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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 103 KB, 379x700, 1365263108754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6821144 No.6821144[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I know folks have been talking about Cosplay != Consent recently. What about Lolita != Consent? How do you feel about this? I know guys on here want to date us because we wear lolita fashion. Guys shouldn't be dating lolitas only because we wear lolita fashion. I'm just interested in the input of this thread of Lolita != Consent.

Pic related.

>> No.6821149

Fucking ridiculous

captcha: Tomfoolery epaiou

>> No.6821151
File: 47 KB, 333x500, 1317688438164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this picture better.

>> No.6821161

shut the fuck up you fucking disgusting piece of ugly shit
fuck you

>> No.6821177

I don't know what to say about this. I'd rather handle myself as a lolita as I see fit, and not have a Tumblr movement do it for me.

>> No.6821183

Jesus christ, what a stupid movement.

>> No.6821189

> I know guys on here want to date us because we wear lolita fashion. Guys shouldn't be dating lolitas only because we wear lolita fashion.
Fucking stupid. "Not consent" is meant to imply unwanted sexual advances, like groping to full on rape, not "oh my god someone is attracted to me for my clothing choices." Big fucking whoop, you know who else is attracted at physical appearances? Everyone.

>> No.6821196


This. If you're going to start a lolita != consent movement, it needs to focus on stopping genuine attacks and harassment, not someone asking you out because they think you're cute.

>> No.6821217

I'm part of the consent != consent != consent movement, just because I say you can do something even if I don't mean it doesn't mean I meant it's not not okay to do it regardless of original or secondary conditional consent.

>> No.6821218

>I know guys on here want to date us because we wear lolita fashion

Rather than lolita=/=consent, which is as fucking dumb as cosplay=/=consent, how about pushing the fact that wearing frilly clothes doesn't give someone merit to harass you just because they don't like your clothes?

>> No.6821221

can these retarded fucking movements just stop. This shit doesn't happen as often as you tumblrfags claim it does. IF SOMEONE TRIES TO RAPE/MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE, TELL SOMEONE ABOUT IT. NOT ON THE FUCKING INTERNET.

>> No.6821229
File: 306 KB, 541x733, 1367380710313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>online female wape culture movements

just a way for undesirables to feel desirable. kill yourselves.

>> No.6821231

You guys, this is a troll thread. Move on.

>> No.6826673
File: 37 KB, 600x375, 524839_144631302388091_955609576_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6826797
File: 24 KB, 500x500, 562495_505182469530226_1792379626_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this even mean


>mfw I made this image and people keep posting it.

>> No.6827006

>If I claim to be a victim of sexual attention, will you please think of me as beautiful?

>> No.6827008
File: 7 KB, 162x198, 1316564262339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally just replaced cosplay with lolita. It's kind of sad you have these saved in a text file somewhere.

>> No.6827016

Only the fugliest girls who no one wants do this kind of thing. In any movement. The uprising of SJW in lolita baffles me. Especially since they're supporting products from a country that would find something like this laughable at best. For the most part I've only ever been asked to "go to a sweetass hotel party" on my way to a con, but I politely said no. It's usually this sort of thing that people are confusing for "signs of a rapist" that or things like simple compliments. Another thing is they don't say no, they get freaked out and call 'pervert' on people not really being that bad at all.

>chooseth resistance
you got that right, captcha

>> No.6827026

What kind of sick fuck rapes a Lolita? They're dressed like little fucking girls, that is just dumb.

Lolita=consent shouldn't exist because they look too much like kids.

>> No.6827030

...Yes, that's totally what everyone who makes these signs is thinking.

>> No.6827033

They're asking for it. Why else would they wear those bigass skirts deliberately spread open up like that?

If the door's open, then it's time for business.

>> No.6827034

Everyone who makes these signs have probably never actually been assaulted or even hit on before and certainly not in lolita.

>> No.6827032

I request for every single picture on this cosplay.
For scientific purposes.


>> No.6827050

I'm confused.
Has anyone ever been sexually assaulted in lolita? I've only ever heard stories of how people got physically assaulted like things thrown at them.
How is an aggressor supposed to know where to feel up your butt when it's hidden under a petticoat, or even grip your boobs when they're barely outlined and flattened by blouses and dresses?
I'd love to hear stories of how people attempted at this feat. It sounds very bold.

>> No.6827052

On a side note, I actually grabbed someone's ass at a con.
They whipped around and looked at me funny.

I apologized and explained it was an assident.

>> No.6827056

I've never heard of someone in Lolita being assaulted before.