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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 88 KB, 690x778, orangeassholewhomakesusbroke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7658460 No.7658460[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

FAQ (Please Read!):

Taobao Dictionary:

Store Spreadsheets:
**NEW** https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f4Ej-xGtGsOjPJOQ2cxr3zi-p-F30zyattmxajSvFEs/edit#gid=0

Shopping Services Spreadsheet:

Budgeting Spreadsheet Template:

Pop-up dictionary: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zhongwen-a-chinese-englis/kkmlkkjojmombglmlpbpapmhcaljjkde?hl=en
Good EL-CH dictionary: nciku.com
Translate text from images: newocr.com

If the above links look the same, disable add-ons (like 4chanX), clear cache, clear cookies, and/or try a new Internet browser. This problem happens sometimes. There's also an anon that will translate stuff if you wanna keep it personal or whatever and don't mind waiting: fortranslatetaobao@gmail.com.

A rough guide on the new forwarding service by anon! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/myoq4zzz5s5pu5t/5GGaij-8os


Old thread >>7644839

>> No.7658567

How do you save pictures of items off taobao? Is there any way to do it other than screenshotting? Call me a dumbass but I cannot for the life of me figure out how.

>> No.7658573

Just right click and save ...?? if it's one of those images that when you mouse over it zooms in then you will have to screenshot it

>> No.7658599

Out of genuine curiosity anon, how does one get to browse an image board without knowing how to save an image?

>> No.7658612
File: 95 KB, 192x279, 1361895933479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to delete system 32 first, only then you can save pictures.

Hope this helped!

>> No.7658868
File: 1020 KB, 1000x852, taobao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me estimating the weight of this order?
The only heavy things should be the shoes and maybe the bags but idk how much the small shit like tights will weigh. I thought maybe 5kg?

>> No.7658872

I would guess 8 kg.

>> No.7658873
File: 99 KB, 623x479, ss (2014-07-06 at 01.16.27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember a thread back where someone bought a rilakkuma hot cake pan like this, does anyone have a link to it?

I tried searching it on my own but only regular pans come up.

>> No.7658874

Had the same problem. Tested this.
It worked! Thank you anon!

>> No.7658889

6 or 7, my guess

>> No.7658921

We call them pancakes, anon!


>> No.7658945

Thank you anons. I suck at estimating.

>> No.7658983
File: 18 KB, 500x364, 10325247_766885350017899_9217734803842954995_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i just ordered and paid for my items, i'm using yoybuy and after payment the stuff i have ordered usually shows up right away in "My Order" but this time it hasn't so i'm really worried, nothing like this has happened to me before. I definitely paid, the money has been taken from my paypal and i received an email telling me i have paid for my items but i can't find any info or trace of my order on the website, anyone had anything like this happen to them before? It's a bit concerning.

>> No.7658990

Have you already talked to them in livechat?

>> No.7658999

Not yet. They are closed for the day so i will have to do that tomorrow. I have submitted a ticket though so hopefully they will get back to me.

>> No.7659070

This is driving me crazy. Made an order and all but seven items arrived in 24 hours and now three days later nothing else has arrived. I know it takes times but after how fast everything else was, it's just driving me batty.

>> No.7659090

Does anyone know where a short sleeve white dress shirt that buttons all the way up is listed or a link to it?

>> No.7659111

Anon I had that wallet it lasted me a good two years.
Please link the black bolero thing.

>> No.7659123

Hey /ceeg/, I know this probably isn't the right place to ask, but you guys seem like you'd know..

Any idea where I can find those panties that have a full front panel, but the back is just three straps/lines? I think it has a little bow at the top of the back. I see them on Tumblr and shit a lot.

>> No.7659134
File: 219 KB, 637x480, 1340830643490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I opened my order with a few items on June 24th and they still haven't came. The four other stores I ordered from all came within 3-4 days.

>> No.7659142
File: 17 KB, 100x100, 1390178988076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7659147
File: 33 KB, 182x277, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know a shop with a good (base) wig for Utena? I can't seen to avoid a dusty pink. I've looked through many shops already, but maybe someone happens to have something I didn't see yet? Generally I'm looking for anything you could colordrop from this cover, her hair is a pretty inconsistent color in terms of lightness and darkness but it always has cooler tones rather than warmer.

>> No.7659161

>her hair is a pretty inconsistent color in terms of lightness and darkness

>what is light?

>> No.7659176
File: 415 KB, 1500x1500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for edcating me, anon.

>> No.7659192

Anyone? I'm seriously freaking out that paypal has eaten my money somehow.

>> No.7659201


>> No.7659383


Link to the waller?

>> No.7659413


>> No.7659610
File: 137 KB, 1602x1083, 10497461_803324656358567_8390653568212390085_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So doge dress is now a thing.

>> No.7659615
File: 45 KB, 300x803, 2060b4fd5266d016a144b2f4952bd40737fa35c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought it was a joke? The original dress had chocolate bars on it.

>> No.7659635

Anyone own the chocolate version or just order from the company in general? The price is super cheap, so I'm just wondering about the quality.

>> No.7659637

I don't think it's a joke unless they're just joking about this listing. http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w4002-1883320007.44.SLyoiG&id=39972640301

>> No.7659712

the search term would be something like 轻松小熊锅, but since it's not showing up, it might just not be stocked atm

all of these stores have other options as well

look at the new store spreadsheet in OP. 99% sure any of the stores under the lingerie tab that are described as "sexytime lingerie" will have it

>> No.7659719

Wish they hadn't left the spots on the face.

>> No.7659732

that just means you can pick a pink that's more suitable for your skintone, anon

>> No.7659828
File: 32 KB, 320x240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the help, anon!!

>> No.7659849
File: 1.75 MB, 2000x2000, D&G 2014 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for taobao knock offs of these d&g shoes, bag and headbands. i've looked but nothing comes up. the taobao store that hosts one of the pics doesnt sell them.

>> No.7659857

I asked in the last thread but didn't get an answer, I'm looking to buy some custom designed wax seal stamps.
I found these listings, but wasn't sure if they were right.
Shop 1 - http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.86.IEl5rQ&id=10545605956&ns=1#detail
Shop 2 - http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.267.jZv0Q5&id=2654391283&ns=1#detail

Would I just send my SS a PDF of the design along with my order?

>> No.7659882


>> No.7659918

haven't found any listings for the headbands that aren't over 5000 yuan, and nothing on the purse (which is kind of impossible to find, because "coin purse"...)

