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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7623907 No.7623907[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's officially a month until San Japan!

What are your cosplay plans? What guests are you excited for? Meetups? Pre-con drama?

>> No.7623910

Excited for Akira! Gonna try and get a pic of Troy Baker as well. Cosplay plans are all over the place due to procrastinating.

>> No.7623926

I'm not going but that art they used for it in OP pic is beautiful.

>> No.7623933

First year since I started that I won't be able to go. Quakecon ended up being scheduled on the same weekend this year.

>> No.7623934

I'll be alternating between being dressed as Ryuko and being in regular clothes depending on my mood.
But everything else that's not cosplay is ready. This is the first time it's been like this and I've never felt more relaxed at this point before a convention.

>> No.7623945
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Soooooooo excited. I have a few costumes I'm working on, one is Revan from Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, which I'm really excited for. Bought all my supplies for the armor and mask from Home Depot yesterday.

>> No.7623983

I've been working on Kushina and Akari, but I'm bringing back my Miku and Supergirl.
It's my first year and nearly everyone has had nothing but nice things to say about it and also how lovely the area is. :)
I hope all of you get your cosplays fjnished on time. Good luck!

>> No.7624532


>> No.7624690

So ready for this and the lolita events and to meet lolitas from everywhere and to have funnnnn. What are people planning coord-wise?

>> No.7624831

First time coming back in a couple of years.
Gonna bring Seto Kaiba, Dr McNinja and
Referee Mario for my friends Little Mac cosplay.

>> No.7624835
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My fucking nigga.
>tfw nobody will know who Kreia is by the time I'm old enough to cosplay her convincingly

>> No.7625299

At first I was going to do Visas, but damn, I could not deny my heart the chance to be Revan if I was going to drop all the money on a KOTOR cosplay. Revan is literally my neo Jesus. I am so excited about this costume. Everything is coming together much better than I expected.I'm going to be manning a table, so I won't be able to wear the mask the whole time, so I'm probably going to do Sith makeup, with the grey face and veins and yellow eyes and all that, and then wear the mask when I get breaks to walk around and do my thing.

>> No.7625639

I'm splitting myself between cosplay and lolita. I'm going to the tea party on Friday and planning a coord for that...in fact I should probably get back on that.

I'm doing the cosplay show on Saturday so most of my day is taken. I'm not overly optimistic about it this year but I'm doing it anyway because dat stage.

Other than that I'm not sure, I need to pick out another costume to bring besides the one for the show.

>> No.7625893

How is the lolita scene at SJ generally? Because the one at Matsuri was awful.

>> No.7625960
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I was going to make a thread before I found this one, anyways!
>Missed last year
>Been to previous years
>What's changed/changing?

>> No.7625961

oh honestly
and will there be any guests at the tea party on friday? I know angelic pretty will be there, but any people guests coming?

>> No.7626237

this is the first year they've really done anything lolita. In past years the Austin com ran a few panels but last year I don't think they had anything at all.

I'm not sure what to expect myself, but the tickets were cheap enough to take a risk. They aren't charging 40 bucks like AM did.

>> No.7626330

Last year there was lolita 101 and a fashion show, I don't think anything else though.
It's the first year the convention itself has really taken an interest in the topic. Hopefully this year a lot of cool lolitas turn up and we have a blast, at the very least.

>> No.7628140

Bump, come on guys its so soon!

>> No.7628226

No thanks. Con is pretty much old news and lost a ton of support from all over. Have you even seen their forums? Basically just the conchair girlfriend and that one illusion guy that tries to hook up with all the girls posting on there. I should get my pal to post about his work experiences and drama for teh lulz

>> No.7628238

Hi Barry. You feud is well know. No one likes you. Go home.
The forums are dead because everyone moved discussion to a Facebook group.

>> No.7628436

You sound mad. I couldn't give half a shit abt the people running this thig, they are unprofessional and kind of incompetent, we all know this. I go to this con because the attendees are cool and I always have tons of fun, more than I can say for any other TX con.

>> No.7628439

Not him, but know him. Lol. If that is the case he may be more open to air out all the drama in here. From what he told me he is done with cons and nerd culture after being doxed on here.

As for me I am just another nameless photographer/volunteer they screwed over. Plus the con turned into pervert central with guys trying to hook up on the forums that killed them.

>> No.7628607


No idea who you are or your drama, but yes the people in charge have caused problems for many people. They have burned many bridges in the community. Ineptitude and serious lack of social skills hasn't helped either.

The attendees are nearly always nice though.

>> No.7628694

Jerry, is that you?
You need to stop being so buttmad about your shitty cosplay videos.

Con forums are dead period, its not just San Japan, its every con forum. Everyone moved to facebook

>> No.7628708
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>Pre-con drama?

Come on people. Stop prancing around. Tell all, tell everything.

>> No.7628714
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Whats going on in this thread?

>> No.7629170
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Revan anon, started work on my mask today. Gonna do the sanding and finishing work tomorrow, but I'm really pleased with my progress.

>> No.7629174

Blah on mobile, sorry it's sideways...

>> No.7631158
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Revan anon again, keeping this thread alive through sheer willpower. I did the first stages of painting today. The black metal paint ended up being too overpowering, so I'm going to lightly airbrush in some light silver, and then I'm also going to hand paint in some highlights.

>> No.7631161

Also sanding down those rough edges some more.

>> No.7631166
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Another pic in inside lighting, and after the paint had dried better.

>> No.7631230
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Added some white in very quickly, already liking it better. I'll finish touching up the paint tomorrow.

>> No.7631314
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Keep at it anon, looking good! I guess I could post some wip stuff in here, once I start sewing. (finishing up a commission rn)

>> No.7631961
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Disappointed by promised drama.

>> No.7632019

It's just am entitled sperg lord who thinks San Japan owes him something for existing. Nothing especially juicy.

>> No.7632276

San Japan used some dumb fuck kid's cosplay video or some shit, he got mad and sent the internet army after them, no one who matters cares because he's dumb and SJ still fun. Look it up in the archives.

>> No.7632302

if you want the CMV drama:

>dumbass kid thinks he's hot shit because he films cosplayers
>SJ asks to use his vid for promotions
>kid agrees but wants them to use SPECIAL credited version with his shitty logo watermark
>sj waits months, he never sends it
>sj uses via at con, he sees them doing it but doesn't say or do anything
> 6 months later he decides he needs more attention, says sj is infringing on his copyrite and sics a hoard of self entitled cosplayers on the con
>con apologizes and says they will not use any cmvs
>Jerry army throws a shitfit it isn't good enough, Jerry wants the con to continue to use his video but with his watermark
>whole thing basically dies because he has no more fule for his fire

It should be noted this guy used protected music in his vid without crediting the artist, thus doing exactly what he was claiming the con did. He goes by cosplay with me and he looks like a creepy 70s porn star. He comes off as the kind of person that needs to name drop and post a million photos of himself with cosplayers, thinking somehow that makes him cool.

>> No.7632379

But you have the wrong name his name is not Jerry LMAO, however what you just said was the dramu 100% in a nutshell thank you kind anon

>> No.7632461

yes anon, when SJ first apologized they accidentally called him Jerry and his white knight army went ape shit. I like to continue the tradition.

>> No.7632518

Oh ya forgot about that one. Shows how big of a priority it was for them I suppose

>> No.7632541

not sure what you mean by that, but it probably wasn't. They probably made a statement so people would stop spamming the shit out of them, but in the end they wouldn't have really lost anything either way. There is a group of maybe 20-40 self righteous cosplayers and photographers who decided to "boycott" but they were lost either way. Anyone else was going to see the next guest announcement and forget all about Coaplay with me. Its internet mob mentality at its finest.

