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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 759 KB, 2116x1704, 1128739325_1354932243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6620747 No.6620747 [Reply] [Original]

Help thread, you know the drill

Wigs, construction, patterns, et cetera

>> No.6620756
File: 70 KB, 650x895, 453563464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a lot of super hero costumes with zentais that are this type of matte pvc material.
But I can't seem to find any online. They're all either matte lycra or super shiny and gross.
Are they all custom made? I think I found some fabric that will work but if I can order a premade zentai that would be easier.

>> No.6620762
File: 34 KB, 350x525, Robin_sparkles_2_FULL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay Robin Sparkles from How I Met Your Mother but I am having troubles finding a proper wig.
The texture is very coarse and it seems to go from quite blonde to light brownish depending on different pictures/lighting

>> No.6620805
File: 66 KB, 297x448, ElizabethDMC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I 2nd this similar color for Elizabeth cos.

>> No.6620820

Most premade superhero costumes and plain zentai suits will be either shiny vinyl, or nylon-spandex. To get something like that, you'll have to make it yourself or commission someone to do it for you.

>> No.6620824
File: 90 KB, 400x600, tumblr_mfran9aNBv1qa915lo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a daily wear type wig. I want something natural looking, and not too fancy. How do you tell which colors compliment your skin/ facial structure?

>> No.6623670
File: 67 KB, 400x485, SG_maire_bigportrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about making Marie's vacuum?
I'm going to cosplay her to NYCC, so I don't exactly want to be toting around something heavy. I was thinking I could even make it like some type of bag so I could carry my stuff in it instead of a purse. Anyone have any ideas?

Or would it be better just to carry around the skull heart in my hands since it's right next to her in the stage?

>> No.6623692


Personally, I think you should try at


>> No.6623702
File: 298 KB, 912x1300, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what fabric to use for the long jacket for Sebastian's priest outfit. It's long sleeved and about calf length, and I'm going to wear it to animeboston so while I figure something like wool suiting is most accurate, it'd be way too hot. Would using something lighter like linen or a heavier weight cotton work? I really want to stay away from synthetic fabric.

>> No.6623724
File: 688 KB, 711x1100, jessie wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a wig with a giant beehive, and I've been using this tutorial so far.
But I don't know what the hell PVA is or where to get it.

Anyone know? Or any other ways to glue wig strands to the base?

>> No.6623740

The only way to tell is to
a) Try one on and see how it looks
b) look at wigs that suit other people with a similar face to yours, or ones that don't.

We can best help you if you show us your face or describe what you have. E.g. red-tones skin with a heart shaped face.

>> No.6623772


My recommendation would be to grab yourself a hot-wire cutter and carve all the bony bits out of styrofoam. From there, you can prime and paint them. But while this method will be light, you have to consider that no matter how light the hoover is, it's gonna be pretty damn unwieldy. If you're doing a lot of walking around, it may be more practical to just make the Skull Heart.

>> No.6623798

I'd go for the linen fabric.

Idk where do you live, but here in my country there are stores specialized in religious clothing/fabric to make them, probably you can get some ideas from these

>> No.6623821

I live in the states but I'm extremely short and thin so that wouldn't be an option for me to begin with. I'm not trying to look like a legit priest, since yana's design isn't very accurate to catholic faith, I just want something that looks nice but isn't going to leave me sweltering in the heat. I wilt like baby spinach leaves.

>> No.6623842

It's glue, maybe a British thing which is why you may not have heard of that term, i dunno.
But yeah it's like arts and crafts glue, dries clear and quickly, not very strong though. You give it to kids because you can eat it and it wont kill you.

>> No.6625043
File: 34 KB, 430x700, tumblr_ls61a02AI71qdl0alo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like help with cutting bangs for this guy.

>> No.6625051

Just remember to cut vertically and not horizontally, and this should be easy to do. Also, make sure you measure the length it will sit at when it is on your head. Cutting it to fit a foam wig head will almost always end up making it too short.

>> No.6626258
File: 245 KB, 1351x825, asukawig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm utterly baffled on how to go about making a decent Asuka (Evangelion) wig. I think I'm either over thinking it and making it more complicated than it needs to be, but I'm not sure. Unfortunately there is a small hang up, that being I found the right color wig, but I'm unable to purchase extensions. I did buy two wigs, one as a base and the other for wefts.

I do want my wig to have the gathered sides and the twin tails those sides go into, as in the image. I'm just very lost on how to do it. I have a feeling it's not too difficult but I'm worried I'm going to mess up. I know it's going to involve parting and altered hairline (sides).

Thanks Seagulls!

>> No.6626343
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x1882, tumblr_mgkqzoUn8l1qalrwko3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curious about Wonderflex and other armor making techniques. I wanna make most of the upper half of Rei Ayanami's plug suit solid with some kind of material then cover it with my fabric (stretch PVC).

How well would Wonderflex do in terms of holding decent organic shapes, I guess? Would I be able to, like, I dunno, mold it over a bra or something? Is craft foam flexible? There are lots of little curves and crannies in that upper plug suit part as well as the arm parts.

(Btw I am making the white one, this picture just had the best variety of poses and angles)

>> No.6626364

I'm trying to attach small curly pieces of Sculpey UltraLight clay to my Mami gun, which is made of insulation foam (and was sealed completely with gesso, glue, and modge podge). What glue would be best that won't damage the gun itself? (I would use super glue, but I'm afraid it'll eat through the coating).
Thank you seagulls!

>> No.6626409


>I wanna make most of the upper half of Rei Ayanami's plug suit solid

Have you ever had to wear a plastic back brace? Shit's uncomfortable as hell, impedes your movement, and makes you sweat like mad. It will also show up under the plugsuit material (especially if it's the white suit). My advice would be to limit the solid part to be just below your boobs at its lowest point (bottom of the ribs at a pinch).

>> No.6626424


If you haven't already painted the gun, it might be best to just superglue the new parts on and then re-coat the whole thing with the finish.

>> No.6626431
File: 248 KB, 932x800, Hiccups.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of various… reasons, my boyfriend and I are both cosplaying Hiccup for SDCC. Because I don't want to do two copies of the same version, he's going to be the movie version and I'm doing one of the earlier Hiccup designs, closer to how he is in the books, I guess. But when I was planning out materials I realized that herp a derp, they're still wearing pretty much the same outfit.

So here's the question: how can I make the sorta-Book!Hiccup not look like I just fail at cosplaying Movie!Hiccup? Different color scheme (all the available art of him is sorta sepia-toned-ish with the browns and reds like all of the artist's work for the movie, no real color scheme available)? I'm trying to get a dragon basket, and I'll have his helmet and a "How to Speak Dragonese" book, but I don't know what else to do. I know in the end some people will see me as a terrible Movie!Hiccup cosplayer and that's the cost of the outfit I chose, but I'd just like to limit it best I can.

>> No.6626438

DEFINITELY do the entire thing in sepia tones, or even borderline red if you can. Also make sure to have tons of freckles, and to proportion the outfit to make you look shorter. The outfit's proportions on his body are way different than Movie Hiccup, so that will be a good start.

>> No.6626444

Would Modge Podge hold the pieces well enough?

>> No.6626451

Reposting from the last thread:
I need a katana (with sheath) for a new cosplay, but I'm absolute shit at propmaking. Does anyone know of those stores that sell wooden props to weeaboos? Or any cosplay stores that sell wood/PVC props? I'm fine with stripping paint/repainting and modifying, I just can't make the sword/scabbard myself.

Please, no stores with inventories that are all metal weapons, my con doesn't allow metal.

>> No.6626452

Red hair. And messy. And make sure your belt is much higher up on your waist.
And if you are any good with plushies, you could make the red and green Garden Dragon version of Toothless.

>> No.6626457

Just use the standard parting/hairline tutorials and adjust them to only cover the top half of the wig instead of the whole thing. I'd upload the tutorials, but I'm on a new computer. If there's a tutorial thread up, they should be there.

>> No.6626459

Thanks anon!

>> No.6626507
File: 354 KB, 654x2000, 1356417828931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6626514

Thank you!

>> No.6626543
File: 209 KB, 750x532, tumblr_lrucxzNwGr1qdbhwwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank-you, kindly anons!! I love these ideas. I was planning on trying to make a couple Terrible Terror puppets to go with the costumes, but it hadn't even crossed my mind trying to make one a Garden Dragon instead. That's perfect! Thank-you!

>> No.6626583 [DELETED] 

I've ordered a few costumes in time for a con and I was wondering, what's the best way to remove the tags so it looks like I made it?

>> No.6626611

Fuck off.

>> No.6626625
File: 163 KB, 1087x781, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, beginning cosplayer with no tayloring skills here. I am working on Ashitaka cosplay. I need patterns for the blue top and red cap. I've tried googling, but haven't found anything. Thank you for your help.