>shop name: bigdick

>> No.7659931

whatever links you found for the headbands is fine. if they happen to be real thats ok too, i just cant find them here anymore.

>> No.7659954

...wait, are you actually going to shell out that kind of money on something that may or may not be bootleg and may or may not be seized by customs? just where are you located, anon? surely you could get the real deal secondhand or something through ebay or wherever?

here's what I found, though...

and some others, which only get pricier from there

>> No.7659985

Dallas. It's sold out at d&g and net-a-porter. Would they seize it?

>> No.7660049

it's hard to say, as those headbands don't exactly scream D&G through use of logos or whatever, but personally I would definitely not risk it.

>> No.7660066

Since it's not plastered with logos I'd certainly give it a go.

There's a huge fear of customs seizure in these threads even though very few stories are actually posted. It's definitely a risk but customs are very hit and miss.

>> No.7660067

>check email for first time in like two weeks
>dress has been at SS for pretty much all that time

haha whoops

>> No.7660095

So is there any way to get around the crazy shipping fees o the US? I've got a cart worth $400+ and shipping is estimated to be another ~$150?? What's up with that? I thought China had cheap exports.

>> No.7660127

I'd say do it if were a $20 or less item, but for something worth $800? the shoes are probably okay, but I'd feel really put out dropping anything more than $100 on something as small as a headband that ended up, on an off-chance, getting seized.

it's the weight, anon. unless you're buying $400 worth of packing peanuts, you're going to have to pay a good amount for shipping.

>> No.7660139

So would it be cheaper if I made lots of smaller packages?

>> No.7660159

Er, no? Why would it be?

Generally shipping is charged at a certain price for the first 1kg, then a lower price for each additional 1kg. Plus if you have lots of packages you'd be paying for the weight of the packaging/box on each one?

>> No.7660176

So there's no way around it then? Bummer.

>> No.7660179

get your ss to ask the seller how they would process the custom order, i had a look at the descriptions but it doesn't say anything about what format they want the images in

>> No.7660187

What shops do you guys like for false lashes? Any trusted sellers of Dolly Wink or Diamond?

>> No.7660352
File: 1.21 MB, 2000x1774, T1OhTPFLVcXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the same anon from

Here's an updated list. I don't have my margaery cosplay materials, fabrics and wig in this collage (because i already got lazy when i forgot to add it).

But yeah, i got pretty carried away. Let's just say this will be a real big blow to my wallet being that they're nearly all d&g knock-offs.

>> No.7660355

Both of them are well rated sellers (crowns) and I've bought Dolly Wink cosmetics from both of these stores before. Would recommend.

>> No.7660372


I get a lot of high fashion knock offs and they never are seized, I think they only know if it has the label/the branding and even then some of my Celine knock offs have not been seized

>> No.7660394

Link to the crown on the upper right?

>> No.7660433

Ah, I've only ordered one "brand" replica (Dolce & Gabanna chiffon dress with cherubs/flowers) and it came through fine. That was through RJ Fashion, what shop are you getting those dresses from? Also, dem shoes? Link?

>> No.7660473

Dem shoes!!! Could you link both, please?

>> No.7660483
File: 483 KB, 250x167, 1361689203989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those dior earrings/shoes are to die for, where to cop?!!

>> No.7660502

Unless that officer reads Vogue magazine everyday and is highly obsessed with high fashion, i really highly doubt they'd confiscate it. They're targeting the obvious ones: LV, Prada, Gucci, Chanel, YSL etc. (Probably any really with branding). I've even gotten away with a Chanel 2.55 bag knockoff and a YSL clutch, both with their logos on it, but that's because I suppose the agent I use seems to have it easy with customs. They're looking more for drugs, animals/plants, cigs etc. Basically the same nonos at the airport.


I'm not at all concerned about officers inspecting it. They're pretty light here. As for the dresses, various. Shoes: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.45.W45HIN&id=39593665168&ns=1#detail

>> No.7660518

Thanks anon!
>tfw the makeup for my coords is more expensive than the clothes in the coords

>> No.7660579
File: 90 KB, 320x240, hat_minicrown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for miniature crowns in this style. What would be the Chinese for that style of crown? When searching for 冠 (google translate for crown) I'm finding Chinese style headdresses and tiaras. Any help?

I want it in that kind of style, with that kind of thickness, none of those thin wirey crowns you find on etsy or deviantart. I'm okay with or without the cloth thing inside.

>> No.7660647

Unfortunately chinese doesn't really differentiate between the specific types of crowns so everything is basically 王冠 or 皇冠 (generally used interchangeably afaik) so you're more or less stuck with sifting through a lot of tiaras. You could try adding "lolita" to your search though.

>> No.7660673


Someone in the lolita general thread sent me a good link.


They look nice but they look like they're made of some flimsy plastic :/

>> No.7660710

Thanks! I mean the ones with the flower/cage thing going on.

>> No.7660728
File: 29 KB, 307x307, 7_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the mood for searching and not studying. got any resold shit you want sourced to taobao?

some easy stuff for starters

>> No.7660729

try puush. It makes screenshots super easy.

>> No.7660735

Also requesting flower cage shoes link!

>> No.7660887

Has anybody bought love live cosplay off taobao? The basic school uniform one

>> No.7660902

Pretty early but I'm looking for some foldover sweater dresses like this

>> No.7660907

I remember I saw that bag on YesStyle about three years ago for like $45 I was debating on getting it for days. Glad I didn't go through with it.

>> No.7660909
File: 24 KB, 231x400, sweaterdress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped picture

>> No.7660970

露肩裙 毛衣 you'll have to do a lot of digging though because 露肩 (shoulder-revealing/off shoulder) also gives you results for halter tops

>> No.7660973
File: 95 KB, 800x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have plus size (11) creepers? I tried combining dictionary terms, it failed miserably.

>> No.7660984

>露肩裙 毛衣
thanks so much!!

>> No.7661034

search 鸟笼鞋, they should be among the first results to pop up. idk about the prices though, originally like 2000 yuan, reduced to less than 200?

search 原宿松糕鞋, then select your size (45 or so, I'm guessing). a bunch of options should turn up.

>> No.7661057

link to wine OTK socks?

>> No.7661132


Another anon already answered -->7660970

Yeah there aren't many options. About 3 or 4 maybe. So at least you get to choose which price/seller suits you most.

>> No.7661134

Sorry it didn't tag in that last post to anon's answer: >>7660970

>> No.7661208

They are plastic, but it's actually pretty thick and sturdy. And heavy.