>> No.7632548

OH my last comment was meant in a satirical sense. Me personally I was going no matter what I have some things I need some people who are going to be there to sign, and not sure when I will have another chance to get them to do so ya know. There was a big facebook war with all of those people like attacking anyone who had an opinion different then theirs as well during the beginning of it as well.

>> No.7632892

So any chance PT is coming this year?

>> No.7632991

I'm really excited this year. The guest list could be better but that has never stopped this con from being the best in Texas. Can't wait to see you all there.

>> No.7633013

Hi yeah, what do you want from me?

I know I have bad stuff to say,not the only one. Dont mean to feed the drama, but look, I don't want to keep being bitter, that spawned bitterness with people I cared for. Been trying to move on, let go and find myself anew. I will regret alot of my actions and how things ended up, I was backstabbed, fucked over, bullied, had to file police reports on people and they are still mad.etc etc I still did a kickass job and helped everyone I could, tried my best to be a good friend, my personal problems effected alot of that. That was then, now, I am doing good. Got help for some problems I had, got a g/f, got a motorcycle, got a job prospect, selling off stuff and trying to pay off my student loans, take care of bills etc. you know, be an adult. I apologize for hurting my friends and hope for them nothing but the best and wish that things could be cool again, but alas, I fucked up too bad with too many people. There is no working things out with people that don't want to work things out, and isn't worth much more of my worrying.

tl;dr i am trying to fuck off, stop fucking with me, don't be like me but don't let them fuck with you, have fun and if you want a friend I am not that hard to find apparently.

>> No.7633110
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Sooo what're you guys cosplaying? Or doing at con?
>Literally anything but this boring dramu

>> No.7633156
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I am going to show up maybe and then go back to drinking downtown San Antonio like my weekends normally consist of. And if I don't make a costume by then then I will just grow out my beard and be ricky.

>> No.7633158

i watched the video it wasnt even good
anyway get over it
im excited for the creepypastas coming again this year it was tons of fun when i went last year
also pumped for angelic pretty and the lolita tea party
currently debating whether or not to enter the cosplay contest, my costume is average but id love to do it for fun

>> No.7633175

Same on contemplating the contest! I wanted to do hall but apparently that's not a thing anymore. :c But I'm a weenie and I don't have contacts so I dunno about going on stage...
What's your cosplay anon?

>> No.7633201

I'm not competing this con. Being stuck in a small room with my ex and her new fiance for several hours is not my idea of fun

>> No.7633233

Lets beat em up.

>> No.7633251

I could or I could just get started on getting trashed earlier saturday

>> No.7633392
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Why don't we get started on friday and just not stop?

>> No.7633405

I do have to be a certain level of drunk for hentai fest friday night for it to be super effective while I am on stage.

>> No.7633413


Only enter if you are prepared to give up 6+ hours on Saturday.

>> No.7633567
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Aw, thank you! This is what I was able to get finished today... Coming to the horrifying realization that I probably made it too huge for my face, but it looks really cool, so I'm probably just going to make the hood bigger than planned to counteract.

>> No.7633971

they stopped running it a few years ago in favor of the "live action" contest. Basically this chick threw a bitch fit when she didn't win an award for her Dr. Who costume in the cosplay contest so now she runs a live action contest to make herself feel better. I wish they would stop running it too, why not just run a regular hall contest with a live action award? They claim there is no interest in hall which is why they switched but why have such an oddly specific contest?

>> No.7634030

Because they originally were going to have both, and the decision to end the hall contest was made independent of the decision to take on the other one.

>> No.7634038 [DELETED] 

You warhammer cosplayers are still crying about losing last year too. Waa waa the transdike judges took a personal vendetta out on jet cause he fucked one of the judges when she was underage. Waa waa.

>> No.7634257

>they were going to have both

That is incredibly unnecessary. What is a live action contest doing at an anime convention anyway?

>> No.7634563

They had had two hall contests in the past, DugFinn ran that video game one, and Airship Isabella had a steampunk contest. Regardless of what you think belongs at the con or not, it's not like this is super different from what they've done in the past.

>> No.7635042

and both of those had abysmal turn outs. Of course I expect nothing short of shit from DungFinn.

Just further suggests that time would be better spent adding some specific categories to a contest that allows for everyone to enter than trying to split the difference. Of course you have low turn out when you have too many options. Everyone suffers for that.

>> No.7635328

Again, wasn't saying it was good or anything, just that it's not out of the ordinary for them to do this.

>> No.7635819

angelic pretty is going to have their own booth, will they be selling lucky packs? or is that just a seasonal thing

>> No.7635823

What material did you use to make the mask? Complete cosplay noob

>> No.7636166

whats so special about sj? im going for the first time and taking a friend for his first con in general.

>> No.7636511

Apparently the attendees and only the attendees. Evennthe staff admit: Guests are shit, panels and events are shit, staff are a buncha pedophiles and creepers, not to mention homophobic conservatives anyway.

And you warhammer cosplayers are still bitching about losing last year. Boohoo TXJet banged one of the judges when she was 15 and she took a vendetta out on all of you. Its cool, get your little mustang asian sugar daddy to win the next contest he judges.

>> No.7636529

>homophobic conservatives
>tons of lgbt/alternative lifestyle panels.

the people that won BIS didn't deserve it. Their work was sloppy and inaccurate. I'm not sure I agree warhammer deserved it, but someone else did.

You seem mad anon, did you have a bad time last year because you are an off-putting neckbeard?

>> No.7636537

I doubt they'll have lucky packs dude, why would they? They'll prolly just have a bit of whatever is lying around the SF shop.

>> No.7636629

I think you're confused.>>7633971 wouldn't be the Warhammer cosplayers, because one of them entered and won an award in that live action contest, and two out of the three of them are quite friendly with the duo who run it. So they wouldn't be bitching about it online from quite that angle.

>> No.7636768

why do people think its warhammer, they specifically said it was a Dr. Who cosplayer.

>> No.7636860

No, >>7636511 is saying that the person bitching on about the Dr. Who cosplayer is the Warhammer cosplayers, which doesn't make any sense at all, and wouldn't be true, because as previously mentioned, they are friends.

>> No.7636922
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Wow anon could you be anymore of a spiteful vindictive bitch?

>> No.7637003

oh, no she came to cgl and threw herself under the bus. Her butthurt was first hand.

>> No.7637197

so maybe it wouldnt be a good idea to buy from their booth?

>> No.7637347

If they have something you want then buy it? Why is this a hard concept

>> No.7637472

yea youre right

so what panels are you all going to on friday? none of the friday panels seem interesting

>> No.7637739

The beta schedule was uploaded today and now I'm properly psyched and in full-on con-mode

If it's open to the public I want to see the SJ Idol tryouts. Whether I see actual talent or cringe-worthy stuff doesn't matter, I'll be happy either way.

>> No.7637825

is that people just singing covers to japanese songs? beause that sounds hilarious

>> No.7638339

might go to con horror stories, hentai fest and the lolita tea.

How is there an entire panel about buying your costume at goodwill?

>> No.7638354

Friends to your face but all gossip and drama behind your back. Especially on here and can do it anon and never be suspected.

Jet fucked the judge that goes by Blitz when she was 15. Mustang was fucking Dezzy Diamond and let her win a cosplay contest. Deal with it.