>> No.6626635

You can go to Simplicity.com and venture into their Costume Patterns section for either the Jedi or Kimono pattern for the blue top. As for the red cap, take apart an old hoodie to make the pattern

>> No.6626636

go to your local library or book store and look up sewing books, try to find one that teaches you how to make traditional Japanese style garments. Or google it, that`s easier; his top is just a basic Japanese men`s shirt.

The hat could be a modified toque pattern. Find and purchase a hat pattern at your local fabric store that has ear-flaps on it, and modify it. Or go the sewing book route, either way.

You're not likely to find tutorials or patterns specifically to make these items. If you can't make it yourself, commission someone who can and for the love of God compensate them properly for their time, effort, and expertise. Good luck.

>> No.6626723

Thank you so much for your advice! Will see what I can do

>> No.6626753
File: 17 KB, 271x238, biker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm going to be cosplaying as Biker, from Hotline Miami. The picture is the only real reference I have, other than the "official" art. That doesn't really count, since he looks completely different in that. Basically, I'm trying to figure out what shoes I should use. It's set in 1989, should I use orange 80s sneakers? Or some generic orangey work shoes? (Which are used in the official art.)

>> No.6626760
File: 575 KB, 497x698, Hotline_Miami_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see what I mean about the official art here, Biker is on the left reading BOOBS magazine. These are the shoes I was thinking, if I go for the work ones.

>> No.6626905
File: 65 KB, 800x854, eyebrows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres no make up thread so I'll ask here:

What eyebrow filler/pencil do you asians use for everyday wear? Specific brands and numbers, please.

The ones I use are too dark, or too off.

Want it to be similar to these eyebrows.

>> No.6627133

I'd go with more light brown than orange. I think the color you have picked out is good, but the style is different than the ones you have, though I don't know how important that is to you. I think the ones you have would work well, but I think the style of something like this might be a closer match to the style: http://www.amazon.com/Timberland-Mens-10061-Premium-Wheat/dp/B000VX6YK6/ref=lp_679307011_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1360863598&sr=1-2

>> No.6629307
File: 134 KB, 811x891, ww1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of cosplaying the White Witch from Ni No Kuni. I really liked her design, and I think a lot of it would be fairly simple. Two questions: How should I do the 'hair'? I think big thick white dreadlocks would look stupid, so I was thinking maybe just a white wig? It would have to be big, though. Ideas??!

Also, Is there any way to make the blue sections of the suit glow? I don't want them to change colors or anything, but a little bit of a glow would be nice.

Thanks for the ideas/help.

>> No.6629318

EL panels for the glowing parts

>> No.6629410

Didn't see this. Also naw I've never had that experience so thank you for that enlightenment. But yeah, I think I've got a better idea of what I want to do in retrospect.

>> No.6629417

Are there any tutorials for installing these? I have no idea how to do this sort of a thing, but would love to learn.

>> No.6629579
File: 26 KB, 336x229, 1352784464115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what fabric to use when making dragon wings?

>> No.6629594

I'd say some kind of pleather.
You want it to have that tough look while still being fairly cheap and light.
Where you get pleather, I don't know.

There's also a tutorial for painting fabric to make it look leathery. That might work as well.

>> No.6629615 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 100x200, Marie1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I want to make a cosplay of Marie with two friends who will be Lee and May so we'll be the kanker sisters

Now I need help finding a good wig i'm new to cosplaying but I really want to do this

so can anyone help

>> No.6629620

If i were to post instructions from a glb, would someone help translate them? Or at least give me the gist of which pieces are which? (Lots of rectangles in this one) y/n?

>> No.6629639

Perhaps this one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Title333-Short-Cosplay-V-home-KAITO-Brother-blue-turned-Alice-Wig-gift-/280843728785?pt=US_CSA_MWA_Wigs_Extensions&hash=item4163973791

>> No.6629644

I'm in desperate need of decision help. I'm making pic related, and I'm worried about what to put under the dress to make the poof. I was going to just get a hoop skirt, but now I'm worried that the hoopskirt is going to show through the skirt. The skirt itself isn't super thick, and I remember someone saying that they were having a problem with it. So should I just get a really full petticoat?

I was gonna order from here:

#10 being the hoopskirt I was going to buy. Would #5 be better?

>> No.6629647
File: 104 KB, 500x323, Fiona_and_ice_queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woops dropped pic. But since it's a duplicate file from someone else, it's Ice Queen from AT

>> No.6629657

Go for 5 it will go better with the dress

>> No.6629678

I think #5 would be fine, yeah.

>> No.6629873
File: 247 KB, 1158x861, patternhelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes no? maybe so?

>> No.6629992

thanks guys. Glad to have that ordered finally.

>> No.6630189
File: 103 KB, 424x600, Narancia.Ghirga.600.704048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What material would be best suited for Narancia's outfit?
Also, I'm unsure if this is entirely a one piece- aside form the "manskirt".

>> No.6630213
File: 140 KB, 480x720, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looks about right. looking at google images, it looks like a body suit?
i think it's spandex.

>> No.6630229

I followed this tutorial to make the exact same wig and I used clear fabric glue and a large paintbrush. It worked really well as it dried smooth and clear and I only needed a small amount to cover a large area. It cost a bit more than regular stuff and dries really fast, but it was worth it.

>> No.6630236


Not sure if you're looking to use EL wire, but I found this site pretty helpful.


>> No.6630699
File: 113 KB, 1019x1485, Madeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I and a few friends are looking to have a Madeline group at Supanova in two months. Very few of us have any sewing experience, so we figured it'd be fairly easy, and I am the only one who has cosplayed before.

Does anyone happen to know a pattern we could use for the dress and collar thing, and what we could do for the hat?

Also, if anyone knows a pattern for Ms Clavell's outfit, that would be lovely.

Otherwise, I'll just go searching tomorrow for patterns and what we could use for the hat. I'm just asking in case anyone knows anything already to make our lives easier.

>> No.6630843

PVA is PVA glue. Wood glue is often PVA glue - look at the back of the packet. Mod Podge is also watered-down PVA glue.

>> No.6630860
File: 835 KB, 1423x2018, gumi ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a pattern for making obis? Or do you know where I can buy one like this fairly cheap...
I need help with pretty much every part of her obi. The yellow bit underneath, and the cords around it.

>> No.6630880

I don't get people like you, are you functionally retarded?

The cords are just cord twisted around it. The main belt is just a tube of fabric, and the twisted fabric at the top is just.. a twisted of fabric you can slipstitch in place. Just make a giant ass bow and have it attach to the back separately so you can get it on and off easily.

How can you know how to make the rest of the costume and not be able to figure out what is essentially a giant belt with some shit tacked onto it?

>> No.6630881

I'm wearing this to a Japanese festival and I didn't want to get shit for it if I did something wrong.

>> No.6630898
File: 1 KB, 578x137, 9001 hours in mspaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

useful vocabulary words:
>obi (blue)
>obiage (yellow, though idk why it's showing both on top and on the bottom)
>obijime (red/yellow)

and really if you're worried about getting something wrong, you shouldn't be wearing something as costumey as this.

>> No.6630904


I think it'd be more helpful if you showed the back, I'm guessing it was based off a bow tied with hanhaba obi, like those worn with a yukata.

The easiest way to *construct* it is to make a long rectangle 15cm wide and 3m long, but every time you want to wear it you're going to have to tie it (you can google the instructions pretty easily, and the tying method itself gets easy after you've tried it three or four times).

The harder way is to make a tsuke obi yourself, something like this:
(you'll probably have to attach your wire slightly differently, she was making a fake bunko musubi, not the bow tie) but some people find it easier to wear.

Or you could look on ebay for either a tsuke obi or a yukata set + tsuke obi ( and get some yukata underwear to go with that) in similar colours. Nice thing about this is you also get a yukata to wear to Japanese festivals, which I really recommend instead of the costume -- it's cool if you're actually Japanese, but if you're not Japanese and you showed up to a Japanese festival wearing that, it does look quite rude.

For the yellow part sew a yellow tube of fabric long enough to go around your waist plus a bit extra. Wrap it aorund your waist and tie a ribbon over it to hold it in place. Pull at the tube a bit to give it a bit of a skew to get that twisty fabric effect in the illustration. Then wear your obi on top of it. (Obviously the fabric weight should be really light for this, and really heavy for the obi).

(It doesn't actually look like an obiage or a kakae-obi, so I suggested a different construction method)

>> No.6630911

this is true anon... that is a costume, it is not something that you should wear to a Japanese Festival.

Unless it is an anime convention disguised as a japanese festival...

>> No.6630914


For the cords,they're called obijime, and I actually think the one in your illustration is one of those that splits into three tails (and then the artist got confused or hardworking or smth and drew that one yellow tail that just keeps going around her waist lol). The tie looks similar to this: http://immortalgeisha.com/ig_bb/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=14320

Personally I'd just get one short yellow cord, one longer yellow cord and one red cord long enough to tie loosely (with actual bow knot) around your waist. Tie or sew the yellow cords onto the middle of the red cord to resemble the loopy flower, fray the ends to get the tassels as per the illustration (put some glue on it so you don't fray the rest of the cord).

