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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6719231 No.6719231 [Reply] [Original]

Can we rev up the feels thread again?
I've been working on things all day and developed a few.

To start:
>tfw a week before the con, you pull out a cosplay you haven't worn in 6 months for some touch-ups, only to realize how much you suddenly hate it
>but you can't remake the whole thing in a week

>> No.6719273
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>tfw on your third day waiting for day dream carnival

>> No.6719293

>tfw usually have a consistent cosplay partner (not even into anime, he just likes cosplaying/raving/bitches)
>we usually just wear whatever, we have complementary body types that fit a lot of duos
>invites two of his friends to come a week before con, will pay a shitton towards room
>tfw scrambling to compensate for them

>> No.6719295
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>tfw ran out of fabric and can't find any more of it, just a shinier version

God damn, it's not like it's costume satin shiny, but my original fabric was 100% matte. At least it's only in a few small areas.

Why do shiny jersey knits even exist.

>> No.6719298
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>remembering your first cosplay
>can;t have been that bad
>find it again
>was worse

>> No.6719299

>tfw you finally lose weight and feel awesome, but your favorite cosplay doesn't fit you anymore and taking it in without ruining design details would be a huge pain in the ass.

>> No.6719369
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Aw man.

>short on trim
>stop by the exact store you got it from to find more
>every kind of trim available, except for the one you need
I'm hoping they restock by Thursday.

>> No.6719397

>Start work on costumes 2 months ahead of time, with 2-3 weeks extra time at the end
>friend asks you to make something small and simple
>con is in 2 weeks and no end is in sight

>> No.6719572
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>tfw got day dream carnival after three days of waiting

>> No.6719644

> buy a wig a month ago
> was dumb and didn't try it on first.
> put it on as a test run before I start styling it.
> it's to small for my goddamn head and the hair too short.

Fuck me for being an idiot and fuck my stupid enormous dome. Oh well at least I have time to pick up another one.

>> No.6719676

>Planning for the next con
>Rooms, passes, etc reserved and registered
>All except one
>First time going to a con without biggest bro
>Take a few minutes and try not to cry like a bitch

>> No.6719788
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>at Megacon 2013
>get there in line for a tickets
>meet a girl with her friend
>she notices who I am
>I get very happy to find someone who enjoys the same game as me
>the day goes by
>a bit sad since not everyone notices who I am
>I decide to walk on my own
>she notices me again and beckons me
>we chat a little and she gets me encouraged to ignore everyone and have fun with who I am
>the day goes by again
>I am chatting with some guy and his gf
>I see her in the corner of my eye
>she notices me
>our eyes meet
>she places her arm around and says
>" You roll that r a lot; that accent where is it from?"
>spaghetti everywhere
>I reply "Spain"
>she says "oh cool"
>I freeze in the space time continuum
>she leaves
>after I'm done with the bloke and his gf I decide to see if I can find her and apologize
>spend 40m running through the entire hotel looking for her
>spend the next 10m inside a bathroom stall facepalming harder than fist of the north star.

I simply wanted to say thanks for helping me boost my self esteem.

>> No.6719828

Finished all my shit before a con where I'd be rooming with near-strangers (new to the area) because I didn't want to be one of those cosplayers who finished everything in the room.

My fucking FACE when they had near nothing done. Store bought pants and shoes, that was it. They still had to sew their top, style their wig, and make their entire prop (a huge pronged fork).

This would have been fine if not for the public transport being out that weekend and they were my ride (too far to even fathom walked).

We got to the con itself Saturday at 9 at night.
Then they wanted to leave at midnight.

Fuck those stupid people, I'm only rooming within walking distance from now on.

>> No.6720234
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I know all these feels.
>tfw you buy ALL the fabrics during fabricland's 50% off sale, but forget to buy one key fabric that's usually more expensive so you really needed the discount

>> No.6720254
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>be pretty nervous about my outfit going to the convention
>turns out everyone really likes my outfit and I have a great time
>probably the best convention I've ever had
>tfw you get home and within a few hours your bf breaks up with you for no provoked reason at all
>proceeds to shitpost you on 4chan as a way to "move on" from you

>> No.6720404
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>tfw trying to pattern a lolita-style dress for a cosplay without knowing anything about how real lolita is made and if I'll end up looking like an ita piece of crap

If what you say is true, your boyfriend sucks. Stay off 4chan for the next couple of days and go outside and hang out with friends as much as you can. He probably just hates himself for letting you go. The best thing you can do is pick yourself up, walk out the door, and give zero fucks.

>> No.6720429
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>tfw someone drops out of a cosplay group THEY got you into

I'm so pissed off now. I dropped one of my cosplay plans because she kept bugging me to join this group and now that my wig and materials are on the way, the leader tells me she's not doing it anymore because she wants to do a couple cosplay instead with her new boyfriend.

>> No.6720457

>tfw when two of your dream dresses are being sold for really reasonable prices and you recently bought shit like bodyline and shoes so you can't afford either of them.

>> No.6720462

>tfw people ask you to sew everything even though your skills are mediocre at best and only ask you because they're too lazy to learn it themselves
>tfw you don't need a lot of fabric so you buy half a yard and only to find out it's also in the remnant pile for way less

Dude, your boyfriend is a piece of crap. I don't really care how you back it up, but there are good times and this is one of those bad times. Shitposting to move on isn't exactly a mature tactic.

>> No.6720468


Similar to yours...

>tfw a week before a con, you pull out a cosplay you haven't worn in a year and realize you don't fit it anymore.

>> No.6720490

>tfw your absolute dream dress was on sale 10 days ago
>tfw you read the sales post and realize it was your size.


>> No.6720508

How come /cgl/ doesn't make period/womyn feels threads anymore?
Someone should make one.

>> No.6720527

we're a hip new board with rules and a janitor and shit

>> No.6720779

I'm a woman and I don't even want that, man.

We're the /cgl/ board, we have /cgl/ feels.

>> No.6720878

Hire a hitman to kill your ex-boyfriend for talking that good shit on 4Chan instead of being a real man and moving on.That's fucked up.

>> No.6720890

>tfw thinking of things to say in /cgl/ feel threads, but always forgetting what you wanted to say when the actual thread rolls around

>> No.6720896 [DELETED] 

patriarchal oppression

the new mods are total shitlords

>> No.6720942
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>herniated multiple discs at work
>disability pay! fuck yeah!
>going to stay at home for weeks high on vicodin making all the things!
>like those lame Europeans who get welfare and make great costumes!
>... can't stand up
>... or sit in a chair

>> No.6720951
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>buy some plastic for making props
>fucking shatters the moment you put anything near it
>go back to drawing board

>> No.6720970

If you need transparent but slightly less brittle, try clear epoxy resin and fiberglass: see http://www.laughingloon.com/epoxy.html

>> No.6720973

>tfw you decide to look up wig head clamp stands for the first time in almost 10 years and realize they're only $8

Fuck you Katie Bair for making me think they weren't worth the price and making me waste my time with crappy improvised ones all these years.

>> No.6720974
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>tfw you started your cosplay ages before you con, but procrastinated a lot and are now worried about finishing everything on time
>doesn't help I was sick for two weeks, and pretty much the day after I got better had all four wisdom teeth removed and lost another week and half
>still waiting for fabric
>still need to buy shit
>tfw you also may need to replace a whole panel in the other cosplay you made
>tfw you have also been unable to go to the gym about a month because of sickness and oral surgery and you are freaking out a bit about the fact the cosplays have short skirts and stuff
>Probably going to have to do the ol' "hot glue everything"

Fucking so many feels guys, I still have gaping holes in my mouth and I want to play Tomb Raider.

