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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7472159 No.7472159 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7472165


>> No.7472838
File: 987 KB, 500x452, 1369712593045.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree. One of the reasons people in the mainstream were a bunch of autists is because of the people in picture 2 and 3.

For every 1 hardworking cosplayer that puts an immense amount of work and effort into making their cosplay look good, there are 20 retards that are disgusting, fat, or literally have autism.

It sucks to be involved in this shit knowing it will forever be considered for kids and anti-social nerds.

>> No.7472845


think we are* fuck

>> No.7474626

You do realize that picture 3 is 2 little kids probably around 10-12, Right? Do you really expect them to craft a full suit of Ironman armor?

>> No.7474777

Yes, all those are cosplay.

Only that some are shitty and the others are not. Pretty simple.

You can do "for fun cosplay" or "competitive/quality" cosplay. Both are ok. Just do not be an autist.

>> No.7474786


how 2 cosplay:
do not literally have autism.

>> No.7474798


cosplay =/= dressing up in costume

i'm so tired of people mixing "cosplay" with "year round hallowen outfit"

>> No.7474806

What's wrong with autism in the cosplay community?

>> No.7474813

>muh secret club

>> No.7474818

If you are also playing the character and shit, then it is cosplay. No matter how shitty. Stop shifting definitions, dumbass.

>> No.7474873


>>7474786 fag here. was subtly calling out other guy.

>> No.7474874

No, it's shitty halloween store costumes you're trying to pass off as cosplay.
Cosplay should not ever be bought from party city. Because then it's a halloween costume.

>> No.7474875


>> No.7474943

If not worn on halloween is it still a halloween costume?

>> No.7474949

On the flip side if a handmade costume was worn on Halloween, is it cosplay or a Halloween costume?

Go ahead and tell us the difference between a cosplay and a halloween costume? I feel like having a good laugh.

>> No.7475231

Effort and results

>> No.7475383

Nope and nope.

>> No.7475387

It depends on what it's used for.
CosPLAYS are worn to conventions and meetups. CosTUMES are worn on halloween and to parties.
I don't know why this is a hard thing to grasp.
There are cosplayers who wear their good outfits to parties/on halloween, but that just seems stupid to me because all you're going to get is weird looks from "normals" wearing shitty store bought junk.
So to answer your question, if a costume is handmade and used for cosplay, it's cosplay. If it's handmade and used for halloween, it's a halloween costume.
Bought party city costumes do not count as cosplay.
Online bought cosplays count, but they're pretty weak attempts.

>> No.7475390

isn't cosplay itself a portmanteau of costume and play...?

>> No.7475399

my response is usually that it IS cosplay, but 2 and 3 are not very good cosplays.

As long as the noobs dont act elitist then its no big deal, everyone starts somewhere.

However, I do think past the age of 18 or so people need to step up their cosplay game to be taken seriously. Before then people don't have as much control over their lives and aren't adult enough to understand the value of effort, craftsmanship, etc. Past 18 or once someone moves out and controls their own life, they should actually make time for doing cosplay as a hobby, lest they look like an oldfag idiot.

>> No.7475402

Yes, but there's kind of an unspoken level of seriousness to cosplay as opposed to simple halloween costumes.
I understand where people get the "costume" and "play" thing, because it's very true; but cosplay is typically regarded as a higher level of costumery than you'd find in party stores.

>> No.7475407

I agree with this.
I am a huge Halloween fan but I will never wear my cosplays on Halloween. I tried to a few times but it felt weird.

>> No.7475425

>Yes, but there's kind of an unspoken level of seriousness to cosplay as opposed to simple halloween costumes.

Uhhhh no. There's no "unspoken levels of seriousness" here. If you're dressed up as a character then its cosplay. If some guy dressed up as Hank Hill for Halloween I'd consider it cosplay despite the fact its jeans and a white shirt. If you have a really simple/lazy/bad outfit it doesn't disqualify you from cosplaying it just means you have a bad cosplay.

>> No.7475463

You seem very new.

>> No.7475479

i agree - i always thought the "play" part indicated acting like the character in some manner, to bring the costume to life, to be able to "play" with the character, so to speak.

>> No.7475497

>There's no "unspoken levels of seriousness" here

what the fuck are you doing on /cgl/ then?
fucking casuals.

