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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 66 KB, 600x900, teemo cosplay league of legends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7130070 No.7130070[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ever since Nigri, it seems like every girl feels the need to make a revealing teemo cosplay.
or that boobs = popularity in cosplay over all regardless of the quality or accuracy.

>> No.7130076
File: 154 KB, 500x340, tumblr_m2547x8iOM1rrbbb6o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

js though, this will always be in my mind the best teemo cosplay ;) haha

>> No.7130100

whats wrong with boobs?

>> No.7130103

It's all Nigri's fault!

>> No.7130104

Look at that oversized bra, absolutely disgusting.

>> No.7130107

This is what cosplay is in the year 2013. Girls dressing up in sexy outfits to attract attention. It's jus tlike Halloween. Nobody really cares about the source material.

>> No.7130108

There is nothing wrong with breasts, just the fact that it's the only way of getting noticed in cosplay these days. Kinda sucks.

>> No.7130111

That's sad, makes me wanna just give up on cosplay all together. I can do it for fun, but then I'll because of how it is these days I'll be sure to have some a-hole commenting on how I should be showing more boob. *sigh*

>> No.7130114

Not sure if these responses are trolls but you folks are ignoring the overwhelming majority of people (most females and nearly all male cosplayers) who don't wear sexy outfits

>> No.7130133

And those are the ones who are seen as bad cosplayers.

>> No.7130136

Which sucks because they are probably the good ones.

>> No.7130144

My first cosplay was stupid-skimpy and I regret it. My next cosplay will have me covered head to toe, and I will put more effort into it than I've ever put into any art project in my life.

Will it be noticed?

>> No.7130175

By who's standards? If we're talking about other attention grubby cosplayers or fans who are more interested in seeing girls in sexy outfits and are too dumb to download porn then big deal.

You can't change how others see you but you can alter how you see yourself and the quality of your own work. No matter what choice you make, you will find supporters.

>> No.7130223

It was mentioned in another thread regarding the Powergirl cosplay saturation that it somewhat Riot Game's fault for selling Teemo hats that kinda gave the incentive to make the cosplay...of course Jnig as a starter

>> No.7130226

Teemo was a crazy popular cosplay before Nigri did it, though.

>> No.7130367

It is very sad, but I feel like having your boobs out is absolutely expected of cosplay girls anymore. Even if you have the most elaborate, beautiful costume... most people won't care unless you have boobs pushed sky high. Great craftsmanship and design have been forsaken for tits.

Nigri seems like a nice gal, but I do believe she was "patient zero" for this shit. Boobs and skimpy costumes have always been present in cosplay, but I feel her explosion onto the scene has definitely brought it to the forefront.

It just makes me sad that overly revealing, titterific costumes are now regarded as the norm, rather than the occasional eye candy treat.

(Yes, I am small chested, Yes, I mad.)

>> No.7130374

There's a lot more leeway for sloppiness if you show skin.
If you're not showing any, it better be a beautiful rendition that people can respect.

>> No.7130382

Fuck, it will be my first armor set, too. Lord help me.

>> No.7130385

Not in the slightest.

And sure as hell not personified as a sexy woman in a bikini top. That's all copying Jessica.

>> No.7130424
File: 404 KB, 1208x1920, tumblr_msihnnkTbc1qdlvzfo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


in order to do an "accurate" teemo cosplay you need to be a furry OP
are you a fucking autist? Youre just butthurt girls more physically fit than you are showing off

Truthfully at least Jessica's had a nicely made helmet, even the rest of the costume looked 100% better than the one in OPs picture that looks fucking terrible. (mainly that bra)

Also OP...that picture is the ONLY other copier of Jessica's Teemo so far...the ONLY other teemo "cosplays" ive sen at cons is people just wearing that cloth piece of shit you can buy at hot topic or whatever. These faggots dont even have the iconic Teemo blow dart weapon with them
at least Jessica had that, I have yet to see someone at a local con have one.

inb4 hi jessica !!1 XD
>implying Jnig even STILL bothers talking to a community who will still hate her regardless, especially more if a positive post of her is posted

>> No.7130427

ITT claims to be mass Jnig Teemo copiers
>no fucking pictures posted other than OPs

fuck this thread

youre all just upset over one fucking chick who copied

>> No.7130430

That's -exactly- what Jnig would want us to think..
hi jessica !!1 XD

>> No.7130432


the only way to cosplay Teemo other than being a furry is just a Gijinka ver. which there are much worse Gijinka out there than this
have any of you even been to a local con?

