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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7661615 No.7661615 [Reply] [Original]

Okay gulls, now that AX 2014 is over and finished lets discuss our spoils of war! ~List all the glorious, marvelous con swag you got!

>I got:
>- Two Bodyline dresses with one matching bag to go with one of the outfits, sadly Bodyline stuff was practically the only Lolita outfits sold at the con this year
>- A yellow, pink polka-dotted JSK from KOKOkim, I had to buy two cause I'm a fatty-chan and thus am getting it altered to fit.
>-A Ribbon pack from KOKOKim
>- A Blouse and petticoat from Starry Petals
>- An absolutely adorable red carousel watch
>- Glass Mask DVD boxset
>- A smutty Tales Of Xillia Doujinshi, specifically of the Alvin/Jude pairing
>- Wrist cuffs
>- Pastel tights and a shitton more of Lolita bows and accessories at this booth in the Artist's Alley, including a bunny ice-cream ring as well as a pink-cupcake unicorn necklace. I bought a lucky pack from the booth too but I got rather unlucky so I just went fuck it and splurged on their cute shit.

All in all not too bad of a haul, I'm a Lolita/mainly into J-fashion so when I go to cons I usually buy Lolita stuff, not too into the major anime fandoms these days (Though I love Sailor Moon and kinda regret not commissioning a print from the artist's alley in honor of Crystal and the redub but I thought it wasn't worth it since what am I really going to use it for?) though I'm also a gamer but they didn't have any of the games I was looking for or their artbooks, so I just splurged on clothes and accessories instead.

Pics coming soon, post your haul? Rate the Exhibit Hall this year?

Personally I give it about a 7/10, there was some good things to be had but they really need to stock more rare stuff and get better Lolita brands back into the con like that time they once hosted AP.

>> No.7661628

General con swag post?

>> No.7661657

>>- Two Bodyline dresses with one matching bag to go with one of the outfits, sadly Bodyline stuff was practically the only Lolita outfits sold at the con this year

So you spent 99 dollars at that one creepy asain guys booth? wow OP you overpaid.. I'd say I feel sorry for you but I don't feel sorry for people who are dumb enough to fall for that trick. Learn how to lolita.

>> No.7661666

I'm not OP, nor a lolita, but isn't a convention all about impulse purchases on overpriced things? As a vendor, I've seen plenty of people KNOW that it's crazy overpriced, KNOW that they could get it cheaper, but get it anyways because they have cash in their pockets and the atmosphere is just of purchasing, purchasing, purchasing.

>> No.7661667

>Buying bodyline at the con.
You done goofed man.

Just went Saturday, didn't really buy anything since, fuck the crowded dealers hall and AA. Did manage to walk away with one of the copies of JJBA:ASB that Crunchyroll was giving away though.

>> No.7661672

I knew that he was scalping it and I know Bodyline is generally mediocre, but it was the only Lolita things there and I had tons of money to spend so I just didn't care.

I got some of the nicer Bodyline dresses anyways and when I buy Lolita online I always buy brand never Bodyline so I generally don't buy Bodyline and it was my first time buying it so again I thought it was worth it.

Sorry you're a poorfag, stuff being overpriced doesn't bother me because I'm rich. All I need to worry about is whether I want the stuff or not.

>> No.7661680

>obviously a 14 year old
>imaginary brand
>Ita as fuck

Enjoy your shitty overpriced bodyline. No actual lolita would ever do this.

>> No.7661681

Be grateful that at least she didn't spend all her money on all the other "Lolita" clothes they were selling.

>Go to con with a bunch of weaboo underage itas.
>Proceed to get your eardrums wrecked with their high-pitched squealing over "kawaii rori outfits~"
>They blow all their money on Milanoo-tier cosplay "Lolita" despite my trying to tell them that that's really not real Lolita.
>What do I know though because they're obviously Japanese fashion experts since they're taking Japanese 1, I'm just a gaijin baka~
> Spend all 4 days chaperoning them around while they're dressed up in their hideous lace-monsters with cat ears and just praying nobody I knew saw me with them.

Worst. Con. Ever.

