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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 292 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mzkeivVaL31qecu65o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7320723 No.7320723 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a thread going for natural hair with Lolita?
Self-posts and tutorials welcome.

>> No.7321885
File: 640 KB, 867x1280, 2014-01-16-10-48-10_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use my natural hair. It's great for daily wear, but at cons I usually need an awesome hairstyle to look good in an intricate outfit.

>> No.7321891
File: 836 KB, 961x1280, 2014-01-04-13-51-18_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a photo of it a bit more proper and neat as opposed to casual and messy.

Sage for multiple self posts, sorry about that.

>> No.7321895
File: 330 KB, 844x1422, 1390434556462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lostnatsu uses her natural hair

>> No.7321898
File: 225 KB, 960x1280, 1390434620889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7322101
File: 393 KB, 900x466, 75473_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RR uses her own hair as well, plus she's good for coord inspiration.

>> No.7322158
File: 243 KB, 721x1127, 1390440783823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7322842


>> No.7323103

i perfer lolita with natural hair, i see people posting lolitas with cheap neon wigs and it looks too goofy to me. its like a female version of a neckbeard who dresses in a cheap suit and a fedora.

>> No.7323188

What dress is she wearing?

>> No.7323191


>> No.7323193

Innocent World Royal Library Ribbon jsk

>> No.7323198

do... do you live just to post that sentence around on this board, anon? I swear, I've seen you post it in that exact same wording before

>> No.7323205

Thank you.

>> No.7323257

Bumping for more lovely locked lolitas

>> No.7323424

Your hair is lovely! I sort of wish mine was long enough to plait, weh.

>> No.7323453
File: 48 KB, 300x300, uglycrying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just cut my hair into an asymmetrical short bob recently...Dat feel when you want to have long pretty hair, but can't because your hair keeps falling.
I will never be kawaii

>> No.7323475

I need a haircut like goddamn but I really don't like going to the hairdressers. Also at uni rather than home and didn't manage to get my hair cut over break so it's really bad right now, and finding a new hairdresser who won't mess up your hair is hard.

(If anyone happens to know of a good one in York, UK, then I'd be grateful)

>> No.7323478

Try looking for beauty schools!

They only allow students who are about to graduate to cut hair, and you can usually get it cut for ~$15. Plus, they're brand new to the hair cutting scene, so they've learned all the newest techniques and they know what's in style, and what will look good.

Younger people are also more willing to try out a style they wouldn't have necessarily thought of, whereas older hair dressers may be sort of stuck in their hayday and don't like different hairstyles.

I dropped my hair dresser after she refused to give me a short angled bob because she thought it would look ugly. I went and got it done somewhere else, and it's perfect for my face.

>> No.7323521
File: 73 KB, 390x640, 1386947799149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get more images?

>> No.7323624

>asymmetrical bob
That actually sounds cute.
I know this is really racist, but I get so excited every time I see such a pretty Asian girl whose beauty isn't the direct result of extreme make-up and Photoshop talent. I'm not saying pretty Asians are some sort of rare gem or something, but I've seen so many 3s go to 8-10 with the use of photo editing and make-up skills that whenever I see a picture of a pretty Asian, I can't enjoy it as much because I can't help but wonder if that's really what she looks like. Yeah, all races do this, but it seems to be a lot more prominent with Asians.

>> No.7323627

Seconding beauty schools, great prices and I've never been disappointed when I give them a general idea and "what do you think would look best?"

My only complaint is that my local beauty school doesn't know how to deal with curly hair. At all.

>> No.7323635

What is the JSK called? It's adorable. I'm guessing it's Meta?

>> No.7323636

I would steer clear of beauty schools if you have challenging (basically anything with texture) because many of the students don't have the experience with textured or curly hair that seasoned professionals may have.

That being said, beauty schools are awesome for unusual cuts, or demanding updos for events. They're also cheap and usually the students are good natured and happy to be working.

>> No.7323647
File: 131 KB, 600x900, 1390490039534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite.
My hair isn't completely natural, it's dyed this colour from a dull brown-blonde. I wear wigs as well, but since getting this hair colour a few months back I'm a lot more confident in showing off my real locks.

>> No.7323687

that old school coord hghgnnhnhh so cute

>> No.7323694

I hate to say it, but that hair color doesn't really look like it works on you, not only that but it looks off with your sax jsk.

>> No.7323718

I don't know, I think the color looks pretty cute on her. Agree that it's maybe a little bright for the sax, but it's a pretty minor thing.

>> No.7323742
File: 231 KB, 683x1198, wonderqueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting more short haired lolitas!

I just recently cut my hair short and I need more hair inspiration. Tutorials would be wonderful too.

>> No.7323754
File: 60 KB, 720x960, meinlolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair is longer now, but I had it short like this for a long while. I am not too fond of straight across bangs(don't mind the pink) but I like the look of layered sideswept bangs quite a bit.

>> No.7323756
File: 649 KB, 1024x768, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite, too. I might have posted these coords on a timeline thread before?

I really only use my natural hair because I don't do OTT sweet or anything and I think I have enough hair that it doesn't look thin or anything.

>> No.7323763
File: 314 KB, 800x700, 1390494206835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dump from daily-lolita tag 'natural hair'

>> No.7323765
File: 319 KB, 800x700, 1390494275574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7323769
File: 151 KB, 1200x1600, 76395_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7323773
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>> No.7323777
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>> No.7323785
File: 133 KB, 400x700, 8441876668_f839bff2b8_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad, I tought I had more but it's always the three same girls under this tag plus an occasional fan_chan post

>> No.7323789

You are a cutie

>> No.7323794

I agree, I'm jelly.

