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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7179188 No.7179188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello lovelies~
I am a lesbian lolita and I was hoping we could all share some experiences with each other when it came to coming out, whether it's to family or our local comm.

I was part of a Florida comm which sadly wasn't so accepting. They felt like I would hit on the other members.
Has anyone else had to deal with something like this? Anyone want to share a story they had where their comm accepted them?(:

>> No.7179194

I'm not straight either and I've never had any issue with the Orlando community.

>> No.7179203

Which Florida comm might I ask? I'm bisexual and is an ex-lolita of the Jax comm. They are pretty accepting of sexual preferences.

>> No.7179254

South Florida

>> No.7179611


That's where your coming out shit goes. Moot gave you a board to go fag up, use it.

>> No.7179666

I told my boyfriend recently that a lot of lolitas are gay.
he said to me he believes a vast majority of them are just pretending because they don't want guys to hit on them.

like frills aren't dick repellent allready.

>> No.7179676

I think we should post pictures of cute lgbt lolita couples.
sorry that your lolita comm was a turd. do you still attend OP?

>> No.7179679

I do not ;n;

>> No.7179681


frills are literally the opposite of dick repellent where are you at that it is?

>> No.7179683

>is mad because I get more pussy than him

>> No.7179693

Does he believe that men just stop hitting on girls who say they're lesbians because I have had "I can turn you straight" said to me far too many times.

>> No.7179705

No, no he does not. thank god. but the fact that he said that was enough to piss me off.
I would like to throw the same question right back at you.

>> No.7179721

This confuses me, because when I try to show my boyfriend lolita pictures, he either is entirely disinterested or visibly disgusted. I think he'd rather me smear mashed bananas on myself in public than wear lolita.

>> No.7179735

Not all members of a gender have the same opinions about stuff, I don't see why it surprise anyone that some men are very interested in lolita or find it sexy and some men think it's both stupid and unerotic.

>> No.7179747

This was basically my parents' initial reaction... Now they just kind of tolerate it... But growing up as a theater kid, they shouldn't be shocked lol

>> No.7179759

>other lesbian floridian lolitas

holy shit why are you ladies so hard to find? you're like unicorns. come hang out with me, we can put on our burando and go to a titty bar.

>> No.7179763

because florida is so fucking huge. I don't know exactly how many comms we have in this state, but I'm sure it's a lot.

>> No.7179812

I don't know what kind of boys you hang out with, but most of them hate frills.

I'm sure some are into it, but most are not.

>> No.7179816
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>I am a lesbian lolita

what the fuck?

how is this related to cosplay?

>> No.7179818

>cosplay and egl
>egl = elegant gothic lolita
>some LGBTQA people wear lolita

Calm your tits, it's relevant.

>> No.7179823

>Calm your tits, it's relevant.

its not. keep your sexual direction out plese

>> No.7179838

Nobody fucking cares. Take it to lgbt.

>> No.7179840

Ride my dick bitch.

>> No.7179843

Bi-loli checking in here. Theres one lesbian, and one other bi girl in my comm (that I know of...) most of the other girls dont care. But I do agree with the anon that said lolita is basically dick repellant

>> No.7179870


>Lolita in west as general is equal with pedophilia.

>Lolita in anime and japan is more equal with steam punk and Victorian times clothes and puppets.

when you show your Lolita photos to guys its like telling him "hey i can dress like a little girl and it is very sexy". if you want to get them boned just tell them you are wearing steam punk or Victorian times clothes. this will set things right.


i don't think this should make you angry. guys see on such stuff from 2 points of the view sexually and partnership. you as partner are wasted time as soon you come out as gay. which brings your sexual look on the front and some guys just think"damn this girl is candy why cant she just be a good partner for me". it is in the DNA of men. you really should not take it as offense unless the guy is some sex crazy maniac.

>> No.7179875
File: 2.38 MB, 640x310, 2rngg29.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chapped dicks in this thread are blowing my mind. Fuck off back to /r9k/.

>> No.7179879

>The chapped dicks in this thread are blowing my mind

dude. keep it to cosplay.

>> No.7179881

>>7179879 see >>7179818

>> No.7179882

>>7179881 see >>7179823

>> No.7179884

if you really think it's that irrelevant you should probably stop bumping then

>> No.7179891


i don't think it is irrelevant i just think this is not what cosplay is about.