>> No.7130436

Who the fuck plays teemo anyway? Worst lol champion ever.

>> No.7130437

even if this was Jessica that doesnt mean that the points made are void

use your fucking brains

>> No.7130439

fuck you I do all the time
even bought a shit ton of the skins

>> No.7130446

maximum plen

>> No.7130448

>all the male dotos have wicked beards and I can't even grow a measly goatee
>only non bearded dotos are literal trolls or otherwise hunchbacks


>> No.7130449

i want to cosplay as kassadin but that'd be really hard to pull off and i have almost no experience
i just wish he didn't get that popular, can't even pick him erry game at d1 now

>> No.7130453
File: 118 KB, 700x1053, 42d97e69219984cab8b79b5b7a2a1fe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7130456

>implying this isnt a furry

>> No.7130519

did you read that one article 'The Last of Cosplayers' by any chance?

>> No.7130534

Even if they are attractive, I still want to burn them in a fiery hell. Fucking hate that yordle. All yordles for that matter. Annoying as shit.

>> No.7130632


I don't think so. Link me?

I don't blame girls for wanting to have a sexy costume. I don't hate the ladies who are brave enough to put themselves out there. I just hate that boobs are expected now, and even if your costume is amazing, if there are no exposed tits people call it a fail. As someone who really believes in craftsmanship and doing the best job you can, it's like a knife in the heart.

>> No.7130640
File: 231 KB, 772x1034, teemo_cosplay_metrocon_2013_by_kcshadowpaw-d6hkzgm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping some found just by a google image search of "teemo cosplay"

>> No.7130643
File: 200 KB, 682x1024, captain_teemo_on_duty__by_miava_chan-d6grbwn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7130646
File: 72 KB, 535x802, teemo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7130652
File: 117 KB, 700x985, b844e4ad8ef4f4e5dfc44e07e8769f3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7130713


I mentioned it because you referred Nigri as patient zero, much like this article did

>> No.7130732

But teemo is shirtless. They're wearing more on their chests than teemo is.
Though, I don't see how they would be justifying wearing shortshorts.

>> No.7130734

She's wearing a shirt.

Already better than the rest of them.

>> No.7130738

>plush hat and goggles

ok there
I'd rather see titties in a bra with a proper helmet, than titties in a hardly-more-concealing tanktop and a plush hat

>> No.7130751

What offends me most about that is the ill-fitting bra.

>> No.7130781

But Teemo doesn't wear a shirt.

>> No.7130783

boobs > everything else

>> No.7130845
File: 26 KB, 250x375, lens13683241_1349948339--.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I don't get about people who do the Teemo cosplay is why they don't do any of the other LOL ladies. Like there is a bunch of characters who have their tits out that they could do and be canon. Is it just because it would be to much effort instead of putting on a bra and short shorts? Like, why not cosplay Miss Fortune instead? She is super voluptuous and sexy and it would be awesome and canon.

>> No.7130849

oh my god

>> No.7130867
File: 144 KB, 125x125, 1329066897528.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why they don't do any of the other LOL ladies

have any of you ever thought that maybe they just dont like them?

God fucking damn it are all you women on /cgl/ this dense?

>> No.7130874
File: 449 KB, 1094x1920, tumblr_msihnnkTbc1qdlvzfo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these "helmets" are fucking terrible compared to Jnigs
and you all give her so much shit

>> No.7130876

>that fucking plush hat you can buy

try harder
at least Jnig made a really nice one
nicer then the majority I see IRL and even online

>> No.7130877
File: 277 KB, 640x1136, fDJCQEF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But nobody likes Teemo. There is at least 3 busty ladies for every role in LoL

>> No.7130878

I dunno, man. I'm going to cosplay Janna since she's my go-to for Dominion matches, and maybe Nami if I want to deal with that logistical nightmare since she's one I've been growing fond of, and maybe Karma, Annie, and Syndra since I play the heck out of all of them as well... I like League.

>> No.7130882

^ This. If there is a Teemo on your enemy team and hell even on your own team sometimes you will rage. Out of the 40 female champs in the game you're saying they aren't going to like any of them?