>> No.7323800

Looks good to me

>> No.7323802

Her hair is so pretty with that coord!

>> No.7323804

Everything about this is adorable, anon.

>> No.7323817

Is her hair purpley or something? I like that with other tumblr fashions, but you need some serious hair to balance out a dress like that.

>> No.7323820
File: 121 KB, 361x600, tumblr_mwfdmsQPiT1qb9ia7o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7323822
File: 74 KB, 526x960, 1390495393626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always love threads like these. I have boyishly short hair and I'm always looking for inspiration on how to style it! (see image attached, sorry for graininess of image). Does anyone have any pixy-cut frillies?

>> No.7323856
File: 781 KB, 800x1000, pink collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been growing out my hair for a few years now. It's hard to curl it, I guess it's too long. This is the best attempt so far.

>> No.7323877

haffu-chan, is that you ?

>> No.7323911

lol idk what you're talking about but I am half korean.

>> No.7323919

So, I have really thick curly hair, and my forehead is pretty small so bangs are kinda useless. Plus, if I had bangs they'd be super poofy and stuff, because my hair hates being short.

Do you guys have any suggestions for hairstyles? I feel lame always doing up-dos, and part of me feels super sub-par for not having bangs.

>> No.7323922

Wow, you're gorgeous. How do you keep your hair in such good shape?

>> No.7323942

I tought you were the half japanese anon who sometimes post, my bad. Your hair is just perfect btw

>> No.7323973

oh lol. Makes sense now. Thanks!

Aw, thank you!
Hm, I normally let my hair air dry, use leave in conditioner on the tips and braid my hair at night so it doesn't tangle. I use a special brush that has really flexible bristles so it doesn't break my hair, It's called the wet brush. I also rarely use heat tools and always use a heat protectant spray.

>> No.7323976

try cocoon curls (there's tutorials in youtube)
It's the best method I've found, I have tailbone+ length hair and the curls hold for more than 2 days.

>> No.7323980

I've seen some really cute lolitas without bangs. But they're mostly classic lolitas. Do you have a picture of your hair?

>> No.7323986

I've actually tried that and had some decent results. The thing is having the perfect amount of moisture so it drys all the way. But I don't like how the top of the curls tighter and wonky. And the cocoons are a pain to sleep in lol.

>> No.7323988

Thanks for all the tips!

>> No.7323997

I know peachie is nice and all, and I'm not trying to derail the thread or anything, but is it just me or does her face kind of look like a baby's face. Not a super cute one either but but it looks like the face of a baby. It just kind of looks off to me.

>> No.7324002

I can't stand short boyish cuts with lolita it just looks odd, no offense to you, but you'd look so much more feminine with longer hair, even with the hat having super short hair makes your head look tiny with all the frills.

>> No.7324007

Dem feels when you want to have nice hair but it gets really oily within 6 hours, especially when active or sleeping so you have to wash it and blowdry it everyday and it gets frizzy and split really quickly. I can't not blowdry it unless I'm staying at home for 3 hours, and my natural hair looks horrible so I have to straighten it sometimes too. I can't do rag curls or anything as the roots and bangs will be all oily and slicked back by morning.

>> No.7324016

Bradi it at night, I promise you it won't get oily that quickly. Brush it every day a lot so sebum will go trought all your hair and not stay up. Wash your bruch everyday. Choose a natural pepper mint shampoo to dry your hair a little. Use homemade dry shampoo.

>> No.7324017

>but is it just me or does her face kind of look like a baby's face
I'm sure it's that derp'd mouth expression she forces into her pictures. It looks like something you'd see in a baby photo since babies do that all the time. No non-downsy person has a natural open mouthed smile like that.
To tell you the truth I find forced facial expressions like that highly obnoxious.

>> No.7324047

I think someone's desperate to create the image of a female fedora MRA and attribute it to /cgl/ because we have girls. Which is stupid, because fedora-chans already come in girl flavor. They hang out with MRA's, are extremely ugly/thirsty, constantly call non-unforgivably ugly nerds slutty (I've seen one that does this on facebook all DAY) and they love fingerless gloves.

>> No.7324051


I think it might even have something to do with her illness too. She mentioned that her facial features are similar to others with the same condition. I don't remember the specifics though, it was quite a while ago.

>> No.7324054

That could be it. Nothing against her or anything but it strikes me as just a tad off whenever I see her.

>> No.7324058

I often do, but it's the roots and the hair framing my face (mainly the bangs and fringing) that get oily and I can't really braid that. I brush it a fair bit but I could do it more. I probably don't wash my brush enough, though. Do you have any recommendations for brands/recipes for natural pepper mint shampoo and for homemade dry shampoo?

I am so envious of my friends when they stay over, their hair is typically perfect in the morning and they don't even need to wash it. If I went out with my morning hair, I'd probably get heckled and stared at by everyone.

>> No.7324061
File: 514 KB, 1600x1200, audrey-tautou014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people just don't really think about their smile much. They kinda just think "ok, make curve. That is smile. Good"
That's how we get smiles like Audrey Taotou's where they press their lips up against their teeth and make their beautiful lips bulge and pucker and tense up.

>> No.7324065


I really love your hair as it is. It's so colorful and still not overwhelming. I wish I could dye mine, but alas, I'm an Asian who would probably have to ruin my hair before I can make cool colors.

>> No.7324069

You look like Miley Cyrus

>> No.7324082

I use Lush and I've heard a lot of good things from them.
I use the hold "brush your hair an hundred time" thing, it does wonders really quickly, my hair became really soft and shiny after a month or so, because natural sebum is the best thing to keep your hair hydrated and protect them from wind and rain.

