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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 12 KB, 188x196, 1357775263293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6765789 No.6765789 [Reply] [Original]

>that one girl in your cosplay group that always talks about the millions of disorders she supposedly has
>never actually gets mental help
why? it doesn't make you cool, just an idiot. even more so that you think you have these things, and you're publicly making it know just for attention.

>> No.6765796

>just for attention
There you go.

>> No.6765797

That, or when they are actually ill but play it off as them being judged negatively by an evil society bend on destroying them in particular.

See "headmates."

>> No.6765815
File: 5 KB, 308x240, 1360616575971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>approach someone with the same cosplay as you
>you both look pretty good
>Me: "Hey, I like your cosplay, it's pretty good."
>Her: "Thanks, yours looks like shit."

>> No.6765820

Wow, what a fucking twat. I would've cunt punted her. What where you cosplaying?

>> No.6765822
File: 308 KB, 1280x720, 1350493111849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one girl who vents to you about someone they have a vendetta against who buy's their costumes, or cosplays characters they don't know.

>Watches said person cheer on their friends who do the same exact thing.

>Talks publicly about how it's acceptable and how it doesn't matter.

>Vents later to you about how anyone who does such things are just lazy attention whores.

>TFW you realize your friend is a two faced lying bitch.

>> No.6765831

Mami. Pissed me off, but I didn't want to be a cunt like her, so i just walked back to my group.

>> No.6765873

Just stop.

>> No.6765880 [DELETED] 

I consider myself a very kind and understanding person to strangers. I would have told her that it's not polite to insult others and that she should grow up so someone other than her mother would care about her. If she even did that...

Just kidding I would have probably lost my cool and gotten kicked out for fighting.

>> No.6765912
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>That one person that goes out of their way to find and 'like' bad pictures of you that leek out when you purposely don't tag yourself in them.
>Said person never 'likes' your shit.
>Only the shit you try to hide.

>> No.6766008
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Does anyone else have that one friend who always tries to get you to do couples cosplays with them?

We're not a couple, and a lot of times these "couples" are stupid yaoi or non-canon fangirl pairings. And I don't ship any of them, so it makes me really uncomfortable.

>> No.6766052

oh god, I do. so awkward, i don't want to do some weird pairing with you, I turn you down everytime, please stop.

>> No.6766204

She thinks it makes her a special snowflake and more deisrable for the Aspie β-male masses.

>> No.6766220

>One of your friends made a pantyshot picture of you and uploads it on a social media site and tags your group.
>You laugh about it, but politely suggest him to take it down as you don't want everybody to see your undies.
>Another one friend of the group decides that's so funny and tags everybody he met on the con, otaku/weaboo people he doesn't know, etc. I know none of these people which is more embarrasing.
>You ask him to untag this people as you don't know them and are embarrased about the pantyshot.
>He rants about you being a hoe and not wearing panties to hide your undies purposefully for attention.
>Another friend of the group has to rage until the photo gets taken down.

Why won't people understand I want no one to see my panties.

>> No.6766232

>that one friend that always turns everything into a pissing contest
>"Oh, you didn't get to line your costume before the con? Well at least you got to sleep and DIDN'T RUN YOUR FINGERS UNDER THE SEWING MACHINE."
>and then a few months later, find out they've been bitching about how you 'try to relate to their problems and twist conversations to revolve around you'

>> No.6766237
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>move away from your community
>have no cosplay friends
>tfw gonna have to force the nicer, easily bullied ones into it

I'm trying to either do a crossplay group or a gender bent group for Madoka.

Already bullied one friend into and fairly sure my roommate will do it for funsies.

>> No.6766239


What I don't understand is that why you have friends who take such photos of you and think it's appropriate to upload it online without your consent?

>> No.6766249
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One reason I came to realize my 'best friend' of 5 years wasn't such a good friend is because she only tagged/liked photos of us both that made her look good and made me look derpy. Scrolling through those photos you'd think she was Ridiculously Photogenic Guy and I was some kind of goblin. She never liked a single picture of me where I looked remotely nice, not even the ones she also looked nice in.
Something clicked, and I realized that she did the exact same thing in conversations; she'd often joke about how different our personalities were, but only mentioned aspects she excelled and I failed in. Never the other way around.

She spent upwards of 5 years slowly whittling down my self esteem to make herself look better. She's the reason it took me so long to really get into lolita, because she knew it would be flattering on me but not on her. Well, fuck you. I'm much happier without you, even if it means I have fewer friends.

>> No.6766252

I had a friend like this in high school. She was really genuinely nice the first year or so I knew her, but turned into a bitch, always dumping on me later on.

>> No.6766253
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hallmark of teenagers.

They are trying to discover what makes them them.
Because they haven't lived long enough to have had the massive amount of social skills that living gives you they think this is an acceptable way to define who they are.

>> No.6766272

Quality over quantity, always. Sometimes I feel like I need more friends to hang out with, especially ones who live closer to me. But after I think it over, I'm content with what I have because I know they're trustworthy.

Thank fuck I was never like that when I was that age.

>> No.6766273
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>That one girl who talks the most putrid shit about everyone
>Still acts like their nicest friend ever and keeps spontaneously contacting them in a friendly manner
>She tells it's just because she wants to know them better to make fun of them
>Bitches about them latching on to her
>Jesus fucking christ woman

>> No.6766309

You know I was wondering why you guys are allied with us /pol/acks on the 4chan minecraft server.
I guess it's because you hate women as much as we do.

>> No.6766314

Yes, me neither.

I think it's because of Neanderthal blood. The more we have it the more intellectual and introverted we are, but not in a hikkikomori way but in a Ubermensch way.

Neandethal societies we're the most advanced of its time fyi. They had egalitarian relationships between men and women millennia before Christ.

>> No.6766615
File: 16 KB, 380x300, 1350270902970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had a cosplay 'best' friend for many years who would constantly rip me apart, and go out of her way to ruin any relationships I made with others because 'I was hers' fake yuri shit.
>I grew up and dumped that cunt.

>> No.6766648
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>Those friends who insist that you room with them, drive them to the con, then ditch and bully you the whole weekend, then bitch about all of your friends in front of you but tell you to shut up when you go to defend them.
>That friend who's been cosplaying for 2 years and still refuses to hem costumes, style wigs, etc. But rags on people for doing exactly what she isn't.
>That friend who brags about only
knowing BNFs for attention.
>That Homestuck friend who listens to none of your makeup advice and gets mad when their paint rubs off all
over everything.

All of my mad.

>> No.6766655

Yes, I do. Hardcore shippers are the worst types of people to cosplay with if you're not dating them. Because if they're obsessed enough with the pairing, they seem to forget that they're being creepy as fuck when they ask you to pretend you're about to kiss them or something.

Some people are okay with it though, which I guess is where they get confused.

>> No.6766662

>being tagged in cosplay photos

>> No.6766704
File: 80 KB, 400x598, 1324098084270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf am I reading

>> No.6767271

This almost sounds too awful to be real.

If it is, I would've at least made a witty comeback or something.

>> No.6767295
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...There are many things wrong with this post...

>> No.6767441
File: 31 KB, 438x319, 1363332007396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When your local con sets up an AA this year with new heads, because last years head did not know wtf he was doin

>When they don't give you any information on what the fuck is going on, get back to people with a month's left to make shit

>When you see that they are online on the forums, reading all the complaints, and not addressing them

For real now? Your convention sucks, everyone thinks it sucks. I just wanted to make that cash money.

>> No.6767539
File: 93 KB, 870x720, tumblr_mj475blcJK1qdyr9yo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not cosplay, but theater-related.

>used to be the costumer of the "eat food in your costume and I'll go Left 4 Dead witch on you" variety for a group at my college
>have to leave because of academic obligations
>find what I assume is a competent replacement
>go to see this semester's show
>dress visibly held together with fucking safety pins
>every person in the women's chorus wearing a dress from a different time period for no reason at all
>policemen characters wearing navy blue jackets with black pants
>later find out most costumes weren't put together until OPENING NIGHT

Jesus H. Fucking Christ. I consider it a personal failure if I don't have everything fit and finished at least a week early. Is it just me? Am I too anal about this? It's like I'm taking crazy pills.

>> No.6767561 [DELETED] 

>Decided to try and get no ex boyfriend into cosplay.
>/fit/ fag
>decides to cosplay Finn the human
>do everything in my power to make him look decent
>he refuses to make a sword or buy a decent backpack and instead gets random ass green backpack from Walmart and plastic Finn sword child's toy
>he looked like a man child, and got upset when people weren't asking for his picture

never again.

>> No.6767575
File: 868 KB, 500x262, tumblr_mklhsh6Pb31r0myn3o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decided to try and get no ex boyfriend into cosplay.
>/fit/ fag
>decides to cosplay Finn the human
>do everything in my power to make him look decent
>he refuses to make a sword or buy a decent backpack and instead gets random ass green backpack from Walmart and plastic Finn sword child's toy
>he looked like a man child, and got upset when people weren't asking for his picture

never again.

>> No.6767588

More like you know little of History and Biology.

Truly, the greatest people of humanity, had Neanderthal blood (like Neil DeGrasse Tyson).

>> No.6767626

Dude, we're all human. We all have Neanderthal blood.
There isn't enough evidence of their societies to draw any of the claims from your post.

Go back to your little Eugenics books and cry about your insecurities.

>> No.6767643


Yeah, except she's not a teenager.

She's 24.

>> No.6767728
File: 37 KB, 500x341, 1359678599867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your friend only booked one hotel for a MAJOR convention. Oh and it was the only cheap hotel that was a 5 mins. driving distance.

>That one friend who follow you like a lost puppy for the whole convention

>That one friend who gets butthurt because you told him to give up his card key because he didn't play for the hotel room and he's going back and forth home.

>That one friend

>> No.6767755
File: 131 KB, 182x235, that-jarjar-suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stupid bitches who insist on cosplaying if they're over 100lbs

hey retard, you're not REQUIRED to cosplay at a cosplay ok?

>> No.6767761

No, there's no reason why all of us would have Neanderthal blood, due to the basic logic that they weren't everywhere on the planet and there's no rule that says every single person on Earth has had every kind of DNA up it's family tree.

>Go back to your little Eugenics books and cry about your insecurities.
Nice ad hominem you got there. Just because I'm pointing out that some people are better because of their genes you immediately get butthurt and call me an Eugenics supporter.

You definitely haven't got any Neanderthal blood, that's for sure.

>> No.6767762

That awkward group you get stuck rooming with for the con.

>didn't tell you that your hotel is 14 blocks away from the con
>have fun walking in those heels
>didn't tell you that there will be 8 people in the room
>have fun sleeping under the table
>have fun trying to find a place to put your bag
>didn't tell you that half of your roomies are Tumblr lesbians and SJW
>have fun awkwardly walking on eggshells the entire time

And the friend who is much better off financially than you but still manages to push out bad, casual cosplays. Or those friends who are blowing all of their money on games, controllers, premium website accounts, and new movie releases while their fridge is devoid of food.