>> No.7130883
File: 49 KB, 604x453, 1355887471238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if there are no exposed tits people call it a fail.

this is BULL SHIT
if anything /cgl/ and the rest of the cosplay community fucking hates good looking women (or any girl) who show any skin in cosplay

There is much more slut shaming than sexy praising . DONT try to make it out like this community loves it, Im sure these girls get more shit then praise.

>> No.7130886

>only character I play

>> No.7130904
File: 217 KB, 720x540, 1355894915575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is justy one of those "GIRLS ARE FAKE NERDS" articles saying how only fat ugly women can like any anime/western comic media/gaming

fucking retarded, people actually read this shit?

>> No.7130905

>playing Dominion in any way indicating you like league
That's like saying you like mahjong because you play that solitaire shit.

>> No.7130910

aw shit i always thought he had a flesh-colored shirt or something


>> No.7130913

Why the FUCK couldn't this woman use a bra that FITS?

>> No.7130928

Yeah, I thought the way I phrased it implied that Dominion isn't the main thing I play. It isn't, just like ARAMs aren't the main thing I play but I enjoy them. Does it have to be ranked for you to think it's "real" League?

>> No.7131104
File: 10 KB, 429x410, ...awkward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

League of Legends fucking sucks.

>> No.7131220

Must be why it's literally the most played video game in the world I guess.

>> No.7131230
File: 170 KB, 1549x1164, sc2 pig disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its easier than other mobas, thus better for girls.

>> No.7131240

You must be a really shitty player.

>> No.7131242


wat avbout angry birds

>> No.7131243

Girl on the top left is cute. The one on the bottom is an MtF

only legit ugly one is the blue shirt girl

>> No.7131254
File: 120 KB, 497x640, chortle snort snort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to laugh really hard because I said "oh my god, OH MY GOD" out loud and then checked other replies and saw yours haha

>> No.7131260
File: 44 KB, 630x420, giada robin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There you go...also she's the same cosplayer as OP's pic

>> No.7131263


Yup so easy... compared to DOTA2 or HoN.

No effort required honestly.

>> No.7131267

Scarlett (Bottom in SC2) is a MTF.
The more you know.

>> No.7131277


You are acting like women are actually people, and not just the sum collection of their surroundings, and trends.

Finding a woman "outside" the timeline is increasingly difficult, nowadays. Girls are collectivists without even trying.

>> No.7131278

I think the (?) explains that part then

>> No.7131331

Different anon, but I don't think people necessairly call costumes without tits a fail, but tits certainly help you gain a ton of followers like Nigri (and she's certainly not the only one).

As far as /cgl/ goes, I don't think people necessarily have a problem with skin showing in general, but are just tired of people doing it for characters it doesn't really make sense for. You could argue that Teemo shows a lot of skin, but as a male, is Teemo portrayed as sexy for doing so? No, if you're doing a gijinka or genderbend, why do you have to have your tits out in nothing but a bra, or just featuring unnecessary cleavage in your photos? It would be nice if people were thoughtful about the choices they make for these types of costumes, rather then just trying to take the easy route for attention by showing off their tits.

>> No.7131414
File: 79 KB, 600x899, female cosplayers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female cosplayers

>> No.7131524
File: 1.84 MB, 250x349, dIpQp6w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up. You are either a landwhale or some shut-in retard airing out his crazy.

We need more cosplayers like this.

>> No.7131527

and people like you are what's wrong with cosplay community

>> No.7131540
File: 2.43 MB, 170x241, 1379641982432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a jelly fatty or a crazy fuck up like this >>7131277?

>> No.7131549

I'm calling bait on this one

>> No.7131570

I feel like you all care a little too much about what other cosplays are doing.

Forget them and get busy making a cosplay that outshines tits.

>> No.7131585
File: 53 KB, 179x195, 3433d-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hobby about dressing up to show the public
>public comments on it
>"lol stop paying attention to what I do"

>> No.7131605

>Forget them and get busy making a cosplay that outshines tits.

the only thing that outshines tits is bigger tits

>> No.7131632

>implying that I'm a Teemo titty girl

Nah. It's just silly to get worked up over this. The bigger deal we make this, the harder people will dig in their heels. Just work hard to make cosplays you can be proud of, people will notice.