>> No.7324080

I usually wear my natural hair with lolita but I don't style it very nicely. My hair is super thick with a natural wave that I'm worried will look weird and overwhelmingly huge if I curl it or tease it.

How do I thick hair with lolita? Straighten only the top? Curl the ends under?

>> No.7324091

I have thick hair and I straighten the top and curl it more towards the ends so it gets gradually more voluminous. Depending on how long your hair is braids are great, you can get them really thick and nice looking, so does braiding a portion or doing a bun. If you wear sweet though I'm not sure how well braids look. You can try mimicking the twintail wigs by putting some of your hair up like that or put a small portion up in a bun.

>> No.7324102


>> No.7324101
File: 115 KB, 748x1038, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>step 1 grow your hair out
>step 2 grow your hair out
>step 3 until step 1 and 2 are done, wear a wig

Seriously, hair that short with Lolita doesn't work , hipster girl.

>> No.7324104

You're so pretty. And your hair is gorgeous

>> No.7324110

man, you guys are too sweet. Thank you!

>> No.7324116

>mfw I have pixie short hair
>mfw wigs give me massive headaches
>mfw I wear lolita anyways

eat it

>> No.7324120

>yfw you look like a pinheaded hipsterfag

no one's gonna be jelly of that gurl. you can do whatever you want with your shaggy dogbutt hair, we'll be here to laugh

>> No.7324123

I think short hair can look great with loli. I liked Katzix short pinky hair look. I liked how it contrasted with her classic clothing. Loli is you in a dress. Feel free to be you, not what everyone else expects you to be to fit into the mold. Once you are wearing shit just to fit into the preconceived mold of what a loli *should* be just to fit the stereotype you are wearing a costume, not a fashion.

>> No.7324132

Lots of people have that gorgeous, thick long hair itt. But it only brings up bitter feels about my relationship with my mother...
>never let me grow my hair as a child or preteen
>until 14 I looked like a little boy with a bowl cut
>started to put sun-in spray to lighten my hair when I was in high school
>mom gave me the choice to either bleach my hair or stop the spray
>hair damaged severely because of the bleaching

>finally let my hair grow out and tell my mom to back the fuck up
>have to deal with snarky comments from strangers who apparently think I'm too dumb to notice my roots growing in
>fast forward
>finally have silky, healthy hair that's shoulder length that isn't shedding/splitting off for the first time in my life
Almost there...

>> No.7324134


her hair looks fine. hair length in lolita is a matter of opinion. as long its in good health and has volume, theres nothing with it. get the sand out of your vag(s).

>> No.7324136

I like you. You think good things.

>> No.7324139

I wasn't commenting on anyone's picture, i was commenting on the snarkyass comment.

>> No.7324143

I think you're wrong. Long hair is feminine, and lolita is a feminine fashion, it expresses and celebrates femininity. You can't tell me that it's not about feminine aesthetics, aesthetics are really important in all fashions, and lolita has the theme of being feminine, doll like, and pretty. Short hair isn't really pretty, same with unstyled hair, it's just messy looking and doesn't work with the fashion aesthetics. A kodona with long hair looks bad because kodona is about boyish aesthetics.

It's not about fitting the mold of what it should be, it's about fittin the aesthetics of a fashion, because they actually exist.

>> No.7324142
File: 1.70 MB, 1024x768, realhair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been growing my hair out from chin length for the past two and a half years. The MT pic is the most recent. I usually wear it up in turk's head braids once a week to get rhapsody wig hair that lasts for a few days, and the other days of the week, I'm fighting with my curling iron or straight iron. I originally planned on using wigs when I started with Lolita, but I very quickly found that I ruin wigs and can't keep them for crap, so I decided to grow my natural hair. It's a good bit of upkeep though, and I think one of these days, I'm going to get a short curly bob wig for the days when I just don't feel like dealing with my mane.

>> No.7324148

I think you look great.

>> No.7324150

Lol ok, short haired same fag

>> No.7324152

Please don't part your band in the middle. Do it slightly on the side or brush it into a swept bang but parted in the middle it just look like you were to lazy to cut it

>> No.7324155


>> No.7324156

Short hair does not work with Lolita. I think most people who wear lolita consider short hair bob or above shoulder length. Boy hipster cuts don't work. Stop.

>> No.7324163

my hair is to my chest, nice try though.

>> No.7324171
File: 26 KB, 300x380, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, because it is impossible to look pretty and feminine with short hair. (Pic related)

>> No.7324177
File: 80 KB, 720x960, 1390504547589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like buns with some lolita coords. While I don't like this girl's outfit, I think her hair is simple and fine.

>> No.7324176

I try to keep them short, and do touchups at home in between trips to the hairdresser, but they legit just fall like that sometimes. I can have fresh-cut bangs, and by the end of the day, they'll end up parting themselves straight down the middle, IDEK why. I've tried a million times to get them to stay flat down or off to the side, but they always migrate. I'll have to start carrying a comb around with me or something. :< Thanks for the concrit, though. I appreciate it!

>> No.7324180

That hair is not suitable for lolita at all.

>> No.7324181

fucking truth.
stop being a tumblrfag and wear a goddamn wig.

>> No.7324182

that is some yesstyle jacket faggotry going on there

>> No.7324186

I think it would look amazing with classic or gothic. Or do you think that only kawaii lolis should exist?

>> No.7324196


If people could actually style their hair that way, I'd be cool with short hair.

>> No.7324201

>thinking things are that black and white

And you must also think that no girls should wear kodona since, you know, they have feminine faces.

>> No.7324206

Kodona isn't about looking like a real boy it's about looking like a waifish feminine fantasy boy. It is for tomboys, they can have short hair, feminine girls can't.

This is not feminine, her features look feminine yes, but obviously, but the hair really looks choopy and boyish, and it would look like crap with lolita.

