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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 136 KB, 1268x713, 1390196817156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7632801 No.7632801 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread on autosage.

>> No.7632814

>tfw really badly want one of those sailor moon laser cut brooch
>tfw all the cute ones are sold out
>tfw i even want Kyandy's

>> No.7632830
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Oh boy I needed somewhere to vent my first world problems
>tfw in ltr and ready for the m word and sigificant other isn't, wants to "be a better boyfriend, provide for you better" bologna but don't want to give him an ultimatum and make him resent you
>tfw so. god. damn. close to your dream dress and you're only short 4 bucks but you don't get paid for another week and no one wants to buy shit/give you pocket change
>Spend months making plans to go home and visit family after not seeing them for over a year and the job decides its about time to really put you to work and send you to another state for 2 weeks
>tfw wanting to vent to friends about frustrations but they are all single college kids partying every night and can't be bothered to answer facebook messages because they are "socially worn out"
Just kill me.

>> No.7632841

old thread

>> No.7632847


Anon I will give you four dollars via Paypal.

>> No.7632853
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>Get a new, well paying job
>Buy a few brand dresses and make a massive taobao order
>Paypal charges me for the 1k I owe
>1k is taken from my bank account, leaving me with a couple hundred left
>Paypal double charges me??
>Don't have another 1k in my account
>All my payments are cancelled
>My 1k is missing
>NFS charges everywhere
>My paypal account is frozen
>Spend 3 hours on the phone with them trying to figure the situation out
>They finally realize that they double charged me
>Refund 1k back to my account
I'm just super worried that all the sellers are gonna think I'm trying to rip them off or something ;_;

>> No.7632855
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i...i think i just had an aneurysm. are you for real?

>> No.7632859


Dude it's four dollars, that's literally nothing. What's your email?

>> No.7632863

Yeah, I'll give you 4 dollars, but you better post a transaction receipt.

>> No.7632872
File: 141 KB, 534x498, 1386445435660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally trying not to abloo bloo everywhere. Its been such a shitty week and you people are amazing. I know it might come off as whatever through text but I'm so thankful you exist right now. You've made my week

>> No.7632878
File: 867 KB, 500x250, uwah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are so fucking cute.

There's fucking flowers blooming in my heart.

>> No.7632884


Done, man. Should be making it's way to you now.

>> No.7632893

Okay I'm not even the anon getting the money but it actually made me so happy to see seagulls being so nice to each other

>> No.7632908
File: 45 KB, 573x678, invoice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the anon that asked to see the invoice, here it is! I was 1000% sure I missed out on the dress the first round of preorders but I had her nab it for me when the second round came. Thank you so much anon for your help, you're my hero.

>> No.7632915

Me too. I got the fuzzies inside.

Thank you, kind anon. I know it's only four dollars, but to have anon get her dream dress thanks to you is really heartwarming.

>> No.7632916
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>got the perfect job 2 months ago, basically dream job
>loved my co-workers, workspace everything
>have minor disability in leg that causes me to be unable to stand too long if it flares up
>boss/owner is fine with me working a bit less than full time hours
>one day have horrible horrible pain in leg, can't even walk without pain
>have to call into work because of it
>manager(not boss) is really pissy/accuses me of lying
>say I have medical documentation I am willing to bring in
>literally the next day, my day off, get a call about a meeting between me and the manager
"anon, we're not as busy as we thought so we're gonna have to let you go"

holy shit i have never been so sad/pissed off in my entire life. I feel like I legit was fired due to my disability, but through some loophole I can't do anything about it. I'm just so shocked and appalled.

>> No.7632917
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>mfw this thread

>> No.7632920
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>go into work yesterday. Get there early as usual, sit in break room for a while before work starts.
>come back down and sit around for coffee break
>come down on my lunch, sit in same spot because my purse is there, check my bank account, leave my purse there and go to a store with my bank card.
>come back and coworker is sitting in that spot, her shits everywhere, completely disregarding my stuff.
>minor internal freak out because $600 iPad in my purse.
>umm, I was sitting there...
>don't say anything, just grab my purse and go eat outside.
>she quits over this.
>feel terrible. Nobody liked her and everyone wanted her to quit but I just can't feel good knowing somehow someone quit because of me. Think about it all night.
>after work today
>manager pulls me aside
>tells me to watch myself. Won't put up with me causing problems with other employees.
>says everyone is uncomfortable around me now.

Weeping all night. I didn't even do anything. don't even want to go to work anymore.

>> No.7632922


I am so glad I contributed toward such a gorgeous dress. Sweet loli with an everlasting nun obsession, I will live vicariously through you, anon.

>> No.7632928

Sent it, now go buy it and you better rock that dress anon.

>> No.7632929

What job was it? Can you get a lawyer involved?

>> No.7632940

What loophole?

>> No.7632941

It was pastry chef for a local cafe. I don't think I can get a lawyer involved, I actually talked to my friend who is a lawyer and he said in our state you can get fired without a reasonable explanation so unless I have irrefutable evidence it would be a long and arduous process that probably is futile. I just really don't know what to do...

>> No.7632948

Fuck, anon. I'm so fucking sorry. I feel for you. Hopefully you can find another place soon.

>> No.7632949
File: 498 KB, 500x276, albert knows my feels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh anon! Someone sent me the 4 dollars already! Do you want me to send you a refund?
>mfw all of you beautiful ladies making my dreams come true

>> No.7632959
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No givesies backsies!

You now have to pass this good deed on to a complete stranger!
Also my current situation with my ldr is kinda the same as yours so if you ever want to talk or skype, my email is my paypal one.

>> No.7632970

what the hell anon, the same thing happened to me. cool job since two months, fired over a leg injury, manager acuses me of lying despite having seen fucking x-rays of my broken bones. should we just hire assassins for eachother's bosses?

>> No.7632972
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Thank you beautiful, I will give back some way or another!

>> No.7632976

I don't know what you call one of these moments/time in your life but I've recently come to accept that I don't have anyone who truly cares about me in this world. I don't even mean love and whatnot just family members that actually care and friends that are suppose to be there for you and genuinely want to hang out with you. I just feel that people around me are so selfish - it's always "what's in it for me?" Can't anyone do things out of the goodness of their hearts? Or just to help out?

My family members literally don't feel the need to talk to me unless they need me to do something for them. When I try to strike up a conversation they tell me to shut it or give me short answers to try to end the conversation. Whenever I need help on something I always feel the need to find something of equivalent trade for them to help me if not then they won't help.

I feel like such an extra in my group of friends that I've known for almost my whole life (or at least half for some). One of my oldest friends has somehow adapted this way of talking to me in a super condescending way in the past couple of years and it really hurts. My other old bff has zero time for me now that she has a bf, her life literally revolves around him and she's attached to him at the hip even after like 2 years of dating. My college friends and I use to go out a lot but after everyone got bfs/gfs nobody ever tries to hangout any more. I've tried to ask one of the ones I use to be really close with to hang every time I'm in her area but she'll always have some sort of excuse not to.

>> No.7632981

I get that I'm not super fun or exciting to be around but I'm always willing to try new things that they want to do because I know that's what makes them happy but they are never willing to do the same for me. All but one basically bailed on my birthday this year and every year there's something - they either complain about the date or where we go etc... I do whatever the hell they want to do on their birthdays, is it that much to expect them to just be okay with what I choose? I always choose something reasonable whereas they pick some crazy expensive restaurant. They actually will tell me to choose a cheap place when I'm the only one who ever chooses a decent place that won't burn a hole in our wallets.

>cosplay related
Almost the only reason we meet up now is to do cosplay stuff but even then I'm a noob compared to them because a few started when they were younger and one has had all the time in the world to work on a few since she took like one class per semester and that has given her an ego boost on her skills. The latter looks down on me and doesn't give my opinions a second thought unless one of the other ones agree with me. She'll give me useless advice like "oh you should start now you know" or "you better get this done...like now". I go to school 5 days a week from 9-4 and have to wake up at 6:30 to get ready and commute, come home to do homework. I'm sorry that I don't only have to go to one 2 hour lecture per week. I have this horrible anxiety about feeling like deadweight with them so I really do try to pull my weight if we are doing something together but the way that one talks to me just makes me feel so shit.

>> No.7632986

I try not to let this shit get to me but in the past month it's just been so apparent that I haven't built any relationships where someone can just be a good friend to me and honestly care instead of trying to get something from me. During the year when we're all busy my group of friends can literally not talk to each other for weeks and when one does finally talk to me it's because they want me to lend them something or do something for them. I don't mind helping and I like that I can finally see them...but it's sort of sad when it hits me that they never just want to chill with me and catch up.

I know most people just think "hey anon, just ditch them and go make new friends" but it's just so hard for me idk I've made new friends that could've potentially blossomed into better friendships but everyone tends to get too busy for me or they find out that I don't want to get with them so I get ditched eventually.

I'm sure that somewhere in all this is just because I'm not that interesting of a person to be around. I mean I'm a nice person but probably pretty boring inside and out and at this point in my life it's probably too late to change that. idk I apologize that this is so stupidly long.

>> No.7633199


>> No.7633269

If you're getting the money soon, just pay with credit.

>> No.7633279
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>wants to read juicy icky PTNR drama
>"Not found"


>> No.7633429
File: 517 KB, 245x150, 1398050491536.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think others have this same feel as me, it's scary, trust me.

>Have 100 on seller reputation
>lots of stuff sold last week
>everything is awesome, buyers bidand bought stuff.
>ship items out, USPS lady says that one item weighed much less than what I've stated on my shipping label
>she okayed it though, but I should've known better.
>Later, buyers get their items, all are happy EXCEPT FOR ONE.
>Today I find out that someone opened a dispute on me
>my face is like "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?"
>dispute says that I didn't send the dress, but only the ties and headbow.
>and guess what? IT WAS STILL IN MY CLOSET
>Immediately respond to dispute and lace market with apology and evidence pictures proving that I still have the FUCKING DRESS
>mfw I'm gonna have my first negative reputation on lacemarket and paypal
>I thought I packed EVERYTHING
>I should have checked before I packed!


>> No.7633432


I can relate, time flies and people change it sucks because you just want to be like what it was, when there was never a care in the world.

>> bailing out on a birthday

That's not nice, so happy late birthday

>> No.7633443

First off, are you in the US? If you are(or are in any other non 3rd world country) I'm calling so much bullshit because you don't personally write weight on your fucking shipping label you stupid shit.

Second, who the hell keeps the waist ties somewhere other than with the dress.

>> No.7633444

Calm down Anon,

If you sent the pictures and replied to the dispute then you're fine.

The only thing you should do is relax and just ship the dress out (you'll have to pay for shipping and tracking)

We all fuck up in some time of our lives, we're not perfect. So just do what you have to do and move on, ok?

>> No.7633455

If you use any form of pre-printed postage, you do put the weight in yourself actually.

I still call bullshit, but even the anon who bought from her said the parcel was marked a different weight than what arrived: >>7632485

>> No.7633456

Yes I am in the US, I've messed up big time here.

I've weighed the dress and the packaging, I could've just packed the whole thing up, but FUCK NO my lazy ass did not.

I think I'm ok now. I had to step outside or I'd lose my breathing from freaking out.

I'll just live with it and learn from it... I'll stop caps locking too.

>> No.7633461
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Two things.

>have friend
>always have to initiate conversations
>sometimes they ignore me for hours or the entire day
>whenever i get them to talk we have good conversations
>rarely happens nowadays

I feel like a clingy freak whenever I talk to them, and also just... unwanted/annoying. Should I just put distance between us and not talk to them as often? I love talking to them, but I'm getting tired of this.