And please stop nit-picking guys I'm interested in. I really doubt that he was "checking out" that girl over there; he was more likely eyeing her costume. He competes in the contests, you know, and he has shown to pay more attention to how someone threads their fabric than how they apply their false eye lashes. I'll be careful just in case, but it's starting to seem like you don't like any guy to get near me unless it's the awkward guy you ship me with.

>> No.6767771

you are fucking crazy, please stop

>> No.6767782

>Gallileo: "The Earth rotates around the Sun!"
>anon's ancestor in 16th century: "Y-your crazy! Stop or I will burn you at the stake heretic."

Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's not possible.

>> No.6767781
File: 121 KB, 287x305, 830258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they weren't everywhere on the planet
There's this wild concept called migration, for one.

>I'm pointing out that some people are better because of their genes you immediately get butthurt and call me an Eugenics supporter
That's what Eugenics is...

>> No.6767791

I really hope you're just Internet Police from that r-whatever site. No one can be willingly this idiotic.

No, saying that a person born with hemophilia because their mother was a carrier, and therefore is worse of than a person without such DNA down his family tree, does not, in fact, make me a Eugenics supporter.

But hey, I'm either talking to a troll or a 12 year old who was raised on propaganda that every person on Earth is the exact copy of someone else. Please, get a trip so I can filter you (my Spiderman senses tell me that you probably had one).

>> No.6767790
File: 457 KB, 500x281, 1332806056184.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one friend who couldn't even remember the name of the character they were cosplaying as.

Why. Just why.

>> No.6767795
File: 70 KB, 930x834, 1340633977449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't tell you that half of your roomies are Tumblr lesbians and SJW
jesus christ this is the worst kind of nightmare

>> No.6767797

All humans are from Neanderthals, that's what makes us fucking human.
You can't relate it to hemophilia because hemophilia is a blood disease and lacking ties to Neanderthals is not.
Having a common ancestor doesn't make everyone the same, that's where mutations came in. You don't lose your ancestry through mutation.

Hell, I'm the one thinking you're the troll. And no, I don't trip, never have, and never will. I have qualms against it.

>> No.6767798
File: 10 KB, 352x252, anton ego-looks down on you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are hotels obligated to allow cosplay shitstains in their rooms or something?

They're poor, they're dirty and have to fit 4-8 people in a 2man room like mexicans. I refuse to believe these hotels actually make decent profit from all the shit these guys pull off.

Really now, a room for 2 should never allow more than 3 people in it.

>> No.6767803

>Or those friends who are blowing all of their money on games, controllers, premium website accounts, and new movie releases while their fridge is devoid of food.
Unless they're complaining about starving or trying to mooch you of snacks, what's wrong with that?

>> No.6767805
File: 83 KB, 220x161, cool David.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over 100lbs
> you're not REQUIRED to cosplay at a cosplay ok?

>> No.6767807
File: 29 KB, 150x170, j90234 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get invited to room with a friend's friend
>he's notorious for having room situations like you described, but replace Tumblr lesbians/SJWs with lonely game nerds who lack and desire female contact

>> No.6767812

>that vendetta who keeps trying to start shit
>posts "god I hate that weeb ita bitch"
>person they bring up actually can dress themselves
>vendetta insists said girl is "an ita weeaboo" and brings up photos/text posts from 2-4 years ago/anon posts on 4chan as "proof"
>vendetta goes to making fun of the girl for being raped
holy fucking shit, what the hell is wrong with you. You make me want to puke. I'd say the name of the comm but this thread would go to shit.

>> No.6767813

Brush up on your Homo evolutionary pathways. Hint: Neanderthals are our sister species. Some populations share some Neanderthal genes due to interbreeding, but not all of us do.

>> No.6767818

Ugh, regardless. My point stands that we don't know enough about their societies to say any of the things you praised.
I'm done with this subject. You're as immovable as the Red Army.

Sorry for spamming up the thread, guys.

>> No.6767816

ranting at myself for a bit
>head is too large for non-Arda wigs
>hear Arda will have a sale soon
>great, I'll just wait for their sale to order my wig then!
>sale is announced for next weekend
>better get my shopping cart ready
>the fucking wig is out of stock in the color I need it in
>mfw it's not being reordered until late May
>con is May 24
why did I feel the need to save four fucking dollars

>> No.6767828
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>>That one friend who follow you like a lost puppy for the whole convention
>tfw I am that friend

>> No.6767832

It's not like you have to, it didn't happen that long ago that we wouldn't remember..

>> No.6767834

I'm not the idiot you were arguing with, just wanted to add my $0.02.

>> No.6767843

Why did you choose to wears UGGS with that cosplay?!

>> No.6767844

god it was really messed up. and the threads about her just stayed there as trolls or just one desperate vendetta samefag just got overly personal. over some dumb shit like "the meaning of the word otaku" or something like that. I just cant stand vendettas like that. I like cgl's new rules. threads like that were awful.

>> No.6767850

>that one person in your group who always says they're too poor to cosplay and constantly belittle you for spending money on your own shit

The best part is when they 'somehow' pull money out their ass last minute and then guilt trip people into making their costumes for them because they don't have time because they were too broke to buy the things beforehand.

One girl I know is the fucking worst at this. Like she claims she has no money whatsoever but constantly eats out, gets her boyfriend (who is just a bagboy at Publix) to pay for at least $50 worth of shit for her a week. And the last con she went to she guilted someone into asking their mom to make her cosplay for her because "omg this is too hard i can't sew i'm poor pls love me" and when the thing was done (and well made for a rush job, it had no frayed edges and fit well), "omg this is really ugly i could have done better." and she never said thank you to the girl or the mom. But of course if asked she was the best cosplayer of the character there because everyone else "was so inaccurate omg they probably didn't even read the comic and were cosplaying for attention"

>> No.6767852
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>> No.6767886
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>mfw im the lost puppy

>> No.6767935

holy shit, i feel you anon. i have a friend just like that and it kind of really sucks.

>> No.6767955

>that one person in your group of friends who doesn't take personal responsibility

I'm talking about never booking a room and begging for a free spot last minute, never paying gas money for rides, bawwing about shit on facebook constantly (seriously, sarah, NO ONE CARES ABOUT HOW YOUR MOM IS SUPPOSEDLY RUINING YOUR LIFE STFU), butting into other people's private relationship issues and then blabbing about it to anyone with ears, and just generally acts like a child when they're in their early twenties and need to grow the fuck up.

Wow. Sorry about that. Went on a little tangent there.

>> No.6768011

Guy we met at convention the previous year ends up living in same city as us so we meet up a few times and hang out and he suggests we carpool to con this year. We agree.

Hes one of those people who literally cant talk about anybody for more than a minute without redirecting the conversation back to himself. And everythings a competition. EVERYTHING. The whole way there hes bragging about how many friends he has and how one weekend isn't enough time to hang out with them all. Then we get there and he ends up hanging out with our friends the majority of the time. Except we would all be hanging out having a good time and hed be kind of off to the side saying things like 'so are we actually going to do anything?' instead of just fucking off and doing his own thing.

He did a really shitty cosplay and then kept complaining nobody recignized him or wanted his picture even though he was in a group of pretty intense cosplays.

Also he forced his way into some of the panels we were doing and acted like a total asshole about it, then was complaining that not enough people showed up to the panels and that he had to miss something else to be there so they better be good.

The drive back was awkward as hell.

>> No.6768038

>those two cosplay friends that you decide to room with but are always weebing out and posting super weird yaoi shit about their characters
>their actual cosplays never turn out that great
>mfw they also worship the ground JNig walks on and share photos of any cosplayer with their tits pushed up to their necks

They confuse me.
I'm not sure if legit lesbian or they just have a thing for gay culture.

>> No.6768051

I think I know the guy you're talking about anon.

>> No.6768074

>that one girl that you hate who's friends with all of your friends
>I see one of my other friends making faces when she redirects the conversation back to herself for the 100th time but I don't want to cause drama by asking if she's annoyed too
>everyone else adores her
>she's e famous, can't let her know how obnoxious she is or i'll get attacked by her dumbshit followers

>> No.6768076

>he had to miss something else to be there so they better be good.

Why did nobody say anything to this? People like this really need to be put in their place or they will never stop. No repercussions, no reason to stop. No ones given him a reason to adjust that attitude of his.

>> No.6768084

I don't know if this belongs here, but the biggest con I go to all year is coming up and I'm only going to wear 1 coord and 2 cosplays. i feel like i'm not doing enough, and there's people who do 6-7 cosplays per con.

>> No.6768107
File: 995 KB, 500x281, fuckyourgoats.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW one of your friends likes to talk shit about you for not going to community college

fuck you! I don't want to be in debt and have to listen to you about how much money you owe the government about your useless degree.

>TFW she also let her boyfriend talk shit about you.

fuck your boyfriend. he a short hobbit compare to your tall amazon ass! I hope I can passive aggressively killed his character at our next DnD meeting.

>> No.6768121

>making fun of you for NOT going to community college

Who the hell takes that much pride in going to fucking community college?

>> No.6768124
File: 39 KB, 100x100, tumblr_inline_mg2jcyIi9n1qc9jr6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"can passive aggressively killed his character at our next DnD meeting"

I like you anon, I like you a lot. I'm happy that I am not the only one who thinks this.

>> No.6768131


omgosh thank you both! It just feel so awesome to get this off my chest. I love CGL vent thread sometimes.

>> No.6768132

Hello, I don't normally come to /cgl/, but, based on these stories, I must ask, why are you friends with those cunts?

>> No.6768146

Mutual friends and if I pissed her off, she'll play the victim card and get all her friends to harasses me.

I seen her do it before and it not pretty. One girl ended up moving and the other quit school. I am almost afraid that the one friend I have left, won't believe me.

>> No.6768154
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dude, yeah these threads are pretty awesome. I had a gal pal that I detested but she was part of the group and we just couldn't shake her. Anywho, miss crazy pants thought she was hot shit and that everything with a penis wanted to bone/rape her. Okay looking, a little chubby for me, but overall just 'meh' looking. We finally got rid of her after a few of our boyfriends (who went to conventions with us) complained that she was coming on way too hard. Things like touching them and leaving notes with her contact info, persuading them to date her and all this other shit.

She'd pick the 'revealing outfits' to garner more attention and would be upset when no one wanted pictures of her. My darling bf would never go anywhere by himself at cons for fear that she would corner him again. We didn't know if she was desperate, a full blown creeper, or a combo of more....

Finally got rid of her after she groped a friends boyfriend in the elevator; like full on grabbed his junk.

