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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 143 KB, 480x640, b24dd2f76d152733a0787315eff237d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7206743 No.7206743[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm now dating a lolita. Pretty great.

But I really don't wanna be out and she's all gorgeous and I'm just in jeans and a t shirt. What can I wear, if not really lolita, would look nice enough to "match?"

Also couple pictures Hooray

>> No.7206748
File: 125 KB, 600x786, 1282425360817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7206750

>manlet settling for a crazy bitch
I am not shocked in the very least.

>> No.7206751
File: 56 KB, 500x375, mootandlolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7206752

Pretty much like in >>7206748
The only real male equivalent of lolita is dandy/aristocratic stuff.
(there is boystyle too, but I imagine you'd want to look like a man)

It'd be cute if you two could match colors.

>> No.7206753
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>> No.7206759
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>> No.7206761

OP, i am dating a lolita myself, i couldn't be further from vanilla, i am rugged, fairly older (20s) and couldn't be more opposite.

Don't try to fit into her hobby, appreciate it, try to learn from it, but don't adjust yourself to her, she digged you in the first place as you are, no lolita shit no dandy shit.

Don't do something you will cringe about later, just keep it grown up, comfortable for both of you.

>> No.7206762

Yeah, match colors! Like if you wear a button down with a matching tie or bow tie! For casual events, look washed and not a mess which is good enough if you're joining her for a casual lunch meetup.

>> No.7206766

Yeah I'm not going to "go lolita," if I wanted that I woulda been asking for the dude equvalent.

Just asking /cgl/ about halfway-decent fashion ideas that make sense. The color matching is a cute idea.

>> No.7206770

I'd say just don't look like shit, doesn't matter what you're wearing so long as you're wearing it correctly

>> No.7206778
File: 36 KB, 416x640, 215679_10150220107721779_1179764_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't give a shit what my bf wears when i'm in lolita, but he does and i think he might tune in with his thoughts later

>> No.7206788
File: 124 KB, 573x773, tfw_bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q.Q this thread. I wish my boyfriend cared enough to at least wear more than a white tee and gym shorts.
I just started wearing lolita again after about a two year hiatus, and he seems less than thrilled about it.

>> No.7206794

Color matching a lolita outfit
Do you realize how many colors are we talking about

Color matching pink/mint/teal without looking like a faggot? not only that, color matching her without looking like one.

Fuck man, be a grown up, just dress in a mature way and you will be fine.

>> No.7206800

Wow, they both look so uncomfortable and awkward.

>> No.7206801

Thanks for calling me a faggot and misreading what I'm even saying. What's your deal?

>> No.7206803


I miss when Duralath used to post here. Dude was bro as fuck

>> No.7206809

Are you kidding? That photo made me d`awww so hard.

>> No.7206811

only a fucking weeaboo would date that ugly piece of shit.

>> No.7206814
File: 863 KB, 500x262, wellareyou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitter Landwhale detected

>> No.7206815

You know, he can do something like wear neutral colors with a pink/mint/teal/etc. accent, such as with a tie or vest.

>> No.7206817

I think the cutest thing is when lolitas have boyfriends dressed in plain clothes, give your girlfriend a chance to shine

>> No.7206818
File: 75 KB, 400x554, Couple_by_harajuku_observer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imo, reading their body language, they don't seem like a couple that's very comfortable with each other. Like he's leaning way in and she's like pulling back a bit with her hands close to her body. His hands are just hanging there all awkward.
I mean they're still adorable.
I think this guy looks just fine dressed casually with his loli gf.

>> No.7206820
File: 315 KB, 2048x1152, 278698_248722958478482_3042826_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he lurks :>
i think what he usually does is just try not to look like a complete hobo next to me when we're doing stuff and i'm done up? i'm sure he's got more specific things but yeah

>> No.7206826

ew he's balding

>> No.7206830

I feel you anon.

>> No.7206828

I agree, but I wish my bf wore something other than gym clothes.

>> No.7206834

will you just get madder and madder if i keep posting pictures because lol

>> No.7206840
File: 765 KB, 1100x1266, wlmdgfp4hjm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you dating him? Right, so why do you give a shit if she is, or care that he's balding?
He obviously has something she finds appealing and keeps her interested.
Try contributing something instead.

>> No.7206846

Because he's really fucking ugly, and it's pathetic and sad to see my race being degraded like this. Everything from Japan needs to be fucking banned, the weebs must die.

>> No.7206845

Just got back from Japan and I saw a couple lolitas with boyfriends who were just in nice dark clothes. Of course most guys in Japan seem to dress nice ALL THE TIME. Like seriously I couldn't spot a guy in anything less casual than a polo shirt.

>> No.7206847

Why not just wear like.....

>Long sleeve button up shirt
>A nice sweater, like an argyle pattern or something that matches her outfit?
>Dress pants
>Nice shoes

Thats pretty much it for guys. Just wear something thats just a little more formal, you don't have to go full suit/tie or shirt and blazer.

>> No.7206866
File: 1.13 MB, 1021x706, bunnyandbf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7206867

You are an idiot. I think he's actually quite nice looking and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Also, saying that he's degrading your culture because...whatever...is foolish, especially when you don't know him and he's not wearing anything degrading. Step off uninformed, unlogical, unfortunantly human.

>> No.7206871
File: 259 KB, 600x900, couple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these threads always make me dream

>> No.7206875

Why are you on 4chan again? lol
You know what 4chan is right?

But I do agree that guy is ugly and she looks kinda weebish, but you never know maybe he has the best personality ever or a big dick.

>> No.7206883 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 499x750, couple3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see i dunno
i go out to town in my lolita, 95% bogan culture nobody understands wtf im doing in it

i just hope one day there'll be someone who knows what lolita is, but isnt something like the time i went into the local anime/manga/popculture store and just got looks from b-level neckbeards "mrmmrmhgh i see we have a loli-con dress up costumer teheh i know so much about web culture"

>> No.7206889
File: 28 KB, 240x320, IMG_2934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7206892

>tfw no cute tall guy to dressup with

>> No.7206895 [DELETED] 

there was the time i couple of fit-bros out on their jog went identified my friends and i were in lolita and werent even creepy about it before they jogged off again, but thats literally the end of the stick for me

like one day cant i have some lolita tolerant guy just even strike up a conversation with me let alone not be intimidated by my froofy presence

not that im too lazy/scared to strike up conversations myself or anything, since 4channing did i learn that a lot of guys seem to hope that a girl would strike up first so he wont get assumed to be a molester just for saying hi, but in the case of being in lolita myself at a such a time it would be the opposite way round wouldnt it?

>tldr this shit; just making some conversation + using 4chan as personal anonymous diary while i upload my couple picture hoard

>> No.7206899

Right in the feels. My tall guy has no interest in dressing up, or even dressing nice-ish.

>> No.7206903

do you mean your race? i can't tell if you're japanese or white when you say this, but he isn't either of those things, and i'm only one
i personally really like the matching tie or pocket square option, though socks would also be quite fun as sort of a whimsical touch since you can get trouser socks for dudes with some pretty rad prints these days

>> No.7206906
File: 52 KB, 313x500, couple9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was the time a couple of fit-bros out on their jog went identified my friends and i were in lolita and werent even creepy about it before they jogged off again, but thats literally the end of the stick for me

like one day cant i have some lolita tolerant guy just even strike up a conversation with me let alone not be intimidated by my froofy presence

not that im too lazy/scared to strike up conversations myself or anything, since 4channing did i learn that a lot of guys seem to hope that a girl would strike up first so he wont get assumed to be a molester just for saying hi, but in the case of being in lolita myself at a such a time it would be the opposite way round wouldnt it?

>tldr this shit; just making some conversation + using 4chan as personal anonymous diary while i upload my couple picture hoard

>> No.7206907

>>big dick
Pick one, she's just a slut with bad taste.

>> No.7206905

What classifies as tall to you ladies? 6 foot?

>> No.7206908

I'm five feet exactly so yeah 6 is good but I don't like any shorter than that because muh fetish

>> No.7206909

>5 foot even
>Short as fuck
>Wants 6 foot or taller

I don't even understand. There reaches a point of ridiculously small and for me like 5'4 is the cutoff.

