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7430387 No.7430387 [Reply] [Original]


I already have tickets but helping folks out

Also fuck you SDCC, I wanted to go to the Norcal Cosplay Gathering early for once.

>> No.7430391

>referring to badges as "tickets"

Normalfag detected.

>> No.7430393

Buying tickets for friends and people's parents because I'm not a scrub and got my tickets last sale.

I have no idea why they gave reg codes to people who already bought tickets.

>> No.7430395

did they? one of my other friends got a saturday and I figured he still got a code because he could theoretically get the other days too.

>> No.7430403
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>TFW 22 year Comic Con streak may end this year.

>> No.7430404

As an experiment I left one of my other sessions running during the presale and after 2.5 hours it finally got to the front of the line. This is going to take fucking forever.

>> No.7430407

I would totally sell you a badge for face value

>> No.7430408

It's going to be like this for years until the Convention Center expands. Word on the street here in San Diego is that the expansion project may never get off the ground sooner then expected.

>> No.7430411

The absolute best part of comiccon registration is the butthurt on their facebook page. Every year it's the same shit and I'm still always amazed


>> No.7430413
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wtf is this bullshit.

>> No.7430414

>Although you can’t see your place in line, rest assured that we are moving people in every 120 seconds

I'd like to know just so I can say "fuck this shit, I'm out" and go do shit I want to do outside the house.

>> No.7430418

>Oh, and we forgot to mention... if you didn't get in within 120 seconds you're fucked!

>> No.7430422

It's the only fair way to do it, unfortunately. There's more people who want to go then spaces available,

>> No.7430419

You can't buy badges for anyone who doesn't have a member ID.

>> No.7430420

That was the good thing about the first come first served line. I could immediately see if I should just leave. This... you can't see shit. For at least two SDCC badge purchases in the past I was able to be in and out in 15 minutes or less. Woke up, bought tickets, went back to sleep.

>> No.7430427

That isn't fair. The shlubs that barely give a fuck and just see if they can get a badge has the same chance as someone who really would give anything to go and willing to take off work to get it, etc.

BlizzCon had it right. The people who really wanted to go and put in the effort got their tickets and the rest of the slackers who didn't give a shit got left out.

>> No.7430429

I know, they have IDs. One friend neglected to get one so i feel bad for him.
Thanks anyways.

>> No.7430438

now we'll have people go THANKS, GOT MY TICKETS! SUPER SMOOTH!

>> No.7430444

Yes but these are themselves unbalanced criteria. Who can "take off work"? For the most part, a policy like this is going to prevent single parents, college students, and poorer people form going. First come first serve? Congrats, now the advantage goes to people who can afford faster internet connections.

It's unfortunate because an online sale can't test "willingness" or "dedication" because these vary depending on income, within this system. Rich people have an advantage. A wealthy schlub may be more willing to give up a day of pay over a diehard student. I'd rather have a random mix, comic-con will be whatever it will be based on who wants to go, I'm not going to judge anyone's "dedication" to imply that their interest is illegitimate.

>> No.7430445

and everytime someone sees it they'll think "why am I still waiting?" I started thinking that right now, actually

>> No.7430450

>Congrats, now the advantage goes to people who can afford faster internet connections.
all I know is that my now-ancient DSL line has proved its worth in the past. I get a fraction of the speed of Uverse, Comcast, etc get. Shit, my DSL is slower than my phone's 4G.

>> No.7430460

I usually make it through on DSL but I also have a reasonably good gaming PC.

>> No.7430467

Single parents, college students, and poor people can still wait in line on a web browser. And none of that is relevant because this system still requires them to be at their computer at a certain time to buy tickets.

At BlizzCon just about everyone that tried hard to get a badge got one. The ones that slacked off didnt. The fans were the victors and the lazies were not. That's how it should be.