>> No.7661511
File: 585 KB, 1538x1091, collage june - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhhhhhhhhhh I can't ever seem to do a taobao order where everything goes right
The first pair of stockings are missing from my package >:

>> No.7661524

Other things included: the suspender dress came in black instead of navy, the checkered pants were 'fake zipper' instead (my bad for misreading the listing urgh), and I got a pair of "cat" and a cat face instead of two cat faces on the stockings (sighhhhhh yoybuy website mangling translations and leaving everyone confused)

>> No.7661576

Sauce on that adorbs pink bra and panty set, star shirt, purple floral tights and knee high checkered tights pretty please~

>> No.7661589

Anyone know a store that carries Japanese school style briefcases? Like, the heavy duty black ones?

>> No.7661641

I was just saying the checker tights were replaced by fake-zipper-on-the-side print but the listing is
(http://s.taobao.com/search?initiative_id=staobaoz_20140707&js=1&stats_click=search_radio_all%253A1&q=manzi+%C6%DF%B7%D6%B4%F2%B5%D7%CD%E0 for a search of the brand and listing though)

Bra set: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17580460414&spm=2014.12317209.0.0
Star shirt: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=36858979079&spm=2014.12317209.0.0
Tights?: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=20009594575&spm=2014.12317209.0.0

>> No.7661644

for crown rated shops

>> No.7661748
File: 107 KB, 752x601, 02231_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys anyone know what taobao store this is from? Been looking really hard but maybe i'm just lucking out?

>> No.7661778

not the same seller but http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.15.Qf8hwH&id=36170892097&ns=1#detail

>> No.7661867
File: 105 KB, 460x368, T227PHXOlXXXXXXXXX-62000986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what to say.

>> No.7661889

Doge seems to be quite popular in China.

>> No.7661893

god, its funny and lulzy and all but who would be so dumb as to actually buy a doge thing and wear it out? the doge OP especially is a huge joke.

>tfw secondhand embarrassment

>> No.7661894

Your post was embarrassing to read.

>> No.7661898

buy it, wear it out, timestamp and post pics here.

>> No.7661927

All those crowns are car air fresheners. That's why.

>> No.7661937

I have seen these crowns at other stores too and no, they aren't car air fresheners, they are just cheap halloween costume crowns that originally don't have anything in the middle.

>> No.7661943

i remember ciciworks had some, and rococosoul used to have a few but she may not sell them again. red maria also had them i think.

>> No.7662027

link to that star headband please?

It's rather cute.

>> No.7662088


These aren't those perfume bottle tops Chinesegossip anon posted, perhaps?

>> No.7662281
File: 96 KB, 238x339, crown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they are car air fresheners, hate to tell you. The search term is literally 'crown motors perfume'.


>> No.7662304

Source on the boots please? Also, the hot air balloon tights? I can't make out the watermark.

>> No.7662347



>> No.7662350

So the SS "discouraged" me from buying luggage because it's too big to ship in a box and it might get damaged.

Oh, well.

>> No.7662452

Try Aliexpress? Everything there is specifically for overseas shipping.

>> No.7662601
File: 1.13 MB, 2480x1753, Taobao Order Complete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babbys first Taobao order. Just have a handful of things left to come in then it can be shipped. Super excited!

>> No.7662626

>Nameless Poem
I'm so mad I missed out on it

>> No.7662635

sauce on the crown seal/stamp thingy pls?

>> No.7662636

wait.. it's available again. ohh fuck yes.

>> No.7662659


>> No.7662660

Have there been any reviews/worn photos yet? I need to make sure it's not going to look awful on me since my boobs are kind of big.

>> No.7662673

Yes, it just looks like the pictures but there are already threads on lorp about being mainly worn by itas.

>> No.7662681
File: 54 KB, 440x587, b2ab43950bd546b3a2251a84e89c01fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.7662691

I was getting through taobao because I didn't find the model on aliexpress

>> No.7662797 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 750x412, TB26eKmXVXXXXapXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!93746821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I'm ordering this rightaway, but could I get some help with sizing?

>> No.7662845

My boyfriend really liked doge for some reason. I may have to get him this shirt now. sauce?

>> No.7662860

The ones at ciciworks are the same as the plastic/air freshener ones just with fake roses inside, and the rococo soul ones are huge and have the thin wirey shape that I was trying to avoid. Looks like Red Maria doesn't have any more crowns, but some of their other accessories are cute if not what I'm looking for. Thank you though.

>> No.7662862

This pic is kinda adorably awkward. I wish I wasn't such a fussy bitch that can't deal with crosses on things, I've just never like them on me, can't seem to get over it likely never will. I would be all over this if it wasn't for the crosses.

I wonder if it would be possible to carefully dye over the crosses on the skirt to make them less apparent, or unpick and remove them if they're appliqué or similar(?).

I absolutely love your taste anon (the crosses thing is just be being pathetic, I still love the dress).

>> No.7662877

Oh man would you review the skirt? I would definitely buy the houndstooth print

>> No.7662879

There is an option for getting the dress without cross embroidery (at last it had one at the first relase).

>> No.7662880

Please review the black/white cross dress when you get it. It's absolutely gorgeous

>> No.7662886
File: 30 KB, 225x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you do know they offer a plain version of nameless poem right? There is one with crosses and one without.
Pic related - without crosses

>> No.7662913
File: 215 KB, 881x624, TB2AFvNXVXXXXa1XXXXXXXXXXXX_!!73251842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7662942

Holy shit..I, thank you so much!! I'm now doubly retarded (but at least finally several steps closer to my dream dress).

>> No.7663033 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 680x384, Naamloos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get some help with translating this?

>> No.7663076

The ones in that link specifically say 头饰 which means hair accessories

>> No.7663096
File: 5 KB, 300x300, 1374068849944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ems is so fucking great dammit

>> No.7663102

just search "doge," you will get doge for days

dunno how heavy duty these are, given their prices
search term is 日本学生通勤

>> No.7663103

How much was it with shopping service fees? Their storeenvy is empty..

>> No.7663120

Their storenvy is ridiculously marked up. It'll be cheaper to get it through a shopping service.

>> No.7663144

Does Ecailles de Lune stay on schedule with their make times? I want to add more stuff to my order while I wait for my Forest of Pipe Organ JSK.

>> No.7663202

Any recommendations? I don't want to buy a huge haul, so, which service has the best fees for like.. a dress or two?