>> No.6768339

> The girl that contantly bullies, insults, and spread rumors about me, and then uses her e-fame to play victim and send people after me.

>> No.6768422


I posted earlier in the thread, but honestly I think a lot of people are saying 'friend' to put a loose term on someone you barely tolerate but hangs out with your friends.

It's similar to when you're introducing someone who really isn't a good friend, but you know better than an acquaintance, so you just say "This is my friend, Anon"

>> No.6768435


>women not liking other women

Wow news at 11

>> No.6768444

I know that feel, anon. ;_;

>> No.6768445


They probably mean going to community college for basic credits and saving money, and then transferring to a university to finish your degree for the specialized part. Tons of people tell me this is a better and cheaper alternative. I was actually confused at the original post and thought maybe you typo'd and meant that they talk shit about you for going to community college and then went on about going into debt.

>> No.6768458


I feel sorry for a friend who's now putting up with a person just like this

>friend is a dork, but he's also a bro. Great propsmaking skills
>pulls off a character i and another guy in our circle failed to do
>from then on he's went out to antagonize props guy from women skills, costumes, "anime cred", fighting game skills (oh and he's a massive scrub)
>goes on to remain in his little circle of friends, talking shit about props bro, sometimes myself or any other person whom just so happens to do something similar to what he does like cosplay and fightans

>> No.6768489

This is why I'm only friends with guys.

Seriously, fuck other girls. Nasty bitches, the lot of them.

>> No.6768494


Africans do not have significant neanderthal admixture, they have some of archaic ancestry from some other source.

>> No.6768528
File: 12 KB, 281x236, okay-guy-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make a friend who is slowly turning into an elitist, but don't realize it until he talks to anyone who would benefit him cosplay/convention wise
>Be an all around good friend but he isn't interested in my existence until recently when I've been getting photo shoots after getting off my lazy bum and work on cosplays
>At a particular con he is scheduled to cosplay from the same series as someone else. They worked hard for it, but I already knew she wasn't completely interested in wearing it since her other cosplays were getting her more pictures
>He sees my pictures from the con and other events, suddenly messages ME for once and suggest we do a cosplay together for another con
>MFW I'm too nice to reject even though I know I'm being used

>> No.6768543

Where in that post does it say it was a girl?

In my experience, women who go out of their way to talk about how mean other women are and how they only hang out with guys because guys are so much better, are the bitchiest bitches of all. If all the other women you know are bitches, then you're probably hanging out with the wrong kinds of people in general. Or more likely, you're projecting. Everyone I've met who does this just hates people of their own gender because it means that they have to share the attention of the opposite gender. This goes for guys who are like "oh all guys are assholes, except me! that's why all my friends are female, I'm such a Nice Guy" as well.

Dudes can be just as mean as ladies, and only hanging out with one gender doesn't make you cool. It makes you socially maladjusted.

>> No.6768545

Are you me, anon? I'm in the exact same position right now, except I recently found out that this guy only wants me to cosplay with his group to get back at another cosplayer who cosplayed my character too before so he can say he's "better for having a bigger group from the series". It's so stupid and childlike but I'm scared of him spreading rumors about me in the community if I say anything (I've just started cosplaying more in the community recently too) and he has with other cosplayers that don't agree with him/drop out of his groups (I've heard "stories" about them from him).

>> No.6768552

Oh wait, it does say that my bad. The rest of the post still stands though.

>> No.6768572

Isn't much a vent as a wtf. I found out there's a cosplay "hike" being hosted this month locally. Who the fuck wants to hike around in cosplay?

>> No.6768574
File: 230 KB, 500x260, i will fuck you up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one girl who jumps between friends constantly, and then goes on about how she's "only friends with guys" because it's "less drama" or because "girls are bitches lol"
It doesn't make you seem like a special intelligent female snowflake unable to tolerate our ~*impurity*~ or whatever. Give it a rest, faggot.

>> No.6768575

It is less drama though, you're proving that with your filthy mouth.

>> No.6768587
File: 81 KB, 640x640, annoyed nagato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you serious? Most men have "filthy mouths".
I bet you chalk it up to "ohh they're guys its normal fro them :33" whenever men act like cunts or start stupid fights, too.
And nah, it's not "less drama" unless you're actually the one starting shit and always either wave it off (or don't even realize it yourself). or the only women you know are crazy bitches so you paint them all with the same brush.

>> No.6768588

You're assuming things and being mean to me for no damn reason.

It's less drama being friends with just men, period. Most women ARE bitches.

>> No.6768591

>being mean
But I'm not.
>I don't have an argument to counter yours so I'll just repeat myself, PERIOD.
ok have fun

>> No.6768592

>being mean to me for no damn reason

I actually laughed out loud. Are you underaged?

>> No.6768594

I said most girls were bitches, not all.

I'm friends with mostly guys, but there are other girls who try and get in our group of friends and they all tend to be bitches.

No, I'm 19.

>> No.6768597
File: 428 KB, 160x149, h420954.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that friend that everyone likes
>they're a hypocritical whiny douchebag
>every time they do something that aggravates everyone else:
I know your pain, mate.

>> No.6768603

It could be a cry for help? Also, it's worth noting that mental illness often are comorbid. So, for example, if someone has depression, they are more likely than an average person to also have anxiety, or an eating disorder, and so on. So having a lot of disorders isn't a crazy idea.

I have a few mental disorders and if I had friends I would probably talk about them a lot. It does consume most of my thinking and all of my life. It's also very difficult to seek help for. My family is wealthy and I still find it extremely hard. I can imagine if someone was poor it could be impossible.

Just trying to offer her side. I grew up with the "if you mention your mental illness out loud then you're obviously faking it, attention whore" mentality, and I found it really damaging. I think there needs to be less of a stigma.

(Plus, if you're faking a mental illness, that's probably an indicator that something is pretty wrong with you in the first place...)

>> No.6768604
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 1249592_1295909345446.6res_300_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That friend who took a dump in your toilet and forgot to flush then comments on how much your house stinks.

>> No.6768607
File: 72 KB, 511x385, 1359987680991.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are other girls who try and get in our group of friends and they all tend to be bitches.
Are you sure you're not just jelly because you want all dat hormonal male attention to yourself?

>> No.6768609

No sorry, not a slut like you ^_^

>> No.6768610

>mfw she thinks she's not a bitch

>> No.6768615


I'll take a dump on your chest. If that's what you're into.

>> No.6768617

>Most women are bitches
>Is a woman
>Is a special snowflake
Enjoy your internalized misogyny and inevitable waste of your life since your are incapable of thinking critically.

>> No.6768618

Me. That sounds like great fun. Although you know there would be one person who came in ridiculously high shoes and then complained after five minutes when they started getting blisters.

>> No.6768620

>internalized misogyny

I'm not a feminist, so please leave that crap at tumblr where it belongs.

I'm not, I'm nice to people who are nice.

>> No.6768625

Just because I recognize guys are more easy going I'm a misogynist?

>> No.6768624

I'm not a feminist either, that doesn't mean internalized misogyny doesn't exist. What is wrong with you.

>> No.6768628

No, obviously not. Putting words in my mouth probably won't work when I quoted EXACTLY WHAT YOU SAID that means you have internalized misogyny. Too dumb not to be a troll.

>> No.6768630
File: 786 KB, 1280x800, fine as fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat snide comment
So, you're admitting you're a bitch like "most other women"?
Plus the fact that you got defensive all of a sudden means that post was correct.
Stop being a whore who shits on other women so you can get dick from the men you've hoodwinked into thinking you're different.

>> No.6768638

>Seriously, fuck other girls. Nasty bitches, the lot of them.

How is that not internalised misogyny

>> No.6768642

Maybe we're more "easy going" but that's no reason not to have female friends. I do hate how outright cruel some girls seem to be to each other though. There's no need for that and to be honest, it makes you less attractive in our eyes when you argue so vengefully. Be nicer to each other, treat each other delicately and in a sort of semi-lesbian sort of loving way, that's what most of us want.

Male here by the way, so just thought I'd add my two cents.

>> No.6768647

Fuck you

Not all of us think therapists and drugs are nagical cure-alls

Whst if she's had no luck with either you dick?

>> No.6768650

Everyone here is as thick headed as possible. Shut the f up about feminism hen you realuze you aren't sure what you're talking about.

Simple as that.

>> No.6768651


>millions of disorders
>odds pointing to self-diagnosis

Stop enabling these people, you fucking moron.
It's spitting on people who actually have problems.

>> No.6768653

You're cute.

>> No.6768654

Women will be cunts towards each other but only in secret, they'll hardly ever say they hate someone to their face. Men will most of the time tell the guy they hate them. Just look at schools, guys can get into full blown fights and be best friends the next day. When girls get into fights they'll hate each other for years, but never say so openly.

That being said, girls who have only guy friends are the ones to be avoided they usually are the crazy ones.

>> No.6768655

I'm amused that we've now had two silly arguments in one thread.

>> No.6768658

Amazingly enough not everything a girl does or thinks about is what would be attractive to men.

Honestly both genders are equally full of bad and good people. Basing a whole gender on some bad people you've met is stupid. And if you automatically think all girls are bitches then that's all you're gonna see in them.

I used to think that other girls were horrible and that I was so great because I wasn't like them. Then I made friends with some girls and realised that most girls were nice. I learnt that my way of thinking was bullshit, and I'm happier now because of it.

>> No.6768661

>passive aggrassive comments
>oh nice costume, I saw like 5 others just now.
>nice wig why can't you use your real hair?
>cute boots, too bad they're scuffed

Also, letting someone wear my things...and they walk away in them. Let a girl try on my boots and...she like....walked away in them. Had my fiance follow her because I was helping a friend at the moment. This wasn't at a con, but at a small gathering. My feet weren't sweaty neither were hers (still wiped the inside of them out..) but why would you show off something that isn't yours to your friends? Also, I hadn't realized she had .....thick legs... I almost screamed when she tried to zip them up all the way
I was an idiot, ill never do that again.

>> No.6768664

*show off something that isn't yours for 15 minutes. She asked to try them on (meaning I thought shed slipped em on, model for a minute or two then stop), but leaving my eyesight in them made me hella nervous.

>> No.6768665

D-did this actually happen to you, Anon? Why are you friends with someone so disgusting? Ugh. I used to have to clean toilets and people not flushing is now one of my biggest pet peeves it makes me want to retch.

>> No.6768668

You're a vapid cunt. She didn't say anything remotely mean...methinks you're one of those 'bitchy' girls you claim to hate. I had the same mentality when I was in high school too.

>> No.6768669

>talks about girls being backstabbing rumor spreading bitches
>talks about how cool guys are
>girls who aren't friends with other girls are crazy

I feel like that's wrong...it seems from how you describe some girls there are reasons the girls aren't friends with other girls.

>> No.6768670

I agree, not everything, but a lot of what you do is about us and a fair few of us appreciate that.



