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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6768453 No.6768453 [Reply] [Original]

So, do you seagulls have a good group of friends? Close friends you cosplay with and what not?

>> No.6768462


>> No.6768465

I have my bf, and a couple of other friends in a nucleus that I tend to cosplay with more often.
A larger group of buds who are starting to form and want to cosplay with me as well.
It's fun to hang out in large groups from the same show at cons!

>> No.6768648

I have two friends that I go to cons with.
Besides them there are a few people that like to tag along every now and then. I usually only do duo cosplays with different people because everyone likes different stuff. If no duo, I go solo.

>> No.6768649

If by that you mean "sure well cosplay but only if you do everything" then yes I do. Otherwise no, no I do not.

>> No.6769245

Most of my friends are cosplayers. We do a lot of cosplay groups at cons and have cosplay sewing nights, but also hang out outside of cosplay, too.

>> No.6769257


>> No.6769273

I chill with my AA homies all day every day. We're mostly just old farts who kick back and bitch about crazy youngsters at cons nowadays and occasionally indulge in deep intellectual discussions about our favorite cartoon characters. Sometimes we draw dicks/butts (and by "we" I mean "me").

I know a handful of seagulls/cosplayers at cons too and they're all generally very pleasant and attractive people so I'm not embarrassed to say hi to them in public.

>> No.6769300


I really wish I had, but I don't. Cosplay is a hobby that I want to get into, but a big part of it is the social, and I just feel like I miss out on a lot and can't find motivation when I'm doing it alone.

I've gone to nine cons, every time I went alone. Met some people on some of them, but I'm just so sick of going alone every time. Going to my tenth con alone this summer.

And I want to cosplay outside cons, it seems so fun, but no friends.

>> No.6769382

Most of my friends are cosplayers. I have a couple of people that I will make group costumes with, but typically, I don't do it cause people can be flaky (see: me). The cosplay aspect of things brought me to my friends, but who they are outside of cosplay is what makes them true friends.

>> No.6769395

One close friend, tons of acquaintances and not-as-close friends cosplay.

Rest of my close friends are normalfags.

>> No.6769398

we drifted apart when I got a fulltime job

; ;

>> No.6769426

Got a ton of cosplay friends. One that I consider one of my closest friends, a couple that matter a lot to me and many more that I love hanging out with at cons sometimes, but wouldn't miss that much if we ever stopped talking.
Don't really cosplay with any of them, although I would love to eventually. I used to do K-On! groups with four other girls, but we don't anymore. We still all get along just fine and there are still so many K-On things I'd like to do with them, but we just drifted apart in our own ways.

I will say that 90% of my friends are cosplayers/gamers/weaboos. The last 10% are the few co-workers I get along with, and even then we're only friends so long as we work together. I've been there for a few years and have seen so many people come and go. We never keep in contact once they leave, so I wouldn't consider them friends that way.

>> No.6769449

I wouldn't say my con friends are my close friends, but I have close friends who go to cons, if that make sense? There's one photographer and one lolita/cosplayer who I absolutely love to death and consider two of my closest friends, but I didn't meet them at a con, so I don't consider them 'con friends'. My close friends are generally people I met at uni. My con friends are pretty great too, though. Excited about rooming with a bunch of them for MCM.

>> No.6770330

my best friend and i cosplay together. we've met a lot of wonderful people through it and there are a few of them that we're starting to become close with.

>> No.6770341

I have a lot of cosplayer acquaintances. Very few cosplay FRIENDS. I seriously envy those people that have an awesome crew of cosplayer buddies to hang out with every con.

>> No.6770344
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99% of my friends cosplay, we do group cosplays from small to huge groups of 20+; Also lots of random cosplay meets, cons every fucking few weeks, and sewing parties.

>> No.6770351

Well, on this vein, as someone who would like to start meeting friends through cosplay, does anyone have advice on how to do it? I have friends who I cosplay with, but only because I knew them previously from school or work. I'd like to meet some new people through my hobby. :3

>> No.6770359

Just out of curiosity, are you a male or a female?

I don't think I could ever go to a con alone. It would probably make me so damn miserable for my lack of friend I'd get out of there and go straight to a bridge and jump off it.

>> No.6770375

I have a bunch of friends I go to cons with, but we rarely ever cosplay together. We're friends from non-fandom situations (school, work, etc.) which probably has something to do with it.

>> No.6770381

if you hear about any cosplay meets, go to them. i met a lot of people like that. definitely look for local cosplay or fandom related fb groups.

at cons, strike up a conversation with people you think look cool. a lot of cosplayers today have tumblrs, so you can ask to exchange tumblrs.

>> No.6770414
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Sort of?
I have a few cosplaying friends in the NY area that I know but I rarely see because they're so busy.

I have a few more that I know of but acquaintances.