>> No.7324208

Gothic lolita here, it would look like shit.

>> No.7324213

as far as i'm concerned short hair doesn't work if it's shorter than your ears. just put your damn hair up or wear a wig or you'll look like a hispter shit tomboy in a dress

>> No.7324214
File: 407 KB, 600x461, andthecurlsaregoneagain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love natural hair with lolita, but maybe that's because I myself feel weird wearing a wig. I tried it several times at home, but never wore it outside the house...but maybe I just have to get used to it?

I always try to do different things with my hair every time, but I just can't seem to make curls work. They are really nice and curly, but as soon as I leave the house the curls are almost gone. Pic related. When I get home they are completely straight again. I already use mousse and tons of hairspray, wash them the day before without any conditioner and pin them up for a while after curling. Is there anymore I can do to hold the curls?

>> No.7324233

Have you tried a ceramic curling wand? The heat penetrates all the way through the shaft but doesn't fry the hair. My curls with a normal iron fall out in a few hours but with my wand stay for 2 days.

>> No.7324248

No I didn't actually. I tried a flat iron and a normal curling iron and both gave me the same results. I thought about buying a ceramic one, but I wasn't sure if it's really worth it. I will rethink this decision now, thanks!

>> No.7324279
File: 757 KB, 774x797, hairexampleskinda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tried to find pics of myself with my hair down, but I realized I hate my hair so much I have few.

The top left is most recent, whereas the other two are from last year/year before, when my hair was shorter and I had a red streak.

Honestly, and hair cut advice or styling tips would be amazing.

>> No.7324280

I'm mixed Caucasian/Latina and have thin Caucasian hair with natural Latina curls. I've left it down and natural my entire life because it won't stay straight for more than a few hours at a time and I can't find any hairstyle that looks good with my wide forehead and large ears. I also don't want to wear a wig. What do?

>> No.7324288

Could you stop shitting up this thread maybe? It's painfully obvious which posts are yours.

>> No.7324292

thanks for the tips! definitely going to try some of those. when my hair grows out further I'll make some cute braids or put some of the hair up in twin tails.

>> No.7324297

if you have a wide forehead try clip in bangs. could be very cute with natural curls.

>> No.7324298

How long is your hair right now if I may ask? I remember having shoulder length hair and there are only a few upstyles you can do with it. Good luck growing it out though!

>> No.7324311

Does he not know how to do up a double breasted jacket? What the hell is going on with those buttons.

>> No.7324314

it's just past my shoulders a few inches. my hair grows quickly but I get lots of maintenance trims because it starts to look too thick and wonky when I don't trim it.

do you think i should try putting some of my hair up in small tails at the top of my head like a crown, then teasing hair to sit on top of the tails and brushing some hair it over to give my hair volume behind headbows? sort of like a hime bump?

>> No.7324322

I've actually done something similar to that before even with hair that length it makes your hair look OTT in a really great way. Do it up, girl!

>> No.7324337
File: 373 KB, 900x466, 74587_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to dump more buns.

>> No.7324339

This girl's hair is really cute! It seems like maybe it could use some more volume at the top, though... Maybe it's just me, but I think it looks a little strange how her bangs just sit flat across her forehead like that when the rest of her hair is so lovely.

I'd really like to some more examples of nice lolita hairstyles without bangs!

>> No.7324349

people wear wigs to get that volume! As long as your hair isn't frizzy I can see it working just how it is. What style do you dress in? I think you could section off a piece in the front, straighten it and pin it to the side for false side swept bangs. You're poof is perfect to balance out hair accessories.

>> No.7324359
File: 75 KB, 485x960, 1390508662588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7324362

How does somebody get curls this perfect?

>> No.7324363
File: 416 KB, 900x466, 73292_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7324378
File: 58 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mzo74q7DCm1qc3fouo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this girl in the lolita tag. She seems to have short-medium hair. Pretty good curl for the length and the natural look.

>> No.7324379
File: 397 KB, 900x466, 63858_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7324385
File: 246 KB, 271x750, tumblr_msdqrmwQVq1rpapm8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7324387

Really? Because I think it looks pretty nice with her skin tone and doesn't look off with the dress at all.

>> No.7324392

Your hair is pretty anon ! Keep it long will do wonders if you don't want it to be curlier/fuzzier. With tha volume having it cut would be a waste and would not do you any favor. You should try to style it with hair foam (don't know the name in english), if you want less volume straighen the top a bit by doing a brushing with a soft brush and a hairdryer. It's really pretty as it is tought

>> No.7324394

I don't really think short hair works because there's nothing above to balance the poof of the skirt. In the nicest way possible, it just makes people look pinheaded.

>> No.7324437

Get a diffuser to attach to your hair dryer, they'll make your curls more even :) Scrunch and piece, don't brush!

>> No.7324458

I think it looks fine on her but I agree it clashes with the sax.

>> No.7324463
File: 771 KB, 877x943, hakuouki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice/tips for super long hair? Mine is down to about mid-thigh, completely straight, unlayered. It looks looks funny under most wigs, even if I distribute it evenly around my head in braids or pincurls it looks like the wig is floating above my head.

In particular, I'm looking for tips on styles to frame my squarish face, or very low-maintenance hair-cuts. Any help would be appreciated!

Things I've done:
- braid it while damp so it comes out wavy like a rhapsody wig
- braid pinned around the crown of my head, with flowers and such
- half-up, half-down
- giant updos like pic related with clip-in bangs (sorry I keep posting this same pic, but it's one of the few where I actually like how I did my hair).

>> No.7324533
File: 1.40 MB, 2994x3199, DSC01599 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair is usually more curl-defined, but I don't have tons of good pictures of it... I had bangs for a while a few years back, but I fond that they were too much of a pain to manage with my curly hair.

