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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 143 KB, 426x640, charmmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7217832 No.7217832[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a "where are they now/whatever happened to..." thread? Someone posted charmmy_loli in a thread the other day and I realized how much I miss her. I also miss theosakakoneko, faunkegin, and osea_chelleo.

>> No.7217838

Theosakaneko went steampunk/fetish, faunkegin went full lookbook hipster (she won an H&M contest a little while ago) and osea_chelleo quit the fashion to focus on religion.

>> No.7217839

I thought Michelle's religion thing was a myth? She went hipster too except she didn't look as nice as faunkegin does. There were some pictures floating around a while ago.

>> No.7217855
File: 422 KB, 500x375, welc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the portland lolitas used to have great outfits and what seemed to be a really tight community, what happened to all of them? (well we know faunkegin turned hipster but still)

>> No.7217870

oh god she was so perfect. I know a lot of people hated her face but I thought she was so pretty when she got her braces off. She actually looks really nice in the hipster photos but she looked so cute in lolita and to this day is the only person I've ever liked big wigs on.

>> No.7217879

Yeah, I want to know as well. Anyone got news from swdpunk?

>> No.7217882

I miss muier_noir the most. Loved her casual outfits.

>> No.7217889

Not exactly people I admire, but what exactly happened to the old getoffegl gang? I still see celticfreefall posting occasionally and I know vomitrocity is still around, but I never see anyone else anymore.

>> No.7217925

I'm so glad they've shut down though. They weren't snarky, they were just mean. Remember poppingummies? She was just awful.

>> No.7217927

I do wish that fat wank and slut wank and other non-PC wank still flew, though. Even getoffegl has its share of...not quite SJW status, but they'll hivemind you over that shit.

>> No.7217974

celticfreefall has been moving towards mori fashion and is focusing on school right now.

overall i think it's just that LJ is losing its popularity because facebook is so much more common.

>> No.7217992

she became a cosplayer and dresses rockabilly now...

>> No.7218000

I miss sniper_nyan because she was funny.

>> No.7218246
File: 52 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is charmmy loli's tumblr:

Got it from here: http://dead-moths.livejournal.com/profile

And photo is her too?

>> No.7218273

The only thing that I can contribute is that her real name is Klara Petrovic, I know because I bought some things from her in the past.

>> No.7218286


Theosakakoneko actually is a independent lolita designer now. She does kinki kitty and has some worthwhile stuff. For the most part, she's slid away from brand and meetups into goth and fashion shows, but we still see her around Chigothloli for the megameets and conventions.

I loved her so much ;_; whenever she shows up I try not to creep and fangirl. Mah loli inspiration.

>> No.7218289


I second this--what the hell happened to Oregon and carolinedesu?

>> No.7218299

Got any pictures of Faunkegin now? I miss that man-faced princess.

>> No.7218320

She actually still sometimes dresses in lolita, just not nearly as often and doesn't really take photos of it. But she goes to meetups once in a blue moon.

>> No.7218331
File: 1.10 MB, 614x616, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lookbook.nu /fauxfawn
lawdy, she really did go full hipster...

>> No.7218351

What happened to that stunning classic lolita that was also a singer in a church/professional singer? She always wore Mary Magdalene or Victorian Maiden

>> No.7218385

... religion?
osea_chelleo was one of my favorites, but what does that even mean?
Why would you leave clothing for religion?

>> No.7218401

Same. It makes me laugh to think of some of the wildly un-PC uglykitties came out with back in the day, when she'd shank someone for saying even half as bad these days.

>> No.7218402

Un-PC things*, sorry

>> No.7218413
File: 73 KB, 497x576, 137204951492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what happened to sniper_nyan? I feel like she just disappeared off the internet.

>> No.7218421

>lookbook.nu /fauxfawn
I'm sorry but wth is going on with her eyes? Too much photoshop but I can't quite put my finger on what exactly she's done..

>> No.7218429

Well I think she was permabanned from egl for trolling, she had made other accounts but as they recognised her IP number they banned those accounts too. It's a shame the trolling ban couldn't have been lifted if she genuinly wanted to actually be in the fashion, I thought she looked really cute, the only thing that looked off was her hair.

>> No.7218572

oh please god don't let that photo be her. I can't handle any more amazing people go tumblrtwat. I'm still mourning osea_chelleo and huffiepuffie.

>> No.7218592

She got married and got fat.

Alternately, you might be thinking of fan_chan/fannyrosie who posts on her Tumblr blog.

>> No.7218597

She became a carbon copy of starpowerrr and is now a full-fledged tumblrfag.

>> No.7218599


Fanny Rosie's a translator though... she recently started taking voice lessons but I think that's about it?

>I swear I'm not stalking her

>> No.7218628

It's not fanny rosie I was thinking about but thanks

>> No.7218635

Do you guys mean pui_puni? I wouldn't describe her as stunning but to each his/her own.

>> No.7218664


>> No.7218667

yes! I looked up to her so much during my beginner days. Looking at her pics now I have her different in memory but oh well

>> No.7218683

She dos a really strange thing with her eyeliner, doesn't look quite right.

I miss her as a lolita...

>> No.7218774
File: 89 KB, 640x640, 1385869457676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No idea what she's going for with them eyebrows.

>> No.7218782

Also, this is kind of creepy, but I found her reddit profile because I recognized one of her posts on r/makeupaddiction.
God I feel like such a stalker.


>> No.7218820

>>I swear I'm not stalking her
It's ok, anon. I 'stalk' her too. She's a loli inspiration to me.

>> No.7218824

Me too, I loved her online persona and coordinates, but looking her up now... she looks a bit frumpy, actually.

