everyone alone. Haven't made contact with anyone or tried. Sure I have had a bad experience, but I am not the only one. The fuckers recently doxed me on here and a bit ago on /toy/, then trolled people to make it seem like it was me. Very much whack. I leave and they make a fuss because they must want me back or something.

What the heck? I never made a fake badge, I did walk through the con this weekend, but my work uniform blended and nobody asked questions and I didn't really see anybody I knew anyways.

How about you proofread before posting. And stop shitting things up and blaming me. It isn't cute. Just hope you don't cross paths with me.

Cuda, they called me Cuda.

>Both are equally shitty and terrible people.

I'm not the only one. They are mad because Jay was causing a delay last year at the cosplay show, and instead of you know, getting out of a work area and letting me work, he wants to scream at me and shout threats. When I posted about it here, not putting names out, I got harassed, they booted me off staff and continue to make a scene and drag my name through the shitter. They also didn't pay me and made a fuss and denied any perks I earned, then noped out of replying to me, blocked me on fb, the forum, etc etc. But that's me being a troll and unreasonable for asking for an apology.

>> No.7701696


Literally no one fucking cares about you or your stupid shit.



>> No.7701764
File: 19 KB, 342x254, 1378533913250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times have they mentioned me in a day? Goddamn if they were on my nuts any deeper they'd be ingrown hairs. I'm trying to be cool, somebody is trying to bait me into replying with a threat so they can take actions against me. I'm tired of being blamed for all this shit.

So whenever vendetta chan grows some balls and stops hiding online, I will beat them 3/4ths of the way to death, take them to the hospital, let them recover for 3 months, then come back and beat them 3/4ths of the way to death again, maybe 4/3rds, my math is bad. There, go file your restraining order now.

>> No.7701879


Not that familiar with your shit, bit yeah that sounds like Jay. That's his thing. He will scream and yell in front of attendees at other staff, volunteers, and girlfriends to boot.

The minute you stand up to him is when you're fired and blocked on all media. It's just most SJ staff don't have balls to stick up for themselves and just take it.

>> No.7701893


How many times has someone posted about you today? Well, so far it's just been yourself you fucking attention whore. No one fucking cares about you.



>> No.7701915


Yeah sorry dude you're still a dick. And the moment you don't get your way you flip your shit. You're a dick online and you're a dick in person. Except now you're in a dress using a shitty fake girly voice. Still a dick.

Hell you're on here trying to blame your ex for your cgl posts? Dude get over her. She moved on and has become a much better person. When she was with you she was an annoying bitch. Getting out of the toxic relationship was the best thing she did. She started to grow up. While you're still stuck in pissy teenager mode.

>> No.7701929


His ex has never stopped being a colossal bitch. Now she's just a colossal bitch with a boyfriend who thinks her snatch is made of solid gold because it is the only piece he's ever gotten.

>> No.7701949

>The minute you stand up to him is when you're fired

Unless you have tits. Convinced it's the only reason the cosplay head still has a job given that I've seen her turn around and tell him she doesn't have time for him right now and to fuck off.

>> No.7701952


Don't know her personal life that well. Don't care. I just know she's not the same person she used to be at cons. She might still be a huge bitch, but she at least doesn't act like an asshole in public or to con volunteers.

>> No.7701961


More like be hot and have tits. And I wouldn't be surprised if he had tried to get her fired and Dave told him no. Though Dave not taking Jay's side is rare.

>> No.7701992

Ok well I obviously pissed you off in the past and for that I'm sorry kind anon. I would agree us splitting up was a good thing looking back. Like I said I'm doing my best to rectify my previous behavior and if you still see me as a dick then I must have pissed you off hardcore in the past and once again I'm sorry

>> No.7701993

links to scam Japan badges?
They realize by attending they still benefit the con right... Were the people that made fakes related at all to Jeremy's white knights?

>> No.7702062

lol no way, they can't fire her or there would be no cosplay contest. Only one in Texas that's run in a remotely competent way.

>> No.7702068

I mean, her husband looks like he could beat the shit out of someone too.

>> No.7702091

Yes they were and I can post a pic later at work right now

>> No.7702099

She's married?


>> No.7702111


From what I gather this year wasn't so great.