>> No.7663365

Can anyone tell me if they know of a store that sells backwards wefted wigs(for spiking, the likes a DBZ character)? I heard rumor I could buy one from taobao but I have no idea where to look, or what search term might be helpful.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.7663416

try searching this? 冲天短发
(sorry, I'm really bad with anything wig-related)

>> No.7663621
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, 1394838501598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about it.

>> No.7663971

There is a spread sheet in OP's post to figure out which SS is best for you anon.
I personally use TaobaoSpree, which adds ~14% on top of my order before shipping. There are SS with smaller fees and ways to get out of paying the 4% PP fee - like sending via gift. But that's at your own risk.

>> No.7664710

Boot are really sturdy looking, now I'm just trying to figure out if there's an easy way to put them on without undo all the laces every time

The tights are matte and cream coloured (check the non-model pictures) but really nice quality

>> No.7664764

Does anyone have any experience purchasing from Akane-Alois? As far as I can tell, all their sizing is custom, but, I'm wondering what the quality is like and how long it takes to get the items ordered, etc.

>> No.7664790

Skirt is sturdy and stretchy but the more you stretch the shorter it gets (if I wear it at my natural waist it doesn't cover my butt????)

>> No.7664832

Do any shopping services prohibit buying from the second-hand section of Taobao?

>> No.7664888

Thank you so much! This looks really promising for what I'm looking for.

>> No.7665158

for those looking to get the plain version, out of curiosity, is that the option that's marked as' 黑色无刺绣' on their page?

>> No.7665288
File: 60 KB, 440x440, T2fXGOXBBaXXXXXXXX-759976099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cute overdress thing.

>> No.7665345

What's the best seller for long wigs? I'm looking for the ones that are least prone to tangling or are at least easy to detangle.

>> No.7665346
File: 1.99 MB, 321x207, 1345224836502.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the longest you've had to wait for a taobao seller to ship to your SS?
It's my first time making an order and I've been waiting for one store's items for 2 weeks.

>> No.7665365

shortest: 2.5 weeks
longest: 2.1 months

>> No.7665666
File: 650 KB, 800x564, ukai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My group of friends are doing a huge TaoBao order and I am having troubles finding a good wig for Keishin from Haikyuu. I've been using the moon runes of his name and everything. If anyone can help or find a wig similar to it that will be great.

>> No.7665851

Is there anything you can do if the SS overcharged for shipping?
Pruany told me a package containing one dress weighed 3.3kg. It arrived, and every packing slip says .5kg. They also lied about when they shipped it and sent it 5 days after I paid for rush shipping, missing the deadline I mentioned to them. Can I file a dispute for this shit?

>> No.7665923

Did you measure your package?
They tend to mark downshit.
My package was 16.2(or something) and was true to weight.

>> No.7666135

Sauce on the berets, please?

>> No.7666151

I haven't measured it yet, but it was a single dress in a slim envelope. It definitely weighs less than 7 pounds.

>> No.7666740
File: 100 KB, 1210x644, trans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a problem with my shopping service.

I made an order with TransTaoBao and had ~$30 left over, now they're asking me to pay $15 to have it refunded. They say they can only send me the money via Western Union, that they can't refund it to my Visa card or just do PayPal. They're being a little pushy, as you can see in this Skype convo. I hope my replies don't come off as rude, I'm just trying to be clear.

Has anyone else experienced this? Am I just going to have to eat the $15 fee?

>> No.7666746

Ask them to send it via gift on Paypal since that's a free way without fee.

Otherwise, you can do a Paypal dispute.

>> No.7666869

Different anon but they don't have use paypal.

>> No.7666894
File: 249 KB, 464x431, 3550-1_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where/how I can find a backpack like this?

>> No.7666907

Thanks anon, but they don't seem to have PayPal on their site. I paid with credit card. (They have good reviews on the Google spreadsheets.)

>> No.7666931

Try Yesstyle. http://www.yesstyle.com/en/beibaobao-faux-leather-wing-accent-backpack-khaki-one-size/info.html/pid.1034738212

>> No.7666987
File: 12 KB, 150x198, think of the children.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you seriously just recommend Yesstyle in a Taobao thread...?

Anon all I did was Google translate "wings backpack" into Chinese, then search it on Taobao and these were the results within the first few pages.

>> No.7667019

Link to the first earrings pls?

>> No.7667132

Anyone know the search term for The World Ends with You?

>> No.7667144

I'm all more for the compact CCS kind of look this one has.


>> No.7667458
File: 94 KB, 950x695, brown_dark_3107_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody know a good store for classic loli-type bags? alternatively what to search to find satchel-type bags like this?

>> No.7667462

I-sos has some good satchel bags

>> No.7667660
File: 412 KB, 1257x982, taobaosummerorder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My order that just shipped with my friends stuff from the shopping service. I'm getting married next year so I have been looking at getting things off taobao for it. Cotton bags (x200) and stamp will be wedding favors. Havent decided on the veil yet but if I end up not using them I can sell them to another local bride. Other stuff was just misc crap I wanted.

>> No.7667723

is it just me or does taobao suddenly want you to log in when looking through things? I just want to look at cure stuff not create an account.

>> No.7667738

Happens when you've been browsing too long. Take a break.

>> No.7667745

Yeah that has been happening for ages. Apparently making an account helps but sometimes people get stuck with it, idk it hasn't happened to me yet.

>> No.7667815

is that a controller or...?

>> No.7667831

It's a charm for a phone that's made too look like a controller. Plugs into your headphones jack.

>> No.7667836

Different anon but I thought it was a small dildo with a controller to control vibration (???) hahahaha.

>> No.7667879
File: 142 KB, 640x400, original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL. No not as excited as that I'm afraid. Just a phone charm so I can flaunt my power levels to people.

>> No.7667911
File: 66 KB, 400x400, T1gWhYFFtfXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg thank god it wasn't just me

Here have a cute handbag to make up for my confusion

>> No.7667977

Mind linking to the lovely red bag? I like your taste Anon!

>> No.7668005
File: 208 KB, 681x572, UH..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know which sizing is for the short shirt?

Thanks a bunch.

>> No.7668430

the second one, the first one is for a jacket

>> No.7668496

Reputable seller, too.

>> No.7668510

Does anyone have any cute varsity/sailor collar sweater links laying around? All the ones I had saved are out of stock. ;-;

>> No.7668554

Its a popular style in jfashion brands. why not search liz lisa sweater or something?