>> No.7661689

> Would a n00b 14 year old know and have the brands AP, BTSSB, MMM, IW and Meta?
> Have the newest release of CDC?
>Have ALL the colorways of Sugary Carnival?
>Have fucking Iron Gate?!

Its not my fault the con had slim pickings when it came to Lolita this year, I wanted to buy SOMETHING to add to my wardrobe and unfortunately I was stuck with Bodyline but hey maybe that's a good thing because my wardrobe definitely needed more casual Lolita wear.

Maybe you don't have the money to splurge on wardrobe items but I do and I wish you'd get it through your head that some Lolitas are actually rich and don't have to worry about "throwing money" out on any and everything Lolita wardrobe related.

Stay poor, poor-chan.

>> No.7661693

Who cares if you have money, because you obviously have poor taste

>> No.7661695

>Iron Gate, Sugary Carnival and CDC as "poor taste."

I see ur jelly showing anon.

>> No.7661705

Yeah, being able to splurge on shitty bodyline does not make you a better person or a better lolita. I'd rather spend my money on pieces I actually like, as I can easily afford to buy coveted pieces I want in my collection and want non-shit quality clothing in general. Which is why I don't buy 'lolita' bullshit they sell at cons. You just have piss poor impulse control.

>> No.7661729

>Implying all Bodyline is "shit."

Looks like someone could use a good looking at Princess-Peachie's blog. Fucking can't believe I ran into an actual real-life burando elitist! I thought you gals were just legends told to scare off poorfags.

>> No.7661745

Bodyline has released a handful of decent pieces over the years, but I'd rather spend money on second-hand brand for the same price. Brand holds greater re-sale value. It's a worthless investment to purchase Bodyline if you're a collector or someone who rotates pieces out of your wardrobe regularly. But, you know, logical reasoning is just so damned difficult to sell when you can shriek "elitist" like a stuck pig instead.

>> No.7661747

And when no brand is there to buy at the con but you wanna buy something because you come to the con to shop with your friends and its a goddamn con?!

Not like there's anything more useful to buy at cons anyways, at least I can actually do something with Bodyline outfits rather than the shit figurines and art weaboos buy.

>> No.7661751

Why not just save the money and order something online later? It's not like you HAVE to spend money in the dealers hall.

>> No.7661756


>re-selling Lolita

Spoken like a true poorfag! Sorry to say but some of us take pride in our collections and would never part with them no matter how much money you offered us. Not that we would need to since SOME of us don't even need to sell our burando just to buy more burando.

Seriously stop treating everyone's personal Lolita collection like its fucking nationalized healthcare, My clothes are mine and I don't share.

>> No.7661757

I go to cons because I enjoy the panels and hanging out with friends. And I feel the need to buy stuff (which I rarely do) it's generally fandom related or random food to enjoy while I'm there. If I want to buy lolita, I buy lolita from brands or other lolitas. There's no rationalizing literally pissing your money away on an item you could have ordered online while you were there for a third of the price. Like I said, impulse control. Just because you're there you're not obligated to do jack shit, and if your friends "needing to shop" is a reason, you have shitty friends.

>> No.7661758

Yes, I do because its what I specifically come to cons for its a tradition me and my friends have.

>> No.7661764

>Psst, not all of us are lucky enough to be able to go to panels because even though we're richfags we have to be chaperoned by parents and thus they confine us to only one area.

Unfortunately some of us richfags aren't all independent adults, so shopping in the dealers hall with our parents watching us is all we have to do. And no I'm not underage but I'm an autistfag with super-overprotective parents and they're afraid of "unleashing" me into such a big crowd.

>> No.7661767

That's just silly. You can go to a con and enjoy it without HAVING to buy something from the dealers hall. I don't see the point of dumping money into something just because you feel an obligation to spend it.

>> No.7661769

Actually this is a good question to ask, when ARE the brands going to start selling at AX again? Seriously, what do we have to do to get AP to open up a booth there again?

>> No.7661773
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>She doesn't even get to enjoy the rest of the con!

Geeze, no wonder you're so defensive.