AnimeFest has a new coordinator this year and has already started fixing a few things. Though the contest is still on Sunday. But from what I understand Afest made that call and won't budge. I know the previous person who was running the contest left because she was being micromanaged by the events head. They wouldn't give her prizes or much say in things. So who knows how much the new person will be able to do.

I thought A-Kon did well this year and actually enjoyed competing for once.

AM I haven't gone back to after the SyFy thing.

I'm looking at ANT, but that's a small con so I figure things can't be too hard to manage.

>> No.7702127

Well in her defense there's not much you can do when the stage floods. And actually it wasn't so bad once they got past the numbering fuck up. Only really bad thing was 100 novice entries so the journeymen waited forever to go onstage but she said she's capping entries next year.

The costumes were all really impressive and they did a good job working around the problems presented by a lack of workable backstage area.

>> No.7702173

Yeah, to a six foot tall metal head with a viking beard who looks like he would break someone who looked at her sideways. Lucky girl. Not like you ever had a chance in the first place, anon.

>> No.7702254

while the rest of AM is a cluster, the cosplay show is run very well. I didn't participate he year hoc was there but this year it was very good.

>> No.7702279

I haven't been back to AM since the first one. Is it really worth going to? I hear so many conflicting reports, some people say it's a clusterfuck and others say it's good.

>> No.7702302

I've gone to the last 4 AMs and it's still a clusterfuck. Good for meeting/making friends, buying merch, and showing off in the contest. Bad if you have a short temper and low patience.

>> No.7702346

Hey shut up, a guy can dream. She's hot and also the nicest human being I've run into doing cosplay. Most people are elitist and aloof but she'll come out from behind the table and get excited about someone's costume or prop and it's just cute. I wish her luck with her guy though.

>> No.7702644

My official favorite con. Best time of my life.

>> No.7702659

come on texas, get it together

>> No.7702665

idk which one is which, but apparently the manly one is p cool but the other one is bat shit insane? idk what >>7698525 has heard though

>> No.7702717

Are you autistic

>> No.7702750

Yet you're still trying to involve yourself in drama that doesn't involve you, just for your few minutes of attention. You're really on the right path there, pal.

>> No.7702865


Truth. The one with the huge jaw is mostly ok but her sister is fucking batshit crazy slutty.

Their costumes are good, but as people they tend to be hit or miss.

Of course, anyone could have good costumes if they had rich parents who took care of all the bills.

>> No.7702890

You mean like countless other people in the Texas community right? I'll admit I got involved in some shit I had no fight in but everyone is guilty of that at one point In life and if you think otherwise that's just fucking stupid.

>> No.7702963

Everyone needs to stop kissing her ass. She's a backstabbing bitch who stole her title from her "friends" after they did all the work. She acts like she knows everything and nobody blames her when anything goes wrong. Cgl hates everyone, this is like the fucking twilight zone.

>> No.7703061

Koisplay isn't that bad. I've had a few shoots with him. Posing cosplayers isn't his strongest point, so it's a good idea to have your poses in mind, but he's usually good with lighting and such.

I think that his biggest area that needs improvement is courtesy photoshopping (blemish removal, etc). He has such high quality equipment that even the best photos will look shitty without some photoshop.

>> No.7703066


Details on this?

>> No.7703140

> they did all the work

People were assuming she was the director for years before the former heads were fired. They were certainly not doing alk the work

>> No.7703150

Funny you should mention DinnerforTwo.... he's the biggest drama queen ever and holds grudges like a motherfucker....and bitches about it all over the place making him seem like he's the victim but he's the one that starts the drama... yeah he's got a shitty attitude and he tries to make cosplayers pay for his mediocre pictures and then complains all over his photography page on Facebook when no one books with him because they don't think his pictures are worth the money..but who can blame them...they're not....if I'd have to pay for pictures I'd pay for someone whose pictures are fucking golden...

>> No.7703184

Yeah, his high quality equipment doesn't mean shit because he doesn't have the first fucking clue on how to use it.

Even that big fuck-off softbox he's running around with can't help his shit. Instead of everything being a muddled mess its not a muddled mess with a ghost floating around in the foreground.

Better equipment doesn't mean better photos. What makes it worse is that he's so thirsty and blows all his money on cons and cameras and trying to get laid when he really needs to be supporting his fucking child.