>> No.7430470

> Our goal is to make this process less frustrating for you
So basically it's a fast frustration (knowing your hopes are dashed early on) vs a slow frustration (being stuck in this line)

>> No.7430476
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This might be the only year I'll ever be able to go until my life is officially over.
I've been talking about these plans with friends for at least a month now and I'll be devastated if I won't be able to go because I've got horrible RNG luck.
>mfw they said it would only be an hour before they are sold out and it's almost over

>> No.7430477

So? I work at a restaurant and I would get my ass fired if I were browsing the internet during my shift, and I would get my ass fired for flaking on my shift. I need this job and saturdays used to be the best days. I couldn't afford to lose my job to go to con, it would be a massive financial hardship. My boss, however, easily could go and was willing to pay +500 when he heard I was buying tickets after I changed my schedule. He doesn't read comics. i'm interested in Blizzcon's reg process, I'd appreciate it if you could spell it out, but I certainly imagine the raffle is more fair then anything SDCC has done in the past.

No, this process has nothing to do with the user experience, actually. When there's such a massive volume of people and so few tickets, who really cares if "it's frustrating" It's about being as fair as possible. (which is debatable and being debated ITT but it is where they are coming from)

>> No.7430479

>Did you know that there is a full slate of programming from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Sunday at Comic-Con? It’s a great day to attend and walk the Exhibit Hall floor!

Lmao. i actually do believe this but I love that direct aim at people who bitch about sunday passes.

>> No.7430485

> work at a restaurant and I would get my ass fired if I were browsing the internet during my shift

You should've planned ahead and took the morning/day off for the day badges go on sale. Like many people did for BlizzCon and Comic-Con. Oh, but that might entail you actually putting in an effort and having an invested interest in.

And again, none of this is relevant because you STILL have to be at your computer during the day to buy tickets regardlesss of what system is used. So your sob story of entitelment means nothing.

>> No.7430487

if it's your friends who said it'd be an hour they never experienced the lottery system. The presale with a limited number of tickets hadn't sold out for at least two hours. The lottery system moves at a glacial pace.

>> No.7430493

>Preview Night and Saturday inventory is running low and may be sold out before you begin your online registration session.

>> No.7430490

I worked in a tiny resturaunt and I couldn't always negotiate days off, especially saturdays because my coworkers made plans often. I'm not implying that I deserve a ticket, my argument is only that taking a day off is not an event of static worth, it is a more difficult and sometimes impossible event for some, regardless of comic interest. Gonna tell me how Blizzcon did it? Still gonna argue that past sdcc systems were better?

>> No.7430495

No, they site said that I believe. The preview night and saturday passes are already almost gone.

>> No.7430497

still leaves Thursday, Friday, Sunday. Thursday and Sunday take the longest to sell out

>> No.7430498

>Friday inventory is running low
Thanks anon

>> No.7430500

To be fair that happened only a few seconds after their post

>> No.7430502

preview/four day has lasted a lot longer than it did in previous years, that's for sure

Thursday actually has my favorite event: SUPERHERO KUNG FU EXTRAVAGANZA

>> No.7430504

We’re sorry, but the option to purchase Preview Night and Saturday has sold out. But don’t worry, there are still four other fabulous days of Comic-Con International to attend! Friday badge inventory is running low. It is possible that you may not be able to purchase a Friday badge. We thank you for your patience during this process.

>> No.7430505

>We’re sorry, but the option to purchase Preview Night and Saturday has sold out. But don’t worry, there are still four other fabulous days of Comic-Con International to attend! Friday badge inventory is running low. It is possible that you may not be able to purchase a Friday badge. We thank you for your patience during this process.
>four days

>> No.7430506

>preview and saturday are sold out
Well I can guess how this is going to go

>> No.7430508

>We’re sorry, but the option to purchase Preview Night and Saturday has sold out.
>But don’t worry, there are still four other fabulous days of Comic-Con International to attend!

Comic Con is bad at math.

>> No.7430509

We’re sorry, but the option to purchase Preview Night, Friday and Saturday has sold out. But don’t worry, there are still three other fabulous days of Comic-Con International to attend!

>> No.7430510
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>We’re sorry, but the option to purchase Preview Night and Saturday has sold out.
Get on facebook, I can already feel the butthurt and entitlement ready to pour in

>> No.7430511

Then get a friend to do it for you. Your excuses are stupid.