And I'm sure there are a lot more NYC folks but they're too cool for me to make friends with so instead, I creep on their social media and hope one day I will be cool enough to talk to them

>> No.6770416

If you can, try to look out for meet-up threads on here.
Years ago when I tripfagged, I started talking a lot to another girl who tripfagged back then. We became friends, I visited a con in her country, she introduced me to her friends, they introduced me to their friends, and so on. I've quit my local community and only go to cons in that country now because of all of these people.
I have only three (of 27 or so) convention friends today that I didn't meet through these people, but I can thank /cgl/ for being friends with them as well.
People on here are not as terrible as they seem!

>> No.6770436
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I really feel your pain. I've never done a whole weekend alone, but recently I went to a con where I only had someone to hang out with maybe 10% of the time, and the rest of the time.....it was so depressing. I'd like to go out there and make more con friends so that wouldn't happen, but I have no idea how. If anyone has legitimate advice for me I'll take it.

>> No.6770906

Pls stop.

>> No.6771965

Good group of friends? Yes, absolutely! Multiple good groups, even!

Close friends I cosplay with? Well... Not really, no. Just my girlfriend. I've never really had a usual cosplay group.

>> No.6771982

painfully jelly here

>> No.6772060

I used to cosplay with my boyfriend and all his friends. I don't think he has a single friend that doesn't cosplay. Consequently, I made even more cosplaying acquaintances.

Sadly, i moved when i finished college to be with my family until i figured out my next step. My boyfriend broke up with me, and i lost touch with my friends and his friends.

Now i dont really have friends. My closest friend at the moment doesn't do games or anime...

>> No.6773067
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>Your face when all of your closest best friends have cosplayed with you
>Even the normalfag
>Your face when it's One Piece cosplay
>Nakamas, Nakamas forever

I really have the best friends, and it's eerie how we all fit our parts really well

>> No.6773081
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Nope. I go alone, with my brother as a bodyguard.

>> No.6773083

Yeah I have a group of friends I cosplay with. have 3 main friends I constantly cosplay with. we just won a group cosplay this weekend. shit was so cash.

>> No.6773094

does being the assistant friend for cosplayer friends count

>> No.6773120

I go to cons with my close friends and a couple of them started cosplaying before me and I just started in the past 2 years. I'm still quite a noob at sewing though and they've kind of left me behind lol I would love to do a group cos with them but it's so hard to find something we all like and that's within our skill level.

>> No.6773216

>be in high school
>have a few normalfag (mostly introverted, conservative) friends
>spend 3 years going to cons alone hoping cool cosplayers will talk to me
>find cosplay group on coscom
>15-year-old weebs everywhere
>stay with them for several months since the alternative is going to cons by myself
>some new people join. they're older, less weeby and actually go through with most of their planned cosplays
>a few of us break away from the big group
>now have 'convention friends' I'm not embarrassed of
>they become my main group of friends
>start dating one of them
>everything went better than expected

tl;dr I didn't have any con friends but now I do, yay.

>> No.6773281
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It would be nice, but from what I've seen on this board, some cosplayers seem like the "no fun allowed" type.

>> No.6773617

I only had regular friends not cosplay friends, but then last month I moved over a hundred miles from home and now I have nothing. I haven't made friends since I was in school and don't know how to go about this :')

>> No.6773630

THis goes with any hobby ever.

>> No.6773683
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>be me
>have fear of meeting/talking with new people
>have no friends because of it
>go to first con
>second con
>"Hey this is fun again, I guess... *sigh*"
>end up going back a little depressed because I didn't have as much fun as I thought and I was paranoid with my money so I didn't buy anything
>lurk dedicated con forum
>see someone's signature
>"Shy Con-Goers Unite!"
>it was a link to a facebook group with about 70 or so people
>It's a group that goes to cons together
>click join and say "Hi"
>they're super nice to me and introduce themselves
>they accept me as a shining new member of the group
>third con
>they post on the group where to meet and when
>super nervous
>go near the meeting spot but not AT the meeting spot if you know what I mean
>see some guys and a few girls circle around chatting
>"Don't be a pussy man, you can do this."
>take a deep breath and make my way over
>"Hey... is this shy con-goers?"
>"Hey there!" says this dude as he reaches over to shake my hand
>"What's your name, friend?"
>his face turns to excitement
>he knows me from my posts in the group page
>he introduces me to everyone else
>all of them are great
>we all have an amazing weekend together

I now go to every local con with them, Dude became my best friend ever, and I am not only considered a group member now, but a what's-the-point-of-going-to-a-con-without-Anon member.

I just wish I didn't get to see them only once or twice a year

>> No.6773771 [DELETED] 

I have a friend who I go to cons with, a bodyguard boyfriend
but no cosplay friends, ive joined my local anime community, and tried to reach out to the other girls there, but making friends is slow and no one seems that into cosplay.