>> No.7703195

Those are some pretty heft accusations, anon. Have a vendetta or something? His photos seem fine and he's fun to work with. He also cares a whole lot about his kid.

>> No.7703220


This is pretty vendetta, because the guy doesn't care about getting laid and he takes good care of his child.
Please empty the sand out of your vagina? It would probably feel better.

>> No.7703235

Speaking of shit photographers, are there actually good ones here?

>> No.7703262

In Texas?

Filmshooter is alright. Julio Holgado is ok. Mineralblu is pretty good.

>> No.7703270

Julio Holgado, Jannele Holgado, Avarice (ACCosplay), Mineralblu, Majin Buchoy, and Megaship Cosplay Photography.

>> No.7703272

Never been to any kind of convention before, would Animefest be a good start?

>> No.7703354

I actually prefer Animefest over A-kon, it feels much more organized in comparison.

>> No.7703395

I don't think anything in this thread really constitutes as ass kissing. So far all that's been said about her is that she is one of the few people who can tell Jay to fuck off without getting fired that she's married to a Viking.

>> No.7703412

Anon is blowing smoke. Gear Project got fired and she took over, so they are implying there was some intentional screwing that went on there, but considering she invited them to be judges last year, that doesn't seem to be the case. She has been doing the hard work behind the scenes for years and it was painfully apparent, because as someone said, it was often assumed she was actually the one in charge.

>> No.7703544

Definitely. A-Kon is no longer a welcoming con imo.

>> No.7703570
File: 492 KB, 810x810, 1401636597224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! I think you'll have a lot of fun anon. It's a pretty friendly convention, imo. Artist Alley's not lacking and the dealer's room is a pretty good size if you're looking for stuff to buy.

Usually the Afest panels are pretty unique but I'm not sure about this year...

>> No.7703601


How so? I know it's crowded, but how is it not welcoming?

>> No.7703604

I don't even thing I've ever seen this person. Do we even know who they are besides the person that runs SJ cosplay?

>> No.7703652

>Announcing who you are on an anonymous imageboard
>Not even tripfagging or namefagging

Pls leave newfag

>> No.7703673

A-kon in a nutshell >>7700503
crowded, lots of drunk people, cops get called at least once each night. its not exactly family friendly

>> No.7703718


>> No.7703721
File: 138 KB, 375x375, Icamehere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah texas.

>> No.7703728
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>TFW you don't care about cosplay or photographer pages, don't care about contests, and never bought a badge in your life but still managed to meet only the cool Texas congoers.

Feels so fucking good. Sucks to be you people.

>> No.7703754

Melodious Angel, Ayriath, Titanesque, Anslin, Bitsy, Esperkin

Who am I missing on the elitist bitch list?

>> No.7703770

Ayriath has been nothing but kind and down to Earth. How the fuck did she end up on the "elitist bitch list"?

>> No.7703771

I smell vendettas

>> No.7703772

You dropped your trip

>> No.7703774

You dropped your trip

>> No.7703777

um sure ok whatever doesn't change the vendetta smell in this thread

>> No.7703781


Only heard of two of those people. Had to look up the others. Was amusing to see Ayriath person have a special email for booking her for your event on her Facebook page.

Could add to that list Mitsu Bunny. She isn't on anyone's radar, but she sure as hell acts like it. It's amusing.

Shouldn't HeeHee be there too? I recall her having a less than delightful personality.

>> No.7703798

Sauce on Melodious Angel? Meet her a few times and she was sweet so curios to know.

>> No.7703799

idk who it was but I've been hearing things about one of the guest judges at San Japan that just walked out? But to her defense, didn't it take a while for things to get wrapped up and maybe she was just tired? I don't know what was going on behind the curtains. Also, didn't go to it but heard that the same person was late and unprepared for her own panel at SJ.

Her husband, boyfriend, whatever, is some big name but that's as much as I know.

Mitsu Bunny sounds familiar. What else has she done?

Does Pixyteri even go to conventions anymore or is she still crying that she's not ever asked to be a cosplay idol guest? I think I saw her only one at Ikkicon.

>> No.7703821

This is some vendetta. Melodious Angel and Ayriath are some of the most down to earth cosplayers in Texas. I've met both of them and they have always been supportive of other cosplayers and easy to approach.