>> No.7179894
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>> No.7179908
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>This entire thread

I swear to god, some of the people on here must be clinically retarded.

>> No.7179916

It really pisses me off that people still have the mentality that bi/gay = rampaging slut who will force themselves upon anyone whether they like it or not.

>> No.7179926
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>> No.7179930

I love frilly outfits, but I can tell you that the personality of lolitas drives me away. I wouldn't want to date a lolita if for no other reason than I'd probably end up being bitched about on BtB.

>> No.7179941

Eeep! I didn't mean for a fight to break out QnQ

>> No.7179960

It's not your fault, it's just 4chan.

>> No.7180022 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 472x165, huff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down and stop treating this thread like you're personal blog.

Toronto? Mississauga?

>> No.7180032
File: 107 KB, 472x165, huff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down and stop treating this thread like your personal blog.

Toronto? Mississauga?

>> No.7180035

If you're worried about something as petty as BtB, then none of us would want you anyway.

>> No.7180069

>be bi and in senior year of highschool, have a decent amount of lolita pieces
>meet qt3.14 girl who is interested in lolita, invite her to borrow some of my clothes and hang out
>find out shes a lesbian
>fuck yeah
>eventually get very close to her, start dating
>regularly dress up and go on cute dates together, etc. while simultaneously helping her build her wardrobe and find coveted dresses
>had the break it off when we went off to college

Lolita girlfriends are the best girlfriends, hands down.

>> No.7180079

Aww that's cute. As cliche as it sounds, I'd love to date a girl who dressed in kodona style.

>> No.7180099


yep.. they burn so funny and bright.

>> No.7180107

Man that sucks OP. I'm sorry the girls aren't accepting. I'm a wannabe-loli over in SoFlo (honestly just can't justify spending half of my paycheck on a dress so I have one or two casual outfits that tend to be more mori). I'm surprised that they aren't accepting though. Admittedly I've only spoken to them online, but they seem like a really nice bunch?

>> No.7180109

God damn, I would love to date a cute girl who liked lolita. Dressing up together, having tea parties, being huge dorks... it sounds absolutely perfect.

I just am intimidated by my comm, and will probably never get to know any of the girls. Plus I've had shitty reactions to admitting I'm bi in this state.

>> No.7180113

I find it strange that South Florida lolitas would not be accepting of a gay member considering like 67% of the population is gay/bi. Maybe they just don't like you because of another reason?

>> No.7180124
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>occasionally see supposedly stylish and waifu-able queer seagulls
>go to /lgbt/ and hit up lesgen videochat
>all butch, all day
>goddamnit noooo

>> No.7180170


I started getting into lolita because my ex-weird grey zone between fwb and qtgf used to be heavily into lolita. I mean initially I used to just really like the aesthetics (particularly classic) but when I think about it it's more about the mysticism? Like for me girls have always been that esoteric other and lolita is the epitome of that. All those secret little rituals, the hierarchies, the culture, the (not) sweetness. Like the obsession with detail and the personality traits that go a long with it. It's like a Grant Morrison-esque manifestation of everything I'm not.

I would love to like watch a lolita get dressed and get ready in the morning or go through her dream dress folder or something.

but damn sorry I probably sound creepyas fuck and probably only like lolita because I'm still not over her and browse /cgl/ out of self-pity and loneliness

>> No.7180184

idk I think this sounds kind of romantic.

>mfw this will never happen to me because I'm a hiddy hamplanet

>> No.7180193

this board is not only for cosplay you egregious excuse for a literate being.

>> No.7180257

>tfw want chubby lolita gf (sweet-classic preferably)
>underweight as fuck, will never be able to share clothes
>no lolita community
what types of girls do you prefer lesbian seagulls?
what fashion would you like them to wear?
If a girl can't dress herself, Its a total turnoff.
curse you butch lesbians

>> No.7180365


yesterday I saw a hyperbutch shaved head with a mullet overweight ripped jean shorts piercings and vegan death metal shirt and to be honest I just wish I was straight

>> No.7180378

All I want is a cute lolita girlfriend to dress up with, go to meets with, and then at the end of the day, we can curl up in bed together with our laptops and browse lolita things. I just don't have the time to put into meeting people and having a relationship though. That, and I just don't think cute girls would be attracted to me. I feel like dressing kodona to try attract someone but I just have a too girly face to really pull it off.