>ex (for now) self harmer
>haven't relapsed in a little over a month
>nasty scars from old cuts on my thighs are still there
>i tried so hard
>and got so far
>but in the end
>it doesn't even matter

They're a constant reminder of what a failure I am and how low in life I've been, goddamn I want them gone. Good for the people who accept their scars as a part of themselves, I can't seem to do it. I'm not strong enough.

>> No.7633465

So wait, you're trying to say you weighed and measured every single other package right but this one, which you happened to not pack before you weighed it, but instead did something different for this one package?

Also, to you and >>7633455 they don't re-weigh the package for prepaid, they just scan it in.

>> No.7633468

They've always reweighed mine when I've prepaid. They make sure you didn't short them on postage.

>> No.7633470

Of course you're not strong enough, you used to cut. It sounds like you're still in the same mindset you were when you did it.

>> No.7633477

That's what happened with the USPS lady, Now I know why she said it was tad short, but it was still acceptable. I didn't even suspect it, but I should have.

I DID, but what I should have done, was just pack it up like it were sold so it would be ready to ship.

ughhhhh I'm going to have a horrible reputation online now. YAY

>> No.7633487

You're only gonna have a horrible rep if the buyer doesn't confirm all this.

>> No.7633490

Anon, seriously, like I said earlier.


I know there may be spews about you now, but you know what makes a great seller?

Learning from mistakes.

You may be sound shady here, but you're the only one who knows if you are or not.

Just keep on being a good seller like you said and move on!

>> No.7633500

As long as the buyer gets their dress, it should be fine.
And I'm pretty sure you know fully well to double check that all items included in the listing are in the package, from now on.

>> No.7633517

Oh absolutely, Anon. I've been attending therapy for a month, at the end of every session, my therapist has me promise her to try and go another week without cutting. That's been the only thing that's been making me not do it, I don't want to let her down. I'm trying to work hard to get better, and feel better. Just... It's really difficult.

>> No.7633522

Of course it's difficult. The only reason a lot of people get over their scars and accept them is when the emotional scar attached to them starts to heal(sorry for the sappy analogy) it's true though, if you're still in that bad place they're a constant reminder of the exact reason you did it in the first place, fear, anxiety, stress, hate, depression, whatever it is, once you're out the power they hold over you will fade.

>> No.7633613

Not exactly cgl related but I have to get it off my chest, sorry.

>4 years ago
>I'm 17, inexperienced with no confidence but already know I like both boys and girls
>meet a girl several years older than me, let's call her A
>A is gorg as fuck and likes me and I have no idea what she sees in me
>we have an on-off relationship for about a year until she finally breaks it off to go date a guy
>never fucked because I was too insecure and awkward

>this year
>I'm almost 21
>In a steady relationship with the world's most amazing guy, guy I wanna spend my life and have kids with
>A suddenly contacts me out of the blue, after several years of 0 contact
>A and I go out for drinks
>she's married and doing really good and I'm happy for her and happy that she suddenly contacted me so that we can be friends again
>I want to fuck her real bad, she's still absolutely beautiful
>I regret not doing it when we used to date, I feel like I lost my chance of doing it with a woman now that I have found "the one"
>I would never cheat on my bf and I would never want A to cheat on her husband but fuck, these feels
>fantazise about A during sex sometimes
>feel like a dirty cheater for doing so

TL;DR I missed my chance of girl on girl sex, regretting it now

>> No.7633630

I have similar feels, anon.

>current boyfriend is highschool sweetheart
>only man I've ever been with
>love him and would be happy to spend the rest of my life with him
>have had plans to get married and have children for a long time
>still have that feeling that I may be missing out because I've never been with another man
>no intentions of cheating (morally against it)
>got drunk with friend the other night and considered breaking up over something this silly
>feel bad since my boyfriend is incredibly devoted to solely me

TL;DR I feel like I should have dated before getting into a lifelong relationship.

>> No.7633642

Hey anon,
Since your friends were so shitty towards you on your birthday, I want to draw you a belated birthday present, if that's cool with you.
Send me a message at bitstupidart.tumblr.com, you can request whatever you like.

>> No.7633650

I feel you guys. I really do. I can't imagine myself being only with one person during my entire life, but I love my boyfriend and I don't really see us breaking up unless something drastic happens. It's not that I want us to, but sometimes I wonder what it's like to be a single young girl that's relatively attractive.

>> No.7633653
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I am really considering just leaving lolita because it makes me feel like a fat piece of shit. I am not even that big, it's mainly my boobs, but the last 5 or so dresses that i have bought have not fit me and it makes my already low self esteem plummet. I get so excited for dresses in the mail and when they arrive i get so depressed. But even if i leave i know that i will be just as depressed if not more because i let something that i love go. I hate myself and i hate that it's so hard for me to lose weight. I just want to be pretty and thin and to fit into my dresses.

>> No.7633658

>One year ago bf and I were going to do a Fionna and Prince Bubblegum couple cosplay
>Finished mine, but didn't finish his in time because he didn't want to work on it at all
>Didn't even pay me back for the materials
>Broke up months ago
>Now I have a 80% completed cosplay made for a chubby short boy and none of my cosplay friends can fit into it without major adjustments
I need to complete and sell this before AT stops being popular so I can at least get my money back for it

>> No.7633672
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>date high school bf for 5 years
>p much the only guy i ever dated
>thought we were gonna get married and have kids, the usual shit
>broke up with him like a month ago so i could date other people/didn't wanna cheat to do so

>> No.7633673

good job trying to save your ass cunt, lol.

You already know anons would connect the dots, no need to pretend you're genuine.

You took enough time to put a lovely daiso receipt in there

>> No.7633688
File: 996 KB, 500x268, asdfjkl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have amazing weekend
>friend's get together, we all get wasted, stargaze, sing and bond so fucking hard
> finally stop my shitty lolita spending habits and get a better hobby (I used to have like at most 100 USD in my bank account all the time and it was horrid)
>actually happy after fighting with myself for months over how to be happy
>find out after night of drinking/fun that one of my friends died that morning
>cry a fucking lot

>> No.7633700

I don't...I don't see why the forgetful anon is necessarily doing this on purpose

>> No.7633718
File: 32 KB, 500x335, oh god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Making my first ball-gown style cosplay
> I'm biting off so much more than I can chew
> Oh god this is so much fabric
> I'm gonna fuck everything up

The most intimidating part is that, compared to other cosplays, redoing a section is such a money sink. If I make a mistake on a schoolgirl miniskirt, it's not much to buy more fabric. If I screw up a layer on this goddamn planet of a dress, I might just have to wait a few more paychecks before I can continue.

How's that going for you?

Anon, I'm so sorry!
What was that hobby you started up? Maybe learning it would be a good thing to focus your mind on. Make sure you keep talking to people and going out. Whenever I grieve or go through depression spells, I tend to just hole up in my room and not see daylight for weeks. It's a terrible spiral. Don't let yourself fall into the riptide!

>> No.7633719

So it's on record that she's merely ~*forgetful, oh golly gee I'm so full of regret!*~ than a scamming cunt that the person who opened the dispute probably would have seen her as.

>> No.7633725

How would a scam like this even work? Of course the victim would open a dispute. The only way I can think of working this as a scam is to try and pin the buyer as a scammer, saying that everything was in there and the buyer must be lying.

>> No.7633728

I can relate to this feel so hard, the entirety of StamRose is gone now. Where will we get delicious dramu now?

Maybe it's for the best, things were taking a dark, disgusting turn re:PT, so...

>> No.7633754

What happened to pt?

>> No.7633769

She's referring to this post (>>7632392) an anon made about the order she fucked up. She's trying to make herself look better.

>> No.7633784

I don't see any harm in that. I'd rather a seller come out and tell their side of the story than just silently send the dress out. It makes her look better than a scammer, yeah, which is a good thing if that's how she actually looks. "Trying to make yourself look better" is only a bad thing if you're making yourself look better than you actually are. If it's the reality, it's just clarification.
This story is not out of place in a feels thread anyway. If she's a frequent seagull and is used to relaying her strong jfash feels here, this is certainly a feely feel to share. If I was her I'd want feedback from anons telling me whether or not I did the right thing in how I handled the mistake.
I'd be annoyed if she was saying, "Guys, it was just a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. Look look, I'm sending it out right now, calm down." But she's embarrassed, which is good.

It sounds like you're implying she didn't send out the dress on purpose.

>> No.7633796

Some Britfag came in and said she molested a three year old girl. Everyone freaked the fuck out, someone spoke of calling her mom, the admin went full sperg and deleted the board. It was a pretty good shitstorm.
Most people called bullshit, but the doubt was enough. PTNR seems to have kind of corroborated elements of the story, but we don't know if it's really her.
They're discussing it here
This is the "new" lolcow board I guess
Now the Britfag's saying the entire thing was fake, btw.

>> No.7633797

Sort of kind of related? Idk maybe you'll relate a bit
>psychotic abusive mom
>pretty reliable person, really good at music and all creative outlets
>get job
>mom stalks me at work, corners me in store multiple times and parks outside to watch me, drives away when I notice her
>tell manager
>manager and mom are friends
>I get fired for 'blowing off my shift' that wasn't on schedule day before
>depressed and unemployed since
but on a better note that was back in October and now
>moving away from mom, small town 'murica bullshit
>finally fucking excited for my life again
>getting a place with a good friend, two cats and college nearby to finish my music degree
I am so stoked on life I can't even. My bf and friend are able to float me until I can get a job in my new, safe city away from all this bullshit and I can hardly contain myself. It was about damn time I got out of this shit hole, and I can actually afford the cosplays I know I have the talent to do and get a new horn and just... thrive.

>> No.7633874

try and make an ad on tumblr, lots of short chubby "boys"/transtrenders/lesbians who would probably be interested

>> No.7633881

did you move while being unemployed?
I have similar problems with my crazy mother but you know...
>have no job = "lol no we won't rent to some lazy unemployed chick despite her having enough money in the bank"
>have no apartment = "Thanks for your application, unfortunately we found someone else who doesn't live 654961361km away"

>> No.7633892
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This whole line of conversation was the best thing I've ever seen.
I hope sad anon got her dream dress (please tell us!) and then dedicates more time to helping others find theirs.

>> No.7633907

>have no job = "lol no we won't rent to some lazy unemployed chick despite her having enough money in the bank"

This. I recently got a flat, which is nice and all but it's kind of small and expensive for the size so I'm starting to hate it...
But I literally got it on the final week I needed to find one before becoming on-the-street homeless, because even though I was offering 6 months of rent up front and guarantors, no landlord would touch unemployed me.
What is wrong with these people, it's a fuck ton of money right?! What's the problem, they think that having a minimum wage job automatically makes you a sane tenant?

Sage for OT

>> No.7633908

>tfw dota tournaments
>when they aren't going on boyfriend now has the urge to play dota

>"come back in the room and fuck me in the school uniform I just got"
>"sorry, can't, dota"

>"my back's hurting,can you oil it up and give me a massage"
>oh, you're topless in bed, just came here to look for my headset god, oiling you up would be a chore

damn dota

>> No.7633926

>dad's air force retirement ceremony is on friday, huge deal, tons of people are going to be there, need to look nice
>have a bunch of cute dresses in my closet, ok i can wear one of those
>tfw gained 20 pounds of depression weight since i bought those dresses
>tfw they all look horrible on me and absolutely cannot be worn to a ceremony this formal and important
>tfw just lost my job and i can't buy new clothes without borrowing even MORE money from my parents after the check they already dropped into my account to cover my NEET ass for rent this month
>i am a garbage failure of a daughter
>no siblings so there is even more weight to me being a disappointment

>> No.7633936

Don't be sad anon, I'm sure what they want most is for you to be there as he makes his transition into the civilian world, not be the nicest looking.

>> No.7633945

She... what? Quitted because you took your purse? I do not comprehend at all anon. And what, other employees are scared you will take your purse again? That sounds stupid.