>> No.7668691

Any good Otome shops, like more ETC style ones?

>> No.7668771

Did Secret Shop stop selling shoes?
Anywhere else I can get the gold tea parties?

>> No.7668915

the few that seagulls have managed to drum up are in the otome tab in the new spreadsheet, but there's like... 2 or 3 at most. otherwise you can search for otome in the mainstream tab for stores that sell replicas or a few pieces that resemble otome.

>> No.7668984
File: 142 KB, 500x500, 486183cb39dbb6fd83263efa0b24ab18962b372c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really a fucking shame CG isn't here to rant about this disappointment.

Jellyfish preview from R-series. Apologies if it was discussed already.

>> No.7668992

... bleh. that's just bland

>> No.7669005
File: 29 KB, 447x446, 1198701719892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god R-Series...
You screwed up so badly.

>> No.7669272

quick shipping question:
I shipped a sal parcel for a friend on the 16th of june. I live on the west coast, so I'm used to packages going through san fran, but this one seems to have arrived in NYC. my friend got nervous and called usps to check on it, but she was apparently told that it wasn't in customs and the rep implied the package was lost or something.

does it sound like something's wrong here? I think it's too early to tell and it's probably fine. should I be more worried?

>> No.7669361

Yeah, I'm pretty disappointed too. The darker part of the jelly just looks like a crotch blob.

>> No.7669365

Oh god what's worse is going to be all the terrible fairy-kei outfits little tumblrlings are going to put together with this.

>> No.7669374

Just to let you know anon, I'm using TBS, and they are telling me that they can't get the stamp and wax set because it can't go on a plane.


>> No.7669427


>> No.7669484

>that they can't get the stamp and wax set because it can't go on a plane.
I jsut bought one with direct taobao shipping tho.

>> No.7669517

so i keep getting the sign in page when i click on catagories in a shop, anyone know how to bypass this ??
or at least know why it happens ?

>> No.7669542

Thanks, here you go!

>> No.7669564

>I jsut bought one with direct taobao shipping tho.

Well that's shit. I wonder why TBS said no to me? Now I have to go through AE.

>> No.7669578

it's 美妙世界 but a ton of other crap turns up. is there anything in particular that you're looking for?

>> No.7669582

Just create an account.

>> No.7669993

i think they did? or it's now through certain people like clobba but i'm not sure about that.

have you tried antaina? http://shop35767391.taobao.com/

you can contact then directly in english too.

btw, speaking of antaina, i've noticed there are two shops. there's antaina NANA and antaina lolita. is there a difference between the two?

>> No.7670016

lol, I was thinking the same thing! serves me right for my perverted mind. that's neat though. too bad i mostly have my headphones plugged into the jack.

link for the white floral pair of earrings and the white cross earrings please? i cant make out the watermark.

>> No.7670063


>> No.7670206
File: 262 KB, 457x509, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does anyone know where I could get the shoes preferably on the bottom?
I really like the second hat, where did you buy it from?

>> No.7670212

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=18866502860 I own these and can vouch for their quality/comfort etc. I have wide feet and they fit like a dream.

>> No.7670250

Just got my Nameless Poem OP from the post office. Since there aren't many pictures of it atm, I can take and post some. Just lemme know what you guys want.

>> No.7670260

OOOOOOO I'm excited to see some! I've been umming and arring about getting Nameless Poem OP since ChineseLoli said the material looked bad, so maybe info oh how soft/rough the fabric is, photos of the lace collar/bib to see whether the lace colours match, maybe cross embroidery if you picked the embroidered version. A 'trying it on' picture?

>> No.7670261


Or search 'Creative Union PS.' There seem to be more stores selling them now so you might be able to get them for cheaper then the link.


>> No.7670394

Those of you who've bought Miumiuluo wigs, if you have a spare moment would you mind measuring the cap for me? I've got a big head and don't want to waste money on something that won't fit.

>> No.7670435

Me too! And thanks so much!

>> No.7670778

just a general review? wasnt able to do the pre-order but im thinking about getting it in black as the gray was a storenvy exclusive.

>> No.7670799

where is this from ???

>> No.7670829

I'm disappointed when I saw the preview. I like the tights from before though.

My SAL package went to NYC and I'm in CA. It didn't update until it arrived to my city.
It arrived 6/19/14 to NYC. Then tracking stopped updating until 6/28/14 to my city and it was delivered.

>> No.7670843

shortest : 1 week
Longest: 3 weeks.

>> No.7670849

please review the cross earrings, i hope they're as pretty as they look

>> No.7670866
File: 35 KB, 700x1048, bjdtights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anybody who's bought BJD tights share some worn pictures and links? I've been wanting to buy a pair for ages, but all the stores I go to use photos from other stores. I want to make sure that the tights are actually lined up with the knee and ankle, because I've seen several pairs that don't like pic related and it looks funny.
I'm pretty short, so height isn't a particular issue.

>> No.7670881

...did you even read the post or?

>> No.7670883

Don't buy them. All of them look like shit, you won't look like a doll, you'll look like you have weird as fuck bruises, the blushing is too fucking dark and doesn't work with human skin. Hell, it would even look disgusting on real bjds, it's not good.

>> No.7670887
File: 56 KB, 500x707, 35325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original Taobao manufacturer's listing is http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w370768788.2.wfoLPD&id=22791732445

>> No.7670929

Canadian anons, is insurance worth it?

>> No.7670945

Oh and, I'm using SAL if it makes a difference.

>> No.7671078
File: 130 KB, 852x510, WHICHONE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as
I found shoes similar to the top but rounder, which what I was looking for in the first place. I go to order and it has brown then brown PU
The heck? I just want the ones in the picture.


>> No.7671119

I've bought hundreds of dollars, probably thousands by now, worth of merchandise and the vast majority by SAL. I have never had a single shipment lost. I'm in the US but if you have confidence in your country's postal service you can have confidence in SAL.

>> No.7671121

The ones in the picture are the PU ones; if you scroll down further in the listing the leather ones have a weird texture. The PU ones are cheaper anyway.

>> No.7671124

important to note that that figure represents dozens of separate orders

>> No.7671160

Thanks anon for the insight!
I ended up getting it anyways before your reply.
My friend's package was lost a couple months ago in Canada and she never got it back, and just earlier this week a small package that arrived at my local post office ended up accidentally getting on a truck to a postal office that's 3000km away. (I ended up getting it back, luckily).
It was really expensive but I bought it anyways just for a peace of mind. I don't want to be freaking out for an entire month.