And again, for the third fucking time, this lottery system does not change anything. You still have to be available at your computer during the day to purchase badges. So you're not actually arguing in favor of anything.

>> No.7430512

>friday just sold out
Why the fuck even go then
Guess I'm not going this year

>> No.7430515

tbh if you're willing to pay the extra scalper price the easiest way to get badges is to buy off Craigslist.

>> No.7430516

Are you really not reading my post? It's a direct arguement to the idea that first-come first-serve is fair. What is actually wrong with your brain anon? Do you think Im arguing that a lottery fixes everything? Go reread my posts and tell me where I said that it was the perfect system.

I'm implying it's a better system than previous ones, and dedication is an impossible metrric to fairly measure. Again. You are replying to an arguement that is literally not there,

>> No.7430521

>pay money for the chance for them to just walk away with the cash

>> No.7430522

Annoying. Every BlizzCon and Comic-Con I wanted to go to I had no problems getting a badge since I took the initiative and pounced on it within a few seconds of badges going on sale. But now I'm sitting here for hours watching some machine tell me how things are selling out because it randomly put me far back in line.

This is the first year I won't be able to get a badge for Comic-Con because of this shitty lottery system. Fuck this Obama bullshit.

>> No.7430524

I can count the number of times I've been badge checked for legitness on one hand. One finger, actually. This is with a decade of going.

>> No.7430525

Why do you deserve a badge more than anyone else who got one anon? Don't be entitled, lol.

>> No.7430527

I think he'd be more satisfied if he had taken efforts to do all he could to get a badge and lost than this where he basically sits around and prays. There's no way to give yourself an advantage even if you wanted to in this system. You can't say "I fought for this badge" or "I lost, but at least I fought"

>> No.7430528

I live across the country and was planning a whole road trip around this so I'm a little upset about it all.
This is the first year I had the actual means to be able to go and now I can't because I have bad luck with lotteries.
I don't even want to go to another con in substitute at this point. I'll just get a sour taste in my mouth because it was a second choice.

>> No.7430529

I would love for you to tell me how you can't take off work at your little restaurant job to get a ticket that goes on sale at 9am that is first come first serve but you can somehow take off work for this lottery system where tickets go on sale at 9am.

>> No.7430531

I'm still going to suggest it: buy it off of craigslist.

>> No.7430532

Yes but what happens when more people who want a badge fight for one than there are tickets? What happens when there are more people wanting tickets and following and pouncing on instructions and planning ahead then the servers can handle at once?

You guys are literally years behind the thought process that the current system is at.

>> No.7430534

Trust me, I'm still going to look, but I was buying for someone else too. I'm not about to drop like 300+ per badge, not to mention it will probably only cover one or two days.

>> No.7430535

Because I'm a diehard fan of comic-con and willing to put in the effort to get a badge. That's why I could get one each year: I do what needs to be done to get it.

But that's okay I guess, because my badge will instead now be going to some lazy asshole who decided to just login whenever. Because clearly it was so important to them.

>> No.7430536

The old system is where you fought for it. You, in some small capacity, manufactured your own luck. You can't do anything but pray on this system.

>> No.7430538

I'd love for you to reply to a real argument, or at least not argue points I'm not making lmao.

Still not going to tell me about the amazing process of Blizzcon? Still not going to argue this is worse than previous systems? (aka my actual arguement)

My example was to illustrate that a day off does not have static worth. Want to know how I am here today? because I don't work there anymore. I am not implying "they should change the system because I work saturdays" as you seem to believe. I am arguing, for the 6th time, that a day off has different worth to different people, regardless of comic passion

>> No.7430539

$300 should get you a four day badge if it's in line with last year's prices. That'd be a little over last year's prices for a four day actually.

>> No.7430540

There are more people willing to put in the effort of going than there are spaces to go. I think it's ridiculous that you can't imagine +125,000 people in the whole world working as hard as you do.