>> No.7206915
File: 79 KB, 499x750, couple3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i just delete the wrong post after i dropped my pic
argh here it is again

tall is usually in proportion to your own height... like the 4'6'' chick calling out her 5'6'' bro as so sexy n tall

>> No.7206911


>> No.7206912
File: 123 KB, 500x663, ce7xwLy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>uninformed, unlogical, unfortunantly human.

>> No.7206913

my bf is 6 foot, I'm 5'2. Most guys are tall to me, but I like them reallly tall

>> No.7206918

I like to dream big anon. I just like how it looks, that sounds incredibly narcissistic but it's true for me.

>> No.7206921
File: 60 KB, 694x448, 1364318909712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7206926

Yup. I like them to tower over me and be able to toss me with ease. 6ft and above is my fetish, and dyel's need not apply. I don't want to be a sweet loli with lifts higher than my bf's.

>> No.7206927

>caring about some random anon who you dont even know what they look like's fetish

>> No.7206928

Sorry manlets, even midgets want tall guys.

>> No.7206930

Oh ho ho, you're so original. Calling the fabulous itaqueen a slut. Wow anon, we're all quaking in our petticoats, what will that marvelous mind of yours think of next.

>> No.7206932
File: 945 KB, 400x225, 02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You either

A: know him and he denied your feelings
B: are a disgusting land whale no man wants and now you are just a bitter cunt insulting peoples boyfriends on 4chan

>> No.7206934

How tall are you?

>> No.7206936

As someone who has dated a few lolita's it varies. Some really like it when you dress up with them, some don't care at all as long as you are presentable. If you were good enough for them then, you are good enough for them now. For clothes just think casual dandy.

That said it's much easier to match classic, and I hated having to match sweet. Sweets never have your guy go in anything but neutral colors to match you, they will hate themselves for making you happy.

>> No.7206937

C: You're just whiteknighting your friend poorly

>> No.7206939

If you date only for looks, you're garbage.

>> No.7206940

A person can have good looks and a good personality~.

>> No.7206942
File: 83 KB, 960x720, 309438_491718410845601_1225632095_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive dated all of two people ever so i'm going to add this to the list of funny shit cgl has said about me (the other things being me being a dude, mika getting me pregnant, and me and mika hooking up at ALA with a photo of an empty hallway as proof)
i'm really good at picking up on when my friends post on here because they all have really distinct idioms and i have no idea who this person is

>> No.7206945
File: 4 KB, 126x126, B...baka....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'5" on a good day

>> No.7206946


I don't have friends

But either way you are a miserable girl and I feel really bad for you

>> No.7206947
File: 8 KB, 155x200, 1375661667978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when 6 ft and strong
>that feel when hope

>> No.7206949

If you have to say "on a good day" about your height you're insecure about your height to an extreme degree.


>> No.7206952

Jesus fuck, he looks like an asian spick.

>> No.7206953

Where do live that you can possibly have such a wide experience of dating lolitas? Are you systematically working your way through a comm?

>> No.7206955

itaqueen is my senpai
>>notice me

>> No.7206957

Holy shit, my condolences.

>> No.7206958

i am a kawaii rori chan with a 5'5" hispanic boyfurendo, dont worry about it

>> No.7206959

same fag.

>> No.7206960

by a few I should have just said two

>> No.7206964

Since lolita sometimes has that vintagey silhouette, maybe something subtly old-fashioned might work? I'm thinking like button up shirts with a bowtie, sweatervests, oxfords for shoes, etc.

>> No.7206963
File: 34 KB, 322x292, 1274742269362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's the fact that sometimes I've been measured at 5'5" and sometimes at 5'4"

I don't really care about my height - it's something I can't change and if I could, it wouldn't change much.

Plus -
>am 14
>freshmen year
>going wrong direction
>turn around quickly
>face full of DD's
>girl steps back apologizing
>i apologize
>walk like gorilla to hide boner

That kind of shit still happens.

>> No.7206966

>Are you systematically working your way through a comm?
Oh man, this is my dream. I want to be a dick source of dramu in a local comm.

>> No.7206968

>>tumblr gif
I thought so.
"OMG you're just jealous cuz you can't have a balding poopskinned asian bf!

>> No.7206973

She's a confirmed whore, considering she engages in bestiality.

>> No.7206972

...have you never seen a Thai or Phillipino before? Heaven above this generation is stupid.

>> No.7206975

wtf makes a good day for measuring one's height?
Don't worry about it so much. Height is just like any other factor in perceived attractiveness. It's all subjective and will vary widely from one girl to another. So buck up anon.

>> No.7206978


Yeah and I bet you make your own gifs right

cgl is the most tumblr loving board on 4chan.

>> No.7206979

Those two countries need to be nuked if this is what they're shitting out, nasty.

>> No.7206977

There's someone in my comm who's bf does that and it looks really good!

>> No.7206982

Nah, you cunts just invaded our board and ruined it.

>> No.7206981
File: 8 KB, 238x205, 1283289612265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I've never gotten positive things about my height on here
The fuck is going on tonight.
Oh there's always been hope, you just don't notice how much height matters until you're on the wrong end of it.
Philippines have been banned to stop participating in national beauty pageants because they keep winning.

>> No.7206984


I actually came over from /pol/
Nice assumptions though

>> No.7206985

>>/pol/ defending some faggot phili cuz he asian
You guys lost your spunk.

>> No.7206987


I blame cgl, its changed my soul

>> No.7206986

>>implying /pol/ is less cancerous

>> No.7206998


>"maybe if I keep it racial and type like the bros in /pol/ they'll continue to respond!"
>[keyboard intensifies]

stay unemployed, anon

>> No.7207001

I've always wanted to hear stories about comms from the guys point of view. Have anything?

>> No.7207004

Girls are catty and generally crazy.

>> No.7207005
File: 3 KB, 123x126, 1329349757112s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-It's okay... I think you're k-kawaii.
Every time I see that you've posted, I get a little happy inside.
Let's be lovers.

>> No.7207008
File: 66 KB, 625x626, thisisbait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting me to fall for this again
Fool me once /cgl/ shame on me.
Fool me twice.....an....sh......youcantfoolmetwice

>> No.7207011

I've seen you post a lot, but do you cosplay? There are definitely some pretty sexy manlet characters out there that you could pull off better than taller men (probably).

>> No.7207014
File: 789 KB, 494x598, awww yaoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OF COURSE I COSPLAY I just currently commission and am in the process of learning to sew so I can make my own costumes.

I occasionally cosplay kid characters because height.

>> No.7207015

>that cosplay
Cute! I know it's Tiger and Bunny, but I think you'd make a pretty good Godot, too (if you're familiar with the Ace Attorney series).

>> No.7207018
File: 37 KB, 100x100, Go on.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.7207021

I don't play it but am aware of it.
Could easily change a few things for it.

>> No.7207024

But seriously, though.
I do really like you, one of the few trips that I actually enjoy. Keep posting, you're fantastic.

>> No.7207026
File: 4 KB, 203x231, Hey yo baby girl you wanna make some fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7207029

This. It's much better when each of you stick to whatever you like, I often found it sweet yet uncomfortable when my ex told me he wanted to wear Dandy to match with me because I knew it wasn't something he actually cared about if it weren't for me and that is very unappealing.
In other words you don't wanna make your gf think you're putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation/clothing just because of her. Neither of you will enjoy it.

>> No.7207030

I wish Valle would stop talking to himself ITT.

>> No.7207031


How tall is moot?

>> No.7207032

Good advice has already been given but I just wanted to drop in and say how lucky OP's girl is that she has a BF who appreciates loli :/

My guy hates lolita, or anything cutesy/feminine. He would rather I wear a T-shirt and jeans all day, everyday.

>> No.7207034

I'm as confused as you are lil nigga
I think 5'10? Around there.