>> No.7638430

there was no judge named blitz, you are full of shit. If someone fucked a judge it wasn't Jet.

>> No.7638469

Wow anon your bullshit was immediately called out. Stop being insanely sore that your shitty cosplay can't win. What other lies are you going to try?

>> No.7638603

This post is so filled with misinformation, I don't know whether I should laugh or cry. Seb is this you or your fat girlfriend? Still bitter that neither Kitty or Blitz would date you despite how "nice" you were to them, Seb? Purity, are you still angry that your precious animu cons are no longer pure, despite your own hypocritical obsession with ponies?
For outsiders:
Darthseb used to be friends with each of the duo who now host the live action contest, albeit separately, but Blitz distanced herself from him when he wouldn't stop asking her out. He stopped talking to Kitty when he realized that she would never put out for him either. Has proceeded to hate their guts and bad mouth them both behind their backs, and passive aggressively to their faces, for years. Anyways, what this post is insinuating is non-sensical. Even if Jet and Blitz were screwing around when she was 15, which I find highly dubious considering how many 15 year olds I've seen fling themselves at Texas Jet, and how good he is at deflecting them, she is a judge for the live action contest, and has no sway over anything on the main stage. You could see those two carrying water to cosplayers and lining them up and stuff like that during the contest. They have nothing to do with the judging process. So, even if Jet had fucked Blitz, harebrained as that is, she wouldn't be able to hold a grudge against them in the judging process, because she had nothing to do with it. And, as previously mentioned, they are friends, and they gave one of the sisters of battle an award in their own contest. Then... Dezzy?! What the fuck does she have to do with any of this? We all know she is an attention grubbing two faced bitch who utilizes her honey pot to get what she wants, but she has nothing to do with the Warhammer trio. Like at all. That's Jet, that forum user HappyGoldfish, and her sister. What the fuck does Dez have to do with that?

>> No.7638777

They all will literally suck dick over cosplay contests. Then come on here and passive aggressively bitch about people anon and hide it. The warhammers are a couple hookers and jet is a pedo. Kitty and blutz are transfag attention whores. You are just mad over the truth. Keep trying to cover the shit up and deny it. You are probably one of the whorehammer hookers anyway.

>> No.7639152

You sound mad that your were confronted with actual facts.

>> No.7639641

You sound mad I told the truth on an actual pedo, hes "english" its normal to bang teenagers for them, and I called out people for being dramafags. Then they go and admit they are all a buncha circle jerker contestant/judge friends. They win shit and still bitch and act underhanded and samefag posted the whorehammer girls should have won. Just because one has hot tits and the other looks like a tranny you defend them. You can white knight all you want but wont get laid with the insest sisters unless you have the cash or crash space at a con.

>> No.7639717

No, I'm serious. Listen to yourself. You are really worked up about this, and you're pretty much the only one who is. And what you're saying still doesn't make any logical sense.

>> No.7639889

any guests yall are excited for? i dont really know any of them, so im just excited for the vendors/artists alley and the amv and cosplay contest
i wanted to try entering the cosplay contest for fun, but it seems like too much of a hassle, you have to go to prejudging and idk how many other things

>> No.7639906
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Cosplay will probably be Severus Snape and Darkseid. I considered Midna but I'm running panels and she's difficult to wear while carrying around and setting up shit.

Speaking of which, doing three panels:
The Psychology of Nerdery - Psych 101 lesson focused on how fucked up nerds are
Sketching the Human Form: Comic to Chibi - Basically a hardcore drawing lesson teaching proportion and anatomy in different styles
Pokemon Movie Riff - Did a live-riff of Queen of the Damned last year and it was so fun... I hope to have a preview of what to expect before the con because I'm competing with the cosplay show this year. But I'll be in a bigger room this year.

Wish I could say I was excited for guests but not really this year. Not a Silent Hill gamer and whatnot.

>> No.7640002

You only have to go to one of the 3 pre-judging slots and then the contestant line up. It is a time commitment for sure, I didn't get to enter last year but in the previous years I've been in the contest for 6+ hours.

This year is shaping up to be a mixed bag. They have that amazing stage but none of the judges look very impressive or qualified. Of course if you're just entering for fun that probably doesn't matter much to you. Contestants will probably get stuck in a room or cramped in a hallway because of the stage.

>> No.7640004

>any guests yall are excited for?

Akira Yamaoka. I'm waiting 4 hours to get in.

>> No.7640058

yea id rather just watch the contest rather than dedicating 6+ hours to be in it when im only going to do it just for fun, being out of town and all i want to get the most out of the whole con

have fun anon!
im personally disappointed in the guests since i dont really care about any of them, oh well

>> No.7640144

Better than the rehash that A-kon has every year who hasn't had a new guest in 3 years.

>> No.7640255

ouch. really? i didnt know it was that bad. would you consider san japan to be the best con in texas then? i wanted to go to a-kon next year for the first time

>> No.7640301

Yes. I'll say it over and over, yes they are the best con in Texas. Not even CMVfag and his legion of doom could bring down the beast.

>> No.7640660

I would just watch. The theater capacity is huge so unless you really want a good seat I wouldn't even bother lining up. You can probably just walk in when it starts

>> No.7640710

No, you are in denial. Jet is a fucking pedo. Deal with it. The girls he pimps out are lesbo bitches. They came here last year and bitched about not winning with passive aggressive samefagging posts, "I think the whorehammer group should have won.

Of course seagulls are total fucking autistic aspies. Defending a pedo and his cheap whores. White knighting for them wont get you laid you stupid neckbeard. Costs 500 bucks for a night, ir letting them win Ikkicon can get you some of that pussy.

>> No.7640819

Why wouldn't people bitch about who won, people always bitch about who won.

Are you forgetting the last time they won anything at san Japan /cgl/ threw a bitch fit? no one has a boner for any of them, we can just clearly see through your piles of bullshit.

>> No.7640943

A-Kon has its pluses with so much going on. Just don't go for the guests as the people in charge are five years behind the curve. They bring out shitty sci-fi writers, old repeat guests plus hold an academic conference at the same time.

>> No.7641628

honestly if anime matsuri in houston hadnt of been so fucktard stupid with their badge system i would say its the best TX con to go to. that plus the contest prizes?

still unsure about san japan, guess i'll form that opinion this year

>> No.7641634

AM is my main con and this will be my second year at SJ, but I honestly like the latter better. They listen to critique a lot better than AM.

>complain that the Dealer Room at SJ is too small
>they're moving it to a bigger room

>complain that the AM staff are shit
>still shit
>4 years later, they're still assholes

>> No.7641783

dealers are going to be pissed at SJ though. A bigger DR with shit tier dealers means nothing.

Anime Matsuri does listen to feedback, over the years they've made several decisions that directly correlated to attendee feedback, probably most notably their first move out of the woodlands because of the wristband policy.

San Japan has some shitty people on staff too, both cons have their own faults the only difference is that san Japan has managed to stave off having a truly bad year yet. With their rapid growth one is probably just around the corner, they still run a lot of things like a much smaller con.

>> No.7641793

AM didn't move out of the Woodlands because of the wristband policy.

SJ hasn't pissed me off or bored me as badly as AM.

There is something about Texas that makes every convention here relatively crap, though. It's pretty annoying.

>> No.7641822

I guess technically, there were several issues that caused the move but the hotel was definately one of them.