>> No.7180408

So… I realized something recently and wanted some verification from you folks. I know Lolitas on BtB get VERY heated when anything similar to ageplay is brought up… however I’ve been finding out little by little that there are a number of women (atleast in my comm) into ageplay. Myself included. My significant other and I sometimes switch roles and I’m the mom while he is the kid and vice versa. One of the women in the group is saddened that her significant other doesn’t like her dressing in Lolita and wont be a ‘daddy’ for her (what she said in so many words). And another woman actively participates in ageplay.
When I see people like PrincessPeachie I find it hard to believe she wouldn’t be into ageplay…
I would also like to mention that I have never considered ageplay until I was a Lolita well into a year. I feel like it grew on me. Mind you I’m a classic/gothic Lolita. Thoughts?

>> No.7180411
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>tfw i am chubby sweet-classic lolita
>tfw chronically straight and have qt bf

why aren't i bi, anon? i'd be the perfect match but i'm really not attracted to girls at all. maybe i can enter into some kind of my fair lady long-term platonic relationship where we share clothes and be awesome lolitas for however long we want.
polite sage for no contribution

>> No.7180412

I'm tall, chubby, and have huge tits so I'd prefer either a somewhat slender dfc kodona or a chubby dfc sweet lolita. I wear gothic myself.

>> No.7180413

Not a lesbian, but I want to get intimate with a chubby girl who likes lolita some day. Too bad I missed my chance with another girl.

>> No.7180428

Bi Lolita here - My community is very open to alternative sexualities, and we have a lot of bi/gay members. So, I have dated/fucked several lolita girls at this point. It's a lot of fun dating someone who is as into the fashion as you, because you can get dressed together and go on dates to cute places, talk about lolita, always know the perfect gift...

But everything can go sour if you break up. So much drama, and you can't escape it without quitting lolita.

>> No.7180436

They specifically said they were afraid of me hitting on them and that they felt I was acting inappropriate. Which I don't understand. All I ever did was hug a few of them. ;_;

>> No.7180448

What the fuck. Fuck that homophobic comm.

>> No.7180460

Well there are 2 or 3 bisexual girls in the comm that I knew of, but I guess being full lesbian is like going full retard -.-

>> No.7180562

I am a lesbian lolita. Sadly there is no comm where I am from, the closest one is like an eight hour drive, I hate Canada.

It would be a dream come true to have a cute lolita girlfriend, go have tea parties together, walk around in public holding hands. One day.

>> No.7180582
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Are you some alternate version of me that likes the d as well as ladies, anon?

>>what types of girls do you prefer lesbian seagulls?

Pretty women
Sipping coffee,

Kidding. I like pretty women who are possibly a bit older/taller than me, but overall close to my same size so we can steal each other's clothes. And a bit curvier than me because I'm pretty rectangular and somewhat of a dfc.

>>what fashion would you like them to wear?

really elegant gothic lolita, madam-styled aristocrat (both of which may possibly have some ero undertones and/or be a bit 'witchy'-looking??) and hyper-feminized boystyle. Think of those 'independent, rebellious, social maverick'-type characters in novels/movies that romanticize the Victorian era. They always seem to have an adventurous female character who wears pants and looks elegant and ladylike. That's sort of what I mean.

Or we'd be one of those couples that contrives to look alike.

If none of that, at least a style that compliments mine and vice versa.

We'd live a quiet life wearing pretty clothes, drinking wine, reading books and listening to melodic/folk metal.

>> No.7180728

Meh, all my past boyfriends liked it because they liked me caring about myself and being happy with the thing I wear, plus classic's pretty elegant. Guys likes confidence I guess ?

>> No.7180742

You sound perfect lol

>> No.7180744 [DELETED] 

I'm so happy to see this gif being used,
And to see this Sweeney Todd reference

Sage for no contribution

>> No.7180748

I'm so happy to see this gif being used,
And to see this Sweeney Todd reference

Sage for no contribution

>> No.7180802
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The day will come that we meet.

And then we can be the ojousamas.

>> No.7180907
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I prefer chubby girls too, I want us to dress up and go out to meets together or even just dates somewhere fancy. We can share clothes, help with each others hair and tie each others waist bows. I'll wear gothic and she'll wear classic, we can do craft things together and buy each other the perfect gifts for birthdays and christmas. We'll go on fun outings to the Aquarium or the theatre and when we get home she can tie me up and I'll be her sub bitch <3

>> No.7180945

I would like a tall girlfriend who isn't a weeb and doesn't just talk about lolita all day because that's what my meetups have been like so far.
The specific style really doesn't matter, although boy-style especially a more mature dandy/aristo style would be fucking hot. I don't even know if that would still pass as lolita. I do kind of dig non-loli butches though. Be she could be the frilliest sweet cupcake if she had an awesome personality.