With Bitsy, I've hear some stories. She always posts about wanting to be cosplay famous.

>> No.7703823

heehee is easily on that list

>> No.7703846

10/10 explanations

>> No.7703852

San Japan itself was alright, i fucking hate San Antonio now though
i might place SJ higher than AM, if only a little bit

>> No.7703938

I was in the show and all of the judges were on stage to hand out awards. If someone left it was only after they had finished doing their job.

>> No.7704163

Esperkin is fucking annoying tho. She made such a huge hissy fuss about not winning anything last year for her Terra at SJ even though it's covered with ugly sequin appliques.

>> No.7704174

Farasha doesn't really cosplay or go to other conventions that I know of. I used to see her around at Ikkicon and A-kon but then I think she moved for a while? Either way I haven't seen a new costume out of her in years. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, it seems like she's focusing most of her energy on making sure San Japan is run well. I don't even think she has a cosplay page besides her really old cosplay.com account that hasn't been updated since 2008 or so.

>> No.7704184

>Esperkin is fucking annoying tho. She made such a huge hissy fuss about not winning anything last year for her Terra at SJ even though it's covered with ugly sequin appliques.
Oh boy last year's SJ and she got all bitter at the person who won after she was Disqualified.

>> No.7704195

Wait, she was disqualified? DETAILS?

>> No.7704198

Ya it was the thing that started a major argument between her and Anslin. She was denied her award because some other constentants went to the judges and was talling them that she was shit talking other cosplayers and this was back when the whole "cosplay bullying" thing was a hot button. She called him about it and Anslin basically told her that her running her mouth is what did it in the first place because he had been warning her about it. Anslin was not even there that weekend because of a falling out with one of their friends so he couldn't really keep her in check or anything, and she always blamed him for her being dqed said it was his fault and shit when he wasn't even in the same fucking city and was at home working.

>> No.7704204

There's not much to tell. As far as I remember she got DQed for talking shit backstage. The staff there takes that pretty seriously because they're all about "positive environment" or whatever.

>> No.7704222

Im not familiar with this person at all and I was in the cosplay show last year, who is this? What were they wearing?

>> No.7704240

Sauce given on two of those but not the others. Easily vendetta.

>> No.7704241

Esperkin is a tryhard who thinks she's the bestest ever and everyone should recognize her talents. Last year she did Terra from FF6 and twirled something onstage. This year she won for Bilbo although RedeadDie's Thorin basically carried her to that award.

>> No.7704249

Same. Ayriath is fine.

>> No.7704251

Read made both outfits esperkin only made her sword

>> No.7704257

Nobody cares what happened between you and your ex, Anslin. It's obvious that's you dropping trip from how you're typing. Get over yourself and trying to seem like the victim. Nobody likes either of you.

>> No.7704267

I love how you keep thinking I am him that's cute

>> No.7704272

Can I get a list of conventions in San Antonio? I know of wizards word, san japan and Alamo city.

>> No.7704276

SWAG Expo? http://www.swagexpo.com/

>> No.7704289

I thought they rage quit

>> No.7704295

If that convention ever actually happens.

>> No.7704329

lol, if that thing ever sees the light of day it will be a miracle. I think it has dashcon potential

>> No.7704373

What about Anime North Texas, I know it's tiny but did anyone go last year? Is it any good? I live in Dallas so I might as well give it a shot but if it's a hot mess I don't want to pay for a badge.

>> No.7704381

I'm going to guess Anime DFW died and won't be happening?

Also who runs ANT?

And I saw something on the AA forum about a High tower? Who is that?

>> No.7704437

Melodious and Ayriath seem nice to me. Both are a little haughty but I don't think either of them are outright bitches.

Esperkin and Anslin... well the thread is speaking for them already

Titanesque and Bitsy just seem to be in it for the fame.

Agree with >>7703781 about Mitsu Bunny and HeeHee

>> No.7704442

high tower is gross. Used to be big in the AA scene. Ended up in jail for a few years and is now trying to force his way back in but no one smart wants anything to do with him. He's a total creep. Hits in girls and tries to impress you with how many years he's been going to cons, like its anything to brag about. Loves to name drop too.