Why can't you girls just be nice to each other? Be cute and stop being bitches.

>> No.6768673

>Basing a whole gender on some bad people you've met is stupid.
I would almost agree with you here, but most people base their impressions of people off of personal experience. The people you meet shape your life and not always for the better. It's human nature and it's used as a way of survival, not everyone wants to let their guard down and that's just fine.

>> No.6768675

No you're not, it's not your fault, it's the patriarchy that enslaved you and made you think things you wouldn't have thought otherwise. It's all the men's fault, so I forgive you.

>> No.6768678

>internalized misogyny


>> No.6768679

That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.6768680

>people walking infront of your camera at cons without saying excuseme
>you're not even in a crowded area
you really couldn't be dicked to walk around me?
No offense to anyone but this has happened mostly with asian dudes. What're you blind? Or just assholes?
>do I have to get up for this photo?
Uh....i d really prefer a photo of you not surrounded by your junk.

>> No.6768681

Yeah man you've got a point. But I think there's a certain point where you need to like look at your life and think about the way you think things and why you think things.

But it's hard to do that, and sometimes you just don't want to think too much about it. I try to think about my actions and the way I think a lot, but I know not everyone's like that.

>> No.6768682

>calling people a slut for no reason
And you don't think you're a bitch? Jesus, by reading you comments in this thread it does seem like you're one of those 'bitches' that you complain about. A real nice person wouldn't act like this.

>> No.6768684

>a lot of what you do is about us
Have you done a survey on this, or do you just assume that any girl who is nice and/or pretty is doing it for men?

>> No.6768685

You're the worst kind of female, stop thinking your better than all other girls. If you've never got on with another female ever, have you considered that you may be the problem here?

>> No.6768688

Wait. What? You all don't get "sexy" days and you just wanna look cute for the sake of feeling extra cute?

Guys, I know this is a vent thread..but its not an argument thread. It may get bahleeted if you keep arguing.

>> No.6768689

I know you do it for us, don't argue itt please, I'm tired of the pathetic arguments that you do it for yourselves.

>> No.6768690

This is true. /cgl/ is no fun allowed anymore.

Also, I can't speak for all women, but there are days when I feel like looking extra cute. Mainly for whoever looks at me. Everyone likes compliments. You don't go out in heels because they're comfortable.

>> No.6768691

No, you're the 'worst kind of girl' because you're immediately offended when some girl prefers the company of guys to you (since you think you're the best person in the wrold).

>> No.6768693

>I prefer guy friends
>I prefer guy friends because girls are such bitches
You just wanna argue now don't you?

>> No.6768694

I like looking cute, but not because it's attractive to men. I wear frilly dresses because I think it's cute and so I can hang out with my friends, not to impress guys.

I really hate it when guys say ''oh don't do that, it's not cute/sexy/whatever'', or think that what I do should be for their pleasure. Luckily most guys I know aren't like this.

>> No.6768695

I really don't think there is. It's no one's business what preferences you have when you're not hurting anyone else. Tons of people have aversions to specific things and that's just fine unless they're being overly mean or bitchy or annoying about them. The problem is people like this >>6768685 who are further judging and stereotyping others simply because their views/feelings towards people aren't in line with theirs. Preferences are things we develop and sometimes they're not what other people want them to be, but that's not a bad thing.

You're the worst kind of person, trying to force your own stereotypes on people just because you believe they're not justified in from their own experiences with people is just as bad as what 'wrong' you think you're 'righting'. You don't know where someone has been, what experiences they've had with people and why the feel a certain way, and judging them like that is the same as what you're mad at them for.

>> No.6768696

Yup. Some days I feel like putting forth the effort and getting all dolled up because I like the way it looks and the way it makes me feel. Most days I go around in my sweatpants and my loose t-shirts because I am a lazy, disgusting slob at heart, and I prefer comfort to compliments.

I don't understand your way of thinking. What about lesbians? What about straight guys who like to get fancy?

>> No.6768697

Not that anon, but a lot of this is done to try to make yourself attractive to other women(it's part of instinct, trying to be the most appealing female gains you power over the other ones) The notion that dressing up in certain things(not everything just certain things) is only done for yourself personally is very wrong and simply a product of this overly sensitive anti-superficial society which has been trying to impart personal reasoning for the most ridiculous stuff.

>> No.6768698

>this one attention whore guy
Holy shit where do I begin

He's not anything special; he doesn't draw, write, cosplay, say witty/funny things, or produce anything but seriously expects people he meets to track him by social media. He'll air all this incredibly uninteresting personal drama and expect people to engage in said drama. He won't communicate with you unless you're showering him with attention.

needless to say all his shit rarely gets replies or anything ahahahahahahah

>> No.6768699

>but not because it's attractive to men

Please just top this, it's embarassing.

>I really hate it when guys say ''oh don't do that, it's not cute/sexy/whatever'', or think that what I do should be for their pleasure.

If I'm dating you, I expect you to cut your hair how I like it and wear things that I like too.

Lesbians do it for other girls. Some lesbians actually grow up find the right man of course.

>> No.6768701

>slob at heart
...I think I'm in love.

>> No.6768704

...does he have a tumblr? I won't talk to him. I do wanna follow him. All my drama series have ended and all I have are roseann reruns

>> No.6768705

Eh, like I said when I want to look cute, I do so for anyone who is looking at me. It may or may not be disgusting to some people but I like male attention and I enjoy getting glares from females.

It's nice to have conformation that it's not a flaw with my personality, but an innate behavior.

However I agree with >>6768696
I prefer sitting around in yoga pants with a head band in to dressing up. I only ever dress up if I know a girl I don't like is going to be at the same place, or it's required (weddings, funerals...etc.)

>> No.6768728

it does if you read through the few comments before saying crap about

ARR DAT OPPRESHUNS and dat internalized misogyny being the single reason people have certain opinions.

this woman's viewpoint isn't by any means the best one but it's in the right direction.

jesus christ, what the hell are crazy as fuck sjws doing here?? don't women in skimpy dress offend you?

>> No.6768731

>when did ceeg get sjw
>how someone dresses should offend me
>...something about that isn't right
You're trolling. Swiper no swiping.

>> No.6768732
File: 89 KB, 244x367, srs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides

what is reading comprehension?

>> No.6768735

sjws blow everything out of proportion, that was the point. The seem to want to classify themselves as victims for no apparent reason except to piss of anyone the perceive as having "privilege".
Also, the video, watch it.

>> No.6768736
File: 1.40 MB, 640x360, 1254764bc0620f3fcf6731a57eb14d78.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know, lets do a photoshoot in this busy hallway!

>> No.6768739

Since everything is derailed, I'm going to stay the course. How can trans people 'feel' like the opposite gender if they've never experienced what that means before?

>> No.6768738
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, 0103bc08_mayakaisnotimpressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People are usually only bitches and assholes to you if you provoke them to be. The more you know.

I'm a girl and I try to be nice to everyone I meet, male or female, because I'd want them to treat me the same. To just say "Oh man they must be a bitch like most girls" just seems absolutely retarded to me because I wouldn't want someone to do the same to me.

>> No.6768741

Go ask /lgbt/

>> No.6768742

i think it's fine to only plan for an outfit a day (or maybe some normal clothes if you get tired or strained). people who do two different outfits for every day, unless they're planning on doing a dozen photoshoots and that's the main reason they're there, i think it can't be much fun because you spend a few hours in one costume, then have to go back and change to spend a few hours in another one. you spend all this money and time making something beautiful and elaborate and then only to wear it for a few hours?

>> No.6768743

>People are usually only bitches and assholes to you if you provoke them to be
You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.6768744
File: 75 KB, 500x500, get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it does if you read through the few comments
No, that post didn't make sense grammatically or even logically.
I don't care what your intent was, neither am I going to argue with you about it.
>hen you realuze you aren't sure what you're talking about
This is pure bix nood.

>> No.6768750

>Also, the video, watch it.
Fuck you, you're always selfposting on /r9k/. I'm not giving you any views.

>> No.6768751



>> No.6768757

>People are usually only bitches and assholes to you if you provoke them to be.

Uhm, if this were true then wouldn't the anon you're talking to only be a bitch/asshole because they were provoked?

And in saying that, you're saying that people don't have per-dispositions about others that cause them to act certain was about people...which also goes against what you said initially.

Not to mention, you're judging this person based on their personal feelings in regards to what you believe they feel, which is exactly what you find fault in them doing.

>don't judge people because X
>i'm judging you because X

>> No.6768760

Why do people always use this argument. It's like there's this whole "it's not me it's you" mentality when someone doesn't like something.

>you don't like people for reasons I think are stupid
>you're the problem
>i'm judging you the same way you're judging others while shoehorning in my opinion!

>> No.6768762
File: 1.90 MB, 470x353, implications.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except what they believe and feel is bullshit that can easily be changed and implies lots of things about the rest of their personality (aka that they're a dumb cunt), and that anon is telling them it's dumb to prejudge others over what gender they are, which is something that can't ever be changed and doesn't actually dictate the rest of their personality (inb4 trans argument).
Are you acting like a retard on purpose, or

>> No.6768763

Stop bitching. There will always be that one girl who thinks all girls are bitches. We know they're wrong and that's not the case but we should also know that personal experiences drive them to think that way.
Accept it. Move on.
I can't stand how immature the cosplay and lolita community can be as a whole. I can't understand how people can't just "be the bigger man" sometimes and admit fault. Or even understand that other people think differently than you do. Its okay to let other people "win" sometimes too.

>> No.6768764


The Anon in question just has that typical special snowflake "I hate all girls" syndrome that some girls tend to have. Most outgrow it in their teenage years.

But look, think of it like this. When you greet someone, if you smile at them, do you ever notice their reaction? In my opinion, if you just say neutral to people, or treat them nicely, you don't give them fuel for their asshole fire. They usually tend to leave you alone. You might have some weird idea that everyone is out to get you or something, but that's not usually the case. Yes there are crazies out there who will be assholes to people for no reason, I won't deny that. But for the most part, people are usually only assholes to other people because of some kind of bad situation or conflict. It is better just to remove yourself from the situation, or try to be neutral towards, because if you don't, they will just continue being an asshole to you. And if you don't like it when people are bitches to you, that's the best thing you can do to avoid it.

I swear that so many young girls make this mistake instead of just walking away.

>> No.6768768

So then how is what I said wrong again? You just said to try to avoid situations where you or others are being an asshole, so what if you don't like girls, then fucking avoid them. It stops the problem and the only ones having problems in the situation are people like you.

>> No.6768770

It's wrong because not all girls are unpleasant bitches and it's a mark of pure fucking stupidity to think so.