>> No.7633951

glad to say i don't know this feel, and my bf is a pretty hardcore gamer.

>> No.7634003
File: 46 KB, 268x428, aku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Currently abroad
>Will get back to the states with a week and a half to completely redo my Aku cosplay for Metrocon
>My sister wants me to visit her. My mom wants me to come to Tampa early to surprise my other sister.
>MFW I realize there is not enough time. Aku will fail.

>> No.7634008

Either your fellow employees are fucking retarded, or there's something you're not telling us.

>> No.7634024
File: 208 KB, 480x750, 73895725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woefully unemployed anon from several threads ago.

>applied to a couple places
>went in and talked to the managers for both, they said they'd look over my application
>it's been nearly 2 weeks since then
>no one's called or anything..

>realize that even if I get a job, once the semester starts I won't be able to work enough to cover my portion of the bills (unless I'm getting paid like $20 an hour, but like hell that's possible)
>still going to be completely fucked in a couple months, there's nothing I can do

>> No.7634026

This happened to me except it was my 6 yr college relationship and my bf dumped me for a girl from work. Almost a year later and I haven't recovered. He wasn't the right guy for me in the end, but fuck, I'm not gonna recover my self-esteem for years. Because I had to have been really fucking horrible for him to break up with me after that long, you know?

>> No.7634078

Yeah, no, seriously the whole story. Literally the only thing I said to her was, "umm, I was sitting there". I didn't even say it in any sort of tone or anything, I was more just surprised she was there when I walked in. I didn't even see her or speak to her for the rest of the day.

Apparently she was sick of everyone being so mean to her. We were all told early on to be nice to her though because she was older and didn't really fit in with the other staff, so everyone pretty much just avoided her, and tried to just blow her off when she tried to argue with them. Which she did a lot, she wasn't very nice herself.

>> No.7634088

>you're implying she didn't send out the dress on purpose
Go look at the photos in that thread. That's exactly what it looks like she did. There were plastic bags, a random receipt, and an empty mailer in the packaging. It looks like she put padding/fluff into the box to make it seem heavier than it really was, but got caught.

Quite frankly, I'm glad that the buyer named and shamed, because even if it was just an accident, I wouldn't want to buy from someone stupid enough/flaky enough to forget to pack the main item I'd purchased.

>> No.7634096

Am I still on /cgl/? You guys are the cutest sometimes. Please show us your dream dress once you get it, anon.

>> No.7634114

No, length doesnt mean anything. Breaking up after a year or 10 is still the same, the person realized it wasnt working out. Its better than he left instead of cheating, but you need to not put every aspect of the break up on yourself.

>> No.7634128
File: 74 KB, 600x425, OlympicsOC_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Struggling financially
>Long story involving my mom who is dependent on me for money despite the fact that I work minimum wage and she has a salary job
>Suddenly get a job offer at a high-end retail store
>More than $10 an hour plus commission
>Full time
>can actually afford to buy lolita clothes for the first time in years even with putting money into savings

>> No.7634145

I just went to my local sewing shop and spaghetti'd everywhere when the owner asked me what I wanted fabric stabiliser for, then I walked out having bought stretch needles instead. They don't look different to my regular needles, I wish I'd bought the stabiliser instead...

>> No.7634162

Oh, no, he was probably also cheating although I'll never have proof. I just feel very undesirable and unlovable and have been re-hashing every aspect of our relationship in an effort to figure out what I did that was so awful so I don't do the same thing with the next s/o.

>> No.7634176

>waiting for employers to call you
>not calling back every week

>> No.7634178

They told me they'd call...

>> No.7634191

It looks like she was preparing a bunch of packages and didn't complete one of them. Plastic bags won't add to the weight. If there were random weighted objects in there, I'd believe your theory a little easier. It just seems like you're jumping too quick to tar and feather after the situation has been resolved. Pass over her for negligence if you want, but trying to paint her as malicious just isn't cool.
I'd imagine that she'll actually be overly careful in the future from the embarrassment. If she had a history of careless mistakes, I'd put her on my no-buy list, sure. But considering how easily rectified this one was and her previous 100% feedback, I'm not going to avoid buying something I want just from this one scare.

>> No.7634192

Want to become a hair Stylist?
>We really really need more employees.

Not necessarily your fault. It's entirely possible (especially since together suspect him of having cheated) that:
>He was just not that into you.

Forwardness is usually a good thing. Especially when it comes to work because it shows the employer that you're serious about the job and enthusiastic about it. You should call them and get an update as to your application and their consideration about it.

>> No.7634202

EVERYONE will tell you that. My hiring manager point blank told me that I only got the first interview because I bothered to call back a couple times to show interest.

Point is, many employers will assume you're not that interested if you can't even be assed to follow up with your own application.

>> No.7634208
File: 634 KB, 160x150, 4153413.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I called back to one place right now and he didn't even remember me talking to him.
But yeah I'll keep doing this, thanks.

>> No.7634211
File: 22 KB, 360x240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>befriend a pro photographer completely by chance
>find out she has always wanted to do cosplay photography
>set up a day of shooting with a bunch of cool local locations
>go to a zoo, museum, restaurant, and park
>have really great chemistry with photographer
>never get bothered or asked to move
>get shown usually off limits area of restaurant to shoot in
>some awesome photos processed that same day
>most perfect, enjoyable cosplay-related day I've ever had

Really reminded me how pleasant cosplay could be. Past few cons have been pretty frustrating and stressful, and I just moved to a new area where I don't know very many photographers. There's not much better than seeing everything come together in a photoshoot, imo.

>> No.7634218
File: 143 KB, 400x400, Securaliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Call back once a week every week about a week after you put in your application

Just keep calling until they either call you for an interview or tell you to stop calling

>> No.7634315

i know that feel anon. i never felt fat before lolita but so far pretty much every dress has been boob loaf city

>> No.7634321

I fucking hate ordering from the japanese site for AP.
>CDC order
>afraid I'll fuck up the tenso shit even though I followed a tutorial
>google can't translate half the shit on their website
>absolutely no word about this order at all besides the confirmation email
>clearly the money has processed from my account
>yet still no fucking word or update
I know it was a reserve when I ordered, but it bothers me. I hate that the international site is gone.

>> No.7634329
File: 127 KB, 894x894, ;_;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this unrelated, so I apologize in advance, but
>be me, skinny, super short, has scoliosis up the ass
>has to wear brace
>nothing to cosplay

pls help a poor cripple out and suggest something... Anything ;_;

>> No.7634346
File: 260 KB, 925x716, Jinrui-jinrui-wa-suitai-shimashita-33374525-925-716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had period last week
>got super lazy
>didn't go to the gym for a week
>boyfriend notices during the weekend
>dat flab
>tfw your body can easily shift weight

>> No.7634350
File: 130 KB, 533x800, T2QOFmXlBOXXXXXXXX_!!26587467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Be quite attractive and shit, but insecure as hell
>Get bullied for all your life because you are a nerd and pretty
>in college, soon to graduate
>be into lolita, no boyfriend, all college friends getting married
>have a crush on a friend, let's call him K
>our female friend tells me when we are alone "oh, and I know I haven't told anyone but I want to hook up with K! We slept together at the last convention! He's amazing at sex!"
>whatshappeningwithme.jpg, that convention was like 4 months ago, I fuckign was there too
>last week have a party, she has to leave earlier
>I'm alone with K and the other friend
>K suddenly "oh, she is such a drama whore, don't believe her in anything she says"
>he acts cute and flirty towards me all the time
>my face when few days later I see his picture with some girls

I just needed to lay this out. I have amazing friends, I don't want to lose them because of some affair or something, especially I've been lonely for my whole life, my sister is a freaking bitchy bitch, she'd team up with my bullies. My friends like me a lot, I just have no idea what to do.

>> No.7634353

Pretty good! >>7633672 here. Was pretty mutual.

Not really. My case was just that we were together for so long and he never showed any initiative to take it further and settle down. He wants to chase his nigh-impossible dreams, I just want some dang stability. Not saying you have the same reasons, but it's most likely that you didn't do anything in particular to prompt it, so stop thinking like that.

>> No.7634357

>Tfw tons of blue items
>tfw none of them match

What the ever loving fuck man this is driving me mad.

>> No.7634362
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, journey-game-screenshot-1-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are lots of cosplays with big cloaks that would conceal a brace (pic is one example). Think about characters with cloaks and capes. What kind of brace do you have to wear, exactly? If you're into it and have/develop the skill, you could probably do mech suits that would cover it, too.

>> No.7634371

>tfw you bought a lot of stuff today and at the end of the day a dress pops up that I really want

it's unfortunally one size too big, but I might try and see if it will fit though
that's why I own mostly black

>> No.7634411

Depends on the country. If you did that here you'd just be making it worse and most likely not get the job.
Some places look for actual skill instead of playing mind games.

>> No.7634415


Just fuck him and get over it already

>> No.7634421

I'm in America.
If that were the case, I would've had a job by now. I fit all the specifications for everything I've applied for.

>> No.7634477

most women suffer from water retention during periods and taking a week off the gym aided to that

it's all temporary water weight

don't beat yourself up

>> No.7634489

Thanks. c: I'm just glad that I can easily return to what I was before!

>> No.7634509

>be me
>wanted so bad a female friend to go to cons
>never made a female friend on the entire life
>go to uni
>made some female friends
>they backstabbed me because of money/work
>boyfriend said: "maybe you should make some e-friends"
>made some e-friends (3 girls)
>know that last month they met and didn't bother to call me
>thinking will die alone without making some female friends
>maybe the problem is just me.

>> No.7634512

Why do you have to make female friends? If you're having a lot more luck with male friends, maybe you should going with it. I understand wanting someone to be girly with (and I'm not advising against it), but perhaps you should just roll with what seems to be going well for you.

>> No.7634522

i'd be your female friend anon! i've had the same mini dream for years too

>> No.7634525

You can count me in too!

>> No.7634569

I'll totally be your female friend, too, anon!

>> No.7634580
File: 585 KB, 500x280, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus, is this real life? thx anons!

i made a male friend while going to cons, i'm happy to have him to talk 'bout animus and cosplay but i just wanted to have a female friend to talk about "girly" things.

>> No.7634591
File: 345 KB, 500x397, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to quote you, thank you anon!

>> No.7634593

Idk if he wants to fuck me or is just acting like that to piss her off. She's pretty aggressively trying to get into his pants. Either way I'm in stupidest stupid position but damn I'd totally fuck him if I wasn't that shy.

>> No.7634594

Give us a throw away email or something and I'll contact you~ I'm disabled so I am at home quite often. We can chat whenever~

>> No.7634607

>screwed up so badly
>i hate my fucking life
>i want to just disappear
>i can't redo any of these
>all my regrets
>no one to talk to
>no one to confide in
>all my friends would shun me if they knew

i just want to fucking disappear

>> No.7634621

Well what did you do? Confess ye sins anon

>> No.7634635

Oh anon. I'm on the same boat

I just want someone to vent to and be besties with. I-if you want you can add me on skype.. name in email field.

>> No.7634636

>literally so ashamed that I'm afraid to post sins on 4chan because terrified that friends will see

>> No.7634641

I recently started using Svpply to wishlist my dream dresses, and other generic cutesy clothing, but they just announced the website will be retiring on August 31st.
>tfw don't know any other good wishlist websites
Help, /cgl/?

>> No.7634654

what, your friends browse the chans? half the shit posted on here is vague enough to apply to everyone and no one at the same time. that's the beauty of anon

>> No.7634660

i meant to quote you, sry

i did a mailinator for that, thanks to all the anons here, i feel better that i'm not the only one that feels like this

>> No.7634723

That's why we're here. Confide in us and tell us your problems.