>> No.7704445

Me elitest? That is the funniest shit I have read in a month

>> No.7704447

Fuck off Anslin, everyone hates you almost as much as your ex

>> No.7704450

Ayriath pls put your tripcode back on

>> No.7704459

Fuck off anon your full on mad and need to calm down a bit ok

>> No.7704462
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>> No.7704469

Calm down, vendetta-chan. Sorry your ass hurts because people don't agree with you.

>> No.7704470

you made fucking buttons of yourself for a-kon. How is that not elitist and conceded as fuck?

>> No.7704472


I went last year. It was pretty decent for the size of it.

>> No.7704473


Hey anon? That was a scavenger hunt started by someone which was where a bunch of cosplayers and photographers had buttons made to give out to people to collect if they found them at a convention. It was done for fun.
I think it's in your best interest to shut the fuck up if you don't know your information.

>> No.7704475
File: 281 KB, 1012x1663, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the same Anslin that is in this thread and keeps getting mentioned? I don't know anything about cosplay names people go by and never heard of most of these.

>> No.7704478

And also so what if I do something like that to promote myself I'm not asking people to pay for the buttons for me that comes out of my own pocket and people at cons loved the idea. If using my own money to do something like that makes me elitest anon then give me my tiara and special snowflake gown

>> No.7704490

so there are more self important cosplayers than just this guy, what else is new? Its still grossly conceited.

>> No.7704494

Melodious is a little self-centered online, but she was really nice IRL, also seemed down to have fun rather than just do shoots and advertise her page.

The only other one I know on that list is Esperkin, who I guess is pretty arrogant and attention craving.

I think I talked to Ayriath on FB (on her actual account possibly?) on some post arguing about fake cosplayers who don't actually do it for passion, but she was just agreeing with everything I said so idk what that tells me about her.

Dunno who the rest of those people are

>> No.7704504

>Texas thread
>No one is talking about the best 2 cosplayers

This thread needs less teenage girl drama and more Overbeck and Texas Jet

>> No.7704510

Who is Overbeck?

>> No.7704515

I think I know who you're talking about. I thought she was the only judge who actually gave a damn tbh.

>> No.7704539
File: 50 KB, 665x1000, 10265580_810226485655182_5152408481717159132_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best guy ever. Guy is literally the most polite and cordial cosplayer ever. He goes around just taking pictures of everyone, and is just a joy to talk to.

Pic related its his Hohenheim. Not sorry for gushing

>> No.7704540

Who, Sheena Duquette? I wasn't impressed. She showed up late to the judging panel I was at, and apparently she showed up late to a bunch of other stuff too. Her famous boyfriend is Monty Oum from Rooster Teeth. The only reason anyone gives a damn about her.

>> No.7704546

Coolest dude in Texas. Probably the only popular middle aged male cosplayer, but pulls off anything he does perfectly. Never involves himself in drama, takes pics of every cosplayer (no matter how good or bad they are), and is extremely complimentary.

Probably the best Texas con attendee ever

>> No.7704548

The refrain I heard out of cosplay staff all weekend was "Sheena is running late so we'll start in a minute." The judging panel I was at just started without her because it was time to start and she wasn't there.

>> No.7704550

Which one is HeeHee? I always get the two of them confused.

>> No.7704551

Monty was there. He was at the RWBY meetup, complete surprise as he wasn't on the guest list or anything. I also saw him chilling behind her at the cosplay show.

>> No.7704565

What about cosplayers on the rise or some that are a little less known? who gives a shit about the elitist asshole lmfao

>> No.7704573

I like Starlit Rose and Kezzy Kiraboshi as far as Texas underdogs go.

>> No.7704613

What the fuck happened to this thread since last night?

>> No.7704629


>> No.7704679

Are there any good Lolitas to keep an eye on? All I hear about with them is drama.

>> No.7704684

I was backstage at RTX with the RT people and Monty seemed really out of it and just wanted to enjoy the con, with his poor disguise. He proly just went for Sheena and to chill.

Thats the manlier one that cosplays guys from what Ive seen

>> No.7704688

Idk about the members of Titanesque but they had a cool skit at AM. Im unfamiliar with LoL and the tiny cheshire cat girl kept giving me snide ass looks but thats all Ive heard?