>> No.6768772

So your job is to dictate that everyones' life experiences are easily swayed and have no justification. Alright. What if, and this is just hypothetical, what if a girl was bullied a ton by boys when she was younger? Oh, well now I assume you are perfectly fine with that person having an aversion to boys, you can probably even relate? But what if the girl was bullied by girls? Now it's a problem they have an aversion? How is someone's bad experiences with someone else and choice to avoid the possibility of more 'bullshit'?

>> No.6768773

>it's a mark of pure fucking stupidity to think so.
And? It's not your problem. The only person missing out on anything is the girl in question because she's limiting her choices for friends. It has nothing to do with you and it's her choice.

>> No.6768774

Vendors and their god damn BUTTONS. I don't want to buy your cheapshit buttons.

Stopping in the middle of the hallway, step aside please while you figure out your plans.

>> No.6768776


I was mostly talking about how girls such as that Anon tend to grow to think all girls are bitches. They stay in situations that will only make things worse for themselves because well, to put it frankly, they are retarded teenage girls who for whatever reason can't just remove themselves from situations with hostile people. And then after that they just grow to think "All girls must be bitches". Or often times they treat people like shit without realizing it, and when people defend themselves in return or follow up in a mean way, they pull the whole victim card and think they haven't done anything wrong.

It just honestly tends to be a horrible way of thinking, to assume all or most people of a certain gender are terrible people, especially when it is impossible to ever know that. And the people who usually think this way tend to be terrible/mean people themselves. It's just kind of a red flag when someone says to you "all people of this specific gender are bitches/assholes", I guess.

>> No.6768777

>it has nothing to do with you
So why is anyone debating? Because were just giving our oppinions. Don't want it, don't post.

>> No.6768778


I was bullied by girls when I was younger, and I still get nervous around them when first talking to them, but I'm not stupid enough to blame the actions of other specific people on people I meet in the future. That is just ridiculous.

>> No.6768779

Well, how do you know it's not based on personal experiences? I mean, we're on a cosplay board for fucks sake. If you try to befriend normal people, not even just girls most of the time, and you have hobbies that are considered abnormal they will make fun of you, they will talk behind your back, the will avoid you. We've all been there. So what if that specific person only had those experiences with people of a certain gender? It doesn't make it wrong. Plenty of girls hate all guys for one reason or another. Plenty of them, and it's just fine for them to do so.

>> No.6768780

So? You don't handle things the same way that other people may handle them, it's unfair for you to expect everyone to do thing the same way. Also, getting nervous is subconsciously placing blame of some kind even if you are more ready to try to accept others.

>> No.6768781

>So your job is
No. I'm just posting my opinion in regard to someone else's opinion. It's within my rights, is it not?
>Oh, well now I assume you are perfectly fine with that person having an aversion to boys
You'd be extremely wrong, but nice Strawman. Having an aversion to any group of people solely over personal experiences is stupid.
If they were aversed to clearly rough boys (or girls) from bad neighborhoods or families who carry around knives and threaten people, that'd be different. But to assume the worst of either gender AS A WHOLE and claim they're all assholes is stupid, and you should feel stupid for thinking it's okay.
>How is someone's bad experiences with someone else and choice to avoid the possibility of more 'bullshit'?
Is English your second language? That literally makes no sense.

>> No.6768785

Why are we calling nonhobyists normal again?

>> No.6768782


Then stop hanging out with those people and try to find other people who are nicer. This is pretty simple. But just because other people were mean to you, doesn't mean you should assume future people you meet will do the same. You get to know them, you find out if they are nice or a bitch, and you befriend them or stop talking to them depending on how it goes.

Not everyone is out to get you Anon, relax. Get to know them first before you assume such things.

>> No.6768786

ITT: People need to shut up and accept that everyone doesn't accept others! You're all wrong and you're all stupid.

Here's something I hate. When that one friend doesn't know or even like a series you're cosplaying and then decides they're doing it with you, and they just happen to want to be the character you planned/have been working on and they whine and complain that you're being mean if you don't let them.

>> No.6768895
File: 21 KB, 380x247, do not approve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stand in line at an anime convention
>hear "there's so many Asians here"
>turn around and see Asian girl with Pikachu fleece hat
>"girl you are at an anime convention. what did you expect"
>friend chatters excitedly about finishing her casual cosplay on time
>same girl eyes her up and down in disgust
>mfw when I want to slap that fucking hat off and the living hell out of her

another one
There was a maid who looked like she was 15 and she made rude comments every time I was in her vicinity. Examples include complaining about people taking the elevator instead of the stairs in a very loud and obnoxious voice, when said people were less than two feet away. Another one includes whipping out her phone and saying what's up n** in front of a BLACK security guard at the elevators.All of my rage aimed at this immature "edgy" teen.

>> No.6768897

disgusting- enjoy being forever alone

>> No.6768905

>What's up n** in front of a BLACK security guard

Wait! I think I saw that girl and was there for that! If it's who I think it was, my fiance who is mixed was standing right next to her got pretty offended too.

>> No.6768909

>not saying "WHAT UP BITCH!?"
Wouldve made her completely uncomfortable. Doubt she'd ever do it again. Tell your caramel cupcake to get on that next time.

>> No.6768911

Haha. It might have if he looked even an increment black even though he's 75%. He's albino on top of being mixed so he's white chocolate all the way.

>> No.6768915

It could be, were you at Anime Matsuri? I forget which floor it was though.

>> No.6768921

Yes it was! Wow, talk about coincidence!

>> No.6768919

Is that the one in Texas? If so yes.

>> No.6768987

UGH! I had a friend like that! She straight up tried to give my boyfriend a lapdance in her cosplay. I confront her about it, telling her that was inappropriate and she acts confused as to why I'm angry saying she was just "joking around and having fun!"

Fuck you bitch, I don't want your kind of fun.

>> No.6768990

And oh my goodness, what a small world!

>> No.6769261

"Everyone but me is such a bitch!" - Everyone

>> No.6769391

>Where in that post does it say it was a girl?

>> No.6769444

Buttons and decals are alright, at least they're reusable. It's fucking stickers that are useless.

>> No.6769497
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>> No.6769504

this! I hate this attitude.

Maybe everyone isn't a bitch, maybe if you think like this, you're the bitch and people just don't like you.

>> No.6769807

You're doing gods work anon. Please preach the word of not being a fuckup.

>> No.6770448


young adults who, again, have not had a good amount of social interaction are guilty of this. They haven't grown up with their biological age and still act like this is an acceptable way to define themselves.

Hell I know a couple 30 yr old like this, and they both display way too many markers of failing to mature.

You know the type, PT is like that.

>> No.6770569
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So uh, disregarding upthread.

>I see you have somewhat unconventional porn habits such as yaoi/yuri. I guess that means you don't mind inappropriate role-playing in public with me, or being called character names!
I have a name and I am not your boy toy. I have no penis for you. I'm flattered, but your knight is in another Britannia.

>Dude, there's this site called 4chan/retarrdit/KYM/etc... guess what--
No. Go away. And keep your memes in your ass.

>I see that something clearly painful/traumatizing just happened, but are you okay?
I understand this completely, but it really is badly timed and half-assed. It's like when you stub your toe, you just want to fucking yell at the next person who enters your line of vision.

>I'm gonna live in Korea because I'm short and dark-haired and I'd just fit in better there! I'm going to marry G-Dragon and live in a castle constructed from sushi and the tears of drama idols

>No offense, but [direct, arbitrary insult]
Fuck you
>I know you don't have a FB but I'm going to send you all kinds of links to stuff on there with zero explanation. In fact, that is how I'm going to communicate with you from now on, try to keep up.
and you

Someone I hardly know by name came over today after being told that I was busy because she wanted to "teach me how to leddit". I was masturbating furiously and didn't get to finish. Also it won't stop fucking raining, FUCK

>> No.6770794


They also died, go take your pseudo anthropology/wishful biased thinking elsewhere

>> No.6770825

This would be my friend also... Ugh.

>> No.6770847


>> No.6770889
File: 139 KB, 424x470, 1347907443550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That friend who is ridiculously weeby and stalks you online constantly
>that friend who drags you around at cons and bosses you around; then follows you like a lost puppy when you try to avoid her.
>That friend who is nearly as scary as Overly attached Girlfriend.
>Only nice to her so she does cry and bitch to your anime cosplay group and make you look like the monster
>mfw.... Ugh

>> No.6770893

>teach me how to leddit
Why can't they keep their stupid fucking websites to themselves? You don't see 4channers visiting their friends to "teach them how to /b/ro /i/t /u/p".

>> No.6770899

>there's this site called 4chan/retarrdit/KYM/etc
This is my least favourite thing. I'll be talking to someone new and it's all fine and dandy, but then, out of fucking nowhere, their volume increases tenfold and they start screeching shit like "epic fail" and other memes because I dropped my pen or whatever. Why would you do that? You're in your twenties. That's not cute.
Anyone who mentions 4chan like it's this cool secret club they found is dropped like a rock. I've been fucking around on 4chan for years and years now but this is something I keep fucking quiet. It's not something to be proud of, it's a terrible way to make friends, what is wrong with people

>> No.6770900

Summerfags sometimes do, see >>6770899

>> No.6770912

>It's not something to be proud of, it's a terrible way to make friends, what is wrong with people
I made friends with a friend of a friend because of 4chan. This was before 'DYEL' was a huge internet thing, and I said this to my friend (who's familiar with 4chan, but doesn't post or lurk here) in front of this other guy. This other guy was all "4chan?" and we've been friends since.

>> No.6770913

My Vent nick is pussyplower69. Please respond.

>> No.6770941
File: 16 KB, 183x210, nomejojo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friends that invite people you don't know to attend a con with ya'll, yet don't tell you (the driver) til the last minute.

>> No.6771685

Tell them they can't come. Really, you're not a taxi driver to drive them there, even if they are helping pay for gas. If you really need an excuse, just say you don't know them and so don't want them in your car.

>> No.6771735

i don't really think thats an issue though

>> No.6771742
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good thread, good thread

>> No.6771749
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Or if they bring their friends along the day you're driving to the con because they seriously anticipated you'd say yes.

>> No.6771760

Jesus christ.
You're a magnificant creature.

>> No.6771818

>group wants to make Aventure Time group
>only white person, in shape, cosplay Finn
>group wants to stand there for 10 minutes while people take our pictures
>we stop every 5 seconds, never do anything
>they'd rather have our photos taken than browse the stalls or attend panels

Fucking hell, I ditched them out of boredom so I could move faster than a snail. They couldn't even navigate through crowds without me pushing them through.
At least they don't bitch that I ditched them, they're just less willing to ask me to cosplay in a group

>> No.6771842
File: 459 KB, 245x141, 50.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be male
>girlfriend always on /cgl/, apparently
>check it out for the first time
>find this thread
>bunch of girls complaining about inane/insignificant bullshit

>> No.6771853

> tfw the fish tank that you set up at work started leaking for an unknown reason and warped the wood table it was on
Uhggghhejwurjsgisjwg.... My reality. right now. and it blows.

sage for not cosplay related.

