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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7454279 No.7454279 [Reply] [Original]

Weeaboo stories thread anyone?

>> No.7454328

>be me need extra housemate
>neckbeard housemate suggests girl
> Oh anon shell be a perf addition.
> girl arrives huge pizza face, oily hair, yellow teeth.
>mfw a month into her move she tried to grope my chest and rub her fishpuss against me....
>push her off then go into room.
> later dresses slutty for no reason goes to hubby of 5years and asks how she looks then asks for a hug.
>He looks disturbed mouths a help me... I rescue him from her clutches start to think she should gtfo.
>brings junkies over to sex everynight to roleplay her fav animu guys
>shes out i go to close her window from a storm mfw something squishes against my foot......
> Its a dirty giant shitty anal vibtrator on the floor..
>tries not to vomit goes deeper into the room to close window.....

Part 1

>> No.7454333

anon, noooo, it's not safe!

>> No.7454368

this is not /x/ this is 2spooky4me alrdy

>> No.7454382

>my feet touches other dirty things panties with yellow stains caked on them.....furryporn and weeb shit everywhere.
>close door run outside repressing trauma..
> ring her up tells her she has to clean her room C responds with a snarky tone. "YOU CANT TELL ME TO CLEAN MY ROOM IT ALREADY IS. MY MOM SAID IT WAS IM CALLING HER TO GET HER TO YELL AT YOU" she hangs up mfw shes 22
>c's mom rings me up tells me im a sandy vag. She doesn'tbelieve me and im being rude to her daughter.
>Later that week her hamplanet mom and c's friend come to clean room.
>c doesnt say any thing mom enters her room here lots of yelling cause dat room*shudder*
>They leave wo even an apology over the room takes daughter with her for a visit to her house.
>Comes back life happens she tells me shes a vampire anfd she needs her candy blood every month to live...
> Tell her im a Sanguinarian her weeb behaviour is getting offensive
>she says oh no im not rly a vampire im just obsessed with True blood... tehee.
> anon can u turn me into a vampire please.....
> mfw I tell her thats not how it works im not a vampire like in tb I just consume blood.
> asks to join sanguinarian comm......
> oh hell no... she grabs her candy blood and starts drinking it in front of me. Oh im so sugoi vampire anon arent i like vampire knight.
> rage and tell her to fuck off. Shebawws to her room
> I have a party later that week.
Part 2 \?

>> No.7454390

.Wait, you're a what? haha are you kidding. This story is about two crazy people being crazy at each other I guess.

>> No.7454395

the awkward is coming from inside the thread

>> No.7454405

Wait...You actually drink blood and all that?

>> No.7454400

You are both crazy loons. One a terrible weeb, and the other a cultist.

Enjoy yourselves, our favorite monsters.

>> No.7454403


>> No.7454406

~real vampires~ or w/e

>> No.7454415

>parties goingwell having a largeish one with friends over have drinking comp many shots later im drunk.
> go out attack closeline with my katana from my old martial arts days thinking its a dragon.Come back inside to Rachel my bf tell her I conquered the dragon for her and we can be friends forever now.
> oh shit c heard dat...weeb acts weird and starts feeding memore shots. I go over and jokingly call my hubby my naughty peon.
> c comes over sketti as fuck and says"Punish yourdirty Peon...." she starts breathing heavily....
> pushhes meand hubby together continuing to ask us to punish him.

Part 3/?

>> No.7454413
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>complaining about other people's hyper-autismal weeb antics

But you're one of them, Anon.

>> No.7454420

>attacking clotheslines with katanas like a goddamn menace to society
It's like each piece of the story reveals a new horrifying piece of information about anon herself...continue plz...

>> No.7454430

you realize by weeb stories, we meant stories ABOUT weebs, not BY weebs. Right?

>> No.7454429

Yeah I stopped sympathising as soon as I read that. Strange people draw strange people to them.

Like a neckbeard magnet.

