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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6625199 No.6625199 [Reply] [Original]

North Carolina Cosplayers!

>> No.6625212

So much to do before AZ

>> No.6625229

I have my Solid Snake costume in the bag. Working on a Giedon from Scott Pilgrim get-up also. Should be dope.

>> No.6625256

I dunnno if I'll bother going to AZ this year, last year was such a clusterfuck.
That and it's pretty much becoming Homestuck con

>> No.6625259

AZ is too expensive nowadays, and there's nothing but Homestuck and there's no good panels anymore.

>> No.6625261

Yeah, I thought the price would go down this year because we all assumed last year's hike was due to the escalators breaking.

>> No.6625262

At least Animazement made their website look better. Kind of digging the new layout.

>> No.6625300

You could always get people to donate to pay for you and your buddies to go.

>> No.6625340

Oh god, I use to know these guys.
I'm legit disappointed in mrchibs, I really expected better from her.
I mean wow, that is just low.

>> No.6625347

they realized people would still pay even if it was an absurd amount of money, so why would they go down in price?

>> No.6625354
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They don't seem to think so.

>> No.6625361

That is the most idiotic thing I ever read in my life.
I am so embarrassed by them, I'm ashamed for them.
If anyone else has deets, I want to know. This shit is both depressing and amusing.

>> No.6625364
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>these are gifts to say thank you to those who donate
>mfw when $300 gets you a photoshoot with them and their store bought costumes you paid for
Some gift right there.

>> No.6625368
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I just... I don't even... what???

Essentially they think they deserve money because they've been lazy? We could have done it guise but we've been procrastinating lols~
Fantastic selling pitch gals.

>> No.6625370
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I got as far as their summary of what the money was for before raging. Always read the fine print.

>> No.6625373

Their $500 donation budget is 80% just for travel/hotel/convention costs!

>> No.6625376
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guys what if
wait for it

i used the money id throw to these morons to buy those costumes myself and then just cosplay it myself?

paying these self entitled bitches to BUY costumes to wear? What the ever-living fuck? If I want to see a superjail cosplay, I'll make one myself, not pay people to wear it for me

>> No.6625380

Also paying for them to go to Animazement. Donators are even paying for the gas to drive them there.

>Donation Goal: $500
>Costume estimate: $240
>Convention estimate: $300 + gas to drive from out of state

>> No.6625403

So basically, let's just pay for them to go to a con and cosplay, and we get a few cheap trinkets and the chance to see them in the cosplays we paid for
Seems legit

>> No.6625487

And how old are these people?

>> No.6625504
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>wasn't my idea but you shouldn't blame the others for doing it!

>> No.6625558

She thinks this is hatemail
Because someone saying that they are dissapointed is hatemail

>> No.6625560

I know that one is at least 21

>> No.6625582

Also it looks like she's hiding offline to avoid more comments like that. I still think it's a load of shit to claim she has nothing to do with it and she wouldn't accept the money but she thinks they're not in the wrong for accepting it. That money was going to be spent on her one way or another.

>> No.6625619
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And she's back because she's got people kissing her ass.

>> No.6625637 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 531x64, mrchibs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous asked:
Not to be rude or anything but if you had a problem with the idea why didn't you tell them it was a bad idea?

>because until very recently, caring about you basically meant i don’t say no to you because i basically couldn’t-and can’t-handle the thought of upsetting anyone. basically because i’m a raging spineless asshole, i guess.

If you weren't going to accept the money, fine. Just don't fucking outright lie about how you had no choice but to say yes to avoid upsetting anyone.

>> No.6625661
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Whoever this is, I hope you want to throttle her as much as I do. She outright said it was hate before, she's still covering her own ass, and she's still trying to defend the others.

>> No.6625664

I was that anon, and I have to say that I don't want to throttle her. I'm just shaking my head at this. I really used to think that she was a cool and caring person, and she was always a bro to me, but I just can't believe this is going on.
I might contact her privately, but at this time I'm not sure how private that would end up being,

>> No.6625666

Probably would get back to everyone else in the group at the least. Rampant-Noodle's already closed down anonymous asks and is threatening to shut down all asks. She deleted the tumblr post but the donation page is still up.

>> No.6625693
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>and nobody really ever said they *needed* the money, at all.

lawl guiz they never said they needed the money they just *wanted* it so it's totes ok!

>> No.6625705
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And with that, I give up

>> No.6625719

Don't blame you. Seems like no one in that group has any sense.

>> No.6625931
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oh boy its been a while since anyone fuck up in this state

>> No.6625975

What's the last thing to happen before this then? All I can think is that guy trying to start his own con (Akaicon? I forget)

>> No.6625990


I think i remember that. For the most part the state is calm, Few drama spots here and there. Lot of high level seagulls/oldfags around here. But the only big thing i remember is that kid killing himself after AZ 2007

>> No.6625995

What, I need to know about this

>> No.6626032

Say what now?

>> No.6626066


looking for the final new article

>> No.6626077

Wow. 2007 was my first year attending and I never knew.

>> No.6626357

I only really follow Rampant-Noodle, and it's more so for the lul factor of her daily whining and complaining for attention.

>> No.6626428


Also my first year on the con circuit

man times have changed

>> No.6626483

Remember when AZ was quality?