>> No.7704690

They don't even play League of Legends. They're complete bandwagoners.

>> No.7704709

Shots fired

>> No.7704762


how do you know this?

>> No.7704796


That's him.

Wait he actually got into UNT? And he's attempting the theater program? Oh and be a voice actor? That's hilarious.

>> No.7704804


WTF I thought he was like 22 at the most. He acts like he's 17.

>> No.7704825

Wow whoever made that shit got my doc all sorts of wrong just saying cause nope not that old

>> No.7704903

overbeck is such a bro

>> No.7704928

Great con. I'd rank it the best in Texas right now since Afest has been tanking. In 2016 and 2018 it's scheduled for Labor Day weekend which will either hurt or help it.

>> No.7704931

They were invited to be judges last year? That's a laugh. Cosplaying for a lot of years doesn't make you good at it. But then, 90% of cosplay judges don't have the credentials to judge cosplay.

>> No.7704933

>That feeling when you remember talking with Texas Jet at cons back in 2004.

>> No.7704935

Met Melodious quite a few times and I gotta say she is incredibly sweet and really down to earth. I think she is just really shy at first so she might come off that way because of that? But she seemed like someone who was genuinely in this hobby to have fun.

Titanesque and Aryiath just seem like they want everyone to kiss their feet and worship them but at least Titanesque makes their own shit.

As for Anslin and Esperkin, she has grown up a lot since their breakup but is still pretty haughty. Anslin however is a stupid piece of shit who only ever bitches about her and has a shitty Mami cosplay. Seriously dude your makeup sucks, you wear the corset too low, and you need to wear a fucking bra.

>> No.7704968

Taking your tag off doesn't meant we don't know it's you, Anslin. Stop crying vendetta and accept the fact that you suck

>> No.7704974

You should really change the way you type if you're going to get rid of your name, Anslin

>> No.7705014

Samefagging up in here

>> No.7705045

they've been judges since year 1, not to say your points aren't valid but its not like they were new to the panel. This was the first year neither of them were involved.

>> No.7705060
File: 625 KB, 1740x1716, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of here and go back to your dating profiles.

>> No.7705070

Shut up about RYX and stop all your vendetta posting Josh Compean.

>> No.7705084

Glad to know that Josh is working hard for us at San Japan and RTX and posting all in the vendetta threads. Still mad about getting caught posting drama for attention in the last SJ thread? Gf still have an over inflated ego like her over inflated cow tits?

>> No.7705087

Nice someone put almost no work into this stuff using old photos from heartstrings and my page before I made it private. Also nice job on getting the age wrong again. Try harder scrub

>> No.7705096

Anslin shut the fuck up already you're nothing but a neckbeard meme and half of DFW knows it

>> No.7705113

Titanesque is actually full of really awesome and helpful people I thought. I don't get this hate, someone explain.

>> No.7705147


Same. They're cool people with good costumes. Never found them to be shitty.

>> No.7705175

I don't get it either. I'm in Titanesque and I don't even talk to people... someone wanna tell me what's up, ha ha.

>> No.7705218

Titanesque samefagging. But to answer the question it's the fact that you guys do everything to attention whore out. While all of you certainly have crafting skills you bandwagon harder than anyone who isn't JNigs. Makes you come off as fake and aloof.
How are you guys in person outside of cons? I dont know, but you're probably fine.
Your group is the prime example of letting cosplay fame getting to the head. You'll do anything for it at this point. At least you're not as bad as Twinzik. Yet.

>> No.7705219

She makes several of hers. considering she's come over to my house to sew on the occasion.

>> No.7705224
File: 10 KB, 223x225, 1622011_731665850184843_1854627938_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread's distinct lack of images and greentext proves that this is a facebook drama extension that's poured over into anon territory because it got too venomous over there.

Please fuck off 4chan normalfags

>> No.7705237

Lol wait what? I was responding to someone saying theyre surprised Monty wasnt a guest?? Calm down there. Who even in the fuck is Josh????

>> No.7705238

The only problem I have with them is that they share their page like cancer. Every single group I'm in that any of their members are in, you can bet there's a 100% chance they'll find some way to share their page and tell you to like it. Feels so forced at this point, especially since they've started doing repeat runs of the shares.