>> No.6720976

If it doesn't need to be clear, I suggest worbla or paper clay (depends what EXACTLY you are making though).

>> No.6720989
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>only one con a year in this part of the US (New York City Comic Con)
>really want to go to out of state cons
>none of your friends want to go with you
>none of your friends are into cosplaying as much as you are

I'll probably go to meet up someday I don't feel introverted, I don't know.

I didn't put a tfw so uh...
>tfw no gf

>> No.6720994

you poor dear

are you sure you dont have PTSD?

>> No.6721003

Try Connecticon.

>> No.6721005

>TFW you started cosplaying with a good friend and made lots of plans and had lots fun.
>TFW two years later she has become a bitter, fame-obsessed cunt who only wants to make costumes for the attention and approval of others and ditches all of her beloved characters and dream plans.
>TFW if heads don't turn the moment she walks into a convention she gets bitchy and blames it in you.
>TFW she is jealous of you for getting 'all the attention' and starts uploading photos of you to get comments/faves since she 'helped'' and takes all the credit.
>TFW she is so desperate and egotistical no one wants anything to do with her, so you proceed to get more 'attention' by virtue of not being an asshole and she gets worse.

>TFW all you wanted to do was cosplay with your buddy and now every moment together is like torture, and you're cutting off ties after this convention after two attempts to sabotage your costumes so you would be her personal Cinderella at the con.

feels bad man.

>> No.6721016

I need to make a clear sword that has a hollow centre. It's been a BITCH to find something that works.

>> No.6721017

>tfw there's a con on your birthday weekend
>tfw you're super excited to go and have fun
>tfw Friday you get robbed/harrassed, and a flat tire
>tfw Sunday you lock your keys in your car, 4 different locksmiths are unable to help you and the tire you thought got fixed? They screwed you over and you have to go get a new one anyway
>tfw this wasn't a cool birthday like you had hoped

>> No.6721028

Are you me, for the last con I literally had to beg my friends to come with me, they agree after I told them that there would be a rave at the end of the night.

It sucks having friends who don't like to cosplay.

>> No.6721069

D'awwwww poor you! Anyways happy birthday anon, I hope things went better after that!

>> No.6721075
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Srsly tho, try telling her that

>> No.6721082

I've tried but it goes over her head. she says if I really want to cosplay with her to have fun I should basically do what she wants and be her bitch, cause she won't have fun unless we are doing big crazy outfits of her choosing and god forbid I get more attention than she does. she basically thinks there is a lot of attention 'owed' to her because in our past groups I got more, at least in her mind, which apparently means I need to be the paperbag princess if we do anything else together.

theres a series I really love I wanted to do with her that I have wanted to do for a decade, and now she's decided if she's doing it she wants to be my character even though she doesn't care about them because the outfit is 'flashier'.

>> No.6721087
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>tfw you burn yourself on hot glue and your first reaction is to pull the glue off

Yeah. I hope my fingerprint grows back soon.

>> No.6721100

Even worse when you spaz out and rub it into your skin

>> No.6721109
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>tfw been planning on cosplaying a certain character for awhile, but a person who's super pretty and popular decides to to the same character at the same time, but because you didn't have the guts to reveal your plans earlier now everyone will think that you're trying to copy them

>> No.6721152 [DELETED] 
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bumping with giant bunnies

>> No.6721167
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>Tfw you take your wig off at the end of the day and there's a squashed spider inside of it

>> No.6721186

>tfw you get super hype for a cosplay you have been planning, but right before the con a piece breaks and you cant fix it before the con.

>> No.6721190

Oh my god, I would never sleep again.

>> No.6721195

this feel. I want to go out of state for things around me bu none of my friends are really into cons. And god if I got them to cosplay its because I paid them and made the cosplay. So whenever I am with them in cosplay at cons, when they do go, it gets really weird.

>> No.6721225
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> tfw when costume student and actually pretty good at making clothes
> tfw your cosplays look like shit because you have horrendous time management and something always happens during your allocated cosplay making time a week before the con
> tfw why the fuck didn't I start sooner?

>> No.6721253
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oh man are you me
I fucking love Starfox and have been meaning to put a gijinka group together since forever but Jnig did that and now I feel silly

Ehh well I'm nobody so I'm pretty sure that no one will care but I'm still kinda worried about looking like a copycat

>> No.6721441
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> the feel when really excited to do a character. Even more excited because not many others
> the feel when you go to a con and there are 3 others.

>> No.6721519


I know that feel. The worst is when your cosplay won't make sense unless you have the rest of the group.

>> No.6721530

>tfw the only cosplay related events we get here are super shitty
>tfw you miss cosplaying with your friends but they're all busy with other things
>tfw because of this you lost all motivation to cosplay at all

>> No.6721544
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>have a great cosplay and get lots of pictures taken
>tfw you're tagged later after the con and almost every single picture of you is unflattering or super awkward
And what person thinks it's ever a good idea to take a picture from crotch-height at an upwards angle? Never flatters anybody.

>> No.6721555

Well don't let jessie nigger-ee stop you, like who cares if she did it once I mean it didn't stop people from cosplaying one of the most overdone things in Pokemon or Conner Kenway

Also there wasn't a group right? Wasn't it just by her self?

I say go for it dude

>> No.6721558

>tfw you're working on a dream costume you've wanted to do for years
>and you're too afraid to fuck up to even cut your fabric
>and then partway through you get massive burnout and want to set the whole thing on fire


>tfw you go to take out an old costume for rewears and you're missing a piece

>> No.6721603
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>tfw you enter a cosplay contest and the event gets uploaded on youtube
>tfw when they edit all the walk-ons and you (AND ONLY YOU) somehow get completely cut from entire event Benoit-style.

>> No.6721605
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>tfw you haven't cosplayed in a year and a half
>tfw you see all your friends doing this amazing cosplay
>tfw you are trying to finish cosplay but can't get shit to go your way

>> No.6721800

Did you killed your wife and son the night before the contest?

>> No.6721981
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>tfw you get invited into a cosplay group by a friend
>tfw there's only three of you
>tfw you've never had the opportunity to do an actual group cosplay because everyone else changes their plans or has to do something cheaper because they're shitty at managing money
>tfw due to the other two dropping plans you have to rush something together the week before the con and you're up until 2 A.M the night before you leave finishing it up
>tfw they get mad because you want to go to a photoshoot involving your costume.
>tfw all they ever do is wander the artist's alley/merch area buying everything they see that they like
>tfw you're left out due to not having relatives who give you a shitton of money for the convention.
>tfw they lash out at you for wanting to bring some others the next year
>tfw one of them invites a bunch of her friends and you have to find another friend to room with due to anxiety.

Sorry for the long post. My group is frustrating, to say the least.

>> No.6722025
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>tfw meeting your online cosplay friends only to find out they're that group everyone hates because they act like deranged 5 year olds in public

>> No.6722112
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>tfw half of the con girls you meet are lesbians
>tfw the other half are mentally fucked up beyond repair, have daddy issues (not the good kind) and are usually suicidal.

>> No.6722119

75% of the population has the not sexy kind of daddy issues. You just gotta wait it out until they survive their teen years or get therapy or both.