>> No.7454453

>Escape go for more shots socializing and having fun.. then two people are missing c and a plus 1 of a friend.
> hear sounds from her room she is forcing friend to have sex....jump in pull weeb off scared plus one. Plus one tells me c was about to penetrate her with a dildo.
> escort +1 out of the room calm her down makeher tea and wrap her in a blanky.
>tell her ill call the cops if she wants me to apologise and help her calm down.
>shes ok says she wants to stay and socialize and not bother with police. Bringher back to hubby tell him to look after her.
> Go to c's room ready to rage and kick her out. Except I dont see c in her room?

>> No.7454461

is it me or is her grammar getting shittier by the post?

>> No.7454465

Sorry im writing this on a tablet because my computer broke.

>> No.7454464

ya, each post is making me more embarassed for you.

>> No.7454468
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Hey, if you think about it, it's kind of meta.

>post weeb stories thread on /cgl/ hoping for responses
>someone starts posting about their gross autist roommate
>OP turns out to be a freak who think she's a vampire, drinks blood and hits shit with her katana when she gets drunk

>> No.7454475
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Stop fucking posting. Get out. Never come back. You're as bad as she is with your special vampire shit.

>> No.7454491

>take a defensive stance c could be anywhere anything could happen.
> c comes up behind me grabs me and tries to stick her fingers in me. Her hand is holding a knife i break free of her and identify the threat and disarm her. I pin her up against the wall by her throat swhen he bawws I tell someone to call the cops.
>she says she needs to go to the bathroom I stand guard out the front of the toilet.

>> No.7454507
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Wow, /cgl/ really is the most trollable board. It's not even high-quality bait

>> No.7454519

>Hear general toilet things all the alchohol is taking its toll. Leaning against toilet door to stop my head spinning.
> Dont hear much get suspicious as fuck I remember how to pick locks. Picks the lock to the door opens it and mfw she wiggled out the top bathroom window. I run outside and shes gone.
>mfw it only gets terrifying from here on out.

>> No.7454537
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>be on tumblr
>meet a girl that we'll call Hallie
>Have a friends T and L
>T is my friend who was dating Hallie at the time
>Hallie is the girl pictured
>Crazy SJW
>I didnt mind
>Until we got into a fight
>T is on Hallie's side
>To make a long story short, I was started to get mad and I called Hallie a "dumbass" or something, i dont remember
>I stop talking to her
>A few months pass, T breaks up with Hallie and starts dating L,
>Oh God, She's back.
>Hallie sends T anon hate saying that he's garbage
>ask T why she said that?
>"Hallie is Transgendered now. And I said 'she' instead of 'he'"
>Hallie was "nonbinary", "genderfluid", otherkin, how many other genders and what not they could say they were.
>Now T's "transphobic"
>Hallie starts calling T and L "Cissys"
>whatever that means
>A few months go by, no sign of Hallie
>Hallie and their friends start sending anon hate to T, L and T and L's friend M
>Calls them transphobic
>wont stop
>what now?

>> No.7454534

>leave out the window and when it comes near
>license plate says "fresh" and i see dice in the mirror
>if anything i could say that this cab was rare
> but thought nah forget it, yo homes to bel air!

>> No.7454542

For having a campus that's super diverse/politically correct I've never ran into any SJWs. Closest was a girl who asked what the name was of a song ("Blurred Lines") and her friend sneered and said "It's about rape, that's all you need to know."

>> No.7454544

>cops show up 3hours later tell me to ring them if she shows up again. In the meanwhile I give them her name so they can go to her moms place and see if c is hiding there.
>c gave us a fake name this whole time..... my housemate said that was the name she used.
> decide to wait for her so hubby and I return to normal life waiting for her to come back toget her stuff.
> Its late at night and Im asleep we sleep with the doors unlocked....I know I was an idiot....
Last part is next and this isthe hardest for me to write.....because I lost someone dear to me because of this.