>> No.7661777

I don't need to sell my brand to buy new things, but that doesn't mean that a pieces value isn't important to me when I acquire it. I might decide that I don't want to wear lolita anymore one day, and when that happens I'll have a huge pile of things that have re-sale value to cash in. Lolita is an investment. It's like buying fine jewelery or a house; you might never resell it, but the continued value of the item is still important. You're just showing how gauche your understanding of collecting is.

Autistic? I couldn't tell from >>7661758
Your tradition is fucking stupid. End of story. Stay in therapy. Or something.

>> No.7661779

Yes, so as you can see buying stuff at a con is the only thing I CAN do!

>> No.7661785

>Taking Lolita this fucking seriously

Do you seriously only buy stuff to "invest" in it? How about buying something just because you like it and think its cute and want to wear it? Fucking shit, they're just cute clothes, its not as if they're even "real" designer brands like Chanel or Gucchi or Prada anyways!

You're more autistic than OP.

>> No.7661790

Everything I buy is because I like it, and then I wear it. I just happen to prefer brand because it's worth something. I also have random Taobao shit too, but that stuff is a hell of lot better quality than any Bodyline, and I don't purchase stuff because it's simply there. OP is an impulsive idiot. I like nice things over cute crap, it's just that simple. All I was trying to say. I'd rather second-hand brand over Bodyline because of its quality, and I enjoy wearing quality pieces.

>> No.7661792

The Bodyline hate is strong in this one. They're not that bad anymore, they're pretty much on par with Taobao and to be honest some of their prints are pretty cute (well, Bodyline-chans like Peachie make them look cute)

Why the vendetta against Bodyline? Did Mr.Yan piss in your cereal or did he reject you for Venus and thus crushed all your idoru dreams?

C'mon its okay to let it out, because the way you're talking like buying Bodyline is the "SUPER MOST UNREASONABLE THING IN THE WORLD!" you're treating them on the same level as Milanoo and gurl that just ain't right.

>> No.7661798

No, buying Bodyline /at a con/ is the super most unreasonable thing in the world. I've purchased one Bodyline dress before, and it was underwhelming for the price (no lining, inferior quality ribbon, the cut of the dress was off, etc). I didn't purchase another. There are a few cute pieces they have out now, but their pricing (yen to dollar) is shitty and I'd rather spend the money on pieces I genuinely love rather than just like. I'm not a sweet lolita. Bodyline doesn't do gothic or classic very well, it's just not for me. I won't purchase from AP/USA either, because their shipping all kinds of fucked up. Combination of bad business practices and iffy quality is not my thing.

>> No.7661815

Ah there was your problem! You're not a sweet lolita and Bodyline's crappier pieces have mostly been goth/classic, so you dun goofed and bought some their unfortunate stuff.

Luckily me being sweet I have a lot of decent quality stuff to choose from Bodyline now and really before you buy any dress you really should check it out super-carefully to see if its good quality for the price. I knew of Bodyline's reputation beforehand so while shopping at that booth I was extra careful and made sure to only buy their new safe pieces. It takes a lot of examining to make certain but if you're into sweet and are looking for a quick lolita fix, Bodyline has quite a few gems.

>> No.7661835

I chose what was supposed to be a nicer item according to other reviews, but I'm used to brand, and it was definitely underwhelming for me quality wise, though the print itself was cute. I sold it. They have like, one skirt that is decent for gothic. Everything else is shit on a stick for the most part. They do have a bolero I've been looking at, though. I forgot their shipping went up today, so fuck. DHS is so fucking awful where I live, and I refuse to pay $20 for EMS from Bodyline, so I guess either way it would still have sucked even with free shipping.

>> No.7661895

Ah yeah that's why I've never ordered Bodyline online like I do with brand because their quality is iffy and you'll never know what you'll be getting.

That's why imo its actually better to buy Bodyline in person rather than online so you can check for quality first-hand.

So basically I buy Bodyline only in real life (if there's no brand anywhere in the place to buy)where I have the chance to get up close and personal with the item to see exactly what I'm getting and that way I can hand-pick myself their nicer items. I would never buy online with them though, too risky as you've seen.