>> No.7218829
File: 14 KB, 333x279, 1334198270720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to people like talia_speaks, fashionbabylon, cruxifixion, or dohreimee?

I miss sniper_nyan.

>> No.7218832

We all know what happened to talia_speaks.

>> No.7218835

Anyone knows what' been of muier and laila_astri? They were so inspiring back in the days and some of the very 1st western lolis to live in Japan enjoying the fashion in its heydays.

>> No.7218837

oh, links?

>> No.7218836
File: 109 KB, 335x800, brownandcream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looked like crap. Is this really what your standards were before?

>> No.7218841

The standards in general were very different from nowadays and she was one of the few classic lolitas out there. But it always bothered me that she did nothing with her hair. And I don't mean putting a wig on. She could have been like Fanny.

>> No.7218845

theosakakoneko makes bank on the steampunk stuff at least. her cage skirts are still pretty bomb, but i'm sad she doesn't make lolita anymore.

>> No.7218848

In those days, this was considered amazing.

>> No.7218853

She lived in my city and some people knew her IRL but it honestly seems she's dropped off of the face of the earth. I miss her blog though. And she had a cute face.

>> No.7218891
File: 323 KB, 364x481, post_46258093241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can someone explain to me the minor dramu that surrounded her? Like I never understood how she had so much money for brand/had a whole new outfit every other week when she didn't seem to work? Was it her boyfriend in the end?

>> No.7218890

she goes by omgvictoria

>> No.7218917

Didn't she say once she could afford new pieces by selling old ones constantly?

>> No.7218921


http://www.flickr.com/photos/indrasarrow/ M's Flickr. She still dresses lolita occasionally.

and laila_astri has a website i think it's lauran.com? i stumbled across it trying to find old Baby stock images

now i'm curious who some of you are, to remember that far back haha

>> No.7218925

huh. kind of unimpressed. It seems like she needs to find her own style. I think bookish/hipstery would work best. Twee probably.

thanks, though.

>> No.7218940


not great, but to be fair the general population of egl had lower standards back then. She was Canadian wasn't she? I miss the Lethbridge lolitas, intertia (and the VK board!), M, cidsa, psychodollfie/graveflower,....and who can forget Mabet....good times...

>> No.7218958

Yeah, she was one of the rare classic lolitas back in the day and had quite a lot of MM/JetJ. The whole religious thing and disgusting husband was offputting though.

>> No.7218965

I remember one time she said she used her student loans from her art school and she knew she'd regret it later.

>> No.7218966

after all this time shes still riding the starpowerrr dick train? boring

>> No.7218986

I remember her as being annoying, she would always ask for help with coordinating the same outfit (with a MM OP).

>> No.7218987

disgusting husband?

>> No.7219047


Fashionbabylon is still a member of the chigothloli comm. Has an awesome job, wears the best coords, is fairly pretty.

I'm a jelly bitch.

>> No.7219062

I think it's funny how all her popular lookbook photos feature her looking down/face obscured in some way. Learnt to hide dat chin after being in Lolita I suppose.

>> No.7219067

lol and she's actually nice in person
i am jelly of her salary/wardrobe/etc

>> No.7219086

I remember the Lolita redtonic and maetel9 from back in my Lj days

>> No.7219113
File: 322 KB, 356x800, crux01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you have picked is not the best example. She was a good classic lolita, not perfect, just good. I still have some pics of her saved for inspiration.

>> No.7219114

What had happened to enjerumuffin? I used to see her comments under every single post in daily_lolita.

>> No.7219116

What does she look like?

>> No.7219117

They're still around and posting, actually.

>> No.7219142
File: 45 KB, 542x700, olivehat02-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy. According to her LJ, she was part of the humbled_females comm - and while I'm all for some fun dom/sub in the bedroom, that comm promotes females being subservient to all males in all aspects of your life (sexually, intellectually, domestically, etc) which is really off-putting when combined with that image.

>> No.7219143


Wow, his appereance matches his personality.

>> No.7219150

As much as I try, I can't understand women *choosing* to be part of communities like this, honestly. I simply don't get it.

>> No.7219153

It probably fit right in with her religious nature though.

I think I saw her posting in comm sales a while back, all dat MM...

>> No.7219158


I know someone who would join a community like this, and she simply has some serious issues.
She is a very nice girl and I like her very much, but she had an abusive childhood which eventually lead path to a behaviour pattern where she devotes herself completly to her boyfriends (which were like a substitute for her (abusive) parents). Often these people get together with people who have abusive natures, and who make it even worse.

Also, this can happen to "normal" people too. If you get in a relationship with someone who is abusive, he can manipulate you into things like this. And it could happen to anyone.
From outside, it seems to be just silly, and of course we cannot understand why anyone "chooses" this.

But please be careful to judge. No one "chooses" to be part of a community like this. There are always some deep issues and troubles behind this.

>> No.7219176

A bit off topic, but as a teenager I was introduced to a religious cult that did this sort of thing. It was easy to get sucked into it. They targeted kids with not-so-great home lives and those who didn't have any friends. If you weren't into drinking, they had awesome parties every week, and a cheap summer camp. I didn't notice because they don't make newcomers participate in cleanup or setup, but once I went to a few parties, they asked me to help clean up. I did, but after a few more of just girls cleaning up and setting up I was told that as a woman, I had to eat after the guys ate and I got a clue on what was happening. I told the 'adviser' that it was wrong to press their religious views onto others, and that they were barking up the wrong tree when it came to talks about premarital sex. He and his wife both got very upset and I never went back. A friend of mine ended up going to the camp and a guy they brought from the south proposed to her after a few weeks. She obviously said no, but she was shaken because she hardly knew him and the 'advisers' were trying to get her to say yes.