>> No.7671167

Thank you, youre an angel :'-3

>> No.7671218
File: 173 KB, 480x600, shimapan-pills-nijiura-maids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone happen to know any shops that sell unusually colored shimapan? I've found plenty of stores that sell pink, green and blue. But l'm looking for more out of the ordinary colors, especially purple.

>> No.7671219

Just mainly looking for cos stuff or accessories. So it shouldn't be too hard to weed out the stuff.

>> No.7671375

the most unusual color I've seen is pastel green. that one came up with 条纹内裤cos, but just 条纹内裤 is a generic search term for all striped underwear (sort for women's)

>> No.7671481
File: 1.89 MB, 320x180, 1399126345605.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone happen to know the name of the popular shop that sells creepyyeha-style garters and other fetishy tumblr shit? I'm totally drawing a blank.

>> No.7671515

Links for the phone case, stamps and veils?

>> No.7671519

Link for the tights, chocolate bag and peter rabbit dress all on the lower right corner?

>> No.7671536

Pink savior?

>> No.7671601

>Been not allowing myself anywhere near the taobao thread
>get a job today
>allow myself to check out at least the FAQ and shop lists
>find a few things and shops to add to my wishlist/bookmarks but actually end up just getting inspired by all the cute shopfronts to work on my not-yet-existent-storenvy design.
>tfw inspiration strikes instead of buyfaggotry

Saging for off-topic

>> No.7671824
File: 57 KB, 446x427, hellbound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ss constantly tells me these shoes are out of stock when the store says they have 99 in stock in one store and 17 in stock in another.. anyone been in a similar situation ?

>> No.7671979

Sauce on those dazzlin style pink shoes?

>> No.7672206

I'm having an issue with Pruany. They just shipped my order, the entire transaction ended and I still had quite a bit of money left over in my account, and usually they refund it, but this time that extra money never got back to me. It doesn't even show up on the account, it's just gone. No email from Paypal that it was refunded to me, nothing in my Paypal. Has this happened to anyone else?

>> No.7672230

Obviously I'm new to this but from the shopping services who is the cheapest to buy from?
And who is most reliable?

>> No.7672242
File: 847 KB, 2688x1520, IMAG0385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered stuff from taobao ages ago. I used a fobby friend to order for me. Keep in mind, I am super tall (183CM).

>Sailor Shirt (Ordered longsleeve dark blue + White)
The fabric is so, so, soft. It reminds me of workout tshirt material. I love it. However, my only complaint, pic related, is that with the collar down, and while wearing it, you can see where the buttons for the collar is. It's unfortunate, but for me, it'll be an easy fix with a needle and thread. Fits wide shoulders, and long arms/torso very nicely in XL size.

>Blue seifuku
The nicest seifuku I'll ever have for the rest of my life. I hate how bodyline zips infront, and charge an expensive rate. For much cheaper, I got something that was far superior in quality. The white scarf is a bit eh in quality, but once again, easy fix. It zips on the side, the front triangle panel is removable so you can fit your head through, it is sewn fitted for non block-shaped bodies, and the skirt comes with a long zipper and button to secure. Overall, I am very impressed, as this was the purchase I was most worried about.

>Orange wig for cosplay
Very nice, the ends stick out as pictured, and it fits nicely for girls with large heads, or thick hair to hide.

>White bunny ears
So fuzzy. Couldn't resist. Very nice. Wow.

>White bloomers
Holy hell these are huge, even on me. Very nice quality lace. A thick cotton will be hot for summer.


>> No.7672279

>I am super tall (183CM)
Pics? I'm curious.

>> No.7672282

Yes thank you!

>> No.7672291
File: 1.80 MB, 2400x1555, dresstight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>White underskirt from Chess Story
As a tall girl, I've decided to invest in a nice underskirt for all my AP dress, because they are uncomfortably short. This skirt, is HELLA LONG. I don't want to look like those Chinese lolita with millions of underskirt layers, so in order to add length to my AP dress without looking like an idiot, I have to hike it up past my boobs. I am tall, and this skirt sitting at my belly button, reaches just above my ankles. However, it is versatile, so I can;t complain. Also, super soft, but made of a shiny satin for the upper skirt portion. You can't see the material if worn under another dress, but if it has an open back dress, you will see the shiny satin. Last pic related, I tried to photograph it.

>Classic lolita dress (Black)
I was really nervous about this purchase due to the lack of reviews, and a sketchy name. (Who names their shop lolita.taobao? Scammers.) However, I took a chance, and got a beautiful dress. I got the dress in Black and white. It looks exactly like the stock photos, except if you were to paint bucket all the grey areas into black. It fits me like a glove, accomidating for height, large shoulders, long arms. Beautiful detail, and double layered skirt. It's just a bit heavy. I will strictly wear this in winter so I don't die. First 2 pictures related.

>R-series bunny tights
Very nice, fuzzy upper part to caress your sandy vagina and buttcheeks, and a print that doesn't distort too much when pulled. However, a weird pink like that looks like a defect near the top. However, not noticable when worn because it's so high up. 3rd pic related.


>> No.7672300
File: 1.73 MB, 1424x2136, IMG_5704-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I entered CuriousBear's contest before, here's a photo. I don't look tall because I'm proportionate, and no one is standing beside me.

>> No.7672304
File: 3.41 MB, 2400x2400, bonnet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Dress shirt (ordered dark blue+white)
Very nice, however, on the small/fitted side. I wouldn't recommend for anyone with more than a 91CM bust. The hole for the buttons are ill sewn, and it's really hard to fit the buttons through. However, for the price, I got what I was expecting. It's isnt super fantastic, but it isn't potato tier quality either.

>Matching soft bonnet to the classic lolita dress from previous post
Holy, I wasn't expecting much, but this bonnet is superb. If I'd known, I would have ordered another one in a navy or beige. I took photos of the details, pic related.

That's all I ordered. The package was heavy, I'm not too sure how much it cost for shipping for I split half with a friend.

>> No.7672323

You don't look tall because the photographer didn't want to (or was told not to, idk) emphasize it, but you've got pretty long hands so I believe you.

>> No.7672465

I'd honestly buy the originals from Dangerous Nude, a lot of the taobao replicas are shoddy quality.

>> No.7672964
File: 418 KB, 516x756, Screen Shot 2014-07-11 at 9.57.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to avoid making a small shitty first order so I was wondering - is it generally cheaper to buy multiple items from the same shop to save on domestic shipping or does that not really effect the cost of my overall order?
Pic related - wanting to buy a bunch from babywinny but I don't know if I should throw in the tights & tee I'm interested in from another shop.