I don't know, ass is also pretty good.

>> No.7131647
File: 138 KB, 602x900, 1371112674_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any idea how many chicks I've seen cosplay Red Card Katarina? If you're stamped for time, focused too much on your other cosplay, or were simply too lazy then you have a bunch of half-assed cosplays. Besides, it's usually the most intricate and accurate cosplay that gets the most attention.

>> No.7131745

spot on with what's been happening in this community. I miss pre-nigri era of cosplay.

>> No.7131783
File: 1.40 MB, 1133x1382, 9336995723_af20ea40d2_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My God, I have never read something so bitchy and distorted. It seems that the cosplay scene of ye olden times was full of joy and happiness and really helpful people before JNig came along and ruined everything with her padded bras. There were no attention whores, crazies and passive-aggresive harpies sharpening their claws on teh internetz. Not at all.

The author of that article seems to have a chip on his shoulder the size of Texas.

>> No.7131788

Honestly I think it's more that she opened the gateway for that kind of thing to be more accepted. Also, there's a distinct difference in wanting attention and wanting sexual attention.

>> No.7131804

you can't deny jnig's influence on some of these attention-whoring harpies out there right now though. Cgl wouldn't be talking about rosanna or that one game-streaming porn star if not for them taking cue from jnig's padded bra tactics.

>> No.7131806


im not a Jnig fan but this has been going on longer that she have been around

see booth babes

>> No.7131818

you're comparing professional models hired by companies to hobbyists trying to gain likes on facebook with boobs. That's really not a fair comparison.

>> No.7131822

I like boobs
I like seeing pretty women
I don't care what you complain about

>> No.7131825

Occam's Razor
They are most likely choosing Teemo because it's a simple costume that they can do with some mittens and a fucking bra, not because they love the character with so much passion and sincerity, that they thought that the best way to represent the character was by making a lazy slut version of his design.

There's also a very high chance that they don't know shit about LoL or its 100+ characters and just decided to pick the fucking cute mascot character because Nigri and other whores did it.

>> No.7131858

ooh god, juju on /cgl/

juju is awesome

>> No.7131882

I wanna cosplay lulu

but the hat

>> No.7131950

Oh look, its the morally self righteous mexican coming to lecture people on 4chan of all places.

>> No.7132147
File: 29 KB, 300x300, Yeah-well-you-know-thats-just-like-your-opinion-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Really? I don't know why she would downsize to Teemo when she has the skills to pull off an awesome costume like that.

Ugggh looove Janna. She was my first main. Are you going to do her original outfit or one of her skins? I want to cosplay Koi Nami so bad! But I don't have any idea how I'd make the tail. If you do cosplay any of them please post pics and progress photos I'd love to see!

Oh yeah Red Card. Surprised more people haven't cosplayed her kitty skin. Also that Elise UMPH. 10/10 I wish I had that skill. She has the point shoes for her cosplay too if I remember.

Do it!! There a bunch of tutorials, I'm sure you could find something! I know there was a few girls here on /cgl/ who cosplayed Lulu as well so maybe they have advice on how to make the hat! Best of luck!

>> No.7132369

>at least Jnig made a really nice one

Since when does JNigger make her own shit?

>> No.7132371

more like the easiest

>> No.7132381

I'll probably do regular Janna first, and then maybe a couple of the skins I like. I have some ideas on how to do Nami, but I'd like to be able to wear Nami to a con and not just manage to get through a photoshoot so I'll have to take a lot more practical concerns into consideration.

>> No.7132647

I saw 2 or three miss fortunes at pax aus. 3 different lulus, 2 jannas, a Vi and a bunch of other's I don't recall atm

>> No.7132716

I don't like the article posted because it's just a rehash of "fake nerd girl", BUT I do think the OP of the thread has a point. Popular cosplayers like JNig have an impact on the community, because they are cosplayer and people figure if they follow their path to success they can become a popular cosplayer, too. Even though people in the community will always appreciate well constructed, accurate, and epic costumes, it doesn't necessarily attract the most followers. If someone can name 5 popular female cosplayers (say someone with 10,000+ likes or followers) who achieved that level of notoriety with out using their T&A or sex appeal to get there, I would be shocked. The problem is NOT that people do this, ladies should be able to cosplay sexy things if they want, it's just that it seems to be the only way a female cosplayer can receive that level of recognition. If there was more diversity, it wouldn't be an issue.