>> No.7324552 [DELETED] 

I actually have a terrible hair texture and when growing out I find it to be too unmanageable, I genuinely prefer to have it short and I have had it boyishly short for about 10 years. Although I do agree short hair looks terrible with Lolita a mass majority of the time and 99% of the time I wear a wig with my coordinates. I was just hoping to see if there were any good examples (or at least better than mine) of pixy or boy-cut hair with Lolita.

Thank you Anons!

>> No.7324573 [DELETED] 

I actually have a terrible hair texture and when growing out I find it to be too unmanageable, I genuinely prefer to have it short and I have had it boyishly short for about 10 years. Although I do agree short hair looks terrible with Lolita a mass majority of the time and 99% of the time I wear a wig with my coordinates. I was just hoping to see if there were any good examples (or at least better than mine) of pixy or boy-cut hair with Lolita.

Thank you Anons!

>> No.7324584

I actually have a terrible hair texture and when growing out I find it to be too unmanageable, I genuinely prefer to have it short and I have had it boyishly short for about 10 years. Although I do agree short hair looks terrible with Lolita a mass majority of the time and 99% of the time I wear a wig with my coordinates. I was just hoping to see if there were any good examples (or at least better than mine) of pixy or boy-cut hair with Lolita.

Thank you Anons!

>> No.7324588

Same here, and mine is only just below my belly button.
How did you do the style in your pic? Do you have a tutorial for it?

>> No.7324607

Sorry, no answer, but can I ask you two what you do with your hair when you go to bed? I used to just put it in two braids but now that it's longer, sometimes when I'm in bed I roll onto them and it's uncomfortable since it's just like I'm laying on rope.

>> No.7324609

She has some weird fatigue syndrome, but yeah, her face looks either bloated or saggy. I feel bad for her. I think she's in her mid twenties.

>> No.7324621

I don't have a tutorial but I can try to describe how I did it?

- divided my hair/scalp into four parts: top, left side, right side, and back middle.
- made a high ponytail out of the top section to keep it out of the way
- combed out the bottom section and used lots of hairspray, then loosely rolled it up onto itself and pinned it to my head. The extra hair I added to the ponytail on top.
- same thing for both of the side pieces, comb, apply hairspray, loosely roll and pin (and then more hairspray), add extra to top.
- finally, made a loose spiral bun out of the ponytail at the top, pin/spray etc.

I leave it loose because I usually shower in the evening and let it dry overnight. I don't move around much when I sleep, so I just kind of flip it over the top of my pillow and let it hang off the side of the bed.

>> No.7324628

I do the same as >>7324621. I can't shower in the morning without having to blow dry my hair for like 30 minutes, as it will take hours to dry on its own, and I hate blowdrying my hair.

>> No.7324641

All right, thanks. It makes a lot of sense to leave it loose and let it dry over night.

>> No.7324649

Do you also think buns and updos are pinheaded? They usually get the same volume as short.

>> No.7324650


Thank you anons, you're very kind. I think I'll try a hair foam and the diffuser.

. Thank you again!

>> No.7324666

My hair is a bit longer than yours and very thick and I have no problems curling it. I use my straightener and no curly tongs because it works better for me.
When you want to curl your hair, only use shampoo and no conditioner or other chemicals when you wash your hair before. If your hair is very thick use smaller portions of hair for each curl and use a medium heating temperature for the straightener, and let your hair slide through - slowly. It has to be extra slow and will cost much of time (it usually takes me an hour to curl all my hair). Use hair-fixing spray for each curl after it's finished (don't wait to long, otherwise the curls will deflate faster), don't skimp on hair spray, the longer your hair the heavier it gets, that means you need a lot of it to last (it takes me 1/2 of a bottle for each styling).

>> No.7324669

this was meant for

>> No.7324679

Get a wig. Chocolate brown. Long, blunt bangs.

The pink bangs make you look like a special snowflake weaboo.

>> No.7324685

Congratulations, anon!

>> No.7324688

Wow, what a cute girl. Reminds me of Ellen Page with a softer chin.

>> No.7324702

Curly girl method. I did that and didn't touch it until it completely dried and my curls came out fucking gorgeous.

>> No.7324707
File: 342 KB, 789x1200, 1376601256551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think long, slightly understated hair works best with coords like this.

>> No.7324726

Any tips for really heavy hair concerning updos?
i'm growing my hair and it's only down to my elbows but i get instant pain in my scalp when i try to put it up in a bun, so that's out.
It's like OP's pic but really light brown. Besides using the specialty thick hairclips I buy at target and doing braids I'm out of ideas.
What do?

>> No.7324748

Separate the hair into two or three sections to help with this. I have to do it when I wear a ponytail, otherwise my hair pulls itself down.

>> No.7324780

Have you checked out torrinpaige on youtube? She does really pretty styles for long hair, mostly braids and buns and things.

>> No.7324821
File: 42 KB, 399x720, IMG_217486564134472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7324872

Thanks! When you say no other chemicals, will heat protectant affect it? And do you have a photo of your hair? About how big do the curls come out?

>> No.7324882

SOCK CURLS! A girl in my comm has thin butt length hair and she did that hair technique overnight with some curling gel and it stayed pretty well for the meetup.

Also, Curlformers are a godsend for heatless tight curls if you have thick hair that doesn't hold a curl. Pincurls are another option if you don't want to spend extra money, but it takes more time to complete.

>> No.7324923

I've never heard of curling gel before, I think I'll give it a try. Thanks!