It's all about power and abuse. If you're not in your right state, it can be really easy to be persuaded to say yes.

>> No.7219181


The people I know who are in abusive relationships had either issues in their childhood or simply got in a relationship with the wrong person - one of them a close relative who is a highly experiened psychiatrist, yet he still fails to confront his own problems and is in an abusive relationship.

I do not have any experience with religious groups but you've got another good example there.
I am glad to hear your and your friend got away in time from those people.

>It's all about power and abuse. If you're not in your right state, it can be really easy to be persuaded to say yes.

Thanks for putting it into words. I do not ike it when people say "Why don't they just end the relationsship?" or, worse, "Well, they chose to be like that!".

>> No.7219189
File: 76 KB, 500x667, tumblr_lxzhtvvKKO1qaelxho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss janitors, she doesn't post often these days, and judging from her instagram, she doesn't wear lolita that often.

>> No.7219201

That's funny. I used to follow her on tumblr back when I started using it a couple years ago, and out of nowhere last year her blog just disappeared. I always wondered what happened to her because I liked her outfits, but seeing how batshit crazy she seems to be I'm glad she disappeared from my dashboard.

>> No.7219202

>But please be careful to judge. No one "chooses" to be part of a community like this. There are always some deep issues and troubles behind this.
I agree, but she did choose to be part of the LJ community in question. That's what was being referred to or at least that's how I read anon's comment.

>> No.7219211

>not judging
>on cgl
Get out.

>> No.7219234

does anyone remember Mistress M and her friend Lauren (?)

I LOVED those two. and fuck I'm old

>> No.7219245

sorry, I missed the posts about them and now I can't delete this.

>> No.7219252

>I LOVED those two. and fuck I'm old
Hear hear, anon-chan.

I also miss himitsunoniwa. Does anyone remember that community? I admired a lot of the lolitas who were part of it, including the infamous princess skye.

>> No.7219293

I miss a lot miinouche36, I really enjoyed her videos, do you know what happened to her or if she has a blog or something?
And, in general, I miss some youtube lolitas.

>> No.7219295

Oof, that's really frightening. I'm glad you and your friend escaped the crazy.

>> No.7219312
File: 399 KB, 400x533, 73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remember clueless_case?
Everything was so stretched out and short on her. I was always kind of baffled by how she looked so consistently bad despite having plenty of funds for burando. Just goes to show that money won't automatically make you look good.

But she had a pretty obnoxious attitude too. At PMX 2010 all she did was badmouth their events and say how Oneesan's events did x,y,and z better/cheaper/etc.
Then of course Oneesan tanked the following year, hahah.

Adding to that, I guess the whole Oneesan gang is kind of a nostalgia thing now too. Now Lynda just quietly takes people's money via overpriced AP on the internet.

>> No.7219393

>cosplay oneesan

I was at home for Thanksgiving and found my old English Gothic and Lolita bibles, and this was mentioned in the 2nd mook. I feel a little old seeing that article. I'm a little sad to hear that Lynda still takes money off of people.

Poo. I've always thought that she was nuts, but I still liked her anyway, even if it was because she was pretty.

>> No.7219397

Found her tumblr. Needless to say, I was amused, and now I have to go to work. Boo.

By the way, wasn't there a lolita from Australia also named Victoria? She had blond hair too and had once modeled for Bodyline (around the time that we were just figuring out that the contests were for Mr. Yan's purposes)?

>> No.7219854

Only slightly on topic since we're all pretty up to date on Dakota and she's not technically a lolita, but I just found this tumblr and it's fairly hilarious. I have a feelings it's one of you seagulls running it.

>> No.7219948

Oh wow it's been months since I looked at cgl yet somehow in the first thread I look at, my lj gets mentioned. I'm laughing cuz holy shit I was totally awful, I was also 14/15 years old and thus a little shit.

It almost feels like the bizarre days of me trying to talk shit on lj was all a dream, but then again it was 5-6 years ago...

>> No.7220073

I have a love/hate thing with reading old things I posted on the internet between about 2001 and 2007. It doesn't feel like I'm reading my own words. It does seem like a dream, and the events talked about feel like something I saw in a movie a long time ago rather than things I actually said, saw, experienced, etc.

>> No.7220148


Does anyone even care anymore? It was pretty obvious from the beginning that she shoops the shit out of her pics and wears circle lenses and extensions. I don't understand why everyone is still harping on about it.

>> No.7220163
File: 18 KB, 240x200, 1385956165919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when she used to shoop her upper lips?
Why would you ever think this looks okay

>> No.7220203

is she abby? whoa weird

she wears other fashions but she still wears lolita in her own way

>> No.7220323

There were two blond girls from Australia, I can't remember their names though. Was she the really thin one or the skateboarding one?

>> No.7220329

I found this info on past contest winners, no one named Victoria though.

>> No.7220335

Oh, sorry, I meant a different name. Natasha. Thank you.

>> No.7220339

Not gonna lie. I actually liked her blog, even if it was pretty damn pretentious at times.

>> No.7220395

>Anyone know what happened to sniper_nyan?
idk, still self-posting I suppose.

>> No.7220505

I loved her blog. But I always saw it more like a girl playing make-believe in public. I enjoyed the positive and never understood the hate, to be honest.

Of course, being older, some of the things made me lol hard.

>> No.7220643
File: 490 KB, 600x899, 1385985860200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really miss gurololi tbh

>> No.7220647

I'm a newfag in the egl community (started less than two years ago) and I'm wondering what is it about these people that you miss?