>> No.6722142

I experienced this feel just last week.
Didn't feel good, being eyed by security guards who had been sent to supervise the group of shirtless, streaking weebs Harlem Shaking and proclaiming their love for yaoi. I was just at the perimeter with my cuz, feeling intensely nervous about everything and only knowing two faces out of a group of twenty.
I'm not going back there again.

>> No.6722154
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>tfw no con for another two months.
>tfw must save up beer money for con.

>> No.6722166

Its not THAT hard to find con girls that aren't this. And at least with the lesbians you can get a good friend out of it.

>> No.6722201
File: 75 KB, 477x720, 224646_437059733002187_1500323522_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you haven't gotten all the things you need for your cosplay and the con is two weeks away.

>that feel when you want to debut a new cosplay but are scared to do it because you may not meet anyone in the same fandom at the con

>that feel when said con you may not meet somebody in your fandom is full of Homesuck faggots and MLP autistic fucks and the panels and events at the con reflects that

>tfw you don't have a tfw folder so you use an random unrelated pic (because Minerva is the best)

>> No.6722207
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>tfw one con is the only time I get to be with my best friend in the entire year

>> No.6722337

>tfw active recovery

Holy fuck, this is amazing. Almost twice the workout as last time and I'm not even sore.

>> No.6722451
File: 46 KB, 250x297, 1347398474457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your mom is a bitch and won't make breakfast anymore.
>tfw your dad is never around
>tfw I changed my name to Flynn

>> No.6722487
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>> No.6722546
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>TFW your dad is dead

>> No.6722628
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>tfw you could barely afford to buy what you needed to make costumes anyway on top of convention costs
>tfw fired from job because you were spiked at a friends house you visited before going to work and they thought you were drunk
>tfw appeal for unfair dismissal was unsucessful
>tfw have to cancel every con this year because you're broke as fuck and you barely have enough money to live
>tfw no jobs availiable
>tfw don't feel part of the cosplay community anymore because you've been away for so long because broke as fuck

>> No.6722663

>Putting finishing touches on my belt night before the con
>As I put a button on, the hot glue oozes out from under it
>Bubbling hot
>My instant reaction to stop it from cooling and looking awful?
>Shove my thumb on it like a dumb ass
>Awful burn on thumb the whole weekend, full on open sore on my thumb

>> No.6722845
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>mfw when I read this earlier in class

Also, no dogs were placed in the enclosed pool area either.

>> No.6722878
File: 134 KB, 406x389, zelda point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you finally have means to pay for your dream dress
>Dream dress is sold out as soon as you get home
>Most of the people who bought it aren't even wearing it and are planning to resell it for more money than its original price

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you.

>> No.6722887
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>"Dream dress"
>Not staying home and F5ing all day
You dream small girl.

>> No.6722891
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>Tfw when your job gets in the way of everything

>> No.6722901

Whenever I use hot glue, I keep a glass of water nearby. Dip my fingers in before squeezing in case that happens - the water barrier prevents burning.

>> No.6723011

>tfw trying to buy something online and you messaged the sellar about the insurance option and communication has been a pain in the ass because the time difference between your two regions is 5 hours
>tfw you really want to insure your package because shipping is so fucking expensive and your so far away it definitely could get lost
>tfw when the item expires in 17 hours

Cmon, girl, please add the insurance option already.

>> No.6723034

>tfw when you're a 5'6 girl and the only characters you want to cosplay are 25-50 year old men or hot women who dress fairly normally and are mostly recognizable for their faces and builds
>tfw almost all your favorite characters have simple designs or extremely complex designs that you don't want to bother with
>tfw when the only character you can semi-realistically cosplay is Heather Mason

Feels bad man

>> No.6723053


AP might be doing custom orders. I've already got Chibi Tenshi ready to grab one for me if it happens. You should do the same.

>> No.6723054

I assume it isn't ebay?

>> No.6723110
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>tfw your ex messages you today and begs you to talk to him again because nobody else will
>tfw he's threatening you with suicide if you don't take him back and says there's "blood on my hands" if he does

So does anyone want to tell me if there's a suicide hotline out in California (San Fran/Oakland area) that I can call to prevent him from making any rash moves?
What am I even supposed to do?

>> No.6723115


Tell him to fuck off. You don't owe him a damn thing after what he did.

Also, tell his parents.

>> No.6723119


Usually, people who use suicide to try and manipulate other people don't ever commit suicide. You're pretty safe, ignore him. Or call the police, pretty sure you can take people to court over that shit.

>> No.6723121

I'd call the hotline anyway, hopefully they'll put his ass under a watch for a bit.

>> No.6723124

Did he say he has a plan/method that he will use? It's usually more or an emergency or real threat if they have something planned out beyond threatening suicide. Google hotlines if you think this is really serious and not just desperation.

>> No.6723126

. He's not really suicidal, it's a classic abusive technique ("I'll kill myself if you don't be with me")
Cut off all contact and consider filig a restraining order

Or call the police and pretend to be concerned that he's suicidal. They'll lock him in the hospital for a little bit

>> No.6723129

Yeah, that's borderline behavior there. You could/should still call the rents though.

>> No.6723130


I had my ex pull the same shit, and you know what? The best thing I ever did for myself was telling him to go screw himself.

I don't know where he is, or how he is, and I don't care.

Trust me, it'll be a weight off your shoulders if you block his calls and emails, and never talk to him again.

He dumped you, then smeared you online. You deserve so much better.

>> No.6723131

I want to call the cops tbqh. His parents seem bizarrely uninvolved with this individual. It's almost like his family has abandoned him, plus his mom is overseas, so I don't even think talking to his parents would make a difference.
Ugh. I hate this. I know he's trying to manipulate me.

>> No.6723140

Oh let's see:
>hurr I'm gonna go to the gas station and fill water bottles up with gasoline and bring them home and light myself on fire on the bed
>I'm gonna jump off a bridge, wait there's nets, can't do it
>I'm going to drink and take all my vicodins
>No actually if I just keep up my lifestyle I'll develop something cancerous or terminal and then there will be no cure anyway

He's going batshit. Completely batshit.

>> No.6723141

Do it. This shit is not okay, and a nice stay in jail/the psych ward should do him some good

>> No.6723145


He sounds like a puss. Call the cops, show them the texts, don't answer him.

>> No.6723157
File: 8 KB, 256x192, 1314320919340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw after months of planning ahead for your travel and hotel expenses with friends, the con trip goes smoothly

I just love planning and the successful results from it.

>> No.6723167

>tfw when you are waiting for you nailpolish to dry and your bladder decides to scream at you to empty it

Someone come help an Anon?

>> No.6723170

do your nails on the toilet like everybody else

>> No.6723173

I had an idea where you'd jimmy out of pants (if they had elastic band) and go in the tub, but then it still complicates matters such as washing and drying after still... Oh well.

>> No.6723174

OH let me add:
>tfw you RARELY have time to paint your nails and actually do them for a coord.
>tfw you swear your body plots against you

>> No.6723186
File: 13 KB, 318x248, 9cf0aacb6ebdc2dfd547e81394c2cf191352426342_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6723185

go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet till they're dry enough that you can nimbly wipe?

>> No.6723191

Inbeween the first and second post, I was able to do maneuver something. lol

>> No.6723299

i have an awful scar on my arm that look like someone burned me with a cigarette due to the ecact same thing

>> No.6723305

exact same feeling
i moved and now i have no friends and the only time i can see my best friend is when i drive/fly down to see her
life sucks

>> No.6723311

alameda county #

>> No.6723325

dip your nails in a cup of cold water NEVER RUNNING WATER it should make them less sticky and then just do another layer after you do (unless you have a design or soming on them then your screwed)

>> No.6723361
File: 1.13 MB, 300x300, 1348314225377.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heather Mason
Murry me! But I feel ya there. I have a similar problem, only able to cosplay a small age demographic.