>> No.7181106

> have a comm so flamboyant that the straight girls ask why there aren't more straight girls in Lolita
> find out there are actually homophobic comms

I am so confused by this. I'm sorry your comm sucks.

>> No.7181160

>why there aren't more straight girls in Lolita

This is how I feel in my comm. I love all the girls dearly, but the majority of them are more fluid their sexuality.

>> No.7181164

I honestly think most people are accepting of sexualities in the lolita community, even if I often find some gals fawning over "brolitas" before they would even think of supporting a lesbian lolita. (This could very well be online only.) I'm a gentle, chubby sweet lolita and my girlfriend makes a wonderful boystyle girl. We've received nothing but compliments.

>> No.7181169

Sexuality is talked about a lot in cosplay and lolita. The 2 hobbies seem to have a massive amount of lgtqa people. Also, since within the communities there is a lot of internet usage, especially on tumblr, many of the members will talk about sexuality a lot.

>> No.7181217
File: 211 KB, 394x296, 1363187880813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like frills aren't dick repellent allready.

Believe me nothing else incites the call of my Rhino Horn ready like a girl in frilly girly clothes.

>> No.7181313


>> No.7181343

Man. I know a bunch of the South Florida lolitas and now I want to know who said that.

>> No.7181361

Dat pic tho

>> No.7181364

but.. why?

>> No.7181372

Ditto this. I want to know who to avoid.

>> No.7181384

I thought they were universally hated by the lolita community.

>> No.7181389

depending why they are into the fashion.

if its just a sissy fetish to them- NO.

if they actually are interested in the fashion and wear it well LOVELY

what I noticed is gay brolitas are more accepted.

>> No.7181392

Haha believe you me, I have my fair share of flaws. But thank you, kind Anon.

Agree. That gif is funny on a lot of levels as far as this thread goes.

Indeed we can!

Ojousamas of the most maidenly kind.

>> No.7181393

I find that most brolitas could use some serious work, but the ones that do it well are generally adored.

But a lot of them are ita as fuck

>> No.7181446

Completely agree, yet even sometimes the fact that they are men somehow over-rides the ita factor. I wish I knew why! Breaking gender roles is pretty rad, I suppose. But at the same time, people don't really expect women to be dressed in petticoats and layers upon layers of frills, either. I think the same applause could go to lesbian lolitas as well, you know? Like, we're breaking so many stereotypes the minute we throw on those bloomers.

>> No.7181451

I don't feel like anyone should be applauded for that it's not a big deal, and you're acting like stereotypes actually matter. If you're dressing that way it's for you not attention who cares if people care.

>> No.7181452


To be completely honest, I used to doubt my bisexuality because I preferred feminine looking women compared to butch ones, and I was pretty feminine myself. I remember I completely adored this one BNF (back when I was young, naive, and somehow thought her writing was good) partially because she was a lesbian who wasn't afraid of the frills. She constructed hella good historical costumes too.

I have no idea what point I was trying to make, but it heartens me that there are lesbian lolita.

>> No.7181458

I'm simply saying something along the lines of "if they get so much applause, why doesn't this group who is breaking the same stereotypes", is all. And in the end, stereotypes do matter. People base a lot of hatred on stereotypes, of other people and sometimes for themselves. I completely get what you're saying, though.

>> No.7181460

Sobbing. That was beautiful.

>> No.7181823

>it is in the DNA of men
to be disrespectful and sexually harass blatantly not interested women?

On behalf of all the good men I know and who populate this world: Fuck you.

>> No.7181855


Protip, its not the frills that repell the D, its the attitude that comes with the lolita communities that does that job.

I had a funny talk with a girl a while back, she told me she would totally abolish the male world for girls wich are hotter, if only the females wouldnt always turn out to be bitches. And with what i read about secrets etc. on here, jesus christ imagine living with someone like that on a daily basis just waiting to get stabbed in the back.

>> No.7181858


Just a straight white cisgendered male popping into the thread.