You don't need to sew down the longer yellow cord, if the cord is stiff enough you can usually make that wave pattern just by tucking it into the other (red) cord exactly like the illustration.

Place the cords over your obi and tie a bow knot at the back, under the obi's bow, then lift the whole cord knot and tuck it into the obi, until it's all out of sight. All kinds of things are hidden this way in actual kimono-tying.

Honestly I think you can wear the obi itself, weird obi ties, obiage and all with a normal yukata to a Japanese festival, and most people would say it looks good. The whole outfit in your illustration.... maybe save that for a con.

Good luck.

>> No.6630916


weird *obiage ties

Sorry for the confusion

>> No.6630927

Thank you!

It's an event that attracts a lot of cosplayers anyway. I just want it to be good enough where it doesn't look like I just made a tube of blue fabric with strings around my waist, but still keeping the costume aspects so it doesn't look like I'm trying to be authentic perfect Nihonnese person. Does that make any sense?

>> No.6631053
File: 82 KB, 600x450, 71-600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a reliable way to keep a long wig, like pic related, on my head while dancing and flipping? I have short hair, and have never worn a wig outside of drama club tomfoolery.

>> No.6631074

why are you doing flips?

If your hair is long enough to manage, put it in pin curls all over your head. Apply your wig cap. You can sew toupee clips or wire combs in the front of your wig. Put the wig on, make sure any clips you have sewn in are secure and then use hair pins to pin the fuck out of your wig.

>> No.6631090

I train from child to do flips to impress the ladies and gents.

But really, I would like to incorporate my skills into the character, just as someone who can stand on pointe would be a huge credit to a Princess Tutu character.

>> No.6631098

You'll want to practice a lot with a wig, and be prepared to brush it out a lot if you want it to not be dead at the end of the day.
Get some cheap throwaway ones to use while coming up wih a routine that won't end with you strangling yourself by accident

>> No.6631106

be prepared to not be able to do any of that at a convention.

>> No.6631157

I've felt with my fair share of wigs and all have turned out fine. But this one... A friend gave it to me so I have no idea what type it is.
Point is I need it to curl and it absolutely won't. I've held the curler to it for 2 whole minutes ON HIGH! It still won't curl. I need it for a con tomorrow. Help?

Also phone won't let me post pictures -.-

>> No.6631174
File: 1.48 MB, 1000x899, Chochanna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wan't to cosplay Chochanna from wafku.

I have no idea how to get the wig right.

Here, have my crappy cosplay motivation background for character reference.

>> No.6631179

I think this should go on a wig general thread, but maybe you guys can help me?

I want to buy this wig: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Touhou-Project-Komeiji-Koishi-cosplay-wig-costume-/271142359568?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f21581210&_uhb=1#shId for my Koishi cosplay. It looks like her hair and is the only one I found.

I was wondering if anyone ever bought from this ebay seller? If not, does anyone know if there is a wig similar to this one that I could use, that doesn't look like shit? Or even how to I style my wig to look like the one I sent.

I have the cosplay hanging on my wardrobe for almost a month and I didn't use it because of the wig =/

>> No.6631362

Place it in curlers, then use hair spray, then remove the curlers after it has had time to dry. Also, when transporting it, leave the curlers in.

>> No.6631401

Less help but more opinions.
Does/cgl/ know what some of the best unnatural colored contacts would be? As in less irritation for the eyes and great color coverage? I have moderately bright eyes so cheap contacts the don't cover everything are noticeable on me.

>> No.6631417

Get smaller circle lenses and make sure they have a gradient going inwards rather than a sharp 'peephole'. Personally I find Beuberry the comfiest.

>> No.6631432

age old question but is there a master list of places to buy circle lenses that AREN'T scam sites?

>> No.6631437

Thanks, I checked out beuberry.
Does anyone have knowledge of this place. These are the exact contacts I need, and I was hoping they'd be trustworthy?

>> No.6631475

not those anons but I need to know

>> No.6631477 [DELETED] 
File: 1.37 MB, 800x1255, thefirstwiferef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next year for Katsucon I want to cosplay Aohigeko/ The First Wife from Marchen, so I'm currently in the planning stage.
Could I have some suggestions for fabric? I know fabrics that are found in modern elegant dresses, but I'm not sure if that would work best for her. Marchen takes place during the 1300s in Germany, and she's an Count's wife so it's probably going to be a high quality type of fabric. I'm just not sure what type.

>> No.6631548

What's a decent lightweight air-dry modeling compound that I can sand? I've used Model Magic but I don't like how spongy it is.

>> No.6631560

Does anyone know how to make a t shirt that is kinda fit and flare? Like up until the waist the shirt is fitted but then it flares out. Or at least somewhere where i can buy something like this? Thanks

>> No.6631587

I know baby-doll shirts are the ones that go it at the waist. They have a tiny flare, but I'm guessing you're wanting bigger.
You can always butcher a shirt for a pattern and add more width to the bottom.

>> No.6631622
File: 249 KB, 700x467, IMG_1268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff is pretty good.

>> No.6631660
File: 258 KB, 1024x768, 4875464_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel really dumb, because I am pretty sure this kind of hat has a name, but I can't for the life of me think what it is. Can anybody help out?

>> No.6631669

Newsboy cap, I believe.

>> No.6631678

Yep, that appears to be it, thanks!

>> No.6631682

looks kinda like a newsboy cap

>> No.6631688

fucking SHIT too slow for /cgl/

>> No.6631735
File: 286 KB, 720x1152, boudicca concept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: What kind of material would you all recommend I use for the bracers, girdle, and necklace? I'm not sure how I would get that leathery look without actually using leather. (I am using it for the braided brassiere and the belts holding up the sheaths but jeebus does the cost rack up over time)

>> No.6631851
File: 60 KB, 695x600, 695px-Torque_à_tampons_Somme-Suippe_Musée_Saint-Remi_120208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brass, bronze, or copper.

craft foam for everything else.

>> No.6631853

Right, torque.
I should've known that, I played the shit out of FFXI. Thanks.

>> No.6632230

What's the best stuff to use to make a thin blade? I tried wonderflex last time I needed to make this but it ended up warped in places and generally ugly. I've heard about craft foam but never used it, it is also given just in sheets or is it more three-dimensional?

>> No.6632369

I haven't bought from them personally, but I've heard CC Kids is reliable, however their wigs are on the thin side.

My question: Is stretch cotton sateen best sewn with a zig-zag or straight stitch? I thought I should use zig-zag but I can see the stitches from the outside, and I don't actually need the fabric to stretch. Straight stitch, however, seems to be working fine.

>> No.6632382

This all depends on how wide the blade is. Mind giving a picture of what sword it is you're trying to make?

>> No.6632390
File: 228 KB, 1024x659, tumblr_m3psdzChev1r59fvyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to do an easy one for a smaller upcoming con, anyone know of a sweater half red/half grey sweater anywhere?

>> No.6632406

You'll probably have to make it yourself. Either make it all from scratch, or, you could just buy a red sweater and a grey sweater, cut them in half, and sew the red top and grey bottom halves together.
Overall, this won't be as "easy" as you think it might, if you still want it to look decent.

>> No.6632407

I don't know of one, sorry, but I would probably just buy a red sweatshirt and a grey one and then sew them together. Since the spring clothing is coming into stores, more and more sweatshirts are going on sale/clearance.

>> No.6632426
File: 183 KB, 500x281, tumblr_meoj39z9hN1r59fvyo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easier* one. Sewing the two halves was going to be my backup plan, but I guess I'll have to do it. There doesn't seem like a good chance of finding the sweater in that style.
The boots/shoes have me stumped though. Usually I'd sew boot covers, but these have more of a solid look to it. Thoughts?

>> No.6632433

Fabric wrapped over upholstery foam.

>> No.6632442

And that's a wrap. Thanks for the help anons, will post updates whenever.

>> No.6632821
File: 39 KB, 550x422, 7ezCSH6DY7HbmSfQ95NfsQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably overthinking this, but I'm a bit stumped on how to go about doing Loki's fur cloak. Specifically how to make the "fluffy" upper part without having it stand out too much from the rest of the cloak and have it look odd

>> No.6632829

I know the answer to that one anon! The upper collar would be a mantle layer, which is like a long draped collar, and then the lower cape is a separate piece.

You can tack down the mantle layer at the edge to keep it from lifting, and since it is a layer of fur on top of your layer of fur it will stand up higher and have more volume. As long as you cut the fur directionally and not with a hard line (leaves the pile over the edge by cutting it properly) it should blend well into your cape layer.

>> No.6632858

Thank you! That helps a ton.

>> No.6632877
File: 665 KB, 1500x634, cape1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem! Make sure whatever you do the shape of the mantle isn't a big rectangle, that never looks good and bunches at the neckline. Gathering a rectangle might work for a mantle in some cases but with how thick fur is you end up with what looks like a giant fur block... I wasted a good chunk of fabric that way.