>> No.6723445
File: 802 KB, 1350x1800, based sunbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can sexy beam me any day of the week, bby >;D

i'd still give you the D...
I say, let them think it's ita-tastic, just like we think they're so cosupuraaaay!!!

fuck that niggas shit, he's not your child;
just tell him you don't negotiate with terrorists...

this, we plan to keep things flexible, but have our contingencies planned...

>tfw when you can't get your bros to watch a series you're into, let alone start a group from it since most characters we'd cos are pretty obscure and/or alternate versions
>tfw you know that somehow you're still gonna get confused with a character that's not remotely close to what you cosplay despite your accuracy
fuck that feel

>> No.6723448
File: 422 KB, 500x255, tumblr_lmh5faqL5O1qfmakx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your first ever lolita wig arrives and you try it on and realize you REALLY don't suit a full fringe
> tfw all the cutest loli wigs are full fringe

>> No.6723507

Thanks for the tip!

>> No.6724324

Side fringe?
Or did you already cut it beyond hope?

>> No.6724367

I put it back on after the initial fear and put in a side fringe and it's actually looking ok. Panic over.

>> No.6724738

>tfw a week before the con that one fucker who is bringing a friend that you don't know at all bails and there goes two people's worth of cash towards the room and your cosplay group

I can't even express the anger or whatever I feel towards it, this happens so fucking often to me, I don't know why

>> No.6726052


>> No.6726056

Maybe you smell or something

>> No.6726278
File: 103 KB, 500x567, elkparty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you try on a costume that you thought looked awful, only to realize it actually doesn't look that bad.

Trying on a cosplay when you are already frustrated with it is a bad idea.

>> No.6726345
File: 1.56 MB, 256x250, 1355861581110.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a fat, ugly, greasy, pimply weaboo
>Bullied all the time
>Cosplay 'friends' make fun of you, call you a loser and bad cosplayer
>Lose weight, learn to makeup
>Get offers for free rides/rooms, messages from multiple photographers
>mfw said cosplayers suddenly want to do photoshoots with me and praise me

Didn't take up offers for the free rides/rooms though. I want to hone my skills and become better at my craftsmanship before taking offers (unless from friends)

>> No.6726491

why would you not put some sort of deadline for backing out

>> No.6726835

>TFW your friend is trying is damnest to control and run the convention roommate and networking group that you created and built because he has no original ideas.

>> No.6726860
File: 1.79 MB, 250x144, 1364072154356.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw walking through thr street surrounded by normals in cosplay not giving a single fuck

>> No.6727165
File: 186 KB, 340x338, 5897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw inviting my sister to an anime con
>she wants to cosplay
>alrighty, cool
>"Maybe I could do Officer Jenny, since I want turquoise hair anyway and mine's about the same length."

>> No.6727225
File: 320 KB, 280x480, 1363222163103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new year, new set of classes
>befriend one girl in most of my lectures
>realize two months later we're both anime fans and cosplayers, have attended the same cons for years

>> No.6727240

>People who use their real hair for cosplay
>99% of the time it will look bad, especially for obscure colors
>get a wig.

>> No.6727249

>tfw so much money wasted on taobao orders when you could've just bought the real thing ;_;
>not even a loli

>> No.6727348
File: 488 KB, 490x276, tumblr_lkozuzzEKi1qdh0wl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw finding fabric scissors in roommates workshop again

>> No.6727419
File: 53 KB, 449x600, 1361243891301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw doing first cosplay
>tfw going to con with a bunch of gorgeous, well known cosplayers
>tfw wig makes you look like Leslie Nielsen
>tfw paint dried darker than expected, color is completely fucking off
>tfw busting your ass in the gym, eating better, still look like skeleton lord
>tfw had the awesome foresight to cosplay a character that's shirtless
>tfw please god don't let me wake up tomorrow

>> No.6727873
File: 459 KB, 249x185, swoop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I probably won't get my wig in time for Fanime

>> No.6727880
File: 45 KB, 600x338, GOODJOB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw white looking spic with weird eye shape
>Tfw people mistake you for a Japanese person

Do go on~

>> No.6727901
File: 487 KB, 500x201, did we.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're cosplaying from something really obscure and you happen to meet the partner to your cosplay at the con and they're awesome.

>> No.6727906
File: 24 KB, 500x281, internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you try to follow really advanced tutorials from youtube.

>> No.6727909

>tfw no gf

>> No.6727912
File: 1021 KB, 500x209, don't care.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no boyfriend

>> No.6727937
File: 499 KB, 500x375, fry hussle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the day before you leave for a really big con and your normal friends have no idea what's going on.

>> No.6727941
File: 30 KB, 466x334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Alan Tudyk is not your bf

>> No.6727950
File: 250 KB, 480x320, tss kitty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the cosplay you've been working on for months won't be ready in time for the con you were making it for.

>> No.6728299
File: 7 KB, 190x190, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you work really hard on stuff, and show all your WIP to try to engage people
>no ever cares...

>> No.6728300
File: 61 KB, 300x250, oh-stop-it-you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw someone finally says because of your WIP they figured out how to do something

>> No.6728351

Minerva? Looks more like Uryuu Minene from Mirai Nikki.

>> No.6728403

>Implying her name and character isnt based off the Roman goddess Minerva
>implying i wasn't being a lazy nigger and look up her Japanese name

>> No.6728535

I know that feel.

>> No.6728569

...Arena Akihiko?

>> No.6729966
File: 34 KB, 499x276, nightmares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the only way you get to go to a con is by room-packing with a bunch of weebs
>tfw you go to get the car ready and, overnight, five massive spiders have knitted together five webs to make a web the size of Mirkwood and have draped it over the driver's and passenger seat
>tfw you haul out the shop vac and suck up five webs but only four spiders

Sure hope that last spider likes long car rides.

>> No.6730072
File: 1.68 MB, 250x187, 1362189390464.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're at a really boring panel your friends dragged you too, and you can't help but be bored.

>> No.6730541
File: 488 KB, 500x256, spongebob crying over gary.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have no income for years so you make meager costumes
>instead help friends with cosplay
>assist in them winning contests, cosplay competitions, even International trips
>tfw you want to apply to be a cosplay contest judge but you have nothing to back yourself up since you don't want to out your friends for having so much help

>> No.6730758
File: 600 KB, 1258x696, 1324605764798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw food addict who's been working as a cashier for 2.5 years, ballooned back up to 230 from 190 just from this job and constantly having food around me, only have problems eating right when at work
>tfw just a few weeks ago work finally says "oh lol by the way you get free counseling"
>tfw if I take many more years to get my weight down I'll start looking too old for my dream cosplays
>tfw I want to successfully pull off ftm crossplay of characters I genuinely like/identify with but I'm way too fat to pull it off, I've been studying makeup/shaping techniques and everything
>tfw no workout buddy
>tfw I don't know if I have legit social/emotional disorders, or my job is just draining the life out of me

>> No.6730766

I have problems with my weight too, you can't let not having a workout buddy be an excuse. If you think you have problems, best talk to someone anyway.