I don't know them personally but they don't seem that bad to me. Just the obsessive advertising they do for their page is annoying.

>> No.7705264

Smells like false flagging. One of the mentioned people probably posted this expecting minimal backlash while everyone else took the heat.

Either Anslin (since he's already getting slammed on anyway), Melodious (since she's just been white knighted), or Bitsy (since no one mentioned her)

>> No.7705266


Wouldn't doubt if Anslin was same fagging all the drama in this thread. Dude lives off of fake bullshit he hears from other shitty cosplayers.

>> No.7705281

Im the 'chesire cat" girl you are refering to! I usually dont like getting involved with this kind of thing, but I felt bad reading your comment and the fact that you thought I was mean-mugging you ;3; I didnt/dont have any hostility to anyone who would have been in the contest. The battery that powers the lights in our giant bear crapped out and I was super upset about that, so if I happened to glace your way with bitch-face, thats why. But again, I'm sorry to have made you feel that way and I should really be more conscious of stuff like that!

>> No.7705284

I DONT KNOW HOW THIS WORKS SORRY but the comment I just posted was for you!

>> No.7705319
File: 1.60 MB, 3072x2304, IMG_8026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread went insane, just oh my god

but for an non-drama post, I am working on full frontal for afest since the director of gundam unicorn is going to be there, here was my first time working with worbla and first prop I have made without help

>> No.7705321

I'm not in Titanequse and I'm the one that asked why people hate on them stop being so desperate to prove your point you look fucking pathetic.

>> No.7705325
File: 2.01 MB, 2304x3072, IMG_8031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also first trial wearing the uniform, I can't sew at all so i ordered this, and i honestly think it fits pretty well. I just got to order a wig and of course shave and get a haircut and i'm set

>> No.7705328

Titanesque damage control has arrived. Enjoy being assblasted that someone called you out.

>> No.7705337

The boyfriend of that pyramid head girl, goes by illusion, also staffs for san japan mod in their facebook group, started working for rtx and white knights all their negative feedback here. They caused a ton of drama because somebody called her fat, so bf and her decided to play detective and posted rumors and lies about people to stir up drama and try to find out who called her fat. Then tried to blame it all on other people. Then deleted their facebook posts when called out it was them seeking attention.

>> No.7705355

Is that what the massive shitstorm in here is about?

>> No.7705377


>> No.7705384

Naw, that fits like shit. Did you even iron?

Get it tailored if you're really serious.

>> No.7705393

You keep telling people not to come on here yet you're making yourself a target by refusing to leave and making an ass of yourself. You have no idea how much the DFW cosplayers dislike you for constantly talking about yourself, and I've heard that many have gone as far as removing and blocking you recently for the stupid shit you've been posting on here. For the cosplays you put out, you really shouldn't be so full of yourself. Do yourself and everyone a favor and just stop posting. And for the love of god stop calling everyone that shit posts you a vendetta-chan and accept that your an obnoxious prick.

>> No.7705438

Mostly, aside from the usual obnoxious trigfag drama. They've gone into panic mode and tried everything to hide their involvement, except end their involvement. Guess that's the only way they can keep people talking about SJ and RTX.

Dudebro was pretty honest, and they openly attacked him for telling the truth, pretty retarded, cause they think it makes the con look better by bashing an old volunteer.

>> No.7705461

Any drawfags in here able to draw Texas Jet and Overbeck smacking the shit out of some generic looking drama whores? Maybe put some eagles and explosions and a Texas flag in the background.

>> No.7705492

What are you smoking, I want some

>> No.7705505 [DELETED] 

>tfw you get booked for cosplays for every con in TX, get magazine editorial offers, fashion week invitations, ad campaign clients, and happen to be the attractive and talented BlakeRyan of CGL, but you're still not good enough to be in Titanesque

>> No.7705507
File: 955 KB, 288x216, tumblr_mcyv90lqo11r6ubhwo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking thread...

>> No.7705511
File: 17 KB, 320x240, phcry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you get booked for cosplays for every con in TX, get magazine editorial offers, fashion week invitations, ad campaign clients, and happen to be the attractive and talented BlakeRyan of CGL, but you're still not good enough to be in Titanesque

>> No.7705554

Oh no big deal. I was just simply stating other than the mean looks I didnt know of any drama. Also didnt know Titanesque was even a thing until I went to AM.