You want something that has a wide-angled V shape, it will blend and sit better and allow the bias of the fur to drape more nicely over your shoulders. I don't have the diagram I sent to another anon anymore but you can kind of see it in this progress shot of an alternate Loki cape I made.

>> No.6632888
File: 15 KB, 298x500, 31XHCMG8FSL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a rather decent brown cloak and costume.
Do you have any ideas what else can I use the brown cloak for to dress up as?

>> No.6632897

Luckily I have a bunch of extra fur, just in case I mess up haha.

Again thank you! That picture gives me a really good idea of what to do for the mantle!

>> No.6632916

I'm on my phone now so I don't have a picture but it's actually kind of similar to the one in >>6631735

>> No.6633123

Hey guys! Im looking for a site that sells corsets. Im looking to spend about $150 on a white corset I can wear under my costume while cosplaying. Where is the best place to buy one?

>> No.6633165
File: 78 KB, 800x650, fd-crow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to cosplay crow but ive got a few questions
1) his eyes are cat-ish but do i buy cat eye contacts?? i think those contacts look creepy so i'm leaning towards multi-coloured green contacts
2) how would i sew the back of his sweater? i don't understand how that works at all.
3) i'm probably going to need makeup for this but do any girls have recommendations for eyeliner and concealer? i'm not asking for a tutorial or anything, i'll find those on my own but i just don't know what's good to use.


>> No.6633451
File: 295 KB, 1000x1467, Pearl Fey Reference 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I do the pretzel buns for Pearl Fey's hair?

>> No.6633553

1) You want it to be creepy. So, if you're going to use contacts, get cat-eye ones.
2) If you are referring to the part where it drapes down, that looks more like it is part of a coat and that sits on top of everything else.
3) The character doesn't seem to have any eyeliner, so you don't need any eyeliner. Also, it is not cheap, but I have always used Smashbox foundation and photo-finish primer.

I assume you'll be using a wig, yes? If so, then this can easily be done by getting floral foam hoops. Sew/glue them to the base of the wig, then wrap the hair around it tightly. It will help to coat the hoops in pva glue to help the fibers stick and hold their shape.

>> No.6633567
File: 201 KB, 640x480, lisbet10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im just starting on Lizbeth (rika) from SAO, but i'm puzzled on the strange boob area with this dress.. Has anyone made a similar dress/ what patterns did you use?
I know i can do the skirt portion and the sleeves easily, but im not the best at drafting bodice patterns..

>> No.6633606

I would start from something like an underbust lolita JSK or find something like one of those dirndl underbust dresses you see for Oktoberfest etc. Then frankenstein in the puff sleeves from another pattern.

>> No.6633669
File: 134 KB, 512x620, Drow-Ranger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to be doing Traxex for this summers NJ con. Im not able to do regular metal armor but I have an idea that I would like to be critiqued.
Im going to use Poster board and cut and shape it to the shape of all her armor parts. Then cover is in sculpting clay and sculpt in the sharp angles and then paint it to look like metal. I have good skills in sculpting and painting so its not going to look soft and toy-ish. Is this a shitty idea thats only going to waste my money?

>> No.6633677

Clay will make it all way way too heavy, Try paper mache or something

>> No.6633683

Worbla, wonderfelx, craft foam.
All of those are better ideas.

>> No.6633700

OH! A fellow (future) Traxex cosplayer! I'm planning on making my armor pieces out of Worbla personally and some craft foam.
Sage for no real useful imput

>> No.6633758

I didnt even know Worbla existed wow.
Thanks for telling me! This is a much better idea!

>> No.6633761

Any tips for skin painting? Making sure it's even and nice looking?

>> No.6633810

No problem! I look forward to seeing your progress and goodluck!
I watched a video of a Cortana cosplayer giving tips on face painting the other day (on youtube). Im sure there are plenty of Homestuck guides to skin painting as well, you'll just have to find a reputable one lol

>> No.6633840

Oops, forgot trip

Yeah, I bought a long brown wig and already chopped off the ends. I've just got no idea how to ger rid of the little stub of hair left now. Also I tried wrapping the wefts around hairbands (as they make the perfect shape) but I can't seem to get them to stay. Any ideas?

>> No.6633858

I went to Anime Milwaulkee just yesterday as Morty from Pokemon gen 2. I don't make cosplays and really only do it because my friend forces me to cosplay (she makes costumes and if I don't wear them, she gets angry).

I want to cosplay something for ACEN, but don't really know what to be. To give a physical description, I'm a scrawny 6'2 male with blonde hair reaching the top of my earlobes, just about the bottom of my eyebrows, and almost to the collar of my shirt. I like a lot of anime such as SAO, Steins;Gate, and Madoka (lol all female cast), but am willing to really cosplay anything, even if I don't really know of the show.

I have a bad feeling that cosplay reccomendations are a huge cultural no-no on /cgl/, but I'm anonymous and new to this board so why not.

>> No.6633871

Just use the cosplay suggestion thread >>6625731

>> No.6633910
File: 107 KB, 640x434, kamui-breast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for strong closures on breastplates? Im making one out of worbla (obviously not pictured, just example) and need to clasp it shut at the back and need something quite strong. No clue what to use.

>> No.6633948

Thanks a lot.

>> No.6633958

Ask Kamui, since you and her are the only ones that actually want to use that flimsy crap.

>> No.6633993

I take it you aren't reinforcing it at all?

That all depends on how it's supposed to look in the back. I have seen them closed with hook and eye closures, velcro, even ties like a corset.

>> No.6634142

I'd rather reinforce something worth using.

>> No.6634177

All this bitching about worbla but not offering any alternatives. Please, continue to be useless somewhere else.

>> No.6634347

I second this.

>> No.6634704

Doing a character from a live action movie. Having a hard time finding a wig. I normally use Arda/Epic for most my wigs, but they both have to flat a color. I'm looking for a reliable eBay store that has more human looking wigs.

(I kick myself now. I used to live close to a wig store before I moved, but I never looked there.)

>> No.6634733
File: 44 KB, 485x600, amecomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Among the many questions I have for constructing this beast, the one at the top of my mind right now is what would be best for giving the liliripes/ears of the cowl that stiffness and shape?
I was thinking maybe shaping chicken wire?
And then what would be a good idea to keep them standing upright? Some sort of bizarre head harness underneath the fabric?

>> No.6634738

What movie?

>> No.6634770

We can't help if you don't tell us what character you're trying to do.

>> No.6634929
File: 110 KB, 501x438, luchs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to cosplay as Luchs from Saber Marionette J and I'm having some trouble with the wig. I'm probably going to order this wig http://www.ebay.com/itm/Dark-Blue-Long-Cosplay-Wig-40-inch-High-Temp-CosplayDNA-Wigs-/150967980082?pt=US_CSA_MWA_Wigs_Extensions&hash=item2326649032 but I don't have a lot of experience styling wigs, it's just a thin ponytail but she also has a short cut on the back, I'm not sure of how to do that so I'm kinda scared of fucking it up. I also thought of ordering a short wig and hair extensions but I just can't find extensions that match. If you have any advice on how to style it, a better wig or a short wig with matching extensions, I'd really appreciate it.

>> No.6634949


I hope you have crazy big boobs, because hers were the ones that actually bounced like bouncy balls in the series

>> No.6634976

I remember Tiger's boobs bouncing aswell, at least with the cowgirl outfit. I do have big boobs but not as big as hers so I'm going to pad my bra, I already did a test and it looks legit.

>> No.6635003

I just have to say that I love you for cosplaying from SMJ.
As for the wig, get a long wig and section off a portion you want for the ponytail. Tie it off with a clear rubberband and cut it, then seal the end (caulk or hot glue). Wrap it with the red ribbon. Trim the rest of the wig, then sew in the thin ponytail.

>> No.6635035

Thank you, that sounds like something I can do. Then the wig from the link I posted is ok, right? And thanks (again), I'm doing a SMJ group with my friends and we're all very excited about it! Do you think you could help me with Cherry's and Faust's bangs, too? I found a tutorial but it's always good to have some extra advice.

>> No.6635176
File: 335 KB, 1400x2372, 63528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear lord please help me /cgl/. I need to make a simple chest armor like this one but I have no idea how to make it like this. I've thought of just cutting the whole thing from polystyrene and heating it to shape but I don't know if it'll work well enough. I can't find any help on chestplates online except for shitty craft foam ones with modge podge sealing that look like they're going to fall apart any second. Help meeeee

>> No.6635459

Try wonderflex.
Also, craft foam armor can be done well, so don't rule it out just because you've seen some crappy ones.

>> No.6635479

I've built stuff out of craft foam, if you seal it well (I use elmers glue) it works wonderfully. It also lasts pretty well if you make it in 2 layers.
As long as no one smashes headlong into you, which happened once and they didn't even apologize. Tore my arm pieces right off!

I like to use metallic spray paint and then age it with acrylics. Don't hold me to it, but it may be cheaper than wonderflex.