>> No.7220649

Making fun of them.

>> No.7220652

More than missing individuals, I personally miss the egl lj community as it felt 3+ years ago. It was always snarky but people had an identity and you could follow their progress and got to know who they were. You also knew who had which items and who was knowledgeable about certain fields and could directly ask them.

>> No.7220659

Really? Which lj comms?

>> No.7220662

Same here, anon. My lj was made in July 2001 and it seems incredible how much my views on what's important in my life have change even though my interests in jfashion, jrock and video games haven't

>> No.7220706


>> No.7220707
File: 158 KB, 400x562, 1351879837417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to Ophelia, queen of /b/?

>> No.7220709

>queen of /b/

>> No.7220711

I've had journals online from about 1999 when I was 17 and onwards. It's really weird to see how much my views, beliefs, and some interests have changed, but a lot of things have pretty much remained the same.

>> No.7220735

Nobody is amused by your selfposting. You were never the big deal you like to think of yourself as, the only reason anyone even knows who you are is because of your retarded BtB feud. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.7220761

She managed to fall in with a new crowd which consists of Piratetoaster and some others, I've not seen her at any mcms for a while though so who knows

>> No.7220762

crack addict

>> No.7220763

Surprising right? Its amazing how much she has changed for the better. She wears a new dress to every meetup so I hope she does a wardrobe post this year to rep Chicago.

>> No.7220764

Doesn't she still post in the tumblr threads sometimes? She still lurks

>> No.7220768

Is this the one that ate a bloody tampon and posted pictures on /b/ for attention? I hope she got help.

>> No.7220814


What the fuck? Why would she do this? Any sreencaps of this thread??

>> No.7220815

I hadn't heard of the BtB feud, please elaborate, I love drama

>> No.7220833

It contains cp. why do you want to see cp??

>> No.7220909


I didnt know, I'll take it back

>> No.7221017

oh yes, the Queens of LolitaSnap. I was so amazed by the amount of real actual brand ~from Japan~ they had.

>> No.7221178
File: 58 KB, 200x440, zvezgk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but wasn't she actually a man?

>> No.7221201


>> No.7221246

No. She faked being a boy on Gaia, which is where that picture comes from if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.7221266

>She faked being a boy on Gaia
Sounds like SLA.

>> No.7221267

Ditto. I remember her being one of the biggest bitches on getoffegl. She was tight with Caroline and some of the other snarky-boardering-on-cunty-ness girls. I remember carolinedesu from a j-fashion myspace group. She was a 3edgy4me try hard and started some huge wank because she told a girl she could "see her twat lips" when she posted a generic decora-ish outfit. Granted the girl's skirt was short, I'm pretty sure she had on underwear and you couldn't really see anything anyway.

They were legitimately awful people, but funny to watch. uglykitties is still awful, just in a different way. She is a pioneer.

>> No.7221275

I think initially the drama surrounding her was because she was pretending to be a kawaii yaoi boy on Gaia.

>> No.7221280

I did the same thing because I was a dumb 15yo teenager. Big deal. People take the Internet way too seriously

>> No.7221285

You're thinking of faith_chann and her friend who's name escapes me, I think.

Anyone remember what happened to them?

>> No.7221292

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it. I did my share of dumb shit at that age, too. All I'm saying is that when it was found out she was doing this, it caused drama. I think there were a few other things that happened to add to it, too. She used to have her own tag on getoffegl. I don't know if she still does.

My favorite drama was with simply26 and annousenka, personally.

>> No.7221294

Uglykitties has always been a complete cunt. I've known her for at least 5 years and watched her burn every bridge with the NYC community.

>> No.7221299
File: 109 KB, 645x822, claire2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Claire she was a cutie.

>> No.7221349
File: 213 KB, 400x300, lcstrawberryface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about the queen Victoria Suzanne Alice Jasmine Megara Rapunzel Cinderella Serenity Wendy Moira Angela Darling?

>> No.7221353

Miss? She's more active than ever nowadays. She's the girl behind Pusheen, and probably rich as fuck now as a result.

>> No.7221364

>>watched her burn every bridge with the NYC community.

deets anon, deets! The NYC lolitas always had the best drama apart from the lolis of the UK. Also, is it just me or has ugly kitty's style gotten worse? She was no fashion plate to begin with, but it's like she went from 'mediocre chubbychan doing it right' to 'Look at my (shit-tier) experimental coord where I accidentally all the bronzer'

>> No.7221370

Isn't Victoria doing that virus project thing for Pinkly Ever After?

>> No.7221379
File: 830 KB, 1000x1210, 1386025493503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7221382

I know that! I just miss her in lolita...

>> No.7221404

Does she actually live in NYC? She behaves like the queen of NYC lolitas on twitter but I heard she lives in a different state.

>> No.7221423
File: 271 KB, 1131x1265, otomen_asuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love her art

also, she has a lot of lolita drawings, any pictures of her in the fashion? what does she even look like

>> No.7221425

>'Look at my (shit-tier) experimental coord where I accidentally all the bronzer'


>> No.7221427
File: 427 KB, 893x668, 1386026998662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>this whole thing

>> No.7221430

Natasha was the really thin one. I forget what her lj name was though. The skateboarding one was the bigger girl, she wasn't as active as Natasha though.

>> No.7221431

Last I heard, she was still living in Connecticut.

>> No.7221434

No, buttonss never entered the bodyline comps. She doesn't do lolita anymore, more like deco/fairy/spank j-fash.

>> No.7221436
File: 58 KB, 540x707, Dandelions_by_sugarcreamcandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, speaking of art. I really miss Christal/sugarcreamcandy
I saw her as my lolita mentor.