>> No.6730773

>Seriously worried about my weight and costume choices
>Had been going to gym, but got sick for 2 weeks, and have been recovering from oral surgery for another 2.
>Con is in 3 weeks

Only consultation is that I haven't been able to eat anything solid for two weeks so I've lost weight lol. But even know that I am feel little pain, I have NO energy to work on my cosplays, or workout...

>> No.6730791

Holy fucking shit it's like I'm looking into a mirror. When I had my cashiering job I went from a little under 200 to 220 in the course of a year. It fluctuated because I'd struggle to exercise and eat okay.

Right now I'm experiencing the same issues except I don't have that job anymore. I lost a shitton of weight over the summer and was back to 200 in September, and right now I'm almost at 240 again. It was around the same time I started the depo shot which quite frankly sexually frustrates me, makes me depressed, stirs my acne, boosts my apetite, but is the only way I can feel safe about not getting preggo.

If you're anything like my case then you need to get help anon, the problem extends far beyond eating better and exercising if it's recurring. I found out I had an obsessive compulsive eating disorder and that I actually have 'trigger' foods (and no it's no stereotypical junk like chips). I'm in the process of applying for a lap band and seeing a therapist. You'll have to jump through a lot of hoops but it's worth it to not feel so alone in your weight loss battle. Btw--while the fitness buddy seems like a good idea don't bet on it. People can be flakes and they're not obligated to worry about your health, it's best to learn to motivate yourself.

>> No.6730815

I've lost weight before, without help from anyone else, so the "partner" thing is wishful thinking at best. At this point I know it's a mental/emotional hurdle, because while I know all the science and nutrition behind fat loss, and the fact that it's a lifestyle change and not dieting, stress is a huge player in my failure.

As an anxious person, this job has already jaded me for the worse and I have at least two legit panic attacks to show for it. But I was suddenly made aware of free access to counseling covered by the company, so I'm sticking it out for that.

>> No.6730902

Welp, there's your problem.

>> No.6730914
File: 45 KB, 640x480, 1361029200081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw lonely but don't want relationship
>tfw no space in apartment to putting sewing machine
>tfw pretty sure hand sewing is an elaborate troll to get people to produce shitty clothing

>> No.6730991
File: 220 KB, 800x450, pinkie pie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the only way you can get the right colour in the right fabric is to dye it
>tfw the last two times you've tried to dye things, it's all gone horribly horribly wrong...
>tfw you've been staring at your fabric and the dye packets for almost a week now, and haven't started because you're too scared...

>> No.6730996

>tfw wake up sick the first day of Sakura con

Welp time to chug some dayquil.

>> No.6731023

If you're feeling like shit I won't mind passing a bottle of water and some acetaminophen if you need it.

CAPTCHA: Margaret Mayedic
I laughed a little.

>> No.6731490
File: 999 KB, 1055x797, man not caring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have a fever of 102.4 and you STILL drag your ass out of bed to go to the con.

Totally worth it.

>> No.6731603

no wonder people always come back sick you nasty little fucker

>> No.6731621
File: 495 KB, 400x250, facial freakout.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the reason con plague exists.

>> No.6731636 [DELETED] 
File: 492 KB, 325x203, ruined makeup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when newly single but really shy
>Try to flirt with a charming guy at a con.
>mfw when he ended up being gay.

>> No.6731684

>tfw have awesome cosplay friends who are /fit/
>tfw afraid to ask them to do a group with me because I'd stand out immediately as the only out of shape one
>tfw most female character body types are either skinny, skinny with big boobs or morbidly obese with nothing in the middle

>> No.6731708

>tfw excited to go a con with two groups of friends that I only see once a year
>split time evenly between groups to be able to hang out with everyone with no butthurt
>morale in group 1 low because one friend is butt hurt and cranky all con because nobody took her picture
>friends in group 2 are hanging out with their new cosplay friends who barely acknowledge me even though I hang out with them for most of the weekend
>cant find any room parties
>drink in hotel room alone and watch shitty animu
>end up vomiting all over the bathroom
>worst con ever

>> No.6731716
File: 865 KB, 320x240, I found your gun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel.
I'm going to be cosplaying genderbent Briefers Rock with two really good looking, fit twins as genderbent Panty and Stocking Anarchy and I'm so scared I'm going to look horrid compared to them.

>> No.6731718

>tfw sitting at McDonald's on my lunch break crocheting a Charmander.
>Happen to be sitting across from weebs using "sempai" etc.
>tfw so glad the Charmander isn't recognizable yet because I could just see them approaching me with something like "That's so sugoi!"

>> No.6731734
File: 28 KB, 283x625, 1352494661168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have a cosplay I'm proud of
>Wear it to a con
>Many years later
>Post old image on /cgl/
>Somebody actually recognizes you/compliments


>> No.6731753
File: 186 KB, 276x569, forcgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought first brand skirt at a con this past year
>get medium because I'm chubby
>lose weight
>im also really really short
>try skirt on today with blouse to see what I can coord with it
>is literally swimming in skirt. my boobs still seem to big for lolita. i feel too short for it.
>oh, and because i stupidly left it at my fiance's house, it stinks of smoke (even though it was under other clothing) and its super wrinkled.

pic related, i'm super sad.

>> No.6731756

At least with skirts they're easier to get altered than JSKs.

>> No.6731758

how would i go about getting it altered? Do i tell them to just shorten it from the waist?

also how do i get the wrinkes/smell out? I'm such a newb it's bad. I dont want to melt the print with an iron.

>> No.6731760

The fit actually doesn't look terrible? Iron it and then see, it's hard to see past all the wrinkles.

>> No.6731762

Agreeing with this anon. Iron it and maybe invest in a fluffier petticoat? It looks kind of droopy to me, but the fit looks pretty good at the waist.

>> No.6731769

Ok. the iron won't ruin the print? what petticoat would you suggest?

>> No.6731770

There are a few options. Hang it in the bathroom when you take a hot shower to let some of the wrinkles and smell fall out. If the smell is still present, get it dry-cleaned or handwash (if it's colourfast). If that doesn't do the trick, you can either hang it near an open window/outside on a clothes line or put it in a box with odor eater shoe balls and dryer sheets.

>> No.6731791

It's not a screenprint from what I can tell, so no, the iron shouldn't ruin it. Iron it on a low setting to test, and use a press cloth.

>> No.6731804

What kind of petticoat do you have currently?

>> No.6731841
File: 58 KB, 500x500, tumblr_inline_mk4txkm3b21qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw best friend/cosplay buddy is leaving for college soon
>tfw our 2nd to last con together would have been tomorrow
>tickets to get in to con run out
>today at school asks me "why are you crying, anon? its a small con anyways."
>we were going to group cosplay as the scout family
>she told me she was going to hug me during pictures and im so scared to tell her that her hugs make me feel like the safest in the world

its edgy i know but im a wet noodle baby and cons are my favorite things that help me forget all the sad stuff and now we only have one con left and thats in 4 months

>> No.6731844


>> No.6731894

tell her you're in love with her, derp

>> No.6731898
File: 8 KB, 178x213, 1327800155224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be excited for con
>Probably last con here ever b/c going to grad school
>Get outfit picked out
>excited, haven't cosplayed since high school
>Get a new job I like
>New job will probably need me during con
>sad, cancel order
>Turns out job doesn't need me thanks to Easter weekend
>Sweet! I can go to the con!
>Get to con w/ bros
>don't have outfit
>so so so sad all over again

This is happening right now. I never thought I'd be so sad to be able to go to a con.