>> No.7634727

>tfw told friend who was concerned about me
>she could tell something was wrong
>finally breaks down and tell her
>"wtf anon i hate you"
>"you're disgusting."
>"that's fucking gross fuck off"

can i die already


>> No.7634732

I'm so terrified that anyone I know will see. It's awful.
I have friends who lurk cgl for sure.

>> No.7634736

Cheat on your s/o? Disgusting fetish? You're a pedophile? You killed someone? You slept with a teacher/relative? Killed a teacher/relative to act out a disgusting fetish? Got an abortion? Got ten abortions? Aborted the next baby jesus to act out a disgusting fetish with a teacher/relative?
Our guesses are probably going to be worse than whatever it is, lol

>> No.7634740

What happened? What did you do that could possibly gross out and disgust your friends? Details plz.

There are many anon's here who might share similarities in your story, so no one could really tell or pinpoint who you are here. Just let it all out.

>> No.7634745


I once told my friend I want to finger her.

>> No.7634746

This made me really happy. I'm glad you had a good day anon!

>> No.7634748

There was an anon a while ago whose s/o admitted to being a necrophiliac.
Unless you're her s/o, I don't think it's that bad.

>> No.7634751
File: 102 KB, 420x314, sobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for all the support anons, but could I just ask for an email buddy?

>> No.7634759

no problem! i need a reason to use my email anyway

>> No.7634765

Could you drop me your email? I don't want to drop mine.

>> No.7634769

email in field!

>> No.7634806

I'm moving in the middle of July, so while I'm unemployed my bf has a job and my friend is looking for jobs up there. I won't be unemployed for long because the job market is ages better.
But yes my mom is Ragyo level bad and I am sick of living in fear. I can't even go to the grocery store without getting harassed by random fuckos who listen to mom's bullshit. I'm just super broke and wish I had more of a security blanket right now but I am really doing all I can to save up because it's really worth it for me and my wellbeing.

>> No.7634842
File: 220 KB, 865x332, 1399916761162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, I have a big problem.
I am literally shit-my-trousers scared around people due to childhood trauma. Like, when I'm talking to someone, girls especially (I'm a straight girl, it isn't THAT kind of nervousness) I get incredibly nervous and feel like I wanna run away. It happens when I talk to doctors, on the phone, to strangers, but is the absolute worst when I talk to girls my age.

I somehow pocket my spaghetti and act normal for the few minutes I have to interact with people, but it's absolutely killing me. I am friendless and get embarrassed about the smallest things and then keep replaying it in my head, and whenever there's someone nearby I always go salad snek and try to sneak past and avoid them somehow.

pls halp ;_;

>> No.7634854

So glad someone used that reaction image.

I can't really help you, anon. I am not necessarily afraid of talking to people but do have a lot of social anxiety and a lot of similar habits as you that make it really difficult to make friends.

Have you talked to a therapist? The only thing that has made mine better has been doing that and just trying to talk to people more. I'm really skittish and awkward when I do so, but it's gotten a bit better with time.
Were you bullied as a kid or something? My anxieties generally revolve around me being afraid that people will think I'm weird and reject me.

>> No.7634860

Yeah, I was bullied by my classmates as a kid. That went on until I graduated pretty much.

>> No.7634882

I'm really not trying to be insensitive about this, I was bullied pretty bad as well in middle school, abusive relationship in highschool, but it boils down to getting past that trauma.

You're not going to get better unless you make steps towards that.

What helped me was objectivity, exposure and trying not to give a fuck if I spaghettied

>> No.7634888

So yeah, you have to make the steps yourself. It'll take some time and you have to stick with it, but you just need to look into yourself and do what is just beyond your comfort zone.

Baby steps anon! As long as you make them you're doing something.

>> No.7634894

come on anon, give us the deeds, because now you're just making us all curious

>> No.7634907

They already said what happened. >>7634745

>> No.7634912

I thought that was a different anon? And if that's all there is I can't imagine anon's friend getting so 'disgusted' over it

>> No.7634917

Are you me :D
Sorry can't help either anon, i'm too nervous to even go buy ice cream from the ice cream truck, my mom can only wordlessly shake her head

>> No.7634919

That seems like a different anon just agreeing with them.

>> No.7634923

Anon you pointed at.
I'm not the OP-Anon, I just gave an idea so they could break through and type it out.

>> No.7634926

You could always ask him?

>> No.7634933

I see, my mistake then.

>> No.7634973

i started making garage kits. I'm focusing way less on auctions, internet, and lazing around now so it's pretty nice. But my friend's passing threw me out of whack. I've been trying to keep my mind busy and stay with positive people, but I don't think I'll be 100% fine until he's put to rest and there's news as to what he passed from. but thank you for your kind words. Good luck on your costume because that's really hard. I'm doing a kimono-esque top and even that's proving to be more than I can chew....

>> No.7635086

Well.....that is a rather peculiar and problematic pickle you've presented to us, Patty.

I'd have suggested you have your friends work with you through that little by little, but since you said you're friendless, I'd have to suggest working this out with sympathetic family members that you feel comfortable around. I'd suggest an exposure therapy of sorts. I'd like to work it out with you because I LOVE meeting new people and it would be awesome to me if I managed to get another person to be successfully socially outgoing. But I won't kid myself, I'm no therapist or psychologist or psychiatrist. And I've got my own semi-busy life to take care of.

So... try exposure therapy while with a person you feel comfortable around (have them get you to meet one of their friends, the same person each time and talk with them for spans of time from 10 minutes and moving up from there, giving a reason for you leaving if need be. They shouldn't tell the friend what they're doing so that the situation stays casual.)

>> No.7635101

Shit I never finished my sentence. Try exposure therapy with someone you feel comfortable around or speak to a therapist. They will work with you through the problem. (First suggestion > second).

>> No.7635154
File: 125 KB, 848x1200, 1353191936632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


T-there are others out there??

>> No.7635156
File: 107 KB, 600x720, 1395974563204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would go up to you and give you a very reassuring hug just to feel the slow stream of your spaghetti leak out as they smear and stain my jeans but I wont let go, I'll just tell you "You are fine the way you are"

Then you'd call the cops and say a minority tried to rape you and I'd get arrested
I'd still do it though

>> No.7635228

>be me, planning cosplay
>haven't gone to any cons this season, and not going to because of money and life turning upside down
>making things makes me feel good, helps me relax.. etc
>miss making costumes, want to make this one for my sanity
>one of my favorite WoW sets
>ask boyfriend if he thinks I can pull it off
>"I guess"
>ask him if he thinks it's too difficult for me
>"probably. I don't know."
>ask if he thinks I should just pick an easier one and save myself a headache even though I love this set
>"I don't care."

I know I'm asking a lot and being insecure.. But I really just want him to care a little more about one of my favorite hobbies. I wish he was as interested as when we first started dating. He loved theory crafting things with me. Now he can't even spare me five minutes to listen to my idea to do a certain part of a costume.

It's really discouraging.

>> No.7635229
File: 485 KB, 1014x1280, e40255f2954ff083b6a9456d47b89c7d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a crippling fear of alcohol and drunk people, and it has been getting worse. Seeing someone drunk stumble down the street can paralyze me with fear, and actually... being near someone that is a 'huggy drunk' can send me spinning into paranoia and can't-leave-the-house terror for days.

Recently, the person I room with has taken up alcohol in the bad way, if there is even a good way and a bad way. I think they are all bad ways. I don't know.

Should I move out just because of this? She isn't violent or anything, but she acts argumentative and nonsensical and completely unpredictable when drunk and it is horrifying. I can't say anything without it being some kind of offense, and I really don't want her to straight up murder me.

What do I do?

>> No.7635235
File: 37 KB, 680x510, maybe you should try drinking with her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7635236

oh shit i feel you, my grandpa was a violent alcoholic and now i can't stand people drinking
>inb4 let people have fuuuuun
best thing is to just move out and cut contact for the night then say what's up when she's sober.

>> No.7635239

I know your feels, it's really discouraging when your partner doesn't support you and your hobbies. My boyfriend wasn't really into it from the start, but he could at least acknowledge it more than a "Sure." Do what you think is best and try your hardest at it, then throw it in his face (not in a mean way though).

>> No.7635240

I did that the first few nights, but I mean, like. She keeps doing it night after night.

>> No.7635241

My mouth hurts from getting my wisdom teeth out earlier

Someone hug me

>> No.7635242

You need therapy. Like even if this girl is acting fucked up when drunk, your reactions to a substance that a lot of adults use is crippling. You wont be able to avoid people who drink.

It is also hard to judge how bad she is when you are overreacting to normal drunkiness as is.

>> No.7635243

That sounds horrid, to live with your crippling fear inside your own home. If you can't face your fear or talk to her about it you should move out cause it sounds like you're really uncomfortable and you should feel safe and comfort when you're at home.

>> No.7635251

I am in therapy. I have *been* in therapy, okay? Even have been seeing all sorts of mental self control teacher people and stuff.

My fears were once much more comprehensive! I was afraid of cars and trains and dogs and going outside, but now it is mostly just alcohol. There has been improvement, it just took time, okay?

>> No.7635253

Different anon but don't be like that, other anon was just trying to help by suggesting therapy.
Reacting to alcohol is pretty crippling, so I hope you get better.

>> No.7635267

Right, sorry. I'm sorry. I am just super on edge right now.

I thought about it, but what if she breaks all of my things and ruins my dresses? I can't leave my valuables unattended around someone like that.

>> No.7635284
File: 146 KB, 637x715, 1366224511146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like a piece of shit and really do think that death is the only way I will be able to stop burdening everyone with my existence

im barely staying in school. im too much of a fucking coward to figure out what i want to do in life. i work a terrible full time job outside of schooling and all i do is waste my money on dumb shit i think will make me happy. it doesnt.

i just feel like a fucking idiot and dont want to burden anyone anymore

i hate myself

i hate my life.

>> No.7635285

>local cosplay community renowned for years for having really chill people and so little drama
>fast forward to this year, out of nowhere
>non-stop drama 24/7
>not to mention any drama that does come up is the absolute pettiest, 14 year old high school level bullshit i have ever seen, plus nine times out of ten has absolutely nothing to do with cosplay

I can't even sew any more without thinking about it and getting really disgusted, I don't want to be associated with any of this shit at all. UGH, PEOPLE.

>> No.7635298
File: 78 KB, 500x500, chuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> Been getting extra hours at work lately
>> Havent been buying any cosplay,loli, or figures for almost a year to save up some money for a car
>> Have 200 dollars set aside for a weekend at Metrocon, little vacation for me
>> lifeisgood.jpeg
>> Pet Rabbit starts sneezing and is sick
>> Friend who is getting married tells me I have to step in as a bridesmaid last minute so I need to take that weekend off at work (weekend worker at my job)
>> Weddings the weekend after the con.
>> taking 2 weekends off of work + a vet bill.

I think i might skip out on the con which really sucks. My poor rabbits medicine is probably gonna cost an arm and a leg like it did the last time he was sick and I would be losing 2 weekends of work instead of one because of this fucking wedding I dont even wanna be in.

>> No.7635301

These feels, anon. Are you me? Except at least you have a job. A FULL time job! I'm living off of my mother who is struggling to pay bills, just sleeping and crying all day like the shitbag I am.

>> No.7635329

Mercy kill the rabbit. A chronically-ill pet's life is suffering.

Tell your friend that you have other plans. If she throws a bitch-fit, tell her to go fuck herself. She'll eventually get over it, and if she doesn't, you'll be better off without her.

>> No.7635333

Agreeing with other anon.

Tell your friend that you're suddenly overwhelmed by work and your boss said he needs you in.

>> No.7635342
File: 150 KB, 500x664, 1372221660267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally find perfect fabric
>180 dollars a yard
>need at least 2 yards
I won't buy it but fuck

>> No.7635353

Uh yeah, no Im not going to kill my rabbit. Especially over an anime convention.