>> No.7430544

Clicking within the first few seconds they go on sale, short of some random catastrophe, usually ensures a safe place in line to buy a badge. It weeds out a good 90% of people interested in tickets. It was a system that favored the diehards.

>> No.7430546

Yes but it was too much for their servers to bear and favored people with better hardware

>> No.7430547

I hope you're right anon. I've wanted to go to this ever since I was a little kid and now it's just so disheartening that I got there right when registering opened to get my badges and I'll probably not even get put in line

>Thursday is running low

>> No.7430548

Let's say there are 500,000 who want to go. Only 250,000 are willing to prepare for it like this guy is. That means you're only fighting 250,000. Under the lottery let's say there are also 500,000. There's no way for anyone to take efforts to get ahead so you're fighting 500,000.

>> No.7430554

BlizzCon sells out with similar numbers and they tell you your exact place in line. Last year I clicked within 5 seconds and was about 15k in line. The con before that I clicked within 2 seconds and was 1.2k in line.

>> No.7430552

>only sunday badges are available

>> No.7430553

I'll put it this way: you're already paying a shit-ton for gas, plane (if applicable), hotel (if applicable). If you were able to stomach the hotel and transportation costs the extra couple hundred for a four day should be nothing. This assumes you were to pay $350 for a four day which I still think is going to be way too high.

>> No.7430556

I disagree, both with your metrcis and your reasoning. At least half of my con friends stopped going because of these online systems and getting up early. The lottery, given the time and window, is the same kind of hurdle as a link is, just with less tech burden, and less of a chance to backfire. Nobody is really changing their behavior because its a two hour window instead of one minute. And again, this is to ease technological strain.

>> No.7430560

I was dropping 450+ for a hotel and then gas was split between 3 people to convince them to go with me.
I'd have to convince the other person who was going to pay me 300 dollars on a badge that might not even be legit.
And now sunday is almost sold out so now it's just seeing if I even get picked.

>> No.7430558

Sunday badges are running low. Be sure to have your credit card information ready for payment!

>> No.7430561

>my friends wanted to go but not enough to get up early for it

You and your friends are casuals and the people who put in the effort deserved to go more than them.

>> No.7430564

But both the first come first serve and lottery systems are using a 9am start time. I've been waiting longer in the lotteries than I ever did for the first come first serve

>> No.7430565

Comic-Con International 2014 badges have sold out! We thank all of your for your patronage and support!

>> No.7430566

My friends are casuals and they aren't going. I am okay with this, so are they and everyone else.

I am doing everything you are doing anon, waking up early, clicking fast, but I am also mindful of SDCC as an organization, and the issue from their perspective.

>> No.7430569

>Comic-Con International 2014 badges have sold out! We thank all of your for your patronage and support!

the badge holder color is 99% of what is checked. I've been only checked for blacklight once and they didn't even bother with an ID check during that one time. You can tell what color the badge holder should be because everyfuckingone will have that color.

>> No.7430570

Uhh, sorry? If waiting in line longer isn't worth it feel free to leave. Nobody will mind and everybody is in favor of weeding out people who don't want to be inconvenienced.

>> No.7430571

There issue is they are fucking assholes and their stupid Obama ticket welfare program is frustrating and unfair.

Now I have to pay some asshole on craigslist $600 for 2 tickets. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.7430575

I'll look into it anon, thanks.
Im not even sure how to react to this right now.

>> No.7430577

If they really wanted to do things 100% fair they'd just have you submit a request for tickets and then a month later tell you if your request was granted.

>> No.7430578
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So? You realize people will always be inconvenienced, right? Why is it the case that it's unfair if you are inconvenienced, but it's fair if you get it and others don't? Why are you so special and entitled?

>> No.7430579

Depends on how you define fair. It's probably fairer by some measurement but as others have pointed out it's comic-cons style to make it as much of a contest of dedication and want as they and their servers can handle.

>> No.7430581

Blacklight? Why did they check you for that?

>> No.7430585

Badges have a small number that appears under blacklight as a counterfeit countermeasure.