>> No.7672971

it's like you guys do not read the FAQ.

>> No.7672990

I lost that shop with the great tall socks and tights that gets posted a lot. Anyone have it?

>> No.7673065

I'm looking for stores with more than one size of each thing.
Any suggestions?

>> No.7673095

queenlive? there are a few stores in the new store list with plus size tights etc

...so not free size? plenty of stores sell clothing of different sizes, anon. usually there's a filter to select a specific size when you search something.

>> No.7673099
File: 231 KB, 1787x1294, namelesspoem-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I ordered the black, embroidered version, used TBS. and received

everything shown. I think I saw a picture or two on Weibo where some people got a letter, and maybe a print as well? Well, no

big deal. Anyway. The fabric is 100% polyester, and the lining 100%

cotton. Can't compare to brand, since I only have blouses and

shorts, but it's soft. There is some, imo, noticeable texture to

the cream fabric. Comparing to the stock image, the blacks are

about the same. The collar and cuffs though, aren't the same color

as the stock image. It's darker, and in natural light there is a

peach tint to it. Going off of Wikipedia, and personal opinion,

it's comparable to this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_lace_%28color%29#Old_lace)) or

this one (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_latte).). The extra black button is for where you can attach the smaller waist ties. The extra white button is for everything else. There is an invisible zipper running down the ride side about 1 inch under the arm to halfway down the dress. The thinner waist ties are in 2 pieces, and one is a bit longer than the other. The thicker, embroidered waist tie is one long piece. The thicker one also has some stray threads, though the thinner ties are fine.

>> No.7673100

It is cheaper to buy multiple items from the same shop to save domestic shipping but it only depends on how many shops you really order from. Ordering from another shop will be fine anon.

>> No.7673110

Thanks! I'll go for it then.

Thanks for posting pictures. I'm eagerly looking forward to getting mine in the mail. Do you have any complaints about the fit?

>> No.7673135
File: 358 KB, 2024x1485, namelesspoem-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The white lace is, well, white while the collars aren't. The design between the lace on the dress and the removable collar is different but they are still the same color. The back of the dress' collar differs a bit from the stock image's a bit, it's less plain now. The way the lace turns around corners looks nice, imo. But, there is are some strange stains around all of the buttonholes on the dress. They're the most noticable on the cuffs. The removable collar itself was spared. I'm assuming these are due to the black fabric? There's nothing anywhere else on the dress, just on the inner part of the buttonholes, and then on just the outer part of the dress, not the inner. I haven't messed with them any yet.

>> No.7673150

I don't think those are stains, I think those are tailors chalk/marker used to mark where the buttonholes should be placed. If that's what they are, they should wash out easily. But mixing whites is my pet peeve, that'd annoy me so much

>> No.7673184
File: 357 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lq58v814D41qjxxswo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So disappointed. Made an order, a lot of items from it arrived in a day. Some friend's stuff took a week and some tights I ordered from a shop hadn't arrived in a week so I just asked about it and when I went to check for a response it said they'd refunded me for lack of seller shipping items and then went ahead and prepped everything for shipping.

I'd glad that it's cleared up but I didn't have much in the order to begin with so all I've got to look forward to is some stickers and some little trinkets.

Oh well, I'll just do another order for an upcoming convention anyway. Easier than cashing out the Yoybuy wallet and having most of it get eaten up by paypal fees.

>> No.7673186
File: 369 KB, 1598x1402, namelesspoem-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not much I can personally say about the embroidery. Lighting and my camera threw the colors off, but the silver crosses are silver, not white or whatever. I do think the black crosses look nicer than the silver. If I remember right, the lace was chemical lace? Along the hem of the dress, I found two areas where the lace doesn't connect. No issues with the lace elsewhere on the dress.

I only put it on for 5 minutes or so, but no major issues. I got the small, and I'm 115lbs, 33-28-36. When I slipped on the removable collar, it didn't quite cover the dress collar all of the way. The ruffles on the cuffs just cover my wristbones. I personally like my sleeves to go past them a bit, but it's not a dealbreaker.

I completely forgot to consider that. I'll dab it with a bit of water later to see if it comes off, and post an update.

>> No.7673394

please tell me you're a man, those hands are cray cray

>> No.7673426

>tfw you missed it
I'm desperately hoping someone is goign to sell theirs

>> No.7673435

I think you may be looking for http://tinge.tmall.com/? They're known for having lots of basic tights that fit tall sizes well.

>> No.7673449

100% polyester is the same fabric bodyline uses for their cheap looking OPs/JSKs I think? I think I'll probably avoid it as I hate the fabric they use on their ita looking items with a passion.

>> No.7673487

Moitie uses 100% polyester. So does brands. all polyester is not the same.

>> No.7673862

I did.

>> No.7673901

Pruany's customer service has gone to absolute shit. Getting anything fixed will take at least a week if they don't decide to just ignore it/go offline at strategic times. Threatening a PayPal dispute was the only way I got a response.

>> No.7673903

Kicking myself for not buying the Ista Mori nun OP when I had the chance. It looks better than I thought it would.

>> No.7673926
File: 36 KB, 640x719, 1390645091447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I had an issue with a refund and they ignored my messages for about five days. I opened a PayPal dispute and got my money back in about 10-15 minutes.

Afterwards I got an email from Pruany saying they'd prefer if I messaged them to get my money back instead of contact PayPal.

>> No.7673941

wtf is this shit...the sleeve color is not matching at all also.

>> No.7673950
File: 122 KB, 533x800, T2mR4tXdFNXXXXXXXX_!!793946226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any taobao listing with this bag that isn't overpriced? There is a storenvy reseller who sell this bag for way cheaper than using an ss, it's so weird.

>> No.7673956
File: 146 KB, 1000x831, kyary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know the search term for this kind of team shirts? Or this one in particular? There was nothing in the dictionary and I've tried multiple search terms on my own already, nothing comes up.

>> No.7673968

Order just shipped from Yoybuy and I'm wishing I had known I could go with Air Mail or something. I really don't like their pre-ordering shipping estimate page. I guess it's nice you know what to expect with shipping and can just pay it and get it out of the way but if your package ends up being half he weight of the estimate, it would be nice if they would let you re-pick your shipping method.