>> No.6626843

I spent yesterday refreshing her page just to see it. Don't understand how someone can bounce multiple times between "Yay chocolate making!" to "Baaaw today is the worst day ever!"

I'd say at least now there isn't a five minute pile up in the hallway when people stop for photos but that Artist Alley section is a nightmare.

Also first guest announcements are today and for some reason their registration page doesn't show at door prices anymore. Maybe they're going to lower the prices to $55 after all?

>> No.6626906

She bounces between how much attention she's getting at the time, I've come to learn. If she's getting the attention she wants, she's fine and dandy. As soon as she needs more attention? Waaaah suddenly this day is awful for no good reason! Love me!

>> No.6626921

No doubt she'll be complaining about the group deciding to cancel the donation drive.

>> No.6626940

Does anyone wanna be friends? I don't know anyone who is into this stuff and I'd like to go to AZ


>> No.6626943


I don't get how the AA has gotten smaller when they're upping the price of the whole con. Like holy shit, you're making me pay more, for total shit? If I'm paying that much money, they should be able to give me a decent Artist Alley.

>> No.6626959

It's honestly more fun to go by yourself, anon. You don't have to negotiate with anyone else's schedule or restaurant choices or panels or anything like that.

>> No.6626961

Guests are up!
Uchuu Sentai Noiz confirmed for returning.

>> No.6626964

According to the Artist Alley notice they can't afford the bigger room without jacking up the prices on AA tables.

Honestly going to Animazement by yourself really isn't that bad. Out of all the conventions I've been to, AZ is probably the friendliest. It's really easy to find yourself chatting up total strangers and there's very little drama.

>> No.6626969

Well I was diagnosed with social anxiety, so being by myself at a convention is terrifying to me :<

>> No.6626975

So what's the excuse for the general price jacking then?

>> No.6626977

She's managed to get a lot of people to pay for her to go to cons, so this drop in possible funding is definitely a blow to her. Count down until 'I can't go to AZ this sucks' pity party and someone pays.

>> No.6626981

I know that feeling, I really do. Maybe try joining the Animazement forum and see where that goes? You may meet some others that share interests with you? That's where I met a lot of my friends.

I'm still under the belief that it was to pay for 2011's escalator breakage. That's what the story was post-convention when everyone found out about the price jacking. We'll just have to see if the prices go down this year and then we'll know.

She's done this before? That's... wow.

Also this year I may bite the bullet and actually show up for the /cgl/ meet. I was too nervous last year and ended up getting caught up in the dealer's room anyway.

>> No.6626986

An escalator broke and prices rose to cover that and to compensate for any potential future damage.

>> No.6627017

From what I can tell, yeah. She'll complain about not being able to go to a con constantly, and a few days later 'thanks so much to x for buying my ticket!'

>> No.6627030

Well that explains why she didn't see any issue with asking people to pay for the entire group.

>> No.6627055

Aw, babybear I would love to be your little friend. I have the tisms, though, so I'm a little obnoxious. Hopefully someone here or in the forums will go with you. It is fun, especially if you like art or cosplay or even to explore downtown Raleigh.

They almost ran me over going to that ballroom on the second floor, you know. I thought they were some crazy cosplayers until I saw the AZ Booklet. I almost got ran over by a band!

>> No.6627060

They're definitely an unusual bunch but they really seem to love hanging out so I'm glad they're back again despite how every year we have a vocal few complaining about them.

>> No.6627061

My girlfriend apparently rode in an elevator with them on her way to her room. She got in, and thought 'wow, what awesome cosplays!' and it wasn't until she stepped off the elevator that it hit her...

>> No.6627062

Who is complaining about them? They're just a, um, minor band from J-land. Is their music bad or something? Is it punk?

>> No.6627075

Ever since they were the first band announced for Animazement, some forum people have complained. Their music is a mixture between rock and pop, depending on the song. The concerts are really fun though because a lot of their songs are catchy and have dances to them so they get the crowd to do the dance.

>> No.6627110

Honestly, follow her for a while. It's hilarious to see every hypocritical comment and post she makes.

>> No.6627485

Can we talk about NC lolitas too? I like seeing infiniteneeya in her ridiculous dresses.

>> No.6627598

Not a lolita but I like the fashion. The name sounds sort of familiar. Has she been talked about here before?

>> No.6628140
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I thought Rampant-Noodle was bad but this girl has been sending me messages for over an hour now and it's gotten to the point where I don't care if it reveals my identity, this shit is ridiculous. I can post the other messages she sent me if needed.

The context of this is me telling her that they should have just taken their donation prizes and sold them as is and how a lot of the prizes weren't even worth their donation price, like $5 getting you access to their progress blog.

>> No.6628152

They're all just ridiculous. All of them.

>> No.6628198 [DELETED] 
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From her tumblr.

>We told you what we were going to do with the money if you decided to give it to us, just like somebody who wants to buy a replacement computer or something, you still don’t have to give me anything.

>> No.6628846

What's going on with the Artist Alley this year. All my friends who've been Artist Alley vets since the con was in Durham are getting waitlisted/rejected. Are they paring the Alley down, or trying hard to rotate artists, or what?

>> No.6628960

I think I read on the website that they do try to mix it up every year because otherwise it would just be the same artists every time due to the limited amount of tables.