>> No.6635500

I was hoping to just get a shop link, not a link to an exact wig. The character is a surprise for a friend that is on /cgl/

>> No.6635501

Then at least give us some ideas of styles you're looking for.

>> No.6635520

About shoulder length. Brown, with blonde highlights. But also a little red in the sun. Kinda wavy like when Sarah Palin leaves her hair down. Could be a lacefront or not. She wears it swept back and with bangs. Just depends on the scene

It really does look like a wig you could get in a city wig shop. I just can't afford to drive that far anymore

>> No.6638106

Im trying to find a wig for Roxy Lalonde, I'm on Arda but god damn its annoying they dont show all the available colors for the styles.
I'm thinking of either the Blue Stele, Magnum or Lulu but I want a second opinion from other homestucks.

>> No.6638795
File: 16 KB, 500x500, 31A7vTiqeLL._SS500_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curious question. How exactly would one go about making a helmet shaped like this?
I'm not too worried about the face plate as I know how to make that, it's more the shape of the helmet itself that I'm curious on. I made one before and it wasn't exactly the most stable piece (Foam cut into triangles to form the pointed top) but it worked. Just curious if there's a better way to make such a helm or if a pep file already exists for a similar one.

>> No.6638830
File: 202 KB, 802x995, puella_magi_madoka_magica_charlotte_by_littleponyy-d5l9w0i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I'm finally making a Charlotte cosplay, and I was wondering how to make the scarf more... Well, puffy. You know what I mean. I'm using silk.

Any ideas?

>> No.6638872
File: 60 KB, 640x597, P4ALabrys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on Labrys and supposed to be starting her weapon soon, but I was wondering what kind of material I should use to make it bit more light-weight but sturdy. Also I want to make the handle and the axe parts removeable for transportation because it's going to be huge. Any ideas on that ?

>> No.6639237

Yeah I'm stuck on that too anon.
I was just gonna add some interfacing to help it stand up a bit, but... I really have no idea what the fuck I'm doing.

>> No.6639299
File: 1.99 MB, 1366x768, arm armor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pretty much have everything figured out for the cosplay besides her left arm armor and bow. Where would I even begin?

>> No.6639340

Smart use of worbla/thermoplastic would work for you, most likely. You'd have to build up the texturing on the arm by layering the plastic to create those ridges/shapes, but it could work.

Can't quite tell if the bow is actually supposed to be set into her arm or if it's just clipping through; if it's set into her arm, that'll be a pain in the ass to work out, 'cause you'd want to build that into the arm itself as well.

Otherwise, just build the bow and carry it. Alternatively, build the bow as a separate piece, but have it clip/notch into your arm/attach using velcro or something for pictures.

>> No.6639407


Thanks for the advice and yep, the bow is attached to the piece. I was going to make it as a separate piece altogether but I like you idea of using velco to attach it for photos.

>> No.6639531 [DELETED] 

For a con this year I am doing a Haruhi Suzumiya cosplay, and I already have the outfit but I still can not decide on a place for the wig, and I don't want to go to cheap because I din't want that to happen again. Thank you fellow seagulls!

>> No.6639571

There was no question in this post.

>> No.6639584


>> No.6639630
File: 100 KB, 640x800, Tsukuyomi+_RoB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having troubles figuring out the sleeves. What sort of pattern would work for them, and how should I line the edges? (if that's even the correct term) And when I mount the arm armor (?), should I use velcro on the underside to hold it or something else?

>> No.6640124
File: 473 KB, 2296x780, helpneeded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture explains all, any help would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.6640146

For the crest, you can get iron on transfer paper. print the logo, then iron it to the vest.
Fabric boot covers can work just fine, if you know how to attach them to the boot properly.
For the gloves, go to any party store, they will have women's formal gloves that go to the elbow. They stretch, so they will fit you as well.

>> No.6640156

Look into piping for the white sleeve edges. IT should be next to the bias tape at your sewing supply place. Look up tutorials on how to sew it properly as it's a little tricky. The only advice I can give off the top of my head is to get/use a zipper foot for your machine because it's a bit bulky to sew over with a regular foot.

For the pattern you'll probably just have to sketch stuff out on butcher/drafting/packing paper and drape it over your arms until you get something that looks right. Test it again with cheap fabric once more before moving onto the final product.

>> No.6640169

Since you seem to know your military supply I'd go with the ideas you've listed for the boots and gloves since they will look more professional than bootcovers and cheap party store gloves. Seconding >>6640146's other idea of finding a printable transfer paper for the logo. Make sure you pick up the kind for "dark" shirts. See if there's a vector out there or make one yourself. For the hat you might want to get some eyelets/grommets for the holes then just thread through a thick nylon cord or whatever you find that you feel has the right thickness/look.

>> No.6640179
File: 36 KB, 576x432, what a relief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>iron-on transfer paper
Completely forgot that was a thing, 10/10 would enthusiastically high-five in gratitiude

>> No.6640192

do the goddamn dread locks.

also where are you cosplaying this? I have a little Ni No Kuni group for Fanime.

>> No.6640398
File: 58 KB, 400x382, 1344890557124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I'm not the only one. Tell me later how the interfacing went like.

>> No.6641101
File: 221 KB, 1275x1755, Artofgs-047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping this, pls help

>> No.6643156
File: 91 KB, 640x480, kakyoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, my friends and I are planning on doing a Stardust Crusaders group for Fanime. My question is, how would one go about making Kakyoin's earrings? I'm getting back into costuming and I have no idea what I'm doing. My friends are helping, but I figured I'd ask here as well. Also, kind of important, I don't have pierced ears and don't know if I'd have the time to get them done before the con even if I wanted to.

>> No.6643213
File: 30 KB, 205x160, 1348472664561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are...Kakyoin's earrings..cherries? I never noticed this before.

>> No.6643227

I have a cosplay that involves a dress being multiple colors that do not fade into each other but are more so blocked into sections. Barring batik, is there anything i could do? It's okay if the lines are jagged, or a little blended.

>> No.6644515
File: 141 KB, 800x980, StaffLightingIssues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoping to be able to light up the staff my dad and I are making by grabbing it at the right locations. We have a basic game plan (see image), but we're not sure if this will work. Any suggestions?

>> No.6644607


my friend's Kakyoin earrings are just a pair of round red beads each hooked to a loop with thick green wire, and the loop hooked to some earring blanks. You could get clip-on earrings and hang a pair of thick green wire and red round beads from those.

>> No.6644614


There are things called clip on earrings, anon.

Paint red and seal with nail polish. Attach red enamled chain (or carefully paint the chain) with ball at end (either find a bead/charm that's appropriate, or make one from clay). If you're confused, look up some basic jewelry tutorials.

>> No.6644634

OK, so I'm working on a Riddler cosplay (comics, not Arkham City) and I'm thinking to save myself the hassle of sewing a green suit (I fuck up suits everytime) buying a white blazer on ebay and dying it green and sewing on new buttons, is this a good idea or not? I've never had to dye anything like this before, and I'm thinking the lining of the suit would get fucked up.
Also thinking about doing the same thing for the hat, just buy a light colored derby and dye it, but I dunno if it would be different for hat felt or whatever?

>> No.6644685

House the battery in the staff. Use your hand as a bridge to complete the circuit.

Just make sure to use safety/ground yourself.

>> No.6644705

I should clarify; running a current through your body is a bad idea. Look into membrane switches or capacitor lamps (touch lamps).

>> No.6644704

Quick question, bad wig or no wig? I know typically everyone always says wear a wig. But what if the wig just looks terrible and cheap and you're horrible at styling it? If the character you're cosplaying has hair similar to yours, would it be acceptable to not wear a wig?

>> No.6644708

Get a new wig

>> No.6644720
File: 116 KB, 450x337, 3098485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a aqua/green face paint that won't run when I inevitably start sweating in the southern heat once summer rolls around.
Does anyone have experience with Kryolan's Aquacolor paints?
Can I use PAX on my face, or is that asking for disaster?


>> No.6644740

I ordered some lace off eBay and it's sort of a creamy yellow coloured whereas I need a more white white.
I was wondering if anybody had an experience changing the colour of lace?
I googled it but it seemed pretty varied information.
Tuturials or something would be very handy.
: 3

>> No.6644767
File: 232 KB, 967x320, Shiawase Kissa 3chome_omgomg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about something like that, but the staff isn't very thick and I'm not sure if I'll be able to hide them well? Plus, there are two places on two separating parts I want it to light up (if possible), so I'd have to hide batteries in two different areas… But… that might be the best solution. I'll have to go over my designs and see where I could stash them on the staff.

I hadn't thought about looking into membrane switches and capacitor lamps. Thanks!

>> No.6644769

Thanks for the advice. But one other question on the sleeves, how do I keep them from falling off my arms? Do I just base that off all those Miku sleeve tutorials?