That's pretty much exactly what I said...SJ hasn't had a terrible year yet. They probably will soon and then people will start bitching about them.

>> No.7641971


I agree about guests, but I think the academic conference is neat. I mean it's mostly separate from everything else and it's free with a badge.

I always found scholarly discussion about nerdy topics interesting.

>> No.7642231

whats the academic conference about?

san japan last year was a blast for me, the dealres room and artist alley were absolutely great, there were a loooot of panels to choose from and they always had something to do
completely unlike AM
this year they were super disorganized, not even the volunteers knew where anything was, the jfashion show was like 2 hours delayed, the system to get into rooms was hella stupid
from my experience so far, san japan is funner/has better panels, and AM has better guests (if youre into lolita that is)

>> No.7642388

I know a bunch of us recurring panelists and the SJ staffers are hoping for even more academic panels. I try to do at least one educational one per year now. There's a couple of historical ones this year I noticed. I considered doing one strictly on the Heian period but geh all the research to delve back into.

>> No.7642485
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incoming high quality PHG next month

>> No.7642495

They haven't announced a single lolita guest. It's not even AP coming, it's the American branch brought by Harajuku Hearts.

>> No.7642521

The schedule shows there's an Angelic Pretty Panel so there might be a minor guest hosting that. Honestly, I'm kind of glad the Lolita stuff is small-scale, what with it being the first year it's gotten any kind of attention. I wouldn't want the SJ staff to make promises and not be able to keep them. If all goes well hopefully next year will be better for Lolita.

>> No.7642739

1. She is fat. 2 she has super cellulite thighs, similar to the texture of a golf ball. 3. Bitch and her boyfriend she brags about dominating and pegging are some of the worst drama trolls, both retards of the highest disorder and deserve nothing less than to have their heads fuck started on the street.

>> No.7642862

I am pretty sure Angelic Pretty feels the same way. If this year goes well, Lolita at SJ will probably just get bigger and bigger.

>> No.7643170
File: 43 KB, 524x480, class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you are talking about Anon,
She is the shining image of class

>> No.7643202

Self posting slut more like it.

>> No.7643206

>have their heads fuck started on the street
It's been a long time since I've seen this said. lol'd

>> No.7643211

>what is sarcasm

>> No.7643220

Someone got it thankfully

Truth be told I wouldn't put her above it though.

Shit-stain of a cosplayer, swung by her fb for a good laugh the other day, every other comment was some mid 30 something neckbeard trying to convince her to wear less, plz no, and her eating it up. Also not sure how she manages to get an artist booth every year when all I've ever seen in it is a shit ton of dollar store toys and repainted nerf guns, most of which is probably run by her parents or he aspie "Photographer" boytoy

>> No.7643849

She was home schooled. Home schoolers are always a bit off when it comes to reality and how the real world functions. Also, isn't she like close to 30 and still living with her parents and acting like a total child?

>> No.7644188

Not sure, but wouldn't be surprised. Headcanon accepted as fact. Thanks Anon!

>> No.7644687

hows cosplay progress for everyone?
personally im very behind

>> No.7644770

me too, but I'm hoping to put in some solid work this evening.

>> No.7644790

work has me delayed, i was planning to finish two new cosplays, but ill probably only be able to finish one.

>> No.7645199

I'm waiting on some stuff for one cosplay and still working on another. I feel like I have a lot of time but then I sit down and think about it and it's less than 3 weeks. Oops.

>> No.7645554

Every con this season seems like it's just enough earlier to throw me off kilter, catch me off guard with how much time I have left to prepare for it. I keep feeling like I have plenty of time as well, since I'm expecting it to be in late August like it was last year, but then I remember, no, it's in three weeks, and then on top of that, A Fest this year is when I'm expecting San Japan to be, and I haven't event started prep for that con.

>> No.7645557
File: 430 KB, 960x1280, warioiswatching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm steaming along, about to work on wig (I hate wig styling), made a skirt last night.

>> No.7645560
File: 41 KB, 600x320, shame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also I know, my mirror is dirty it's awful.

>> No.7645636
File: 17 KB, 220x214, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7645647

my new skype icon

>> No.7646141

I got some minor stuff done but then I kinda picked up a few projects for my friends so now I'm seriously behind.

But my last wig just got into Texas so I'm know I can make it!

>> No.7646145

>*so I'm excited because I know I can make it!
Wow, I think it's about time I get some sleep.

>> No.7646146

Oh! Fuckin Wario! Itsssssss ooooon!

>> No.7647180

Are many people going to the tea party? I'm not sure what to expect from it, but I hope it's not wasted money.

>> No.7647420

its sold out, so we'll see. im going, its 20 bucks so as long as i get decent food i wont complain much

>> No.7647499

Yeah, I'm going too and that was pretty much my reasoning. It's pretty cheap so I'm not too concerned as long as I get some food and tea and hanging with other cool lolitas.

>> No.7648774

What do you consider decent tea party food? I'm not sure what to expect.

>> No.7649081

I prefer a mix of sweet and savory so tea sandwiches and pastries. I've had cupcakes and macarons at AM in the past. The year they were in the woodlands was the best.

>> No.7649960

i agree, decent tea, sandwiches and macaroons would be enough for me

>> No.7651434

I hope you mean macarons, and I hope there are no macaroons at this tea party.

Also bump for just a couple more weeks!

>> No.7651496

I for one am not looking forward to rooming with, a specific guy in our circle of friends. A EVERY con we go to, he has a miniature melt down over stupid shit, and he acts like a complete asshole. Without a fail this year he'll do it again, only this time he'll also be drunk.

>> No.7651638

Watercress !

>> No.7651662

and now shes complaining about it on facebook lol

>> No.7651688


She thinks people are jealous of her? All the no class fapbase she has must have gone to her head. How is she going to be famous? Working at McDonalds, bad cosplays, dollar store table, and dating a concreeper?

>> No.7651776
File: 138 KB, 375x375, Icamehere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7651993


I have never heard of her before so I checked her page.

How does she have so many likes when she doesn't make anything and has no pro photos? I mean is it like Jessica Nigiri having more likes over Yaya just for boobage thing?

>> No.7652002

Jessica Nigri has more exposure than Yaya Han. Both are rather cleavage heavy though.

>> No.7652003

Smoker that is a beautiful picture

>> No.7652012


The cosplay contests are always run pretty bad there so I stopped competing after I think SJ:3. But more because I did like giving up 6 hours of my Saturday in a crammed hot room

I stopped going at Mach 5 because of the atteendees. There are a lot of creeps, pedophiles, and general rude people there and security never gave two fucks for convention goer saftey and let them come in even with repeat warnings

>> No.7652027

>There are a lot of creeps, pedophiles, and general rude people
Was this the con in general or a certain area like only the dealers room or only the hotel area?

>> No.7652029

Yeaaah they got rid of the previous cosplay guy. He was god-awful. Seems way better now. I've never run into all the creeps. The crowd seemed pretty average to me.

>> No.7652055

the logistics of things are still the same. I wouldn't say its much better, but I also never thought it wad god awful. Its honestly one of the better contests I've competed in.

>> No.7652059

Yeah, its a pedofest behind the scenes so they try to hide and cover up that kind of stuff to keep it going and avoid responsibility, they wont remove a pass from anybody for anything. Look at the guy that told on some cosplayer in the thread. Had a swarm of defenders and people trying to discredit the whistleblower, just like the cosplay video drama, swarm of staffers and friends defending the con and trying to discredit the complaining party, even inbhere. Dumbass staff still playing good little shills.