>> No.7661971

My haul:
> 1 large Natural Line alpaca
> 1 large, pink Kids Play Line alpaca
> 1 Madoka figure of her magical girl outfit
> 1 small brown alpaca (for my bf)
> 1 galaxxxy crop jacket
> 1 galaxxxy creamy mami top
> assorted pins from artist alley
> a ring from KawaiiCore
> a Sailor Moon poster
> kill la kill stickers
> Tea House keychains
I think that's it? I feel like I'm missing stuff, I spent a lot of money on just a few things this year rather than my normal 'a thousand trinkets' binge.

>> No.7661975

One day /cgl/ will stop explaining their reasoning and logic and the whole bored will be this:
"Hey guys I went to X con, let's talk about this thing"
And the replies will just all be
"FUCK YOU OP" I'm chorus

>> No.7662843

Wow, no offense anon but that's a poor haul. Why just little stuff?

>> No.7662849

Yeah it seems a bit sad looking back! I think it was a combination of not really having much time to explore the exhibit hall due to being short on time - I went to a lot of panels which meant a LOT of lining up and wasting time on that - and not really finding much that appeals to me (i was really looking for a non-lewd Sonico figure and lolita stuff, but AX didn't really cater to that this year). Oh well, I have some more money for online shopping now and I still had fun at the con! Maybe next year.

>> No.7662910

My haul this AX, around $600
>Kongou & Touhou wallscrolls
>Kancolle lewd book
>Tsukiguna Runa artbook with signature
>Tenga from J-List Booth
>Three books from Project H. Buy two get one free.
>Mirakurun figure by Alter. ABCToys booth.
>18+ posters from mangagamer.
>Two 18+ doujinshi from Hendane
>Kongou and Kurumi shirts.
>Mirai Millennium T-Shirt from Danny Choo booth.
Best AX ever. I sure got a kick from buying porn while as a trap.

>> No.7662926

Rather be poor than be such a bitch, anon.

It doesn't matter how much money you have, wasting it is always a stupid idea.

That said, Bodyline does have some nice pieces, so it's very possible they had some good ones there. All the ita weeaboos just buy the lace-monsterest shit they can get their hands on.

Sugary Carnival and CDC are uggo as fuck, and Iron Gate is overrated. MMM has much nicer prints, I don't understand why a fucking fence is so popular.

>> No.7662933

>mfw I never spend more than $100 at a con
That's.. not normal?

>> No.7662989

Oh they definitely did! I got the musical note JSK with the bunny/rocking horse border print in red. I was actually eyeing that JSK for a long time now but I never ordered from Bodyline and didn't want to start so I was thinking that if I'd ever get the opportunity to somehow see it in person and observe it myself I'd buy it. And low and behold I come across it this year in AX and after observing it in person it really is one of Bodyline's letter-quality ones so I grabbed it up!

>All the ita weeaboos just buy the lace-monsterest shit

Ha-ha tell me about! Most of them didn't even bother to go to Bodyline's booth! While- though its mediocre Lolita- at least its still ACTUAL Lolita! Nope, instead I saw all the weebs head for the cosplay Lolita booths buying maid-like outfits.

>> No.7663060

Some of the worst taste I've ever heard of

>> No.7663129

Calling me poor but yet I have a closet full of real brand, nice try ita noob

>> No.7663153

So do I, so? I just mentioned further up some of the more prominent prints I own. How about you post your list of famous prints you own?

>> No.7663228
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Pic related is Runa's artwork. The Miku sketch went on a silent auction, I didn't bother to bid, though. This at Sekai Project's booth.
The fig is of very high quality, I've been wanting it for a while and I got it for $100, which is great considering I've never seen it for sale less. The wall scrolls are of very high quality and the artbooks are as well, and my latest obsession is Kancolle. Runa's artbook focuses on headphones and I've loved his artwork for a long while. As for porn, I don't have a girlfriend so what the hell am I supposed to do? I'm more than happy with what I've got and that's enough for me.

>> No.7663250

I can understand the porn and art books but what do people even do with figurines? Besides just hang them up in their room and never touch them again?

idk they always seemed so pointless to me.

>> No.7663258

Not that anon but why do people collect anything to not touch again? Paintings, vases, fine china that never gets used, etc.
For the aesthetic or to own something from a franchise one likes or to hot glue one. Whatever.