She used to run the lolita fashion myspace group and made a lot of imai kira-like illustrations.
>pic related

>> No.7221452
File: 69 KB, 600x800, DSCN3146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was posted in the last thread where she was brought up and I saved it. I can't find some of her worse coordinates or the pictures where she uses even darker bronzer/foundation than this and still doesn't blend into her neck. But this picture pretty much sums up what I remember of her. She could have gotten over it, though. I deleted my lj and I don't have a tumblr (which she is apparently active on) so I don't know. I still don't get why she started doing her makeup like this almost all the time.

>> No.7221455

She was darkening herself to get oppression cred from sjw's.

>> No.7221458

I never cared for her art. She makes a lot of basic mistakes (like the hands in the image you posted) and I think she needs to go back to the basics of anatomy & drawing because she has potential but her lack of fundamentals really shines sometimes.

>> No.7221468

You can't be serious.

>> No.7221506

She hasn't updated her DA since 2009. If she did continue making art, I'm sure that she has improved since (at least I hope so). I'm just curious if she is even still wearing lolita. Her lj is long gone though.

>> No.7221521

Hm. Nevermind, There is a new DA (DarkDevi). Some old and familiar uploads and some more recent ones. It looks like she's has gotten into mori-girl. Maybe she just doesn't get involved with communities now that she's married and have a family of her own (also, she was around during the drama over in the Northeast Coast/Oregon, so considering how close she is there, it was probably a good idea to lay low).

>> No.7221531

She was such a bitch. I only ran into her maybe twice, but both times, she was a royal cunt. I'm pretty sure she still wears lolita, but has stopped posting photos anywhere. I remember seeing event shots from last year that had her in them, still looking like an adult baby in her overstretched, too-shirt AP. And I know you don't have to be an amazing lolita to be critical of others, but if there was one person on the planet whose hypocracy shouldn't be tolerated, it was hers.

>> No.7221559

i follow her on tumblr and she's still into lolita, just doesn't practice as much since she has a family

>> No.7221584

wasn't she one of the reasons the fancy french event was such a train wreck?

>> No.7221600

downgrade completehttp://instagram.com/p/fd2zeINseM/

>> No.7221627

wow that is seriously fucked up...

>> No.7221955

I used to love Christal and then she found Tumblr and started posting sprinklings of the "OH LOOK AT ME I HAVE A SEX LIFE" trend on Tumblr with some occasional SJW thrown in and then she got pregnant and had a kid who is really unfortunate-looking which is weird because Christal is stunning but yeah her life changed a lot. I have no delusions/intentions of controlling the life choices of others but I wish I could just take "snapshots" of people at one point in time and just keep them around.

>> No.7221956

Makes sense. What is her tumblr? My google-fu is failing me.

>> No.7221963


She loves to talk about she's a PoC now so it wouldn't be a surprise

>> No.7222019

petite-death i think

>> No.7222079


wtf? not even starpowerrr does shit like that anymore. I can't tell what would be more pathetic: if she took and captioned it ironically, or if she wasn't.

>> No.7222132

I miss faukegin or ashlee or whatever. Back in the day, I loved her coords and would look forward to the Seattle loli posts. I've always wanted to move out there, and seeing such a strong community out there made me happy.

I wish I had befriended her honestly.

>> No.7222137

Now I really feel old because I get that reference. Not to be off topic, but is she still even on Gaia? I left that place in 2010

>> No.7222143

Feminism is about choice, though.

>> No.7222152

Not Seattle, sorry. Oregon or whatever.

>> No.7222168

It boils down to choosing that lifestyle for yourself vs. believing women should be or are inherently subservient.

>> No.7222426

I see a lot of women who are into that housewife life shit are women who aren't very educated or think this is how they should be. (ie: mousy types with no self confidence )

You can be a house wife, but do something with your life. Run a business from home. Something. I think people who sit at home and do chores would kill me with boredom.

Captcha: securities onegaw

>> No.7222482

Some people prefer to be at home doing chores.

But that's the key. You should be able to make that (informed) choice for yourself without being pressured or forced.

I don't think cults can fall under the "informed choices" umbrella by definition.

>> No.7222486

That was Giovanna Plowman.

>> No.7222598

>simply26 and annousenka
Oh god yes. Once in a blue moon I come across new info on simply26 and I squeal in delight.
Speaking of squealing, I just googled Annousenka and oh god she's still at it!
>Annousenka wants her teethies to look normal againsies!
>Annousenka *really* dislikes the way her teethies look, nowsies! T-T Annousenka misses the way her teeth used to look so muchies, and she wants them to look normal againsies u.u
Posted to an orthodontics site. She's all over the web, acting exactly like she did back then on egl. Some other people call her out on being a troll and one even said
>If you're truly handicapped, or have some other mental problem, then I apologize, but there's no way that a non-troll, non-retard would write such grating posts.
Needless to say she just whined a bit about how meansies this stupid-head posteries wasies T-T and carried right on.
Oh Annousenka, you have a special place in my heartsies.

>> No.7222608

Nope. After the big reveal, I think she stuck around for a month or two, then disappeared. I think the GD is even more of a shithole than it was then, if that's even possible.

>> No.7222622

What happened to cgl's queen, Chokelate?

>> No.7222674

She's failing hard at gyaru currently, she look so trashy, I wish she'd stop trying so hard.

>> No.7222681

cgl's queen is Pixyteri, bitch

>> No.7222695


>> No.7222706

>>she's a PoC now
>>darkens her face with bronzer

This sounds like a constant, non-stop lulz factory. I'm assuming this takes place on tumblr since I haven't seen it on lj. If so do you know her tumblr name?