>> No.7207037

Maybe. First lolita I dated was nice at first but she was the type to talk mega shit behind peoples backs. Before I went to meetups she would make up stories about how these new ita's would do horrible things and I believed her, but when I finally went to a meetup I noticed that she would make everything worse than what it was (and the girls she was talking about weren't even ita).

Anyways there was a tea party for a bunch of sweet lolita's and I was brought along to set stuff up, and while I was doing it one of the newer girls mentioned that she liked classic more than sweet. My ex acted fine and kept the conversation going, but once she was alone with me she would call the girl disgusting things, and even ended up making a secret directed at herself setting up the newer girl as a shittalker. The setup worked and I never heard of or saw that girl again. After that my ex pretty much became the queen bee

>> No.7207038

look broseidon, next to a lolita you'll always look like you just crawled out of bed, you best sit your ass down and get with the program, your girlfriend will always be the hottest bitch in the area so don't even play

>> No.7207043


>> No.7207044
File: 388 KB, 250x188, 11945784503.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we should drink cyber tea sometime and talk about how cute >>7207014 is.

>> No.7207049 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 236x353, 31913b52619b90e944d4d7a89e817d50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I need help here, pls.
I want to coordinate this with a blouse (chiffon or cotton) shoes and a coat since it's gonna be chilly season, but I have no idea on what colors would work

>> No.7207050
File: 226 KB, 5000x5000, siempresolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He ain't cute, though.

>> No.7207055

shit...wrong thread

>> No.7207056
File: 8 KB, 184x184, L-I-M-P Bizkit is right here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom says I am.
So does yours.

>> No.7207058

>cgl is the most tumblr loving board on 4chan.

That's /co/.

>> No.7207062


>> No.7207070

you do realize he can still match her outfit by choosing one main color to match on a shirt for example, right? he doesn't need to go full clown.

>> No.7207076

>I think 5'10


>> No.7207082

there's a girl that likes me (i think). we talk from time to time and i've been thinking of asking her out. she's not a lolita.

however, the problem with me is that i'm a brolita. :/

>> No.7207084





>> No.7207092

pics plz i love me some brolitas

>> No.7207101

Holy shit welcome to the filter.

>> No.7207127

I don't even like coffee....

>> No.7207138
File: 18 KB, 500x331, 3tp6uR4q1rtgszto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you. Last post; I lo... lov... like you a lot.
I can't get enough of you. You're so cute. You have an admirer!

(Hope I'm not coming off as a creep, though.)

>> No.7207144

OP where do you find them? I want to date one because I am tired of seeing all these trend whores on the streets. I go outside and all the girls look like clones with their north the face sweaters,boots, and leggins.

>> No.7207151

I want to feel more warm fuzzies from couple pictures

>> No.7207154
File: 855 KB, 480x270, 1360466840015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, just someone who hasn't been here long enough to discover that I'm one of the most hated trips.
You could probably just use google to see if there's a lolita comm anywhere near you.

>> No.7207155

List your financial status and willingness to buy them burando and they will find you.

>> No.7207180

As if those "trend whores" would give you the time of day.

>> No.7207188

get your special snowflake syndrome out of this fashion

>> No.7207196

you forgot your fedora

>> No.7207203


I have the opposite problem. 6ft tall girl, you are right about it not being a big deal until you are on the wrong end of it. My boyfriend is exactly the same height as me, which makes any kind of heels awkward.

>> No.7207205
File: 1.32 MB, 2582x1937, IMG_20131122_105629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bf dresses pretty causally. He usually wears a nice sweater with a button up or plain tee under. I personally prefer it to be that way, I wouldn't like it if he dressed in a man-version of loli. I would be uncomfortable If he just dressed in sweats or something.

pic related is the closest we've gone with a "matching outfit", he wore bunny ears too when I was a bunny for Halloween.

>> No.7207261

>Philippines have been banned to stop participating in national beauty pageants because they keep winning.

Do you actually believe this? I only ask because you give no indication of know that this "news" was a joke...

>> No.7207264


>> No.7207270

Yes, it's not real. Jesus. Are you Filipino or something, is that why you are so desperate to believe this stupid bad rumor? Is your ego and national pride getting in the way of rational thinking?

You do realize Adobo Chronicles is basically a bullshit news website?



>> No.7207274

>implying I care that much
>implying I'm a flip
>implying implications
I like how racist you got with it though.
Friend posted it, I guess she wasn't aware it's like an Onion.
I hadn't even heard of it before.
Calm your moobs.

>> No.7207275

The only reason I could see the phillipines being banned is because they are probably one of the ugliest nations per capita.

>> No.7207281

>asking if someone is a nationality is racist

The one who needs to "calm their moobs" is obviously you since you were apparently dumb enough to believe this stupid rumor and get all worked up about it.

I would say "nice try" at trying to play it off like you didn't just make a total ass of yourself but it was a 2/10 at best. Try harder.

>> No.7207284
File: 474 KB, 283x213, no words, only emotions.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure anon.
Whatever you have to tell yourself to rationalize /pol/ conspiracies.

>> No.7207287

Sure tripfag. Whatever you have to say to pretend like you don't feel like an enormous moron right now.

>rationalize /pol/ conspiracies
Pretty sure it was you who just tried to snark on someone by using a satirical news website as proof of an impossible situation.

Good job at being an ass to someone who was asking you a genuine question in the interest of clarifying things though. Guess you thought your link and Okay.jpg was infalliable.

>> No.7207289
File: 1.66 MB, 260x260, 1384145564077.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone asked for sauce
>provide sauce
>turned out to be parody
>this goes back to that whole, posting what a friend posted thing
Your entitlement from pro-journalism thing is cute though. Like you're the one getting mad at me for it because I don't pay attention to every satire news thing out there.
You're the only one getting upset here.

>> No.7207290

Forgot to put my trip back on from another board.

>> No.7207295
File: 47 KB, 630x473, 47t2114508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowing when something is clearly satirical

Entitlement...from pointing out that it was clearly satirical? K. It's not like I've ever been on that site before you linked it before either, lmfao. It's just not very hard to recognize.

And I didn't ask for sauce, I asked you if you knew it was just a joke.
You linked a fake story with a smug "okay.jpg" I guess because you were so sure it was true. Sorry I'm not mad, it's just very funny to me.

You made a douche of yourself just now. I understand it hurts your ego which is why you keep responding and trying to pretend like you don't feel like an idiot, but maybe it's best to just stop talking now.

>> No.7207297

I'm Asian and 5'7 myself, so any guy taller than me is considered tall in my book.

>> No.7207298
File: 1.88 MB, 267x200, 1340518026326.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even read the shit, I just skimmed it.
I didn't feel like an idiot upon seeing the other news story just an "oh." thing.
As long as we're playing the blame game, if my egos the one that's hurt, what's your excuse for still posting?
Keep that chin up, champ.

>> No.7207301

I'm posting, again, for clarification. Your inference that I'm posting because of a hurt ego makes zero sense because nothing I did is ego-related--I wasn't proven wrong in anything I said, hence your attempt to turn this point on me doesn't work.

And if you just skimmed and weren't invested in the story's validity, then why not accept it when I told you it was just a joke?

>> No.7207304

...Who said I didn't accept it was a joke?
Like I said, when I clicked the link saying it was a joke my response was pretty much "oh." I got it was a joke.
I also said earlier that it was my first time seeing the site and that I think she (friend who posted it) was unaware it was a site like The Onion.

You either have bad reading comprehension or you're picking and choosing things to keep this going.

>> No.7207306

Sigh...okay let's break it down.

When I originally asked you if you knew it was a joke, you posted >>7207264 with what I interpreted as a smug "Okay.jpg".
I'm not referring to after I posted my links when I say you didn't just accept it as a joke.

Although considering it's not difficult to Google IDK why you'd even post your link without maybe looking for other sources but whatever, I guess /cgl/ isn't known for their fact checking skills.

And like I said, it was my first time seeing the site too and it's pretty obvious that it's basically like the Onion. Hence, it's pretty funny to me that some people apparently don't realize this and think everything posted on the Internet is true.