>> No.7652066


Hotel during the evening and during the day it was mostly the Artist/Vendor area.

I got really freaked out when I was in a kimono and a guy asked me what color my panties were, con security didn't care since he didn't make a threat.

>> No.7652081

Shame nobody who actually cares or knows what they're doing will volunteer for staff.

>> No.7652100

They've all given up on SJ and started a new convention. The only way to climb the ranks is to suck up constantly and fluff egos. I was hoping to get >>7633013 to tell about his experience over time, but he pussed out. He spoke up last year and got harrassed pretty bad and the con banned him thankfully. LEL

>> No.7652111

Wait, but then what are your personal experiences with it, all I hear are stories of stories.

>> No.7652116

Damn, the buttmad is strong in this thread this year. What's up, Vendetta-chan, care to share with the class exactly what happened to you, or are you content to sit back, call everyone pedophiles and be cryptic about any real complaints?

>> No.7652129

haha my bad!

>> No.7652147

how did they ignore the video? They made a public statement and policy change. What more do you Jerry dick sucking fags need?

>> No.7652169

Ok, so how about a change of subject. Who wants to go romp around downtown during the con? I'm probably just gonna bar hop until I get the liquid courage to stand being around anime faggots again. <3

>> No.7652174

A-anyone care to share cosplay progress? (or planned coords?) I've never seen such an angsty con thread...

>> No.7652179
File: 118 KB, 1024x768, 8438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's who my buddies and I will be goin' as. I need to find a bowling shirt, and watch more than the first season of the show.

>> No.7652194

Stinky bait mate. Rather not reveal myself and have the staffers trying to play private eye and dig up dirt and discredit me to avoid criticism of their actions. Kind of funny when I know all about these people but they dont know about me. They are jumping at old shadows and giving themselves away, pkus wouldn't have much on me regardless.

The policy change just fucks people over further and relenquishes all content rights to the convention. Though contracts don't mean a thing to them. Theyve screwed too many people over they cant guess who.

>> No.7652204

i have yet to post a picture of my cosplays and coords on cgl since i have so much learning to do still, im honestly embarrassed.

>> No.7652214

Yea no fuck that. There's so many Texasfags on here and I don't trip for a reason.

>> No.7652226

you are the snowden of con's we all thank you for gracing us with your insight !

>> No.7652252

For first time con goers a great no drama con is mizumi in San Anton. Akon is great but its a corpartion and well, acts like one. Matsuri has been very hit and miss year to year. The con's st the coast 3 of them I think are all cool since the are at the coast!

>> No.7652260
File: 65 KB, 486x263, ntb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mizumi is a 1 day poorly run mess, but out of the 3 you listed I'd be more likely to go to it over Akon and Matsuri
Trolling aside, if you are new to cons and need something to ease yourself into it, give it a shot. Not really comparable though. Also nice spalling bro

>> No.7652328

A spelling Nazi on 4chan !

>> No.7652343
File: 19 KB, 280x200, welcomenewfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7652370

Post for some helpful crit!!

>> No.7652669

For constructive crit, go to cosplay.com to be made fun of and called all sorts of things post here (well mostly ) ;)

>> No.7652725

What, you mean the one where they are just going to stop using CMVs at all in promotions? Why would they want to when the creators are pretentious little ass hats with a white knight army? They are so quick to "defend" him while he's doing the exact same thing he's bitching about.

Or are you bitching about the press pass agreement, which is pretty much standard for all conventions? Why should a con give you a free three day pass with front row access to major events and then not be paid back? If you don't want the con to use your work then buy a badge.

I have no idea who at SJ stuck a stick up your pooper but its apparently still there. It's very obvious you have some kind of personal vendetta.

>> No.7652773

Hi Dave. Or is this his cronie Jay? Funny you bash the video but were quick to use it. Talk about an army of white knights, when the while con staff and their friends defend every complaint by saying "I never had a bad experience so its impossible anybidy else had one, just have a stick uo their butt".
Sure, he did the same thing he complained about doesn't make it right either way. Talk about vendettas, the staff will go and screencap Facebook pages and dox people here and send an army of trolls after them. Yeah, let me reveal myself like that other idiot staffer did.

>> No.7652790
File: 473 KB, 960x1280, rqwig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit it never ends does it?
>>7645557 here, I styled my first wig and I'm pretty happy with it! (but I'm aware it's kind of messy, and would look better with extra wefts.)

Is anyone in panic mode? Is anyone home free and already done with everything?

>> No.7652796 [DELETED] 

I cant be sure, but I think the troll is

Barry Bellomy
4827 shade creek
San antonio tx 78238
Cell 2104548973

Even if it isn't go troll the loser and tell hin to be am hero.

>> No.7652821

Haha, do you really think 2 weeks before the con anyone working it would even have the time to show up here and argue with a little shit like you? I guess being level headed and not buying into CWM's god complex makes me a san japan staffer. Good to know.

>> No.7652836
File: 25 KB, 160x160, swagexpo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Vendetta-Chans. How's this going?

>> No.7652841 [DELETED] 

Vendetta chan is

Barry Edward Bellomy
4827 shade creek
San antonio tx 78238
Cell 2104548973

Even if he isnt vendettachan, tell him to go am hero anyways.

>> No.7652861

Welcome to Texas. Our community just salivates vendettas everywhere.

>> No.7652871

I heard this rumor a few years back and does anyone know if it is true:

The guy who staffs the SJ JPop/JRock area, (kiwi?), had childporn on his laptop at the con. Was this true or just a room

>> No.7652883

True, but after a few years and few incidents, he was removed from staff.

>> No.7652903

its all because of her tits and the fact that shes a known for being a whore

>> No.7652935

Seems the cellulite and golf ball texture comment is burning her ass, too bad the fat and cellulite won't burn off that way. Kek. The white knights are orbiting hard and letting her know they will defend her honor and protect her image.

>> No.7653064

>> 7652883

Thanks Anon, That is still disturbing as fuck

>> No.7653087

Indeed, but as I said before, the con wil cover for them to hide it from public and let it keep going on. Childporn, date rapes, giving minors alcohol, one of the staffers Ken had a good agreement setup. Throw a bit of money to invest in the con, gets to have his dinosaur dick in a couple 18 year old low self esteem volunteers every year.

>> No.7653122


I would not mind watching this con die with shit. Dear Lord Almight, no wonder why I hear so many pervert horror stories here.

>> No.7653261

You are full of shit. stop making shit up and stop same fagging all over the place. We want to talk about cosplay plans and panels, not listen to you run your mouth off with rumors.

I love how any time anyone dislikes a con for any reason they show up here and either

A) accuse the upper level staff of not paying taxes
B) accuse upper level staff of being pedos
C) accuse upper level staff of raping
D) all of the above

at least try to be original anon, you could have claimed someone had a scat fetish or was a furry or something.

>> No.7653333

This and also why would any business feel the need to inform people about internal hiring and firing? Nobody even knew the old cosplay directors were fired until the new one was announced, and they never did release a reason why because... nobody cares.

>> No.7653345

Hi. Guess Dave doesn't know who to attack so begins the panic mode. Desperate to cover up the dirt but you've swept so much under the rug the the rug is pouring out dirt. LEL talk about same fagging but you donit yourself to try to get the heat off.

>> No.7653348

Barry. Stop.

>> No.7653351

>the the rug

You can't even make proper analogies anon, just go outside or something.