Ive gone to cosplay meetups, still didn't make any friends, im trying not to be shy, im trying really hard, bus even after striking up conversations with people, still no solid friends

>> No.6773775

I have a friend who I go to cons with, a bodyguard boyfriend
but no cosplay friends, ive joined my local anime community, and tried to reach out to the other girls there, but making friends is slow and no one seems that into cosplay.

Ive gone to cosplay meetups, still didn't make any friends, im trying not to be shy, im trying really hard, but even after striking up conversations with people, still no solid friends

>> No.6773835

That's the cutest, what a good idea for a group

>> No.6773990

Yeah, we want to get a panel going so we can encourage more groups like ours to sprout up, but we've been denied in favor of other panels.

>> No.6773999

I thought I had found a group but it turned out too good to be true and now I can't bring myself to try and be close again. I seem to make good cosplay friends online but they are always in another country.

>> No.6774020
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More like this.
I have many online, but I prefer to keep it that way. We've got too many people with vendetta's in our community, so there's always some drama linked with a person making groups fall apart. So now it's like the convention is separated into cliques who are constantly at war with each other. I need to move.

>> No.6774050
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I finally have the means to cosplay, but no friends to do it with. I had friends who wanted to cosplay in high school and wanted to go to cons and stuff together; after we graduated they all went their own ways. Literally every group of friends I had throughout my life vanished once we didn't see each other constantly. Everyone leaves.

I'm always on the lookout though, for a partner that will do stuff with me. S/he doesn't have to cosplay, s/he just has to pretend to be a bad enough dude to keep up when we run from con danger or defend our nendos from peril or talk to me about who best girl is. I knew a lot of people online who are excellent people, but it'd be nice to have a friend you can reach out and poke. Too bad someone cast like 200 autism buffs on me, or else this might be easier.

I like interacting socially, I really do. I just don't like putting on airs, which I'm too boring to live without. I can enjoy a joke without laughing so hard my lungs come out of my nose, you know?

>> No.6774768

>tfw am a guy and do not know this feel
This lack of feel is a good feel.

>> No.6774856


>> No.6774863

Avatarfagging, newfag.

>> No.6774894



Sucks, but when you do make good online congoing friends in different countries it gives you an excuse to visit them.

>> No.6774912


lel okay.

>> No.6775989

>doesn't know the rules
>not a newfag

>> No.6776001

Anime Mid-Atlantic?
It's going to be my first con and none of my friends know that I'm into anime... I want to cosplay but I have no idea how/what to go as. Money isn't an issue for me

>> No.6776024

That doesn't really apply to such a recent rule, though.

>> No.6776044

Its not avatarfagging if they don't do it all the damn time anon, let it go.

>> No.6776049
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Yes, but none of them are interested in cosplay. They won't even try coming to conventions with me.

For example, here's a conversation I had with one of my good friends about Katsucon this year:
>"You'll really like it! I promise! They have tons of [insert friend's #1 fandom] stuff!"
>"I don't feel like it. They're crowded and I'll get anxious and depressed."
>"B-but I don't have anyone to go with except you. ;_______;"
>*He changes the subject immediately and starts talking about his artwork*

So I go by myself every time, rent hotel rooms alone, and cry myself to sleep. At least I get to see my long-distance cosplay friends, I guess.

>> No.6776051

What cons do you go to?

>> No.6776059

>it's not murder/robbery/larceny/embezzling/rape if they don't do it all the time!!

>> No.6776057

Maryland/DC cons. I live in Northern Virginia.

>> No.6776071

I used to cosplay in a group, but it eventually fell apart. I still go to cons with my friends, and we all cosplay, but never as the same things anymore.
I just want to do a group cosplay again.

>> No.6776076

I do too. DC metro or are you closer to Richmond?
I...Id like some friends..

>> No.6776075

I don't have any friends who are into lolita or cosplay. I would really love to go to a con, at least once in my life. I'm too shy to go alone though, and it would mean traveling out of the country to go to a good con. I don't really see it happening. I don't wear lolita or any j-fashion either. /cgl/ is still my favorite board despite the fact that I'm not into this hobby at all.

>> No.6776077


>> No.6776239

DC metro in Alexandria.

Possibly going to transfer to VCU in 2014, so I'll be in Richmond then.

>> No.6776262

i don't have a cosplay group, but i try to cosplay with my boyfriend as much as i can.
the only group i was a part of was when i was in high school and all of my friends liked bleach. it was fun!

>> No.6776292
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None of my friends cosplay and I've never been apart of a group of cosplayers.

It's alright with me, i'm totally okay with it since my bros still go to cons with me. Having friends to cosplay with wouldn't be so bad minus the awkward people you hear about in the horror stories.