>> No.6644792


maybe make it a tube and lightly stuff it with polyfil

>> No.6644803


I had a mermaid Barbie that would light up when you completed the circuit via two metal plates on her fin. So its not impossible, but dude better be smart about it

>> No.6644808


I should specify you touched them at the same time or put them in water/something conductive and it lit up

>> No.6644819

honestly try going to taobao.com

go to one of the taobao threads to learn the basics.

I see many 2toned shirts and sweaters on there.

>> No.6644931
File: 1011 KB, 1341x645, whichvest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6640124 here.
One last question; should I go for a full-on tactical look or keep to a simpler vest?

Good idea for the beret. I suppose I would be able to get eyelets at a hardware or artsncrafts store, right?

I think the military-style vest would be in-theme with the character, but the other one is plainer and more in keeping with the actual picture.

>> No.6646392

Question for prop makers primarily I suppose...

What material do you recommend coating rubber/plastic in to make it harden? I have a sphere shape for a costume that I need to cut into, but I am thinking if I spray it while it is inflated with something to harden it then I should easily be able to cut 2 holes into it.

>> No.6646396


Are you going to coat a balloon? Got any specifics on the type of plastic/rubber? Certain materials don't work well with certain plastics.

>> No.6646403

Thanks for your reply. Sorry I didn't give more info! As for specifics, it is a yoga ball. All I can find on the type of plastic is that it is vinyl (not helpful in the slightest, I know) Any input would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.6646407

Use Paper Mache`?

>> No.6646413

Not really cosplay and I don't sell things at AA, but I'm having a problem with a plushie that I'm working on, here's my original post
> >>6646381

Help please??

>> No.6646417

Do you think it will be rigid enough? It certainly is very cost effective, which is always nice! I haven't used the stuff since I was a kid, I forget, do you make it with a recipe or purchase the powder at a craft store? Many thanks for the idea!!!

>> No.6646421

Draft out a pattern in newspaper. Cut out shapes and refine them, add them together (if it is stripey like his) and then cut them out a bit bigger on your fabric to allow for seam allowance. Don't know what else to tell you, making your own patterns is best for something custom like that I think. Good luck!

>> No.6646422

Sorry, I can't think of anything that would work off the top of my head.

>> No.6646477

Don't use Elmer's glue or flour paste. You gotta get some wallpaper paste for your glue water. It will dry really tough with several layers and will allow for smooth sanding.

>> No.6646493

how are you doing the legs? Also, what if you do a screw top to attach the axe head to the staff?

>> No.6646523
File: 175 KB, 444x620, 1359700721370.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to place tint film on a gas mask?

I only have the tint film and i feel like I am missing something

>> No.6646556

I need help. I have big boobs and darting smoothly around them (in pleather no less) is coming out with darts that are too fat and give those weird bumps over the cup. I just need some tips for cleanly darting like that. I already have the cup split into two parts and another huge dart on the side.

>> No.6646625

I assume you mean on the goggle lenses? You have to peel off the backing first. It's tricky so what you do is take two pieces of tape, put them on both sides like they're an extension of the plastic then peel apart. A clear backing should come off.

Then spritz the surface of the lens with soapy water. Any basic dishsoap or handsoap should work. Then lay hte film over it and squee it until there's no bubbles. It can be a little tricky getting it to sit right you might need a few tries. Then you let it dry and it should be stuck on well until you peel it off with some effort.

Try wearing the piece inside out and pinning the darts so they follow the curve of your boob.

>> No.6646639

I am... I know it's a difficult fabric to work with but jeez. I have this problem every time I have to work around my boobs in a non-stretchy fabric. I guess this is what I get being squishy up there.

>> No.6646672

That's okay!
Thank you so much, I will be going with this method I think. So I just use the paste/water and then do strips of newspaper, or should I do the ground up mache version? Do you think cutting holes in it once it is all done/dry will make the whole sphere crack? I hope it wont, maybe I should cut the holes in after a layer (so that it is sort of solid) and then keep putting layers on for durability.

>> No.6646682

If you put a lot of layers in then it really shouldn't be an issue. Google 'Princess Mononoke Mask Tutorial" to see how this works out. You need A LOT of layers but it will be really solid.

>> No.6646936

Personally, I like the full-on tactical, but… a plainer vest does work better with that picture…?

I am 90% sure you can get eyelets at a hardware store.

And just in case you need one, here's a vector of the Plasma logo: http://omniferious.deviantart.com/art/Team-Plasma-269170004

>> No.6647186

Im sorry if this sucks anon.
Ill give construction instructions in a second.

>> No.6647188
File: 663 KB, 1158x861, hereugoanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic...

>> No.6647546
File: 42 KB, 576x432, so smooth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, Im also a fan of the tactical look. I ended up ordering that one after it got majority support from /vp/. It was always my first choice, but I figured it might not look right to others. Plus, the pockets are gonna be great for carrying wallet/keys/snacks/etc during the con.

Did not have a vector handy, so its much appreciated.

Only problem I'm having with the outfit now is trying to find a beret that isnt made of wool.

>> No.6647595

Thank you so much, /cgl/ has been so awesome about this! I'm off to google your suggestion/bookmark it for when I get started on this project. I am totally excited now rather than intimidated thanks to you guys.

>> No.6647629

I've got quite a simple prop to build, its just searching for guides is a little confusing as the words bring up unrelated shit, and goggle seems to think i want to build a real gun or buy one, or shoot somebody, or whatever.

I wanna craft a double barreled shotgun, (doesn't have to actually work or do anything) and i reckon /cgl/ would have the reliable guides.

Can't check the archives from here, and i'm sure what i ask for has been requested before, no my apologies for being a faggot. anyone care to throw me a link? Thanks.

>> No.6647665

All I can say is use something that doesn't have polyester. Polydye also is hard to get it to take. Don't know about hats, anyone else?

>> No.6647667
File: 54 KB, 550x750, Ushiromiya_Jessica2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you suggest doing the top skirt on Jessica's skirt. From the look of it, it looks like a rolled hem on organza. But I don't think Jessica's top skirt/ upper part of her skirt is organza.

So is there anyway to get that look on non sheer fabrics without the hem just hanging out like that?

I also have to make a dress with a similar skirt part like in this pattern http://www.simplicity.com/p-8767-misses-special-occasion-dress.aspx (green dress)
but once again, the costume I need it for is not made of sheer fabric.

tl;dr, I need to get an organza rolled hem type look like in the pattern above but it's not a sheer fabric, so how would I do that?

>> No.6647678

At first I was going to say just do both layers in skirt poplin, but looking closer.. I think that topskirt definitely is sheer- you can see the lines continuing from under it, the edge in the back view and several of the pleats in the front view.

I think chiffon would look sort of strange though, too floaty. So maybe you should use organza? But a less shiny kind so it doesn't look too shimmery.

>> No.6647892

Is say just mod/paint a toy version. There's ton of tutorials on that specially the steampunk stuff.

>> No.6647971
File: 111 KB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2012-12-15-23h39m48s253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like /cgl/'s opinion on this. I would like to make Asuka's doll as a prop and where as I can think of how to make the dress, I'm a bit lost on what to make the head out of. I figure I could use sculpy or epoxy clay. Which one do you guys suggest?

I tried looking for similar head and I can not find one that could be modded decently enough.


>> No.6647977

I think either would be fine. I'd recommend only making the face (not a whole head) so it's not too heavy.

>> No.6647984

Ah, didn't think of that. Do you think it would be too heavy to make the face and half of the back of the head? A small part of it isn't hidden by the head cloth. The head would be hollow anyways since it's a hand puppet.

>> No.6647996

Then yeah, maybe use a styrofoam ball for the base shape and then add on the sculpey/fimo details where needed.

>> No.6648001

Ah, okay. That sounds a bit easier. Thanks!

>> No.6648339
File: 14 KB, 332x360, Loni-OVA_6817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/, I am wondering if anyone has tips on making a collar like in the pic?

I am drafting my pattern (its not that character, but the collar is the same) and I'm not sure if the collar is just a rectangle or a special shape to make it fit right? I plan to use interfacing and my fabric is a twill.

>> No.6648346
File: 299 KB, 601x1293, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay /cgl/, I'm really stuck. Any google tips or tutorials would help greatly because I've never really worked with shoe patterns.

I'm redoing the shoes from my first cosplay for a con in March, the top picture is what they currently look like. At the time I made these I didn't have the knowledge or care enough to make them look nice. The second image is the start of my new covers, they wrap around the back of the heel like pictured in the third image. Now I'm stuck wondering how I'm going to make the stripes go up the curve. Any ideas? I was thinking of splitting it down the back of the curve but now that I've pinned it out I realize it won't work. How should I pattern this to keep the stripes even?

>> No.6648351
File: 68 KB, 570x358, il_570xN.290257364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wondering how to make Fionna's hat accurately, like the picture. Or if there's a way to edit Finn's hat pattern for her.

>> No.6648356

Do you mean the trim parts or just the general shape? The basic shape is definitely just a rectangle.