>> No.7454575

lol i dont think im rdy for this

>> No.7454585


>> No.7454588

>Im asleep and a scream wakes me up I feel blood on me and my side of the bed.
> my hands reached for my katana which I always slept beside. My fingers brush up against nothing I feel a pillow pressed up against my face.
> due to training I became really flexible so I brought my legs up and hooked them around something. I push and break free see c katanabeside her and pillow on the floor. She giggles and says u ruinedmy life so I ruinedyours. She points to beside me.
>she stabbed my husband , husband isnt moving i rage scream and cry. Tackle her to the ground and beat her unconcious to a pulp. Call ambulance he passed away due to loss of blood.
>police arrested her and she went to jail I visit his grave often and leave flowers. I blame mys elf for everything.... I was in a bad state for awhile and still am I just dont know how to live without him. 4chan hasbeen a big distraction for me so maybe posting this will give me closure.

>> No.7454594
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>> No.7454611

where waiting don't stop the story

>> No.7454618

I wish ths was a troll, I really do then I could have my loved one back.

>> No.7454621

yeah but is she a weeb
there was already a tumblr sjw thread.

>> No.7454624

I already finished what happened. Now im depressed I might take some time off work and visithim tomorrow.

>> No.7454628
File: 120 KB, 640x496, 1395801773813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a weeb story thread not a sjw thread get your shit outta here

>> No.7454629

pls leave
You're mad you got posted here a while back.

>> No.7454633

What the fuck is happening in here

>> No.7454634

What an awful thread

>> No.7454647

If it's true, you have my sympathy for your loss. But I must ask, a katana seems like weird thing to have by your bedside.

>> No.7454667

I was looking for delightfully horrible and entertaining stories about weeaboos, not unsettling and possibly untrue stories of fake vampires vs less fake vampires.

>> No.7454670

Thanks, I really wish it wasnt, hewas the closest person to me. We did everything together, plyed video games, wentfor walks together he held me at night and now my beds cold becausei cantsee myself moving on and being with anyoneelse. As for the katana having it beside me made me feel safe. I had a short sword I used to have beside mewhen I slept too. The shortsword was for medieval reenactment and the katana as part of my gearfor dojo.

>> No.7454684

>>OP turns out to be a freak who think she's a vampire, drinks blood and hits shit with her katana when she gets drunk
Well what the fuck do you expect? It's weeb stories not normalfag stories.

>> No.7454905

>Be me collecting rare brand pieces. Iron gate. Cats Teaparty, puppet circus all additions in my wardrobe.
>Creepy neckbeard roomy moves in mfw he is at least 200kgs and smells like cheese but wet musty cheese.
>rooms in the room behind me our closets are seperate but their closet butts touch because they are built in drobes.
> guy has derpy friend over they fuck a lot so the cheese intensifies.
>go on vacation I come back to my room smellingfunny and generally musky. Look in my closet and cry because clothes are strewn everywhere as well as being covered in white stains.
>Cats teaparty is missing and puppet circus is torn.
>run into housemates room his ita gf is fucking him in MY irongate.
> "Oh anon we didnt know you would get back early."
> Girl tries to leave still wearing my clothes. Fuck you.jpg
> Uppercut her and wrestle my skirt off her and the roommate gets kicked out.
>rebuilding wardrobe now but it took me years to get a collection that big.

>> No.7454915

Not believing a word of this

>> No.7454923

My pain is real I didn't have insurance either.

>> No.7454952

this thread is just a train wreck...
but i can't look away.

>> No.7455537

My boyfriend has few knives, katanas, swords, the like scattered around his room. He's not a neck beard or anything oddly enough, but he sleeps with a seppuku sword next to his bed.

>> No.7455961

>Be me, 13 years old
>Friend and I are super into Naruto
>We pretend we're ninjas in ninja school instead of being in actual school and refer to our teachers as 'sensei'
>One day we wear our Naruto headbands to gym class
>Gym teacher asks us what the hell is on our heads
>Friend explains, "They're our ninja headbands! teehee"
>'Sensei' gives us an incredulous look "....take them off."