Or I could just be a troll. You can choose whichever makes you feel better, it's k, I won't mind Valle. My life is pretty good right now, I'm a qt3.14 j-fashion blogger with a qt3.14 bigdick Asian boyfriend so I'm okay with letting a tripfag walk away with dignity after ridiculing them a bit

>> No.7207311

dear itaqueen
i love u
u are beautiful

dear valle-kun
plz shut up

>> No.7207312
File: 1.64 MB, 360x270, Trolled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admittedly I misread that last part of the first post and it seemed like the first part was condescending hence the "okay.jpg"

To double back as to why I should have Googled it, when I saw it, it was around 0445, I was sitting in my car on Facebook waiting to go to the field. Saw it and was like "that's kind of stupid." only the article was posted.

When issue was brought up, didn't even bother, someone wanted sauce so I went to where I saw it, copied a link and dropped it.

>implying I have dignity here
No I'm well aware how much this entire board hates me and really don't care. You bitches hate everyone and everything. It's kind of obvious and the fact that you had to drop that last sentence kind of proves it - served nothing to the debate or rest of your post, which admittedly again, showed communications breakdowns. And bravo to that. But going back to the point of just tossing in that last bit like it's a casual goodbye, cutie pies aside, I'm sure your tumblr is amazing with it's 1400 followers but trying to serve me using that tidbit does just fall back on bragging over - what exactly? Just bragging to brag? I'm not a female, that cattiness isn't effective on me.

>> No.7207318


>> No.7207317


>> No.7207321

Debating it.

>> No.7207322

its 2 early u wump dont u have to go tan on the beech or somefin

>> No.7207323

Again, no one wanted sauce, so I still dunno what you're going on about.

Actually I've never hated you until now, I've never even heard/seen you until now.
You don't really make a good first impression though.

And I don't have a Tumblr, I have a Blogger lol. Don't want to touch Tumblr with kawaii 100ft parasol. I'm skurred.

IDK how you got me hating everyone from my last sentence, I didn't say anything bad about anyone else. Liking my own life =/= cattiness or hating others.

Has nothing to do with cattiness Valle I just wanna let you know that I'm kawaii and I want you to wuv me and make me your tripfag follower so I can make you signs and shit. Is that still a thing? When I started the Internets that was a thing.

>> No.7207324

...it's night you doofus.
And I have a big week of cleaning to do. All my shit from mainland is arriving and I'm moving a townhouse into a small apartment so I have a lot of prep to do.

Need to buy that damn house already but whatev's. I'll probably sell a lot of shit so I can upgrade furniture anyway.

Call me wump, fuck you.

>> No.7207328

wowowowow r u gettin married

send me ur anime okay?

>> No.7207329
File: 20 KB, 251x205, Bruce Willis was dead the whole time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You win I don't know what to think anymore.

>> No.7207336

>implying someone would marry me
You hurt me Fran.
You hurt me deep.
And no, I'm just buying a house.
AND NO. No one's getting my anime. Not even if there was a fire!

>> No.7207335
File: 176 KB, 480x640, IMG_004S9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kisses, Valle-kun. It was fun playing.

>> No.7207339

i thought this was a man at first lel

>> No.7207342

im sorry...

i am getting married

and my mom would probably move in with u she likes hawaii, idk why

if u die can i have it??

>> No.7207343

Secret, I am a man.

>> No.7207344

It's funny to think about because I currently own a house and keep forgetting that.
And buying another one.

Wow. Such adult. Many estate. So tax deductible.

>> No.7207346

Hate weebs?
Where the fuck do you think you are...?
Get out now because you came to the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker.

>> No.7207348

I am crying tears of acid

>> No.7207362
File: 110 KB, 338x500, LOLITA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear something like that
>Little suit
>Tophat (Optional)

>> No.7207368

allow me to clarify why I am crying tears of acid
>long term relationship boyfriend
>takes a shining to dressing up with me
>cute face but meaty as fuck footballer physique
>can't put him in anything more ornate than a plain suit or he looks like a dancing bear

>> No.7207382 [DELETED] 

Not sure if this was just a humblbrag about your cuteface mancake BF.

>> No.7207384

Not sure if this was just a humblbrag about your cuteface beefcake BF.

>> No.7207475

i'd lose all those ribbon things tied all over his limbs though.

>> No.7207860

Check the Prada Fall 2012 collection for inspo. Steampunk without the ugly.


>> No.7207880

im 6 ft and would settle for her all night long

>> No.7207889



I'm glad that he still does modeling off the side.

>> No.7207918

maroon and turquoise and reds and blues and greens and browns are not unmanly.

OP my suggestion for going out with your girl decked out in full loli, is to dress cleanly. teeshirts are fine if you've got a nice cardigan or jacket. it'd be good to wear twill pants instead of jeans, but even jeans can look nice if they're not faded or ripped. look into some nice shoes! if you wanted to have more fun with it, i'd even suggest some bright socks to pop out every now and then.

et voila~

>> No.7207944
File: 45 KB, 50x28, gifforants.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw that gif

>> No.7207954
File: 16 KB, 245x263, Xena2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jamie Bell and Garrett Hedlund can't even make that shit look decent, what hope does some fatty-anon from 4chan have?

>> No.7207964
File: 361 KB, 538x345, tomoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw I lurk this thread just to see the cute couple pictures
>You will never meet a lolita friend who will bitch about her comm to you because lolita probably isn't common in NJ ;_;

Looking at these pictures actually inspired me to attempt to write a romantic comedy about a normal guy who somehow gets sucked into the world of lolita. Main girl is the one who put MC in awe at first site with her coord and introduces him to her comm. Worst girl is a bossy ita who stirs up drama and has a delusion that she's an oujo sama. Best girl is surprisingly an extremely convincing trap and only MC knows his secret (best girl will not win the MC though). Childhood friend disapproves of MC hanging around with a bunch of freaks but gets called out by main girl. MC's best friend is a big /fit/ guy who openly makes fun of MC for being with a bunch of ageplay girls. He secretly adores lolita, designs dresses in his free time, and makes blog posts that are usually about >tfw no qt3.14 azn gf.

T-thanks /cgl/

>> No.7207969

Sugoi monogatari aniki.

>> No.7207978

Why does /cgl/ lower their standards so much when it comes to males?

>average looking girl

>average looking guy

>> No.7207983

because they project when they make fun of average girls

>> No.7207989

because muh patriarchy

>> No.7207990

Hah I remember Tim Roth's tiny manlet walk on the runway, good times.

>> No.7208001

nah, it wasnt. I included his face description because it pains me so that it -ought- to suit him on account of his face but his body is just...no.
i mean id like it if he was smaller and stuff but there's no way his bone structure will ever change. I could see him getting fat later on in life but i love him so fuck it.

>> No.7208011


Naw, not really. So long as you assert the person you're posting is better-looking than average, someone is bound to complain about it. Guy or girl.

>> No.7208028

>if you only date for looks
>only date for looks
>only looks

>> No.7208070

>if you only date for looks
They never said that though~.

>> No.7208189

you should probably just ask /fa/ how to not be a pleb.

but only take so much of their advice, because a lot of them are try-hards and that looks worse than jeans and a tshirt.

>> No.7208192

you've been posting pictures of your face a lot.

>> No.7208197


That sounds fucking horrific.

>> No.7208199

are you me?

>> No.7208201

Just curious, have you ever read Paradise Kiss?

>> No.7208211
File: 436 KB, 115x115, tumblr_lvtcer3jVz1qh6o5s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same anon.
>mfw this guy i've been crushing on saw me in full loli the other day and complimented my dress
i want him to be my boyfriendo

>> No.7208216

Wow, big shocker. Bunch of ladies who dress up like little girls want super tall guys to act out their daddy fetishes with...

>> No.7208221

Are you a manlet anon?

>> No.7208225

Anon, I'm 5'8 and my boyfriend is 5'10 which is a really nice height. When I'm in boots/my lolita shoes (platform mary janes) I'm taller.

>> No.7208248

Even non lolita's prefer tall guys. I'm sorry shortstuff but I'm sure there is someone out there for you

>> No.7208249

Shorty sad that other vagina equipped shorties are out of his range.