>> No.6731917
File: 618 KB, 697x756, 1354774784242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahah! the funniest thing is that im not in love with her! i just really value that she has spent her time with me!!! im so happy to have someone as cool as her in my life!
i guess you could say im in friend-love with her though!

>> No.6731994

I'm curious to see pics of your group when it happens. I'm sure you'll look fine~

>> No.6731997
File: 38 KB, 509x385, better than expected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at con
>had group photoshoot plans for a while
>left suitcase at home, only have current outfit and carry-on
>thankfully have paper for pre-reg ticket
>wallet was in suitcase, though
>everything has gone to shit
>feel miserable
>can't even go home since paper for return bus ticket was also in suitcase
>this is the only con I'll be able to go to until end of the year
>and I can't even leave to go back home
>end up crying in a corner for a while out of sheer misery
>wake up
>tfw it was only a dream

>> No.6732000

>have extra money from not buying clothes
woo! ...woo?

>> No.6732003
File: 953 KB, 500x281, 1364590580572.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw wet noodle baby

anon you are v. kawaii

>> No.6732007

I read this and felt like I was starting to have a panic attack myself. I am glad it was just a dream...Con/Cosplay nightmares are the worst. I had one in January panicking about the one I'm going to in April. Ridiculous.

>> No.6732034

Oh please, I stayed in the room most of the time, and when I did leave the room I was wearing a mask. It's the people who don't know they're sick and who don't take precautions you gotta worry about.

>> No.6732051

You really, really don't need to bump threads on a slow board like /cgl/. Especially not a massive 35 seconds after the last post. Threads regularly last for days, if not weeks.

>> No.6732254

Uhh. I have one petti and 3 panniers underneath the petti.
I didn't want to invest into a full blown petti until I did Lolita more often

>> No.6732309
File: 1.49 MB, 250x168, 1345435220824.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you guys don't mind if I come back and vent a bit more. Anon is suddenly in a very poor mood.

>tfw you're not enthused for your favorite convention at all.
>tfw you're scared to go because you don't want to be left out by your friends again
>tfw apparently the girl who started our cosplay group doesn't want to do it anymore.
>tfw you never even got to cosplay as a group
>tfw she binge buys, as I put it, buying everything she wants and selling it about 3 months later due to boredom/not wanting it anymore
>tfw most of her purchases are expensive action figures
>tfw she relies entirely on buying costumes and hasn't made a costume once.
>tfw you don't have a job due to schooling situations and you don't want to ask parents to help pay for your badge because the family is making it, but not doing spectacularly with money
>tfw you have to worry about making close to $100 somehow to help pay for a hotel room with the person you're rooming with. Tfw other "group members" are rooming with online friend and their family and one of the girls got away with paying nothing.
>tfw you want to stay with them but crippling anxiety prevents you from doing so.
>tfw Acen has turned to shit in the past few years and the guest list is deserted.
>tfw you just want to curl up and cry for no reason

>> No.6732323

Drop the con. You're not looking forward to it, you're anxious about being excluded, you have no money, and you don't even like the con anymore. It will be better for your mental health if you stay home.

>> No.6732347

looks fine? it's hitting a good point on your legs imo, brands make their stuff for ~5'2" so if you're short it's actually better.
also it might be because you arms are blocking it but your boobs don't even look big so dont worry about it, you can always get a binder if it really bothers you.
for wrinkles, try steaming it, for the smell, try freezing it

>> No.6732360

oh my god you desperate nerd

>> No.6732379

> tfw noone else inyour group wants to cosplay

>> No.6732732

>tfw your friends decide to cosplay a series they've never watched because they think they'll look kawaii as the characters.

>> No.6732898


>tfw no group

>> No.6733179

Have you tried Nexplanon? The arm insert? Some people get emotional on it but overall it seems about like the shot! The shot is getting too expensive for me even though I love it (though I have not had the problems you are experiencing) and I'd like to switch to that. Look into it!

>> No.6733784

why is the guy I like in love with some Facebook cosplayer named Ivydoomkitty when I'm pretty and fit?!

I guess my tits are too small.

>> No.6733821

> tfw nobody is into the same thing as you so you can never group cosplay

>> No.6733847
File: 250 KB, 500x382, tumblr_l1bcrtjPpk1qbz13mo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you and a friend find out that you love the same series.
>You both get excited to do a cosplay group together.
>Friend goes to a con that you are unable to attend.
>Sorry anon, I made all these friends at the con and we ended up planning a cosplay group for that series we like.
>All the characters you liked are now 'taken'.
>Feel incredibly left out.

>> No.6733859
File: 473 KB, 480x328, tumblr_mjn8kohYY11r8nko4o1_5543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>late at night, friend proposes cosplay panel/group
>they ask you to be certain character, you accept with gusto
>buy the fabric and wig the next day since the con is less than a month

>tfw you sleep on the thought, and then realize you are gonna look horrible as said character but its too late

>> No.6733870

>tfw you think you've made a new friend from a meetup who seems a little odd and weeby but still pretty chill
>tfw you add her on tumblr and realize she acts 100% more awkward and crazy online
>tfw you slowly realize she's a well known crazy lolita that gets mocked not only on cgl but by people you know in local community as well
>tfw stuck having to do an awkward fade out before you feel like you can block them without triggering drama

>> No.6733877

>tfw finally get your good friend to do a couple cosplay with me
>tfw i've had a crush on her for years but she's 100% straight so i have no delusions about us getting together
>tfw she gets a boyfriend out of nowhere right before con season
>tfw all she talks about now is getting him into cosplay so they can do couple cosplay
>tfw he's a really nice guy
>tfw forever alone

>> No.6733886

>tfw you get all happy to finally do a cosplay from a series you've loved forever
>But you need to finish other stuff for a up coming convention so push feelings to the side
>By the time you have time to work on it, you lose all interest in cosplaying from it.

>> No.6733891
File: 566 KB, 693x686, wrong hole, b-baka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suck at plush-making, but need to have a plush prop for a cosplay
>forget to look into the commissioning of one until two months before the con
>tfw I just realized that most commissioners probably have a backlog

Knowing my luck, if I do get the prop commissioned, it'll arrive the day after I leave for the con. So it goes.

>> No.6733903
File: 62 KB, 604x453, 1274319103478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>TFW you have a crush on a friend of yours but you're too awkward to admit it
>TFW your crush has cosplayed your waifu and her husbando is in the same series and you're a decent match for him
>TFW no matter what you're too much of a pussy to confess your feelings for fear of rejection

love related feels hurt man.

>> No.6733946
File: 28 KB, 301x192, 8C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6731997 here again.

>have friend who's still new at cosplay
>is new yourself but more late beginner than anything
>she still get supplies, like wigs and stuff, from party city and the like
>the only good quality wigs she has are an eBay one and an arda one I'm letting her loan for a bit
>she's going to the same con as stress dream from above
>all the shit she's been doing so far is kinda shitty quality
>tfw you don't have the heart to tell her that she needs to improve and her cosplay'll probably suck
>tfw you feel like an ass for judging your friend like this when she's done less than four cosplays and is still very new, and you've been cosplaying for only less than two years

>> No.6733976

Offer to help her?

>> No.6733988


Curious now. What's the prop?