>> No.7663277
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Dealer's hall was pretty impressive this year in terms of diversity and selection.

I don't buy shit at cons so this was kind of a first for me.

Muh swag
> Boxer Hockey swags from the artist (d-doki)
> Commission from a favorite artist
> Gundamns: Nataku from Wing, Papillon because it looks cool, and some pink one that my roomie thought looked cool so I just grabbed it
> A big ole seal-cat plushie also for the roomie

Pic related, my favorites. They're so cute and bouncy!

>> No.7663283

If you like anime enough you're willing to spend 80+ dollars to decorate your room with it.
Same reason why if you like X band enough you're willing to spend money on posters etc. People buy things they like.

>> No.7663284

>Dealer's hall pretty impressive in diversity and selection
> No AP or other Lolita brands, only Bodyline
> Couldn't find the video games I was looking for

Nigga you be tripping! This year's Exhibit Hall was easily at a low.

>> No.7663295

I guess that's my problem, I'm not really into anime these days, except for a few very specific old fandoms. But even when I used to watch a lot of it back in my weaboo days I still didn't so crazy as to buy tons of merchandise from my favorite series just to decorate my room, my room isn't even decorated either idk I always found it pointless.

Anyways I go to cons now just for Lolita/J-fashion and video-games (i.e. mostly stuff I can actually use) so I guess its hard for me to understand where you're coming from.

But oh well, to each their own.

>> No.7663314

Could be. I guess I was surprised by how many different types of booths there were. I never noticed the Wacom/Dick Blick booths at AX before so that was kinda new for me.

I did expect some brand at the con but didn't see it. All the lolita booths looked like off-brand or indie labels? Idk I might be talking shit. But it was fun to walk around and I saw some cool things. Whatevs~

>> No.7663327

Yep, I looked all over but there was absolutely no brand to be had, everything was either Bodyline, indie or "cosplay" Lolita.

There was KOKOkim, but that line doesn't really count as Lolita so...

I remember one year AP came to AX, ahh those were the days...

>> No.7663333

I'm blanking/didn't check the dealer's hall closely enough, but were they at Fanime? Makes a lot more sense because the American stores are closer to SJ.

>> No.7663442

Don't know, I don't go to Fanime. My family's bad at traveling so it's sadly only local cons for me. :(

>> No.7663447

They make nice decorations to a anime/manga collection or even matching a room aesthetic. I used to collect a ton of them but went kind of overboard with it, I think they look best when you have a few really good looking ones rather than grabbing anything you can get.

>> No.7663448

I saw him sketching every time I was there, were they just commissions from people?

>> No.7663569

Got this kick ass shirt from the ACP Kill la Kill contest then had it signed by all three of the Trigger guests. Sushio even drew Tsumugu on it for me~ I also went half and half on my girlfriend's first fight stick. It's a Qanba 2. Got a copy of Ring X Mama, and some shirts from the Namco Bandai booth. Other than that, not a whole lot of swag but had a kick ass time.

>> No.7663581
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Said shirt.

>> No.7664048

i didn't get anything because i'm too poor.

>> No.7664070

Parents paid me to take my sister and her friend. Signed a contract that I wouldn't ditch them. After 2 hrs of linecon we ended up wasting most of the day in AA while sister's friend bought Link pins. Only booths I got to go to in the dealer hall were GSC and Omocat. At 4 when free entry started my sister insisted we leave. ;_;

>> No.7664098

aw thats sounds so annoying anon, I'm sorry. I was stuck with a gurmpy gus too, it really is annoying to have people like that ruining what could be a good event!
Did you at least pick up anything at Omocat? I stupidly thought they had all the same merch up online, but now I'm realising that they're sold out of the Weeaboo Motherfucker jacket and don't have any listing of a Pretty Boy sweater, I'm so sad!

>> No.7664155

My first choice was Demon Boy sweater but it sold out before Day 3. Ended up getting a Pretty Boy tank.

>> No.7664174


>> No.7664661

Wait, there's an actual "Weaboo motherfucker" jacket? With those exact words on it?