>> No.7653367

Suck my balls

>> No.7653374

Samefag identity confirmed. We can all get back to our regularly scheduled wailing about procrastination now.

>> No.7653391
File: 63 KB, 611x960, dafuq1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is not me bro. Believe what you want, but I am really annoyed right now. Somebody is trying to get people mad at me, get a rise out of me and get me to make a threat and report it to the police. Otherwise only posted >>7633013 and watched a few days. Thankfully I have a friend watching out for me still yet. Already filed reports with police and ic3 and all that shit. Don't get me started. I can tell you my guess at who it is stirring this shit up but would rather not bring any attention to his sorry ass.

>> No.7653394
File: 27 KB, 1372x229, dafuq2222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not like they haven't done this before. But apparently they have my address and want to cause drama for me but are too big a wimp to do anything themselves, too prideful to make an apology, and so vindictive they will not drop it even when I fuck off.

>> No.7653416

if it makes you feel any better, my bet is it's Kaylyn posting all this shit

>> No.7653461

Tobi, the attention seeking negro?

>> No.7654076

Oh, you're the faggot that keeps spamming the San Japan group with your repetitive, irrelevant posts. Please stop, you're annoying everyone. I'll keep flagging it as spam though, seems to be working.

>> No.7654087

I can only speak about my experience but basically the attendees are pretty nice. At least much more polite than at other cons I have volunteered for.

There are some really great staff people too. And many of the general volunteers have made things pleasant. However, I have to agree with the assessment that there are some unprofessional people in top staff spots. Questionable decisions have been made, and many problems get swept under the rug. And when a problem can't be swept under the rug, they try to make an emergency fix to placate the person(s) enough so the public will think everything is great and move on. A lot of upper staff will treat other staff members like dirt. Some have left because they got tired of it. Others stay on because they are too afraid to stand up for themselves and keep hanging on because their volunteers are friends, or they want the con to succeed because they like making fellow nerds happy.

The general public, and hell even volunteers, don't always get to see what goes on backstage. It's very far from sparkles and rainbows. So I'm not surprised people will whiteknight the con. They simply don't know.

I'm not going to tell you to not go to the con. You should go if it makes you happy and you know you'll have fun.

>> No.7654096

um ok vendetta-chan w/e

>> No.7654098

Also going to confirm that its true. He showed me. Pretty sure him being kicked off staff is why he's now trying to get into cosplay.

>> No.7654104

I don't think Tobi has enough brain cells to know how to post on here.

>> No.7654109

Everyone is sick of your posting, but keep telling yourself I'm a horrible little vendetta-chan if it helps you sleep at night.

>> No.7654118

cause my one post today was so much right?

>> No.7654218


>> No.7654480

I've never been to a con before but I was considering going to this one. I have never cosplayed so would that make me out of place and hinder the experience? What are some fun things to do there and what are your experiences?

I've always wanted to cosplay, I can't make a costume this year but I could probably do it next year (I was thinking about dressing up as an Aquabat since its simple and easy to make and it would be fun running around in character) should I wait until then to go to a con or should I check it out beforehand to see if I would like it?

>> No.7654484

Only like, 40% of people are cosplaying at a con! You can still go to panels, buy shit, and do everything else. You can even go watch the cosplay show if you want!

>> No.7654852

Costumed or not cons are a blast

>> No.7655166

Anyone know of any hot chicks that are planning on going this year? From this thread, I see none.

>> No.7655243

how about you post your kik that'll work

>> No.7655302
File: 116 KB, 1100x733, missy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me give you some options out of the SA cosplayers.

First, SillyLittleMissy

>> No.7655305

....I don't like where this is going.

>> No.7655306
File: 152 KB, 933x933, Chaser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second, ChaserCosplays

>> No.7655308
File: 185 KB, 1366x2048, Pariah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's Pariah Knight

>> No.7655313
File: 47 KB, 960x888, Dezzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Dezzy Diamond.

That's the only ones I can come up with right now.

>> No.7655319
File: 211 KB, 1366x2048, kit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and Kit Brockman

>> No.7655324

Never seen that much exposure on a Ryuko cosplay

>> No.7655368
File: 17 KB, 266x438, murigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are forgetting the toppest of tiers PHG-Sama

>> No.7655375
File: 144 KB, 1392x1392, 575876923453437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh how could I forget the cream of the crop: PHG-Sama. She is bestest. Forget everyone else, we found our winner.

>> No.7655377

Best/cutest one you posted.

>> No.7655386

BULLSHIT. They kicked him out because he was drunk and said dumb shit on a podcast, not child porn.

>> No.7655391

Cry mire. You are all talk and cant do shit. Gonna enjoy your ban? You know if you are seen anywhere near the convention grounds you will be arrested in the spot. In any case, everyone still thinks it's you and hates your guts. You should try to kill yourself again, but nit fail this time. You failed at everything else, your shitty music nobody liked especially.

>> No.7655396

Is that really the best SA has to offer?

>> No.7655404

Post your picture, lets see.

>> No.7655412
File: 300 KB, 1024x1536, kay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always KayLynn...

>> No.7655413

> photographer boyfriend
> all potato pics
> blurriness is to hide the stretch marks and fat rolls

>> No.7655631
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny Joon's going too

>> No.7655633
File: 82 KB, 1024x683, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eve Branter isn't too bad

>> No.7655636

I wouldn't call KayLynn hot. Nice body, yeah, but have you ever seen her face in person?

>> No.7655637

but have you tried talking to her

>> No.7656007

those arent her actual breast, theyre skin colored covers, you can see it in other pics

>> No.7656021

If I may correct you, I did state that his being kicked off staff is why he's trying to pick up cosplay. I also stated that he was in fact caught with child pornography and that he showed it to me once before. I never said he was kicked off BECAUSE of child porn. Please learn to read before calling bullshit.

>> No.7656034

I also have to say that he did admit to having child porn on his laptop while at the con, but never mentioned being kicked off staff because of it. May have been a detail left out intentionally to not hurt his ego.

>> No.7656615

More vendetta chan samefaggin lies to make the con look bad, pedos, yawn. Getting old with that. Nothing you say will hurt the con, its unstoppable at this point and you can throw fits all you want Barry, doesnt help you at all. There is a reason why you are banned too, you started drama with the wrong staffers and got your ass handed to you time and tine again. Your fucking spinless and need to go the fuck away.

>> No.7656831

No wonder they looked so awkward.

>> No.7657606

All yall niggahs are petty.. that's all i gotta say. Nothing bad About anyone ...yall just petty. We all share a common ground.. but yall niggahs gotta be fucking petty, "she's an attention whore...hes annoying..blah blah blah", but as soon as some one talks mess about you... oh snap..your on fire... nahh get over your self and move on... i understand how hard it is to let things go but cmon.

>> No.7657880

The fuck did I just read. Also, may want to remove your email next time.

>> No.7658861

No its ok, i got what i wanted off my chest , if anyone feels they need to be ugly towards me fine... but i got what i wanted off my chest.

>> No.7659266

You sound like a fucking moron, please stop shitting up the thread because your posts are so incoherent and nonsensical. Also, did you come to /cgl/ expecting everyone to be doing things besides shit talking one another? Plz go.

>> No.7659617
File: 59 KB, 400x209, wellbye_zpsda226d01(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7660477

Anyone in final prep mode? 12 days and counting.

>> No.7660514

Still working steadily but not nervous. (yet)

>> No.7660521

all hope is lost, Im so behind, fuck everything, the end is nigh

>> No.7660525


>> No.7660527

Three unfinished costumes but I have to prep for three panels as well. So those have to come first.