And believe me, I know I'm better off without this chick as a friend. I'm surprised she even invited me to the wedding in the first place, I ignore her and blow her off all the time because shes an annoying bitch. Im probably going to never contact her again after the wedding.

>> No.7635357

>>>>>>>180 dollars for fabric per yard

Is it made from Princess Dianas pubic hair?

>> No.7635359
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>> No.7635360

Then why even bother going? That seems like a waste of time and energy, anon.

>> No.7635364

Thanks, anon. I think I will try. Maybe he'll show more interest when it's actually being done.

>> No.7635369

Well, because it is a wedding and kind of important. Like, I would feel bad for blowing it off. Its a complicated emotion, I hate this chick but, not enough to snub her on her special day I guess.

>> No.7635376

>Am disabled
>Want to go to con to make friends because I live in the backwaters
>Try to exercise a little more than usual, work my body up a bit to be able to handle a con a bit better
>2nd day of 10 minutes extra walking it leaves me in too many pain to do anything an hour after I finish walking.

...fuck.. I was hoping cons were an out, but maybe I'm just too fucked.

>> No.7635383


Appreciated <3

>> No.7635440

Go for it! And good luck on your costume!

Even so, you should at least ask her if there are any other options. And like the other anon said, you could always use work as an excuse.

>> No.7635457

Same anon, but I want to let you know that I take it back. I think that it being her special day is an even bigger reason to back out. It would be pretty shitty to pretend to be this persons friend and then cut ties immediately afterwards. She will have all of these wonderful memories of her wedding and the sting of regret knowing that someone there (who may or may not be in her photos) secretly didn't like her and was going to ditch her afterwards. This is just my opinion, but don't go if you're not going to keep being her friend.

>> No.7635459

i feel you. i too am an ex-cutter, and yeah it bothers me to see what ive done every day but it will get easier. are you doing any sort of therapy? also pro-tip: don't listen to what some assholes on here will say to you. strength is there within you.

>> No.7635497


Your bf caught the gay

>> No.7635509

what thread? hungry for dramu

>> No.7635555

I just emailed you, anon!

>> No.7635630

>Idk if he wants to fuck me

You said you were attractive though?

>> No.7635634
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> tfw gettin' married in 75 days
> bought a vintage veil pattern
> 5+ other sewing projects to get done

Heeerrreee we go now.

>> No.7635650


Try watching some baseball

>> No.7635662


I hate sports.
I went to an all boys school and even then couldnt get into sports.

maybe I need to find a girlfriend or something.damn.

>> No.7635673
File: 860 KB, 499x336, the-last-unicorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are no lolita comms in my area
>the lolita comms for my whole state have all been presumably dead for at least 3 years now
>the only ""lolita"" related thing left is a cafe held at a local convention for people who buy an expensive pass with it included as a bonus but there is nothing actually lolita about it
>The people who attend it are mostly just regular anime fans with extra pocket money
>not even the waitresses are dressed in lolita yet the event is deceptively named a "lolita tea party"
>I'd rather not start a comm myself since I've tried starting a cosplay group before with another fandom but it went badly
>what happened with it was out of my hands but it taught me that some of the people in my state are actually really horrible people
>tfw maybe it's better to just be lonely and talk to lolita anons than deal with IRL gossips, thieves, and tumblrinas.

>> No.7635675

go innawoods/innabush
go swimming
go hiking
go cycling
do a giveit100 challenge
whatever you do, don't just sit in front of the computer like a lil bitch

>> No.7635740
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>Be barely 5'0 tall, female
>On top of that huge hips & thighs
>Can't seem to diet like a normal person, either eat normal amounts of food and stay chub or eat nothing
>Even at lowest weight of 95 lbs still was grossly chub
>Gained 10 lbs since then
>tfw forever pig disgusting

It's pretty depressing to realize you'll never like how your body looks. I just wish I could at least slim down and look slightly less disgusting.

>> No.7635742
File: 1.39 MB, 1400x3296, 1402624190048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shortstacks are hot

Assuming all the fat is proportioned the right way, along with a decent face/etc

>> No.7635743

just intake less calories than you eat, without starving yourself. You could also take up some kind of sport or physical hobby; its way easier to lose weight when you're enjoying the activity

>> No.7635746

>tfw klk ryuko cosplayer who wants a qt mako cosplayer to grab her boobs for a pick
>doesn't know any mako cosplayers and doesn't want to creep anyone out

>> No.7635749

I'm going to AX as Mako and would gladly grab your boobs.

>> No.7635770

thanks! but unfortunately not going to AX.
what other cons do you go to, purely out of curiosity?

>> No.7635776

>on Facebook of some "personality" in the geek community
>person made some post about cosplay
> claims threads are posted on /cgl/ about said person. Ridiculing and humiliating said person.
> been on here for a few years
> never ONCE seen a thread or post about person
> eyes are so far back in my head I think I lost them

Idk why but that really irritated me.

>> No.7635784

>tfw all cosplay friends are either really dramatic or really flaky
west coast cosplayers please be my friend

>> No.7635790

Kumoricon and Newcon for this year. Maybe Sakuracon next year, but that's iffy. What about you?

>> No.7635796

just sacanime and fanime are for sure right now. thinking of looking into some other cons, which of those do you reccommend the most?

>> No.7635807

Well, that's a tough one. Kumoricon is the older con but could be argued to be slowly getting worse over the years; however, I have no problem with it other than the fact they split the events and panels between two hotels (no convention center). I still find it to be a very fun convention.

Newcon on the other hand has only been running for two years now but is run by some fucking awesome people. They're moving the con to the Double Tree in Portland, which was the best location Kumoricon ever used in 2008. Thus expanding the convention and adding much more content. Keep in mind that Newcon is a pop culture type convention, so it's pretty much an anime/comic/movie/video game convention, not just anime. But I totally recommend it, as it's only getting better each year.

What's your review for Sacanime and Fanime? I've heard Fanime is a good one!

>> No.7635815

thanks! just might have to attend one of those.
sacanime is a lot of fun, partly because there's more of a local feel to it. people are generally really sociable and nice. badges are reasonable, dealers hall is great, overall a really great con imo.
fanime's really great, too. i don't know if you've heard about the previous years' "linecon" but it was horrible. in 2013 i waited in line for 4+ hours prereg. however, i don't know how they did it, but there was literally no line when i picked up my badge this year. anyway, really fun con with lots of cool people. my only complaints are that some of the con is quite spread out (it's partially held at a hotel or two), and i've run into some really creepy guys. basically, don't go alone and it's a great time.

>> No.7635834

UGH. I accidentally pressed backspace and it took me back to the catalog, erasing my response. Anywho, I'll definitely have to look into those!

Good luck on finding a Mako to grab your boobs! I'm sure you'll find one!

>> No.7635842
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I'm too insecure to fucking live and I know it's all so unfounded. I'm just so used to not being allowed to feel good about myself that I think I'm now the thing that's holding me back in life.
>have wanted to get into lolita since I was a teenager
>mid 20's now
>lurk lolita threads
>the self hating starts no matter what
>oh I could never look good in these dresses, I'm too tall
>multiple body guides posted a day
>I've measured, I've looked, I know deep down in side I'm an hourglass figure
>no that's like what people normally desire, I don't think I'm that one I can't be. I'm not allowed to be anything decent.
>friends actually tell me constantly they're jealous of me and hate me for being able to eat whatever I want and still maintain my "figure"
>oh... T-thanks, I guess.
>try to feel confident about all these things.
>try to dress up in even anything nice and go anywhere
>end up cancelling plans every time and sitting in my house crying worried about what other people would've thought of me if I'd have gone.
>won't buy pretty lolita dresses because I'm worried I'm just gonna end up spending hundreds of dollars to sit around and cry in those too.
>just sit around looking at them online for EIGHT YEARS.

I know deep down that I'm not the most unfortunate person that ever existed but I just can't bring myself to feel good regardless. I always freak out and start self hating and I feel so pathetic.

>> No.7635844
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>> No.7635846


Girl, please tell me you live near Toronto, we will take you out and make you feel awesome.

>> No.7635862

Right country, wrong province. I'm in Victoria, BC. I want to meet and hang out with some nice Lolita's but I'm nervous and don't own anything yet. I've been trying to convince myself to finally buy at least one outfit, so I might be able to get involved with some like-minded people and have some fun without worrying about everything.

>> No.7635953
File: 56 KB, 253x248, aghast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working on cosplay with too many cut outs
>try to adjust one, the other warps

i wish i knew better before taking this project on

>> No.7636006

I feel like this. I don't ever really go out with friends because my area is full of meth addicts.

I am a stone's throw from fucking LA, but what am i going to do, just bus down there and do nothing? I don't have any friends in the area or anything.

>> No.7636015

find a damn hobby that will keep you happy and motivated. quit your terrible job unless it's a means to an end. the best thing to happen to me this year was blacking out, crashing my car into a tree, and going to jail cause it woke me the fuck up and made me realize i want to LIVE. life is 100% better now. your life sucks? make it better

>> No.7636019

I feel you Anon. I'm in a similar boat. I've been into Lolita since high school but never had the money to be part of the fashion due to illness. I've saved hundreds of pictures of dresses but never been able to buy anything. If you have the money, don't let anything stop you from getting things that make you happy. I'm also in B.C. btw. Okanagan area though. I've wanted to find out if there are any people interested in Lolita in my area, but my anxieties about it have been holding me back. I know there is a community in Vancouver.

>> No.7636022

Not a lot of costly options for short slim dudes

Should I go as yusuke from yuyu hakusho or rosarch for AX, by the way?

It's either of the two , since they're the most recongnizable

>> No.7636029

I completely agree. Somebody who I thought was my best friend (and was even my bridesmaid) completely cut me off after my wedding. It really hurt afterwards.

>> No.7636042

If you have a young but cute face you could be my husbando Edward Elric

>> No.7636043

Yusuke! Please be Yusuke! All my nostalgia, please!

>> No.7636064
File: 1.58 MB, 520x213, 1346236543603.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw when my little sister wants to cosplay with me
>She loves Madoka so she chooses that to cosplay as
>I like Kyouko anyways so this is perfect

But.... I'm extremely scared because these past years I've become a complete shut in and ive gained a bit of weight, I wouldn't say really fat but, chubby. Though the problem is she is a very thin girl. My little sister. Standing next to her will make me look like a beluga. I have never been so self-conscious about my weight as ive been these past couple months. I want to lose weight of course but, I'm pathetic and can't get over the depression and anxiety to go out and work out.

She like wears a 00. Next to her I really am a whale. I'm going to do it either way to make her happy but, I'm feeling really anxious I won't lose the weight by then.

TL;DR I feel like a whale next to my little sister who I want to cosplay with.

>> No.7636071

usually little sister's run in smaller sizes though?

I would encourage you to work out anon!
>feel so much better mentally and physically >moar confidence
>moar energy

count calories...stuff

what size are you anyway

>> No.7636085

I haven't honestly been shopping at a store in America in a long time as I order most my stuff from Rakuten. I can wear a M in most stuff there though.

I think weight and height would probably be easier to explain. I'm 5'9 and weight about 140 right now. I'm pear shaped so its mostly in my thighs. I'm getting into horse therapy soon to help with some other issues I have so I'm hoping that will be the start to me being able to go outside frequently and moving around as when I was active a couple years ago I was about 120 so 20 pounds lighter.

Yeah they do, she just happens to be very very thin still. I'm just scared of what I'll look like in photos with her. She is 8 years younger than me and only 13 so it's understandable.

I think its mostly me being weirded out because all my life I've been picked on as being the anorexic girl. (I was a stick until I was 18) Now I feel like it's the opposite way around. Sorry if Im incoherent as I have been drinking a little bit tonight.

I really do want to work out though, I think it would be a great way to get ride of my anxieties and anger issues.