>> No.7705697
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>> No.7705827

To be honest, Barry (aka Cuda) isn't all that squeaky clean either, he's not as innocent as he makes himself out to be. Do I think he's really as bad as they make him out to be? No. But he didn't exactly do himself anything to win any favors with Jay and the rest of San Japan's higher up staff before he was finally banned, and to be honest, he didn't do any more work than the average volunteer, so the fact that he got so angry about how they didn't give him the "respect he deserved" or whatever is pretty laughable. Scores of people volunteer for San Japan, and they hardly get so much as a word in praise from the higher ups. The fact that he was demanding asspats is kind of ridic. Now, do I think the drama that has ensued since is over the top, immature and blown out of proportion? Of course. But these are anime loving autists who can barely look you in they eye and say hello, of course the social aspects are going t be handled poorly.

>> No.7705853

>tumblr filename

>> No.7705935

Don't hate me because you didn't wear pink on Wednesday.

>> No.7705971

Hey, I won't lie, I can be a jerk. Do I treat everyone poorly? Nah, just people that act like jerks. If anyone has a problem, I'd be more than happy to work it out maturely.

>he didn't do any more work than the average volunteer

2ndly, I did do alot more than just a volunteer, and have been with the con since it started and tried to help out any way I could. Working an operation: clusterfuck and getting the job done;
It was less about the respect I deserved, and more about the disrespect I didn't deserve and allowing staffers to bully and be abusive. Kinda shitty to not get an asspat and have a fit thrown on ya instead, who would want to work under those conditions? Considering I have had little problems in the VGM scene other than a few overzealous SocialJusticeWarlords that made me ignore that scene.

I'm banned on the forums and facebook as far as I know, not the convention, just not ever going to work there again, mutual decision. I don't really care, plenty of other cons, plenty of new events and people to meet. Just wish the fuckers would get off my nuts and stop doxing me and blaming me for everything. And yes, I am well aware of who was doing it. Yes, nobody cares.

>> No.7706008

Looking at some of her costumes up close, they weren't that impressive. I agree that the only reason people care is because of Monty and the way he pimps out her cosplay pictures of his characters.

She was nice to be around for a little while but recently she's gotten a bit of an ego and acts like she's JNig or Yaya level and has turned up the T and A factor for likes and views.

>> No.7706042

Ive only seen her FFXIV Miqo'te and Pyrrha from RWBY. The FFXIV was so...ill fitting?? It looked awful from far away which is saying something.. But Pyrrha looked really nice, I didnt know it was Sheena at all.

>> No.7707877


>> No.7707905
File: 57 KB, 453x313, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to the good Texas videographers? Why are all the photographers like whoring themselves?

>> No.7708289

I don't think I've seen her FFXIV one but I do agree that she looked lovely as Pyrrha from RWBY.

I'm not much a fan of her Cinder from RWBY which seems to be the one that gets posted the most on facebook. The fabric choice and lace just seem off and sloppy work for someone who is suppose to be a judge.

I think we're at max so maybe a new thread for TX Generals is needed. There seems to be a lot of cosplay circles.

>> No.7708326

Oh you know what I think I saw her Cinder in person and thought she was wearing rags.... Does she make her own cosplays? She seemed pretty flat/skinny but the dress was loose in all the wrong places, but in Pyrrha shes got a p nice bod?

Could be push up bra magic....hmm

>> No.7708347

It looked pretty ill fitting but perhaps she lost weight from when she made it to her currently wearing it. The wig at least, and character features seemed to fit her really beautifully but I think she should remake that dress. And I agree, she looks rather gorgeous as Pyrrha and from what I've seen it looks pretty well made.

iirc she does make her own but at her panel I thought I heard her say she bought stuff from TaoBao and took pictures for her slide show. I could of misheard and I feel bad for this just hearsay.

I'm a bit jelly, I'll admit it, but I also don't think she deserves as much praise as she believes she's entitled to just yet. You need to earn it through work, not being Monty's girlfriend. Don't go the T/A route just for likes. You're better than that, Sheena. At least you were.

Sorry, totally didn't mean to turn it in to a Sheena thread but she's one of the big Texas cosplayers that seems to be sprouting up around here.