>Later that day, walking past the gym
>Overhear gym teacher talking
>"...and these girls were wearing METAL on their heads!"
>Giggle about it for the rest of the day

I cringe a lot when I look back at those days, but I can't deny that we had some fun times while it lasted.

>> No.7455983

Anyone remember that webcomic series about weebs? I can't find it.

>> No.7456046

Megatokyo? Whomp?

>> No.7456048

kc greens anime club?

>> No.7456101

ain't nothing wrong with being a dorky kid. You should see the atrocities I drew in my sketchbook at that age...

When I was a freshman in high school, one of the top chair cellists was into manga. (I was one of the last chair cellists, so that wasn't helping my cool-factor.) She was reading... I think it was Tokyo Mew Mew? Something that had strawberries on the cover. Anyway I remember being all "oh man manga!" and trying to be her friend, and announcing proudly "Ichigo means strawberry!" She gave me this bitchface and said "yeah, I know," and never talked to me for the rest of the year. Oh well.

>> No.7456149

>>7454588 did you drink his blood?

>> No.7456222

jfc its weeb stories if you don't wanna hear it this isn't the thread for you

>> No.7456428

I have katana on my beds side. Mainly cause i'm trying to sell it and don't have enywhere else to put it. Also it's really heavy if someone tryis to brake in.

>> No.7456557

This thread... But here I go, bit of a long one that goes crazy.

> Starts in new school. Be about 13 at the time.
> Me being a socially awkward, short fatty, with greasy brown long hair, harry potter style glasses.
> Not huge anime fan at the time, more into sci fi and marvel comics.
> End up meeting this crazy weeb. Lets called her Sakura.
> Sakura is a fatty, like me but tall. Had short hair cut and smells like a dead wet dog. Somehow we worked.

> Months later after friendship builds and I discover lolita, too nervous to try it out so decide to lerk from affair and buy some GLB'S.
> Sakura starts telling me how all lolitas are lolicons and peado bate. Tells me lolita wear nappy's under their bloomers, tells me lolita's only date older men to fit the lolicon fantasy.
> MFW. Believed her, terrified of lolita.
> 14 now, go to my first meet, not wearing lolita, just jeans and a T shirt. Meet up with girls and ask them what lolita is, and if Sakura's statements are true.
> Discover what lolita really is, and new comm welcome me in and teach me everything.
> Sakura finds out, and freaks at me. She tells me we can't be friends anymore and not to speak to her over the school holidays. I was devastated.


>> No.7456573


> Summer passes and I go through a massive transformation. (this started before summer the changing thanks to comm)
> Was a size 14, now a size 10. My hair is now clean and dyed black. Wear lolita everyday, mainly BTSSB, bodyline and a few AP LP's. Dress nicely for school now, wear uniform nicely with beautiful white coat, black AP beret, tossed my Harry Potter specs for some nice Spec saver ones, wear a heart backpack to school. Feels good.
> Lolita friend, call her Angie, is in school near mine. Decide to meet after school.

> Walk into school, no one recognizes me, as soon as they do people started being nice to me. Felt weird.
> In lunch hall, boy offers me a space in the lunch line. Get talking but as we talk a scent I had no smelt in a long time loomed over me.
> See Sakura gob smacked with 3 other weebie friends. Won't stop staring.
> Eat lunch with a few new friends.
> All feels good, weird but good.
> Meet Angie after school. her dad picks us up but before he gets there the scent returns.
> Sakura walks passed us at first, obviously looking at us and stands near by. She pretends she waiting for the bus.
> Start talking about Angie's new BTSSB jsk, when Sakura overhears and snaps "LOLICONS!"
> We ignore her and walk further down. Angie's dad picks us up.

> Drama begins.