One last thing, I think te hardest part would be the dieting part as I said before I was always the stick thin girl who could eat anything but now as I'm getting older you know how your body changes and your metabolism is changing. I need to learn new good habits to get rid of the old bad ones. Thank you for the reply btw.

>> No.7636094

You're not fat. And your sister is still a kid. She won't even have finished puberty. There's no point comparing your body to hers and people who look at you will see the age difference and stop there.

>> No.7636102

I know how you feel anon and I'm going to use this opportunity to share my story.
I'm massively tall so I can't afford any extra weight as it shows awfully. I was generously chubby as a kid and when I was about 12-13 (around 5'8-9" then) I had a breakdown to my mum about how much I hated it. I lost about 13-15kg over that summer. I got down to what was a healthy weight range but I still felt fat.
People told me I was looking good which made me feel worse because it meant I did have a problem before.
I'm now 16, 6'1" and I still hate the way I look. I mean I'm not massive and I can hide it pretty well but I'm still cubby, I have amazing long legs and I'm decently attractive so I know if I got down to my goal weight I know I'd look fantastic. I've tried all sorts of diets and exercise but nothing will work as last year I found out I have a hormone problem that will make it an extremely long and difficult process to get to my goal which makes it seem almost unachievable.
I'm not going to my school ball this year because I'm afraid of sticking out like a sore thumb.
>"who let Sasquatch wear a dress"
I'm self conscious all the time, I hate going out with all my friends who are short, cute and skinny. Going clothes shopping is a nightmare, the style that I have and the style that I want are completely different because nothing fits my awkward height, I've been wanting to get into lolita or cosplay cute girls for years.
I know this may seem insignificant to what some of you poor anons are dealing with but I just needed to vent somewhere.

>> No.7636108
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I realize that very much. Though i do look younger than my actual(they assume i am around 14-15) age but, I'll try to stop sulking and try to do something about it. Thank you, I don't know why but, your message somehow made me feel a bit better.

*donno which reaction image i just chose but too wasted to care, in stupid drunk it means, ily man*

>> No.7636118

>post about wanting to fuck fictional character
>"oh my god [x] that is fucking disgusting he is like 5 years older than you and not real and you're fucking disgusting i bet you'd fuck any [character] cosplayer you saw regardless of looks"

i'm tempted to reply in depth about what i would do to said fictional character just to piss this person off.

>> No.7636160

Where abouts are you?

>> No.7636163

Shit anon, it's not that bad for me yet but when it gets to the finals I know it will be. Maybe we should both go away from home for those days.

Why is dota so fucking dull?!

>> No.7636168

How are you ill? What gets in the way of it?

>> No.7636172

That is very sad to hear. What is your disability if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.7636179

Do it anon. You should never be ashamed of your love for your husbando.
Unless that husbando is shit ofcourse.

>> No.7636223
File: 15 KB, 194x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my husbando isn't shit, but the cosplays are. I'm more offended that they insinuated that i would fuck someone like this.

>> No.7636235
File: 288 KB, 774x1032, kazuhira_miller_from_metal_gear_solid__pw_by_jarwes-d4qjd78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

non-ant picture in all of it's even more horrifying glory

>> No.7636241


I don't watch Sailor Moon so I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for. If it's the wrong one, I'll keep looking.

>> No.7636254

>tfw trip
>only trip occasionally
>feel everyone hates me at meetups

>> No.7636257

Gurl, just go buy something and see how it goes. Dont go for anything too expensive, but get a cute dress that someone is selling 2nd hand and see how you feel. If you still arent sure, then your investment was quite small in it.

>> No.7636269

Are you ladies me? My boyfriend was practically made for me, he's so sweet and understanding and smart and we're going to get married and have all the babies and he'll be the best dad etc etc.

But a few days ago this dude, who I had a gigantic raging crush on for years before I met my husbando, asked me to have lunch together. I've only recently started coming out of my shell and the guy just realized we have nearly all of our interests in common and click very well, so now he wants to meet up and nerd out together and be bffs. I have more in common with this guy than anyone else I know (even husbando) and getting close to him could potentially give my career an amazing boost as well.
I want to meet up and just have a good platonic relationship with this guy, but my old feelings are already flooding back in and I feel so guilty just thinking about it. It doesn't help that husbando is (probably) aware that I used to have a crush on this guy and can get a bit jealous sometimes.
I have like no friends right now. This is an opportunity for an amazing new friendship but everything is so complicated because of FEEELINGS ughhhh

>> No.7636281
File: 7 KB, 429x410, 1352749396214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw doctors appointment today
>didn't remember time correctly, thought it was 11:40 but in fact 11
>no way i'll make it in time now by bus
>gotta call taxi

my precious brand dollahs...

>> No.7636284

Just don't go to the fucking wedding. If you don't want to, you shouldn't have to, especially if you don't even like this chick. Tell her to invite her real friends. Her bridesmaid probably dropped out because she was an annoying bitch.

Anon made it sound like it just had a cold, that happens, it's not chronically ill. What's wrong with you?

>> No.7636288

>5' tall and 95 lbs
>grossly chub

Anon is there something wrong with you? That's a perfectly healthy / slightly under weight. Maybe you just have issues with how you see yourself.

>> No.7636289

Anons, I've been losing too much weight lately and it kind of scares me.

I'm 5'2, 32-26-33. Just about a month ago I was floating around 98lb, but now I'm suddenly at 93lb.
93 kind of scares me, I'm definitely going into the underweight zone.
I'm eating fine and I never fucking exercise, so I don't know where it's going?


>> No.7636295

You're probably actually not eating as much as you need to be. Try eating noticeably more (still stick to relatively healthy stuff) for 2 weeks or so and see if that helps. Your metabolism could have changed.

>> No.7636296

>parents don't like lolita
>don't like anything that isnt 'normal'
>sister keeps seeing my dresses
>starting to really like it
>parents fucking hate classic, and she's startin to like sweet
>they hate me for it
>I love it

I'm going to buy her a bodyline kid's dress for Christmas, I think. She's only 10 and she's thin as a rail, so no real dresses will fit her, but I think she'll really love it.

>> No.7636304

Anon I feel the exact same way about drunk people. I guess it's because I have Aspergers and sober people are unpredictable enough for me to deal with, so drunk people are truly terrifying. It doesn't help that public drunkenness is pretty much socially acceptable and "they're just having fun lol whatever cut loose nerd" even when someone is straight up destroying someone else's property. Even if I'm trying to be as neutral as possible in explaining why I don't want to be at a party where people are drinking it's like anyone who doesn't love alcoholic beverages is the devil. People have insulted me over this. I just don't understand it.

Talk to your therapist about it, they can probably help you the best. Irrational or not, if you truly feel unsafe about your own living situation you should be able to do something about it so you can feel safe again. Does your roommate know about your phobia?

>> No.7636372
File: 955 KB, 300x162, 1330231434347.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be wearing lolita for 4+ years now
>suddenly have this really sinking feeling that I don't look good in my outfits
>want to dress up so bad but not sure if I'll like how I look
>boyfriend tells me he doesn't really like Lolita but doesn't care about me wearing it, I can do what I want
>thought he liked it at least a bit, guess I was wrong
>bf also says that I have a very different personality when wearing Lolita, like I'm two people at the same time
>I just have thicker skin when wearing it because else I'd pay too much attention to the stares and mocking
>feel bad about seeming different from usual
>really low self-esteem atm
>almost crying sometimes because it used to make me feel so pretty and now I'm semi-scared of wearing it

/cgl/ halp. I think I need someone to talk to. I feel so sad and I know that it's probably petty, but I'm really upset by it.

>> No.7636374

my bf don't like most of the things I like. I know that feel, when we began dating he was like "oh I love everything, I can help you making some cosplay, I'll even go to cons as a couple cosplaying". Nowadays he just tell me: "it's fine, do what you want and don't ask me".

>> No.7636427


Women bitch how bad their boyfriends are
Men bitch how they can't find a companion and are lonely.

Cry me a fucking river girls, you have someone who is dedicated to you and supports you and you act like it's the end of the fucking world when he doesn't have the same level of interest in playing dress up as you do.

>> No.7636432
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>> No.7636437
File: 121 KB, 400x388, 045892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different Anon, but I do share the feel of having a husbando with shitty cosplayers.
The only one who's even done the wig right was a short pudgy girl.

>> No.7636446

*tips fedora*

>> No.7636452

Man, I am about to post something with this exact problem. I tried to green text this, but it didn't work. Sorry for the wall of text.

My bf and I have known one another for ages. In high school he was a typical anime/game fan and he even cosplayed a few times. Then, he started hating cons and anything even remotely like that because he didn't want to be lumped in with socially inept people. But, I continued to cosplay because I really like to sew and craft.

He doesn't hate what I do, but if I do things that seem nerdy to him he makes fun of it. He obviously doesn’t go to cons with me anymore which I honestly don’t mind, but he puts down the friends that I go with and I can’t talk about fun things we did there because inevitably he’ll start being judgmental.
Another thing that pissed me off recently was when I was replaying Dragon Age. He made fun of me any time he saw me playing for doing a romance. He romanced someone in that game, too, but no, when I do it, I'm being a pathetic fujoshi? Come ON. I'm getting really sick of it and when I told him that he needs to stop hating everything I like, he laughed it off and thought I was being overdramatic to be funny.
I’m really frustrated at how much of a hypocrite he’s being right now.

>> No.7636454

>Want to host a J-fashion drink and draw+art swap meetup
>Younger members bitch because "too young"
>They make up most of the comm
>Consider to change it to a "devour and draw" and we can have a picnic
>Older members bitch because "get these kids off my lawn"
>Now I want to just close this off to my much closer friends because nobody wants to compromise
>tfw when I only have 1 J-fashion friend who I consider close

>> No.7636458

This means he only said he liked cosplay and the stuff you would like only to flirt. Many people do this during dating and when you know how they are in reality, it's so disappointing. Better they are sincere for what they like before to start a relationship but not everyone does that, unfortunately.

>> No.7636459
File: 117 KB, 1047x775, 74342537684653078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's okay anon, maybe we should start up a group.

>> No.7636478

Hi anon! My sister has scoliosis (as well as the same bodytype as you), and assuming she has the same type of brace as you, I'm guessing you need
>cosplay that isn't too tight that would reveal brace
>no midriff
>easy access to brace incase you need to remove it (so no dresses, catsuits etc)
>elasticated waistband maybe? (although that might just be my sister being a prissy motherfucker)

I'm thinking that you could get away with most seifuku, lots of touhou characters, and anything that has a big coat. Maybe find some gijinkas and modify them to work around the brace? Most people don't notice anything as most people have no clue about scoliosis.

Good luck anon!

>> No.7636492

he has become a soulless casual, sry for your loss

>> No.7636502

Me too, anon. Mine is from a fairly un-cosplayed series, and there's one decent cosplayer who doesn't into my husbando's OTP. Everyone else is just a manlet.

>> No.7636504

Why not just have a BYOB picnic?

Everyone gets something they want.

>> No.7636509

This is literally what's happened. God forbid he be unironically excited about something 'nerdy.'

>> No.7636539

>tfw best cosplay friend is obsessed with steampunk versions of characters
>"anon, let's do steampunk [insert anything we talk about here]"
>starting telling her about an original gijinka-type idea with a show girl look
>want it to be a matching group
>"okay, but i'm going to make my dress look different"
>"and i'm going to add some victorian influences"
>"basically i'm just going to do it like steampunk lol"

I've already told her I don't want to do steampunk fucking everything, and I don't know how to say "no don't ruin my group idea with this bullshit, if you insist i'm uninviting you" without hurting her feelings or coming off as a demanding little princess over my precious cosplay idea. She'd just look so fucking stupid if everyone else agreed to match the way I'm picturing it, and she's a close friend so I really want her there, but she's so fucking stubborn and special snow-flakey sometimes.