>> No.7475501
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>If some guy dressed up as Hank Hill for Halloween I'd consider it cosplay

Your perceptions are horribly wrong. Please leave this board. It's for real cosplay and Lolita culture only.

>> No.7475613

I think people need to get over it and realize not everyone put the same level of seriousness and effort into it.
You shouldn't judge people by your expectations. Not everyone has time nor envy to create flawless characters from geek cultures, but that shouldn't mean that they aren't allowed to do so, get over your seriousness.
But, that doesn't mean that we should think that every cosplay is beautiful and other bullshit. If it sucks, it sucks.

For example, if I was an interior designer and went to other people's home, I might find it ugly and not thought out. I might even make snarky comments about it to someone else, but I wouldn't say that those people aren't allowed to try to decorate their home, I have to understand that they do not have to same knowledge nor even interest in interior design that I have so I shouldn't judge what they do the same way I judge what I do. The standards aren't the same.

TL;DR In cosplay like in everything else there are levels ranging from pleb to elitist, people should simply accept that fact.

>> No.7475617

It's actually costume and role play, which I think defines the line between cosplay and Halloween costumes pretty well.

>> No.7475671

>In cosplay like in everything else there are levels ranging from pleb to elitist, people should simply accept that fact.

and on /cgl/, fat whales and neckbeard whiteknights complain about how cosplay and con culture should be "adjusted" for them so that they don't have to try so hard but get the same satisfaction as people who DO put effort into their work.

/cgl is not the place for casuals. go to tumblr for that crap.

>> No.7475722

>If not worn on halloween is it still a halloween costume?
And conversely - if a cosplay is worn on halloween, is it now a halloween costume and not a cosplay? Halp, i r confused.

>> No.7475727

You are a massive faggot.

>> No.7475743

I remember when cosplaying was fun. Too bad you kids nowadays are so fucking try hard elitists.

>> No.7475748

this. THIS!!! THIS!!!

>> No.7475763


>i like anime/manga!
>woah, there's conventions?
>cool! people are dressing up!
>oh, it's called cosplay
>i'll cosplay my favorite character!
>yay cosplay!
>oh, there are a lot of other girls with better cosplays of my character
>no one is taking pictures of me
>make better cosplay!
>no money
>oh! I can model cosplay to get money to cosplay more!
>male photographers like sexy cosplay right?
>sexify cosplay
>i'll be popular, just you see!
>no time for a job, just cons and cosplay

not entirely accurate to the entire community, but 2 of my friends did exactly this.

some girls just want more and more.

>> No.7475783

Actually,most of us "oohed and ahhhed" when we see fantastic cosplays.


Googling helps.

Depending on weaboos here who pretend they know what they are talking about will make you an idiot.

>> No.7475791

Agreed. Why should /cgl/ EVER have to cater to casuals? We're a fucking specialized hobby board. You wouldn't go onto a wood working forum and demand everyone give you respect for trying to carve wood with a butter knife. And then say that your carvings are just as valid as those done by people with practice and some degree of talent. There's always room for people who are not good and are striving to be better, but not for people demanding the bar to be lowered just for them to feel better about themselves.

>> No.7475810


totally agree, but for simplicity's sake, a TL;DR would be "don't post here if you're not trying to be the best, or be amazing at cosplay"

I just don't like casuals wanting to bring down all the great cosplay community into a shit fest of generic quality.

>> No.7475830

Maybe that's what you got out of it, but I wouldn't exactly describe that as my TL;DR.

Like I said, there's room in the board for people who aren't good and want to get better. Some of those people lack a lot of objectivity and humility about themselves and think they're extra great because "muh feels".

They certainly can come here for advice, critique, whatever. Fuck, they can even come here and make a noob board if they want. But they need to lurk because we clearly have a SOME standard of quality here when talking about good cosplays (that standard obviously changes a little bit from person to person but a good chunk get the idea). Usually that isn't going to involve theirs. If it doesn't hurt their feelings that their not the best, more power to them, because they'll probably get more out of the board than someone migrating here from a tumblr circlejerk.

>simplicity's sake
nigga I posted like 4 sentences.

>> No.7475838

*noob thread...