>> No.7456589

> Sleeping at Angie's over the weekend with two other girl, Laura and Sophie. Borrow Sophie's laptop to check my messages.
> See nothing but hate mail from Sakura. "Peado bate" "pervert" "slut" "fatty!"
> Start to cry, show my friends.
> They all start laughing, for a second I think its at me but then Angie and Sophie give me a huge hug and help me fix this "peado issue" Laura types as the girls write a history of lolita with website links to back up all statements. They send this through my account to Sakura and even invite her to come to a REAL lolita event to see what the truth of lolita is.
> Sakura replies, saying she will come along, with protection.
> Haven't got a clue what she means but all of us chill, getting ready for tomorrows meet.

> Next day, Saturday. It is not only sunny but roasting so all of us dress in out summer frills and OP's. I'm so happy to fit into my first OP, but just. A few more cm's and it would not have zipped at all. Feel comfortable, happy.
> All of us in pastel's, with parasols.
> Head into town and wait outside the shopping center for Sakura.
> When we doubt she;'s show up she does... and dear god now I knew what she meant by protection.
> She walks up to us in black pants (I'm assuming they were meant to be baggy) displaying some sort of half badly made cosplay outfit (think its the black hair guy from naruto?) with a chain around her next, carrying a wooden katana. Her short hair was also greased up thickly with hair gel.
> Try not to laugh.
> Sophia, Laura and Angie Introduce themselves.
> We go for tea in the park.
> Angie did most of the talking, showing Sakura loads of books on lolita and explaining in's and out's. Sakura seems interested but still wary.

> Relaxing in the sun, the 5 of us chatted about random things when Sakura asks if she can speak alone with me. She looks guilty, so I smile and agree, walking not to far away from the group with Sakura, standing in front of the pond with my parasol up.

3/ ?

>> No.7456600

>standing in front of the pond

oh god, please no.

>> No.7456609

> I saw Angie and the girl stick their thumbs up to me for good luck. They are smiling happily, I think we all assumed at that point that Sakura was their to apologize to me.
> Sakura starts talking to me at first, saying she really liked how I was dressed and could understand why I liked the fashion.
> She then says sorry to me for calling me those names to which I forgave instantly. Tell her I went through a lot to loose weight and look after my health and that without that hard work I would not even fit in this dress.
> Then things get weird.
> Sakura look nervous and says to me "I know I called you a lolicon but... I was hoping you could be my lolicon"
> WHAT...
> She then explains how she was in love with me and that she was mad at me for loosing weight because it made me "ugly" and made me not have any "cushion" anymore. I am shocked to what I am hearing.
> "So will you?" Will I what? "Be my lolicon? I promise to buy you lots of dresses from Baby! I'll call you my little lolibate"
> I laugh, nervously and ask if this is a joke. Her face goes red and she glares at me.
> I explain I'm not a lesbian, I'm not really anything yet and if i was we could not work, we were too different and the hurt she caused me was too much.
> She then starts screaming at me, saying that I'm lying and clearly dyking up with Angie.
> I see the girls stand up and start to walk over but tis too late.
> Sakura then grabs her wooden katana and wallops me in the hip (think she was aiming for my gut but missed badly), I flinch a little as my petticoat took most of the blow. Before I could say a word she pushes me into the lake/pond but not before Laura tried to gave me and fell in as well.
> By the time me and Laura sat up (It was the shallow end luckily) Sakura is on the floor holding her face, covering in blood. She runs out and I see Angie standing there, her knuckle bloody from punching Sakura in the face.


>> No.7456610

I work in a space that shares space with a 3D printer and a total weeaboo came in yesterday. She had green hair and cat ears and multiple layers clothes and abackpack, it was so awesome to see a real life weeaboo!

>> No.7456611

>standing in front of the pond with my parasol up.

>> No.7456614

damn, I wish I had a lolita buddy like yours when I was your age...

>> No.7456615
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fuck yeah angie!

>> No.7456620

Sakura deserves so much more than just a bloodied face.

>> No.7456632

Yerp, my own fault their I guess.

> Sophie is the first to give no shits, she walks into the pond to help me and Laura up.
> Our dresses are wet, soaked right through but luckily it was only water and no stains befell the dresses.
> Angie is furious and calls the police straight away saying "Yes Police please... Yes I just punch a landwhale in the face for assaulting my friend and trying to stab her with a wooden sword... yes I'll hold"
> Sophie called her her boyfriend who wasn't far off, he brought us some towels and stuff as we waited for police to give statements and such. Luckily a CCTV camera caught the whole thing.
> Sakura gets a warning.