>> No.6771858

>people bitching about bullshit related to their boards
stop the presses

>> No.6771861

Are you my boyfriend? This seems like the reaction my boyfriend would have if he actually bothered to come here.

>> No.6771867

How did you not notice an aquarium leak? Any of my tanks leak and I'll know within minutes.

>> No.6771881

The filter was pushed too far in and it was leaking out the filter in back. I'm almost never in the room at it's in, so I didn't see it until I noticed the water level was a bit low. Then I noticed the water trickling out of the filter in the back. And then I panicked, cleaned it up, covered it with a towel and cried.

>> No.6771890

Probably not. My girlfriend should be in school.

If you live in Utah, then maybe.

>> No.6771893

>get invited to have a free table at a con
>agree to be there, make plans to meet friends, agree to donate leftover stock to charity auction- book train ticket, book hotel, all's good
>train company decides to tell me now that the train they helped me book actually doesn't allow checked baggage, so i wouldn't be able to bring my suitcases/stock bins
>reschedule entire trip
>have to add another night to hotel because my new trip back is at 4:40 in the morning
>is it even worth it at this point

I have no idea if I'm even gonna break even if I go hrhrhgngh- But I really don't want to flake out on all the plans I made...

>> No.6771901
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Have you ever been to /adv/? /Soc/? Or even Baww threads on /b/...

They are ten times as pathetic/insignificant as anything on this thread, and they are predominantly filled with the bullshit wailing of beta males.

>> No.6771902

That's a no, then. I guess the world is just full of significant others who don't understand how glorious all this drama/jelly/fashion is.

>> No.6771903

Women on the Internet are the most self-hating women of all.

>> No.6771904

I fucking hate this with every fiber of my being. I have a few friends who can't seem to find their own characters/series to cosplay from because they never actually watch/read/play anything anymore and just stalk my plans for ideas.

Then they start creating a giant annoying group of people who don't even like the series, which I hate. Even if they finish all their costumes they end up looking terrible because they have no idea how to pose or half-ass the costumes because they're not passionate about it. Then they follow me around all fucking weekend pretending to know what it is to people who ask.

>> No.6771907
File: 49 KB, 535x479, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doing a Adventure Time cosplay group.
> Getting mad at being photobomb.

What did you think would happen. You only got yourself to blame here.

>> No.6771909


>That feel when you pretty much quit theater because of shit like this and forced drama cause people can't just shut the fuck up and work and not talk about their problems outside the work place.
>Now you have no idea what to do with yourl ife because you always wanted to act but these people are even worse than fucking spoiled high schoolers.

>> No.6771912

Youch. That's use submersible filters, replace the sponge every now and then but otherwise no hassle. You didn't lose any fish did you?

>> No.6771910

I'll bet you were a special little girl weren't you? You didn't play with barbies and makeup, no, you liked Transformers huh? Not like the other girls!

>> No.6771924

Nope. There's only one in there. Its a bitty 10 gallon and lost maybe half a gallon or gallon, just enough for the water to sit back into the filter box. The issue is that now the wood table has some discoloration (minimal warping) that looks like some if the aging it already has, but seriously accelerated. I haven't told anyone because I work as a nanny and its someone's personal property. in just worried. Its easily covered, so I wouldn't think of it as a big deal, but this family can be kinda crazy. I'm considering just telling them next time I clean the tank. I replaced the wet towel it was on with a dry one and dried the table really well. What I'm kinda worried about is that they had these boxes of crap next to it, and some of the boxes got wet. I think they're OK, but I'm just really paranoid. Between this and a bunch of other crap that happened, today has been nuts.

>> No.6771929

Both men and women have filthy mouths. We are just less subtle about what comes out of ours ( male here)

>> No.6771933

But female mouths are still objectively filthier, since they are much more likely to have tasted the D.

>> No.6771934

None of my friends are into cosplaying, anime, or lolita. And they are the best my area has.

Fuck this, I need to go to Uni so I find like minded people.

>> No.6771937

Oh I thought you meant in terms of gossip and shit.

Well mouth wash was invented for that.

II know that feel dude.

>> No.6771943
File: 125 KB, 1200x801, laughingwhores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not cosplay, but fandom.

>be friends with someone for 2-3 years
>be obsessively attached to one another to the point of unhealthiness, this was a bad period
>constantly argue and have awful falling outs
>get into new fandom and slowly start to realise that holy shit this friendship is awful for everyone
>break off the friendship, remove person from every social media i had
>other person doesn't take it so well
>proceeds to stalk me for months after the "breakup", watch them shittalk me on 4chan and their tumblr, cringe at the hatemail they send
>years pass, get over that shit because who gives a fuck anymore
>almost 4 years since we last spoke
>occasionally get some hatemail, w/e, see them post on 4chan one day
>be so over it that whenever it pops up i have a hearty laugh

i feel bad for those who can't get over old shit.

>> No.6771951


their name isn't stephanie, is it?

>> No.6771956


>talks about the other person "stalking" you but talks about checking up on their tumblr

god, i hate when people try to make themselves out to be victims all the time

>> No.6771962

i was linked whenever they would freak out. i never visited voluntarily.

>> No.6771963

Anon sounds sarcastic and doesn't seem to feel victimized idiot.

>> No.6771977

I know dat feel.

>Guys only talk to you because they're intimidated by my good looks.

Or maybe because I make an effort to talk to people and be more approachable?

>> No.6771993


That's how I found out the girl who sat next to me at work was a 4channer. A bunch of guys in the office work out during lunch and one was showing off his arms and I said DYEL really quietly and she just stared at me and whispered "spaghetti?".

She's almost exclusively a /fit/izen, but there are enough site-wide injokes to laugh about.

>> No.6771999


>> No.6772008


>> No.6772051

Mouth wash doesn't really wash of the UV cumstains. They remain on the face and inside your mouth forever, pretty much.

Must be awkward if there are any females working as CSI.

>> No.6772066

>those cosplay guys who no matter how many times you turn them down gently; or harshly, they will still pursue you until you change your relationship status

It's petty, but you'd think 3 times of saying "sorry but I don't like you that way" would sink in

>> No.6772475
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>Met girl.
>Hit it off.
>Hang out all con.
>Flirt flirt flirt.
>Laying it on thick.
>Make move.

>> No.6772509

Yeah there's nothing you can do with those guys except cut them off. Except then you're the dumb bitch who's totally overreacting.

Sorry dude, but I don't want you and never will. That means "give up and move on", not "try harder until I grow to actively dislike you".

>> No.6772521

is this 5real?

>> No.6772537
File: 59 KB, 323x323, see you at 2am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>run a panel

>people drop out a few days before the con

>> No.6772586

ugh, this so hard. I had a guy like for three years, it wasn't that bad, he asked me out every once and awhile, and I always turned him down. Then one day... He saw me in lolita. All of a sudden he started bitching about how no girl will ever like him, etc. etc. and I figured that I would give him a chance, since heck, other than the constant need for my approval of everything and always trying to date me, he was a pretty okay guy. I told him that we could test the waters, etc. but that it wasn't official and he just... He just, so seriously, "I have loved you for three years. And when I saw you in lolita, I knew I was going to date and marry you." I noped so hard. I tried giving it a day, but in that time he managed to change our FB statuses (He was IMing me in the middle of the night and was like, 'just approve the thing. it's a picture.' and being tired and wanting to go to bed, I did. I woke up with 100 "Congratulations omg to be young and in love lololol" messages.) And he called me at like, 6am like, "Hey... Omg I'm so excited, I'm waking my parents up to tell them about.... Us." I just broke up with him then and there and don't even consider it a relationship anymore. It probably lasted less than 24 hours. Then he spread this big rumor among all my friends and colleagues that I switched schools because I hated everyone. I felt like I was in 3rd grade. (He even started wearing steampunk because he thought it was male lolita and thought it would make him seem more attractive/make me regret that I 'lost' him...)

>> No.6772587

**like this

>> No.6773291

They've backed off since then, but its annoying when you clearly say you like someone else and they reply with "...so you want to go on a date with me?"

Bullshit. Girls pick up on flirting very easily. What a bitch. I feel for you anon.

I wow. That's...intense.

>> No.6773312

Uggh, disgusting. I think every male who's still a virgin past 18 should be executed. They produce nothing because they're hikkis and leech off they're parents, and they're obnoxious to girls / eventually become rapists.

>> No.6773340
File: 806 KB, 500x250, 1361127506072.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are totally retarded but that's nothing nw from r9k.
your cheek cells slough off every day
your taste buds regrow in 10 days

it must be hard knowing women would rather ride and suck the D of other men when you are clearly an Adonis among us

>> No.6773394

I took my boyfriend's virginity when he was in his early 20s and he's nothing like you described. Not every 18 year old and up virgin boy is a disgusting greasy creeper.

>> No.6773400

You should fucking be executed! Don't destroy my fetish you no fun allowed shitty shit troll piece of trash!


>> No.6773403

Don't be silly. I work with UV on a regular basis (visualizing DNA on electrophoresis gels and shit) and the cumstain on my jeans didn't even show up. Mouth lining sheds like a motherfucker so shouldn't have any residues, and you're supposed to wear a faceguard anyway.

>> No.6773410

Same here and same thing. I think this >>6773312 person is a troll, I would find it off putting that my boyfriend isn't a virgin because he had sex while in his teens.

>> No.6773414

I don't pick up on flirting unless they start making overt sexual innuendo, which doesn't usually happen. Most typical 'flirting' behaviour (teasing, joking, getting slightly physical) is just how people usually treat me (idek why) so I'm very slow to assume someone is flirting with me because that would get awkward fast.

Troll samefagging to make himself feel better, or actually this easily trolled?

>> No.6773418

>in love with a girl but too much of a pussy to tell her
>talk to her all the time
>feel like I've been too clingy
>normally doesn't seem to mind it but have gotten into arguments recently
>come to this thread and see:


Oh god /cgl/ how do I avoid being "that guy"?

>> No.6773427

Define "all the time" and elaborate on the kinds of arguments you're having.

If she thinks you're too clingy, back off. It's also possible that she can tell you're into her, but can't reject you outright unless you say something so she's trying to distance herself in hopes that you'll move on.

>> No.6773432


As a guy I have to say bitches scare me. A guy will get in a fight with another guy, Beat each others asses and be bros.

Women just seem really fucking hostile and vindictive.

>> No.6773433


Stephanie is always a crazy bitch name. You know what, I think any girl name that starts with S is crazy.

>> No.6773454

>in love with a girl but too much of a pussy to tell her
I know how you feel, but you just have to ask her straight up and if she turns you down you just have to move on. It's as simple as that. If she turns you down it's going to sting like a motherfucker but it's better to know than dilly dally around in insecurity.