IMO the best way to do the gold trim at the seam of the collar and body would be to pattern the applique into the base of the shirt and have it come up into the seam, then continue onto the collar pieces separately to finish the shape (so like a separate bit of bias trim or something like that, rather than trying to make all that gold one piece).

>> No.6648365


>> No.6648384

Oh no, I don't mean the gold. I didn't have the picture of the character I am cosplaying on me and couldn't find it on google for some reason, but basically I'm just reproducing the collar.

So just a rectangle? Okay awesome because I have limited time/fabric and didn't want to go through a ton of trial and error (and I couldn't find anything via google)

>> No.6648385

But that hat looks like shit.
I think OP posted that cosplayer's hat because it actually looks good.

>> No.6648387

I believe that style of collar is called a mandarin collar

>> No.6648388

Yup, just a rectangle. It's even simpler than most mandarin/high collars! :) I usually close this style with a few hooks and eyes hidden just inside the first quarter inch of the collar, usually tacked along the seam of the bias trim. That way it's hidden but closed tight.

Not quite, a true mandarin collar has a rounded and sloped top edge, which is the difference here.

>> No.6648397

How can I improve a Minecraft Creeper costume? I've got a creeper head and a green t-shirts. How can I make this better?

>> No.6648431

I used Paperclay ( http://www.paperclay.com/ ) that I found at the local craft store. I tested it by covering a piece of thin wood, waited for it to dry and then threw it down the stairs multiple times to test durability. But I have sanded it successfully, painted it with normal art paints, and sealed it. I used it to make a sword and a fake watch and both turned out great.

>> No.6648445

I bought my corset at con from the people at http://www.corset.net They do amazing work, the corsets are beautiful and very comfortable. However, for that price you'd have to do an underbust corset. That might work better anyway though if you're wearing it under other clothing.

>> No.6648473

I have dyed various things with great success for cosplay. You can even mix dyes to get exactly the color you want. Depends on the brand, and most people say if you use Rit dye don't plan on washing it. But they have a great table here: http://www.ritdye.com/colorit_color_formula_guide and just make sure you follow a good tutorial like this one: http://rookiemag.com/2012/04/rit-dye-tutorial/

>> No.6648481

I've cosplayed without a wig before. It involved cutting, hair dye, a lot of hairspray, and dedication to the hairstyle for at least a couple of months. It's possible, but don't half-ass it.

>> No.6648655

But finn and fionna hat patterns are easy to find on google and simple enough that anything can be modified easily.

>> No.6648689

Sorry, I don't have an image or anything, I'm on a phone.

I need help with a Mami from Madoka Magica wig. I posted on a help thread before and got really good advice on how to make the curls, but I'm not sure what type of wig I should get or where to get one.

So if anyone would be kind enough to help me with this small problem, I'd be really grateful.

>> No.6648791
File: 221 KB, 381x1164, Sumia_official_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some questions on a Sumia cosplay I'm starting!

- What would you guys recommend making the armor out of? I've never done armor before but I've heard names like Worbla and even craft foam to some degree can look convincing?
- How would you guys pattern the dress/is there a pattern I could work off of and make it a little easier? Specifically the bottom part is confusing me... they're kind of like... pleats? Somewhat? But with another "layer" underneath?
- What on EARTH is her hair color? I threw it into photoshop and I got a very desaturated brown... almost grey. What would you guys go with? Should I try and dye it or just get as close of a brown as I can get?

Thank you!

>> No.6650136
File: 71 KB, 500x715, tumblr_m39cxko7mX1qjdovi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm cosplaying Clover from VLR. I have almost all of the pieces, just have to sew on the fur and it will be done. Except I can't figure out what to use to make her belt buckle. Any ideas?

>> No.6650140

If you can't find a similar buckle, go by the same logics/materials that you would use for armour.

>> No.6650150

You could also probably make something out of sculpy. What are you wearing her to?

>> No.6650158
File: 93 KB, 640x480, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've looked everywhere for a buckle, but since it looks shiny like it's made of rhinestones I don't know how to get that sheen. Unless I do use rhinestones. I originally got buttons (see picture) but now that I look at it again they look too hot pink.

>> No.6650165

Have you worked with armor/patterning clothes before? We can help to an extent, but if this is your first time you might want to start with something easier and work up.
Here's a general run down of some materials and methods

>> No.6650166

Forgot to mention, I'm handy with clay but still worried about getting the right sheen to it. This will be for Fanime, so I have three months still. But the sooner the better, as I have another costume I want to finish too.

>> No.6650169

I haven't, though I tend to pick things up very quickly. I haven't had an excuse yet to make some armor, need to find one still. As I mentioned before though, it looks like rhinestones in the picture and I'm worried about it looking too.... flat.

>> No.6650598
File: 76 KB, 603x503, 2070520-yotsuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd probably just go with brown as her hair color. I'd do a dress as a single piece and put the armor on top separately. Those pleats are box pleats.

Oh! I'm planning on this costume for this year too! What color did you go with for the shorts + socks? I'm looking in between a different shade of black or dark purple and I still can't make up my mind. A second opinion would be nice.

>> No.6650609 [DELETED] 

I think there's different paints you can use to get the shine you want, or you could bedazzle it. For my own I ended up not making/using a buckle because of time.

I went for purple for my own, I thought it looked/fitted better for her outfit. The stockings for the right purple color I got off of welovecolors. Sorry to butt in!

>> No.6650614

I think there's different paints you can use to get the shine you want, or you could bedazzle it. For my own I ended up not making/using a buckle because of time.

I went for purple for my own, I thought it looked/fitted better for her outfit. The stockings for the right purple color I got off of welovecolors. Sorry to butt in!

>> No.6650622


Always good to get more opinions, don't worry about butting in! I also went with dark purple. Well, I bought them off ebay and they're a little lighter than I wanted but they happened to match my shorts perfectly so... I got expensive ones though because thigh highs rip much too often. They're the Fiore brand and mine were sent from the UK, and they're really nice.

>> No.6650717

Same person here.

I was thinking maybe a wig like this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Puella-Magi-Madoka-Magica-Mamitomoe-Cosplay-Dark-Wig-/150868311110? pt=US_Costume_Accessories&hash=item232073bc46

I plan on redoing the curls but I don't know how reliable this ebay store is and I don't know if the wig is already styled and how it looks in person. I'm okay if I have to style the wig, but if it's already like that and its too crappy, I'm scared I won't be able to fix it.

Sorry for being a newfag to cosplay.

>> No.6650729

>http://www.ebay.com/itm/Puella-Magi-Madoka-Magica-Mamitomoe-Cosplay-Dark-Wig-/150868311110? pt=US_Costume_Accessories&hash=item232073bc46
I dunno. ?Those curls look really held into place.

Would this work better for what you want to do?

>> No.6650842

Hmm, I like the bangs because I'd have the chance to style it but I think the two little pigtails are too thick to work with. They also don't look like they're separate pieces which can be quite challenging.

I could be wrong since I don't know what is an ideal wig for her character though, but thanks for the help.

>> No.6653332
File: 271 KB, 708x1127, dragon_fist_lee_sin_back_by_kaiboom-d5dzosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making pic related for a client, and I have no fucking clue how to put the dragon onto the shirt. Does anyone have any advice?

>> No.6653402

look up applique....you heat-n-bond the red design to the jacket and then satinstitch the edges so there's no fraying.

>> No.6653465

Peter Pan collar on a shift or a-line dress.

As for the hat, broadbrim straw hat folded up and secured should do the trip.
I thought Maddie was taught by nuns?

>> No.6653489

Back again...I found this as well:

I would love to come up and say hello but I'm terriblely shy in person.
Have a good con

>> No.6653508
File: 551 KB, 609x609, charizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /cgl/! This is my first time posting here but I want to make a hoodie version of pic related. This will also be my first time making something so I was wondering how would I do the hood and wings? Thanks in advance :)

>> No.6653510

Elf's eyebrow kit in light would be a good start and you can always build up with more eyeshadow.
If you want a pencil I would recommend just lookin for a light brown pencil for those brows.
Then once you're done apply a clear mascara so it looks more natural.

>> No.6653511
File: 198 KB, 311x778, leatherarmorreinforced.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make this

>> No.6653513

He does have slight wing on top of his eye so I would go with just a drugstore brand gel liner like HIP by Loreal, long lasting and cheap. For foundation since you don't want anything super girly I recommend Ben Nye.

>> No.6653562

There are a few ways of doing this, but first, do you want this to be machine washable, or are you okay with washing it by hand? And do you want the wings detachable or permanently attached?
I ask because a good way to get the wings into that shape and having them stay that way would be to have a wire in them, but if you do that, it means you really can't machine wash it, unless you make the wings detachable.

>> No.6656127
File: 71 KB, 550x430, 1868634-yjcheshire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sort of fabric should I use to make cheshires outfit?

>> No.6656801
File: 62 KB, 900x932, bondo-repair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't sell bondo in my country and I really need stuff like that for my armor projects so could someone tell me what bondo is exactly? Is it some kind of glass fiber or polyester filling? And another question about bondoing: Does it require a resin coating every time?