>> No.7430588

Couldn't you have just made a lot of accounts and had many sessions up at once on different devices to increase your chances?

>> No.7430590

that's how they check if a badge is legit. they might have some sparkly holographic stuff on the badge too. as noted I've only been checked for that once in a decade of going and they didn't even bother with an ID check.

it's noticeable if you look up close so you can tell if a badge is legit just from that. Good tip for anyone buying on craigslist

>> No.7430591

Yes. Yes you could have. I think there may have been a countermeasure because each account had to be attached to a persons name and address and email.

>> No.7430592

address doesn't matter because they never check the address against the ID at pickup. That and you can just be like "I moved." Since they don't send badges to addresses there's no point to the address. Even if there was you could just ask all your neighbors to help you out.

>> No.7430593

yeah I agree it's probably sort of sketchy and easily gamed, but I haven't myself tried to game it because I already got my ticket so I have no idea.

>> No.7430594

You can make a ton of bogus emails in less than 5 minutes, and it doesn't take a lot of googling to figure out how to get a work around for a IP check for the waiting room.
So with a day of work you could have a ton of tickets in a lottery, no?

>> No.7430595

oh and the blacklight text is near one of the corners. it's usually covered by the badge holder plastic

>> No.7430607

Well the answer is pretty clear to me. The lottery was a test to make sure only the most dedicated fans, the ones who would register many many member ids, use an IP workaround, and gamed the system hard would get in. If you didn't get a ticket it's because you are a casual and you don't deserve to go over true, diehard fans.

>> No.7430608

here's a reply

>> No.7430613

I kind of wish that had been the case

>> No.7430617

it literally was the case. If comic con had announced it, the casuals would have done it, only the true fans who read between the lines and understood the true procedure won.

>> No.7430626

I know you're being sarcastic, but I'm seriously looking into doing something like that for next year.

>> No.7430640

somehow I managed to get lucky and scored badges for friday and sunday. I'm going alone, so now I don't know what to do on saturday.. any advice anons?

>> No.7430654

There's nothing to do at comic-con except tour the exhibit hall, attend panels, and hang with friends. You're fucked.

>> No.7430655

Saturday is the masquerade at 8. typically it's kind of a cringefest but if you have nothing to do, I figure if you're on /cgl/ you would be okay with a costume contest.

>> No.7430667

explore the stuff in the gaslamp district where they've started adding more and more for people who don't have badges (or are like you and have only a couple of days). companies have been renting out property and making exhibits there. it's also cheaper on a per-foot basis than internal space in the exhibit hall which is why they started doing it.

>> No.7430704

I'm guessing you need a saturday badge to get into that?? I'll look into it though, thanks!

This sounds like a lot of fun, I'll definitely check it out. Is it hard to get to on foot from the convention area? I haven't secure my housing yet, so I will try to factor that in too. Thanks!

>> No.7430739

Oh jeeze I misread your post, I thought you said friday/saturday.

>> No.7430952

>attend panels
That's a weird way to spell wait in line for fourteen hours.

I'm done with SDCC. Too much Hollywood shit and so many dudebro's walking around bitching about everything. The main reason I went is for the exclusives and even that's not worth it anymore.

>> No.7431003

if you keep up, its permits they have to get pass first, and their near the end of the last the construction perms so it will probably happen with in the next few years.

I remember a time when you could get in for free just by wearing a costume.

last year 4day passes were $300-$500 on craigslist and Saturday passes alone were $100-$200. SDCC has a scalper problem

counterfeits are pretty common too.

if your talking about H hall then yes, any other hall goes by pretty quick and if you don't follow the system you'll miss the panel, some panels if you know are going to busy then you show up for the panel prior.

I got my 4day tickets, so excited for this year I had enough time to get hotel room, also if your looking for a good deal, the Hilton bay front has july 17-20 for 200 night but be warn if you go for preview night it will bring the price up to 300 odd dollars.

>> No.7431103

Fuck H Hall, it's every panel.

I think the only panel I didn't have to wait in line for a couple years ago was some Star Wars Origami thing.