> 2 years later, 16 now and I;m still friends with the girls. Now I'm dating Angie's brother, Chris and had made it public knowledge.
> I had moved schools to Angie's and had not herd from Sakura ever since the insistent.
> We head to MCM London, All in lolita even Chris (wearing ouji) . He's quite a handsome guy, bit of a emo in appearance and way out of my league but we clicked for some reason.
> At MCM we have a great time, Me (Black/Brown hair), Laura (Blue/ Blonde Hair) and Angie (Pink/ Ginger) all triplet matching completely just alternating colors, wearing wonder party jsk's, white blouses, socks and alternating wigs. Chris is wearing a full white coord, and looking rather nice.
> We leave MCM early to go to china town in London for lunch but as we walk down the street Chris says "I'm sure that fat guy is following us"
> We look back to see what we assumed being true, a fat guy in an awful Naruto cosplay following us.
> But wait, that face, that was no guy, IT WAS SAKURA! Not only had she gained a mass of weight, near size 22 now, she was stalking us.
> Angie quickly reminds Chris of the shit we dealt with years ago when we met involving Sakura.
> So we formulate a plan.


>> No.7456636


Also London has a Chinatown? Never saw one.

>> No.7456660

Oh I forgot to mention my parasol snapped as I fell into the pond.

These girls are my life, so happy I was so lucky.

She gets worse in a few posts.

> The guys leave me alone on a bench as Chris goes into a shop behind me and Angie and Laura go into a shop infront of me. The watch and wait as I sat, pretending to be on my phone.
> It works and draws Sakura out to come over to me.
> At first she sits next to me saying nothing and I look at her, pretending ceaselessness "I'm, sorry, do i know you?"
> "So... You truly aren't a lesbian" Sakura looks to me teary eyed "I thought you were just in denial"
> At first I felt a bit bad, maybe she just asking out stupidly and really was in love with me at the time. Teenager do stupid shit afterall. I act nice to her and talk for awhile as Chris and the girls watch, now staring nearby.
> Sakura then leans over to me "But then again, maybe you just didn't have the right experience... Kiss me Lolicon! Let me prove to you my love!"
> I could not help but smell bear on her breath as she leaned close to kiss me but before she even got close Chris place his full hand around her face and pushed her onto the floor.
> She rolled around like a pushed over turtle at first before squishing herself to her feet, standing in a weird fighting pose.
> "So your the one who stole my lolicon!!" Chris blinked at her statement;
"YOUR lolicon?"
"YES! She's mine, ALWAYS has been mine"
"Is that a fact?" Chris turned to me then face Sakura and replied "See thats funny that, because last time I herd her say her love to anyone was last night with me. Alone. In the hotel room, several times.. if you know what I mean"
Sakura screamed "YOU FUCKED MY PRECIOUS LOLICON?! I'LL KILL YOU" She then ran for Chris.
> However she couldn't run fast and by the time she got to Chris he pushed her away, she was toppled by her own weight and banged her skull full force off the lamppost near by.

>> No.7456670

Why didn't you bite him, he could've "lived" on...

>> No.7456677

>seppuku sword

>> No.7456679

Go Chris GOOOO

>> No.7456690

It's not unheard of. My first boyfriend collected blades and keeps a machete on his bedpost

>> No.7456700

Yeah is does, its huge. If you ever go to London you should check it out. The tourist that visit there love lolita's, you'll get stopped a lot for photos.

> "Actually we were watching the lion king"
> Laura and Angie walk over to see if Sakura is still alive. Sakura's pants are half was down her arse as she managed to pull herself to her feet, hooking her pants up.
> Once she gets us she spat at Chris, it missed him but it was sickly.
> She's crying and calling us all homophobes, gay basher's whilst calling Chris a woman thief.