>> No.7325018

>>7324533 here, I was actually wondering if anyone had advice for 'day-after' curly hair. Like I mentioned in my previous post, it usually looks very nice and curl-defined on the day that I shower, but after sleeping on it it looks more like the upper right pic. In the summer I can usually just wet it out a little, scrunch it, and it's fine- but it's much more troublesome in the winter.
We have a very cold, dry winter where I live, so any tips on how to keep in moisture would also be much appreciated!

>> No.7325038

Man, I'm the opposite- my hair is a frizzy mess for the next 24 or so hours after a shower, so my hair is only decent the 2nd-3rd days after washing it.

>> No.7325059

I posted twice in this entire thread, dumb bitch.

>> No.7325064

>pixy boy cut
Just no.

>> No.7325086

I have short-to-mid length (it's being grown out atm) curly hair that acts like yours. I find that when if I shower only using conditioner and colder water on the day after the nice curl day, it helps a bit. Also, I comb my hair out in the shower. That's probably a terrible thing but I find it works a lot better than brushing/combing it after showering.

(I feel like I'm not explaining this right at all.)

>> No.7325125

Thanks for the tip! I've heard colder water helps, but I've never actually tried it before.

I feel for you, Anon.

>> No.7325127
File: 1.04 MB, 589x700, pincurlz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7323856 is your hime updo a sponge bumpit or something else? It's a really good shape. I've been trying to do something similar but with pincurls like >>7324882 suggested.

Photo is pin curls after a day of wearing, which hold up better than rag curls or curling tongs for met. However, I've read they can damage your hair.
I'll need to try curl formers and cocoons.

>> No.7325143

i love the roses in your hair! where did you find them?

>> No.7325144


Guuuuurl your hair is always on point, it's amazing.

>> No.7325153

That looks great. Everytime I tease my pigtails it looks ratty and weird.

>> No.7325155 [DELETED] 
File: 1.76 MB, 3264x2448, 20140111_170429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just cut off my long hair and am learning to work with short hair as the dye grows out, so not completely natural all the way?
Anyways, here's a picture after a meetup so it's a bit messy, but the only one I have that shows it well..

>> No.7325157

Is it possible to have blunt bags without looking awful if you have a tiny forehead? My forehead is literally an inch tall, it seems like my hair would be far too short to even style properly if I had it the right length.

All of the really adorable hairstyles have blunt fringes, and you can't use matching one-a-side accessories with a side fringe, it looks too unbalanced.

>> No.7325159
File: 45 KB, 306x408, f-ing photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And for some reason it's huge and sideways even though it isn't in my image folder? Let me retry that.

>> No.7325237


Actually it's just my hair, doesn't even need teasing. I sectioned off a bit where I wanted the bump, brushed the roots upward and rolled the hair starting from the tips. I tucked it under until it was smooth and bobby pinned the crap out of it. Then misted it with hair spray.

>> No.7325368

yay i love this thread, i usually use my own hair with lolita but have been delving into wigs because i have been lazy :D happy to see fellow natural-hair lolitas. i feel like none of my wigs really matches me as well as my real hair.

>> No.7325370

Post a pic, anon.

>> No.7325382

The gold ones are from ebay and the black/red ones are from a Pound Land; pearl stickers are from Home Bargains; staying classy!
Thank you so so much but it's really just my selective photo sharing.
No way! I tried that once and it was so lumpy, I'll have to give it another short or nine and see if I can manage getting it as half as neat and voluminous as yours.

For those of you that don't know about Rapunzel's Resource (.wordpress.com) it's also amazing for ornate long haired styles.

>> No.7325420

For volume you can control how big you roll the hair. I did maybe a three finger with roll. Bobby pin the rolls shape then bobby pin it to your head to keep it neat. Takes some fiddling though.

>> No.7325432
File: 145 KB, 809x600, APRT_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehhhhh. I don't do anything super fabulous the way others have in this thread, though.

I've discovered that while wigs are a nice out for being lazy, man they are heavy. D:

>> No.7325498

Fellow short hair loli, I really dig your pic. My hair is so fine and super straight, it really doesn't do well when it's long. So. I feel you.

>> No.7325534
File: 43 KB, 720x960, hair2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon as here, I forgot that I do milk maid braids sometimes.

Thank you for the sweet comments!

>> No.7325995
File: 128 KB, 480x720, tumblr_mtn3nh3Rbm1r6drupo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7325997
File: 304 KB, 1280x1704, 1390564632048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7326105


Ha no it doesn't look good.
Delusional anon, do you really think your butch as fuck hair looks good with ultra feminine clothing?

>> No.7326111

Buns and updos at least retain some form of femininity. Pixie-cuts just aren't flattering or feminine enough with the lolita style in my opinion.

>> No.7326117

Sorry but it looks terribad, your styling is cute and so is your make-up but pixie-cuts just don't have enough volume and aren't feminine enough for lolita. You tried with the hat, but your hair underneath looks unfortunately bald and skimpy. Maybe Kodona will work better with short hair.

>> No.7326137

It's obviously just one person posting... come on. Why else would someone bitching about short hair always be like 2 or 3 post in a row? Just let it go already.

>> No.7326143
File: 61 KB, 300x582, tumblr_lxtjjk0NtZ1rnrg62o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not terribly lolita, but...

>> No.7326146

Is me.
Is not me.
I'm sorry more than one person don't like short hair with lolita. I actually have short hair myself but use wigs.

>> No.7326172

You mean you're lazy.

I have hair down to my hips that is 3a/b curly, frizzes upon any contact with water and is coarse. No hair products keeps my bangs straight for more than an hour, so styles that require an iron undo easily. Curls make styling limited and flyaways are everywhere.
That's as fucking unmanagable as it can get before it gets to full on damaged territory.