But don't do it half heartedly, make it clear that you like her, because I know girls who've turned guys down because they thought they "weren't good enough" for them, which is bullshit. There's no such thing as too good if you both care for each other.

>> No.6773472


All the time being every day, arguements being about stupid shit that shouldn't normally bother people, but the subject of my clingyness has come up, however just to note I've never tried to touch her in any way like some of the guys in the stories I've seen in these threads

>e I know girls who've turned guys down because they thought they "weren't good enough" for them, which is bullshit.

Really I think it's the other way around and I'm not good enough for her, which is pretty much the reason I'm too much of a pussy to tell her.

>> No.6773484

Stop wondering how she MIGHT feel about you and just ask her out and then ask how she feels about you. Or do you want to keep waiting and staring at the roof at nights for god knows how long until she's eventually taken by someone else.

Not bumping because this is going way off topic and too /soc/

>> No.6773485

Tell her. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
In the current situation she doesn't know what she's supposed to do either, because you haven't made your intentions clear. She could've been aware of your crush the whole time but because you don't bring it up, she can't either. If she brings it up just to reject you, there's a pretty good chance that you (if you were a creepy Nice Guy, which you aren't, right?) would get huffy and defensive and deny everything. You have the feelings, you bring them up.

It does sound like she's a bit tired of your clingyness (you don't get a medal for not molesting her) so maybe it's best to back off for a while. You could send her a short message saying you're sorry that the two of you have been fighting over stupid shit and that a bit of distance may be good. Maybe later you can schedule a short meetup where you can tell her your feelings. Don't pressure her or anything, more like a coffee date at a nice cafe than the next con you'll be sharing a hotel at. Make sure the both of you can get away from each other if things don't go well.

Sorry if this doesn't make sense. I'm sleep deprived.

>> No.6773487

Oooh, looks like I rustled some bitches after all. I was almost worried there for a second that, just for once, /cgl/ won't live up to its name.

>> No.6773498

Oh god yes, every Stephanie I know is nuts. Also every Tiffany is a vapid cunt and all the Jessicas are pretty much JNig without the cosplay.
I get that these names were just super popular >20 years ago but I have never met anyone with one of those names that didn't fit the stereotype. They're like zodiacal signs except accurate.

>> No.6773501

But let's face it now, pretending to have pity for losers aside, how would this NOT benefit our society?

Try finding a single important person in our history that didn't got laid. You can't.

You see, getting laid -> implies successful man (no matter how ugly he is, success breeds status, and status increases reproductive chances). Not getting laid -> implies unsuccessful man.

I can't wait until Canada passes polygamy.

>> No.6773523

Isaac Newton.

>> No.6773531

>Try finding a single important person in our history that didn't got laid. You can't.

Nikola Tesla
Joan of Arc

>> No.6773539



>> No.6773548

That's right kids! It's generalisation time! In this week's episode we'll be exploring how every woman is a cheating whore and every man is a womanising misogynist scum-bag!

>> No.6773560

>Canadian logic

>> No.6773563

Hey man. Tesla may not have gotten around much, but he had his pigeons.

>> No.6773583

Males only, I forgot to add. Women can be important for history whether they remain virgins all life or not.

And there's no proof that Tesla or Newto didn't have a one night stand. They probably had, from all the girls lusting after them (not making this up, Tesla was literally a womanizer).

>> No.6773598

I say all women like this one are executed.
Really, what do they contribute to society, all they do is hate losers that never asked to huge losers and have no idea how not to be losers.

But seriously, are you suggesting that we kill everyone that isn't successful?
Do you also suggest we murder every homeless person and every mentally ill person? How do you feel about eugenics?
Damn, you're either one crazy ass cunt of a bitch or a god tier troll.

>> No.6773602

Troll time

>> No.6773653

It's a troll of some kind from /fit/, he's been here for a looong time posting the same thing over and over again.

>> No.6773668

>what do they contribute to society
Um, for one, women are the ones who give birth to men, whether they be successful or "huge losers" like yourself.

I'd say that's contributing quite a bit, and that's only part of what they do.

>> No.6773675

Would you like us to provide you with a list of how many inventions women have come up with vs inventions men have come up with?

>> No.6773684

What I'm trying to tell you is that neither men or women are useless in society. You just sound like a mad beta male on the internet who talks shit about women because he can't get laid.

And yes, there have been inventions by women. Think about that the next time you try to use a dishwasher or take a hot shower.

>> No.6773681

Don't engage the troll, hide their posts and move on.

>> No.6773695
File: 4 KB, 160x148, hpss6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just thought you'd like to know...

>> No.6773702

I like to troll the trolls.

>> No.6773706

Ask her out and if she turns you respect that, don't pursue her and give yourself some space to get over her.

>> No.6773716

You're not trolling them if you give them the exact responses they're fishing for.

>> No.6776090

Is this dead?

>> No.6776101

I'm tempted to just bandwagon popular shit just to make friends. I'm sure at those huge photoshoots people make connections, right? Or over some sort of community thing- right?
But I can't because I don't suit any popular characters as of late. (Please note that Id actually read thee comic/anime before construction) Its frustrating to feel like I'm on a lonely island when I feel like there's gotta be a way to make cosplayer friends- even online.
All I ever wanted to do in this hobby since I started was to have a cosplay construction party. Everyone would grab their sewing machines, and wed hang out and put together our costumes all day, watch cosplay videos, and pass out on the floor that same night. Fuck.

>> No.6776310
File: 61 KB, 800x680, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have no friends

>> No.6776473
File: 358 KB, 350x197, tumblr_m1o6enrSiE1qi3qit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl best known for being the worst shit ever
>nudes everywhere all over the internet
>sucks cock for living locations
>has to pretend to be in france and tropical resorts when she's in some shit hotel in the middle of fuckall belgium where she fucking lives
>still jealous of her

>> No.6776482

No, but Sherlock is. At the end of Season 2.

>> No.6776485

meant for >>6776090

Dammit now I ruined the pun. I'm gonna hang myself.

>> No.6776490

Belgium has a disproportionate number of crazy chicks, it seems.

>> No.6776537

Well, you have to admit, for someone who's never worn a costume, who buys Lolita from Milanoo, who doesn't stand out in terms of appearance, who has no redeeming features and who has the intelligence of a pile of shit, it's amazing everyone knows her, even if it's just because she's a lying, scamming, disease faking whore.

Or does nudity give great responsibilities?

>> No.6776604
File: 59 KB, 192x182, tumblr_reply_mge4spC4st1r2bz5h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>person who hates my guts instantly hates anything i like because i have "shit taste"
>every time they get into something new i say i like that thing and start posting about it

>> No.6776619 [DELETED] 


girls a so petty. lol

>> No.6776628


girls are so petty and pointless, lol, no wonder 90% of you marry your high school crush and serve him sandwiches and take beatings all day while he gets drunk and watches TV. hahaha atleast you get a tax break for all those kids right?

>> No.6776631
File: 59 KB, 400x439, 1314864865544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I feel lucky that my friends aren't shitty.. unless it happens behind my back ohgod. Thanks for the paranoia guys!

>> No.6776640

I know you want to look cool to your friends on /v/, but pls go 12 year old-kun

>> No.6776649


why would you even be mad at that post?

>> No.6776658
File: 8 KB, 300x300, let him rot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6776660


if you didn't let other people's perceptions of you run your life, you would never be in that situation.

>> No.6776665
File: 86 KB, 500x600, I-am-so-done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy

>Get to con friday afternoon
>Do what I always do when I get there which is scope out con before I put on cosplay
>Get back to my room, ready to strip and put on my first 'big-prop' cosplay
>Friend I was rooming with invented other friend in.
>No big deal at first
>"We were waiting on you, lets go!"
>"Oh I've already been down, you guys can go ahead, I'm gonna put my shit on."
>"Oh we'll wait"
>Make up, wig, jacket, prop backpack and gun. I didn't want to rush it and look like shit
>"Ha-ha-ha you look fine, now lets Goooo~"
>weird and passive aggressive as fuck
>"You guys can go, I'm gonna be a while."
>"No, we'll wait~" Still weird and now fake laughing every three seconds
>"lets go, let's go, let's go"
>"Dude, what do you need me for?"
>"Nothing I just wanna go!"

I have no fucking idea what she was doing, it's like, please just fucking leave, I'm not your mom and you have tons of shit to do, this isn't even your fucking room WHY?


>> No.6776674

What the hell? They seemed weird.

>> No.6776677

Girls aren't pointless. They have warm vaginas.

>> No.6776681

>people you room with who get mad you don't hang out with them the whole time

Dude, I paid for the room to use it. That's it. You're not being kind and letting me stay there free, we're not even that good friends. I just needed a room and you needed someone to help pay the bill, please don't make me out to be some monster because I wasn't super glued to your side all weekend.

>> No.6776693

>group of friends who never asks you to do anything with them until someone bails at the last minute
>suggest that, if we're friends, maybe include me from the start next time
>"oh but we thought you'd be busy"
>because you were all too busy to send a message to check, lolno

>cosplay group gets some small amount of attention and praise in local community
>all develop MASSIVE egos
>"do they even realize who they are talking to?"
>making fun of "lesser" cosplayers
>bitch you are dressed as a fictional character stop queefing out of your mouth plsnty

>> No.6776721

>that girl that gets all mad and weird at bronies and dudes who crossplay as there favorite characters

>All the while crossplay as her favorite character and living out homo fantasies with other girls


>> No.6776729

Shit I ment "their" not "there" fuck. Shove me down a well and call me retarded

>> No.6776816
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girl, I feel ya

>convention upcoming, end up rooming with my best mate and his buds.
>buds are all typical internet goers "never had a girlfriend" or date, or physical contact, or etc.
>generally nice guys even if they are awkward as hell. Like long glances without blinking, asking if they can help with my costume, or waiting outside the door when I pop out the tub.
>Ended up being only female in room; not afraid or anything since I've got my mate but even he was creeped out.
>Best mate put me on the floor in between bed and wall (imagine pillow bunker) and slept on the edge of the bed so I wouldn't have to deal with creepy random touches in the night.
>Dudes were generally okay, not overbearing but they totally flipped their shit when I confronted them on their behavior because they were complaining that "nobody will date me! All women like assholes! I'm a nice guy!"
>insert misogynistic internet spiel here

>> No.6776819
File: 30 KB, 500x333, tired-zombie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to hotel room and unpack my stuff and claim my sleeping spot on the floor
>meet everyone
>later find out my spot was taken by a guy who payed for a bed spot
>roomate lets another guy, who didn't book his room in time, take a spot on the floor.
>No more room on floor except in front of doorway
>Only other spots is the the chair and the one open bed spot
>Make huge mistake and take the bedspot
>Guy I have to share bed with takes up 75% of the bed because he is fat
>Spend 3 nights in fetal position on the edge of the bed hoping to God I don't fall off.
>MFW all 3 days at con

Worst 3 nights every. At least I had fun and got to hang out with my buddies. I'm not mad the guy who booked the room. He's a total bro.