>> No.7660529

What are you working on anon, and what do you have left to do?

>> No.7660549

sewing a huge petticoat for a dress

>> No.7660650

well at least it's not going to show so you don't have to be super tidy with your seams and things?

>> No.7660749

I was working on my costume, but I decided it was time to stop for the night when I ironed my hand. I'm not worried yet, but I probably will be next weekend.

>> No.7660791

Finished one of four costumes today, was my first time doing armor bits, definitely learned a lot. It was the most elaborate costume I have though, glad it's out of the way. The rest is all simple sewing, and they're all mostly done. Excited because I managed to book a photoshoot with a really awesome photographer I like.

>> No.7660830

Who're you shooting with?

>> No.7660850

Guess who just started on two cosplays! Good thing is both are relatively simple and super in my capability to do. Bad part is I have to finish props for a friend and I want to do that before I start my own shit but I'm so unmotivated to do theirs that the only way I can get pumped for doing their stuff is to do my own but then I feel bad for not doing theirs first and the vicious cycle continues.

However I finally buckled down and decided to fuck it I'll do my thing and then do theirs. Wish me luck cgl!

Also, how's the lolita comm? My friend is going to the tea party and is super worried about her coord (she's the one I'm making shit for) and I just want some peace of mind that the girls are too crazy and won't tear her apart.

>i'm tired, sorry for the weird grammar and word choice?.

>> No.7660882

I think the tea party should be fine, since it's cheaper there should be a variation of lolitas. I know my coord is going to be super simple
cosplay wise, I'm still working on my main cosplay and I'm taking forever since I work and am new to sewing, I'm halfway done with the skirt though so thats good

>> No.7661051

My coord is pretty simple too, I'm not one for OTT. I just bought a hat for it and I hope it doesn't suck.

>> No.7661408
File: 10 KB, 195x210, 1601431_1411766859089048_3758582490899064080_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think of ren shiya? hes always around pretending to be like one of the cool guys but in reality, he is a creeper.

>> No.7661421
File: 45 KB, 479x720, 1545183_751013534909373_157459135_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think of him?

>> No.7661464

Fucking hate that guy. Little weeaboo piece of shit that loves being the center of attention and whines and makes up shit when he's not.

>> No.7661551

I'll be going as a high priest from Ragnarok online and Mr. Foster from killing floor.

>> No.7661864

I cannot wait to see the high priest, I fucking love RO

>> No.7661896

Apparently he disappeared from Facebook, but even his disappearance is getting him "attention". He hates Dezzy Diamond and possibly other cosplayers he feels like are better than him as well.

>> No.7661901

Well, Dez ain't exactly the most likeable person, so I can't say I blame him.

>> No.7662025

How was RTX there Illusion. Funny, didn't see ANY shit talking over the weekend, but soon as RTX ended, back to the hate posting.

>> No.7662033


I believe she's a hermit outside of cosplaying and such.

>> No.7662126

I'm glad he's inactive from Facebook right now, I got sick of his non-stop shit talking. The kid lives, eats, and breathes drama despite him constantly saying others are the ones starting it. I hope he continues to stay inactive, he and Dezzy are shitting up the SA Cosplay community. Thank god at least Dezzy moved.

>> No.7662133

With her terrible attitude, she wouldn't get far if she pursued something other than cosplay. Heard people at her old job hated her from an old coworker of hers.

>> No.7662146

He approached my boyfriend and I at a small con and was really great to talk to, actually. I didnt get a creeper vibe from him, just talked about a few card games. I wouldn't have known he had autism if he hadn't said anything about it. Really not sure what you mean by him trying to be one of the cool guys and quite frankly you sound a little silly saying that.

>> No.7662239
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what the shrek is this shit?

>> No.7662255

Same here. I talked to him a few times and sure he is a bit awkward but he never came across as a creep or anything

>> No.7662262


He's not really that bad ... but I've heard worse. Apparently there was some dude named "Allan Caesar" who caused a lot of trouble with some of the San Antonio Cosplay Community.

>> No.7662284

I heard they banned that guy from San Japan. I know the local fighting game community banned him from their gatherings and he was banned from some of the comic shops in town and Game Over because he threw a bitch fit when he was losing at one of their tourneys and started a fight with someone/police had to be called.

>> No.7662285
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We got exstaffer vendetta chans, we got cosplay vendetta chans, we got constaff white knight vendetta chans. Just vendetta chans all over. People can leave the con scene, apologize a hundred times, and drop off facebook, but they still keep their grudges. Its pathetic they will act like a friend to your face but the second you turn your back, no delay to fuck you over.

>> No.7662286


I hope that viverra chick isn't coming. All she does is talk about how she was on cosplay in america's book and that everyone should hail her as the one true commander shepherd.

>> No.7662318


He's just on strict watch.

>> No.7662904

she's cute, pretty young though.

>> No.7662909

eh she's weird. if you're on her good side, then she's nice, but god help you if you're on her bad side. i used to be friends with her.

>> No.7662916

phg has interesting cosplay choices :p
i don't really like her boyfriend though. She herself isn't too bad in my opinion.

>> No.7662919

don't really have an opinion on her but that is a good cosplay right there.

>> No.7663214

If you look at other angles of it or see it up close it is super shitty. All her sewing jobs are so rushed and her tits just ooze out of it and not in a good way....

Not to mention she shoops her waist really obviously in most of her pics that aren't more professional

>> No.7663307

Who the fuck is this Arthur guy that keeps starting shit on the group page, and can we please sign a petition to ban him.

>> No.7663309

Over 18. All that matters

>> No.7663440

Can confirm, I talked to her once and her construction was shoddy and coming apart.

>> No.7663473
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Dat blurry shoop do...
Some asshole. Most are. Seems like the thirstiest man alive. In running for stupidest too.

>> No.7663478
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Also the Rodger Rabbit puppet was the stuff of nightmares. Worse in person.

>> No.7663616


PHG and boyfriend samefagging and replying to each other confirmed.

>> No.7663656

Actually, no, my grammar and vocabulary are far superior. If it makes you feel better, you can call me whatever you like, doesn't change the fact that I'm not either. You know, there are other bridges in the world Dez has burned by being a sanctimonious bitch and a two faced harlot.

>> No.7663678

yo two of those were me jackass and I dont like her because I got burned by her on a wig commission she did horribly and refused to refund on.

>> No.7664242

It's ok guys he is a music producer at music composer and he is wanting to colrabate with everyone at the con guys he just wants to be a cool kid

>> No.7664269

Military bro here. I always wanted to go to an anime convention but we never had them in my town. Anything I should know about if I want to go to this. I can just purchase tickets at the door right I don't need to do anything special. Also any of you faggots from fort Sam in this thread?

>> No.7664295

That guy causes me so much damn rage for so many reasons. Like, he has a gift at being a natural-born troll. It's just his personality to get under your skin. I know he's irritating staff as well. He's already given indications that he's going to get his ass into trouble at the con.

>> No.7664419

he has made so many enemies without actually meeting anyone in person yet it's kind of sad

>> No.7664427
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Seems legit, dat 24" waist

>> No.7664429

Nah, Phg and her dude aren't the only ones that hate Dezzy, surprise surprise

>> No.7664486

I'm still stuck between aspergers or him just being completely inept towards anything anyone has ever corrected him on.