>> No.6656862
File: 164 KB, 782x658, prop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted in another help thread and never got an answer. Here's my post from before:

Does anybody know what would be the most eye catching way to go about making this prop? It's from Magi. I've seen craft foam being used most often, sometimes a fake flower being spray painted gold, or gold metal/filigree type pieces put together (which is the style I like most but am not creative enough to figure out what shapes to put together and would really appreciate some input). I've also thought about just carving shapes into the craft foam to give it more life but that may lead to potential fuck ups?

>> No.6656872
File: 68 KB, 786x480, NLBW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think would be the best thing to use for the Nine Lives sword?
I figured that using Expanding Foam like in this video:
would give the most similar texture.

>> No.6657251
File: 4 KB, 200x240, tophat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any advice on how to make a top hat that doesn't involve the use of a milliners press?

>> No.6657293

Use buckram to create the stable pieces and wire sewn around the edge of the brim to bend the brim into place. Buckram, when heated with steam, will also give a bit of bend.

A more detailed description can be found in "Costume Craftwork on a Budget" by Tan Huaixiang if you've got a few bucks to spend on a copy or e-reader copy of it, but I'm assuming if you're attempting to build a hat you've probably going the sewing skills understand how to piece it all together.

>> No.6657317

Making a wire "frame" (idk the right term for this) covered with buckram. I think they also sell premade ones, too. Then cover it with fabric.

>> No.6657319

Would the buckram keep it's shape after cooling down, or will most of the pressure to hold the shape be put on the wire?

>> No.6657362

It will keep SOME shape, but the wire is the major shape definer, so get a decent gauge but one that will still be easy enough/not too large to cover with binding around the brim.

>> No.6657546
File: 28 KB, 400x929, arena27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice on Padme's Blaster gun & boots?

>> No.6657591

I am making articulated hands for a Vi (League of Legends) Cosplay. I am following http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJOg-Bf581w.. However for the actual design and forearm I am wondering what to use. I was thinking styrofoam block, however with spray paint it wont work to well. I am using the tubaware used in the video for the under side but the top of it seems more block to me.

>> No.6658993
File: 1.33 MB, 1134x1600, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas of how to pull out the hat and the ornaments?
I also thought of doing White\Blue version of this so I can just buy a sailor costume and upgrade it.
Any ideas how to pull off an orange sailor costume?

>> No.6658998

>google sailor hat pattern
Got plenty of results.

For the ornaments, I would personally se paperboard-backed paperclay.

>> No.6659014

Trimming a wig for the first time for a character with shaggy hair (think Kyon or Hyota) any tips to know besides cutting vertically. Layering is something I never did before and want to know the basics

>> No.6659128
File: 844 KB, 245x145, yoko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you consider this jacket a rain jacket, or a regular cotton jacket?

>> No.6659183

Any tips for chainmail or something that looks like chainmail? Need it to stick out of the bottom of a robe, then on it's sleeves as well. Was looking at PVC chainmail and there was some that like.. snap together I saw on ebay.

>> No.6659194

looks like a rain jacket. looking forward to seeing your cosplay!

>> No.6660591


Thanks! I thought so as well but I always like to get a second opinion on these things before I spend money.

>> No.6661491
File: 63 KB, 256x192, cloversmile1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know where/how i can get/make a good wig for this girl (clover from 999)?

>> No.6661526

looks like track-jacket material

>> No.6661533

I got my wig from ebay, but I took a long curly wig, pined it up and teased it out. I've heard some people doing the same with clips as well.

>> No.6661708
File: 202 KB, 480x272, chiaki sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a wig for Chiaki Nanami, but I cannot for the life of me find one in a suitable colour. Oh, and arda is kind of out of the question because their shipping prices to my country are way too high.

Also I'm kind of new to this whole sew-your-own-cosplays thing, so I was wondering if any of you had some fabric reccomendations for her hoodie/jacket? http://i.imgur.com/rKDzUYc.jpg

>> No.6661718
File: 1.55 MB, 800x800, Kazami.Yuuka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning on cosplaying Sakizo's Yuuka. How do I obtain the right amount of fluff and frills in the skirt area? Millions of pettis? Thanks in advanced.

>> No.6661715
File: 509 KB, 517x768, clover - kukkii's wig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting a Chibi from Arda and some wefts to make it. Going to imitate Kukkii's Clover wig, since I really love it (aside from the colour, too pink for my tastes, but I'm going to use the art colours not the game sprite colours).

Pic related

>> No.6661727

Do this. Would post the tutorial pic, but image is too big for 4chan.


>> No.6661738

Oh man, this helps so much. Thank you!

>> No.6661740

malco modes 582 petti will give you the poof you need

>> No.6661741

And hurr, realised I forgot my second paragraph.

This is kukkii's tutorial for foamcore ponytails. Keep going to the next pic in the gallery for the following steps. It's kind of labour-intensive, but I prefer how they look in wigs like this.

>> No.6661746

Oh, I was just gonna fluff it or something. Thanks for this, too!

>> No.6661873

Does anybody have a tutorial for tutus?

>> No.6661930

Thanks! This looks like it will work out really well :D

>> No.6664687

How do you deal with a wig that is great in terms of overall style and length but is too "poofy" (ie its like there's too much hair in areas)? Do you start from the top most layer and cut is short or do you go for the middle layer and shorten it.

I'm kinda confused on what to do

>> No.6664712

Okay, so I know you gals hate people buying cosplay and stuff. But I promised my sister i would cosplay sailor scouts with her and tbh, I cannot make that. So do any of you know whefe I could buy a few cheaply without looking like I crawled out of a radioactive burning satin factory?

>> No.6665998
File: 5 KB, 90x100, I25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I easily make the hover boots?

>> No.6666036

So, I ordered a wig from Hello Cosplay.

Has anyone ever ordered from them? What's the average waiting time for something like, say....



I've never ordered a wig, but I'm doing a genderbent Dr. Robotnik, and I can't dye my hair due to my workplace having strict hair guidelines.

I need it by October for a con; is that even remotely possible? Does anyone know?

>> No.6666056

You have to make the base cover curved. It's not working out because you're trying to apply a 2D pattern to a 3D shape. Try fitting 2-3 pieces of fabric over the shoe first and mark out where the seams and stripes need to go, then unpin and proceed from there. It looks like the stripes need to become thinner toward the inner curve of the shoes so that they don't overlap.

>> No.6666082
File: 87 KB, 343x370, Flandre-flandre-scarlet-28641167-343-370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, I'm planning a Flandre cosplay and I was hoping someone had a tutorial on how to do the wings, or even just wings in general. I was planning on using a wire base and some kind of clay/paper mache combo, but if anyone else has any ideas that'd be great.

>> No.6666086


I'm just spitballing here, but you could always try a wire frame with clay or mache around it.

>> No.6666103

That's kind of the idea I already had. Sorry if I didn't explain it clearly enough.

>> No.6666116


Oh, oops. Sorry.

I think that's your best bet, really. Just go slow and be careful with it.

>> No.6666120


I got an email stating that it might be in by November.

...Is this normal?

>> No.6666123

I can;t help much with the wings themselves, but something I've always wanted to see done for this is using translucent beads or jewels for the dangly diamonds. I've seen acetate and tissue paper which looked nice but lacked the 3d effect

>> No.6666134
File: 73 KB, 900x675, flandre_scarlet_wing_pattern_by_ribbons13-d38nkyd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to make a Flandre cosplay as well. I thought of making the wings in wire and papier mache at first as well, but I think I have decided to actually make mine out of wood, in a shape like the picture. Hopefully that will be sturdy enough.

Are you going to have LED lights in yout crystals?

>> No.6666141

I am going to, I was planning on getting some plastic sheets and shaping them with a mold and a heat gun or some similar process. The wood looks really good, but I feel like it's a bit above my skill level sadly.

>> No.6666157

I wouldn't have gone with wood if my school didn't have a workshop I could use.

My crystals I will make out of thin plastic sheets, and with colored filters on the inside. (those filters you use to make spotlights change color)

>> No.6666992
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Does anyone have websites or book recomendations on drafting?

I have done a general google search and there's stuff on youtube. I figured I'd ask here as well if anyone had any place that really helped them learn this.

Please and thank you in advance.

>> No.6667996

Is it time for a new thread?

>> No.6668084


I have this book, it's concise but packed with information. The only downside is that its age is really obvious when it tells you to use typewriter tape to mark up your mockups if you don't have a buddy/helper.

Still trying to get some help on this ;-;

>> No.6669181

I think craft foam would work and it would be easy to work with, but it won't be very strong. I dunno much about it, but maybe use worbla? It's sandable and seems to take paint well. (I have trouble sometimes with paint and craft foam.) I don't know what kind of paint would give you a good gold if you did make it out of a non-metal material. Sorry, I know that's not very helpful.