>> No.7208256
File: 28 KB, 680x339, fb0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no bf

>> No.7208374

so this is where all the females are hidden
/cgl/ you sly dog, I must visit more often!

>> No.7208376

what's your address

>> No.7208387

I like the juxtaposition of me looking nice and my husband in jeans and graphic tees, but he's said a couple of times that it bugs him when he feels dressed down compared to me. He doesn't seem to care enough to wear much else, though.

>> No.7208397

since the conversation branched on for people who like tall guys that's all the lolitas who responded, anyone who prefers different who has been lurking the thread (ie me) haven't felt the need to sour the thread in disagreement

I prefer any height that's at least 1 inch more and no more than a foot more for that awkardness (5'4" fem master race calling in)

you want a thread full of tall guy lovers? every night at 5pm local over on /fit/

>> No.7208403

Me neither anon. He thinks my wearing lolita is a pain and a hassle. He'd be so cute in some creepers and jacket though.

>> No.7208409

>Be Attractive Asian boy
>wear dandy/ouji
>wait for bitches to roll in

>> No.7208413

Dating a lolita would be really awkward.

But I follow the scene from a distance for laughs so I doubt that would ever happen.
Random dude making a joke about the latest secrets or something would be creepy as hell.

>> No.7208424

for shame :/ so much effort goes into it, you'd think they'd pick up on that.
though if you enjoy it, it really doesn't matter too much what they think, now does it?
If it's manageable, formal attire would be good. No need to go full tuxedo-mode or anything, and obviously you shouldn't try to outdress her, but I think she'll really appreciate you reciprocating the effort that goes into it.
Slacks and a button-up shirt, perhaps a tie that matches her outfit, would probably compliment it nicely.
Unless you're super-into ruffles and laces yourself, though, I really don't suggest.. uhh...
this >>7206753
It's not easy to pull off, lemme tells ya. If you can, though, more power to you, OP.

I appreciate the effort that goes into cosplay and lolita but I gross myself out when I think about how it looks for a guy my age to be sittin around on an image board gawking at young girls in dresses.

>> No.7208460 [DELETED] 

I posted a pic of my body as an example of a body type but it got deleted along with all the other posts in that convo because it was off topic, lol.

>> No.7208469

Holy ever loving fuck steaks. I post this thread on a whim and wow it's still going!?

Hey, dreams can come true. First time I ever met my now-girlfriend she was in lolita and I thought she was gorgeous. Later told me she was on the other said of the room going "ohmygod. Please notice me. Please notice me."

noting this idea!

she's in the "doesn't care" pile and likes me as is. But *I* wanna look nice for her! I don't feel like I _need_ to dress up when she does either, but if we're going to something partiuclarly-lolita-ey like a tea party or whatever I want to have my act together.

And yeah, she's classic. She was sweet but she did a whole wardrobe re do.

ask her out you dork how you gonna get anywhere else

My sister's a lolita and in the local comm. I got to be friends with a lot of lolies that way.
That being said if you like them BECAUSE they're dressed different you're gonna have a bad time. some of them frilly pretties can be evil, and some of the ugg boots brigade are nice people

That being said ASSUMING YOU CAN BEHAVE YOURSELF... most lolitas really don't give a shit if a guy is hanging around as long as he's not acting creepy.

ill have to think about this one.

>> No.7208470

I posted a picture of my body as an example of a body type when I was trying to explain what "pear shaped" meant in another thread, but it got deleted along with all the other posts in that convo because it was off topic, haha.

I feel like this biker look goes so well with loli somehow. It's a nice contrast.

>> No.7208473

>biker look
i call it
'sweet 'n sour'
>Holy ever loving fuck steaks. I post this thread on a whim and wow it's still going!?
y'picked a good topic. Good on ya, OP.

>> No.7208491

Haha well I was about to call it "punk" but it's not really, either. IDK what to call it. Between the boots and leather jacket "biker" seemed most appropriate but if you have a better term for it by all means.

Whatever it is though, it works.

>> No.7208495

I meant it as a name for that particular combination of outfits. Whatever it is, though... yeah.

>> No.7208505

No I know, lol. I meant whatever term you'd use to describe the guy's style.

>> No.7208528

Somehow I just know he's wearing a hat.

>> No.7208554

My ex dated me at the height of my loli days and made an effort to dress up with me. It wasn't anything faggy though, just some nice dress pants (or bondage pants if it was more of a goth vibe) and a vest. Occasionally this FanplusFriend jacket I'd bought if I insisted on it, lol. I would recommend just dressing neatly OP. If in doubt, you can never go wrong with a nice jacket.

>> No.7211668


>> No.7211676

Anyone have sauce on that coat?

>> No.7211688

How much older is he than you? You guys look cute together but I thought you were in your early 20s, and he looks to be in mid-30s?

>> No.7211698
File: 245 KB, 450x686, 4624515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has to do with scarcity. There are a lot of good looking girls, there are very few good looking guys. The number is probably something like 1-100 (without even factoring in personality or availability).

Holy shit, this is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. Boys...please stop trying to be "classy" or whatever the fuck. It just looks ridiculous.

OP, there's no need to dress up like a tool to impress your GF. Just dress well.

Yeah I would watch it.

>> No.7211705


>lot of good looking girls/ few good looking guys

What are you on? There are as few good looking girls as there are guys. The only differences are:

1) girls are more selective and only go after those of higher value than themselves (see wealth, height, status).

2) guys are willing to settle for average/below average (aka those less than them) until they can upgrade to something better.

Let's not even get into the amount of fake shit girls use to pretend they are more attractive than they really are (ie heels aka artificial height and make-up to mask bad skin).

>> No.7211707

>Let's not even get into the amount of fake shit girls use to pretend they are more attractive than they really are (ie heels aka artificial height and make-up to mask bad skin).

I think you are on the wrong board, friend.

>> No.7211709
File: 48 KB, 469x463, 1383025668434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1) girls are more selective and only go after those of higher value than themselves (see wealth, height, status).
Girls go after people who have good personalities and compatible interests. Despite what you're saying, there's no "red pill PUA negging" shit involved or whatever.

Why is it so hard for you to accept that pretty girls can date average looking guys without saying "OH ITS BEACAUSE HE HAS MONEY AND ALPHA STATUS"

Stay lonely.

>> No.7211711


>implying I care if people get offended about a truth regarding most of the populous of their demographic.

What's the point of sugar coating? It is what it is. Honesty doesn't hurt anyone unless they are just in denial or on tumblr.

>> No.7211712 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 600x450, 1352810234578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7211714


Why does honesty offend you anon? For serious. I can't account for all girls (that should be a fucking no brainier) but generally speaking it's true. The only reason the statement should offend is if the shoe fits and the person it fits on is just in personal denial. This thread has plenty of posts exemplifying what I said (see: "I like tall guys"). Nothing wrong with admitting it.

>> No.7211716
File: 299 KB, 1383x1600, 1383905562163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread man

>be in deep pit of depression
>met v. cute ex-lolita girl (quit because eating disorder I think)
>she is very cute somewhat mori
>from the start agree to be casual
>become really close and comfortable with her i.e. share things with her I've never shared before
>want to ask her to be serious gf but decide not to because I don't want to ruin what we have
>after not seeing each for a while we meet up and she tells me one of the other people she has been seeing wants to go serious and I tell her I can't be her friend and walk away all joy division
>2+ months later and I still feel like dirt

the sweaters I lent her still smell like her perfume. I think now I have a complex about lolita/mori girls and browse /cgl/ out of self-pity and longing. Maybe I just like looking at pretty things and lace and frills. I'm not even sure if I miss her I just miss having someone. I spoke to her briefly maybe a month ago after drunk texting her I missed her and it felt really awkward and stunted. We only spoke for 20 minutes and then she had to leave. That was the only time we have communicated since apart from when she dropped off the CDs I lent her wrapped up with a flower on it. Sometimes still lurk her blog and it makes me feel like trash. She was perfect I think. I'm not even sure if I should try to talk to her again after so long.

oops I'm sorry /cgl/

>> No.7211717
File: 20 KB, 793x213, 6wSGWcm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you should leave.