>> No.7222716

I just googled Annousenka out of curiosity, myself. Her twitter is hilarious. And it says she's fourteen? Somehow I doubt that can be right. That means she would have been just a kid when all this drama happened. Besides, I remember that she had a model mayhem account and judging by her photos, she was already in her teens.

What's simply26 been up to these days? Since you're more in the know about her than me, and all. Last I checked, she and her friends had formed a different faction of NYC lolitas that were supposed to be "nice". They were all super ita, of course.

I joined the egl comm right when this all this popped off with them so they have a special place in my heart. Not only did their own unique brands of batshit completely overshadow my 'over excited newbie' syndrome, but it lead me to discover gtfo during its glory days. Which promptly helped me put an end to (most of) my irritating habits.

I feel like going through gtfo's greatest hits, now. Anybody else have a lulcow they're sentimental towards?

>> No.7223185

what happened to skye and her princess portal?

>> No.7223188


Please, there hasn't been any decent UK drama in a long time.

>> No.7223190
File: 55 KB, 455x451, 1338110491132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.7223192

Whatever happened to Rabbit777?

>> No.7223194



I think there was a reason that was in past-tense, anon.

>> No.7223197


Even then though, I can't think of anything particularly exciting.

>> No.7223218
File: 53 KB, 300x300, mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the shit storm that was funkyfunkyusopp, boykitten's constant drama-whoring, among others. Those are the two that come to mind right now.

There was also a lot of drama on here last year-ish when two or three UK lolis had a huge falling out or something. The fallout from whatever was going on managed to shit up multiple threads which made everyone else furious. People were making threads about how annoying the UK drama was because it was spilling over everywhere. Of course UK lolis came in and started fighting with them about it. Then a few people made a 'UK-drama free' version of threads that had been derailed. The UK lolis went in there and defended themselves which started more fighting. An angry cosplayer inevitably made a board about how pissed off they were that all the loli-drama threads were taking /cgl/ over which started a 'lolitas need to gtfo' fight. This went on for some time--several days in fact.


>> No.7223237


I never actually thought that was really that bad. I don't remember the stuff from last year, though, who was that?

>> No.7223251

Woah, the creator of pusheen is a lolita? Didn't know that...

>> No.7223356

I don't really remember names as much as I remember that it was a massive clusterfuck. I think one of them might have been named Robin or something of the kind.

>> No.7223400

Annie, Ophelia, and a tripfag that was Annie's friend. I remember because I was often accused of being Annie lol

>> No.7223418

I know she claims those topless photos were shoop'd, but I still have my doubts. I mean jesus, for 2007 that's still really good shopping skills. She said she asked for her cousin to take pictures topless or something, right?

>> No.7223486

I never knew what she looked like, but now I see pictures...she really does look slow.

>> No.7223488
File: 65 KB, 541x960, rabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's still producing almost daily lols on her blog, hrhqueenalexandria on blogspot. Here's her latest creation. She's engaged to the creeper guy now.

>> No.7223499

Maybe not slow, just a little dead behind the eyes. Like a Kardashian. Also she's claiming she's 13 and 14 (the 13 comment actually came later than the 14 one) which means that she was supposedly 10 or 11 when that drama happened. There's no way that can be possible, right?

>> No.7223503


>> No.7223506


That horrifying feel where somebody once thought Rabbit777 and I were the same person.

I'm still dead inside over that.

>> No.7223516

Nevermind. All was answered in this thread:


She has a Yukapon complex.

>> No.7223536
File: 47 KB, 480x720, il_fullxfull.166769943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surprised no one's brought up pinkzombies yet...

>> No.7223543
File: 255 KB, 369x864, asdgasdgasdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fat ita bitches have small enough feet to buy and wear your replica dream shoes

>> No.7223548

I thought the same thing. I'm convinced she has to be some kinda retarded, anyway, there's no way someone could keep up that level of trolling so consistently for so many years.

>> No.7223556


What size shoe do you wear?

>> No.7223569

i thought she worked at f21 back in the day. i want to know if she wears wigs or just learned how to do her hair gorgeously because she used to rock those hideous greasy curls.

>> No.7223572



>> No.7223578

9.5 or 10 cad my for measures 25.5 cm

>> No.7223612

http:// thelostprincess .com/
She used to run this blog after the whole Princess Portal thing, and has since seemed to have disappeared off of the internet.

>> No.7223702

she brought some lulz. The last I remember hearing of her, she came late to a meet-up where everyone was supposed to bring items to sell and was huffy because no one bought anything. I think she and her husband divorced? I know they had to get rid of their dog, you know, the one that ate her charms that she later reused

>> No.7223843


holy shit, she's still trying to sell her trash? Did she improve, at least?

>> No.7223868
File: 18 KB, 231x327, claire_belton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There aren't many photos of her anymore so I had to search.

>> No.7223870
File: 27 KB, 400x262, 1386141311807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another when she modeled for her Cute Plush store.

>> No.7223892

Well, well, well. https://www.etsy.com/shop/phillyloveslacquer

>> No.7223900

Well this was like 2 years ago, idk about now

>> No.7223906

Who is this?

>> No.7223972

Old times. I still remember when she was one of us in the old egl lj community, selling her plastic jewelry, cute plushies and tees. Glad to know she got so far with pusheen!

>> No.7223980


>> No.7223991
File: 39 KB, 378x466, screenshot_1 (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7224023

What's the drama here? It looks like a decent shop.

>> No.7224024

noob alert lol

>> No.7224035

Some of her recent blog entries make me wonder if she is mentally ill or has a learning difficulty.