>> No.6734002
File: 492 KB, 307x198, tumblr_m535beiKbb1ql8fkw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not being able to sew for shit so you have to order all of your cosplays, therefore shelling out tons of cash
>tfw forgetting the date of the con and ordering a cosplay and it doesn't arrive till the day of or not at all

>> No.6734055
File: 487 KB, 500x278, tumblr_m8fusc4NuM1qjjsnd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw these two really well known and beautiful, professional cosplayers you're lucky enough to be friends with both offer to teach you how to sew, are going to sketch up a cosplay and help me make it

I cant-

>> No.6734065
File: 58 KB, 300x488, 683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. I was planning on having strong magnets sewn into the plush's arms and into the sleeves and shoulders of the costume, so I can have her dangling for pictures.

>> No.6734073

Same feels here, very similar situation. Be sure to thank them for everything ever! Make sure they know it's worth their time.

>> No.6734592
File: 23 KB, 580x350, khaaan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you come to parents home and bring your cosplay stuff to keep making things
>Need to get stuff from beach cottage owned by family I lived at before moving
>Visit, walk dog on beach and even swim: what a nice time
>Go through stuff to get things you need, also go through box to get material you might be able to use
>Go back to parent's house
>Fucking forgot my paper clay ingredients

>> No.6735632
File: 92 KB, 330x302, 1360961521487.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw next paycheck will finally finish off the funds needed for your cosplay
>tfw waste half of it going out with friends
I was so damn close. Oh well, another week of hype for a paycheck I guess

>> No.6736002
File: 95 KB, 720x480, trigun_millie0048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the last day of the con and saying goodbye to friends you won't see till next con.

>> No.6736034
File: 250 KB, 619x619, 23306615_p38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw friend has the most perfect face, skin tone, and body type for a character
>tfw you are willing to push back your current projects and make their entire cosplay because they're just that perfect for it

>> No.6736142
File: 254 KB, 300x227, tumblr_l94ihp7e1f1qc7qyi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you get into a new series right before a con
>tfw you're dying to cosplay from it
>tfw your plans are completely full and you already bought all the supplies for the rest of your cosplays/finished them

I'll feel really bad if I scrap something now, especially since 3/4 of my cosplays are for a group and the other one is already done but I'm really itching to make a Dominator from Psycho Pass.

and lol captcha: dingbme materials

>> No.6736154
File: 30 KB, 240x160, gif_headwall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you volunteer yourself for a group and borrow the manga from a friend so you can catch up
>read parts of it in high school
>haven't seen the actual character design in a very long time
>go back and look at the character you volunteered yourself for
>lightyears beyond your skill level

>> No.6736193
File: 24 KB, 500x375, 1347677474184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you iron something and whoever used the iron before you must have melted something on it or whatever because the residue transfers onto your fabric
>tfw the residue doesn't seem to want to come off with persistent scrubbing and water

Seriously, is there a remedy for this? This is what I get for working with others...

>> No.6736238
File: 8 KB, 250x250, dritz_iron-off-med.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot iron cleaner maybe? I've gotten pretty much everything off of my iron with it.

>> No.6736248

I believe in you! Anything is possible with enough time and budget.

>> No.6736254
File: 96 KB, 478x640, fullofit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God, I just endured this feel earlier today. I should really delete my fb photos...

>> No.6736260
File: 456 KB, 480x361, 1354213499047.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when your first cosplay wasn't your worst cosplay

>> No.6736808
File: 31 KB, 500x344, horrified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making mask
>painting it, starting to look good
>go out to check on it/add more paint
>mfw all these fucking annoying fruit flies things that have been invading the house last week or two have landed on your painted mask
>they get stuck/stain it


>> No.6736894
File: 312 KB, 389x386, 1357203722522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to cons with two friends
>for several years
>everything goes smoothly, we make new friends and memories
>neet/weeb/casual trio
>only weeb is into cosplay, i quit before we knew each other
>casual gets curious
>i gather my courage and say we should try a group cosplay
>we decide to choose the series in the next con

>casual skips a con due to family vacation
>two cons cancelled
>tickets for our favourite ones sell out months too early
>all new cons are both shit and far away
>i've gotten too poor and socially anxious to attend other european cons
>weeb discovers something
>"hey, we can still get tickets for that bigger local shitty one!"

>but this year it's nowhere near us
>plane tickets 80€
>fuel 100€
>train tickets 120€
>shitty expensive hotels
>boring 2-day con
>not worth it
>no cons until holidays are over
>casual's stopped talking about our cosplay plans
>have fights with weeaboo
>feeling too proud to cry and plead or even remind them
>no idea if we're ever going to cosplay together
>no idea if i can even cosplay ever again

>> No.6736919
File: 55 KB, 400x300, 1358385258008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay popular character
>11,000 people at convention
>be only one dressed as said character
It wasn't that good, but I got attention for it. First cosplay I put months of work into, so it feels good. I'll try harder from now on, I now know how rewarding it is, thanks to anyone who gave me advice on this board along the way!

>> No.6736950
File: 14 KB, 283x271, 1267281341198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon with a somewhat related story
>tfw you're talking to someone who's planning to go to a comic convention.
>she's planning Lady Deadpool, but is having trouble figuring some things out.
>tfw you suggest some things you think may work but she doesn't bother to try them.
>she starts talking with a friend that's going with her and trying to figure out cosplay plans.
>tfw they start discussing cosplaying casual female Thor and Loki
>tfw they're looking for cosplay that they don't need wigs with.

>> No.6736952
File: 108 KB, 240x238, yisgood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have to try this. Is there a way to get the stuff off my fabric, though? Or am I screwed...

Back to topic:

>tfw my packages come WAY before the expected arrival date

>> No.6736956
File: 358 KB, 500x398, 1327875597196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're wearing a pretty intricate jumpsuit that would require you to take off the entire thing if you needed to use the restroom
>tfw the urge strikes right before your photoshoot

Probably the most uncomfortable photoshoot I've had in my life.

>> No.6737039

jesus christ anon that picture had me wiping my screen for like thirty seconds

>> No.6737174

What did you dress up as ?

>> No.6737195
File: 213 KB, 640x480, 199100729_d1bcac0eb4_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're in college and don't have easy access to a sewing machine or a fabric store

>> No.6737224
File: 69 KB, 555x597, really-bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you really want to cosplay a specific character, but realize that it's beyond your skill level right now, so you plan it for the future
>tfw you tell your cosplay friend that you want to eventually cosplay this character
>tfw your friend tells you that you shouldn't because it will be too hard for you
>tfw your friend tells you, two weeks later, that she plans to cosplay the character

>> No.6737240

Work on it so that your costume curb-stomps her costume into the ground, past the crust, through the mantle and straight into the earth's hot, molten core.

>> No.6737673

If you're cosplaying a character from another Urobuchi work, a Dominator would be a nice shout-out. I mean, Homura Akemi and Kiritsugu Emiya have a fuckton of guns regardless.

>> No.6737724 [DELETED] 

If you're cosplaying a character from another Urobuchi work, a Dominator would be a nice shout-out. I mean, Homura Akemi and Kiritsugu Emiya have a fuckton of guns regardless.

>> No.6737754

It depends on what exactly the grime is, but you may be screwed unfortunately.

>> No.6737857

Please, please don't forget to try peroxide, especially if it's a biological residue.