>> No.7664698


>> No.7664699

>paying for porn

>> No.7664704
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The only swags are Aegis poster signed and couple of Turtle-Tee t-shirts (not pictured). The rest are autographs on figures me and my gf owns (left to right: Ami Koshimizu, Masakazu Morita, and Keiji Inafune for both Megaman and X figures)

>> No.7664836

There are no scans online and I've been wanting to fap to that shit for months.

>> No.7664898

Still pretty pathetic...

>> No.7664925
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I got EU03's artbook. Literally the only thing I bought.
I really don't buy a lot at cons because I can order it all online and get it for less or for the same. Price of shipping vs con convenience fee + bag check fee on the plane ride home usually comes out even.
Then again I like doujins and figures and not j-fashion, which I imagine can be considerably harder to track down online.

>> No.7664930

Yeah especially since with clothes you never for sure know whether the size will fit you so its always better to buy them in person so you can actually try shit on.

I buy doujins at cons too (hence my Tales Of Xilla yaoi doujinshi) cause they're pretty hard to find online actually, especially for specific fandoms and pairings.

The only thing you could really make a case for is buying figures at cons, that really does seem pointless. Then again I never understood the point of buying figures at all.

>> No.7665197

Yeah, he was taking commissions.

>tfw you got there too late each day to commission him
> you will never have original headphones art

>> No.7665269

i hope you got those megaman/x d-arts at a good price. I noticed that lots of vendors there were selling them waaaay overpriced.

>> No.7665369
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My little haul. I spent most of the weekend in cosplay that involved high heeled boots, so I was too miserable to look at stuff in the hall.
Got a little shopping done on the last day in AA and overall I'm very happy with what I got.

>two random mini prints, i mostly wanted the cat, but it was 2 for $5 so i got the galaxy
>croconana earrings. i plan to turn them into phonecharms for bf and i.
>free! pin set. i like rei and the set of animals are cute enough to hide my power level
>lucky pack from tournewsoul - rose ring, bunny pin, star earrings, and eiffel tower ring
>ranma 1/2 viz bag. i bought a "live right to left" shirt just so i could get the bag.

>> No.7665390

we pre-ordered them online years ago, so yeah we got them at good price.

>> No.7665464

Didn't get much this year because I pre-ordered a bunch of figures before con, oops.

>set of Sailor Moon buttons from AA
>Saber Alter Nendoroid (my third Saber Nendo, woo)
>SAO signboard from the panel (free)

Pretty sparse year, but I spent most of my time cosplaying and going to panels, so I don't feel like I missed out on much.

>> No.7665561

>go to con with $500 budget
>nothing too interesting, most things just give me ideas of what to buy online
>get a mech
>do a min-fig lotto 5 times, win on three, give two to a friend
>4 prints

It was a pretty small haul, but I'm getting to the point where I'd rather spend $300 on one thing for its quality than to get 6 things just to fill space.

>> No.7665757


>> No.7665809

You got a small haul but jesus I am soo jealous of that adorable bunny pin you got, that would go perfectly with most of my coords! I never heard of this tournewsoul, which booth were they? I can't believe I missed them!

>> No.7665855

They were were in the first row that faced out toward the exhibitors, I think more toward the right. They had the cutest set up, it looked like a doll house with a curtain pulled back like a window. I wish I took a picture, they had a lot of cute stuff.

>> No.7665864

>>Kongou & Touhou wallscrolls
Are you the fuck who bought 3 Kancolle scrolls on Sunday and left Atago as the last one?

>> No.7665933

That's pretty awesome
How long did you have to wait for the autographs?

>> No.7665937
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Whoa, that was not me! I actually wanted to buy those so bad but the shopkeeper told me they'd be on sale Day 4. I couldn't buy it because I went to the Miku panel that day. But yeah, if what you're saying is true, then fuck that guy. I wanted the Kongou scroll so bad...

>> No.7665961

>he was taking commissions.
Damnit, do you know how much they cost?

>> No.7665963

To clarify, I bought a Kongou and Touhou wallscroll from a different booth that was promoting their Touhou con this September.

>> No.7666152

...Is this really all that neckbeards buy? Fanservice merchandise of their waifus? Damn you guys are sad.