>> No.7211720


I think you should stop projecting.

Everyone is shallow to some degree and no one said anything about sluts. Get over it.

>> No.7211721

What the hell is that? Is that /fit overspill over yonder at reddit? And what's with the "all women are whores, etc.,etc." whiny fucks in /cgl?

>> No.7211724

Chill your tits, whore.

>> No.7211729
File: 71 KB, 208x295, 1359051898155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in relationship with shitty bf who doesn't support my lolita or gaming
>he smokes weed all day
>doesn't stick up for me ever even when roomies steal my things
>always says I'm in the wrong
>says I'm being greedy when I want to hold his hand or cuddle
>tells me he won't ever say I'm pretty cause it makes me vain
>his parents hate me

so then...

>go to a get-together and meet this wonderful gentleman
>he supports lolita, asks me to wear it all the time
>is seriously wanting to try to dress aristo style to be seen with me in lolita
>doesn't smoke weed
>tells me I'm pretty without me asking
>sticks up for me even when I doubt self
>his parents love me

I hate life.
Well, congrats, OP, on your relationship! Make sure to buy her cute burando and tell her she will always be a princess in your eyes and feed her macaroons

>> No.7211731
File: 77 KB, 960x717, zq3Pg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa there big guy. I am not a women (cuz all women are whores). You know that /cgl is not a really good avenue for airing your personal inadequacies (weather real or imagined). I mean seriously dude - /fit in its current state is far better for this kind of thing. They had a really entertaining thread about pilonidal cysts a few days back - you will fit right in.

>> No.7211734

Whatever happens with this other guy you should still break up with your boyfriend. No one should expect their boyfriend to love lolita but they should expect him not to be a dick about it.

>> No.7211737


Then leave your bf and start dating the other dude? I know you're going to say it's hard, but just think about the long run and how great it will be.

>> No.7211749
File: 1015 KB, 300x240, 1359605840917.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yah...I've been wanting to for quite awhile. I just am trying to avoid drama right now...
Just this new circumstance really isn't helping

>> No.7211753

you're fucking neck-deep in drama
the only place you have to go is up

>> No.7211760

Are you still friends with her on facebook? If so you should start communicating with her again casually. Like, comment on her statuses and stuff. Try and get a friendship going if you enjoyed her company so much. Don't tread on the boyfriend's toes though, make it clear you just want to be friends with her (inb4 'friend zone', friendships can be very rewarding relationships, sometimes even better than romantic entanglements imo)

>> No.7211761

>tfw I break up with bf because parents are being parents and they threatened to disown me if I didn't break up with him
>start really getting into lolita as a result
>ask now ex one day what he thinks of it
>"Hell yeah I wouldn't mind. You'd look cute"


I should probably stop talking to him.

>> No.7211763

Its like a band aid, just gotta rip it off. It'sbetter that you deal with the drama now than be stuck in an unhealthy relationship in the future. Start the healing process now rather than later.

>> No.7211764

>>7211716 Anon from last time you talked about this, here.
If you still have my email address, you can still email me.

>> No.7211793
File: 162 KB, 500x688, it do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know whats hilarious?
>There are a lot of good looking girls, there are very few good looking guys.
Not just targeting you on that, I'm sure many agree with this.
But bop on over to /fit/ for a couple of weeks and repeatedly you'll hear masses of men saying "men have the better natural aesthetics!! so rare to find a pretty woman when nearly all guys seem to have good aesthetics"

you're all so biased by where you hang out and will believe something is completely right just because of your tiny community segment. interesting.

>> No.7211801


when I confronted her about everything I said I couldn't just be her friend fuck that and basically severed communication (apart from those two times). The idea of that just hurt too much so I walked away.

Whatever I've shitted up /cgl/ too much with this shit already

>> No.7211803

Are you 14?

>> No.7211813
File: 131 KB, 1024x768, 1375680408828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Date the new guy for a bit, see if he's worth your time, then break up with your current bf.

Don't make the mistake of breaking up before you know if the new guy is quality material - the best time to look for a new relationship is when you're already in one.

>> No.7211816

Jesus christ you girls are fucked up

>> No.7211823

No, she should anyway breack up with the first guy. Being in that kind of relationship is poisonous enought to don't ad a love affair into it.
If the other guy is not good enought, she will be alone, but better be by herself than with a guy who hurt her

>> No.7211830


Nope, going to graduate grad school in a year, but I'm Asian and so is he. Family's sort of a big deal, which is hard to communicate on 4chan where everyone thinks the way to solve these things is to just cut ties with family financially. In my case would be technically easy, but honestly dealing with the fallout, especially going to his family who seems equally hardcore old school, seems to be equally fraught.

I can see where you get that though. Admittedly he was my first bf.

>> No.7211843
File: 533 KB, 400x228, 1363279233267.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm a brolita and i'm dating a girl who wasn't into loli but now she is and I can't stop her from being turbo ita about everything

>> No.7211898

I hate shitstains like you who paint someone they don't like in the most obvious shitty light, and make the other person look like an angel in comparison.

Stop trying to validate your shitty choices and fish for pity, bitch.

>> No.7211904

wtf lol

>> No.7212142
File: 51 KB, 500x651, 23852013951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck would that accomplish?

If the other guy falls through, then she's single and alone.

Think for a second. When you see a pretty girl who's single your immediate thought should be "what's wrong with her". That's what 99% of society thinks. Especially if you're single for a long time!

When I see a cute guy and he hasn't had a girlfriend in a while and he's not religious *dingdingding* warning bells go off because that's a huge red flag.

>> No.7212215


Spoken like a true leeching bitch, with daddy issues, who can't handle being single. Pathetic. Your boyfriend must be a beta faggot and you clearly need more hobbies.

>> No.7212224


Being single isn't the red flag. Terrible past relationships are. Are you an idiot?

A lot of people stay in terrible relationships JUST to say they have one. I'd much rather have someone with a resume in a few good relationships than a resume in multiple shitty ones.

You should never want to date someone who's dependent on someone else for their happiness because it means they are broken human beings. Only people who think they deserve broken goods go for them.

>> No.7212237

>Being single isn't the red flag. Terrible past relationships are.
And >>7211729 is in one. It's already on her "resume" (stupid term btw) so she has nothing to gain by leaving him.

Have you ever dated more than one person? Or did you just settle for the first girl who was too shy to say no?

>> No.7212261


>stupid term

It's only stupid if you don't want to take responsibility for your poor choices in past partners.

I look at the type of dudes girls get into relationships with previous to get an understanding of what bullshit they let slide. The ones who let their previous bfs treat them like shit while not confronting them I avoid because they are broken goods who can't be happy by themselves nor do they respect themselves (thus they are content with shitty relationships rather than just being single). When relationships end, it's not always because someone fucked up or was an asshole. There are reasonable circumstances for ending decent relationships when you stick to your standards. (clashing career paths, long distance/extended time away inevitable, etc).

The longer she stays in that bad relationship, the more reason the next guy has to do the same shit, because it shows how weak she is emotionally since she let the previous dude get away with it for as long as he did. Relationships can arrest the development of certain types of people, mainly the people who don't know how to be single.

PS: dating =/= relationship. One leads to the other but they aren't unanimous. So not shit I've dated multiple girls at once.

>> No.7212300

Girls marry down and guys marry up

>> No.7212314

How the hell are you supposed to know that they're 'poor choices' unless you date them? Why should any of it be your fault? This is all way too many bullshit theories. You sound like one of those dating show douchebros.

>> No.7212317

Lol.... Wat? Hahaha

>> No.7212326


>How are you suppose to know

It's not a matter of you not knowing, it's a matter of you letting them get away with shit behavior when/if it surfaces.

>Why should any of it be your fault?

Because YOU were the one who didn't check them when the shit behavior started surfacing. People do what they are allowed to get away with and if you don't check them early and make it clear that shit doesn't fly, they aren't going to stop.

You sound like one of those girls who'd get pregnant and act surprised when the guy walks out on you. Are you really this naive?