>> No.7132784

I do believe we're putting too much blame on the cosplayers as they are doing what's best for them financially and gaining status. The market is showing that there is a demand for sexy cosplayers. If people didn't respond so strongly in favor of them the trend would have died out and really these girls are just giving the people what they want and laughing themselves to the bank in the process.

As for your challenge I'm curious to only why you're asking for female cosplayers. Wouldn't posting famouse male cosplayers also prove your point?

>> No.7132809

I don't know why bitches be trippin

If I was a lady I'd cosplay sluttier than Jning and Yaya.

Then file everyone who takes my pic under the "Rapists" tab on my facebook cosplay page.

>> No.7132999

Meant to say because they are popular, not "are cosplayer". I was on my cell.

I'm referring to females because of OP's point that boobs = popularity.

I agree that the ladies that choose to focus on sexy cosplay do catch a ton of flack when it makes sense for what they are trying to achieve. They attract a lot of mainstream folk who can appreciate their aesthetics without giving a crap about the craftsmanship or accuracy of their costumes or even if they made their costumes or not. Many of those cosplayers do care about those things, but that's not necessarily why all those people are liking their pages and photos. All of that is stuff the cosplay community cares about, not what the general public is concerned with. It reflects on our society's tastes, not the ladies that choose to take advantage of what they know will go over big with folks.

I don't know, it really just depends on what you want out of cosplay. I think it's harder to make a name for yourself if you focus purely on craftsmanship because there are a lot of people doing a lot of amazing things right now, plus it's just not as celebrated among people who are outside of the community.

>> No.7133116
File: 771 KB, 900x675, 1357199962659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easiest to get with

>> No.7133125

Well, that's because it's easy. It does suck, honestly.

>> No.7133129

>I don't know, it really just depends on what you want out of cosplay.

I think what's really interesting is how cosplayers that were bigger hits around 2004-8 are now being really vocal over disappointment with people making money off of "prints" or page likes attributed just to sex appeal.

For me, these were people who spearheaded the "Cosplay is for fun" movement and now that they don't feel like their slice of appreciation is as it should be, become clearly disheartened. And really, it's just because they don't feel their getting the attention they deserve.

So it all comes back to getting attention, and being honest about why you're participating in the hobby. So for me, the ugly side of "T&A" cosplay becoming more accessible, isn't the girls doing it, it's the hobby's former noble cheerleaders who can't deal with the fact that they're not the "chosen ones".

>> No.7133135


It isn't about morals, it's about logic. Getting worked up over stupid shit isn't going to change anything.

>self righteous

Again, not about morals.


wut? I thought it was blacks that lust after big asses.


Oh boy, guys, I gave the shortest lecture known to man. That less than one paragraph lecture must've been a little too harsh for you, huh, sweetie?

Alright, let me dumb it down for you. You're getting worked up over stupid shit you can't change, when something you can change (your own craft) is right in front of your nose.

No, go ahead. Go ahead and whine about how someone is being reasonable on 4chan. I'm waiting. This should be funny.

>> No.7133494

Yes it is. You think you're better than everyone for having better morals(not getting buttrustled over it). You go ahead and blindeye the parts you don't want to see to make yourself feel better though :3

>> No.7137793

Who is she supposed to be and who is the person behinf the costume?

Looks like Heather Kelly is kissing some hot babe.

Who is she and what is she cosplaying as?

Who is she?

>> No.7138390

Well, yeah, that's the only thing(s) most female cosplayers have going for them. If I want to see talent, I'll go to a male cosplayer.

>> No.7138395

Just stop and figure that they are all League of Legends cosplayers

your questions are painful

>> No.7138643

That shit's an eisenhelm with two ears and cardboard goggles on it.

That's not well made.

>> No.7138654

If you think it's morality, you don't know what morality is.

>> No.7138658

Good point.

League of Legends is shit tier, and by extension so is everyone who cosplays from it.

>> No.7138671

You guys always bitch about Jnig but every time I've met her she's been so nice

Nicer than you guys

>> No.7138701

> butthurt because they suck at playing

Just let other people enjoy the game.