>> No.7666164
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>Damn you guys are sad
Do you know what board your on?
Better yet, the site?

>> No.7666171

I know, I mostly frequent cgl though so I'm used to only interacting with seagulls, not the waifufags of /a/.

But dude that's not even being a weaboo, that's being a sad, girlfriendless, porn addict.

>> No.7666180

>dressing up as characters you like = normal
>buying merch of characters you like = neckbeards


>> No.7666184

It's not sad.
It's collecting merch with cute girls on it.
You have a problem with cute 2D girls anon? What are you, some sort of normalfag?

>> No.7666246
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>Porn addict
Like only 1/5th of the stuff I got is legit porn and I got it only because it's rare and I don't have a shopping service to get it online. Nice projecting, though.

>> No.7666251

No, I just have a problem when they're ALL in lewd poses like that.

Then again I'm a Lolita, the very epitome of conservative and modest. I just think its a waste to spend all your money on slutty girl merchandise, 2D or 3D.

>> No.7666408

I bought hardly any thing because no one in art ally had Dramatical Murder artwork that was good or any plushies no good looking posters or shirts.

>> No.7666423

>I'm a Lolita
And there's others who will think it's a waste to spend all that money on burando clothes when you can buy regular clothes for significantly cheaper and be conservative/modest.

Different strokes, different folks.

>> No.7666448 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 1100x933, 1400095629844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shimikaze wall-scroll
>Shimikaze onahole
>Eir Aoi Prayer CD
>Kantai Collection character book
>Araragi Karen Figurine
>Seriel Experiments Lain BD
>KanColle Doujin

it was bretty good

>> No.7666453
File: 123 KB, 1100x933, 1400095629844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shimikaze wall-scroll
>Shimikaze onahole
>Eir Aoi Prayer CD
>Kantai Collection character book
>Araragi Karen Figurine
>Seriel Experiments Lain BD
>KanColle Doujin

it was bretty good

>> No.7666464
File: 69 KB, 300x385, 1340777251258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They seriously had onaholes for sale?
I've never seen anything like that at my local con.

>> No.7666477

>Shimikaze onahole
Whoa, what? Do you know the name

>> No.7666481

>no one in art ally had Dramatical Murder artwork that was good or any plushies no good looking posters or shirts
>Dramatical Murder

I think I discovered the problem.
It's your shit taste.

>> No.7666490

>the very epitome of conservative and modest.
>tipping intensifies
The two hobbies aren't mutually exclusive, though, anon, finances permitting. I'm a brandwhore but I still love lewd figurines of my waifu.

>> No.7666502

Bought something from every fashion brand guest because I'm a nerd (also everything was on sale for stupid cheap on Sunday).
>Kokokim dress, skirt, and cut sew
>2 Swankiss dresses
>Golds Infinity bolero
>Ghost of Harlem dress
>Flowers of Evil manga vols. 3-4
>2 Madoka prints from AA
>3 Madoka soul gem phone charms
>Free posters and stickers and shit

Also stopped by the Little Tokyo festival on Saturday and got a signed CD from PastelCalla after their concert and Vivi and Kera magazines at Kinokuniya.

>my aching back from hauling all that shit around

>> No.7666678

B-But normal clothes aren't kawaii, anon-kun.

>> No.7666683

>Brandwhore lolita

Creepy Brolita detected!

>> No.7666685

>not liking dramatical murder
>There are people on 4chan right now who dislike dramatical murder
What are you, retarded?

>> No.7666702
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>yfw you find out he looks cuter and more beautiful than a girlita

>> No.7666709

Sorry, just your average, run-of-the-mill lesbian.

>> No.7666840

Nope, I don't believe you. All lesbians are raging SJW feminists so they would never buy or support exploitative lewd figurines of girls.

I have never heard or seen a lesbian neckbeard.

C'mon dude just admit that you're a fetishizing brolita. Its okay, this is /cgl/ we only judge fatty-chans and itas. As long as you're not a fat piggu, can pass and fit your clothes I have no problem with you.

Just try not to creep on girls during meets too much and don't you dare ruin that precious burando by masturbating in it.