>An Ode To Hummus
Oh hummus
You are delicious
I have to have you
All of you
Not just one bite
I will not be satisfied
I eat you
With a spoon
From the tub
That is all.

>> No.7224040


Why is she so terrible all the time? Everything she does makes me cringe.

>> No.7224069


>> No.7224073

somebody thought wonderfuck and I were the same person once.
I know your pain

>> No.7224074


Are you Nia? Because that might have been me.

>> No.7224081

faith_chann and buttons.

Buttons also went full hipster and Faith kinda went jersey shore.

>> No.7224084

She's talking about the Aussie girls who were in the Bodyline contest a few years ago.

>> No.7224095

I think this is my favourite photo in existence.

>> No.7224147


her whole group seem reslly try hard, although i did always have her snd piratetoaster pinned as druggy sluts

>> No.7224166

I am so glad I'm not the only person who thinks this. The whole group seems to be bitchy sluts and desperate betas, with a generous helping of drugs to ease the whole thing along. Their behaviour makes me suspect that they might all be on cocaine, coke is the worst for turning people into cunts. At least one of the girls in that group used to be really nice, she's just like the others now.

>> No.7224180
File: 34 KB, 640x480, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7224199

i used to have the best arguments with celticfreefall :')

>> No.7224201

her hair is her own hair

>> No.7224202

Whoa for real? One of us spawned that money maker?
Man am I fucking mad with jealousy.

I know petitedeath, but not from the /cgl/ world, this is so nostalgic. It's also a bit weird when different online worlds collide.

>> No.7224246

>this picture
>that girl on the far right
>that makeup on all of them
>that everything
Jesus. They're basically confirmed for trashy whores.

>> No.7224250

I don't like how she glamorizes/glorifies alcoholism, EDs and other similar issues. 90% of her text posts are to the tune of something like "LOL SMOKING DRUGS AND DRINKING WINE AT 8 AM ONE BOTTLE DOWN AND TOW TO GO AND I FORGOT TO TAKE MY MEDS". It's like she's trying too hard to prove how edgy and *~damaged~* she is with the way she broadcasts these things. That may not be how she intends it, but that's sure as sugar how it comes across.

>> No.7224278

Trust me, that's exactly what she's intending. When you meet her irl she's awkward as fuck and spends all her time looking girls up and down and laughing in the direction of a friend but not actually saying anything because she's scared she'll get her ass kicked.
I heard she was planning to edge it up at MCM last year and establish herself as one of the cool kids but she ended up locked in her hotel room crying over her social inadequacy with pirate toaster instead. And now I guess she's on crack.

>> No.7224296

Holy shit is that Pirate Toaster on the right? Did she start doing meth or what? She's really gone downhill, she looks old enough to be the other two's mother.

>> No.7224309

>Faith kinda went jersey shore

>> No.7224312

I hate that fucking Comme des Fuckdown hat. Every try-hard edgy pastel-goth hipster douchebag seems to have one. It doesn't make sense! "Like the fuckdown"? Idgi.

Sage for anger.

>> No.7224342

'Calm the fuck down' actually, but I don't like swear words on tops (except the top I got that says 'fuck you you fucking fuck because of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo remake film)

>> No.7224344

*clothes/accessories, not just tops... ugh

>> No.7224345

It's a play on "Calm the fuck down".
Coincidentally, it applies here pretty well.

>> No.7224350
File: 258 KB, 360x867, wow stop posting any time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(except the top I got that says 'fuck you you fucking fuck because of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo remake film)

>> No.7224352

Yea I know, but I only wear it as a top underneath a jumper. It's different when you're outside going shopping e.t.c and children can see it

>> No.7224423


I hate it cos it sounds like a dumb copy of Comme Des Garcons (I might be spelling that wrong), as in the actual designer.
Reminds me of all those "funny" tshirts you get that say "Dodgy and Banana" with a D&G logo and shit like that. "Channel" with a Chanel symbol. But, I guess that sort of suits her... she seem to try to play herself up as classy and end up hilariously not.

>> No.7224426

>I hate it cos it sounds like a dumb copy of Comme Des Garcons (I might be spelling that wrong), as in the actual designer.
Wow, fuck, are you really this dumb?

>> No.7224431


Yeah, yeah... shut up. I only said I personally dislike it because it LOOKS like a parody. Get over yourself.

>> No.7224440

How old are you?

>> No.7224450

>ur fucking stupid
>lolol I can't drop an argument how old r u I bet ur like 12


>> No.7224469

Speaking of not classy... I just realised she's the one with those skanky ass braided extensions in this week's gyaru secrets. Dear oh dear. How many fashions is she going to fuck up hideously before she gets it? She's not even a hot mess, she's like, a lukewarm mess. Like cooling vomit on the pavement.

>> No.7224472

I believe their point is that it IS in fact a parody of CDG. So you basically said "I hate Mickey Mouse because he reminds me of a rodent, but a cartoon style one."

>> No.7224554

Yeah I know. I don't like it. I don't know, it comes off as trashy to me. If Mickey Mouse was all serious mouse and then they suddenly started marketing a badly drawn cartoon version, it wouldn't be any classier for the fact it was done on purpose.

>> No.7224561
File: 46 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More recent picture, straight off her tumblr. I guess she's genderqueer now? Hah.

>> No.7224573

Ugh that's her!? Skanky. It makes me feel sorry for her if she's walking around like that in public. She looks like a white guy with dreads.

>> No.7224590
File: 47 KB, 528x720, hxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah she looks really bad.

>> No.7224613

>dat filename
Have you got any more?

>> No.7224658

what is starpowerrr up to nowadays? she was pretty queen of tumblr circa 2011.