>> No.7636547

>join local lolita comm over a year ago
>went to first meet ita as fuck wearing a handmade skirt and a ruffly secretary blouse
>wardrobe is growing constantly, as are my coording skills
>girls notice, start making comments about how great my coords are
>"you'll start to make us look bad"
>that barely concealed jelly

What the fuck do I do though? I love this fashion and love meeting up with them, but I'm starting to get nervous that my growth will alienate me in the end.

>> No.7636560

If your body looks good, and you're comfortable with, why worry about the weight? Ladies these days are too focused on the pounds rather than how they look in the mirror. Stop looking at the gotdamn scale.

>> No.7636563

I have a friend who is similar with cosplay and frequently alters huge elements of costumes because "lol i like it better this way". I've just learned to accept it, have fun with her, but be sure to get photos alone and try to find other people cosplaying the same thing accurately to get photos with them. With everything else, just let it go and know what to expect from her, but for your original idea, try to express your vision fully and get across how important it is for everyone to match. Tell her she can do whatever she wants with the idea on her own time (if that's okay with you), but that you really want her to be aesthetically similar to everyone else just this one time.

>> No.7636581
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Anon with the roommate problems from the last thread.
I'm beginning to worry that my ex-flatmate and the girl who subletted my room (to whom I was introduced by my ex-flatmate) are trying to pull one over on me in some way.
I had arranged for the girl to leave the keys to my apartment in the bottom of the mailbox on the day that she left so that I could pick them up later that day, but when I went to get them, they weren't there. Greentext from here on out because I'm lazy:
>contact flatmate (via SMS) and girl (via email)
>flatmate never responds, girl emails me back a day later
>"I felt weird doing that, anon. I figured I'd mail them back to flatmate"
>never contacted me before changing her mind
>why the fuck would you mail them back to my flatmate?
>a bunch of my shit (including some dresses I had stored in a closet as well as furniture) still in the apartment
>mfw I'm supposed to be leaving the country in less than a week and need to get that shit out of there
>mfw she wants her security deposit back right away but still has the keys, so I can't even check the condition of the room, not to mention might have to deal with a $350 key charge, since my management company will need to change the outer lock of the house as well as the lock to my apartment and give everyone new keys

The girl also never contacted me and would always go through my flatmate and seemed really sketchy when we met in person. I am ever more tempted to fuck over my roommate, if she's not already fucking me over.

>> No.7636617

>tfw you spent more money than you intended to in the last week

it's not really bad, I bought aprox 12 items that were all between 20-50 dollars, but the guilt is still lingering

>> No.7636640

I like this guy at work.
I don't know what to do. I was super fat and awkward in high school, and I have horrible self image. It's really bad. I've lost a lot of weight but still have zero self confidence. I'm really bad with boys, well straight boys. Every guy friend I have ever has turned out to be gay. All of them. Every single one and I now I don't even know how to talk to straight boys with spazzing all over the place and wanting to hide.
But I really really like this guy. That rarely happens.
He makes me laugh and is fun to talk to and I think maybe just maybe he likes me too.
But I also think eh way too good looking for me and how can anyone possibly like me.

What do I even do?
I have never wanted someone to like me this bad ever. I've even be happy just being his friend.

>> No.7636661
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I wish I had a group of friends that all got hyped for the same thing.

I always see these groups that are all from the same series and I get so jealous because even poorly done cosplays look so much cooler in a group. Even less favored fandoms like Attack on Titan and Hetalia usually have a group of five or six, and even if their quality is poor, they're a damn group and that's pretty rad in itself.

My group was from the same show once. And it was Gurren Lagann. We have yet to find something else that we all love equally.

>> No.7636728

I know your feel, anon. At most, I only ever have one friend at a time who likes the same thing and will cosplay with me.

Kinda worse feel: when the rest of the group do all like the same stuff that I just can't get into, so it's either cosplay something I don't really care about or get left out of almost every group that the majority agrees on.

>> No.7636757
File: 406 KB, 900x679, sad feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the rest of the group do all like the same stuff that I just can't get into

This feel so hard. It's what's going on right now with my buddies, and I can't bring myself to join them because I just don't like the series enough to cosplay from it.

>> No.7636759

Are you me?

>psych appointment today
>made this over a month and a half ago because they're that booked
>through all my sleeping and crying, I forgot
>woke up at 1 and called
>"Yeah, anon, you should be here at 2pm!"
>yfw it's 1.30
>it's a 30 minute drive
>I dont' have a car
>but I've been waiting over a month and a half for this shit and if I miss it it's gg

I'm so fucking worthless, and I'm thinking I should just kill myself now so I do't even have to worry about this. I just want to get better, but I'm actively sabotaging my chances for that. Sigh.

>> No.7636780
File: 61 KB, 398x400, sad-tobycopy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had a pretty shitty 2 years...
>Graduate 2 years ago
>Work horrible shitty ass job cannot afford burando.
>Boyfriend get depression tries to kill himself, runs away from home
>1 year ago Boyfriend gets really sick shingles/bells palsy
>Won't see me for 2 months as afraid he'll give me chicken pox
>During that time get job 200 miles away
>"Go anon it's temporary and we'll have enough money to move to the city and live together"
>Job is 3D architectural visualizations I want to work in VFX. Am the only person in company who knows 3d keep asking me to do awkward things that can't be done or have no idea how to do.
>Job is in village, middle of no where 1hr by buss to nearest town.
>Had to leave shared car with mum.
>trapped in shitty town, no clubs to join no local groups.
>Decide I'll save to do a graduate degree, maybe will have chance of following dreams then.
>Need scholarship to go this year.
>Apply for 2 scholarships
>Fail first scholarship
>One more scholarship to go...
>Boyfriend now has job near place I want to go to University.

Must not fail scholarship interview, must win it so I don't have to spend another year stuck in this shitty town with a mediocre job miles away from everyone I know or love.

>> No.7636783
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>measurements say I'm hourglass
>look rectangular as fuck
>waist refuses to get any smaller
I guess I can try corset training, but I don't have the money for that.

>> No.7636784

>tfw all I had in common with friends was partying and drugs
>tfw never had a best friend

i'm not into that lifestyle anymore. where do i meet anime con-going nerds when cons are months apart?

>> No.7636789
File: 498 KB, 500x283, 1400291178737.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have insane exhibitionist/voyeurism fetish
>try to have bf do things with me all the time
>he gets sick of it
>tells me not to invite him to do these things
>say it's okay to talk to him about it, though
>just not try to get him to do it
>okay sure
>week or so later
>find opportunity to voyeur
>tell him excitedly
>be extra careful to not invite him or insinuate anything
>"I don't want to talk about this anymore"
>forever sexually trapped

And to make this /cgl/ related, it's been a month since I purchased anything j-fashion. It's a record for me as a shopaholic!

>> No.7636800

Forums, facebook

>> No.7636802

If you are quite slim it tends to be like that even though your measurements say you are hourglass.Waist training is a very drastic option for this, you can just look for clothes that highlight the bust to waist diffrence or waist to hips to give you more shape.

>> No.7636818
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>kinda boyish
>raised by dad who didn't do the whole girls' stuff/boys' stuff thing, was always encouraged to do stuff I like regardless of gender
>into outdoorsy things, hunting and fishing, ham radio
>listen to dad music
>tfw every girl I wanna be friends with thinks I'm a weirdo and tries to avoid me
>tfw guy friends leave me out of their activities sometimes because "it'd be too much for me"
>not girly enough to be a good girl friend but not enough of a trucker lesbian to be a guy friend
>a-at least I have my dogs and my husbando

I just want a friend who likes me and thinks I'm fun ;_;

>> No.7636835

Some guys like tomboys, you just have to meet the right one.

>> No.7636845

Anon, I think they meant they're having trouble making friends with other girls, not that they're having trouble finding a guy. They mentioned they already have a husband.

>> No.7636847

Hey, anon. I'm kinda in the same boat. It's gotten to the point where my future mother in law says that she's disappointed because she's going to have "another son."

If you're cool with having an online friend, I'll be happy to chat with you.

>> No.7636850

>not understanding the difference between husband and husbando
get out

>> No.7636862
File: 224 KB, 400x500, hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gl anon! h-have a hug

>> No.7636898

That sort of reminds me of how I went to a small meet recently and everyone was a bit ita apart from the one girl. I wasn't really sure what to say when they pointed out that I was the only one wearing any brand/not bodyline.

>> No.7636920
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>wig apparently arrived two weeks ahead of schedule
>never got a notification for it
>post office doesn't have it
>forwarded to supervisor; supervisor wasn't the right person to call; she calls the city supervisor to have him/her to get with me
>that person never called
>missed their call this afternoon; calls 7 times + called the 1-800 number, but there are high volume incoming calls

>8 days until AM
>I don't want to cosplay anymore

>> No.7636924
File: 931 KB, 500x230, regret-everything.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted too soon

>also sees big-ass paycheck
>still waiting for badge
>unsure how to travel to AM at the moment
>not going to the tea party
>not participating in maid cafe or modeling
>already paid for the room
>don't really want to go to the con anymore

>> No.7636926

Like what the hell do you say to comments like that? It just makes me feel awkward as fuck and breaks my heart. I became active in the fashion to get started in a social hobby, but it appears only mediocrity is appreciated.

If you're ita as fuck nobody wants you around, if you're too well dressed nobody wants you around because it makes them look bad. It's a lose-lose situation.

>> No.7636940

>Want to go to first con
>One in two weeks
>Kind of anxious
>Have no friends to go with

>> No.7636945


If I may rant some more, another problem I have is that I really kinda am boring, when you look at it. I don't drink, smoke, I don't like sleeping around, am absolutely allergic to parties and loud music and can honestly see why people avoid me, but it's not something I can help. I feel like that boring aunt everyone has that babysits you every once in a while and has no candy for dessert except prunes.

Also my mum keeps calling me "unladylike", but her idea of "ladylike" is sitting indoors, sipping coffee and talking about haircuts and fashion trends and never lifting a finger. That's fucking dumb.

Yeah, I didn't mean actual husband... I wish.

>> No.7636954

Exactly, that's what I was thinking about after I already commented on it. I took it back because I would absolutely dread being in that bride's position.

I'm one of the original anons, and I feel you so badly. I still sometimes crush on my old crushes but I know my boyfriend is dedicated to me, and doesn't even look at other women. It's great for me, but I feel bad for him because I tend to look at other men. I just appreciate though, I never make a move on them. But if the want to compliment me and be nice to me, I'll take it. But again, nothing more than that.

My question to you, anon, is do you think a relationship with this other guy would be better? Because I know after being in this relationship with the perfect guy for years, I do sometimes wish we had more in common than we do now. But I can't exactly force him to like the things I like.

Do it. While your parents may hate it, it'll be a great bonding experience with your sister, and that's all that matters.

Anon, I'm sure you look great in your outfits. Some guys just don't appreciate the style as much as we do, and that's okay. Guys can get freaked out by even the littlest of things because girls have a much broader range of styles and clothing they can wear than guys.

Dump him. He shouldn't be making fun of you for what you enjoy, especially if he does the same thing. If it's playful, fine, but he seems to be doing it in a rude way.

Good luck, I'm crossing my fingers for you~!

>> No.7636975
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>be ugly with hair pulling problems
>be too dark so everyone makes fun of me
>finds cosplay to help me with confidence
>people I know hate cosplays and think it's autistic
Welp, there's that.
Also, I want my hair to stop falling and I want to stop pulling my hair

>> No.7636989

>Getting stuff prepped for Otakon
>Decide to ask gf if she wants to come, she says yes.
>She wants to cosplay too, so now we're going as a pair
>We're staying with her grandfather so we don't have to pay for a hotel
>tfw shit worked out perfectly this year.