>> No.7666988

KLK Artbook signed by the Trigger staffers, a Vocaloid CD I got signed at the panel, and a wallscroll.

Was at that same Vocaloid panel. I didn't even get fair warning because when I tried to buy them day 2 they just said NOT FOR SALE and I didn't hear jack shit about a day 4 release. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die because that Nagato...

Goddamnit Mario.

>> No.7667264

>not liking lewd images of 2D girls
Go away normalfag, no one likes you.

>> No.7668278

I don't like lewd images of ANY girls, not just 2D ones. I would judge him the same way if most of his mercy were lewd pictures of live-action porn stars.

The 2D isn't the issue for me here.

>> No.7668298

I was too late for the panel, which P's were there?

>> No.7668328

not too long. we were pretty diligent.

>> No.7668336

Guest list of this year.

Vocaloid producer
sunzriver (absent due to illness)


MMD producer
Masataka P

>> No.7668380

Noooo I missed Masataka?????? All of my feels. I wish they would have at least listed the guests for the Vocaloid panel somewhere beforehand or something.

>> No.7668386

AX doesn't give a shit about panel specifics, you have to check the forum thread for the Vocaloid panel.


>> No.7668495

>Having to rely on lewd images at all

Seriously, get a SO already.

>> No.7668527

I'm guessing this is Ethan

>> No.7668690
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some stickers, lanyards, posters, cheap figs (mikasa is probably fake but whatever). And persona 4

>> No.7670496

Should've gotten Golden, that's the definitive version.

>> No.7670562

Well let me just put on my SO suit and SO rocket and fly over to planet SO where SO's grow on trees.

>> No.7670577

Knocked out for half of that. I don't think Masataka even talked about his actual production of his PV's aside from that they were made in MMD. And we saw Chaining Intension which everyone and their pet have already seen. KagomeP's DQN Style II actually sucked. No melody, shit lyrics and sub par PV. His enthusiasm is there and I'd like to see him get better but I have no idea how he even got on that panel to be honest. Sunzriver's track completely wrecked his.

Part 2 was actually interesting after the Miku hologram bit. I thought the Mikumentary videos were accurate and refreshing, and I enjoyed the editing style of the footage shown.

>> No.7670591
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>> No.7670848

Its actually relatively easy to get one as long as you have decent social skills.

>> No.7671475
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>Good person
>Handsome as a guy, pretty as a girl
>Honest and look after people I love, sincere.
A girl once had a crush on me and I'm not sure if she still does, but she's from a different school, the distance between us is great and we only see each other for cons like these. I don't believe in long-distance relationships. Her parents are super strict but otherwise our interests are similar and doesn't mind lewd stuff. On the other hand, I have another friend who probably likes me as well but she's moving to college shortly. Aside from these two, my social circle is a sausagefest.
>mfw I used to be on adderall because I "had ADD" and was a complete social wreck.
I've come so far since then and can now actually figure things out on my own and not spill spaghetti everyone when speaking to others. People appreciate my presence and my personality keeps most entertained.
>tfw 21 year-old kissless virgin and not even ugly or fat.
But enough of my shitty blog, back to fapping because this shit is impossible.
Everyone at work is also much older than I am and either are married, have children, or are my superiors.

>> No.7671904

Maybe try tapping into your hidden bi side then?

>> No.7676380


>> No.7678800
File: 1.42 MB, 2500x2500, haalpyouhallpme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey uh, did anyone loose this? I found it on the floor across the street from AX.
Also, anyone know where I can find these Digimon Plexiglass Crests?! I need that Hope crest.

>> No.7683864

Nah, I've wished for a cute, loving girlfriend for years and I just can't find myself settling for less. I am desperate, but if I bite the bullet now and look for a boyfriend, I'll be effectively slapping the me in the face who wanted a girlfriend years ago.

>> No.7683870

>still can't tell the difference between lose and loose

>> No.7683892

Shouldn't she be wearing the Light Crest?

>> No.7685233

first the one you displayed isn't hope, that's courage-Taichi's crest.
Next- do you even check etsy you can find tons of different people making them. Like just type in "digimon crest" and they're in the first 20 items listed for $24 bucks before shipping.