You like pixie cuts because you like the cut on you - good for you. But nobodys hair is "unmanagable", just difficult to manage. You put effort or you dont. Admit that.

Your laziness doesnt make wearing an un-cute or feminine hairstyle with lolita attractive.

>> No.7326179


>> No.7326195

I too started out with wigs but natural hair just makes lolita feel so much less costumey for me. I'd rather save the wigs for big events. Anyways, great photos/inspiration! :D You are super adorbs.

>> No.7326205

It's cool to see another short-haired lolita out there! Don't let anons bring you down, short hair can look ultra-girly when done right. However, I would advise you to change styling and get a fringe, even a short one will do. Most of short hairstyles tend to look more boyish without one, and doesn't really complement lolita style.

Basically, I think that short hair can look ultra cute with lolita, but the key is proper cut. While the one pictured on the left looks cute, it's way too boyish and doesn't have a proper volume to balance poofy outfit. The right one? Imo will do fine, as long as you stay away from OTT and head-eating bows.

>> No.7326208
File: 125 KB, 1001x628, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaand forgot pic. Dammit.

>> No.7326223


Stop samefagging.
It looks shit end of.

>> No.7326248

It wasn't me? I doubt I'm even in the same timezone as the one who selfposted.
And stop being a raging cunt. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it looks like shit.

>> No.7326401

Thank you, anon!
I actually do have a fringe, I just had it styled into a pomp for that coordinate. Thankfully, i'm not terribly into sweet, i'm more of a classic leaning on gothic lolita.

>> No.7326851

Neither of those are feminine enough or big enough to balance a lolita coord. Stop confusing beautiful, ultra-feminine faces with their unflattering, masculine haircuts. The left's haircut makes her hair look sparse and like her face is too big for her head. The right gets the effect of square man jaw because of the lack of hair on the sides.

The minimum haircut for Lolita would be a very fluffy/curly shoulder length - and it'd have to be done up.

Not loli, getthefuckoverit.jpg

>> No.7326927

This. The haircuts in these images only work because the women in them are already beautiful and feminine. You cannot pull of a hairstyle like this unless you are model tier in the face. If you look even slightly manly it will horribly exacerbate it.

Also to the person saying they think you should be able to wear whatever you want and still call it lolita, are you on crack? If you don't conform to the rules a fashion has you're not wearing that fashion any more.

>> No.7326968

Not really. Every woman that looks good in ponytail has the potential to look good in short hair. To be honest, I see a lot of girls who would only benefit from cutting their hair - it greatly helps to define your face shape.
Jesus, it's true that cgl can't give hairstyle advice.

>> No.7326979

No, because there is agreat difference between having your hair tied away from your face and having short hair

>> No.7326983

Both expose your face in a similar manner.

>> No.7326984

You dont need to cut all your hair to have hair in your face. The point of bangs for most people is to do exactly that.

>> No.7326987

No, there is an huge difference.
With ponytails your hair line is pulled back and most of the time your hair is pulled flat on the side of your hair. With short hair, even the most straight hair ever will do some volume just by being short and lighweight, or it have to be shaved-short.

>> No.7327005


I have two techniques: Sleep in two french braids (this is fail proof for me). If they don't hold enough for you the next day, put in a hair lotion/goop/oil/whatever. If that doesn't work, try a gel, but I don't like gel too much. Crunchy hair, ugh. The lotion makes it soft and sweet.
I don't know if your hair holds braids as well as mine do, but I usually don't tie the end so I don't get that curly on top + straight ends look.

Second: The morning of, I have a misting spray bottle. I don't spray enough to get it wet, hardly even damp, just enough to get a brush through it. I brush it out, put that hair lotion/goop all through, scrunch scrunch, looks great. Sounds pretty much the same as what you're saying, but less water, the goop, and I brush it out.
I try not to do that technique too often because it's not great for my hair, but as long as I scrunch with the goop the curls pop back.

The stuff I'm using for goop right now is called ORS Olive Oil Creme Hair Dress. I got it from the black girl hair section. I used an Olive Oil Hair Moisturizer before this, but my boyfriend misunderstood my grocery list and got me something different this time. It still works, though.

ps you're really cute

>> No.7327013

I'm a different person. I said it's not loli-and it's not. Even the fluffiest short hair cannot balance out a loli coord. It can look amazing on a person, but it does not look good AT ALL with lolita. Natural hair already has to fight to look big enough or balanced enough with the floof, short can't cut it.

Some people can't fucking read. Short hair can look good. NOT with lolita.

>> No.7327032

its on her blog (snadu)

>> No.7327126

Thank you, I'll definitely give that a shot!

>> No.7327342

That sounds awesome, thanks so much for all the great advice! My hair does tend to hold braids well, so I'll definitely give that a shot.

>> No.7327732
File: 43 KB, 480x720, rococoupdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self posting on of my favorite hair styles. It has some help with a rat, but is 90% my natural hair. Sorry for the jeans and t-shirt. I was getting ready to go out, but in the final pictures I'm wearing a hat. This is better pic of just the hair.

>> No.7327752

Gothic lolita here, it wouldn't look like shit.

>> No.7327779

I like this outfit with the short hair - obviously it's more of a crossover outfit than lolita, but the silhouette and the inspiration is there.

>> No.7327780
File: 113 KB, 398x600, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, dropped pic.

>> No.7327781

Literally as exaggeration or your forehead actually measures an inch tall? Because honestly sounds a bit impossible.
If you're just exaggerating, then I'll say I have a small forehead as well, and I have blunt bangs. Honestly it just depends on the shape of your face and how your hair is. If you have a round face and/or your hair tends to frizz up when short, then bangs probably wont be the best idea, but if your face is more oval and your hair will stay straight, then it might be okay.