>> No.7212341

Different Anon here.
>That's what 99% of society thinks
Alright, here's the problem.
Take this from the creepy older guy (me), 99% of society is wrong about most things. At the moment, yeah, I'm no catch, but I've had quite a few relationships, serious, casual; good, bad--I've watched even more happen.
If you care at all what "you are supposed to do" any more than is needed to go through courtship in your society, then you have already lost the damn game.
If you can't be single, then you can't be in a healthy relationship.
If you forget those two truths you are seriously screwed and you are, barring intervention from a loving god, doomed to find yourself trapped in a very bad situation.
I've seen things work out, yeah. Sometimes two codependent screwups can fix themselves at the same time; sometimes people trapped in bad marriages can grow up and fall for the person they are already with-sometimes cancer just goes away too and you win the lottery. You shouldn't base your life plan on being the one in a million lucky winner. More often I see pain: messed up people making things worse for each other, everyone around them, and all to often, severely fucking up some defenseless kids.
>dating =/= relationship...I've dated multiple girls at once
I think you might be trying to explain this important distinction to someone who might not get the fact that "open relationships" and "casual dating" require all parties involved being fully aware of the situation.
No offense intended to otherAnon if I'm misreading them, but people who can't get the difference between these relationship status states are often the ones who expect the other party to be "faithful" and don't inform them that they have "competition." This always ends up biting them on the ass, sometimes 15 years later, but I have never seen it work out, you think you have resolved the situation, picked one and no one ever needs to know...but the truth always outs. More often sooner...

>> No.7212374

>creepy older guy
>I'm no catch
Don't get down on yourself, anon...cheer up! I'm sure you'll find someone who loves you for who you are!

>> No.7212397

>>That's what 99% of society thinks
>Alright, here's the problem.
That reminds me of a creepy quote from my very first shitty boyfriend, he got it from his dad, "As long as a man can get a woman, he's not a failure."
This brilliant piece of advice came from a divorced man whose yucky son later went on to rape one of my friends. Do I even have to say he dated from the bottom of the barrel, including my 14 year old self?

>> No.7212405


>that pic

Yeah I can imagine a plasticky Asian saying that. Have fun with your abusive husbando~

>> No.7212434

I dated a guy who used to dress up to accompany me to loli events. Not aristo/goth or anything overtly J-fashion, just a nice pair of trousers and a dress shirt with good shoes. If it was for something fun like a convention he'd go for a more Victorian look, with a vest/waistcoat but generally if you just look neat and wear something a step above jeans and a t-shirt you'll be fine. Whatever the dress code is for the event, just translate it to "civilian attire" equivalent (neat casual/semi-formal/formal) and it will be appropriate.

Now I'm seeing a cheap-ass Marxist who doesn't own a shirt that isn't 5 years old and full of holes. I think at this point there's no point in suggesting he wear anything different, at least he doesn't take up a lot of closet space.

>> No.7212439

Thanks. Don't worry I have.
I might put some effort in, I probably still clean up alright, but I honestly have other priorities right now and there is no one I feel like impressing. I'm trying to live by the advice I've given, if I was too desperate for more company, I'd be looking for friends, not lovers. You shouldn't go looking sex when you want love. If you find someone who has their head on straight, then maybe try for another relationship, otherwise...
Besides, "99%" of the time, women my age aren't desperate to not be single, and young women annoy the heck out of me in a relationship-so I might just be saying "sour grapes," still believe I'm right, though.
If you have a waiting list and safety lovers, waiting in the wings, you are just ruining everyone's day. Learn to live with yourself, which is an on going process, or you can't live with another person.
>That reminds me of a creepy quote from my very first shitty boyfriend
Who are you comparing to whom?
Forgive me if I want to make especially sure that it isn't me being compared to some rapacious piece of shit who needs sex to feel validated and took advantage of you when you were nievely insecure.
I always kinda thought the whole "elegance scene" was a way to improve yourself image that ultimately didn't depend on what anyone else thought, just how you like to see yourself.
"As long as a man can get a woman..," well, you could argue some interpretations of that might be so. If you reproduce, you are a biological success. If you can get someone who cares about and respects themself to want to be with you, that is one of many different ways to justify your existence. Etc. etc..
It kinda sounds like your old friend was going with an interpretation I take a strong opposition to, on moral grounds. I don't want to be associated with them, even here, and it dosen't sound healthy or safe to associate with them IRL.

>> No.7212441

>The only reason the statement should offend is if the shoe fits
That's a logical fallacy. It's not true at all.

It's like saying "she hates u cuz shes jelly".

>> No.7212443

Your standards are really low. Jesus

>> No.7212448

I'm 5'3". As long as a guy is at least an inch or two taller, I'm fine. I can't stand bitches who want 6 feet and up. That kind of height isn't very common. 5'5"-5'6" is a lot more common than people think.

>> No.7212452

That's the first time I saw a well done Tiger with correct skin tone and everything. Sauce ?

>> No.7212454

>cheap-ass Marxist who doesn't own a shirt that isn't 5 years old and full of holes.

My husband was like this when we first starting dating. Not only were his shirts full of holes, but they were also 3 sizes to large on his manlet frame. It's not for lack of money either, he was in college on his parent's bill, and they have money. Make him dress better anon, it's worth it.

>> No.7212457

Uh. No.

>> No.7212476

What kind of Asian? Philippines don't count

Pics of gtfo

>> No.7212478

I was just agreeing with you. People get hung up on having a boyfriend/girlfriend as if having one is a validation of their personhood. But if that mate is a creep or just lowest dregs, it's a pretty worthless achievement.

>> No.7212489

>glad not to be Asian
>convinced Asians only reproduce to have slaves

This whole family means everything no matter shit is just wow. Have fun catering to your parents every need.

>> No.7212496

Are you a fucking moron? There's nothing wrong with being single and looking or waiting for the right person to encounter.
You sound codependent.

>> No.7212513

Why should she make him dress any way he isn't comfortable ? If she really hated how he dressed, then she should be with him. I don't get people who get into relationships then go " I hate this and this and that about my boyfriend. I wish he'd change for me."

>> No.7212529
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>>7211729 responding here!
Sorry if I offended anyone...
I wanted to try and keep it into the lolita category since this was what the thread was about.
Maybe I should clear up some things :
My boyfriend has threatened to cheat on me if I don't keep him 'sexually satisfied' three days after moving out of my families home.
My room mates stole a lot of my gas money to go to school and stole my clothes (undies ) and pillowcases (off the pillow), in which he said was always my fault and I deserved it because I didn't clean up some cups one day.
He goes out at 1:30 am and comes back at 3:30am after supposedly paying 'credit card bills' without picking up his phone.
I know for all of the things my current boyfriend has done, I SHOULD dump him. I really should.
I just am not emotionally prepared yet for cutting off a lot of ties. Or the shit I'm going to get for breaking up with him.

In the same way, I am not really romantically interested in anyone either, including the guy I mentioned.
I just posted it because it was very ironic.

When all of this is done I will be alone for quite awhile and if life decides to introduce another gentleman then maybe it will go somewhere. Maybe it won't. I am not THAT co-dependent.

Thank you though anon-chans for your advice, really opened my eye's up.

>> No.7212532


Some chicks just get into relationships with dudes before they REALLY know them (mysterious factor helps the attraction after all). So when they finally get to know them (aka the mystery is solved) and there is something they don't like, they try to change him into something they prefer. Essentially, they decide to get into a relationships because they like the potential, not the actual guy himself. They set themselves up for disappoint with this method ALL the time.

>> No.7212533

Because dressing like a hobo flasher from an alley is not doing you favors and the person who loves you sees it and tries to help. I hate this "but my clothes are who I am!!!111" bullshit. If you're so dependent on clothes that you throw a bitch fit when someone tells you to dress like a respectable man, you're an insecure manchild. No one is talking about giving their man a makeover a la 90s high school movie, they're just buying them better clothes. Chill.

>> No.7212547


Borderline midget girls (aka girls below 5'4) who want 6' men have daddy-daughter complexes. The height difference is too extreme and makes the dude they are in a relationship with look like a borderline pedophile. Height difference is good looking, but not at those extremes. 2-5 inch height difference is the most appealing.