Why coffee of all beverages. Its impossible to get real or good coffee anyway nowdays, its all machine produced shit. Just stick to nice tea blends.

>> No.7181861
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>gay brolitas are more accepted.

A man in a dress is seen as a pervert to many women, a Gay man in a dress is seen as ok since he is not likely to be getting off due to being around women while in a dress.

shit doesnt effect me at all since my GF digs the idea of me gettin all loli'd up and us doing date type things.

>> No.7181886

I'm going to get crap for this, but what is the name of the anime your picture is from? I can't remember for the life of me.

I'm a lolita who doesn't keep up with anime anymore, sorry.

>> No.7181926


>> No.7181944


>> No.7182095

>mfw lesbian who likes lolita but has no confidence for coords and would just love a lolita girlfriend to pick out coords for me, especially boy style
I'm mostly a cosplayer though so I don't interact at all with lolitas I see at conventions and I've never met the state comm so I have no idea what they're like

>> No.7182154

I wish my BF would dress up with me.

He'll let me put makeup on him, and he'll let me paint his nails, but if he would put on a frilly dress *___* ohhh lord, I'd be in heaven. He'd almost definitely look cuter than me in lolita.

>> No.7182172

I think you just want a girlfriend, Anon

>> No.7182851

Those are the lyrics to a song from Sweeney Todd.

>> No.7182871
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Anon that is so romantic. I am not even kidding, your dream is beautiful. I hope you find your classical cubby dom loli someday soon.

>> No.7182872

please be in my state

>> No.7182874

hnng who is she

>> No.7182877

I'm NC?

>> No.7182920

Some of you adorable gals should come down to Texas. Even if we didn't work as a couple, I'd love some more out friends to be able to talk to about lolita and girls.

>> No.7183064


imperialfiddlesticks. No homo, though.

>> No.7183079


why aren't there any girls like you here?

I would love to just be adorable with you guys

and then practice some shibari on you and see if we could pull it off under your coord

>> No.7183089

Ahhh oh man I have always wanted to try shibari

>> No.7183228
File: 155 KB, 706x1043, 1366701103385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you from anon? It's so hard to find other people with the same interests because I never know where to start? You can't really go up to members of your comm and ask
I hope I will find her too, this is a dream that must be realised ;-;

>> No.7183335


Fuck I wanted to do shibari with my ex, but then things escalated with my parents and... fuck ;_;

>> No.7183354

as a pansexual cis girl, i can honestly say the only reason i joined the local comm was to possibly flirt with girls that have the same interests as me. inb4 insensitive creeper, cuz i actually do attend regular meetups and enjoy the comm atmosphere on a non-pickup level. that's just sometimes my motivation.

>> No.7183363
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this being said i also feel extremely awkward asking other girls in the comm if they want to go out with me sometime. i wouldn't want to offend anyone or just make things weird.
also dont want to give myself a bad rep, so most of the time at meets i look around and dont say anything.

i definitely think a meet up at a gay bar is debateable.

>> No.7183369


>so most of the time at meets i look around and dont say anything.

I hope you're exaggerating. If you're not, you really should talk more at meets. You probably don't look like a creeper (because that stereotype is more associated with guys) but you're kind of guaranteed to not get a kawaii girlfriend by staying at the fringes of any group.

>> No.7183372

ok so i meant "dont say anything about wanting the booty"

i didnt mean 'dont say anything' in general. of course my mouth forms words. :/

>> No.7183384

i'm pretty much generally known and liked in my comm. so i think if i come on too strong or hit on a straight girl, it might be a negative thing later on.

i know most people are open and understanding, but i wouldnt want to find the one cutie who's weirded out by vagina.

and i do find someone in my comm attractive, but won't approach her in that way because of these reasons. we're acquaintances.

>> No.7183390

That makes even less sense. I've gotten the "bi people are just confused/promiscuous" bs as a bi girl myself, so I'm wondering if they just think that they can make the bi lolitas in your comm "full straight" if they at least like dudes. Either way, the way they treated you is bunk.

A lot of the lolitas in my comm are queer, but because so many of us have already known each other for years, we don't really date inside the community. I don't, at least. I get weird about dating people I've been friends with for a while, and all the new girls coming in are considerably younger and something I'm very not into. We have a really cute lesbian in our community who's girlfriend comes to meets in kodona or dandy, though. They met outside the community and we all adore them.