> Chris sits next to me as Laura calls Sophie up, telling her what happened. He hugs me and asks if I'm okay.
> TBH I wasn't, this situation was horrid, and true I laughed and wanted revenge but I felt really bad for her. I could not tell what the fuck was going on but I had an idea.
> I still had Sakura's old mobile number on my phone and her mother's, so I rang it by chance hoping to catch her mother, hoping she had not changed it.
> She hadn't. I told her mother everything that was happening, from the past to now and her mother was furious... AT ME!
> Her mother started screaming at me down the phone saying I dated her daughter for 3 years and broke her heart. Confused as fuck I handed my phone to Chris, he explain who he was and that he'd been with me 9 months. Her mother said I was a cheating lying whore and then hung up on me.
> I started to cry, I was saying loudly that it wasn't true and it took Angie to hug me to shut me up.
> They knew the truth but could not get why her mother said this.
> We all got a taxi and went out for food on the other side of the city and didn't return to MCM just in case.

A year later we found out that it was her sister on the phone who truly believed what Sakura had been saying and to this day we still think she does.
Chris and I are engaged now and every now and then we get messages from random accounts insulting us and calling me a lolicon whore. Life neh?

>> No.7456715

>A year later we found out that it was her sister on the phone who truly believed what Sakura had been saying and to this day we still think she does.

To clarify, we found out it was her sister's mobile number not her mother's who believe Sakura's story, despite I'd never EVER met her family. Yet on the phone she claimed she was her mother so we do not know who to believe really. We have had no problems, only messages now and then. We moved near Birmingham (she lives near Scotland basically, near my home town) so we ain't seen her. We also stay in huge group at events/con';s just in case. Bet you she'll blow a fuse once she see's the wedding photo's.

>> No.7456734

Aww, have a happy life with your man, anon! Good end!

>> No.7456731

>apostrophes on some plural words, but not on others

How do you even justify this?

>> No.7456740

Oh my gosh thank you anon. This has been bugging me too but I didn't want to be the one to point it out.

>> No.7456747

I have kind of a disorder of written expression so sometime I add things which are no necessary so a few errors in grammar and punctuation. It's pretty obvious isn't it? My apologies.

Yes, everything is fine but it worries me. I can image her turning up at my wedding and doing the whole "I OBJECT BECAUSE SHE IS MY PEADO BAIT!"

>> No.7456757

Make sure to have a few men on the lookout for her and have her taken down on the spot.

>> No.7456766

I had a guy who had a crush on me a few years back. He was convinced we were going out even though I was already taken and told him time and time again that I wasn't interested and when he started to scare me and I tried to move away, he came into my house with a weapon and threatened to kill my boyfriend, saying that I was being manipulated or something.
Having people be so crazy into you is a very scary thing. I hope this Sakura person doesn't try anything like that with you.

>> No.7456770
File: 223 KB, 590x333, Girls Watching Me Undress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Ichigo means strawberry!"
>"yeah, I know"

>> No.7456786


>> No.7456798

I think she was just trying to be some tough prince like character from an anime or something. When we were friends for that short time she used to "ship" a lot of male characters together and constantly talked about yuri. It took me a google search to discover what it was. I' so sorry you had to deal with that, did you ever get the police invovled?

>> No.7457976

I posted in a previous weeaboo story thread (anyone remember Taco?) but here's another one for you.

>Taco left the manga book club I run (as mentioned before) but his cousin (who I also mentioned before) stayed
>which is fine because she's pretty rational and down to earth about a lot of stuff despite being in her mid-teens
>except when you get her started on yaoi and yuri. she's obsessed with the stuff and reads it, according to her, every single day.
>she once called me and my partner "real life yuris"
>no stop don't do that

She stopped when I told her straight up to quit fetishizing same-sex relationships, thank goodness. She's so much smarter than her cousin.

>> No.7458005

>real life yuris
i can't even

>> No.7459415

.......Holy shit, I think I might've had a run in with her.