>> No.7212552

Your boyfriend and roomies are assholes. Do whatever it takes to be emotionally prepared. Change your phone and address if needed. Best of luck, anon.

>> No.7212559
File: 243 KB, 427x640, fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread was created by a woman.

No man would ever say "IM SO JEALOUS OF HOW WELL-DRESSED SHE IS MAN ALL I GOT IS A T-SHIRT." And if you were actually in a relationship with a lolita all you would have to do is ask her, not /cgl/.

>> No.7212570

What the fuck?

>> No.7212573


Do you enjoy looking at couples that look like a parent with adopted child? Whatever gets your rocks off hun.

>> No.7212576

Sir, I'm gonna need to see your badge for the height difference police squad.

>> No.7212578

This so much. I wasn't changing the way he dressed, just helping him style himself a little more. I didn't tell him to get rid of his video game tees or cargo pants, just to make sure they fit him and were in good condition. There's a difference between dressing how you like and being a hot mess. Clothes that don't fit and are full of holes are not a style.

>> No.7212625

So if you keep bugging him and he says no, what are you going to do?

>> No.7212636

Women like you just make me shake my head. I'm glad my parents raised me better.

Actually, scratch that, you sound like a teenager. Why does /cgl/ attract so many girls in abusive relationships?

>b-but I love him, anon!

Captcha: institution stanfeo

>> No.7212639

Everyone has small flaws, but trying to change someone's wardrobe or personality entirely to suit you is just borderline psychopath.

>> No.7212642

Instead of bugging him about it, while he's wearing one of the shirts with a hole in it, put your finger in the hole and pull. The shirt will be destroyed and he'll get the message. That's what I did. My husband was admittedly pretty beta, but he does treat me like a princess.

>> No.7212654

You're going to have to learn this sooner or later, but there is ZERO reason why you have to advertise everything you do to your parents, or for that matter actually announce that you're going to cut ties with your parents. Watch when 2-3 years go by and your parents ask you why the fuck you are single and not married off yet.

>> No.7212655

I love how you pretend to post it caz mah irony then go on to try and validate yourself. Get real, lel.

>> No.7212651

/k/ here, I would ne your boyfriendo. I love lolita and goth lolita
speaking of /k/... you aren't our that guy, are you?

>> No.7212656

...why the fuck would you destroy someone else's property?

Some things have sentimental values.

Ask nicely and come to a compromise. Or deal with it.

>> No.7212676

You're a crazy bitch, ugh what the actual fuck.

>> No.7212677

Let this stupid girl learn the hard way. I hope her boyfriend finds someone way better.

>> No.7212691


>my husband was admittedly pretty beta

Considering he didn't backhand you across the face for being a bitch and completely ruining a shirt I can tell he was beta as fuck. I'm sure he STILL is considering he bothered to marry your ass. Don't be surprised if he wises up and starts sleeping around behind your back, because you deserve it. I'm positive that dude doesn't deserve a bitch like you and puts too much value on vagina like most betas do.

>> No.7212692

She's probably a fat weeb bitch.

>> No.7212693

>Philippines doesnt count

oh really

>> No.7212694

who cares about the new guy, just break up with your current bf.

>> No.7212698

you people on this board are fucking insane

>> No.7212700
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>> No.7212703

This. This shit bitch doesn't deserve a guy in general. I wonder how she trapped him into marriage.

One of my favorite shirts, only a year old, got a small hold in the upper sleeve. If someone purposefully tore it up more, I'd really have to do something about it. Make them pay for it,etc

>> No.7212706

Considering the huge majority look like Mexicans and have almost no culture related to Asia.

>> No.7212711 [DELETED] 

>I'm glad my parents raised me better

I'm sorry that just sounds horribly pretentious.

>> No.7212733

Because they raised me to be aware and respect myself enough to not end up in a shitty abusive relationship?

>> No.7212738

Well, are you a pear?

>> No.7212749

damn, I meant asking for permission, not straight bullying your man into it. If he doesn't want to, leave him be. I'd just patch up the holes if he really likes a shirt that much. It's just clothes anyway, like I said.

>> No.7212750

Sometimes it needs to be spelled out, sometimes they actually need a good push in the right direction.

My SO had a period of time when he was working a lot. He eventually ruined most if not all of his clothes because he kept wearing them to work. But even if we went out or whatever, he'd still dress like a hobo and when I dressed up he complained I made him look bad. He wanted to care, just had no energy to.

I ended up giving him a speech about how he really needs to show other people that he cares about himself enough to buy new clothes. I told him it was appalling and embarrassing. Not what he wanted to hear, he interpreted it as "oh, so I embarrass you??? waaah waaah" so I had to reiterate that it was the state of his clothes and what it said about his attitude. I also pointed out that you wouldn't wear jeans to a wedding so why would he wear hobo clothes to a nice dinner with me? Doesn't he care about how I feel?

A lot of it was very harsh and basically accumulation of my frustration but it needed to be said. Finally it got through to him and he agreed he needed a new wardrobe. We went shopping together and he bought a bunch of stuff. Suddenly he was wearing jeans and hoodies that weren't covered in paint and chemicals and full of holes. It was refreshing and he also felt better.

I don't expect him to give up his graphic tees and jeans. I like them on him because it's how he feels most comfortable. But I do expect him to dress appropriately for the situation.

welp don't do this.

>> No.7212770

I am in complete agreement. This thread is so full of horrible things. Ya'll need Jesus.

>> No.7212777

You, m'dear, have it right. When my boyfriend and I first started dating he always wore t-shirts and jeans and I let it fly because awww, puppy love. Well, puppy love turned into real love and as we BOTH agree (he has stated this without me prompting), if you love someone you want them to be their very best.

So, I told him that I'd like it if he would dress better because it presents a better face when we meet important people. I told him I didn't care what he wore around the house or if we were going grocery shopping or whatever, but if we were going to dinner and I was dressing up, then he probably should as well.
He agreed and now has nice things in the closet, but also has his Game of Thrones shirts and the like.
Relationships are about compromise, not being a slave to someone else's wants.

>> No.7212832
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This thread goes from artisocrat/ouji discussion, to all-out bawwwwing from redpillers and /fit/izens alike. Seagulls counter-troll while still panting for /fa/ men who have neither bulky muscle nor disgusting fat, just style.

The fa/cgl/fit love triangle still continues, is all I can carry away from this.

>> No.7212854
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Oh, admit it.
It was fun to watch.
You bumped solely 'cause you couldn't bear to watch it end.
I'm still hoping for more talk on the etiquette of altering your S.O.'s wardrobe, that maybe we can swing around to matching their style or attempting to approach their level.

>> No.7212882

>specifying between lolita and goth lolita
That's like saying "I like sandwiches and ham sandwiches"
But you're cute, /k/. I've got respect for you dudes.

>> No.7213211

That's literally only something a short guy would say. Stop being insecure about your height, there are plenty of girls who would be willing to settle for you.

>> No.7213238

Some people like ham sandwiches more than any other sandwich.

>> No.7213280
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> I love lolita and goth lolita
>>"I like sandwiches and ham sandwiches"

I think here of all places, this degree of specificity is excusable.
It is overly verbose in some setting, but mere precision in others to claim, "I like vanilla and French vanilla," or "Cured pork and bacon."
This is, after all, somewhat of a safe haven for epicures of sartorial elegance, why not of refinement of pallet, and elegant exactitude of speech as well.
Personally my idea of perfection includes the steam-punk, goth-lolita, Victorian -lolita, gothic-punk, punk-lolita, and other particular styles but excludes many related ones, like "classic."
I am allowed to dislike Canadian bacon, am I not?

>> No.7216079

Would you seriously consider help from an Anon? I know your feels all too familiar and I'd like to try and actually help. I'd reply here but on my phone at a hotel, and can't type that much.
I mean this, feel free to email me if you're up for >life councling

>> No.7217317
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>people getting upset by the actual good suggestion
This board is funny

Funny pic unrelated