>> No.7664509

I remember passing by her at AM. I wasn't close to her but I could tell construction was shit. The wig looked gross, and Roger Rabbit didn't help.
I literally had no idea she was "famous" 'cause DAMN that was bad

>> No.7664530

I think he is just that full of himself that was until I looked at his facebook page. That caused me to second guess my original theory

>> No.7664682

Right, the only people banned are ex-staff with bad experiences with the upper staff.

>> No.7666178

If you go in on Friday, and pick up the badge, you get a military discount. tbh, pre reg is going to be a bitch, and the general admin line will probably be a lot better. your best bet is to go saturday, because that's when they're be a lot more people cosplay. it's gonna be crowded as fuck tho.

>> No.7666202

3-Day Weekend Pass/Badge $55
Friday Only One-Day Pass/Badge $35
Saturday Only One-Day Pass/Badge $38
Sunday Only One-Day Pass/Badge $25
1-Day and regular 3-Day passes will be available online starting on June 16th, 2014.

All on-site badge purchase will be at the HBG Convention Center.

Passes Purchase and Pre-Reg Pickup will be at West Registration section.

Military Discount – $5 Off 3-Day Pass/1-Day Pass.

Military Discount valid for ACTIVE MILITARY ONLY, NO Discount for Family/Dependents.


We will be accepting credit cards at the convention.

Copy pasta cuz i'm a fag and dunno how to screen cap

>> No.7666948

how the hell did she even move that thing?

>> No.7666952

tobi hates her too and some other people i know hate her as well. a couple of cosplayers were even rejoicing when she moved. i do think she's full of herself though.

>> No.7666968

Moving was the best thing she's ever done. Now she can shit up the Colorado community instead of ours. Although she's trying to still remain active in the Texas communities, so it was a short lived victory.

>> No.7666973

If you look at the photos posted of her on stage, you can see some dude dressed in complete black controlling it.

>> No.7667526

yeah she's still trying to remain active, but i remember seeing one of her posts trying to see how the colorado cosplay community was ... hehehe.

>> No.7667753

One time dez said I could fondle her boobs. I decided not to. I may be a man, but have high standards, taste and class.

>> No.7667801

>giving attention to whores

>> No.7667863

Just dont want her coming back is all. Worked on that fag Barry lel. Hes not coming back. We need to weed out the losers and fags and whores while we have momentum.

>> No.7669056

holy shit really?
and she tries to act all high and mighty as if she's the "right" person. damn she's stupid.

>> No.7669444

Tina here! Excited to go to another con after being sick the second day of akon! I have my pink dress at the ready and my wigs and makeup! I will be doing my normal terrabad joke drag and hosting my normal off the hook room party. So excited for the video game and table top room and of course all the wonderful people in the community.

>> No.7669474

sorry for double post but the staff are in no way homophobes, I met one of my good friends there and she has ran a panel at SJP and many other texas cons for years. In addition the regular staff that has worked volunteering for the registration table at SJP and other texas cons is always very nice and even has asked about what makeup I use. I have had nothing but nice comments from all of the staff at SJP. Other cons may be a different story, but not this one. Also TX jet is a cool guy as well, talked with him many times all the way back to 2009 I think it was.


I REALLY hope to see a good darkseid cosplay. That character is one of my faves.

Akon is good for the people attending to talk to and make some good friends. San Japan is good for the game room, table top, and the dealers room. I also do enjoy some of the panels but I have not been in about 5 years, however it was the best con I had ever been to and I am very excited to go back and see what has changed.

Someone needs to go to the pokemon center and get some burn heal, cause you seem like you are a little butt frustrated sonny...

>> No.7669586

>I have not been in about 5 years

You've missed alot. Also, Jet may be a cool guy to talk to, but foesnt mean he is not a deviant. Dont be mad a perv got exposed for a perv. Maybe you missed where they blamed everyone they could and dox attacked the dumbass that the staff thought was leaking dirt. Also, most the staff got fired recently because they couldnt figure out who the leak was.

>> No.7669616
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>> No.7669685

>most of the staff got fired.

No they didn't.

>> No.7669871

Fuck off phg go strap on your aissy boys asshole with uour dezzy diamond brand strap on dildo.


LEL Yes they did. There was an email about it. I laughed. They still think it was that one guy and it feels me with joy as I hate that massive faggot and hope he kills himself. Im trying to gwt rid of all the trash.

>> No.7670115

>There was an email about it.

Oh please do share. The white knights who know the truth would love to read this magical e-mail that doesn't exist.

>> No.7670133

You have no proof on ANY of your claims. Now I love drama, but you arent offering any proof of anything; and as youre are coming off as a butthurt little faggot we cant exactly take your word for it. I would love it if you would actually show us something concrete on any of your claims.

>> No.7670136

Awwww, did somebody get their feelings hurt that I am telling more truths about the con? The white knights are con staffers and friends. They are total autism and will never admit to any wrong by the convention. PhG and her creeper bf work for dave and post these threads and do the Facebook pages. They have beef with everybody that was talked about on here, minus themselves, but I do not doubt they did that just to get attention.

>> No.7670139

Show me some proof faggot I need something to work with.

>> No.7670152
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>> No.7670157
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Until proof appears.
The lack of it proves we're right.

>> No.7670165
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>> No.7670172

Hahaha white knights getting mad. You really want me to put out myself so you can report me to Dave for brownie points. Lol. Sorry I spilled the beans that you are a buncha dramatic bitches starting trouble for people and trying to blame them for it. Maybe if you didnt flunk out of police academy you could be a cop instead of play one online.

>> No.7670176

Im >>7670139 and like I said, I love some juicy drama but all we have is what youve said with no evidence otherwise. There is nothing to it. Give us something to see and we might be inclined to believe all your idiotic claims.

>> No.7670179

Absense if evidence is not evidence of absence. Nice try though. Alot of us are tired of all of this. Most the lower level people dont know shit about shit. Sorry you arent high up enough to get emails.

>> No.7670188

Well youre high up enough to have gotten it right? Show it to us.

>> No.7670203

Yeah. Not going to expose myself. These people are vindictive. If they see I used hotmail, they'll look at every address with hotmail and pick somebody out to they think it's most likely to be. You just want to have sonething to show to dave and cry so you can be told poor baby, its all okay now, I wint let the bad bad oeiple say anything mean ever again.

>> No.7670222

I have nothing to do with that faggot Dave you pussy. And youve just said you use hotmail, why then cant you let us see it now? And even if its not hotmail and thats just an example you could very very easily blank out any parts that have to do with your private information. Now youre just grasping at anything you can because you dont have anything to begin with.

>> No.7670236

No, I like denying you, you are giving me alot of fun toying with you. As I know who you are, what you do, but here you haven't a clue. I got my own spot in the con and nothing to worry about.

>> No.7670243

Who am I? Cmon out me, this is fun.

>> No.7670249

>can't prove anything
>avoids direct questions

Yeah, sure buddy, everything you say is true.

>> No.7670305

What are the questions? I won't answer shit like what section I work at or anything that will clue them into me now, come on. And heck, I will dig the email out and cover shit, post it in the new thread not on autosage.

>> No.7670462


thanks for that clue. big helps in figuring you out.

>> No.7671103

guys tobi has been found. also lets call him robert wilson to piss him off.

>> No.7671127

where did he go?

>> No.7671191

The author of that book said those were just the cost place he liked no more no less

>> No.7671202

>>7670179 since you seem to like quoting middle school debate
Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence

>> No.7671202,1 [INTERNAL] 

I made it ya know