>> No.7637004

I wish that show "I didn't know I was pregnant" never happened because now I always worry about being pregnant for stupid reasons.
I mean, I even got my period and I STILL worry, because some dumbfucks online claimed they got theirs while pregnant and I have no clue if they're just full of shit and just have light periods and got implantation bleeding confused. Jfc.

>> No.7637009

Will feel that feel very soon

>> No.7637011

>going to convention
>boyfriend's parents live near by so we stay with them for a few days too
>Go to uncle's home for dinner with some cousins
>I'm a special snowflake, don't eat red meat and I'm lactose intolerant
>Turns out we are having burgers
>Make sure to tell who is cooking, there are real vegetarians there so I'm sure I'm having what they are having
>Food is served
>They plop a fucking cheeseburger on my plate
>wut. this is the thing, the thing I do not eat
>ask if maybe there is a mix up? veggie burger please?
>No anon
>Oh ok whatever, get a bun and some lettuce and a tomato
>everyone makes a big deal about me not eating what I was offered, like it was some huge inconvenience that I would not eat there meat? They did not give any shit to the vegetarians?
What the fucking hell I talked to who was cooking and the parents if it was so much of a pain to make one more veggie patty I would have brought my own eggplant and grilled it myself, shit
>Just smile and nod and eat flavorless tomato sandwich while being judged
I don't expect people to cater to my special ass but common, what the hell it was fine for them but it is not cool for me?
I'm not even fucking picky I'll eat basically everything that is not those two things?

>> No.7637028

Fucking shit, I did not get fired but I got so much shit when I shattered my leg, I found someplace that did not suck and quit.
I had x rays, doctors notes and a FUCKING HARD CAST. Like really, this cast, it is on my foot, can you not see it you fucking dumb cunt?
I just wanted to have days off for my check ups and shorter hours because wobbling around with a cast for sales was not a fun thing. And they could not do that. I had worked there 2 fucking years and was always in the top five for sales people and they could not give me a fucking day off or a break or two when I needed to shit down. Everywhere else has 10 min breaks, but that place would schedule you 7.5 hours so they could legally get out of giving you a 30 min lunch break ughh.
fuck it has been like 3 years but I am still pissed.
Oh well, I like my job now and I think going for interviews in a cast helped me get job offers.

So best of luck anons.

>> No.7637040

don't bring up my fears anon
you're making me touch my belly thinking there's an alien squirming in it

>> No.7637052


Sometimes, there's a bit of bleeding that last 1-2 days and is much less than a period, which people can still mistake for a period. If you're having normal periods, you should be all right, but it's always good to check. What form of contraception are you using?

Although, yeah, that is my biggest fear as well. I should have done it when I had the chance but fears of being pregnant is the reason why I'm still a virgin. I'm not really proud of that fact either, especially since around me everyone has seemingly popped their cherry at some point, but eh, life goes on.

>tfw a wimp

>> No.7637057

That's what I thought but some women still claim otherwise. Mine is very heavy and lasts like 8 days so how could it be anything else? But I'm having the weirdest stomach pain, almost like kicking. And I feel so fat lately. I use condoms and they never break or anything. It's probably a side effect pf medication but idk.
Luckily I'm pro-abortion, but I'm still worried about being too far along by the time I know for sure

>> No.7637069

Well, "not liking red meat" isn't the same as being a vegetarian. Though theres no excuse for the cheese and its shitty to tell you they wouldn't give you one then do it anyway.
Also, you convinced me to get a cheeseburger for lunch. Thanks for that.

>> No.7637077
File: 1.15 MB, 207x151, going ham.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive always wanted to do a group cosplay but no one can agree on one fucking anime
Our group is going to be a clusterfuck of anime this year

>Sora from NGNL
>Zero from Vampire Knight
>Arnold from Hey Arnold
>Blackbeard from One Piece
>possible AoT character (I doubt my friend even has the time to do it now though)

>> No.7637143

>belittling your hobbies
>acting like a jealous infant over a game
>gaslighting you

Dumpworthy for sure.

>> No.7637178
File: 1.09 MB, 200x150, FEAR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>get invited to an exclusive social networking community by my friend
>>she trusts me a lot, apparently enough to introduce me to these people she likes very much
>>it's all girls and gay guys, I'm a straight white male
>>tentatively introduce myself and try to be cute, they seem to like me, all is well
>>I figure it's just some cute gossip community or whatever where people hang out
>>I was wrong
>>they post tons of seminude photos regularly, looking for tips, showing off new bras, etc
>>constantly divulging extremely fucked up personal information, asking for advice, venting
>>drunk stories about their lives everywhere
>>everyone constantly talking about sex
>>a few members post links to anti-white or anti-male blogs
>>mfw I was not prepared for this

What's a guy supposed to do? So far I just comment on the normal stuff and ignore the bits where they talk about their undies or whatever, but I feel like it's making me stick out even more by pointedly ignoring those things. I also feel like it's not my place to comment on that stuff though, even if I can think of a funny joke or nice compliment, because they're probably used to a female-only space and would feel uncomfortable if I changed that dynamic. I haven't felt this awkward since highschool, /cgl/!

>> No.7637207


Check out the hot girls pics, ignore it otherwise?

Who gives a shit about a random internet community. You aren't obligated to post or read it.

>> No.7637209

it's not like you're forced to participate, right? just stop posting. it's the internet. that is, unless you're trying to make your friend happy. tell her what you told us, how you feel uncomfortable and out of place.

>> No.7637239

>tfw your face definitely has a good side
>like, one side is noticeably better-looking than the other in photos
>tfw all your cosplay photos look similar because you can only work about three angles without looking like a troll

>> No.7637277

I have Ulcerated Colitis, it's similar to Chrones. It's severity has kept me from going to school or holding down a decent job. If I get too stressed I end up bleeding internally. I'm still able to live a normal life for the most part but it's really limited my finances, so Lolita has never been something I've been able to afford. I'm finally doing better in the last year and I want to go back to school or training to get a well-paying job.

>> No.7637283

Not that anon, but I feel you on that. I have IBS, so relatively not that bad since there's no risk of permanent damager, but I've become sort of shut in since I'm so worried about food choices and bathrooms all the time...

>> No.7637322

this thread is on auto-sage

>> No.7637339


Literally my friends and I at every con. I've already told them that I'm willing to do something together with them that they like and I'll just catch up with the anime myself but they can never decide on something.

>> No.7637346

Yeah. It's hard to go out with confidence a lot of the time, when your world revolves around the proximity of a bathroom. It's hard not to let that fear control you. Eventually you just have to say to yourself, "Yeah, I could shit my pants today, but I'm not going to let that stop me from living my life."

>> No.7637390
File: 1.51 MB, 2412x3216, IAMTHELIGHTNING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guys are simple, walk up to him and let him know your DTF

He'll take care of the rest

>> No.7637391
File: 90 KB, 1024x683, MonsterGirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've got a thing for exhibitionism myself, but that is one of those 'over the line' kind of things you usually keep to yourself

>> No.7637405

>>just don't post

I-I hadn't considered that. You're right. I guess "lurk more" is applicable even here. Thanks, /cgl/.

>> No.7637421

A lot of guys are oblivious to the signs unless you tell them straight up you want to fuck.

>> No.7637528

This feel. My waist isonly like 22" and I still feel like I look like a rectangle. I guess it's because my boobs are relatively small, but they're a D-cup, so there's a lot of forward volume but not a lot of horizontal volume, so I don't look hourglass at all.

If I wear a baggy shirt and no makeup I look like a boy ;-;

>> No.7637530

It's not so bad going alone. I went to my first con alone. You get to make new friends at the con!

What your mom does sounds boring as hell. You're outdoorsy? Do you like skiing/snowboarding/hamg-gliding/Hot air balloons/hunting/white-water rafting?

Because those are some really fun, really awesome things to do, and there are definitely people into that. If you like that stuff, you're DEFINITELY not boring in my book.

>God I wish I did those things more.

If you like it, surround yourself with people that either have a neutral opinion on it or are supportive of it (or like it).

I need to stop accidentally saging.

>> No.7637533

>hair pulling

Anon you can't stop by yourself. I've been struggling with this for like 10 years, the only way to stop is behavioral therapy with a phychologist.

I Just want my pretty eyelashes back, but I can't afford the doctors.

>> No.7637534

>had irregular periods
>go on BC
>have sex with BF without condom like 2 weeks after latest shot
>freak out anyway that I might have gotten pregnant

Like there's no chance, I haven't had a period in a month and the shot tends to take a few months for you to be fertile again even if you stop it, plus it makes your uterus inhospitable, plus I had an already inhospitable uterus before but god damn, am I worried.

>> No.7637540

>tell boss I need off in between 2 and 5 PM for a doctor's appointment monday
>can work any other time in the day, open to 2 or 5 to close, whichever, which are both normal shifts for me
>fucking schedules me 11-3
>appointment is AT 3
>had to reschedule twice already because of this shit

Employers just don't care.

>> No.7637654


That's because 'signs' are usually basically nothing. We can't read minds, say what you mean.

>> No.7637690

I've finally cut off a user friend, I still have her on Facebook because she has some of my stuff but we don't talk online or by text anymore and I only see her at big social events.

>Tfw giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders because I'm not trying to hold a friendship together that's doomed for failure.

>> No.7638319

I'd be your friend anon, you can teach me to fish and hunt and I'll take you rock climbing and canoeing.

>> No.7638366

>tfw no new feels thread to feel the feely feels that feel feely

>> No.7638505

>Finally making the jump into Lolita
>So excited, but don't have friends into it
>Try to find local comm via EGL
>One cities comm is not active, my city doesn't have one, and the biggest comm is across the border.

I kind of want to start a new comm here but I myself need to get myself to a Lolita standard so the blind don't lead the blind.

>> No.7638752
File: 252 KB, 640x480, Fat_Boo_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOW THE HELL ARE NYCC 3 DAY TICKETS SOLD OUT?!?! I've been refreshing the page since noon, when they were supposed to be posted. I went to the queue within 30 seconds of them posting it on twitter when the website tickets were SUPPOSED to be on broke. I waited in the fucking queue for OVER AN HOUR. WHAT THE FUCK.

>> No.7638834

Stupid feel, but whatever. It sucks that I support all of my cosplay friends by liking their pages and whatnot and even occasionally liking their content when it shows up on my feed or dash or wherever, but they don't do the same for me. I don't want e-fame or anything, but it'd be nice to have some support from people I'd consider my friends. I'm sure some of them are just happy to have my "likes" or whatever and would never return the favor unless it can do something for them, and that feels worse. Oh well.

>> No.7638844

I HAD them in my cart, site crashed, lost them, then they were sold out. Bought 3 day passes but god was that expensive. FML.

>> No.7638850

*single day passes

>> No.7639088

>CG's thread gets deleted again

I bet she is banned again too. I-i just want chinese drama ;_;

>> No.7639427

I got an outfit photo reblogged on tumblr by someone who's page is full of radical feminism and anti-trans people (specifically MtF) sentiments and I feel uncomfortable that they've connected my face with that as I am trans, although I don't mention it on my tumblr anywhere. I almost want to message them asking them to un-reblog it, but I don't want to cause a fuss and I think it's better to just let it go.

it's a pretty terrible outfit too.

>> No.7639463
File: 42 KB, 736x414, 20be6a418075a6b4b7e03df5653e7960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2014 being overall a shitty year this far
>not getting out enough, social life withering
>cosplays are ever so shitty, feel like I should give up and find more mature hobbies

Out of desperation check ex's profile
>his gf is doing her PhD

we broke up 3 years ago, I'm with someone else ever since

holy shit how retarded am I

>> No.7639550

Radfem and Cissexist? That's one weird ass combination.

>> No.7639710

new thread