>> No.6737922
File: 38 KB, 110x164, f789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nearly wetting yourself because you can't get everything off in time
>tfw spending 10-20 minutes in the stall trying to put it all back on
>tfw finally leave, and there's a massive line of people waiting

>> No.6737977

I know this feel

>Cosplay Lulu
>Fuckton of belts
>Weighs 5kg
>When I cosplay I often don't go to the toilet whole day - probably helps I don't eat or drink the whole day (would sweat out any water I drink)
>Time I need to pee, trying to pull belts and dress up, and keep sleeves out of the way
>Fucking impossible
>Go to the toilet another con, literally just take all my belts off instead and have to put them back on where the sinks with huge crowd
>Thank God the belts are separate

>> No.6738121
File: 82 KB, 182x243, did u triggerere ithat oji 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brother wants to cosplay something with you
>so fucking excited to have family take interest in your hobbies
>spend three months putting together my own and his cosplay
>almost finish his cloak the day before, don't have fur for lining
>beg him to go out and buy it so i can finish my other cosplays night of, give him $80 cash to buy fur
>comes back with the wrong color, not enough, and three 24 packs of mountain dew, $9.30 in change

>spend a week making a fuckin gorgeous halter dress for something i've wanted to do forever
>decide to wear it to an out of state con
>saturday morning, hotel room, i finish my makeup, put on my wig, ready to put on dress
>didn't bring a bandeau bra or petals

>> No.6738582
File: 21 KB, 152x224, 1343955169203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally picked better eating habits and exercise back up after a three year rut where I ballooned back up to a 40'' waistline on a 5'3'' frame
>have dream cosplays I filed away for whatever day I manage to lose all that fat and not look like a landwhale
>start planning for them thinking it will give me incentive, figure I can work on wigs/parts that don't require body measurements while I work off my weight
>can't decide between two characters for two different series
>tfw too scared to post in a "what should I cosplay" thread for, at the very least, opinions on my face, because I'm still fat as fatass

>> No.6738599

Oh no! Did you find something else for your nips in time?

>> No.6738629

Rigged the shit out of a normal bra, I tucked in my straps, and dress taped the dress so it'd never show bra. It turned out okay-ish, but I was pretty much paranoid and asking my friend if I'd come undone all day.

>> No.6738675

Coulda just gotten pieces of tissue paper and tape

>> No.6738705

Nah, would have been too itchy, plus no support, which I really need, I've got 30-32 DD-DDD's, and a kind of small frame.

>> No.6738756

holy shit your tits

>> No.6738758

I'm saving for a reduction, lmfao, I swear to god. I'm 5'0 even, and I weigh no more than 105 after a binge on the grossest food, and it's just suffering for my back, even after surgery for scoliosis. Yeah, biology, woo-hoo, genetics!

>> No.6738796
File: 48 KB, 525x594, Obama-Feels-Good-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're super chubby and have a weird shaped head
>tfw all characters look weird
>tfw forced to almost always do masked characters to stop from freaking out about face shape
>tfw friend offers to be a gym buddy and help lose weight
>that same feel when said gym buddy wants to try cosplay

I dunno what's better about them. The fact they're willing to do it, or that they've already started making their costume from scratch.

>> No.6739073 [DELETED] 

>tfw you make a post about having all things for your stuff for next con finally on FB page (have it to separate personal and cosplay life).
>some guy says they just liked page, and want to meet
>look at profile: creepytastic profile pictue including infant, cover photo also makes me weirded out
>don't meet randoms at con, never have
>not famous at all
>just say I'll be around, since not really keen to meet up with randoms (I'm okay with taking photos, or having short convos)
>at cons to have fun

Should I retain my non-meet up policy, or am I just being overly cautious?

>> No.6739077
File: 208 KB, 347x377, Dont-like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you make a post about having all things for your stuff for next con finally on FB page (have it to separate personal and cosplay life).
>some guy says they just liked page, and want to meet
>look at profile: creepytastic profile pictue including infant, cover photo also makes me weirded out (basically asking for tits)
>don't meet randoms at con, never have
>not famous at all
>just say I'll be around, since not really keen to meet up with randoms (I'm okay with taking photos, or having short convos)
>at cons to have fun

Should I retain my non-meet up policy, or am I just being overly cautious?

>> No.6739185


If it was a friend or someone you've been talking to for a while is say meet up, but meeting up with randoms like that is just dumb.

>> No.6739342
File: 45 KB, 506x378, 1350756595048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have darker skin and are too self conscious to do light characters
>tfw you have to cosplay masked or full clothed character to have at least resemblance
>tfw the only con you are able to go to is in the summer

>> No.6739350

>I know this feel. D:

>> No.6739664
File: 26 KB, 628x643, fishcake uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS. This so much.

>tfw you come back from a con in a state of happy exhaustion
>tfw an hour after you get back, your friends who skipped out on the con start bombarding you with progress updates on their props
>tfw the next con is six months away but they want their props done now
>tfw cant tell if me returning re-ignited their cosplay interest or they're jealous of the attention I got and want to get a piece of it

>> No.6740157


>> No.6740186

I always feel so creative after leaving a convention. I meet so many different people into different arts - whether it's cosplay, drawing, painting, music, acting, performing... I can't help but be super inspired. I wish I could go to conventions more often than 2x a year so I could be perpetually inspired. Sounds corny, but it's true.

>> No.6742112
File: 94 KB, 399x388, true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>searching for pics after a con
>tfw you find a bunch of pictures of your friend's closet cosplay and not a single one of the costume you spent months on

>> No.6742176

>tfw you come back from the con with pneumonia

>> No.6742409

>tfw you want to wear cute lolita shit
>but your boobs are a retarded cup size
>and you commute on the train 90min each way
i just want to be pretty guys. i just end up looking akward.

>> No.6742464

Ok! I will get progress done today!
>HAY, HAY I'm your period don't forget you have me!
>extreme cramps
>spend the rest of the day with a heating pad, crying curled up around the computer.
Fucking most productive day ever fuck you too body.

>> No.6742517

is it true that women's periods can sync up if they spend enough time with one another?

>> No.6742532

Old wives' tale. If it were true, all high school girls would be on their periods together. Imagine how fun that week would be.

>> No.6742546

If you're friends/family it's true. At least for me it was. But general population; nah.

>> No.6742587
File: 61 KB, 500x400, tumblr_inline_mgyrlglp4f1qbfded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw one day before the con
>you finish everything that one day
sweet jesus

>> No.6742609
File: 43 KB, 500x275, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gain fifty pounds on medication, become chubbyfat instead of skinnyfat

>tfw exercise and eating better barely cuts into it because medication is a dick

>tfw changing meds may not be an option

>tfw self-esteem shot

>> No.6742620

I know this feel. I lost 50 lbs through diet and exercise, took me awhile to do it this way. Kept the weight off for a few years. Started a new medication, I gained the 50 lbs back in a year. Trying to lose some weight again. It's really depressing.

>> No.6742679
File: 37 KB, 251x263, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your cosplay list just keeps getting longer after talking to friends

>tfw you and your friends have 7 different group cosplays planned

>tfw you want to do all of them and can never prioritize one over the other

>> No.6742774

>fall in love with character
>tfw cosplaying them is out of the question because you'd just be seen as a plain clothes attendee

>> No.6742802

Every girl in a high school isn't around the other girls enough. Usually, if a group hangs around each other often, it does sync. Me and my friend had this happen a lot. I've heard other girls say it applies to their friendships as well.

>> No.6742835

Same here, with my friends. It doesn't sync up to THE EXACT SAME HOUR, but gradually, it became the same 3-4 days.

>> No.6742840

So what? There's nothing wrong with that. And fans of whatever it is would probably recognize you.

>> No.6745123

For once I would like to know that feel instead of doing this at the con or till 4 in the morning the night before.