Personally, I prefer my woman femme, though not necessarily in lolita as well. Or androgynous, but not sloppy butch. I want Tilda, not OITNB.

>> No.7183526


I'm stuck in the Texas area, sadly.

>> No.7183568
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My girlfriend and I pretty much share a closet. However while I wear strictly dresses. She goes between dresses, ouji, and even ott ouji from time to time. We met outside the comm, and would be married already if a few laws weren't in the way. Our comm is pretty accepting of us and we've never had any problems. I know there are at least two other lesbians and one brolita in the group. And honestly no one really cares about the sexuality. It's really not a big deal which I wish was the case with other people.

We're all pretty close knit, and hang out quite a bit outside of meets. I know the other comms we've visited in the South have been pretty accepting as well.

I find that as lesbians we get more harassment outside of lolita than inside of lolita. Guys asking if they can watch. Or trying to pick us up off the street. Just general douche baggy behavior.

>> No.7184008

>what types of girls do you prefer lesbian seagulls?
oh my god, I love chubby girls with cute noses and small eyes and black hair and I could cuddle with them all day.
On the other hand, I search for protective girls.
>what fashion would you like them to wear?
Anything is fine for me, but I want a gothic princess.

>> No.7184084

idk how far south you are but you could consider joining CFLS instead! I'm openly gay and they're all fine with it <3

I know at least one other girl who is bi and a close friend of mine.

The kinds of dudes I worry about are the "gentlemanly chivalrous too nice for his own good" type who thinks he dresses nicely in poorly-fitted thrift store suits. eugh

my girlfriend is what those guys want to be. She isn't a lolita, just classy as fuck.

>> No.7185452

>what types of girls do you prefer lesbian seagulls?
shorter than me (I'm 5'10"). qt azn or mixed, not too thin.
>what fashion would you like them to wear?
gothic/classic. anything but ott sweet, really.

>tfw no qt azn gothic gf
>tfw we will never wake up and smoke a blunt on our balcony of our cute apartment before we start getting ready
>tfw she will never kiss me as she adjusts my wig
>tfw we will never do our makeup side-by-side
>tfw we will never walk around San Francisco holding hands
>tfw we will never eat at Samovar together and kiss each other after we drink the chai and taste it on each other's tongues
>tfw we will never come home and listen to Lil Ugly Mane and fuck wildly

h-hold me

>> No.7185456

>When I see people like PrincessPeachie I find it hard to believe she wouldn’t be into ageplay…
I think about that shit all the time, girls like Peachie and Venus A being into nasty sex shit like that. love it.

>> No.7185483

This thread is full of faggots

>> No.7185490
File: 901 KB, 500x255, 675765.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this nigga mad

>> No.7185714

You make me wish I lived in San Francisco

>> No.7187211

There should be a thread like this for seagulls to find other seagulls. We had one a long time ago.

>> No.7187233

hi, i'm an admin of the south florida lolitas page -- how long ago was this? i've left an email in this post -- please mail me! we are very accepting of any sexual orientation / gender identity in our community.

>> No.7187237

I'm always jealous when lesbian lolis complain about feeling alienated or whatever.
not belittling your pain but im pretty sure im asexual, 24 and still no attraction for any gender. Meets for me, even among non lolis is either people asking why I don't have a boyfried or people thinking I'm a lesbian in the closet, I don't know anyone else like this and am incredibly ashamed.
I don't even understand asexuality myself so I can't talk about it, I just feel broken.
Even dated guys just to see if the feeling would kick in after a while but just being with another person in an intimate way is draining. I just want to fucking spend all my money on vidya and frills and party with other cute lolis.

>> No.7187279

Bisex loli reporting in
Most people in my comm are really fine with sexual preferences, most of us are not straight actually.

What was your age back then? I can't see me with a girl underage...

>I would love to like watch a lolita get dressed and get ready in the morning or go through her dream dress folder or something.
Jesus Christ, that's exactly what I do on the mornings, is it really that common? Who else does it?

I don't know, I kinda like them being taller than me, but I think they're so cute when they are little! I think I like them better smaller than me, also chubby! I would love to see them in any fashion they like, but I droll for EGA and any style of lolita and related.

We need what this >>7187211 anon is proposing, let's do it.

>> No.7187291

I can try to make one and hope the janitor doesn't delete it.

>> No.7187294

>implying there aren't straight guys like this

>> No.7187305