>> No.7327784
File: 36 KB, 400x617, IWdress2009_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also lolita-inspired with an IW dress

>> No.7327787

Peachie and her hair and her coordinates are bland as fuck.

>> No.7327810

This is vile...

>> No.7327813

Different anon, but it looks cute to me. What is it in particular that's vile? The belt?

>> No.7327811

grow up and move on, sis.

>> No.7327831
File: 41 KB, 349x480, 215622_RSeriesDress_05092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was so cute

>> No.7327850

Are we avoiding the elephant in the room? The hair.

>> No.7328010

Exaggerating, but it's still only 2" in actuality. I guess my face is pretty boxy looking. Square hairline, wide at the cheekbones, but thankfully a small chin and jaw. My hair is pretty wavy and thick but stays nicely straight when styled. The problem is in order to get a decent fringe I have to start it so far back on my head that the sheer amount of hair in it is ridiculous.

>> No.7328243
File: 199 KB, 640x853, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a couplets photos using my natural hair, I hope no one minds the self post.

>> No.7328253
File: 427 KB, 803x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry *couple

Excuse the lack of coord in this one, I just received the dress and was really excited to try it on. My hair was still up from the night before, so it's a little messy.

>> No.7328262

you live in a nice looking area

>> No.7328277

I think the hair is cute. It's not lolita, obviously, but the outfit is labeled lolita-inspired anyway, not full lolita.

>> No.7328279

Cute coord, but you should consider investing in a lawnmower.

>> No.7328282

Thank you, although it doesn't look that nice right now. I took that in spring, now it's the middle of summer and everything is dead. Kind of sad.

It's a rental. The owner pays a service to come once a month, not up to me.

>> No.7328284

ahh yes.
now what ya'll doin' up at 1-3am miss!

>> No.7328299

Close! It's currently 4:30am, I work as a supervisor at a nightclub, just got home from a long night. Lurking cgl while winging down before bed!

>> No.7328307

As lovely as Peachie is, and don't want to derail the thread, but she's not a great example of good natural hair in lolita. Peachie's hair looks pretty frizzy and/or damaged, and she never does anything interesting with it. I think the most she styles it is into pigtails.

>> No.7328326

aaah i love her but i think the same thing too, and you can always clearly see her roots and i reeaaaally dont like that

>> No.7328329

So cute! You look lovely

>> No.7328343

I get pretty happy whenever I see a black girl with natural hair instead of extensions or a wig.
I think it looks so much better.

>> No.7328346

Not with those boots!!

>> No.7328353

You are adorable!

What are those little things in your hair? Are they little pearls or something? How do they stay in?

>> No.7328456
File: 189 KB, 1000x665, 1390678147404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forever recommend Victorian rag curls. And if you add setting lotion when doing it, the curls will stay forever (or until next shower).

>> No.7328464
File: 875 KB, 908x892, naturalhairlolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often use my natural hair for lolita. It used to be really long, and it's naturally quite wavy so I would just straighten the bangs and give the natural wave a little more shape/taming. I also used to put it up in buns a lot, too.
After I cut it super short I've had some trouble making it look "lolita," but thanks to the natural wave it at least looks somewhat feminine? Anyway, here's an example pic of long and short.

>> No.7328471

I love this outfit! Where are the blouse and JSK from?! Also, that hair looks lovely.

>> No.7328783

It does look feminine short! However, I prefer the bangs in the first picture. The bangs in the second look a bit too mature for your sweet look. (That skirt is really lovely!)

>> No.7328853

Thanks, I made the skirt myself, hehe! And yeah, I've been thinking about getting my bangs cut again, since my hair is getting longer again... It's just annoying to have to straighten them all the time, I dunno.

>> No.7328881

Whaaaaa stop liking things I don't like!
Sandy bitch, I like short hair too.

>> No.7328903
File: 765 KB, 245x223, ermno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fedora with sunglasses on

>> No.7328965

Different opinions doesn't equal samefagging. Short boy hair doesn't belong in Lolita.

>> No.7328970

That hair is fucking gross

>> No.7328989
File: 30 KB, 391x535, 1390693824690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we have more pics of Lolitas with natural hair in this length?

My hair is this length and I would love to see what other style than "fluff it up" I can do

>> No.7329003

Try finger waves.

>> No.7329030

You're probably mixed Anglo Saxon/Latina, not Caucasian. Get side-swept bangs.

>> No.7329053
File: 617 KB, 722x1280, 1390695961734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! Dont worry anon you'll get there in due time!

Haha.. I don't know what to say to that. I don't shoop or wear circle lenses/falsies but it is a very good angle for me. My nose isn't that cute! Sorry if that is a disappointment, anon.

Here is the full coord. Sorry if I'm spamming the thread/board lately (I just posted in the tumblr thread too) with photos.

Why thank you! It is my favorite coordinate.

>> No.7329056
File: 97 KB, 280x373, DrinkMeCrewLengthSocks-beigexw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The coord on the left would be MUCH better if you wore crew socks or tights. The knee socks with a sleeveless blouse looks a little odd. Pic related.

>> No.7329096

It's actually an OP from MM!

>> No.7329401

And that's just your opinion. My opinion is that you're a faggot troll who can't take it when people don't have the same opinion you do.

>> No.7329443

Cry more

>> No.7329480

Wow anti-short-hair anon so much butthurt over a fucking haircut

>> No.7330074


>> No.7332162
File: 73 KB, 402x536, bunn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hair is somewhat short.
I like hair buns
Sorry about the light. This is how I've been doing my hair recently

>> No.7332187
File: 37 KB, 174x183, 1322641576359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you ultra long haired anons please post pictures of your hair, I love seeing super long hair!