>> No.7673973
File: 49 KB, 720x960, woops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get wrong size (smallest)
>mfw I got bigger boobs then 90cm
>to lazy to sell and needed the dress for an event
> cut it in half and make it into a skirt, loose cuffs and collar


>> No.7673984

Oh my freacking god really ? I would totally have bought it from you. Crap, I missed the release because no money and now I'm doomed to pay it an arm and leg.

>> No.7673992

Ye really.
I didn't want to sell it, thats the reason. Also bought it through my ss so it only cost me like.. 300 HKD. Thats why I acctually got the guts to do it.

Also asked my ss if they could ask ista mori if they had any of the bigger sizes left. And they did so I have a new one on the way.

>> No.7674001

Just tall...
If you think my hands are large, my feet are 28cm long...

>> No.7674005

As someone with long fingers/feet.
I would hold you in my arms anon, and just weep.

Truly the rare tall Asian.

>> No.7674024

Thank you...
The pains of wanting to be QT3.14AZN but can't fit into anything...

>> No.7674044

Why aren't you a professional model? You have... everything. I'm asian and I worked as a model for a couple of years but gave up since I'm too short (1,70) and they always complained about it.

>> No.7674049

People who ordered from Ista Mori storenvy just got their stuff mailed today (f u customs) so be prepared for the grey op & other colorway reviews soon!

>> No.7674076

I've been scouted by Next model management downtown where I live. Except I was with my dad, and the guy gave him the card, and my very traditional Chinese father is really against it.

>got to be a doctor you know

>> No.7674108

Bodyline uses some thick nasty polyester, moitie their fabric is completely different, if only I know what kind (???) bodyline uses then I'd know where to avoid it with indie brands.

>> No.7674127

Sorry for not seeing this sooner.

Phone case




>> No.7674250

how long does it usually take for you guys? from Japan it's never more than a week for me, sometimes as quick as 4 days. Is it similar for China?

>> No.7674282
File: 857 KB, 770x765, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My package of stuff just came, does anyone want a review of anything?

>> No.7674291

I haven't placed a taobao order in a long time and this is probably a stupid question but do TaobaoSpree's emails really involve hashtags now or is it just a website typo?

>> No.7674352

Review of the jellyfish tights please

Also anyone know if they'll ever be restocked? I asked them directly but they sent me a really snippy reply about how I should read the item page more closely. Can't find the info anywhere with google translate, though

>> No.7674375

Can you review the Yolanda hat, please? It's been sitting on my cart for so long but since nothing else on the store appeals me I'm conflicted if I should get it or not.

>> No.7674397

How's the DC blouse? I thought about it but passed because the lace looked mismatching.

>> No.7674430

so you literally wasted a dress

>> No.7674474

Then use your own brain to make a decision.

>> No.7674608

Yes, I "wasted" one of my dresses if you want to put it that way.

>> No.7674640
File: 2.73 MB, 4128x2322, 20140712_163101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh just got my taobaoring order and right when i opening up this skirt i saw it had this nasty fucking stain on it.

when they sent me pictures of receiving it it was still in the packages that they sent to me. I guess I should have asked them to open it up and check it out. I'm super bummed out about this. Hopefully i can figure out somehow to get it off but i dunno..

>> No.7674691

you should have contacted the seller first to make sure they didn't have any left. Are you still going to make it into a skirt?

>> No.7674694
File: 523 KB, 640x400, jellyfishtights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like the tights overall. It's a beige color as I anticipated. The print is a bit blurry but still recognisable as a jellyfish. The tights themselves are comfortable and thick. I saw this in another review, but yes, there's an annoying blue line on the left (jellyfish) side. They're super comfortable to wear. Overall, having only had experience with cheapo taobao stores, I would say that these are definitely one of the better quality tights I have owned.

Unfortunately, I forgot the hat at my dad's place, so no pics, but in short, don't buy it. It's covered in shiny satin ribbon (would have preferred even grosgrain) that gives it a cheap look, and doesn't hang well over the edge. The pearls are only loosely attached on, and the placing of both the lace and ribbon is uneven. Only good thing about it is that it would probably fit well over a wig, a problem I have with most hats I buy. You could probably buy a cheap felt hat and decorate it better yourself. It's usable, but I'm not impressed at all.

>> No.7674726
File: 262 KB, 640x413, DSC_0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The lace's color does not match to the blouse's color IRL either. However, that is the only real issue I had with it. The chiffon is thick and has a great luxurious texture, unlike the infanta blouse which is made of thin and slightly scratchy chiffon. It's well designed and it fits me well, and I really love the details on it. I'm still not thrilled about the lace - for some reason I had something different in mind, but the lace IRL is embroidered with slightly shiny thread, so it's a bit weird on top of the chiffon. The differences are actually bigger IRL than in the picture because of the texture of the lace.

>> No.7674762


The Surface Spell top please!!!

>> No.7674781
File: 67 KB, 700x422, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can get some cute boleros?

The one shop I found one I like doesn't have the colorway I am looking for. Ivory, Pink, or Blue

I don't care if they are long or short sleeve.

>> No.7674791

fuuuuck that moto hoodie is so cute

>> No.7674821

Thanks, you spared me like $30 (or more if I included the taxes my country charges).

>> No.7674834

Have contacted the seller and they had one in my size left and I've ordered it. But I already made it in to a skirt. No regrets.

>> No.7674859

Post results of the skirt?

Also how is/was the sleeve length?

>> No.7674933
File: 512 KB, 750x930, skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used as much flash I could to get details out. God damit it's some bad pictures but here you go anon.

>> No.7674947

looks nice!

>> No.7674956
File: 1.45 MB, 3264x2448, 369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the sleeve length was good. even tho I had the smallest size it measured up to 52 cm without the cuffs and was not short at all (for me that is, with the cuffs 66,5 cm).

>cellphone picture

>> No.7674974
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Tons of other Taobao brands try to make replicas of it now anyways.

>> No.7674989

link to bottom right?

>> No.7674990

Those are not as nice, though. I'll just have to go for one on the secondhand market.

>> No.7675000
File: 489 KB, 422x640, tumblr_msrrcj32xr1s7j565o3_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like they are the first one with this design.

>> No.7675018
File: 1.68 MB, 2448x3264, bild (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The JSK even has the removable collar.
Bought this in October.

>> No.7675173

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.104.KqX0Ol&id=14311051099&ns=1#detail alsohttp://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.52.PYWnfc&id=37936941064&ns=1#detail looks a bit different but is a lot cheaper

>> No.7675445

New thread
New thread.