>> No.6776851
File: 7 KB, 264x191, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One friend always does crossplay
>Binds poorly, muffin tops over everything, bad complexion
> Wonders why no one wants her picture

This had been going on for years. Before every convention we give her suggestions. She never listens. Last year she got so upset because she did her favorite character and no one gave a shit, but kept stopping myself and other people in our group constantly for pictures. After that she started wearing makeup, it's a start.

>> No.6777046

Hotel I booked a few months ago did have a limit on how many people could stay in the room, but I couldn't see the hotel caring unless they ruined the room or people complained.

>> No.6777066

One of my local con's hotels with check to see that everyone going up has a keycard and they only give you as many as are supposed to be in the room (4 card for a quad, for example). All that means is that we have 4 people go up, then one comes down with all 4 keys and goes outside (they watch inside to make sure you don't do this) to give 3 keys to 3 others in the room.

>> No.6777068

their problem is that they are Nice Guys, not nice guys. I could vent about Nice Guys all fucking day, creepy assholes that they are.

>> No.6777082

lots of hotels have rules against cramming people in rooms, but people don't listen/find ways to get around them

>> No.6777333

>meet girl
>follow girl around con
>ignore girl's subtle hints turning me down
>flirting and ignore how uncomfortable she is
>make move, somehow blind to the fact that she plainly does not reciprocate my feelings
Wonder how often this happens at cons.

>> No.6777337
File: 27 KB, 590x376, 1304295449087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one friend who has become the biggest narcissist ever since she reached 100 likes on her Facebook cosplay page
>was begging for the last 11 likes to finally reach 100

I don't get it... 80 of those likes are from friends from your 400 friends...

>> No.6777345

>normal people acting normal

>> No.6778140

You know, perhaps it would have been better for the good of the world if women were just capable of saying 'I already have a boyfriend.' straight up instead of toying with the Beta male because they're enjoying the attention.

I'm pretty sure that men would appreciate a swift, simple and sound rejection (like as soon as they start 'flirting', not 8 hours later). It's not like it's rocket science; they wasted the minimum of their time and it's quite clear that it won't work, so the embarrassment is kept at minimum and the shockingly rational, fair answer prevents them from thinking you're just a 'chick that plays hard to get'. Maybe 1-2% would continue after that because they're CWC tier retarded, but I'm fairly certain that even the hardcorest Assburgers would stop.

Of course, making such logical response contradicts the female cosplayer's natural want for attention -- even if the attention comes from the most despicable trash of society. So you're much more likely to giggle and pretend you're appreciating it, whilst dropping "subtle hints" that you're expecting an autist who has perhaps never talked to a woman (not counting creeping) before; or one of those Fedora Casanovas who studied extensively their PUA books/sites/whatnot and so they 'understand' that your 'no' means actually 'yes' and all they have to is keep on doing what their doing to show they're Alpha.

Trying being a real human bean. Just for once.

>> No.6778141

*expecting [...] would understand

>> No.6778144


Girl here. This...can work occasionally, but with cosplayers, the social awkward levels tend to ruin it. Example:

>hanging out with my guy friend at a con
>friend sees girl dressed from the same series as him in a really nice costume
>"Oh, wow, I love your costume! You suit the character really we-"

>> No.6778154

The thing is how is someone supposed to tell they're being flirted with? Like having fun banter between two people doesn't really count as flirting. Having fun and talking with someone of the opposite sex isn't really flirting.

And really after trying to flirt for 8 hours shouldn't the dude just kinda like give up? I don't really see why they would bother when there's really no hope.

I don't think a con's a good place to try to hook up with someone. Everyone's kind of awkward and wouldn't really know much about socialising, so the dude can be really bad and flirting and the chick won't know they're being flirted with.

>> No.6778203

If a fat/ugly guy comes to you to 'talk' you might as well throw it out right on the start of the conversation. Fat guys don't want to "just appreciate your costume", fat guys go to conventions because it's their only hope.

>> No.6778212


I also want to know this.
I've dated guys and I've befriended guys. I'm not really a stranger to either side of the spectrum.
But once, a former friend of mine freaked out at me for 'not picking up on his hints'. I was genuinely confused because he had never ever shown any sort of indication that he was interested. He was friendly, but never in a way that was different from my other friends. We never spent time alone together or had any meaningful conversations. We just kind of hung out when our mutual friends would get together and sometimes would talk via Facebook comments. Hell, it wasn't even a 'friendzone' type of thing. If he had asked, I probably would have given him a shot.

So I think it really depends on both involved parties. For example, the girl mentioned sounds like an idiot. Met a guy at a con, he is being super forward and friendly for 8 hours? Even the most oblivious retard would be able to pick up on that.
But at the same time, the guy maybe should have said something like, "Hey, would it be okay if we hung out some more? You don't have any friends or a boyfriend you need to get back to, do you?" before spending 8 hours dropping hints.

>> No.6778229

>The thing is how is someone supposed to tell they're being flirted with?
Honestly, you can't. Some people are the sort of people that will flirt with a person they're interested in as soon as they meet them, others wait until the know a person more. The context can be a clue, but because people's personalities differ so much, it's really hard to come up with a general rule.

>> No.6778399

I think it depends on the person (yes, girls do this too) and how they approach the situation.

It sucks because I'm such a picky person to begin with (but with bad past and sucky exes I'm not surprised I have piss wank high standards that may lead to my being a cat lady), so I feel terrible when guys in cosplay try chat me up and I have to turn them down. But I just also don't want to hurt their feelings by making them think theres a chance when there really isnt.

Irony; the bronies in my country are actually generally nice guys who just wanna meet new people and have a good time. I was honestly gobsmacked at this.

>> No.6778410
File: 33 KB, 492x266, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw not fat or ugly but cons are looking like they are my only hope now.

eh, If I dont come across as desperate I might have a chance.

>> No.6778443
File: 45 KB, 377x335, tumblr_inline_mlbgf7uqQj1qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That straight up retard who judges the shit out of everyone at a con, while being a fat, greasy, disgusting, misogynistic, ass burger ridden piece of shit who thinks the only girl worthy of dating him should be 5'4, under 80lbs and asian

>> No.6778446

If that's true, then you are ugly, don't kid yourself with "6s" or "7s". You look much better to yourself in the mirror than you actually are.

>> No.6778456

Not the guy you're responding to but I never understood that,.Why do photo's make you look so much worse than your reflection in the mirror.

>> No.6778459

Those dont exist.

>> No.6778460

My response would have been to lean in close and whisper in her ear
"i will burn your family"

>> No.6778461

Because the camera lens captures the image of your body differently than your own eyes do.
A camera lens doesn't see in 3D.
So lens distortion and flash can mess with how your image turns out.

Another reason you may think you look different is the way you look at yourself in front of the mirror. If you get real close to the mirror to look at yourself, then you're really only looking at yourself in the perspective of someone standing real close to you, and not of a photographer trying to capture a full body image of you. So it could just be the difference in perspective that throws you off.

>> No.6778473
File: 55 KB, 192x279, 1302990399934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can be surprisingly difficult. Perhaps it's because if you're on here, you're most likely a socially awkward weeb yourself, as I am. I for one can't tell either, unless it's fucking obvious like a really bad pickup line.

>See guy on bus a few times a week
>I think there's a mental problem with him but not sure, he says hi to everyone, has stutter, lazy eye, etc.
>most people shun and ignore him on the bus
>Was taught that you say hi back by very southern mom, so I say hi
>Suddenly he always has to sit near me
>assume he is lonely
>stick to weather as conversation. ALWAYS. Don't talk about anything else
>a month later one day he tries grabbing at me, trying to rub my arm or shoulder, and kissing me
>immediately tell him no
>Avoid the bus
>see him, he's upset that I don't want to be his girlfriend
>avoid the bus more
Why am I more of a social retard than a mentally ill person? I thought I was being extremely neutral. I talked to him the way I talk to my grandmother. For Christ sake's I've been on the bus before with my fiance at the same time he's been on the bus.

>> No.6778538


>> No.6778551

This, and the fact that a lot of "photographers" are people with their little digital cameras or phone cameras. Most phone cameras have a wide angle lens, and most people who own digital cameras don't know how to set them, so their cameras often also take wide-angle shots too. Wide angle shots are good for capturing large areas, but if you're photographing a portrait of a person, or a face shot, it'll make your subject look warped and weird.

>> No.6778598


And what magical country do you live in? Bronies are terrible everywhere.

>> No.6778600


So I might not be bum fuck ugly, its that camera's suck?

Yeah I'm not falling down that well of optimism again. Nice try.

>> No.6778611

What? This will just result in "I WASN'T INTERESTED IN YOU ANYWAY YOU STUCK UP BITCH YOU'RE NOT AS HOT AS YOU THINK YOU ARE". Have no never been around desperate, insecure people in your life?

>> No.6778627

They could be subtle about it. Like they could say " Ugh, my boyfriend said he'd meet me here".

>> No.6778633

Most people aren't as ugly as they think they are. The media forces an ideal image onto the masses which drives many men and women to the brink of despair and raises their standards a million percent higher.

>> No.6778693

What magical cons are you going to?
Not poster, but I have seen these mother fuckers at EVERY con I have been to so far. Mostly local to lounges and maid cafes.

>> No.6778745

Maybe I'm just lucky. I've been to cons all over the world but I'm mostly based in England.

Maybe I just block them out subconsciously.

>> No.6778797

No, it won't. You're assuming that all ugly/fat men are psychopaths, when they're in fact human just like you and me. You're no better than the fedora wearing neckbeards who say all women are sluts/bitches/whores/sex objects.

>> No.6778801

>Most people aren't as ugly as they think they are.
No, most people are much uglier than they think they are. It's the inner narcissistic self-image of every human. You're not immune to it unless you were, say, abused by your parents / grew up being told you're shit / a monster / ugly.

>> No.6779029

>grew up being told you're shit / a monster / ugly.

Whelp thats me then. I never said I was a fucking Greek God but I eventually realized that I didn't have the fact only a mother could love.

>> No.6780634
File: 16 KB, 256x256, 1277333373573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one friend who is new to cosplaying and doesn't want to listen to any advice you give them
>doesn't want to use a wig
>doesn't want to get an iron on of the symbol the character has on the shirt because they 'don't like it'
>continues to whine about it after not accepting help
Have fun not being recognized in your shitty ass cosplay.

>> No.6780749


>> No.6781819

how are you being socially retarded? you were being nice, you just said Hi back with some banter. maybe remember that this person had a mental illness.

>> No.6782278