>> No.7475868


That sums it up really well! Although you have to admit that with the invasion of tumblr sjw's, chubby ita's and casual cosplayers on /cgl/, it's hard to keep the "standard of quality" up there where most seagulls want it.

>> No.7475877

All of this

>> No.7475876

It is possible to have fun and want to do well. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.7475883

It certainly does. Which is a real shame because this community isn't for them in a way, and they don't seem to understand that.

Maybe we should just claim this as a safe space for qualities of color and they'll get it.

>> No.7476756
File: 19 KB, 432x432, philosoraptor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Cosplay is worn to conventions, and Costumes are worn on halloween.

If I wear a cosplay on Halloween does it become a costume?

>> No.7477739

I say there's no unspoken levels of seriousness in cosplay as cosplay is inherently silly and stupid to begin with. We're dressing up as fictional characters from nerd based properties. Even the most badass and awesome costumes, at the end of the days are really just people in a strand combinations of synthetic wigs, crazy combination of fabrics, plastics and other items piece together. At our best we still look strange, silly and out of place, in fact I think the biggest change in cosplay is how over the years we've gotten TOO serious about it. We now get riled up at what people wear/don't wear in the hobby that we forget that we're just a bunch of people who still love playing dress up and make believe.

>> No.7477752

That's just not how communities work, no matter how stupid it seem to the outside world the people involved in it are obviously pretty engrossed in their hobby/community.

That's like saying there's no competition or skill in something like mime, since it's just fun and a hobby and outsiders don't take it seriously, which would be really silly to think.

There are casuals, there are attention whores, there are people who are just fucking amazing, and guess what, all of them have some standard, whether it's getting the most likes, making the most weeb friends or building the most amazing props. The only reason anyone gets pissed off is because they feel that their idea of what the community means is the one that the outsiders should see the entire community as, and so then it creates a break between members.

Saying that we have some kind of cohesion because "we're all just weirdos after all!" is really naive and just wouldn't happen, in any community, group, fandom, hobby, anything.

>> No.7478234

Look at all the prominent communities that have grown thanks to the internet (cosplay, lets plays, FGC) and what to they say time and time again. "Stop acting like assholes, we all love the same thing in the end." Game conventions make videos about the unity of players, huge tournaments like EVO have retrospectives filled with pro and amateur players talking about common interest, unity and how awesome it is to get everyone on the same page of a great experience. Even in cgl we lament how divided the community is thanks to elitsts and fame whores and a big part of the nostalgia threads/how has cosplayed changed threads is older members talking about how much more open cosplayers were to one another. People didn't care how good or shitty your outfit was just that you were willing to dress up was cool enough.

>> No.7478243

I think it can be said that while all cosplays are costumes, not all costumes are cosplays.

>> No.7478321
File: 53 KB, 179x195, 3433d-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because somebody might be "having fun" doesn't make them immune to criticism. There is quality and there is shit, and there is nothing wrong with identifying shit as shit.

Also, if you consider cosplay to be one of your main hobbies and you fucking suck at it, it says a lot about you. It shows that you don't have the drive, skill or ability to excel at even something you care about. You have no qualms with being lazy and allowing yourself to be terrible because "hey, who cares! Right?"

Oh, and spoiler: cosplay is a hobby about showing yourself off to the public. It's a presentation art. People who do a great job are the ones that receive the most positive attention and have the most fun. So if your goal is to have "fun" then you still owe it to yourself to do the best job possible. Your sentiment of "I don't care I'm having fun" should be shortened simply to "I don't care." It's time to start caring.

>> No.7478333

I feel this. I want to be a decent cosplayer, and I want to enjoy myself while I'm at it. And part of the enjoyment is knowing I've done well or I look nice.

I feel like your attitude is one of the most important things about this. If you come into this with the attitude that you're the best and everyone will love you but you don't have anything to show for it, then enjoy your derision. If you come into this knowing that this is a process and you want to continually strive for greatness while also enjoying the process, then I think that's the right way to go. Acknowledge your faults.

The one thing I do wonder about this is, should people condemn others who don't match your attitude and standard? For instance, I can acknowledge that there are cosplays that are better than others. Some are worse than mine, some are better than mine. Is it then acceptable for me to mock those who are worse than mine? And conversely, should I expect mockery from those who are better than mine?