>> No.7224671

it was the comment on the photo

>> No.7224684

Guess being ~poc~ and dealing with daily opressionz from white folks(why do sjws use the term "folks" so much?) wasn't enough.

>> No.7224692

They don't even look gyaru, they just look like trashy white chicks.
Which, I guess, means they're doing it right.

>> No.7224707

they're just partying.
they'll grow out of it; if they don't then you can make fun of them.

>> No.7224712

When egl was really busy it actually had a real community feeling, many of these people posted regularly and had coords that stuck in peoples minds because they were some of the first that people had seen. Posts with brand were very memorable in particular because that wasn't something that a lot of people had and that makes an impression on a newer lolita.

>> No.7224724

Her husband thing looks like Fat Jeoffry from Game of Thrones.

>> No.7224723

This thread makes me realize that overall a lot of efame lolitas from the past just went downhill. Lolita ruins people?

>> No.7224726

Fuck off Amber.

>> No.7224736 [DELETED] 

So what I fly around the whole world getting paid?
So what I smoke weed all day every day?
So what I tell truth even when I tell a lie
I get very red in the eye when I'm

>> No.7224738

So what I fly around the whole world getting paid?
So what I smoke weed all day every day?
So what I tell truth even when I tell a lie
I get very red in the eye when I'm gettin high

>> No.7224739



She got fat and works at gamestop now I think

>> No.7224741

P sure PT works in a meth lab now

>> No.7224746


>> No.7224745

I know that plenty of lolitas just like being lolita, but with any alternative and unusual interest based on looks, you're going to get attention whores.

So the ones who go down hill realize that lolita isn't giving them the amount of attention they want, and they do something else extreme.

>> No.7224747

can confirm, am recreational vehicle

>> No.7224750
File: 107 KB, 613x436, 487078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's come a long way...

>> No.7224752

is that piratetoaster in the middle

>> No.7224748
File: 52 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mni5iki0sq1r40s14o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7224749

she looks the same to me.

>> No.7224758

no the beard isnt long enough

>> No.7224767
File: 49 KB, 720x477, 1386198499549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meth is one hell of a drug

>> No.7224769

I can't believe the one in the middle is dating piratetoaster, fuck what a waste

>> No.7224775

agreed. PT deserves better than that trash

>> No.7224779

man, it's like you guys have never hung out before.

>> No.7224781

can confirm that Ophilias group of friends are a load of smackhead lowlife tryhards

>> No.7224780

not entirely related, but I think she drew a bunch of /cgl/ art.

what happened to ===?

>> No.7224784

I heard that Lia bought 100 cracks of eBay and smoked them all

>> No.7224787

also heard that
hopefully shell die next time

>> No.7224786

"Friends". I doubt they are real she's probably just tripping in her own garden

>> No.7224790


>> No.7224791

I heard she is dead but she's just too high to realise

>> No.7224794

anything is better than her ex though to be fair

>> No.7224796

which one? there have been hundreds

>> No.7224799

Apparently PT slept with an entire year of children from a school

>> No.7224801

wouldnt surprise me. That whore preys on the innocent everyone else is to smart to touch the skank

>> No.7224802

the balding one from /fit/

>> No.7224807

AH! Paolo "That's a spicy meata balla" Grotti

>> No.7224810

Calm down Griggly Niggly

>> No.7224816

His Gurgles are well and truly Nurgled

>> No.7224817
File: 87 KB, 500x587, tumblr_mve8eguqpp1st8ogno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, i think they're cute

>> No.7224818

To be fair, anyone who's not smart enough to stay away from her kind of has it coming.

>> No.7224821

mmmmm sounds like someone got rejected

>> No.7224825

tfw you will never have a hot lesbian cosplay gf

>> No.7224826

as if PT would ever reject anyone. her standards went out the door years ago. shed fuck anything that moved and wear the diseases as medals

>> No.7224827

Noooot exactly my type. And even if she was, I'd want to see a clean bill of health before sleeping with someone like that.

>> No.7224831
File: 83 KB, 512x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who doesnt think PT is at least very good looking is kidding themselves

>> No.7224834

you clearly havnt seen her teeth

>> No.7224838

you sound so upset, it's okay to be jealous

>> No.7224839

Holy shoop, Batman. That's not remotely subtle.

>> No.7224842

PT's friends: smackheads and airbrushes

>> No.7224844

Seriously though they've cut off half her nose. Where's the shoop? The nose knows!

>> No.7224986
File: 67 KB, 720x540, 1386207182277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't find her that attractive. For me, she falls down the handsome route rather than pretty or cute. Some people think she's pretty, others think she has a long horse face. It's weird how split opinions are.

>> No.7225526

Amber, die of sleep apnea you fatty, come on. Your jelly is off the chart you sound like one of those girls who didn't fit in at school so they go running crying to the teacher "waaa those mean girls are on drugs and have EDs and are totally sluts!"

>> No.7225612

The file was named hxc originally not some witty joke

>> No.7225693

>get over yourself
I don't think this means what you think it means

>> No.7225707

If she got fat she lost it all because she has a great body

>> No.7225709

New thread? This one was just getting good

>> No.7225939

Dear /cgl/, I had a mad irl crush on this girl before her lolita days (charmmy), and I am in dire need of all of her pictures ever. Is there any place I could try digging?
And sorry for being an absolute noob.

>> No.7226277

Seconding this. I loved her youtube videos. Her hallway always looked like an art gallery to me, so I was surprised to find it's actually her house.

>> No.7226569

internet creep pls go

>> No.7229062

to be fair to your friend, psychiatrists don't actually go through much psych training outside of diagnosing people since they have to go through med school.